CC 09-05-72 f f . . . . C¡Tï OF CUPERTINO, State oi Cal~[ornia 10300 Torre Aven~~, Cupertino, California Telc?hone: 252-4505 CC-128 Page 1 I f ~, M11\UTES OF lUE R2é.ULAR ~!EEn:;G OF rdE CITY ~OUNCIL HELD SEPTEX3ER 5, 1972, IN TliE COUSC1L CHRIBER Cl'IY HALL, CU?SRTINO, CI\L1FOR.'UA SALUTE TO TIlE FLAG Mayor Frolich ~receded the Salute to the Flag with the request tha everyone present join hie in a r.o:o:;.ent of silence in t'1~:tor)· cf thcs ~e~~ers of the 1972 01ympcad \~O losl lhe~r lives. The oeeting convened at 7 :37 P:!. ROLL C,\LL Ceu~ei1men present: Cou~cil~en a~sent: Ir.dn, .Jac~son, ~~êïers, Spari<s. ~1ayor Fr01~ch :~onf' ~t.1:·: prt'~ent: City ~~3;~.:1~èr :}uinla:-~ City l\tl<.,rney .:'.1a-'..;- Dirc~t.(..; c: Ad::-:n:';;trative :~cr·..iccs R)"d(>r Dirc-ct{'r iJ: Pla:::.::"".~ ¿'i::~ :)L·:~·lC'?-......nt ~~:-.:, Dirrctcl oí ?u~~~r :~cr~~ ~ar~~r,·t¡~~ Dir~ctC'r c~ Par~s 3~å Recrè~Li0n ~u:¡~r m~:·TES or Pkï::Vl')!:õ ~~::ET1:;C 1. Arprova1 uf ~1"ut"s oi Regular ~eeton¡¡ of Augu"t 21. 1972. Fe n.:'dng are the r"rr"Cl i,,,,s: Corrçct~ .';.~', t.' thi. ~1inct '- s Cou!~cil"'a:l JacÌ(son noted on page 5, age::da item 15. the last word "one" b)· th~ v-:,rd nappl.¡.c3tfon". t~e first para~ra~h u~~e[ 3hould be deleted and replaced Couhcl1man Meyers said on pag~ 2. la3t ~aragrap:ì under 1tc""l 2. la:..; \,lord "meetft should be delcted artd the ':ords It lan"~ oper.ing't ín~:~rte On page 3, agenda itefl1 7, tlAirp:trt tanG uäe to be cCsca.sseåll ar.d "::1130n School ,;j te d iscusst?d" should be uncer t:ìe Plaar. :':. _' 2clicy Co=:ittee. On page i. paragraph 5, the words "var}' 1T'C~ 0 to 501." .heuld be delet"d and the ,·ords "be over 50:>:" inserled. CC-128 Page 2 ~1inutes ap¡:rov- e:i as cnrre::~ed . . MINUTES OF THE SEPTEHIIE1t S, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING . Mayor Frolich stated that on page 2, item 3, the minutes should include the present status of the ren~1ng of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road as to the position taken by San Jose, Saratoga, Sunnyvale. This viII be picked up off ~he tape of ttat meeting. On page 8, at the bottoca of the page, Mayor Frol1ch said a scale drawing of the fence ou~line was also reque£ted. On page 10, last paragraph, 4th line, "Drea Lane" should replace "Rae Lane". Page 12, second paragraFB, line S. The new aentence starting on line 5 should read: "He stressed that he specifically did not take part in the Hillside Study discussions of property that would later cooe before the Cuperti:1o City Council". Moved by C~uncllll13n JacÕ<son, seconded by Councll:!an Meyers to approve the ~inu:es of September 5, 1972 as corrected. Motion carried, 3-0 Gounc1loen Ir~in and Sparks abstained The Dir¿=~~~ of Adminlst~dt1ve Services called ~tte~ticn to ~ c~r:ectí~n to R~s:,>;::'~'n ~;o. 3336, c~a"g:ng the pre?ðs1t1on "fro::\1t t:"l ":oy" in th..: t1tl~, ~..:~:. b~forc the ·..·~r..js "Stoneson Ccvclop:;¡e:\t" in t:1e se("ond ttap. CO:-:-lt.:~:":.;: :..."'~S 2. :,'r:' ':: :~:\ A. R,,: ~:.;: :on froD City of Sunnyvale ~dv Ising of its oppos it ',on t~ !~~ .\n~ual Arr~~g~.cnt propos¿ò by PPC. B. ~~t::. £ro~ Pacific Gas and Electric Co~?any of a filinG for aut~~r::dtion to increase gas scrvi~~ tariff. ~(fecllvc Cct'~er l, 1972. c. T...-c ;3i~ned cocounic.aticns left in .;¡uggestion cox, one Jeó11fng '.,:lth he.1!~h .:1nd traffic hazards caused :)y com.'11t:rcial sti1~les on Rc~nart Road, 1nd one coaplalning of low water pl"essur~ in So~~r3cl Square Unit 13e D. Lett~r (rom residen~s on Vista Knoll Blvd. re;arding Agenda Ite~ 15. E. L~tte= from Mr. Houghton regardin~ Agenda ¡tp.~ 11. . . MINUTES OF T!Œ SEPTEMBER 5, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEEl'ING F, Request from representative of Cupertino Realtors, stating they will be present at the September 18th City Cowtl1 lleet- ing to present tbeir views on amending Section 6.18 of Ordinance No. 353, relating to real estate signs under th~ Sign Ordinance. G. Letter fr~m property aaaagers of Foothill Village ApartQCDts relating to ~ruck noise. B. Letter f~cm Mr. Denni: V~g regarding car wash. Council~~~ JOèkson suggested the letters refcrrinr. to agen~ized matters be b=ought up at :hac ti~e, and to receive and file the remain¿e:- ,:.: the written c.::;.::mtunications. C-128 age 3 Mayor rr"~:Ò referred the lett:er from foothill Village Apart::.ent Nols" abatement managers t~ :~c City :ianag~r. 3. Ora: c:~~~nications -- ~on~ (a) ~e~·.!t!st by Counci':~:1 for rccloval of itcr.t.q from Consent I ~3:~~J3r. -- ~~~. 1t£POIU _: -~ .::iUL REPRES:::>:J.I!'lES 4. Hay:r :r:ach Transportation Advisory Co~ittee The timing a:1d appropriateness of taking over the San Jose and Palo Alto 8us Lines, and also wt."ther the District should take over the San Jose's Demonstration Bus Raute Application ~as discussed. Inter-City Council Meeting this co~lng Thursday. League' of California Cities No report. Legislative Review Committee No report. Mayor Frolich asked ~hat t~ Police Co~rn1ttee be added to Council~n Irwin's list 0: reports. Add 1'011ce Con,., to Counc-. Irwin' reports. CC-128 Page 4 lIa~glary Pre- notion PI.... ~ ~ iYo1se Abac_~ :Ord1nance . . e JlIJRTrES OF :-riE SEPTEMBER S. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Më:A¡er said CupertJDø". Code Enforcement Officer atteaded che last Police Co=a1ttee œeetiBC. ~re vas sooe discussion about the dissem1na~i~~ of 1nformat1øe ~dih: the Burglary PreventioD Prograa. The City ~~er said a DeW F1e1d COI!::IIan.Jer was to start worIúøa oa September S~¡,. .¡ The City ~::ag",r stated char _ time ago the r.ouncil d1recced che s~aff to 1"",;' into the ruttter of a noise abate!:len~ ordinance. The City Attor::~ "~s prepared cae ÆDd after discu5si~n5 with the staff. it has bee:: ~nded someVbac. Ve are also checking with neighboring c1cies on t~:, catter. 5. Coun<::~.l: Iroio: Drug Abus", Coordination ~1s3ion No meeting, d~c to vacat1cns. A recentl~-<3ssed Senate 3~11 ~as been a=~nd¿d ':Jitll the re::ul ~ that there is the possibility 0: ,;11:3 Commissio~ remaining in ~x:s~ance. :01 ice CO:':!:1ittce 5. Coun~::=~= Jackson: }.:sociation of :lay Area C·c-.·e::-.::e~t5 Santa Clar..l C.,:.unty t':ater c.-:-=:~s~::<..'r. ~r~an Dei~t07~ent and O?e~ ;~a:e Su~co¡:ìnlt:t~~ of PPC ~o &:leetin~s. 7. Coun~~:· ~~ ~~yprs: ?la:1ning ~\)l :..:y r.O¡-:"1lf:tC:~ 'I:.c majcr:::y ("'tf th~ ¡r:,~..;t :::.:;;: ::.. L'';';:'::Iiion ·..;:)S on t:~(! tQ·...· in"':fce :-.c'...:~ :'::~ :"":'C" --:.ent. It \0,'111 :--:= 3t:?:1t to l::~ ....a.=:=.;:; <-.:"_ties n')',v, wit:: .\ 9C·da:.: tt!C~-ér:-u::¿. ~:illsid(! S\1'_'L;;'::'.-'l\ittee of ??C: So ~I,,:~!: tl~f:. I!. Cou,,<:: C..i,: Sparks: Flood C"nt~·_,: .-\Jvisory C::-'=:~~~e CQ~i';si0:1 ,~:~ .\tc();aJlis:.-, !'..o rerort$. . . MI5L~ES OF TH~ sEPT~1BER 5, 1972 CITY CC~NCIL ~ŒET1NG ~1I1NG C~¡5sI0N 9. Submission of Minutes of adjourned regular ~eeting of August 22, 1972. 10. Submission of :l1nutes ~f regular meeting of August 28, 1972. 11. Application 15-U-72 of Paul A. Mariani, Jr., for Use Pero1t to cons~ruc~ a shopping center to include 86,800 sq. ft. of general retailing space and an automotive car ~ash on appro~i- mate 1)' 11.5 acres. Said property is in a P (Planned Develot'- ment) w~th coamercial intent Zone and is located adjacent to and '~5terly of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road ap?roxi~ately 150 feet south of t~e intersecti~n of Valley Green Drive ahd North Sarat~ga-Sunnr/ale Road. Reco~ended for denial. T"e Pla:min. ~irector 1ntroåuced t;,e proposal, showing slides of t:'e are" ic. ,uestion. lie tr.en r,e'/ie'..:ed the Existir.g Zonin¡; :~a, ~,¿ Existin~ Land Use xap. Anot~er ~a? related the proposed ,Ian to ~he ex:s:;,.. development i,. t~at area. Traffic circulat~on ·.·::'thin th~ r:,~'ject was de:.o:Jstrated on trlc site plan. :-ie a::s··:-e~e¿ Cou~cil~3n Ja~~$on that there are no use per~its t~ere at this t~e. ~.a:;or Fr",~ic:: :'rough~ up t'.;o factors to be considered: 1) S",:::e t.~e ago, Yr. :..aurin oí t:-.e Planning Staff tal~ëd a:':lJ.t a:1 a~:~otiv~ service area 50~e_~ere ~n this general arc~; and 2) Since tr.è .,:'.)unc il .....as not u? to date on curre3t t::in~ing ct the Plannin. C,,=ission on t"e ne~ General Plan, he asked (,0:: this pr~?osal ~ould affect it. T~e Planning Director sa,d the ac~o- ~o~ile ù:~~~~st1c center ~ill pro~a~ly go on th~ Dr. ~ro~~ co~?lex Discussions en the General Plan have not a~ yet reached that po;nt ~~ere this ~"uld ~e est~l1s"ed. Council..an S¡>arks felt that signals w",uld be necessary at Saratoga Sunnyvale Road. T."1e Director of Public lóorks ans'o'ered Council::!an Jac;,son that the s~aff and Fisher and Associates, consultants, have studied this area. Present plan lines are in agree::\ent with this proposa:. The signals .ould be designed wit" toe ultimate nee1s in ::!ind, including t::e ::ar iani Mall. Councilman ~(e}'ers asked Iõ::at traffic impact would be anticipated at Stelling a:1d Greenleaf, recognizing this is a regular sc"ool roule. The Director of :u~lic Wor;:~ said Stell ins (Hollenòeck) has realized a substantial traffic reduction ,,,ith the o;>ening of t.he freeway. CC-128 Page 5 ~o ut;e ët:::-="·it3 present::: ",n , thi.s pr~=ert:: Auto:"Jot:~;'''' ccntc~~ ~. ;c ir.. ~ro~.'TI c;~-:-..;.':{:x Traff 1c :;: õn&l des~gn Reductio:"': in traU ic en Stell:n; Roao:: propoA1 No de-;e!=r.:.e;:t p:lan5 ':'::1 ::=-,=,- pert:: ~o :.::ze n~rt:-_ Buffering _;??1~:.'J--': a.;:n~~: ::: st\'::' 5 r~.:';.:-¡::'::.::ci,!.~:' 0::...5 ~arly Ca~i':. ~cti: e e IIDIUTES OF THE SEPTEHBEIP. 5. 1972 CITY COUNCIL ~!EETI¡':G 1Ir. Gary Stokes, Civil V.,.f_. said he was representing the applicant 1n his request for a Use Peødt 011 11.5 acres bound"d on the aørtb by _eretal, on the weat by 11 aDd 113 with buffering, on the south by n and R3 and the just a¡.....ò.eeI light industrial, and on the east b:r COBIercial property _eel by t!)e Mariani property. They believe they llave related to the surr...-dt"l ;troperty in terms of strut dealgn, laudscaping and use. He tbeD vent over the assessment district, .Jeadending at Greenleaf ~...e, with Greenleaf going out to Highway 9 aDd signals at Highway 13, prorlding access to the freeway. Children in the area to the west at~ina Collins School must cross Highway 9; signals will make this a safe crossing. Completion of the new street' deadend1ng a~ Greenleaf hisects L~e recently approved Dr. Brown proposal. Mr. Stokes believes ~his project is a part of the trade center. Merchants who cannot afford to be in Mariani Mall ..,111 locate here. Mr. Stokes said the pro~rty to t~e north has no d~velcpcent plans at i the present time. Mr. Mariani ~a5 conferred with the property ovner but has received no enccarag~e~t Írc~ ~irn. V"hicular and pedestrian I acceSS to to,e property to :::e north "as pointed O'.t on the site pLm. I i I :nero is a 160 to ISa' b~==e~ ~etween this pro?erty and the Rl and R3 to the west. On the "est ""ë sout:., the applicant is pro'lid:"~ :>ounding ~~d fence for proteccion ~, t~ê a¿jacent residential area, 5i~ilar to that done in Valleo Park. 7~ere will be right t·.:r:: :=. a::¿ rig::t turn out of t~:e property 2.1ong :!:gh~.¡ay 9 èxcept at the s:'~~G:. T:-.e)· have a~!'~cè ':0 t~1! s tii::: rec:J7::- =~ndat-:on,;, in reference t:: t:-~e z.a:-.k and car ',lash. Tht:~' carl :-:-.:n: tÞa:1 =_ake: the parking anà :;tac:..... :'='f; =ê~'l ire::-:e:1ts _ ~lr _ S t:-:-:':,cs th~:'1 ;:ras,=nted copie$ of :.h¿ docurne:lt p:-~;:t¿re¿ ";y Riches ReSl.!3~ch to the Ci :-,~. Cf)'';';¡C i1. Council:r.3:~ Ir-;d.n !:clt t:-.;s: i: ::::'5 s~oulù be a;: pr.:\:er,1 , t~':! Co·;:;çil ~hould refrain f,:0O1 dis'::";5=i:-~ :;?-:C'ific~ ~cfore ~l is ~'-:'i"It tr: ~::e t ::i-Control Có:rlitt~e for re--.-~(;·,; a=:j reco:j¡n~J1dati...~;~_ TL~ ?~d:' :1~.-,~ t:r-=ctor ¡ said the site layout s:ï.:~::. ':.e acted 'Jpon at thi':ìo poio:_ i: ;::7?r,'):~d, I " oe.oo", "0 ..,,"', =, ". "..,;,e' '0 ". ,.. ,·","U. Mr. Johnson, Architect ·.;i t:-. :'-:~.....¡:r·::erg and ¡i·:>r:"él:l t sa i-.:: .~.cs:: ~: their 'W:>rk foc the p.:1st 20 year.s :"-a5 ~êE~ wit:l s::~~~"pir:~: C'~:1ter¿ a~1 cortmel:cial property. T~:~ sl;:.:::.:.:.e¿ s i.ti! ~.ay~'u~ j,s th,~ c;-.ly -"c!'t:ab:e one for thi3 propert)-. 7~~~ -...a~::r tena:tt ne..:J.,; i~~'~:1tity; ;'e::,,=~. che open ('orrid"r frou Hig~""aJ? !ci:'¿:"n~ :;..It'.::~ ~.i~:-, and desiª:\ ·...i~l :,e in Early California ch.arac:e:-. ;:é sa>~ :lL". ~!lj:;jG, :~n,~.~:cent. "': QFI Stores. is wori<i112 '·':';"1 Califcrn-:'.a ;::';tcr :cal 0C :'ety i:1 r~,iì;-;:·,i:1l a la.r:õ;e ~'.lral abcut Father Ju~iperð Ser=ð ~o= ti~ ~:~~~ :'3~1 i(1 :li~ ~tore. I -" . e :Lr..JES OF THE 5,,:õ':EER S, 1972 CITY COU:';C1L }ŒEn:;:G CC-l2a Page 7 . ~: ~son said t~e arc~itccture ~ill be varied by roof height to t- ~ ap tbe c::>nt~::,u"U5 lcok lL~d gh-e interest to the buildings. "~'1IaYe tried to :rea:' up t~le large paÙ!ng lot required by ~he ~~ (:e by aea:ls of strategically spaced greenery. There is a '..'~ 'r tttan wa~"""3)" _ They have tr!ed to produce access to the '-.to aring pro?"r:)" t<' the south. He ans-.ered Councilman Sparks Ella dle car was., "'i:" ~" architecturall~- !ntegrated "ith the ~a11 plan_ Architecture ¡llans I!r. ~~kes ~ry.t re.io~ed the car .ash facility. It will be the Car ~øah plans :f~~ of ics kit.: ~::. tLa City of Cupert bo, locally owned and ~a~ed by ~:essr~. "ariani and Stokes. It provides co:1plete eDC.lcS"Jre of tt~ ~;u:~.-:cnt. At tr.is ti~.C' t they are planning to :;.pera~E: the car '~~:--. :1 conjU:1cti!Hl ·..·:!t!1 Shell Oil Co~?any. If you ;r""r~hasE' ~":"1~ ::".-? C:1r -."ash is frt::e, ot;1cr·,·:isc thi.'re is a ch2r;e ~ :-e~ycl(: is :.: 52': ,,:: l0t! ·..·ater -.:~~d. 1:-1i:; is ¿¡ g~od location :== ~:js opcr3:':~ :~~au~~Lt is ~ct loc~led near rc~idential, it ::"5 ;-::. ê ~aj(,T ::.:r~'':.: ~.·.:;.;-:.r the frec-·.·a:; a:-.:' a ~:j;~nal:"zed interf:c.-r:..t:'o :1. ~ ~et "Jac~ :: ~ -:: :.:...' fro:':: ~~:~.-.·,~-2:" 9.. T~;e sit!:' i~ larRc pr,·,j·Jg·:--·1 ':.::J ¡-=:',':dø:o go.:-': ::-.l:::'C circul~t¡-.:'~. It t:!cs in \..it:~ the rest 0: ! ~ ~=--~.elo?::<~:1:. :-: -.~t.::t$ al:--ast lC':;:{ 0: the ¿;u:~C'~ ine5 wor~.e¿ ¡ ::r;.~ :.:. t.he ?l..l~~..::·,~ ::~":::'-:Li~;-;io¡"'. ú:1d a=o!-"t~...: '¡:.y t:;,-" C:t)" COline!:.. :~ !'"~:ates t..:" :'..,: .:;,:-~¿.. T~~:is cù;1te:' '.:~'::'! te a~~ ös~<r to the C~t·;. ~?": ~s '~'£'ry C''':~':~7:·.~'': a~out t:-.e arc:-~,;t.ectl1~:::': and lr.~~'rior de5:~:-'- ! , ~~ :~,~¡r buil~~;;. I ~:"-:' frolJ~h :,:;.¿; ,,,_'ut t~1e :'"fier "". L.e "est '"c>',mJary. Ii.. IRE:Oi¿en:,c: ~L¿ ...."hat th~ ::.,:. -:e use 0: t;'.a:' area ',~:il1 be. ~1!". Sto~:C& sa: ¿ I pr~''''a= ~ y ·,··...11 !' ~~ '.-:'11 re;:.:'''·~ : ',';: $ervicc ¿r:'ve .:r.eI·(". It ,...il1 probahly be on ...·:~5t side &cJP:t"é :.ypc rc~:¿c.::'3.:. t:<Y:--:.::.::¡an ~'''>~"', a"~d '__hat ?ercer.:~g~ ~f the ar(>a ':ill be in. ¡ P"~,,ing 'crsus 1&=t!.s.:é::ping éi:1.::.:' t.-,,ere is tnc p::ssJ.::l:!.tY' of r£'(h~I..·~ng the n...:::.:;errgrE:E.:-. ar~d =f ?,:king B~¿~{~ ~~¿ ~ncorporatinb ttal area into :he landscap:~gt !'Jr. ~~!-:.nson sa:'':' :~:t: :d:1d~ra;:ling c,;o~rrise3 a:.roul 15;-. of t:"\e area. 3e C.~-e5 not t:ï: -':" :':':e "':":.arket pa!'~i:"!g could be rcduC'ed, but as you p:> :;-;:ard Hig::.'¿:; : :t could oe red"cE:1 so:oe"hat. \Ie added Ü.at :..! s..::oe of thp. ~¿_-:,:;,~ spaces could ::e re:::.o\'ed, 5('-.~ type of \I...al~- ...y .&nd grE:e:-. ð-.:':' .:..:.:ld be put i:1... . Cc-..::.-:il::an Jac:,;_':-, '.:.]5 told t1-:.,1 u~¿e'¡clo;:ed prop<2rty is about 2 ~~s. He ~,,~¿~:~i if they coul¿ ~~ve t~e entire project bac~ and ±D::.:u!e that C::':C:if ·.~ped pro?¿:orty aèj acent to t¡~e :-:arket. ~.. £t.O~:C5 sa.:"':' _: ·...·:',.Üd tl1o!:1 ~e r15:"1~ t:.? against r.:-sidential ~rt)". CC-128 ?"F 8 Ma1ntf"" & undeve~ proper~ , f \ 1!i5t;TES OF . e ..- S:;PTE::BER S. 1972 ::m CCL'XCIL ::STI::C; . C:-ncilman Sparks asked haw úú undeveloped property will be '-.tnta1ned. ~. S~okes saU c:åe Planning Co=ission conditions of approval state the trees vi.ll ioe civen r.1:>1:,= maintenance or wm. be ~esoved and ,.,..e ðui~able 1. ·.....ing provided. Councilman I::-Jin noted a gr_t: Mal of the Pl¡..,ning Coan1ss1011's ~tions have been t~ ~ consideration. He noted in their ~t11utes that !tr. }!usso ..... not: cøncerned a!:lout the lack of exposure. !!r. Jc:-.nson said their iaarke~ ql11 be seen b"cau9oa of the place:oent of the build:ngs on the site. '!Ix. Stokes addec! that Mr. Y.usso =,eant by his state:e~t that ~~en c=e ~sewives get in their cars to go shopping t~ey "~OW exactly ~ere they are goieg to shop. Councll=an Irwin woul¿ like the a--COntro! Co=ittee to re·¡icIJ this beÍore the t City Counc:: ?3SSeS on it. Ze a£ke~ if 3 t~o-w~ek continuance ~ould ¿isrupt t;,e:: $chcdule. ~:r. 'õto1<es said their :;-Centrol pre~entation c~uld no: ~. :.~1y in t<-p :~= their next meet:n£ a~d it ~o~lc! In~?l~e i, ,;c.o:siùera::-e: ::":::c and e7..;:-2~$~ ·.-it:-.cut the as.S'..l:'·~lr.Cè of gett1n~ their ::£e Pcrc.:~. '.~ ~I..~lt i~ '~.:'j:: ::'E:. t:;¡fair to <15;". :i-C')~trol tc ;~3S o~ :.:::s wit:: ::--..::;~' p!'cli::!:'=-_-a.:~"7 ::-;'.a=~. ,:t::':i pr~: i-::' . ·.'U 1<1 a"i :~:..:~ '= :,.c ':"1) -l.~,:' .,.'1;> .."1.: _._ ~',::'j '~I' ~ç,1.-: 'n i:1':::·: ¿;'.-.~¿ ". i; : ~,:. :.-~,¿ :.J ·¡,;')k ::: _ "!:.,.~;ca;: _': , ~l.<.·-:.ay~. L:::. "..... ')rd. i _.:. -'. ¡ ~ ,:..: ro.~.) j~ ... : i'~' in:;; = <": _ ~ , u.~ C'J ;:-:.;;;:-.~:-::, s. r~[ ,Jr,":, ... t,:, 1 .1"..' (" :~3.::':-__ ' 1.??1 :'C.'irt: 1 i·/l~ ·.....:.t~:. _õ.:: I ..:: ~'. + A?~)l:'ca.-: : :-:-.~ :llre..::::-: _.: Public ..'::r;.; ,j..é.:'~ :;ncc the rs¿ :'~r it i$ a:--:r....·..e;¿ :hø ,!._S';;:ess¡:;c:"'.:. ::':,-::,r:"ct is a=5·.=~':. ··e :-.':''C rc{'t:~':e~i SiStQ!)C :r.-:-. t;",c ~r.:¡t.~. ':- -_::': 8ct t·:-.ê ;:-::..¿-:; ::a "__:' DecE;.;'·:t.':· .;_~~t. If ~.t.: ¿::-:'t act ...~ :':·.in .-Ú'':-.,:' :-..,) ....'eei.:s .,--oõ. '-::~::. ::-.e c~a:1CC c: :::'iT:-: the "~,:.~-:: thi -:, :,·ear. ~_~)) t:-.~ '.:"~',,nt h¡¡s ._'_:~-:~: ;".'2 13 ,,,.-¡l::':"' , ;.1) ?arti.ci?~.'.:€. in :'~e ~.~,li: " ¡)~ t~~ :-_~·:~a~~e. , -- :~:''',r , .. : .~ ,''':',.' ;," : ~ e !' è r: _ '.. : a:1r:. ',:.:J.~\.-':' . ' ~ _.... J :j .r::1: :...~ r.:lL:.·. ~.: .rC';) .,' : ;~'..:t~ :'1 -: :~; , ~.I..2.- ','ç r :~. ::.:, ::. t"/ C\.'\:~:.: _ ~ 7-CP~~.al,: .- ·_·_th ~h_'" ~~:·or Ft :-._~é1(J ! tù r~..'H· _-!:':~o!.:-. ::::u],,-¡ : ::..ct .~. :1:"" ¡ · · · , j ·U~·· r ..~ . . -:. :'=.~$ :>~c-:L'J t() .:(' :l~ne tv t!--of_3 :.::jJ.::.-.t : ""," ,~. ::- t~....(' i: :'-:. :': :':-.'; c.1~s:; 0]: s::-:.~, ,·~':".r.1en;~,:i:. t·,.r; ;~i ~~:::.:-.:>--,:, : :.,u~:':J?=:P'ìt ~..c:.:.:': ·'l~ t:h~ ti.le :.'; '::'':.1 ::"'.C: ·..tr!.a:-¡ ._ -' G~·.. ~:.::. ::1". ~;t~~~~i',~ :-'<'.:l1 t:lal: :.~: ~~"':: :';."::-,*; ,L" tar _ _ '::.. :-,i= 'ould .i.ik~ ~." ·:~.1':~ so;..~ ~~:-~':t.:.- :.. _ ··:'Jr.~.::-:-:::' t · . - ~ thé Par:,','!.:'.':: ~,-·,l~T~<m.cc is .. · -.- ~- '~ '. . : : . ·':~·r t!-.(: .-;, -:~: :&:-·.·e..:.o<íJ-·l~IH ."':;'·,:~;:~1l1.·..:' ";ùul~ ,~::.. ..: a 'c' ·.e1 ." ..1~ ',: ~:. ~ 7~r:anc~. T~~' :~t': Att~rn~) ::;,.! r~ c:-: ::~-:::;:, ·...,:;lc:-. ~jtatl: J:1,~~ a1 J r/.: t··:':... ,:':':pUSêlÌ "... :;_,.... prt:s(.':1t to t·:~: ì{-l,:ontrol ·..·r.:¡t [:-H~ ,1~,(.lI~b -:0_ _: ?,~:':!t i.: ti::· ',:>1, r."t'ü:-.'""'-C'r.-J..:.·_:l....:':-.. ..~:"',·~/or t:;,~~; ~~~ :.~ ~;;:~C~i1t t:l!, '."),,\..~~ to t:',l: C::t:: C(;,!:;ci.: ~.:.~ wit:,. .:...3, if :,~ f (, ;1" ~..~. . · --- '... 'ught ..,_ '?:'! : C.:l: : ~: _ ,¡ ;tr.~ c: :' :.' t t~.at r':· ; -=.::t:· .\tt,·;··.~ :Ia;~ "''::'':-. :(;.-:~~r:: -,. , .. t:L~ ¿:;.';:: ~::::::-!:1~ ~,) t :.'::: - -,:t. -, ~ ..- . " ..:. ly r- ~ ......- - _ J _'....." . e . mx:n:s OF T,,~ :'?T::'3:'? 5, 1972 cn COUNCIL ~CET1:;G , ;(~~ ',~ ,"', ~ IIman Ja,"~_'", Qbserved that. _ s'~em to have three independent , 'I'~...... narrow S:7_?~ of cO""C1erdal. - Be would like the architect to , ~j1 there i, ~."a ,a: to c^"~ct these so they don't look llie ,..,,; ';' ..te entiro:, ;'n :hc future. Be vas Bl~Q concerned about the , ,k~ cuts. ~,_ ':~~es der~nstraced ixnl this pr~?o3al relates to ~1Þr. Bro~-r. ;o.,Ucation. He adIIed that there ~s a staff report. ',l -....ting no ",-~'èrn «ith the CTb cuts on Sarat,o;;a-S'mnyvale .. . The pr":;.-;=ty o,mers to the aortA have al rt,d~' .artially .. loped. t '-<:ilman ~:€Y' T 1 su~\- ested thl! Pla=ing Cor..clis,io:1 be included fa IZ:he H-Cont:: ~i3C\1S5ion::ln chis applicatic", CC-128 Page 9 Int"~rate thrc" adjoining õtri,s of cO=.'rclal Include Plan"inz Con., .. 15-U-72 co:,t'd !k:~a. by CO\;:-:'':. --<~ lr',,'ln, 5ecc~eè by Cou: ctl:__,~1:: S:¡;,r~s to c=-=:i..,,~c. a;-?~::_'~_:-, lS-U-72 ~~ -:~ì~ :;.cxl r'C':;uì.::::· ":':>~:n::;t w:'t!-. I ~.æ. ?!"'ovif-C' :"c_ ::",_~ :!-Co~~r.:'~ C_..__it.tc: and, n ?>;':::::; COi:-:1:::.=..i:-::, r~?:'ef"i:I';.t;)t..t: -_ ': _-::,:-:-·,ctl;:-.e :,,",õ;Z-:' ·..ï;..ett :.or t.~c ~'L::~'..·d.! l'\( r("-'_'·...:.:-; t:::-*f r; tc an¿ :. ;_ :~~.::"t Ìlo·.... :: 7,':';-:-;: S(; :z;µro"(~:. _!..3...:;~, :T!~CTL"~:...~ , 5u~~;j,s.",::~ ~~t::.=-:: carried, S-(· ,': -," APPRO';;·,: :: ::: IT!;r. .:::atcs 0; ~~~..:..:a:' ·~(~f~ting ('~ ..\ :::¡5t 23. !s..~:. .....~ .h.;-,?licat_~ >:-:,038.3 c: ;"'::-}..rt., inc.. ri'-:,:'·'~~·.:!lS :'\?i=r: =-: a ;,if- - :..-r a co::-_"'::t.:-:.::'~: ~,u::'lding l..:....~::.!J i1t 10J 7: South ~ :~:-.' ::.:. i-::::'..l:1ayvalí: ~ :::s.:.,. £ cr~.erly IC'·...:: a~H¡ Countr~' 1"...arket. ~: '--:··,~;·Jt"d for a;.~:-:-:a.:.. r~ PJ ~nnjn£ -_~:..: conf or~':'. :ã_ ::.:-:' s!lo·.,,~ed z~1.:=£-d sli~h?8 of t::: site. Tr.c: :~~ others :~ :~at ~h~ppjnr, (~~:cr. :-:-CO:H T01 [, l"'~' ~~;:, to liscl.1.<::o,· & r.·c~':-·;~f.'nd I I ! I ':"~:1: '.: :=::Ld he h~s !:é=~ t;F.:1T s¡~n ~.. a¡1\Jther ]oC"~t~':-'1 ;.:...'J tas te. :.3 caral";" }.-:é:"'", San J"oe, ',,:ö l"C sig: 1·.,:1: :.',>c' s; '" -'-..,·:t"',..,l C-:::--.:::_:.~e~!.s sl:' jJar :.' :':~át prcsb.~~y 13:"7.~ :.'l·:' ·~:.1,t~:--: :. :'~:<-it c.-:>nt!:f. :::.€ C'o~o:· SChC-,i 1::' t!-it'ir trñ.i·.:- to ::'(":' ('::,ll¡r:; :~·":U;."Y abo'Jt £~: =:! th~ for-:~: ·,,~·:,Pt. ~·~i1í·n ~..:.:.:,:,¿ as tn t:-.e c,:,lc:.-s in :11:,' ;;-:':, ~b'. :;el:.~~n I :-. .'r;¡~~¡;c ~~~:"_.; ::". :.:.L Cr(..,.>:-;r.....-,::~ ~;:.":.-'ï:n£ ....c::.t-r ,~e dr,': :;'::o!-:- t·') r~ril1Cf' t..-.- :¡:n size. I I I e..:'m.::.ilman J¿~ ~:. :it !...·d~ r..' '!.:. t.! pun ~(,_::- ~rov<-d by :', a: ~h" pha r; " ~=-t.. Th~y C---=;'.£:.ct ions '.'~::: s'¡:::.:' there :;; c=a7:. any ot:,,,- HC-5l,23~.5 approved Quest ior. w: i~'/as io:: __:- privacy == neigh~or.; c\pµl ícar.~ agreed t.:. "reco~e--:¿t :C;'"l,'; . . MINUTES OF THE SEPT~{ßER 5, 1972 CITY COU~CIL }ŒETING . Moved by Councilman Irwin, seconded by Councilman Spar~s to approve application I!C-Sl,OS8.3, with the change that the outside case of thp. sign be 4' by 20' and the original colorin~ of orange and w~1te be approved. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Irwin, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch Councilman Jackscm Motion carried, 4-1 14. Application ¡¡C-5l,2JO.5 of Federal 5i<;n and ~i,!nal Corporation (Bill Deane Goodyear) requesting approval of a ~ign plan for a co~erc1al building located at the north~ost corner of Ho~estead Road and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Reco,~ended for aFproval. ~o\'ed :Oy Councilman lr¡in, secondetl by Councilman Sl'arks to approve a?pli~ation HC-51,230.5. ~otlon carried, 5-0 I ¡15_ I I I I I I I I A?plic.ttion He-51 ,002.4 of Lclt1;1d lpi'lleberry re~¡;cst:'ng a?~)rovai ,--'~ ~i t~, archltec':.ure, landscapin;, 5r:1J f,n~ i.wd un(!ergrc',1ad~nf, 01 c~:l.itjl'S [or ;~ tr:'pl('); i!1 Tract 27G~), La Cr('~..ta U:1Lt <~. I.'t :15t._ A:;,,:ne Dr:vc. Røc:::"":.".~..df'J for a~)rrovi11. Cnt'.':.·.:,~ .:;Jitlc;; of the ar2.:1 a:-:d dr3'~':;'~~ ~ :~:;}itted to th.:; ::- ,(.,·tf'11 re~,'::;..:,;: L) ::~t1"'Jcttl~e~ í"1 t~1t~ arf...1 ..t.~rt· rii.:-õpl.1yed. "..·..e .'J:1.oni ,.: !)ir(,~l,)L· rèt(>rr~d tn t:,ç;. C._:':V:l~r:1S o( the :lC-!r;:'~;C:· !r.:': ?ro:wrr·.. ':' ,!\I~r";:Ò th;¡t :':l~'ir privacy ',:culd ':r: jl:op..1rdi:-,~td ·:':t;~ t;-~C pr':~'}:'p,! ;;Id'':. i'ht' !-{.-Cc-~ltl·...,t Co~-::~ittec ori?':'nall:; conbratul~1tt,;d t:'l.:! ;j,.-'î'! ic.::::t ,·f t :,l.ln ;~h.il~;: ·,eaid giv~ SOt1C r(:! if': fro~ the l\)~,''! 1 ·r.::> o~- ;,:j!":~è ,! ~l r ì ,.;....1 dri.\·.~'. .1:'5 ~åcti1g the 5tr>-:et j,a that 31....;.:.. T.1(' :)l.:.:~n:n; D;·, .,~ dr llt:::, ~u;~:J.:.-i~~.zj the rec,:¡r-::t4:1,:at: :'':!1~ of t!:~ ':"'::~!itrol CG -- ~tt ." ~', r ,:"rdl..1 it' ::hè~r ;:'.~nu~e8 ct Au~·)~;t 23, 1972. 1'1t. LL:,H~d A!,plc~:erry, '22432 5ale::1, C:;.rc"·~"':~o, ~:,ì:,! ';;.1; ';_':0:' f'll r~"":c,:-·~::t.!r:.~i~J. tt~e~' êoclosc the dcck~ to ',:'11('>" ~ a..r,: :1, -..:11 ~:;-t Lòcy p1.::.."t .1 c\!rtain t)·p~ .;: 101 i'dg:"1 tfCt:;3, !,,~ .,;\:C., "," ,-oj ~ a.:r r<I. ~iay":.· FC'JI ich a;e;kc>d if t;,e::· :..;1d cnn.;i·i ~'I.< ~,·:t.,:'-:· t:' t· ... íl~ ,~,_ :1'" ü:-,. th~ sid,,~, ~:r. Appleb,::!."ry .:.a:cl t~cy ~ì:1J ~,...~' ,: ,: c':~ .i..: :".:':1.( 1.~,·,1~~I~a so 1.'1'111' one f:\"1:ilj" ~':ould b.-.= l.~)oki,n:: l'.~,,;...,: ." :hc ;"~:,~11il¡s an~ the t~ird tO~3r(i ~~( 1O::;'~" .-,::J they h:we ta:':£.:O a lot Df t:~.'2 ::::: \ : ,);'":- V b(~( ~c~sihle plan. ",(,,- ::,1 ,'~:'~ :',' :",';:: :'.¡: tG ,,:-; " ~ ~ :1~ t' ,1.~ :. >, 'I;:' .: .-:: tte ~ - ~r!:t:'T¡:s o. -I; ~E?Tf.";~;~R. 5, 1912 CiTY '}J~:¡CIL ::f.EII;¡:. Mr. ~;el R:i..tch':'f:') lO!t27 Vista Knol~ 31\'(1. t C'Jpcrtjno, subnittcd pictures ta .en í r0!1 t '-;e va7:tagé p:)':'nt of' thE, proposC::.d balcony t shO\/in¡; hw t:Üs WGuld c.Jnst Ü,.te ;\:1 i"..aõion of privacy of thp neighbor in. back yards and bedroom vi",b',:s. de said they were at the City ~o~ncil f:weti.ng "ae:vcral :-:onth~ ago asking to have SO::JC- thing don~ aODut the zo~i~g on the "uò:ett ?rC?erl~ ar.d at that ti::e the ¡"TO?c:rty o·..·ner 3aid there ",,¿t'.:; :10 proble~s. He said the farther )·~tI £:0 to the left the r::~re serious the pro~le:"1 beco~cs. He asked l!:at the "a]cony ;,e eU::1inatd frc::! its present location and ;,~lt in t~c fro:1l, ~·i th sin¡;le story Rtructure in the back a:-!d tvo-stor)' irl Lie front. Invasion of rr:··...cy l!; :::ore it:1?crtant to the ne.tgh:-or.s than the look of t:-.e r(:'~,' 01 garage:; in t;,~ front. He sAid the tr~es are not a solutic~. ~,~ ~2ked \~at ~ood the t.alc(J::Y ,\'c"..Ild 1-..r;> if you can't get out t;1i:.re to e~'jú:: tilc vii-;.-'·. Counc:l:--,a:: ~f~ycrs ca~lcd attention to t>:: :.:¡Cl tiVtt i:1 this c::mntry t~t'=--t;? arc ì.1a:1)" p]~c"s w:·.e-rc :.':".Cf'':'' arf'. ::~t p.ll:"'·~;f'd, T.....:.th the C':L-::-P~ :.:':" ':.1f. s.jf ~·ty-typ·. 1 p:1,l:es ,d ,",. :..~ ;"','C'L::-;. ';ç...:ev~r, :"'..C' ~::;u'.c~ . :',;~~ t::' ;::)r-~ ~..:~:;,t to c.)nsiLk;: ;1': ~t: t.......n-i:·· t~,: t:'f" ·,I;·lCO:1::. ~t :.;ra~ n~:.~5 L:'ls 50 and 52 will be p:'(':;,e;1lcd \~,jr:: t:li~ sa.:"c pro:)1 (':--',. C:cun':;.h'.1:: :r'·tin felt t:«: h.:1~,rony s::;oulJ. I·l, relorat ..,... irì. sue:: ~I ¡::3:::¡¿r .L ':..:' u::.'t intcr~';~rl~ 'I.,it:. tlh' pri\":h".~· (If t',10t(, 'Jac;·, Y:::Yl'~'. ";;cn If'.t'' :,...·,·?lc c.ry::e i:: tp bu;l(: 0:: Iüt:' 5,'; and 52 t>ey ~hoq:~~ ,~~ alcrtc¿ t\' :::.~~ pr;~:)~~::1. Ccu~1{"il:-:-,3lì J;~c.,:;0iì :--:-a:ri ¡-.£: a~rccd ~a,'jic311y ·:~C:l these rC:ë~ark:,. ~~r. A.pph-':--'\:':.-ry s.J.i.J the 1);:lcuny i~ 11,!t ju,·t for .s~tc vif"-.ï .;.t i~ t?1t' patic ~.:'r t~¡,1t u;:it, and be ·,'cHlL~ 1 ~;':'':' to \.<:i:- t:.e len.J.nt .:1 C;:&1~lCC to :::.2~ ônd he out in thc rr£'.-'!¡ :tir. ::e J:,(~3 :1,()t ','ant ~·.is tcna:lt t.:' :~...¿);c. down into s0::1cbod:: e¡~l"2 ~;ac:,; y;n-d. ~r. ~!eld:~r. the contractor, &aid t:¡;¡t if thf: d~.::k ·..:er(' '-;T:.)l.I!~ht o....'er to tL~ '.i..dp they -.·:ould bl~ encr""~l"'¡ling 3' on t!-.e gidt~ ,,¡¡rd. Th!s Zl"~::':~ "as here long before t:--.i' ;;i:~r:.ie fa-'.:lv h0-:t>:; ·,~'r(· build, a::J t:-.""I"'l' peC'ple ~hould h.:.lvC i'xp~tigat(:d ~iH..~ plan;:; [or ti.e undc\'C'lor~": ;,rC'r>.:..rty c.?:0re purc:l.:\.~;P.':' t:;eir ';-.·Y·:·,.... Ii any tr('f'~~ s;'loulJ )10' plauted to pn:PJid(~ privacy t>::s ~;ÓouJd ~\: d:me b..... t:..:.: nc:!~h::or '.-he is t·~)rr.:.cd itDout ~,i~ pro i"·31.·::.· .~'.'.~\' a ]. _ ' _~' T<? CC'.--:? yi.ng .·ith all ""ilding co¿,,~ anJ s;>ecifical :,'!lS a; l¡\f' Cit" of CUi)(~rtin,"'. He f(~cls the nc 'ghhors' rictures arc hias~d. CC-J28 Pa¡;e 11 Nei r.;1::ors' obj el. t :cns Fl<~{::""" not a 11 ~,. (:,:! ::':: S0"~ arp:>:.;; '. t:~ ¡ ~ ~ (' ': ' , " .\1. n : ":'., ,""If L'J t ~ ~. -'-, Bale,,".:: ::-~, " \,'Otl: r~ .::-:-,::::. ¡,::' . ü:1 s.:"t.1a:-.. ~7 to' ::: ~',:::- "r '.',,", 'I: ' p1:~r~t. trt-· PI- '!. '.·~~t '".::- <..), ¡) pr ~ ":..h:::. CC-12S 'Fa~~ 12 Ql¡est1on of ~flicting ig~:s cony ,,"Oultl fie OK on 2-s 'Rl her e . HC-51,'XI2.1, a~;':-0"Cd 7' .1 - - c " - - ~INL~ES OF .. SEPTf~!HER ~, 1972 CITY CJ~~~:L }SETING Hz:. Paul ¡Llr<!:::an, 10397 Vista Knoll 3lvJ., Cupertino. said his is the home at the r~ar of this prop05ed triplex. He questioned ~~e right of the o'.~er c: a ~roposed a?art~ent complex to invade the privacy of an ex1stiu&, ~dj..cent home. The City Attorne)' said ,:hat the Council is ~ncerned v~t: 'a~ically i8 the matter of conflicting right., The Planning !)1rer.tor ans·...red CouncUnan ¡Ieyerli that a single-far.lly. two-story h~~ 29' fron'the lot line could have a deck on the back without H-c-~:ral revirJ. Mayor rroli,~ ~oted that the City has i~ the pa't tried to avoid alloving t~~->:vrv honés ~dj~cent ~o sir.gle-~tvry hcnes. The zoning here on the ~lt¡ple existed a long ti~t 'efore t~e single-fanily zoning ','3S ::~:~. .' Couad!'C;l"1 :·....ere mo\ej to a¡>;:rove ap;>i!,..tion I'<:-5L,002.4, ,..Ith the CO'!1j!.t~"'¡'!':;' ,:5 ~::,ltf'd in the ~~-Çontr"l R··~\Ji.t¡tiont IV'! inß thttt r.or:....~ttt.'e·..; U:'l;t:1';::'cu~ ":-':;'~:;n on the ~at:er. CC'u:"(~~;.J~\ J..h~",;s'n sp.c('n,!·..<t th;"" ::'Ot:'l'11. ..\YE3 : ~._ "1 .Jac.;~"':.o:;J ·~·::èr.:;. ~¡"tr,,';. "~,ì'Y,:r Fr\,11icn ......~..~ .:-..1.1 lr~/ií1 ::ç::.>: "oti~n C';1!"':..,.~, '~-I ~'!.l.'; ,; r .. ,. ";.1. <,,: 0" :n t,\ . t ~', ~~;.'. to :l:'r~¡·,·,· -' ,', ~ . :. (~r ... (,. ¡ . :. ~ '~!," ,\: ' ¿...;1:' ';,'; ,:: ;::'Cf ~t ,..' ',\' " If'. , ",. l' 1 ~ .' ~, 1 . :... ,:"y .;t 1"'1, .~ - ..,I .,i.:. ;.', '., 1 :.:"" ., :.,: t ,~ . ; r .. -.- " . . ) ~: : f-) tr) <1::.,! ~':" 'll .... 0'"_',.',; ..; ,H 10;2/' :!cct ,:1: (peon '·:n .! It lJ::¡O 1'~,1',O1" I::·;: :- "'11 a"3,;'~c·,: ~.~ ,.,.'1'.... t.'" ",: r~ 'I' ~: '..:11 . " ?A!:i<S ':.:. :,'~ C',':' . ,..:, , c' , ... . 16. Sd ,., .ü.j j' ,1_11' rf ~¡1,~ .\·',:'I,{ :...:. :')11.. ,Unt;!:.'. . ',1 I' -. ,:AT ER c.:, ': :, 17, :1" :,' :'..~ " ~b:.julc-i. . . ~::::1T:O:: \4.' <:,I'r::..,:~ S, 1972 eln C(I':;:C!!. ::::::Tl~:'-. t:¡:R.\Rï C~ ' :51ON 18. Nc :CHt""S sch¡,du!e.l. CUPEKn::o calz1:Ns' W.\t.$ CC:,tHTTEE 19. N(\ ::eetl:1g schedule<l. PU:L1C ;!::'\R::;~S 70. Cr": r.:;;: ,.-ac3tion of a port1~n :>[ a :'~I'·"}~:, t"~:: iti!";':i !ast:1er:.t ...'~t~:"1 t1':e City oi C~reTt!r.') pur~uant t' . t:(: ..(""I )J~1" et ,j.'-"r.;. nÎ ... ~ ,,:,-~·:.:.:rn:';1en:: Cod~ 0; tL,e State :"'~ (..':' ,.....;1.:.; . (lI' ..':1 Sl'_ :~ÎJ:3: .'.\ .'._·~;¡u!..":" " C1r rt·;, ,)rc"r -",: ':1(.1'" ~t~~n :1...' Coot:· (~\}';:-I;' . 'w ':.1 of L'~ : . .:. ~ 1 t; '. :,;t ?.t.'''' ,- , t \: ;::t , ., :,' . \': ! ~ .~ '-I ".:; , ' ~ ;,';:. _ . : c: ~ '. n: (. , . '..: t J:. 4.~ . :'(' :1 il¡. . " .....-' . I,' ¡-..1" "'r ..Yt r '~ :il' .. p-..:~,' i. '. , "ar, =- 0: ~ .'r ,,<, ".' ,J t " :'f r, ,':,,\ l . ,,'VI.' : ,:~:. ~,-: PfL>Y t· l " .:,'">.... 0. rt-"'1¡t.-k:--: y - '-:':-('f' ('~ t:',t,,' c.\I~:, "h-!'. ,":0"· .~_ ~_rldl1 ,iCi':",~;o;~. ,,&'...·O;1~!~,·,l ~y !'_IU:-¡,,:: ~·-.,tn ····":·f:; t..'1 ::"c H(·.tri:l~s. c: .'3l' ~~tlo~ Ldrri,·(~, 4,·) ~O'JcJ \,.. .:.' -:.::1~:1" ~~c:,,·t.·r:., scconded by C0l!:·,c~l'''':.;;l J.lc';son hI adopt ".' ·:"t:O:1 No. 3333. AYES: \...·.~~:,...:il~e" Ir""'in, Jac~~on, ~feycrs, Spalks XOfS: ;::::" A¡¡S¡::\,: ·:.,:.:r Frol ic" ~~tion carried, 4-0 ':- ~ 211 ?A&~ ...j I ~ I' 'I: I ,c (' l~' ~ 'd I r 11'- P.,t;!'.. :>.' ~ : ¡d. ?t...'¡' fcc-l28 age 14 ;1 .;." ,c d. 556 'First K~1:Ig ! Ürd. '. '- Sç¡,'d.. - -- ..-.. Ord. ~j:": (: :¡lct~¿ - m~it;:ES CF THE SEPT~Ell 5, 1972 CiTY COUNCIL HEETING ORDlSANCES 21. First Reading of Ordinance NG. 556; "An Ordinance of the City of Cu~ertino Amending Title XII, the Personnel Code, by recreating the Personnel Board a:ld Re-defining the }:e=.bership and Tem of Off1.:e Thereon." - read by M3)"or Pro I= Indn. Moved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilcan S?arks to have Ordinance No. 556 read by title only anå the Mayor Pro Te,,'s rcading is to constitute the First Reading. AYES: :iOES: AB$E~"T : Councilmen Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Pro Tcm Irwin :ione }:a)"or FroUcn }Iot loa carried, 4-0 22. ~t"",'::': R€'a¿in~ -.;f Ordinance N0. ,.92(b): "ALl Orc.l~n:\nc.f' of t;·¡c :":::~. :);; Cupcrt:'¡:a A::'.cndiol; Ord ~;.a::ce ::0. 492 Rr::t'11;:ttin~ t¡1t~ l'r'~;r;::iûnt Rc~:st.!"ati.,n. r.ic~n~i¡'~I~, J'ure';}-;ínf 1:1d ~cllinJ~ (,r -,:,,'\"1.':,(,8 ·,·it.....in t~e City \}L CUPP'!,:ttl\f)o,1 - rr;:¡r! th(l ~fa·..':r ?1"(\ Tc::i... ~~..~~ :~ ~0unc!¡~~~ 0:- ~:-:, :,-:\2 :\(}. I. j2 (. t: ·::~t~tl.l? t',_ ::·~y'.rs J :-::ecllwle 1 ~~y r~3~ hy tirlt' ,~111y "(r,n' J~C'<Hi ~ :~.~. C~~I1"Ci.J·"~I:~ _:al:~~;:::~ ,n .¡.t·L~ :w:1 l;¡I,: ~:l'''':r :"'1'1.) 'ï" '-; r,-:'~~~~~ A",:--~ : . "..1:1C ll:.e" :c~,sc-:) :\:~",·I·';. ~:rdr,'; -':1:"1;'" :·...'~1 Tt' : r :::1 ::,,.' , : :; 'Ii.C " ..;, :..:~, : !yor Fro ~ ~:::-. :"..'l.'·~\ t~~:rt'ic¡:, 1;--11 ~I""...:......: ,~.)wlc!l·.J.~ :~':!er.:» t:':,;:~,L'J 1,,~, {'ot..~"...il-'J.l '.i.,:k...cn.. l...j,,·t ·,'~·.~_:H· :,' ~:'..). 4::2(~j. A:~$ : C'-.'uncil:::.(:;,~ ].1C;"'50:'1.) }1,-'::j~~":;, ~:".1t-:" :f;¡:"~: -,.-. 1" : r'.' ~:1 ;~~}::~: ~':);'te A:S~SI: ~~lyor c'rû! ich ~{:'t i,~¡-~ C,lrr , , -"J ·:'-0 . . MINL7ES OF THE S~~:3ER 5, 1972 CITY CCU~CIL ~2~TI~G 23. Secor.d Reading of Or¿lr.;1"CC N:>. 533(:-'): "An Ordinance of the City of Cuperci:1C "::..nd~"g Ordinance No,. 533 Re¡;ulating Stopping, Standin; or Parkinb on Pu~lic Streets, and Providing for Signs Notifying the Public Thereof, and Further Providing for Penalt 1es for Violat ~on Thereof," - rea-J òy P'.ayor Pro Te::l. Moved by Counci1~an Jackson, s~condcd by Council~an Meyers to have Ordinance N? 533(b) rcad by t~tle only a~ the Mayor Pro Tee's reading is to constit"te the Second keading. AYES: NOES: ABSE~:r : Councilmen Jackson, Moyers, Sparks, May:>r Pro Tem Irwin None 'tayor Frolich ¡'Iotion carriec1, ..-') !k'ved t-y Counci:'7Ia~ ~·:eycr!:) ~cc(lnd(',~ ~y Cúunc:::, ::.:"". JacksC'n to enact OrÙin.1IH:e :;0. 3.33(',j. A"n:s: :;c.\~S : AnSE::7 : Councj]~cn Jac~~on, t\\,."nc H;)Y~T Frcl ic:-. ~fcy('.r.-;, S?iJrks, I'm 1 r,.i n :a:: ... . r~~ }1"t Ü'n C~IL'r i(':::' r , " . RI:S:i.ITTIONS 24. ~';o. 3331: "A Resolutjon 01 the City COU~1r::': :.: the City of C.upertino All'_"_'ir.g C(·rtaJn Clair\5 a:1<1 De::":;!" Pa:'able in the 4'\t1ðunts a:'1:d Fro=. t:te Ft..nds a,~ H('r('ina:t(~r :'~<>cr::-ed for Salaric~ and ~:2ge:; lor Payroll í'criud E:"'.¿:.~~ ó\.'.lgu:;t 22. 1972." __ Tend ~y ~·ta)ior Frolic:1, incluùing i·:arra~t:;. :;0. 15376 through 15565, witl. a net total of $30,635.°0. }:Oved by Counc11~..3:\ Xe::ers, seconùed by Ccuncil':'2:1 .J'&c~son to adopt Reso1ut ~ on :;". 3331. AYES: NOES: Councilt>e:1 lr.dn, Jackson, :!eyers; S;>ar'~~, ~!ayor t'rol ich Non.. Motion carried. 4-0 CC-JZ8 Page 15 Ord. 533(1)) ~; Second Rea3in~ ()r-:. ~ '1 j ': J e-:).1':" t': H.c~. 333:' ad("?~~-: CC-128 ¡pAge 16 ..... 3332 adopted _\.;',¿n¿:::.~:' __ Res. J:!~:- ~e5. )~:': a¿o;;te-: (:)St sc.-;'¿!' olaa . ., ~NUTES OF TUE SEPTEMBE1l S, 1972 CITY COU~CIL ~æETI5G 25. No. 3332: "A 1leso1ar:iøD of ~he City Council of the City of Cupertino AllowinS Certain C1atms and Demand. layab1e in the Amocnt~ and From the faDds as Hereinafter Described for General and lli.scellaneous £speaditures." - read by Mayor Frol1ch, including Warran~s No. 11898 through 11992, totalling $ISS,016.58. l!oved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3332. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, ~Ayor Frolich Kane Motion carried, 5-0 26. No. 3339: "A Resolut!on of the City Council of the C1t} of Cupertino Author1z:ng t::e City l!anagor to Execute Y.i::or I",,,ro'/ement Agre"::~nts not 1nv~!.·;i~s Lot Splits." - read .:y :-I..yor Fr?lich. Moved by C~uncil~an Jac~s=~. seconded bv Council=an Ir~in to a~ena ~esolut:...:,: No. 3'339 to t~e ~::ect that all such ~i:'lor i.,?ro·:t?::e~t ..gree,.'2:"~ shan be rel'0rt~¿ to the City Council at t',e ::ext re;,ulacly schcdu: e': ':ouncil r:eet:'::-s.. AYES, ;:02S: C~'uncll~lH~n Ir.....::..::., .>..~~sont ~1cycr:j, Spari<.s :"..;,or Fro lieh ~~cndnent carried, 4-1 ~tovct1 :~y C:)uncilm~n Yi::.~e:-:;. <;econded :'y Counc llï..an .Jac~s"::'l t"J :t-:,,?t ResDlut;'~ So. 3]]9. A'!ES: :>CES: CJuncil'::1cn Ir~.::=, Jac:-,son, ~!e~·I,.·r.i, ~par~:;, ··,;::-:n'· Fr'_·! i,:h ~·'.)t1e :~¡,Jtj('ln carriüd, 5-0 UNH}I!Si:,,:> BUS¡¡ŒS5 27. Db:~ussion on the su:'.:t:.:t. o( de\'cl<,)":"'_n~ a c.....,:';. !;t..;::: ?la:1 for hills:d~ develop~e~t ?=o?~sals. CO'Jncil:.:..l¡-.. In....-:k.Sf'!1 sa.:d he ~.a~~ bLv~n ·...:hy ~\·e :::~-=uld Froc~ed c:-, .~ --(:t:.i:".~ !. . T¡1C r.t..··; <'"~.ouIA· ,~.-.....:..~.... ~ ~ '~·....e C' , _ ,.. ~ J' ,. '....'. _. _ _'. oJ. .... .3 1,'tt~r I:: t~lI~ C:.:..y :'1'¡':a~t!r ex?l.:.:.t::~":J.g t'J' Li:, ·:.·_;t~':1-:~~.~·...·_~·./ Re-.?:.:':.-t. - ,.....", _3;::. tc, L:.~ c~ a-:~ i!. !mit:rES OF THe ~RER S, 1972 CITY COt:!!CIL ~:EaG Kayor Frolich ,o!'scrvcd we wiLL be a long way fro¡;¡ rC3dy when the JU.llside 5:I1Jy is conplcte4. 'Jbe staff ml¡;ht put t ¡gcther some Urget dates for the various stages of this, the r(!port to include ¥bat these sta~es 3re and tbe,tboe frame involved. SEll BUSINESS 28. Proposal Ï;:>r Joint Exercise of Powers A¡;rcen.cnt among the Cities of Cup~rlino, Los Altos Hills, Monte Sereno and Sara- tOg3 for a contraCt witb the A.-"erican Justice Institute for $25,000 to Jo a study on police needs. 7..., City Han"¡:~l' reviewed tbe bac:<ground on this proposed agreC!'1ent ~:;¡:plalninr. t~Li.t the cities 1n?C1-..cd w..:e:rc inter{~hted in (jbtainin~ 2: ~'.Jr\'cy C'f 1.1." èl1forc('r.1ent n1!'i::~~ for each ór th...· citi(:~. This st:r- -.:::y origina11y ~¿d b('en prop:.se¿ :c be pcr;olTh.·d by a c:o:1sulta.r.t. -..-~th fuwJ.i~);!: ç.:'~,íng fro:1 Fec:era) scurCf>s. Th.f.s is not nr:.:\·: p,,>ssi- :j.e; thcr;:>f[.rt:', tl'h,~ proposal i~ :.:- ha':e the aforc!'~C'nti....'r.(·,! titie:. ¿.:.ter intu t.!': ,.;repr-,í>ot wi::.~ t:Æ A.7,erican Jt;~,llce Instlt'...:.t;.. t:: :::-C,;-.,i¿i" f(,!.:' ~U i.a-Jeplh analysis, '=':1J¿Y, inv\.'stiE>.1tiùr. ..:~:h i~:~:-- :'7'. ;1:1d fin.-d :-t.'?,Jrt!'; on :he :.~¡; £:--:fO!r.t.·1:1¿~ll J"~"~I.1Írl,···pn!:; f)~ ca~~ ::i:::. jhe t.....~al C(1St of 525.0:··:: -.::>',1Jr1 be prnratt.·d to ("~'::-: (it:: :'=~ a per c:1?i:. ~ t~ils,is. Thi,;: t,):-:: co::>t) h'''J':l(,V{,l·, do,,'''; :.': :':":.c~·":::(; ::~Tical {'X~_~~~~. _Íioo..·_-·..ëd by Cûu:1:..'il:::an lrwin, se.::·r,~(:d by Coun~il:'an Spar~·.;; t(: ¿"':~lCirjzc th~ City ....I::mn,ger ~o si;~ this AgrcC'r.'!cnt ot J:..,i:--.: ::':';ey- c.i.se of Puw,,'rEõ - Law J-:nforc.£-.....e~t. Stu¿y. .l.1'£.>: IDES: COlh,c11-'::'0 Ir'Ñfn. Ja~~.:. Heyers. Spar~s. ~ayor Fro1 leil }lone Hotioo carried, 5-0 23. Issuance of p~rmit to The Cç~ertino Tournam~nt of 3an¿s Assoeiath'!\ to sell progr_ relatin¡; t" thc< Se'coo, .1.nu,"al TouCn""'Cl1t of Bands on SOveci>.,r 111, 197.2. Y.:;ved by Council..:!n !1eyers, u~r.:1ed by CouncJ 1man Irwio to.! a;>¡>rovc the 3b.w" request and vaive the businpss 11ccnEë fee. ¥Ðtioo c.rrieJ, 5-0 cc-us Par,e 17 i Staff to prepare tiele frame for hillside study J:"ínt Pl··:~(:;' ,¡",,;:. rccr:("o \.. ,:.,·.H.h,,)r i?l'(~ To¡;raa:õ:",":1t o! : ?'.:1n¿:; reQ Ul'!';[ , appro"~¿ CC-128 ,:...;e 18 30Y SCOUCS requesc approved C~l1~ns T~ (: L\10 re'1.'.1~s:. ;ra:lt€:G e e IWIUTES OF THE SEPTEMBD. S. 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEETlNG 30. Issuaace of permit to :ala1r !larog and Boy Scouts of Troop 499 to solicit door-to-door coUecting canned foods and c:loth1n¡ for the Salvation ~. Høved by Councilman Irvin. .ee^....ad by Councilman Jacu_ to approve '~he above request and to ~aiYe cbe business license fee. ¥øt10n carried, 5-0 Moved by Ccuncilman Jacksza, seconded by Councilcan 1r~~n co approve the request of che CollinS Teen Club to participate in ~he D,-~ny Tho~s Tee~agers' March ~ Occo~er 22, 1972, and to waive ~he ~siness l~~ense fee. I I CO:;SZ:;T c.\:'~~~.;!I. ¡ , I , i 34. I I I I t I )1::t ion carried. 5-0 31. ~ ' :\\,.,.~'-~- '';': :.::: ~:e .. 33}~: ...., :=-'!s":"l..: ~".'1 'J: th-=. Ci t:: f:C';'=-.~:':" .,; the - ... :1: ! rc:... . -: .. J ~:.. City ~; (".l:-,.!r::in1 A-:':...."~:::::"..; ~ :r;,:H ('-: ~'-.~t:o:. Tit~,¿ ...: ""';_',1:1} ¡ l~f_.:,,:~": :r--:! t:,t: ~: d-:: .\v('ntl\' ::L'E ~':"' -:....1'> ~~len~=r:.-~:.. .\:; -:=t~.:.::.".: Co;::'l,-";'.." t::';~-It-::.:-·.,:·;'. ~~ tIl..... 32. ;".t"~;";:'_::":": ~l,"). 333:': ",\ -'e:c1u:::,to I..,f t::~ Civ: C:-;,~;:~: ...~ th~ C~t:. ': ..~',";,cl·ti:::I ;'c-,_.~:::",~ a ,-':~.1~t t>:. ::."1':I,:pr,~'t. ==-,::":. .Jrt Av.....!:!· -lnrl' '__.__.~ ~). ..\....e::-':, . "::(.; L:)t'ltl~(i al 1;1.-' ';,~r::h·..~',·- ,rn":'" :d :.:~ ri,tL Park ':::..:¿; _: .:"1 t;,c ~¡(,::'Jr:)"( A:>:.:rt-p.~.1: s. ,-:Y. PrJ~';::Y," 33. l?,f.'S ~_::-',: .:(). 333:: ~k;ð·uti·, ,< !.~~l· ..,. :"_":'1'":". C:.ty ,·I..'vrtil,',::: :.;::;'...':::-_;- : l~:d "la", ~~r :-' .- ~::.....; .,= FI¡.~:¡,::;.' :!:lq ~)t::.-:..~::·.-: _:.-:;~:':.?:" ";, l"'- Crr;~''; ,': r.1r:.· :,'..-::::'';'~ :.!.. J.":1~,; ¡'~t'l'\. City ·';·:::n·,,:(·r to ~~~:'" p'.... -;-_:;.:.1 ,'.,i." ..:ì.! A5r((=~~: il} C0~n~:=~:~ !'.e=e~~t!~,'· ..; !.." ~ :.. ".".¡ <:':; <.io. ": ~ ~; "'!'''h'' ",'.;t ,.-"- :'" / :!H,: 'h·' t'.' ". ~ ~~. ...:.r.1.('!1 ....¡ Rc:-;': >..:::';:".. :~o. 3337: 'f 1._ E-. ('_ S .: 1 :.1 t ~. ;: t): t' , c_ '.: '.;H! (;::")0' - - _.. - -- of I'::i.:.?t.::-t:::.') Accep_:':-.g ;-::-,;.,t ;~...~ i <..'~' ~~" H. T.~::':-1~~ .1nd Ja!':~ =.. ....G.:_~~...:.:; :.:1'1 :.; 0:1 ~>:'::~cl1,ln R;Jad ~.~__ t.. ~: ::.:...: i.~t!: ,.'1 ..".: ::':.:' .- r . - J0':n ;':C:; L,_.it--:.:.tr;>J , " . ... m:arn:s OF T.IE SEPT~:.f.? 5, 1972 CJTY C:J!:~~CIL W:ETING 35. Resolution No. 3338: "A R~soluti~n o! the City Council of the City ~Ï Cupertino Grant:~s (~) Fcc Title. for the Stc~ens Creek Right-cf-way and (!» £.as(!:!"ent for noed plain purt'0&es to the Santa ':;lara Ccunty Hoed Control an:) ':aU.r District; Located 0:1 the !tor2'e Rêí:1ch ?i,:,~rt)" cn :icClelia:1 Road ::orth of ttae Lan 36. Accc¡>un:e t'f City ?rojcct - Blaney ,;VE:11JC' Et Al Street h!denins Project Asses~ent Distr:ct Ad 7~-1. !!oved ~y C0nncilr1An ~!~:-~~r5, secçnded b~' CounciJ~a:'\ Irwin to aùopt the ("nsen: Ca! er.d.ar. M~tion c~rric¿. 5-0 REPORT èF C'HICJ:RS 37. City ~:.:'~': City ~'a~'~~r ~1d .. .. . not:-t;":.~ :";:-t;;(:l t.:> rt.'"'ï':-:-t. 1he :'\ir~art...'~· 0: Ad2i:::s-::-a:~'¡(: ~':r·.' _cc~ rt',{'¡ J ·tt'i 1'j~", r~~·"!t:-':i1 !=,r C~~:: -1~',:o.l5urer to -=:-a' 3. ·úirr:.::t !;.:: S:..:. ,~:;(; :,':',,~ ,:.r: t_' !.ht': Titl~ C:~"J~Y ~0r pla:~~e~t in e~cr~'~ ~Jr t",~ p'Jr~~l~~¿ Lf l:'e :~ors(' R;1':':> p:""pert.::.. S:» \'I..W¿¿ ':\" CcunciJn:oc. 1,., i~" seccn<Ìcd oy C,·:JI!ci'~a" Jackson. AYES: NOES: ;";:~a.:ilmen Ir"';:':1. Jac~:50i-;'. ~~cycrs. S?:trk:~, ~:aj'~~ 'FrC'li(~h ~:.:' :;i'! Motion carricl, 5-0 The Dlrc:t~r ~i Ad~i~:~trat~~C Serv1ces ca~]~~ atle~tiu~ t~ a oatter ::':."t':,:el'tenlly c..-:.itted ircD :!.;-..... ::>usint....ss.: t:-.c a\ojarding of :'ids f",r 3 1972 Air ~;>resscr. The !)jre~tl'r rÍ Pu~lic ~:orks revi~\{('d. t:::- ~;:,ur bi~s ~I~:r.:.::tcd. :dth th;:>:',;' ~:.¿ :'r:)":1 I-R Equ1p.,.ent ':.'rpcration of Oa;;'l~nd (or "3~ic 'lUl't" 0:' $4,289.25 and $4,475.25 tor Alt"..nate '" inc\l::!:ng n<,c .1bate::-,e:tt feature. Moved by C;:-uncil",an Ir..ir" seconded :,y C"·J"cêl"",,~. o;>a1",-:s t:J accept Alternate 3 è,d íro~ I-R E~~ir~cnt Corrcrat:r:1. AYES: NOES: ':û'-1:1cil~~n Ir.....i:l. Jack5l~f'.» ~t~~'ers) S:;-ark3. ~:~:. ~r tt'olich S_' n~ }:Dl ion c~trri,=d, 5-0 C-128 i'abc 19 .. Cons~nt Ca~E~da: accepted ! I Il'ra' U? ~- .," C t~'~7 r:~: ~ ~.. . . T.'''' Rd.. - , CC-128 I'ap;c 20 Lafc:o mtg . . KIWTES OF THE SEPTt=I!!E& 5, 1972 CITY COU:;C1L ~1EETIN:; It was requested a staffae:ber attend the LAFCO ceeting on Sept~ber 6th. Cupert:no Soeøe After considerable discussion, it was dec:ided :ssues of Cupertino Scene vould not èe sent to aanc:ho llinconada at this tÚ!le. Parking on ..,. Avenue "..r~. rf":l'?~:;: :'..:.t >.,.:. . ¿,¿ 1 . --, ".'.; ,- .', l ~'. :, :. .' , Cøunc:il~an Meyers asked th~ staff to look into the possibility of 1tatting the parking along Mary Avenue in the vicinity of the new Sandpiper Restaurant. The Director of'parks and F~c:reation referred to his ce:o regarding redesign of ~:e,"orial 1'8:=;'. He said a softball diat'on·j 1s needed :Dore than 3 sw~~ng pool, ~ he requested authorization to proceed ~ith ~be fi~ that originally designed this park. Ten~is fac~lities are 1ncl\:èed i~ Öe origina: and amended plans. Cour.cill'i3n !:eyer" asked che Dircct~r to chec:~ '-it':1 the L:'ttle L.eague peo91e t·J see i: they are still i:::"r"~ted in a joi~t 'Icnturc. C::uncU.""n 1n:in ·,.o~ld li~e the soft'n: 1 'i'I::1-'nd desi'p~·l S~ t:,at it could al$o 'JC used by t"" ':cb~y Sox_ ~:::'le-j ~lY Ccu::...·: In:,u1 Jac~50~t seconded :'}" Cl:u:,:cil<¡:3:1 Ir':ln to ;}::f~ôrizE" :':-.¿ !)~r~.:t~.':" ....: F1:-kc; a-:.G. ~(';.~rp.1ti.""n t" ?rocecd ·:~.th redeslsn plan~ for ~·-=-,OL· '!..:¡: f'!.:-,.;.. ,~,:·ti')n ,"'arrb~,j. '3-') ¡ñè city '~.~,:'.,i.Lr ·.J...'S d'~'¿": ~0 dlscu5~ wieh :1r. ()oõl~lvin D[e::io;1.~r L:h~ status t)f :~~--;~':<\l app)int ·~·~t'. with th~ rl.!r~"unL'~ .:,·.),1.rd a!1ri t} I?·\rd\i- ---¿.:t'.1r.Jl ..'_ :'=.:.:~' A.ppr::va.: t:.,~ :-.illt~L'. ,I .... C it:· I....~:, .1 ~ ~f\ :·....::IJf F'r...·' '::', ~ì. t.l thf.!r2 ~_ "')r'¡:~:;'1'?P 1"'11 c.I~.;ll" T\' 'n L\. :.>-:: '·Irp.·c.:: .~ tJ L._ .' '- ._::;: :.: ~'u')1!c ·\~r<.;. ,~ ." ..'; .: :be C: lY ~p ~r')u!~;.t ::':stl'f_'r, :'. ,tn--;··;..:~'·~ :- "'.¡: ':.: L ,.J.t r!w tr ,l:> ( ,_!" - .'"." ~1·.,t ,'ynt Qr'.~ :~.1:~ (. ;\.. " . l -' 'nv ··i:.. :.' .-:..r,i {n.!,'~'''' ., ~ ~ r . '.': (! l ~ì :. ¡: ..1 .' . t '-'J ~ ,'. - " :':-. CC·.~tr...' .1 :- ~:I"; r '; r~"~ - ::-' ~, :l,....·,·". ,..~< ,\ p:'t,:'. hill'; '..!o~~ . ,,:\:r01 ùt,,:!n.;n·'io :",~_:., r t 'f t:::', be rl):1si\h.: fl2\1. ,:.: cr 'Fr~ i :- .' -i-i ,,0 C':'ut~t~il~. ¡:: ' :7~pr 0':1':: ,':':. :-.~l c 1...: t;:,- .,' , '--. . ,~¡ ,~ ," -:' ~ ..:_l S : I ']'..: ,_ : :'1 '...t '_~; -- - ' .. :,'..t ," , .. . :'. ' ....,. - '] .:1;( . r ' "," ~ ~: C' ¡ìl~' :~~t· 1Y;I': Jt' ; . .' ~ :'- \.: '..' -' -::.... .::.~r:' -¡,·s. , e ~I.:;J:-i E~ c," . .'t!·' .r.' ..., i':Jí':' C~.. t:rJr::<.:~1. ::.:i~Te;~ ::,i Ccunc.117.~r J.;.~ "','~;". ".;;).t ,j :.... . ::'.....,~ t',~ $tatu3 :")f the fall trash pl~k-up r~ ',:,'-:. ;".' \. :': :~·:.,:<.:r "ill b~ r..'"~tin¡: ~,it:, 2!r. Di::~rL~,: J, '. ' ~',:,; :-~ttr'r. It ·,.:i1 pphably !:>e SOl:1ti:::c. fa Oc:t(\~er. !. .,~_.,~, ~,¡'tt;r '::Jpcrt.ir.:J Scp-nc C.C\-·C5 cut. C--unc!l ",- : .',',. Taesda:.., :';:' r.;:-.:..'; ':'!:L ~~.,'; 7:"~...~ ~-:~:l ~·..,r~":1 :.s set for 7:30 P~I, ~~l~~, :!~pns Cr~c:: Sch~:l. ]9. Reco~~~:~'- :: n~c-~~c~~~ ite~s -- T~crl~ ~C!e ~onc ~ '~';R::~:':~~:~' ..~~..:. :cd h~: ~.:. ::"'c·.;:-.~~:': :::: COJ~c~1..~n Sp9r~s to .. - .1.., 1r·.:.. ~ , a~ : 1: . .... '. ' ~<::'''; ourn : :-.-': ..~ ,." ..- ......... ::?t:.:n (".'1rr:'LJ, :,-C' APPROVED: Isl Donald A. Fro!.ich l~yor, City of cup~rtino -- ATrEST: /51 WIll. r. ;:...cler C1tyC~ CC-12g :Jø';c 2l F::ll tras:' ?1Ú. v To,;n Hall For~:' \