CC 10-24-72 ; t l )¡...' ~, iii' ~, f:<' ;, ~~,.". ~~i.- , ~'''¿:'~:'~' ,l¿,:~ Y"¡,:,~ It:~· ~,., ~;.-' ,\, e . CITY or c:;:?n7I:;O, State d California 10300 T"rr~ Ave"'''e. cupenlDo. California Telephone: 252-4505 1U& uS or tilt øarua !!E!TIlfG OF m cm I.1)UICIL KE:LD OCTOBlIl 24. 1912. 1)1 TIlE COCSC1L CIIA.'GD. CITY J!ALL. ~øo, CALlFOlSIA . SALUTE Ie t:! FLAG Mayor r=-::~~ called d:a :llMCiJI& to order a~ 7:42 P.M. ~~h the Salute t: t~ rla¡. ROLL CA:.: Counc::=~ ::~$ent: Counci::~~ l:~~~t: l~. J~~on. ~eyer5, ~rar~s. Mayor Frolich :rc»ne Stal": ;:-! ~;:::: City Maøa¡~r Quir.:a~ C~~1 At~orney Ad~,' )irec~c>r 0: A.:ir.:::'I.:~::,': ,':e Services il:'~"r Director of Plan:"'.':':'!:, .\-; :"E'\"l"lo,!,=--en: .;:. =.. D1rect:>r :::f PubL. ::.; ',arborou;:., D~r.ctcr of Par~s {;.; ~~;r~~tion 3ut~er mt."t"7F' :~ :E';IOCS ~:~Z 1. ;,:~,:".: d ~iDutes of 5,..c~a1 :~u::~;: :~tober 11, 19:2. Counci:~~ :a:£$øD vou14 11ì. included i" :~e ~1nutes his state- -.at t~a: :: ~.s h1s ~ers~a=41n& ~ha: :~~. dcd nc>t co~s~~t~te a detc=,,-::.¡: C::'I. t!tat a:rr of those five ,r: :e::. ..igh~ ha-;e a 81&n1:':4:: c::.c~ on the eaYiroucent. Move<i :y =:~:il".n Irvin, seconded bJ' Ç~",,:11,..an Ueyers tc approv. ::.c ~:1nutes of Oc~ober 11, 1972 as a="nded. KocioD carried, 5-0 2. A;.::~a:~! Minute. of reJUlar n~et:~g Ootober 2, 1972. 011 p.Sè 3, ::~ F. Mayor Pro11ch said or.e or two m~bers of ~be Cupert~' ~~~:or1c.l Society ¥ill be incl~ed as ex off1c1~ _beu :: t!lls group. CC-132 Page 1 j , I Ad¿itio:\ to ~t::';'!at ¿as ~f Oct<:,n IlL' O"t"~"r 11 t!l X!::ute.; a¡:'9rc a8 corrected ,./1-4 ...A .e . ,', f .. - 1WtUIr.S Of tHE OC1OBD 24. 1972 CITY COlj1iCIL MEETING OD ..e 4. U_.J (3). tile words "Signed: G. Stokes" abould be deleted aa4 at tM beafnn1nl of tile paraaraph 1J:Dediauly follovina (4). it *ould r..cl: .. çpeal vaa receiyed but the City Attorney ..id . . . ." llaYecI by Cœnc:ilmaD IleJUs. HCOnded by Counc1lDan IrviD to approve the JUDutes of October 2. 1972. .. corrected. lfattoa carded, 5-0 COMHIJN1CA.nœ:¡ 3. Ilritten A. lett2r from Peninsula An1::al .cHare Society. Inc., requesting :u~tic dip semination of info~ation as to the progr~ of ~1=al sterilization they are su.port1ng. B. ~~tice from Puõlic Utilities Co~ission of October 27. 1972 Hearing ~~ Pacific Cas and Electric application for authority to revise i:5 gas service tariff to o::5et the effect of increases in the price of gas from Pacific Gas Transmission Company and ~l Paso ~atural Cas Co~pany. C. S~tice from ~lic Utilities Co~ission of Nove~ber 15, 1972, ~earing on Pacific Cas and rl~ctr1c Con?any a~plication for authority to adO?t a fuel cost adjust~ent provision for inclusion in its electric ~ariff. D. >ot1ce from 30ard of Supervisors of Public Hearing scheduled :or ~ov~ber 22. 1972, on adoption of a housing element to the County General Plan. E. .\n unsigned cODOUnicat1on dep~sited in ~he Council-Co=oiss1on Suggestion 30x presenting vie':, a9 to the operation of the Architectural and Site Approval Cocmittee. F. rwo ordinances recently adopted by the City Council of the City of Lod1 declaring that City's desire to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those persons accused of selling and/or trans- porting drugs aDd urging judges to iœpose the maximum sentence permitted. C. ~ot1ce from Public Utilities Co=~ission of an order instituting investigation 00 the Co~igs~c~'s o.~ notion into rules governing the construc~ioo and mainte:.a"ce of crossing a~ grade of railroads vith public streets, roads, a~¿ higåways in ~he State of California. · KlWTES or THE oJCTOSEa 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL KEETING CC-132 Page 3 R. Letur f:roa Mrs. Noma Brsdlyn stating her views that all future r..~uests for develo~ts should be approved oalJ when adequate considerstion baa been liven to keep- iDa or replacing eaisting trees. I. Notice of October 25, 1972 Public Rear1ng before the Board of Supervisors ~o consider a proposed permit re.øving ~be restrictions of tbe Monte Bello Ridge Interia Ordinance for ~roper~y located at tbe south- westerly comer of Upland Way and Rainbow Drive. J. KeI:Iorand= signed by tvent)'-two Kayors of Sou~hern California s~atfng their oppoGition to Proposition 120. (. Reques~ frOC! ~:r. I!arvey Loew to address the City Council on behalf of Cupertino Roundup, an organizat.ion fo~ed to coordinate Cupertino orga~izatf03s which are pr~~ar1l volunteer in nature. Reference is made to a n~oraad~ dated Octo~er 6, 1972, ~~ic~ ex?lains this in r~re detai (Under I~e= ~. 39 on this age~da.) Hr. Loev requested they ~e heard under Oral Coomunicatio s rather tha.~ under Ite~ Xo. 39. L. Request received {ro~ ~~. Terry ~~lson to address the City Council in order to state his views in op~osition to the provision of Section 1 of Ord1na3ce No. 413. This pertains to the ?resence of a~andoned, ~recked, d1~ntled or fnopera~ive vehicles on private or pu~li~ proper~y constituting a pu~lfc nuisance and which ~y b.. abated. Council~n Meyers would like a no~ice in ~he Cupertino Scene I regarding ~be Peninsula Ani~3l .elfare Soc1e~y, Inc., steriliz~Li~~ prograo. 1(ote in Cu-:t. -- Scene A me~ber of the staff was requested to be present and to notify Mrs. Cooper of ~als Cor.m1~tee snd Cocm1ss10ner O'Keefe of ~he Noveaber 22, 1972, Board of Supervisors' Public Hearing on the County's HousiDg Element to the County General Plan, ~ounty Houain;: Ele::u!Dt ?u~l ~~ Hearing U/22 In reference to Lcdi's two ordinances recently passed in regard to selling and/or transporting drugs, Councilman Irwin said their effort to impose œax1=um sen~ences is consistent with the s~and taken by ~st people who are against drug abuse, as long as it is limited to tbe traffic1ng ~¡ drugs. However, he questioned whe~he the Cf~y of Cupertino should ad,.'t such an ordinance. Councilman ~rty shoul.d . develope¿ ~:"in the Ci~y 1130n "pposi- !;):. =cved t.o "d ,): Sew si:tess . Feng ~o Unue as ~ed Xat10as T Chairman -'UIUU" OF tIlE ~ 24. 1972 cm COOIICIL Iad_ ..' As to the letter fr_lIn. Jød17D ia n,ari to pr_.d., or rep1acilll 'ø1niq tree.. the DUector of PJ,,_f,. .... DeftloJlMDt .&14 the Or41aance speaks to tM preee"a~i_ of _tve oak t_. etc. Mo.t of the older, øi.tilll orchar4 tree. are 41...·..... " In regard to the property .t Upland Way &lid laiDbov Drive. Couødll!l&n lleyen said tM. has been 4eleted froa tha CoUD'=y Intum Or4i_e eo 1~ will not bave to _ before the BUI814e Coac1ttee. The Plannins Dlrec~or said the PI_iDS Co::aission, .t ~he1r last ceet1nl, aade the reco=oenda~ion that when this proper~y 1e developed 1~ ehou14 be within ~he City. ", , So moved by Cou:tcilman Meyers, seconded ~y Councilc£n Irwin. to adopt the Pla~~lng C~iseion'e reco~enda~1on. !lotion carried, ~-O 4. Oral ~o~'lnicat!on$ A. Orposition ~o ~he provision of Section I of Ordinance ~o. 413 by ~:r. Terry ·..ihon. Since ~!r. ::Uson was no~ yet present, it was "Dved by Council::an Ir\<in, seconded by Council::an Jackson to ?lace th~s ::~tter at the end of New Business, It eo 43a. Motion carried, 5-0 B. ~r. Jaces S. Feng, Cupertino Chair~ßn of United ~a~ionb Day. Mayor Frolich read the United ~ations Day, 1972, Procl8!:stion of the City of ~upertino. He then ir.~roduced Mr. J~es S. Feng, Chair--an of United ~ations Day, and asked if he could continue in ~hat capacit~ for future act1~i~1es. Mr. Feng said he would be hap?y to do so. i Hoved by C~uncilaan Meyere, eeconded by Councilœan Irwin to discuss Agenda Item 39 a~ this t1ce. 39. 1leques~ for C1~y Council fundi:1g of $5,000 in support of Cupertino Roundup. , ",< . . MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL }ŒETlNG <;" ,Hr. HarveY Low, Director of Comun1ty Services reviewcJ the Pi!:'" ,proposed role of ,the Cupertino lIoundup. He stre..ed tb8,poiDt the ',;-:~',': ')here Deeds to be IIIOre coordination between the cOllll!ÍUlliCY ..rvice. ~,¡~:J,~ " ' '~~""J' . '. :;¡.~,'~Counc:Uun J.ckscr.l asked wet:ber they had approached the Uølted :':~Jf': ...:'Fuad for aieS. Mr. Loew said he bad lea rued , through clUC."~OII. ..'C, 'with Sunnyvale. that it uk.. about two years to ge' -'I aU frOll <;i '.' . the United Fund and he feels there is an urgent need for help. J Councilman Irvin co:l4ented that the City of CupertiÏlo' bas neither the right nor the tax lOoney to be provincial in this matter. ae felt it should be handled through the United Fund. Hs. Vik1 IlcElroy, San~a Clara resident, said she worn a~ ÐeADza in the area of community services. She stressed ~hat it ~akes a qualified per~on ~o wri~e for these grants, and they do DOt have such a person. She said that even ~hough Cupertino has a very stable c~nity, ~hese social problems requiring immediate actio do arise. Council~n Meyers agreed that there is a need Cor coordination of the various volunteer a&encles, but somet1::1es as tbe volunteer help ~apers off they bec~e public age~cies. Councilnan JJckson raised the question of ~hether or no~ they mus~ be incorpora~ed. The City At~orney said the City cannot make a contri~uti=n, but the City Council can make an expenditure for munic~?al services. He would have to research this ca~tcr before making a deterninatio The City Manager offered some alternatives: The group s~~ld con- aider checking w1~h Uni~ed Fund and ~hc Càanber of Co--~rce. Ano~her alternative ~ould be for ~h~ Ci~y to take over and opera~e it within ita organizational s~ructure. In answer ~o Councilman Ir"1n's ques~ion, Mr. Loew said ~he Direc- tor's role could be adap~ed 10 rela~1on to ~he amount of IIIOney funded. The Ci~y Manager recommended ~his =atter be reCerred to the s~aff to give the City A~torney ~i:ne ~o review ~he legal ramif1cat1ons and for ~he C1~y Manager to approach ~he County about i~. Ma. Sherry Conan~, 10310 Plun Tree Lane, Cupertino, said ~he t1:n1n was not right ~o approach ~he United Fund this year, ~be deadline be10g in September. They do plan to incòr;>orate as a ñoo-prof1t- ..k1og orlaniza~1on. Tbey now receive $400 from the C..pert100 Velfare Fund. CC-132 Page 5 ,<j CoorcliDat1011 .e"u.. is lIeeíJiì4 ' It takU 2 'I to gei'Uøited' FundJ.e1p ! i , ~ Social proble::Ì requiring i:miciiau he:;. do aria. Alternatives offered Some flUIds nO',,: received frOCl Cupt. Welfare Fund . . IIIlIU'IES or THE OC;wAD 24. 1972 CITY COUNCIL !ŒETIlIG .'c:.. Jl"'f1- JleJen lIIL~rn'" ~bey try to en1i.~ the aid of ~he JUaiatua ._....ia 1a the area 'cO, aM 1£ ~hey can .e~ vp,aapec1a1 CODtd1na~icm "àRaøa-t for a .~·~i.SiIDda1· . \- ',~ '~e4 ., Coanc11mø&~.~" secoaded by COUII<:P..·.. 1rv1D ~o refer die CøpertillO 1øuD4u¡t ..fter ~o ~be :staff for coDSicJera~icm of a1~ema- , u- _4 to allOlf tha: øey Actom.y time to deteraiDII the legaliey of che City'. 1awl_e·~ Ie. . " '/, ~- ./;:,' 1Io~1oD carried, 5-0 upon OF COUNCIL ItEl'ltESØL\TlVES 5. !lAyor Frolich: Transporta~ion Advisory C~i~tee ln~er-City Council League of Caiiforn1a Ci~ies Leg~slative Revie~ Co~it~ee The ~yor said he had nothing in particular to re?Ort at this time. 6. C.>uncU:oan In;~: ~rug Abuse Coordination Co~ission There was an t:Xecutive Board ".",eting to try to cail down priorities: 1. Concentrated educational progran in the schocls. 2. Half Way I:ouse. 3. Estaòlishment of evaluation of the presenc prograns. rolice Comnittee There is no'< a new progran out of the Sheriff's Departnent si~ilar to the 3urglar¡ rrevention ?rogr~'. 300~let~ are being prepared. Thr.re is n~~ a 2l-hour training progr&r on burglary alone. 1. Councilman Jackson: Association of Bay Area Governments ~ General AS3enbly will ~eet in Berkeley on Sovember lOt:l, at o;.;hic.~ time they ·.:11.1 review in~tial regional gro~th planning guide. There will be 3 high-priority study oi tax reforo~. Santa Clara County liater Co=1ssion - Jlo meeting. ·. .--' . t MINUTES OF TIlE OCTOBER 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Urban Developmant ancl Open Space SabcoaDittee of the PPC. -Jle,vaa uøable to attend the l118et1na.' ',',' A1%iOrt'Land Use Subcomœ1tte.~ofpPc TIle LaÌId Use Study was approvéd. ¡; '~' " 8. Counc1l:!um Meyers: P1aDD1n¡ Policy Co:aittee - Heet1n¡ aain¡ up this nut Thursday. Billside Subc~ittee of PPC - There was a large turnout at the last _eting, which he was not able to attend The people wan~ ~aller roads to the hilla. t:~ey are co~cerned about water. Tbe)' do not .ant expensive water and sever develo~ent in the hills; however, sooe of the drtelo;:ers felt differently ~ut it. Mayor Frolich introduced a ~~.cu.si~n o! Pr~?Osition A on the baUCll. Attorney Ja:oes Frost provided l:,C 'A)'or t:1th sor.:e material on Proposition A fcr a .~or~s arena. They are.ask1ng for endorst~cnt by the Cu?ert~o Ci~y Council. He said it would ~e ~ p4ying propo.it~~n, aa to cainter.ance, once it i~ built. He said present facilities are 1~~dequate. t~e new arena would probably b. located off Tr~~le Road by t~e a~r?ort and the cost of cona~ruct1on ~uld be fl~~ced by ~axat1on ~hrou&h the County. He said profits would bl< used to help rede8!ll the ¡'onds. Council:an Irvin .aid that we are tal~inl a~out $23 cillion today, but nper1ence bat aho·.rn h~ that i~ could go perha;:. to $40 cillion. And it would ta~e business a~ay frer. ~he fairgrounds. Hr. Froa~ said there are a l~t of indoor events that we would let such as a circus, hockey, etc" I:e will dra... 1'1 new events. Keved by Councilun SparlLs, .econded by Councillll8t1 Meyers to endorse Propo.it1on A. Ketion carried, 4-1 CouDci~ Irwin voted Nay CC-132 Page 7 " "'Ii ~'" ·"·i '-.' n .~! ~ ;¡, ".' '. ,h' :;:. " ~ ,~ t Propos~t~on ;. discussion ,--.......--..... e e !UIIUUS or TIlE uG1uK& 24. 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEErDIG '1'W1II1IG CCIIIISSIœ " :;ìo~, SV~1;.~of-~t.. 01 bplar Heet_,of October 9. 1972. f!~,.·,· :,,(:::' ~,,\,~'#'Pi,",:,' 'i, -:-::'::;'.'1t·,c'" -;., :;¡:':"';~~ . 'Of.. :.,,',,' ',,"~" "'_"', '~', ""~~" ',' , ," rr;, ,~}~\, ". .>,':, :;<'"J;";.,'<"';;-{.",-.'~":J"" . .' 'é>' ~i1.,rh1llß\Ú':"r ~~~:Couti.r ..tabll.'-~of a streèt pattem acljaèéac- to St-o 'tr' Creek School aDd a4jôiÌí1Ds City park site , 10' tbé S~ ..'. lid.. - A1Døvorth Dri..area. The PlannloI,D1rectœ ,.as. tbia utter was diaca88ed at great length by the PllUlDlol C-t".:toD at their meetlos _'it 18 their rec01lllllenda- don that StOl1Jdale Dri... terminate at its pr_t location. They made no specific: rec -dation .. to the f1øal diJ'posit1on of Amelia Court (private road); bowever, a determination vas ::lade that provisions should be made to pers1t southerly access to Stevens Creek School for Oakdale Ranch residents l1vin¡ east of Stevens Creek. l~yor Fro1ich said he would like to see three accesses to the park: Stonydale, A1ns~orth and ~elia Court, but that t~ey should not be interconnected. r~e Councilmen agreed. Mr. Arthur Rober~son, 21979 03~ Dell, said a veh~c~lar access to the park and the school 1» needed. Soce final ~lan for the entire area should be agreed upon. Discussion follo~ed. The Director of Public _orks said access to the park from Stevens Creek Blvd. will be ~asy; however, there is s~e q~estion about a break in the !:Iedian. A::Iel1a Court is in the Count:: and he doubts very much that we ccu~d get the right of ~1nent do~in. It may be years before this c.~ be resolved. A contiauance of this !:latter would create probl~s ~ith tin1ng in relat~on to t~e bond issue. Mr. Ralph Johnson, 10349 Creston, as~ed t~e City Council to consider separating cO!:l~le~e~y the kinds of traffic a??rcac~~ng the park and school. He said he could not envision extenstn of u?per Stonydale nor ""elia Co~rt. Ze asked that a pedestrian traffic facility be provided for the ¡>ecple to t:,c souti,. The City }~nager sai¿ the park design relative to vehicular traffic mus~ be considered fram the standpoint of policing. Mrs. ~illinm MacCuire, Phar Lap Dr~ve, said it is v~ry easy for the peopl.e living clo,.e to the school to not fe"'~ t:.e ~."ed for vehicular acce,u. Mrs. Judy Tembrock, 20791 Scofield Drive, sa~d t:,at ¡:erhaps this is the area where we sZculd be beginning our hi~cs ~nta the hills. e , __uES OF TP~ OCTOBER 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ',~' llman JacÌ<.son would like tœ City Attorney to explore the ~~~1ity of the possibility of the City acquiring eminent ~in ,~, )'IIÍiCDaDty property. ~;~;- ~'" ;;3t~~,by Coucclltuln Irwin, sec:oaded by CouncU:nan Sparb to a,.. .-.w. the S~evens Creek School/Park street pattern as refleetecl ... f1ann1ng ~~ission Resolution No. 1108, including the four ~itions, plus the prohibitioa of architectural planning fOT ~ permanent features parallel and adjacent to the westeI'D and ~tberly bo~darieß of the park site, Motion carded, 5-0 12. Application l5-TM-72 of De3nis Wong for Tentative Map to adjust a property line dividing two ,existing approved lots contain~~g 1.92 acres. Said property is in a CG (Geceral Cornmer~:.l) Zone and is lçcated at the north.est corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Read a.~~ Alves Drive. Coatinued fro~ ~ceting ~: Octobc~ 2, 1972 (see related Agenda ite~ #21). :!bõed by Co\:,,::'lctaa Irwin, sec:,¡ded by Counci1:1an S?arks to co::- -: i=>£. appl1C3: :.'G 15-T:I-72 ¿isc,;ssion with asen¿a ite:: 2L Motion carried, 5-0 ~:TECTG~\L A~~ SITE APPROVAL Ca~~!ITTEE :'3. Submissi.." of Minutes of Regular Heeting of October 4, 1972. :.. App)ica:i~n HC-5l,058.4 of ~erit-Mc3ride Realtors re~uesting approval for a wall =ounted sign and an exception to tr.e Sign Or¿:'nance to allo~ an existing non-c~nfortl1ng role sign for a cC'C.:lercial building located at the northllest corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Scofield Drive. Recc"-~ended for approval. ~ed by Coun~ilman Sparks. seconded by Councilman Meyers to Ç?rove application IIC-5l,058.4. Kotior carried, 5-0 CC-132 Page 9 1 , 'j " " Explore eminent domain possibility PC Iles. 1108,,: approved '",' ¡ j 1 ~-T:':-72 to co::~ :'ne 9"; i, t~ itc::'!. 2!. HC-51,058.4 approved ........J .. 'f,,;' <) it:, ",è8 to 'ing of 'orma1i.ty 1 purpo_ C-51,209.l pproved . . IIDIUTIS or t!Œ oc;aD 24. If7:t em COUIICIL KEE'rIIC ,.~ 15. App11cat1oa BC-S182fJ';¡ of ., tIoaIIta1D.' Ltd. r.. I rtillS .PpIVR'I. of. 't . foe. t ..cial baiU1II1 w~.... 111 'the IaDc:ho '" e.ater . 20603 ,alley Gr_ Ddn. ,¡Ie<:: ""eel fò' ' . ,~(~..::.,,,,¡;:'1,, ' ,:,. ,,~¡," . ..¡ 'eo~o~, eltde. of tW'; "' CiIIIter were 811cMa. 'Iben..,._ dUcU88io1t about tba~ of COIIpatillUit1 of ~.... vir""" . shOPP1n& cmter.; " "'-->;" Hr. Elden Boff_. 20630.au., Gr_ llri"e. explained his pœposal for a Gip vith white j--"'. ~ and dark pur¡tle leUer1nl. 818 shop is situated in the YCC7 back of this shopping center aDd Deeds ezposure. He would lib CO keep the feeling of 1nfo=aliey. Councilmen Jack80n &lid IrviII vere concerned aòout deviating frOlD the present s:;ns in the ~1D& center. CouncU....n ~:eyers and Mayor Frol1ch felt that as 1~ .. it has the s~~e outside d1=e3s1ons and white bac~~round, that t3e color of the letters does DOt ~e the sign that "udl different. Councilman lr::in Hould t:luc:~ pre:er t" see a coordinz:i!.j shopping center sign throug:1 a variance. ~yor Fro:::~ stated ~bat ~ese buildings ~ave a dual p~rpose: in addition :: de~orating our c=unit)", t:",y also house a ousiness. Exposure :s i~portant. !~ved by C~unc~l~an SparLs, "econded by Councilman Xeyers to adopt arplicatic~ ~C-5l,209.1. ~t1on carried, 4-1 C--u~cilman Jac~son voted Nay PARKS AliD RECREATION co..~SSI0N 16. Special :::eet1ng of Octo":er 23, 1972. ~ATER CO~lSSION 17. No meeting scheduled. , LIBRARY ~ISS10N 18. Sub~i.sion of Minutes of regular :::e?ti~, of Oct~òer 17, 1972. "".; J¡ 'Jr'; .1: :,.<~',~~',; ";:(~~",,,}.(:':t ,~~~; .' y~,!.¡,:i'¡Y·~> ',i,;;;(:uruaUD CITIZENS' GO&S <,,__lu£E ,,;:, ·'if;~1ì9. Sv1mission of of~";'~_ of Steering Co::m1ttee meetill, ',i 'i:;t. ' of September 2.1. 1912., . ,~,,~ "~"'.',"; e e Ø1H1JTES 0: TIlE OCTOBER 24. 1972 CITY COilliC1L MEETING ".- ¡. . ~ ' '·PE1lS0m.U 3O.W! ,.; 20. $un~ss!on of Kinutes of regular net1ng of October 12. 1972. Mayor Frc:ich called a recess at 9:56 ?..~I. The meeting rec:cmvened at lO:O~ ?~.. PUBLlC ;¡;..:"':~¡GS 21. A"H: d Dennio; L.. .'¡::",!: a;'pl1catic,: request n¡¡ re-rersal 0: tr.. ::~"ning Cocsiss~~ approval ~: a.plication 16-C-72 r~~~~5:i~g a Use :e~~~ :0 constr~:: ~ &3so1ir.e sales 'car ',':a~"-, :3.c:'lity_ Sa:":: ::,çé.t.:C:1 is a: :.~.ê :1orth",;e:st c":":-r.~r cr S-.;¡:~::g.l-Sunnyvale i.=&:.~ ¿:.d Alves i:~:'·..e. -- ¿::..: -- 12. A;-~::':.1:ion 15-TX-i2 ::i ~ennls \\:('~~ :~r T~ntati\"e ::.r :0 a::'c>: a propert:.. l~ ¿:,';:ding t": c::lst::!;: 'ppr=·.'¿ lots c:c:",,,ing 1.92 acres. õaid property e. In a C~ (:~~eral C..-=¿=.:~al) Zone aX. ::.! lccatcd at ::.~ nort:,~:est c~rnel" ~i $a=.t:~a-Sunnyvale 2=~ a~~ Alves :~i~è. Cont¡n~e~ fro~ mfe::~~ of Octo~er 2. :972. The Fl¡¡c.:::'~,g Director r.....~r.-"¿ the pre':: 'U.' hearing: hel:! on applicate:"s 16-U-72 a=4 :>-7Y.-72. Ar71::ation 16-t:-72 ~as a?- proveJ "::. ::-e Planning Cv___:'sslon; Þo,:c'·.:-r. this ap?ro....a:. has been appealè~. ~e next went aoe= :he pIa:! ¡:roe ~ap of t~e area, site plan, ex:'s:ing zoning ~~ ~ a render:". ~f the prop?&ed car ~ash Hr. De~=:" '~ng, 11266 ~terey Court, Cu?ertlno, sa;d t~t severa months a.: he brought a ~ .ash proposa: before the City Cou~c1l, some of ,~~ liked the pr~sal except :~r the pro?Osed location. Since thè~, he has been WOrL~g intensively to find a sui~able locatio~. ~e is now pr~s~g it on a~ abandoned service station site a,,¿ ",,:1 extensively ø;>¡rate the site.. lie went over the traffic ra:tern and deta~ of the proposal, pointing ou~ the large amount ~: landscaping. T~ of ~he four existing drivevays will be removed. ~e showed colored slides of the site and of a s1~lar car wash ::.ow located in _ther arell. Ta:Üng in the curb lbes, there wi:: ;e 27% land~-?~, 1ncludln~ a curvilinear sidewalk. CC-132 Page 11 , , ': ~ ~ 'í -I ,} ~ :~ '. Revl!".. of pr,),;,c:õal l\rr1iô3:'\t's state",,,nts · e IWIIJI'IIS or THE OCTO.D 24. 1972 em COUJCIL HEE'l'IRG ~. Vo1Ia said his car VÛbvill produce an annual tllS revenue of , .$165'.000. baaed on ".,.et"~Iui1t.... ae will provide employMltC ,"d",','f,ô'r.,Guaa people in tIW':'~~'aDdvil1l1&ke his facilities available ,:i 'ccfl~ schools, cburdiiaf' ecc.. for fund raisins car washes. The ,~..',; ,1Ia,¡ius. will be r..1dflì~;owèd and _nqed. "'";;~<i"x - !fr. Vong suuested altêrÌíace uses for the abandoned service station site: a major brand could'cò_ in, but a more likely one would be a discount gas station, a èar lot. trailer ssles lot, garage, etc. Be said this is a viable .ervice station site; the reason it vas abandoned was because Shell purchased the Acer1cal Oil stations in California, one being a block away from this site. The building is owned by the Saich family and Mr. Saich is willing, at an economic loss, to re:ove it to allow the car wash facility. The proposal ceets the health, safety and welfare standards and is consistent vith the area. This par~icular use per~it does not run out after it has been shut down for six months, as the ne~er ones do. Hear !.:lg -,[,..!-72 proved 6-U-72 roved sistent ---1th " C Eler:ent Council~an Jackson asked the applicant if he could meet the noise abate~ent level. ~~. ~ong said his architect has assured hi~ he can meet the &5 decibel maxi~um. :'!oved !>y Coun~ U~an 1r...in, seconded by Councilnan Sparks to close :he Public ::cJring. Y.otion carried, 5-0 Y.oved b)' C'Ju"ciI "an lr-..:in, seconded by Counc ilr.:an S¡>arks t'> approve a?pli~¡ tior. J5-nl-72 consistent with Plar,ntng CO'~"lission Resol,"tion ~o. 1102. AYES: ~"OES: Couacllmen In,dn. Jackson, ~lcy('rs, S?ar:~:;, :'!ayor Frolich S~ne Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Ccuncil:n.an Ir·.lin, seconded by Couõ'\..:il::\an Jacks00 lo ¿:P?rove applicaticn 1&-U-72 '<itl-. conditions caLlod out tn l'LiOnin~ C"'71ission Resolution So. 1103. Effort will be :1ade to save all mature trees. AYES ~ :;OES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson. } "yers, Spar;.c.;, ~!ayor Frollch None ~otion carried, 5-0 ~t~ved by C01'::1cilman Jackson, seconded ~y C~u:~c11!:ì.:ln rr~.¡in t":1:'1t t~e above two ap?licati.Jns have been anal tzcd uit:¡ ~~.5pect to the O¡;f:n S;a~e and Conservatio:1 Element and a f~nding mad" t!,at they are consist":1t with sa id Eler.:ent. AYES: NOES: C<>und loen,Irwin, Jackson, }!e>'ers, Sparks, Ma,'or Fr')lich None Motion carried, 5-0 . . KINUTES OF -;-=:£ OCTOBER 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL ~ŒETING 22. Application l5-Z-72 of Lee Yenger for prezoning approximately .22 acre from Santa Clara County CN-H Zone to 113-2.2 (Resi- dential, MUple. 2.200 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zone. Said p~perty is located ..sterly of and adjacent. to Mann Drive, approxi:l!ate1y 18S feet northerly of Stevens Creek Blvd Rec...-n4ed for approval. ,; <' 10-, .. Counci~ J~c~on abstained froa this application. The Pla::::>i~ Director reviewed the proPosal, s:,owing colored slide of the site. The )1aycr asÌ;ed for cocments fro::! the audience. There ·..ere none. I".oved ¡'y C:"'l=il:::an 1,leyers, seconded by Cou::c~l::tan Irwin to close the ru~::: ëearings. Motion carried, 4-0-1 Counci!-¿c, ':~.;or5 said he -,-as "ot in fav"r :: tds proposal be- cause t~ ~:i~ ~ct ~elieve th~s site lend~ itsc¡~ particularly to a trir"'x_ :erh,,?s a duplex CC:lld be Jocat"ci :18r<>. Moved :-:; :__~~,:::::an ~eyers, sec~nded b)' C"u:'_.::l:1an ~?ar,:s to deny a~plic~:::~ ::-Z-72. AYES: ..:":='':ll~en Ir.....1n, ;':E=j"r:rs, Sp.arks, :'.1.Y:Jf Fro] ich ~OES: :~:::~ ABSTAI:;~:: ::U:1c..1,an Jac:tson Motion carried, 4-0-1 23. A?~:.":::,, 16-Z-72 of Mr. & Mrs. R. G. :!.lcXau~htor. for r~:::.~; :",,-half acre frc:: RI-lOag (R~,:Jcnt!a¡, Sing1e- i¿-::'; :~.OOJ sq. fto per dwelli:1g unit) Zone to :;Q (Quasi- P~;':.; :~.IJ!ng) Zone. Sa~d property ~s :"catcd at 10420 ~'U:' >:.:ling Road. Ree,,~ended for ~F?roval. The Pld~=:'" ~:rcctor revie.ed the proposal and the staff repDrt of ( ctc~o: :'. 1912. Hr. Larry ~<r<:1, 10400 South Stelling Road, Cu?crtino, said he 11"es c" ::,. ¡:<:I"'rty 1=ediately to the nMth oi subject property He sai:! h~ ¿x at least one o~her adjacl'nt =e:g!1bc'r object to the proposal ::= the following rea50ns: They feel there will be a signifi,~: r~se in the noise level. Secondl" Stelling Road is CC-l32 Page 13 Counc. .Jackson abstained Public Hearin~ closed 3~tter suited for du;Jc-x 15,·7.-72 d"nied :;.: :'.ie level ;t;,:'~ C :-..:S _lent ia1 L:'U ;'::.:uld re3a~ :o:".':i:.J~ntial .i.:.!..l _:''!.J.: d~~d :'= this tj;.e : .:o.::! care . . .-.uu.s OF r:u: CCIOiER 24, 1972 cm COUNCIL MEETING T U, travelled aDd there 111 _ sid_lit. Cars will probably have to h...c~ftlJ.n¡ iIa the bike lane. The neighbors would like to see the , ,'" ",' ',"" PIa for that area. Froperty values would probably decline witb ,,'J1ìì.:Dposed use. If the eenerid Plan shows another use for thia property '" ;);,' 1.t liait tM pIa for tbà entire area. ir~;!ooert Ka.:..~ton, 10885 Dry4eD Avenue, Cupertino, outl1necl hie ... .ua1, 1!e a:d 111s wife feel the property on Stelling is ideal for . ...ry scltro1. It is located across froll DeAnza and is close to -.jor shopping UNS. It is a short distance frOlR cQndom1n1ut1S and tI:IasfD¡ devel",~ts. The building is a 3-bedroo::!. ....ood fra!lle house 1(>'".~ed 50 fe~: ::~£ from the street, allowing roo," for ?arkin¡ and t1r1"....y. T!--,,=~ are I!Iature trees along the boundary, ~'hich "ill be ree.1Ded. :~~: ~~ll have 12 chil¿ren in the first phase and will 1aclude a p13' .~o~cd along with the first phase. ""en enrollment i:>c:reases, F;:,lõ< :''-'" plans viII oe presented to the Planning COl:llll1ss1on z:>d vill re::,:: :.-:a1 use of the pro,erty. lie said ;:e h,\3 discussed ~ matter ~::c :c~ City Traffic E~g:neer, who d~d not feel there ~e any spe.-::: '7:01e::5. ?oe sa~:: t:.at not all ?u,ils "ill be arriving ~/or leav::-::: -=: :::'~ S3:;O:C t1'::e. 7r.ere is roo::¡ t= 3:ack about five .c.ars on th~ :-_~;;. .-:~ ~xceeds :h~ 5~-:..ndards set u? :-y t~e ~:~lfare je--part::1ent~ :- ~ ~-~~ P~rmit is l:'~:'ted to revJ.....~... a:::=r one ]·car. rJe bo=e is o",,:::y rented. ~~ :eels they will Ò~ u?~rading the f p~o?erty c~~~_:~:~::y. ~::::1.1'C.Cil:na~ ::- :.- .,'.;'':; ::lore concer:-:e:: a:'out the no:::::~ lc\'p! than the t:afiic int:::.:.:~~ ~...:. John Dè: .:,::. ~::.CO Stelli:tg R:'."ld, San JOSl~ ·...·.15 ~·....:1.:~rn('u abo'.1t ::-ae propo;:;ci: ,'¿::._:h~ :lC t:ndersta.:¡:3 t:-.ere .is i1 s:.-.~:.ir type Ufie rc,:,uest ::)r propcrt:. ~:~: ::':5 !1om~. He =~'/~': into this .;J.'r~,l ~·:..v..~ Ijûnth~ ago :..e-c.&uae it ;¿,~ .:. ~_:"et, resident:ë2. .area. !7. Eric I.i::~. ::_:-:- Tula Lane, Cu.;:,,=,rt1no, discu:-,::;:.;..! t:,(" r.L'ltCcnf0r'~ng ~e.. in t,,,,, CC,i :,:.1t "ill e'/en:,,~:ly revert t~ 7',:,!~lIt:JI. ¡¡" said ::':'s daughte:. .-:: :':j <1 nursa, ;;0;=__.5 ::i~hts and <,~ --;-:. Jay.-;. ii~ said -'::'::-!.la:-s .....::: -:->'. ;-·~'.:plc off t:-.i:::- prOpl\l"t}·II. ':'; ·...l~ :- ·~d r,y the City !'!a.:-..ager whc:", .-:: :-_:-"::1.lSCU his pr::?¿rt:¡ that t:d,s '0,~~j n'~v;,·r be anything ~t. resld,":-;,:, :'.1:. :)orot:hy 113:::::-. 1:"'.. instructor :..~ ~_:.:ld tra:n~:~: .:: J"',;\¡1~,1. d0CS nnt s.ee a traff:: >-':::"'-:' here. Th2r~ is a grèi'il :'-::,~:::,:\. to u.;e car P~)oJs v!th ·presc":..:.:-: ::-~. :he State 0: :2.: ':t..n:iia !:;....; - 1:::' s~eC'.i.:ic r~qlJ;rc::.ent4š :'G this t)·i-H -:-:'_:12'. l'hère :s .a: :P..~~~:ld'.Ju·: ,~,_.,::',':' i.~:' :·n!"~(;:1o.)l ch~ld care; they:-.:. .i ,...<litin~ list c: ~:Of) - 2cn i.:;;:: :~'~'~1. ;\::; tc noise, they ::...ve a regL:4_: <_" ·,::J.l~, nod th.----:r:; ',.ill ;:.... ;'t :-:<.,~ ';':~, :-.:.ur In l:-te :"f)rn~ng I' ~ one h..:\,.;:- :'., :,:~ 3ftenì00l" '..fa--~-e:: t:.'_, t.:.!¡iJ:..~·..: ':.J.\' :·,¡l..kors In nic~ weat.her. \,,'::...:.-,~ ·...i.th preschoole!"~. Y01J do .1. ~:~ .~ "rèå:recting"¡ you c!o DOt allC'.- ! ·,::5,' ~ituatiol1 to ?',rsist. I ~ í/~,"::l::- .', .' "', "; ,',¡sellr. Lorre said he did _-:'" ~1..1t on his ~-n and found there '. ""it', ,;{t~~~ ',',' ' ' ,"" ">'f' ,i;;'~ many vxanc:Ies for prn'-'--\ars in his area. Hrs. McNaughton :,:' ':",(, iIidð there is a big differnu :ba preschools ranging from _1Dtena ce ~"2¡ic,pe to gl.'Ñ qualIty pnsèloola. 'fhen is a definite peed for ., ' '. quality preschool Ip this _~. She did a survey of the people iD the i1r.>fo~i~le area wbo voa1ð he affected by the preschool~ Brieientally. ~i:e Lorrens were _~ at hot:l" "oil"" she went there. --- . . IlIBUTES OF 1".:1: OCTOòER 24. 1972 C:1TY COUNCIL !!EETING MOved by C~~~il:an ~eyers, secoDded by Cou~~il~an Irwin to close the Publi~ ~~arings. Moti= =a=~ed, 5-0 Movcd by ~,_c::'",,,,, Irvin, :;e:.~"'¿ed by C,,"r.::>:.1:'1 JacÌ(SO!'l to c!eny .~plíc~t~:~ ~:-Z-i~. C~U!\ci1::-_i.- ::-.'~:": ....·,¡s conc-e:-::..:.:' #..r:..~~ nai~e ._ .3. :-c~iðential area. :'~uncil':"",:,- .-.:.: ~::~ said t:-.~ r:=-":.r:-= \:hc \·.';::"r :·,-:?r...· Çirst shc1~1¿ be ~o'!1si~ic:-;.:.,. :- .',~'.;~ s;~cu!.¿ :-t= :e:t esscnt:,i.~~'· ::\t.~ '."ay they a:"c =til \....' .'';'.' ..~~......~ :it the :~e:-¿,: Plan. C.:'1;":":::'~'-,;l:" ~'pyers feel!; th Council ~ :_~.: :-~ .:..-'nsiste::::. Pie recent.)" :-::.::-_"'.fn¿(d to the I (.aunt'" t:.:: :::.¿o~ n.....t aLl~·· ,~;.·.-ersío;1 oi rc:~-.':'~:1t¡ai property tc :,ysinc~s\.~. ::í':e are ot:-.E::r ::~c-at.:!.ons cn ::::.;:~~:'nb zoned and availa~l,., . A~·£S: _~_:":..:il:-,~n Ir·Ji:-..~ Ja:.'5.on. :'Icyt:'r::, ·:,'¡Y:1r rrollch S~£S: :;,=, A3STA I:>¡::' : : :u~< i ,,,,an Spa:!:s Mot ic~ carr ~ed, 4-0-1 ::RDl:¡A.,\U, 2'. Firs: ~,i'J,.L:\g of Ord:'::~:..~e :~:>. 561: ".-\:-: 0rdi:iance of the City _: ~~rl'rtino Frc::-.:;¡~:i:¡¡ Enlssic-:-. ~~':' Cr('~liC\n of ~,oi~'e Btty..':-.: :¿:,,:a:'n Levels..'- -- read oy ~:a·":: Frolich. Coune! 1"",:', ",è:'~;;' said he ·.."s c=,~cerncd a"c-.:~ ~:::,>rce,"cnt of this Ordinance. ::" City ~nagér r~c__,endcd ~x7,;.ur<· of this Ord:nanc ~o the :':.;:::.:. :t ....as f~::. !.:..ere should :,e ":¿:in:tiona of acto- nøtivc a~.:. ¡.~:;"::fi~d. sou::':. ~ved by C:,_-...::l=an ~eyers. seccnded by Ce\,;.::.:~l::'..an ~rwin to con- tinue th~ : :=;.~ Reading cf Orc!i::.a.~ce )10. :;6:. Mo~ic~ carr~ed, 5-0 CC-132 Page 15 ~ ,,> .[ Puhlic Hearing closed 16-z-n denied Ord. 551 continued -132 .16 . . IIUII/,U"S or tHE OCTOBD 24. 1972 cm COUNCIL MEETING ;\'~t".i ~~ :",;.~'~~~~:~. :,;;¡~.'¡:, 1~'~>'1: "~ .;., ',,:s !,;' Second badiDa of.~f.._. 10. 5S8: "AD Ordinance of the Cit)' of Cupertino ~~f. Sect1cm 1 of Ord1l1&DC. No. 2 b1JaoD1nl a CertaiD Port1oiÌr~.tbe Cit)' of CupertiDo frOlll CG (GeaeI'a1 eo.... ..rcial) Zoo. àD4"!if';;10 (Residential, S1n8le-F811111)'. 10.000 Sq. ,Ft. Per DvelliDSUau> Zone to P (Planned Developaellt .v1th Pro- f.ssional/Comaerc1a1 Use Intent) Zonin8; Approx!màte1)' 6.9 Acr.s Located IIorthedY"of and Adjacent to Stevens Cre.k IIlvel. Approxi- mately 150 r.et Vesterly of the I~tersection of Steveo. Cr..k IIlvd. and Saich Way &Del Esteuclinl Northerly of Alves Driv.... -- r.ad by Mayor Frol1ch. , ::~cond lleaåJJlf. .:f Ord. 558 J=d. 558 :!:~acted :r:i. 533(cì ; .cend Reac!~¡ :=¿. 533(c} ~::acted Moved by Councilman Mey.rs. s.conded by Councilman Irwin to have Ordinance ~o. 558 read by title only and the Mayor's reading i8 to constitute the Second Reading. AYES: NOES: Ceunc11cen Irwin. Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Kayor Frol1ch S<>ae ~~t1on carried, 5-0 Mov2d by C~~ncilDan Ir~in, seccnded by Ceuncil=an S?ar~s to enact Ordina~ce :;J. 558. AYES: NOES: C:t¡ncilmcn Ir..ir.. Jac~,'iOh. M~)'er:,) Spar::...;.., ::""y,.)c Frollc:l !i.oae ~~tion carried, 5-0 26. Sec~n'; Reading of Ord~nance :{o. 533(c): "An Ordinance of the City ~f Cupertino A.~ending Ordinance !ie. 533 Re¡ulating Stopping, Star.j:ng or Parking on ?u~lic Streets, dnd ?rov:din~ fer Signs :\otifying the Pu~:ic Thereof, and Furt.:H Providing for Penalties fer \'i~lation There<>f." -- rcad by 'Ia,.:>r Fr"lich. Moved b)· C.:ou:1cl1Qan ~!e::ers II seconded by C\',Hl~.:il::an Jac:-<3cn to have Ordin:1nce ::0. 533(c) read by t ~tle only a::d the ~tay:>r' s reading 1s to constitu:e the Second Reading. AYES: NOES: Councl1cen Ir.!.n. Jac~son. Mey~rs, Spar:(s, ~~1y~r Frolich ~.,ne Motio~ carried, 5-0 Moved by CJunc11m3n Ir..1n, secor.d.d b)' C"tm~:b'1n ::eyers to enact Ordinance ~o" 533(c). AYES: Councilmen Irvin. Jackson t :'~eyers 1 S;=ar:<s t ~!ayor Frollch NOES: :\one Motion carrieJ, S-C -':-,;~r,~'~· .:.¡.. .~ ' ,0:,,":, :1-'$ ~, ~~., '- tt:t ~~, ,'~~. r'",~. 1~;tt; ",~~",,:,;~~~,~} . e HIN111'ES OF THE OCTOBER 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING JtlSOLUTI05S 27. No. 3353: "A lleaolution of the City Council òf the City of Cupertino AllO'.ring Certain Clams and Demands Pa1.able in the Amounts and frO!!l the Funds as Hereinafter D...cr1bed for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period EDdinS October 3, 1972." -- read by Mayor Fro11ch. Moved by Councilman ~eyers, seconded by Councilman Irwin to adopt Resolution 1(0. 3353. AYES: NOES: Councilcen Irwin, Jackson, ~~yers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Motion ~arried, 5-0 28. XC'. 3354: "A Resclution of the C:ty Council of th~ Cit:, of Cupertino Allowin, Certa:n Clai~s and De~L~d, ?aya~le ~~ th~ ' A"':0tmts and frcr.a the Fund.3 as Herpi:'tafter D~scr:'~cd Íor r.encral and ~Uscel1aneous I::xpe:1dj tures." - read "oy the :hyor. CC-132 Page 17 ~ 1 Iles. 3353 adopted M~vcd ~y Co~ncilman Jac~so~, second~d ~y Council~a~ lr~in to aõopt Rcs. );;~ ReEolut':'cn ~'o. 3354. a·.!op':e:: AYES: ~OES: Irwin. Jac~son, ~\eyer$, Sparks, ""j'or Frol iChl ~ot1on carried, 5-0 Counc 11 "'''n ~;one 29. ~ø. 3355: "A Resolution of the City C~uncil of the C"ty of Cupertino Author:z1ng Exec~~ion of an Agree~ent Ept~ee~ the Depart~ent of F{na~ce, Sta~e of Ca~ifornia, and the C:ty of Cu?ert1no for a Population Estimate." - read b}' tc.e !!..yor. Moved by Councilman ~eyers, seconded by Council~An Jackson to adop RC3. 3;;; Resoluti~n ~o. 3355. ado?~e~ AYES: 110 ES : Councilmen 1r¿in, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 30. No. 3357: "A llesolution of the City Council of the City of ~upertino Amending the Rules as Established Under the Provi- sions of the Personnel Cede." - read by the Mayor. 33S7 :<; s. 3359 adopced ~s. 3359 ~:":ed es. 336C àd::¡:=ed ..: (.,,";'.'~ " " '-.,. ':~~, ,~',!!,< . ,-,-:".11' );:,:{,~. '"".,l' .; e . }w u(t;$ OF tHE OCTOBEa 24. 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEETIJIG JløYecI by r.oancUam J'"('''--i. ø.:oDdecl by COUDC:LluD He1ers.CO adapt ldoluUon 110. 3357. ·JlòëJma cauied. S-O " ':':, 31. No. 3358: '"A ~";1-tOa.of the City Council of the C1.ty of Cupertino A1JowiDi On:uln Claims and Demands Payable f1l tile Aaoun~s and froœ tile JUDds as Hereinafter Described for Salariea and "ages for the Payroll Period ending October 17. 1912. - read by Hayor Frol1ch. Moved by Councilman }~ers. s~conded by Counc1lcan Jackson to ado~t Resolution No. 3358. AYES: NOES: Counc1l~en Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, ~yor ?rolich None Y~tion carried, 5-U 32. No. 3359: "A Resolut1o" of the City Coundl of t::e City of Cupertino Accepting ~~~tc¡ai~ Deed and Author~zat!c~ ~or Gnder- gro~"d :~ater R:"ghts :r~-::. Ditz-Cr3:1C, a California Co:-;:>r.,'( :~n; Tra~: Xo. 5279, ~·!ant~:;td.-'.o. t;nlt :;0. 7; i..ocated cSt t..":! C.Jr7'.er of. Flintsalre Streec a~.:i C1arkston Avenue." - re~d b:: th~ :-!a)·or. ~:Oved I>y ,'"unciloan ::eyers. secondnd by CoancU...an Jac'ot,,= to ad"pt Resoluti~n ~o. 3359. AYES: NOES: CC'uncilcen Irvic.. Jacks:)n. Mcy~r~. Sj)arks. ~~7or F~ol ich ~cne ~~t~on carried, 5-0 33. Xc. 336C: "A Resolu=1o:l of the City Council of the C~ty of Cup"rt ino Accepting Qu', tcla ir.l Deed aad .\ut:.or iza~ :0:1 ~cr U"der- ¡;roun1 Water Rights fro::. Earl E. Pean!n~ton and :~~:,. A."''' ?.""ing~on; Locat"d Westerly Side 'Of Randy Lane A¡>;roxi",atel:; 436 Feel: Sorth of Stevens Cree;c. S¡"d." -- read by ~:a·..er Fr~lic3. Moved by Councilman Jac~", seconded by C"unc!l:-,an Ir·..i:l to adc¡:t Resolution ~o. 3360. ~~tion carried, 5-0 7:·.',:~y~"':"r . e CC-IJ2 Page 19 Ilea. 3361 adopted (b) R¿soluti?n S". 33~2: "A Resolution of t:1e Cit:: CCU:'Icíl of the City of ~~t:~" ^~t~oriz~ng Execution ~n¿ ~~cordaticr of Declarat1o~ of ~str1ctions Relating to Real ~r=?erty _ (Hotse Ranchj." -- rea: by Mayor Frolich Y~ved by C~u:'lcilman Jac~=:. seconded by Council"an :r~in to a¿opt ~es. 3352 Resolut~"II ,"0. 3362. adoptrd 36. Staff report on re;uest for ban on sMoking in Council Chamher., The City Mæ.ager was requested to have no smoking signs ins~alled ~c smok;~; C:'I for the south side of tbe Council Chambers. Enfor~ement of this south side of would be on a voluntary b_is. Coun>:. Cha"b"r HINIIT¡¡S OF THE OCrOBDI. 24. 1972 CITY COL~ClL ME£TING 34. No. 3J6l: "A Kescløl:~ of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approvia&'óII d~O'dding for Execution of a Contract for a Grant ~O:Ac:CJIÒ,f"':~JI~'Develop Land for Open Space Pur?Qses 10!~39-~S,,¡iby and between City of Cupertino " and U:titecl"states,of 1~~ (Horse Ranch)~1;' - l"ead by !fayor Fr<,Uch:f ..' ", c 7' j; ,I _:~ r~ . ,~ ' Moved by Councllœn Inda. "solution ~o. 3361. ~ed ~~ Councilman Sparks to adopt ~ carried, 5-0 (a) Opinion let~er fr0.2 City Attorney (Horse Ranch). ~ved by Councilman ~7ers. seconded by Cour.cilnan Irvin ~o receive and file the City Attorney's letter regarding norse Ranch. ~.otion carried, 5-0 AYES: XOES: C~~ncilmen :r.i~. J~£s~n, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor =~olich X,,"::e ~~icn carried, 5-0 ~"INIS5E~ 3ëSINESS 35. ~p~rt frOD City A::~~~y an¿ discussion of request thãt City Cour.c il sUp;>ort Pr0POf;;: ~'1 18. No action t~ken. -132 . 20 i:::e Deposit: A",ards "I , e·, - 24. !.972 CITY .:GUNC1L m:ETnlG ~i~: ,,',- ·':;;I:.~lteceipt of bU. few Cc " As.eslllllent District Project 71-2. <{~/,,1 ,'," ~ ""~.-,_:F ..... _, ',::, . . .... . ~ "'Dttec:tor oflÏì~1c\;~~~ .iåfathe low bid is a1lllo.t'.$lCIOiOOO 1... , -the eøaJ.Dar·..,iÞi,·-;;,¡~r.û,.Tbis matter will as,."", -" forth. ,. 'rep1u C_11 r1Í'¡'....-.- " Avard of Tille Depo.1U. Director of AdIIiDlstrad.... Services reviel<ed the "BUs few T1ae Deposit Avards", dated October 25. 1972. His recoucendatioa vaa for two deposits of $125,000 eaci:L. to be made to Sank of Ac.erica and Crocker , 5aDk, both of whoa will ha'e 5i2Uar deposits T.aturing on ¡{ov_ber 3, 1972. So :aYed by CouncUn:an Y.27=5. seco:1ded by Councilt:tan Jackson. AYES: JIO£S : Cou~cil::!en 1r...in. J=ßcn, :,:eyer" Sparks, Mayoe Frolich !OJne ~~:""--n carried, 5-0 39. Request !ör Ci~y C<r~~~: £~4ing of $5,000 in supp~rt 0: I Cupertin~ Roundup. .Already discussed. Sea ~~¡es 5 a~ 6. I 1'0. A??r~v~t cf trans:e~ ~: :~.óoo of appropriations ~~c~ A:~~:tectural :::ervic~s u~Jer Ca,:.:.a.: :::ž'r.,~:e:-..cnt rr....'j\.·..:~s to E:ur!'::'e'! ~e:v!.ces ''R.ô:'l::erstl, LirM:a ,..!.s~& a.=.=- 5:~et'set Sçu.;,\re Part<.. :-.1-.5~ to: of So ~vcJ b)" CC'uncll:-.an :r....:-.::. se~c:::1ed by C;;~.~cil~n ~rar's. , ?~r':;i'~1at:icø;:s C~un.:ilneo I:-Ji::.. ':,,:,LS,~:'I.. :·:e~·er~, ::?1.rks. Mg.:.,..:-: ::-_:::h ~r-.e AYES: IiO£S : ~'j,: :. ~:3':: c ~rr led. 5-0 41. Ccns1der3t1~n of eXrr:5~;'~ :;: ¡~t.:.n R.eo.:rl':t :J~a¡ ?r-: ;:ra=, :'0' ::\r.lude Kenn~y ;un1or H1¡~ Sc~~::_ The Dir~c:t.,)r of ?arks ~¿ i..!-::-e-:;.::':,;. r"": .. Clcy of San J~se no lo:".ge: .:_~ ëi. ?=c.-gra,- ~lt t:~e r:~~ra~. =~t!~g t!1at the ~n-:edy J~~i~= ~~g~ School. e e KØUTES OF THE OCTOBEll 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-132 Pase 21 ,,¡;' ... ,"!,-' ';JføVeð by COUllclll1\&D øe,.ers. secoaaeð by CoUDcl1l1111D spats co ,,:;.rove this expansloa of TeeD 1Iacreational progr_ 4 . "tat.l)'. j '~ ! T"D "C. 1'r .xpauioo , apprcmÞI 'AYES: .,ES: . CoUllcilmen IrviD. 3acuoa. Heyers, Sparks. HayOS' FroUeh None j ,I I 1 j I tol I ~1oa carried, s-o 42. Request for position stateoent opposing Proposition 14. Kayor Frolich said he vil] en~orse opposi~ion to proposition 14. He will also be speaking t~ the Cha~ber of Co~erce this Thursday. ¥~ved by Councilman JacLs~~, seconded by Council~an ~Ayers that Opposition the Cupertino City Co~cil go on record as opposing Proposition 14. Prop. 14 ~tion carried, 5-0 43. Request for per=!: t~ issue Business License to farvestern publications ~o <i~s~rl"'ute Cot'.l1,un1ty Guide and City Business Directory. Upon reco:o:::endat1on 0: :;.~ staff, it vas moved by Councilnan Jackson, seconded by Co~cil~ Irwin to approve the issuance of the above Business Lic~se. Business license ~o 1ssu<:-! ~~tion carried, 5-0 REPOR¡ OF OFFICERS 44. C~~y Staff The City ~~nager annoucced that on Nove~ber 10th there will be an ABAG Open-Space Regional Growth Meeting. All four Counc11cen and Kayor Fro11ch plan to attend. ABAG ~...etin e e MINUTES OF THE 0CT03E1l 24.. 1972 CITY COL"=,CIL :ŒETDlC 45. City CouncilceD -- Jothin¡ furtåer to discus.. ,<;' 46. llecognit1oQ by !'.ayor of non..agenda ites:l5. cØ ·r ADJOU1l.~Œ:'T TO PE.~~ SESS101( In~erv1!!'<s for vaca:cies to be set up for ~!onda)". October 30, 1972, beginning at 7 :30 P.::. ADJOt"R:;::z::;-r TO EXECt1nVE :-ŒETl)IG Y.oved b}' Councl1o:::an ~:eyers, seco:\de:i by Councll:::£n Sparks to adjourn to an Executive Scssio~.at 11:59 P.:·:. ~~tlon cõrrled, 5-0 Xoved by Councl1:::an 1r"ln, sec~n~eJ by Counc~l~a~ Jac~scn to adjourn the :-.cet:ng at 12:32 A.::. to ::o:1day, Octo:,er 30, lS71 ~t 7:30 P.:'I.. in the CO:1:'erence R"",~ 0'; City .i,111 for the ?ur?o~" at ~l1terv!.e"ing app1ic3:\:S for Cc~~ssi",:\ vacancic~. :·!ot ion carr ied, 5-0 APPROVED: /s/ Donald A. FroJich Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Wb. E. Ryder City Clerk