CC 12-18-72 . . CITY OF CL7ERTI~O, Sta~e of California 10300 Torre Avenue, CU?8rtino, Califor~ia Telephone: 252-4505 MlNurES OF THE REGULAR MEET1:iG OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD DECEMBER 18, 1972 IN THE COL1ICIL CHA.'fBEll CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Mayor Frolich called the meeting to ordcr at 7:33 P.M. wi~h the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Councilr.en ?resent: Council~e~ a~s~nt: Ir'J:'n, Jackson, ~~cyers, S?arks, ~ayor Fro11c:1 Xor:e Staff presi!~t: Ci.ty ~'~ana-;er Quinla:1 City A~tor~ey Adrt~S D::rec:.or cf Ad!':'",:':1:'~~rative Se:-'::"c~:; Rydp:: Director of Pla~~ing and De~e:~;~ent 5j5~ Director of ?uhlic ~"'or~s Yar~orcu~h MI.'IL~ES 0, PREVIOUS MEE!IX~S I 1. Ap?r~',"al of ~tinutes of regu¡ar :"leering of Dec~-,jer 4. 19;:!. I On page 5, itcn 7, Council~a:\ ~h~yerg ",\"ould li.~e the !:"rst r.1ragra;:= under Pl.:i:".:Ün~ Policy Co=-::ttee dl~l(·t~d and re?lacè¿ ".:ith: "T:--.e i SOUt:1 C':-t::-.~y ;:;tudy grcu? ?:-e~ent~d t:;(':r ~tud:' for re'/:c': of t~~(" I Pla""in~ r~licy Co=:'ttee. The Pla:mi::~ Policy has "een "valuatin_1 the HI:D a:r3"ge"ent ior fur:ds districlIlion. It -.as reco:--",cnde.i that it ~~ rèferred to the :CC for furt~er considerati~n. On page -+, item 6, Cour.c i ::-Iòn Jacks"" "ould like the sentence startin~ ",:i.t:¡ ",\HAG :ìopes to. . . .1" delèted And r~?lace¿ ~dl:~: "ABAG ~·C'uld li~e to have a tax action $tudy grcu? :o!""""teò in S3nta Clara COt:n:~·." CC-137 Page 1 / I . - 137 e 2 MINUTES OF THE DECEHIIER 18, 1972 CITY COUlCCIL MEETING COHHUlI1CA1'IœS 2. Vr1tten f . , r The Director of Administrative Services stated the following written communicatioøs had been received: A. Receipt of certified copy of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the Creation of the Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board executed by all cities who are signatories plus the County of Santa Clara. This was signed for the City of Cupertino on May 16, 1972. 3. ~otice of P.U.C. public hearing on January 23, 1973 on rules governing ~he cons~ruction and aa1ntenance of crossing at grade of railroads with puhlic streets, roads, and highways. C. A request, listed under the Consent Calendar, from Santa Clara County Council of Caopfire Girls, Inc., for annual product sale between January 25 and February 13, 1973. ,he Director stated there were also a nu=ber of cor.nunicati~ns received regarding itees on this agenda. 11}!oved !>y Councilr.¡an !leyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to receive and file the written c=unications. ~otion carried, 5-0 3. Oral (.1) None (~) Request by Councilr.¡en for remo~al of items from Consent Calendar. There were none. REPORT OF COUNCIL REPRESE~7ATIVES 4. !layer Frolich: Transportation Advisory Co~~ittee The Mayor &aid there seems .0 be a philos~phical s,lit between SOIDe of the cities at this time as to whether or not ~e will have inter- or intra-citr bus service. MINUTES OF -...... ..:1,':' DECEMBER 18, 1972 CITY COV~CIL ~ŒETINC CC-137 Page 3 1nter-City Council - No report. League of California Cities - No report. Legislative lleview Co~1ttee - No report. 5. Council!:WI Irwin: . Drug Abuse Coordination Comm1ss1OD - No meeting. Police Committee - No meeting. 6. Council~an Jackson: Association af Bay Area Governnents -- 1<0 report. Santa Clara County Water Co~~ission -- 1<0 report. Urban Develop~ent of PPC -- No report. & Open S,acp I I 5ubc~itt..ee I Airport Land Ese SlIbco:-¡.."ittee of PPC -- No report. 7. Cou::.: i !~3n }teyers: Planning Policy Co~"ittee -- No r:teeting.. Hillside Subcommittee of prc -- No meeting. Cou,,:il~a~ Meyers requested the City to t3ke SOMe action on the :~llowing matters: A. Policy plans for ~~e bay lands. We are being asked ~o support the concept. Moved by Councilman Meyees, seconded by Councilman Jackson, to to on re,o=d as favoring the report: "Policy Plans for !!aylands", and that a letter be iorõarded to the Planning Policy COMmittee as evidence of this support. Kotion carried, 5-0 CC-137 ?age 4 ,; , !=':-'" í ! 3-\'-72 a~rr::-"ed - .. NU1'ES OF THE DECEMBEJI. 18, 1972 CITY C(JUNCIL ~IEET1NG II. Consideration for support of the report from Urban Development & Open Space Subcommittee shall be placed on the agenda for the next Council _till8. C. Fair Rousill8 ill Santa Clara County. The staff waa requested to arranaa a j01ll" _tinS with Saratoga and Honte Sereøø to view the County's preseøtat101l on fair housing in Santa Clara County. ,,; 8. Councilman Sparks: Flood Contr~l Advisory Committee - No _et1na. eo-ission on Alcoholim - No meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION 9. Submission of Minutes of regular neeting of Dec~ber 11, 1972. 10. Submission of Minutes of adjourned regular meeting Dee e::ID er 7, 1972. 11. Submission of Minutes of adjourned regular meeting Nove:::er 30, 1972. 12. Application 5-V-72 of ~illiam M. McGuire, Jr. for Var~ance to Section 86.2 of the Agricultural-Residential Ordina"ce So. 220(1) t~ redace the acreage req~~re=ent for use of on-site se~age dis70sai s~ste~ from 4.9 acres to a :es.er area to b~ deter~i"ed upon t~e fut"re design and dedication 0: a portion of Rer,nart Road. Said property is in an Al-43 (A;ricultural-Res1dential, single-Ia...,:l::, one-acre lots) zone and is located on Regnart Road a~?roxi~Ately ~,O~O feet southl..est of the intersection of Regnart Road and Lindy Lane (Assess<>r's Parcel 366-1-10). Reco~~ended for approval. Moved by Councilman :1eyers, .econded by Counctl~an Jackson !o approve application 5-V-72. Motion carried, 5-0 (a) Resolution ~;o. 3382: "A Resolution of the City CO'~"cil of the City of Cupertino Grantins a Variance to \1. McGuire, Jr. to Reduce the Acreag~ Requ~rP.nent for Use of On-Site Se~age Disposal 5yste::l :roe:. 4.9 Acrea to a Le';';'~r Area to oe Detcmlned upon the :ucure :J'l':sign and Dedication of a Portic:1 ~~ Rcgnart Road; Satd Pr<:?ert:: os Local('d 011 Rf'p,r>art Road Arpro¡o;:",.1tely 4,000 F~et Sout:...·est of the jnterBcctio..i of Reg::a:"t. Read and Lindy Lane (Asso,sor's Parcel 366-1-10) 0" - rc..¿ ¡'y t~,e !<iayor. · - KIHUTES OF THE DECEMBER 18. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Moved by Councilman Irwin, seconded by Councilman Jackson to adopt lesolution No. ~)82. AYES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, Heyers, Sparks. Kayor FroUcb lIOES: None Kotion carried, 5-0 AllCHITECTURAL AØD SITE APPROVAL COHKITTEE 13. Submission of Minutes of regular meeting of Decem~'r 6, 1972. 14. Application HC-5l,090.1 - Dennis L. Wong requesting approval of si~e, grading, architecture, landscaping, 11gh~in& and undergrounding of utilities for a g&5oline sales/car wash facility located at the northwest corner of Alves Drive and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Recommended for approval. The Planning Director sho~ed colored slides of the proposal. and the mo~~l of the precast, ~lu~p stone building wi~h tile roof (.bilar to the Materials ,,,ed on thp Sandpiper Ilestaurant) that th applica"t had prepared. He søid therc ~as a lengthy discussion on the screening during the revi~~ of the site at the Coomittee roeetin Only the sign haa not beer. re'..~ewed; this will come at a later date Moved by C~uncilman ~~yers, seconded by CouncilMan Irwin ~o approve application HC-51,09).1 in accordance with Resoluti~ns No. 22& and 2~7. AYES: C~uncilmen Irwin, Jackson, ~eyers, Spark., Mayor Frolich NOES: Ncne ~~tion carried, 5-0 Council~n Jackson coomented favorably on the sidewalk landscaping concept and hoped it would be carried on in that area. PARKS ~\~ RECREATION COHM1SSIO~ 15. No meeting scheduled. 16. Considera~ion of revised Master Plan for Memorial Park. CC-137 Page :> Res, 3382 adopted IIC-5I,090.1 approved Good concept fc that area -137 ..e 6 tøt ...... .f park .J. ...... ark 4ewe1ø¡t- t cletail ~ - MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 18, 1912 CITY COUNCIL KEETDlG The Director of Parka aDd lecreation said this revised plan has been reviewed and approved by the Parø and Recreation CoIDission. He then introduced Hr. Beck, of lDyston, Hanacoto, Beck aDd AÞey, Io'bo explained the total concept for the park site and reviewed the first phase develop- ment drawings which vere em the board. He said that aince 1967 there has been SCX118 C:18!1Se in thought in the area of ~Da and picnic1ng and directed toward more action type activities such a. tennis and soft- ball. DeAnza now bas øiaaina facilities available. Hr. Beck next reviewed the traffic pattern, There will be no curb cuts on S~evens Creek 3lvd. Entrance to the park will ~e froo Anton and Alves Drive. The size of ~he water has increased a1>out 12% fro", the original plan. In answer to Counciloan Jac~son's concern, he explained how the hazard of the water has been ~ln1M1zed. T~ere is an abundance of trees shading the children's play area and picnic areas as well as the aophltheater. T~ere L~ a path going all the .a7 around the water. Mayor Frolic~ asked hOe ~~1s layout relates to S~~ of the probler.s we have been experiencing ~~ sooeof our other parks. ¥Or. Beck said there will be ~hains across t~e o,enings to the park. safety Councibaa Jackson was c,,::cerned a;,out "ater safe::'. ~r. Beck agreed that in addition t? t~e water aeing ~h~:10. along :~e e¿~~, GO~~ type of ~.3t'r icr could ~e. a¿ded ",'here t:1e ~·:tter beco::es ¿ae?er. ..:.;:-.~s There is no prov~s:'on 3": t~~s ti:::c for night lf~h::':1~ .-;: th~ tennis co\;rts. It ~,'ould cost a.?~roxir.\ately $7,000 r~r pa:.:-"f court:;, ·/e t:,e arris.::' H:;t,,;.~ e d..:ce size :.: aJte e;:, c~ildre=· s lay area a·.·~:' ro= the ca: s Council::1an Jac~sc:\ a5ke:' ~f any cons:!.derat ion :".8'; :ee~ ~ive:1 to l"e3t~:"a- of t:", Parrish lIouse. ~r. Ecck ans,,'ereJ te.at it -:c~ht :,e better to try to acco~odate the ~cusc in so~e ot~cr area ~~ t~e Çity. In its present locat ion t~e s;>ace 15 too tight. Coundlna:\ :':~~"ers pro;>')sed it 1111ght be hetter to r~du~e the size of the la:'e and "Uow Clore p1a:.:area. It ...a. :.,. u:\ders:¿:lding that t~e cost of :caintenance of the laite :eight be quite hig:.. "'e a1:0 "sked if the l"ke could be u,ed as a ::dding pond. :Ir. j ('r/, ex,lained t,,"t the ,",ore we novt!' the ....·ater the ~etter chance ~"e h.l.ve of ìt~{;~ :.:"~ t:·.~ ·...·at~r clean. lie w0'Jld ratijer n.::c use ~:~e:l.icals. T:~c cor.I'':'¡ct~ t·..;:"~ove-:- of t;.e ~"ater oig:.t be within about a ",ee;:. Alg3e ~end3 to f~r.: i:\ Ojre 5',,,110'.1 water. lie did not believe the 51%" of the lake should be reduced. Council::an He)Oers suggettted ?lacing so:;:.c of the ?:.:nic areas closer to the: larger park in~ area.. !1r. Bcck sa id ;.,\~~t of t:-.~ ?:'e.":'} ~c areaS are within 100' of th~ pari::':1& areas. ~!r. ik:ck ;...a:; f..:t sur::: t;1:tt the re:4ote- nl!ss of the c:.lldren' s ?:a, area fro," tha auto:-.ob i"~ s ";as b3d. . . KlNUTES OF THE DECEMBE!l 18, 1972 CITY COUNCIL ~!EETl:lG COuncilman Sparks said the present parks have been experiencing vandalism prob1eQS in the restroocs and stressed tbat va need lots of lights in ~hose areas. COuncilman Irwin asked cos~s were left out of an area being changed. old. if there was some reason wby the building this proposal. Mr. Beck said this vas not T'ne building plans are abou~ five years CC-137 P"ge 7 Need lots of lights in reat roO\!! areas Building plans are S years 01 Moved by Councilman Irvin, seconded by CDuncilnan S?arks to a?prove Revised Maste~ ¡ the Revised Me~or1al Park Master Plan, dated Dec~ber lß, 1972. Plan approved ! . Mo~ion carried, 5-0 Mayor Frolic;' tDld the s:aff the City Cou::cil :<ants to see ¿ny furt:-:er rec~c::1endations oÍ t":':e Parks and Recreation ''':c-~iS5ion before ~~r~ing drawings are ~c~un. <:ATER C:J~!:-!ISSION 17. No !:Ieeting sched,,:,,:!. L1BRAR¡ Cù\~!ISSION 18. No r.eeting sc:;<!du:e::. CUPERTINO ClTIZE~S COALS C~:TTEE 19. Submission 0. !li~u:es of regular meeting of Noveo::'er 16, 1972. PUilLIC IIEARI~GS 20. To consider th~ la~ use element of the 1964 General Plan and to consider amenè~ents thereto. The Director of Plónnin~ ~ Development stated the land use element is the resulc of :.L~y Planning Co~iss1on meetin;s and joint c:eetings of the P:a:.ning Con:nis.:;ion and City CC'jnc~l. It appeared to be an impos5:~i:ity to translate t~e red d~ts to the various co~~ercial zo~es vit~:n the Citv. Reference ~a= =ade to details in the December 15, :972 staff ~eport on the 1964 General Plan and Related Rcc~ndation for Interim Zoning Regulations. Council rev; e'.' befC're ',-=rk::'n;; dratdnt;5 oeg,7..:"a Impossible to translate re¿ dots r f ~, . . OF THE DEC~œElt 18. 1972 CITY COUNCIL HEETING .. .. ~ ?tannins Director saU tile rw-ing CoIlll!l1ssion further ø -.. ~ aD interb zoning r....,....- be establ1shed for four _* GO .- . properties as iDdicu" _ Ezhib1t A of the InterS. ~ _ '-cion OriiDaDce. Frol1ch aslted for (. - frc8 the audience. co Park u tM7 ae::pce! IIOra . Valcer Vuá, VaÌlco 'ark C:-al Manager. placed five cbarU GO che -n-Uza boari. ae stated thac Yallco Park is a Planned Dewe1,.¡"a-l't . clUe has bee ¡lrcgressina s~ 1963. He po1:1~ed ou.t on the ..rial .? LOIl'8ph ~be streets, uDdu...-.4 utilities and extensive 1æ=!sca,1ng à:a% have !lee:: ¡Nt in. The l~ plan shc-.s \"allco Park as aD 1Ddustr1al PBk, not a l'l.,."ed Dcvelo¡r .. _ There vere changes cade to dw zoning = 1969 and 1:: 1970. They u- about 25 Use l'ert>i~s in Vallce i'ck aC ê1a Urle. ". aslted ~hac Val1cø ?ark be ex~..ted from the zo--1Dg t replat10n ::= :;,e :ollCTJina rea-=s: 1. All deve::~ents in t~ Crossroads Dist~iet have been exe=rted , ' ! fro,;: tr.e -.crat~':1= be~.. of the Assus:.ent D1scr1ct. 1'~e Vallee :.~< ~~~es~en: ~~tr1ct was of co"s1derably :cre -s¡~~t~de. ... I. t..;.. He ask.~ :~at all uses ;r~~us:y apilrcved be pe~1tte~ := cont1n~è .~~::on Hote:. e:c.ì. '.". 1''-1 n s is 1:. :"-~o1ng ~87e:~v=-e~t at Valle: Park. !O..:. '''ard sa:~ :,"y are as;'1c¡ -'-.t t;,e land '~5eS that ex:st ce ~ee.,gn1zed :-: :~e Caner.&..:. ;~3:1. x:.nu~e Orúr l'la:\ning C~~ssio:t :-=.. City At:::-~~:· J3id t:-..&t :a.J~':&::'Y. th~re -"ere n~ t"ec=-::e-..:a:~:::'1S . :A:=ore the C::'" "::'.J:\cil in :..¡ar~ ::- t:~e Ge~.-e!'a: Plan. :'e:o::t: ::.e City 7 :.::r:::.:~l makes a:::: :;¡)ecific ~ac;'s~c~. on ?r~:H:,:ics, t~e:: :-':;'5: ¡: !).c~ ':.: ~~e ?la:"_-:.:.:-..; ::--::!.ssion ::':I~ ~:-r reco:::.-:i?::;l1tion. T:-.e ?:.--:...::¡ ~ ~~:"ector sa::. :..:.! ?lann1n; :'::-:=:'..io:1 did :-:.~: s;oeak t~ t~e :.·.-e:~r-ed ~ercial ;~:~~:::. Plan~i~ G~_ission C~d:r-a~ 2utr.e~~:~ 5a~~ :~e ::a=sing C-:"=:'~s:'::1 J1d rec::~ ':0 t:1e C:.-:· C.Juncil a c:r.a::~e ~:1 t:~e ~ :e:..ra: PIa::. :..:; reco=~~~:"~ ....·a.3 r.!$c;'~~ej t.:hen the St~:e elected !:.r: Give a 6-::::::;' extensio=. :~ è>e~r requ1re",ents. t :~~ed by Coc:.:i:~3:\ ~eyers, £eeoo=ed b, Cou,,_~l~a:\ S,ark= to as~ tèe i::a:-_~:n9' ,.,~.-:.:;:..-- ~~ co:'\si':i-e:- a::. &::1~nù;"1~::: t" the Ger.erflo ~":'~t~. as ~eviously :4~~ by their Resolut1o~ So. 11~3 and to establish t~e~r re- ! =-endat1o::s =_r revisions tc ~t General ?Lm for thos" ¡>rr:i>"rt1es ,wé>2.ch are a:5: i're~ently de".e:~d general c0=:1ere1al proper~:es, and ~o ~lude the r:a::n~d develo~t %O::es with cc~erclal 1n~ent. L~: KII£S : C.:~=.:;'l::':en Irvin, .Ja.:kso:l, ~1e}·c[;;J S~arks, Mayer Fr:~:'ch Sc=e ~t~ carried, 5-0 . . KINUTES O~,. D:'.Cr::!ßER 18, ¡ 972 CITY CO:;:;CIL ~!EETlNC Jackie Ha::. Saxter Avenue. representing the Friends of tbe Foot- hills, read a prepared statement urging adoption of tbe interia zoning ordinance. ~. Jerry Fitzgerald, 10191 JOrth Blaney Avenue, said the urgency has been re::oved since the deadline has been moved frcm January 1 to July 1. :;e did not feel there was any need for tbe inter1n ordinance a"y=ore. He said the Saich property at Stelling and Stevens C.eeL illvd. was reviewed by the Planning C=is.sion on Dececber l:th. They have dedicated and ~?roved co~erc1al streets Be said t~e Cupertino City Attoruey of 12 years s~ated that every t~e there ~s a rezoning tñe zoning map is auto~tical1y changed. The prescr.: C~ty Attorney says this is no: tr~e. Mr. Fitzgerald said there is a severe hardship here because ~is client stands to lose a ~ltinill1on dollar develop~er.: if th~s property is ?laced in ~ ~~lding zone. ïhe Plar.~_~~ J:rector sa~¿ :he Planning CC~~:53i~n is i~ t~e =i¿dl of their ~'''eral Plan re·;ie-... T:,is is no: a "=:11 bac~". T:-,ere are sevcr~: 2?F:icaticns == ~o~sidera~le ~a;~::~rle at t~e ;r~s£nt ~:'::1e. Th: :::a:t.1ing C,=,:-:=.::5:',:,'::I: :E:els it ·~·C"l:¿ be diff~c'.ll~ tc =.akC! ¿ec1sions :~ ~3jor land ~se ~~i: t~e Ge~è~a~ ?~an st~dy is com?lcte":. Sharon B:¿~~9 ~2284 DeA~za C~~cle, said t~¿ ~u~~vvale-C~~e~ti~o ;ranc:1 (I: ~':-__versit:-- ~:."'::-,e:: ..;.=ge ado-rtio:'l .:: t:-.e interl= c:-¿:'::a:1=e_ ~.rjorie ::.1:';'ê, 10463 C:.is:--_::~, A-:e:1ue, sta:~': t:te l.eague .,! ~';c:':en V~ters urf~ ~¿~ption of :~e :~teri~ ord:~a~=e. ~x. John ~::~~.an, represe~:~=g ~roperty o,.~e= at the s~uthvest corner 0: ;:e11ing and P.~-estead, asked t~ ~ave this ~r~rer~y re:oved :=;~ the interi: cr¿inance. ~..a.yor Fr,:-.: :..::-: ca~led a rece55 at 10:08 P.:-!. The meeti:lg re~O:l- vened a~ ::::3 P.~. The City ';::~rney said he ::.ad reviewed ~he s::; ¡>lecent of tc.e Code and s~ood ::rrected. T~e City Council can c~ange the a~o~ted general r:~" after referr~ng to the Planning Co~ission the pro- posed Ch.1:-,;è. The only re,;·..:ire::ent for -:.Ò¡:c hearing cr. this section is ::,e Plannin¡z Cc:c~s5ion revie·... T:,e Planning Cc=issio. reports ~a:~ a~d t~c City ~~::cil ~akes t~~ J~cision, ~~et~er or ~t to r-a~i a change. D~Sc~s5icn follo~ed. CC-137 Page 9 Friends of Foot hills want moratoriu.. Developer does not ...ant moratori= Harå t:> =,aite d~c~sio~s en I"aj or land else at t>15 t~,"1Ë' rub::'c Hearing required o"l~' Pla~ning Co::::::. level CC-137 pa¡;e 10 lete c-"1 Urn dIe proper- ties on an individual oasis Too r:uch c:a=erc1al E~uities to :e ~o~sidere¿ I;.tther fa-:~.5. _ :..rst - !fIlIUTES OF TIiE DECFMBEll 18, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING .Judy Cooper, 21910 Hyannisport Drive, stated the Cupertino Citizens Goals eo..ittee urged adoption of the i~terim zoning ordinance. .. D. Koenitzer, 10060 Pbar Lap Drive, said it does not seen unrea.onable to spend a little time to decide on matters that will affect uS for the DeKt 20 - 30 years. He called attention to the traffic problems that accompany these commercial developments. He urged the cOCl¡llet1on of the general plan first, aad then see how these COlllClercial developments fit into our long range plans. Attorney Robert Denpster does not feel there is any urgency before the City at this time. He advised the properties be handled on an individual basis. He said the City has no evidence as to "hy these properties should be placed in a holding zone. Ann Anger, ~onta Vista, addressed herself to the tax situation. She is working to have ~funta Vista annexed to Cupertino. She wants to work to achieve a ;,ala:1ced cOl1U::Un1ty. She said we have too r,1Uch cocmerc1al property new. Attorney Brian \;i1son said he does not feel an interi" holding zone is ::ecessary. If an interb zene is adopted, he said t¡'.ere are sOl1e equities that shoul! ~e very careful:y co~s!dered. ~ir. Pat ~=~~r5, 19764 Au~urn Drive, said t~e Plan~in; Co~iâgion voted u:öa"ir.:o'.Js:\' :,'r t"e in:eri::; z~ne after l"r.~ and 3rducus hear;ng5. l1e sa:.d the ~:::: :135 t:'e c~oice of ?rocecJ~ng to ;ossi.hl:, b'.l:ld ~r;~e ~c.::'ldj:"1~::; :~:at ~ay confl.:'ct ~,.:::-. th~ ne': ge:1eral pl.Jn or to adopt t~e i:tteri~ ::.~:::'~g crdin:ance. ?e urged the City tC' gat:--:~!" t~.e facts first and gi\"¿ =>,è Fla=,ning Co=:s::'O:1 ti~.e to cC':"":~ u;' "'~'it:' :;O:"',e rec'2"-...-:.en¿.1t 10n5. ?'Ùlic Hea::,::gs ~ved by :. ',l.~cilman Jack~or., second~d by COtl:1cU"an Irwin to clos", the c:osed Public Hea=:~~s. :"'=ge deveL::;>- -_~:".ts pcnc::.=.; ~otion c~rried, 5-0 Cou::.cil:"l:1:'. Jackson asked for clarificati('\!'! of ~,.·h¿!::~c!' or ::ot thcr~ is a nQed for preparatio~'of an ord~nance. Toe City Attorney ;aid the ,act that th~ oatter .3 ~"Jer study is a s~ificient urgency. Mayor FrJLich acknowledged t~at considerable time a:1d ~oney have been ?ut into ::....e Saich property d~·/elopnent. The zon in£ ;'35 root be~a there an ~nrea~~~a~le length cf tl'~E for t:l~n tc actively Fursuc lessees. Large de\·..:.:.:p~ent3 under consi.deration <1t this tü:-.": are: ~ariani. Logan. VÁllco P3rc~ and Saieh. Cou~cil~an Jack30n ~a5 in fnvor oi the line that has b¿en drawn. . . KIJlJTES OF IiiE DECÐiBER 18, 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEETUlG Jløved by CoUllcilcan Irwir!, seconded by Councilman Xeyers, tbat all properties within Vallco Park not covered by Exhibit A of dae Interb Zon1n t Ordinance and covered by the lIr.Iendment sbould be considered by tbe Planning Commission including clarification of properties within the 1nteri~ Ordinance and report back to the City Council per Section 65356.1 of the C:OVernment Code. AYES: ]IDES: CounU¡,.,en Irwin, Jackson, Y.eyers, Sparks, Hayor Frol1cb ~one ~þtion carried, 5-0 Moved by Co~,il~L~ Jackson, seconded by Council~an ~æyers, to -=end the pre¥i~as ~otion by deleting all ~aterial following 'the colon 1':'\': i~sert thereafter: 7ho~'c ite~s as shm-:n in Blue on Exhibit ) :~ the ~allco Pa~k :~ster Plan inclu¿ed in the1~ :.ece~·.be~ :.:., :;~~ !etter. AYES: S::>ES: Cc~~::~~~n ~:eyers, Jackson, Sp~rks C~,,,,:i::-an Irwin, :1ayor rrolich YÞtion carried, 3-2 O?J)1N.-\~CES 21. t:r¡;e,,,y .~"::u"ce No. 569: "An Ordinan,,, 0: the City of Cuperti~: :el~tln& to the Application of lnt"ri~ Zonin~ Regula:i:~5. and Declarin; the t:r~en~y Thereof, to Take Effect !--e~i.tte1y." - read by :':ayor "roli~h. MOved by Cø~~:il~an Spar~s, seconded by Council~an Jackson to have Ordin~~.:e ~". 569 re,.d by title only and the ~:..yor's read1n~ is ~o consti:a:e the reading. AYES: Jl)ES : c.:'.....~~:. ~ :en Irwin, J;¡ckson, :-~eyers, Sparks, ~!ayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 the City Atto=-:1ey noted the Ordinance should read "four months" rather than "ninety days". Moved by Coun,il~an Meyers, seconded by Councilman Irwin to adopt Ordinance So. 569. AYES: 1I)ES : Co~~il~~n Irwin, Jackson, }~yers. Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch Sone Mo~1on·carr1ed. 5-0 CC-137 Page 11 Proposed cbange. to ';en'l Plan Ord. ~69 <'1 rat Readin Ord. 569 adopted -137 age 12 ¡ , !te8. 3379 adopted :\e5. 33SJ adopted Res. 3381 adop~ed . . HI:.1ITES Of iF.E DECE!IDER 18. 1972 CITY COmiCI:' ~:EETI:¡G IESOLUT1Q.'iS 22. No. 3379: "A lleso1utioo of the City Cou;1cil of ~he City of Cupertino Al10,",1ng Certain Claims and Det:and5 Payable in the Amounts and {roo the Fu~ds a8 Hereinafter Described for Retro- active Salary and Wage Adjus~ents for :he Period of July 1 througb Dec~ber 12. 1972. -- read ~y ~ayor Frolich. Moved by COUl:cll::an Irwin, seconded b~· Cou:>cll::-.an Jackssm ,resolution ~o. 3379. I I ,AYES: NOES: . to adopt Council~en Ir~in. Jackson. Meyers, Srar~s, Mayor Frolich So~e Motion carried, 5-0 23. );('. ;}SO: "A Resolu:~~n of t:,e C:::: Co""o:l of the Cit;· of Cur;;:,::':-." Allo-:.;ing C::::a:'~ Clail':".5 a::': ~~::-,.1:;ds Payab:c in the A:.~::.~_:'5 a::¿ :ro:':1 t::e FU:1¿S as EEr~i:"'.J.::c:" ¡).'~cribe¿ f·:>r Salarie.;.. an:: .l~'S :01" the ~~:·r:-_: Period ~::':::;~ :.'è':è.·,ber 12, :972. -- :"i".\j ~y ~:ayor F'C,:: _ :::. MO\lcd :-,y ·:_-'..;.~:::'::':an 1r-.:1::, .5eco:'1ded by C.:'-'::--H-::-..r~ Jackson to ;,]:or-t Resol~t:::: ~~.:'. 3350. AYES: ~OES: ~:'.J::c:l~en Ir.-;'::. ':ac:~son, '\::'¿>:-:-. :';".:lrks. ~Ia':or ~'rol icn '\:-~i' ~~t:o~ carr:ei, 5-0 j24_ :;~. 33.51: .,,\ Reso:'.':_::r1 0: tr.e c::.:: :~-~:",..::l ,)!' t;¡e Ci.ty 0: . CU'è:-:':':-:'..1 Alloving c.e:-:.a:r. Cla!~~~ l~¿ :'<r.-.a:ld:'t !'a::a:,!e !:\ t:'E' I ¡ A.~_ .:~ anJ from t~c :- .;.~~S as ~!('!"e:-:.1::~:' ='..:->cr:~e':: :or Genèra~ an¿ ~li;e:!aJeOU5 Ex;~~~~:~re$.t' -- ~~:~ ~~. :'i¡~Cr ?r~l:ci. lu d ~. .. ':Jove "y ~.;:'~~~:'.':-.3n lro,,,:::-., I Resolut::" :;~. 3381. ;eco!\ded by ..:.........:-..::.:.".--¡~: Jac~su:1 to adC'¡:,t AYES: :~OES: Councilcen Ir"::':1. Jackson. ~t'l?yer$. 5rarks. Ka)ror Frol ich s.:'~~ ~~t1o~ carri~J. 5-0 UNFlSISr~ a~SI);ESS 25. NC"::~. . . . .....u.s OF r~'" ~ER 18. 1972 CITY COl~CIL ~::rING .. IUSINESS 26. Jleport OlD ~raff1c study. Get,eral Plan c1rculatio!' e1_t. aøcI requesting authorization to contract the services of a traffic c:oasDltant. aNDcllman Jads= said he had reviewed the Decec1ber IS, 1972 scaff report œ ~Ms matter aDI! f~ it quite good. ~ by Co~"~~~ Meyers, secoaded by Councilcan Irwin ~o aatborizc the C~::r staff t~ negotiate a cor tract with the fira of JBX and As-"-~tes, providing for necessary traffic studies relative to t~ &Oalysis of the City's futu~e traffic needs. Motion carried, 5-0 ~ed by ~~:::~ Sparks, sec~¿ed by Cour.c:::~a~ Irwin ~hat in the event :~< ;:~:f ~s able to conclude ncs~::a::~n, with JäK, cl1at autnoriz!.: :'::1 ~e proviåed t.o reta.,n the:':: scr\." ices on a..'" interim per ¿::.;__~ ·::as::'s to init~ate and ::or~ ::~ c.J!1ju:1ction ....rich their econo:::: ;:'"¿y. Sue:: i":er~ ap?ro·..a: :, ~::'t to be cnnsider.. ad as fina:i:ë::::: of any c:tT.~¿e traffic ;:":y co~tract ..r!1,iCh ~s I subject to s~;;,~~,=t approval :y the City C:~nc~:. lnter~ espend1tur~ .-:--.=: .~:! a~thorize¿ :r~~ ~napP:':'';''~~:1:~è surplus gas tax i funds. T::~, !:~=:~a~ cus: be :ade 07 Cou,.:~_ =~=ute order. I AYES: C~~~~~~~~ Irwin, JacLson. ~eyers. 5;arss, ~~yor :rolich ~ES: ~..,.. I I Mo~'.o" carried, 5-: I 27. Consi¿.=£::::: of Ordinance So. 568: "A:: è'=.iinance of the i City of :_~=:in~ Aðendi::¡ ~dinance ~... .~ (~evised), Enacted Dece"!-t: _. :~"l, as A::en¿'-¿ ::y ()rdi~..,..:t :;c. 47(b), Enac~ed June 5. :;:.. 50 as tc Pr~v:de a~ Alte~~a:e irocedure to Correc: L- :::~.al L~~ 3~li: Create~ !-y a v.ed or Contract Hade Pr::: :: ~lci1 4, 1<;72." MDwed by Ccu~:::~ Jackson, seconded bv Co~~.:il~an Mevers to refer Ordba:::. ::". 5ó8 to the ?l8"ning" Cc=:ssi"n for· review and r-~ ·~dati:=:,. December 28, 1972, and report back January 2, 19 ~t1on carried, 5-() CC-137 Page 13 Negotiate con- ì trac~ with JKi1 & Assoc. Per die:: inter! basis autÞorize ¡ j I , ¡ , j Ord. 568 ref ern ~o Plann. Co:::"!., -137 14 r Cap1l:.al. røv_c 1'- . . 5 OF roo DECEMBER 18, 1972 cm COUNCIL KEETmG . 21. SUIIIIII&ry re¡IOrt on tbe five-)"UI' Capital Improvement PToI~· City Kat1ager referred to tise Deceaber 15, 1972 staff repo.t on tbi8 cer. He said this is merel)' a start, and vas asking for citizen input. e will also be additional iucs that are not in ~ha f1v8-year fUJlding, , Cit)' CoaDdl a1&bt choose to rearran¡e priorities or co delece - iC88. hoc ¡roap."cø CoaDcllman Jaclson would like co have an ad hoc citizens ¡roup formed foøed Þ vork on details of the bond iesue. ~i::e depos~ r,arded i i , ~ 29. Award 0: !i::e Deposits. Jfoved by Cou~chan Meyers, seconded by Counc1lJ2an Jackson to award the ,'Cfce :::::::sx::~:::~o::~kto be ,laced :::::::: ::: ::7::yS@ Barclay, 3aak $100,000 ior 180 days @ : I{ells Fa~: 3ank $100, OOJ :: or 180 da~·s @ , IAYEs: ; ltO£S : j I ! 5% 5-1/2% 5-1/2% C:=~ilcen Irvin, JacLson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch S=". Motion carried, 5-0 30. Reie=:ä:;: Jaaage clato t~ r~ty Attorney i:r collection ?rocedures. :~~ge cla~ to ~ved by C:~=:::~n Irwin, secc"d~d by Counci:~a= Jackson to refer t~e ~":y Atty. .1>:r.·e-<:e::: "=:.i .i,mage clai:: :: the City Attt'rn.::. õ:reet na::2o& :,:ange ;>u::~c ':.oaring Is:¡. 2nd. Motion carried, 5-0 31. Sett::,;: :o>::ac hearing, strèet nane C::3r.~è Foot:Üll 30ulevard ~o ~ort: F::;~ill Eoulevard a~d South Foot~il: 30ulevard. Mbved by l:~=:i.~ Meyers, seccnded by Cou"cil:an Jackson to set the street na~.- ;:~Ee ?Ubl1c hear~ng for Jar.uary 2, 1973, and to ~~ke ~bl1c no:::. r~ereofo ~~t1on carried, 5-0 ifI)lUTES OF TRE DECE~ER 18, 1972 CITY COU¡;CIL m:ET1NG COIISENT CAI.fWAll 32. ResoluUon 110. 3383: "A llesolut1on of the City Council of the City of Cupertino rescinding Resolution No. 3376 and accepUng a Cran: of Easement for Roadway Purposes frO:1 the Kadanisu Province of the Pac;:Uc; Aj)proxir.lately ,239 ACri! located on Madera load Weat of Hercedes Road." 33. Resolution No. 3384: "A Ilesolution cf the City Copncil of the City of Cupertino Accepting a Grant of Eas~ent for Slope Purposes from The Kar1an1sts Province of the Pacific Locat\~ 011 Madera Read West of Mercedes Road." ]4, llesolution No. 3385: "A Resolution of the Ci~y Council of the City of Cupertino Consenting to Detachzent of Certain Uninhabited Territory froo the City of Cupertino Pursuant to Government Code Sec~ion 35271." 35. Resolution No. 3386: "A Resolution of the City C?unc1l of the City of Cupertino Ap?ro7ing Final Plan for the ICj)rovenen of Frontage at the ~orthea5t Corner of Foothill 90ulevard and Cupertino Road: Developer, The Southland C~rporat1on; Author- izing the City Engineer to Sign the F~nal Plan; and Authorizi.g the Execution of Agree::1ent in Connection There'.ith." 36. Request from Santa Clara County Camp Fire Girls, Inc., for annual product sale between January 25 and February 13, 1973. :ioved by Council~an Iroin, seconded by Council~an Sparks :0 adopt the Consent Calendar. MOtion carried, 5-0 REPORT OF OFFICERS 37. City S~aff The City ~~nager said the tieing on the park presentation ~as not coordinated ~1th the five-year Capital Improvement Progr~, so there may be some discrepancies. The Director of Public Works stated that the choir that participat in the Christeas tree lighting program is soliciting funds to aid in pa}~ent of their expenses for their trip to Hawaii. CC-137 Page 15 Consent Calenda. ado;>t ed Park presentat~ not coordinate': in 5-yr Frogra" . . -131 .16 MINUTES OF TIlE DECEM3E1l 18. 1972 CITY COUNCIL MEEl'IlCG 38. City CouncÜIDeD 110 further reporu. 39. lleco8n1tion by Hayor of DOn-agenda iteml. Hr. Troy Challeøger. 10310 !lark Lane, asked the City 'touøcU for a te::t;loruy pen11t to se:l his Santa Claus decorations wi thin rbi' City l1¡:¡its. Øe said he va;; unavare that it vas aßainst the 1..... to .~ll these itens from the tt1'nk of his car. He ,.-as told that the lav is very specific a~out not allo...1ng persO!1.3 to :fell fro:'! a car. It vas SII¡sested he try ~o nJÙe sene arra:1iõ=~ ...it:t a Chr1st:'\a3 tree !Dt or t::e Y.M.C.A. to sell his product in conjunction with theirs. ADJOUR.~ 40. Adjourn to 7:30 P.y.~, Tuesday, January 2, 1973. , . Moved :~ Ccuncilma~ 1r:i~, ~econded by Council=a~ S?arks to adjourn I the "'e"~~ng tc 7 :3C P.:':., .uesda:;, Januar:: 2, 1973. ~eeting adjourned I at 12 :25 A.~t. ~:t~on cerr1ed, 5-0 APPR07ID: /./ Doaald A. rrolich Mayor, City of CupertiDO ATTEST : ." /./ ".... E. Ryder 'City Clerk