CC 05-15-72 . ., CITY OF Œ,'t'RTI:;o, State of r,,:iíornia 10300 Torre A\'enue, Cupertino, Califon,i~ Telephone: 252-4~O" Klh1JT£S OF THE REGULAR MEtTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL· HELI> HAY 15, l~72 IN THE COIJ)IC1L CHAKBEll CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFOR::IA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Mayor Frolich called the meetl~g to order at 7:32 p. with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL . Council"en present: Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolleh Counci1~en a~sent: None Staff presec.:: City Han<1¡:er Qui:1! al~ City Attorney Acla~s Director of Ad::!inj ,tra:- iye ~er·.'iccs R}-der J)irL:ctar of PLlnni;:~~ :l1~d P....\·(·l,-.i,-....r.t Si~·..: ¡:jrt:clO!" of pU~lli(" "(lr ,; yurt.'-r~',;.-:;h nirel::cr n! r~r~:s. 3~:'_! Ì'.!->crt'Fotil..'n ·':.t!·:'r l.~"::itj:a:)~ ;'l~n~H..r fe, -~-; Record ::,,: ~c..:r~lar:. ~.o¡,; )m...-ar.:s ~nNlrn:~, C'F :'!:.':\'l.OU$ }1~:!~Tl~~(;?, 1. A~'~!'0\'J! 0f Minutes of adjourned regular rnceljll~ of ~IJ\· ~', :-'H2. CC-l17 Page ,1 .~ , '~ ~ ? r , ~: ~ i ',,; ¡ ~, Movt"d \IY r~,t.;t::ilman Heyers, sccor.ded by Councjl!r.nr~ :rwln to the :'1ir.u~e~ C', ~Iay 9, 1972, ;IS written, 3rp"-ú\'L'. :·t~:: ~lh ~ijr.l,;tl'~ .1:,pt c'.'~(~ .as written Motion c&rrled, 5-0 2. Arp~~val of Minutcs of a,jjolirn~d r~gula1' oeetitlg of :t-;¡y S, 1972. Mo':ed Ì"y C~'~:~~ilr::111 lrwin, sccc~dc.~ Py C.....~;:H;.!l::-..J:-. J.¡::-;rsnl1 tG appruvL' tb' ~tinutt.'s oi :·tay ?, 1CJ7:!. as \.,Irl..:e,en. Hotion carried. 5-0 ~t.:lY Eft. '1~:1·.llf·S. I . -....1' . t· í:: '" ~~ 1":-:"''' ,.. .written . - CITY OF ClT¡:RTI:;O, State of r"liíl,rnh 10300 Torre A\-enue. CupertIno. Ca.lifon:i.J Telephone: 252-4505 CC-~lì Page ,I . ~ /1 , J , HIh"t1I'ES OF THE REGULAll MEETING OF tHE CITY COmICIL' HELD MAY 15, 1!)72 IN THE CO!J:lCIL CHAMBER C¡-;:Y !lkLL, CUPERTINO, CAL1FO~11A SALUTE TO TIlE FLAG Kayor Frolicb called the meetl~g to ordcr at 7:32 p. with the Salute to the Flag. '¡ . r ROLL CALL Council~en present: Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich Councilmen a~scnt: None S ta ff pres~c, ~ : City Han.1¡:er Qui:1! al~ City Attorney Ada~s Director of Ad~ini":.t rd:- tHe Ser'.'icC5 R)-der Director of PL~nnL:\~ ;1r..:1 Pt·\'(>l~'l)-"q··t :'::i!;"..: Dir{:cto!" of Pu1dic "(,,. .; Y¿¡1"r'~r':'_¡";h Director OJ r.il·;~~ ;¡..~! :!~cr~·;;õt¡l'n ·'.;~1':'r ^!;:;ista~~ PJ,~n;1~r r~ .'! Rt.:>C'ord::'!."-.". "'L,,-r~!.al: .,~'i'; Imc'.1r::.~ ~n:iurl::- ('F ~';~"':V lOUS ~r~::TI~';G:; 1. ~~pr0~'.,! ~f Minutes of adjourned regular meelin~ of ~1.1y ~', :',~72. ¡'lot ion c¡;rriE'd, 5·,0 arprO\'l!; ;.l:J,:: 9th ~1ir.ljtc!': I.'~~! "...",: "'s wrlt-te.. Moved 11) r'~t~.:ilman Heyers, sccor.ded by Coul1ejl!t;¡rl !rwin to the :'1Înutes (\: Hay 9, 1972, as written. 2. App,.",'al ,,¡ Hinutcs of a,ljourn~J r.'¡;uiar ¡:¡eet1n\; of :t.1Y 8, 1972. No.."C'd t-y C~1~:~..:i1!"':;:¡n irwin, secC'adc,-~ 1,:: C,--,:;H;i1::-..1:-' J.¡~:::¡"s""n i,:c appruv~ tl:~ ~Iinutes oi ~ay 2, lY7~, as wrj~tcn. ~.:l)' ët'. '1~:1'Jt{'s ÕJ;:,rr\..'\fC'· a:. written Hot ion carried. 5-0 . to.. of Kay "proved as , .cted M1~urES OF THE KAY 15, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3. Approval of M1nu~e. of regular _etlng of May I, 1972. On page 18, eo,snclllll&n Heyers would like the last thre. words in the last paragra,b deleted and· replaced with the word. -requ1dø¡ IWIdatory service". On page 13, paragraph 4, Councllun Jackson said tile words "Central Fire District" should replace the word "County" in tbe first 11n3. On page 5, the first paragraph, Heyor Prolic!! would like the first sentence deleted and replaced with: "Mayor Prol1ch felt wo should await the County's position on this before making a deteraination." Hoved by CO\Ulcllman Irwin, seconded by Councilman Sparks to approve as corrected the Minutes of Kay 1, 1972. Motion carried, 5-0 CO:'!:-lt~ICATIONS 4. \;ritten r;,. Director of Administrative SL :vic..s s3id all but the f<JIlowln¡: two ¡,:..:'!==mnicattons rplated to itews of business on this agenda. A. Resolution of the City Council of t;w City of Ir"../Indalc opposing atte~pt to alter the method or levyir.g, collecting alld distributing the Unifor", Sales and Use Tdx under t:le Bradley-3urns Uniform Local Sales and Tax La.... 'Tho> staff was instructed to draw up a Resolution for Council consf.ler3tioo i,'pp"~i"¡; 30Y mod if icat ion of the prC5"nt syst..", of levy i:1~ an.! co I )¡·ct ing ',s.:.iles and use tax. 8. An official roster of the City or 1:oc~~a" ¡:1J I 33 cf :Iay 1, 1972. \In addition, ticns: C,_·::-,·'u:li.:-a- Hilyor Frolich h:ld received the follo"inf, ,:r itten L.'tter from ::allonal Chaim3n requesting October 24, 19ì2 be pr"clal"'~~ Un lted Nat ions Dav. A cdnd3tory police and fire protectëon rptlre~ent forcula. . . . Kl/IUTES OF TIlE HAY 15, 19n CITY aJUNCIL MEE'n'Te j:<. the staff vas directed to draw up a Resolution proclaiming October 24. 19'1.' as "United Natioas Day". In !addition, th~ newspapers ~uld be notified of t~t. proclamation and the need for SoDeODe to act as local chairman for the event. A .eetins of the Legislative Review Comœtttee vas scheduled for 5 p.... May 16th. 5. Oral <a) Rcquest by Dr. Joelson ~o address the Council on behalf 0 the Cupertino 1!ost Lions Club on the matter of fireworks p"r:oi ts. Dr. Jo('ls0n, :!J7!t5 Stevens Creei<. :l\'¿., Cupertino, said that it ""a~ his TèspCll1si:-ility to get in the requ.-'sl for the ftrcworLc; p~r-,1t. Due to .3 ~\.'at~.. i:1 the £.:.¡.::!ilo.. anJ ~i~ suhscf!uC'ut i11ness, ;;e ::;ssec! thif, dC3ò,inc. Thl; Cup"rtir.~ host l.ions Clu!> ie one of the od,·;'- nal seni.,. duhc. in Curcr:::1o a"~ ha\'c depend"d in t!w i'''~t on I thcir firl'·.·,'r....s sn~!1d as :~eir (~ié: SC,UTfC l)\ inco,~<:. :i'~;(>:: ÍJaole ' tbcir 1,;'lci.tí0~1 ~In¿ the ~Ic(c;~anr":si:: h:1.~ nCCI1 or:1crc(1. j The st~if:' :~,'tl~:J they' r~:c_':(:::: tt~~ YC''lIl(''Sts f~r í ir('·':l.·r·,s pr-!"- ¡:c;, ,) on£' oC t;a~~ f¡·~)"ì a Lien>.; C::..":>, !I:t reall;::in-. t¡~crc \,¡t.·~·e t·., !..:c::~ Cluh5 j:1 ,4l1~1.·;rtno. Co·~~.(.::-...a:;. :r-....in ~ai~ thl.~r(' i~ IV) !~·o·~:: :-~·';-.'_10. in ':l"~" ,i..;: ....,.,dd :'c in :2::~r 0: i:1crcasin.. the ë:tllt·':c': u~,:(.:- of per:.,i:.s t..:- 11 or 12. T:.t: C:ity .\ttcrncy stat£,ù it \,.'Oald td>.tc' lecisldt~ve 3rt.on to ¿~ :~i~. (;ouncil~.1.:. ~:~Yt'rs as.....ed :r. Jcel<.o:::r. ii they had n('~otiate~ .~.~:::. t¡¡e (\t::er Lh"':l$ Club ab"';\Jt cr-.1=:'ini.1& theIr efi..')rt~ this yeár. Dr. JOt.l$'~:. s.1ic..1 they hac :lO:, ar.¿ ;¡lrf'ady had their ~erc--'~:d,:st'.. and l"c¡\ti"n :'in('''; up. 1:-.1s is the bigr.est fund raisé'r t~lc1 ~..:!..:~ during :"1(" y..~i1r; and all p:,cc:cc¿:, 1:0 b~r.k into the co~.uni~y. :'1a}.or Fr,:d ieh ",.~\S :1ot 8F,A:nst fl:rantin~ thl:; rcc¡ut"'!~l. ~:!se¿ O!'1 :.;'e- popul..1t:o:1 in..:-rcase in the C.i!.y 0: Cupert"ino. !~ut on the ot:''"!r hand. as t~...: ('il\" de"J'elops ~here b...co!"'!~ fc·."cr pjacC's to p·.;t L.ese f frcworks st~:-:.js. !-Ioved by C HInl'i}¡;¡:,:1 J3cks~nJ seco:,:.JcJ by COl1ncj,lman I r·..dr. to 1':1- struct the C~t~.. Attorn(oy lO ¿ra!,.'" u~ a:1 Urgency Ord ~n::ance :':--.creasin.. the nut:b¿r cf (irt.\o:o:-ks pcr::its to ]1; the number to revc:-t ba::ic. to 10 ucxt y~~-\r. Mot!on carried, 5-0 C-117 aee 3 otted Nations ay chairman eeded e&i s. Rp.view r.mI. to i1Ieet ,\' . Rcasons for m.i~sj....!:: the de:.o,·ilinë !,;~")ns ~:~u",;'" SU"';cSt. t,:e 2 Li(,,,~ C1';'" :-c':" i n~ : :-.í..' j :" .....¡ :nrt5 11 t·irí:·,·.'or~·: pi.:r::ìÏ t~ t¡d~ ycu . . "DomES OF THE KAY IS. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 'Counc1b1an Jackson _pasted \IOVinS agenda item 54 (appolDtIUIIts to Planning eo-isa1òn) up OQ the asenda, 1Jaediately fol1øv1DI the ~blic heariDls. . REPORT OF COUNCIL IE1'USÐll'ATIVES 6. Transpor~atioD Policy Committee - Mayor rrol1ch The matter of the June 6th election regarding the transit district was pos~poncd to item 59 on this agenda. 7. Planning Policy Coamittee - Councilman Hey~rs No meeting. 8. Inter-City Council - Xayor Frolich Mayor FrC'Uch saId this :edy referred the matter of A~ 2325, "akin<; the ~ay Area Air Pollution Centrol District an elected ~ody rather than an appoi:1teJ one, to t;,e City Council. ThIs will co"',, up under agenda iter.! no. 51. 9. I.eague of California Cities - Hayor Frolich No m~eting6 . 10. Association I:¡o meeting. of Eay Area Governments - Counci ban Jackson . 11. FIC'('d Control Advisory Commission - Councll:'lan Spar~s No meeting. 12. Santa Clara Count}· 'Ãatcr Cot:1misgil1t1 - CounciL:-.an Jackson No U1c('ting. 13. Solid Waste Co=ittee of Plaanlng "oliey CO"":1; ttee - Comm. Puctz Mayor Frolieh a<muunced this Committee wlJ 1 be lnaetl',e for about sly. months. - - MINUfES OF THE KAY 15, 1!l72 CITY COUNCIL HJ::f.TL'lG CC-1l7 Page :.; 14. Drug Abuse CoAaittee - Councilman Irvin Efforts are being .ade to ~trengthen the operations of this Committee through correlation w1~h other groups and discussions with specialists in the field. Councilman Sparks said someone in the audience hIlS recently re- ceived a Federal grant to pursue this matter. Mr. Harvey Lowe, Co=munity School Director, said effort is being made to help communities to help themselves. He needs input from the City Council. Councilman Irwin and City Manager Quinlan offer to sit in on this Com=1ttee. Of and Cø::mc. Irvin to vork d with Ccma. School Mr. , 15. Hillside Committee - Councilman Heyers Councilman Meyers said there W3~ to be a ~eeti~g Qn May 16th to discuss policies and several referrals.' PLA:,XING Co::mSSIO:: 16. $ubr.dssion of !Hnutes of regular meet in:; of :'Iay 8, 1972. 17. Application 8-1:1-72 of the Hal janbt ?re-vince of the PacHic for a Tentati".-e :'ta? to combine ll!n 10:'s j:'1~~) onc parcel an<;! provide for rt:"1.\:ir.::d road1-1ay deù:lcati..J:13. S~i'J property is in an RI-IO (~ingl.-[anily Residential l),Gn~ sq. ft. lots) Zone; locat~ s.:"utherly of and adjacer.t t? ~!<":.f:cra Road at the terr'inus of San Juan Road. Recc¡:¡:ten¿ed í or approval. (See related Agenda Items No. 43 aad 48.) Hoved by CouncilmAn Irwin, seconded by Council",..:! Sparks to com- bine Agenda Items 17, 43 and 48. s\ger.·~3 1:e=.s 1.3 (. l.~ t<:; ::. !-¡car wit"¡ t:.1.s :::.e:1 Motion carried, 5-0 43. Second reading of OrdJnance ~o. 542: "An Orc'inllnce of the City C'f Cupertino Amending Section 1 of Orc'in~nc" :;0. 2 òy Rezoning a Certain Portion of the City fret. RI-IO (Residentia) SJngle-fa!:1ily, 10,000 s~. ft. per dweEillg ',mit) Zone to BQ (Quasi-?ublic ::"ildin¡;) Zone; Appre:-:i""tely 2.38 Acres Located at the Westerly Termlnus of Sa:> Juan Road." - read by Mayor Frolich. 48. Application 5-U-72 of Marianlst Provinc~ of the Pacific for a Use Permit to a11o\l the construction of a lO-person residenti 1 care home as a:1. eleMent of t~c 2.8A a~rl! ~:arianlst Province 0 the Pacific a¿ministrative headquarter3. " . ,'- -i,<i.~ 'j '~' .' , ;""1' ,; ,'< ,',:,:. "",0,. '" '': , ~' ¡:,f~ ~ :}}~~ t~ 18' aDol II-s r adc!~r'-...l ( 8-TM-72 approved , i ¡ S-U- 72 ~approvlrl ( , , , ' f , t r , I t , , - .. . MINUTES OF TIlE MAY 15. 1912 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tbe Planning Director oriented the Council. to the subject property on the parcel I113P, shoviaC where the present and the proposed buildings are to be located. Be said a 8tudy was made on this the previou8 year when ano~!ler request .as IJefore tho City. The Planning ComœissioD baa stated the applicant shall provide a 24' m1nÚlUl!l roadway. There is øcae question cf whether or not this will ultimately be a roæ-:r into the foothills. If not, it will be deeded back to the Uarianiats. Hr. Leo Ruth, Civil E:!gioeer, Ruth and Going Associates, San Jose, said it is their intention to bond for this roadway until it i8 decided whether or not this is to be ~he access to the foo~hills. He asked that they be allowed to cons~ruct the 18' roadway at"this time and bond for the possible addi~iona¡ 6' if nnd when it is needed. :-foved by C~"l1ncilc<1n ~~e::ers, seconded by Council:13n Ir",in to approve applicd:i~n 8-r.1-72. AYES: ::OE5 : C.:-uncilt1e:1 Ir.·ir., Jackson, }Ie)pers, Sp:'1r!-_3, ~a::cr Fr"lic:l Xone ~~:~~n carried, 5-0 :'!ovcd by C('u¡\cilr-an _~c::ters, secondc~l by Counci lr.an S?:lr~s to appr~'~'c "?p! ica:i",! 5-U-72. AYES: ::0<:5: (:I"uncilrt\!n _ =-....¡,::, Jacks!)D. :tt.'yers. Spi":.rr:s. ~a::or Frollch ~:0ne :.ot::t.:'C:1 carrl~d. ~-O 18. .\?pli~3tion 9-[-72 ':if C~ìanning '). C:1"r15.:12t1 :cr a t:'!'! ?cr::tit to allow cûnstract.:='=':1 cf j),460 sq. ft. of ()ff~ce ~pa":e in t~~·o 2-stcry ~uildin:s_ Sai~ pr0pt!rty is in a ? (?l~~~~d Deve]opl~~llt) Z;~~e: lccatc:: a:' :;¡f· S,)U~:l".·:p:-;t c.,rner o~: U-.¡:.. i:-:.t~::'"5ec~i0n o~ Rl~:ri_~~u('s Ave:".uè C;..:':':;' Torre A':C!1Ue. Reco"';1~:...'~e-:: f~Jr L.p.ni~l. Elcv~t:"on~ ilnd site ~l~:1 \lf~re pl~cpd '2111 the ot)u.r::'. Til;: ?:¡~nnln.:: Dt~,·(·(~tor -;hn'.,,"èd t::c plan for :~-.,~ t·...::. 2-.story buil.iin~~ 1:..:"" b.:: P:.,;é::': in t!H~ center C't th~ pr~p.:r-t:.... '*~t_~. plrting l'lì either ·,if~('. 1~-:' .uiltlii\g::> ·....ill b~ ori,?ntFt! to Rcdr!.;~;-::s .'.::é:"!.ue ;troll T(".~'n CC'l1fCr ;·.;""~;.f~, ?~:;1 S{JI,"'f~ t)'pe of ~lem('nt diL·(>.cted ~üw-;.r~ -:it:~: ;'::\11. ... - __ud OF THE HAY 15, 1972 CITr allmCIL hunlC 1Ir. CbaDn1ns I. Cbr1_, 654 ~.u,u 1_, Palo Alto, ..u .. '''r¡'· the Pl__flll Co-f-f4-1IiIIaC"tIIq -.. for laIII'eI'" ,~l""""""III of the park1ø¡ Jou'''' ·...t' IIØ .....". ..,. hot 'I.... j' .}$è there vue a ~e~ of .....~e coa1d lie dooe to .u.rtate ,', '''. ~ps'Obl_. c-ÜIII&n Spuboff'" tIae ....esctøD ellaC .....- " *_ èoa1d be clone __e.. _... at ,..-. J1IIdø Collep. ;'~11ua Meyeu said tile n-..... .II, If..·t~ for eM .1'" Q ae "íìêUica aad Tone reC 1lins 25 feet of' ._~_... tIdII pn- , ,'1!'~_, oa1y caUs for 10 feee. ~ 11ua Jacbo1a -U lib to Me. 80ft ~1'-t1.. ....~J-... 1& ~ 1Iaa1cally a pod ..... .. be ... .. __ pnIIl_ ritJa tile JIØIWIa lot. eo-11ua Inda .pllt ~ COaIIcu-D -.,.. .. CO ........udizat1oa of tile ..t't -... IlltIae t.. Cater. Be rL p. die Mat CODCept .s poda 1c .... eM ..... to lie 80 h1ab. .7"'. Frol1ch offered _cber r alJtioll¡ tlaat of abift1q tile d'" lit arouDd soal'llbae. _. C1ad_ said you bave to lie iut1t11t1olla1 1a sue to ~crwUe . Mat around the parkiøa lot. Be feels the preseat orieatat10n of the bulldi:l¡s aDd parldDa lots are wisely laid out. There 18 a 9' drop in .leva~ion fro. Sar&toaa-S~e load to Torre Aveaue. T1Ie laadscap1::¡ aDd s~ructur.s are 1a bepill¡' with the other dtes 1& the Tow Ce::ter. The n_ laDdscap111¡ plan shov1l1¡ thl. treUis ... placed on :he board. C-u-n Meyers said the preceden~ has NeD set for :5' se~back 111 the TOIID C.:ater. ~ by Councilman Meyeu, HCODdec! by Counc1laan Sparks to deny application 9-t-72. Discussion followed. Øotion died, 2-3 C-lllllan Irvin said he l1ke4 the bulld1a¡s. Øe vas in fa10r of CODtinuing ~h1s application because he felt they were DOt very far ~ from a solution. Counc1laan Jackson would Uke some. 1DcIica- t1øa from the PlanniD8 Co.ai.sion as to standards for the TOVD CeDter, The City A~torney &nsvered ~he Mayor tha~ if standards are to be esta~l1shed, they should be restricted to the Town Center at tMs ~1me. CC-1l7 Faae 7 ~ , J ~ .J 1 ~ i I i ¡ ¡ , .;1, " - ... JlI51JTES OF THE KAY IS. 1Ð2 ern COWC1L MEETING ~ /i,,\~ 1Ir. Chr~ said he ao.,~ feel. 25' setback ia .ppr~l.te for " ~,;:~ ..rUns leu, altbDuaJa ø:, mpc be appropria~e for bulldiøp. Ue..l4 " ,(;: lie would :e happy to ......1ds application continued as loq .. be is . ,,;t~$: liven sme dirl!l:tioU. . : ~_: . :f, ,'~:i~i '. .,\".~,y,'~.<i,.i¡, "' 11-72 Ø6i&..'~ talf .'~' 'late ' . " ôr T_ > ed b:r Counc:ilJllao J.... ~ seconded by Councilman lrv1ø to coøtinue àppl1ca~:'::a 9-U-72, aøcI CO .urec:c the staff tc begin for=u1atinl some .tandards for the Tovo ('--. Kociøa carried, 5-0 , " , 19. App::'.:a:lon 6-TK-72 fIf .J_. G. Boghosian :or a Tentative Hap to subdi,.l:e 2.19 au_ iJaCO oine lots, eaC:. lot ~o have 8,500 sq. ft. ,:us. Said prC?UC7 is located a;:;:roxi=!ately 400 f~. west 0: :udon Dr1ve a:IIi DOrti1erly of and ad':acent to Alves Drive. (5.. =elated Agen4a I~ So. 14) Discuss ~~-~2 Moved by :~~c11aan 1~-=. sec0n4ed by Council~n S?ar~s to discuss "J/itæ ;.... this tlat:t= along with Iu.: )4. ~otl= urried, 5-0 ARCHnEC.'-~~ A.\"D SITE .L'T"sm"AL CO~ITTEE 20. Su~~:s,:~n of H1nu~" of regular meet in. ~f May 3, 1972. 21. A;:;:':1:~cn HC-5l,07S::t of Vallco Par~, Ltd., re~uestlnb approval of .~ ~"largeoent t~ 8Q eslst1ng sign :~~ated in the Vallco Vi::1'~ sr.~pp1nl Ce=.ter at the south~~s: ccrner of ~olfe Road and ¡¡O"'d:~1: !load. Il.c~ed for appro...al. . Conditi= added Councll::.¡~ J..~;;;son would 11£e to add ~he phrase "to the satisfaction of the ?:1~~~"g Dlrec~or" t= the approval of t:,is applIcation. HC-51,O;~_ 26 approved Moved è, :,~,,:,l~n JacLs~. secon¿ed by C~~~:::=.an spar~s to approve appllcat'·c ~~-51,075.26 vi~ the above-~e"t::"~¿ condition. Ho~1= carried, 5-0 I , l I . I - KIJlUTES OF TM": ~y 15, 1972 CITY O>UNC1L MEETING 22. Application HC-Sl,299.l of S.B.A.R.E" Inc., requesting approval of site and architecture for a restaurant and pie parlor locaud at Stevena Creek Blvd., !l1st of Key Chevrolet. Reco=aeDded for approval. Colored slides of the site and the site plan were shown. Mr. Larry Madsen, architect for this project, offered to ansver ~ questions. Councilman Jac~son questioned the appropriateness of acting on thi application ~~en it is directly related to the overall site which aay or may not 1-8 approved. Mr. Madsen said this came up in his disucssions wi:h the Planning Director, who contacted the City Attorney. It vas then deo:1ded chat it was appropriate. He showed bow, even if ~he buildings are placed differently on the lot, this restaurant ~ould still fit into the plan. C-117 age 9 Reference to overall plan Councilman Spar~s noted tha~ we are experiencing proble~s with the A:ves Drive traffic on Al~es Drive, and ~his plan shows a par~ing lot abutting Alves Drive. !t vas decided chis would be discussed with the overall plan at a later date. Kayor Frolich 31,0 noted that the landscaping, lighting and signin will come bac~ in at a later date. Architecture ~~s discussed next. The fascia is 2 x 12 vertical red.·ood boar" "paced approxi=ately 2" apart. T:,ere is tile under the windows. :~ere will be heavy wood trin or slu~? stone on the cclu~ns. The air conditioning un1~s on the roof will be incorpc- rated into Le roo!. Her,ed by Council:nan Irwin, seconded by Councilr..an }leyers to approve application HC-5l,299.1. Further, Resolution No. 162 shal staCe that tcis is not including che landscaping, li~hting nor the s1gnin¡;. AYES: SC:;S: CouncU",en Irwin, "'eyers, Sparks, :Iayor Frolich Cou~c~l~an Jackson Motion carried, 4-1 23. Application I;C-5l,298.l of Earl E. Pennin~ton reque,ting approva. of site, architecture, landscaping and underground in of utilities for two duplexc5 located westerly of and adjacen to Randy Lane, approximately 500 feet north of Stevens Creek Blvd. Recommended for spproval. Architecture IC-5l,299.l a?prov~å ~-,~- ~ - 0:-117 ... 10 KI1RITES OF t'IiE KAY 15, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 51.298.. .. ed by CowadlUnlleyerl. seconded by Councilman Irvin to approve application RC-Sl,298.1 - Earl E. Pennington. HoUOD carried, 5-0 :~ 24. Application 8C-51.088.13 of DeIU11s Kobza requesUDI approval of site, uc:hitecture and landscaping for a light industrial building located in the Veat Valley Industrial Park, Parcel ane of Lot 15. Jecooo_nded for spproval. Upon request of the Council, the Planning Director ran through the colored slides of the proposal. with atten~1on to air conditioning units, . ::C-5l,088.13 approved Moved by C~~ncilman 1rJin, seconded by Councilman Meyers to appröve applicaticn F.C-5I,088.l3. Motion carried, 5-0 25. Application HC-5l,180.1 of Ed~in J. Myers req~es~in8 approval of s~te a,,¿ architecture for addition to co~~ercial b~ildin3 located at 10;Jl South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Recor~ende1 for approval. Colored sli¿~s of the si~e ..ere sho..... and t;,e Planning Director recapped the h~ari"g; on this application. .\pplicant :>at willing to $creen AC ';.:nits on older 1: ldgs Counc il:::a~ :!e)'ers asked ){r. )\yers if he would consider doing so:oething about the ;~reening of the air conditioning units on the older structures. Mr. Ed.in ~y~rs, 10601 South S3ratoga-Sunn}~ale Road, C~pertino, said they have always complied with the restrictions pl~ced on their buildings at the ti~~ they were built. ae does not think it would be fair to impose cc,,¿~tions on those buildings already built. :;C-51,180.1 approved ~cept :or landscaping Moved by ':"'""cilman Jacõ<son, seconded by Councilman Ir'",in to approve applicati~" HC-5I,180.1, wit~ the exc~ption of the landscaping. Motion carried, 5-0 26. App1i~.1tion IIC-SI,300.1 of Angel" CUV3 rcc;u"'t:ng a,proval of site, ard".i:èctul"e, la:\dscapin~ and u:1derr.:rC'unc.!i.n5; c: ".ltilities for a trip:e:.{ located at the southeast CClrl\í"r ('I! the intersec.tion of Lccita Avenue and Pasadena Avenue. Rcc0n~en~e¿ for approval. ... '1" JlÍJllJTES OF T~ ~\':' 15, 1972 CIT! COUNCIL m:£rI:.G C-1l7 age 11 . i. ~ .' -, ¡ ~ ; !\' 1, lIIwed by Cc.1x:.l.....n Meyers, see--'ed by Counc1lJ:w1 Irwin to approv ,1qppl1cation EC-3l,300.1. " Motion carried, 5-0 (.øxs AND ltrauI10:!l COHMISSxœ %1. Suba1ssi:: of Minutes of regular meet1nt of Hay 9, 1972. IlATEll COHICS>:C.' 28. :¡o mee::'=.g ~ ~L5RARY CO~~~õõ:~S 29. No ce<::~;:. F!JlSm¡SEt : :.';;:: 3D. Sub!:i:i:-~:.:: ..- ~anutes ~.. tt~e:ing of Y.ay _. :'9il. a;PERTlX0 ----.. .'. GOALS CC:-:'!:7!=": .. - ---.':- ::l. SUb~H~:':-:' . . ~tinu:es 0: S:f=:e-ring CC'I::::-::':: ~~ ~.?,,'It tog 5,'t./72. 32. Sub::!,'i~=:.::: . . ~inutes 0: 5:eering Co::-..-::.: :::i: ~~etinb 4/~7172. 33. Subr.!>>>.:c ., ~intltes 0: Steer in; C{'I:-'::':::èC ~eeting 4/3':1/72. ?UBLIC !!E.~' ~ '': Õ .34. Appl~.:.l:.::: :"-Z-72 0: Jzo:.e!l G. ~\:c;':o5il:: :::- rezoning 2.19 aCl"es :-:-- ;:-10 (Rcs!.'!e::!;'~:, Sinblc-:.i- ~ :.; lO,OOa sq. ft. per ¿.~.:c'; ~nlt) Zone ~o R:-~.25 (~e,..e~:'al, D~p¡ex 4,25( :~,_ ::. per dwel!.i:.g !~::it) Zcn~. _ 1:'': rro?crt.... is loca:c: l~;:~xi=ately ~vJ ~~et ~est c: :~~~¿~~ Drive anci northt.:~-; :: and adjace::.t :0 A!.·JCS Dr:-;,,:. Council....:: :l:'..:" absta1ne-! !rco this Pu!'~:: ':~3ri"g, since he is s~1l1 " ~ .~o:::r of the '!_'f.C.A. The Planni~! :::~ctor went aver ~he discuss:~~$ C~ this applicatio at ~he Pl~,,::c=-- ~-,,,,,I~sion l.....e!,. Final ~::,'" ','as tha: the uaff c situation :.= .\,:-.e5 Drive was :i1vcrced froc :',:; 3,p1icat1~n. HC-51,300.1 II»pr~ ·.-7.-7~ ó- T~I-7Z Counc.. Jack:;:1~ abstained CC-1l7 lqe 12 t'nff1c OD Alve. DI:. Þ !C Acce.. to 1I!ICA ! ?u!>l1c dosed Hear:1J:l& o-TH-72 3i'proved .-Z-72 lpproved . ,. J(DIUTES or :E: ~y IS, 197% CUT 001J:iCIL !ŒETlJiIG DIe Alves Ð:-iTe traffic utter ... referred to the Planning c-u.100 '~ rellilll. SIIa .ite plm siIowed pecI~~ access betweeD lots 3 and 4 to die Y .H.C,A., tdda the stÏi'Ù.!Ition that .~ be taken to proh1b1~ ~he usa of diU ...... by ....t:>rcycle.. 1Ir. Hartin :all said he repr_ted Hr. Bo¡;bosi&:1 and the Y.H.C.A.. .. ..id tb~ ¿gn' t plan to ....... _ ellSement for w>torcycles. They ~.. to) ¡u: SOllIe fora of CGIItrols so they can't get t:\rough there. ~ feel ~ ~ve a good derelopsent for this ~roperty and it fits bto the ar.... ' ~ed by C.~~il=an Meyers, .econded by Counci~= Irwin to close the Public P.('a=~~3. Motion carried, 4-0-1 ~-ved by C:_:::':~1~ ~Ieyers. secon'¿e~ by Co:J.:-,::'~-J,::' Ir\\iu to 3??rO\Oe applicati::. 0- ::".-7 2. AYES: C=- _: =:. :=ën Irwin, Meyers. S?arks. ~~.a.: ! :;oES : :: : c, ¡ A3STAI~E:: :: _c: :1C'.an. Jaci<son ::olich Ilotion carried, 4-0-1 !'...oved by :._- :_:'~1:\ Heyers, seconded by Cour.:: ~~,l:':. In."in to a?prove &p?licaL:- --:.":. AYES: ::.,cc:=ea Irwin, Meyers, Sparks, ~~::: Frollch :';OES: ~;:::-; AESTAI~E::: >c,,:ilman Jackson ~otion carried, 4-0-1 first Rea.:._-::: :: 0rdinance So. 543: "An O-r_~_-",:-:'::~ Ll[ !.hc Cit:-· 01 Cupertir.c ,~.-:' 4, ::..::~ S¿ctlon 1 0: Or¿inancc :;~~" : '::' R~zcni:1g .1, Certain ?ortion c: :"..: '::!y from Rl-10 (1tesi·jenti.1:. ':,' ·:'C'-::a-,ily ¡O,OOO '3q. ft. lots) ::-, ~: R2-1..25 (1te5iden:~al Uu,"" _.;;.1 sq. It. per ¿"elling ".Jnit) Z":H' .'.;':':'~Xi~"ltcl:" 2.19 Acre'i Lo..:a:.~_ _ _ ...'~ --jcar'!I):l Dri"J'e and Äortherly :: 1.:-..: .\Jjacertt [.0 Alves Drive." - ~.,;: j:: ~1<1yor Frclich. . . _.ES or I,;! ~ï 15, 1972 CITY COtr.iCIL HEETING C-117 age 13 > , ~ III ~ by CoaD:i1aan 1rw1ao .ecoaded by Counc:i1=aa Meyers to have '. " -!...uce ::0. Soô3 rud by t1t~ oaly aDd the Mayor's readiag to , Utute èa First Readina. rd. 543 First Reading '< :: !!< .' AIlS: CoaDrll:oeD 1ivia; ø'é7en. Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch ..s: .oœ :.~c .lØllAnlED: c-.c:Uan Jacbolt Kot1oa cU'rled, 4-0-1 , 1 , '. 3S- AppI1c:a:~:n S-Z-72 of Suøay View Lutheran Home for rezoning 8-Z-72 8.7S ac~~ ftOð RI-IO (Residential, S1nRle-fam1ly, 10,000 sq. ft. ~~ :veIling uait) Zone to,BQ (Quasi-Public Building> Zone. :~~i rroperty is located northerly of and adjacent to Cupert~: 1:a: 229.59 feet easterly of Fo~thill Blvd. Colored sl1::", :: :he site were shO\."t1. The Planning Director ~:'d the pr:.", ,~: is to add 30 roo::s to't!¡e 76-rC'0::: existing rest: ~e facil::: :03: has ~een in operat:ion since early 1963 under a 'L£e permit ;-:1.-:-=': .1: that time. Ihe off-stree: p:tr&.ins. and :~affic cir'.~":,:" plan is o:re tha~ adequat~. This rezonin; is :a.~e neCCS$~: =_-: :.'" the ado'?t.ion 0: the :'Q C:,,~inance "..hich stip- ~~tes that :,,: C;~eS :::ust be :ocated i~ 3Q zones. "ddition t:o 76-rooll\ rest hO:7le ?:.a::IiS for :-".: ~-: :::è dnd for t~e 'J::'ti~ate use c: the property were ;:'aced on t:-..: ::.1:-.:.. !!:. Virgil :"::':. ~f Hoover &:'1': Ass'Jdates in ?alo Alto, sai:i thi ~=1>osal is :: :::·::'dc lil:it:ed :::eè1ca: Cl\re fC'r 30 a¿ditional ~le. ~~or Frol::, 1;..¿ if there vas sone vay to avoid putting t~e :";i1t1ings c:, : ',,: ;'.,.Cltifal la..", presently thc<e. :1r. Carter said ~~5 plan i~ :.~ :è$~lt of one year of planni~; and soul searching. ~_ Oliver ~,,: :¿:ause of the width and hei.;h~ of the doors, etc. ~ can't ~:;._;..:~ 'Çr~se:1t roo:ls for this ser\'ice. They couldn'c 108': a licer:$<. ~--~ilr-a~ ~"l=' .~~;ested ~he Architectural anè Site Appro~a: ~.,...ittee ~,,; ::,. 3t~ff could 1001< at the p.os;ihility of cli:-:ò~ati S~~ of thE ;~=,_~; father tt.wL~ the grass. ~~e¿ by C'~~~_:-3~ ~èyers. 5e~onied by Coun~~~~an Sparks to havç ~ Sunny \":." :.:ò.<ran :ioce t:se Pemit call~¿ "p fór rede'. by t!te City Cc_,,,:. unny Vie'''' Vse errJi t to be eviewed Motion carried, 4-0 Councilnaa Jac~son op~~so= this. , !CC-117 ¡Page 14 I . !,~ ¡ "ì""~ ~J!'Iablic II~." !closed :",jj; : ';r:f p,,' , , 3-z-72 3pprl)ved :r .1. 544 " :~st Reac1:c.g .è~d. 534 . . 1U1W11!:S or mE KAY 15, 1972 CIn COUNCIL MEETING Frol1ch asked for c_C. fr_ the audience. There _re 1IOÐIt. ..,ed by Counc:1boan Meyers, .ècoødecJ by Councilman Irwin to clese the,:.. 1'Ìabl1c Hearing'" " MotioD ca~iecJ, 5-0 lføved by Councilman Heyen, seconded by Councilman Irvin to approve application 8-%-72. AYES: ~ES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Motion carded, 5-0 First R~ading of Ordinance '"0. 544: "An Ordinance of the City of Cuper~ino Amending Section 1 of Ordinance ~o. 2 by Rezoning a C~r~ain Portion of the City fro~ Rl-10 (Residential. Sinzle-fa~il: :0,000 sq. ft. lots) Zone to 3Q (~lasi-?cblic :uilding) Zone; Approxi~ately 8.75 Acres Located Xortierly of and AdJacent to Cupertino Road Approximately 230 Feet East C'f Y<>othill 2l"Jd." -- read by Mayor Frolich. Moved 1:y CO:>l\c:'han Meyers, scconded by Coundl"an Jackson to h'lve Ordinance x~" 5~. read by title only and the Mayor's reading to constitute the First Reading. AYES: ~OES: Councilmen Irwin, Jac~scn, Meyers, Sparks, ~1ayor Frolich Xone . Motion carri~d, 5-0 36. Second ReaJin~ of Ordinance :.0. 531,: "An Ordinance Adopting by Ref<!rer.ce the 1970 t:nifor:" Mec!1,micat COGe Pro\"iding the Minimu::I Standards t<> Safeguard Life or Limb, !iealti, Property an:: Publi: Welfare b~ ae;ulating and C~ntrollin~ the DC5i~n, Construction, Installation, Quality cf ~ateri31s, Lccatit)n, O?aratio~, and l"lé3,intenance ot hearing, V(.ntilatin~, Co~.:ort CoolinG, R~~rig~ratlon .>ystems, Incincl"ators and Ot~~r ~i5CI.J11atleo'ls !:<"at-Pror:"Jc i!1g Applicnaces, Pro'lidinr, for the Ad':ini,'tr;¡t;C'n 'ind £nfcrce:-:ent of Sucl1 Require:"\'.:'nts ar.f1 Pr~5cri:--ing. Pcn,¡ It :'es r·1r Vir;lat ll)ns Thereof and Rep~alin.; Ordinances in Con.flict :iC'r...:·...~th." -- rea": b:.: ~t.'\yor Frol!.ch. . . JIL'IUl'ES OF THE MAY 15, 1972 CITY COU!ICIL MEETING CC-117 Page 15 . ~~ ",,!lie City Attorney offered _ .",,\Þaent to Page 2, Sec:t1011 7. COD- 'ii,1v :' céRiUS the appeals proc:edare. ·~)i-;' ·,~:'\à;::.-< -',; ..', ..",' ,.~Ifa1Or rrol1ch a~ed' for: 'c:ø.-mta fr:OID the audience. .,~. vere , ';~.. )~rr;·',,·'" ~. .~., ""~'i . ,.' ,', ' '¡;.~·:",A"'ed by Couuc:i1man Mayen. _onded by Councilman Ir:v1D. ,to ap- ~, '1..~,~.. ,.,-'¡,,'.. .,' " ,,: ,"'>' r prove the cbauses to or:c!~e 110. 534 as proposed by the City '! ( , Attorney. this mOtion _ v1tbdraVll. ,-, . "',"'. !loved by Couac1lman Jacksoa. seconded by Councilman Irwin'to cloae tbe Public Hearing. Motion carried, 5-0 !loved by Councilman Meyers. seconded by Councilman Irvin to ap- prove the change to OrdiDAL~ce ~o. 534 ,s proposerl by the City Attorney, and to continue t~e Second Reading. AYES: NOES: Coun~ilmen 1rJ1n, Jac~son, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich Sone Motion ~rr1ed, 5-0 The City Attorney recomoen~e~ a revisel wording to It~ K on p3se 6 relative to the Board of Appeals. Hayor Frolic~ asked for ca==ents f~~ ~he audience. There ~ere DOne. Moved by Councilman Jac,son, seconded by Councilca~ Irwin to close the Public ~earing. Ko~1on carried, 5-0 Koved by C~u"cilman Jac;.so,." seconded by Coundl,,,m Ir·dn to acend Ordinance 535 as rec~en:e~ by the City Attorney, and to have it continued. AYES: XOES: Councilmen Irwin. Jacf.son, Mcyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich Xone Motion carried, 5-0 i Public Searing closed Change t~ Ord. 534 approv~ Puàl1c :~..arin¡; closed Ord. 535 amenJe¿ and continu!:¿ - !Ið1ic c:iøs'" _~ OF T1Œ MY 15, 1972 C1'II' ___'--'1. JŒET~ CI:-1l7 hie 16 .. 'I: Od. 536 .. -.t... aDd =r.imJ'" ,~:;". ·';Caaacu...n Jacksoii . , C ,1IeId:Ig on orcS ?~.fl',':' '~";i'( ......",.,;JJi ~'1t'.;' HotIOÍ1'" " '.... ,,1), . ,"~"~'" JI'!_t:·· . ..f¡.,; ;:i' i;~~ .. ..'~ ~, . :f,; ,~:;~:,:' ~~. ' ., CoaDcU.n Irwin. .'" '... .., ONnc1luD Jackson to ~' e 536 ceDied in ac:cöc· ' w1ch the recaaaeodat1OD of the CIq ~tomey, aDd to cont1œe ilia SuoDd aeaUDI. aI!5: .as: CouDc1laen Irwin, J.-" None . !l87er_. Sparks, Mayor rrollcb Motion carr18l. ~ .=:. 537 ~,=¡¡es ¿ -=-ber of ~"',e :;~~ld1ng Depar~va_ pl'ese:>~ to ?ropose certa1D ~es to ~::'::r.:e ~:o. 537. as t.el1Deated in t!:e )by 12~h =.e:o fro. :š:. PlalU1in¡ =i:~c:.)r. 2!.:"': Frol1c~ as..".j for coc:er:ts fros the audie:>c.'. ihere vere DOr1e. ~.~:!.c Heari::c .:_:.;;ed ¡!k:-T'2è by Cou:::~:~:I Jackson, see ?-c::1<: near1::¡;. 'ed =y Councll::an lr.rin to close the !lotion carr1e4. 5-0 _. i. 537 '''-.It'.ges .===o',ed & ::::~inued ~_ by Cou::::'::':.1:l Jackson, .~r by Councllcan Irwin to appr_e O:-L::x.&nce Ne, :;;' ~:I accorc!an.cl! '.r1~ the changes ':rought ou~ aC this ~~g, anc! :: :~:lt:nue the :ec;% ha1ing. -:.:: Co~~::.=O:l Irwin, Jar~, Meyers, Sparks, ){ayor Fro11ch None ~: !lotien "arr~. 5-0 - tilis ~1I:1e. :::00 p.m.. t:-.e ~il a~journed to a persannel Session. -=-_ _uting re::"";,~ned at 11:35 ..1. . . '>"; _ 8: OF TIlE NAY 15. 1972 CIn ".-tJ'o"TJ ~..EETL~C .':.:.. :,' Councn.ea Irvin, 3a·1o fa. Wyers, Sparks, Mayor Fn11da JIcme . Motion c:ørieI. s-o . _IDiAJICES __ Second Reading of Ordinance So. 539: "An Ordinance of the ~ of Cuper:1ao Amending Se:tÍOD 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by ~oning a Certain Por~1aa =f the City froc RI-I0 (Single- £aa11y Resi~tial 10,000 ~. Ft. Lo~.) Zone to R2-4.25 Oesidential !1u¡>lex 4,250 5<;. Fc. per &..elling Unit) Zone; Aipproximauly .39 Acre Lo~s-e''' A;lproximately 320 Feet West of ~ey Avent>! on the Soutl1 S~ of Rodrigues Avenue." - ~ by K3y~r Fro11ch. ~ -d Øy Councll:a:1 Irwin, sec:oadeè by Councilman ~!eyers to have ----." !::). 53~ read by title :>cù.y _d ~he Mayor's reading to __deute the ~:~nd Reading. .arJS: ..:5: Coundl:>en Irwin, 3acltso:o. !Seyers, Sparks. Mayor Frol1ch None Ko~ion carr1.ed, s-o CC-117 Page 17 .!:':·:~l{ .' >t ',' ,i',_' ',:,:<,£~-;::,., Pl.m1Ìa¡ Caíåi~J appointMDt.: ' . . IØJII1rES 0. THE HAY 15, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Þed by CoullCi1ll lD 1ø1a. ,MCODIIed by Co~c:1l11ao ""_1. to eøact PH......... 110. 539~ <;~~,~.{: ..~, .,;¡. ...... J:, '""~,- ''-. {, CowI~{1-'t~1',:.J~. Mey.ra, Sparu.'ø.,ot Frol1cb .... f,' '~i' -;.- .. :;.¡ ~.,~::~i~jeð, . ",.,.1.' ":, ~;¡.. 5-0 ,f,: SeCODdllÚdiQ ofoPuuace 10. 540: "An orð4.....e. of the Cicy of Cupertino "",_... sec:tioII 1 of OrdiDance Bo.· 2 by "_iDI · Certain Poi:t1ou of the City of Cupertino fr_ 83-2.2 (Be8ic!eDtial. Mul~ipl. 2,200 .q. fc. per clve111ng unit) Zone to CG (General Coa=erc:ial) Zone; Approsmauly .22 Acre Located ApprosiDatelY 95 feet W.st of Saratop-Suanyval. Road AdjaC:eDt to anc! lIorth.r1y of Kirwin Lane." - -.ad by Mayor Frol1ch. rd. 5100 Secoað JI_M4""1[ " Moved by Councilman Irvin, :;econded by Counc1l1:1an Jac:kson to have Ordinance So. 540 read by title only and ~he Mayor's reading to c:onst1tute the Second Reading. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch Sone ~!ot1on carried, 5-0 Ord. 540 ..naC:l:ed Moved by Councilman Iròi~, seconded by CouncilMan Jackscn to enac:t Ordinance Xo. 540. AYES: SOES: Counc1lmar Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich Sone Motion ca.cied, 5-0 42. Se~~:" <g at OrcHnanc:e 110. 541: "An Ord1nar.ce of ~he City of Cuper .. ABe~i~g 5ection I of Ordinance ~o. 2 ~y Pre zoning a Certain ~~rticn of the Ccunty from Santa Clara County C.S. Zone to Ci:y of Cuper~ino RJ-2.2 (Residential, ~Iultiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per ~.e:ling Unit) Zone; ApproxL~ately .22 Acre Located at t~e Southeast Ccr"er of ~hc: intersection of Lo:nita '\\'enu(: and Pasadena Avenue." -- rea¿ b:' Mayor FroUch. " ,,,",,' . . IIUIU:n!S OP THE MAY 15, 1972 CITY œtJIICIL MEETING 'lIøwed by Councll118n Irw1D, øecoaded by CouDcllman Meyers to have OdiD&DCe No. 541 read by title cm1yand the Mayor's readiftl to '" COD&titute the Second lleading. , ADS:' ~S: Counci1ll8n 1rw1n, JacksoD. Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1cb None Motion carried, 5-0 Øoved by Coun~ilman Irwin, seconded by Councilman Jackson ~o enact Ordinance No. S41. . AYES: NOES: Counc11111en Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch None Motion carried, 5~0 43. Second Reading of Ordinance 110. 542: "An Ordinance of t;'e C1~y of Cupertino ~~er.d¡ng Sec~1on 1 of Ordinance ~o. 2 by Rezoning a Certain ?ort~oa of the City fro~ Rl-10 (Resi~entia;- Single-family, 10,000 ~<;" ft. per d·,e11in;; uni.) Zcne to F.Q (Quasi-Public Buildin~) ZDae; Approxi,.te:y 2.88 Acres Locate~1 at the lIesterly Te=inu~ of San Juan Road." -- read b)" Mayor Frol1ch. (See related' Agenda 1t=s );0" 17 and' 48.) Moved by Councilcan Irwin, sec~n~~¿ by Co~ncilnan Jackson to have Ordinance ~o. 542 read by titl· only and the Hayor's reading lO cons~itute the Second Reading. .'YES: NOES: Councilmen Irwin, JackSJn, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Ko~ion carried, 5-0 Moved by Counc1l~an Irwin, seconded by Council,an Meyers to enact Ordinance No. 542. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Ko~ion carried, 5-0 . CC-1l7 Pa.e 19 Ord. 541 Second ",dl111 Ord. 541 enacted Ord. 542 Secc:ld Reading Ord.5l.2 enacted 1";c~J; ',,: l't '. :,<~~c,~",,:~! , 'l'''~i-' " ~i¡';¡;' ... ~~.~;:f' . " CC-117 'I... 20 ¡ . '; , ..... 3261:' adopted 11!s. 3262 ..dopted .tes. 3263 adop~ed f . . JUIIudS or TIlE KAY 15. 1972 C1Tf COUNCIL KEETlHG No. 3261: "A "~ladGa of the C1~y Council of, tbe,CIC)' of CupertlDO Al1011iDa Certain 1!...4....,,_ Demands Payab1.,f.Ø tJíjrMouat. - frøa. the FuDls .. UereiDafter. Ducribed for Salartu àød v.aea for the PaYTOU Period ZndÚl&~2. 1972." - read by Tr_nr .JacluJon. SaYed by C-C1.11llan IrviD. aecoøded by Councilman SparluJ to adopt Resolution No. 3261. An5: mES: Councilmen Irvin. .Jackaon, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch None Motion carried, 5-0 45. No. 3262: "A Resolu:ion of ~he City Council of the Ci~y of Cupertino All~ing Certain Cla~s and Demands rayable in the k:cunts and from the Fu~ds as Hereina:ter Described t~r General and Miscellaneous Expe"d itures." - read !>y Treasurer Jackson. ~oved by C~u"dltlan Meyers. seconded by Counciluan S;Jarks to adopt Resolut;cn :;0. 3262. AYES: 5OES: C"un~ilmcn Ir:rln. JacÌi:son, }te~·er:;, Spal"Ìls, Ma)tor Frolich SO:1e Mot~~n carried, 5-0 46. So. 3:63: "A Resolu::'on of the City CO'Jncll of the City of Cupertino App=oving Local Ageocy-S:ate Agree~~~t Supplement Xo. I for TOPICS I~pr~v~ent Project, ¡ntersect:ons o~ Saratoga-Sunnr/ale Road at IWdri¡;ues Av~nue and 5aracoga-$unnyvale Road at McClellan Road." - read by Mayor Frolich. Moved by Councilman Irvin. seconded by Cc~nciltlan Jackson to adopt Resolu~ion Xo. 3263. AYES: :;oES: CcuncilMen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch Sane Motion ~arried, 5-0 _~ OF THE KAY ~ 1972 CITY WIJ.cn HEE'lING . 47_ Jilt. ::Zy.. "à ~solution 'of doe a~,. Council of ~he Ci~y of QowIertino AppntrinS the Imp.:... ~ of Frontage Along lIe~a .... r Betweell Byrne Avenue .. Or..e Avenue and Authoria1n& ,- f..Uon of .&¡reeøent In eo-cdoD Therewith with FIlL .~ '"' d-tea, a Partnership. n - ~ by Mayor FroUch. :;;'J:~<:~COunc11aa IIVin, secoøcSecÌ 1':J·þa:"'Clll118D Jacbon to '&dopC . 110. 3264. i t.~,i.;'::"dl_ Irvin, :1.... ·ct ,,'~ ~ '"",,_' 0'. :";", ' JackaOD.·~;~~ Sparks, Mayor rroUè:h ", .'\\-.-' "''''''';¡',' .. ,-- ,.. " '~~:':~:. .. :,,1;',,', ,\,;,:',' ____.u BUSINESS !lotion ca_-rtecl. s-o .... ~_ Hutlon H-12 of MarUD1.sc høw-1Dce of the Pacific for . .... Permit tQ allow the coasCnlCdOD of a ten-penoa Rsl- . rfal care ~ as an el.-DC of tM 2.88 acre Marll11Ûat ~nce of t!1e Pacific admfnf_crat1va headquarters. (See related Agenda 1telllS No. 17 _01 43, page 6.) "'. ~f report en the proposed D~ nt, of Regulation 2 of ~ Bay Area :-~llution Control D1atr1c~. ~ by Councib:a: :..ú.son, seconóe:i by Council","", Irvin to have ~ s~f draft a :.::er to ~he &ay Are. tolly~ion C~ntrol District t~~1 a strong s:¿~~ in land use controls as ~nvi$ioned in Regu- La:1Da 2, but the :~:y Council woul¿ like to opp~se it until cer- Laia ~tions art ~$W~red. ~Dtion carried. 5-0 T.be Ciry Manager r.~o~¿nded ~he C1tr reafff~ its ~~sition on the a.y ~ Pollutio: ;,,.:rol District but not approve :he amendment. eo..cf1~n Jackso: ~ould like to take a fairly stron~ stand on t.his .-4 ~we them mora: 5~??Ort. Doe City Manager .0':'::, like to see certain points clarified before ~ Ctry endorses :~e "-~ndment. JIØI' .e5UESS SO. ~uest fro;: =-;~nin" Republican Vomen for per::it to use an office tr3il.~ .os ca=paign hea¿qua.ters b~t~e"~ September 4 aDd November -. :~7!, on the soatbeas~ corner oÏ Stevens Creek Al~. and sUC-~7~~le-Saratoga Read. a:-1l7 Page 21 .... 3264 .-peed ¡Reg. 2 of hy 'I Are.~ poll~ltií':' Contr~1 D.str.ct f to _tee tter 1D s1t1oc œ 232S. i,er·. !:lay ~. 28 3-year ....::'t epprO"/ed .... - ES OF tU ~y IS, 1972 em COUNCIL !Œ£tL'IC ed bJ C t1_.. Jac:boD. MCOa~" bJ ~1ICilman HeJen to BraDt '. sloa for an office. Ud1er to the CllpertiDO 1lepublic:ao u.ea (~be1r ~est dated .IIå1'8. , 1972. ,,? 1: t1__ lrv1A., .1...._. HeJera, Sparks, MaJOr rt~1ieb .. ;',:,'!, Hotiolicur1eol. S-o Referral frea Icter-City Couøcl1 MaJors' Commi~tee of ø 2325, _kiDe Say Area Air polhatioD Control Distric.t an elected body rather tbaD aD appoiated ODe. Froli~~ said there i. feeling that ~he Distr1c.:'. position would be _ken": i! this vere an elected rather than appoin~ed body. ~ed by C~~~11~n I=vin, seconded by CounciL~n Meyers to dlrec~ the staff to ~-=::.. a le~ter expt'essing Cuperti,.,,', view that lie are in oppo5i~i"r. :: A! 232S. I I . ¡S2. Re~.(~: ::-- ~~n Jose Jaycees tor pr~c:~~ltion obs~rvln~ I S~t:'~,~:, 2: .15 Teacher'li Day. So ~ve'J'~ :._-:.:~l:aan Jac~.:-':l,. secon,:ed :y ':.:~ .~cilman Irwin. I '5:;. Motion cærried, 5-0 Motion ~arrie1, 5-0 Aut;.:':" _: 1: ...:':\ to enter ~ nte an agree-:~::: ",":th a Cere if ie~ :'11bllc Ac..:.:...:.-:;' :ira for the i11depend~nt a:1:':..;J¡ audit of t:..U! Clty'li fin.."'.: <è~ords. iSc IDOV..¿: >"".'lraab Me)'ers, seccndeJ b' ~:""dl"'an ;an .Ir~~i~.: .:~:, the fint. 0: :·eat., ~tar..~':'c·" ~.~tc:~,~ll ;.uditin~ :.~ ~::y'~ hooks c! accc~nt f~r a : .:~~'-v~ar ¡with the :_,~~".l ~tatr.=ents of 1971-19ì:, ¡AYES: :so ES : lr~in, ~~thorlzlng an·l C~~:~a:1Y9 for peri.,¿ :,e;;lnning ~:_:~,.:i:""!c.n Irwin, Jac;--Son, ~!eyers, ~'ayor Frol iLh ::-7dr."S, :;;::¿ Motion carried, 5-0 I . ., JIIJIUTES or THE MY 15~ 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-1l7 Page 23 ~~. '\;;g !" 50\., ;: Appo1ntlleDts to PlasmiDI C-1ss10n. :', (See page 17.) '",,' ,,¡., t ~: ;~Î1f"ferr&l frOll Board o~ Supervisors of a draft or,d,ilUlllce ,,"'i creat1ns a Santa Clara County COIIII1ss1on on HImAIS Jte!ation.. ..:;-;' 1føwel by Coundblan JacUoD. seconded by Councilman Irvin to go Oå record as in favor of ~ Santa Clara County Comaiasioa on IbaaD lte1at1cas. MOtion car:ied, 5-0 . 56. &equest~' Friends of Cupertino Librarv for us~ of Civic Center Flaza for annual bonk sale May Z~, 1972. So DOVecI ~y Ccu~cil~n Irvin, seconded by Council~an Meyers. Koc1on carr!ed, 5-0 57. ,\u:~,'<i:,lt'on to exercise Joint "<"'cr" Af.re="nt for the Cf":.;o.:':,-:", :~ t:~c Itcgicnal Crin.in.11 J:I:,: i.:c ?lann:n; :Soare. :1o..ed b:-; c.~ ~:_ ~-:.U1 ~e'_·...r'\,. seoconceJ !:-y l'.- J::~~n"',."\f. lr·~'in to authorizt.' L.i' ~.'\"I,,'r t~ sl¡:l the A=-rl·e,:,\~:~:. Motion <:arr:cd, S·(' ~POaT OF 0Fr:~~~, 58. City ~:a:: The City ~~t!:.H:~r r~ad the A¡rce--::.ent bet',i'",->7! t~e Ci ty 0: Cupert ino and the Ó.1t::J Car.. C~Clnty noo~ C.:",tr.-I ,,¡Strict. !!" rec=endcd authorizat:.'c. :. .~rantcd to si¡;n this ,\gr{,l',1{'~t, subject to ;;un approval, So moved to'\' C::.;.:1~~U:"ìan ~feye~5-. ~~c\..~nde·! ~)y C...~uncilr.1an Jac~50n. Motion carricJ, 5-0 Human Relations, COIIICi. endorsed Annual boo~ sale OK in !'Iaza Ri'~':'onal c: :r,!~... JJsti.', ~lac,::. l\d,\!:r~<'-:'" ~ ",: C~ cI~l >. r .7':.! ~I.-' ~ign }.,:rei--· "1': ../SC C~y iI- ~....~ Contr,:l U¡-..t:-iLL . . . 1lI1WŒS OF THE HAY 15. 1972 CITY aJIINCIL MEETlHG ''rh City Mauager ba4recai"ed that Ù1 a leetH, frOll a hoMOIfIIHI' aroup Wbo _t to ha"e'Vn..."-- blocked off ODlfay..29th so tbey caabave a " tiôclt party. H.I'.~.__.. 'Id aD Ord1D&Uc~i 1i!.'~n- up &DCI a saa11 bond j\tíe, .w.iue4 eD8Ut'~ tJial;the City iI<rê1~'bf. aay Uability ,and ""! _, '~.~ 'èÍU!t the area ~'IN.I'Prilpèr11 c1eanecJ ~~cll. They _t require !~';'i1:',\ ..raeDC1 VebiC~;'~ aUøwecJ to pas. t~~t if the neeel ad.... . ,:'¡((.-, <, ' , . ,'... . .' ," ..., 'ii". So' _ed by CouIIc11IUft'Jackson, seccmclecJbj ~iblaa Meyer.. .;>":-.:', ',i." eHutton tor to dn. of Beadley Dr. 'Ðo\S now also City Treasurer Traffic 'prob1e:1s 1fødoD carded. s-o The City Attorney anDOUacecl he would be attencliDa a 3-clay meetiDg. 59. City Councillllell Council=an Meyers noted there is increased co~es~1on at Bank of America and ~~¿ Savings sites a~ Steve~s Creek Blvd and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. He ~~~:l like to consider getting the channeliza~ion done before Bandl~y ~rive goes ie. The staff will c~eck on this Council~an Jackson repor~ed his to~~ hall plans. Counc::~àn Jackson feels the function of City Treasurer yould be~ter be ser~~i by the staff. Moved :~ Councilman Jac¿son, seconded by Counc11:an Irvin. ~o appoint ~he D:r~~tor of Administrative Ser~lces ~ill1a: Ryder as the City Treas~=¿r and the ~ayor is to countersign t~e warrants. AYES: NOES: Counciloen Irvin. Jac~son. Meyers, Sparks, Mayor rrol1ch )lone ~otion carried, 5-0 Coun,:l~n Sparks in:roduced a discussion of the traffic pattern at Maria"i ~rive and Saratoga-Sunn}~al~ Road and at Finch Avenue by the Churc::, across the street from Cup'>rtino I:lgh School. Ranger Prograc The R3~"o!r PrograM was brought up. The staff "a3 asko!d to rep~rt a~ the ,,=t Council lDeeting on the p0551bil1tle~ of continll('d use o£ the summer Ranger Program. ~ . Hl:;U'1 t:S O~· I ¡n-: :~\"i L,. j 9;2 CIT"4" (:th.:::CH. ::::.-TH:v '"Vpcm request DC the Uayor. the Cft)' ^~tnrney read RC!Golution :10. ';3265, In suppnrt "r "M'(!:"s'lrc- 3". ';Jbved lIy ec.'"..cil,"3n :!cy...rs,' 6(!C"n,;(!.t IIi' CuuDci~&n JacÏtson to lacJopt Resolution ::0. 3265. .~ -. ! )btion carried, 5-0 60. Reccgniticn by Ma:¡or of non-a~...nda ite=.s. There wcrc none. ADJOUR:-.m:T l~ovcd by C~u!1.cil:":An Ir......in, sc:conc!C'd the ~~atjn; to ~~y 23, 1972 at 7:33 12:4£ A.H. Mo:ion carrid, ATTEST: /s/ WM. E. Ryder City Clerk . . c;;·~ 17 It.:!~c :!5 It"., 3265 a¿c"tIVJ I ¡ , .~ " "~ " by. C~:Jnci.!.r.a:'l ~!c:'ers to adjourl1 '\~.io:~rn~d to p:'1. :·:t:etin:. adj('lurncd at :·Iay 23rd . 5-0 .-,pPROVED : /s/ Donald A. Frolich Mayor, City of Cupertino