CC 01-03-72
~ '\"1f-:"" "<"'-7l>~
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, . "{ , í:r,0r t;W't-ULXO, S~a~e of California
í;'" . ~;' .... " . Torre Aft:Ue, Cuperu-. California
;.;, ,,;1,: "j e: lS2-4505
~; "~'.._',",'_ ,'[4,.,
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lIIUt.u:cvm 3. 1972. D THE COUNCIL CHAKBEll
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~u. TO ~ !LAG
.. aetins -:as called to order at 7:30 PM by Xayor 1(oel witb the
_t_. to t!1e !'lag.
Ca=Dcilme~ r=e5e~t: Fitzgerald. Fro11ch, lròL~, Sto~es, Mayor N?el
e..acil:en a:sc:, 1(on.
SC.aff prese,.::
City Ka=Aler ~~~nlan
City Attor=.e:r Aèa.-,3
De~uty Ci~y c¡¿=~ Gla~ys ~c~u~~
Director o! Pur;:'ic ;;OI":':S YAr:':-l"oup.h
Director of ::a~~in& a~~ ~~v~l~~~~nt Sisk
Director 0: ?r~~ a~d Recr:a:-~~ :utlcr
Je~ord1~; 3ecretary LO~$ ¡,>
-""1r.S or n:::...:Jl:s :ŒETlBC
:_ Approva.:! ~~~utes of re¡U:ar ~eeting 0: ~;~~:=er 20. 1971.
~ ~y ~_~"~~~ Irwin, seco--:ed ~y Counc~:~a~ F:tzgerald to
~ove t~~ ~,.~:e~ of Dec~~~r 20, 1971 as ~~~:ter..
Motion carrie4, 5-~
{~ DllCAT!::;":
2. Wr1tu:
a. Le::er of re:; 19na~io= of :~. Stephe,. C. Ryner froa ~he
Ar~":ec~ural and Site ~proval Co~~:tee, effec~ive at
t~ cd of ';an¡~ary ::'972.
~ ad by ~~=::lnan Stokes, sec?~ded by Counc::~n Irwin, to ac-
~ the ~e5:.:~ticn of Mr. Ry:::er anå t~at a ~laque be prepared.
Motion c:.rried. 5-0
raae 1
Dec. 2Cth
Minutes ð?prûVe
as writte"
Ch. Ryner
Oppos"¿ c.~ t::~
. Company 5::'=_::
'stand 0<: :,:,s
Bubb Dri...~'!
Issue for-..l'a~~~~
to P1a"-'-~
Co:m!liss 1ac
OF 1E .IA51IAKI 3, 1972 cur CIDII'ÇJL HI!ET1lIG
'.. ..
':tstaff vas directed to pab11sb dIè.' ~C that there will be aD
'. I on the Arch1tecgara]. ... S1teJtppRVal Cœ8iu.e.
. ,
Letter froll TymShare reqau.;~~tthat the n_e of Bubb IoIId
vithi::1 Vest Valley IDdustr1al Park be changed to Ve'St Va1181
eel by Cou:xiban Stokes to haYe thÛ discussed under 1(ev Busines..
S!ace Mrs. Patricia D'Agate and Mr. O'Jløurke of Ty1::share were present
this 108£:'-r, Y.ayor ¡¡oel elected to hear the: a~ this ~1:e. There
DO seco~ t.:! t:le motion.
O'Rour~£. :~æsident of Ty--5~re, explained that as :oey becOQe
iDternatic~Å::~ ~ao~, and with their cor?orate ~ead;~arters moving to
st Vall~y :=~~=:rial Par~. t~ey are dist~rbed ~: t~e s~a~g co~~otation
-::f "Bubb Rea::. :.:~y would ;:refer :'0 :,ave t::~~~ ".:::,.~ address reflec~
~e type c: ~:=~ ~,. ",hiea they .il: :~ located. ~e =co~;~ized t~at t~e
=me "Bub';," :,; ·.-er:: :naaningful ::ere 1:1 the Valley.
i:ou=.cilroa,. L::;==31d sai'} he hat~S to se. scr:et'c:c,;: .:,<, t:::s get
rtarted. 5~-: ~:.:.:j ,:-:a5 O;1e of c",;r ear:'iest pio:-.e~':'~. ...... ",'u:¿ be
~t;'rely :,,:ò:: :: this na~e c~ange,
I.:>en Mr. C':.:c:',. suggested the -"-e ':e c¡.anite:: :,.::.- :,. :",,: por~ion of
:':.ê stre£t ~=-:.. -; :~r_~ugh the I~u~trié.l Par:" C:·.1::.:::~a:: ~t.J·_~es said
~~is wou:¿ :: ~~ ~:rect opposi:i~~ ~o ~he CO~~C~:'5 r~:~~: tai~k1n5·
Cr£ati:lg a ~:::.:: ·.:~iC:l is just :=.e =loc~ lens 13 :-::-t t..e a.":.s·..·er.
~. O'Rou!:~¿ $.!.:':' :-...?crtino is ~ec·::-=.i::¡ ~:lO~~ :':-.:r.:~:-.3t:.o:-.a¡ly as a
scientific ...":___~_ a:ld it =tight. be "'~se to ta&e ::'::5 ::\tc c~::sideratio:1.
CoU:1ellca~ :....-
:,:ts reput3: ::::..
:.-~t inpC'r:.ã:"::.
said T)"1'Ishare ?>as a good ni1I:!e a~¿ it shcu¡d ~tand 0:1
:~~ naMe of t~e street they a~e c:: 3~0~1¿ ~ot be
~~r¿ i~porta~t. ~s t~eir pro:i: a~¿ :05~ statccents.
~OU:lcilna:-:. :7:~:':::: suggested, if ~heir concer~1 i5 s:r:.ctl)· \"'ith "Bubb
kad", per·:-..i;-~ :.: could 02 c:-.a::ge': :c ttBubb Dr~\-"è".
~Ayor ~:oèi .::.::::: a CO;l¡>any \J:'t=-. ·.·-'-.i=~ he do~s ~~~:'::.~:;¿ ...., a city in
'!exas tha: :$ ~:':..1:¿<! 0:1 "Lo·ter;· La~e.", a fac:. ·..·h:.::: ;:as g~nerated
=..a:1Y a CO=:¿:-.:. :;J.t in its Q'J:1 ·"'?Y ~as adverti~L:~ valu¿.
!!k:ved by C::;::: c:~,..,. Stokes, scc:.c'¿c~ by Counc:l;:-,.\::
!:y::1share r;.;._~~: :0 the Pla:1:.i::g Cc~iss1on.
: r.-:i:1,
to refer the
Motion carried, 5-0
_ c. Letter of appeal froa Oak~ows Develop:¡ent Company
repriiDa the vote of'tba,ArCbitec:tural and Site Approval
Cora1ttee on the Oak' ~projec:t appl1c:atioo.
n_ noted that this QIlttervas;Dá the asenda for this meeting.
..1.......s frOG ~ bcIos and Kar1 .råburg in resard to this appl1-
..-._ were ackDoIIleèged. ..,
a.._..d by COI1uclba:1 Stokes. sec:onded by Counc:ilman Irwin to
receive and file û,e written C:OIIØII1icaUons.
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Oral CO=.::1~catio:1s
a. Re~u~s::y Counci1cen for re:oval of ite~s fr~ Cons~r.t
C=co:ilnan ¡r'~~ aò~ed t~at Ite~ f39 on t~e Consent Calendar be
:~:ussed a:t~= :t~. '35 in the Resolutio~s category.
ä::.:?:)RT OF C~:~;c:: RZ?RESENTATlV:S
~. Transpc=ta:::~ ?olicy Co=:it:ee - Council~an Frolic~
jio :::ee~ing.
5. Planning ?o:~~y Coomittee - Councilman Fitzgerald
So .:eeting.
é. Inter-City C~~cil - Mayor Noel
~yor Xoel sa~i ·~ere would be a ~eeting the following Thursday
ac YAC'S Tea ~~. and anyone wishing to attend should notify the
ary ::anager.
7. League 0: Ca:i:ornia Cities - Major Noel
50 :III'!eting.
Page 3
rec:eived and
or tIlE .u.WAI!' ~. 1972 ClTt COUNCIL MEETDIG
~1atl_ of Bar Ana o,.;....-t. - CDaxilaan Frolida
'" .
'¡",'J1ood Cœuol .wnaorr ~.a1OD - CoWICilBaD Stolœ.
Director of lubl1c Voru atteadm the ueting, bat be AI. DOtbiSll
ap that peru1D81I to Oaput:ino.
10. Santa CJ..&ra County Water Ccr.=1ssion - Cou:cU!3an Stoke.
JIo _eUna·
11. Solid .as:. co:oittee of P1ar.n1ng Pol~c: C~lttee - ~. Puetz
:io report.
12. Drug ~~,. - C~~ncilaar. lrwi~
A ::eeting ;:a. ,,,.:du1ed for ~:oe ¡:oursday í,,::~.::;g t~1s Cou~cil :::eetiag.
:3. Hills:':::;: "::=..;.':.t~e - CoU:lCi,1=.a:l Sto~;es
50 meet ing .
r..A.'rnlNG CC~~>.lON
14. 3ubniss~:~ ~~ }ünutcs of regular ~ee:~r.. ~: Decpnber 27, 19;1.
15. Ap?lica:~,~ 3~-U-7l 0: Va:le~ ?ark Lt~", :0: a Usz Perc~t tc allow
t~e cO"2:="=tio~ of a ~i~~:e-<tor7 i~i~2:::·1 building o( 25,790
square :e~:e Said ~ro?erty ~s locat~; ~~~:~~l: of 3~d adja~ent to
Tantau ,'::''''''', approx~;-.ately 270 fé!ct ,.0=::. ." l'runeridgc A"/enue
in a P ,?:ax:cd Dev~lo,=ent) Zone. R.c==,'''~1d tor appro~31.
~~e Planning ~:rector ref~r~ed to tne Plan~:~; ~e?art~ent 05 this ~atter.
Colored sl:':'¿: .:f the area "....crt:: s:.o·ÿn. I-i~ 53.:.1 t:~e proposal is in con-
forfJance ,,":t;. ::-:.e cas~er lar:d u~e plan :cr \":,~:'.:" Park, the applicable
ZOr'~ing or::.i::3::':::;,5 and ".¡"it.1 t;-¡e Cu?crti~c. S..;.-~:¿ Clara [:'lter-Cic:; Agrec::.ent
vith an excë.;-":;'':~ the buil¿i::g is 17 feet ..:';.. ra:.~-.;;r than t¡1~ D.axi!'1um.
16 feet he:g::: ::'~;.tatio:1 ".:itr::.:: :50 i~ct :.: ~.·.è ·.:e·~twoOd Oa~s su~division.
r..i9 was re..·~...·"d by the Sa~ta Clara Cny (:_::c11 and dcte=ined thaI; iC
19 not sisn~:::~at.
>C ~3YS I f~~
:nrase not
. :';:1 if ieant
awed by Coul'Iciblan StoJ<es, seconded by Councilman Irvin to approv
."licatica 38-U-71.
Motion carried, 5-0
16. Application 9-V-71 of DICA JIortbwest Branch for a Variance to
, pera1t increase in he1&bc from six feet to eight feet of fence
for storage yard adjactIDc Co the property line. Said property
18 located at the northvesC corner of the intersection (Of Alve
Drive a::d Saich Way, in _ n-lO (Si::gle-fll::1lly llesident1al
10.000 sq. ft. lots) Zoøe. lecoamended for aF,roval.
~ Plannq D1rec~or said tu proposal is ~o construct a 30' x
30' storage e:lclosure in the DOrtheast c01":ler of ti,e proper~y to
store the organization's ~r1stD&s tree sales paraphernalia. This
location vas chosen to cOl1se~ sp@ce on t~eir activity field.
The Plann:~; ~ission was ~so concerned vith the condition of
tåe property .i~e fencing on the north and east, and reco~ended
tl.1s be rE" .e..-ed !ly ~he H-CO::~rol. Colored slides of the area
were sr.O\o''',
Moved by C:~~i~:an Irvin, seconded by Coun~il~an Frolich to
approve ar;:~~~t~on 9-V-71.
Motion carrte¿, 5-0
Reaoluti",. ::,J. 3192: "A 1leso¡uUon of t~,e City Council of t::e
City of C~;!rti~o Grant,ng a Varianc~ to \~CA. ~ort::~es~ Branch,
to per=it :::.:reast! 1:1 Height fro:] Six Feet to E~g::t Feet oi F~nce
for S~orag. ':ard Adjacen~ ~o the Property L~,."." - read by ".a,or
11081 .
MOved by C:'~~~il=an S~o~es, seconded ~y Co~n~il~an Fitz~erald, to
adopt Res::~t:on So. 3192.
Motion carr.ied, 5-0
17. Applica:it'n 27-TH-7l of Fa=ily Homes - Lytle (a par~nership)
for a !.,.tative Map to c~~ne tvo lots and a portio~ of a
San~a C:ara Flood Control channel i~to :;, parcel. Said rroperty
consists of 30,000 sq. ft. a:1d ~s lo~at,,:i at t::~ southwest
corner ~: t~e int~rsectio~ of Sarato&a-Su~nyvale Road and
Itirwi" :.a..~e, in a CC (<;;>:lEral Co::uner(.~a:;') Zoae. (Contin"ed
from :.e:ing of Dece:~er 2~, 1971)
Page 5
Property line
fe~ce to be
revieweå by
Res. No. 3~':
?ag. 6
S:;ra:1ish .ref¡.
of. ice blde.
:::¿ff :0
:_roiy t:.,at
?arapH 0.-:::
.:>::.rel:~ off
-= :;:J: a?Urce-::..C1c
Colored slides of subject property vere show. Tbe l'laøniDI Director
referred to ûe staff l:8i'On which \lU suba1cced to the COUDcll prior
CO the last Coœacll ...tiq.
1Ir. Lany 1l1d¡e. one of the partners cf Fmily 80::1ea, presuted ·
renð'!r1:1g of tle proposed office buildiDl vith a Spanish d..1p.
Be said both ex1st1n¡ høases v1l1 be relocated. Øe said there wll1
be one insress'earess ODØ1¡h11ay 9 and a one-lane iDare.. a:wI one-Ian.
earess on Urvin Lane.
Jfayor Noe::' vas concerne4 that people will stop their cars briefly
before tur~i:1l into the property. Counc:ilcan Stokes feels that once
the street taprovemel1ts are in this problea viII be ai:1inal.
C;ounciban Irvin went over the condition of a?proval placed on this
application ~y the P14a:11na Ca=a1ssion.
Moved ~: C=u~~i1~a~ Stokes, seconded by Ccunc:il~an Fr01ich to
approve .,,,:.cation 27-TM-71.
Motion c:arried, 5-0
ARCIIlT~C::'"R.'-'- '\:;1) SITE A?P~VAL cQ.'!Ml'rn:r.
lB. SU;~',5i:~ of ~i~utes of regular ~et'-~; of Dece~be~ 22, 1971.
Ccu"c:>",. F=.:::c:, ?rcu"ht ~? t:-_~ '!inute Or~er b:.. t." ~-Co~.:ro:
C..,:"'_"':'.;.itt~::. r¿~31"d:·,;g ~~as·.;re.:-:. Vice-Cnaim.::: AJa:-:...:: sa:¿ C::a:r"'.a~
RY:12'r .:.1"; ....~:.:.:esscd t::e cc::str·.1~:1on of a '"t:':O bu':l¿ing" O~ t:.e reof.
Dlrecto= :;..~ said :!easurex ,'a. nc~ yet ;,u:lt t.,e parar"t, >'hie', ~as
~ee~ p~a~:(: a~d a??rovec. .~~ch will :cr~~~ th~ a~~rtcnances.
Cou"ci::::a, ,,::~es asked ~:-,,. sta!! to Yer:~" t.,l" "cfor~ t~e nCAt
Cou:1ci:' '~;,;~::':tg. to ~ite 5ure It ....·11: not ....t'" visibl~.
19. Apt': ;."" !IC'-5l,C88.11 o~ Syntex A-,:Üyt leal 1"5to re<:u~stl"g
arFr.:'·:~: .;:of roof scret::': ~or air co:,d:t~O:':.l:~¡:;: f.:~uií'-:e:-.:, _est
VaLe:: r~_'::1.trial Par:", 1j040 ¡¡uo" R,'ad. Reco,·.~n·~ed for
Colorc': ,1i¿.s of ~he ~ui¡dlng ~ere s~own.
explained t:oat the original a¡>proval of bis
the scre,~i~g of the roof ap?urtenances.
i".e P13~:li~S Di~ectol"
a.1pl ~C:1tiO:1::id propose
~.oved t:· C~:n:::cll!":\.t'1n Si:okes, seconded b)· Cvuncil:1an lrwir. to approve
applieatic~ ë-C-51,088.l2.
Motio~ carried, 4-0-1
Cou::c::"-.3~ FIClic~.. ,'1:·::t.1::ì~~:
20. ApplicatioD aC-Sl,241.S of Oak Meadows Development Corporation
requutftitapprovalof aUe. architecture' grading for a 211
unit c01lllClid1d.1a developaent to be located 1600 feet vest of
roothlll Expressvar on leøanente Røad. Recommended for denia .
Applicallt baS ap¡Jeàled &114 requests to be heard.
Tba plaDDiD,D1rector 8Z?lå1Dld there vas a 1:1 tied vote on this
application àt the H-Control meeting. He deferred to llr. Barry
Bobbitt. 7291 Coronado Drive. San Jose. who brought attention to
action taken at previous _et1nas whic.~ were pertinent to the
Architectural and Site Approval. He said there was a consider.ole
aaouat of CODCern about zoning of the property and the site plan.
The Committee vanted a :ore definitive plan. At the sec~nd H-Con-
trol meetine there was a~in concern about the groupings of the
struc~ure.. During this :eeting one C~t~ee M~ber left the
:eet1ng aed another announced hi. resignation, and still another
vas absent. This resulted in the 1:1 tie vote.
Page 7
plan for
Hr. Bobbitt said 17% of ~ae lsnd will be covered by structures and 83% open s~ace
83% ',ill be open space, including ~he open area at the top ot the
Mr. Bobbitt no~ed ~hat concern has been expressed at the southeast
boundary of the property. He feels he has c~plied with the
Council's ~ishes. He pr~sented pictur~s of t~e sound ~?un¿ "ith
the 8 ~o lJ' lo~g ~unnel and its lan~sca?inb. He showed the
rela~1onship of the sound ~ound to the structures. The top of
ti,e wall -.:ill be within 2 teet of lhe eaves of the bulld1:'1gs.
It is his contention that the individuality of the roof lines will
avoid the step effect. In add~t~on to the rend£rings and archi-
tectural drr~ings, ~. 30bbitt showed photo,raphs of the property
as it loo~ n~~. with ~he =a~ure trees, etc. He s~owed pictures
of t~e types of s1ngle-f~ily,'wood fr&~e ho~es and earth tone
colors they plan to use. T~e recreat~on center will have an
underpass with stairs for people to gain access to the :ain floor.
Hr. Bobbitt said there was concern about the h~ogen1ty of the
color and des1lD of t~e structures. Pictures were sho~~ to de~on-
strate the transition of color.
Cour~i~n Irwin noticed three references to a geological survey.
He said he would like, once and for all, to ~.ow if this survey
vas done by a reputable f1m. In the event that these gentle~en
are wrong and scr-.ething mjor happens up there, he asked the Ci~y
Attorney who would be respo:'lsible if s~eth1ng shifts, fall$, etc.
up there. The City Attorney said this is a hig:lly complex ::Jatter
tha~ has not yet been detemined in the courts. If the City has
used good judgment it would be very difficult to hold the City
liable; we all face sClllle "Acts of God". All ve can do is use good
judsaent and get advice fro~ the experts.
Sound not;::>d
Color aX éesi;
If t~e C~:.:,,,
uses goo':'
judg",enc &:1d
heeds the
exper~s it
probably yon' t
be liable
val1~1ty of
E:1g1neer' 8
or TIlE .wnJAU ~. 1972 CITY tOUNCIL !u.&n~
. Bobbitt saU. ~ of when we 11". 1D CiIIpen1Do ft 111 cba
Stat. of Cal1f0rD1.i. _ an faced with the pnbabWt)' of .. aartbpab.
~n_ Stoka ..u tile City AttorM1'. _r ia - pod .. 1M
an ao1n¡ to ..e. 'Ibe City of SaD Joe. IIu bHD el'Ji. eo fSDII tile
aUver eo thia &oR of eb1D& for tllD rears. then 18 1epaladoD
pad1n¡r1pt _ eo e~ eo PM1". the pzo.l_ of v1ID ecÞla117 ia
CoaIIc11lll8n Frol1cb v.. cODcened aboIat the cocapactiarD of the dire.
!fr. Gerold Nicols, SoU. En81neer with Geolùa, sa1ci the slope riae.
r.ther fast from Per:nanente JlDad. Then will ~. transition Iota. -
cut and fill, in order to obtain relativel¡ flae build1nl .r....
He said there Is a prOQinent fault goie¡ throu~~ a corner of this
property. It is beneath 2 to 6 feet 'of soil and t~ere has been no
displac~ene for at least 10,000 ~ere. T:~is ¡tro¡terty's
developoent Is 300 feet fro: the disturbed soil area. It is their
opinion tr~t one or two story ~~od fr~e structure. vould be the
highest and best use of this property. If ~uch lar¡er and/or
substan~~al structures were proposed, a ~ore detailed ~nvestigat1on
~ould have to be recy__.ended. He ~aid t~:'s site is su?er1or to
!:!any already developed in t',.e :a:: Area. :·:it;' ¡tro,er grading conerol,
t~ey feel ~h1s 18 a ~1¡~ly des1ra~ie .l~e for t~~s deve10pcen~.
Mr. 30~b1tt distributed co¡ties 0: t~e definitive study of t~e groupinrs
of the structures. He sa~d t~e: have c~~lier. ~~tr. the re~uests ~ade
of tr.e:::¡.
Hrs. Mary Brusburl, 1019: Lebanon Drive, Cu¡tert:'no s¡tO~e to the
geo10¡1cal re¡tort. Sr.e noted severa: 1iscrepanc:'es in t~e t~o reports
submitted. The drain.¡e culvert is 3ó" rather than 210". They have t;,e
cree" run."1inl throulh t:.e ¡tropeny iro t:oe "rona d~rec:~o:1.. S::e said
they mentioned water in t:-'e cree~ after t::o dry ~on:,.s, bue none a:ter
two wet ::!onths. She aai¿ ~he 1969 l".S.G.S. :',,'¡icate1 t:.e :aul~ is
moving. Surface d1splaceent is not t:,e only é:1.d:'cat1o~.. She quoted
passages froo "Ear~~qua"e Country". Sne $a~ n? ev:'dence :~at this
eart:.qwb:e is inactive. She :eels t.,"re ar~ $u:fic1ent con~radlct1o:1.s
in the t'JO repor~s for t~,e Council to 'i.J.:st:'o~ t:-.elr val:'"i~y. She
emphasized that this site 1s extre~ely :'=?Orta~: to Cu¡tertino and co
Santa Clara Valley. S;,e feels ~ne C:ty should asJt for an unbiased
report froa , .e U.S.C.S.
Mr. Nicols said he had enough conf1d.:nce in ;'15 t~at the
next lot he buys m1gh~ be on ~his ¡>rO'¡>erty. !!e aFr~ed that this, and
aany other areas, are subject to erosion. The topography above this
is one of a rounded knob wh1c;, proba1:>l)' "as for thousands of
years. The soil is thinner at the top and t:.ic~ens as you approach
tile bottom. The 8!:1ount of ::Iovc::¡e;¡t ,,:I the shal"ow grad :'ent is in the
order of 3· to 10- to 16-, a ty;>1cal ZO:1e at the western edge,
JIr. Nicols said !:.e :'as t~ '"~th Mr. Lee, who works with
JIr. BrU'm at U.S.G.S. 50th ~en are geophysicists. To the::1þ
.molt aDY fault is O:le in which a quake could occur. It is DOt
'" f.;}""'- thins to geologiaU. BaceJ1t mapping of tbeepicentars
',"t,:." "',AI icate Sa:1 ADdreaa fau1t bas been active. They are witbiD ODe
N,,~' . of where aD1 activi.ty ,oc:carr, ,". ',..ed,..,. it vas at.. ~~c!8, pth of .,' .
.'~r' 1Ii1... That k.1DII of ~naeDt, cakiDg place at chat "depth .
'i"~: 1&1 _ a relief oftJaese .èraiøá. 'An' active fault ,ill: oaa,ia
',i,,~~i they would expect s_ effecCJdudnl the life of'tbe sttaetu
","""p.;' ,'. ' - '"'-
:>'Ip 'i.. that propert"f. "
~,;~}~~~. !'rands A. Wellace, 2284A Hediøa Lane, C..tpert1Do. started
,~. .. &DiD¡ through the history of ;»revious headngs on this propert)'.
J!: ,'... vu re::1Dded that the ao:siDa is there; it is now law. and is
~t pertinent to this discuasi~ of the site, architecture aDd .
¡radina. Hr. Wallace the:1 stateé. that they are objecting to a
"'vall of :'o::1es" and to the 2-story h=es on the south side of the
property. Throuðh all t=e 'ieari::gs, he ha3 objected to tr.e 2-
story uni~s adjoining ~15 property a~d they are 3till planned.
Other than Öat, he had %:0 oOjection to the~roposal. He asked
once aaain for s1ngle-storj units along the so"t:~ side.
C~~::c1lcan Sto~es sai~ it .as tie intent of his ::otion th~t the
7' elevation ¿ifferential shou~~ ~e r.easured fro:: buil~inS pad to
building ?aj. The result ~~~1¿ :e the sa~a height struct~re as
single story ho=e.
In ansver to }~. Wallace's ~~e5tion, the Planning Director sta:ed
that the grading ~ill have to :e certified.
Hrs. Da~-ar Frank exp1ain'¿ that ahe ~as an intereste¿ ne1~~=or.
She spo~e a~out increas~ ~raf:ic, recreation and the Feolog~cal
report. X3yor ~oel re~~Ç~ ~er that the iten being ¿iscussed .as
arc:11tectural and site a?pr~~al. She said "Acts of Go:!" s::oU:~
~ot go u~:'eede:!. So~ebody .i:1 ::a~e to take the respons1b11ir¡ 0:
helping ~::e people up therç ~f any~hing happens. Co~~ci1=an :~o~e
asked her "ho "ould ta:'e care 0: the people already living Ui'
there. Sh", sa1å t¡'.e duplexes ":ere also a mistake up there.
In respo::se to Mr. l[allace' s concern about the gra¿es, Hr. 3e=.
Garrison of \~ Eng1neeri=.; .e~~ over the grading plan. The
average cu~ is 4' to ó' ~ 8' in a couple of places in the s~~th-
west corner. They go ¿~~ to al:ost 100' lower.
Council:an Fitzgerald sai~ he ¡'~s listened to all the pros anè
cons. Oak Meadows has ~e 5~ changes to the better.
Page 9
stateaenU of
Jleighbor vants"
single storl
units next to
71 elevat.i~:1
bu.i~¿i:1¡ ?a~s
Gra¿~::g to èe
S::oul¿ ':>e 10',
densi:y up
I 0:-102
?qe 10
~a.~~:.e: Yi:'::'
&:~f;r:1.ate ==
: :ê;~r"o--J.
:"O".-.ær de=.s. :.=~
-=ä:i~ t:.1s ~
.:~~~ ?r=;c-¡..L
ed by Councilman l1tqea14. seconded lor Counci1!:lan Stokes to approve
.,,11catiOQ RC-Sl.241.5.
C0UDC1~F1t.. ~1". Irolich. Stokes, Mayor .081
eounc1llllaD ..tnü' '
..,~..;"o;.-~ 4-1
<.' -;:;"-"~.-: . .
'..: .-~
¡' ,'"
,A ,',ffl1 :rr.
;i, j "
;'~fZí' .};
'ff. 21. Application Bc-51.U6.6 IItL .I_s r. ttoch requestiDg appToval of
site, architecture 81114 1.. '~p1Dg for triplex - Lot 11. Tract
2527, Alpine Dri".. Þr -lied for approval.
After esta'.Jlishing that: It: 'b in conformance with the OrdinaDCe. it vaa
::øved by I:c=c1l:11an S«Onded by Councilman Fitzgerald to
approve a?pl1catioD ac-Sl.126.6.
Y.øt1a1 carried, 5-0
22. App:icati03 aC-S1,273 of D!tz-Crane re~uest1~8 approval of
alter~a:2 architecture. :~scapL~g, l1g~ti~g a.~d u..der¡rou~ing
0: ~:i:~:ias for t<T__~~~~S ~~ lllC (Si~gle-f~1ly ~s1¿e~t1a:
Clu,:2r) Zone loca~ed at ';:1e south,/est corner of l!o=stead Road
anå ~la~ey Avenu~. ~Dded for a?proval.
Slides of t~~ si~e plan ~ere S~<TJD. Councilcan S~o~es a3~ed a~out
~~e c~an;~ :~ arc~iteccur~.
Mr. Pat C'Co~el, of Di:%-Cra=~, said it is the sane architecture.
~.r. 1<2n Ar:u:\1 \as oeeu ~~r~ :0 '·ork in conjunct~o~ °lit!1 M:-. G1:~erc
O~ the arc:~it£.c~ure. ~. :-a::re::. Gl1àert said. ..:he:. :~I!". ~..·e:-.t to t~·.e
E-Co~tro: Co~~ttee :~ey ~~ ~ alter~ate plan for a 3-ce~rco-. u~1t
.:...ich ·....oul:: e:.;?arui t:~elr sOD~~,·hat. T:-.e srou':,:nss ·~..ere 3:....0....-n
to' and a??=J-:~:i oy t:-:'e C::r=:'t.:·:,e. ~:o nore t:~an 1/) aí !:::e 2-je¿roo~
u~its ,,·o,,:a ;,e changed co ;-=':_:00:1 units; of 10'J units, a::cat :>0
~~~ld ;,e c;4~ged.
YAyor Xø~~ a,~ed ~hy t~ey ~~ vant to offer 3-De~roo: units ~~en they
are ai:::i.r.g a: the "e~:'Y =-~.i:~rs". Mr. O·Co~...nel 33~': t::~y ar~ not
s~ootl~; ::r ;~other =ar~:'. :.t t~eï woul~ ¡i~c t: hav~ t~e ~~<i=~~
7ar¡£ty. ~~y,r Noel s.~~ :~~ r¿ason h~ li~~¿ :~~ o~:~i~a: ?~o?o3al
~as be.::a·-':;;~· of the r2.¿~;c~ :..:~er of: pcorJ.:'e ~::~.o ~:ou:d ii·/a ::"'cre.
!".r. o·cc:.~¿: sai¿ th...:y -:,j:::-.i:;.d 1:--." to t·...i:; ¿L\':"~CP"-.P"':.: ¡-:a:1 and
if the C::;.:.::"l vants to. :':'f:7 ~c"11d li~it t:te :-.u:-.~'cr 0:; 3-ë:e~rco::.
Cour1lman Frolicn brough~ .. die question of whether or DOt this
:' t:høe-bedr- alternate ~ic.", I" the Use l'emit. The 1')--1,,&
iMrector agreed this ahøu1Al";~lved. Mr. O'Connel laiel that
'''t1tnt,Jgh this would chaDaa d.ø':zSz scme"ofhst it won't cbaJlCe the.
, ~""pt of Ùe project. 'ne"Cky Attorney advised that if there
:. change tc the Use Per:dt"it IIiboald be ..:1oth Public Hearl:1¡s at
, che l'lanni::.; c=ission aøf.liri!dtectural and Site Approval CoD-
tlittee levels. ~
Køveè by Cou::.c1ban Stokes. u~-nfted ;'y Coundlnan Ir.ñ;1 to
appro"/e evarything in regard œ a."licat1o,. ::C-~l,273 excep~ !or
:he 3-bedr~ alternate prv. .1.
Mot:1o:> c:arri.ed, 5-0
~.ayor ::oe: ::alled a recess a: 9:5J PM. The ,,",eeting rec?:l...e::"~ at
10:0'J :M.
?AR:~ A.':D !CCR::xrIO~ CO~::Z:!>
23. ~o naat~n;;.
·,:ArER CG:~:S310X
24. No ::'ê!èt:.~g.
U3J1AB,Y C,:'~SSIO:'
25. :;0 :::ee:ing.
CU?Enl~O c:nzUls' GOALS CZ':rrr:.E
26. ~o :eeti:1;;.
PEJSO~-m:L 3C.~
27. SU~Q1ssion o! Minutes of Ðece20er 21, 1971.
l'age 11
exce,t !or
3-bd~ alterna:e
28. Application 25-%-71 by City of Cuj1ertiuo for the naOD1ø¡ of
approximately'13 acres frOtl 1l3-2.2 (Multiple Residential 22'.10
sq. ft. per dweU1D& unit) Zoue to Al-43 (Agdcu1t11%a1-ba1-
dentia1 siDg1e-fardly oue-&cre lots) ZO:1e or other appropriate
zone as deced desirable 1!:; the City Council. Said ¡JrO¡luty
1$ located at the western eem1nus of Voss Ave. Jl.eCo:ceøded
for approval.
The Planr.ins Director òrief1y went through the colored slides. the
zoning cap, land use :ap of ~hat general area and ehe Geueral Plan.
ta He said the basic concerns of the staff and the ?la~.:liD8 ~issiou
relata to the non-confor:iey of t~e existinb R3 zoning to the land
U$2 el~ent of the General ?la~, to the a¿jacant land uses and
zoning districts, to the topography of the site, anc to ehe i~pac~
of :,1gh-density deve10p::e=.ts on c,,=unity services.
Attorney J. Robert DEnpster Gaid :,e "as re?resentir.g ene app!1can~.
HE said this was zone¿ 02-:;. in 1963. T;,e Master "Ian "'~s 1~s~ituted
in lY64. In 19,,8 t:,i3 ca::a ~p for develo¡nent and the plan "as
approved. Eure~a too~~ c·:e.~ t~le proparty in 19Ô9. ~e saiå r.15 r.air..
cO~j.c?-rn i~ t~;,at t~e C:'ty is :ettin!; a ¡::recede::t in ¿czo~:ns t~11g
property. He re"uested :::atter ';:a p03t¡>oned ,,~ti! t:,e ;:illside
Stud:: is ccmpleted. ~!r. De-:'~5ter sai~: r.ureka is an organ!zat ion of
a nu·::.~~I' of pc:.ople in t::e a!'ea ··:ho ~avc sav:nbs -~:\ t; f ac i: i ~:.o.
~o ajditic~al studies iaVê ~een ~de O~ t~is or surl"ou~ii~g property
since:! :'964, ehca the ':a£ter P:'an T,Oa:; i:1stituted. :...e as:c.e¿ t:le
Counci: eit;:er table, t,~e ::atter or p:Jt t"e pro¡>ert~' i:1 a ~,0:1ing
zon~, but not to dezone it. T:lej' "ou::i 11:<8 t~e o?portu:11ty to
pr~sent applicaticns fer use o~ t~~.e property. T:;e:· ~"1a,..e a plan in
the na~inG but aave not ~o~ulatei it e~oub~ to pre3e~: it to the
Plan:ling Cor:t.-¡i5sio:-. at t:~i-; ti...,e. !:e said they ~;ou:d be ha??}· to
join in a:lY hillside s~:J-iies.
Coanci:r::an Frolich note'; t:.ere uas onè "eeti"g in Cc;;ober on ~h1s
?ro~erty, which was CO:lt .:l,;~à u,?on 'Hr. Dc: :p$t~I" '; re·.;,ues':.. i!e asi<.ed
1f !oIl'. De::¡pster fe:t :,e ~-.a~ :lot -:¡a¿ a:ie~u3te t:':-,1-: t': prepare ~13
findings. :·~r. Dcnpst£::r sa.-: an ia-¿~~th stud:.: :;;~).o..¡:'d ~e ;-:.a'':'e ':>efore
a decis~on is aade 0:1 ~~is ?roperty.
Mayor Noel asked for Co::::.ë::ts £ro~ the 3uùie:1.ce.
Mr. F. A. Wallace, 2284A ~:¿~na Lan", C'.:?crt~no. said he gives 100%
support to the Planr>1ng Co=is<;ion In t:,cir 3ct~a:l 0:1 this ;:rc?osal.
()r¡ce they ¡,ave a plan for develo¡>c.ænt of t:Üs ;:rop"ny they can br~:1S
it in for re-evaluat1on.
· e
Page 13
Ik. Curt S.'u1fer, &l Prado WaY. said they had a petition going
aroaød the d\l?lues up there ad 90% of the:! were in favor of the
claoDing plan.
Ifr'". Lucien Hertert, San Juan JIDad, feels it is an excellent idea
~ bold this until after the Hillside Study is co:Ipleted. Vben
û1s zoning first passed c~e people in the area objected
screlr~ously to the proposed lC_storybuilå~ngs there. She felt
the c~ercial zo~ing .as a =istake i~ the first place.
Ccu~il~~ Sto~es corrected ~r as to t~e ti~ing of the zoning and
the application for t~e IO-scory buildings.
Mrs. Ann ,,=,ser, ~nta Vista, .as very ::luc:. in favor of the Plannin
Staff's recc~e,.¿ation of dezoning this property.
Petition in
favor of
zoning was a
In favor of
Mayor Noel ~as surprised ac c~e plan for apart=snt ~ousing on this l4-1ó% slo?~
prcrerty ",' ¿ .:..:. - ló% slope. He does :1ot see ho·.¡ the City cot.1
De "eld res?c::s::~:e for t:1e risk.
V:::'..1=ci:oan Fr=-::"c:l ',Jas 0:1 the Plan::ling Co::t~iss~on at the ti=e. He
said there ',;as a very grar.di,-se and iT:lag:nati';e plar, for de"lE,lOp-
~e~t of 3:1 aFa::~~nt c~:?lex. T~~$ was a ~i:1d of con~ro~ise.
He said :"t i~ :::vious t>.e ?rese:lt zoning i5 i::a::propriatc si::ce jn
9 years it ~a5~'C been bui~t. T~e prese~t ?r~?erty owner ha~ s~e
in:,::~ng the c:::: felt R3 ',:oa::: ;;e inappropriate there. He thinks
t::ere is :.:uc:' =-_;;rit in ~'laiti;:g until co:~?:'ct:~n or t:.e ail:'s:'¿e
Study. lie s.;g~¿5ted t:1at it. ::ig:1t be a~pro?r':'ate Ïor the Cit:: to
hold it ~it~ ~ until t~e proper zone is deter~ined. It is a:=ost
certain t!lere .-:'11 ~e a do".-;¡¡¡;rad~ng ",..her. t:" Hillside Stud:; is
do~e. He sugge,ted an e=ergency ordi~ance co~l¿ be instit~tc¿.
Ca~ncil~a3 Fi:=;èrald sai¿ ~e a~d Counc1:~a~ Frolich ~ere tvo 0:
t.he seve~ P:a~~:~s C~issio~ers ~mo vo:~¿ ~na~:~ously O~ t~is.
It se~ed to ~~e a lot of 5e~se at t~e ti~e. ~~~ever. today ~e
feels ~hat de,.;~ty is too hig~ u? ~here. ~e ~aid he would be ~ore
It:r.ely to gc a::"1: with 1Jai~ing for t:¡e !"",..~:etion of the
Cou::IcH:::an S::"es said this ".'hole th:'ng ',:as !Ii, idea. 'r.Ie z~1r.g
is encirely ~~"~s. He agrees that t~i$ ~~a:¿ ,e setting a 7rece-
der.t in ~he Ci::', but it ".on't ~e t~e iast ti::e. He secs not::ing
wrcmg with d::-.-::-zon1ng because it does no: rr;>..ibit the O".r.Ier fro:!
5~itt1"g a,. ~~?l~cation .1:0 a ?roposal :or developoent. He sai
one unit for 5 acres is being considered a: :~is ~ine by ~he
Rills1de Co~~::ee. To place chis ~n a ~ol¿~~, zone would 1ust be
del.-J1ng t:,e a:::'on. lie. feels the City should" ilave the machinery
~o auto::latical:? revert pro?ercy to original zonlne in one year
if devclo,r.en: does not ta,e ?lace.
pla~ :-.~ver
reac>.ed :r:¡:;: i ~
W!ii: :oor
Hi1.15:.¿e 3t·..i:~:·
Present Z::):'\::l~
is all ':rO~b
, CC-102
:'a¡e 14
---'u:.5 OF mE JAI1Wtt 3. 1972 an coœC1L !ŒETIltC
7ftft...s is IIOC... r ÜMD In1:1 said zonin¡ 18 DOdaiDa that is suaranteed. WI are
~anteed;, ,~to briD¡ the hillllcle iDto ClØllfcmaance with the H1l1:.;ida 'laD.
.'.; ,
,~ rate 18' " IIoal asked if this would affect the tax rate. 'the City AttOTDeY
mected "'~"f.. &ODin¡ effects ::arltet valae. aa4 it is a reasoDi.1ble pro¡DOs18
dííaê"the taxes vuuld be decreaa'" 011 this property if it is dezoøed.
;ev CouncU
,.; think
c:>--Uman Frolich asked Attorney Des;lster what the argument is 1D
~1øg this in a bcld1nS zone. kDoIr1Da it can be rezoned aga1D.
~_ De:1¡ster said it is a lot =ore difficult to put tosether a plan than
__ the prese:lt zone is one wú.t per acre. No !:Ion stwy has been
p"en to Rl-lJ ~;u.:: it3-2.2. Due to the fact that an election is co:llinl
tip this year, an" -.e don't know vDo viII be on Ù<= Councilor h_
tAey feel abcut rezoning proposals vas an 1n¡ortant factor to
_torney De:opster.
~ci~an Sto:~s agrees that it is easier to åo,~-zone than u,-zone
pr0?8rty. T~e .rese~~ zoning pu~. the City in a position ~~ere 1~
:ight have tc :ar¡a:n. He believes their develo~ent plan -.ill
::eter.nine what "il: be buH t ", there ra~her tr.a~. ,'hat the present
zoning is.
~ed by Cou~c~~a~ Fro¡ich. secoaded by Cou~c:l~~ S~o~e3. ~o close
r~~ Public Eea=:~g~.
Cou~c::=.¿n Fitzgerald, F~o~1ch, Irwin, Sto~es, ~yor Seel
~?t1on carried. 5-0
:,~uld not be
::'3:~..):led !:""r
; :-:.~::chs
~ ans~er to C:~nci¡=an Frol1ch's ~uestion, the City Attorney said
:~.~ =atter c=~:: not be postponed for, say. six months and then if a
~ilding per=:: ~5 r¿~uired an ~erle~c7 ordi~ance cou:~ be e~acted.
~c11~an Fr~::o~ ~ondercd a~out t~e ~o~sibi:i:y 0: rczonin; this
to PD and se~¿:,.£ it back to t~e ?lanning C~'~ssio~. The C1~y
A£torney said ?D ~3 based on a 3pec~:ic plan.
.i.-:: :::ved
~ed by Cou~ci:::a:: Stoites, seconded by CouncÜ::1an INin ~o a~prove
~,licat1on 15-Z-71.
A:I£S :
Cou~c~:::en Frol1ch, 1rJ~, Stokes
Co~nc~~n Fitzgerald, )~jor ~oel
~t1on carried, 3-2
- OF Ta: ;A'CUA!lY 3, 1972 ern COUNCIL ~"T1NC
. ,"~¡
&{~i~~ rud1D¡ 0: Ordinance 110. 522:
1:".~,::<1: ~
""~.""Ðrdi:laxe of the City of a.rêdno A;nendiDs Section 1 of
," .~.' altiDaz¡ce !G. Z !ly Iec1auify~. Cenain l'ortion of the City
) ôf ~ni::o frea 1t3-2.2 (!ts1dp1e Jlesident1ù 2200 sq. ft. per
, "'Uin¡ unf.:) Zc:1e to Al-43 <SUsJ.e-fllllllly Agdcultural-Residel1-
cf.e1 Oce-.\cn L::u) Zone; ~;L' ,....ïtely 13 Acres located at the
Vestern Te=i=S of Voss Av_.- - read by Xapr Noel.
DYed by c:, Stokes, seconded by Cou::c~~"'-an 1t\lin, to have
~1:1ance :\::. ::.! read by title 0:11y and t!le ~"'or' s reading to
3ust1tu:e :~e :~rst Reading.
C~~::l"'-en Fitzgerald, Frol1ch, 1r;in, S:okes, Mayor :roel
Motion carried, 5-0
Ccr~~i:=a~ ~::~!5 c~ented c~~ he certai~:: ~a3 ~ot o?po=e¿ to,
cd rec"-.-::;:::~; :~ce City Att::ney look in~o ''-;,a:,:er or not
,ro?erty c=~.~ :~ zc~£d PD.
29. A;fl::a:::- :1-Z-71 ~y L~~s A. and Mar~~ :. Coòarruviaz :or
t~e ?ri=:=:~; ~: o~e lo~ ~: a~proxi~te~; :J.J:J sq. :t. :r~~
';ounty :~_~: ~Si~&:e-fa:.:.:': R£sidantial :.... ,~.:J ~~. Ît. :o~s)
Z:>ne t: ::::" ~f C:¡perti:-.c iC-l::J (Single-:a::ò.l:.- :¡'esidential
~o,ú:: .~. :t. 10:s) Zo::e. sat:! pro,ert:" ò.. located ,;es:erl.,"
of a,.: a::1~¿~t to Steve~s ~yon Road, a~7=,x:~ately 175 feet
nott:, ,,! >~:: Juan Road. ;!.eco=ended for a;:?,o·:al.
the Plann~~s _ :=¿c:or referre.:! to t::e Plan"i";; C,,:~,~ss1on reco:=:-
:endatio,. :, ::~3 property. Visual aids 3~"~~: :~e locatio::: of
Ù1e prop¿r:~'. :,:'lored sli:es '..ere also s:-.o',..::.
Me,or :;"el a>~=: :or co=er.ts fr= t:1e aud~e,.:~.
Page 15
Ord. 522
First Reading
City ..\.ttcr:\~:· ~....
c;"ec:, ~f thi:;
c?uld be :>D
Kr. Dean ~a.·==. :':8:)5 Sout~1. E~~:e:1S Ca:1)"o:1 R~a::, said his hO:'1e is ~~U$t ¿:"I.~1eX t:
DeXt door :: :,:~3 property. The City is forc:c. this anne:<at1on get ',;a~e=
by .,it:l01¿:c,; '."uer service to t!1e prorert:". ,,' ,aid this ~s not
alaI. He 31:; :"is pro;>er~y vas previous~~' :¿r'o'¿j ;.-ith ·..ater.
Be said t::e ::-.;:uy t~lat services the general s=¿. :,as t!1e obi i-
&a~lon to 3"i:~¿ anyone pravi¿:~ tney are :::~ ::::=i,.g1ng o~ any
ot:aer ...,ater ,::,~.r..1nj·. Fro:!! ~i.::.e to tl!'Je he :.a:: .::::~ 'Jeiore t:te Cit
Cou:cil . ~:ä::":;¡ :";:at if t~e tri.,:exes -...r¿'Cê a::::~ii¿d there "'ould 1>
DO vay ~o ~:~¿:: t::e street. ~e presently ?r:?:sed ~idenlng ~ill
aalte his ::r:'iè'.-a:' unusab1.. ._A t:'e City Io'~ll ,,. eligible to
purchase .oc' s;~,Q0J ho::!e. Foe saU t:,is :;ou:: J. sprea:Hng the
Cit,. li:llit,. "-:'C~.1 Lafco do.. ",ant,
.. die '
. E. L. 1Iro:u, 22571 Sc Juan load, laid be U.,.. acljacat to this
acant Vroperty. Ua bas DO objacttoD to the vida1øa of the ro.s.
afUc: MCessitate. thü vid8IÜJII.
Counc:il:::a:I Stoke. said be vas in favor of keepiDl this a acaic road.
The J:Ünute )'OU widen it you wUl really get traffic: OD It. Cowc111:1aD
Fitzseral~ agreed.
Council::.a:: Stokes uid we would DOt force a:ljone to aMU to the City.
It is L~C:~l1Sistent with Lafco and Santa Clara County to annex
undeve:o?eè pro?erty.
?ub11c: Eeær1~gs Moveè ~: ~~~::c:1~~ Frolic:h, sec:onded by Council~n Sto~es to c:lose
c:loaed t~e Pu~:~~ ~earings.
Or¿. 52¡
Firs: ha,:~ng
~~~,.c11~en Fitzgerald, Frolic~, Iro1n, Sto~es, Mayor ~oel
~ntio:l carried, 5-0
!-kve...: '=:. ::"''":a:1 S:o~:e..;.. 5eco~¿'e¿ _ C¡,,)""':':1c:,~,::'~a:1 Frolic:. to
a?p~~\2 4;~.:~atlo~ 31-Z-71.
::~~ci~~e:1 Fi:zõcra:~,
!r-::in. S:;,Ú'.as. ~ayor ~;c~t
.... ...
1:"0_ :...;:.-:,
~{OES: .\.::"'.e
~:OtiO:1 carr ~ed. S-C'
F1r=t r:¿o:,.~ of Orèina::c:e Xo. 521:
"A~ ':_.~.'-.,¡:.':~ of t:-.e City 0: C:;;ert::¡: :·.;-.C:1¿:::':; Sectio~ 1 of
Or¿:::a":c.: .::. 2 ~y Prez=~i:1g a Ce:-:a:':: :-"'rtic:"1 0: :~:~ CCU:1t~· R:'-:O
(S:::f:~;-:.1:::'!.Y Rcsiåe:".:':'a~ lJ,:;~0 _~ç. :t. :'otj) Zo:--.e to City of
C:¡rer: _.:: ~-~O (s i~;le··!a::i:':: Ri!s:~e:~t~a: :.'; ,0):1 :H.:. ::t. lots)
ZO~è:; A;;,:,::~i:-:.ately ¡J.';J: S~uare :-,,1:'=, Lo.:ate·": ::.::~:~rly of a:1¿
k-jao,,-,: :: òtelle:1s Ca:1;"o:1 Road, A;;:r::::c,ate1>' 175 :eet North of
San ';:,,:.:l~ R=a¿. It - read ~r :-!a}"or :~"e:'.
~~~¿ ~: :=u~c11~an Stokes, seco~d~~ ~, C~U~Ci~-~3~ Fitzgerald to
hav~ 2~.;. :.::a::ce :':0. 521 read 0;:: tit:í.. 0:.::,- a;.¿ ::.(: ::d.:"or· 5 r~adi.r.,~
to C:,.3::to:e tile First Rea~in¡:.
C:u:1cil:nel1 Fitzgerald, F~·clic;1. It""...:.~.. S:c~·;e's. !iayor :~oel
Motion ~arried, 5-0
30. Protest lCa~t assessa~t of certain costs for work within th
Blaney Aven~ Undergrounå Utility District.
apo~ request of the Director of Public Works. it was moved by
CouDcll::an Sto"es, seconded Oy Co-.1ncilcan Irvin t-, continne this
matter to t~ :II!1t regular aeeting.
Co:mc1l:en Fitzgerald, hol1ch, Irvin, StouB, Mayor Roel
Motion carried, 5-0
31. (a) A¡>¡>eal of Sh3¡>ell Industries request~::g r!!versal of the
P:a~.i3~ :o=nission ¿e~ial of a?¡>licat:o:: 24-Z-7l re-
'I::esÜ,.g to prezone ó. :25 acres fro", Ci tï 0: Cupert ino I
RJ-2.7 (:~ltiple Resi~er.tial 2700 sq. ft. of land per
d~e¡li,.t unit) Zone to City of Cu?er:~no :tlC-3.6 (S:ngle-
fan~:, ~esidential Cluster 3600 sq. ft. of lani area per
d..·e:l~:lg unit) Zone. (C"ntL'~ed fro", Dece::-,ber 20)
(~) Ai'?eal of S~ape¡l I::d~,tr:as requesting reversal of t~e
P:a~~i~~ Co=~iS3io~ ¿e~1a~ of ap?:icat:o~ 20-~'-71 for a
T~~~a::ve ~a? to di?:de 6.252 acr~3 i~t~ ó~ si~;le-:a~i:y
10:5 3:::: O:1e lot to :Je ::.e::: ::1 CO::~""':10:~ m,r:~~r5h::p. Said
i'rf"i~r':y is located -;~sterl~.. of an¿ a¿juce:"!.t to Foot.1:'11
B:~¿. a??rcxi~ately IJG :eet nort~er¡y of t~e i~tersectic
of F~=t~ill Blvd. and Alcal¿e Road. (Continued fro~
Dece=oer 20)
The Planninb ~:r~ctor referred t~e Council to Resolutio~ N~. 989.
Mr. ~:arren ;ilöer:, Arc~1tect, ~ent over t~e develop~ent plan for
60 tovn~ouõe un~ts o~ t~e 6 acres. He said t~ey eli~:nated t~e
acct?$S to Blvd... on request of t:'e Pla:tni::ß sta:f.
Their appr~ac~ t~ t~e design ';as dictated by t~e size a~d s~ape of
the ?roperty an¿ jy the existing ~ature trees O~ th~ property.
Be said t~è: ~av~ net pract~cally all the rc~uire~ents ~et fort~
by t~e P:a~,.i"g C~~~ssion. They ~ill have 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroo~
units Bu::¿i,.g coverage is 31:, 23% for drive~aY3, etc., and
25.5% 'Os i~ o.e~ space. Each to·,r.Ùouse has two covered parking
spaces adjace~t to the unit, and the un~ts are separated by the
patios. They :~~e distrib~ted g~est ?ar~ing throughout tha
develop~en~. ".ere are 2.9 ?ar~ing spaces per d~ell1ng unit.
Re presented elev,ltions, of the proposal. He said tae:· feel their
plan is in c~n:or--an~e with several tOIJnhouse developnents that
have been approved.
Page 17
Blaney Avenue ;
As...-t ¡
protest corat'd1
_e 18
.... ~:':
,;, ~~'J-'¡i;':
.':"," ,,-,(..
,:: ,·~'.:<~'-i
~,",:.;¡:,~, "
, ."",,",-.:10'
o. ~-'·:I
"st..t- p.i_-~~,:~.,'·(
;arages are
01 mE JØUAIlt 3. 1972 C1Tt couscn :ar.u~
.1..fI. Director .aU "die ,,_..tnS eo.ussiOD vas c-- "'- .... a1Ioat
dIa l1J1ur1ty approach to tile ,1Ic:_t of -the bu1ld1Dp OD cbe~rtJ.
Sfac. thU is a f_ily od~~ project. they fe.l the patdøI ado
~ 1Dadeqaate.
~1111 c-bsioo 0Iau- Heyer. ..14 auch couc.n _ ......... aboat
CIlia Y1ev cIow the struU ofrOlll of garages. II.. persoaa1l7. felt
tile parìWl& èeHnite1y was iDadequate. This ¡llan call. for . ""'a!'-
deuity thø ijestridge in teras of cenbers of a fail)' aad """111,_
alrea' J has a parking proble::. The den$ity of this dne!u~ -t U
felt to be ucess1ve ,..hen 100kinS at the ~.uter Plan.
lfayor 1Ioel asked fer c01llllU!DtS frotl the auci1ence.
Hr. Fred L,,¿e::an, of Shapell Industries, said this is a very 1ons. narrow
piece of ~~O?~~y wbich dictates the design ~1th ~h1ch ~~ey have CQðe up.
The gdra~æ, :~~æ been staggered bet~ecn Ó a~~ d fee~ a~ t~er. are
9 to 10 f::: :ræa~s betwee~ garages. there is landscap1D¡ behind each
~. Bob ~:~~.~. t~e Presid~t of ~estrid~e E~~~o~~er.· Association.
:0073 A-:a::= ~", Court, ·.:estr~¿ge 1, sai¿ ?ar',lng is a pro;,l= t;'ere.
:!e does ':':.:-: :\....-.:-; t::'at. it i~ ~::e :'an~er of ~a:-:<in~ spa~es t·::.a: is at
1ss~e. ~¿ :~:~~$ t~e pro~le= s:e=s f~or. ~:~$~ of tne ?ar~i:¡. The
¡pest pa=', ,,.~ ~, beco:Jing res~¿ence ¡:arld:1~. ~~;",ng a ~lig"er parõting
=atio ~c~~o :~õ: encour~ge =.ore cars. T~e pctple need t~ be e~uca~ed
as to ~~e~~ :: ?ar~.
I -:O~~;~de:'1~s a.s~¡
;·J.~"it par~f-.¡
:,,:::)rert}· O".~er
.: tate:1.enc~
!'!r. ·.·.:S5, :'J22G ~:al:1t.:-t. Circle. Cu?ert:':t,,). said :a:1¿ ::., been
1~ the f~~~:y a long ti~e. ¡t ~as been 1~4~~¿ for ~ year. In ¡~ó8 when
:;1is was ~=,::"".l t:'ere ':as 7.5 net to c:.e a:re on the surrc..,aë1a¡
;ropertieso ~~r~ you have ~5t ~n greener, f~r all the peop~e to enjoy.
Mrs. Vos, 5a:i s.\" :,as fo~lO"òed zo~lng si,.cæ 1969, althcug:' 5he has
~one Clost := ::ë:· ....·ork ,...rit~ ,::-.¡e County. s:;,~ said ,,"he::\ t~-;.e 5u~ervisors
;1ve you . -:~~:~-:ing you C'.:> se:l ::our prc~er:~'; this does ::ct see::t to
~e true :,. :"~>rtino. S;-'ro spen~ alcost a ':ee~ driving aro.,-," subdivisions
Ii:;. the 3.:'~.j, 3.::.:' C3:::lC tC" the C.::-6C,lUS10n t:;a: phat ·..'e need is &:'1 education
as to Wh3: g.i=Ã~es ~,c ¿or. S?1e ·.:onder~d ·;:-.¿t~\er we are õu11¿ing 2-car
I¡~rages =~ 5:,.~~e-car garages and co~~ine¿ .:cra;e r~o=. 1rne p~o?Crtl
t~ey 501= ;rc~:~u,l: is de.e:c¡ed in du?le,~, an¿ ~hose ?ec¡le have no
privacy c~ .:~ò. ~ith th~E ¡roposal you ~a'è a:l that ore: space.
Ine Cit)· ~ar" ~s one èloclt ðó/ay. \{ith th~ c:te,."i:>:l of t::'e freeway,
the tra ':~~ :,. Foothill Rlvd. has di~inish,¿. Sì" said st.e got the
road wiå.,.e: &~ signs in, bu~ sh" said s;-.~ :o~ldn't get a~"~oèy on San
Juan Roa¿ :~=o"e and help her. She aske~ ~".t the pe"ple be told to
use the gar1.e, for cars, no~ ~arehouscs. . . . that ~a~e~ a.-~Lher permit.
_~ or .,";: !~~ 3, 1972 c:ur CIOÐ1IClL MEETING
., a. about 8 units per ac:n
Herer~ ¡»rcposed thq
',,')y Stokes. _ r to c-h_.,~, ~11c Øeariu¡.
"" lie i!ear<-3. " c1o.ed
'~~~;ª~~ councl: FitzgeraU. ....:~4..~~ Irwin, Stokes, Ka1Ol',~ '
.' :";~ Ho:\e
. ~. ~'CøundJ:sm Irvin
Motion ~. s.4
t' -11....'11 Fr":~::. co=ented ~ ~ YOlo don't prC/v~de a place far
1dqcles, etc., :.:ey are go1:& ~ «:I<! up in t!1e tara~es. III bas
a ;aarõt1ng rat:~ ~: a:out S:l. 1::::.e ot;.er big rrc::e'O :,ere is t~t
:S% ~ be =eÃ;;:c:'~: tc/ t:'e reJ!f.~s but to ::,e "t::er ;>eople 1t
loo:;.s 11;;e $c::_-~~:ding fr= -'-, ouu1de. ;;e :~~;lg:'t Cluõter
za:inI on t;~iE- ~=:';,~rtr ..:oul:' :'2 L: ri8~~ if ?a.=~,:.::; could be
i.Dc:reased a~': :. ~ green area ~:'::..a~e.d.
rea. 19
Storage space
Co;.m.:i~n lr.-::: w·:c.¿ered ~a-I -~= ~awer the :-:,~~~."'::<!rs' Ass=c~a- ~:)::::':.: o':er
tlc--.s have t=' :-_l:...:::a:'~ contro: ::"'T-e-: -:h.e ¡»arkin; :::. ::--"e stree:.. ~~: ~~:-~~:-.;
1lh~ YO·"; hav .- .;.__, ::,riva~e. S~=2-£::'= )'OU ca::': :!'::I:-. g~t out 0: ~:"e
~~~~.ay at ::~;5.
!SaT::~ :,o~l c.':-~~:o?:' t:1at :,-::.~ y:-r.;. ::rive thro~g:-: :~'.~ o!d~r ;";:-
:i..-i.sio::s y~~_ ::'n~ .:ar.a 0:1 t=_~ ;==£.~ts 8:'1 o\·~r. P¿>str!dg~:'3 a
Utii' :!evelo?:-.."'-: - · ":.'111 .::....ët:r'"r-"'!.-::' there in ti :~ . ::ear:;:?
Co<õ 5:;",H said he dC/£.3£ =t see an)·thi,.~ ::¡ be propos a:
~ha~ is innc·;.i::'-;~ or imag1!3t::::re.
~~~l~~n f:::g~~a:d noted :~~ ~~ause of :'t~ ~i=~. t~ey are
1--iceó as t" "C.1: t:.ey can ::= -.-:'t::: t;,1s ;>roper:::. Perhaps ·.-e
~lè eliÄ:~a:~ :~a 2-car gara~~; zn¿ create èr~a3 :or par~~:;
r.hat are aeso:,::::a:ly done. "-"::>¡;ed garageò i~n': solve the
pr~:le.: one ':::.
!kneé by Cou::,,::"::",. 5tC/:<es. se=-~e:1 by Counci:o-,.:n INin to
d~ ap~llca::~c :~-Z-71.
~..s :
Cou~~::=en F1tzger~. Fro11eh,, S:o~es, Mayor ~oel
~ot1on c¿r.1e!. 5-0
Jløyed by Co",.,,:~=, _C~..~ by Cou"cil::a:1 Irwin' . deny
..1i.cat1on ::-~-;l.
Ca=:::::e:t Fitzgeral::. FTO:'1c!1, Irwin, StC/kes, Mayor Koel
Motion carr~. 5-0
I Ca!'3 ~:1 s:rc:oC't:
1~~ova t ~ -:e
¡a:-agas a."1¿
:!'êë..te ?ar:'i:-:.,;
¡4- Z-71 de:1éeè
2Q-TM-71 denie
t r·se 20
~ :rd. 520
:ec:::-::¿ :-..~
_..... 520
?,éS. 31%
........1'£ OF nŒ. JIoNUAKt ~. un CUt ~CIL MEETING
".' .'~.'
.~ ~... -11111811 Irvin left
"t .
';~; ¡~:.fIlPlCF.S
~, l.~
tba.' 1'" at 12;10 A.H.
....: "
3Z~ Second reading of Ord4 .)(ø. 520: "An Ordinance of die ctcy
of c-.1;>ert::o A::1end:IDS Ii ',.,- 1 of Ordina:.ce No. 2 by Þ-"'.....Uying
a Cert""- Portion of· die C1Cy of Cupertino from RJ-2.2da (StASle-
feUy ks~dent1al 2200 114. ft. lo~s) Zone to lUC-3.2 (S!:Ia1-
fæ::i:y ?æsHe:tt1al 3200 114. !t. of Land Area Per D'.:elli:la Qút)
Zone; A:""?roxi::1ately 7.48 Acres Located South Side of ..--tead
Road, =::.J Feet 11est of ~!Ie Intersection of Ho:!enead !I.=a::1 a:Jd
Barra::~3 Drive." - read by Mayor Noel.
!bved b~· c,,=il::an Stokes. seconded by Cou:lcilos:l Frolic!> :.0 ::.ave
~~inance ~:. .5~O read by t~~1.e on¡'y t and ::'\e }!.ayor' s re~:"~¡ to
c~~st~t~t~ :~; 53cond Re'¿~~~.
T.o!:S :
v:-=c~l~en Fitzgerald. Frolich, Sto~es, }myor ~oe:
C~~~:~:=an 1~~1n
Xotio: ~arr~ed, 4-0
?I-=";ed by C:~:::'::':-.a:-:. Stoke.;, -=£.c:o::.d~¿ by Cou~1cil!'1an Frol:'=.-:-, -... e::act
:~~:na~c¿ ~~. 520.
~ES: C:,::~~~~ea Fitzger"'~, Frol1ch. St~~es, ~~yor Soe:
::'=:'5: ~:=:-.~
~SENT: _:~,.:~l~a:l Irwin
Motic~ ca--ried, 4-0
~3. ~". 3:'?:: itA Ro:solut:~c=. of t::e Cit:: CC'..1~.:~l 0: t~1e ,::.:.:. ~:
c-~ï'e~::::: .\~~o·:i~g Certa=-=' C:a~-::3 a:l': 1'<'3::13 Paya'o~~ ::~ ~:,a
A;:O":':.:'5 .1:"'.¿ :ro':.1 t~,i: Pu:t!-s as Herei:1a.:t:C!" r,¿scr ;.b2.~ :: ~:" ~ a:aries
and .'a.;=$ :or the f.yro~l :eriod En-i~:1; ~ce:-.b(.r 2~. :;;:. -
rea':' ~ _: :t"¿a3~rer Frolic::'.
v~'ed èy C:~~~~:oa~ F1tzaeral~. seccn'¡~~ :y Co~acil:!a:l S:~~e3 t~
a.~O?t Res~~'_::'~a ~:o. 3:90.
AYES: C:~-~:Len Fitz¡er~~, Frclic~:, ~tckos, Mayor ~:o~l
..:;o¡;S: :;:~¿
A3SE.'I: C:_,.:i~~n 1r~in
Mo~io:> c:.Ærr1ed, 4··0
34. 10. 3191: "A IaOlutioD of the City Council of the City of
Cuputiao Alløwia¡ Cuta1ø (;'.f... and De::l8nds Payable in the
AIDouDts aDcI. frCIII tile I\Iøds .. Hereinafter Described for
General and Hisc:e] 1-...... £;<r.....! tares." - read by Treasurer
ØDnd 111 Counc:il::wa neqeralcl. MCQDded by Counc:il::lan Stokes. to
Mopt "solution No. 3191.
.&US :
CouDc:i~ riupraU. FroUch, Stokes, Mayor Noel
Non. Irvi:a
Jrot!oo c:aT1ed. 4..0
No. 3168:
"A aes01ut!oa of the City Council of the City 0:
Effecti=1 . ~~a=.¡e of S:r~et Na~e fro~ 'Saratoga-
Rom' to 'De , :¡0".11ev.r~·tt.
~Dved by CounciL~~ ritzleral~, sec~~ed ~y Ccuncil~an Sto~es to
a~o~t 1lesol~tion ~. ~le8.
~tion c:arr~ed, 4-~
t:::F1NIS:ŒD 3I:S1S¡;SS
3~. Staff re?or~ an status 0: S:evens ~ree~ 31~d. - Phar Lap Dri~e
pedes~ri.n and traffic i:¡rov~.e~t. (Con:1nued fro~ ~eet~~g
of Dec~ber 20, Ij71.)
The Director of Public ~or£s ~e~~ o~.r t~~ cost ~reaitdown of t~e
.,roject. He co:nentecl t::at in M "'.:; could ~~e City do the job
for less than $3>00; t~.refore, it ~as reco~enèej the joò be ¿one
OD a contract ~as1s. He r.c~en~ed t~e fo:lo~1n;:
~. That tha City Council .ut~ri%é t~e construction of t~e
pedes~rian :nct11ties ~: allocation of funds as outlined ~n
either Alternate II (C1t¡) or 12 (contractor).
2. That the City Council aut::or1_~ final pay:ent ~o the County 1r-
the ~nt of $4.351.16 for ~rove=ent on S~evens Creek BI~d.
at Phar Lap Drive.
B. asked that $23,250 o~ gas tax funds ~e encumbered so they ::I8Y
7roceecl with the project.
Page 21
les. 3191
Res. 31;¿
the joë
~.¡;.' '.
~apital i::-
proj ects
~'Ira:¡ted =-"=
'.deJeloper õ.E
,actively ,-::1':-<-
.i:ti 0:1 ="ect
¡ --
'Can be reai,-
f'b 6 ::onc:.s-
iCuh boa! fer
1IøYed by Coundbwl Sco1Ea. .econded by Counc1Iman l1userald to
ilpprove Alter.¡ate 12 .... that the project be budsetal per the staff's
Dsør :
CouncilMD l1tzaeralcJ, !'roUch, Stokes. Jra»or loel
Councill:aaD Inia
1løC1øs carried, 4-0
37. Staff review of CouDcy Cooperative Capital I:zz,r__nt Projects.
(Continued fr= ::eUin¡ 0: Ðece:Ùer 20, 1971)
Tne Director of l'uòl1c tior". said t'1ere are only three 11_ projecu:
t~.orary signalizatl~ at ?~ar Lap Drive and St.~e:1' Cree~ Blvd.;
~idenIng of Stevens Cree£ 3:vd. at 05~ .iea:øw; a.~~ a ~.ie5tr1al :oo~-
~ath on ~kC¡ellan for t~e ~11~ sc~ool 3t~~ents. ~e ~~: t~e~ f1m u~
his letter to the COU:1t; D~rector of Public _01'£..
38. Ai'real ~y A?rllca~t 'ar1 Cru~p Developaents, :nc., of t~e denial
by :-:annlnß Cu_.iss~on 0: t:~e. re~uesteè exten.~on o~ t:"1e
Tentative ::a¡> 0: Cree;c ?.a::C:1 I,. CUjlertIno.
The Planni,.; Director sa~¿ exte:1SiO~3 of t1:-,e are :lcr'4:1:' sra~ted
:asea O~ ¿:lig~nt p~rs~c~ =7 t~~ a?p:icL~: O~ & :eve:c~~~t ,roject.
A;>.licatio~ 12-nl-é~ -,·U ~jI¡>r=ve¿ ,,:1 June ~5, 1 je. E:1.i~eer :ng
Ðepartclnt letter s~t to ~ar1 Cru~~ ou:linin¡ ~~c~.~ts .~¿ fee
require::le;¡ts. date~ ":a~~:-:'" 13. Ij7 J. ! .ard Cra'~;' s .::¡ir.eer 'las
su?plie1 .dth CQrrect lo:u t., f 1:1&: "'1' .:1<1 1-,¡>ro':e-.e,.: pla:1s in
~.ay, 1970. Te:1tat:'le =<I¡> '-a3 e;:~l:õie<i on Ja::' :;, :i7Q. The
Developer has Dot !:e~:I ~:> c=~,~act '-l it', t:,is 0: f ~C~ re..ardi::s : ina!.
ap?roval 0: me? and ¡>¡~ si-.ce J~ne 1)70.
~. J1:> Grover, 0: George $. ;:o!.te O::ices, co:-_:::-=e1 t::1& ?roject
~s just sat for a year. '!:.e estate of ~tr. Cru-? i"i sa:: 1:"1g t:~at
vith1:1 6 ","onths perhaps t:,e¡ can 'lave ~OC'1e pla:1 :.se1 0:: t:-.e Tc~tati\'e
!".ap. '
Co:mc1lcan Fitzaerald askeè if a:1yth~", :lore has. ':ee" ~O:1e about
the gradi:1g. ~r, x.y Cru:lp 3aid ~e ~ou:d je g:ad ;0 pat u? a cash
bo:td on this. The D!rector of Pu::'llc ·.:or~.;; sa:''; t~~e re:ercnce was
to the alleged da~ge :0 the road. :~o Cr~~? ~ai¿ ~e ~a~ no~
convinced of t:~eir respo:ui;,ilit)O at ta.o tic,,,. T.~~ flood ?lain could
shift. They tave ~e¡>t tae ~u11dinS3 at a:1 elevat~o-. a:'ove the water~.
T:1e Flood Control would ~alan~e the flood jlldin ~: a new ap?:icat1on
were subcitted. Mr. Gro~er wo~ld :i~e to ~eep i: where It is.
:.: .'~
( ;c
"'l'<Y~ awed by Coundl:lan Stotes. . ,r--ocJ-l by CoWIcil:ilan Frol1cb to
'::~I\ ,'j;J;¡..uove a 4__nth exteusløl fft':app1ication 12-12t-69 topcller wid¡
.,1,' ,,">',.1:,', ?, ¡tbe. conclitiO:1 that sCllle pzvrisSøD be, aide for the cornet· .. to
'+'" ""J{ A, Scenic Drive.
-~!,:'f£~~7~~f':,' '
\,;(';1;c't: Hot1_ aøf.i. 4-0
<:"-;;/;~" :~!"':5f, ,!
'-:t: '
'" ::~
39. Resolution No. 3185: -. -.solation of tile City Cotmcll of t~e
City of Cu;:>ertino A;P&'-bIC F1Dal Map of Tract 5103. oak
Kead",,'s, Unit 2; Accqt!Dc Certain Dri"tes. Places, A~ and
Road,; A:1thor1z1ng ~ Cit:r E:lgineer ..~d t!1e City Clerk to
Sign t;,e Final Map; a::Jd k:t)Wdz1ng the Agrece:1t in Ccmaec~io
Therë:'-::Ù" -- read by Y.ayor Soel.
~ved by ~~~cil~an Sto~5.
adopt R~sc:~:::o~ No. 3185_
Vorks, t~ê ðJOVe rnotio~ _as
5eC~~ed by Cou~c1lnan Fitzgeral~ to
~~ re~uest of ~~rector of ~~~¡1c
71":.e Dir~c:t.:= of Public ·";0:"£.5 sa~¿ he ",·anted to add so=e c==.¿i~:O::'3
~o t~e R:=~:~:io~ ragardtag cCe geolog1ca¡ survey. The g11:.~~e
Study ~:l: ~,.~lude provisi~ f:r :~,rds or co,.3ultants for geo-
logical =~~~:=s. Ha as~~ fc~ ~he require~e~t that t~e !~velcrers
'Pay a f¿e ::r an i,.partia: g~o:ogist. ,:e a,:,ed for a 3¡:ec~al
cond1ti~~ :~r the purpose of ~o¡¿1ng u;:> or any ~u~l¿ing per::;ts or
grad ins pe=:'t3 until a ra;>ort satisfactor:,' to ti¡e staff an': t::e
City Co~nc~: ~as been sU:--it~ed.
Counc11~,. :to~es sa1~ ~ too~ 7ery strong except10n to ~av~=.¡ t~e
developer ~:'re a geolog~~ ~ also to pay t~a fee for t~e ~ity to
also get a geological re-port. Be believes t~e City s~oul¿ pa~ for
it. T~e D:'rector of Pu~¡~ ~or~s said it is a .ell-kno~~ fact ~::e
is a co=p:et~ly polariz~ op~ion of one person to anot~er.
Council~~ S:o~es said if ~=ese questions are going to ~ep co=~ng
up the City ,~ould have t~ir o.~ staff to analyze t~e s1tuat~on
and to put it in term3 r~~¡y understood by t~e Co~ncil.
~e City ~3nager suggest~ per=aps we shoul¿ hire one cC='5ul~ant
and add ~is rae to the he s:::=edule. Counc::l::a:\ Sto~es sai¿ t:1e
fee structure should be restru:tured to include this and s~ld be
tnclude¿ ~it~ all applicar~o--5. es;:>ecially as ~e start get:~ng i:t
hillside d¿~elop~ents. ~~n Frol1ch felt the fee should be
1Dcluded only in those areas of the City where it would be
Tbe City Attorney susgested Kesolution No. 3185 could be adopted
subject t~ t~a condition ~t it ~ot be signed until 'receipt 0:
a leolog1cal report, a Sa=itary District report, and C. C. . ._'s.
He said there could then be a separate minute order to the eff~ct
Page 23
_tension to
City s::oul¿
pay for
Change fee
City Attorney
con<iit10ns to
I iI!s. 318S '
I E-;rted
: :;' =andit1oDS
or 'IIŒ ~ 3. 1972 CIU ~ MEEtIHG
., ..... ¡radü& - builtliq ~
d;¡"', -..... .
1~:~ij ,-..
<~'<:;.., eon....i'-"' Stokes. .~
10. liSS vit;b tM '
f_ to be issued II:J.til certain c:oadlUGIIIJ
- - b7 Councilman Fitzgerald co adopt
-1.-4__ ~_eDded ~y the City
Motion cØdeI. 4-0
by Counc::-"- Stokes, se ,-' ~ by Co:.1Dcil;:¡an Fitzgerald to have
r _ .-.te reT~e-; ::: the geolosf'"'"Y survey by a CO:13alt1\nt in reaart!
eo eaz-:hquakes a::xi õ;het:ter or DOC i.c Ú sufficiently satisfactory for
COII:J.~~~~ Fitzgerald. 1rol~c~, S~oke3. ~Yðr Noel
~,,~ion carrie!. 4-0
_:_ hsolut:'C'::. :::. ]::~: "A h~o¡~::'o~ of t:.e C:.::: CO:.1ncil of t:-a.e
:i~y of C";:~:,~: Accept~g ~~~a~~"~ 0: R:¿: ,r0?~rty for
~~~ay ?~~7:$;3 :ro: ~la:c~ ~. ~oel:Íel; A~?r~xi~at~ly .52 Acre.
~~cated A~:~ :~e XQrt~erl: 5~~e 0: Steve~s Cre~~ Blvd.
.__ .!!soluu.,,. :::. '::37: "A ~~~~o~ of t:~e C~:y Council of t::e
:ity of C_~~=::~~ Ac~epcini ~=~~ of Eas~~=nt :~r Pu~lic Ut~lities
::~o~ Bla~.:_:= ::. :~=lf:el; A,-p=o;::;-:atel}9 1.27 :~.:re3 t Locate::
E:nather:y :: =::·...~ns Creek ;:.-::. ~¿ nort::e= 0: T!'act 418ó. If
~_ hsolut:'':7- :::. 3:';3: ";.. b50¡'-=t::?~ of t~.e C:':y Co~:\c11 0: the
~~ty of C~;!=~:~~ Accept~ng ~=z=: of Ea3e~=~: :~r Sto~ Drai~
....:r?oses :=:-: ~:.t~c::c ß. ~,:~::~e:; ';??roxc~.1t¿::' .139 Acre;
l.oca~e¿ c:. .: ::!·:è~S Cree~ !¡v~ -;; of Foct~-.i:: 31 vd. If
~ ~sent C&:!::'~3r ",·as read by :!"=..yor ~;oel.'
~ , -. .2
, .::;ced
eð by Cou~=~~~~ St"~e3, secaaé:: :y Counc~:~a~ Fitzgerald ~o
the Con5==: :ale~dar.
~~tion carr1et. 4-0
JlIIlUTES '.)1' TI!E JA.''WAllY 3. 1972 CITY COtnlCIL M£ETIIG
43. City Staff
~ City ~~na~er 3ai~ official word bas baen received frOD BUD
chat a Lett<!r to l'rocêi:d .,n tbe o,en S,ace Park l'To¡;ran !n the
aIIOUI1t of $175,OC,) has been received. t!tis ~o.. not co=it fund
assurance to ~h~ Cit7; Dut we now have 3 C~a:1c.' out of 4 for
-cetting the :loney. this lIill co::e Defora the Coune:.l at the IICItt
The City ~~nager said aaot~er =Itter received ~oo late to ¡at on
t;¡is agenda, ::itr. thdr finalized 1ate of J&:1~~rJ 5~¡'¡, 15 in
regard to tAF'::O sp;\eres of i:lf:Lu~Dce for t:.e :·ti~-Eenins~la
B2gio~l ?ar~ District.
Moved by C~uDcil~aD Sto~es, sec?~ded by Counci:~n F1:z6~ra¡d to
instruct the City ~~nager to re~ucst a de:La, o~ t~is uatter L~d
to have ~t on t~e next Cou~cil aèenåa.
Motion carrie~, 4-0
The Inter-City Council :¡eeting is sc¡'¡eduled for January 13t~.
44. Cit}" CO:1Dcil:¡en - :;0 re¡>or~s.
45. Recognition by Mayor of non-agenda ite~s. ~one requested,
MOved by C~uncil~an Sto~es, seco~ded by Council:an F1tz~era:d to
adjourn :he =eet1ng at 12:55 A.X.
Motion carried, 4-0
,., Clyde L. Noel
Mayor, City of Cupertino
I.' YD. E. Ryder
City Clerk
Page 25
BUD rec.i.,ei
Let:.:- to
Proce~ 001
Par:~ Pro¡ra::
LAFro s?:-.eri<s _,
!n:l::e~::e ::'e1..;~: