CC 09-18-72 . . . ~ em OF CUPE.'triSO, State of California 1G3OO Torre Avenue, CuperU..... California Telephone: 252-4505 f' Hu.1JT£S OF TilE: 1Izc¡.-r.a !ŒETl1iG OF n:¡¡:" CITY CGUm:lI. JŒL¡) SEr.nIBa la. 1972 ¡N Tm~ COTJNC1L ClWIBER . CITY 1iAU;. Œ!'m'L"O, CAL1FOa:aA ','" sawn: TO THE FLAG JIaJor Frol1Ò open8d the -1Da .t 7:30 PH \l1til the Salate UJ tha Daa· KIU. CALL CDuacilmen pre5en~: Counc1l~en .:sent: Irvin. Jackson, Meyers, Spar;'s, Mayor frolich SODa S~aff pre5en~: City At~orne7 Ad~s D1rec~=r of Plannin§ and Develop-.ent 51.;' D1rect=r of :u:lic ·:or;'s ';ar~orough Director of P.rks .,d Recreation 3utler DejlO&t:r City Cler;' Glaays "c:!u~h ~ES OF ?'-.'ii1OUS ~ET::;G I ,1. ApprovL of M1l1U~es of ~1ar ;:eet1ng Sepu:-:ber 5, 1972. ¡ Counc1l:::a:::. Jackson no~e4 OG ;oa¡e 9, agenda ite:: 13, ~:.ir:! paralra"J _c:ønd line sao.üd r.ad: -CId it \In not in good t.ste." I Counc1l~n ~eyers noted DC pale 20, t~1rd paragraph, second line, -Stevens Creek Glvd." s~14 ò. dele~ed and replaced vi~h ~Ary ....DU." . ~r Fr01ic~ noted on Pac. 2~, second paracra?h under it.: 38, -c to last line, atd the vol'd "previous" be added bet....ea t!1. -.ris ..... and "doa control ol'd1Danc.... On page 3; &lenda it. 4, oIe1ate ''T1I:a1n¡ and ord.rl~s of ~ak1D¡ a bus \las discussed." ~ed by Council%an SparLa, seconded by Councllnan Xeyers to approve ~he ~lnutes of 5e;o~eeber 5, 1972, as ~orrected. Mo~i_ carried, 5~ -129 a~e 1 Sept. 5 ·!~~ût~~ ar;-rove.:.i 43 corr~~ l,,'...: . r". CC-l29 ,Pa&e 2 . e . ~~~:;.~_. "''1'., HDIUTES OF em eOURCD. øu;UJII~ or SEPTEMBER 18, 1972. . ~ """'''', ;; ,.~-:",~---:: ~)' ~ ::.j' ,~} , t~r;} t, '¡;'/, . "". \MJnWI1C&TICIIS 2. WITtEN A. Notice froa Santa Clara CoIIIIty Flood Control I11III VacK' District of a -ÙIII set for 10:00 AH. September 22, 1972. at vbich the questiOD of rec1aMt10D ancJ r......of _tnater anel the relat1oub1p of such a prosr_ to water iBportat1oD plans will be eli.cus.... B. 1leqaut frOlÌl Hr. BiU D!m<t'r' for pemi..ion to sell Ball_D puIIIpk1lla in the .... location .. last year, which is a vacøt lot Dut to Scbo's !lestaurant~ ~ tme period requested 18 thirtY elays, eDdins November S, 1972. C. Ke~est fro= CupertiDo Touru..en~ of Bands, 111c., that the week of ¡c..èer 12, 1912, be proclaiaed as the ''Tour~t of Bauds OJeei<". D. An ~..ice from Y.r. Lavreuce K. Johnson that due to aployment requ1re- :~:5 for being out of state, he has su~1ttecl his resignation as a :e=:~r of ~he Water Co=:1ssion. 5. Ar. ~"quiry fr~ Mr. Jac£ Keen, President of the Oakdell Ranch Hc~~~~~ers Association, as to the ~entative .~rk schedule for the C,:~ :~ prov~de s1de~a:k facilities to' be constructed along 5te'~"s Cree~ ~lvd. fr~ Phar Lap Drive eas~erly over ~he hill ~,,:: ~~n~a Vis~a-Cupertino area. F. A~ ¿~.~~e froo Count, t~t a oeeti~s has be~~ scheduled for 12:30 PM ~~ :e?:~:er 29, 197¡, for a brief~nl on the recently co~pletecl :ay ~=ea Earthquake £tudy. G. Re:.esc from Santa Clara County t:n1ced rund for pe~1ss1on to cc:.~;;.:: its annual caçaign. H. Le::er fr~ citizen regarding the Mariani K1n~all. õtaff to a:~end' Kayor :==:ich asked that a staff ner,:er atte"-d the San~a Clara County ""ater" tUI,:'''1 Flood :.:"trol and ::ater Dis.tr1ct :::eeti"-1Ii at lC :00 AM on Septe:::ber 22nd. ?=?;'1n salas ..:"K Moved :y Council~n lr~~n, seconded 0: Cou"-ci¡-an Spar's to approve Mr. ~:.:~'s request. :Iot ion carr:"d, 5-C I I :!!IRUTES OF CITY COUNCIL XEETtNG OF ~El'Tï:Y.3ER 18, 1972 JItn'ed by Councilman Irwin; seconded by Councilman Jackson to proclaim week of Xovem;,er 12, 1972 as "TournjL"1er.t of Bands :,le.k". Motion carried, 5-0 ~ Frolich asked the staff to see ~o it that a Resolution be draw up for Mr. Johnson, who is re~1r1ng from ~he Water Commissio The Director of Public Works 'J111 prepare a re~ort on the work schedule for the sidewalks on S~evens Creek Blvd. from Fhar Lap Drive, going east. The Director of Public Works will look into the matter of the September 29th 3ay Area Earthquake Study meeting. MOved by C~unci:=an Meyers, seconded ~y Cou:lcil~an Jackson to approve the ënited Fund request and to waive the bus1:1es5 license fee. Motion carried, 5-0 The letter regarding the ~r~an~ ~~ll would be broug~t u? dur~ng d15Cussi~n ~f t~at 1tea. REPORT CF COt"XCIL REPR!::SE::TATIV::S 4. ~:ayor :rolich: Transportation Advisory Conmittee Mayor Fr~lich salc1 three ::ee~1D1s are for~;"co,.,~ng for "Spe",k~nl! Out on Transit": Sou~h County - Se;>tet:Úer 26th I ~:"rt~ County - Sept~ber 19th; Cen~ral San Jose - Se;>teober 30th. Cupertino residents pr~:ably would go to ~he Septeaber 29th ~ee~ing. Inter-C1ty Council Mayor Frolicr. revi~ed the proposal for c;"an !lng the voting arrang""'en~s d t;"e PPC. Coun~1n~ of t:,e votes under the new sys~8!:I would see:!! to be verv tl=:e-co:l"lIl'Iini'. Und'!r the present clrcWDStan.:es, unless fur~her evidence is produ',ed, the City Coun- cil is opposed to making changes in the voting F,rocedure at this tiM. CC-129 Page 3 "Toura:::ent of 3an:!s ··:ee;"n No'I. 12-18 ~ ~ , ¡ Resolution for 0,\ . L. .Jo:msonJ I SCB s1de-~alks Earthquake Study United Fund req".lest grance¿ Speak Out -;.n Transit . . HIJOTES OF cm COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1972 Councilman Jackaoo questioned whether San Jose was well represented at thes. PPC ::IHt1D¡s. and if DOt, whether the new voting arrangement would belp to keep San Jose 1Dtueated in the PPC. He felt it was worth sc::e further s~1. Councu.an lrdn vas in favor of continuing all they have Þa: the past UDle.sit 18' found that there 111 liuch disagreeent 011 this point. Co1Inc1lman Heyers agreed with CouDci1lllan Jacksoo. Leaps. of Californis Citiea - No meatiq, Leg1l1Iative Review Conmittee -- No ~eeting. s. Councilman Ir.nn: Drug Abuse Coordination ~illsion 1r.~ere will be a aeet1ng next week. Police Co=1ttee - Meat1nl 0:1 ':ednesdaÿ. 6. Cou~,~¡=an Jackson: Association of Say Area Gover~~ents - ~o -.eetlng. Santa Clara County ~ater C~1ss1on - So =eetinl· Planning Policy Comml~tee -- Looks like there will be a meeting on October 26th 7. Councilman Meyers: Planning Policy Co~lttee ~lllslde Subcocolttee of PPC Both co=~t~ees w111 meet next ..·ee;'. He asked the opinion 0: the Council on the Revenue S~ar1ng Sill. ~~yor ¥rollc~ said it appears that we have no alternative but to go along with it. Counclloan ~eyers said he has bee~ appoint"j to fill the vacancy on the SUb-Com:ittee on Regional Government of the Peninsula D1v1s1øn of the Leag~ of California Cities. 8. Councilman Sparks: Flood Control Adv'sor;' Co,....Üttee Co:'"U'!\1ssi:m on ~'lcC"~H"..i:i.., He has not heard a~out any Flo:d C.Jntr '~Ci.}t::I-' . T;¡c Alc3h?lif;;' C<J::-.rnissicn will be ~eeting next week. e e I ICC-129 Palt.. S mlWfES (If tin COI.-NCIL MEET:::G or SEyn:S¡;R 18, 1972 PJ.A!CI1Nt; cœttlSSlON 9. Su!r.aiss~on of !anu~e5 ?f naular auticg cf Sept__ 11. 1972 10. Application IS-U-72 of 'aul A. ~.arian1, Jr., for U.. remU to constr~t 3 sho?pin¡ ce:~er to Inclu~e 86,80' a;. ft. of general retailing space cd a:t 8Uco,.~ti'te car ".... 011 &1Iprox1- œtely :1. S acres. 5a!.ò property is i,. a ? (Pl&DDeð Develc;»- ment) vi:11 cot:ClÏ!rda1 intent Zooe a~¿ :_~ located adjacent to and ~~st.rly of Sara~osa-~Uftnyv.le R~ad arpr~x~atel, ISO feet south ~: the interaec~1o= of Valley Creen Drive and ~or~~ Sarat~ga-5unnyval.. !load. !tec_nded t<,r denial. (C<'~t!.=~e: from ceet1n¡ of Sept~:er 5, lQ1~) The Pla,.,.!.,,> ~!.rector referre¿ to t~e ~.7t.=~er l~, 1972 Itaff report .c:"~ a:3t~aca~ed ,re'lious rep<,rt; a. ..:1 a~ Plannin~ Co~iss::~ ~~~ H-Con~rol ~ear1n.s on tc~- ~a:t.r, calling atten~io' ~o toe c:~~:::~~~ recðmCen¿e~ in th~ ~v~~: t,is a~711cat~o~ :s approvec, ~.ayor F::>~ ' _.ited if tI',,, Cit,' .ould :< :,,\',·r..1 !.n regard t: t; e asscs:o.-'C::"'.: ~;'5:rict in t:-::s area. T::c "':..r~.:t:r ù! Fu,lic 01":('3 said t","," c,r:. already s1g"ed ~he petitt..". .: that ,,>a"e.. it effect:......i. 'L:~ :~"es ~r.. ...:~r.ll..s, .' , t> '. s .a¡,,"p:. Archite..:: :...a.:,=urd Johnson. :..30 Frankl~r.. ~'.s.:an¿. w~t:-. t:.e f1r~ of Ha=~r:-~:'i .1Ud i!er1&n. p:'aced the s:'t~ ;-1.1:: <õi:-:d I".nci.r~:'.¡ IJn t:ae bul:i':~:: :-.:o.1rd. !~e first re·..l.·.·.¿ :' ~ $èr\'iceo yard. ;.-:. §a~d that r.:.~'.'::':; ::,;.! truck ra=¡: tc the nort,· ~u~.;i -:r~at. pro:l.~,,j. t:nloadi~. ~:~:4 ta~e place at t~e vrong .~~ ~i t~~ ',ulldin2. ~e feels t~.\ :~~ ~u:ld a 20· lonr masonry .£:: anj landaca~in¡ along it to ser...,. t~ls area. A6 ~ö the ~rd:::'. he felt that t~e objecti..,.. =_aed '",ere not c~"letely' ,£:i.i :-.c£"ge they do i1a"e a .er\·i~~ ~:~Ye. :;"', Hlu~lon. pr~~~~sf'd ;y i arc.::tcct I Councll".1" ;?&rÏts asited ~r. Jo:'n..on if he :.:t the trees reco"'- I Gr.-\" of tree' aended ~y :~,.. :¡-COn~rol ..,0..14 !llock ü,~ \':e:.r of t:1e storea. ,,11: .,loc;' v~." Mr. John~~ >ai.1 they ,",ould, but QFt is go:ng alon¡ ..,1th ~he plan. of stores The major te=an~ ..,111 10 &10111 ..,1th it, but the a1nor ~en&l1~" v1l1 pr:ba::~ object. To prov~¿e .ariety, the arc~1tect said :'e is proros1ng ~o ra1ae the roof ..t ti1e ~jor tenant's build!n; by S feet. Var:'stlon 1n r<,,': heiVht '. ... .... !lalla Cicy JIC';" ..c of 2 ___.. Good " Mè po1au Pla:1I1Ñ ::o.w. ,....lIt1a1 for Cupen~ -- . . JUllUl&S OF em COUIICIL ~~ OF SEPTE.'!3E1l 18, 1972 CoImdlaa Jackson s·al rN! mersing the traffic £lOll by the bank. ~. J,,-.. n said thia ~ _ to be if the bank decides to 10 to pi! -tic t1Ib... Aa ie,« '.. now, you have to approac:b the bank driY81P 1dadow on tile ~Yft'. sid.. Coac1laa IniD wat"ro ... sur. the "FULL" sip wU1 111ht up Sa ,1_t1 of tillle to a1at: prOspective bank custOÞers viseD this occaa1oc occar.. On the tDteraal street the sign should be facing east to al.n patron vb... the atacldnl lanes are full. Mayor Frol1cb falt tile patrollS ~cI _ .ether or not the lanes are full ancI a .1&n val4 not b. nee....,.. 1Ir. Jo=- f..ls that to :r1D& cars throug!1 between the t>8rket and the .In.. nor. ,""CUld b. a :i.take. T:,e, are trying to put a pedestrian cour~yar~ ~II t~at locat1oc. COWI~ l :=." :rvill went O'I'er ü. reasons '.-!I, t:,e proposed was a logical locat::~ ::~ a car vash -- if we are to ~3ve a car ~ash in Cupertino: on a :a::: :~roughfare. clo.. to the :ree~ay, ~50lated fr~ residential proper:". ~:3" controls the noise. !',~ a..?l1cant has ::ade a great .H"t: ' _:.- ::'e tr.e. c¿ :cdscaping :" ~'Jerco"e the "sea of asp!1al t". He sa:: ,. .a. not in favor of extendir.; t:,e service road. He wo~ld like :: ~.t :ne t~~ acre. :.ft in tre~s. as a ~uffer. He ~ould li~e to .e~ :-eS ~.c~~. . par& and the City ~ould ~ainta1n it. Coun...~.- :a~~son 1~Le4 t~ aeanderine sidewal~ and landscaping pla". He d:; ~:: :.oncur n.c.ssar~ly with be :ar wash location. Anoti:er .p~l 1.:01: .:":': :or . car 0"''':4, is pending .:"~ a ~ 'cation that. \:as fomerl~· a .oer';.." Hatlon. He s.:'d ::.. generall~' agreed with t'.. ;¡-Con~rol cond i: ,:~., Coun~::",",~ ~oeyers felt t:::'. ;troposal "as a big iT:lprovezoent. This car vash .h:~:: :. a.$.ss.o O~ its merits; perhaps the City could use tvo ~3' ..~~... The City is pretty ~e:l c0~nitted to make this ~rea COr:l::.lI! r.: ..L. . Counci::..., 5par:'s f..ls ü.t Planned ¡)eo:e:op"ent is a :oust in this City. The bu~:':"::¡ placement has not changeJ ':cth t:\is proposal, alt!1ou¡;;, the land~ca. :::1 has illprov~. Se wondered ',;hat l..pact this .de':elo,,-,ent wculd have "" :::. other Pla"ne4 ¡)r;elop"ents :n t.;is area. Ee s¡;"gested vaHint: :=Ul the General ?lan co::es out. .," '.",~ld alse lÜ,e to 100;' at th~.' .-::h bicycle paths 111 aind. He '.:01~eecd :.0,", :na"y ingress:' egress points ::oere will b. froc ~..rianl ~!a:l J:e: ' t.,c street. lie wont!erc.~ vha~ ::1,":: ~his would have on other ,,:ro,::>, '"oh as Stelling Road. H. &1., ~..ut1oned wet!::er we want t':,· C.ie ~'a,h€~ ,<1tèlin 1-1/2 blocks. ~ - ~I!.'t.i::S c: :::1 COi..':iW. ~t;¡Ui:; Of SEl'u.'t'·Wt ¡a. 1972 Mayor Fr~~~;: ~ised ¿eal1n¡ v1'A this pro;osal on i~. aerits. Be ~oul~ :'Cé t~ see s~e cco~1ticns dórected to~aTd water ~eclaoat!~~. etc. EDa1~Hr :;'r,. S~okes, repr_Ung the Karla:1i F811l1)', vas DOlt sure t::.at t c<!r s;'oul¿ :.. the first develor-ent to dedicate the cvo acres u a park. t .1 is reqa1r8!'1eDt should !Ie apjll1ed !to ...ryoae. ::. DOted V.u::'co hß baa DOt beeD required to do this. He said th~. represeots oboDt 20% of the property, and would be .. unfair :ur:tea. lie atr...... that they are prov1dill¡ laødst:ajl1Dg aDd bufferi1¡. the t.r--1DØS of the ~ street paralleli:1 Highway 9 ends a: ;;="ol..f Or1ote. tbe owner of t:-a~ 6 acres at the end bas beeD cs.accessfully appntaChed. He bas not given uy indi- cati~n ::~t .. is lDterested 10 de~~lop!ng. they have related to , It) e propn:' to ~he nort;:' viü landsca..i:1~ and aCCe3S. Bu1caay, ~.ever. :'ey relate to tba property to the so~th. the car ~ash ~.\¡ ~. :~. Ja:e ty,. .rc~icec~~r~ as tte rest of t~. center. :t ,.e:s a~-~.t 100% the ~14el~nes set do~~ in t~e sC~/:ce station r~rt. ~. .,rees with P::'&!m1D1 :C!' iS5'~" ::;),:;iit!on 15. As to c.ond~t::,:: _ -. -.e d".. n~t t:i:..k it r-"eans 75~ ~... ::.... de·/elo,-:e:",.:. ~ut rat".~ -': ~f ~he drul store and ~i:1or st~res or t~e ~ar~et. ~. r~c~~~-.~~ the co~~1t~c= t~at :~.J cð=e ;efor~ t~e Ci!y :"ucc~: ,. ~"e eliainat1o" of aD ex~uing .erv:ce 5~a:è:" ~r. :u;>«rt 'n:, - .. ....o:..onc~...~J.:- a:.out :: .~', ( cra ..id t:'. ;tr')~osed i'a:'~ . :ou:'! represent C40'·· ~ total ~~riaa1 pro?erty_ :he :la~~.-, ~lr#ctor ~a~d t~..c at the ti~! ~i ~I":~~~.l Z~~:~? of t~. \~.:~:"':~ pr",.rty Oft :'~.. .83:.r1y si..!~ ,,: ~~;.l·Jay 9 there .a. a ~~,~.sj~:n AboQt t~. po..~3111ty 0: a :0-acre ,ar~ s1te ..¿~..c.r.t ::- ~~"1:1n. Junior ::::',;: SC~1oo1. ~o·:e'..er t t:"'~1I did ~ct appear ~" :,. :eDtative .p. the City Att~rne, sa.d tentat~ve !'.a;>s CA:' ;' ¿.,,¡e; ~à1s w"u14 haole to be researc.cJ. ~ ?:~:~. '~rector &aid t~e ?lanD1ng Co~~:ssion iotended that "'.Dr« t~ ;_ot the aar;'et __t be :'ull~ "efore ~;.e car ·'a5:. ~.. 'art1cipa:::n 1n the asse~t d~str1ct was ~iscussed. :be Director c~ ~l1c 1òurka ..14 Chat, based on ~he discussion, a cond1t1oc ~:: :11. approval could 1Ddicate t!at the City Council was 1Dteres~~ io opeD a;aceö it would leave t~e door o?e~ for fl1rther 41..:-.us1oDS Vi~:l !'z. :-:ar1aD1. The City Attornev ad':lsed t!ult ~he '""It ~ne Counc1: c:ould do "t t:11s pdnt 15 express the ~estre to .." this as Ope3 space and direct the staff to see ·chat c':)uld be ':::.t' .bi:)ut ~t. ~..yor :r",llc:. su¡:~~;ted t..at 2 acres oe la~C'le4 ".~. ~pace" OIl t~e t_tat~ve M3~. Co::dttlon 18 should 'sta~e ~~at '7,. undevelope<1 land .0 desi;::ateJ 0:1 the najl(Exhib1t A of tha ::a:¡ne<1 Develor__t) shall read 'Open >;:ace'." CC-:2? P9;e 7 Ad<H~ion.ü co::~1tions Rebuttal ?t'.:,:".:::~d 7.::s.r:..;. lO-acre ;:aÚ, a¿jac..nt to Col:'lnã ."t:.c.:::' Kee? "door oroen" .. to o';'"en Si'ace a:-129 Face 8 :se&oUaciø!llli Jm coøditfØs f :et's not iet ::-= .:1a:1Y -¿:,r~et.s ';cals Co__ : ',airoao'. >tatemen:. :.'olicy on car ·.:as),es ne~ - - 1lUlU1ß or mE CITY ~n MElTING OF SEPTÐIBEI 18. 1972 JIayoJ:lrol1ch introduCed cI1acu8s!on of Condition 17. Mr. Stokes said t1ìe,(oinIH'l partictpitioD'lD. the assessment district is a prett1 fair '......~~.tlcm the1ar..ò1Ds'~ with the entire developMl1t. , ~'ž..¡~t,;11I88Ù:ecJa,~~~loDrequir1ng a certain square footag_ of ~' :ÌIDcI-perhaps'.<'1azlet parcentace, if not 100%. of the ceøcer ,~~~~::-:!~fÔC~~~;fV:-~ =~:s~ro~:n ,,:~e ad~=-:~ of '.::-r~:::'~~~~~a::p::e~e c::::u::~~ :. W;~~~ Uú ,that when· the eøë1i.1aII4aca~ing is put $n at tl1e beg1DD1ns. it can,lìØper the CODtltrucdOD crevs' work. He asked that they leaVe in the cond1t101Í a~ouc nreet improv.,-¡enta put not the laDdacapiaS. ADotbu a1llgest1on IIIIIdè 'waa to ha~'e ~he bank and bu1lding "a" developed aC tbe the'the car wash aces in. Councilman Jackson would like to see both car wash prçpoaala before decided w),ether ~here should be CDe, both or neither. '"--- Councilman Sparks suggested ~he applicant take ~he plan back and consider the park mat~er. ~.ayor Frol1ch said ~hat ~erhaps ~h1s is scmething we should consider in our General Plan. T~ere vere ~urther discussions as to when construction on t~e car .ash should be allowed. T:~e Mayor brought up ~r. Stokes' sugge,ticn relat1~~ this a~?rcval of the car wash to the purchase of an existing service station in Cupertino. ~J. J. D. Vanderhauer, representing ~arkets in the area. said it ....ould be a ,,:stake t:> continue a??rovin¡; st=i? cc"-,ercia~. :!e does =.at believe it is in the Dest interest of t~e City of C~?ertén~ to ~ve wall-to-wall aarkets. It is ioaprropriate to the ~opulation of the City of Cuper~1no. ~. Judy Cooper, Chai~~ of t~e Goals Co~1~tee, said she is very concerned a;,out piecae.l de·'elop"ent in t~lc City. S~.e was !lot in favor of one car was~ over allot:.er or one ,,,>,emarket over anoth"r. She has no vested interest in th~. Sh~ is concerned a~out p"anning. She challenged the City ':ouncll to get toget:,er ':1th the ?la:lning Co:m1ss10n and !i-Control and to cOt:le up ::it;' SOMe very <:reati'/e ideas, Xr. Dennis ~ong, spea~1ng as a Cuper~:no Citizen, said this is an opportun1~y for the City Counc1. to r~~e a >,olicy re.arding car washes in the City o! Cuøer~fno. " ..',. ""---,-'.,"~." , , !IDm"ES OF TUE ern COUNCIL :~c:rrN;; OF SEPTF.:mER 18, 1972 JL.0!>4, By CouncÜ",a" lr.:in, seconde~ by Counclban Meyers to ap~rov :",J~~,'~".~t1on 15~:-72 ,oct:,: Cc:,d1;!c;:s 1 through IS A¡ 19 through 25 \~, ' car was-ò 26 as to tne :I8=.,( facility; and Ù~ cl)nd1tioDS 0~~~trOl R~;~luti~nNo. 206 ';ith th~ exception cf their '. äf' : ns 2 and f>. These 2 conditions ·.,ere discussed but not ' "":","1" ",Þ, ' red v1a;le. Exhibit A includes llesolut1on No. 206. ':~?~f~:- ,:".::!!Of,,: :,.:: :,ïrJi· ',1;: ¡'~:':jDøt1on was amended by Cou::cilJ:1an Jackson, seconded by """11man Sparks t¡'.at this does not conseit\:te approval of the cåc:vash porti~n cf t!l1s proposal, but to continue this portion tDÎ:JIe next regular Council meeting. 1aIe City Atto~er advised this could be left out of the ~roposal. Be said th~re should ~e cer~ain ground rules for g~od car ~ashes; yoa can'~ elL~:~~te theo oerely cecause of nunbers. Hr. Stokes sai¿ they have sub~itted ~hat they ~elieve to ,e a ¡ø:Jd plan and ';ouH like to have ~t judged on that ·,a,1s. He ~ted a decis::n en the plan a3 presented. '¡'ere on Al£S: )i(;~ : the a,,<n ::::en t : Counci:~~~ Jackson, S?ar~s Counc::-:e:'1 Irwin. ~~e:"er~, ~'~:"~r Frolich Amen¿=ent died,'2-3 V!)~e on rJ.otl.:'~: ~:.S: Cou::.::':=;:'!. Ir..·1n, ::eyer¿, ~ayör Fr:l11ch ~_'£:: Counc::-.e~ Jac~son. £?arks Mo~ion carried, 3-2 !'...ayor Frolic:: ':3:'led é. recess at 9:33 p~:. 'T:1e ~eetlng recc:lvened ac 9:48 P~. IoiICSITECTURAI. .'S':' SrTE APPROVAl. CÇ~ITTEE 11. Subm1ss1a::. cf ~[inutes of s?ecial !:!eet1ng of Septe::ber 13,1972. P.,I!¡£S A..'ID RECR::'\rIv~ Cm!M1SSI05 12. ~~eting a:jc~rned for lac~ of quoru::. CC-129 Page 9 lS-U-72 ap~roved Al!lend¡:,eøt failed A';);11ca:l~". state::en::.s Xe1¡,;!::'or æ.a !or R-2 . . JUÞllTES OF TI!£ CITY COUIICIL Jl&&,1uCG OF SEPTE.'tl!E1l 18, 1972 ___ camssIOlI )f b. 10 meetiq schedulecl. ,<';.. - ~;"' J.IDAaY cœenSSION . No ..eUD¡ achedulecl. ClJPERTINO CITIZENS' GOALS u.counr.c. 15. No mee~1ng schedu1ecJ. PtreLIC HE..\J.rs:;S 116. Applic 'ion l3-Z-72 of Earriette W. ~~odes to rezone .241 acre Îron C; (General Co==erc~) to R3-2.2 (Re5ident1a1~1tip:.. 2,200 s:;. ft. per ctòe:l1n¡ u~1t). Said prC'~rt)· is lcx:a~K ""rther:y ~f and aejac=t ~o Cu;:erUn" 't:ad ai'rrox1:oate:y :s.:¡ f Íee~ è35:erly of Foo~~il¡ !:vå. Reco¡~e~ded for a?,r~ra:. ;-:~e Pla~.~i,,; Jirector re·Ji....·.,¿ t':-.e aprlicati~n for a c:,an,- c: z~"'e to aU",· ~:"s:ruction 0: a =.ax~ of four u~it5 on ~he pr::¡:-ert:r. Be aext ~,'€::': ~':er a sma!.!. ~c:a:e zoning ~ap a~d a land use ~a; :: :~e area. C:::r~¿ slides ~ere s~c~. · ~r. Gary ~::~2S. re9re~e~:i=¡ ~~e applica::.:. noted there ~s & :~~~~:t · a~art~e~t ~~use on one si¿e ;: ~~is property and a ,uas1 ~~:::~ ~S. · in the ~~¿liate ar~a. ~e expla~ned this rrcperty has ~ee~ :~e! ~r i ~ estate :.:r so:ne 2..,'./2 ye.a==. ~en the o',,":'\er of this pre;:.:"'::'" iII'hc: ¡ vas a bus:'~e" associate 0: ::':'s, "as killed. :!ìs widov :IC :",,;.r f l~ves 1n :~: area and s~e .~~l~ l~ke to dis?ose of it. ~r. =~:~e5 I feels t~a: ~3-2.2 will ~e t~e ~est use of t~i, ?ropcr~y. ~ra::~- generate¿ :y it will be le55 t~a" ~1t~ t~e current zoning. I Y~yor rr~:~ch a,ked f~: cc::~t. fro~ ~he auJience. I ~r. Dino :o~seggi, 22350 CCr~r:~no Road, ~a:¿ t~at taree years .~~ chis prore=:y ·..;as zoned i.-l :i=> ::-.e C~unty '~.:.. .. :1on-co":or"'~~: :;se service s:a:ion on the cor-..e.r.. S::,')~e ~i~..: .::.' :~;e Cit:: of :";~=:~:1C rezoned t:"':.i! adjoining rrc?!:r~:: t:~ =.ulc:¡>l". ,':--je-ctions ·..ere rÃ.:"sed and the City 3t that t:L-.e. ¡r=:'se¿ t:1erc ',. ',.:¿ ~c no prol:..era:':'~ of multi;::è z.:-n:ng in ~:. .3:' ~-::"_£..:::'at(' arf'i. ":'. :'.:'r,s~:":;z:' C~--f:::':'~¿ t::-,ere ~,'ere ':":'~ ¿ra;dn~3 of ::..~ ?"'07~ ..:'~ ..: a>_,!'\':" .·="t:. ~:._~ applicati:::. :ie would '~e aga~:'>t 2-st;Jr:; ·r;ct..:res. :f !.:_e. c::.'· does not Sè-..: : it to rez"ne t.:"is pro¡>ert:· t: ~-l. :ì.~ asked t.::'at. a: least it :r restricted ~o 2 u:;ts. , ' '.-. ",,' f:f:~ :\,,':~r' .-;.;:, ,~~.. \_~-.. ~ " !' "1- , y- , t,' - - ~ES 0; ,...."1'"'. .......... CO:::;C:' ::::::!'~'; OF SEPTE:!.3::!I. 113, 1972 . ..- CC-129 Page 11 ~. Stokes ~::~J t~at t~ey ~ ~t all req~ir~~ents of ~he Cicy. No variances lie 1s askic~ ::r n~ varia~e~. re~uested 15Ie ?lannin. Director a~~~eI ~~ilr~ Heyer~ there Is no -r zoning ~ Òi, category to ~dct it to single story. .;::... ''$. , '~"* Ji.~~J by Coç:ci1~a~ Jackson. r cSbIse the Pu~l~c ~earing. !IdeeS by Council::an Irwin to Ii:rdaa carried, 5-0 C'øancil::!en ~":!"ers and Jac:,,- _. 1:terested in keeping the tllœsity dc:,,": on 1~1s propeny Þ 1Dsure single story cons:rucciDø. ~or Frol~c: said he vould mDC be too c:oncerned a~out t~o-story c:ønstruct:t': ~: it left aore opeD space on ~::e lot. Mr. Stokes ~ted that :: would end u~ 71LD leas open space vith a single- .--DrY ~ripl", thaa wi~h a r""Q-Story 4-plex. ë.e said they haole ~ able :: ~esign a plan :0 save all but one tree on té.e ~oper~y; ~ t::e one t::ey ca=.'t save is just aJout dead æar~ay. =:¡e plan c~::.:õ :~r pò1rt 0: ::2 .~ructure to ~e t"o-story a:1~ ;ar~ Jé.ngle-st:rc. :~ro Stokes i~c.a:ed his agree:'Oent to bu1ld1n~ a :ri-plex i=':e~d of a four-pLez- CDuncU!!Ian ~:;ers asked if :!:.e rent would 'be low __ of o~= :~~.is for moc!erau i:1come families. _t have t~,i: i:1formatioD at tlds time. enough to ::ee~ "'C. Stokes did !i:oved !>y C:.-::c:-an Jac~so,,". s.eco-2ed :,y Counci1::!an !t'-°in to ~rove a;;:cc~:i:n 13-Z-'Z. L.TY.S : ~S: C.:'~.::'l:en Ir·..:1n. ':.-i~. ~eyers. 5parits. ~:ayor Frol~c:' ~:". !I::::.:ns carr ~ed, 5-0 (a) First :...~~=~ of Ordina::.:c 50. 557: "An Ordinance of the City of ;~?"rtino A::1end~ Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezon::. a Certain Port~ of t~e C1~y of Cupertino fr~ CG (~~.=a: Cocmercial) Zc2e ca 113-2.2 (Residential-~ult1ple, 2,200 s'o ft. per dve:l~ unit) Zone; Apprcxi~tely .24 Acre Locate¿ ,:rther1y oí aod Að~ac:eat to Cupertino Road A.proxi- mate1~'_::: ,Fect Easter:¡r :! r:»oth111 30ule·'ard." - read ":y ~ayor ::=_:...:,:. Public Bearing closed Keep density down Pos3~:~1~~' of ::::;':t~ ~ee':1.> - , ' 0: '":".::.-:. :.nc:-:e !' a.-.il ~es. 13-Z-72 &i'pro-:e-: """'------,- , CC-129 ,Page 12 I 'Ord. 557 fine ,__14... t r f ! '\:end:nencs anHdpac¿ J;e7:. S'race Je:initi::=. :: .: ~ :.: .: :. ~.~r~:==e:': -.!,).~ l'\¿d 5 acres :: :~i!·,:,:)rial ?c£ Ç::nt1nue 5 te"w'eDS Cree~ ?a!'~ C:"l4~:' .\'''~ra¡e .:a:..d.ar ~s o;¡r goa: .. ., BlJIuliS OF THE CITY WUJll;,[L Y.EEtDIG OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1972 !loved by CouncilmaD J~"_. seconded by Councilman Irwin to have Orciinanc. Bo. 557 read bJ Utle only and the Mayor's rea4iD¡ 18 to COØ8titute the 'irst·..d{~. ~: ,.:.-s: CouIIcn..... I~¡;...~.OII, Keyers, Sparks. Mayor Frol,icb BoDe " '.'" :, "~~:'-", > < ~: JfDciOII carried. s-o , > L' ~~... 17. To consider adopt:táå:tof;' Open Spac. - Conservation Element to the Gen.ral Plaø. '.~-<led for approval. Councilaan Irwin wanted to acknowledge the great deal of time and effort the Comm1tt.... ("-,dons and Staff have spent on this proj.ct. Associa~e Planner Laurin DO~ed tha~ sOQe of the ~funtebello Ridge Area plans are not yet complete so they have ~orked around t~is, ant~c1pating So::1e a::end::ents to this E1e:.ent at a later date. He said there :cay also be so=e addition&: ,studies by the Plann1n~ Depart",e"t; c. g., the !¡ood centrel plain. The Associate Planner laid a definition of "O;-er. S,acc" is anyth:"" t".at i$n'~ pavcd or roofed. Sat;.:ral resource areas '>ould ::e incl'~:!e:l. ~e said the Open S?ace Goals and Policies are ::ase¿ in par: O~ :".e :~unty'$ ~crd1ng. ~e vent ~~er the ;eneral :la~ 5t~dy Map, ~o!~t:~~ ~U~ the ex:st:ng nei¡h~or~=~d. comcunity and cit~:1de r~r~ sites. :rlelo;eå and undeveloped. Foe noted t~at t~e rar~s dercn¿ u¡lon t~c a:join:ng sc~ool pro~er~y. Sc~ool e~rollment l".a5 :'e"e:~ off. The A.socia~e Planner ""lieve, t::is ~s a ~e:':porary cond:'~lon. Future sc:¡ool ~eeds a=e being st'~die¿ at ~he present t i:IIe. The Associate Planner rec~ded the addition of 5 acres to the !'.er.or1al Par:". In order to continue t.be See"lenS C-I"ee>. Pi1r~ C~1a:~ :t :5 ne:ce5.sary t~ acquire .=e small proper~1es. I~,ould;,e ;'ell if t>... City or Cc"nty ac<¡u1red the golf courses. There ,. a130 the ~·JJ:':i:.t.. ,.: acqul=ing the Kaiser Par:" area. In 1970 ~he County ¡lu!)U.shed a doc=~nt sctt :.:~ :"lin:"u-:, average and o¡:t~u:::. p.!rit standard.. '!:..e C-,Jrert:n" : l3n:. ..~~ C(,~,-::'3£~-:-!1. .,~t~-i [0 cry tn aC::ieve, Average Itan";ards. . . MIStrrES OF ThE CITY COU::CIL ::F:ETI:IC OF SEPTE:"fôER 18, 1972 .. The operation of the quarries is estimated to last 20 - 30 more years so it seened ?ro?e~ to include it as a natural resour~e area in this Element, A buffer area is needed bet~leen the natural resource area a~d adjacent properties. CC-129 Page 13 Quarry to go on another 20-30 years A 2000 ft, wide rift zone åas been planned. T~ere are some homes Rift Zone in the area, but the Associa~e Planner said ~e should not allow auy further development in this arpa. Be also discussed the Scenic Hig~way and Trail Syste=. Bike trail ~ill be presented in the Transportation Element of the Genera~ Plan. Regarding the policy on page 6, Councilman Sparks asked what our relationship is w~th the 30ard of Education at this ti=e. The Associate Plennel said the Director of Parks and Recrea:ion is in direct contact with t~en on t~is. ~~:or Frolich asked for co~~ents from the audience. T~cre vere :"~one. Parks & Rec. Director -,'orkin; w/5c::ool 30ar: C~uncilnan Jackson raised the point of discussio~ of %te~ 8 ~n Hazarjo~s arE?E page 3 and policy 3 on page 5 in regard to "leit-o":er" areas. ;.·,ere fo11o'."ed a discussion 0: eart;:q' ~ke ~:azard5 and ~t "'as decided the stafÏ should revie.. the I<ording re~arding de":e1::>;:-:~nt of hazardous sites. Ccuncil~An Jackson ~elievcs pol:cy 9(a) cr. ?age 6 is te~ ~pec~fic. Therp follo~ed s~'e tiiscussicn a"o~t the ~egnart Canyon area. It was felt we will have ~ore input aoo~t t~at area ",;hen the ~ontebello Study is cOMpleted. :~ved by Co~ncilman Irw~n, seconded by CouncilMan Jackson to close Pu:lic ~earin> the Public Hearing. ,closed Motion carried, 5-0 Xoved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Irwin to adopt Resolurio" )10. 1098 of the Planning Cor:missioll of the tity of Cupertino Approving an Open Space and Conservation Element of the City of Cuper~ino General Plan Progran. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Ir.tin, Jackson, !Ieyer" S¡>arks, ~!ayor Frolic" None Mo~ion carried, 5-0 Res. 1093 adof~ed S-129 14 .' .~" ~, t " L ;;' i' t, ti. 556 ...... I ....._ Jri. 556 e!:,¡cted :i:s. 3340 ..:=? ted ., ... IIPlur;S OF m CITY COUNCIL HEErDlC OF SEPTOOF.R 18, 1972 OIDDAICES 1& Second !laMing of OrdinaDce 110. 556: nA.~ Ordinance of the City of CupertiDo .beading Title nI. the Ferso~:.el Code, by Recreatin. < the Per~ Board and Redefining the Membership and T.ra of Office . 'Tbareon." - read by Kayor Frolich 1føwed by eo.,-n...... JacQoa. secoøded by Councilman Irvb to baY. OrIUnance No. 556 read by Utle ol11y and the Mayor's readinl is to CGIISeitute the Second ¡eadins. AYES: mIS: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, ..arks, Mayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 Y.::ved by Ccu,,:~l=an ~!eyers, secon¿ed by Council::>an Irwin to enact Ordinance Xc. 356. AYES: Cou":::=~n Irwin, JacÁson, ~e7ers, õ,ar~s, Mayer Frol~c~ :¡~~~ .,..~-- .....:.:>: I I I I j!;"OLt:.'¡:o:;S i I ¡¡g. ~~t~on carried, 5-0 ~o. 33~~: 'A Resolut:~~ of t:'e C~ty Ccu~;il of the City cf C~rectino Allo"ing :~=~ain Clai::>s a.",d Je-oands Pay,,::e in t:'e A:::ou"ts a:1d :rotl the Fu~.:'~ a.5 Hereinafter ~e::cri'::ed for ~a:arles and :':ag'!s :-:r ':he ,ayroll ,.=c~d Ending Sep::e,."er 5, 1972." - r~ad 'oy :,:ayor Fro:ic!\ ~ed by C~,;"c~:::a" Meyers, seconded hy Cou"ci:man Ir',in ~o adopt Resolution :\:. 3340. A.VE:S: !;Q£S : Cou::.::.:':Jen Irwin. JacLson, ~leycrs ,;?ar~5, ~ayor Frol ich None Mo~i~~ carried, 5-: 20. No. 334:: "", Resolution of the Cl:Y 1:.", ',cll r,f t;,e City 0: Cu?ertino Allowin~ :;!tain Clai:-s a:1d T.1£.-a:-1'ls :-:1 " ..~ ::.n t:.e A-.':,unt.3 8:-.d frc~ the rU:-.~3 .:d Hereinafter De-s..:=_,:.:.:d ~"r :~,~:'"a: 2:11 ~',:"scell¿nec·..1S Expend:t_~~:;.tI - read b~l :~:oor Frcli..:·¡o '..i.~ . e ...........s OF 1""'- ..:tTY CO';:,CIL ::-::'.DiC OF SEPTE::'.::!!. 18, 1972 CC-129 Pa[!e 15 ~ Iles. 3341 ado.~ed ~, ;','~, 'f'~ by Cou:a:L.~!t Jac~~or.. 8~ed by Co·;!tcil:an Meyers to ¡ ,i[" , 1lesolut~::: .'':). 33..__ ¡f;:,-~, f l;!:"J':'~: eolatd.::e:l :rwin, Jack5oø. Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1da ~\,~-.s: NeDe ~... . ,- ¡ Mct10a carried, 5-0 Z!. 110. 334:: ·A a..solut1on of the City Co';nc~l of the City of Cupertin: ~th~riz1ng Execu~iC3 of an Agree~ent 3etween the City a,.: ~=~ !~ooas & ~~any for Cons~"t~~~ E~g1neering, !'.aster ~:::-=. :>rain Study." - read by ~a:·cr Fr~l':'ch. ~;: CC'\.::::_:'::ë!~ ir·..dn, Ja.-:L3:~. ~~~rer=, :?ar::s, ~'~a:·or Frc:ic:::' !(~,." I R..s. 3342 a¿c;t~d i i : !'.;:<õe¿ by C:'~:.:: ~:::,'n }!p.j"ers, s~co~ed by COU:'l;i>3~ lr'òin to a¿opt ~:::lutiC':'I :~:. ;j~2. ;..,..:::.5: ~D:~O= carrie~, 5-0 .. ~o. 33...~ '.; R.esolut:!.~~ ~: ~~e Ci.ty C:-';:".'::~ 0: the Cit:· ..... Cupert::::- .,;";':'.:"::'n~ Fi::a: : A? of Tr3.:t .:.:. 52ì9, ~!o:1te=e:::) ~n1t i. _:~~:~i at t~e ~:r=er ~f Fli:.t~~~re Ave:1ue and Clarkst:~ A;~::~~; ~cve::?e:, ~itz-Crane; A~~epting Cer:a:~ ?u~li~ :¿~¡::~ ~a5~en:5; A~::~rizing t~~ :~:: :ngineer a=~ t:'e Cit:. ::è-:~ to Sign t~_ê F:'~l ~Iap; ar:.': Authc:-:zing t::'e AgrC'er.c::; ::: .:....:1nectic:: 7:-.ere-..·ith.11 - rea::' ~y ::ayor Fr:)l~ci. I a:;cpt 1 I' ',es. 33~3 ado?t~¿ ~e= by C,~_:'::,:-=:"¡:1 ~:eyers, se.:=n¿ed ~y COU:"1..::1:-:~n Jackson t~ ~scluti~n ~:, ;;.3. A-"::S : Co-..;.:-,.:~:~e:'\ Irwin, Jac;s:n, Meyers, S;,ar:.;.s, 'layor Frc::!.cn ~~...:::: ~-:-: . --- Mot~n carried, 5-C 23. No. 33~-: 'Å Resolu~ion of t~e City Coun~11 of the City of Cupert:,.: ,~~~~o":ing an A¡ree:::en~ :'et...e~:'I C.oU:'It)' cr Santa Clara and Cl:Y :: ....:.¡~ertinc f:>r Transfer of T;:P:CS Fun¿s. II - read I !)y ~:ay.:-: :r:l:'ch ' .!I::Jved b>" C':~':::~.J:1 Irwin, sec:):1ée.:! by Council:-:.a:-.I ':;-ar&s to a¿opt ~lution ~:. 3j.;". Reõ. 33~4 ad"pted ~t~cn carried, 5-J ,,",,.; .... A!oove Re.. ad~"ted -_.~", . . e . ¡~.&aI~J'.ò) OF 1JŒ ern o..~- ·'r IK&.iUlG OF ~W"~cnalR 18. 1972 ~"';"'- ~' ~. 10. nQ1-7: "A· riòi_f_ of th. tit)' Council of the City of i, 0apen1øD of Prdf-'....JI',....roval of £Daiueut. Þport. Cna:oaða MM. ~:i~tdct Project 50. 71-2." .~, ' 25. 10. nGl-8: nA .~rrl"'4~ of .the City Council of the City of Cçen1zto EatabJf-"f~)k....iling 1:... Scal., Cro..nad. MI.... -t District hoJect 50. 71-2." 26. 50. 3101-9: "A '~',:"I~f- of the City Council of the City of CapeniDO Appointiq rs.. and Pbce of Rear1n1 'rot.lt. 111 Relation to Propo.ed Acquisitions cd Im"rov_ntl. 8DcI Direc~1:2a ::ot1ce, Crosaroacl. As.eu::ent District .roj.ct No. I I 27. j 71-2. " No. 3:01-10: "A RelOl.Uou of the City Council of the City of Cu"ert~ Calling for Seal.d Proposals a~d Fixinl Liquidated Da::agu for Failure to ev.-~"'.te t::e o:orit ~:ith1n T1::e S".c1f1ed, Crossrca<:s .....e.....:u J)1.tr~ct Pr"je:t ::~. 71-2." 28. No. 3:::-11: "A Re.olution of the C~ty Council of the City of C~r.r:~~.: Descr1binl ?reposed 30un¿a=~es of As.e.~,ent Dlstr~ct, Di=.::~=S Filing of ~~ary ~~r a~i o\5se9s~ent Dia¡ra~ and Re=.~':'';'..:;..:::, of :;otice ~: Assess-:en:. C:-:ssrC'ads Assess;.ent D~$:::":: ?:-cject ~. 71-2." 29. ~C\. 3::::-:2: "A Resclu:ion of the ...:.:y CC'u~cil of t":-:e C~ty cf Cu?~r::.::: Callinv a p...:.~::':: Hearing :: :eter-~:te ·'~-:.e::.~r ?u~¡:.c Xe:~~s:::. ::el 5&:e::"" or ·,:el:ar; :.e::u:'r~s the F:t'7:at1c~ -:-: an ~~;;r~~~u~d Ut11i~~ ~:s~rict ~~ :~r~:~~a-5~nr.r:ale R~a¿. Ste~¿~s :reek Bcu:evard. :an¿ley :~:V!. .;lves Dr:'ye a~d Lazar-eo Dr:~~ i~ Co~nectloD ~~~~ Crossroa~5 As~e5~ent D~strict ~ro~ect So. .: .:..t 30. Se. '::::-:3: itA Reso:'u::!.::1 0: t:-.e ::.:y Council of t....e Cit~: 0: Cu~=:,~: ~ending Res~:~t~cn ~o. }~::-3. Crossroa~9 Ass~ss=ent tis:r::: Project ::0. 7:-2." All rea.:! "y ~tayor rrol1c,,_ ~oved ~:.- ==~cilma:1 lrwi:1" 5econ¿ed b:.- G:-~:-.\::.l~a:1 ~~eYE:t"i to a¿o?t R.esolut:':::':i ~;". 3101-7. -9" -9" -10. -~:. -:2 3:1d -13. ~:::i-:~ carr.t::_, 5-:· . e e HIlmES OF THE CITY (;C\¡1\C:L H:£Tt:::; OF SEi'TE:CEll 18, 1972 C-129 age 17 UJF1KISBED BUSINESS 31. Select1~n of architects for d~7e:op-.ent of preltoinary designs for City par:<s. The Director of Parks aad IecreaU"n, 10 his report of Septecber 14th, rec-=ended the fcllovina par« arch1tecU: Hone bIIch raria Par:' Portal Park Monta Y1s~a Park Stevens Cret!k Park Eckbo, Dean, Aust10 , ;lUliz:1a Bibera " Sue Biber a " Sue Bibera " Sue lIIIy.ton, I!a:!r.oto. Beck " ,\bey He called attention to the reduce¿ fee on the last page of ~is re?ort. T:.ere will be "" working drav~n;;s 1t ~h1. ti::e - only &ch~~tic ¿ravings. ~e p"inted out t~at, sh"uld the ,cnd issue not pu., t:',e City may c:-.oose ~c n"t c~nt inue ·.·~t~ t:'ese a;,c':e- ::...ent!..~neè arcàltects. He an.·..·ered t:-:.e ~t.a:·::!!" :~at t::ese arc~:..te.:tsì are a-:are ~: the vandal~5= pro~l~.. :t.e E::er~ff's De~art:.'".ent ":111; rev~ev the pal"it plans. ;.11 èrawin=;:s -,,-1:1 ':e t:1e pr::'¡:"ert:: '=~ t:~e ::lty of C",;;,ertino, w:'t:. ~o ¡uara:1':ee that ·,..e -..11:'1 c:-nt1:¡:¡e t,:t .i::- business .~t~ these arc~it£cts. ~~ved ~y =:~~c~l~an :~1n. 5ec~ni~i jy C:u~c~l~a~ :ac~9~r. tø 4¡J;rove the architects reco=en;je¿ a,o\,"c for the : !::e ~ar'rts ::ientione:: a:"ve. I Par',- .;'rc~:':~::" , : c~cs~:t I I ~Ay~r Fr~l~:~ would like the C~ty Counci" to 5ee t~e ~lans as t~ev' r 'I progress. The Par... ~i;~ec:~or 3aid they "u3t a150 get a?¡lr~va: 0: ' ~he Sc:'od 30ard. CoU",~il::an Spar;'s ;,r~'~g:1t up the fact that t::e , School District recen~Ly cut Jack so~e $15,COO in s~,e 0: the recreat1o~ progr~s. A'"!£S: :;~ES: Ccunci:men Irwin, Jac"so~, ,eyer3, S¡lar..., :~yor Frol'c~ ~::e Motion carr'ed. 5-0 ':a~""r Fr.J:..;,:h ~oul¿ li~e the C:.ty t~ '.~cr:..;, a l~ttl~ :",::-re Cl.::-3-::V '.. :.~. t..~ ~~:~.:.): :.:ard ..;:1 t:.c.r $~ _:~.:: :...',r_^d.t:'.L". r~Q:"'b. L. s~."":ulj c:C':,r¿lna.tfl our plans o..;it:' their~ :1:1-1 rer:--.f1:'s C'.lt dC',,;,-n the costs of =u.licate pro~racs. C' .,. -. . - - ¡ 5.:::'"':"!· ~~a=': rec. :-ian§ ":C-129 : ~~7-e 18 ebral Palsy quae pprove4 Muscular Dysrr,,?hy r"que3t a,;>ro,oe<! tllICH re.uest ~ran~ed Staff attend A!-220 hear1n¡ SU?port fuel co:-.?Csi~icn s~andards resoluc:.on . . . ~u:;,;¡~ OF T¡iE CITY CO'JNCIL ::EET~:;G OF :;ErT::":';:JI. 18, 1972 NE\1 B;;SISESS 3~. R~"_<,st for per.:issIo:~ t' ~-',:~: ,..,t ,n t. e City froa th~ t:"it~¿ Cere~ral fa151 As.~c1atton 0~ Sß~ta C13ra C~nty. Hoved by CouøcilluD J8Ct.on. seconded by Councilman IrviD to awrove the request and va1". the business l1C&4118 fee. Motion carded. 5-0 33. Request for peftlÙsion to soUcit within the City from t~e ~:uscular Dystro;>hy As~c1.t1ons of America. Inc. ~Ioved 'Y C"uncilman Jackson, secon¿eci by Councilman Irvin to a?pro;,°e the re~~es~ and waive the business license fee. Motion carried, 5-0 34. Re,uest for pe~las1on t" con¿~ct annual TrIck or Treat for UX:CEF d=~~. in the C~ty of Cupertino fro: October 25 to Nover.'er 1, :972. Yo~ed :~ C"unc1:~an Jackson, seco~ded by Counc11~a~ Irvin to aFprove the re;~¿5t and ~aive ~he ~us~ness l:cense fee. ~t~on carried, 5-0 35. ¡):..:ussion of proposed A3-22C as an "Ulllbre:la" ~ype regicnal ~rg~~izatioD in the San Francisco Say Area. Mayor Fr.:11c:. asked t;,e Pla~ning Director to look into this -.atter ~d ~rha?s.a staff ~e=ber shou:d :e present a~ t~1s hearing. 36. Re~~est by 3ay Area Air Polluti"n Control District for support of resolution endorsing fu~l co~;>cs:tion standard, as set out in ~!le reèe=al ~egis~er on Febru~ry 23, IJ72 and al.o ~rging the Air Resources Board to ta~e appropri~t~ ste,& tc reduce ~he quantity of lead being ooitted fro~ au:c~~'ilc t3:1 p:?~g. ~ved by Counc11~~ Jac~~on, sccon!ed ~y Cou~ci:~an Ir:in t~ support the Res"lu:~on endorsing fuel co-"sition s:a:,Jar 1. as set f"rth in Federal Reg~s:er. to urge Air R.c.sI'\urccs ~.:"ar..i t, toll'.(. 3;,prc:rriat~ st~pS tC' reduce quar:t~ty of lead b;..:'n: o~it{.',l :r.~:- .1J: t,·~: r;·''.:'.''': fI-d co;"ies of th-= endors~~~~t to ~e ~er.t to Bay Area Air Pollution (o~trol D:str~ct. th~ ^d.'!:'1.~strator of £nviron.~enta~ Prot':'C't: ";1 .;";~r.cj", :lr.d ~o Chairman of .5tate Air Res"urces Board. ~ot :0:1 carr ie,j. 5-0 e e KI:'1.'TES OF THE CITY COUXCIL :IEE'IIII:; OF, SEP'Ii:.'£ER 18, 1972 37. Discussion on 3ay Ar~ Gover~~ent Reg:onal Airport Syst~ Study. ~ved by Councilman 1r'..i=.. seconded by Counc1ban Spar" to ¡KIstpone the a~ove-aent1oned discussion. Motion carried, 5-0 ~oved by Co"nc1l:an 1rv~, seconded br Cou"clloan Jac:tson to approve the Santa Clara County Uni~ed Fund Drive and ~o valve ~he business license fee. Motion carried, 5-0 38. Discussion of proposa: by CUi'ertino realtors to a=end ôect:on 6.1S of Ordi~nce ~o. 353 (real estate s:gns under t::e ôign Ordinance). t~e concern here is with ~::-site 7~e Arca¡tectura~ a~d 3:~e AP?r=~a~ Sign Jrdi"ance at this tè=e. Th~ P:a~~:ng Director said signs en res3~e of ho~es. Co~=~tt~e ~s :ooking a~ ~~e ~r. Jerrv ::tzgerald, lO¡91 ::ort:. êlaney ....venu". u:ged that t:-.e ?ubl:c ~eAring on t~15 ~t~er :e set up as soo~ as pos$::le. He fee::=¡ t~.&:re is a :~ar:~:~ip :-.ere; resalt.:s should ~~ al:o-:..;e:i t!1e sa:ne pr:'vile;e affor:e4 su":è:'vislo:u. Open :¡ouse si;ns :-.a-;e bee:': used in Cupert~no for years but never "ere ?1cked u? ~y the !uilding rnsi'ec~or until just recently. Mr. ,illi~ Dean, 10111 Sara~o¡a-Su~nyvale Road, C~i'ert~no, sa~d ~here ~s a de:inite need for directional sig~s in Cupertino. T~ey are allo'.ed in Sunnyvale a:u! San Jose. Counc::=a~ Jac~50n 5a~d he was n~t too ~uc~ i~ The better ~he comcu~ity :he fe~er the signs. have added ~o the value of our coomunitr· faver oi sig:'ls. The tigh~er ccntrol Hr. Fitzgerald said ~he "Open House" signs are usually put u? on day-~o-day basis. Ba~ica1ly, this is a weekend affair, but he did nJt ··J,:':t to prC'cludt- t~~ ~';e ð: t::~se s:'g~s for a-.:! ~a:·s 0: t!1e week. Council~n Irwin equated this situation to the service s~ations i Cupertino '.:ho have been f"rce': to Ilmit tn:'ir si¡;"s. C-129 age 19 Bay Area Gcv't Reg:'onal Air,crt Syste~ Study poatponed. United rund Driv: a?prc':ed Off-site 3ig:".:~ Give resa:es sa.~.e priv::eg: as ;u:'di·:~5:'C:".,i T:.~~.t C::-:'::--· add valuE: :0 our co=~n1 t:· 'CC-129 .Ira.e 20 Sip ::a~~.. nferr..t t;C ,,-Control a::.! ?:ac,~. Co=. ¡:rra:::e :~·..·er2 ~r~:.ce~ .~F :-~..."n Hall ..~. :-- e-:.- 5:)~.:1e: ~::. res.:. ~~a~i.:'::. "3.:~r c~_ ::-~-;:b:"'.at::'=-=- . . . . KIîìlUTIS OF tHE cm """","II. JŒErING or SEPT~œn 18, 1972 KaJOr Frol1ch felt tIaJs,ws .-hat . different 81tuatioa chaD the usual ~rdal aSp. '."t !fr. Fitag~rald cff..... þ'1Ie1p enforce any restrictions 1f the Opeft Bouse sips are al1CNi111. Jtoved by CouncllIUD Iflda. aecouded by Coundhlan Kayen to refer this \!latter to the uac _tilla of the Architectural and Site Approvll1 Co=ittee and to be adYu~úed for the next re@Ular Planuill, Ca=cission :eeting. Motion carried, 5-0 REPJ"T OF OFFICERS 39. C~:y Staff The C:r:: Att::>rc.<!:· .aid he had spoken ,-,it!> the title cc-::pany, and we are no-..- t:-.e ?r('lud o··"U'!.rs of ~::'e :~orse Ranc;'. The Planning Director ~~ Associate Planner sho~ed th2 ti:e !ra~e for ~ork :,. the General Pl~. aeference: File ~c. 81,003, ¿td 5e;t. :5, 1972. 40. Ci:y C:uncil:en Mayer :r~iic~ ~roulh~ U~ ~~e ~atter of the recent c~~~~1:a::c~ fro~ the :i:~ 0: Torra:ce reia~èing the tran~ission lin<!s and ::0-:00: towers b~1n!; :':1s:ailed on res~d.ential streets. Alter so~e d:SC'.13S~=::. :'t ',:as dec:'de.i t.:¡e Ctt~· ~:anagu. C~t:: Attol"ne}· an¿ ~lrectcr of Pu::l:c ··~r~s shcul~ :'.lrt:,er discus. ~,,~S ~tter ','1th the Cit:! of !!"'rrar:.c:e. 1-A,.or Frolic:1 calleè. tbe sta:!'s attention to t~e b:-:::....er. s~~:\ en Hig;;wa)' ~ which could be ¡¡ r.azard to passers;'y. Coun~~l=an Jackson calle~ . ttention to the T;>",'~ :~al1 ~,eet ~:"1; ::ex~ 7u'!s·Ja:". The City ~!anager a:ui per:-.a;ls other Jtaff '-e' :~r5 shoul:: :'e ?~ese"t. Council::.an ~~cyers S"..1g¡e-:Ste-:: t:'e a?prCpriît~ t ..:1:1"5 :'c. 5E:nt t., :~r~er I Perscr.:'1~l Eoard :'~e="ber ~e5&ler COt' .~¡s ~il". r·:i:"? M3;'''1" Frolic!":. re-:-..:este-:! a ite~cluti'''I:1 (,,: T',"'I" ~ater Cc~issioner Jc~s~. ce ~r~~~~t~¿ LC :~r7er . - . . :a:;UTl:S t;F TilE Cl,': Co'}::::;;; _ ·...:1 ::;~ r;F :::::'Tt:::.C 18, 19; 2 41. Recognition b:' ".:.~= ': "'n-¿f?~da :.te:~.3. Mr. B~~: a;I\C1;1'..; r in the va:a~t let . through ~:C":C'-:~~:" ~, ADJO'."R:~:E::T .. :. :·"r-¡;:;, :.':1 Lv :'<-1 _ ;,tllo·..t:~n pln¡:~~n$ '..:':' ~.'j;'~ ~ìpr.1n: :r:~ Octo=er S :~'il"1 t;prc·~·': ~:fa:,:1-:cusl~·. ~~t~:.'1 cé!.rrfe!': t ~-~ ::Oved b:' COU:lcil::ta,: Jac:<s=:t, seconde'l !>:. Counc1~::.an ::eyen to ad.1ourn t;¡e :-.eet::'::g at 12:17 }u~:. 'ATTEST: 1.1 \1m. E. llvder City Clerk ~~t1o~ carried, 3-0 APPROVED : Isl Donald A. Frol1ch Mayor, City of Cupertino \ CC·;29 :';¡--' 21 ',... o"in ~a·. . ~ ,.'. ..... ¡, I';::rove: ~ i 1 .