CC 06-14-71 . . CITY OF CUPERtINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cuperti~, California Telephooe: 252-4505 IIDI\I'I'ES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE em œu5CIL HELD JU!IIE 14, ]971 IN THE CORFERERCE aoœ CITl BALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 1he _etiDa vas called to order at 7:37 p.lII. in the Conference JI.oOIa of the City Ball by Mayor Rod. IOU. CALL: Councilmen present: Councll_n absent: Frol1c:b, Green, Stokes, Mayor Noel Fitzgerald Staff present: City Kanager Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder Mayor Yoel explained the purpose of the adjourned meeting was to study tbe proposed budget for fiscal year 1971-1972 as submitted by , tbe City ::anager. City Manager Quinlan r~v1ewed the narrativ~ portion of his budget _ssage, eaphasizing that the p~rpose 0f it ~~s predicated on ~JO principles, one being the caintaining of the present overall pro- perty tax rate within the Cicy's ~ontrol and the other being the ut~lizati~a of sound fiscal policies especially adapted to a growth c~unity. He proce~ded to review some of the more pertinent items, in su:mary adding that the administration's program was to develop a capital improveuents ~udget later in the fall which would include a determination of the i$pact that Maintenance coats would have on it. The City ~A~ager advised L;e CouncilmeL tbat a clerical error had resulted in an overstatecent of the esti~ted fund balance and re- quested that work ropies he changed to reflect thë corrected figurea. He also pointed out that the total compensation for employee services comprised 57~ or the General Fund budget. A very rougb rule of thumb indicates that when this figure reaches b7% the agency should review its total expenditure prograa. Mayor Noel recognized the representatives from the Chamber of Commerce ~~o were in attendance and asked the concur~eDCe of tbe Council in permitting tbelll to ?r~sent their requests out of budget order so as not to keep rheo waiting through t~e rest of the dls- cuss ion period. Mr. DU&n~ Burlei~h, the manager of the Chamber of Commerce, gave a presentation requesting that the previous year's City's contribution of $15,000 be included in the budget for the next fiscal year. After further discussion and comœents from other .embers of the Chamber who were pre~er.t, it Wa~ agreed by members of : the City Council to delay any óecision on tbl. item until the total . budget bad been reviewed aDd determined, ICC-87 I :ò.¡dget pT~Ee:!t1tiol1 i Irequest by ¡Chamber of ¡ COOlller~e a:-87 hie Þro ""-.....t IGts or tnstraeti_ . . H1øates of the Adjourned City Couac:ll Meetiq. June 14. 1971 City Kanager Quinlan proceeded to review all major itelllS in the pro- posed budget, activity by activity. During the review d1acusaioas the follov1D& c~nts or iDatruct10as were £orthcCllf.Da: A review of the fee structure vu requested which relate to appl1catioas sublJitted within the Depar_t of p~ ning and Deve10pMDt and for appl1c:atiOllS before the Architectural and Site Approval ec-1ttee. The purpoee of the review is to cteteadøe the edequac:y of current c:haraes . A reduction should be .... in the DUllber of copiea re- quired or printed of _randa, plans, blueprints, ..ps, etc. It was felt a cost savill& could be achieved vier out impairing tbe availability of information. The cbarge by the General Fuod to the Vater Utility for rent af space and facilities within tbe City Hall should be increased from $50 to $250. An inquiry should be made as to tbe source of revenue and the ceth~ by which it is obtained of the Trailer Coach In Lieu Tax vith particular attention being paid to the applica~ility of this to vacation trailers. Under t~e c~?ital improvements listed for the Gas Tax (2106) :a~d, the $10,000 for the Crossroads Assessment District shauld be eltQinated and the traffic signal instal¡3~ior of $46,000 at Stevens Creek Boulevard and Mervy;:'s driveway sbould be reduced to $20,000. There shou¡¿ :e added to this fund tbe sue of $20,000 for gas tax ~artici~ation wbich is to be considered as an offset to ~he ~b¡igation by the City tn Vallco Park Local 1m- prove:oe::t District. The suP?~rting detail presented in explanation of the proposed Stevens Creek Boulevard landscaping should clarify that the project was on a major arterial street. An inquiry should be made wbether the traffic controller costing 51,025 proposed for the Wolfe Road and Sears drivpvay intersection already bas been eccumbered in the current fiscal year. If so, this item should be elimi- nated froc the proposed expenditures. Verification should be obtained that traffic signals at the intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road with Rodrigues Avenue aad ~cClellan Road would be maintained by the State and not the City. The $13,900 proposed for traffic signals and impr~vements at the intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and HOIDe- stead Road is to be elillinated. · . Minutes of :he AdjouÍDed Cit} Council Meeting, June 14, 1971 C-87 age three A stud, should be 88de of the business license fee atruct.tte to deterll1De its adequacy and c_parability vith ether dties. Cub. rates charsed bJ the City sbould be reviewed qa1::st those of otheT cities and an inquiry made as to the adequacy of the existing francbise fee. An 1nqn1ry should be .-Ie 011 how sany, if any, City residents do not sabscribe to garbage service aud tbe .ans by which such solid wastes are disposed. , tb<!re is to be el1a1nated frOlll the Arcbitectural and Site Approval Ca.1ttee Activity, Code 17, the $1,000 pr~?osed for advertising and legal notices, Account 6OC.IO. r:>:~r :he Non-Departmental Activity, Code 23, the $~.~)ù proposed for the rubbish coll~ction program, A:~:~: 720.20, is to be eliminated. r~~ ?arks and Recreation proposed budget for park and p:a~>r:~~d supervision is to be r,~ie~ed with the idea ~: ::~~ring the total by $15,000-::-520.000 and, also, ~i:~ :~e idea of providing for re~reation center s~èr,isors in each of ~ilson and r~r:al Parks. r~~~r :~e Non-Departmental Acti~i:~. Code 23, the s::~~:: ?roposed for the Chamber ~: ~~==erce contribu- ti:~. A~~ount 603.10, is to be redu~~d to $12,000. r~~~r :~e Non-Departcental Activi:y, Code 23, the $:~.:~: for community informatior.al s~r~ices, Account 6:-.::, os to remain but with th~ understandi"l\ the l Co~~i: ~ay wish to revise its p:li~y ~r.lch would re- S~:: in a reduction of tbis figure. It was n~,~d by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Frolich, ersonnel and p~s¿d ~:1animously that the City Council adjourn to a Personnel ~cssion Sessi:~. ~~e lIeetlng vas so adjourned by ~~yor Noel at 11:45 p.m. I Mayor :=:¿J. reconve'led the City Council in o¡:en session at 12:45 a.m. I witb ins:r~~:ions to the staff that appropriate resolutions be drawn I for t~~ next City Council meeting to i=¡:lecent the proposed salary j and wa., 3d~nistration program, which resolutions also vould refiec certain ad:~tments in salary that he then made known as being the Counc::"5 .:s~e9. , On thè ~:::n of Councilman Stokes and the second of Councilman ' Froli:~. ~~::r Noel adjourned the lIeeting at 12:47 a.m. WElI.: p r