CC 06-19-72 r" '. ;,' . . . ClT! or cupEltum, S~ate of California 10300 TOrTe A"eøue, Cupertino. California Telephone: 25::-4505 . KIxutES or r.iE REGULAIt HEI'lIKG or THE CITY œUNCIL BELD JUNE 19, 1972 ,DC, THE COUNCIL CHAHBEll aTY HALL. WI'II..1:111O. CALIFORNIA SALUTE 10 'l!IE ruG The deeting vas called to order at 7:34 PM ,by Mayor Pro Tempore Irvin v1tb the Salute to ~be rug. ~LL CALi. . Council~en ?res~:: Jackson, Heyers, Sparks, ~yor Pro Teopore Irwin Councll",en a:.",,:: H:1yor Frolic!! . Staff pre..;,:: City Manager Qu~nlan City Attorney A1ams Direc~or of Ado1n!stra:i~e òervices Ryder Director of Planning a;,¿ De··el~7'..n: 5isk Director of Public I\or:-s ~'ar"orollr..' Director of Parks and Recrea:ion Butler Recording Secretary ~oi, :n.ards !fi~;UTES CF ?c''':0r~ ME£TISG 1. Appr~val~: ~inutes of regular meetlnh of cune 5, 1972. Councll~~" ~ey.=, ~~ thp following correcti~ns: del(!te t~~ "."C':'': ·!c!le;.:t!.onslf and replace wit~ t~~ Page 7. t'à:.1. ;. seco~'),d I1nt'. delete word "celst" the word ":0:-:'::'. rage 5, para. 7, \:or¿ Itc~ectr1c12n It and replace \.lith Counci 1~.1~ ';.1:::'$(':'\ said his c.oti.or. on page 5. ':':h par'-, g,raph, wa~ to ask the S:a:f! to p.3SS legisat10n to alll)·.... t:''iC ne..:e,;sary lioe La properly prepare the Open Space Element. Moved by =.'"":::,,an Jackson, seconded by Co""c,:=:a:l M..yers to ~pprove th~ ~i~~:es of June 5. 1972. as cocrecteå. Hotion carried, 4-0 CC-120 Paa- 1 Juní" 5t~ ~1inut aî?r(\Ve.. as CQrrectè::. 0:-120 "age 2 ~ayor pro tea ':oluntee~d &S {:'Iter-City Counc. r~.. ;::ousing £~en' & ll-Z-72 ?ublic Hearint ; July 3rd :i.ayor Frol] c: to Adviscrry Co=. to SC Ct Transit Dist. . . JIIIIU'1'ES OF tHE J1IIŒ 19, 1972 c:1Tt COUNCIL HEETING aHØJ1IICATmIS 2. Vritt_ <, ' ';)':"~¡'~,1',"~" A. Reqoest f~ IDtU-ctc,.cCoancll for upda~ed roster aud au altenate repre._tà~ri'. B. 1lec¡Dat for ratif1catløD of July 3, 1972 as time for holding Publit ØUd41IS OD Boas1aa £lemen~ of the Cenual Plan aud for Public Rearlaø oa application ll-Z-72. C. Letter froll POC adv1aill l San Jose ,"ater ,"arks' bi-<!lOnthly billing sc~~~le for co=merc1a1 cus~oaers has been a~proved. D. le::er (rOD League of California Citi~s stat!ng Annual Conference ~i:: ~ in Anaheim, October 15 ~hrou~h 18, 1912. E. A~~~~e from County of Santa Clara that the Sheri~f Patrol rates ~~:: =e s~bject to chan¡e, effec~ive A,,~ust 14, 1972. F. A~';~:e fro::> Board of Supervisors that elly of C"pertino's ,,:,,=::ying and amend10g aesolution :;". 15,,5 :185 been placed c,. :~e !oard's agenda for Tuesday, Ju"e 20, 1972. G. l.::<r :ro~ Chairaan of County Eoard 0: Supervisory re the Ai; ,,,,r'\" Co"",,i5s10n ~o Santa Clara C""nty Transit District. H. ¡'.': :e:ters (one pro, one con) re~arJi:1~ 10-U-12. In the e';,": the ~!ayor did" not ",1sh to desi~:'Iate someone else as th" alternaa ='~resentative for the Inter-City CC":'Iell, llayor pro te:1 Ir",in voluntee~~~ :: serve. , Moved by ~_~,."ilman Meyers, seconded by Ccu,.eil~an Jackson to ratify July 3, .,~~" as the tice.!or Public Hec1r!.:-¡p. C'~~ ::,ol1sin~ £lc:1cnt 0: lhe General ':.i:l 3:'1d also for Public He"r~n.:; on .17plicat~on ll-Z-12. MotIon carried, 4-0 ~ved by ::uncilman Sparks, sec~nded by Co~nci:~dn J"c~sQn to have Kayor Fro:-: :..:::, serve as Cupercino' s rcprese.:L1:' i ':e 0:1 the 25-me:noer Advisory C.:cÜss1on to ~he San~a Clara C""n:y Transit District. Motion carried, 4-0 . . -.u.u:.S OF Tilt J:J,;:; .?, 1972 CIn cot5CIL }¡;:ET¡:;;:; ".. .. i~+X;4ø1,' CoaaUD1cu~:1S ,;)ij¡¡,~:;r:ii WOII&. :l2~ !lontereyc-n. Cupertino, aslted for a ',I~',: ,.,,:,l ';:,'t, '"":-:-"ce,, on ~l~ca:ion 10+12 because there ~re a number of l~ '~'d .-,'; func::..lQQitl <r~est10nsyeC: to be resolve<> and his arcbi- ¡,~t ,::~~~'ffather pa5SC'~ "'\lay, so be __ aøable to attend this lIeatillS :':,:,';¡, .,,,:,-":':,,,. . . ~~. ,i.~ " ,~, ;,...'J'....'1r.r CouncibD Jac'uon. sec:oaded by Counci1=:1 Sparks to _~ appl1u:;'O:1 lC'-t:-72 to .July 3, 1972, CO\:nc~lman .Jackson -.. . that he ......:... hope ther.. viII _t be a series of continuance r 1. au on this u::~r. Motion carried, 4-0 JU.rU;U OF CO\;-:;(":: 7~:-.c_~:~¡TATIV¡;$ 4. ~or Fro.:;:: . :ransportatio~ Policy Co~~:t~e~ r,.:er-C1ty C~~nc11 :è.1guC of Califo!':'1ia Cities -. ~..ncilr'.a:, : :-..,": Drug A:'us¡, Coordina:cc:: :o-",ission Cou::.c11.!!!:an Ir....-:.~ $:.!:~¿ there ·....oul~ be a met!t::'n~ ::: ::-.~lrsday :!cl1D"".~:1g thi~ ~.~ _-:.: _~ ~~etjns· L CouncilmJ.:' Association of ga:. :\':r:ê. ·_~;:\\"('rnl!1ents Santa Clara CO~l:1ty .0J,: l~: (('I::".:115Sioo Ur~an r~elop~ent ~ 0~~:: ~73ce Subc~i~tee 0: :¡~ .. ~ ~ - . ... .a... .'_;:0 _ ,~ . Coa:.cilr.An Ja.:'...=-..:,: 5:.a:ç,j that all ap,?lications .....~:-t? 3pprl\Ved at t.he recent I\:;.~._: -:-~.;::-~;. none of \,;::ich affl~C"tc-~~ ~-.:~:::'::~no. J;.ec.ional airrc:: 7,;:' '.ill be on ~he next a~t.~t'La . Cøa=.cilwoman F:::::.."":s':t:'_:".. ot Sat'. Franc~SCOt stDo:'!y group tc :-:_':'. :-.::;ional ta~:~on. :.ay Area arc i:.', _,,~ ;_' r.Jrticipate. is s~:'ti:-.: :l? an 3d hoc AI] Cc~~,:: ~r="ers in ~~ The 1Iater CN:l::.:'~~.::- i.:"',': UrLJan Dc.velop::1cnt.h;hi ~1..1 :-:~'ctings. CC-120 Pa¡e 3 , ~ 10-U-72 poac:poDed to .July 3rcl Mayor rrol ...h vas not prcse,,: at ~his Counetl Meetir:g Modi: 1ca:.::o: , exrl""~::.Dn Basic c!la::&es Peri..eta' park1na Screen ~ park!a& l.ot . . JIIHUTES OF tHE JUNE 19, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ," .' ':I; ~,~ ." . PIa1m1ns Policy COIIIIittee lII11side Subc~ttee of l'PC Cou1ICiban Heyers: ' ,~,,<' .." ~. , state4 tiøth Committees would be haviDl ..etinss tater " \J~, ' C4u1Ü:iø- !!.eyers ~<thb week. ,~, ",r~~, ,. 8~ COUDClban Sparks: Flood COntrol Advisory Coamittee Coaaiss1on on Alcoholism CovDC1~ Sparks said there had been no meetings. PLANNING ~l~ISS10N 9. Suò~:.sion of ~!nutes of regular neeting of June 12, 1972. 10. Appl::~:ion ~o ~~e:d ~se Permit 26-U-69 of Stoneson Deve10pnent Cor~'",::on to construct a shopping center. Said property ~s in a , ,:~~nned Develnp--e=t) Zone and is located at the north~est ccrr;-er .:: ["Ie intersec.tion of Stevens Creek Blvd. a:-.d ;!ary Avenue. Re:.: _:.::.icd for apprc-;al. The i'la:::-.:':-:':: ~'irector re"'!.e;.:ed the Pla.nnin¡; Com."3ission's action and the Pl.i~,-..::; ~epart"Cor,t' s "eports on this natter. The approved plan did not c:::dve the entire site. The propo,;ed a",en'¡c:ent proposes to utl1iz," :.'-, ~atire sita ~::: c,",ostruct 56,200 square feet of co!:\::\erctal space ø;.~ ~5.òCO s~uare :eet of office spacc, inclu¿:~g t~e 9.400 square foot re~:~ _~Jnt now un¿er construction. The applicant ~u~~itted a render!". <,,,'~ing the ty;>é"of architecture "nd landscaping planned. the sito ~~~n calls for ~in~un 1, feet of Il1ndscapc¿ boulevard along Stevens :,¿~k Blvd., and :inir.:u:':1 7 feet along :!a1"Y :,.....emJe. Mr. Ro,.<~: ?3ige, Architèct, 10125 Park,,;ood Drive, C\:?ertino sUl"Incd up the bas" :han;o.>, which is the confi£urat ion of the i:ui.dings 3nd 1ncre3'r' :~ndscapin;. 7here will be 16.000 square f~et of lands~aped area, it.::~,Hng the nalL Counc~l-~~ Irvin noted t~~ parkinb ha~ been popped OU: to the p~rir.cter of ~he ,~:~.rty, wit;' the !ouildings no\'eJ closer toget:'er now. Council-_,~:: ~!\!>.ers asker! ....~t we lost ,..·hc;'), the buildir:f; coverage increased BOc.e 13.:' ~ square feet.. .'-:r. raige sa id they are not r.'Jv pla:\nlng 3 super~:..l:-..~~. COl1ncil¡.a::. ;~eyers noted 5 of t;lC 7 feet. oÎ la~ld~ca::efl nreß along ~:.3.::-- .\venuc is City property. Ii 3!-:'1 I.'h~n ~,~~ ~~t the !':ary Aven1~e overpa5<. :t ..ill bp to t:,e benefit of t:'" ;:ity and t') t:.is project to adequat£:r screen the paricing lot. :!r. Pai;e assured hin that it ..ill be heav:~: landscaped. . . MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19, 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEETING It was noted the realig1Ðent of Mary Avenue increased the size of tbis property. Mr. Paige said the State Division of Highways has approved the in¡r"./earesa. He answered Councilcan Jackson ~ha~ 'two access to St..,ø Creek Blvd, are very important. Counc1lmanJaciJIdîî· ree..-.-.led bike racks. Hr. Paige .said they will occur io tbê?pas..Seway.· Moved by Councillllan Heyers. seconded by Councilcan Sparks to approve the amendaeat to Use Permit 26-U-69. Motion carried, 4-0 CC-120 Page 5 Ingress/egress ".' r¡ ":~ .", ;"~'~ .,~ '';~ .,.~ f .f í Bike "rádia 26-U-69 amendment approved ~~ 11. Consideration of a=e~ent to conditions of approval attached I to 'e:ll..t1ve .18p },ppl1cation 19-1'}(-71 of i'ennfngton-C3!:\8rda. , Sai¿ property i. located ~esterly of and ad:acent to ?Andy Lane, apprc~I"a~ely SOO feet DOrth of Stevens Creek 3lvd. \ 1"he PJ.»,,,in¡: Director ':e::>t over the site pJan. The applicant ac- The proposal , quired .1 10-f?ot 5tri~' d l""d I ro" ::r. (a",·ud" ;n ord"r to :>ske leGal :..'~': on which :'0 ~u:l¿ his dup]('xr5. :a~ r{'~~lcst :.t t:,i& tt"!le i~ ~,' \','aive th(: ét-~~cat~on 0: the JO--!?ot ~tr!:> tlnJ ''''::11'1(" the st.~!':- ,¡rain fef::~ ~.... ~:;t~. Th(" rl:1:\n~n: ~c:"".·:is~iotl·s recö;.¡- ::¡eodat..':: \"n this 1s :.r rE:-~u1re tilc Jê;jiCdl~0n .:s:cns ti1e Vista Drive ~~~I'tag~ at t~~~ :_~~ and t~¡~ ~!'pllcallt to ~~ al~o~c1 to delay r:~ : ~n.ancla¡ :,' :~?a.t:ons ·01" i",rr!"'-~:, (r.~!; a:oa~ Parcel D, an:i .11:-.' to delay p1~.-~-:: c: slor~¡ drdina?t! 1 f:('~ a~on;; Parcel D until ~~.'> tÍ!'Jc as t~,1\: ,;,:':.p~rty <2(:V(l']C'l'S. :Ir. Ko:,..:-t {)ldhan, ,.~~.:_: E:-'$:in('('r, !oòaid :1C ;,'01;; p:-('3cnt bt: this nt-crin:: ."a ¡''''half c.: ~:'. :(':;n;n·t0~1. He ~tr(:':>=t.:d t~lat it if> . IPJpC'rt1~: t.:-o ~_!s cl..f::: t~ :...el:ur(' thi~ '¡c.J:cat'::'~n fro~ >!r. Cá~é]råa: and ~.r. ~ ..".lrd... has. ~<i:'=!::.ne~ t:) offer this 1:-¡lId f!:'r dpoic'ltion. \ J! lhL .."::\' (~an ::ut t'" ·".t·.~~ an :I~·åt'SS-.C'r:t '1:!c.;':rict ~or Vi.ita Dr:.:....¿ tn thl' f:.>:~r(", h~ ·.'1:: ;:.:n It. ';r. C3"'1Clr::':'1 h:is :--al·t~cipå(cd in ¡ - ' , an l.1:' ,":-: Plal1~Y ;...1f~:,~(: 1:-. the past. l;e ha& sc;:e":ujcd no i:~.pro.,('- i ::lcnt l"~~ ~::::; rropcrt:· :'".:", Sf') h(' d0t:S nol ·.:L..:. :-: :c::!icatc h> the . City.H :~:~-; t~·(!. :-.~ ·"~':c: t!~a! tLere i'~ a ..·...:':'~,::.a:1ti:tl ::\-:ount of un!:;~rr~~""'': fror.t"l~C :;,:". .;::::.:'':' rr;-Jl..·. ~;r. ç~'j:-~·1:-::; ~e.iicv('s ~~r. Car.tarJ,l':' (¡-foot :.'.a6. :.~:: '-'a:! ?rL'!';I!:-l.y (.",:1(':: ~'I':~ '-0 the property line. :Ìt' 1::> an eld(.;r.y ¿í.::.t~t.·::~.1:: :1:".1 dot.·s t.':>:' ·.~n::' t,.. S'('l involved In st:·c,,': ';t~J!catiJn..., t........ He! ;u~:t \-:a~lt~ :",\ }-If' l'.~ft o1:0nc, to I Jive "u.: :'~tl' rt,";:o:ti~.¿~:- c,t ::;.!". lIfe. I t Counci~-:_:~ :Icyers r(·c.~b:lized tiwrt.' h: proba.bly a co~~un.ication i probl,':: ¡,Cfe. I Thl~ City .\!'tornc)' ;,oir.:.{è out tLat thi.-:- $u~di'I~S:'(';1 uwl(·r cO:1shler·... ation .i:' r~:i$ ticè lr.......,.·tt.·r;. t.j~c land:; of C.1..1rJ,_ jr¡ a vt.'rv :.11no1" ~ der,n.\c. ~·;,:,il..'r our r........ :'::1¿e'¡elop,,,J Strt:cts ,)ròir:i'!!'!r.c ""C w'ill b~ ¡ .able to :,,-,qaire stree: i~?rov(';-.:(\lllS. ¡,ppl icant . s srgu-.ents Lack of co~:r.uniCi1:"lon C:l":1ar~h :"':.: ,~:-~ .."'.i:lor [3_'.:'( !n this suh,!!':i~io~ . iCC-l20 . Pas- 6 19-~-71 cl)~.~:;¡u"d :0 1..;:)· 3..::' ::tee:!? 0: pr-ev ious ?rocee~L:.~ ; e . MINUTES O~' THE JUNE 19, 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEF.TING .. COuDcibaA Irvin not~ tlaat ,Hr. Pennington won't be able to build his dupløa if this caIt'~ lNt'n801ved. Mr, Oldbar.a sgreed that Hr. Pennington ~:1Iave to abaa4ooW"P1aøll at a cona1derabla.'10ss If this ·is not âiiat"~ ' ' ',' . ~", ", ,0, ~ Counci1un Irvin ..tm, ill view of the City Attorney's statements, if we loIOuld be 1n any wone aIIa,.!f this request were granted. The Director of Public Works feels the vbøle concept involves rearranging property lines here. In return for tb1a, the City has not in the past aade excep- tions for this sort of thtns. On the other band,'there is'prøbàbly gOod reaaon for the City ~o lain this dedication. - , . Counci~A~ Jackson said there was a commit~ent cade at the tioe this Ten~ative ~~p was a~proved. Perhaps there is a co~unications gap. }~vcd 1::; Councilma:1 Jackson, seconded by Councilnan !1cyers to continue con9iù~r3tíol1 of t.,,! =en~"'er.t req'jest r" <1pplicatiol1 ~9-r.,~-71 to the next resuLar Meeti~~g to allow ::r. Pennington time to f·.1rt:--:er confer with ~'Ir. Cacarda. :1r. p~,.ni"gtol1, 1010') ;¡andy t~,I1C, Cupertino, said t",er2 is n:> ~:>",-,un1cat(1)" pro'b!£''::. here. ~·:r. Ca=..ar¿a j:j aa early C'lp~rtino r:1!1<::1Cr and ha5 Ot) intcr~;;;~ in anyt'.:in;; exc.ept liv':ng out the renalnder of his life in his h("-.~ ..,f '..1any Y~.1r:¡. AïES: NOES: ABS E~·¡t : ,~ounci 1m::>:- Jac~s:'¡:1, :'~eyers, ~1aynr 1'1"0 TCI Ir~lin Council;:¡a'l Spar!ts ",,{a>"or Fro¡ich ~otion carried, 3-1 12. Afplic<1tion 9-[-72 0: Cr~nnil1b B. Chris~aa to allcw cor.struction 0: 50,460 sq. í~" of office space in two 2-story b·,¡il,j~!1gs. SaiJ property i..i in a ? (Plannc-d ~'c'JC!lop:-1ent) Zone: an:i is IncH-ted at the souti-.·.JC3t cornE:-r of tht.! intersection of ~to,~ri"'ue¿ "....'C:1UC and Torre Avenue. Recomcndcd for i.\:,proval. ' ':> The Planning Director reVi2'.,Ied tllC pre'!i"u,; action t,,:',c~. en t::i~ property. The t:Sè Pcr:nit for the t·:o 2-s':ory b~liLiiI1~::; .....;1:.. rL'/ic,;c'i by t:H':: l'lanning Co::"...~i.sgi.on and 'VO.:1S n~t 3;:?rO'Jèd. l'.L t~w ~,.3st Cctln.~il :-:;e-etlll; the applic3n~ was.3::O;'.l:'i to ret'.lcn tfJ t:11.: P¡,llIHin<~ Co~:~'!is;;iu:'l. alo::.g with so:ne &ûid(!!jnes [r~J:'"j ti:e CO'.Jn.:il. T:ti.,' \.¿:1t; do;:c 'Jit:; :·r:.c resuiting approval by thi.lt bO~l -...rich t~lrce con'~ i~~oa·~. Plan ,\ '~'as é1.?pro·J(l-lÌ with rrorie~t;ltion of the buildin~s t0Wi.\CJ C¡rv :::J11." The ~re¡li5 ua5 extcndeJ to Torre A"Jenue. T:1C pcri!':~tl'r iandscapin,:; :-:35 Þ(~C'n ~n1.arged. This 13st m3tter ~ill be discussed at tlir Arc111tcctur31 and Sit:e Approval level with the CCT"'..::luni.t)· i\clal ion~ Sherif [I S :)epart!",~c·1t. . . ...,,1"" OF THE J1IlŒ 19, 19n an CXJm1C1L MEETUõG t "t " ,'" ;.. ~: _118. Palo Alto. ,bd.fl~i .;, ,. 8fb1 the Pl.....40\1· C""4OD ~"the view of tbe:'; cI..,¡j'.~;'¡:J ~! f£frOlD City Hall," .....,:OWU :~0I1S why he,f~!¡¡ ~. ',., :)1.'~ A was beaU' -¡l;~'~. pickup and dellT,~ " ,..,., .;a.5'k,townand Country La1Ie." ".' ;'¡:i'!1" ;vent over tbet'ta~f.~~!~~lt,Plans A and'S, ..' , "'t'.: " ",," ," .".,<"".,,__~t,þ" ;,: :,{ !:;~l';'Uman Jackson nòteddíllit:~"OI~tQg Commission cal1ec1 foe . 1" a.111s and the Plan sbovsU-;;';'lbe'architect, ~Ir. Paae. said fa 1Iecåuse he vas afraid p1 .. With campers might hic che cre1li . "'"'' c---..Uman }Ieyers noted dIaIt!Jr. Chrisman said we could gec 20' wrfAItb landscaping with Plaa A. 2fr. Page said they feel su_aly iliaC Plan A provides a ~ood ~1.ca1 breåk. }tr. Chrisoan said the parking la)"Out and trellis v:i.1l vork with either plan. ~.r. Paae aõ4ed that the covered crellis wíl1 provide shelter co people .ü.king in fr01ll the parking ::.0:0. . !bwed by Councilman Sparks. seco:>ded by Mayor Pro Tem Irwin co ~ove Plan D for 9-C-12. ~cussion follo~ed. Co~-c~n ~eyers not~j the long spa~ along ~r1gues ~~ulj be brok~ up ~~~~ Plan A. It was also no~eè t~er ¥as an addi:ional 6' of l:~cca?~g. A'!ES: ElES: USDIT : Cour.ciloan Spar~ Co\..~n.:il~en Jackso:1!p 7..eyer~, }:ayor Pro Tet':1 Irvin Nayor :rolich !føéD:1 died, 3-1 ~eod by COl:Dcil::>an :1eyers. secc~ed by Coul1cil::¡an Jac:-.so:l ~o approve application 9-~-72. ?La~ A. incorporating the Pla~~g Coocission's intent to have .~. ~rellis on both sides, 20' ?: ~scapinb alQng Torre Av~ ~ the requir~J landscapi~g along ~rigues A~e"l:e. AYES: JD£S: A3$SENT : Councilmen Jac;.:so.., :!"..eyers, Sparks, ~:ayor Pro Te:: 1r,,"in ~or:e :'!ay~r Frolich !!ociD:1 carried, 4-0 CC-120 Pase 7 u.velopu likes. 'Plan A": .">: ;',' ' ð~r:;\:,':";.'~: ·':l~if~; ~;!,' ' \i', i ~, :1 """;;'i , ,~--:: '\:',Y '" of, ~~\¿ . ..~ ~, ,j" "......' ";,;,: .,~i. ' Cbange in trellis vidth Good vertical break with Plan A Motion to appro\' Plan B di.,¿ 9-1:-72 Plar. A ap¡:.roved ,'--' e e "', ,':' ',~ '! ,f':~~...:<.' ,.'~~.',;4.'.4.,',;¥. . "..,,:,,?..~,#~~~~~~..,....,..t~~.}';, .)!~,;¡. D' ... a1a~t:t("-'~1_,\;i;i€:1'/ 4.,. of ..4J~.J&iDa of JUDe 7 2[1" 'P' ... .c.:~.e~-'1011'CœpaDy requ..f!,~ . 'of~lr >.up'" " .:' ,.,.". ai.t1D& service stat:~i ,. . :at: the .u~ åV-""'ofsc.v- Creek Blvd. aDd Van_,..... . ,'. .:~,,'L< -'.. f. .....U>1'L ' ' , : ,"",,-/ -- ':."'" ,', ~ slUn of t:ba .au.__ 1IIIøIm. -r.isporarY signs vër;i itI~to --11 at ti:.e tine ~ rUJ· . die station froa AI:Ier1éaø 0iJ. With . a:a. aDlerstaai1l11 th., 1 lIt' ~ before a-Control for rev1e8. The .,_-1"1 I>i-:ector said t1Ie7 ~ . s. to keep the "ShèU" aød '"Service is our Bwo~s" sips _ cbe !Ioaüdins. a-Control asked thel1 ~ install a uash enclcsure. TIM)' vi11 lie apandiDg their landscaPiDS ~ v:l,ll ~e the free-staad1ns .i.. oacside thë corner ~riangle. OF TIŒ J1!Ø 19. 1t72 an QJUJlCIL !ŒET1!iG 3øved by Ct'-.:::=ilman Heyer... Aded by Counciban Sparks to approve BC-SI,103.1. "hell 011 C~ '......J. Stevens Creeit Blvd. at wolfe !EDad. ?r:>posal = redw:e he~ a: all free- sUDdó.ng s~ on c:'is ag~.r:!s ~cussion ::llowed. Couucil:an Jackson noted t~at all t~e proposals :or free-s:~':~"g signs see:> :.e cerne in at t~e cax1.lIm hei~;:¡t alloved. Be propose': ~e':ucing ~he bei¡·~ of the free-sl,nding signs on all the service st~:c:~s under co~~ation on this ag2nda. He as£ed the City Attor~iY if the Si~a ûrd'-~nce allows t~iò. The City }~toraey said it was ~is opinion that .~~ Council can restrict sign height :0 sOQethi~~ èess than 20'. . ~ PIRnni~g ::irector ansooerel Councilman Sparò<s that there are no service sta:~~ns in Cupert:ú>G rith signs lower than 20' at this tine. 1leview S1ç Ordinance The Mayor Pr: :em questioned ~ther this was th~ time or place ~o do this, af:er the signs ~e ~ approved by the Architectural and Site Apprc~a: Committee. p~ a review of the Sign Ordinance would H in order. Oounc1lman ~e~ers asked Vi~irman McLaren of the H-Con~ra1 C~1~tee if sign he~!~t had been di5=-~ at their last !'leeting. roe Vice- Chairman sa1; it had beea, a=d it ~as felt the applicant wc~l~ DOt have adequate ~'pèsure if the si~ ~e lo~ered, es?ecially since they are loing to ~~e it ou~s1de the corner triangle. AYES: JÐlS: .ABSENT : !!aFt Pro Tam IrviJI Co~cilmen JacksoD. ~ers, Sparks !!a:pr Frolich Ho~ died, 1-3 - e 19. 1972 CITY COUNCIL tŒEtING 'w by CoânC~'....,~ed,b;r CounciluD Sparts to I'etœ !catiOD HC"'$1~103~1·to).'lH:ontl'ol COIIIDiteee form!- of :ÏIMi'beisbt of,tÌí*'free-su.ð1øš:''dp. . ~~}, " ., ,~r«_~...>,;.,:>: ,::f,,-, .' :'~,¿'" : Counc1JMnJ'.~"""'. Øejers. Sparks, Mayor ~T~ In;1D : 1fIID*' ' : Mayor lrol1cb ØoC1on carried, 4-0 15. Application RC-5l,()11.l of Sunny View Lutheran IIo!H requesting approval of site, arChitecture, landscaping øad UDdergrounding of utilities to allow addi~1on of a 30-bed exte~¿ed care facili~y to an exisciag reside~~ial day car home located northerly of and adjacent to Cupertino Road approxi~a~ely 230 feet easterly of Yoochill !lvd. Reco~ended for aFproval. Colored slides of the sice were shawn. y~. Virgil Carter, of F.:7/er AS50cia~es, Palo Alto, said they are propos in.: .1 l-s:ory .,:<xx :ra::e b,.Udin$ ...it;, a stucco ',..all, in- corporating earth tone co:~rs. Roof naterl~l is ce=~~l asp~~t shingles, .here will "::e "esv:: ,",ood trim aro'Jn'¡ t;,e ...~ndo"s. He then went o"er the ele-:a:~c:1s and landscaping p!,sn. Council:-.a:1 Jac~son nc:ed 1'3 i~ Resolut~o" ~71 needs a verb "shall be" added. ~ved by C~uncilna~ Jac~=~, s~conded by Council~an Sparks to ~rprove application H:-51,Ol7.I, ..ith the cond~t~ons rec~ended by the Planning Comoiss~cn. AYES: SOES: ABSE.'T: Councilmen Jacir.s:m, ~.eyers, S!",rks, :'!ayor Pro Te:: Irwin ~"'ne ::ayor Frol ic:' Motion :arried, 4-0 16. AppUcat ion IIC-51,236.2 or Souls '!arbor Church request ing approval of landsc:apln; fcr an existing church property located at the sO'..~""'est corner of lIu",..stead Roa:! and ~ta.'<ine Avenue. Rec~~ende~ for a~proval. The Plannln,; I:1rec:tor ..teG~ over t.he ap;>~ lcation. Colored slides 0 the site ~ere shown. B6 58!d a landscape arch1tec: has been coa- .issioned to do the landscape plan. CC-l20 Page 9 BC-Sl.l03.1~: , ,'," ... .··,'c;t':: retúICDW, CO ;; It.. S,",; \:~: > 'Ú":: The pro;>~5a: I\es. 17: correct10:"! IIC-5l,~:~.: apç't'ove¿ "'" ;-"'f':" 'The propou: "¡oUe re>o: accent HC-51,297.1 approve:; excep~ landsc:a,1n¡; & roof _t'l - e IlIIIUTES OF THE J\jllE. 19. 1972, CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~µ,~ :..:" ~," ¡;.,~~~,::";':~ o. .."....., ',; ,¡. ",¡.r",. ¡...,'"' JfIed br CoaDcU.u':S~"'. ,I.ecoaded liy Counc1bum JacksOD to approve .ipÞUcatiOD BC-51.236..2){ '.' ~1ì1J:" ,CouDcu.en J'::~.Keyen, Sparks,.Kayor Pro Tø Irvin ..,. Iou'-')! 'bsÙt: Kayor Frolic11" ,'. IIot1on carried, 4-0 " 17. Application BC-51,297.1 of .~y Investment Coapany requesting approval of site, architectural and underground1ng of utilities for a ~5-unit Reslden~lal, Single-family cluster development located at the sou~IrJe&t cor"er of Rae Lane and t:cClellan Roaå. Recommended for approval. . The Planning Director wen~ over the plans. Colored slides were sho~. ~r. Reger Griffin, 5058 Shielding Court, San Jose, noted t~at t~e landsc"ptn~ portion of ~~,e plan has been postponed; t;,ey are sub::lltting for the ar~:,itll!cture at th1t; t:!.:::e. They ......111 u~e ,-"ood an¿ f~esonry exteriors. One type 0: the struct~res siows a left, ~hlch is not ac:tuall~· 2-stl'ry. 1hey are using earth tone colors. T>.cre will be tile en the loft roof an<! sha,,, on t;,e r.".,..inder of th~ roofs. A cr09S section :~h"·\·ed the fcnce on t:,at portion ot the prù~ert:.. o·lcrlookl.ng ~he {:olf cour:;e h39 been e11"inat"..1, }!r. (.-tffin said one-third of the units have lofts. Counciban Jack90n ·.ondered i! ~he tile roof on th~ loft would serve to acce;:tua~e it. ~:r. Griffith sai¿ ~hey "ere tryi;1g to IIse t;,e tUe roof as an accent to the shake roof. Cóuncil~an Jackson felt that 9ince ~hey are going back to H-Control '..ith the landscaping, he 'Jo'lld "Iso l1kc to h,we the C=ittee re..exanine the roof material. He <13" in tavor of ~he remainder of the proposal. So moved by Council~an Spark9, seconded by CouncillOal1 Jackson. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: (,ouncilmen Jackson, ~!eyers, Sparks, }!a~·or ?ro Te::: Indn None }!ayor FroUch Motion carried, 4-0 . . IlØUTES OF TP'<: := 19, 1972 CITY C01J:ICIL !ŒETl:(C CC-120 Page 11 è~"ø¡. Applicat1011 B:-5I,273.3 of Dlu.¿:rane ·requesting ap.proval of '\",,;>a sign pIc for SU,bdivisioø, fdeøtif1cation signs for NortbpoiD 'c..r;:,,;?,'ilcJ!:ated at ~tead RoadW'lÍue Jay Drive; H01IIe8tead 1Iøad ,if'(,;', "" aDd Blaney &ftDUe. RecO)If ' "ÍI('for approval. ;~,~__' :,~,y ..' 51' "'!lie Planning ::Ii-rector indicated _ ,the site plan where the two stPa would go. " Øølred by Cou=i1=n Meyers, secoøded b) CouncilœD Sparka to approve appli:a:i:n HC-51,273.3. ØC-Sl.273.3 approved AYES: mES: AJSWT : Counc~ Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Ma)'or Pro Tel:! Irwin NODe Ha~·C'= :r :lich Motion carrieG, 4-0 ~ recess was "._," at 9:58 ~~. The meeting rc:on~ened at 11):08 Pc!. :9. Appll<>:_= ':-3:,:&3.2 of Stan1ard 011 C~~ra~y of California requc5::~:-f 7:':.....·:31 of a. sig::,?la:1 for (>:..:::'~t::1~ service sta· tion l('.:.;::~ .~ ::¡e 50ut:-.....es:. t.orner of ~~Ll::::':' :\v~nue and l1e>=1('slc~:..: :.: :_. Reco::-=.e:-:.-:e¿ for approval. 19, 20 ¡, 2 I co:-:::'inc'~ -:. iSC',:Sfiio:1 7':..e Planni:~.: ~::~:::r g:1o·,·e:! cc:.:::>reå slides ø: t:-,e site. He 5'l~¿ Stð:¡dard \,.11: :..: :-.·':]·,cd in C:-I.3.~g:'r..g their i:i':"'.::'fication sign5. ~~. Ric~a~....· .:-::::~:;, R~x 8?~¡, !.t:er)......jllc~ Wd:1t<:~ to ~.:1:'£.e Ot :--:...:-,':'.!::-~ ~:l.lä :1.?rJ.lca::'o~5 on t:.l~ ¡¡;.~.':::a. tren:i is t..:- ::,:... :.."·:J.r,.l a 10·... p=cfile sißn. Tb,'y .arc lo~ering ~i~:-~. ~~: ~nly where it would be i~ ~~ep!ng co::spet i lor 5 ~ speak t:> a::' He sate. t;.e not agai:....st \<ith their :.pp:icar.t wl:U to lo'....r sl~n I ¡ cO~retitur5 ~o 2;). Appll«iL'O ':':-,0),259.5 of 3ta:>dard Oil C'-,,~ny of California requ~~t:~~ ~:?::-0val of a s!g~ plan for ~xisti:1Ç service sta- tion 1,,"..:.::.:·..;, .!.t t~.e nOftr.eas:' corner ot: :'21:"t...:l Avenue and StcveH~ ::.:.~." ~lvd~ Recct:::~n¿E:¿ for ai'pr\"~\'.il:. 21. Applic'J~::::' >5:,27').1 of Standard Oil ,>-,c¿~V 0: California : , ' .. ¡ requl'~:': ;-'! ;~ :-:-.....\·a1 of a 'S:!:t F!.an and i:.¡n\ ~.:.1~i~g for ~~:¡c;t::':11 service. ~~~: :.::1 located at the nort.;¡ca,~t ..:..-"r;"Cl of Saratoga- SUT1n)OV.:'ì.;.ê- :.":-=.,,:, .:l!\d Uo~estca¿ Road. R('c('lr.o...-:::::-:·~t."d for ûþ=,roval.. -"'{ I " i-;' ~~. &:-51,279-1 . approve<t HC-51,l;;." , ::C-5l,2;=.5 rp.t,,Jrne¿ ':.::. H-Contr~: Review :>:.p Ordina=.e t I . e KINUTES -~~ JUNE 19, 1972 em COUNCIL :ffETING .'!be PI..""'. iUree:tor. øaJ.I.,e;i.j.,Cocìalttee d-1d not speak of cllecrash losure at t!le stat~jìti:ny'::Otead 1loac! and Saratop f,.., ~.al. !load, 'and the ';~~·dumpster íšr*';';""t'OíI out in ~he lot. Hr. ~*,f"'ey said d1is s~ati~ will be c,~1t'î,!~o,r relllOdeling in l-1/2~~t..:; j' ,'"/-'.' ~',~': . '.' , ,¥. .' ,,~ ',' Counc1bu:a Meyers woulcl1lì:ê cO'!"e tbe 15' high sip cae" at Blaney and HOIOi!!'tNd locatio... ",;',.. ' ~.- ", ~, "~ Counc11Juc JacÕtson felt die JUahvay 9 - !!C'IIutead proposal is all r1gRt. Be "our.~ l~u to see tile odIer two So bad' to H-Control alOllS vitb the suggest::=.¡ :made at tbis c-11 ..eeting. }:Oved :~' :,;-;:1.:lll118n Jac"'-. seconded by C~",ncllr.\8n Sparu to appro"e applica:::= ~-5l,279.I, Scandard Oil at >arato~a-sunnyvale iDad and ¡ Homest~a; ,;.:-"d. 1 AYZS: .::";':-:''':llmen Jac~. Meyers, Spar··.~. ":.tyor Pro Te-:. Irvin 1 NOES: .' :~~ j A)!SE:;:: .:':r l'rolich Y..ction carrie.!, . ~:ov..:'d ,,_ '-::.l:nan Spa:-"<l:s, sec::Jn":i'd ~y :::. ~~·:tn Ja.c'·",SC~ :'0 rctU:-~1 3?P:'í..,:, <-'51.133~: ¿:1è ~C-51.259.S:- '.~-Cl",ntrol :or :1.,¡!'t;òer ccnSl,.~:;·: .,.... ~ AYES: i :;01::5: I AJ!SE:;-:: _,-"::-:"'-:ll::te:t Jac~·5:::. ~eyer"i. Sp.':",d. ~~~1.yor Pro tea; :r·",,1n ..:"':-:1 .. ' : r Fro lid". ~.o~io~ carri~¿. --~ :-iayor _.- I i~ o::~~ t.le :s~,. ~- ~ê:,- Irwin su;g.e~:e¿ a revl..:-w ,. ::-.IL~ q~11 Ordi::,1~.::~ :-i~:ìt 1,(' :',:~ Plannlr.g :ir~ctl)r said t:.~~ ·:-.':~trol Co~!tt<êe f~els PARKS ,'~: :::~:{EATlO~ CC::~~SION 22. SU~~:~5~:n Jf ~inut~$ o! regular ~~~::~; " ,June 6. :972. , : W,\TE:\ : :':-::; s toN , ¡ 23. ~o :t,"::"g. I . e KDlUTES OF '!!E Jt;~n; 19, 1972 CITY COUNCIL ME£Tl¡;G LIIIWtY cœ~SSION ..,' ." ,?\ "--: ,+,:/ 24~'.;WO ...tinS." . ;J 'f,?,'",,',~,~~-'. ,.'., . . ' ';);'~ ...;fi."mo cmzms ~~¡d£ t·" " , ·'~1~~:ft~~r·'" ' . 25. SubmissIon of Minuteø;òf Steering Committee meettns of June 8. 1972. ,,' PUBLIC IIL'¡US'~S ~6. Appeal 0: ~ennIs L. wong requesting r~versal of the Planning Commi.s:c~ denial of application lO-U-72 requesting use peroit to co:st!'uct a gasoline sales/car ",ash facility, locate¿ on the s~:'~est corner of t~e intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and !\,;-:-:- :"oad. P05~pone¿ :: :u:y 3, 1972. ~?."n::A~\CE.S 27. first c:::~.~ C'Í Ordinance ::0. 533(a): ";,n Ordinanc(' of the City:· :..?;.,;tino Ane:".¿in!: ·:;'rdillaac,,-' ::0. 533 RC~'llat~:-.~ Stor:--,";. ~:..l:d~ng or :¿rkin~ on :'u>.: :.,,~ ~t~'¡;P.ts; a~: ~rr··:L':~n~ for ;::,' :.:t:rying the P,:o"ic '~'h,'r<":. al\_ Furber :'rC'v:,!jn~ for ?c.: : .."::' for Viola::on Thcrt~t."'Ii.1t - ~:cd 'J)- :'~aj'or ;'rJ Tc~. In':~ CC-120 Page 13 lo-U-72 p".;tponed ~o Jul)" 3rd ~-:J\'ed L'y ~H,~·,::':-::.ln Jack5~:l. seco1\.:JL-:f by Cou~~I.'i::,~..tn ~~('YL'rs to ha\'p (1:·d. :'J3(;1.! ()rjinél!\..'f ~. '. :;3(..1) read :y title ('nly :.r,~ t';l' :'!ayor Pr(" T£'"".:'5 rjrs: ~'(,1. :'~? reading L" .::::~: itutc thE: First R.c-a¿jnf,. J..:·E:i: l",'_:",'::':-,i>n .Jac;"s~r'.. ~1ey~rf:J Sp.:1r>,~. ~f,ï:--'01" i'ro 7f-~ lr\...t:: :·;)1:5: :; ArSr:~ ': . ,,';:: :""lie!. Mot~on cal"rie¿. ~-ll 2B. Se-cC';._ :,~.-.:::1;' of Ord:r...1.:'I.o:e ~."'\. 5.'.{.; 1.....:1 Or..ilnanCê 0: tl~L' City ::' :~:",rtinC' ;{cla:::!ê' t) t>t.' i~::'~·'..." :l'ut :'If ~:n~' :~:·:Jv(,~! StrC'(':-f _y :·:~(\.;H~ ?C:"!iC:-..s 3:.J';'¡":::r. l'n ,\.~;ì'·":1~ I.ar.ti." u read by ;13\~:- ~':'~, Tem lr'~·in. ..--~~- ..., -- e CC-120 Page 14 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19, 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEETUlG ,~. 546, ' Moved by Counci1aån Jackson, seconded by Councilllan Meyers that Ordinance :S.cond ........ NO. 546 be read by title only ancLtheMayor Pro Tell'. reading J.s to . ·~J.f ::IW::.:::':'~~.. .;.n.. ..,.. ". T_ tmn . 1QES: No~e ABSENT: Ha~or Frol1cb Motion carried, 4-0 Ord. 54,6 enacted Moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Sparks' to enact Ordinance No. 546. Counc11~n Jackson asked what the property owners' rights would be. The City Attorney said the money goes into ) separate tund. He '",ould not :", able to come in and d..,and improveMents right aHa)', but with in a reascnable length of ~i~e. AYES: NOZS: ABSf.~~l : Councilmen Jackson, }(eyers, Sparks, :~y~;r Pr;) Tc;;¡ lr~.,in None :!ayor Frolich . Hot ion carr led, 1,-0 29. Fir:3-t ~C!ading of A:tendcd Ordinance }:o. j47: ";\n ')L'!n.H1~e ?cH;uLlting Para'i~s and Oti1~r $1::-d lar C:iP~ uf :"l'~· L i.~ Pl¡1.:....;.:¡; ,\ut!1orLzing the Chief of P'-.JLice to Rect!l·.t.~ :p::oì !L'.,l;lH~'; .int ~:-):-;~I~ Pt?r:11ts; Providing StanJ"u'¡L:; ~or 15s:Ja::r.,: ~~·:'.l'rc~):; :>:Li.·)~i~-h;n-.; ?r.'ccdure for Appeal Upon :~,-~~crtion o( ,\p::,~i('.1t :('n; :~''--:'dr':~~ ..~c"':':pli.ilnce with ?èr~it rondition~; 3':1J Pre,,>cr:hln'"'; :(·In:.t.h,··. "¡'\!' t::~ \'iolation of its. Pr'Jvis:'uno.;." - r~a! !J:.; ~<a:·lJr II!-" ï"("~ !r·..i¡,. The ~tty :,ttorney sat·t t::...· Ordinance '..ouL(! ;tILc"'" t:1C pi~r,1il t.) \'t.'& isuu,.~J l~O days in ;¡.l'J,inc~. Th~ Coune; 1 :u·(.-'t'·I ç:\ .t "2';' ! l~('&. ..1:1-Ì t~1 try ., r(1'c\."'v~r the actual (~'nt~j inv\)lvct!. f:'1unc: I:lln '!t'ypr', I:! t::l:-> úr\lin.:l'~ce does not J.';dres~ ir.sC'tf to clb1111:V ,J:'-..·n..·,~r·~:,. T"\' ':,:',··'It\r ot PU_'lic -:orks 5.'1:,1 t:~is "'·(."'Iu:.l hl' io...':<'.:l.:>: :n t:ì.1! C '·.l'~. rhe City Attorney rccü~~~wn(J'1d ;t $10 iCè pl'~s t!-:¡·" c~,...l I)" 1'\Y P'): 1c(- help r.':.cfl~-:.t. ;...·t~:1~~ the ,\.:::.c-nJed Or1.. So ~..-,,:~J :)y Council;'.,1:¡ :;cycr:; f ';;t'L'~\¡~rÌrd L~c A:.:i.,-':,,¡led OrJinance ::0. 5.'.7 <1~ rl'c::n:·~.'~, ;', 11:1": ¡ J" d'1 .J 1',S"!.1 L() ;\ .,-·:1~~ hy t:\..' C':l.' :·,ttorncy. AYES: ~OE:;: ^BS¡:~ï : Councilmen Ja...:kson. ~'~cj't:r~ I :--:pa:--:,::i I ~','\Y'Jr ~;r,_' To,,·; In:in None ~Ia)'or Fro llc h ~oti0n c~trricJI 4-,0 ~.I,'1y'r Pr0 TI'1"" Irv'n rco,ri t~IP ,\"'(1n I,.." nrrll...,~-.~ ':" ~!17. . '. . ','; e e MIIlUTES OF TIlE JIJ1Œ 19. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETDIC <, !loved by Counc1l1Ua.1åt~;"". seconded by Counc11JuD. Heyer. to have ,Mended Ordinanc:e 'IØ. "547I'ead by title only and" tile HaJOl' Pto Tem s reacitns is to coüdtute the First lteadins. AYES: NOES: ABSE:IT : CouncÜllll!r/Jaeksoø. Meyers, Spal'lt8. Mayor Pro TesaIrvin None ,'"" !tayor Fl'oUch Kotion carr1e~, 4-0 30. Reading of Urgency Ordinance 110. 548: "An Ordinance of the Ci~y of Cupertino, Sta~e of California, Designating the Code rnfcr~ement Officer as Enforc~ent Officer, Chars1ng H1m With t~e Duty of Enforceoent of th~ Ordinances of the City of Curertino, Empowering Him to :~ie Arrests Without a Warrant an¿ t~ Issue Citations, and Declaring This Orciinance ~o be an lJrge:1cy ~:casure. n - read by ~!ayor Pro Te=:¡ Ir'""in Moved ~y Council~n Meyers, secon~t~ by Council~an Jackson to have ,'<¡:e"cy Ordinance So. 5..8 read JY title only an" the :~)'''r :r.:" ~,,",:-.'s reading to const1tut~ the Reading of Or~ina:'lce 548 AYES: NOES: ABSf~:: : Cocnc iJ::1en Jac~s.,n.. ~~e\"crs, :ì;:-arks, ~jay"r Pro lct"', Inlin X<>n<' ~:ayor FroUch ~otion carri('j, 4-0 Mo\'~ ~:.. ":ouncilman ~..eyer., secon.i~j ~'Y Council-.3~ .;'ac(.scn to enact .r.en~y Jrdfnance So. 548. AYES: NOES: AESE:~: . Councilmen J.c~on, S.:me ':ayor Frol1ch ~!e)·ers. Sparks, ~:.a:;o, fro ¡"c- Irwin 31. I I ~otion c3rric¿, 4-0 t Fi~st Readin~ of Ordinance :;('. 5~9: ..,..n Ordinance :>f the Crt\ I ~ . , Cc..,,:il of the City 0: Cup",tino, California, Re¡;ulatJn!\ I ';a:age R.nd Patio S.ales in Rcsi..it.'r.t!al .\reas and ?rovi,Hng for a Per::tit Thereior and Con.!itil"ns to ::e In;osc¿ erC!1 s.:\id !)er-:¡i " «ad by :'I:¡yor Pro Te::: Ir::in. ~foved :.,. Councilr.1i1n Jacks.,n, secon¿c.d ~y Cc>unc!.lo.a:t Srark~ tn cont in.... the First R..ading of Ordinance No. 549 tc thE' next !:Ieetin AYES: NOFS: AßSE~:t : ':ùuncilr.len Jac~:scnt :-tt;:>ycr5. :'par1.-,sþ :'(::tyC'Y Fro Tf!>T} In..-!n :':one ~yor Frolich Motion carr:('d, 4-0 CC-120 Page 15 "~- '¡, ., ;::';~ ,;, Urge"cy Ord.548 r..a1 r! ~e.-.c:: e:ta::-:e:: Ord. con t i :).'...I4:.j )< 1. ""8' , I , I J I I i ! . j ; ¡ j C:(": J~' . . HINI/TES OF T1Œ JtJNB 19. 1972 CITY COUNCIL KEEtI:lG USOLIltICIIS , ~~,.~,; , 2. :':,,~',";",:~~~'_:',:,",:,~' . . ' ..~:. -'~1:'_ 110. 3119: nA,i~i~t~~ City CoullCll of the"~1t'!Oi " CupertiAo All()W~~4~ClaiJ:Ía,alld o-ands Payabla:iD: the .-.ats alldfr,~'~~~JZ:'1 ,~-a. Berelnafte" Descr1becl<fC!~, lalade. aDd Vaps forPa~:JI'~ EDdins June 13, 1972."- rùd by Xa!O~ Pro TeIIJ.' '''': - ,,,' .,.-~ Moved ày CoancUIIIIIn J.o:-':.-. seconded by Councilman Meyers to adopt '" Resolut1ou. 50. 3279. Res. 32a~ .dop~ed Res. 3281- adop~ed AYES: NOES: ABSE1:T : Ccuncilmen Jac~. Heyen, Sparks, Hayor Pro T_ Irvin Sone ~~"Or Frol1ch MOtion carried, 4-0 33. 1'0 }2::: ".\ Resolution o! ~he City C=-.;,,~il of the City of c~~~~::,,~ Allowing Çe~ta~~ Claims and ~e~anJs P~yable in ~he }=~~":$ and from t~e :c=.~s as Hereinafte= ~escribed for ~eneral a~':' .,:"~.:~11aneOU5 £Xpe-::.-=:.'~ures." - l'ea¿ ':,~' ~'~ayor Pro !e-:. I : :~o·..·~~ ::: ':~~'~::~ilr:mn Jac:~s~. R..s"~-.;: ::~ ':=. 3280. s.econ¿etl ~y c...."J~.: 'i J -:!an ~eyers tc ado,t AYES: :;·1ES: ABS",.:: ~·"...;::.:i~,"en Jac."s-;n, ~e:'>'ers, Sparks, ~f3yor Pro Te= Ic·...!n ~~: ::¿ ,'~:'=r Frolic:' ~:lon carried, ~-O 34. "A R.esolut~.c: c: the City (::.;:1;': ~l oi the City of Authoriz~~g t~e :..part~e~t 0: :eneral Servl:es 0: cf Cal~!or!1~:t to ?urchase CertJ:~n It.e:::.s." - read by Tc" Ir'-"1n p. ,'... .-.. c-.;.:~:': -. -,': ::.è ::J:¿ ~'¡..::- =:~ 'iovd ".' ~:""d lean 'ieyers, seconded 1,)' Cc':,,~iba:1 Sparks to adopt Resol~::=" ~J, 3281. AYES: NOES: ABSE::: : '::-.:.r:cilMen Jacu::n. ~:f;yers. Sp.lr~~ t ~-:3yar Pro Te:"1 Irvin Xc:'1~ ~:.1ycr Froli.ch ~~icn c~rried, ~-O . e . . >U;òLlII:;5 OF THE JUNE 19, 1972 CITY COUNCIL }:EETI:iG , 35. Bo. 3282: "A Reso1ut:IGD::ot the City Council of the City of Cupertino Malting It." ,. cr1bing the Boundari.. .,..11- ~JI&ted as 'Pa1m'72-3';~" ., ed to t!1e City ànd CkcJedlll .Annexations to. the CJ.~, " .,·.t Public Rearing.. Prøor1cJedby 'La1l; Located at Pa~ 'iåIcJ roothill Blvd." -.r'" by> ;Øllyor Pro Tm Irw1D~+~/,;;;/V{;" " ' ~ by Councilman He,.~;r~:11t?'¡~«d by Councilman Jack.oa to .aopt Resolution No. 3282. /f.· .' "c.:-: .. ~ AYES: mES: AJlSElIT : Councilmen J.cu.-.,...,.er., Sparks, Mayor Pro Tea Irvin None Mayor Frol1ch Køciøa carried, 4-0 36. No. 3253: ".\ ResolutioG of the \~1ty Council of the City of Cuper~i~~ Accepting Quicclat2 Deed and Authorization for Under~r~~cd .ater Rig~t5 fr~ FHL Associates, A Par~neTship: Lot 5~ ~: Parcel :~ap. Eer=sa ;'venue Cet'.'een Byrne A'/en:Je and Ora:l~.? .\·..~nue." - rea¿ by Kayar Pro Te-.. lr\,dn. ~~"ed b)" C:::::.:il":'an ~'!eyer3. sec.o:1-:'ed by Council~an Jackscn to a~~pt Re~~:~::~n ~o. 3283. ".~·LS : :;:£5: ;~SE::T : ::-..:~= iloea Jac~5o=.. ~..eyers, SparK:>. ~:a)'or Pro ::e::-~ i r....·:.n 5:-:...: '~~:::r rrolich ~At~~ ~&rr:ed, 4-0 '.-=,' ¡~:rS¡C~ :','; :,:::S5 37. Stati «;'.'rr on prc?er:T :Olo~ers on Vista Knoll Blvd. :~ detE'r:-,: :-,,' ':.;o\"elo~e-.: ;:'a::.s. c: said ('...-n~rs. CC-120 Pa~e 17 Res. 3282 adopted Res. 3283 adopted ::..E" !'lan~::',;' '~r\'ct{Jr ':t:-,! :r:u t>;e staff r(':,.~rl on t;:is -.¡...tf":'. P1Rn:1.~? '~O' ,.:. ::.e ~:ay~"'r :':-," :è:- :iaiti :..~ ....~:~ :i~·e tilL- l'¡cl:';,:~in",; Sta!f a:;.'; ?:a:1:::: - '~$taf i t,j '::.~lssi...'':''. :' :.."'0k int~ ~:.e :"".4t.:~r <lnd rt.'p<..""'Irt hack. The rtj.,:-rt :=;t_l:Y t~( -,attt? 5:.~.uld i:·.'::_":(> U~f"S 0: a-:',: a.:.e-=.t ;..ra?i:rt if's. ~~:'"s.. ~-!jl5',",. to:"' I.\JS ,\it-=-:. ':'~·.;.~re, Los ,\ltoR) i~r tali-~ ::~~ 0~ th~ 1~:5. sa iè she ?la~ ....,.... ..~ . ..c.,... :.c:uncil::-,.::-. _·.lc;',50n asked !c':' a stu¿y on Iwi3Î'!.t requ.irc::-:.e::ts :or 1r~ltj-zon~~ rr0~~rties. Study on htd~>~ re{]\Jírc;.:e:'1t'~ .¿; S~.¡rs· l-day "":'e approved ». ',Ut ive i ;?::,oval far ;,¡:,],~e per":!1: ~, e . OF THE Jt~ 19, 1972 CITY CO~CIL MEETiNG ;~"ØlSS ;>,;~{~~~~,,\:... ':>,: ...: :::.'--;, ·t' ..' ,>' . "i:,~,rf~~~a:o ~~~t~4tj~1#~.~:-~~:~;h:~c~h:f C:f.n::n;:~ J,"f" "'," " .1.,:,', ',"','~',' ..,.,':!,",..-,,"",'~,--<\, ; ,'" ~,.:>'¡;",,__ ."*"'~~~':: ~,~,..":'ti-,. ," , ~J.cbon,DOtedt1ìiÌ'e::\~ ).en a certain amount of exploitatioD< ;ettuaCtOná si11llartð~~,~.1iou1d like a Sheriff'. report SiviD..' . ..... 'iDfonaatiOA as ëô'wetha' or DOt this 1s a s.nuþ1., lIOn-proUt 'effort to rdse' fUlllk. by Coundlllan He~·.ra, .~ed by Councilman Jackaoñ todef.r the ... request to the n.x': rep1ar _.ting. i , ì . ;39. !\,UOD carried, 4-0 Request from Sears for p8rDit to hold a one-day sale of displayed aerchandlse on the sidewalks around ~he main store building on Saturday, July 8, 1912. ~~ed by Counc1lcan Jackson, seconded by Council~an Meyers to a??rove Sears' one-day sale. :'lot1on carried, 4-0 ..:.:). ?eq'Jest frO!> Cupertino Tournll"'ent of Ban,!s .\~sodation for a ?er.,it to h01¿ a parade. ~"".e= by Councill!!an :!eyers, seconde¿ by (;oundban Jacks"a to give ':e~ta.tive appro~al to Cupert1r.:¡ !ourna.~ent of Rands tssoci:1tion, subject t~ the enact=~nt of Ordinance ~o. 541. ,'3ES: ..0:::5: ~JSE::r : CO'Jn..:il!:1cn .Jack~on, ~{eyers, Sparks, :'ayor Fro TeM Irwin None ~13~'''r !'rol1ch ~~tion carried, 4-0 "1. ^"ard of "Id [or tr..fiic si~cal cO:1trol'c·g ..:11 ""bi:H,ts f:>r the Inter:;ections of Wol:e R,.,a~ a:-.d JU:11pcrl.' :,..'r!':1 Fr~eway off-rar.l?<;. The Director of Public S~a~e on ~his ~tter. $11,300.00. t.:orks re·..·ie·.le¿ the bi':": .:1~j re'l~irC':""c:1ts of t~e Lm.... biL~ ...,.a.s irc:"'! Ro~:a":n';in Flcctric. Inc., for "",',-,:-, """'-:' ~..',< ~ ·e . e . ~u.s OF TIlE JUNE 19, 1972 em CO'JIICIL t'.£ET1NG #; '~:' . '.f .' ' JIy Counc:ilman Ke)'ers, .oec","",ed by Counc:ilal&n Sparks to , -, " í7, "~ the bid from aoseDd1D E1eCCr1c. '~. :' ,~'i1 ~ 'i," ,;\. ':II' ~n¡ -- -.... ... , ;£J :~* OF OFF1CERS'j": ;. ,'b 42. City Staff ~ City Manager proposed CouncU study sessions at 7 :30 PH oa .1_ 2lø~, 1 PK on June 24th, and 7 :30 PM on Jl1ne 26th ~o rll9iew aa4 resolve the budget for the coaiAg year. The City }!anager said he, CoU:1cUøan Sparks and Direc-tor Sutler attended the Çommuni~y School Coa:erencc an:! he felt tne direct.On ta£en by :lr. Harvey Lowe, of our D1str1-ct, ..as the best one for bringing toget~er exis~ing orga.~i%ations a~~ coord nati~g the:. !be Director of Administrative Services brought u? the annual bill from Sank of ;~erica, ~arrant So. 1¡368, in the &nounl of $~?9,943.13. :~ed ":Jy Counci.1:!:an Jackson, sec:-::".:.e-:. 1::>y Cc~mcil':"1a:l 'teycrs to a;r;or~'IC pay¡;¡ent of Warrant ::0. 1:~68. ;.-:!-"S: Coun..:ilmen Jac:-:so:-.. :·F.::.·E:-~5. S?arks, ~~ayor Pro Tc:': lrwi:-. :;C::.s : Sone CSI::r : ~ayor :rol ich ~ot1o~ ~a~r1e¿) ~-O '!~ City Attor:\i!Y rccoc=e::'~E"-: t.'~f: City Council rescind its pre~'!(H;S a;:;,roval for :-~l~incss licC'ns~ t.: t·..e :a~~d('ln y ,,'" 1:1,0;'" Cab a:\d in l:.e. !\;.:-ure bp rec.....":'..'!t.endìcl tr.E:se pe ~.¡::> be hrou~:"'\t up un-.:er Pub:'1c He.al':'ngs. Sc ,"=,o',,~ed bl Co~ac¡l:::an .!~('~·.5":~. so::.::;:;¿c¿ ~y C.:tu'\Cilt..an :~eye.r!4. A~'~r:.. Council"Ucn Jackso:-., ':£:::£:"::"5, S¡:ar~·.s, ::")'01" l'r(\ TC:'"L lr~."in ~::'~: Non~ A!.5E:;T: ~t1y~t' Frolich :~t:o~ c~rri~d. 4-0 , \ cc-I20 pase 19 ,of; --~ I ,-(~ ,,,;,"," ~,::;:. Stud)' .essionS set up for budset review (;oaIIUnity Schoc Conference B of A b¡¡l I ar'pro\'e':' \ R~scin¿ ~~i5S!:" '~'el:'o''''' :,;;-, per'Jit ,., ,,,_ur per:Ji ts t ') (',:r \ ..... ,-...... \ I l.ngs . . . IIIJI\ITES or ~¡n: J¡¡Nt: 19, 1912 em CO¡n:CIL ~;;:t;TIXC .,{.. - "\Ð1rector of plannin::...... J eve1.o lll!ent stated tha.t ora July 3. 1912 , ·t~rdor. Co:!I:Ibsiora ,'~> " ~ing Council passagc ~~/tbe.~ulJiDg , , .'. ':::' . : r;> ',(rec:tor of Public \!o.~::tíeJieved the Mtter of the l1Cht1ØcadjaeeDt High School., ":r''1.' , '::~~'";::,,.,,::t:l;~' . -- "- < -- ~ ","',", ,~ , IrwiD wO~'ld l~i·c:tJé·l'arka and Recreation !Hrector to look ~~" the i::pact of the cutllâc:k ot the Cupcrtino Schòol District' fun"., .Atter-si::!1co1 sports have beeD c-.st out. !II! ..'Ould like the staff' to _tact people in Cupertino Sc;.ool District ?nd ftnd c·ut ·,f.1at this ~ran co~cs and what it ~SSI!S and If it turns out there is ::Dre J:Ion~r C".,in8 fro" the Stite, perhars t!:er<! 19 It "":' to ..-ark aroun~ t~i,. The Recre3ti~D Direétor said the Citv of :an J03C run~ ûe progr~ at Kennedy Scheol and \Ie already r:m one :It C,:)llins 5c1:001. '''" #1rst ·1·0ta~ !aet:'n; ~ ;e?c..".ber . ?al!.: :'ounc.il:':':,L':. :"l~Ì\.slJn s3id :.e Ï'1ês~ received a call irön SO..,'!·rs~t Sql~a['c. ~ ~td t::.cy ;.:~: 1. :,e s?onsor ':"n; th~ i irst 10..:n ¡!:lIt ~;ccti!'!.3 :'n :;£!Ftl;:-.h~r. I :;:T'. h" ',;0 ::.ò like SO"" :c-s;'Onsor~. : .;.-..;~t:~U·~~~~:·- :0 P:':~{SO\:;:':;~ SE.$:;rc:.. ì ~ :-~e :':¡YIJ[ . :.:- T('-. ,tJ~'-'l~~e--: t::e ~'1ct!.,~ :It 11:37 l'!! to .j. ~J.:r:s~.,~~l :~~sion,'.-~~. ~:i~~ SCfis1ca. ¡ I , ~ .·2J'JU~:.::,·:~': . ~-:"':!(! :'!1~C~ ~.;.:. ·,"lS r~ccn\'t.:r.~-: ~~.~ .-1a::'1r cr·,; i~ t...P. ~o\mcil c:~,~ .bp-t' óJ01 "".Pi ~...;b3e'~:.J":1.tly ,":!jCUL"!\t~ ì i :~': at 1.2:30.\:,1, . APPROVE!): j isl Don31~ A. Frolich ~·ayor. Cit)' of Cupertino ATTEST: /./ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk l""; ,,- II ----