CC 06-21-72
I '
an OF aJPERrlNO, State of Cal1fom1a
.- Tørre Avcnw. Cupertino, Ca1ifomia
.....-' '_'. : 252-4505
page 1
i~.". ~
HELD J1ØE 21, 1972 ø;i!!f_cn. QWlBEll
, em BALL, CUPP;JŒ,~~t:~·~,,~IOR!lIA
. .'.... :/":::~~:~'j:~;:,"~~':.: "
.I -In. was called to order bi':âìii;:Þi,;prO Te. 1Iw1n at 7134 1'.11.
'r~~,l~ present: Jackson, Meye~~~am, Mayor Pro T.. lIViD
-"'_ absen~:
Mayor Frolich
Staff present:
City Manager ~æ, Director of Administrative
Services Ryder
..,or Xrvin explained ~hat the purpose of ~he' adjourned meeting vas to
staðy aad die cuss the provisions of the proposed 1972-1973 Operating and
C-troction Budget as submit'ted by the City ~lanager. He 1nd1ca~ed ~hat
~at:~:"" stuny sessions had been scheduled also for the following
~urdz¡ and on ti:i' next succeeding Monday. H'e asked the members of the
c.::..mct:' to state Ùeir preferences 011 the approach to discussion of the
~0<;5 ite\!lS. C..::.:,dlman Jacksoo suggested that a time limit be esta!>-
~~ed :~r this Fa=:icular Deeti~g a3d ~here was general conc~~rence that \
Ur30 ? .~. would c:t.-r sufficient t:il:ll! for this session.
c::.ry ~=ager Qui,.::.,. explained Ü.e philosophy on which the proposed explanatory
1If-..t¡.: "'g basi'G a-,: c"""",nted 0:1 se....ral o( the more significant features. cor.m:ents by
_ ::.~_ ::.ted th:: <',',n though the proposed expenditures exceerled t;ose of I city manager
ê.e "r",·'-:o--", ¡!.s::.: :'ear. the curre:>t tax rate would be maintained. lie I
!~~e= ~~~nte: :~at the develapl:ll!nt of the budget was in accordance
v::c, s7J-:d fhca: FcHcies ada;>ted to a growth situation; the City does
ax as yet h...,,~ a :~\'e-)'ear c3;li:a1 1cprovements pngram, so those capital
~T'QTr.Ioen:s in :~L current bud ;~:; are confined to needs which are thoug.;t
~ ~,~i hig~ pr~c;!.ty for (~~d¡~g af~er the five-year program is ad~pted.
review and
study of
~_ ~:.lan poin:e: ~ut that the bu4¡e~ provided (or the City's portion
o~ t!1e i:mdilli', î:: ~he nine er.:;>l- yees hired under the Public Employœnt
i"=gr=, evell th:e;" no assurance had been rereived as yet that this pro- \
çm: ":--..1,, bi' cc:,,,~.t:e;! by the Fec!e~al government. In the eventuality
~ s~ ft:'d~r3: :L:.:--:..iing ceases. ;-rovisions have b~í'n made to retain :!-.r~~
positiOQS -:'lamely, a C",de EnforCê%le:a:t Officer, a Junior DraftsCJ3-"1 in the Ion salari~s
=epan""':>t of rL,-,,,l.,,~ and Devel,,?:oenr, and a Personnel Technic1an-Adminis": (, wages
~rati~~ Assist3~: 'n ~he Departocnt of Administrative Services. In addi-
c1oa. ~o part-ti~ file clerk positions hnve bc~n requested, one in
Aoibdn!s~rativ" ~e:':ioe, and lhe oth~r in Public 1.:o<ks. Even with the
aððiti~al auth0:;:e¿ posit¡or~, tbe total number of employees is still
1Æss úan in 1970. I
~ sa1ary and "aGe program is (or a general 5.5~ increase (or all employees.
~ -=,unt is 0"" :h3t is allowable under the gl.idelines set forth ia the 1
P:e.s.1~::t '5 Ph.I~· :1 pelic}'. E";oI!:I with this Incrcd.5è' the general salary I
5~ruc:';,,:re for ct...· "':'ity stili \oIo""ld be lower than th05~ of sU~'rounding coo-
~tl_ in many instances.
t".,,~,-- 2
1If]Ø1ÍES or T"~ JI,'NE 21. 19n an muNC:a. !!EEtt~G
'êity M.1..=;cr f'urthe'r',,~'daât t~ C:.1¡>!t.,1 OlltI.,>, tn 't1:...'Publtc WOtk!l'i~
~: _~.t priuri 11 vas for;~I~ t~ _ for vork-lIôIv1nS dnlces. The
'4'(~reQt 1DCft;S:SC 111~~~~~r~L ts budget lnc1~ ,$400,000
'~;tbe Horse bnch Pl...p¡a,~L,,~ÜI,·-R..led over frol:l~currcnt year,
'~;',th" $95.000 for tb");~~(;·"~w.: ,.,.,... revenue s1ckz^'òt, the budget
,r,'~,',',!S,inCft.tied",.,,'flM, ~" d:,',',fJ,',';",'~",.·,·~,,',',,at,',·. - ~c:b ...ill be recilwd to par:-.
'..''t''t li ,off~t expend1t,~tthi[Si;rra~-
~.C1tY }~'u~r COlllllQn:~;~.~~~~Ta ad representaUvis of the cupertino" ..
(Iûå:Ier of C=æree vere'J. dIe'~~eC1Clt! _d h3d rl!Cuestecl to \!lake a presen-:;¡¡!$(.
t:àuon on t1la~ p.Jrt£'lm of tbB"'get dSltc:Ung lhe City' s coJltdbut;; on to, t·.,
6dr ors~iu:lon. M310r tØia œco~:àèI ""rU;us' ",ochers 'of this 'dele!:3:"!
d_ who partidp3ted in the .u.cussi..... At th.. concluSion 'o'f the discus-'
t ri_ i~ vas t>:'·~d by ~0UC1c1la;D ~.eyers_ _c:ondèJ ~y Councllaan. .jackson" and,
passed un&-::'''':':51y that th,z aøcG1t ~ _",!cd in the next Yèar's budget
1 fer thb ru'7~">': is to be $12;000 and _\ch ...ill be paid i:\ one sum.
public w~
c:tp1 t31' , ~":
~y bud&C!~,~\,
, '$"
" YF,!:!
$12 ,000 to
o:,~-J,,, c of
, '·;~7':ovcd r:
':'.'l:nci 1 ·:I:~-e
C:.=,:~l",.:n Jackscn. }kyers,
.,'....- ?roJ reM Irvin
~:¿: :: ;rol1ch
-'=- further .:....~.: .;:;100 ensued ,5 -:0 the\:s of fUtl11"~ rt2!!c.;::sts (rem thp-
-=".z-::cr of ::'-:~:-C<ë!. Count:~!.=:.a::I JacksQDa. ~C'''':::5t:,-d th;1: t:-:'! -":'r.cte~ ,')( tha
::2t:.t.lng r\':~,~: :::1~ coase.~;~'; '0': the i~~......~:è·,~1!. councilr.-.2::1 :':':1.t 511ch --:L':1trl-
;'..;.':.i.j:13 ~:.. _~.: .~.: ¡..<\.a~cd ct:::' ~~ a th~-y-.:~~r ;.~riod, ¿ur:'.:; '::ï.tch tir.:\1 it
~-:..~:;·.1 bú '::. _ ...::~t:: the c--.,~==::~= of C.):-":'~~':o1 :::;ld bccor.:~ s~:f-.:.·.Jifi{·i\'nr:.
.;_-;:::ti'-':1.:~ ..- -.' :t:5 by C.:';-:.::!~~=. ::cy~~ ,':::'~ ::.'.3r:':5 C)u'.;~~c~tc-:' t:,t"~ ?cS3ibil-
:'::'''-:-5 Q[ :.:": ,.>.:.;tio!\ c! :::'~ C=.~'"':.'":JertSi; l'f!".:'f:'::-; ~.; a ·¡it.:"; lC·.:,1.rd r..."Hfi-
'::ã:.:.ioa 1:1:' _ -._·,:¡~~;l~ b~:'::lg r:a.:e(!. ttt. \;,::.:; :ul"ther agrc:·::·-j t·>..~~ e\'e~\ ,~·it;\
~e sucC'~:-~~-_ ?:1.:lsing c-ut. ,oÍ ~Ï1è Citytt.¡¡; ..:.:'~~:=-~:;'ut:.ton, t:'1i$ ·..·ould nðt exclude
~.,.... pos3i1:::cc,'- ~f City pð~id.i'"tion i.. .s b:\'en project.
At. the ~.J::'::__~:':;. of this SE::gre::: of t~ Cc:.~::..:il's business a p3gc-hy-pa~¿
~31ysls u::: ,:;·'" ~ a: tr.e pr-~~~J :':.ulgt!t.
c.<lj" otlrt,",e ::
!'~1cr fr"·::,,. :':'~...~:.lra~d the :-~~~:~s ~t l':::~ P.~~., ~!1I\ounrt::.~ t~:ìt the Council
~':JUld ~~: ':;..l:'~" in ,an ~dic&:--~d 5e551.... i:t. t:t~ Con(crenl:e R.:-.r\ of the City
Eall at 1 ',:',. è;\ Saturd":,, Jc.:>e 2~, l"~.!.
/5; ~~n31d A. Frolich
::~~cr, City of Cuper~ino
Is/ \1m. E, h!a
City Clerk
,;.~..'" a_.