CC 02-08-72 - . CI'rY UF CU!'EJaINO, S~ate cf California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino. California Tele-~ ¡one: 252-4505 1Uft1n~ OF TIŒ ADJOûu&u'JtEGOU1 JŒETING OF THE CITY COUlCCIL IŒLD JIBRIJAIY!k1972 111 1:IŒCOUNCIL CIWIIIBll crrY:BAU.. Wl"uuÌòlU. CALIFOR.'iIA " '" , SAtUTE TO THE lUG llayor Noel opened the :zeUng at 8 :02 PH with the Salt;te to the nag. lIOLL CALL COu~cil=e~ present: Fitzgera~~, Frolich, Irð~~, Sto~es (8:18). Hayo~ ::oe: ~~nc11~en a=ser.t: ~one Parks a~¿ R!creation C~ ' issioners ~resent: ~cQu~llen, Scm.eitzer:-.o:. T':.eo:Oodeau, C:oa~r.1an Gabriel Absent: t=. Bybo~as Staff rr~sent: City Manager Qui~lan Director of Ad~i~1strati?e Services Ryder 'Director of ?ar~ an~ llecreat.~on Butler Secretary ~a~ine Hagel Recording Secretary Lois In.ards C~ai~n Gabriel said the Cocadssio~ ~as develope~ a capital ~rov~ent schedule w~ich should take place over the next six years. ~e ~ò ~~e t~ree par~s developed out 0: a total of 3cven. The Oo::is,ion recognizes ~he need for the parks, ~it~ the gr~:t~ in population. They wished, at t~is ~eting, to discuss w1ta t~e Council ~:,e priorities and :>.athed for developcent of the par". Hayor Noel asked whet:1er t:'e CO=iss1on had hclu¿ed the Horse Ranch in their discussions. The City .ill be rece~v1ng HUD and Flood Co~trol funds for the purchase an¿ partial developoent 0: the Ilorse Ranch. The Mayor said the devalorDent of ~he Horse Ranc 1s more hopeful right now than the cocaunity building. CC-10S Page 1 P . R C!>air=n's state"Oe::.ts Purc:oase an<! par:1al ~u~e~o,- -:-:e:lt of Horse Ra~ch :,o?e:ul no' I X-LOS ~2 r ....., _t'ces , r-o oêer t par;' issues ccaiI1g up soan ~ool =onds =::li:1§ soon :=-7::'CP ;:ar~ :=:i'ra::, t~-:.e:. : -.:¿:::~ ;:-:gra= . . or tHE ADJOURNED JII'.GUL&& JœETIlIG OF THE CITY COIllcu. - 2/8/72 ',' , ',C1cy Hanqer caut10aecJ tJI& _ .edepletiDa our sœplu f..... with ^'·~u1s1tlon. ~._~.. "!I~let frOll the ~edu~CcJ9!irœat ,:~1S.000. Ye hopa'tbeJ1øa1 CøDt¥C)l District will ";,"'~' '""a. no question bue_,__ Ì&!~+èo haVe to gO to boII41Ø1MOD -,;.'We bave been vait1D& _ thê::GÔa1. Committee Ieport before develOP- ~our c.pital illlprovaeDU ,coer-. Ite said the Direceo&' of , crative Service. bas beeII 1cok1n¡ into the fUDcl1D& n-rc:es. tCicy Manager sa1:\ toe haft tIIO park is",es Cø:1iDa up here that vill a direct effect OD the CU:y of Cupertino. He said it takes about months to prepare for a bcmcI issue. The County Park System ia iDs to be on the June ballot aDd the Mid Peninsula Begional Parks 1 be on thp. Nove:ober ballot. or Noel noted that a1:::øst every l'ond issue has been turned down 1:: the past two years. A1::i ~ school districts wi':'l iJe co:1ng up th bO:1d issues soon, .... D~rector of Parks and itecreat!.o:1 has been working on a "park ticipatio:1 by develop--e::ts· progczn. e City Manager suggested !~rst developing the par~ pr=gra= and then ~eve:ojling t:1e funding progra::. T:11s could :.elp se:::' t::e bcn¿ issue. ""...irnan Ga!:ri"l said this aight lend itself to the foo::>'i::'l area an¿ Lte area near Prospect. ne pros and cons of a =eè~ tax .ere explored. Co~nc~~n Frol1eh feels that a òo~d issue at ~is ~i=e ~ould be fut~:e. People are not go1r.g to vote for anot~er ~c-~ issue un~1l somet::ing is ¿one about the taxes. ~ai~n Gabr~el asked ~= c~~ ~creas~¿ sales tax icc~ease ~r funds. jar ~¡oel sa:'rl ~·e will ~a-Ie: ~t:"'\er ex,enses sue:, as ;:ol:'ce ~è. fire ·d~part~ents. Coancil~n Fro:ic~ feel~ t~at as Valleo ?ar~ b~ilds up ~ill get so=e relief. ~1cil~n Fitzg~rald aSL~ _~At percentage of our bu¿get ~~ould go to-ward ¡>ar;;'s. T:,,, Citj' ",.a:ag~r said it <ie;>end~ on ~"n:: ::ac:~or3. The Director of Aå=:nistrative SerJices said in a surve¡ ~e ¿i¿ about two ears ago on the State, ~~rtino e~1e out high on ~~is ;>o1nt. r=e City Manager noted the ~por~ e=;>hasized develo?=e=t 07er ae~uisition. r= there is any :lore ;>arL :'a:>d ~n t!\e eoununity :;,at ~e ""ed, he 'Jondered ~e~her we sàould try to ac:~;ire it. Cou"cil~n Irvi1 ,~in~s we could rL ourselves into the ~os~tion where '~e never will g~t the parks eveloped if :;e aren I t ,are:ul. . . . IWWTES OF THE .wOUDED JEGtILAR MEi:TlNG OF THE CIty COUNCIL 2/8/72 CC-I05 Page 3 Chairman Gabriel vect over the Cupertino ~p, indicating wÞer¿ the par~ property is located: Portal Park (developed), Wilson Park (developed), ColliÚ Ja:a1or High School, Eaton School, Ke:IIorial .ark, Garden Gate sa-';;";'1'; the College, Linda Vista Park, and the ,.,..ibil1ty of tbili......___h. The Stevens Creek Park 13 un- .....-. ",. ..~~,..... _.~ ..... ".... -.,...... u. available to 118. :', ' .' "Farm may becoae available to us. Be ..U there i. .':. ,,'in' the south side and the northeast corner of Cu;J8rtino City' " ',' ~ " Cou:JCilt:lan Stokes said Silver Springs VO'.üd make a good~'~te, too. , :;:; Location of City parks , Chairman Gabriel aaW'.1f _ could get the developers of the now UDdeveloped land to ðøÍlate par~ space. Counci:ban Stokes feels t~t it "auld be an aadue b2rdship on the ho::1eowners in those subdivisions. Qaitl:l&n Gabriel ..U the «:O=i8810n is opposed to the cacp site P&R Co=. oppose' suggestion :l8de by the Coals Co=il:tee. Counc1l.':I8n Stokes agreed. to caep sites Cou~cil~n 1rJin likes ~e idea of keeping the Horse Ranch pretty :uch in its na~ura1 state. S~e developnent has to take place to c~ple~e t~e HUD require=ents, hovever. Over anG above that, he would like to see develor..ent of sone of t:,e ot' -r City par:'s ta~e precedence. C~aitl:l&n Gabriel saU the ?Ci'ulat1on is 20,OO() and ...e have 60 acres of park la~, not including the Horse Ranch. t:~e City Xanager c&utione~ that once the parks are developed, you tie up funds from future years for the ~aintenance of the par~s, ~ich adds up to quite a bit. Park ~.ain:e--a:.:e cos~s go c=. & on Cou..c1l~n Frolich as£ed for the background on the lighted basebal Base~a:l di~o~ and bleacher5. ~ir--8n Gabriel said t~ere are nany interested base~all players, He said the Cocoission would like ~o encourage the adults to play baseball. Most of the d1a~r.ds are reserved for Little Lea~~e. Counc1J~an Frol1ch questioned why the City should put out $50,JOO for these facilities when perhaps soaeth1ng could be arranged so the adul~s, as "Poll as the Little Leagues can use saae 0: the present facilities. Counc1l~an Stokes noted that there are not enough facilities no..., so this points up ~he need aœ the interest in baseball. Coacdssioner Scbveitzeråof suggested conducting a survey of the Conduct a survey parks and recreational ~eds of the City. . ,. ES OF THE ADJOUlC..ED ECU"..A1 MEETING OF THE CIn COt11CCIL - 2/8/72 Coa:dssioner HcQulllaD sa1dtbe, Goals Coamittee is ask1ø8 for developaent of the park sites ad the cCr.Dmity c:enters. Tha ror-t--101I's plans " ¥ . every st.d1ar to those of- the CoI:I::Iittee. Counc11:lzl Stokes said the $I} .' y' way to lec., the job "- 18 to have a bond 18_., CouDc11Ñn Frol1ch '~ ÎiiI1d the bOlld 1asaeÂ"""d1le put on the ballot ritÍl .-t1a1iiStbat !~ "awe the votus,out':'.;v,rBoel thinks it voulei be "eí7IÌf(ectlve to 'ì:~ a œc:k-up of t:1e' ~ -...lty c:enter a:ui rCT.UDCe :l.t a:IØ:Is, the ..' iìíØœaowners' associatioas. etc.. to let up tfte interest of the people for the bond 18_. , Counc:il::um Stokes SQuuted the City Y.anager and Director of A:r.1nistrati- Sarvic:es prepare a repoR ou the various projects atII! capltal bprov_ ts now c:O!D1tted. Dec:J.sions mist be ::Jade by t~ euë of May in order to have the election 10 Septe::lber. . CQai~n Gabriel ~ted to discuss the Co~1SEion's area 0: re5ponsi~ility. e said taey have been recei7i~g excellcn~ coo?era:~cn fr( "~ t~e City staff. He cited tvo rec:e:t projects: the bi~~ ~~o~tratiOd route ~d t~e So=erset S~uare ?ar¿ project. Cou~cil=ad Frol1ch c:o~~dted that t~e attitude and the ~r' 0: the Par~s add Racreatiod C~__.1ssion have greatly ~?roved. ADJCtnOO!ENT :~ved by Coancil=an Sto~es. seconde~ by Coanc11=~d Irò1n to a~journ to Tuesday, Fe~r~ary 22, 1972. :~ot 10:1 carr ice!, 5-0 APPJOVED: /./ Clyde L. Noel Mayor, City of Cupertioo ATTEST: Is/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk