CC 04-18-72 ,-'1 . an",- UAruuIJl), State of California t"1KJ1:r1J TorreA'ftIIUe, Cupert1Dø. Cal1foraia :¡¡.;r ~; t ,De: 2S2-450S ~," , ;~k,:; C-U3 Pas- 1 -"-,':.' ."'" 01111 Wutl_,~._íl.G or THE em aKIIICIJ. 1IIIJ) APUl.18.t19n,~1i;,_C0V3eJL CHA.'ÐIER em IÍALL ,:,,,....b.:u., kCÁÍ.,' DOUIA , ""'" ;', ,., ,I"" , ,~':,~ \:. TO THE lUG ~J~': Noel called ~he meeUng to order at 7:30 p.m. with the ~ee to the Flag- aøu. CALL CØaøcilmen p~esent: Fitzgerald, Frolich, IrJin, Stokes, ~~yor ~o~l ~i1cen a;sent: ~one Suff present: City }~ger Quinlan City Attorney Adams Director of ~in1strative Services Ryder Director of P1a~ning and Deve1op~ent Sisk Assistant Director 0: Pu~l1c ~or~s Viscovich llecording Secretary Lois In'<ard,¡ 1rnere were ?3rting comments fro: the three retiring Counciloen: Parting c~ents Coaøci1aan Fitzgerald, Counci~ Stokes, and Xayor ~oel. They a1l said they ~d served the City with pleas~re; felt that =os~ of ~ decisions =3~e would serve the City in goo¿ stead; and noted that they baVè pu~ together o~e of the bes~ prof~ssio~al City staf s fa the County, the)' wished the two remaining and three new Camcl1men ,,-ell in the job that lay ahead. C&JNASS or !l.\tLJts 'ilia Director 0: Adnintstrative Services reviewe~ Resolution 44% turnout So. 3254, declaring canvass of returns and the results of the Ceaera1 Municipal Election of April 11, 1972. i:e noted there was a coca1 of 3,533 votes cast, reflecting 44% of t:,e registered woeers 10 the City of Cupertino, The winners 0: this election "er ~1am Reej S?3r~s (1,670 votes), James E. Jackson (1,591 votes), ... Jobert ~, ~eyers (1~153 votes). , , ~+ --..~ 'it ( ., ~, t ;\'-""" , tteu of ea1aaaU- JlUIIUES OF t=! ADJOUINED IJ!CULAI. C1n COUIIClL MEETING 0' !PUL 18, 1971 , .A1IOPr1011 III' ~JLU1'lOR pwor.a...-.: 1UISIJLtS ,( L a-1a.iœ 10. 3243:\-.'-.oludoø of the City Couødl of the City of Qapert1llo neêlariDa eaüft.. of «etums and Ruult of . Geural ~c1pa1 Bleè:tlOD of Apdlll, 1972." Brwect by o--ih..... Stoltu, uccmded by CoUllcl1l11an Fitzgerald to aIopt ItuollaU_ Jo. 3243. Kot1ou carried, 5-0 Tbe Directc~ of Administrative Services read into the record the letter of nsignation frOlll the Planning ComDission by Chairman Heyers and the le::er of resignatiou frcm Councilman-elect Sparks from his position ~~~ ~~e City of Cupertino. OATH OF Or::.:=: 10 NEW COUNCIL'ŒN Oath of Office The D1re=::= :: A¿m1nistrative Services ad~inistered tàe Oath of Office to :~~=~L~en Sparks, Jackson and Meyers. Tbe D1re=::= 3:ated that, because ~e do not ha~e a Vice-~ayor at t~1s t~e. ::':"èrts Rules of Orde:r call for t:,e ne::t office in line to assu:e :~. C.~3ir until the ne~ Council Officers are elected. ! Treasurèr ::: :i=h assumed the Chair. ELEcr10:; 0: ::~. COU:;C1L OFFICERS 2. Mayc= Moved ~y ~~=ilman Irwin, seconded by Council~3n Jackson to nominate Counc11~~ :==:~ch for the Office of ~yor. Mayor Frolich Moved by '::,"::<:il::an 1r.nn, seconded by CouncU:an Jackson to close the Do::l1na ti.x:s . AYES: c.:~__-.:~l:::en Irwin, Ja~n, !Ieyers, Spuks ooES: :o¡:-:. ABSTA1~t::: :':\l"dloan Frol1ch Motion carried. 4-0-1 - ____ or tHE DJOOL"fED IEGULAR em COUNCIL KEETINC 4/18/72 3. '...1I-C Pro tmpore ;:'~~!¡ CoullCibID lIefers, sec:oadeclbJ CouDc11Dan Sparks to " 'i", "'Councihm Irvin for the office of Msyor Pro tecpore. ":'.. :j , ":~1.J CouDcib:a:1 JaÙ8OD, sec:øDfe4 bJ CoUllcil:õlan Sparks to ...t' > die IICI:IizatlOllS. ,{ , ~=' Councn:- Jackaon, Heyer.. Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch _= NOlIe .usDDED: eouxn-an Irvin Ifotion carried, 4-0-1 4. Treasurer !Ia:= Frol1ch :;::..i t:-:at it is frec;uently necessar¡.· for the (;ity Treas.rer ~o c~=~ i~.~ to City Hall during ~he day to sign papers, so 1% would ~e ~,=a=tical for so:eone to assuoe t~is office if he cfoes not \.~rË. :..!.!rby. MaYe! by Counc":=.£: 5parks. secoc1e~ by Counc11~an :rwi~ to ~~te Counci~= Ja=~son to the Office of Trea,ure<. MaYei by Counc '-,- !teyers, seconded by Counc1lman :r:in to close the nomi<.a:" :::.s. AYES: Counc~:::~::. :rv1n, Heyers. Sparks, ~layor Fr"lich äOE5: None AJSXADIiED: Cou::.=::::an Jackson Motion carried. 4-0-1 !taJ'GC' 7rol1ch \o-e:::ced the aev Councilmen, noting the challenge of dae1r new pcs~::=ns. Øe said the retiring Co~ncil~en are very vell dIought 0: ::.: ~g:wut the County. One of the challenges will be fll/lC the new ':"~,"",.:i::'en to do as IOod a job as the t~ree reUr1 C-n"en have i:::.e. C n....n Heyen sai.! he was very happy to ass=e his new posit10 , aK dlanked his \o~:'-, faUy, ccp'11¡n :unager and :he voters of Ca, ú.no. . C 41.." Jacks=: ~l1cly thanked his wife and fa1ly and pro- .fyr th_ no ~u pi=ture-taldD&. CC-1l3 Page , Mayor Pro T.-pore Irvin Treasurer Jackson - ,;e-113 ?~. 4 __uS 0' TIlE ADJOURNED ItECIJLAIl CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/18172 C"', n- Spa" reflected IIøv he bad attuded Cupertino Council .e.tiDaa ,,' ,.rtbe earl1 ÙJS. vb_ thq had to .eet in the School Adainistrat10n ; .... Iøca. .. publicly t.......... hi, bard-working tea: hi. Motber aDd ........ . , ,;, é!." il8aa 1r1da atated that .. have just lost 24 years of cOlllblned , .. _ .lace 1a City ICI't'd'_t. but .. have gained 27 years cOllbined -.-leaCl 1D other phues of 'City goverlllent. J;-enin¡;a OD :<Ja:Útt... ... ~_-=1ssioDS &,¡¡rvC 'roUda asked the presa if they would let the pubUc know there ~. a auaber of opea1nga In the various City c~1tteea and commissions. Be thanked the present lIIecher. of the cCIIC1:tees a:ld cor.Dissions "nd asked them to :a1ntain their positions until t~ey ~re either reappointed or replaced. A!Uouu:-:E5T !løwed by C=::c:.wn Irwin, seconded by Co::nCl:"an ~leyers to adjourn the meet:'n& a: 7:50 p.lII. Mo~10n carried, 5-0 I Respect:~¡:y s~~~ittedþ -~/) ~ ~,--~~fW Record!~g ~~~retary