CC 07-17-72 - - CIT! OPCU1'møo~ sue. of CaUfomia 10300 Torn A"eaaiit~ e+-Ctøo. Califonia Telephone: 2S2-4~(;:. . ".:.".;i~t .;., ",' . '.', ~~~~,t~ìi;~~;~;'~!=.:ø~L~m " . ,." !.::... ' ..' :;,;}. '~áäJ.'·"cur&lt(ØCh CALUOIJllA ' :';';~:-~~~, ",~r;-~~',~ '<{,,:, -,' '\.': ~ SALU'l'I TO THE ruG Mayor Frolich ~.necl the _uq to order at 7147 PIt vith the Salate to the Flaa. ROLL CALL Councilmen present: COUDc1~ absenc: Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, ·¡.¡yor Frol1cn Sparks . City KaIIager Quinlm Director of Admin1s~r3~1"e S.rvices Ryder Cicy A~~orney Ada=s Direccor of Public Works Yarborough D1~ctor of Parks .nd Recreation Butler AssistanC Planner Covan Senior Planning Tec~n1cian Shappard Recording Secretary. Lois Inwards Staff present: MINUrES or PREVIOUS H£ETDlG 1. Approval of Minutes of regular IDee Una of July 3, 1972. Mayor Frol1ch DOCed in the second rara¡raph on pale 6, those Coaadssioners ab88AC should be Ad... and O'Keefe rather ~han Dres.ler and Koen1tzer. On pa¡e 9, third para¡raph, .ecoad line, CoundlJuD Meyers would like the words "of che paritina struc~ure" 1"se,<~ed !:e~wcen the words "constructioD" aød "telins". On page 3, it.. 9. Council3an Jacksob did, in facc, aive a brief repor~. On paae 10, the Urn paralr&ph under item 24, should be deleted and replaced wich the follo~ina: -125 a¡e 1 " e . , us '2 0"" '" " " ,",> ' -'.,' ",1;" ~ ,. !B JULY 17. JJ12'~œDlCIL MlŒTIlIC ·~tt,..J¡;':¥',' ,¿ ,~" . "":""~-""~-';""i," ,<,l~'~i, ,.'., ' ' , ,', '., .:' ;", 'fttaeat of tile '... . ~ Attone)' apla1Ded "'~!!:ì"'c.", ' ~- Dne1apIIaC'i', "'~m1ewcl 11)' the CiCT " , '.~tø_,' ., ('--8ioa1"" "":. ;_u, tile decü1Olf.~' Ita' ".,11)' tile I'I-t.', " . :,~:v1Ch .ppl1caDC'. ~', ,: " ".. .,..' rCitJ toaDc1l. ~ : 'dH i. it nqu1red to" opMt.....: .'" Y" ;lleadDa vith 1ø "',.,e;~ ..1_,- . + '< ~?l~ by CoaIIcUuo ~'_l~f~~S"~~f 11)' CouIIci1uø Heyen co .chP~ clle ....c.. of July 17, 1972.rila ~.-c"'. <, '. .¢;;~ :'~, ët,j '.' . Ii,,, ~ 17th _ fl-t.. rcorreeted , 1IoU- éarrt.d, 4-0 ODIIIIIIIICATIœ5 2. "due A. Request hOll L. E. a.w , CCllllp.ny for continuance to August 21, 1972 of pobl1c huriJI. _ application 2-IZR-72, listed un:!u 1tea 26 Pu1l11c Burin.., _ July 17, 1972. 2-~-72 Cct:1t·~ So _ved by Counclll1U1D Irvta. sacDDded by Councilman Jackson. ~.: ....S. 21st Kot1on carried, 4-0 B. Jequest from the Ceacer for Envirollltental Design purporl:iJlg ~o represen~ Hallcraft Bøaes, Inc., that application l-IZR-72 UDder Item 25, Public Bearings, July 17, 1972 agenda, "'e conUnued for 1 ~. l-IZ!t-72 cont·~ t: ":¡g. 7 t:-. Moved by Council~n IrwiJI. seconded by Council~n Ja~kson :0 postpone application 1-IZR-72 to AucmSt 7, 1972. Kotim1 carried. 4-0 C. City Clerk was serYed a su=cons by certiiied ~ail on July 13, 1972 regarding personal injuries and personal Jaoage suit pending. l'ersonal 1nj..ry ¡ baase suit re:erred ~o Cty A~~orneJ' MOved by Councilman Irwin, secoaded by Counci ~an Jackson to acknowledge receipt of the summons aø4 to refer the nattcr to the l~surance carrier. MotioR carried, 4-0 I . I . . . . . .' _..d OF THE JI.'LY 17. 1972 em CIOUJICIL MEETINC CC-12S 'eae 3 .<' ~ " D. Jequest from Leu~ Soc1ecy of Aaed..a, Inc.. Bay -- Chapter, :0 c:cmdact their aanual r.sident1el soliclt.doe for funds dur1l1& the !'IØDtD of Sept8l'lber 1972, Tbia tIØD- profit organizat£oa aød its request for solicitat£oa ~- . lIIission bas reU1ved t;" _oval of the San Jo.. ....ISc Solicitat1on'eo..ias1oD. ...... by Councilman trviD. secoøded by Couucllt:lan JackaoD to ap- ,PØft the request of the Leukø1a Society of America, Inc.. Bay Area Q\apter, and to waive the ~iDe.. ltcense fee. Leuk_ta Soc. request Irallted , KotiOD carried, 4-0 E. Letter frOlD CleM 10. IIoffaa:ln, Super1n~endent, County of San~a Clara Office of Education, congratulating the City on i~. action relating to low income ~usinB for ~he c01lllllUnity. F. Letter frOQ AsS82bl~ Hayden indicating his intention to oppose Senate 3111 ~37 when it ~e$ U? Defore the Assecbly Transportation Co==i~~ee. G. Acknowledg_nt fr_ Santa Clara Count~· :Iood Control !late Dis~rict ~hat the nODlna~lons of Council~an J~~es E. Jackson as Representative on San~a Clara ~unty ~ater Co~1ss10n and Councilsan _. Reed SparÁs as Representative on ~he Sorthv.at Zooe and 50rt:' Central ~ne Flood Ccntrol Advisory Coma1ttees have been approved. H. Two news releases free Office of Senator H. L. Richardson expressing his position Oft gun legis:ation and on a Senate Jo1n~ Resolution calling upon Coneress to convene a Con- stitutional convention of the Sta~es for the purpose of declaring capital puDish3en~ not to be in violation of the 8~h or 14th Ameadaeats of ~he u. S. Constitu~ion. 1. Let~ers of opposition to the removal of parcels fr~ the Mon~e~ello 1l1dge Interim Zoning Dis~r!ct. J. Certified copy of the "~lut1on of ~he Soard of Super- visors &mendina the General Plan of the County of Santa Clara by adding thereto an Open Space Element, ~. lnvi~ation from "Bobby Sox" for Opening Ceremonies at 3 PM Saturday, July 22nd. .lIaJOr FroUd, stated he would be out of town that da~e. C-cilman 1rolin offered ~o do ~he honors. Counc. I rvin t~ at~end ac.bby S~ Open. Cereaonie '- "'.'-' ... e -" or 1!1! JULY 17. 1972 cm:aímlC1L !ŒETIJIG ",,,~ . . , ~ -i¡,.,,:J:'; .¡'-~/'" ..' . '111 c n_.. IrviD.,u::-·,:,OI'C-CilmaD JacboDC~"U-t"., .'.. 1M witteD C_ if__~,?~,~:',' ..,\: ~'y:-:':-' : ~,i,:&o_';:""",:, . " ~~ciòD carrlecl. 4-0 Oral C (a) !loDe f,.-tiou (b) 1le1 oMf~ by CouncU- for r_al of 1tlOS f~ CoDaeAc Cal_!.Ir . There were none. UPORT OF O::OCIL REPRES~AT¡VES 4. Mayor F==lica: Transportation Policy ~1ttee The Mayor S1~l the Transporta~1on Policy COQCit~ee is no longer in esiatance. ::!:as been replaced wi~h ~he !ran,porta~1on Advisory Committee, ,,::~ r.ter L.".:is ....=in& Chairman du~1es. A ~1ttee is being for.:e~ := draw up the byl..,.. lnter-t1ty Council -- ~c ~eetina· League of California Cities -- No meet1ns· Santa Clara County Transit :)1str1c~ -- This has been coo~i~~l ,,~t~ the Transporta~ion Advisory Co=m1t~ee. Legi5lat1ve Rev1e'" to=ittee -- The City XanaSer aaid the tUf'~" is interested in the biB on prcper~y tues. 5. Counci:,u: trJin: Drug Abuse Coordinati"n c.,=issioa -- :10 ....eting. 6. Counci:::¿: Ja",;u.oa: Assoc1at1on of Ba}" Area ~.overrur.ents Santa Clara County ~at~r Co~1ssioa Urban :evelopaent and Ope,. Space Subc~ittee of Planning Policy Co-~lttce -- Kee~1ng la~er chis "Jeek. 1. Counc~~ ~~yers: Planr.in~ Policy ~o~mi~t~e - Xo oee~ing H111$1<:" Subco:1:11ttce oí "~alming Policy Co=1ttee - ~eec~::g later t:d..:i ....ec:". I rffT,' 'Y,'" K(é· '~,' \;, ( . ~ r'",;;", -',.. . - r , ;'. -~, - e e HDlUTE5 OF TIlE Jt.'LY 17, 1972 ClT": COI;!(ClL MEETING 8. . Councilman Sparks,: Flood Control Advisory Co1aitt.. .~isS10D on Alcoholism ' "~ ;f' , Councilman Sparita ...as &baen¡; fr01:l Ù1s CouncU JDec.Unsbecause ha "'1 ..-... at his 2-week .-er Jeser:ves duty. '~ ' "PLA.'lN1NG Cœ!KlSSION 9. Su~ission of Minutes of regular meeting of July 10, 1972. 10. Application l2-TK-72 and l2-U-72 of the Westfield Company: Tenta~ive Hap ~o divide 8.84+ acres into two parcels; Use Permi~ to allo~ construction-of a 2-story concrete building of approximately 100,000 sq. ft. on one of said parcels (Phasa One) ~o be used for ad~in1strative offices, research and development, and manufacture of electrical equipment. Said property is in a ~ (Planned Pevelopment with L1gh¡; Industrial Intent) Zone and is located on the sout:,west quadran.: of the intersection of Tantau and Pruneridge Avenues. Reco~ended for approval. The Assis~ant Planner revie~ed Vallco Park's master plan, with ecphasis on that portion adjacent to the Westfield Company's property. The si~e plan was shown. There was some concern at the Planning Cocm1ssion meeting about traffic circulation. The Assistant Planner said the s1~e plan function~ well. Parking is more than adequate. All the landscaping will go in at the s~~e ti~e. The proble: of the curb cuts has not yet been ree~lved. Councilman Jackson asked if the property owner of Phase Two pro- perty has signed this Tentative Map, since landscaping is all going in a~ once. The AssistanL Planner stated tr~t the ~estfield Company has Power of At~orney on Phase Two property. Hr. Terry Rø5e, 21311 Milford Drive, Cupertino. said ~here was ~he uøderstandi',g follO'.ling the Planning Commission meeting that the "landscaping to aU go in at the same ~illle" was limited to the planting of the street trees at this ti~e. As long as Westfield Company pays for ~bis, the property owner does not object. He pointed out that at this time there are no stree~ trees in Vallco Park at the lSS building and the building located directly across Tantau Avenue from IS5. Street trees might take away from some very nicely landscaped areas In front of those buildings now. CC-125 Paz" 5 ,. , . Traffic circulat1o:: Westf!elð h.." Power of At~orn~} on Phase II land Street ~rees to all go in at one t1ce. . . ICI1IU'IES OF tHE JULY 17 II 1972 CITY COIINC1L MEETING 'íÞ~=1~¿:~:P~~~~~~:i:==~1o~U:IdJa~:=t:-· , ';f;~, f~.tbe PlaDDin¡ ~!~Vantecll8DdscaPiD8 sudi.. 1n.Va11co ,~'~~~~:'~ '~j'Va1ter Ward, V.~~,Cener&1 Manager. said that riCh Vallco's uta' ,(nst Use Pem1t thei'J~-e.,.d with one comoI' tree species &10lIl " _ ¡Þch of the III&jo~ stt~'tiè' Since pruneridge 19' a tbrou¡b nuet. it 'should haYe the. salle,."....t'.. of tree on the applicant's p~operty~ There is a mixed spec1êll ,of trees on Tantau. Chemical batb operat~ l2-U-72 approved v/cond1tio:1S 12-TM-72 approved w/co:>dltions Councllaan Jackson was CODcerued abou~ ~he inherent pollu~ion possib1l1tie& with the chemical batba as a part I)f ~he operation of the proposed tenant. Mr. Rose said this is similar to what is now taking place at 1SS. Moved by Councilman Irwin, seconded by Councilman Meyers to adopt appli~at1on l2-U-72, v1t~ the conditio~s as specified ~n the July 12~h Planning Department ~. AYES: NOES: ABSE¡''- : Councilmen Irvin, Jackson, ~:eyers, Mayor Frol1ch Sone C~uncilman Sparks Motion carried, 4-0 Moved ~y Councilman Irvin, seconded :y Coun~~lman Meyers to adopt applic3:i~n l2-TM-72 along with the added c~nditions and wlt~ the clari:i~3tion of Condition 17 to be t~at the landscaping of street trees in Parcel One to conform to the ?runeridge plan~ing progr&n and Paroel Two accord~ng to the condition. of the Architectural and Site ~p;roval Co~lttee. AYES: NOES: AI!SE!\"I : Councilmen lr..:l:t. Jackson, ~:~yer$, Hayor Frollch J;cne C~uncilrnan Sparks MOtion carried, ~-G ARC¡¡tTEC1URAL AND SITE APPROVAL C()~~t:TT?:' 11. Su1>...,issl~n of !ofinutes of regul... -".c- :0:: ~f .1.,1:: S, 1972. · .,. mBt.'T¡;S OF !':î :teLY 17,1972 CITY COu::cn. ~~Tl:;G .. :', -t:'í'.. ,'.U.Appl1ca:~OQ RC-Sl,183.2 of StaDdard Oil CooI?any of California ;,r~!;iÌt,"'¡'. ' te'Jue~U~ apprová!'of'. a1gÓ plan for existing servic..ta-:. ",cf')~~'/.. Uon J.ocaU.! at ~he,~tbeas~ ~rner of :lane, ~venu.. aad .(~:q,f'~' ". ROIIIes~e- !t?ad.~cOlr-~,for approv.... "..; , .. "~~,,'~,~i~,là,1::,:.~::~r l~:::a,r;:=,· ~.:;:--'c...::::::' b;'~' c::.¡:i.;:" ',' '~'~~f~ther ten.... and çhe pl)srihi11ty of low level signing. 'the ';,<,i!":,~."l1c:ant bas a&re~ to ,use . low pTofile, 13' high sign. to he ' ~,..<>.~er.cted in t!:e 5' planter ar_ on HOIIIestead Road. A render iDS of "t" '>the proposal ....&$ passed arOUDd. Moved by C:,=cilman Irwin, seconded by Counc1ban Jackson ~o adop~ HC-5:.:33.2. Motion carried, 4-0 13. App1ica::"o HC-5l,259.5 of Standard Oil :o~pany of California reques::~~ approval of a sign plan for existing service sta- tion l~~:cd at the nortåeast cotner ùf <ùrtal Avenue and Stev~ns ::.ek Blvd. Re~ended for ap,roval. Tbe Seni~r ::~~"ing Tec~n1cian said the applicant had ~orked with the staff ¿::; : ,;e Architectural and Site Ap?ro"a1 Co=~ ltee and it was esta:::s~ed the low profile sign ~as not appropriate at ~h1s site ~c~a;:se it would nol be visible go:ng ';cst, due to ~he existing st='e: trees. The Coms1~tec reco=r.endeJ approval of the 20' high 5i.~ at ~h1s loca~inn. Moved by C:;:.,.~il"'an Meyers, seconded by Co',mci1103n Iru1n ~o approve apr:;,ation HC-5l,259.5. Mo~ion carried, 4-0 14. Applies:.:,. HC-5l,068.2 of Standard O"~ Ct~p~~: of California req~~s:~; a~proval of a sign plan ior existin~ service sta- tion l<~~:ed at the northwes~ corner of Blan~v Avenue and Bolli::~e: !lo)ad. llecotDended for approval. ' The Senior ::Anning TechnicIan said the Cð=~itt~e recommended approval 0: :\c :oœbined, low-profile sign, with the conditions ~ha~ the p~r<:~ of cars wl~hln the corner radius b~ prohibited; and that ~..y :rrigat1on systeo located in lhe corner planter is to remain ~~:3~t. CC-125 Page 7 I , j 1 .., ~ 0,:' "; 1. ' 1 \ i HC-5l,183.2 approve:!. iir.-51 ,259.5 approved. I I I , -125 -..se8 " ,"': r ,{", .... 1I:-Sl'06l.;!;',,::~i·,'·~· ..,royed~'~ ~::. ,~~\,;;~ , .¡~.<,¿l'.,::?;" ~:.',,~:~ ~,il ,~",:.i(". '.·',fé ~" --~,~t~ - .... __11\5 (\F ~ JUU 17. 191~ CITY COUNCIL IŒ£II1IG ,¡¡, ..ÍIcI by c..--n...." Irviàø; it ~ Wild by Cow:cilaan Jacuoa to ap¡wove atiœ ;;c.-51,06S.2".-Jt;tþ"ícioDd1t1011S as ItCQIDended. , ' ',:>¥?~~':~,:':,,-,':{:-" ' ' ~~..1~~'1ed. 4-0 ;,·"'<t:',;-;"','_",;",,, . ...~ . U- lrriD said S~'''''~011 ahould be coaaended 011 ~\Clllt- . _ si&DS. n " ··',:'..sOIIIethiD¡ with sigDa thaI:'i~'V1abed ~",::~thers cald notic.zi~:)itL :::; Jackson qreed. 'Äf~~: ,;!'{. , 'f, itS.' Appli.cKjgQ HC-Sl.m.ôf.h1p Company requesting .p,mà1 of · " aip Flm oa. exbt1Øg ¡,.d 1df"l located at ~he soutbèaat COt1lU of Stneas Creek Blvd. ac" s.rato>ga-Sunnyvale Road. 1let...-AI'......s for appran:'. ~otrIon desip :or signs !!ere 'iC-5l,l08.4. .1;proved Colored slii..s "ï the s1te sere shcvn. He explained ~he location of "'oka A-ira:>. ~~t was pr_~l" used for attaching the sign to the :;ulldtng. :~.. pr"posal vill project out a1>out the sar.:e as that of the Bucks'.:.:: ~"" sign and 1£ slightly larg~r. Council",~ :..:;',~n said the ea.aittee mig:,t '.-ant to have one C0300n design f ~= :~:, center' , sips, to be impl~ented over the years. Ie vas b<~~~: ~U: tha~ these ate short-te~ leases in this center. Moved by >~~::::a:l Meyer., seconded by Ccu,.~i1",an Iròin to approve a,plic~to:~ i:-3l,289.l. Hottan carried, 4-0 16. Ap!,:o;¡:o~" HC-5l,I08.4 of T & C Co~st<:'~t~on requesting approval of so:" ~~:hitecture, la:>dscapin.. and ""Jergrounding of util::o.3 :~r nine duplex cn1ts lccate¿ w.,~erly of Y.~.C.A. and non',i::: c: and adjacect to Alves Dr~·:". RC~"IIU:euc!ed for appr "....:. Colored .:C:'3 cf the site were shown. Moved by :",",~i~r.:an Irwin. se~nded by C,)~,.c:::!an ~leyer3 to approve applicat:~" :~-Sl,lOg.4. I . Mot1oa carried, 3-o-~ Couocllaad Jar~sc~ õ)s:a'ned 17. App~::':o'" !!C-5l.254~! of Mari1n"t ,":;':oe of the Pacific r..questl!"c appr.:-.2..: ;: :;it~. arditetturc l'nd W" -:': ·:-"lnd!ng of utilities for an InÎ:.:--:'"¿:- .\.":.,1 renewal cer,t.er 101',1',·; .1: t',·> ·:cstt.~rly ten'linus of Sa~ .:.:....1.. i=1d. Rcco:aexe-è f0r a;:,l')p' ¡ . ·,t... ~ ''e;. " , V·,'" ,~J:ï~' 3i~..... ~ ¡," J. (. ,Xi . - KDIUTES OF TIlE JULY 11. ~972 CITY OUNC1L MEETL~G Colored ,Udes of tbê :.eUewre shown. ..,,"'-,~¡,"",' ,,' , . ""',",.,,. ~," ',' . '~., Co.mdblÌ~·;f~~;;..cÒncled by Counc1~ Heyen to ~ø..,u.. appUcat1on!!c..~Sl;'l~·I. . -' '-, -', -' -,' ,.' ''-'' "~'" , Øot~, carried, ,,-0 " . iô. Ãppl1ut1on HC-Sl.07S.22B of Vallco !'ark, Ltd. (U>t1cOlll 11) n<1ue.ttitlg approVal of lar.t'scal'ing, ligh~U1S and "adergroundin of utilities for a light industrial òu11diD8 located at the east side of Tantau Avenue, approxi~ately 270 fee~ I1Or~h of Prune ridge Avenue. lecømcended (or approval. Si~e plan ~as shown. There ~ere no further c~en~s. Moved by Counc1lnan Irwin, seconded b~ Council~n ~ey~r8 to approve ap,iication HC-SI,07S.2~B. Ko~ion carried, 4-0 19. AppUcat~on ltC-51, ~58.2 of Edvtn J. :Iyer" (::11;:e=s",. Shoe Co~pany) reques~ing approval of c~anfe in arciite:t.re for a co!!Cerdal building loca~ed at 10:71 South S."·atoga- Sunnyvale Road, focerly ,0','1\ and Cou·,try ::ar;,et. Recocaended for approval. Colored slides of n,.. si~e vere sho..-n. The SC:11or r13!lDing Tech- nician said this is ~ nonconforning use in ~hat the parking is inade1uate. The Archi~ec~ural and Site Approval Co~ittee did approve it. The sppl1cnnt asked ~o have the fror.t ele7at:on oi the build ins changed by enlarging the vindo,¡s. T"is"as approved by ~he CoCQit~ee with th~ condition that the a,pl1cant cone back in within thirty days for rev1ev of the lar.dscaping plan. The applicant demonstrated they do not need any more parking than the previous tenant did. The Assistant Planner confirmed that the ~oncorforoing Use Ordi- nance provides for a determination by the Planning Co~ission whether or not the ioadequate parking ~ould be sufficient, ~h1ch ~hey did. H-Con~rol Chairman Sargent said 1c vas the inten~ of the H-Control Committee ~o encourage the establishment of 30ce pl~~ter boxes 1J:Jmed1a~ely at the front of the overhar.g, not to co:>}! '~ely redo the parking plan or site. It was felt t!\at it would '.,,, fair to give the applicant ~hirt1 days to prepare a plan. " CC-12S Page 9 1ÍC-2S4.f approved, HC-51,o':'.2n a¡>proved The proposa~ Prov1!<ion 1" Nonconfo",ing Us Ordinance Planter b=es in fr"n~ of the overhang ,1:;/ '.' ~, . .' '...: ~ ' iuuId al1'I& .., 17. 1972 ern COOICIL IIDTDIG n HIllS_ by CouøciluD JM'''- CO ...,.... ;"": :' Jlôè~c:anied. 4-0 ,~. ~ " ',,'" ,~,':\. ' AlIDø.rr.Dwi'l'1Ô1 COIICISSI01l "'-' ''--::'', -" '2Ct: sublaiaato!tóf H\lluUS of regular ..etiDI of July U. 1972. It".-", -.,,',' "'" ,[I:, ' 'ílayor Frol1ch asked h_ exteøaive the interviewa for the park architecte had been, the Parka aød 1lecréatton Dlractor said the CcmIaisaicoa bad ~c01llllended the orig1Dal fina continue with the Memorial Park dea1ID. It waa noted that final decision res~a with the Council. !4AtEll COMmSS10N 21. No meeting. LIBRARY COI~.ISSION 22. No Cleating. CUPERT1~0 C1T1ZE:rS GOALS cæcfiTTEE 23. No meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS 24. Application 10-Z-72 of Joseph F. Bro~~ for rezoning 11.2+ acres from 1l1-10 (Reslden~1al, Single-family 10,000 sq. f~. per dwelling unit) Zone; 7.7+ acres from R3-2.2 (Residential, Multiple Conven- tional, 2,200 sq. f~. per d~elling UJlt) Zone; 2.5+ acres froCl ML (Light Industrial) Zone; Totaling 21.4+ acr~s tõ be zoned P (Planned Development wi~h commercial and Tight industrial 1n~ent). Said property is locaLed westerly of ~orth Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and southerly of Greenleaf Avenue. Reco~~ended for approval. Since ~he applicant was no~ yet present, the Assistant Planner reviewed the land use. Counc1~-an Jac~o:' felt t:", d,','1ication shouB be e1~her put off until the applica~t arrive'¡ or 1'0c";"",eå. After determining ~here ...as no one in the i1,:,ll"nee ',ho ,..ished to speak t." this application at this ~i"e. :':ayor Frd ieh ¡>ut it off for one hour or so. '. 8: - ;S OF ThE Jt'LY 17, 1912 ctn: OCU:¡CIL MEETING . '... ,.,-, .,J ~",~.i-,.., . ,':~ , " :,.~;:¡' ~l1catiOQ 1-1ZR-72 -~1~~:' ,.' ' ',"Y.,,~¡,,',I1' . '¡'lication 2-IZll-72 ....,~I¡~,,/ , . "_<'¡:'-Ú{"';"-'-~'~' , '~"'I'~"';' ,> ·:.!t~,i?~i '.' ,\;" :>;,:~~~'.~~\ ",'}:~~,;-'':;:j; '''jf,,,:.,', ......1;",'"_'..,.. /~;>ii'!:I;{, h.-".tt'"t;;:\,,', "".,-....; .,,, ""':r'~'''''~r'' " ,.((Second reading of Ordiøaa.e. NofS49: '"An Ordinanceotéha ./t\":City Council of ~!le City of Cupertino , 1!.egalating Gar..a aDd ~::i " ",ratio Sales in llesider.t1al Areas and Providin~ for a l'erait '.' 1 v': 'therefor ànd ConditiC1lS to :'e Imposed Upon Said Pemit. II - /i.a, ,t ad b 1\' ; re , ~yor Frol1cil. !IIwecJ by COWlcllcan Irvin, seconded by Councilnan Jackson to have Oriinaøce No. 549 read by ~1tle only and the Mayor's readina is to constitute the Second Reading. .ar-d: -..s: .AJSDT : Councilmen Irwin, JacLson, Meyers, Mayor Frolich None CouncilmL~ Sparks Hot1c~ carried, 4-0 !loved by Councl1::1L'\ 1r.:in, :;econded cy Councl1::um Jac"30~ to enact Ordinance ~o. 549. AYES: WOES: A3SENT : C..:::mclben Irwin. Jackson, Meyers, :-'.ayor Frolich None Councilman Sparks Motioa carr1ed,'4-0 28. Second reading of Or.Unar.ce :;0. 551: "An Ordinance of t:'e City of Cupertino Amecdin; Section 1 of Ordinance 1(0. 2 by Prezoning a Certain Por~1on of the City from R3-2.7 (Residen- tial, Multiple, 2,700 S~. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit) Zone to R2-4.25 (Residential, Duplex. 4,250 Sq. F~. Per Dwelling Uni~) Zone; ApprD7imately 3.1 Acres Located Adjacent to and _eŠterly of Foothill Blvd., Approxica~~ly 110 Feet Northerly of the Intersection of Foothill 31vd. and Alcalde Road." - read by ltayor Frol1ch. !loved by Councilm3n Irwin, seconded by Council~an Jackson to have Or~inance :/0. 551 read by title only and the Ma~'or' s reading is tC' constitute th.. Second Reading. ~: Coun~ilÞe" Irwin, JacLson, M~yers. ~byor Frolich JIØf.S: None ~~ENT: Coun~il~an Sparks Hotioe carried, 4-0 CC-125 Paie 11 ,'. . ',';,}' " , -,,<..~~ '-': Ord. 549 Second lleadinl Ord. 549 enacted Ord. 551 Second reading _-:"''''.'r~ . e \:k ...'~' .:'-..:1 œ 1& JULY 17. ;~~,,-~ -lålmlm-", ME£rUG . '.' ~;. .'.; ,~ .¡¡;¡ " CtJ- J.. a-4~" -'.' ---- - -,..." -,~,,";~: - ',{,'j, it'].,;,; a. _ ..:.:;,....:,\;¡¿~'-j.k"tIf ~I_. . au........ '";\;.:..:( 11 \;' <;>.,':' . 2J. Finc 184'" of 014.- i_a 553r -AD On1Baace ....¡I__.... &be l -... of c:en.sa r ~ r Vc1Dbak1tecl Ten1CDrJ. DM1p.aC_ '... L8I 71-13· CO ~ ~ ef OaperullO 1:1 Ac~. ñda the l'ßw1s1oU of SectiAIII mi. S& Seq. ð( the Gove..-C Co4e of t~ State cf Cal1fom1a: t.. - ac tile Sovt:,,,..t CoreeI' of Iae LaIIe ad !teCl.11aD 1.0.... - n.eI ~ ~or Fl'Cl1<:~. . 5~ nt ....Ú15 JllrYed by c..--..:ilua J"~. r T '.. by CC'Ç"~11"_ 1~1~ " :.a.... Itrd1na:tte Jc. 553 r.act ~ dUe .-11 8Dd t!:e ~,..,r'. r..dl~ :la u conaUt-:u the Firat ".wi',. ~: JIOES : ØSE:iT: CoaD<:llmeft Irv1a. ;..,..-"... ~re, ~"\'Ol' Fl'o11.:11 5cIM Cc~~ilr.a~ Sparks :'So:~-c c..-ried. 4-0 U:SOLU': 10$ Ò )!). No.3::..: "A a.solut~= of tM C~ty C<>u"~!¡ of the C~::- ::! Cupe!':::i..:' ."lio~~·1nJt Ce:'~a:'~ C:a1ms and ;:"t-..l!h1~ ~.~·at:l. :.: :~. Anc.....,u L~~ fr01ll the F~ as ".l'e1".:t." :',,<<:d~ed fer :..:..1'".. and "aou for Payroll ?srù'l! f.nd!'Ig Ju:'; :1, 1~72.' - r",~ Mayor :r..~l.ich. aa.. '3304 a4op~ed !tcved by !:.::.;~..:il:1an lr\li~. ¡.e-c.=DCecì by Coun~.l",Jn Me:"l!r:; t; a::rt £Z.olu~ic~ SC. 3304. A'!'£S: JID£S: ØS£NT : C~..:ill'lfÞ.n Irwin, Jac~..i, ~{e::cr..;. 5c=~ Cc~:il~an Spapks .( Jr Frollc.. Mot._:-: CM:r_e,;, 4-0 '. e - Klt.'UTES OF TiiE JULY 17, 19n CITY COU:;CIL 'lEETL~G , ,31~)1o, 3305, "ARej Q~f.~~)f,èhe City Council of the City of , ~ "'",1','(" in ,All" ,,'.."d " ''', '''', '_~,' "-,',---" """'," '-",- '._, ,a"_,",' , ..'~ up,ut 0, (IW,"~, ....sa....' ~.....~..~-;r-&;O'!.-'..-,¡ ':'!iAøøuntsand'fxoD\:. . ,Uere1l1úterDuc""",,.fUG'eDer ,.)lir~4:lI1tcellan~õ, . "-reed ~yllàio,t;; ,,*11ch~' ';~: " ~~J?~;:,~~~~:' __ -;,';"ì-;'~:;~,\'~Þ-,t __ -t~'!fJ:,:#t "" <' "'-:,t~3f:,:,'t,«' ',,,"> __ :::,:,_:",/r,: "~~equesi: of:coUliIl1;' .~; the staff v111....1Hbed:J'oD -" t.u45:êôùricfi: , """"81so aakeel,fòt','d8U1cat1oll'O£ ''''''ÄRt' '115'0'2 "',',; ,',' ! .-r"'lr . _ . . ,":''''~'; ',~ "': J' ,,~,-, 'ÌIo1/ed by Counc1l1ll&DlrJriõ~;A$ßt' 'eel by Council.- *1"-' to ..." ~. "'1i~' ,-"~; JlellOlution No. 3305. ,.., ,; '" i'" " IrwiA. 1.;,.,....011, Meyers, Mayor frol1ch .", AYES: JIOES : A3SENT : Counc1lmen None Councilman Sparka Kot~ carried, 4-0 32. No. 33(18: "A 1les"loU,_ of the City Council of t',e City ot Cupert~no Author1z1Dl t&&cut1011 of .~ ~re~ent ;ltc ~~tl~~ Syste=s, Incorpor~~ed for !ervlces and '~terlal~ .~ the Adminlstr.~lon of ~~~1 satety Pro~ect ~rant; 'E.taòIis~ and J4alntaln EffecÜye tra!fic Record Syst.'.·' - nad by ~:ayor :roUch. ¡he Director of Public '~r&s r&~erred t~ his ,~ ou~"i~lr¡ the above Agree:lent. T:oe c<r;OllCer langua¡e is Co".I, ".'hic' 15 the universal lan~uage. This is a pe~en~ traffic acc,~~~~ record. Moved b)· C~uncil"'an ::eyers, seconded by Cöuncilun J,.c"..,~ to adopt ResolutIon No. 330!. AYES: :\0£5: ABSENT : Counc !1men )ione Councilman lr_in, Jac"'on, Meyer>, MAyor Fr,llc~. Sp.¡riu Mocloc carried, 4-0 33. No. 3309: "A Resolucion of the C1tr Council of t:-.e CIty 0: Cupertino ~~endl~g Kesclu~lon No. 3227 Authorl~'n, rilin~ of ApplicatIon for Gr~~C co ~cquire and Develop Open Space Land (Lar.gt1an Horse Ranc~ ?roperty)." - read !>y ~yor Frol1ch. .,,;C-125 'ase 13 .... 3305 ...so,teel !te.io. 31(';" 8do>,t..d ~{ ..".;~ i\ '":":f.' , I e . CIC-lZS e 14 IUIIU~~S OP TIlE .JULY 17. 1972 CIn COIlllCIL HBE1'DlG .;: ~ . , "", ~ bf0'~~~-"".#·to,-.sOPt tioa '~.:" . '#"~~ff:, ..).\,:~:~:;:~~~>:'_~~~~~;'~ <i~.:~>':~': \i}~': i'~'~"·ê:/ ;>~"' ,. ' ,.'...-1<: ' ,,"" ., ".~" ....,;,;".....~..'...)'ft:, ..,' '-',,;,':,;--:ø"',', '.. ': ".,..,1,. ." ';" '. ,", ' ''./ >Co\1iÍp:'," , ;");Ðr.,:,j~~~~~ k.ii~';; t':'Ø)D.'i";.,'~~¿l~,..<" \~,~,.~; ~~;'i<~~;):o,;I\"~~'::;:' 0 '.' ¡:. ' : ~n~~~"1 ~ ,i. j"~l:~~~\3.,!;;¡ , ;:;:tj/,·"IféjCføø, carti~i~:Õ ,< "_ ';" :~ ".' "",(.., ,','of . ~ ,Ú'~'i j-;r-~'. .' "-',¿' i ;Xii- .." ;;~~:~:'Ð~ ",¡~,H', ..I'<·':""'·'''''~''~'' '~;;" .. ~", ".}.' '" '-', ,';, ,',<,' ,-'-,' -?¿~~\',:" ,'C' ~:, ,:,' 'i,', ,,<:I:" -,;.f",;,:" . . JIIFDlISBED BUSIHISS 34. None. tmI BUS INESS 35. Approval of ~-hOllr week for Sheriff's Contra~t. The City Manager recoamended a?proval of ~hts contact; even wi~h the ne~ rates, it is vi~h1n ~he budget. !lo-:;our Coatrac approved MOved by Counc1loan Irwin, seconded by Councilman Jackson to approve the Sheriff's Con~~ac~ increasing ~he tj~ to a 60-hou~ week. AYES: ~£S: ABSn."T : Coupcilman Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Mayor Frolic~ !-:One Councilman Sparks MOt ion carried, 4-0 3b. Amendment to S~er1ff Patrol Contract. Ai~er jiscussions vit~ ot~.r c~ntract City Har.agers, even thnug~ it ¡s rather a..kward, ~he City :',~nal\cr recommended going ahe,d .;ith ~he revise<! Agrel!!:lo!n~. :l.e_! s·d Å~ree- ::te¡,tt appro·:ed Koved by Councilnan ~eyers, seconded by Council~an Jackson to ~ppr~ve ~he revised Agreeo:ent and au~l'orizcd the ~"yor to sign. AYES: NOES : ABsr::n: Council~an !rv1:'1. J<1C~50n t :tcyers, ~1.·;-;r Frol ich &Jne Council,an Sp~r~s Moti~n t:r¡rri·,:.1, 4-0 r~"'-y, >,",'J",' ~'1!'; " -,',',' "" " :.... ::":;1 , e MINL7ES OF THE JULY 17, 1972 C~TY COUNCIL X~-rI~G CONSENT CALENDAR'.':. , ','.",c_',i,:':::\_,)',:,' " ' ,',. ,'''':",: ;31. Resolùti~Øati:,.;:~' ~ ~'''i~iâïûHôn oftheCitý&'w~1i of th " C1!:; of'~î' ,. "";Mc.t'in~tt8llt of Èasellent ,fo.-,Dehlop::¡enl It~ghtf*~:,' '~'" ,'~,-;,.i~~i~ì.'ateð~ ,Approx~l.1~;~~4S Acres Locatedia ' , , 'ecêlôff!f)f' ROIftestead Itnad aDd'Blaney ...~..'; ,;~--." ,: , < ..." Avenue·,ti.\· ,. ~"! .:, , ,. ..' ,~Jt.'~:'~,¡", ::~C,;~:,?;. -i: ..r,>"~i·':<~:>,,:.· ..' . . ~ 38. llesolut~olÌ ô;il'33011 '''A ~l~t1on of the City Council of th City of ·Cup...ru.¡JIìak~nâ'lt.;order 'Describing the Boundaries Ðesignated'Cuya¡1204' to 1ÏeAnnexed to the City and Ordering Annexations toeh8,City Without Public Hearing as Provided by Law; Approxtaately 0.829 A~re Located at the Soutb Side of Lom1ta Street u p..adelUl Avenue." Moved by Councilun .Jackson, seconded by Counclloan Irwin ~o adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried, 4-0 REPOaT OF OFFICERS 39. City Staff. The City Y.anager an:Y.>unced that LAFCO made the decision :h3t the Rancho Rincenada s?here of influence ~ou d be postponed to Septe~ber 6, 1972. Be asked for input from t~2 City Council as ~o th~ir opinion oÍ the ~atter. Councilman Jac~son felt t~e stat: should go ahead v1~h the presenta~ion as soon as t~e} hear wàat Lafco W3n~s. incorpora~1ng any data made available ~y L\FCO. There WØS considerable discussion as to the pros and cons of the Reserve Deputies vear1ng sidearms ',~~le patrolling r~rks. The Hayor fel~ we .houl~ depend on the iudg~ent of the ~àeriff on thi Council~3n Meyers said Santa Clara is enacting a bicycle patrol for their park areas. The City ~anager was instructed to research the matter of the Police Reserves carrying firearms and report back after vacation. The City ~mnager called attention to the burglary prevention progra~ that has beer. ins~itutcd. This viII occupy for Reserves for s='" t 1me. '1 ~ CC-125 Page 15 Consent Calendar adopted ~ , Col:'e~c in!" re¡;ard~r.~ Rancho ;t.~:'I.r:o!\¡¡d. ;p~ere cO: 1 inf: uence Shuul<! ? 0 ¡ ice Reserv",s carr}' .: ircar::s. Sicyc1e ?at rol for SC pu~s CM to research & report :'ac", Burglary Pri!vel\cion Program ·'t· , R"duce ca~;o of increase .. ., HlWtES or THE .roLY 17. 1972 CIty COUNCIL MEETING The Cit1 tlaDager aotecl.tW.Ja1120th lD8eting regardiq che proposed f-,', t1, W»rarJ bùd",i~",.,',"'~,·~l,~""",'~,,".Fr, iday. July 21n., aroaøcl 2'". áê~tha~cidÌlt;¡¡¡ "d'l1Ì'tbe report. ... .,.... ','i;~'l"'-"'4: ~~';,~,.:;,:I::'.'2,,:r/'i;,' ' , ," ,'..', , '~,:<''''';~ '~"""",'", . ',' Coùø~i1-- 'J,..ti ' ,;""i.....,.1ìIi1..S it caD b. ebOVIl co' bba that the > ,,' -",' , , "~"~ "",,'" '~""',' "', '~'''''..i;'' ' ". ' "'" , ..; ," ",' ,flÌ~r~ is 1IØt Dee~~~'1IOÜ1dllOt be oppoeeel to tbäiDer..... '-,' "", ,',~ ,,,': ':">::"~'~ -.,' ,~. ' , ' Îfayor ~cbllO~~*~~~'~:betve8D 25 aDd 3M loer....1D just 5therac. aloDe. .Â1tl!odá1ti'oþeratlol costs ue 10101 up IIIId there 18 a populatlOD 1DCr....é(.Mch;1DcreaSes the library Deeel. of the CouDty), this populaiiOD 1aCc.... should also r.fl.ct a cODcributioD iocrease. Be f.1t the Cit1 of Cup.rt1ao should take an òppos1t1oo position as to the rat. of 1Dcrease. " Counc1l:aa Irwin said he had to go along wi~h rhe increase as proposed, although h. agreed with scr-e of the Mayer's points. Council~n ~eyers called attention to the a~unt of noney in the Continge~"y Fund. Kayor Fr~lic~ noted we st~ll do not ~a~" our libr3ry fur~lture. althoug~ it .as in las~ year's budget. Council~Ã~ J3c~son sai~ ~~ese costs in the Report reflect the cost of gro~:~ -- new buildiags, e~c., also. The City ~:a~ager said perha?s they s~"u:1 sec if they are ,;tt:iz~ng their ;éri~n~el 3S eff~c~e~tly as pcss:"ole. Coun~il=a~ ~e:ers w~ul~ not ~e oP?~se¿ :~ so~e increase, ~ut the propos"~ i:tcrease is too :~1gh, Coun~il=ar. J3c~son ~ovêd to take no rOg:tlon on t~e proposed i~cceasa. This ~t:on died for lacL of a second. Mayor Frol1~~. moved, sec=ied by C"undban Irdn, that ·.'e are nel.t:,er i.n f3VC:- 0: nor 3gainst t~e ioc-rea:¡e. T l~ ':1oard 0': Su?erv~£or~ should look i:tto the amount in :he ::cn~~n.e~"" ,,",.,1 and the <:tiLzat:o" of the Library perscnnel -- and :f ,'e don't ·,'t cur ,urc.:t',re Lh~, ycar ·.c '~ill be agõ:':-aS:' any increase in the future a :-,.i~ :,~'-'t :0:1 ·,.¡a3 ·...it:-.,·Jra·...:l. .", '0"7'~"II'Iii,'~""'''"f·r,':'''": . ·"ïf~.'/.,rJ~; . ..¡J :: _,Æ''''"_'~ . - ....,¡IES OF TE£ JtrLY 17, 1972 em c;omICIL 'lü:i:UiG CC-125 ...e 17 . '. k~,' . ' ,~, (~ }'" i~,I('#i' ·~'i~·':'·'" ~¡., ?-" t'ì':,';Ì" ! ::; '!:~~(.1 8/7/72 MotiøD ~rieoI. 4-0 IIoYe4 by Ct'Q2=~:::Ð JacksoD.. ~Qded by Cclln;~:~ Ir.lin to Mt a Public Hea=:~ ~~ August 7. 1972, for the ~~5.~on !ellow Ca~ application a;~. XUs10n Ye1¡~" Ca!! ?u!)l1c :¡...r- ing 8'717'1 *tiøD carr1e4, 4-0 'I1Ie Directo= :: ?-~l1c \:oru rr,oorted on a ~r:::'" a~ ~he 1n~er- .-ccioft of ~~~ ~~ ~1rw1ft Lane. The Ci~y ,of :~ JOße recen~ly __ fit to ;~:-r~~e s=e ~:1zat1on and ':¡~;.ej southbound traffic, a¡:; :~; ~~r~bbound tra!f~c. As a r~._lt, Cuper~~DO residents ;.:==: ~~t ~o their ~l as con~è~:'ntly as they .auld preYioudy. >~~ J,)sa has agree<! to gi...e up t,,:. restriction ~eD Bollinler ~:~ :. extended or v~ the light ¡:es in a~ McClellan ...s Bi&iwa! :- ~ed by C~::~ Meyers, seconded by COU~;l:~L~ Jac~80n to haY the staff re,ces: San Jose recocsider the =.atter of Kia Street .. . one-way ,:.:!.:r.Jug:,fare. San Jcse s:~cc:'d reconsider 1-.:<11,' !ltree~ Motion curled, 4-0 The Par~ ~ 34;reation Director called atte,.::~~ to thr teeD t~t.r pro...::",. the Thursds¡ and Friday f~l:~.ir.g this Council _ting. Teet theater product"on '~;~onal ty-pe ~'nelop:tent ,;:e proposal .'m e - (, 1lUlUIr.S OF DE .JULY 17. 19n CITY COUJCIL KEElIJIG ~z; . . . '. . - '" ~'.., , __,_.tIIe C1CJ J? ",_s".em pc /" "~r 'iI;~ f¡¡;;<i! '. _at4-,-,: .,,' '~"'" "å,~~,,,,~' 'i'~é:a8i1í1U" _:_~ ' tJoa<aC . >'j",;rV~11;,l':~1Y, . "':~ ',,i~c;' " ,Nt.;.~.¡Ji¡.',,'" ',,',' "."', Of; ..., ,.,~,'" ···.····ltIIIIá. ~~, "j"';:'i,Í'iI¡4t ..".' " ,,;¡ '" .. ,A {~ r: FroUda callaa.øc --.&t 9:58 PH. Hlet1ø1 r:ac.()41rwMeC1 at 10:15 I'lL '-.;' ~:',(, ..nm.IC III'nT'lr. + '24. Appl1catlcn lo-z-n o! Jo..ph F. Braw for: rezoø1ø1 11.2- acres fro: n-IO (1esU-th1. SiDgle-far:11ly 10,000 sq. ft. per dvelling uu1t) Z~e: 7.7± acres fro. 1.3-2.2 (!tes1dentlal, ~ultiple Coo_ t1cn&l. 2,200 sq. ft. per cIveUiDg uu1t) lone; 2.St acres from ~:L \~'""'t Industrial) Zooe; Totaling 21.4- acres to be zoned P (Pla=oed Deve1o~t with c~rc1a1 aDd light industrial Intent). Said p~~perty is located vesterly of North Saratoga-SUllUyvale lDad an.! "","cherly of Greenleaf Aven.... Raco=ended for approval. the Assis:&:: Planner showed slides cf ~he ex1st1og si~uat1on on Highway 9 and de5:~:ed the laDd use. Al~hou¡h the applicant has master planned the enti=t :¡o~k, certain properties have been excluded frOQ this appli- cation. ~ :>ext reviewed th.e zoning :-ap, land use map and Crossroads Plan Uce =--? which b.. already been .oppro\·c;d by the City Council. the Assis:&:: Planner said the basic issues at the Plannin, Co~ission dealt wi~ land use. the s~aff took a broad look at the entire area and deter:i:.e¿ this could be a regional type developgent. The ¿.eveloper baa agNe~ :: dedicate adc!1Üonal land outside the assessment distr1c~. Council-'- ;3~~on s~ated that the 3ppr~val of PD appl1ca~1on lo-Z-72 did no~ r~::ect the specific uses or the specific hel~ht of buildings. Hr. 1l1~"'a=~ S:~wers, Architect, 1830 The Ala~ed3. San Jose, said he vas comm1ssi~~l to ~aster plan the area and ~crk out a plan for future de- velopm.en:. ~:1duding a ne. street, .md proviJin¡; an orderly p3ttem of develop-...ect. He vent over ~he designated are"s, describin~ the po,"sible usages. ~. Robert Halley, an asscciate, wen~ ir.:o detail of the plan. Be said t;,e:. vere instructed to desl~n ...¡th ""a11ty in . indo They have used a cl~ar concept. They have sepantèJ the auto:::otive fr0::> the pedestri.: ..reas vi~h berDS and landscapin~. ¡: ,phas is is on unity and barmony ~: the 21 acres. They hav" :',,,de prevision fer bicycle travel and parki:::;. The au~o service yard is ~crecned by buildin ts and land- scaping. _ e HINUTES OF THE JULY 11. 1972 CITY COU~'CIL MEETING CC-12S Page 19 ., Dr. Joseph BrowD said Area 8 Includes s_ of tbe Eel Murphy prop- 'c"a",. Be said tIIe..tire Are. a'would be cIeve101Md .. 01UI IIDtlty. .¡~' -\~,~ ,,'," .' " :~,7Jfr;.. ADD AD&er.ffit~;u.Uì spote In fnor of tbû plaD. She '.,.~ :i;~,'NlcI Capertin~ Is,Jd'iiUt need of .1aooed ÐneloJIIIeDt; this vouU '/~~~;!\..\. gnat ...et"tcdk City. ' '~~""!f'-'D1rector of PulìJê ;Vorks said the appHcaDt h.. provided for Applicant to ',_ "a"dian on tbe _.tl'ÍÌ!Ot-para11eUn& B1pvay 9. b..ed 011 a 60' pay for ,~;" 'stRet. This coulc1 1NI'&_tdca11y dU!1cult to accOlllJll1l1h. The matntcnauCCl of approved assesS1MDt dütdct does not include tbia. Be also raised median strip the question of maine_ce responsibility of tbis median. The ..diaD is to start at the intersection of Forest and tbe new street paralle11ng B1ghway 9 and proceed north. Be felt the .ainteIJ&DCe responsibility should be the applicant's. If the City were to maiatain it, we could bill tbe app11canr for the service. Dr. Brcvn agreed to this. f , ~ I f Moved by Councilman Heyers, seconded by Council~an Jackson ~o close the Public Hear1Ðg. ~4tion carried, 4-0 Council=an "~ckson asked abou~ ~he traffic along ~reenleaf Drive as the proper~y develops. The Director of Public Works said a aix of uses seems to be developing along there. 1~ere will be residential use as well a~ c~~rcial. The present street pattern would encourage residential. If we dress up the street we can plan on ~re commercial. Mayor Frol1ch noted that if Greenleaf does no~ go througb i~ will encourage cars to go down Alves Drive '~o Stelling Road, and we already have problems with Alves Drive. Moved by COUDcU..an ~..y.rs, seconded by CouncUtlan Jackson to approve application IG-Z-72 ~ith conditions as recommended; with ~~e further condi~ion ~hat an arrangement be made to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works as to maintenance of the ccd1an strip. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : CouncUmen J~n, Heyers, Mayor rro11cb Nooe Councilmen Irvin, Sparb Motioo carried, 3-0 Public Hearing close-J Traffic ¡-at ten: discussion lO-Z-72 approved wI conditions dscaping of ;'It;. L. E ~ø~C5 - e . MINUtES OF TIlE JULY 17, 1972 CITY COUNCI1. MEETING . !~~", .' .~ (a) Fir~~;:üJð~'ofOr.ift,âiiee 5.0. $S2: "AD OriillaDeeof the CltJ OL.i,', ; ~d'~,~1Dls.eHoDlof,Ord1nøC"!iO~:;,2 b1leaoDiDI · '·t";'~, Ce~~".t3I",'.,,',·r. ~~,',,' ~·'Ò,f thi¡,'~,.l,ty. ,of CuPertf.no<,e11;.',2!,.~, i*.."fro:l IU, ;;'10''i~".',;(,~,::,', (au, .., '" ,i"f.nll.~f~11~.OOO .".' ft'~1'et'¡Dwel~1q~nlt)"Zofte,~t:' 7. 7Ž ~~~fll:'~.1t:3-2.2J"s1delltial, Multip~.<,Comr~tlona1. 2.200:J',~'~ sq. f,~~~II:'~Uins 1hì1t) Zone; :l.S± Acre. frOll)4L (Llsht 'Y~~~:.t Indus~"x);;oQ8; Tota11111 2l.4± Acres to ba Zoned P (Uanneð .};~' , Develðpllleøt ',witb Comereial and 1.1ght Industrial Intent) Zone; ,". :.ocated'Easter1y of and Adjacomt to Saratoga-C;ul\nyvale Road ';pproximately 800 Fcet North of the Intersection of Alves Drive and saratosa";Sunnyvale Road. II - read by }Iayor Frol1ch. }Ioved by Councilman Meyers, secon<!ed by Counc:1l::1an Jackson to have Ordinance No. 552 read ~y title only and the X3ror's reading is to constitute the First Reading, AYES: Councll:len Jackson, ~eyers, tlayor Fr?I1ch ~:0::S : ~one ABSE~T: Counc1~en Irwin, Sparks Motion carrie~, 3-0 Cvuncil~an }~'1ycr3 'broug~lr up thl.l I:atter of ?l:.na!.n~ CC""=~¡~'c:io~ Rc:s.)hltiú~"'1 ~:~. 10~!. reg;lrdin~ the lanùsc,\,dng "f P.G. & ~. to~~·c~.'::o. :~(~ .:\s~:t:.~ t.~e sta~f to fir..d I)ut ·.:hat ::::i5 i'1vol'\·~s b~fcrC' ~.1.·!..ir.; ;! c~tì!r-.l:n.:':t':t.",n. :h~ i'issistant Pla:1~~et' saL! thl~ matt·:r .....:\$ ;'r~\,;3i:t UJ at t:·.c l,1:;;t :1.11-:.~ing Co:=r¡lss~o:'\ n~et:'n; :'y COi:"::i~sioncr ~:cllis. Hp. :,'i.ll CCr"&t::ct th¿ ~lú1'm1ng ~!.rectcr$ of S~r3togó1 ~u,d to,.; t:3tos lO ~at~:et" 3dd~(:'o:-:.al in::ormation. A!).!0!::{I\'}lE::T :~"'If=¿ by CGu~c~l~an Jac~".;('n, sccO:-::.."1 ~y Co·..:n·:il::"3:1 ~:C)·(.r!:~ to :.s::.;o·Jrn to a!'. ï::xccuti":c ~";$sion :1t : 1 :20 ~·~·1. ~1,)t ::."" ~.:lrr ~ ,~.!, ).·0 ~bc!;~nh rr.cl"'ln,.~·!\'!d lit ]l~lC: ¡..:.!. C::.ur.:c i 1 r.\eat ins::. " ,. !!.r.'or ~. ,·~i..1~·:1y ~}~1J<)':1!·r.·,d thr~ A!'PW;VED: ATTEST: ,of rGDeld A. Frol!~h t,:i.J...;:" r. ':i ty o!" Cu¡:.(':'t Ll~ /s/ \roir:t. E. Ryder CÜ;: ¡;let"k