CC 08-21-72 CITY OF OJì'H'TL'iO, State of. California IØ300 Torre "'....'!Iuo!. Cu~~. Cal1forn1a 'c 'Ìldepbone: 252-4505 ~~' .f '';',./ ~~. F'· >,~ e t' þ,' 1t~.:¡'" ~' ,-,j , ,"·~,l,'ßi', KI5t't'.S OF TIlE RJ!Qß.A1I "¿l'ØG OF THE CITY COUIICIL HEa ADCtIST 2~~;!t97:t;þ.tÎ1£ COI¡-:CCIL CIA.'ÐIEa CITY lw.Ltd.n.a,,4I1O. CAL1FOlt.'tIA ',; "'\"~',: , ï SAJ.UIE TO TiŒ FLA~ -, 1:~ ""', ':f' .,.....¡-" " IqJ~'¡' I e " \;¡.-, !fayoT Frolic'> ~a11ed the .etills to OTder a~ 7:30 P.M. with the Salute ~o :be Fl~C' ~L CALL Council=~~ ~~e$~nt: Counc11~e~ _~s~t: $~aff pre",,:: JacuOD. :o{eyers, "May:)!' :r~¡.ch Inria. Sparks City Mana1er Qulnla~ C1~y ~ttorne~ Ada~5 Director ?f Administr3:,ë' ,erv1ce~ Ryd!t' D1Tector of Planning a~~ ~'ë~lo~~nt Si5~ Director of Parks ~n¿ '.<r<dti~n r,u:le~ As.1S~a:1t D1rectcl" 01 :'u~:::: \ror~~ -..91sko,:1ch Record1n¡ Secretary:'.':; :ë' :ud5 :11:'i\.':E~ C'~ :.\.lV¡JCS H;:EtI~;~ 1. Apþro-"L of :!inutes of regu~,&r :oeetin¡: 0;' Au~ust 7, 1972. Or. "age 1(. "...t to the last Faragraph, t:'e C:t·.. ~:"n:1ger sa~d "~-4%" S~O"':! :e deleted and replaced "i~h "}: t,) 4c". ~ pagé ::. :~~ncilman JacLson said ~he ¡:e~tle~en's na~es are: ~ålyn, ~i:~i, and Kriz~~~ inst~sd oi Srall.y. ~ic~ey and JJt'sg.,. Y.oved 1:)' ,::,,~:t1!'UU1 r:eyers, seconded by Ccu:1.:~1"'1:1 Jackilo!\ co a?~rove t~~ ~~!\u:cs of August 7, 1972 as corr~cted. Motion carried, 3-0 CC-127 Pa&e 1 , ~ , I~~~ust ~th ~lnut la¡>p rO'lo!J a" c.orr~cted I I ~'1,h:,,:,:r:,7~"'Jfr~;~,~; ?~, ~~'", ,'tr"'~ ...',r-:,,<,;)r, , :~;'''' " ,',~. \, - I " . , . '~, .. ~' ,r" ,0 ~~ . :!ßJIUTES OF TIlE AUGUS"f~. 1972 CITY COtnlCIL HElTIlfG ,---!: ¡:~;: ,'" ,'-, .>" <-";,:,''-' ..;"'.... , ß Seaices stated there vaa a leuer '". !," ~ .. 'So DQYe4 by CouncU- .J-"_. secouded by Councilman Meyan. Valko t. 15. 16 KotioD carried, 3-0 ", Mayer rrolj~~ said be bad received a letter from the Mayor of Palo Alto ~c1ng Satur~. Septemoer 16th froo 10 to 12 noon there vill be a bicycle _to 3. Oral Y~or :=~lich no~ed ~r. ~Alv1n Ritchie Þad indicated he wanted ~o ..pe.." a:.>ut Agenda, Ite: 22.. He "Ul 1:e siven ~he op;>ortun1~y at ~he tice c: :~..t discussioa. aauami::.¡ 0: H1rhway ~ ~r. r~"~'a~ Dressler. 11289 Terra 3el.a, êu,ertiro, re-introduced ~he !'1attK c: r·enam1ng Saratoga-Sunny,'ale ",oaè, '.'hich was previously d1scU5Uè and tabled until Sep~eCl1:er" ~¡e asked ~hat this 1:Iat~er not be al:~~ to die an ~n1s~rative Jea~h" (a) Re?r~sentat1vés of t=e Rancho R~~cc~ada area to appear regarding s¡h~re of influence dete~i~aticn. T;ant c... -=&:.loc ~he1r ~:e Mr. ::"r. ·.arbl.irton, 10330 Stern ,\,"'<'I\\le, ~:e-:';er of the ::oard of t.;e Pari< District. acr:om.i'anled :'7 ~r. Gonzalcs. anot::er '3oard ~~e:,:,,=p.r. a~ked the Ci ty C"",,"cll to have LJ.~CO ta:'le t,:e :-.at ter until L,ey ha,"e a chance to ballot t;,eir own people reRardir.(t [,:is s,::ere of ir.:luence. ¡he City ~!anager felt ~:..~ LAFC(\ . '('uld c,,~cur '-:it:, this re'!uest, ever though it has been delayed previously, since they Ila~t to ballot the people i~volved. Letter t.o . ""'œ indicuåC Ci~y·.. ;CSltlcm Mayor :rclich 1nstruc~ed the sta': [0 ",n¿ a letter to LAFCO indicating the City Council concur.. ...ith t:.e r,c"e~t ,>; 'tr" l.'arO"rton. ~ ,: .. ! !: " . . KJ1WTES or 7IIE AUGUST 21. 1972 CITY COUNCIL }IEETING CC-127 Page 3 (II) llequest 1>,. eouncil"_ for rC!!lloval of it..,. frOll eo_c i:; CaleDClar. \r/-" c:õaøeUaan J~ckson asked diu Agenda Iten 38 b. removecl. a.nove 1 t_ 38 " ;.i l ?f~ ,'~" ,,,," ;;':'øìOllT or COtXC1L RE?RESEllUT1VES " "ports fro-. CoUlle 11::1811 . 4. Mayor Frol1ch: Transportation Advisory ~1tt.. -- ~o report. · løter-City Council _ 110 business -.:aeet1n¡. Lea,ue of Califorø1a Cities. -- ~o report. Le,islative ~ev1e~ C~ittee -- No report. 5. Cout:.:i::,¡:: lr11in: DruS ~use Coordin~tio~ ~c==1~s1oD __ Sot present at this ~eet1nl· 6. Ccu~_i:~n Jackson: As5ccia~ior. of 3ay Arca ~ove~~ents -- ~;o meet: :~~. $an~;, Clara Ccunty "ster :=iI5i')n -- So nee~in~. Urban ~evelor=ent ~ Open $r~ce ~ub- c~ittee of?îC T)raft 3 was revieved 1n detail; approved; and sent Jac;': ~o sta!! for some oodifications. Councilmen Jackson and Ir"in attenied League of Cal'torn1a C1ties ~ee~ing. 7. eound::::.¡.~ ~eyers: Plannir.g Folicy Coemittee __ ~eetin, next ~hursday. Hillside Su~c~i~tce Ot PPC __ A1rpor~ land use was Jiscussed. __ Wilson Schoel sitc discussed. R.eviewed revised draft of documen~ __ Heard results of surveys sen~ ou~ ~o landuwcrs. __ Heard from persons concerned v1~h hydrology. __ Would like to hear froc oore land owners. 8. Council=an Sparks: Flood Contr~l Advisory Cccmittee Conmiss1on on Alcoholls~ Councilnan absent fro~ this meeting. Y, .... - " . - ., KD!UTES OF THE AIJCUS'f 21, 1972 CIty COUNCIL JŒEtDG ;PLAlCIIIBG cœK1SSIØI ·9. SGbIIias10n of _u. of &11 acljoune4 reps1ø' ..tillsof July 27 ,197~( , ,. 10. Subm1uion;oflUDat.. of regular ..tia¡ ~f .Aupat 14. 1972. 11. AppUcat10G 9-1H-72'of L8ID01It E. VUlu.. fo~ TntaUve Hap to subdIvid. 14.4 ac~" into nine lots. Said property 18 located nortberly of tile v..tedy terminua of Liady Lalla. bClu-poIed for dental. l'08t~ned from ....tinS of August 7. 1972. (See related Aseødå It.. No. 28,) Moved by Counc1laaø Jackson, seconded by Couøclløaø Meyers to put ~b1s applica~1on 9-TM-72 over to A&enda 1ten No. 28 under Public Hear1ngs. Motion carr!ed, 3-0 12. Application l4-TM-72 of Ditz-Crane for Tenta~ive Map to divide approximately 2.3 acres into six lots. Said pro?8r~y is in a &1-7.5 (Residential, Single-fa~i1y, 7,500 sq. ft. per d~ell~ng unit) Zone. Said property is located at the nor~h~est corner of the 1n.ersect1on of Clarkston Avenue and Flintsbire Drive. Recommended for approval. The Planning Director referred to the August 15th report froo ~he Planning Departoent on t,lis ma.cer. Surround1n¡; ¡>roperty ha.. !>"en developed. The Tentative ~!ap ~as shown on t~e board. He said there vas sooe discusslón a~ ~he Plann~ng Commission meeting on ~he 2 flag lo~s. All lots DU~ one are in excess of the o1n~um requir~ent. We viII be getting full street l~proV8ðents. Moved by Counc1lDan Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson ~o approve appl1ca~ion 14-T:'I-72. AYES: NOES: ABSE:'"T : Councilmen Jackson, ~Ieyers, Mayor frol ich None Councilmen Irvin, Sparks Motion carried, 3-0 '.~~",,,~ - '.' ."'" <, CC-127 Pase S '! .'. MINUTES or ~;~ 21. 1972 CITY cpu\cCIL ~D1G " _t- . "--"-,,~ ",,~ - ,". AlCHITECT1JIAÎ(,~¡SITBÀPPIIOVAL CQMMInu , u. sUbla1a.i~;~~tes of regûlar ..atilll of Au~t ,. 1972. . ';)...,~:;~!.:}, " ',,c. ,_ . .' ~ 14. Appl1c~i~1Í.ÍØcrS! .103.1 of Shell 011 Coa;Jany requesting approva1~ö~1~1IC81'1ng and 818n1ng, for eaiatili¡, aemce ataticnalócátildCat aouthweat corner of StevellS Creek Blvd. and Volfe RøacI. Jiec-nded for approval. Colored slidès of the site were sho'JD. The Planning Director The proposal reviewed tho> propoaal. explaining that this was previoualy an Amer1~an 011 station. There ~as discussion at the City Council meeting r~~ardlng 20' ground signs, and this application was subsequently returned to ~he Architectural and Site Approval Co~it~ee for further review. There is increased landscaping along the easterly and sou~herly ooundaries. The presen~ proposal for the ground sign is 6' x 6' sign, 14' high. . Moved by Councilcan Jac~son, seconded by Council~an Meyers to ap?rove application HC-5l,l03.l. AYES: NOES: ABSE:'"T : Councilmen Jackson, Meyers, Mayor rrolic~ None Councilmen Irwin, Sparks Ko~1on carried, 3-0 15. Application HC-5l,153.l of Shell Oil Company requesting approval of landscaping and signing for existing service s~at1on located at the nor~hwes~ èorner of Sara~oga-Sunnyvale Road and Stevens Cree~ Blvd. Recommended for approval. Colored slides of the site Nere sh~in. The Planning Director said this is similar ~o ~he previous application. In addition, land- scapi~g is proposed on the westerly por~ion of the property. The sign will be the same size and height of the previous one. Moved by Councilman Meyers, &econded by Council=an Jackson tò approve application HC-51,l53.l. AYES: NOES: ABSE:IT: Councilmen Jackson, Meyers, None Councilmen Irvin, Sparks Mayor Frolich Y~~ion carried, 3-0 IIC-5l,l03.1 approve:! t:,e Dro~3&l IIC-5l,l~3.l approved Ie w· MIBUTES or' THE AUGUST 21" 1972 CITY COUNCIL, )¡tit DIG <~":---", .,'",--, ; _ ,. <:" ,;; >,,~¿ji:¡ ...' '", ,,:(,;. ,'. '.,,, < " 16. Appl1~at1oD ~~l,~,t;,!~Ecbrill J. Ky~ì( (V~808 SJioe Calpany) . requ..t1n&,"~'Þ;~d~~PlnBfOr;,~, rdal buf.lcUØI locatecJ, at '10171~"~' aratoBa-SIlllDJV~~'aoaaò fønarly:Tow and Co1Intr:y Harket."('''· '~eclfor appro,;ât.· " : , ..J:"'i~:"r>~t:¡,.,·,,>,...- <0' _' _-t, (, The propoÌlÎa118 for 'iõìJi~' the willdoWs tot. the, aboe ~tor" 1D . portion of the build ilia. ApÍli:õwÌl1!~ cœdlt1onecJ' tiìat the applicant COllI. back with a proposal for a441t:&bØal landscaping. ' Cound1llan, Ja~ c--øted that the landsCapinS with planter boxes in this already developed center was appropriate. Moved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councllun Heyers to approve application HC-5I,058.2. AYES: NOES: ABS~ï: CouncllJllen Jackson, Heyers, Mayor Frolich None Councilmen Irwin, Sparks Motion carried, 3-0 " 17. Application HC-5l,180.1 of Edwin J. ~yers requesting approval of la~dscap1ng for a coaœercial building located a~ 10601 South I Sara~oga-Sun~vva:e Road. Recoame~ded for approval. ~wved by Coul.cil:a~ ~~yer8, seconded by Counc1l~n Jackson to approve appli~ation F.C-5l.l80.l. AYES: ~OES: .\BSf::T : Councilmen Jackscn, ~eyers, ~Iayor Frolich None . COuncU....n Ir..1n, Sparks Motion carried, 3-0 18. Application HC-5l,168.l of Cuperténo Church of the Nazarene requesting approval of site, arc',:tecture, lighting and la"d5ca?~r.& for Cni~ Two addi~1on ~o exts~ing church loca~ed at 20900 McClellan Road. approxt:ately 250 feet e3sLerly of Stelling Road. Recommended for approval. Moved by COunc1l~n Jackson, seconded by Councll,.n !Ieyers to approve application HC-5l,168.1. AYES: NOES: ABSE:fr: Council~en Jac<.son. Meyerst ~!;ìyor Frol;'C:"I None Councilaen Irwin, Sparks Mo~lon carried, 3-0 . . ~1!t1JTES OF IiŒ AUGUST 2;'. 1912 'lH r.OUNCIL M::EtlNG 19. Applicatit'Q IiC-$l,23J.3'of S~ODeson Dcve10plllent Corpora~1oD requestin t approval',of :_, ·..."Ping, lig:1ting and undergr0UD41D , ,.,¡.' ,..., ''', . of utilitie'l for sf_ ' , 'located at' the nort;¡west corøer : "", ....¡..;", - ' , of' Steveos Creek RIŸcG Avenue. Reclnlllended for /. , ,approval. ne'Plaøning i!ire.:tot' ')aaS'be8l\ post¡-.ed:, H' in,the Arch1~ecturál ~ , .~t/ sian portion of the appllcat the landscape plan as reCor alMinut'!s of August 9th. Architect Robert Page, . , "Center Lane, Cupertiuo, said tbey don't ..-aut 5' 6" sct"' , .,,, '·1111 the way around the shopping center, as recolllll811ded, by' ~"Aic:hitectural and Site Approval CoBøittee. !fr. David Heldt, of Bro_ .Dd ,!!ie.lðt Architects, San Francisco, clarified ~he landscape plaa _ tëe Mary Avenue side. He said the 3.5 to 4' landscaping is on a mound. The intent is not ~o ~ve conti~uous planting; it ~~l be lower around the parr.i~g lo~. ~.e intent is to block off ~ view oÍ thc parking, but no~ :0 block the \':ev of the sips, ecc. lie went over the landFca;:e plan on the boar=. Councilman ~~ers said t~e ~ntent of t~e a;:;::1cant ~s not unreasona~le. '~ved hy Co~ncilman Meyers, seconded by Council~an Jac~son :0 a??rove application HC-51,283.3 wit" plans as sClbc.itted, utilizing additiona: in:ormat1on on sheeu 1 and 2. Hei2',lt of nQ~n:::'::;: ·...1::.: ":ary fro~ 0 tc+ 50%, 2'6"'; an~ t.:.a~ the planting s:1ê::l be as ;.-.~..~ ,,~ the exh:':-it. ;.~-~-::s : ::~E5: ;.3SENT : Cou:'1.:ilcen Jac~sO:1. ~.e:eTs. :-tayor "F'rolich ~on¿ Coundlmen Irwin, Spar:a Y.otc1on carried, 3-0 1J. Applicatiun HC-$l,07S.29 of Ehrlich, Heft & Ro~inger (~e~lett- Packard Company) req~stiDg approval of site, architect:¡re, grading and undergraundinr of utilities f~r addit1~n to exist- ing building locat~d at 11000 ~olfe Road. Rcco~end~d for appro\·al. ~-"ved by CC'.1:1cilrnan JacksoD. seconded b)' Cout'cll",an )Ieyero tC approve 3p,l1cation HC-51,07S.29. An:s: :¡OES: ;.3SENT: Coun~ilmen Jackson. Meyers. Mayor Frclich K.,)n~ C"u,,~il"'en Irwin, S~ks Mo~ion carried, 3-0 CC-127 Page 7 . Applicant does'; not want S' 6""\' screening all, '" around center; " HC-51,283.3 ap: ro·.rcd ",fconditio::,s HC-51,075.29 approved ,ÌI1 - IlIlUTES OF THE AUGUST 21. 1972 C¡n COUNCIL MEETINC ~., 4~pl1cat1onHc--S1..0Ø8~14 of Sobrato-IIu8 requutiDs ..ø-A1r ôf "". .1ta. a::chit.c~!~';.h!,'(,.-'~ìp1n8 for a light ~~"', tMoil.1'lIl ';;t>.1øcated iIl~J(a¡~~'I""I~.tr1alParkj Lot 1~1),.V, r""'" " ¡ -~"f<'~~' . " '"d;",;' ~:-\:r~:~,~·t ",.'.. " ',",' ."~' _>to r " j'i;,;}¡~,appr~~;?~"';t~~~\!~Jf~>' ~rt:~ " , , ',;n~:,,~ " ",' "', '"?pCow,,, . .. :,,<,,;'¡'~ed by Counciluia ~~~,.~OM ~caUan.BC ~>i!'¡" >.,,,,,,,~t<i1' ll., ';ii::;~>,,_;,", "'.,::~~/,>_,~~f" 7..'~~';".',,:~i~~;" '.', , ' '~'-~j:,r;,<';" '. "'},'i cómiê:ri~it~·, ":~~~n..HaYor Frolich : ,',.., " lfoD8';¡', ',[,,", :,i,"','d," .', ' .' ..: :'~",':~';:*.,.~.;: :,,-,<,;,< . , !NT: Cowci1Dl8li"I": Spaø. ' . ~~. <~,;'; , , ':::: j' Hotion carried, 3-0 22. Application IIC-S1..002.4 of Leland Appleberry requa.tinS approval of site, arcbitecture, landscaping, grading and undeqround1ng of utilities for a triplex in Tract '2769, La Cresta Unit '3, Lot 51, Alpine Drive. RecOŒlended for approval. 2-story ~in pro;>osed Ibe Plann:ng Director sàoved slides of the Alpine Drive area where tbe residents are concerned about the height of t~e building; the proposed struc~ure is tvo-s~ory. Mayor Frolich asked for c~en~s from the audience. Citizen's objec~i= Mr. M. E. Ritchie, 10427 Vista Knoll Blvd., said t~e proposed ,~1lding will overla;> two pieces of property. His ao~e has a setback 0: 15' (t~e variance vas granted ~o the c~ntractor who built his hone). Any s~ructur~ on this sabjec~ property will have a hig~er eleva~ion. Any balcony on t:I1s st'ructure will oe a gross invasion of prhacy of all homes along tr.ere. He offered tht> suggestion that t'le des~gn '>e changed on the t"o-story structure to alleviate the problec:. !Ie said "e had three other ne1ghòors along ~ít~ h1a to substantiate the proule~. Visual i~~t oJ Councilma~ Jackson noted ~he su~1tted plans sho~ed a definite visual bac~ yar~ I impact 011 the neigh':>ors' bac;' yards. A"p~ica.~t ÐOG1J 'Ike City Attorney cautioned t:.a: since t:, is is not ê. Fuolic ::earing ha¡¡e c~a::.c:.e for and the applicant was not pre".::.r;~t t it '"ould ~e I;nr;nr to act l.r::on the relmttal a"pl1catic~ without gi·,;.ng t,.~ .'~pl icant a c "anc" : '·r recut ta ¡. Staff to g:::..e addltio~ 'infor=ti= to H-Cor.trol Mayor Frolic:, vould like to ~~e this g";~c, tc ~-':0'1trol. like the staff to ~aU~ avaf~a_10 for l.1~· ~." '·~ttn~ . ~ plot available. 'Ie would lii".e ~h"-~ inior:~at i~.':: .;r.,'t:'!:l'. out a.: to the homes .Ire from the pr0l'''rt;· 1 iacs. ::e wo'~ld p:ans. if ~...n-..· far -" "-" ,'~ -.. -~"...............- ,. ... .~ ~ ,,,'"::.,'; g1;~~ """ ~I ';. '~.luJIIJtt;S OF T"..£ AUCUST 21, 1972 em COUNCIL !ŒETING é?;~~: '-~~~'; :,~~,,;; '~'~-~"1¥-"'';'''.. ~:~'":'~:,-,,'~'(-"::,.,,.'~~'. .~.~ '. . ">, . ,),)' Coundban Ja~.. rr aDded by Councilman ~"',:þI , BC-51.002.4 ':';åppliëat!!iDÍlC'7S'1~~.'.:~~:t" the ¡;;-çontrol ~,_~t.~t~ foi" \'etu~,jkt'.to . ,;r;:stu47.',·" '''" ' .' ,ç", '" :fI-. , .~ B..ctIftq:ol' ,:,'.'H-".,-{."" ',s':;:"." '~?:,'" .' . . ~";'f'!:"~"" ,,). " \:<t"1"':::':::-:~~'" ~-'.!. ' .'3:{, ",,'" "?é;"\ ~.. ~:~~ :f)' ~ ~ /' "/} '". "'_':' . ': ";' .'., ~. ~".. ~ t ,2-~ ' ~~f..~ ::í:;~~jf~!::~;,:~.: ~~!;; ~ ~ii~J: 4' ' . 8 Di'rector said it -U'be on Wednesday, Allpàì:,,23rèl;" Auguït<23rd' '.';:~ ::1..' '~ ,. ~.. ':::~~":; -,:: ,.:<{~ CC-127 Page 9 23. No meettr¡ sc~eduled. ;rATER CO~!lSSI01( 24. No meeting sc~eduled. LIBRARY CO::nS5I01( j 25. Subnission of ~inutes of regular meet1n~ of Au~ust 15, 1172. œpERTI~O ClnZE~S' COALS C~::::ITEE 26. Submissi~Q of Minutes 0: Ste~ring Co~ittee of August 3, 1972. ?VBL1C HEARIXGS 27. Application 2-IZR-72 0: Adans & Company, dba L. E. Ada~s & Company to r~ove 17.5 acres presently :oncd A-ua (Agricultura - Recreational) Zone fro: ~ntebel10 Ri~ge Interim Zoning District. Said property is located sout~er1y of Riverside Drive ~e~een Stevens Canyo~ Road and Vrea Road. Reco:=ended for denial. (Postponed from meeting of July ¡7, 1972.) The Planning Direc~or referred ~o the previous reports concerning this property. The appl1canc ~.ad submitted a conceptual site plan Be bas had a geological s~ud7 made of the property. ~. Mrs. Stel:a Kester, lOS50 Stevens Ca~yon Road, said she is the o~~er of the 17+ acres. She could not understand ~hy this pr~per~y was included in thi! r"ter1m Ordinaace. She is in cxtrer.lely roor .,ealth and .,ould like to get the catter settled as soon as poss!;le. If the project gees t"fOU6~' s"" ..;ill pledge $200,OC;) for a Youth Center an<! the ;,ala:lce or ¡,er estate wEl go t" support it. S:-.e is very concerned t¡,at the yeu:l~sters need places to ride horses a:ld bicycles. I -:ait for reSU1tj ~r., Ja~es Siams, Ricardo Road, said his proper~y adjoi:ls th!3 P,rorerty. 0: the Stedy He would' like the Cou~cil to a~ait the results of the H~ll~~je Ordinance before r.13:dng a deteraination. He said Ri\'erside Drive represent. only ~' abo~t 30~ of the boundary of this property and the b~la:lce is ~olf course. The hardship should have been consi¿~red before t~e I~tp.ri~ Ordinance >'as set up. M, rngress/e;ress Mr. BUl Xelson. 20065 Cedar Tree Lanc, Cupert ino. said o~e of be areas ~ or conce.rn of the property m,mers is t:U! cntr~nce/~xit of t;¡'e pr0·fH~rt~·. He wculd like to have alternates st·,~âierl. ·~'..e rlanninS! Director said the pIa..., shows access l:} :'tc·~·ens CanY-'1l ,"I i :..0. ar.idi t i":::1 to R.ile La:1e. He added that if the Council fcels Lis S",·..:.! ,>" re""'c'ed fro.., t:'" Intcri!1 Ordinance, the ð;:-plicant ',i~ 1 ,~~ti . .:~v·: t~ CO"e b;¡c~ ~..·ith additional plans. Inclusion iD Interim Ord. 1IT2S borderliDe l'ro?erty OVDer ,;:atE!:lents & ¡ll..d~e " h ~ ~ ~. ~ , ~ t . . '. JUNU'IES OF THE AUGUST 21, 1972 CITY COUNCJL MEZIDIG .... . , . Gèra1ð». Ferrad.Att~. SSO Hamilton A___.~'~loA1to, said "'~I'!It~~~ecI,"th'e,' '.w.-:,'" ~~i,U;, ~~~Tb'" feel tb~,t~,~': )mL", ,,'~.1.8,',vell dtuatecl c..~~~~~:ivi~~~I';,.Çõ.:i: ~~h~~~1#:~II:; ::: " , au .fot '~val of, û1a"~Øp~ty. fl'OII the Int~,~~ce. <'" ',."'- ,,'<_' '. .... ..' ',..... .',<::~'~~" ~~;~; ..";' ~":'t:1~<~::, ,.:~x~Jief/à8To'Jak'G~~'~enue, Menlo ,~~'t,~~'~tbè1l' pla is ' 'tcn:.c1uste~boaIes, not t~~es. Most vill,IHa',~~ol'1hOllee. .it', th ..fev'iIIult1-leve1 hotIa;rWdnl into cou1clua£IOD"the Il'&d. of ':~ .'~hè proputy tðíiin1a1z. cut;~.Ull. Øe theD ..scdlled the COlllllDn ',careas; They vill provide property for the cont~tioD of the Stevens Creek Park Chain. Their density vil1 be .pproaillat.ly 4.6 per acre. Se ansvereJ the Mayor ~hat they will be below those homes now on Riverside Drive. :r',. Hr. Ferrari said qhen t~e County drew the line for the Interim 0rdinance it bisected this property. 3ecause it ~as undeveloped and beca~se it is on tÞe borderline, it was included. The Plann1nl Director said this was true. Mayor Frolich asked for comments fr~ ~he audience. I ::-: C""'IO',~- _.,·'t:7·<'f~' .,- - t ......... or TIIf. AllCUST 21,·1972c:rn COUNCIL MtE'[ING .. ..,.Helson, 20065 Cedar Treè l.aøe. Cupertino, said she has be_ ..:.H"'I care of ~s. Kester ...(Iter condition is neb.wone tJWI ..:Xester in:icated. she 'aSked. who would take care of the bor.. . ecc.. she she goes into the bGsPStal. She stressed the terrific ' hardship this aatter is ~D ~s. !:e~~er. She added that sbe voul~ ~" ratber lock dO'o"ll on a Dice developcent of hoces than on the laMleve10ped pr~perty. .Juanita Mclaren, Lindy Lane. said she has been in the area SODe 16 years, and ~~e would li£8 to verify Mrs. ~ester's donation to ' th~ youth. ~~e said she was surprised that t~1s proper~y vas t.>~:.uded in :::e :nteru OrdiD.aDc", ...:"~,, J/ . roperty .boaldn~ be il1 hteriœ o:J..dinance Mr. Dean Sa~re, 10505 Stevens Canyon Road, said he ~a3 sorry about ,Don't put hoce. ~s. Kester's ~ealth problecs. aDd it may ha'~ sooe bearin~ on t~e below a d~ urgency of :~is ~tter. However, he fel~ s~ethi~g vas owed to th co=mun1ty. =~ did not a~ree ~t this area is geologically safe ~ said he ~~> t~e crac~s 1~ ::is ~alls to ~r~ve,it. Putti~. h~e bel~~ a da= is 3 cista~e. He as,ed ~he Cou"cil to not re?ea: ?rev1ous r::s:~:<es. }Irs. Y.ester said ){r. Sayre also fouo;:1t t'oe :eep Cliff ~~:di~is1on because of ~he s~reet lights. :!r. John Fe~.~"'~re, 22374 !Uversije Drive, s? ,:e a¡¡ainst t:oe =e:::oval c: :.~:s property _roa t".e Interi",Jrd :r.~nce. He read a ~tltion w::~ :0 signatures su?por~ing t~is, a~d submitte¿ it to ~he Counci:.. ~J. Phill:~ ;~r,land, Consult~g Ceologis~, 's5ued a report t~is proper:,. copies of whic~ ~ere su~."itt~d to the Ci~y. report sh~~ ~o evidence of ac~ive faults cr la~dslide5. 3e1sm.c ha:Ar~s here are considered no ~orse :~a~ an}~~ere area. The ::~)graphy is relatively gentle. on ¡:-:e :n the Mr. A1 Kri:~::an, 22293 DeAaza Circle, said this matter transcend something ~:r~ ~hdn ~he Ad... Company. The reasons for ~he :~~eri Ordinance are still valid. t"~ applican~ a:s ~ot deoonstra~ed a reason wh:r t~1s property should be removed :rcn the Ordinance. Be quoted ~rtions of the løtertœ Ordinance to back up his pos1t10 Attorney Ferrari said opposition of ne1ghhori~s property owners development'is not novel. further, this applica~ion is not for development; if Rran~ed, the property must still go thrOuRh the normal ch&::>els. Øoved by ~c11can Meyers. seconded by Council~an Jackson :0 close ~he Public Hearings. ~ttc. carried, 3-0 Petiticn aga:;~!=:.t this rropcsal ~eologist's report to Objections are not novd. Public Hcaring closea Would r~ to A-ua !lait for outco--e c! !Ulla1de 3tu:!y 2-1ZR-:'2 re:lOved f~ In~er1a Ord. I ~, ',: e , " _¡:&:> OE DE AUGUST 21. 1972 C1TT COIDICll. IlEETDC ~ !aJor Fro1.Id ..u tbelllUdagr~fJII""" .. oal, ~t"" fft ODe .~ ø4 !lias 1MUt-ia 111 ..."....,forn-ral of r6reCty.'fte ace,. ,dauae is CD ~vuKt .teullils.'..·..... C6 nf1-IIeJeE. if the , feel. tUs is na117 &~ta1.,1ece of .IO...~. ~.W; . .. ' c:oam:n.ø ~. saW ~ Ja 1tÞ 0IIII .i8ll. lie .... DOt fMl that tlbetber or _ thi. ..,. Sa CIaIì Jauria ~.~e vU1 effect the stady. !Ie caaU DOt -uIoe ..,.cJaÞa that -U ehaoae; ..1·. .lope cleuity f~a. DO o~ ........ affacu .. .. oatc.. of the B1l1aide S:.Iy; !Ia st~fll . tllat lie .U DØt take part ia the HUlslde Study di~ bee... of die fact be lain there waleS be reqae.U COIII1D¡ 1>«::.... tbe C1ty'C:-1l. !Ia _t Oft :0 NY he va. DOt particul.rly in f....or :: ëe .abaitted p¡'¡. !Ia feels ~hey have properly "et the cr1~eru ::~ t!1e reo_l of the ~opeTt1 fr"" the Ord1øaDCe. although tQe last ;:-::::t 1. .oaf'"~·t arbitrary. The Pla=,~ :l1rector .w-....ed the Mayer t":at if thb projlerty 1. relea5e~ ::~ the Intertc Or4iaance it ~~:l raver~ ~o A-ua zoning. The pro~:n; ?lan will be for 1ll-7.5. Counci:~~' :~~~son .a1d 3e saw ~~er. it ~uld have ~.en easy to s~e where to:. :::perty could ~v. been left out 0: ~he Study a~ea. Once h,,", -. := le~ it out. t:'e C1~y ,,1:: ,'a\'e to face t~,e 1.sue of develo?-,=:, ~e would like the S~udy to have a. many op~ions a. po.si;le, ,e felt the app11can~ had ~t S~_~ eftOug" evidence that it sh~u:: :è .ithdr~Jft frea ~~e OrdißaDce. Me wculJ be in favor of givins Å or. extra ~Þnt~ ~o t~e Hillside C~it~ee ra~~er ~...n a few ex~ra "';:,:C,¡ t~ ~h. developer. The Cit, .:::rney vent over t~ Ir~~ ru:~5 for re~oval once again, upon r~:_~": 0>= ~he .-:ayor. I'.oved ò, :_""::<U..... ::eyera. .econded ~y :,,,:'<,r Frolic" ~o allO"o' ~he recuva: :: J;?11cat1on 2-tz1-72 frOð ~he :~terÙB Z,,~ing Ordinance; and t~a: :-e reooval of this proper~y fr~ ~~e Ordinance does no~ conflic: '::~ t~e rea.oaa for r~val. AYES: NOES: ABSn.-r : ~.: ~ illlan I!eyer.. :ocayor Frol1c~ ~_-=cll..n JacltsoG ~,'.;n·:ilaeø Irvin. Spar.. Ko~1on Carrl'", 2-1 Th~ !!aF= ,":led a rece.. at 9:42 Pi¡. :', "'''t!n~ rcc",evened at 10:00 f~. . . .' IlIBUTES OF TIlL ArCUST 21, 1972 CITY COtrnCIL MEETING ,'21. Application 9-Z-72 of ~t E. \JUlias for prezon1ßg 14.4± acres fron CoU'3ty of Santa Clara Montc~e110 1l1dge Interilll Ordinance (.60 acres Al-40 Ød 13.8+ acrèø "A", UndcrlaY1D8 County) Zone to City of ,CupfttiDO 1k)"t~e110 llidge InteriIIÌ ,Zone vi~h City of CupertiDoA1-4), (Agdc:u1tural-Res1deutial, Single-:E1ily, one àère .lots) UDderlay1n¡ Zone. llec:o.aeuded for approval. (Poøtpeøed frl*lIItIet1D, of August 7, 19,72.) AND 11. Application 9-TM-72 of Lamont E. Willi~s for Tentative Map to subdiv~de 14.4 acres into nine lots. Said proper~y is located oortherly of the vesterly te~inus of Lindy Lane. Reco:=en;ed for denial. Postponed fr~ tleeUng of August 7, 1972. The Planning ~irector reviewed the staff report and sho~ed p1c~~re of the terr3:'". ite said the Planning Coz:=issio" reco=ended the prezoni"g ~~: recoDmended denial of the Tentative ~a? Inasmuch as all ti. l~.s are in exces~ of 40,000 sq. ft., the Or¿inance allowd t~e: .a!t apply for Use Permits to de~elop. C-l:!7 age 13 I Applicant cl!n apply for Use !'er.:>it!o to develop Attorn..)" I!a=..~d C. IIright, 2600 ::1 Ca::Iino Real, Palo Alto, said Attorn€,"s this is a rr:"..:lte developr:ent. started at 13 h'ts and cut down no" scate:-:2nts to 9, wi t:-, _ .'ut of the 9 to be developed b)' the ol.-ners. :,e said t~ey feel t~ey qualify for an exception to t~e Interi~ Ordinance under Sec::.." 2.~.6. lie said the approv:lI of the Tentative Yap would ens~=e :~ese large lots. The tlap has òeen laid out with the t>Ost opt i-= 'yste:,. This is not cluster :,eca"se the land does not lend i:.;;1:' to the cluster approach.. He as~ed that the Coune;, approve ;0:0 :ce Tentative Map and the prezoning because they represent :~è ~~st use of the property. Hr. L~~"nt ~i~liams, 514 Inverness ~ay, Sunn)~a'e, said this pro- ject h~s :eè~ in lae process of planning for 3 years. T~e geo- logical s:u¿y has been coaple~ed. T~ey f~el t~ey iave satisfied all requir~€nts of the City. T~e zoning .ithout the :entat~ve ""p would p'a~., thetl jn an awkward position. They are ild~ace~t t~ half-acr~ ~~~~nb on ~ne side. There foll~~ed a discussion of the legal ra~ifi~at1ons of the Tentat.ive ~a.. ~yor Fro:~.~ said he vas not prerared at ta~S tine to approve a prezoni~g ~r a tentative map ~n this rrcpcrty ~ith t~~ proposed density. Mr. Will~a:s ,:lid they have twice cO~rliec ~i:~ :he City's re- quirement,. The proposed building sites are natural buildin~ sites. . Zoning ,..1 t.onut Tent~t i·.!e :~dp ~'uald be a" ":t°,,'sr:: Nat"ral ~~i:¿ing sit€:5' \ C:C-127 l'a&e 14 ~1cIêr ÍÌDother, ~e IIeS~UdY th~ propercy i , I :"a:'uttal I I r ¡ . , ...", ~3; .:~~~it;': '7?.,.-":¡,~g}j ~.:~:t . '~!J lic H"ar ing ~:~sej ;" . . HDlUtES OF TIŒ AÐGUST 21. 1972 cm COUNCIL MEETING _or Yrol1ch ..ua for c -ftte from the audience. .··'~J1IIBt.-er. U387 L1acI)'.nàø~"lted for denial of both requaeca. '-,beU..." thia....C. ,å:c1.'1Dtneion into the footJd1:La. , ,Þval of th1e would Iiot,lHt:'iå'1ceep1D1 with the intent of the Study '..àröUP. Be asked if,tbe appltè.åat' had coneidued acc.e. 00 the other "'sUe ofL1øJa nsta Park. Jfa)'or lrolieh asked 1£ thia Vue 'iSeveloped within the Count)' 1£ the)' Would still have'to go 'the Vilie perait route. CouncilJ:&D Heyen said the County does not go to PPC. ' . Juanita HcLarea, 22101 Lindy Lane, said her hom~ is adjacent to this property. She had a parcel map placed on the board. then de::lonstrated bow t~is proposal would be an invasion of her privacy. She feels the property should be restudied' and should have a different access. She called a~~ent1on to a grading violation on chis property in 1970. She said that the Planning Commission, ac the t1~e tåey were cons1¿er1ng this applica~ion, did not have copies of the t~e Director of Public ftorks' me~c tc the City Manager on this, nor did they have ~ copy of t~e geulo~i~al report. She said there are scr.e serious proble~s there in regard to la~dslides. She is very concer"ed a!Jout any grading near the ...ater tanks in that area, She feel" t:,e ingress/e&re~s 13 ~oo steep. 5,,, suggested one-·Jay roads to cli~ir.¡!¡:e ~ra<1i"g "1\ the 'illiams property, as has been done in Los Altos. ~f the road ~houlj go along the ~3C~ of her property, she ...oold li~e dense planting ~etw~e~ i: <:s::.:! ~1er propert::. ::·~e said :'i~ y L&1r.c '.'as not pr(.'l~ec~~..i for that ~i~i ~: traffic; and "ould prefer i: they went back to their or!g:nal ac~~ss road. ( Mr. :;illiA~s sa:d ~e had to P'Jt in a l.....pC1rar)" acce~s road "tm !1e sold so:-:e of his pre¡lerty to 'ir. A.~derson. He :;3i~ his dirt road :;ad very little da::l4ge d.:ring t:,st bad .:inter a fe" veara back. He sa:d no h~use ~~U:¿ :e less than lCO' froM the ~cL~~en pr~?erty line. Mr. ~rig~t sai¿ t!1at if the Council sa~ fit to de~v this ap~licat~cn t!:ey would Eke to ""o'J t:.e reasons cn '.hic': to,e cienial was bdscd. The 3ppl1~a"t vo~ld li..e to ~~~ his property use~jle. Moved by Co\:nc ~l::'Jan Jackson. 3econded by C,--'~:;:C it;~:l~ :-t¿yet"3 to c:OS2 ~he Public ~eAringa. M~:lon carried. 3-0 " . . ,,' . 'Ìíu..uu.S or T!:! .wcust 21. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETIN:ï c .c:-ac1laø Jacksoo c!Ce3 aot feel the Tentative Map should be ;':.fÍpfrovecl at this t:..-::e. Further J:Ie does not see a:1Y advantage in ~\ihe preaonia¡ ~"it:-~ut the Tentative Ma¡l. ,:e ~ould preserve t~e .UtuB quo, al~;)ugh ~e e:::¡lathizes flith the a;-plicant's situation. He vauld pre:er t~ æ·a~t the ~~;¡etion of t~e a11~s1c!e St~dy. Be said he UDc!ersto;)d t~at LAFCO vould require t~at ~h1s be developed v1t~ia tie Ci~y. Councilman Meyer, ;eels the slope density fOr."ula .-ill affect- ~ portions =: ~~1s property- F.e could r.ot say whether or DOO all the lots ~:c! f1~ in vit~ t~e Hillside 3tudy. !'..ayor Yroli:h :e:t tr.at to prezone this prC';>cn:: ··ould have the s,~e effect as :4~i"g a piece of property cut "f lh~ :nter~m Zon:ng Crc!:r.a"~" r~is .~uld :e o~e way for a ¿e~p.:o,er to get arocnd the :~:~=:~ Zoning Ordi~~ce. c.;ou:".cil:utn :~e~:~=$7 n:Jting the steepness of t~I." ~~:?~S and a:¡t:'c!- r'a~~g ,.,·hat ..'::: .::":.e out of t:.e :~ill~:dc ::t_dy. :eels that one- acre lots ~õy :~ :~3jequate. Slo,e density for.-:ula I-acre lots "BY be ~~a..le~-.:.a:e Y.oved by CC'',,;.:':~:.:~..a:1 Jac~50n, .eco~e¿ ë:.y CC'l:--:.::1:"'u1:". ~~eyers to ::~nï 9-'r:i-72 a;:?:ication ;_~_-:":. denie¿ A~; ES : SO=:5: A;~E::T : CCU:l'::...=~"'~ Jackson, ~elers, ~ayor 'Fr.:-::..:'oo ~c::.¿ Cou~~::~~::' !r~!n, Spar¿5 ~:.ot1on carr ie.1, 3-0 !'..oved by C"",,:::::-.n Jact:son, ~eco"de~ !.oy Cc,~c::' ,';0 ~:ey"rs to de:'1Y 9-Z-72 a,?l1cation S-:-.~. denid A"!ES : SlOES: A3S£N'r : CounC'i:"''I!~ Jacitson. X!!yers, ~s::or F!C':ic:~ N:>ne Co""~:_~~:'1 Irwin, Spar~ Mo~icn carrie~, 3-0 ~;~l;, , I~':', ,,,~~/JI\~:.,,'f':, ""'--~~'~<-"'" :,;,.~;~&\:ft< ¡;:'.:;~ ',4.u,;r;;,~"~!",, ~i't~ ,,~,...- ~,~ ,~,1!/-' ,!,-, .". :~ ~ < ,~..-,: ,ii." ., .1: ·~Ht, ii ¡;. . . ~ " Of '!BE AIJcUSt 21. 1972 CITY coœ;IL MEETIlIG ,~J, First lleadiq of Qr«4 -e 110, 492(b}: "An Ord4..-e of the City of Cupert1llo ....jJll:ODünanc. No. 492 llegulatilla üe OpuaUoa. Registration, Lic....1JIa. Purchasins ød Sellin' of B:LcyCl" Within th. City of Cuper~1øø.· - read by Mayor Fr01:l.cb. ',Jlølred by Council:!lan .Jr-. seconded !oY Counc1lcan lfeTer.. to have "Ordinance 1'0. 492(12) rud 117 title only and the Mayor'. rudiDI 18 to constitute the First .--~1ng. _: " 49%0.), "tat v.. ."... AYES: WCES: A3SENT: Counc1l::1en .JacÍ<so:1. ~eyerB, ~Ia:~r Frolich N~nc CJunc1ben Ir.r..:i. Spar;'s Motion carried, 3-0 30. First "..ading of ':r~~-"-ce ~o. 533(0): "An Or¿i,...c.~e o~ the City of C.7"rtino ~en~~~~¿i~ance Xo. 533 Regu1atin; 5to?~"~' Stan¿~n. or Par~:ng on Pu:l~~ S~reets, and :r:~:ding for S~r~s Scc~:yin¡ the Pu:l~~ :~ereof, a~¿ Fu~:~er ?rovi¿_~~ tor ?enalc1e; for V~olat~cn There,,:'." - read :y ':ay::r Frol1Ò. Ord. 53.3.-:-=; First ~¿.:~! !1cved 1'1:. ~.:".:n..:ilr.Hin :,:e7.e:'s. seccnåed =:: \:,~uncl1~an Jac~5cn t~ :1dve ;)rdina"" ::~. 533 C::) rea.! =y tit 1e on.:: a:1J t;-.P. Ma:-~r' 5 rea¿ ~ng is to c~nst:~~t~ the F~r~~ ~~~ng. AYES: C:"ncilnen Jac,:s"~' :~eïers, ~!a::~r Frotich ~\0:::S: ~;::'L~ }~s~t: ~~u~~ilMen Ir.~=. ;rar~s ~oticn c3rr~~d, 3-0 31. Sec,,",J R2ading cf :ïr¿~=.ar_c'" Xo. 55:: "An Ordina=,cEo of t::e City of Cuper::no A~en¿in~ Sec=:o~ 1 of :r~~~3~ce ~o. 2 =1 Rez=~:ng a Certain Portien of ~~e :ity of CU~"::n~ frc~ Rl-:~ (Residential, Sir.;;lo-fa:.,lly, Ie ,IY-~ sq. ft. Per D',:l in; Ur,it) Z::=,e t': :'Q (Quaai- Public 3uilding) Zo~; A;:prox:~.atc::' 3.90 Acre, b:ate1 Easterly o~ a~d AJjacent t.o See:l::n; Roa¿, .'\7"..r:x:':-ats::iy ';2 Fe~c ~-:;)uth of Al-Jes Drive." -- red :::: !:&yor Frc: ,.:,,- Ord. 55> ',Secon¿ ~~-I ~Aved by Ccunc:l~an Jac~~. secc~des : Ordinanc-: :!c. 555 r~a:: ":'y citlc only a:'" c~nstitut~ the Seco~¿ ~~~g. ~: 'l1:":ci~_-.é:.~ Me:..;r.; t') !:a·Je ~>,.' ~~3:.""'r'5 re&.-:'in~ 1s to AYES: r.oES : ASSENT: CJuncilmcn Ja.:&..S~, ~~:"·~r ~, X:.,e C:uncilrnen Ir¿!n. $parks "... " "rolic" ~¿Qtion (',l:'~- ~":t 3-0 , , ;!,- ,...__..~'......",-,.-, (t' í. e . >, ~~ " ~e< JlIRtITES OF THE AUGUST 21. 1972 CIT! COUNCIL MEET1MG Jføvecl by C:lcndlnan Ke)·erz. Kconded by CouncllCl8ß Jacu?n to enac Ordinance Xo. 555. AYES: Co=dln:en Jac~.on. ¡~ers, ~la70r Frol1ch .,15: S=::t!' ABSENT: c.",,,cil,,,en Irvin. Sparks MOtion carried, 3-0 1IE50LUT:o.<;.; 32, :10. 3j::: lOA Resolution of the City Cou:lcll of the City of Curer::~~ A:lowin~ Certa~n Claims and De~ands Paya:la in the A,,.ou:::. ""d From t::e Fu:rls as :;ereirutter Descri:e:i :or Sa:arcü and ';ages :or Pa::roll Period Er,èing August 8, 1972." -- re3: ~:.. :·!ayor Frclic::. H~/ed by ~:~~cil=an Jac'~o~, seconded by Counci:man ~~ye=s to a~op Resolu::== ~=. 3325. &';':5: ::_~;il~en Jacj;~~, :Ke::ers, ::a)"or Frolic:. ::CES: ~:: ~i' A3SÐ;t: ".-·_::..::l::l~n In:l::', S.,a.r~! ~~tion carrie¿. )-0 33. No. ;;_:-: itA 'g,esolu:i=~ of t:.e C:ty Cou:\cil o~ t::e C~ty of Cupe:::~~ Allo~ing Cer~ai= Cla1~s and De~~an¿9 ?aya:le in the ~~~~:= an~ Fro= t~e :u~s as ~ereina(ter Descr~=e: :or Gene=~: 3:1d ~i.;cc!:a:1ec-:;s Ey.;:endit~res." -- read :;j; ;':a::or Frol:..::.. ~.ov"d by ::u"cll::>an Meyers, se:::on'¡"d by CouTlcll"-an J&ckso" to ado!, Resoluti:,. Xo. 3326. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : C:'~cil=en Jac~n, Y~yers, ~yor Frolich So::... C~nci:men Irwin, Sparks Katio" carried, 3-0 34. No. 3327: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupert "::0 Setting Tax Rates for the Fiscal Year 1972-1973." -- r~i by Mayor Fr011~. 'j C-127 age : 7 ~ ~ Or:!, 555 enacte¿ " , Rl's. 3n~ ad!':',!,~et! Res. 33:'~ ado?ted · 'c;_ ,~,~ ¡Act3!n15tra~:!.ve repor~ 0:1 candy sale , acti"I'~~Y Candy Sale OK'd cLeag_ repre5e'Ata~~'7es ~.;-- ."'. ,. ~ HIRUTES OF 'IBI AIXMSt 21. 1972 cm COUHCIL KØfDC Hoved by CounciIaan Jackson. seconded by CouncilJaaA Jfeyen ~o adopt 1e801ution No. 3327. AYEs: NOES : ABSENT: CouncilmeD JacluJon. Heyers, Mayor Frol1cb None Counci1meD Irvin, Sparks Motion carried. 3-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 35. Request for Business License by Christian Fello.:ship Baptist Church of San Fra:cisco to conduct candy sale solicitation ~1thin the City. The Director of Adcinistrative Services said this =a~ter ca~e before the City Council previously and was sent to the s~aff for research. The Sher~ff's ~epart=ent has no record of local activity and the San Francisco Sheriff's Depart=ent has no record of a~y proJl~-.s, T~ey are not required to o:,tain a solicitor's per:i~; :-.o'"ever, the:; are required to obta~n a business license, for ';hic~ :~e City Council can waive the iee. They ~ave agreed to reduce ~he ti-.e of ~heir act~v~ty fro: 5 :onths to 4 weeks. ~~ved by Counc1l=an ~;eyers, seconded by Counc~l~, Jac~s=n to approve the business license an:i ·'at·:e the fee for t:,e C'c.r1stian Fello'J,h1" 3apt~st Church of San Francisco to conduct ca~1:; sale for 4 ~eeks. ~ction carried, 3-0 NE~ BCS I~';ESS 36. Designation of a voting representative and an alternate for t~e Annual League of Cali:crnia C1t.es Confere"ce ~n OctoJer. Y.oved by Council~ Jackson, seconded 1>y Cou"ci::-.a:1 :c:eycrs to have Mayor Frol1ch ;oe the voting repres~ntative an1 :'5::<:r Pro Te'o 1r",1:, be the alternate at ~he A::,,';al League of Ca:~:or",ia Citi"s Co:,f"re:,ce in October. t~tion carried, 3-0 5fr:r'" '.',~':,~"';, ~\!' , ,.' ~ , ~ '1-: ';~', I' I :aJil!!TES OF Tn:: AUGt:ST 21. 1972 CITY CO¡r.;C1L :eET iNG CXJNS!:::.'T CALi:.'1IAR ~ CouDCil~an Jac~son said he'd req~ested Agenda Iteo'38 ~e re=oved fro= the con,cnt caler.dar ~u.e he noted no deposit for street ~rees from ~h~ deve¡o~er. The ~sistant D~~ector of Public ~or~g said there is supposed to :e a landscape deposit Whicb would in- clude the street trees. Mo.ted by Co~ncll:::zm Jac"~-s=. seconded ~y Councilman ~:eyer. to approve Resolution Nc. 3330, bu~ tbat no asree~ent shall be sig"ed until such t~,e as arra~g~ents are =ade in regard to the street trees. Motion carried, 3-0 37. Resolution No. 3328: ";,. Resolution of t:~e C1t}" C~'~nc~: of the C~ty of Cuper.~"c Acoe?t~ng Quitc:a~~ ~ee¿ ar.d Å~.hor~ca- t~on for t:r.dergr~u~.d ·"ater Rig::ts fre::: To~\rn Cen:~:" Ass':ciate~; Tract 5220 t Sria:: !-::r:oðce; L~cate¿ at th~ :~ort·:-.\.rsst C':r~er o~ Torre Avenue ar~ ?aci.::'ca triO¡e." 3:. Resc]uti.:Jl1 ~:oo 3330: 'f/;... Resolution of t:1e City :ounc~l 0: the City of Cupertinc Aut~oriz ng Agree~ent for ~unicipal ~=-- ¡:rovc:oents frot! o·:es::ie.d Co:::pany, Developer; Located at the South>est Corner 0: ?~;~eridge Avenue 'and Tantau Ave~~e, a"d Authorizing the Mayor a.~d City Cler~ to Execute the Agree~eat in Conni:ction There.....it.~. fit 39. Referral of clai~ for inju~ies sustained at Port~l Par~ by the son of :':r.. Elvin B. :re::¡c;, on July 13, 1972, to the Cit}·'~ :nsurd~ce Jroker.. 40. Acce?tance of Mun~c~pal 1=prove~ent: Foot"ill Apart~ent Cocplex located on the e~3t side of Foothill 3lvd. bet.een Alpine Drive and Saler. Avenue. 41. Acceptance of Municipal l=pr~/enent: Measurex Corporation located on north side of Y~C1e11an Road, westerly of 3ubb lload. ~ed by Councilcan Meyers. seconded by Councilman Jackson ~o adopt and approve the Consent Ca~~ndar. Mo~ioG carried, 3-0 CC-127 Page 19 Conè1tioned approval of Res. 3330 . : Consent. Calendar adopted 1C{;. i:tr~ tèII.' YHC4 caa " peanut.. Park larr<!sca;>e arch. a~¡_ Bi:<e ro~~es To:."':l Ha:: ~':.g Se;>t. 26<:::' V? oike =~::e . Undergc~ u~ll1ty financ:Ui!. res;>ons!!:;;:1;;:ry policy ¡l f -- e - ~. JUNUTES or THE AUGUSI' 21. U72 CITY COUNCIL KEETDtG upon OF OFFICERS ,. 42, City S~aff The Director of AcÞof~'¡~e Services received a request frOll the Jlorthwest YMCA to seU.I tø to pay for sUllllller CGtp participation. ~ l'.oved by Councilman J.-ì.--. aeccnded by Councilman Kayers to grant the request and ws1ye' the bV.føesa license fee. Motion carried, 3-0 The D1re~tor of Parks ~ &ecreat1on said 12 applications have been received :rv~ park la:~scape architects. 43. City C~uncilmen Ccunci1::a., ~:eyers as"'=':1 the status of bicycle routes scu~:-, along Bubb Road. The Assi,:ant Directo~ c: ?ubl1c ~orks said they are ~~=rênt17 in the process :: "~rveying ,:::e b;;:ke route possibil1t ies. Council=a~ Jackson an=~ced that the first To~~ Eall =ee:ing ~111 =-e he:'d :~ Tuesday. Se.~'C"-"'er 26. 1972, at a locati.,,:,: ~·2:t to ;,e nane..J. P.e i,·oul¿ :C<e to have :.:~ a.=.nounced in the Cupertino 3c:::e. Counc¡'!.::.a..."'t .Jackson voc':¿ :'i'Le to have Valleo Parit 0:1 t::e bi~e route. I Council=~~ Jac~son said he sees a trend toward a log ja~ 0: ~:llside dev~lo"::¿~c proposals. ~e suggested the City conslaer going into a I "L!ving~c:"-Elaneyh tfpe 5~"¿Y, to òe done in conj"nc~~cn ....~th and after II the Hil:s:de Study Re~r~. He suggested the add1tio~al 512,000 resulting from increased assess~ valuation be allocated t? ~he 52~,OOO for a consultan:. I The ~~y~r èrought up the ~~ter of financial respons:,::i:, !or undergr=~nd utilities. y-~ staff ~as instructed to ccn~~y to the League "f California C1cie$ ~hat the City's posit!"" a3 to use of allocate: funds for undergrounding of uti:iti~s is tc re[a~~ t~e current proc-adures, but that s.o---e .l'L~1ted variation for '.Jse ~n ?r:' ·'atl! ?rorert les could be acceptable if ~ vhen Dore Dvni~, beca~e a~a~:a~le. Council~"1 Jackson coc¿ t.!:..e ::..,U? progra-~ ',:.15 not a¿·:~rt::sed. {.'" ~~~' . . ,. ~;;,'" JlIETES OF TE! ",¡¡GUST 21. 1912 C:TY COU::CIL M!ETINC '",~", ".0- ';,y " -:..~- a,~,~ ('ilea:: M~]ers said thel'fc: _ld be considering housinlsaeeds A'~~(<IIt'tbeir ""'et~ on Thursday. August 24th. ,The City Manager ,,'if', ':¡,Ìf8IIested the ~sas City Procr-" be researched. , '::,l:¡·~~: ,':~j; ,~'~~Œ:;r ~:"'}""::' ;',: ';;< ,?Ii ,Jlalred by Councilman Meyers. HCO:1ded by Councilr:tan Jacks01l 'to aIIjourn ~¡'e ~~ing to Tuesday. Septem~er 5, 1972, due to the holiday c" ;....:e:-.ber 4th. :!f!!&~1:1& adjourned at 11 :SQ ~. MOt1cD carried, 3-0 Respect:u::y su~~itted, ,.... '- ~ .'" í ~_:) ~-! ~'......."~ ...,"~-- Recordi~g Sê~re:ary ."2'".','~:_" ous1ng needs ,