CC 05-23-72 7h ~ ~~ --,,,,, CITl . a1PEmNO, St.Of CaUfomia 1Ø:JQO Torn Avenue, Cupertino, Califomia T-w . .,}'-: 252-4505 . , G-118 . , ,....;f)"~þ'~ ADJOU1tlŒD ~)","r;u&CG or '1'BE CITY COUlCIL ",.,j','¡'2ii;"~ KAY 23. 197~;~c:otllCIL awmll "~'" ",., .;; ,', 'C1Tt IIALL Q1ft' ' i/CAJ¡1FORNIA ,.i'tl~~:)i" ." " i~;"~{'fJ~r': ". " ' ~;~;~!~:.!'~' called to o~iot~~'~í30"·!¡K. b, Kayor FroUch. ',: ?"': ·:;:c~('~·,<,~:. \,' ..''-'<'::<~~'~~~[:'\'~'" '" .. '-ßt__ ,resent: IrviD, JdCIIÌ. Meyer., Sparks (7:45 P.K.). KayOl' ", rroUch' ',,' , sÞff preSent: C1ty Manager Quinlan. Director of MlBinistratlw Services It)'cler. Director of Planning and Develop- ment Sisk roll call ~rs of the Steering Committee of the C1~izens Goals eom.ittee vbo _ In attendance at the meeting vere: Anger, Cooper, Gonzales, BaIl, J[arpeD, Mangano, Nellis, Weiss, Wenn1ger. M37~ Frolich stated that the purpose of the joint »eeting with the .....rs of the Steering Comm1~tee vas to revi~ the current status of that ~t~ee and to determine its future role in the implementation of Cbe Goals Comm1t~ee report. He stated, however, that ~hree 1~~ of business would be conducted before go1n~ into the main ~urpose of the aee:1ng. On the recommendation of the Director of Administ~~t1ve Services it was ~ by Councilman ~rwin, seconded by Councilman Jackson, and pðssed ua~sly that the form resolution as prepared by toe Wells Fargo Sank far au~horiz1ng the facsimile signature s~amp of the ~layor on City ...ar-¡ r~. ~o be an authorized signature. tbe City flanager repor~ed on a reques~ frOl!l De Anza College for penols- sky dlvi::g 810:1 to utilize the services of sky divers during De Anza Days on June ) 0" 'ci for act June 4, which divers would land on the campus. It vas moved by I de anze days c-dlman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Irvin, and passed unani=usly, ~ the City Manager be authorized to grant permission for the sky divers to perform as requested. I the Director of Planning and Development presen~ed a proposed revision cf a parking layout for the Bank of America - Ho~ Savings and Loan parcels. lie explained that thE Council had requested a r.,view of the ingress ;nd I revL,Jd :>3rl:lng ecress difficulties at this location. The proposed layou~ had been pre- lay~ut adopt~d se:ced to the Archit..ctural end Site Approval Ccmmlttee and had received! !-:1/1;' of =er lc~- tkat Committee's endorsement. He LOW asked that the City Council approve h~De sa?inr.s tile parking propo~al. I It vas moved by Councilman Irwin, seconded by CoUncilman Meyers, and passed unanimously that the parking propos'll as presented ~e approved. sl;:nature s ta.."!P use g¡ut!1orized JIØIJ'1'ES OF . 23. un em COUNCIL MEi"tte . .. the ......tiOD of 1II.j _ Fnlich each Couac1l1uD .... ".s- .~ for the SteerillS eo.dcÞe,. eatad vi_ mdøu....CiøS CID ....t _nices coald be per"', . -iii' tII8 SteerillS eo.tt~, ~;,,- iIIp~- doD of the Cit1_ ..~~..,¡~ toIlard the...., 'IlL t,,',Òf cba .., ' ~ 'la. Coaf~;~ "__.I cowftq':aU~.....Þof,tb1a ~~_ "'!."'.:t" ' , ,,',"'.' ~5MIIÞ > :,}'fit~<l}, . . " ',', ,'-,' -,,-:11- '.--:" <. .' ':" ::',',' ... ' ,: ,:.. '::_,. . ",',",: f,:' '. " .,,' .' ,'~'. .,': ' ... .' ,. ':',10:,00 '.11. Hqor ',", ':';'¡¡;"", ......no«,..".,:·,.,.., ....,:,'~, :,~..d" I,ttee~tba& ~"" . C1 C-cll -U'<' to a pen_l"~ :t . ' ~,.c""1 '" ,"'.'~ i:1acI.:m.. vb1ch ,7. ' ·Stelr1D& c-t( '. . ia)"'(r-' c" CÒ ' ','; ,~L. '. "c.ndDe vbether a " ._, .' _ .íC01l1ð be nlch..''¡Sà'.'·''-. ø r,1 'widell ... ",.;,..;!:IIt ¿.' ~t IIeea ..... ' .;J,.,':." ".>\c. "ð{~',·~~,~?,;, ~;- . \~;>~ "~;:' ~' ·.;.etÞâ "'. ''';'¡,,(;' IfaJor hol1ch reco.....·::."~'at1 ....__en ID opØ.'~ at 10:20 ..L It: '. uatn1 ;.......,,- . ........... adoptioD o~ motion &nlKiJa& S~eeriA& r I~- tee tt.e ~ "reHDt _ .oala _tbly le~tar - It vas _01 by Co_ciJ_ %:&viD. ..ccn.W 111 Coa:I('f1 Ifa7en. .... .....d __to,,,..l,. that 1IIr. L D. IoeDltzer. Jr.. ... 1Ir. DoDaviD D. Ðre..ler ~ appoiDtad to 6.... ,ear terM to the Architectural aacI Sitl Approval ea.ittee. Steerins CoIaitt"e Cba1~ KarpeD stated that the proposal pre"iousl,. referred ~o vas accep~a!Þle with ooe amen.s-t. Accord1nsly, it was .0.... b1 CoUDCllJIIaD Jacuon. ..c:oaðeð bl CouøcilluD Sparks, as follows: 1. Identify and pl~ iJoplemen~atlon for those COals aDd policies vh1ci> do ~ fall under ~he eeøeral PlaD and for- ",,:ion of Coal(s) .x/or PoUcy(ies) on anøeuUOft. A sb- ...,n:!t ti... limit WM placed on this ~ask. 2. S,,¡:~ly public 1~ to ~ha P13nn1n¡ CœDissiOD Oft the various ele=ents of ~he GeDeral Plan which could include inviting sFuiters to give teat1::loDY to the PlanGing c-1..ion. 3. To ~e themselves available to the Planning CoaaissioD for any possible ~ask cba~ the Commission might sea fi~. Mo~~ carried, 5-0 Mayor Frolich requested tba~ ~he s~aff conduc~ a research into prior policy statements on ~~a~iOD as may have bean developed and distri- buted by the Local Agency Forma~1on COCllll1ss10n. Councl1=an Jackson referred to the Council a proposal by ~he committee for the Cux>ertino Scene tbac ~bP publication be chaDged from a quarterly magazine style to a moD~l,. cwo-page folded style, vbich proposal received ~he approval of the Ci~:r CouDcll. Councllaan !!eyers re__ ~-d ~hat a resolution be prepared for presenta- staff to -...I) ~1on to the League of Cöt.11.fomia Cities requesting assessors ~o take iDtO zOftf~a r-a..t~ considera:ion the ex1stLDc %ODing on property wheD ..sessmen~s are beina ~o ass- ts determined. This was referred to the City staff iD ~be form of a reques~ for re~L to to subait a report on the aat~er to the City ~~~1ctl at a fu~ure mee~ina· c:ouacU . . . HJJoihl::S 0." ílif. }L\Y .l3. 1~7~ '-1l'i LlJiI:!(;IL HL¡';fll\~ (;-111\ par.... 3 C-cUean ~:Cyers also inqll(rt'd as to tho deslr"bUlty of Cupertino's ~iøg of a buUdln~ t4X and" pToperty tran!JCcr t::Ix si.UM' to th.t Dune. 1:01el"1l' __t1y aclopt('d by Ihe City of San .lo!<e. 110 contended tit". such o:n=nta on taRS would be n d"fcpr,ive ..,'ch::nI&1I for dcwl(>pn.~nt problelllS. p.rticu-·...ulldlnR " ;>1'0;>- ~ly ia regard to tbe la~ 4C adeqUðte park prr>pertit's, .rty trDD&C~r I;. 011 the lOtion of Coundlø:&n Ito'in, ""Ioh V88 seconded by CoundlJaan Sp.n.'I, and p:.".>ec! unanillo.r.I)". the '13701' adjournc'd the lIII!etfng at 11:02 P.M., ;lftcr which the "",l!Ibers of the IÕtet'rlnr, Co\"Ø1ttee retired to . aceting or that bod)". . . "!'PROVED : . . /./ Donald A. Frolich Mayor, Cit)" of Cupertino ATTEST: 1./ 1lJ:I. E. Ryder City Clerk , . dj ourOlllUot