CC 11-06-72 . . CiTY OF CU¡';::R:nm, State of Cal:.fornia 10300 Torre k;cnuc, Cupert.lno. California Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAJL ~lNG OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD NOVEH3ER 6. 1972. lilt THE COUNCIL ClW!BEll CITY HALL, CUPEZ1'IJIO, CALIFORNIA SAUTrE TO i HE FLAG Kayar Frolich called the ~eting to order with the Salute to the Flag at 7:3ó ?H. ~!.L CALL Councilr.en pr~sent: C~~ncil=cn a~sent: 1r·.:i:1, JacLson, ~:c}'er1', Sparks, Ma~'or FroL.ch ~o~e S~aff presc:1t: City ~{ana~er Quinlan C~:;: Attor~.e)· Ada:,s Director o~ Ad:::~n::'strativc ~~n·éces R~'der Director 0: :12:1ning and Dcve~o?-ent Sisk Directcr 0: Public ~,'''ork:> Yat'torou30 C"..Jncilr.an Ir,in cx?lai:1e:! t:-,e pre,ence of t"e ca:::ara and lights ~as a public rclations project of his employer, Lockheed Corpora- t~on, anò it would be or~e:. V.INUTES OF P:\EVIOUS ME::TL'iGS 1. Approva: of Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of Oc~obcr 30, 1972. Ycved by Councilman JacLson, seconded by Cou:1cilman Meyers to approve the Minutes of ~ctober 30, 1972, as written. ~btlon carried, 5-0 2. Approval of Minutes of regular r.eeting of Octaber 24, 1972. Page 4, Councilman JaCLSOO would like to have the first paragraph 4elE:~ed. CC-134 PaKe 1 Oct. 3:JÜ, M!nutes a?pro·..e as recorded \3:-134 _.2 1_... or m !"""" " '912 C11T """"'" "'!" .... 13, .ecøDd paraarapb """",.~: "CoWlcilN:l JacklOn abnaioed ~ ebb 1Ippl1catioG." .... 15, C4 41-- J~.rD. ~ t'- _ce on the aecond \lOtion """'1d ....: "MotiOll carri.., 4-0-1- ... 6, It_ 6, PoUce c:-tcc..: C:-CUaan Irvin said the .ecODd aDII ddr4 sentences s!>oodd read: "IooUet~ are bail\¡ prepared. There b _ a 21-hour ua1n1111 prosra _ ~ary alone." !'.ace 7, first full para¡rapb alii!« 1c_ a, third t'ara;raph: Ka,.or holicb would like the '.lOrds "Co-"-r of Co=erce" deleted and replaced á%h "City Cou:1cil". hee 8, 4th para¡uph froo t1".. bono:: Mr. TOWMend's address is . ¿~9 Creston. t ?a¡e 8, the C1t~· :~"..1ger ...,,\;:¿ 11"-8 1tc~. 11 t,;: :'~\"Y the fact t;,at --.ey ~ere dis~~$$::g t~ese ~r:=¡~~ i~ relat::n :~ tic par~ dêslgû. "'ct. 24th ~:e:1 by C("u~~~:=j~: ~:~ycr!l, ~~:~¿~¿ =:- Ccun~·~:~.,:-. 'ac1<son to a-;?"::"le .~ir.u:es a;:,-.:-:;";'"e -:.i.e ~inutes .....: .....:::·:.:c 24, ::~¡ a3 :::'rr£.ct~d. .1.i carre-=.:.'¿ ~.:: _::. ;:a.:'ri~¿. S-C :;~;:::ICATlè:;S -- ':r 1 tteft :8-Z-72 a.::<i :S--rn-72 ":":Jnt'tntJed =.: :I~xt meet.:'~ A. Re:::;'':¿o~~ ::-.:'::1 fir:':. ,::- '.:;;:ega..-¡. ;;;~:d D·:~:-".:~"'·__" ,;:1 beh:tl: '--- ~P;'::':,~:·.:$ ;C'r lé-':-:'2 ¿~¿ :e-:'~-7~ ~ ..... :'1e 3~:ledu¡ed ?tÒ:~.: '~..:.l:-ir.~s ::.::-. -:.:)~::i:r.:ed t.J t::...· :~~..:-:. -"'l~ti";; of the C:~y~'c::;:l. :5.:. ~ovcd by C::;:-:..:::::an :!ey-=::";;, ~~:=:-&-ií'1 :'y C.:~:-,:..·:· -:,1<1 rr-:in. ~:t::~ carried, 5-C t B. Res.:"~~t :a~~ adopt¿-:, ~:. '::':y of ::or,~'a::, State ::- :dlltorn::"3. :,:¡ ;:-:-o-¡':'¿c i'Jf 3~ for t;"t> .::¡ocat:'G~ :: ?.~-..e~·,h~ .~:ì.<1r:.r~; .;~~~~ requests the ~:~~r~ate for~ul~ .~, ..... c. RC:::.L:.~5': :r')~l the ¿::::'::-:.a::t ;'.Jr ::C-;:,2>·.~ t:1i.i.t the C:.t:: C('l"J:\'::~~ :~'&'~rse :.:_-.:.. :,¿-::.'=-.=.e;:-:ation :-~-.':' Archi.t~ct;,;(a'!. ani ~::(. .~.?rro·'..a: r:·;~=~t.tee. 1~as :,' 15, thi.s _1~~':".¿a. . . ~ OF E:: ".-: .:o:.~ 6, 19ï2 CI7": C')"::;C:L M:.::l::;~ ~ our Sugg~>:::~ 3~x; D. A s1;=~~ ·~~nt that: "1r=e Cupertino Roundup Co~ittee of de~:7~:~ helping persoos need3 the City Council's immed:¡:. support 10 prov1d1ng off~ce space and persOllnel for ~ I¿e~uate referral service for all residents of Cupn::=:C. " E. A si~~: =~~ent; "Please !ive up t~e practice of ~?in6 it~E :~ :~ Cral Co~ica:icns frem a~enda position, to the ¿£::~¿::t of persons ..~ bave filed t''8ir application and ..-.-, .:," their t::= to sta~e their ca,e. Let everyone take ::':~:' turn." 4. Oral Co:-::r.c-::J::'ons Á. Non~ :-=-!~=t= ·...~as s.:::-:: ';·.;;:''':'_~.3ion a'::'..:-:' _h_ :-€::solutiC'ri ......,. t:1C City ~: .5:::-...a.:~ t'equê~: .,'; :::~ lcg":'s~a~;;=-= -:: é:do?t al::":-:-~"'.ltl2', for:-ula fer ~:-.:.~ a~lot~e:t: :¿"::::lUe ~:j;¡r:'::; :~:::s. T:.e J~:"í'..·t.::'" of Ad·-.i,-.:- £':!"f.::'ve Ser''':~:;' ~.:.:-::: ::'e at:'E--:-_~O:::' f. ,;; ío.:": in:' " .,)~ t::-,·.~ $ubject. :-:e s-..:g.;-£'E-ted t:-.( ::_,-:: _: Jcl.:1Y ¿=:,- ¿.::.::.;n 0:1 t~1::; :-.It:t.'r until "..e re;:.¿-:'ye core .-.';':.i. =x;-eclPd :.:-.-:: :::..=~: ··~ek in :'If,:-¿--:",:-cr. ~ ::c....ed by ~., ::>:"1:'. ~~eyp.r~, =<ê~::::'ed 'Y Cou~:::::.dn :rl,Tin. :1otion céJ:-r:£.::, 5-') ~?~ OF C'~·::: ~ '2?::~S~::rA!:·.=:= 5. Tra=s?=r:ation Adv:'>~r: Co~~ittee -- :;0 re;.:.rt Y.ayor F~:: ::.: Inter-C~~y Council ~~e ~..yor de{err~¿ to Council~a~ ~~yers' report 0" F?G =eeting. League of California Cities ~re ~ill be a Fen'nsula Divisio~ :ee~i~ next Thur~~ay. Leg~la~~ve Rcvie~ Cc~'¡ttee - So r,"?ort CC-134 Page 3 Act.!on ::-:. !'C'.!(tlue :::1"''-:-' ¡::\!,=,t ;0:-,'=-= . . CC-l34 Page 4 KISUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 6, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6. Councilman Irvin: Drug Abuse Coordination Coaai8sion Police Committee ¡ - Hothing to report. 7. Councilman Jackson: Association of Bay Area GovermaenU - There will be a meeting Hovel:lber 10th. Santa Clara County Water CommLIsion - No ~eport Urban DevelO lClent & Open Space Subcom::sittee of PPC - There will be a ceeting on ~ov~ber 8~h. Airport Land Use Subcommittee of PPC -- There will be a ~eet1ng Nove=ber 9~h. 8. Council~~~ Meyers: Planning Policy Co~~ittee -- The Sierra Club has written a letter objecting to LAFCO's apprcval of as-year ex?ans1on plan for Morgan Hill. __ The Heusing Ele~e~t Progr~ relating to fair housing in Santa Clara County has been referred to the cities for their caëments within ninety days. PPC has offered two reco~endat1o~s: 1) Establish , center for coordination of fair housing benefits. 2) Provide for a?artments a"d other rental properties including mobile ho~e parks. Slides were shm:n the PPC 0:: urban developr.lent and open space plan. ¡,est Va. lIe;: cities will be requested to view this presentation. -- There was a request for a noise level studies. PPC fro~ the cities on this. felt atte~tion s:lould be of ordinances related to T·.'ork progra~ on would like input Councilman ~eyers given to enforcement noise levels. Hillside Subcommittee of PPC The Planning C0~aission is requesting guide- lines from the City Council. . . ~IINU'!ES CF THE NOVEMBER 6, 1972 CITY C()U¡¡CIL MEETl:lC 9. Councilman Sparks: Flood Control Advisory Committee Commission on Alcoholism - No meetings. PLA:<NI$ CC.'lHISSION 10. SUÒŒission of Minutes of regular ~eeting of October 30, 1972. 11. Application 3-V-72 of Claude T. Lindsay, Inc., for Variance ~o allow a two-foot increase in the allowable fence height on the northerly property line of Tract 4721, Lots 18 throu~h 31. Said property is located on the east side of North Slan~y Avenue approxicately 50J feet north of Merritt Drive. Rece~ended for denial. The Pla~~ing Director referred to the Planning Co~issicn reco=- mendati~" on this application, the staff report, and sho.ed colored s:~jes of the site. CC-134 Page 5 Hr. Kalt¿~ ~!uir, representing Claude To Lindsay, Inc., presented I T:-.o pro?:sa1 his pic:~:e3 ~1ich he ielt best illustrated his pro;lem of rri~acY'1 fro~ the adjacent multiple development which is at a lo.er ele~a- tion. ~. said there is a lot of noise and traffic e~anating f~è~ the adjac¿nt deve1op=ent. He said ~e are talking a~out privacy ¡ of peer:' in their ho~es, not only ~n their õack yards. he felt 1 the 2' a~~ition to the height of tr.e fence .ould i~?rove rather than detract from the neighborhood. Counci:~n Irwin said he did net see a hardship here -- there are many s~::i13r instances within the City of Cupertino. Council::"" Jackson agreed ther", W,1S a :Oad situation here, :,ut :<ith time ar.d sO:!Ie landscaping, the proble:: I:ill solve itself. Mayor Fro:i~h said he has the BL~e pr~"l~, with RI overlooking his hoee. Hoved ~Y Councilman 1rJin, seconded by Councilman Jackson to deny applicat:on 3-V-72. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, ~~yers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich Sone Kotion carried, 5-0 I ::ardsh1¡: ~C': dOClonstra:e:: T be a::¿ Ianjscar ins ';1 1 solve t:-.e ,rÒl 3-V-72 denied f CC-l34 P..6 18-TH-72 c:outinlMld ! to 11/20/72 , "i!asons b~ r~"es~ for ·..aiver ?~ssible ,:lutions ';~!.·ler a"~roved ..~"t·~ ... .JIl."_ ì ..... .. c....nC'O'.'Þ.......:1S - . . KIBtlTES OF THE NOVEMBER. 6, 1972 CITY COUNCIL ~IEETnIG 12. Application 18-'1'H-72 of Mackay Homes, Division of Xai.er-Aetna for Tentative Hap to subdivide 8.3+ acres into thirty-four lot. consistiq of tvat,.-uine single-family cluster ra.Untiel lots and one lot to be held in cOlŒlOn ownership, three I1n&1a-famlly detached rel1dntial lots and one lot to rl!l:l&in uødcveloped. Said property is located adjacent to and westerly of McClellan Road approximate1,. 250 feet westerly of the intersection of Byrn. Avenue. llecommended for approval (See related Agenda Item No. 23) This was pnviously continued to November 20, 1972. 13. Request for waiver of requirement for improvement bond in connection with the ~~rian1st Province of the Pacific at the westerly terainus of Madera Road. Rec~ended for approval. The Planning Director referred to the staff report of Nov~ber 2, 1972 on this =atter. Posting of an improv~ent bond could be a hardshi? in this case since the City has not made a f~nal dete~ination regard- ing the u:~l~zation of ~adera "oad as a pu~lic r:g~t-of-~ay to the undeve::~i!¿ foothill properties to the ~e5t. Tr.e a??licant is pre?ared to make all necessary dedicat~ons. and th~ develop~ent agree=ent ~ould contain 3 ?rov ision that ·.ill require the ~tariani,ts to construct' the final i=~r~ve~ent of ~~dera Road in the event the City decide~ this will remain a ?uòlic street. Council~j" :r~in as~ed if there are p~5si~ilities of t~e City getting into pr::-:c::s "downstrea:1". The Director oi" Pu~lic Works said there is this ,:ssibUity, but he as:'ed ho·..· Ions t:1C ?rc?"rty o',ner should be req.; i ri!~ t~ hold a bone!. It ',ou1 J be at least f iVi! year:; tr.at the)" would hr:e :" carry this barden. T::e CJ ty Attorney ~aid '~e could have an en~u~:cr3~ce on the la~d to guarantee :ulfill~cnt of t~e agr~e~ent. Mr. Dor. ~""dry, of Ruth and Going Civil Er.gineers, ask"d if the land would ò~ c,,~u:Òereå '.dth a lien .md if so, 1,0',< long it '<ould be for. He said ::-:t!re is reason to ~el i(!ve this rO:1J :nay aever ;,e built. T>.ey are cO::':€:'":1~d nbout tying up securities t"or an unli:~i..ted ti::-.e. The Directcr :: Public ":orks said the Cit:· would have th" rig:-,t tu ';0 "he,1d and t:1a:"'e t:H~ i!:1provc:,.ents and collect on t::'t!l!I.þ if tr.~ need shçuld arise. :-'.oved by C..'~nc l1man 1r\olio t secondt."d :y Ccunc i 1ma.t 3?arks to agree to the ·....aiv¿:'" :.,....: im?rovc~e:ï.t bond r,:ql1irè::l.-'nt in connt!(.;ti.-,n ...dth the ~!~lriar.i<;t Provin..:~ ..':" the Pacific at the ~'eslPr¡y t£'r:--:inus cf N..1¿era ~oad with the express c.:'ndition t:tere s:1all be ~t L:O\;cnant run:1int: "..:ith the deed to the ld:"d. T;'.~ City Attorne:.. is :nstructe~l to dra·... ~p t~ì.is a~re(:~cnt. AYES: ~ OES : C.:"u~cilmen Tr\l1n. J.1l'k~:J:t. '·c:/l"r::>. S?ar:·:s. :1a::or Frolich ~","'n¿ 90tion carried, 5-0 . . . MDlUTES cr THE SCVÐlBER 6, 1972, CITY COUNCIL MEETING ARCII1TEC!'t.1t.....r. A.'iD SITE APPROVAL Cm!MITTEE 14. Sub=dssion of Minutes of regular meeting October 25, 1972. . 15. Applica:ion HC-5I,209.l of Any ~?untain, Ltd., requesting approval of aodification of architecture for a co~merc1al building located in the Rancho De Anza Shopping Center at 20630 :alley Green Drive. Recommended for denial. The Pla~nin~ Director rev1e~ed the applicant's proposal before the H-Control C~~~ittee for construction of a ~~od-burning fireplace in the e,.:s:i::g (o::m¡ercial buildiug in the Rancho De Anza Shopping Center. Mr. E. ~~::~~~, ~Oé30 Valley G~ce~ Drive, Cupertino, presented sl-':etche~ .~: ::l:"e~ a1ternat:....e prcj)\)5a1s for the chi7"'l."1ey: a red:~·oo box at ::-,t' ~.';'. r¿d··lOod 'Jit:~ ceriL-:1ic and $~yl:2ht, and galvanize'! pipe pai",: ".: ::.!: :1.,,:<' ::e said tr.e r~"_'on for the ,,"od-burning f :'repl¿~~ .: :::.1: ::1CY ·..·ar.t to ?:''2.:'e!'t ::~1C real war:-,th aud at-.:Js- ?r:.ere co: .:. :-:, ~ : ,jse. ;:e said th is o··ould !:-~ a real asset to the City of ......;'::':--::::.."1. ::e said :Jne 0: t;-.e objections frc;,). at least one of t.-.:" ,-..·.,::::-.:>1 ~c!"".:,er::.> ....·as tl:c ::atter of E':"".issions :ro::\ the fircpla.:i'. ·.C solid roost hc:--.e~ 1:1 Curertin~ have firep]ace.,; aad one !norê ''':.,:': :1.:ot make that -.UC:1 cii!:l€"r(".~("e. I I Council:::d", :.!~;:5~:: felt it ' êuld oe i::-¡:roper for the Co\!ncil to ·1 act upo~ :~~ 3 rr~rosals presented at t;1is ~eetin~ since th~y ^ere not firs: ~<,i~.~J by the R-Con:rol. Moved by ::~~~i:~a:1 Ir~in, sec~nded by Council~an Jacks~n to refer applica: "c, ~:C-51 ,209.1 back to the I!-C""trol, to be 1ncJ uded at their =e<:i"g ~f ~ovember 8, 1972. Motion carried, 5-0 16. Ap,l:~3ti~n HC-51,227.2 of Xeasurex Corroration requesting appr~.al ~f site, grading, architecture and landsca?i~g for additi~r. to existing building located adjacent to and north- erly 0: ~cClel1an Road at the intersection of Dubb Road. Recc~e::ded for approval. Moved by C~un~iloan Ir~in, seconded by Counciloan Jackson, after .~udying t~e staff report and minutes of the H-Control meeting on HC-5I,2~ì.2, that the City Council find, this to be in co::formance with the cbjectives of the Conservation ~~d O?en Space Ele:::ent of the General Plan. Ko~ion carried, 5-0 ëC-134 Page 7 Applica:tt ·..an: 5 fireplace ~:e"; propcsal :!C-51 ,20?1 ba(~ to :'-C~:.t~: I!C-51,227.2 confor",s to OS & C F.l~ c.ent , ClC-134 :.... 8 BC-:-51.227.2 åpproYeII HC-51,259.5 approved HC-51,Ol;.:3 a;:pro'¡ed . . HDlUTES OF tHE NO'IEHBER 6. 1972 Cln: COUNCIL MEETING Hoved by CouncU_ IrviA. seconded by Councilman Jackson to approve application BC-Sl.227.2. HotlOG carded. 5-0 17. Application HC-S1,2S9.6 of Stanley Mountford (Raleigh Bicycles) requesting approval of a sign plan for a commercial building located in the Portal Plaza Shopping Center at 19675 Stevens Creek Blvd. Raco:lleßded for approval. The Planning Director said that al~hough the request ~as for ~wo 3' x 5' signs, the H-COntrol ~1ttee approved and reco~ended one 15 sq. f~. sign to be located on the fascia, flat against the I fas~ia, si:ilar to the health spa sign. It it Dade of in:er1or ! illu:-:inated plexiglas . ~~ved b~ Cvuncil~an ~eyers, seconded by Counc11~an Spar~s to ; . ¡ appro"~ ap?llca~ ion I!C-5I,25~.6 in accordance wi~h Resolution '~o. 2ló. ,.!·)t ion carr ted, 5-0 , 18. I ,;,,:ication HC-5~ ,015.13 of Project Coordinator.' (::.arie C~::e~dcr P~es) re~~e;t!~g a?provat of a si~a ?:an :~: a ::,-_c:ercial building l~cated at 2075:) Steve:1s Cre~k ::lvd. in t.c Cupertino Crossroa~3 Shoppin,; Ccnt~r. Recr"'en¿e~ f.:>r .i?Fr\: \·a 1. I I ~ The :"l.\~ning Dll"cctor revic·""ed the site pla:ì of t~h.~ pie ghop. There : is .:1:-: ~x:'.;tin.~ "dood carv£:d. 2' x 6' S:h:~ h')cal~d r.£:=.x~ t~ the entrance t doù:.. . T:h' propJ~~ed ~.ign, rccor.r~u~nfÌl'!d for appl·o\':11 oj' t.he :i-Controt ¡ C.:'~,:~'..~:èè, is ':dcntica~ to t~e existin'3 ;.dgn exc0p~ that it :':5 2' x S'. a::j i.... l....... ";,:o~ attached \:0 the 1;:a11 on th~ nnrt:1 ele'~·;¡t:cn faci~g I :;tè':,>"" Cr"~;" 31'1d. It ::ill be 1l1u.,iaatèd by ",ea::s of ";':1tli;;hts Iloc":O<1 in tile la"d£caped planter and directed up on the si;n. I Y.ovcd :,y Counc11tnan ~!eyc:rs, seconded t:.- Councilna:l S?ar1<.s to approve applic:ltion HC-51,015.13 i:1 accorda:1ce ,:!th Re301utio:\ :;0. 217. Motion carried, 5-0 PA~,S A~u RECREATION CO~ISSION 19. ::0 r.¡ecting scheduled. . . MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 6, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETDiG WATER. CCHUSSION 20. Submission of Hinutes of regular meeting of October 25, 1972. LIBRARY CO~t11SSION 21. No meeting scheduled. CUPERl'L"\O CITIZENS GOALS CO~~I1TTEE 22. Sub~ission of ~inutes of Steering Co~~~ttee =eeting of October 19, 1972. . ~~yor Frolich asked ~he staff to obtain a status report :ro= the Goals Co=oitteein that. their six months licitation for further review will expire in December. 23. Application l8-Z-72 by ~~cka:: P.o::!es, Division of !:aiser-Aetna for prezon1ng 8.3+ acres as follo~s: 5.4 acre, fr~~ Santa Clara County Al (~es~dential and Agricultural~ Zone to City of Cupertino RlC-7.5 (Residential, Single-fa=ily Cl~5ter, 7,500 sq. ft. per d~elling unit) Zone; :.0 acre fro= Santa Clara County Al (Resident~al, Sinsle-fa=:ly, 7,500 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zone; 1.9 acres :ro= Santa Clara County A1 (Residential and Agr~cultural) Zone to City of Cupertino Al-43 (Agricul~ural-Residential, s1ngle-fa=~ly, I-acre lots) Zone. Said property is located adjacent to and westerly of McClellan Road approxi::1atel~' 250 feet ':esterly of the inter- section of 3yme Avenue. RecO:-'-'Dended for approval. Postponed to 1(ove:ber 20, 1972. (a) First Reading of Ordinance No. 562 -- postponed. 24. Notice of 1mprov~ent for Crossroads Assesscent District Project No. 71-2. The Director of Public Works stated that the attorney for one member of the District who objects to this proposal will be presen at 9 P .N. Mayor Frolich said it would be brought up again under New Business. CC-134 Page 9 -" ~., I"~ ; . Goals Cu,~. status re?ort requested l8-Z-72 postponed Item 24 20",ted up to Nr-- Business . Jlloise Ord. to "C:_ uader Old lusiDess at IlØt meeting Res. 3363 adc¡::ed Res. 3364 adopted . . KIBUTES or THE IlUYdeR 6. 1972 CITY COUNèIL MEErDIG OIDIlWICIS 25. Pint ....siDa of Or41Dance No. 561: "AD OrdiDance of the City of CupertiDo Prob1bitiDa Emission or Cr.ation of Noise Beyoad Cfttaila Lev.ls." (COI1tiøued from City Council ....ting of October 24. 1972) - Read by Mayor Frol1ch. Discussion follow.d. Input r.garding .nforcement of this Ordinance i. forthcoming froaa tht' Sheriff's Department. It should theD b. brought before the general public. Mayor Frolich would like it brought up under Old Business at the next City Council ....ting. So moved by Counciloan ~Ayers, seconded by Counc11m~ Jackson, Motion carried, 5-0 RESOLUTIONS 26. No. 3363: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certa~" Clai~s and De~"d3 Payable in the A=ounts and from the Funds as Here~nafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period E::ding October 31, 1972." -- read by !'.a)·or Frol1ch. Moved by Council~an Jackson, seconded by Council~.an Irwin to adopt Resolution No. 3363. AYES: ~OES: Council~en 1r.in, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, !'.ayor Frolich None ~~tion carried, 5-0 27. ~o. 3364: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certa~n CJ ,\i:::s and Dc::tands ?a}'able in the A:::ounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditures." -- read by ~layor Frol1ch. Moved by Councilman ~Ayers, seconded by Councilman 1r~in to adopt llesolution No. 3364. AYES: NOES: Council:en lr~in, Jackson, ~œyers, Sparks, !'~yor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 . . HIh1JTES OF TilE NOVEMBEB. 6, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 28 through 36 were held _ ceaporarily, 'Sl. No. 3365: "A Kesolae~ of the City Council of ehe City of Cupertino Author1ziØs?art:1cipation with the Councy of Santa Clara in a progr_ far c:he Annual Publication of Pr_ai11Dg Wage Rates Paid on Co_C.....:.Cioø Projects." - read by Mayor Frolich. IIoved by Councilcan IrwiD, seconded by Councilman Sparo to adopt Kesolution ~o. 3365. AYES: JIOES: Councilmen IrJin, .Jadson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch Xone !!otion carded, 5-0 38. Ko. 3366: "A !l.esolu=~= of the City Council of the C:t7 of Cup~rtino Accept~n~ a ;~~t of Ease:ent iro~ Se~uoia Y£rtgage CO=p3~Y, a Cali:or~ia Ccr?jrationþ Located ~est of Y4ry A""""" a:¡d Sout:' 0: ::::~:'?ero Serra Free·..ay." - read =y ~.a::or Fr~¡:'ch. ~"ved by C~":1cil"'an Ird~, ~=ded by Councilman :~yers. to adopt ~esolutic:1 ~~. 3366. Y~tio~ carried, 5-0 ¡;r:õF1NISH:¡¡ 3¡;SINESS 39. None SEW BUSI~E5S 40. Award of Time Deposi~. CC-134 Page 11 lles. 3365 adopted Res. 3366 adopted Moved by Cou:1cilman 1rJ1n, se:Dnded by Councilman Sparks too a~ard I A~ard oç a time deposit of $15Q,Ooo for 180 days at 5-1/2% to 5arc~ays 3ank: Ti~e De~~s1ts and a ti~e deposit of $lOO,OOC for 180 days at 5-1/2% was to be awarded to Crocker Bank. AYES: )IOES: Councilmen 1rw1n, .Jac£son, Meyers, Sparks, ~.a:or Frol~ch ~one IIotion carried, 5-0 . . CC-l~ Pea- 12 JUMlTES OF THE NOVEMBER 6. 1912 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 116.- 41. AIIari of Bids fordla,pu'dlaae of two new 1973 balf-coo pidalpa. .... by Counc1lmaDJ.....--~; tIeCODd.. by CouncilmaD IrviD to avard the 'CODtract to !!aines ~' of Sunnyvale for Ita aubaitte4 low bid of ",065.85 for the pur~~'Gf't1tD half-ton pickup truw 1Dcla41111 . tracie-in of aD old ~': "', . AYES : BOIS : Counciblen IrviD. J.-.."...n. Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frollch !loDe Hot~ carried, 5-0 f 142. ~ Truck Jø:-~ ~~ Moved by C~uncilman JacLsc:. seconded by Coun~11can Ir~1n to se~ the I pu!)l~ ~:::¡ I Public Huring to consider Truck Route Ordinance on January 15, 1973. , 1/l5/n í Set Public Hearing CO consider Truck Rou~e Ordinance for January 15, 1973. Y~tico carried, 5-0 I ! The Dire~:~r of Ad~inistra:~~e Serv1~es introduced the C:ty's ne~ ~ AdCl1nis:rative Assista:lt. .~o ...·as in the audience. I i i ,24. :;'~::~e of IClprove:e::: ::)r Crossroads Assessment Dis:r~ct 1 Pr~;'I!~t 80. 71-2. I The City Attorney introd=~,: ::r. Bob ¡:111 , of Wilson, JO""'5, ::~rton and . Lynch, '-:.;0 .as present to ::~=cuss the LID. X:)t~= =- :.a::...==. 0: L::: The Dire~:~r of Ad~1nis:r~:~ve Services said a cert~f:e~ ¡ette~ ~as ! ::¡ailed :: the property o·.~rs on October 10. 1972. ë.nd ~: 'cas also ¡ advertise':: in the CUDert::'~ Courier 0:1 O~toJcr 1'.. a:1d :8. :'972. i , : The Dire"tor of Public .O::-"LS said the u",'ergroundin~ rO=::o:¡ '..ill be ~ continue.i to the next =.ee::.=g ~o allo·.\· t ~:-:~ to nct:'fy t:-.:. 52 peo;:tle ¡ :'nvolve¿a EstiIi'.ates of vc-k. t.o be done 0:1 Saratog;¡-Su:-.:::.-;ale ~.,ad have I not yet ::een received :r= ?G. & E. This LID ',¡111 pro'.-c:e tor ~:7.?rove- ! :nents a:~:¡g Saratoga-Su=:r;,~~e Road for ,œ:e 1,300 (~et a: St:C:~ ti::¡e as I the pro?e=ties are deve:c~:, as :.ell as for the ne·... s:n"t (:entatively : called õa.,dley Drive). I: ',':;':1 also lnc:ude c:laa:¡eliz..::o:: at Stevens 11 Creek B:·.·.:i. and Saratog¿-'::~~"ale Road and sig:"lalizat :-::: C': t:-:at interf:e~::on and in t~e v~=:"'-::'t\" of ~!~n:\"ns/Gc;;co. Pla::s :'nc::.:.de landsc.:.p:::g at the t be c: =e·'eiop~ent a .. Deta:':'. -- LID . . KDIU'l'ES OF THE NOVÐmER 6, 1972 CITY COU:;ClL .IEET1NG The ùirector of Public WOrks vent on to explain effects of the LID !arcel I - RO structures affected. Parcel 2 RO structures. Parcel 3 - Ho structures. Parcel 4 No property acqu1a1tion involved here. Parcel 5 - The restaurant· Parcel 6 - Parkins lot serving the restaurant - 2 spaces affected This property bas a slight grade proble=. S~ructure projects sligh~ly into plan line. It can remain, provided encroach~ent pcr~1t is submitted. 8 - Oue of the struct·.11"es tha t ::ust be removed. 9 - 1l1ght~f -.lay involved. 10- A~ Alves Drive. Vacant at the present tifte. Car vash pem1t has i:ee:1 approved. 11- S~rvice station ~n ~he corner. 12- Large parcel -. no structures involved. 13- :;c structures. 14- ties directly in t~e alignnent of the ne~ s~reet in east-west ~~:ect~on. ~tructure .f!ec:e¿. ~f:lces 0: D~~t~r. Fr~?erty to =e ac;"Ire¿. F=~perty to ~e ac;"ired. 3r':>'."I1 PD ¿,,":e:=,,-ent. :ro~~ PD è.~e::r~e~t. So.:l d~e¡¡~n~ ~e~E. <uildlnl unocc~,ie; and ~Ill ~e ~ovpd. through 26 - :;: ~~:'e"ts. :':Ie rov cd pa=;':,,¡ ",dll !:e re,-ov..d n..ar ::"rv:-:I" to ~rovide f.:>r :~~sca?ing and a travel lane. A a1d.."'alk will be put In 'Lon¡-side ~:',e :,h'ck I.al. behind :he apar bent. en 3eardo:1. Parcel 7 Parcel Parcel Parcel Parcel !arcel Parcel Parcel Parcel 15- Parcel 16- Parcel 17- ?areel 18- Parcel 19- Parcel 20- Parcel 21- : &reel 22- i'arce1s 23 Parcel 27- Mr. John Heindel, of Gecrie ~"l~e and Associates Civi: Engineers, ..ve a brief ~.scrlp~~on cf :~~ the asses~~ents vere sprea;, and offered ~o answer any que.:1ons. The engineering report inc:u¿eè revised figure.. The tctal cost of ~he project has been reduced by OVer $600,000. Councilman Irwin as'£ed what the reason was for the increase in cont1nRencies. Mr, ~eiadel said ~here are still a fev i~eÞs not yet reaolved, such as P. G. , E. and right-of-way acqu1s1t~on vbich an still unkncr.m. CC-134 Page 11 CC-l34 Paa. 14 . . IIDIUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 6, 1972 CIn COUNCIL MEErIRG !IoDII Couue1a.: .ktorney Bob Hill. Bond Covn..l. ..U the purpou of this heariDa ..s stat_t. ';) to receive input freD the pu1l1ic before the City CO'JlICll 1Hkea ita ,; .a.terminations. After the hudDIS are closed it is up to the City " CoaDcll whether or not the project is to proceed. If the Couøcll follows tile reccaHDdnions of tile eIIl1neer, a ruolutiOll would be acloptecl to accept the reductiona ~ -nded by Hr. He1ac1el. Another ruolut1oll tIOUld be to call for boDcl bid to .et money in hand to proceed. III the _tille, eac!l property ovaer viII receivI' notice of acount due. Be can pay the cash in thirty days or his Uf,paid assesStlent vill becou v1thill a given number of y.ara. ":':5:5 are r,=ea:l as ~~·.::ta:'ly 13 r=ssi~lt '.. Saer'. i:~;.~ent5 stated pro~ests have been received from Posty, C1Jstello, Ritc!l::lan and Durkee, 5.47% of ~he ~otal area within the boundaries There is a total of 18 separate ~roperty The Director of Public Vorka five property cwners: Beer, ~~ich involves a~proxt:ately I of the assess=en~ district. I owners involved. I Kayor FroliÒ called a re<:ess at 10:00 P.~I. I a~ 10:10 P.~!. : Attorney Ro~e~t ~k~a~e sa!¿ he ~as re?re~entin~ ~!. Charles ~aer, + owner o~ ?ro?,,'rc~es 4, 5 ~i 6. :=-~ey !e~l thi:; LID is o! n:> ce~ef1t . to ~r. 3ae!". .i:t~ou~h. it ap¡le.ri to ~t!;'1l!r1t t:103~ proi'erty ~·,.-ne:'s '.esterly cf ~¡~~l~ga-Su~~T;ale ~oa1 in the ~!Cd o. :a~dley Dr~ve. . ~arce¡s 4 a~.: ; hav~ alre4";y .:ee:ï. :':o.):ovcd e)~c'-':,t '...-r l;-le l.:.":'er~L".)'.Jnd ~tillties. - ,e inco~e :r~ t~ese prcp~rt:cs i~ ~~cr.s$ary t~ t8~e care of '~r. I!aer's ill wife ard hi:'"".ie~f. tn 1955 t:u' ~tatP t~o~ 1!:1 teet &:",.d in 19¿.5 :',' ft.~ct OJre .;ere ta:<er:.. ~r. :fc~::l:::..! rec':-::t!r.c'!-: di·..~din; ~:-.e 3gSess;-.~:\:. ¿i~tr~ct ::-:t:- t·,:~ to pr:)\°lde ., ~:re P1uita"':e ar:-ang.c.~ent ;.er the bene::ts to ~c der.·.·e¿. :ï~e !Hrcctcr 0: ¿,;;:,lic 'o:orìc.s ex?la~neri t~. ~enef~t is spread accordfn; to six fo~ulae l~ ~~~e these c~sts : &"3 e;~litable 3S ?o5sible. ~:. l:enèel said t:te CO.3t 0: the .:ii~nó\l~ ¡ a.~; meJian ~~J¡:ications 3t ~~~dléï and 3t~vcn$ Creek 31vd. is asses5ed \ entirely t-.J t:~:~;~ p!'o?et"t~e~ :'nv.:>:'ved 1nd do not a!.tcct M:-. 3.aer at ,all. The u"':..r"rcunùing 0: exl'itlng p"'er lhc's ':ill be the ",ajor : co,t ~o Mr. ;:,h'r. The for-culae used are on :~le :It City ::'111 and citizen'i ! are \Jelco:o:e t'" ~O;:le and see the::t. I I ¡Mr. Charlie 33c'r, 20451 Stevens Cree~ 3lvd., CUF~rtino, stres~ed the I :>ardship th:5 .\SS(!ss,,,cnt d!strict ~111 cause hin. !n c;>ed<in@; "ith his ! accountant, h~ was advise¿ t~at perha?s he shculd sell his h~~e, where he has lived ::-'r the past 5·) ;..ears. T:\is is all v.:>.ry traumatic for ¡ his !!l wlf~. The D~rector -::: Pu~lic ":"rks cxplain0d t:1e gr~at need t f:Jr better ::"..... of tl"afi~c in t:-.e v:cinit)" ot' Steo..cns Cre~~;. ::lvd. and I <'aratoga-Su:1"yvale Road. :!r. :'aer said he «ill derive no be:1ef1t from ¡ t~is LID; c~ly his taxes ~ill ~c' increased. Further, he said the I planter b~xes required by the H-Control intcrfer(! ~ith his lease for ¡driVing access to the restauran:. The neeting reconvened . . . }\I:>L'TES OF TiE ~"FY.'E:l 6, 1972 CITY COm:C1L ;'íEETING !fro Ilarner ',;Usen. of San~a Cruz, was answered there were no __rgroundin¡; exPenses up at his property. He asked why his _s..nt has been increased by about 25%, The Director of ~1ic Works said it w111 actually be less than ~he estimate. JIr. Dwight Durkee, 10271 North Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, vanted to ~ why the lack of communication between the City and the pro- ....tj owners involved. He is ve~ interested in finding out the tiDe fr~ of t3is project. Be said he received no notice of this ~1øg tCI14¡,h:. Ik: said the City is taking away his and his rife's home of JO y"ars. The Director of Public \larks said the alipmént of Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road has been DOved to the south border of his ?:operty. He apologized for any cO~U3ication problem. ~~. aill said a notice went out to ~r. Dur~ee, including the engineeri"ð report, but unfortunately he was out of town. A certified le::e= bad been sent to Mr. Durkee but was returned. Hr. Durkee sai~ it was tI~ he was out of town for a month. Mr. XcNamee s~:~e to the inequity of the property owr.ers' being billed for ~,.:<:~rou~~ing of util1tiLs when it benefits all the ~=ple in Ct;'''=:~:I~. He·suggested a portion of it be paie ~ut of tho! General :-=~. It Was poi".:: out to hi::! th.,: C,,;>ertino c1:i~ens arc =::"e~ £0r the undergrounding of utilities on their p!'t;>erties. Cc~eilman ~",:., ae;..,.o"lcd¡;ed that perhaps t;'''I<' should hü':e been c-.... spccH!.: ,':50:1 at City Hall to "ho:-1 intere~te= c1tize:,s w:~l¿ be diI<':'~ in regard to th~ LID. Y~ved by Co~~:::~~~ :ackson, seconded by Council~an ~~yers to cle>se the ?.:::: ""a:ings. Y~t1on carried, ~-o Ai:er revie... :: all the findings. it was moved by C.)uncilt:a.~ Jackson, se,:,.~.~ by Councilman Irwin, that entering into this Assessment D~5::ict Project No. 71-2 is in acc~I~anee with the Conservation ':.=ent ~f the General Plan. AYES: !IIO£S : Counci:~~ Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, }~yor Frol1ch None Motion carried, ~-O CC 134 Page l~ Mr. W. Wilson' statements MJ-. Durkee's statemeats Should !Ie " sped fie p,,~sc: at City ¡¡all t< contact Public ¡¡e::rin" closed LID :\0. 71-2 in accord:mc" with Conserv. Ele!Dent of GP CC-I34 .age 16 les. 3101-15 adopted '¿s. 3!.~:-:= .~~¡>te¿ i.cs. 3:C..-:-'- .i..io?tc'i 1'00. 3U:-:~ :Lti1dra'r.:. . . BUIIIU\:) OF m :lJVEMBER 6, 1972 CITY COUNCrL ~ncG 2L .0. 3lOl-IS: "A 1lesolut1øG of the City Cou::cil of the City of Cupenmo Ordering 1leduct1oø aDCI Kodif1catio:1 of CertaiD As_It- 1IIeIIts. CNsnoads Asses_t District, froject 71-2." - read by Mayor FroUch. IIIwed by Coaxil::laD }!eyer8, secoaded by Counc:1lDan Irvin to adopt Zeso1ut1on !\C. 3101-15 plus _"-ants as rec:o=.ended. .lIES: JIO£S : Coaxiben irwin, Jackson, Meyers, SpaÙs, ~!ayor Frol1ch Nora HotiOD carried, 5-0 29. No. 31::-:5: "A RC'solutio:J of the City .::,,:,=:'1 of the City of Cuper::~= :verruling ?rotests on Reso:ut::~ :: Intention No. 3101-3. C=Jssroads Asses=e:1t District, ;::;e=t 71-2." - read by Ma?:= :~~licn. ~~e1 by C:'~~:l=a~ ¡r~in, sec:=ded by Counc::~~~ J3c~son to adopt hsoluti=,. :: 0 3:01-16. Å....~C' . :;'J::'5: L:-='::"::h.~:1 ir,.,in, ..:a-::<.so:l, :~eyer.5, ":r3:"~'5. ~tayor Fro11ch _.::-.¿ ~ot~~~ carried, 3-: ~J. ~o. :~::..-::-: !'A Res~lt..i.t:'== ::f th~ Ci~:' '::_'::,,;,l û: the Ci.ty of Cupe:-::..-:: ..i:1¿ Order AG=!,::,:-_~ ::n~ine(.>~_1:'o ',:.~;,.~:-:, C;)nfir-:-.:n; t"',e ~.s:~.~:~t:.: .1..~c! Order:'ng t:-.e ":)1"':< an': ,\,:~_-.:-·:::'ns, Crl"l~~r")a¿s .\5S~"=:;:-:';:"'.: J:strict, ?rc~ect 71_2." - :".:,:,': ::: 'ay",r Frolic~. ~?""'E'd by ::_::.:::="-':\ rr-:in. sec:::ded ~y C.,H,:'~': .:-:.>.:-. :a\:~':.~on to a-!o?t r...c;s:JL\;tiC':,: ~:_.. 3:01-17. AYES: ~:ES: ::_-:.:::::c':\ lr...·in. J~ic~:;:.n. ~~eyer.-;. -;":':"~'::-, .~:·or Frciic:t ~:~~ ~ot~:.r:1 carried, < ' ,,;-,_: 31~ No. ';'~:.-~5: "A Re::olut:::;' o! t:1e C:ty ~:~::-.': _1 o~ the City ,Jf Cup(;.::.:.:-.::~ A.drd a: C:..~t!'act, CrQs~:',~'::" .\:.:\.·.;;-'~L~~lt Di.str:'ct, Praj_~.:: - .-2.11 - read by ~~:"or Frolic'.:. ~ved by C:_~"_:~n r -~s witr.d:,.i.-::.. I ~:f):··~S. T:'t: :.oticn Irwin to a'loI,t R"s01ut :::c , -0 . . ~ES OF n.,: )."QVE.'I3ER 6, 1972 CITY COUNCIL m:ETI¡;G 32. No, 31D1-19: "A 1leso1utioø of the City eo"ncil of the City of Cupertino Designating Collection Officer, Crossroads Asses_~ Dis~rict, Project 71-2.'" - read by Mayor Frol1ch. lløred by Coun;::Ucan Irwin, seconded by Councilr:l8.n ~e)'er9 to adopt 1tesolution So. 3101-19 . Ayt;S : JiiOi:S : Council::len Irwin, Jacltso:1. ~e)'ers. Srar~5, ~fayor Frolich :\c:2e Hotion carried, 5-0 33. ~"o. 31::-':~: itA Resolutio::. .-;- the City C~HJn.:i1 of the C:'t}· , of CUpf~::::': .\uthorizing =:X~c·,,¡t:-:.n of .\;rcc":e:1t 'o!ith Cali;or- nia ~'~a:'(= ~.:;:;\':'ce CO::J?a~:r. Cro:-:sroêds .-\sse~_;'-,è:1~ Distr~ct. Proj~.;:t -:-':." -- read b:/ ~!.a:"cr frolic¡'¡. ~~.--:::::t by C;:,:;::: :'::::1:1 tn.¡in. se:::c!:,:ë= ~:: COll:1cil~, 3:1 ~:f'::ers to d"':Cpt ?...ëL,lutio;,. ~~-. 3::'1-20. .!~,::."£:- : CC'U:-.':_:::~èr:. Ir\-lin, Jâ.C;:'5:':-~. ~~c:yers, :::;,~!":\..;, :~<]yor Fr<,lich s.:!:: XC::í Motio~ carried, 5-0 ::..:.. No. 3:C:<:: "A Rcsolutio~ ~: ~,:" City Cou~::l of the C:'ty I of Cu~e=::,.: Calling !Dr !~~. C~ Sale of 3~nJ" - $50C.0~O.00 I First ::-2i:¿. :r,,"ssroads Asse:s5"::e~t Distr~ct t ~'roj~ct 71-2." -- read ~y ~:.3:;"r Frolich. !'..o'.-ed by c~,,::~ ::::an ~:cyers, secc,.~ed by Council",,,,, Jackson to ~?t Resel,,:::,. :;0. ~tOl-21. AT!.!: 5CE.S: Cee::.::. ..:tcn In/in. Jadl:.so:1, !-te)"ers, Spc:ri\.s , ~!ayor Fro1 ich None Motion carried, 5-0 35. No. 31C:-::: "A Resolution 0: the Cit~· C~uncil of the City 0 Cupertic: ~: Intent to ~,~nce E~inent D:::ain Proceedinbs to Acquire C~rta:'n Real Propert, ~eedc~ to A:qu;re and Construct Public l~.=ov~ents i~ Connection Ther~~i:~, Crossroads A9ges....e~t District, proj..ct 71-2." - -read by Hayor Fr"lich. . CC-134 Page 17 lles. 3101-19 adopted Rl"s. 3101-20 adopted ¡¡es. 3101-21 adopted C-134 ~e 18 . 3101-22 .tœ .es. 3101-23 -i!:d over !IlJIJ'IES OF T:\:: .mFll 6, 1972 CITY COUNCIL ::¡:,h. ~.ed by ~~~cil~n Jackson, seco~ded by Council~n Irvin ~o adopt 8esolut1on ='0. 3101-22. .ass : .-s: CouAcilncn Irvin, Jaclt:son, Heyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch None . Motion carried, 5-0 36. No. 3101-23: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Creating a Spec~fic Undcr~rcur.d Utility District and Establ:s~:n~ Underground Utility D1s~ricr ~~. 2, Crossroads Assess::e:tt District, prcject 71-2." -- read by ~~yor Frol1cb. , This Resolu:i"" ...a3 held over. I t i JtEPORT OF C':::C::::5 , ¡ 43. CJty ~:~:: " . ~le Plaõ1n:~:; ~ >:~.:tor brou;-:'ht. 1J? the x:.attcr o~ t":1.i" ;-o~":s:blc. Dc-a.n:1.c:~3t!.on == property ~.. :'::c :Io~~.ite~¿ R-:=.:, rc.oth:ll ;,'-:~':"~:-'5"~1Y '\re.J n::t:rred to ~n h~5 :::e"~' ::~"'\·e:,:bcr 3, 19i2. LtjsCU~o;i"l~ :·..:'~~,,·.:cJ. ~·:ir.ute Cr¿::::: :.;; -"::~:H~X1t!.C:t :·.:J·,:e:d by':· , '': ~ ~:-',..ì:\ lr......:.n, !'::e::J:-:¿'~-! by C,\u:~.. < "~:'. J;lc:,;s~-n th.:lt th~ :~;:J,;. . :i.t)· Cuur..::: .:~':t\."'5 that t;-.:':; ":~-;~:"::1C;'<:lt;"";1 ..': ··:"::'c~·ty ~'O'!:H::: a.ppropriate __.~:...'d.l and that ::-.:. -::.::'.1fi cor:.:Jcncc :1E:cec;.:;¡ary actlr.·1 :J initlat~ proceedings. ¡ ~:~tio~ carried, 5-0 I !44. City~:_::ilc:~n , ¡ J~yor Frc:::", ::,\':~ the City =·!a~':'~è:" :115 co";':' ,': t;,~ S~~c.:i..\l rlann1n8 i Council 0: ,~o:" Clara C~l1ntl !):rectory. 1 Councll:':1"::: ~"~::",::0:1 a5k~d if the s:aff ha~ h,d .1 ~h~~\c(' to ccntact tr.c ~ .....ir PoIlu:.:.::', J:~t:rict rcgdr,~i;,,~ i!3.3 stat:'.":,:". The. rlannJI\p: Dir~ctor , said they 'C':: b~ contacted ",,~ut any nel: f¡¡::cities. Councl1r..a:: :;-.1r~s ig concc[":1cd that so:-.,i } ar..';\;' ':':1 Cup,'rt in,o have rccre3- ~ion faci:::'~3 av.111able and :,o:-.e do not. ::"3 ",ill be brought u;> at budget t i,,¿. ADJOUR.'¡~Œ:;: !k.vcd by C: _~= i l:::an Hei'ers, ~ec¡Jnclcd by Counci 1:1.m [r"in t" adjourn the _cting to :,-'~r.,bi', ::ovc,",,,cr 9, 1972, at 7:30 ¡>.~!. Heeting adjourned at 12:32 A.:(. ATTEST: APPROVED: /. 101m. Eo ~':J"r City Clerk /s/ Donald A. Frolich Xa~0r, City of Cupertino .