CC 05-09-72 CITY OfF CUPElrl'lI~n:rst:!~e of C3Ufornia 103ØO Torre Avenue, Cu¡lertino, CaliforD1a ,.... _. -: 252-4SOS .. \~&&S OF THE AD.JOOIIHED REGULAR !z&aun: OF THE CITY' COUNCIL ,': HELD H.\T 9. 1972 1N TB& C»IIFIIEIC8 BOOK i[:, '" cm 1W.L, CUPEmtIO. CAL1JOIIKIA t(;,l:,~:, ,...'.' . "'~\Wo1icb called the lll!fltinl to cmler _ 7:30 P.H~ J,~; :' ¡":'.' COuø0P41-.J present: Irvin, Jac:ksoo, Me7e¡S, Sparlts, Xayor Froltch SufI present: City ManalU Quinlm City Clerk Ryder 1be PByor explained :~at the pu~pc.' of the meeting vas to continue the iAterviews of çFlic:æ~tS fcò the vacancies on the Planning Cer 8ssi_. OD 8:)l:ioo by Counc:i:= Jackson, seconded by C0IØ1Cil031) Sparks, and vhicb p3Ssed unani=>:,<;sly, the meeting vas adjourned to a personnel 5essi_. ~or Frolich rec~~'~"¿! the Ci~y Council ceet1ng in c~¿n session at ll:~ P.M. an¿ :~~iately thereafter declared the r.,eting aclj-=ed. APPIlOVED: /./ Donald A. Frolich Y~yor, City oi Curertino A.I".ûl: /./ 1l1li. E. Ryder Clcy Clerk C-1l6 j ¡ , . ~ '~ I I . Inter.riev of Plann1Q~ Co!""". appl1caots