CC 01-17-72 . ~ . ~;¡, ~ .. o¡ C~7:.?:.·· :. ::.ate o~ Ca:'~!C'r:1:':) l.Ø3cO Torre A·::;:~..;.". Cu?ertic.o, Calí!crnia T~e-.?:3G:1e: ~=-.:-.¡,:]:. HINU'ŒS "i ,!or; REGUUII. J ŒrØG or T!lE CITY COUNCIL HELD JX;c.\RY 11..1Pl. DI THE ,COUNCIL C:WlBER Ct:T \!ALL, ~a..._. CALlFORN1,~ .,r; ~"':. ,;,'.\',; V1<"~' .,-...... 1'0 '£& ¡:..v; "'':''. Noel c...l:,~ 62 !:leet1D¡ tø oreer at 1 :30 P.M. with the ~~e to the r:a;. KLL CALL ec.ocilmer. 0 re~ z:': : ~il~e~ ~'s-~:: FitzgeraLi. Frolich, Irwin, Stokes, Mayor ~C~: Kone ~~ê':: pres~::t: City Manager ~~~~lan City Attar:>-..,. kia-:'~ (7 :40) Direccor of ~~i~istrativ~ Services Ry~~~ Di.rector c! Pla:::1::"a~ a~d D~;\'~lop~Jent S:'5~: Director :! ~.::'l:'r. t.Jor~\.5 y:'\....:'1C'rouSh Director :p! ?a:::s ¿:it:. Rec!'{.ati:on Butler Record~~ S~c:e~Qrr Lois i~;'::1!'¿s ~s-:'!'¡::'S 0: :.~ -'-_.:"":;0; M££:Tl~G ^:rprr:'!\"..1:" .:: ~::'~:'.ltcs of re._:.a~ ~_ect¡:1g ~:' ~':'~··~u.::r:· :}t 1;':-:. :.=r....~c:l:"~:': ::'.:~:~'. :<;.ad 2 cone-ct.:':.."!s ti:' t~:c ~~':r.;:~s: O:l j-.3;-: :..:~ ..:.:dd!l' .:: :": 5::~. paralra;-~. ;I¡o~¡d r2;:è: '".. .!.aJ ~~".¿ :~-=-:'i:l' t~~: .:-:' :-€>:"t RJ ·....0",;1=. ~;. ":'é a::'pr-c?r 2t~·. ~ ;:¡¡ge ;'i.. : - -:> para~r&~::. ~~:__¿ :'n¿icat~ t:"':...lt t:l~ c; :-: A.::'=:"~è1 .;1.:::- ~'': :"~d:' t:le :".a:-:·r .:::.t :e ?O$t;'C'::o:"~. !i:-red b:t C,":,;.:,::_ .J:\ Stoj(es. se.:.:t~~a.~ 'by CC;J~":::-"=~: In:ir. t",.. .ë..;- ;:rc\¡·t!' t:1ê ~~::-_..:':: ..Jf Ja~ua:-; ;. :.~ï~ zs cor~~cL'.J. MOt1o: ~i~¿. 5-0 ! CC- ,"3 .Pag~ 1 . - .....;. I I'::<jr=_c:~o., I I I I I t " .'. ... ..-- ~·':~_:c..-; _f.:.. 1:_. . á7p!"':"'::; ~ :\ ~ c:~rr~...::t: .. j'{ > . . OF 'IB£ JA!\"11AKY 17, 1972 em COUde1L MEETING '1;' " Lf'· '1-71 ¡~ . for ,.,.,~\ , tns 2'o#îa) Le~ter of appeal fraÎII;a: Herle Loney regarding P11UU11D8 C)-t-iOll denial of ~1iut1on 37-Z-71. " .~ ìr"' .' ,~, by eoo-n-- Stokes. secoøded by Councilnan Irwin to set for BeariD& ap¡tUcation 37-Z-71 011 February 7, 1972. Motion carr1ell. s-o b. Re<¡uest by Madani EnteQrises, Inc., that the City Council and Fl~--ing Ca=œis31oa ;roceed with the approval of the street pa~tern for the proposed Mariani Mall and 1n1t1a~e those ste~s necessary in the formation of an assessaent d1scr~c~. :!ariani ::at~ referred to ~lan:¡. Ca=r- by Counci~~~ Stokes, secocded ~y Counc11nan Irwin to refer e ~ariani ~tter to the Pla~ã1!ng ~ission. ~~t1on carried, 5-0 c. Req~¿s: :ron Santa C~ara c=u~:y Girl Scou~ Council, Inc. for per-_>ssion to conduc~ t~e a~~ual sale of Girl SC0ut C".:'~':'i:S :r:':1 Fcbr..ar:' ¿5 t:'ro".Jg:. :-1arch ó, 1972. This ~as b~,~ ~~~¿r¿j by t~e ?~~:ic S~¡:citatio~ Cc~isslon. ~lrl Scoa~ CiC'O:':1e sa: t o!>;"d e¿ 'by COt;~c::~~:: Sto:"e3. sE:c:~::'e¿ <:y Counc:'l~an 1~...111 to gra:1t r:13Sio::. ::-r :':¿ ;i.rl Sc~·..t C'::o~:.e ;a:"c frc:"J Fet-r'..1ary 25 thrl)ug~"\ c:: 6, :97':, .I:::;' ta waive t:.e wual :uslness lic~n:;1! fee. ~ot1o~ carried, 5-0 d. Requejt :r:'~ E¡~c::r:'c.al CC:1.tractcrs· A5:::;,~..:iatr.on of San.ta C:ar.1 \'"i.~:e:· for t:¡e C~t:; G: Cu?crti;~C' t'-' '".:t!.af:ain th~ presf:-.t :è.·/-el of e:ec:.ri:al ;2r~i: l.c~" l::J~.: considering aèC'rti,;·. :i a~r ¡",.e·'" e~cc":rica: '.Jr¿i:1a~ct.:. ~:ec. :;er:z...:.= :~e.s re!é:T~ :.:: ¡:1,.e s~a:!: : by Ccu~..: :.:.:--....i. Stukes. seco:lde¿ ".J:: Co.¡:~..:i ~~".2:1. fi tzr~rald to refer above ::a::¿:- :.:: t;le stat:. Motion carr~e¿, 5-0 e e JIUII1J:;S OF T:Œ JA.'mARY 17, 1972 CITY COUliC1L MEETING e. Request frCXII Atto~ey løbert }k!J......e that application 35-Z-71 be postponed until February 7. 1972. .", ""j..:4: Noel asked if there vas anycn:e pree.nt in the audience to ..,__w.. to application 35-Z-71. There vas 110 response. beet by CoU:1ci;-~n Stokes, seconded by Council;!:an Irwin, to ~ne application 35-Z-71 until February 7, 1972. Motion carried. 5-0 The Director cf Adninistrative Services stated there were also uaaerous comounications relating to agenda 1te~s and generól ~ormation ite~. ~e Counci1cen had copies 0; these letters. ~ed by Counci:=a~ Stokes, seco:1ded ~y Councilman Irwin to receiv a=d file the _ritten Co~unications. Motion carr~ed, 5-0 3. Oral Co=cu~ications (a) Requè$t ~y Counci~n for re=~val o! ite~s fr~~ Ccasent Cale:::Ar. T~re ~ere no"e. J:::p.;)RI OF COL~~:!. REi'ESE.'nAT1VE3 4, Transporta:i~:: Policy Co=~ttee - C:unciJ",(.;¡ FroliÒ Cou:cil::uan Fr~::c:i ~did ~here is a rèc¡:;est !::-= t:'i$ Comittee tì:a the Council a¿:,t a resolu~ion 5u~porti~g a June election for trans.it. Ccr~cih1an Fr::i.::-. l~as been ap¡to::.:.e~ t:: t~e "Clean-Up Sub-Co~1tt e" to follow thr:";c cn such :atters as r..=~val of taxing pO"er, etc. S. Plannin~ P::icy Co~it~ee - Council~n Fitzgerald A E&solutioa is forthc~i:1g regarding ~~te Sello Ridge. CC-I03 Page 3 35-Z-71 postponed to Feb. 7th I."r1t ten Cc=~:1:!.cat~ons recei"Jeå a::G. fHed .!'.,;:"p e:'E-ç:,:,~:: !o= tra::4j.~ Clea:-.-u? :o-=.-: _ t t. t.~f' a:-103 Iqe 4 I: .'.~ - ;.- J.;> , }~ '::ucatlo::¿;' ;':'ograa '>:1 ¿rug3 . . S OF THE J....~A1ly 17, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Inter-c1ty Cou3cll - Mayor Roel ~.r .. replaced at the .etiDg the previoua week in Los Altoa. are now a liaison between the school dietricts. League of California Cities - Mayor Noel Association of Bay Area GoverDDents - Councilman Frolich Flood CO:1tro: Advisory Cc~ission - Counc1lrJan Stokes. ~O. Santa C:ara Co~nty :Iater Co~ission - Councilnan Stokes neet1ng. :.1. Solid :':ast= ':o:"_""1ittee 0: Planning Polic:: CO:~"'3ittee - CO~. Puetz. 1>0 r:eeting. :2. Drug A~us~ C=~ittee - Counci~~ Irwin ?riorit1es '''.re "sta"'l1s:~~d at t~e ,=cet1:1g t'1e prev~ous thursda>". T~ey are nc~ go:~g into a~ eiucat1o~al progra~. because t~ey first ~ed to k:1o·,~· ·.:her~ the ~roble:-~ are. :3. H111si¿e Co~~ctee - Council~n Stokes 3;0 neet1ng. ~'NING CO~~![SSIOS :4. Suboissio:1 of ~1nutes of re¡¡ular ::1oet1~g of Ja:1uary la, 1972. . . .!IUI1u.s OF T1Œ J....'nJARY 17, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 15. Suboissi?~ ~y t~e Planning COmaission of the Service Station leport wit!: r~uest for review aDd adoption by tbe City Counci . !be Planning Director referred to the staff report of January 13. Be _ggested ~::at t:,e Council set t".is for review at a later date. !bIred by Ccr~:x:~l::3:l Irvin, seconéed by CCluncilœn Fitzgerald to pu£ this ~attê~ ~~ the agenda socet~e when it is a light agenda. Motion carried. 5-0 AJlCBlTECTUIW. };:>; SITE APPROVAL COJ~TTEE 1(:. No o¡eeti::g. P,t3ÃS AND Jë:~"':"\:>}:; CO¡.<}!ISSIG:; ¡;. Submiss:::'". .:-: ~~:::utes of r-:~r~~ar ::1eetir..g 0: Ja:'~ary 11 t 1972. Cc---:'Jcil!:'1.an ~::':i:3 ~.1i:: :~C nc:.~:' co-:..si¿era~:e ::':':$-(':..:.33"10:1 about s~~t~~g U? 3~~ ~:a~5. rer~a?; it ~o~:è be ap:r0?~iat( for th~ c.:.-;::.,::il to _____ :::~: ~:~e ?ar~.s a::~ R~cre:a~:o~ C::".-.:_33iorl to go ~~r t~le Sl..'\~:: .i. .: ':3pital c~<J':~-.E:::t. Mayor ~O~¡ sel this ::cetin~ :':':' FejriJal"Y :. - :3: ?H. i:-: t:.e :"~~rary. ilA:'ER CO~~~I~~:':~~ l~. ~o ",eet::,g. U3M.~Y co:-~:>::~:; 1';. Subr.tiss::~ :: ~~lnutes 0: regular ::.eeting 0: Ðcce",ber 21, 1972. cr?EXrINO C::::~-:3' GOALS co~rrr::;: 20. (a) S~::::ò,:~" of Minutes 0: Steering Co~ittee meeting of Ja:~~ry 10. 1972. (b) SU:::~$s:~~ of the C~pp.rtino Citizens' Geals Report. CC-103 Page 5 Service statio~ atudy to go on light agenda P & R C.,~,'--. :''";' :-:e~t ',y,'::;cu:.c:. 7 ::;,j ì'~! a ,. . i:1 t, e :.: ·_'r.:::" cr:-l03 ;oh&e 6 . Karp-'tf' ...temeuts L..ovil!'l and C".........~ents 011 L~o'Ct .!:"Ci1 6t:. ..:. ::J._~ 1 ine. '::'..:.:':.c:'1 ac.: -==-:",CJi 1.":: :~t 8:1-:' .a..5t:..! _ : ~ ':G:r:.C:l=~ ~ ,: ;.r~;: eta :-",',:ti-,g =~5 ": prier ~-;ro':31 :.:'-=~ a:-:.d ':.;rove .--= :.-~__;e:1t ro'.;'::e ::: ;!:Clella=. I I ¡ , I . . ea of the january 17. 1972 City Council !!eating ": . Jløbert C. IBpen, Ch4f- of the Coals Coc::úttee, went over the t. He said they bad cba MdatallCe of over 90 citiaeu of tino 1: ~Uing this .efOrt. Be hoped t.'at the City would now this inforution as,¡vf"..U..... in future decisions. Be said they offering to continue ~ eUort in phase III. Mr. Karpeu said e will ~e a coa.d1atioa of the s.qp1cent to the Report. containing er8nce pa¡ers, bibliosrapldes. aDd a oeans 0: updating the 1le¡>ort. said 400~ ¡-~s have heea spent on this Report. , .r, , or Noel as~e: t~e Goals' Coa:ittee's pe~~ssion to send ¡>arts of Report t~ t=e Comm1ssiODS and Coamittees ~~~olved. for their eview end r~~endat1ons. Councilman Fittçe=ald would like ~o have - e C=1ssi:::.s and Co=1ttees notify Mr. ""~e~. -,:he" this ·...111 c01:le their a£~3 so a repres~tat1ve of t~e :oais Cocc1ttee can be .esent. Co~::l=an Stokes ~ld like a rê~~¿' and co~ents fr~ the lected ;,e!'=::-_:'~: on the sc·-:o-.:1. ~oardt etc. ~~¿ ·...·oul¿ also liite to - ::.sCUS'3 :::.:::.?:.:?:::ation. Cc-.::lci1=.aa lrt··i:: =:~.; :i:aente¿ !{r. ::arpen -:Jr holdir.; :.-.~ C!,)...::¡ittee ccg::t:'er fot such; :'.:o::.g tine i.:\ order to ~o a good ::: :,. ta1s. , t::·;or. r~cc:.::-::':::.i::.'C':-. of C:)Uc.c:"!..:-...a:". S~or:es, . 3.:-.::... '-, 1972 ~:a:; set as t:,e t:a:!llne f:':- : '; ~:':I)!'t to ~e. =ac~ fro·) :. ¿ ==-..;::'5510:".'3 an¿ Cc~~-ittees. ..2~·or :;Cè: .i~':-::' :ircct?r S;'5~ t.o coordi:;a:::- .._,h '.L7ye:' b:· ::_·::'_~.!:1 lr·le. secondt;¿ :,y C-:,.·::·-....l~ Fitz;:era!.-: ';'J acce?t _"':.e: G-::als -~ -_::.t'- Re?ort a:".:: CO :'.ave :t '.' ::"~~:.:':c--! to t'.e ·,,·a:-':ou·,; __._:ttêC.: ¡'.,: ...:o:-:Üs.·>!C''!'\;. f~r t:-.eir re;o"'r: .;:~: ~y :~arc:.. 6.1972. ~þtio= ~arr~e~. 5-0 :t vas trc:..~ : ::.:: that an'" !ee: :or cons'..:~:·.~-.; :y the Gcals CT:-.ittcc ~ould ne~c a?prova: 0: :~e C:ty C:u~::~. ~'U31.1C !lEA..~~;: ::. PrOin'lSE..: ::r t~l~ esta::l~.:=..£:r..t. of ?rt.~'::'':-~ ;-:'a:l. li.n~s fer t:-,e re81.iê:-~-~::: .:: HcC1el:'a::. R.o¿¿ !ro:1 ;'yr:·.': .\'.';':":J~~ to F0C:;¡il.: Blvd. e Plan~::.; J':':-ector revi~.....e::: ::~t ?reci~~ .. _ ··.~:_':;1 :i~re ?:ac£:d on ~e bull~:::"_ ·:::.1r~. He sa~'::: ~he: ·.J'cre J.:..:. _ :--._ ';:-y t~.·~ ?:ann:'ng Ç.__issio:-. =,: 3,': :'¿3St th.r~e ¿~::ferc:nt C":':;:,";·.- _. Tn~)" re·lie~,"'e-i the Lterl1ati·;:=~ ,,::'':.Jsing the ~=..e ·..·h:.:::1 iI~'J~~-,'-,-; ·._~:.=-..'..ng a:1¿ i:":"'i'roving :'~e pres¡;:::. l~:'~~ê!:nt rather ~r..a:-. t;-.€ rout..: .. .::. ·..10:.:.1J. g~ dire.ctl>· ~ross t:':~ ::::rj-:; Ra:1ch. W1:~ th:!.s in L~':::::~ _.'~ ::nf~~ccring Dei'art::lcnt ¡,roceedt!¿ -":'::. ::.....~ I'lan to :.a.k~ t::e prt:s~:-.: :"::';'~r.! safer a:1è to City na:1-iard, . · e ~i11I'ES OF T!E: January 17, 1172 CIT': r.oU:-:C!L ~:::F.T1~IG Council::lan Stokes asked 1£ ~re are a:1Y changes in the grade. T_ Director of Public Worü said the ')lan calls for a minimum of of work in order to allow a 60' street. C~unclltlan Stokes said it was his c?i~io~ t~at in some portions, 5) feet would be adequate. This could be aCCŒ1¡)1ished 0)' eli::1inating the sidewalk on one side. It ...as brought out that bic:'cle pat:u will be needed Council~n Stc~e3 ...ould li,e sa:e furth=r study 0:1 the two section of the roaå ~~ere the road goes dO':tI a:1¿ ir.to t~e valley and cones back up, out of ~he canyon. Cou~cilnan Fr,,:ic~ wanted ~o e.inbize to," ta;"::'~s 0: sClr.le of the hoases. The ~:recto~ 0: ?ubl~c ~cr~3 ~ai¿ a ~:~i~~~ of 250' radiu is :-.eeded at t::e cor"ers. He added t;l¡:t. it ·,:ill be s<r\e ti:oe befo e ~~ere will :e a ~eeá :or car~ta: L~?rC72~~~~ ~o~~y. T~1~ prQject viII be done- g~ad·.lally. L:ïe:: ar~ pr~s(>::~:':; ·.;or~'~;"~ ·,Jit~ the Count)· on th;:: short curves ·,·:~ere peð·~s: r _iL:~ arc i:1vol"¡eò. I tC-103 Page 7 .~ '. , , Further stud)" on 2 sections Councilnan 5::',:':5 ~ote¿ tr.1s :"s t:'e o:t:~· :3~~~-··i.=~t c'Jl:ector Stnp lig:-.ts street ot~2r :,:i~ Stcve~5 Cre~~ =_~d. ,~~~:~Restr~ stop 1!~:1t~ at t3e busy i:l:~r~:,-'lions. Cou~cilr.;.ar. I~::n cO::I::1ented :;-.3-; ~~~e !n.:".:o~ ar~ a ne-:-e£3ity. The City should :"èe;- the pro?er:.:; cn.~ers :;:.:~':"~.t.".3. as to t::e plan;~ 1 i."! t:ta.t arCE-. Cou~cilca~ ~:~~2~ Cr~e:, Blvd. said c~e tra!í!c shøui¿ ~. $tccrcd to~arj St~venJ Y.ayor }:oel as,~": for CO::=1e:1ts :ro=. t:.e a":":~¿':1CC. Attorney Da:-:. :>::-..~\·an said :"'E:- t:i:present..:": C. ..e. Si.::'.3. He askc·j ::.:0',' ~h1s 1s goir.g t~ be financed.-- an aSSi~~~er.t ¿istr!ct or out or the General ,,,"C>. T¡,(> ?u~1éc ·"'"r:;s D'.r¿ct,'r 3aid t~is will he " gradual t:1:~~. rhe p:a:: ii:':.:..n; of the str ~(>t ~er2~.~· sets the vertical a:1¿ :-:':r~zontal a::g:1..-:~:-4t for Jè\·rlo~ers a:: tÜey cor..\.' !~. At this poi:::. ::~~od)· has ag,:'ced to a::. a";5es~:::.~::.t di.=trict. He doubted t::'at :":'::5 \...ould appear ·...·ithin t~~ :~~xt f iv~ years. T~'!.cr~ ~ave been ::C' ~:a~s for i'ur:::'1asi:-.g tht> :~v::~5. Mr. Carl Zel:~r said he o~s the ?ro?crty O~ the cor"er of Sa~ta Paula and Sa~ L¿anåro. He ".:a:lted to ~::'O": ·.~·h'· the tra::í lc has to be funneled =:-.:.J Santa ?au:a to get to fC'vt:lil1. 31vd. lie feels there is alrë-.aiy t\)O ~!Jc:. tra:lic in :..::~ir I"i"siJc:1tia.!. area. Ee agreed thef':~ :S:'~:lld oe b1~è ?a:hc; or s':':~<;,·al~s t!\crc, but ",,"ould DOt like to Sè¿ ~ore traffic t~er~. H~ a~~cd ;~è Director of Public Wor"s ·.:'1 it has to be changed. Tl1!.S ?la~ sets: vert:'...:ai and ~;or~z'::...tJ.: a1 i~:¡J;'\e:-.t 'li£8 paths ¡~ idea :'..aite Ó la :oe3 on SC3 1m; rov a::.e:o t of ;'.J~:J ·...·i1: :-;e~p ? la~n i r~g ::.e.::!d ~d :1\)',: ¡ Public i,~ar!ng i postP°:1C¿ , . I . . MINUTES OF THE JAlWAaY 17, 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEETIHG ,The Director of l'ubl1c Works said it is never ¡oocI _. to learn a collector street 18 10101 to be 80inl r1¡be b1 1our~. Thare are a _ber of probll!lll8 vitb the road as it 18 lIOII. Tha1 bave tried to keep the radii to a ainimuul. There is a ¡reae need for a colbctor street there, In order to bring the street straiaht on throulh vvuld involve extensive ramping and sHe slopes. It would _an the reaoval of the scenic ~eauty of the area. Hr. George Davis. Merr1:nan Road, said they would like to be left alone out in that area. t:,ey are in an unincorporated area snd tbey resent Cupertino's encroachnent. He does not believe there is all tr~t traffic on lkClellan. ~e suggested stop signs would make the road safer. Bike paths are a good idea on McClellan. r. Paul Reece, 1047 Mira Vista, said he has objections as to the why and ho,", t'lis is going to be don:'!. T,le road a.' it exist.. discourages tra:fic and sp2eding. Hc likes t:1e idea of bike paths. lie ."g¡;¿3tC¿ ta:dng the "'0"":; t~at ,could i'Jprovc McClellan a,d use it to ~2k2 6 lanes on Stevens Cr"e~ Blvd. ,~rs. Cole said she lives t,,.o doors fro", the high sc:'ool. She ';o:!<Jcrs ':f t':¿ i::-.?rov'~"':".~n: oÍ 3u1:b ~rJad t~ t.1C inlludtrial par~ wiii al:eviatc =ú-:~ of t~1e prob¡e~ on XcCl(!llé:~. "~~¿e::ing of StèV~:1S Creek !31vd. ...·i:l also help. .[1". R. D. KO~fìitzcr, 100:'0 :':lar Lap Driv~. <;aid .~.~ 2re not talking :t":o·~t so:-~cthing to be donr.:. i-.:Je:¡:'atc,~y; rather it ',,¡i:l :e ~¡pr'~3J out over 15 to 20 )·cars. Unless th~ Cft\' and Ccu"ty stO? all ¿cv"lop- ~!~t in that area, we are ~ac~j ::!t~l i~cr~a~e~ tra!fic. We need to ser~ous:'}~ considar the ~.wi.:i'~ni:1g of :!cCl:.!lla>1 no',.: ;:;0 the nc',/ people ov:::" into tne area ';on I t 'Jay t,¡cy do", I t :,,.0'; a'Jout t:" plans. !ayer ~oel said t~e dC7elo?Ment is gof~g i~to th~t area. The only :a;c to do som<>t'ling aJout it i3 f"r t:!ose ",ho o!>jcct to it to talk o t:w.ir neighbors so t:ley ,,.on't sell or develop their pro;lCrty. ':r. Roy Davis, Herri,oan Road, asked ','hy the road is ~oin" t~ connect :it;, Santa Paula. He said :":cst of t:,c tra~fic 0', Foothill !Hvd. is n SU:~d3YS. He 3ugg~sted uidenln5 of tilC ~rici£f~ o:l1y. O\~cJ by Cou:~c11:":an Sto;(es. ßêconùr>d ~)r Cou:1cil:-.a'1 Frolic:l to postpone ::e :'~~Cle¡lan proposal to t¡.c :1e:-:t r~~nlar :'letit:r.,'" :-.:: al¡o~,· ti:::e for he .staff to ta:,....e t~2 co::..·:'h~n~3 t.:a:ie at tÙL; :.....~ct:..:'~'1 i:ltO consideration. h. ?ubl~c Hcaring is ?o~tPQned. ::Otion carried, 3-0 . ,. . K1NUT:S OF THE JA.~UA.I{Y 17, 1972 CITY COU:¡CIL :-c:cr1NG 22. (a) Applicati~n 33-Z-7l by F&~11y Hones - Lytle for the prezon~r., of 0.43 acre frOQ County 1ll-8 (Single-family Residential 8,OaO sq. ft. lots) Zone to City of Cupertin 1ll-7.5 (Single-f~ily Residential 7,500 sq. ft. lots) Zone; and Tentative Ma~ to divide said property into two lots. Sai¿ property is located "ortherly of anå adja- cent to U..r"o;a Avem:e, approxi::ately 200 feet east of Byrne Avenue. 1leco==ended for approval. First reading of Ordi~nce N~. 523: "An Or¿'.nancc of t;¡C C1tj· of C'lpertino k¡c:1dir.g Section 1 of Ortli:.a:·.c~ ~b. 2 b:· PreZO~i:l6 3 C-:rtain Portioa of the COT,;:1ty fron County R:,-8 (S:~~12-fa..,ï::.y Residential 8,000 sq. ót. lots) Zone to Ci:~' of C:¡pHti"o Rl-7.5 (Si,,;le-:a::\i~y :~,,~ideI!tlal 7,50C sq. f lots) Z"",,; A?proxi::atÚy 0.43 Acre, Located ¡;"rt:,erly of a:1d Adjac¿::t to ¡~er"osa A'/~:1ue Ap;oroxi:c,ately 200 Feet Ea~~ 0: 3yrne Ave:'.'.;.:!." read by ~!;;ly:}r ::oe:" HO'J'e~ ~''- C~:n:1c~:::-:aa ~:.:'.':12!:; s~co:.':I~:' ~.: COll:.cil:::a:1 In·¡i~ to C~C.3(, t:1C l'ì.Òl ic H€',ar:r.~3. AYES: 1<0;:S: CC'.Jnc:i. !;,1~n Fitzgera:d, Frolich, :r\.Jin, Stc·..es, :':ayor :,¡o~ :';0:~e ::otion carried, 5-0 Hov:"!';: ~:'-. Council:::ar. Sto:,es, secon¿cd by C:)u:i.cil-:,an lr-:.,·i:l, !-o appro\'< Applicatio:1 33-Z-7I, to :,ave Ordi:la:1ce :;0. 523 read by tit1e on:)", a;ld the ~:ayor's reading to conDtitute t:1P. r'irst Readi:lg. AYES: NOES: Cc·t:tci¡~cn Fitzgeral¿, Fcolic~1, Ir~.¡in, Stokes, ~a:-:or N('Icl ~Oi1e Motion carried, 5-0 (b) Applicetio:1 28-T:1-71 of Fanily I!o::¡e~-Lytlc íor Te~,tati\"a ~lap to divide 0.,43 acre of said property in:o :'''0 lots. Property is located :1ortherly of and adjacent ~~ ¡:er;:¡osa Avenue, a¡>pro:<i:'\B.tely 2()O feet east oí Hyrne Avenue. Reco~ended for approval. 'Moved by Cou"cil::¡an Sto;'es, seconded b)' CouncHcan 1n..1n to approv< applicatio:1 28-TM-71. }lot1on carried, 5-0 CC-103 Page 9 Publ':"c :!~.ö:r~n:: c':o~:e.j 33-Z-7I ap:.>r:-:s-: & Od. 523 Fir3t !t.:a·2~r.~ 28-T~I-71 approved C:C-l03 ,Page 10 " I ¡ ¡ 1 .:.:;p:':ca7:-:" 5 :: ~a te;:è:-.:' 5 -- e KINUIES OF tHE JANUm 17. 1972,CIn COUNCIL MEETING 23. Ap¡J1icaUoo 34-Z-71 by !far)' Glubaich and Anne Ivancov1cb for the rezoning of 3.92+ acru free JU.-lO (Single-family laideoUal W,OOO sq. ft. lõta) ZODe to 12-4.25i (Single-story Duplex Residential - 4.250 SI¡. fc~ ;;.::r dwell1n£: unit) Zone. Said property is located easterly of aød adjacent to Hax1ne Avenue. bour.ded on the east by Støeøa FrefNal and on the south by JU:1ipero Serra Freeway. First reading of Ordinance 10. 524: "An Ordir.ance of the City of O1pert1no AI:Iend1ng Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reclassifying a Certain ?ortion of the City of Cu?ert1no from Rl-10 (Single-f&~11y Residential 10,000 s~. ft. lots) Zo=e; to R2-4.251 (~~?lex lles1dential 4,25~ sq. ft. per d~el11~g unit, height restricted to one story a~ =0: to exceed sLxteen feet) Z?=e; A??r~xi~ately 3.92+ ~res, Lc=ated F.a~ter~y of and A¿~ace~t to Maxine Avenue; ~o~nded on-~he Eas~ :: Stevens Free~ay and on t~e 50at~ by Junipero Serra Freeway." - re¿d ;,y Mayor Noel. T~e P:a,.~:ng Director referred :0 t~e staff report a=¿ resoi~t1ons by t::e Plann::::g Co:t."1issiOil on t:-.:'s ::.atter. ~!r. R. :-:¡;:1ston, de'3!~¡.-!r 0: ~he ?roject J p:a..:t!~ a rp.~¿!::ri~~ a:1d a ~lo~-u? 0: tie =ap 0: t~e area C~ t~e boar~. T~er2 ar~ ~~o ~a~ trees on t~1e ;rc?erty whicl~ t:.ey ar~ gO!:1g to 3a·J~. There 1.s :10 ?ro~le:: abo:.lt t::is ?roJ~ct ov~r:ur¿e;1l:'".g ~~:~ SChOl'l~.5. 1'~:c:.-e ""i~_l :-e 3 heårnons a~d t·:o :-at~~3 on on~ s~de cf ea=:. ¿uplex aT! 2 :'cc.lroo::.s a::-: 2 ~;'\t:1S 0:1 t~-.e c.t:....==r side. He: fi::e:s: -:··.is d.~ve:o;:,,;e~\t ',:,ill i:-:?!'c"'~ t::2 area. :'~O.ãt P..l ¡..o~~s t!1at are. ~u~:'t ::e.:,:: to fr2~,.,ay~ end u? a-; !':~taL;. ~!axi:1e is "":.Ùt. a ha~: :;tr=:e: a::-! t.:is develcr·;c~: ~'1ill :::~¡',,:,.:'~ ::.ak~ng it a fu:l 6J' street ~:':'t:-. direct acce3S tc lIo~cstea¿ Rc~¿. T;\~re is ?L~?~3ej ~:sna~ization at ~~~5 i~ter5ecticn. Ti~y ha~e recei~ed i:1for::.at :(":1 fro:'.1. thE ~tate D:'"¡:'¿ ':0:-. of H iç:::í:a'·..· that t::e"." ::ã":~ ac,;u ired all the ?ro?erty t~ey n~e¿ t~ere. -' . ?"" :ic cl,jse~ ~~~r~::; Xoved b: C~uncil~n Sto~es. 5e=Q~dei ~y Co~acil~~n Fr~:ic~ :~ close the P~blic H¿arir.gs. 3!.·Z-71 a;?rove¿ AYES: aOES: C~uncil::leü Fi.tzger&l~. rro.:.ic.... !r.~·L:1, Stc~~s J ~a.:."':r SceL :;one }wt~o~ carr~~¿, 5-0 MOVè¿ bj· C.:uncil::la:1. Stokes. se:?::d\.·d br C=:.:-:..:::L:'an Ir·.·i.-. :.c; a;,?~ove ap?lication 34-Z-7l. ~wtion c3rr1e¿, 5-0 · e , m;.;un:s OF T111:. .JA.'lUAR"! 17, 1972 CITY C('U:,;CIL MET1~G Moved by Council:::an Sto;;es. seconded by Councll¡¡¡an Frolich to have Ordinance No. 524 read by title only and tae Mayor's reading to constitute the First Kea4iDg. AYES:, NOES: Councilmen Fi.Ul;erald, Frol1ch, Irwin, Stokes, Kayor Noel None KoU_ ~ied. 5-0 24. A?plication 3S-Z-'¡ by City of Cupertino for the ?rezo~!~g of 0.57 acre fro:1 5a:1ta Clara County "A" (Exclusive Agriculture Greenbelt) Zo~e t~ City of Cupertino &2-4.25 (~~?ley. Resi- dential - 4,250 sc¡. ft. per ¿','elling unit) Zone or t? other zone deened appropriate by the C~ty Cou,-cil. Said ?roperty is located westeriy of anå adjacent to Stelling Roa~, apprcx- i=ately I~O :aet n~rt~ of Lilac Way. Rcco~"endc¿ for approval. This ~a:t~r has bee~ ;~stp~=e¿ to Fe~ruarJ 7, :972. 25. Hearing on prct.e.E:s a~a:'n5t asseSS::'C:lt of ::.erta:"~ C'::S:5 for .·cr:, ·.within t:'e 3:a....~y Avenue U:.1:lergrou:1::' U~:i::'::.· D:':-tr:'ct. (C:-:-.tin·J~d frcr.: ::é2:::1g of Ja::uary 3, 19ï2) T:"l~ Dir.:ctcr of ?-,,¡::":'c ~··~r:,s said all b'Jt O:1~ of t:-.c :::,c-;·~rty m.;ners ~:er~ ·,~:":.t a:~::.~ .......:.::.. this aS3eSS:-.":cnt ¿:.s~!':c~. T~~'r:-ê; ...·:a5 a prC":':e= \o,'àerebj" t;.e p:-.o::.e ~ ines did not £~t ?Ul. un:ierg=.::_:"I.¿ ;0 t:..e pro~t!:-tr o~..~E:r ¿',.¡g .....; :'~-:<2; d:tch. As of t:1:'S d.ate, :':.:. ....:.;)~:. has b"e,. JO".o ,,".': ins~"c ted. ~!aY0r X..:o~':' asked for CiwI__ents fro:1 t:;e auó.iencê. Tnè:'¿ "'-êre no~e. Hovzd :-y C"unr.i:=a~ S'::)~~~s. scconaed by Cou:1cil:-:-.an Ir.·i!1 tc close the PU~'L:"ic Hcari~gs. AYES: ;;O¡:S: Cou~cil:':.e:1 :: t.zg=ra':'d, Frolich, Ir~,:in, Sco:,,¿s, ~¿yor ~;oe!. :':J~c Kotio~ =arr1cà, 5-0 CC-1ÍJ3 Page 11 Ord. 524 First Readi~g 35-Z-7.i. rost?Ol~~ rublic ::~a~-~:- ~lo~ed r . .' CC-103 Page 12 MINt1l'ES OF THE JANUAKf 17, 1972 CITY COUNCIL I1I:ETING ,t' , ~ ¡ ~ IVE SESSIOlI (a) Discussioa of possible litigation involving proposed Ordinance Bo. 522. ;:, . ; by Councib:lan Stokes. seconded by Councilman Irvin to have a , I~ . ute break at 9:50 P.M. and the Council to go directly to th~ Executive Session. !lotion carried, 5-0 f '. Council returned to Cou3cil cha~ers at 10:42 P.M. OIWINANCES 26 Second reading of Ordi:1ance ~o. 521: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino ~~¿i~g Sectio~ 1 of Or~¿~ance No. 2 ~y Prezon1ng a Certai~ Portion of t~e County RI-IO (S~ngle-fa~ily llesidential 10,000 sq. ft. lots) Zone to City of Cupert~no Rl-IO (Single- ~a~i1y Reside~:ia: :J,Oû3 sq. ft. lots) Zone; A?proxi~ately lO,JJO 3':{.. f~. í...ccated ~:e.3terly of and A:ijacent to Stevens Canyon Road, A?proxi.,acel)" 175 Feet N~rth of San J"a.~ Roa:::." - read bj' Hayor Noel. P..ea':'~:1g ~ov~¿ by Counci:=a~ ~tc~e3, ~econùed by Counci~nan Fitzgerald to ~3Vè Ordinance No. 521 rËa~ :y title only and tie ~21or'5 rea¿~ng to cO~5titute t~~ Second ~ading. Jr::.. ~2: Secc.1.:i AYES: ::01::S: Council::e;. F:':zgerald, Frolich, Ir~·,in, Sto~~St Nayor ~·.oel ¡ione }~tion carried, 5-0 Ord. ~21 t e:-:.acte¿' Y.oved by Cou:1cil:::a:t S~o',<~". second';d oJ}" COu:1cÜ<,a:t In,in to enact Ordiaance ;¡o. 521. t i , AYES: :\OES: Coun,:il:':2:1 F:..:z~£:.r.ald, Frolich, 1r.,.in, Stc~e5, Ha:¡or Noel ~~one X~:ic~ carriëd, 5-0 I e e HImrn:s OF THE JAN1:A1lY 17, 1972 CITY C'Jl~C1L MEETIJrG 27. Second reading o! Ordinance No. 522: "An Ordi~nce of the City of Cuperti:lo ~ing Section 1 of Ordinance Bo. 2 by lleclassifying a C~rtain Portion of tàe City of eu,ertino from R3-2.2 (t~ltip¡e Residential 2200 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zone to Al-43 (Sing1e-fa::rlly Agricultural-Residential One- Acre Lets) Zo:te; Ap,rcx::J:¡ately 13 Acres located at the ~.:esterd Ter;l!nu.;¡ of Voss A·renue. It Continued to the nex~ regular neeting. ]Œ.!;QLUTIO:lS 28. N:>. 3l94: "A Resolu:ion of the City Council 0: : '- ;Hy of Cuperti~Q Allc~L~g Ce~ta~n Cla:ns and De~n¿s payaole in t~e Ar.l0U:1tS and fro::l t:-:e. Ft::'!ds as Hereinafter Described :'0;' Salari¿5 and ~age$ :or t~e ?ayroll Period E~d~ng January 11, 1972. "-- read br Tr,asurer Frolich. :~ve.d :,y C('unc:l::-..a:"~ Fi.tz;i:!"ald, sec!m:.~e.d ~}' Cou::ci::::.an Ir...·in to ado?t Res~:ution No. 3:~~. AYES: C2u:-~c":"1:.1en Fitzgëralcl, Frolich, Ir-..¡in, 5t:-:;,es, Xóyor ~;o<:!l ':'f"Ir'C- . ............. .,O=H~ Motio~ carried, 5-0 29. No. 3195: .. A Resolution of the Cit:' C:>u~c~l :>: the C'..ty of Cuperti"o Allo~i~g C=rta~n Clai~s an¿ De~a~¿3 ?a~a~:2 :n t~e A~ou~ts and fro= t~~ F~~¿3 as ~creinafter De3cri~ed ;or Genera: and Miscel :a::.eo:¡s E:-tpenditurc$." - - read ~y Treasurer Fro¡ic~. ~~ved by Ccu,.cilDa~ Ir.~~, seconded by Council~~ Fitzgerald to adoyt Resc:ution ~o. 3:~5. AYES: NOES: Cou:1cil::¡e:t F:'tzg2ral¿, Frol:"ch, Ir.~Yln, Stc::.es, }f.ayor Noel No::~e Ho~io~ carried, 5-0 CC-I03 Page !~ Ord. 522 continued Res. 3:'.';':" adC'; t. r:¿ Res. 3:':; adopt ,'¿ CC-103 pa." 14 t; " ;'f; , Res. 3196 ado¡t~ed a"". :;::;- , ' - - - - - - - d"""'~~:_ :te:;.. ~.:.:~ 3.~J;~:C e e S OF THE JANUAKr J.1.. 1912 CITY COIr.iCIL MEETING ._. 3196: "A þ........,. of th.. City Council of the Cicy of CupeJ..:ino Callilll'for'" , ral JtJnic:1pal Election to be IIe14 on A;lrU 11, 1972. -~"","h¡ Offices to be Filled. Boars Polu ~ll Open .",:",;,~e and Establ1sh::ent of a Jlapscer of App:..iC&l1ts for ¡'ie&-. Officer. II - read by Mayor lloeJ..' . .J" " ',ìiI ,,.,' ed by Council::la.."1 I~. ' r olutic~ No. 3196. . '"1ded by Council:an rrol1ch to adopt Ccuncil::1en Fit"vr'"1d. Vrol1ch, 1ròir., Stoitea. Mayer !foel :¡01"..8 Mo~fc:1 carried, 5·0 3i. .\C'. :!.9ì: "A :~ESO::u:i.:m of the·City CC"~nci: of t:-~e Clt'j of C~7~=tino Authoriz~; ~~ Zxecutio~ ~: a Supple~e=~ an~ A'-~~::':>..~,nt ~o Asree:-''::=~ ;-e~''''een t~~e City a~:: t:-.e (;o·.1::.~r of Sa:-.:.l ':"~ara to I~~r::-;-~ ~-:evens Cree~ :.:-,Úe":a.rd 3.gt:·~ee:'1 4~,) Feet ~~:;~: .:: ?har Lap nriT''; E1~ 503 Feet East Cor P~ar !.-a? Dr i-Ie ." -- r ~3.i ~:J' ~{aJor So::el.. I~('ved =~. '::'.:acil!1an Irr...::.,. _~';nåe¿ by C::,u~c:"l~an Fro·Þic:·: ~o adopt ~!:50l~:_ -:-. ::.:0. 3197. ,.,,....~-- . .- ~ -- - :.a!'"rie...J, 3-Q .)..;. X:. '::'~3: ..~\ Res':' ::.:i'Xl of t:le Cit:: C".l:1c~l of t::e C~':·: ::>: C~?::-:'::'ao t\llt:"'!oriz~::.¡ ~=-= rrade 0: Ce:-ta:~ La::¿s -::: 31a.=.ey A-:~:.._~ ;"~·.p¡}ed by Clt:-- ::.: C·;;~rt:":'\o ic~ C~;.·tai;1 l...a~~.; ~::¡ Mary A..·2.:._?, (}.,;:':.~d by th-:: ?aci:::~ Gas a::¿ E~~,:tr:::'c Co-:'ra~:·.·· -- rè~~ ~: Xayor Noel. :'~~"le¿ ::. "::"~:"!cil~a~ 3tc:<..e:~. ~€:=o::.¿ed ~)- C~·;::c::"l:,:an Fr':)::c:1 :0 a¿opt R~~::~tioa No. 3:~a. :'DC:!c'= carried, 5-J 33. ~c. ':2.~·J: "A Reso:";t.':=~ ~: t~~c Cit:· C~".::::;:': c~ t:-.~ C:t:- c: C~:~:-:~po Declari~~ ::5 !=:c~ti~n t: :~~ r V~:a:'::':~ ~~ ~ Portion c: ~ ?·..:.~l':'c Serv':"c~ !A...=:~.~;.:. ~.: ~r'':' :_, ~r ,:...:. ~ [.1..:;e~.¿..~ ~.:. A."1:::~;or E.3.~:::-:.~:..t Witl\in t.:-:=- :~::- ::: C'.:::~r:::-..:- :"_h·<:~tnt :'c :";-_':':'::~ 50430 c: :.:¿ Gov(:rn::e.~:: c.c¿e. :: :;:"= S:atL :. C·~:.:or:-:.':'a.; :.:.:.:.~::; T:.....1e a:::: ?:'acs for Hear::.:..; a.--=:: Pro·¡':'d:~:; ~::: :\.Jt ice T:¡~=~:~:; SO:Jth\~'est Cc:-~.;r ;:;f Rich.~on.d D:i-:f! a:1¿ !ti..i.lcr _\·:~.:,:2.11 -- r€:a~ =:,'0 !:.ayor ~:~el. OW' - m:BUl'ES 0: ~2 !,\.'mARY 17, :912 CITY Cot;~:CI: !íEETI);G . ,JIIoved by c,,=ihan Stokes. . : ßdcd by Cou;1cil:'1an Irwin to adopt JlBsolutic:: ~. 3200. Motiœ cnrt.ec!. 5-0 !t1llD'IN1SlŒD ,,".oLUSS 34. 1leco:Œl>l!Ð!atiou frœl 1'1,.--, Co=lsslo" rel"tlve to Vallco Park Traffic Stud}'. The Pla~~i:g ~rector referr~ ~o the staff rc?ort O~ this. The ?Drpcse ùf t~i= Report i~ to j:stify the o~crcross~ng at Tantau Avenue. Hr.. Walt¿:- 't¿:-"¡., ~eneral :-:a=.ag-.:c:-:- of Vallce:- ?a.r·~, said the Ta:1~au overcro~::~f :~:u¡d be le~;:t:~d to all~~ f~r :rontaze roa~5. ï:~~ Pla~~:~~ =:.~~issio~ ~as ~~ :~/or of l¿:~ tura i~ but ~ot leÍt t'C.rn out ::-_:: S:~VCi1!; Cre~£ ~:-¡"':.. ~.. Ha'1::' :'~_.=-n -. vf Deteu·,·. C2.::"é:r 8:-:.d C~~:-';'..l-.~·, '!:J. t:1e 5 'J.r-:e:: Co:--. 'allcC' ?.5.:-... :.:~. its 150.~:: :=_. ft. f~:,3.!·.'::'-:'~ cr:r:.tE:r è-e:'~G cC:lstruc:=.': .!: ·.clíc Roa=- a.:..~ :-:e-:e:ls Crc¿.·,; 3~·:.:'. }Ic ý:ent o'!er ~~e R~?C' ': : Co:n:cil:_.:.:'". ~: --'·.¿5 said ::é :ë.:':~ to see ::'.f :;':'2~~ [or th~ S:'p'-:~:~J, Cre¿~ ac.:.:::. ~~t'. ~\-ard sa:: =:.~ ~a:1>.i:~~ ~(i.:-:.~:'t~· ·.··i.i.l ~ef:d tr.~s i5.cce.;s. :..··..::-_.:·_l:::an Sto:<e~ .~.a..::; =,,::cer:1eJ ,;.":-.:-:.:t t:u" o;:en:..:.g 0:' ~:-.€: =:.e~ian ~:~'_;. ~!r. \\ard 5é:":; :~ is i~pract:':.3.: to ::la:{.e a leit ~urn 0:: ::.:.::. :-=.cause 0: :_:~ :'-;:.:.::.~ad 0:1 =:..¿: ·:r.i.dba. C:-u.:c".l:·_a:-. 5t.o~:.!'s :.:-!:~ :~:;: 3": feet; :'5 :-..=r; ~::a:1 a¿c:.o';':::':2 :.)r a U-tt¡r:1 t:..er~. He adde¿ ::..=.: :..: a:l:.! ....·h~n :.~--=- :~a.:Í:C ·...·arr.'i:-.:s it, the ~reak :.~ ~~e ~eå:a~ ._ ~:low for t~e :e:: turn coul¿ ~~ put in at a later date. Council=~:. :::-.'-es co:t.--:e::.t~ ::..a.'t :"¡e did n0: ::'.:'::.~ the Report :'5 vorth t~¿ ;~;~= it is ~r~~t~ == as to lÇS5 ~è~3U~C it ¿ces not u!<e i::.t:' .:::.:::;:.::~ratio;1 ra?:'¿ ~:-a~$portati.:'::. !~~ sai¿ he is O:1!.:· lookil~; .=.: ::."; s;'ort ra:-¡g= e:::e~'t 0': tl:e r~?..:-=':'_ T:.~ :u:ed :cr ~his br~A~ :~ :~è aed1aa sLr~, ~as not bc¿~ ~~~0~strate¿ to ti=. The D1r~;::r == P~bllc Wor~s sa~d thcy die ,.:: ex?ect rapid tra"s- ;K'rtatio:; :.: ':;;; i:li::luåed L""! :=-~ study. 'L:i: ;:-.;rrO~H. of the stud:.- vas to sa:~$:" t:'1e State' j ré=-.:ir~'ë::1t of :~¿ ~r:}i£ic st:J¿': to just1f)" :_; :~,::au overcros3:';". We ar" n.': ::1tèrestcd 1:1· 1985 at this :o.7.è; :~:e State ~s. .:... Stud:,' fu::~::s t;¡is need. CC-I03 Page 15 lles. 3200 adopted Report just~: Ta:1l'iu O'IC':- cross1:¡s Lef t tar" ::: no lei t t~l';-. out at SC, Lct~ turn c..:-. SCB St...~,y ::.s ~o jU5t ify Tanta'j o\"~rcroL·si~),S i I CC-I03 .... 16 Imch AYe. CD t SO 111 in r '74 or '75 ... - IWIUUS OF THE JAICUAIf 17. 1972 em COUICIL HEETIIIG Joel ..bd the Director of Ml1c \lorD 1f this cut in tile ....1.811 -. .en, is MCUsery at Chis tma. the Director saiel it Is not --SØ1 _. IMat a1t1:lat~11 tllfta vU1 be saø probl... if the traffic 0<lil. '''t 18 astrict_. If It bec_. a pnbla to have this braak in tile MdiaD. _11.... .... offern to nmøve the opening at their exp_a. c::II.-cUaa nUlual4 ..ked Hr. Vard if be bas any proJectlOD .. to .... ftIICh AntIaa vU1 be constructed in Vallco Park. Hr. Veri .aU I.C .., be ill U74 or 1975. COvDcIL~ Stok.. said the need for the cut in the ~ian strip baa not ~ da::t':Uuaud. aDd tbis is ,,'hat the Council asked for when tbis ... referred to ~~ Plann1ns Co=Aiss1on. !t~c=eDdat::'on rol1011ins an Üe Public \\orlts Ðcpartnent recoœcndattons: of œw Val:co Par".: ~raff:c St::.;..èj9 accepted 1. Ti..t t::e :~!t-t·.1r:1 p~c;c,ets C:"1 ~:olfc Road "e ~.,d¡'f':'e": in accor¿.~ce v:.c:, t:-.-: .1t:ach~d Ex:1i":>1t A re-;u1r:"ra£: t:1e full cost of -.e';~a:'1 cnn- s~ruct.o~ a~l ~andscaplnb be :o~e JY the Val'co Park Develo7~ent. 2. T:~al s~-,.:''.J:: tr<tff'c sig:-¡a11zat:o:1 b'! re-;uire¿ to re"jlatc tra::!.c at th.e' :~c:~.:g create¿ 0:-. '4'o!.:e Roaj ncrt.: oE Ste-:e-.s Crl!.!~: ::;:\~~. the ~~_~~: ?ar~ D~~£lo?~t~t ··i:: be re~~:rci to ~ear :!le i~l~ C~3: of l~~~d::atio~ 0: sal¿ tra~f~c co~tro~ devjc~~_ ~. T::at t>.~ :....::t-t·.lr!'l l:1ne., ca:':ed. :or 0:: S:e-'';;:''.::ï :r~e·,;, Blv¿. to s~rv~ :'.ê ~~~icaal !l~a~c~al c2nter at a _.~cati~n ~et~ee3 F~nch Av~n~~ a~_ ¡'Ir:~l:e !toad ~£: ':'::.;:;talled 1a acc¡Jr":an.c,~ -.l1th t:¡e ?La:t and at t:;: :;;'J~~ cost ci t:-.e Va.l:co Park Dcv~lo?·~t!:'..t, :nc:'!J¿~r.g ¡andsca?:.~,; 0f t:--.at secti0:'1 =~t~':een t:H! inc\."!"32:ction cl"e:a:ec! a:1~ ~'¡olfe R:a:. ... T~3t ::1:': "::"t:· CO'.1:u:il au:~~r:'ze t::e ?lan:--.lng ~or devE"lop-:ent of ¡eft-t~.r~ a=c¿~s o~e~in~3 i~ acc~rjancc wit~: t.l~ ?lan deveto?ed by Det~~,:. Cathcl" an': C~:":?a:-.:: ·..:ith th~ u:\èer:.:Jtë.nriiuf t;:at :-.~¿i: :'ca- t ions t~ :'..è pu~lic stree: s~: ;;te;-¡ T~quircr.: to s..:r\'c the V~11 lco Par~ D:'¿:~~p:::.?:1t ~:ill :,e U:'1f':'erta~:~n ?t the (>~:pcn3e of Va!.lco Park, a.1d fur:':.i'~ t.:at eael" s'.lc:i. o;::e:dag or c;:.anc~ ;:~1all be S:.;·::;jf~::t to Cit). Cc·...;.~,:i.: approval ·,.,lt~-. res;:c:ct to till": d2:jig"l 3nd cO:1s:ruetioa of th~ i:-.?roJvL;lents. ~"ed by C0t:~.:il:".an Frolich, seco:1¿e¿ b:: Cou:-.c':'l:--:a:1 Ir.¡in to acce?t -:he Vallco Par:;. Tr3.!: ic Sttl¿~·, ·,,¡i :'>1 t.1e a~ld:t ':C::.1: rt'qai re-:e:':.t~ of the Director of ?~~:ic Works a~ cited a~ove_ AYI:.S ; :\C::5 : Ccc~~:~~~n Fitzgêral¿, Frolicil, Irwin CC'...::1( :l:'u~n Sto~c5, 1-!ayor ~oel tlotl'J:: ca!r~e<l. )-2 . . __u.s OF THE lA.';LA!tY 17. 1972 CITY COm/CIL Mï::ETIXG CC-103 Page 17 3S.~ Status re.~rt on Federal Crant A¡plication for purchase of Che Horse ~c~ and request for authority to engage the ..rvices 0: ~ ~r~raiser. i !be City Mana Fer ,3_d we have rece1ved the Letter to Proceed fro~ BIB. which ::C&."':, ...'~ can nOIl !:Ia:te c~rtain expenditurcs and ·..e will be nfunded fc= t:.£,e e:-;penditures. This includes the appraisers of the pro?erty. Ht rsc~ended engag1ng the services of E. P. Brodd - ,. C. Eerron and ~11l~an G. llufner for this ap- praúal. ; 'I ¡ I ! So =ved hy CO'":'_ ::.::.a:1 Stokes, sec:mded :'y Cou::c i.::a.: Irwin. A;:>prais<::rs :~r Hors~ R£l~r..;:-l Ccu~c:'..~·:~. F':":'zg'1rald, Fr:!'~ich. Ir~"i:1. S::,~~s, Mayor Noel aut:t:}r:z""_ A'n:!: : ¡;O~: ~;Qn~ ~~=tio:t carrie-.l. 3-:> 36. Staff r:?~:':": .~:: L:e Recycling ?ragrai1. (C::¡ti:-.t:L>d ire., 7::e£tinf~ ..~::: ~ . ~~':'~r 20, :9ìl.) T::..e City YC'n.:~;..r :-:L~ t:'ds pro~r;r: ~·;as init:':atc_ ~... ... l'ei:tty, c: ~-:.:ta V::~:'t. ~~. ~":.l~O_. S'::-.ce t;-,~ Counci':' "~_-.:'c:.:-:: :.a: r2a':' 1 <;ë. re?ort. a:-... :__ ':0 t.-.e - at.~:~~~s of t>...... hour, ~::~. City ~!3nar:cr -.....¿;-:. ~~rl.(!fl~.· ("...~:- : .:!. -:-eport. A c8:-:-;.ittc¿: cO::1;,r~5-":;' .'[ t';ç Jaycee, '::.¿:--_·:;¡er ,,[ C.:-::~:-:_~. DeA.-.za Eco:oZ:; Corps, C'.!;,e:-t::"l:' :..:gh Sc:-.oo:", ~~.-e5tcaci P.~g~ ~.:.:~"'~, ~(onta \'~~ta :--!.:'g:t Schco:, 2::;; t::e City oí C·~:.:rtino ha:; ':--::::-: :a:'i;1g t.:.ê gro:':':ï1·:or:\. for an e:::¿,:':"~\'e Recyc:e CE:':=.r to scr\'~' :"~~:' ":..."'I:-.:::.un~t::. R~c~'ci :n~ ?ro ~;ré.- ~.D'i'ed by Ccur:..:::~-..a..-: ir·.;in, seco:;,¿ed ". Cou;:cil.:a:: :-'r~'i.ic::, t~at t:-....e City Coun::: c..::::orize t:-;e :c::1."":"'.ittee t('l ?r0c':i:_ "'::'t:: t::c 1Œ:.:)'"cling PrC'!=-f..l: .i:,,~ t;1C ~~a:'or a:-.:i C:t.~, Cler., a:-e ~'!utt:~'ri~:€'¿ to 3:'1= the A;r¿ê:'-.~:::. ?r.:'.:c.::-(~ "_!::ì. Rl!c :'.:-': ~:.~' :'r:'gra' ~)t:oa carried, 5-8 :'"EA BUSINESS 37. Requc~t . ::~a: A¿è~~J =cr~atic~ Co~~iss1cn :L~ a¿o;,tion by the Cit), :;~ r=~a:\ Devc¡o~:~.é!nt ?olicics fer S.::-.t3 C:ara County . CC-l03 'aae 18 Urban DIIr~ Pollet.. -.lÒPted ~~~:1~~ 3e:lo :t':'¿i:.:! ::::: s: u¿" ,~.r '=-ð ~¿~. 32::;' a": 0¡:Jt¿-: . e OF r:ú: JA.'IUAIlY 17. 1972 an COUNCIL MEETING by Couxililan Stokes. aec:oøded by CCluncil::1an Irwin that the City Ozpertino _=?t tÙ. Urban DeYelcp:::ent policies for Santa Clara y. as Froo;c;m by the t«.1.....nc:y FOr1:'ation CoIIICI1saicm. Motion c:arriect. S-O . Request =:0- Planning .0l.1cJ Ca::::1ittee for adoption by the City of emerge=c:o- regulations for developaent of the Monte Bello 1l1dS. H.o=tai:1 £:OOy Area. ~~ncil~ St~~~, reviewed the ~asis for the need of energency egulation~. ~ve1 by C:~~=_:-a~ Sto~es. zecon¿ed by Co~nci:~3n Fitzgerald to ~i:ect t:-'£: ~:.:': :~ ¡:r~pélr'2 an urgency ordi-.a::.:¿; ;ivin; t:le ~;:1erge:1cy r"g',lat~"~,> ::~ : ,,:¿:op:lent =f toe }f.cnte 9¿:1: ":¿ge ::ountai!1 St~d¡r rea. ~oticn carr~e¿, 5-0 39. R::q :~_~: '.., :.::: Executi/e Co-::-:'.:.ttec of t:.e- !':"J.;1.:.?ortation :'olicy ":0.:·.::':. :':r a.:iop:i~n ':"j" t:,a C:'ty of a ri:.')::.:ti.on Btl??ortf::g a J~~~ i~ ::_~:: ~or tran~i:. "1::·..ed "'Y (:_-:_:',:1:: Fro':'~c.-¡, secc:l~ed by Cc~;:(::.: .~.1~1 St;J."p's to a'iopt r..t;so...uti=:: S:. .:_=:. ::otio" carr:ed, 5-0 .\.;t':.cr1zü.t:i== ~'j. & a::orc::~. a:'~": 1- for l!e";. -=: t ;0;:. :::i~...re A...:.t:·,::-:: '-: _:.: a:1i ap?ro~r:ati.C'~ for a;r~e..,~::;" ":'::1 t;u~ StaO:E! of Ca:-..::-.' ::'=73rt-~C:1t -:: Fi:-:a:~r.~ lor ':I...>o:_,,::,:,:~ ;.e~: estl:",:atc,j ¡.:();t~~.i: .::: : l~t1r~ for t' ~ Ci:.y. So :"::Jve¿ =:' ~·:_::~~"'1a~~ Stc~~s. second~'Ì 'J:.- (::.;......·_:':,1:1 ir·,,'in. AY:;S: S'J::S: :..:_~..:__:.:'~~ Fitz~era:'d, Frol.:'.':;1, ir°;'., 5'..",\.~~s. :"<1;:0:'- ~çel ."..,:;; Motio~ cacr~e¿. ~-~ ~ ,'. ~. '7"'~'"""!"r ,.- . e ~E~(I: ~X:T::_1·: 17. :972 Crr! CO~::CIL ·"'::..crI:~r. .. "u. Award:: J¡" :or traffkaSpal u1ntenance. ~ _ '"".t, ;i,f;~,t~"D1rect"r ~: P.~:'~ic WO~ka"~" the bids -;;ere opened this date 'ði\~~;' i!L..GiI&11 one ...&, n~Ü·:"è. - hydllaf1P:l that is hi¡hly spedal1ae4 ')it,. '. :.: 'ebb ana. r:õe cost 15$38..38 per intersec~1cr.1 aaintenallCe ~, faæ for 13 ¡:::!rsoc:i"ns. Aa.ra4d1tional ir.tc:'sectiotls could be '" -cot1a~eè.. ¡-o.o s:aff rec~ 3--0, the ilid be a.arèed. So !:lOVed ;'y ::",,:::':..oan StoJtea. øl!CO:ldcd by CCU,.c:"-an Irwin. MES: ~". __z- . c: -,,~ _::_;:. F:.tzgeral::'. :Frcl~ch, lr:d.:, S:c<.es, Mayor Soel ...:-':-! Mot~= c:arrie:¿. 5-0 CO:;SENT c.~,:'''::':L~. ~.!.. R~sC'~.:_~. ", 32)1: tt}... ?~~::':J.~:'('Ia ~f t:'.... ,,'_t: C:)',,:::c:": 0: the (,:' -< :·..:?ertino _~..c:'-E.:;:t~::g. Quitc:'a-.:- :'.¿-.::: awl ;'.';t:';criza- tio:: ::~'- :.::-Crané.'· ....;.. Res:"~_:.·:: :.3l0L: ".:.. -:'~::,:,:"_~iD:1 of :.'~.:; :-.~:: C0;1:1C:''::' ~: tlK C_: ,- ~..7~rtin') A:::$;?~~:-.€ D:..:L.C3t_....··. ,"': R2a~ i'r:-;::::-:::' for: :¿: _ ?'::"~:v;e.:. :-:~ E::·.·a-::: :::. J. :,:~_. "t a~.; Cr:-.- sist_-~ :. .':"'::?:-:'I:-~i~ate:::- ..:.~: .M.::-:c, LC'.:-.:¡:~'· ::~ Lifo ~'11.l~·:-,·'-~;:' Cor:1~- ~: ::__:::~:;ir€: :-::'eE':' ~:::::' Clark~t::';. ':"-:.õ~u~.tI :~·...ed by {._.~.:.:'..,;¡-: ~to:.es, a~=?t t~. .: .:~: _,lc,.,ar. .=e.:,.=::,:'.E¿ ':,,:: 1 r.'í;-¿, !..'': Co~:':..::. un Xot:'o:. :.a:-r:'ed, 3-0 u;:ORT C>F . ---. ~. " .... ..- - .-.- ~-. City ..--- T:1e Dir::..:::: ~1..e ~:é1::(" )....:.:::.:1istra:.:..·..: 5~r.·:'~~5 re?'r:.:_ ..:: ;;ac. r,-:~:'·:·'::' '._~ ·:.:....:1.:..-:; fer :..:..e: l~~i:ss::'.ent D:.:::-:,:,<:'. ,__ ........ ·.:O::-~5 a..-_~,.:·....:,.,:¿d thiil ~-;'. :::.: ·...:'u.iay. Ja:~'...d.=:" .:.....:.. t...:.=re .;::: :.ë a ~erl.!::o:'I~· ~';"': :.::.: Bi.::c :-a::'.!:I. .¡ ?:"c:1ic i:. a r¿=~ 0: a :-.I.....i(1:::-:.:-·5 ci~::. P.e :":_','::": :0 ride ~;-¿:'r b:'~·.(,."s to t::-.-: .;;:-~;:in;.. The Direo::: ",5th at ::," c"I:::i:¡at ò:,: :i=:vited t.., t;C-I03 Page 19 Traffic Si5::¡¡¡ Y.ai::tena:1r" contract a·.arded R.?s. 3':: :,. :. a:.c.p_e::. ~CC-101 1'a,. æ ·'·t: r t f . . . tlCl:rtS CF Til! JANUAIY 17. 1972 CITY CCt.':rCIL MEtTING 45. CIT! COO5CIIJŒ11 .. easurtt Frol1cl1 ia14idle high bid of .\% fer tw t1::e lIe¡losits of $100,0:). each for n1Decy day. .....re 8uXlitteè. by 3..:c1aya Bank. ".lIVed !:: Ccu:tcil::a:1 Stokes. seconded 1Iy Councilma.n Irwin. to a~ard thð tile $I)': ,OjJ tL"'Ie deposies for ni:1ó!:¡ days to ßarclays Bank. AYES: :-iOES: Ct-uncllaen Fltzprald, Frolich, 1r;1n, Sto:.tes. Y.ayor Noel Sane ~JØti~ carri~, 3-0 4.). ~~::~~~~icn bj YÂ:~ of ~o~-Q~~n~a itè~S. T:'"':.e=,~ -~.,::~ ::.¡,::te. ,'lJJ:è'.': ::: ~,~": ::-..:..:'::'>:',.:~ -,.:-:.-:..:.:;, .;:ecc::,!¿o;:r~ ... C:;-::~:'1..-:-_.1.:: ~r·,.·i:-., ,:.') .1-:j"":~:\ t.::-, '. .:: :, t :5~ ? .::. - ~;~_~~ c~rri~i! 5-0 APPRDVZD: Isl Clyde L. !~ct'l _ ~nyor. City of Cupertino ATTES7: Isl ...". =:_.~er C!.ty C:.;:;';'