CC 06-05-72 . . CITY OF ClFF~71~O, State of c.:~ø~n1a lO3OO Torre A~c~ue, Cupcr~~~. Californi~ ~~leph?nc: :õ2-~505 KINLT::5 OF TiiE llEGt!LU M!œTI:¡¡;; OF TH:: CITY COUNCIL' :'EtD JUNE 5, 1972 ß T!iE COUNCIL C:iAlI!.r;R CITY :iALL, cm:Zlr41JiO, CALIFOR.·UA S&I.UTE TO 7::~ Fw\G Tz.e meeti~; "3S called to order 1.)' I-I&)'or Frolic:, at 7 :30 PM 'ò1~h Ehe Salute to the Flag. £.:1'-1. CALL ::>~ncilc(,':1 7: ;,.~~~':1.t: ;,r.~r; (~:":3;, JacÌ<.so~, He~,·ers. S;:a:L=. M~:::. r F:-ol ic:, s,;::~ C=~nc!]mf:' ~:~~~t: . ::'é.:f pre,::;....:.: Ci ':1 !'~.~~·-=r Q1Jlnl:l!l C:::.. .:.._':":,....:·11;:; ArJ,,-'.r') Di~E=:~~ '," :" ~: ê"::'-:'-:- of Ad':'l:ni.;t':"flt iVl' ~P:', :-:t-: ?~.:~; ?~anni,lìf 1n~ !)'-:·Jc-1',·~"-_:-':. :-:...... ?u>lic 'nt"~:~ ':"?':""(':- :.. .;.. :..:~t:: -: =- :C:':-ë':~:':" r-': !'n.r::s ard s.í"trc~:':-:· -:.,~~. ?.e:.-:"::~..: ~(·cr(·t..r: i...<,~ ;n":_:~:: >":;-~T",' ,',' :- ~':' :U:" ~\:T:::.; ¡ ;\pr~.~"~'.~ .....:. ~1inu(C!'s c::: a;~~G, r~.(;:-i regular "e-f'ti.ng .j: :1~,''- 23, ] );2, :-:";n:.i:::.:ã:: :"::·~.so:· 1o....'uld ;'::'~E:: ~'.~ ,"-'Jt:on on piJ~e 2 to rc.-:.¿ ~,e "; ..., ;::5 i~e,":".~ 1. ::. d:':': 3 0: t:-.e ':;:.;.:.:. C:J~:-:ittcc ~~f':~...'):.-t of :--!a:- ..3. _-:/ L. .:.:-..p;1.~}y l._:-.~·~~:::.1n ~e:'~:~~ ~(:=:=.~C~ ;;y CC,lL1,;:.:lri.1o 3p-'-:-:':':- ..- ¿;;':~'.-' :,.:)c: ~lnu:..:~ ,": ~.,.:: ~3. ~ :...;. a~ é:.·"~..';~d. ~:~_:~ c¿T~ie~, 4-0 CC-1l9 Pa¡;e 1 ~!'":.. :r~ o' ~H.n'.;t,. '.: app.·o:ç··: -_ a:-,:end ~~ . f¡ !l.aj- 15 ~!:'::--"::~5 sPi'rc·¡;:d ,. cor:'l!cte.: :~-t:-12 :'~ar::15: . - - ,-- . . ES OF tHE JUNE 5, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Approval of KillUtu of regular meeting .of Hay 15. 1972. ollQw1ng are the correctioaa: irectly after paragraph 5. it should say tbe Motion died, 2-3. with issenting votes by Oouacilmen I~n, Jackson and Mayor Frolicb. De follo~ins paralrapå should stay in, but the last 2 lines on the Ie sh~uld be deleted. page 17. ite:n 49 _tioo sbould be moved to page 21, item 49. Delete ri&lna. last paralraph uDder item 49 on page 21. age 2, paragrap" 5, replace the name "Councilnan Stokes" >11th Councilnan ?arks" . ~~ved ~: C~;~cilm~~ Ja~~so=. seconded ~y Co~ncilnan Xe¡crs to ~pprove ::~ Hi:-.a~""3 l":;- :!~y 15. 1;71 :!t'; corrected. ~?t~ç~ carrieå, 4-0 r:~r "tr:;~,~:\:::~;,j ~. T:.,~ t)~:-èLlor o~ Ml~~ni~"::-~t':t¡e 3er';icc:3 s.,tiJ C:'.~ ~,.,:lo·,·1n,: ".;rtttcn c·)·-:..~_:Jt:on~ h~?e ~~e~ rcce~vcd: A~7~~: :: J~n:~l o~ _¡~ ?er~it arplication lS-:-:2 :or ~as~linc ~uL...·.·>1~ -"Odsh :aci::'::< ~:I ~fr. DCl''::1i~ 1.. ~:O:1:;.. ~:,)""t~U i::: ~~.'",:n..: llnan ~e::ers. .;,::conèed by C,~uncil::la:1 a;:>pl!¡.;.\t:~':: 1'J-e--72 :or ;;';':~:.-; ht;'arir.g on June t9, s;: 'î ~i,s loJ72.. to $t~1; ~~::' ")!'\ carr lcd, '1-';) ::,e i)i'\~"F'- o~ ,",t~!:1i~t!'a.":.'-~ ::er\·i~~-s st,tted tr.e :-..;",l'.:-.'in; ir.:')~ :atior.a: :teï'~ c,· :,:·-'c:1fcat:'::·n -..é::'o::: :;l~o rè\:~':';('J: A. AJ·::.·... :rnr. D~~nê': ¿:w: :'·~d":.·~, InL.., i:1 :h.i.C;ì t~~:: f)'~::':'c':'atly .....it',..i:'~·...· thèir v:':~r 0: è~dicatio:. l'. pro;:>ert:,·. ::'. Afl'::',:!.': :roi.} Citj 0: P=-.:.:.. Alto indil.·al.!.a~ t:;,~~i~ E=-J~or:;~'~ent o£ rr..:r-,~:..ticn "ett. c. Re~~c~t fro~~ the CiL1 of :ncle~00J ~or 5U?P~~t !n :~eir o~pl)~ition lc .\~ 2370 rel.:iti:'l~ t= ó .:"'C,!lh,·st t-oy t:ìC' C:::y ~,~:- ~,)~ An:;clwi tor a 2-ytc>.1r ~.>r:).toritJD ~:1 rn;.:"s=1:1ce suit!:> ·i~ain:,:t citie;. . . HINIlI'ES OF TilE JID/E S. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ,; t.. t ~,. ~~. ~. D. Letter requesting appearance Defore the City Council by Messrs. 111cbard F. r.ane and Malvin Ritchie. objecting to the City's zoning of laDd bordering their rear property lines on Vista Knoll Blvd.. and the City Manager's reply. i f" I. Kayor Frol1ch said be had received a letter regarding a matter at Stelling and Greenleaf, which is not under Ci~y jurisdiction. , Tbe Mayor also had received a request for the Council to take actio on the pollution issue on the ballot the folloving day. It was decided there was DOt enough t!:¡,e to do a:lything about that. 4. Oral Comounicat1ons Mr. Melvin Ritchie, 10427 Vista ~noll 3lvd., Cupertino, said he and Mr. Kane purcbasEod their hones on Vista Knoll ,·ith the un':Ìer- standing t::is ",-culd be an area of s1ngle-fanlly ho"e,. Ii1e crest of the hill runs bet~een their lots an1 the parcels 76, ì7 and 7~. A variance was grante1 to build his house, lar,er than that nor~ally, all<Y.Jed (prior to his purcè.asing it), resultins in his hC'lse sittir. c1~ser to ~he prope~t:' line than is nor.::al. Ic.ey "'OCl¡¿ 1 :~Eo to pre¿ent t~~ const:uct:on of 2-story structurçs In :he lot~ ~ehin¿ theo. There is s'.l::icie:nt land tc build lar~c, slngle-st or:· structures. They feel t~e 2-slory structures wOClld violate r~eir privacy and vie" :'or the e"tire neighborhood. ~~yor Frolic!1 noted the zoning there has been in existence :'or a number of years. ~e explained the basic ph~losophy applied in cases such as these. Councilman Jackson said he did not ohject to t~e density; only co the height of the struct·~re. I!r.der Section 6~.1 0:' t::e ,;ei;ht Ordinance, the Cit, Council can r.odify height. The City Attorney suggested the property could be rezoned as to height. He added that if it is dete~ined they Meet the crite=ia set fort~ in Section 69.1, the height 11:¡1tation could be changed. ~uncilr.lan ~teyer~ :ecels the tit)· should loo~ in~o the si:.uation ,..here, Rl backs up &5ainst R3 ",here there !:lay be the possibility of large, massive stru~tures. O~e zuideline ~ig:it be the set~ack =us ~e at least t",,,ice the heig:"1t 0: the structure; e.g. t 40' se:":Jack for 20' :'igh build~ng. The ~a~'or agreed. It is a '¡er,' poor ar- rangement to allo~ large, nassivc buildings aijacent to RI. The staff was asked to chec« wit:. the owners of the adjacent property to see how far along they are with their develop~ent plan and whether or not it would create a probl~ at this point tc agree to the request of the two persons at t~is meeting. CC-1l9 pag" 3 Resident ¡,Ùc:¿ for sin:;:e-s:o restric:ëon be:11n:l !: i-:: ~ethods ;:~ control::~.: height ~: struct~:'::: G'.l:'~el !.:-, ~~. sh'.;ul:' :'i: ~e: Staff r;.:. ~~~-:Í( './propert:' o',v"Ilers CC-119 Page 4 ,Vista KcøU , zon1D& - - agenda I I - - S OF THE JUNE S. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING lIIwed by Councilman ø.,w-. secmlded by Councilman Jackson to bave the above-mencioned matter~4.~ Lor the next regular Couac1l ..eting. -iløttoa carried, 4-0 (b) Request by Counci1aeD for re:!lOVal of items fro::l Co:1seat Calendar. The City Manager requ..cea A¡eada Ite:l 44 be moved up UDder Public Bearings to It... 28 on dI1s ageada. Councilman Irwin arrived ac tbe meeting at this point. Mayor Frolich appointed Coaacllman Jackson to replace fo~er Councilman Fitzgerald on che Open Space ~itteP.. He also appoi~ted Coomissioner O'Keefe to the Planning ?olicy Committee and Co~rnissio~er ~ellis to the ,'::i1lsiJe C""""ittee. The staff ·,;as instructed co check "it!> the above individuals to see if tbe7 are '~lling to serve in the aõo~e~entioned capacities. REPORT OF C0è-:;C:L R¡::?~z:rrAIrVES I~' Tra::õ~"rtat:'on 5" t'\et:>tl::g. Pol~C7 C~~~ttee - M~:~r Frolich . . Ph,,::!:1o Policy C=i:te", - Council"3:1 :'eyers - . !:~e T;:,l"-:~ ~i':i:;it}n :cr :}-~':: :::-3ce draft "as referred :'J :::¡e ~o:}rd of :u?ervi~)rs ior action ~ June 30th. Erogra~ fu~¿:ng for F.~j) ~~~ discussed. 'r::£:re "..?'; a. :iiscussian :er-.:eé:.:1 PPC and H'w'j) ,,;,'hcreb:: ?;-rC :;;'::;:1t ~eco::Je the :¡eari:18'''US~ for j,UD :::xi::... 7:'1ere "'as .a change in t::'æ: :',,":a-..:s; 3 Vicc'-Pt:"c~ Ucnts .:¡:~ ::e~'.,;.e':. 7. Inter-C1 tj' Council - Mayer Frolich Mayor Fro.L:ch appointer.i C:ro.nc::!lnan Spar~.:; to t:H~ Alc:)-'.;.:::-.;.:",: C0M.""1ittee. The Mayors' Comittee voce: u:1ani.:":ously :-0: t;le Shf)r:Ú.:::-.~ Central Initiative Resolution. . . JtIBUTES OF T::E JUNE 5, 19n CITY COUNCIL HEETING There wlll 1>e an Urban TeclzIølosy Conference in San Francisco ,July 24 - 26. Kayor Frollchíu¡ed the Counci1:::en to attend if po3Sible. ' >' ~re was a c!iscuss1?n of 1Ibet3r or not we lIould lose cut 011 the "Il1l1iu:son Act" if the Opeaß.,ace Ele::¡ent is not adopud by ~uly 1st. T~e ?lanning Dii~or said t~is involves re1=burse=eDts at $3/acre. As ye~, it hasn't been resolved whether ,this ~st be ready by Juèy or by October. Øayor Frolic" sugsested the a¿optio of a reso!uti~~ in favor of the extension 0: ti~e and t~e sta=f SÍlould send copies of the resolution Il:,ere t:'ey Il?uld do the t:ost good. It ~as Councilnan Meyers' underõtandin8 that it allove1 5Oc/acre fo~ ~on-price acres and $3/acre for priMe acreage. ?erhaps \."è :;re spenò~nR t~ ~ch staff ti:·,e for ,",'hat '-"e _C".Jl¿ get cut of it. Council1':1an __~a.::~s;:Jn noted -..-e éi~e. :.a-..jn;: a pr~;;le~:t neeting ~:-tis -:'a:e an.1 h~ .....:u.:.d ?refer :'0 f;a~e l::.:C to 10 t:~è' jfJb ri:;:-.:. ~~o::-..ed b)' C:"~~:-.': ~ l:13n Jac~:.s=n. =-~ccn1C'd .)',' C,7\unc i1.:::1;: !r-.::'n to ask the State to ~ass le~isla=ion for the necessary tine to prcperly p=epare th~ (.en Space Ele~nt. ~t~~n carried, 5-0 ..... re.::ard .. ~ :te Boar; :.he sta:: t,'" E:tc. ::t~ ::u~an a.'!!:at:'o~s CO:T.11ssion, ~la::or :rcl ich S=li.-: 5:1:;ervisor.:; is as'lr.~. ¡or citi.~(::l inpu:. ::-::;: i:iS::~f:: :~~A into :~~s -Â:ter rcòardin~ setup, o~j~c:i~~s, :.:.a:¡or Fr,,::.::: $3id there ....s a: cle·Jen to t·...·,' VJte a,a:';.st ::-.t: re~uirc~~~~ ==r a certi:~=ate ~f co~?etenc: ~vr electricians. 2. Leagu~~: California CiLies - ~!ayor Frolic:, :;~ :1eeti:1;:. 9. Assoc:¿:::~ of Bay A:ea C<r:e~~~e~ts - C0~ncil~a~ ¿ac~30n. So meeti",;. 10. Flood C~~trol Advisory ~ission - Council~an Spar~s S:J meet ir.g. CC-1l9 Pate 5 Urban Techno- logy Conf. Open Space Ele:>ent additional p:,ï::? t~:-:e .':01 O::er: S~:i';C E.le·'E>nt ne('tled , . .,:.:"'., .-"~' TO·...":'I. Ce:'J.~~ Guidcli"el Consul~ Sheriff's Office . ., IIDIUTES OF t1IE JUNE 5. un cur COUNCIL IŒETUlG 11. Sa:1ta Clara Couuty - ~_ , Q...bsion - Counc1l11an J."Ir- Couuc1l::m Jackson waDUilCÒ '-" vhen they lIIeet. The staff will check on this. 12. Solid ¡¡aste COIIDiCcee« ftÐning Policy Co_iUe. Kayor Frolic!! said thia - ..rcee will be dOr:la:\t for abouC 6 _the. 13. Drug -'':use Committee - CocK:ilman 1r."1n The C~~tteê has been a~~~t~g ~o set s~e ~riorl~1es for the 'rarlou5 ;;.;<,,~ies invol"1er!. !"."1:ee task f"ces :"erc a;>pointe¿ ~o look into t~~ ~';5 the varl~5 a;eocies are attac~ing the pro~l~. ~r. Ga~~êr :3 the Drug A-~~e ~~rdinator. :4. .~i::=-:'':i! Cc::t."'T1ittee - C=---.r:.l:--an ~-teYèr:; 7:-.erc ....'-2':~ ::::1e ðpplic.a:':-:;~;¡ ::-r re",10':a: cf hi.ll:;i.dc pro~~:t~e', :rcn the !'.est:-:":.:::'::-..;, of '.1hic:. ='-: ..~:¿ r~':i!rr~-! to ,=h~ s"1.b-cc:-\"":.:.:!.ee. 3c'/en ~i~ r:,"': :.~..,: suific:'e:.t. e":":'-:'é:~::.e. r!1e c.~.--::..::t:'è :1â.d. 3 fie:~ tri;: throuz,;1 t:-.í' ~t...,.,tcbcllo ~ir:~~ area. ?L.\:;:~:~:.: :.~~5:;Lr)N 15. ~"'O-i55i.'n of Hin,;t~;;. :: regular r-'''''ti,,~ "= May 22, ::;;2. 16. ~,~:;-.~:: :r:':& !;taf": ,:,'::. .:-,=,~.:.ë.;:~ an:! .;,.::"~,~:,:~..'~ i'0licy :,'): ?;.r~::n;~ ani r'~_~':~::;~ ".!ithin t~~-= ':":;-....-: :e.nter.. :h.::: ?:-i:'",:"".:':;'; Dir~ctor :-~:f.~~~: to his :.....'-.~ 0:' .~11ae 2, l~-2, ~~:1t:'.:lc¿ "!'e"'~:':7~.:'".~';u:dclin(:..$ i:: ;:':~?crtino 7,··'n ::':-:1tcr". I: "1:; ~("cc",,;!L,,td~l that ,~ ':"":':'j~j !Yt.:1ster ~:i..:'. :.~ y:c?j,r,·:t :~:: c:r:·l'l'.t ~'r=,?crty '·...;...er·j ':l':" ~:-.e T:--..-.:' :2-.t~r ..irea :-~~::-. c~ ;t-ùri:ue,: A:,-~:ì¡l~. It ...!a:: ~;::'.(>~ ~e(·O·l- _,...-~...:;..',~_:...I"" Idoi---·~21': _-1 . , , .....~..I..c.. ...... HO¡l( e... -=_ {:J_'=f:_...ncs .JC ';,-.~?:"t'_ t:J ,:.'. J~"1tè' :'Jt·,;.':-e dev~lc-;-:¿::: ·...ithin th¿: :-.e:"_.:~::":'::~ un'~t··:..<i."';-':"· r.....:--crti,e; c;- ~:,1 -:'~ 1V,',dri;-__¿:s .\":¿nue. The"iÆ. :,;:":-e:~~c~ s>..:~l :~,:,:~u'!.~ A·~t-:':-.::::~ _crcenins, build~::: .-~:'~htSt and ~~~:..:':'~~ an~ ?,lr:-,::',:; ~~,t ':~·ien:'atic,:. .Kayar F::-;":'::l .sug.;este::i. ~:æ 5heriff's :"'::i::':- t" cun~ulted a... to t.le guid~:~::,c :èi;:trding aut.t:""1C~il~ screcr.:n_. . . . KDiUTES OF TiiE JU1IE 5, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ,Sl1dea were shown of the treatlÌeDtof the setbacks and shielding of the cars in various areas of the Town Center and in sOr.Ie of the other arcas wit~in and withoút' tbe City of Cu,ertino. Graphics verB used to illustrate the "Uoe of sight" from sitting in cars aad from walking past various heights of mounding and landscaping. D~5Cuss1on followed, with resultin¡ minor changes in those three gu1de1ine~ set forth in the JUDe 2r~ t87.0. Mb?ed by Councilman Jackson, secooded by Co~ncil~an Irwin to adopt t!:e Cupert':'no To"" Center Design Guidelines st..tt'd in the J"ne 2nd ~-O and nodi:ied at this neeting. C:~:1ciban lr.:n Ïelt Guidelines 2 and 3 .....~t' '.:ell >,ortn t.1C ti:-e ~~j ef:ort, but Guideline 1 is an ~xcrci~~ :n futility ~n ~ettínb 9-U-ì2 rL;~.~l·:.;-J.. Perha?5 we should c·.'n";.l':e~ l:'':'n~ the 1"11d c¿¡?in!; r.f:-~uir{~:J:..!::t: !.) t:,e size 0; t~-:.e property. Mot~on carri{'1, 5-) ~~y~_: F~ÇI~:\.·:~ ~¿:~t;'d Lh~ Pl~:1~i::--:; ¡'~:·CCl':- t~. ~.".:.' !h' P.~ ,:~:.~.~ C :-:::1:. S! :"':. t ::t' ....nck;rcl1nd ::..n.o~-.:. t '3)f~ C·. t t' .: .'\'~". ::'J;1cilr:!'i1. ~~t:.·..~:-s fe~1.1 it ~::,;ld ".Je to ttl~ '¡efle: ~f: :-: ~'J~ ?~'.~l·:..·t:: ,:-..-::.:-;r~ L,... S:.l~·· t::at arr-anorth -::: R:>'':r~:''.JL- Ci:-.! ..:0 0:.' '':'J ',_!::--I ;..:1 ~?::ateJ plan, . 'Lt ~;1ould he ylan..c; in ~ hlc-"'.: rat::,",!" ~:':'I:'. in a -; i::-c c....l~al f CÌ-:--:. :"."'n. . ~:::ed ~y C(l~:r:.;:: ~!:1an Mc)o'crs. secor.:.!e:! b~' Cou~lc~,l:.a:l J:tC~'-;'H\ t," ð,',;:.ll:JrIzc L:c- ':ïty staf! to discuss l~~i5 :1.'1ttt:r it.:} th~ ;!rn:;H....rt': c· -ne!'s con\.'è:-::t'd. Motion carried, S·J :ì. Appli:at::-a g-U-72 of Cnan~ing :>. C;\r;~:,'::1:1 for a Use: P(;r:-~it to allo',; ':0:,struct';'on of 50.460 sq. fro C'': o::'lce ~?:¡cc i~ t"'.o 2-.:tC'r}' ~u;'ldin~s. Said ?rc;)erty i.~ i:\ a P (r>Ll:.::td De-'I- ('-lop=(':;t~ ':con.::; located at l;-.C ::;C'.lLr,;êst corner ·:-f t~te iute:-- sect~:'n c: ~~dri!;ucs Ave:-.'.Je a:.d T~rrc A'l(,~\:¡\.'. ReeD:--:::C'. ~c~ tor denial. (C0nt:~~~¿ :ro~ Dceting Jí May 15. 197~) T:-..e Pla!\~1in; ~ircetor su;gesteci 9-U-72 be returned to t:1C Planning ~isslon for further consideration. CC-119 Page 7 "Line of si;ht' approach To,m Cent er :.lod ifie-t GuHelines acJo?ted Ite::!..d:: 2:"l'(, f>.L·~ 0: H.~·'jcí.·le:." i i fCC-1l9 th¡e 8 ¡ 19-U-72 r~tu&'" 'CO P.c. . f ~ :-":",,;r.C'::t S 'J:": _.:.: ..:p~ ir:-n '':--51,285.::' > '.ied _ j,,::::."':. ic: :.. ..'.: i..~l . . IUJlUl'ES OF THE JUNE 5. 1972 em COUNCIL !lEErING Iiowedby Coac1l1:l&n IrwiÐ. HCODded by CouncUJ:\an Jackson çpHcat1cm 9-U-72 to tne P1aIIII1.ns COllllliss1on for further 'HOtiðD carried, 5-0 to return study. SCHITECTCUL ,\,\1) SITE APPIC'IAL C01!MITTEE 18. Submiss103 of M1nu~es of regular meetins of ~lY 17, 1972. 13, ^ppl1cat1~ ¡¡C-51,285.la - Fan1ly Ho~es - Lytle re~uest1ng exception to ~he Sign Ordinance for a £ree-sta~d:~, pole sign located at the sout11\;~st cC'rner of 5c1rat.o8a-::unnr'Jal~ R.'J,1:! a:;.tJ Klr-,..¡in Lane. Rec~~~~J~ for approval.' C,,:ored $1:;e; a:1d site ¡l,,:¡ for the pr~p,'rl;' i~ ~"e'tl"n ','ere displ:tyed. --:he Plar.!~:~~ :":r("~t.:"r said :~.I! applicaa:: i~ ,¡<C:.!l.; :'Jr the exception TJn,':e:" s':.::_:~ ,:,.':~ c':: t:·.~ ':::;':1'):-din:1:1ce. ,~',~ .\::'~~1~t(!ct'lra! and Site A??r:::v..;·, C..-:-.::.t ~~...~ has r~c,,:-::""!.enJcd a??:"0'; 1:. :::~ f-la~~~_:-.; )~:..·~....tot" ;J;:S' ereJ CO;"lL':'l :.1~-: 1:' ~'::i ·:~at :H! j,,·::s not kno: '): ;:n). ..:.~>_:- ;::::~~le tI::.a:t.:.n:; 1n tr.e ,·t:--~511 ~ J ~. "e c. :i',; p:-.....-::c'!~nr: ~c:t. ':;;,; ''';':1C'::' leu,: \:: .:: ~ n'tc'1, t ,.3: ~er'::Ct~ :;~.1..::~:" ~'.......s~ :U"Vc( ;;,:"_'.'e :¿1'J :'':'nt.~at' :2i':' .1: .,:.: :n"! . rp-;t3;':. C~~·lal.:...l:-,,\'1.'.. ,," ·':n :~·:"l: tilC -::;;.11k (L ~;.'--~ fJ .-.:.'?'-.- -;_~n '_$ '1'.1t .t.p;.!:-.et:'r:a~1y n:I.',;' '.~ht }·t~;¥.;~;·.¡ >e :is ':0. :a,')r .J:' -:--;'i! :. ~:~ :':\t~·.(:r t~.-:&.:-. a jer:,"", C'. ,- ~~~-.3_ :~o:cd :--:: C-l.-": :-:.;l;~ In.!~''', se.con¿e'~ '.;y C'.1::,:~l 1;1 S?:.Ir~~; to deny a?pllc~t~::-. -: ·5~t235.1:. . r;.u~cii"'.i:". 'j; ,~Jn's co~--;;-,t -,¡as '=::~t ~w ··...11: r~~th('r 'Jl~C ,,I. ,:'rastic rc-.!m.:.t:..;o:: :.=-. :..¿ ~~¡z¿ '.:.' t i.J ;i;11. A·~·~3: (:- ,:-.::'..~.'" Irvi~, J~~~~~n, ~cyer~, ~t,l":or Erol iC:l .: .' ,'". '. ~ , "iC~S : ,...... ~ .'~ ..~ ,:-:t :-:n carr i..~d, ';-'J ":")'.jnci>:r: :: ::.~: a:'t:"'t.:d r:-.e ;;:.a!: t.1 tt..>ll ~:-..' ~ ·<:'ca:~: t:l;:.t t:,e Cunncll is ~4.tjr~ '::'".':::;1'~'1 .....it.. t;-;,c ~~,~';(~~\CSJ ..:: ~..' '. .::, not th~ :i:-\carlt:.. ~:::>ble,'ì.. . . lIUIU1r.S OF T=E JL'NE 5, 1912 CITY COUNCIL KEETl:¡G 20. Application :tC-5l,075.27 - Vut Vallei' Sign Company (IDteuil, Inc.) r~estin¡ approval ~! a s1~n pla~ for a light industria building loca~ed at 10900 Ibrth Tan~au A'lenue. Rec~ed for a?pr.....al. Colored slides vere shcr.m aDd reference vas œde to the staff report on :,:1> :latter. Kaved by Co::::-:il::tan }leyers, seconded by Counci:::;an Irvin to ai'prove a??:è:at1on HC-5l,075.21 ".lith the c:I;.iit1ons as rec=ende by the Co__i::ee. Motion carriel, 5-~ ?A.'lXS A.'''' :¿: :'~_"'TIm¡ CO~t::; 5 I::>:; 21. ::0 mee::.':,;_ -·:A7:ER cœ:::~::~'~ 22. :;u~¡;.i~~:.~:: ~f ~inutes ..._ a¿j;;urned rcg:~:~a:- ~eeting of May 3~. ~o-:. 23. Submi££i:"~: Minutes 0: re;u1ar ~eetèn~ 0: Ma~ 24, 1972. L13RARY c::~:"!aN 24. 5ubm:::~:~ ~f Minutes ~: ~egulal" =~et:~ì ~f ~ay ló, 1972. The City ~~-~..= answered ~vor :r"lic~ t~at th~ budget =eport a.llo'.;ed ,,:~,£,,- for the liorary f'~rniture. .:e as:,ed for :hi;:" inÏor- ma~1on in '.'7~::ng out ::as n~t t;,us far recei·....è t;,,, let~er. !'~y'.n. Fr.....:_:.,~ J.sked the C¡t1 :·:a¡.ager to ·..·rite a lett~r ::0 the Boar ~l :uper~:~:~~ :~minding t~e= t~at the :ur~itLr~ i? in :~e budget ~~~ to 03~< ;ure it is left in the budS~:· ?£R50NNEL :.:A.~ 25. Subr.i5;_"~ 0: Minutes 0: ~ce:ing :If X'y 25, 1972. CC-1l9 Pa;;e 9 HC-5l,075.27 ap?:-oved Li:,r:u¡ fu:-n:'t"Jrc CC-1l9 l'age 10 I?la<;<les eø Goals CCT-D. 0: ficers ?u~l ic l:e.a~ing :losed 1~s. 3278 do?ted . . HI5UtES OF ¡¡;z .JIIlŒ 5, 197% em COUNCIL !ŒETING ,. aJPEIlTIlIO Cln.U8S GOALS uauud 26. Sub::1ssiou of !UDu~e. of Sceerillg eo-ittee meetilll of Hay 23, 1972. 'if CouncilDan :!!!eyers said Cbair:un.lCarpen and Vice-Chairman Nellis have resill1ed from the Goals C-'dttee. He su!¡;ested the staff prepare ebe proper recognition :or their service in their respective positions. Moved by C<>oocUman Meyers, seconded by Councilma:l Jackson to have City pla~~es prepared for ou~loing Cha1raan Karpen and V1ce-C~irman 1(e1lis. Motion carried, 5-0 27. SU:::~55:'~:: of !:~nutes of Steering Co.",:>ittee ::!eeting of May::, :972. ?UBLIC :':,'_,:~:';S 44. R~"":c::::I ::0. 3218: "A Resolutto:l C!f thc City Cour.cil of t!l" City ot C_;:;=::~~O Or'.!erin~ the Aoa:ec:ent ¡:of Fahlic ::aisances P'Jrsuant to =::'.C5cons of Ord::1d:1.ce So. 405." - rea: b;: ~Iayor Frolich. Mayor F=::::..:::: ..1sked for cocce!'\ts fron the audit'nce. There were none. Moved by : :,;.,d.lron lrlo:in, seconded :'y COut'C :lnan Jac;;'"on to close the i"t.~::': :-:'uri:1gs. Motion carried, 5-0 Cou:1.cil::.l:': Ja""son sugp,ested t"e Cit;· Attorney lock into possi!>le inccnt:'\"è-::' :.:~ the pro~ert:.. Q"'J:'I,cr to :'à~~ car~ ')[ the prc.)le~ ;".l!Jself. :-loved ~y :..:0:.;::..:i1:.13n Jac~son. c;econdeå by CC'U\1C ~ ì..;:;¿;1 Ir....ln co a¿opt Resolut~=:. ,:.>. 3278. Council~~ ~~yers said there is a problc::l n",," nn Paci:ica -- the staff is to Ò.,.:~ =" this. Motio~ carried, 5-0 · - MWUTES OF THE JIDIE 5. 1972 CITY CO¡;::CIL MJ:I:TlNG ORDINANCES ~~: ¡rr ':.:u' iii, ~ " '"'.I 29. llead1ng of UrgellC1 ordinance No. 545: "\n Ordinance of the City of Cupertino ~ins Ordinance no. 447 Regulating the Issuanc2 of Pera1Ü 'to Sell Firewor«s l~ith1n the Ci~y, and Declaring the urgsC, Thereof." CC-119 ~age 11 The City Attorney reqaeated the date of May 1 be C3anged to June 1 Chanõe Ord. in Section 5. " Mayor Frolich read the title of Urgency Ord1..ance ~Io. 545. MO'Jed by Councilman Jackson, seconded b': CoullcU=n Irwin to have Ordinance ~o. 545 read by t~~le only anð ~he Mayor's rcading to constitute the Reading. AYES: ¡¡OES: Ccuncilmen Irwin. Jackson, ~h.")·er~. Sp'1r~s. Mayor Frolich Xonc . Kotion carried, 5-0 Moved by COl:ncilman Ja.cks~n, sccou:':t".! ~y Co'..:.nc i:· .3:". In..< n to enact Urgency Ordinance ~:o. 54S. AYES: :;Ot::S: Council~en Ir·..ln. Jac;"'sC'n, ~leyer!"Ò. Sr'aT~~5. ~1aj.·or Fro:'ich ~one Motion carricJ, 5-~ 30. First Reading of Ot'd:nance ::". 54b: "o\il Jd:nance 0' the City "f Cupertino Rela:ing to ~hc ¡n?r~~~~nt 0; r~in?ro~eè Streets by Those l'"rsons ~uildir.; on ,\dj¡jce:.: :..a.,d." The City Attorney said h~ would like Lo ~avc (f~ o~ittcd from page 3, moving (g) and C,) U? to (i) and L). I,,,,pectiv('ly. On page S the City Att.orney ":ould l:~c the '.~".1rds u·.o1ater lines" added to (b). On page 14 the words "·...·att.>r ! if:.~SIt s;"1Oul¿ :»e added to 4 (a) (1). Ordinance 546 title was read by !h:'or Fro: ic:.. Moved by Counc:il~:¡,n Jø~kson, SeCO:1dN by Co·,.ncil::an Ir~'in to have- Ordinance 546 read by title only and t;18 Mayor' ~ rea¿inS to con- stitut" ~he First Reading. AYES: NOES: Councilmen lrò~a, Jac~son, Meyers, Spar~s, Mayor Frolich :;one Motion carried, 5-0 Ord. 545 Reading Or¿. 5':"; cnactc·::' C:\3n:;es ::" Ord. Or¿. 3:"6 Fir5t ?",,,~ing CC-119 Pase 12 L 1',.' ~, V t, i!J.~ .' ,':' ,:\ ~ r Ord. 534 Secon~ Reading Ord. 534 enacted ... - MINUTES OF TIlE .JUJIE 5, 1972 CITY COUNCIL KEETING 31. Second 1leadin¡; of Ordinance No. 534: ."An Ordinance of the City of . Cupertino Moptina by Reference the 1970 Uniform Mecban1ca1 Code 'rovidiDa.t~H.ft{"'.m S~andards to Safeguard Life or Limb, Hea1tb, property, aad'Public Wélfare by Regu1.tin;: and Con~rolling the Design, Construetion,Inatallat1oD, Quality of ~ter1als, Lco:at1oD, Operation, and MainteøaDce of Heating, Ventilatin¡;, Comfort Cooli1i8', lIefriaera- t10n Systea8, t3einerators and Other "1sce11.~eous Heat-Producing Appliances, Providing for the Administration anrl ~nforcement of Such llequireaeats and Prescribing Penalties for Violations Thereof and llepealing ordinauces in Conflict Herewith." - read by Mayor Frol1ch. Moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Counci1oan 1rwfn to have Ordinance No. 534 read by title only and ~he Mayor's reading to constitute the Second lleadin¡;. AYES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Spar~s, Mayor Frol1ch ~:OES : None Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Councilman Xeyers, seconded ò>;; Council:::a:; lrtJin to enact Ordinance No. 534. AYES: ::OES: Councilcen Ir.<1i:-.., Jackson, ~h.~ycrs, S::ark::.. ~!ajtor FL'ollch !>one Mot ion carr ie,I, 5-0 32. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 535: "An O~¿Jnanc" 0: t"e City of Cupertino Repealing Ordinance No. 341 and A¿"Ftin" by R"icrence the 19ï1 Edi:.ion I): t:..e ~iat:'onal El.ectrical ':ode, ~7:~ich N,\ttonal Electrical Code Provide>, for t:,c ?rotu:t!.o:: of Public "..:l1th a:1d Safety; the ZXa:li!'!;¡tio:--.. Regi3tratioo, :'!-:".:n~ing of Pec::~n5 Engaged at the Work or Trade o~ Tn~t~11in:. Connecti~~. CO~S~I"\lcting, ~13intainln~ or Rt!?air~n~ ::::ectrical i:>:u:p-e::.':. R~qtlir:n~ a Pcr:'1i" for the 105:a11at10:1 Qr Alt~rat':'on of ;::t,:ctrír.:tl ':irin'''':, I\evices, .\pplianccs an.i ::~T;ip~,~cnt:; ~)rescriJi:1'; ~:1C D·.lti·~'~ of t:h,~ A'; ;inistr"lt':'V~ Authority; Definin~ Ct'rta:'n Ti..:L~:;; Estah~ishi!1g :1L.li::mn Ih~.~ulations for the lo:;callatio:ì. or A~terdtion of .:.l(:ct:-~c:}i. i:irin~. ()c.'¡ices. Appliances and ~quip,--:(!:1.t .'lod Inspcct':'o,:. ¡:,~!"c;;:; p-roviJ':':1.;; ?ena:ties ror the Violation ThE-rcof; anJ .3.S :~~r::ir:,~:tf:r A"'1enf.:er!. Dcleted, and Added to, to b~ Kno"..¡n ~.; the Sleetr: cal C::~~ 0: th,:! City of Cupertino." - read ~y Hayer ¡'~J:ù:i.ch. · - MINUTES 0.' THE JUNE 5, 1972 CITY COU:¡CII. MZ:;TING ØøYed by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Counc1laan Irwin to have , Ordinance No. 535 read by title only and the Mayor' s readill3 to CODItitute the Second Reaclin¡. , .øES: ':: IIOES: Councilmen 1r.dn. Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Prolich None Motion carried, 5-0 Ho¥ed by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Council~n lr~n to enact Ordinance No. 535. AYES: NOES: Council~en Irwin, Jac~son, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch None Motion carried, 5-0 33. Second Readin¡; of Ordinance :':0. 536:, "'\n Ordinance of the Cit of Cupertino Repealin; Oråinance :¡o. 342, ¡:n~ctin; by R£,ferenc Portio:1s of the International Association û: ?:·~:::)in:6 O:f1cial Uniform Plu:"l!>ing Co~e, lSïO I:di.t:ion, ;·:hi.c:" Unl:",-l Code lro'dd s for t:.c Frotection of Public ::ealt>. :lI\d SaLct::, t:-:e :^¿.-::.inatio t Re;;istration, Licensing oÍ Pe:=rson:. :~ng:1;ed in t;l~ 3,uslness of Plu~bing or Laboring in t:...e Trade o~ !~lu;"\Jin;; ke'"¿u':'r:~; b. Permit for the Installing or Altcratlol1 of PL'~'::)in~ 3~-: Drainaga SY5te~s; Creatin;; an A,]nin:'slrat:ve A~.1t:.o:'::~· and Prescri:'ing Its Dut'::'es; De:~ni:1; C(~=-t:jii1 TE:r;-.~:; ~'.t;~:'¡::5hi:l; Minimu~ Regulations :Qr t~~ In3tallatlon, Altc~~~!o~ ~r Re?3:r of Plu:1bing and Dra~naze Sj"3te::'.s an-': lns?ectio:¡ Thl?r{::)f; Providing rcnalt!c::. :or t:-.e Violat ion T~.ereof; ~:1j as ;;erein- after (bitted, A.-:é!1ded, a"d A~ded to, to b", i:..:',·" as Ü,e Plumbing. And Gas ?i;ling Co·~c of t:1C City oi Cu;:ertino.." - read by Ha)'or Frolic:,. ~oved by Councilman Jac~::so::, 5c:co:1ded by Coancil-.3:-. lr:i:1 to h~v~ ;Jrd1!1ancc :>0. 536 read by title o:l1y and the M;¡:o~ I, read en;: to constitute the :;econd !\.e-ad:'r:.g.. AYES: 50!::;: Cou:1c'::'lmcn Ir·~·!:1.. ~_3.C~~3C':1, }1~ycr;3, :S;nr:--:.:., ~:::::'ür F~=licil ~one ~otio~ carried, 5-0 CC-1l9 Page 13 Ord, 535 Second Reding Ord. 535 enacted Or¿. 5::, Second -:;"::.:;~.':,~: 0:;-119 <'age 14 Ord. 536 _cted - S OF THE JUNE 5. 1912 CITY COUNCIL MEETING, b)' CouncUun Jac~. seconded by Councilman Irwin to enact _e No. 536. : Counc1laen Indn; .1-It-, Keyers, Sparks, Mayor rrol1ch : NoH Jlød.on carried, 5-0 34. Second llead1ng of OreJ«·.--. .10. 537: "An Ordinance of t.he City of Cupertino Adopt1nS tbe 1970 Uniform Building Code, Regulat.1ng the Erection, Con3truct1on, EDlarg8"cnt, Alteration, Repair, Hoving, Conversion, u..olit.ion, Occupancy, Equipment, Use, Eeight, Area and Maintenance of !Cslld1nss or Structures in the Ci~y of Cuperti~o; Providing for th3 Issuance of Pe~its and the Collection of Fee~ ~erefor; Pr~14~ Penalties for the Violat~on 1rnereof; and Repealin; OrJtnaace£ in Conflict ¡(~re'I1th." - %ead by Kr.yor Frolich. .'rd. 537 M:wed by Coundl...~n Irvj.~. seconded by CO'~nc'lt:\8n 5par:<s to :-.;1"''' =-!Cj~~ R.ë¿.:i:.=..., Ordlnan::e 537 read by title 0:11)- and th~ M.lyor's rea:'::'ng to CO:'1stlt'lte :~e Second R~ad:ng. -~1 ;); .';.'C: :.e: .''!ES: Counc:_:~en In,¡Ll., J,¡.:."'.;:o, Meyer~. S?J.r~s. H,~yor Yrclic:~ ~:E5: So;'!\." ~r.:_on carried, 5-3 ~o·.·ed b~' ':oun.:t::-:an Qr~ inance ':0. 537. lr'r:.~: st:-::-:deJ by CO".l!\ci1r.ta;. }{p.....e-:" t? er..-sct ,C,5: :;.):.5 : C,,'':.m.: i l:':1~"n I r X~ne ; - . ., ..ii.:;'-;O::. }(e:,er':, :;?:1t'~St Ha"o!" F:,"()::':h ~::~~~ carried, 5-J 35. ·~t-:-=o.":.j RI!..1!in~ P': Jr:':.-a.~.c~ ;>J. ~4): ".\n Or-':':n"-.n-e ':: :~:~ C:ty of Cu?....rt:.::o A.-.,end:;-..,;; ¿.:.t:'c:-. 1 OL Or':', ·.,LC'''! :::).2 ':: ?€:.z-.,~:\--= a Ce~ta~:~ ?oct':'on ;: :.,.£, Ci:~' ~rç. R -~J (Re;j,,:~::~:'~:, :;:':ï;:~.- far-il)' 10..0')0 :''1. :t. ~~t5) Z:Jnr to R:-·f.2S (Re'~: :~:.tial, û'!ple:-: 4.250 sq. it. per :'~'-=:'_~:-_~ ·....nit) Z:,Hh',; ·i::--r0x:¡.:.t.~1:' 2.~-1 .....:r'-..$ Locatcd ~sst of 3~ar+~~ :!~~a an] N'~rl .~Yly ~: ~~~ h~ja·_~~t to Ai'/e:; Dr:v~." - rea: :.~,- ~:i~'~_'r Fr·)lic'ì. ;;', ..,...-,- . ,. &..5 OF TIŒ JmŒ S, 1972 ~ - U. MEETING '!"'" Ì7" ~ by CouDCil:Ia:1 Irvin. SI -. 111 Counc1b:& Mejers to bave ....:.c40""ce No. ~3 read by tic1it.-17 .. the Mayor's read!og to \ t1tute t1:.e Seco::d 1leadiaa_ ' \,JIB5: '--.5: Counc:~1.-.en Irvin, Ja~" "''¡ 1L....r., Sparks, Xayor Frolich None , Koc~ c:øri.e4. S-O 1!b cd by C('Unc:~ Meyers, 11 ~1....nce ~~. s.¡.3. .... by Coundba:: 1r.dn to enacC ~: Councò:::.." !rdn, Heyers, $parD, Mayor FroUd\ w:e:s: None 2SL\lNED: C:_"CÒ~:I3:1 JacLsoca Ko~icr.'I c&--r1e:!, 4-0-1 ß. Second R!1::':':~ of Ordin.a:~ ::.~_ s.:.£.: "An O:',-::::.1::ce of the City 0: ~;.:.;~:":~:¡::' A~end~1 :..e:.::o:. l. o! 0:- ~~::.i~:t?, :~C'. 2 b:: Rezoni::; .i ":::-:ain ?ort:'= :: ::!' ::.:y frC": ~:-:= (Rt'~i¿e!1t:'~: Single-:,i.-o::~. :::,000 -¡~. :~. :~:~j Z~:1C :c :~ .:·.;a;;:'_Fuo::::c: 5uild:r:; :::-.-!; Apflroxi-~a.::*:: ~.. -; .\¡;re:.. l~"; :.:~,,~ ::~:"t~er17; cf and J...:..: ':'':'i!::: to CUj)e~t..:..~: i.=L~ Ap';)ro,.:i:'~,J.: -: ~' ':30 :ec:' Zas:. of Foot:-:::: ::u.:'evard.1t - :"~: 1;'7 !-!oiy=r F,:,,:>..::~· ~ed by C.:-~~;::.~~ !r~in, se,;o~:~ :~ ~unci1-~~ ~~:~r5 t~ ~a~e ~:'inance :\:~ :__ read by t~~:e :--1: &:1d the ~A:';:-:':' rea.:!!n; to :~r.u't1tute ::-" ,;:~nd Read~:l.I· ~: ..-=~ . .-.>-. Cour.~:':'::i'::' :r<..rin, Jac.&.s...-=. !!.eyers, 3pat":,5, ~~4yor Frc11ch None. HoC~ ~~r~. 5-0 !!i:>..ed by CC,"=-=::""",,, In'in, 5~<r"'ed :>, Co:mc; l=.,~. J.l=ks"n ~o .:la:t ~.dinance ~;-,. :-- ~ E£S: SJ£S: Coun~~:=¿: ~r_in, Ja~;~-:. ~ers, Sp~r~~, ~¿yor Frolicn Non~ Kot1= ca=led, 5-0 , I C:C-1l9 Pas- 15 Ore!. 543 See'" leading Or.!. 543 euac:ted ':"'-r:. 54:' : '!'~":~¿ R.ea::L:1~ .~r~. 5t.!. e:1a"te¿ I ~'t; ': "" or TIlE JtIIŒ S. 1971 CITY u... ,L JŒEr11IG a:-119 P.e_l~_. .' ", --,---- ..".-- -..,...... .- .-" ~ .- _A__"'.' .~. ».1, '!~"" "" /. Oraency Ordinance No. 547: -ja Ordinance of the City of CUpertino. State of CalUcmda. McwIinS Ordinance No. 276. So As To Prohibit The PlaeiDa. ~iDg or Maintaining of , UlIIIIOunted CallIpers on Any \'abUc SCr.et. And Declaring This Ordinance to be an Urleney ...._.." ' ~ City Attorney ~~.e so:e background 1aforcation on this Ordinance. 'Ek C81per in quesdon has been :107m fr.m the street onto the front ~ setback. r::is proposed ordL"'IaDCe prohibits the placing and .. J '"& of a ca::1per suitable for llviD4 on top of a pickup truck. :Ie _¡Iested sece review and updating of the Canper Ordinance. ~~«Dcy Ordinance ~o. 547 was read by Mayor Frolich. J.,.d. 547 :-.ading :!bred by Co.mcil!::,.n Jackson, seco--Àed ~y Counc11nan 1r"'in to have ~ency Ordinanoe ~o. 547 read ~y title only and tha ¡Iayor'~ reading = =stitute t::at reading. :rJ. S:'¡ ...::.ac:ë1 LT!:S : :æE5 : I I :~!!d by Counci:::'An Jackson. secc=.:!ed "~:. C:o;Jnc!.lnan ~1ercr;;. to enact ¡t -=-=re::lcy Ordina::..:e :;,,_ .547, 1ncor;::ra~:::~ tnose ::11:1.)r Chl:\gC::; ':>rcu~ht . :1:..::' at this :-:.ee::':E. In Sec-=:'o:. : th~ -.'-:.'rd "ca.,:~ern :-::ha!,l be prece-jed i =: -=.ne .ord "ur..-:vu~ted". . I i~: Counci::::~ Irwin. Jackson, ~7e.r.;, S;;arks, Ma)·or Froiich None Mot~on cG~r~e~, 5-0 Council::.:! Ir·,i:!, Jac;'sctl, ~y..rs, Spark~, ~Ia:ior Frolich !lone Motio~ c~r~ied. 5-0 ~yor Frol1ch called a recess aC 1~::2?i. The ~eeting reconvened a:: :0:20 PM. Jl::3OLUT10NS !¿_ !lo. 3266: itA Res01ut1on of t~e C:::: Ccuncil (If the City o! Cuperti:!o Ai:oving Certa~n ClaL~ ~~ D~'an¿< P~Jable in the Amounts and iro~ the Fun¿$ a~ ~erein~:ter De,cribed for :~lar1es and ~'!a!!es :or the Payroll ?"ri.,~ E:"~ing Mil)' 16, 1972. - reai ~y Kayar rro:ich. ¡os. 1266 .:lopted æ:..ed by CouncH:!3.n Meyers, sec?:>ded ";;7 Council:,1an In:ln Co adopt ~lution No. 3266. ~: XJES : Counci13en Irwin, Jac~soD. Me:~rs. :?ark~, ~aJor Frolich None Motion carried, 5"() . . i f. ~, IIIJIUTES OF THE JUNE S, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 38. No. 3267: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allo'l1ng Certain Clal:::s and DeI!!ands Payable in the Amounts and from the Funds as Lereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditures." - read by Mayor rrol1cb. -' !loved by Cou.:dlmàn Meyers, seconded by Councill.an 1rn.n to adopt aesolut1on 1:0. 3267. AYES: JIOES : Councilnen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, S?drks, M3yor Frolicn None Motion carried, 5-0 39. N~. 32ó5: itA Re~olut;'~:'I ,,! t~e Cit:' Cr:c;~cil :f tae City 0: Cupert~::~ A!10wj,np; Certa.n C:a~"s acd Po."ac,:!.; Fa:"a,,1., in the Amount$ a:-:d from the FU:1ès A:; ::erein:1:tc·~ ::pn:r:~cj fOT Salaries ..1n': ~:t:"Fes for the Pa::rol1 Pcri("·~ !:r.·J;n~ ~-1:: ~O. 1972. - rced :y ~~,1;'(\r Fr()lic;~. M~.,c,j 'jY C:u~c:~:-an :~c¡cr:>. 5c.cC'~:':e¿ :;:; ':C;'I:1:: 1-;")" 1:-'..;I:1 to t\,jc;\t i.es:>luti.7"n ~;:o. :~é-S. ;'':'[0: !'OE5: Cou~c~I=~~ Ir~ln, J3ck~~n. Mcy~r~. ~p~r~~, ~dyor Fr~lich ~"ce Mot :O!". ca:-r lE.d, 5-0 L.o. ~o. 3:;0: "A RC501ut~')~. ,,: ~:..e Cft:: C~l1:H::l or thl! Cit:: 0: Cupèrl:'~') .J.('~ept:n~ c.å..:.:¡ ?aj~e::t ir~~: ïi~:- A'::ic,c:atc5. a Partntr~hip. :or U~¿e!~round:~; cf Util~t~~s R~lativc t: Devcl=p=e~: at the Sou:~'~e~t Corner cf :~r3to:a-Sunn:~~]e Rand a::..:! ~.irwln Lane." - read by ~1a:.'t)r Frolich. The D~rect~~ ;:f Pu~lic ~':orks stated t:1nt t:)e 8??1 lC.1nt chose it bond rather r~3.:1 cash pa:r-.e;',[. and the R.1~c~'Jt i~'n has been chanZ,ed to r<>Ílcct :~,;,;. CC-1l9 Page 17 Res. 3267 adopted Rf:<.i. 326: a:'!):He': M::>ved by Cou:1d1::nn Jackso::., s~c,,::ded 0)' CO"l1c"1r.,,\ In;fn to a¿opt Res. )l7e) "esoluti~n :::::t. 3270. ~ith t~\e ·..orJs "fai.th::l1~ pen,0rmance bo:dn a~)pte~ replac1n¡t t~'I! ',;;:-rd "cash". AYES: 5OES: Councilmen IrJ1n, Jac~son, ~e)ers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 an. 3271 :èo!'ted _ . 3272 _,:_ ;~¡:~d ','3. 3273 ~-':':;?:ed .... - or 'rIIE.J1J1Œ 5, 1972 CIrY COUIICIL HEETDlG .. .....~,..,.\ ,.,.... 41. 110. 3271: ftA llesolutioD of the City Council of the City of CupertiDO Declaring It. tstteacioø Concerning the AcC:UlllUlat1OD aad Expeaditure of TOPICS !UDds by tbe City of Cupertino.- read by MaJI'T Frol1éh. ~ed by CoanciIman Irwin. seco=ded by Council~an Jackson to adopt a-1ut1on 5:>. 3271. .\YES: CoulKil:Io/!n Irwin, Jacitson. Heyers, Sparks, .layor rrolich JIICI!S : None Motion carrIed, 5-0 42. No. 32i~: "A Resolution ~: t7:1e City CCGncil of the City of Cuperté,,: C3rHyIng a,..d A::"...<I:n¡; Reso1uti<m No. 131,5, :,ñich 1:sta:l_s',-.¿.l ..1 Policy i:1. t:-:e K1~~er of F~;:nis:,ing Cit.)· -.\';t:e!" .3nd Storm ~-:¡:--1ge Ser-/l<:e C~ La~ds Situate1:n an¿ Outsi':s to-.,! City." - <è"J ~]' ~ ,';-or Fr?lic:,. I ~"ed 0]' C,'":: ,~::3n J3Ci<~"=,, :eco:.õed by CO;¡lo:;",m Ire,1n ~': ,,~o~t s~~¡,Jlut:;'on .:. :':;~. ~ot :'::\-:1 c.~rried t 5··0 ~~.. ~;.). 3'::-3: '.~. RC>3..Jlut:'o:-. 0: t':1.r:: Cit;· C0tlol4il o~ t1.e C1::; ~~.: Cupcrr ::" .\...i.:,.cl"i;,~ing ~X~::;J";:":1 of na A~r·.:'e-:ant 3t!t·,·:ec:-. t:·.ë (.o;,:nty :: :t:\t.:.1 C1ara ":':".¿ ::~.e ':it:." of Cai'c.·r~;,ufJ Retat1n~ to . I~pro~:-~~~ ~: th~ rr.t~r'Ec~:~n of F~othiti glvd. an1 ~:~ve~s C!."e£'k = :':~." - 1" t'lI ,1 by ~~:;çr Frolich. !laved ':Jy c...~:::.::.~,~.J.l1 }{e¡'eCi, ~~t:~!'.~ed hy C01~1\ci:;,an JêlC1<..:i'';:1 t·:..' ó~.,?t i.e5clut~!.,~ ~~:. 3.273. ~ð~~on ca~rlcdt 5-0 ~,. :'n. 3:-5: !::.is Resolut:'=:t ·..·as ;:a3scd e~~·!ier in ~;-.e ",gen~3. (See ;>.1;:: :J.) tKFIN1SHED ":,t~~SS 45. AppliC3~;'O" 6-1:-72 of S...:\:\y View Lut~:er.", ':.',a rcqucs:ing a Use Fe!'::::. The Planni~; ~irèctor went o~~r t~e s!tc ~la~. notin6 that rh~ Council bad rcqueste-i ~ revl¿'.. 0: t~~e c.riginal U~C ?l~:--.it. 'rhe a?pli::ant bas .u:qu1red ~~;.1:~"t ;>ropert}· t., be 1=,cor;>of,\tèd i"r,) Phase III. . . aa.u1£S OF r.:: ,p;:;E 5. 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEET1~G ,t ".,ad 1uu:!, AdIIWstrator of the sunny Vie'" Lutheran BocIe. ..~':".¡", '. ,.L:' "., tbey lane 1Iee:1 look1a¡ at their plan for 3 )"Ian. It 1. , i% tical t:t relocate tbis ..w1cioa to their facility. S..,.sàU ~;v1ll ...~ the bu..cyof t!ae facUlty ·.·1th laacbcapilll aø4 "', III. tile resid.øt8 _0 JooIri"l forward to &IIOther .0" .. of ';beilll offereol II)' this ....Uj,o:a. He answereel CouøcÜII8D Spar " ..'tbeir p"p"'h~ioa will d.. -=øbat. Ult~~ely, th.,. ,v111 '",," ùp to 1M residents. ' ,.t:_", .·vifr'ë ,~,.~~:.(f ¡.;., ;''\''';»_.í FroHc:' asked what alteraative. they ~...e c:tndderecl 10 't.!a this p:-?p:>sù is not ap;roord. levere:1d IU:I:! sald the)' ~ "'J ' o.altetft&thu. !lec.use they -.14 be .ery c<"tly and wou1cl fraFentize t;,e1r health care of their resid..nu. They "",aIel ~ CO have d~u~:e :~e 2Urs1~g help if the addit:on ~~re pl.ced vbere Che park1~~ =~e.e~tly 1s. Be ~J~ be å&&lnst forfeiting &ØJ of ~ parkin. ;;¡=e$. 8:". A.1~ert . :.:- :-::-. .."\f Eoover Iü'-ocintf?s in Pa:(" ,\:t::'l, Architects for the P:-:·"t::. ~lid the: ~r~::t Eet~ack·goe5 :'r~~' 2)' to 9~·. .'\'c.r.g¡n~~: - :'-e of the re!:i':~n":::'al Ui\1t :.,~" ',::1d"!( t..ie ~rt""e"t " '::,:,: '.:df3~~ ax ~',e Dcpart"',·;: :; : oalt:.. The} c.a:;.'t clC':-f - ;',-.-' '·i~:':-éCS" ~e.c-i.,;"e t'.c F':":·, " ;- _·"·.cnt :1~'e"':5 a..cce~s. ¡ ~-:,:,··::t nU1:si:-.~ s:.¿:~ c~a t,1k~ .. ': . !hc ~~:~::;.. a.-~ t~.~ n.... .:_::':'.';1 tc t:'e ::tt:::_::'. T~ey ":.:11 i;)". ·eta':'h4'~.-¡ a:-"='Ut 65~ .: .q l.,,,dscaÿ(..: ~r"''='-"· C,~:~.~cil-::.ã: _, ,"o:ne- U? - :,:1 ~ L...~t ...,.e ~:'":.: _ ~.:a·t . .1. .:rl,.>;¡t:·¡e. .,or~õ~:e pro.~(":'. ,:"'~ '.:':: ~est , , '. It.:..·ed to)' C _ . _ ..1.: ¡ n,¡j n. ~ec~!':.: eo'; .;-~%"o·Je ai~-.:':-~ ~ 6-1".'-72 :~~c;e :. c....:.1:'l~. '0. : .·ck '.. ':: ~ 0 . Mot~~n carriedþ 5-C ~ BU$lS::'~~ ,,,. Reques: . ¡;U"i" :" '~:or. ':'~:lo'J C-'i~ Cl"I-P.1"" :"!' ~'<'~....t t;) ~p":-ate --..:. ':"'.::.e Direct:>; -: ,t':''''':L:\i',trat;ve ;(;!",.·tCP5 s~att·; ::',..\::' C.t. ~1!.s.:don T~llow Ca~: ~.;:;:::... h.1.j '::u::l:':~¿ a:~ the :"\....~::,'-...¡::; ~,'..: r...rt.h ~7 ~he Cil:;. CC-1l9 Page 19 Will ...iøta1ø beauty of t!le facility A. ,'0: , J '1 f , .tlterøat1ves icpractic:al A"erage 60' setbac~ ( h"u11 t : Ltc ?ha.... ~ ~?? A~;" ~. ("",,..':1) ParI< d__ ,riorlcles Traff~c tncr"a~ ':t.f~ to £t.udy UD ¡>cssl;,U-t:"'s . ... HIlIITIES OF tIiE JUNE S, 1932 CITY COL"SCIL MEETING Moved by CoIIIIc:ilman IrviD, seconded by Coqnc1l!11an JacIuIoft to apprcnre &lJtbødDt1OA of afor_tiDDed 3 pe.-..1U for the HissioD Yellow Cab C:-P.8D1. AYES: ROES : Coo:1IC11Hn IrviD.' .Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Ha1en' Frol1ch Jioaa ' ,i '<- Kotion carried, S-~ 47. KeqaesC for an AsHasoent Dis~r1c~ for iaprovø:ents on Rae Lane .a:>oi ~C:ellan lIoacl ~ The Dir«tar of Pui>l1c lõorks introduce.: thl,¡ oatter. It bas been 1nsti!:.t~ by a developer ....ho h..s ha: t<' co=,,, to the City for an app~:cn:~n. Th",re is an 8' ¡;::ade ¿:::e=ent1al on Rae Lane. ¡¡e s.:d ~c v'U:i like to get a realiõt:~ cou~t of how aany property o.~ers lr. :ha: >:.a are in fa7~r of tais a">E3;~eat district. Co~;:..:~::--:':' ~t!:'~=s t:as in !a~.~c-r 01 ~:?-':5ta'~lishing the priorIties on ~'u·:... :;;:~:, ;-:.2nt. C:;.':_·--~ ·?;tr~s as~ed ~~ th~rc .~___ ~~ an increase in trAffic fl,'~:~ ~::~l!a~. T~e Di~ector ~3~i t~~:~ is a natural traf~ic ~'~~:~.:_~ ~= ~~~~¡ap~ent :c~urs. ~~...... i::. ,": : .:..:.~..: tIman lr..i!ì, secon¿f.i t':,~ .=:,:':: :. ':",rk ·.:::'t"-. t~:~ pr'Jpcrt.:; tht~ ~',':__':~:.',:!.R;le Lane ðr~3.. '::. ;:<.-"uncl1;:'\:J.n Jc1c~s:n tf.J ¡-iut~.~'":,,i.,,;c ''-1 LI" ' : ':-.crs :15 to a ?cs~.¡."I e ¡J '_:' ~)t:.on ca.r:',::":'. )-0 48. ::":::: :~.,?:)~t on tho: ?~ssi:)ilit:'~: ~: coatin'led UJe 0; the ~!..:.'---'::l"r ~,:. <:.::- ?r"'3rac. h:1;;er ?:":¡6r~:: Th"! C:':· ~.1;<1.;~r rpcc-_-:e:.:':'c¿ :ì.a\·::"'~ :'~:--_ :1111-ti ~p. Ra:1:;~?r~ a.t $1.7) tc $2.':5 :-==- :~."J.:" rathe: t::¿:: ab'::'tlt .::: ;1.:::-::.':~, A~ ',:r: Ìi,.J t.1c:>t ::~;:... The ;-:~:':'J ',.:'Jlù be to :i~~C :tire :·_~.;:,:h') i:'",,(Io ':1::"1:';1 thp. C~t:· li..-:::s. '..:: h.-:ì.vc: SQ:~e fu:.·-15 ;or t...,~ ','J,.1' L-'lt ··..ill nee:l to ~U,!;;èt ;_'~C fu~:~ ::: :~~ next fiscal year. Th" :::''- C."~"cil did not o'>~ect t: prc;:.:.i:. C_t~' M3n~ger'~ Ra~~~r l'r=~:~1 '.- ~, ~ , ...". . . -; KUlUrES or THE JUlIE S. 1972 CiTY COUNCIL KEETIlCG coxsœ CALE:mAa 49. Itesolutlon 10. 3269: "A Resolution of the City Council of the C1t)· of Cu~rtino Civ~n, ::otice of the Prol'osed Annexation of Cer~ain Uninhabited Terri~ory to Said City; Describing Said Terr itery and Desigm.t tog it by the ¡¡..e of "R!1e Lane 71-13", Kaking r.erta1~ Findings Rcspoct~n; Said Preposal, and Giving ~"tice of TL-... and naco; Said CouDcil 1.'111 Hear Protests The~ot": I.ocatad at the :;ou:'",!!st Corner of R<lo Lane and ~cClelta~ Road." SO. R,g"lut~o" )la. 3274: "A Rco:>luticn of :ht> City Council or the Cit~: ~~- CUi,.~rtinc ACC~ìa:n~ ~lIitclai;:¡ DC'cd a~d r.uthJriz.3t1cn !,"': t'n!cr¡r-:un:! ~:at~r k.t'ht:::. F,:"c:1 ::aiscr Aetn:3. A P:.lftnershfp C'LIC~.,l:" :~C:1es D:'~li-, ~():lì, Tr~ct 5128. Glml ù;.:.<s. Locatej on :!...'.~:..::at'::,d k.~õ...:. ::est..:r:y :I: ::¡t,:ra:1ca 1>ri·'(·... ,. R ... 'L l' .):" :::. 32]:": ":\ }{~, ";lut~'Jn 0: t:.e Cit:~· C{tunc~: of t~¡e ... i:..~· ~ f C:J;.::t:::.~:,.' Al',l~r:: :~~~ : clicat~~n (': Rll1 !'rC'p2r.ty [c:- I :\ a:,;;'>" ·U~:, 'it'=.. ~~"'r- ~ ' A-: ¡JC1 itp"" a !',trtllc. It I;', C(,)a',i~l::: .. A ~', P". :,':,,-:;' .~:'~3 :"t.'":..:, L~:;::<::~(·d :;n t~,c . :)öt.h.t' :.. Cp~·nf..f ,.- .1~,i (,¡.'J. 'J:1:,;,t~,·" ,'~ :-~':r"rn 1..'1n:-·.:' .'.' ;--.,~ltt '.;r. .'... 3T'~,: tI. ",l·· '~ut>'a ~': tr,e Cit/ CJl1",,,,i1 Q: t:.c \,'it C'::~t:~::n' '!pn.H.·.¡~g F;nal :'1.::,:. fv:- l:'C :"P{o·:c~,:!>nt 0 t-~T:1ìt"R(: A:. ::.~~ t:~( ·.'ut:: ',,'. ~ Carner c-; ;ilrJ~Or.1-~uL1n> ·alc R~~', ;i:lI :~_, ,~·i:1 L,t:~(.·: F.t. .\~·,'c;;.·_.·~-:, a ?.3rtttr.'r31¡:p, D;~;t2':"U.H?:"; A\lth': :;t:n", :.bl' ~.~!":' ~:.;.<nLl': to :.::gn L.t: 'Fin,; Plan; and \Ut:l"¡--7.¡·~g ::xet.: ¡t.{';~ (1: Arr,,'£:. I.nt i:1 C~:1n~c:ti0n ·l'¡',~rt..·~·:ith.tt 5:. Rc-:":utf:-n :,::;. J~~,~: "A R(>;',)lurion ð: t!lt' C"ty C')unc,~.l of the City ~~ Cu;crt::t~:,) .\i.·':':l"'pt.n~; '~I1it("~a':~ 0,-:1..".1 ('f ReAl ?r:-re1ty :Cir l'.\rJ.-. !-urp:t.::c...: :rø ti:t. C ",:ot/ or 3:a.:1ta C'ar;-¡" COw·i5l:'n, (\f Appro;.;i:"'...1tt'ly Cl.lì A,-rl', 1.ocate:! at t."" [.nd 0: Slo> '': A':cnl1 Adja('~nt t~ Route 2SJ." x......·,,·J by C~~ncil-;';'l1:"; I r'dn, ~ccoli'!pd by Coun(.:il::¡all ~ICYCl:J to adopt the:' a JO\'l' C..,r.sent CJ.IL';i:ir. ~bticn carried, 5-0 ~!1\'cd by C,,:,..:1c:'l::1a:: J:l.::.S():1, 5cco::ded b:: C~IJncilc..,n. In,-in, to a¿c?t thc R~~olutica t~lat ~tlj·or Fro]!c:~ prep:ire:.l for.Councilm;Jn. < . ...p,tr...s. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-1l9 Page 21 Con:.cn: C:.I (~!~! adopted Sp:::.:.ks !{f'.,. wjopte¿ ',',,~ '-~.'-- .~; Casa de Anza , ¡ 6-mon~!l i auth..,rization i , Camarda ¡ apr 1cot stand I : " , r f .i ... ~ . or TUB .JOI& 5, 1972 CITY COORClL MIŒ'f1BG - '-.... < -"'--...,---' ,,-.... -.."- , . ,.' ...'~ IIEPOIiT OF OFrIcas S4. City Stafl The City Manager referred to his vr1tten report. The Director of Ada1n1strat1ve Serv1c~s tn~roduced the bids received for the time deposits. Moved by Councilman Irwin, seconded by Counc1lcan Sparks to make the time deposits as recommended by the Dtr~ctnr of Adain1atrat1ve Services. AYES: :':0£5: Councilmen 1r",1n, Jackson, Heyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch None Motion carried, 5-0 T::e Director of Planning imd Devt>lo¡nent saB Siquoia ~lo['tgage CO'ãlpany ",'as in the lludience. .;0: the Ca5a de Anza a~)3rtT.cnt c:o~plex ,," Mar:.' a rcprcscnt3ti~e iro~ the:: ,¡u·c t:\C ne'.I' o·.~mers A'¡enue. ~t!'s. Anne McLeod. Prop~rty ~tan3gè;:1t~nt Dcpartueat. SC~lIo¡a :'hrtEage C""pany, said t!1ey '.ere prepared to pust a bon! ln t::e ,,"c\lnt 0' ;20,000 to assure 1and~capins of the e:1t~r" project if tlll'y are perloitted to rent the re::¡ainder oi their unit:; at t:1i~ t1"e. Moved by Council~an Jackson, scconled by Council~an Irwin to grant the acove requested authorization for a period of 6 "onth~ ,<!t:, a $20 ,COO faithful performance bond. ' Motion carried, 5-0 T:,e Director of Planñin; and DevcIop"enl sai,J }lr. Jo~e!,h C.,:,:arda i,q a¡;ain requesting per-lis"ion to h"ve his apr'~ot stand at the "orner of 'Vista Drive and Stevens Cree~ 51vJ.. for a period o¡ 1ù days. So moved 1:y Counciloan Jackson, seconded bJ' Cu'mc 11,".1n 1 r'"ln. Motion carried, 5-0 · . :nmrrF.S "F TIiF. JI:I~": 5, 1972 CITY COU:;C.I. Mt:¿TI:1G ,The Director of Public ~~rks stated th~t t~e traffic pattern on Stevens Creek !:lvd. by !iø:u! Sav1!1[s and B':1L1k of ,\:ledca 1s beiD¡ ,..stucl1ed . >1be Director of rdr~~ aed Recreation ann~unced a softball Sase 'between Monta Vi!'t.:l Sebcol aDd Los Altc~. 55. City CoullcU::en Councilman Ja~k50n ~u~~e~t~ ~he staff prepare let~ers of a?pre- eiation for the applicants v:~ had inùirated ~1l11n&n~~s to serve on the ^rchit~ctural and $ite Approval Ccr.~,ittee but were not selected. C:mncil:nan J~c~;'50n s~i:i De!...:173 Coller.~ Ã~ o;;.'..1ite inr:ere5te1 il~ the idea of C~u~'I.C'il J..~~c.~s. Foe an¿ COl1nc~l:--a:: S?&.rl:s vol1Jntep.:-ei -:'0 serve on a SUJc=.~~·:i t lce, a::: d:d th~ C!.t:: :ht1ë.~.~~r. T:ìC City :{an3£c. will aproint a burt:. -..-:",b".. fer t:'1s :ue,cc·,nlttcc. Council:oan .. . ~ . lJ 1,·' .' i ...c)"erG 5.:].1... I;.i:' ",·C.U ..."e to i.n::"~: t:'!.ore &:;~;J~..:.t t:. S ?rog:rA."':1. ADJOUR~~:F;~ï :'Ü ~',:RSO~;:~::r.. ;:::;;.c::. At 11 :lt3 ¡'~~ ~'ayor r'rc,: ic:. a~lj l1'Jn~(·d the ".,(;C'! '::~r: to a ;~cr~onnel Sessic". ADJ OCR:;;;,:;T The r.i:E:ling recon'¡e:a·J at : :07 ;.:..:. !-t~"cd b)' C~'·~m:!I!".an !:-·,~:n. ~eco:1¿cå by C0l1nci:::13:1 J':H:k~QO to adjrurn the n~("l~rag at 1 :~:= A!~. ~~t~~n c~rrt"J, 5-1 APPROVED: /s/ Keith E. Irwin Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: I_I Woa. E. Rvder City Clerk ~~ c:c- U 9 Pa,_ 23 SO traff1c pattern Softball ¡;ð"''' C""nciJ 10too=n PrC";;ræ.~