CC 01-02-73 . . . CITY OF CUP£RTJ~O. State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Californ~a Telephone: 252-4505 ~. ~~,~ ~,~ ~¡.$: f " r,': , . f· KI.'~urES OF THE REGULAR XEETING OF tHE CITY COUNCIL HELD' JAlWARY 2, 1973 IN THE COUNCIL C1WIBEll CITY BALL, CUPEJaL'IO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO TIlE FLAG Kayor Fro1ich called the ~eeting to order at 7:33 P.M. with tha . Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Councilmen present: Cou~c:lQen absent: Ir..in, Jackson, ~eyers, Spar:<s, Mayor Frolich Sone Staff present: City Nanager Quinlan City Attornc;' Ada"s Director of Ad~inistrative Serv:ce~ Ryder Director of rla~~ing and Develo?~ent Sisk Director of Pu~l ic ~·:or~s "¿arbot'ou;h. Director of Parks and Recreation Butler :a;;uus OF PREVIOUS ~:::ETIXGS 1. Approval of ~linutes of regulnr :-:cctins of Dece:-.ber 13, 1972. Couadl:::a:> Jack50n :1ad tŽ1e fo11o"ing corrections: Page 5, paragrap:' precedinf; "PARKS AND RECREATIO~ CO:~IS$ION": Add the '..ords "side'.:alk landscaping" between the \lords "the" a~d "conce?t". Page 10, delete first sentence of ~ext to the last paragraph and rcplace it ,dth the follo",ing: "Couacilman Jackson asked ror clarification of whether or not t~ere is a need for preparation of an ordi:lance." Page 13, second paragraph: Add the ~'ords: "and found it quite good." at the end of the sentence. Councilnan Irwin said there was an ~~end;nent to motion found at th top of page 11. The tapes will be researched and the ~inutes will be corrected. Moved by Councilean Irwin, seconded by Counciln8n Jacksun to approve the Minutes of ~ecember 13, 1972, as corrected. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-138 Page 1 . . MIJllTl'ES OF THE JA.\'UARY 2, 1973 em COU:.cIL M£ET:~G ....,'ICAr¡OOS 2. Vlrlum 1l1li Director of Ada1DturaUwe SøriC.. .t." the fol1ori11a vrUta r !cations have bea rr I....: "., A. AD advice froa the Ca11fonda "ØJ aJUa' ....'C1atIOD "8&1111 their views that pCOCII-·. of the r..-. abadlll c:ou1d be used ,for propercy t.a ncluctioa 8IICI .'-ili.. coåsider.u._ of this concept as a priority ita. A resolution of the !oarel of SUp8nhors, elated Decacber 13, 1972, adoi'ting goals aDd rol1ciu for houain¡ .. initial .tep 1:1 fomulation of the Bau.in¡ E1eaent to the County Ceøeral Plan. B, c. A request froo the MDltl-Ha~dica;ped Rcsearch Foundation. I~c., for a solicitat~ per21t to place canisters in bu~ine.. .sta~lis:"'ents 'I!c:ta the City. Th1s it~ ia under the Co~s.nt Calcnr.ar and the usval business lic.~.c i.. ~~11 be ~aived 5h~uld tbe COu:1c':'¡ &1~~::r ~ze t;~e perm:. t. D. A res~lut!on of t:.e C~ty of Palo Altc alan; ~1th a re~ue.t :~at th~ Cit¡ of CureT:~DO C~ty Cou~cil ~r?Ose ~ro?osed ~~crca~e in pa~.engcr far~! ~r $out:'ern Pacific Transportatio~ ~?any. Other co~~n1cations referred to ~Atters on the agenda. Oppodtion to fare iDer..... xq1atered Moved b~' C""n.::1 ba" lr::in, seccmded by CouncUoan ~Ieyers to go on record las backing R.solution 4686 of the City of Palo Alto, opposing increase in passeng.r fares by Southern Pacific Trans~rt~tion Co~pany. Motion was a:::ended by Counc~ Jackson, seconded by Council=an Irwin to notify t~ose groups listed in the Dccember 19th le~ter froo Palo Alto of this Council action. !---~-.n~ carried. 4-0 Hayor Frolic:' abstained Motion carried, 4-0 Hayor Frolich abstained 3. Oral A. ~one B. Reçuest by Councitaen for removal of itecs from Consent Calendar. There were none. e e HINUTES 0: ruE JA:IUARY 2, 1973 CIT'i COl!:-;C.'L ~IJIC UPOKl' OF COUNCIL IlEPIESESL\TIYES 4. MaJOr Frolich:Tøuportation AdYùory (' In_ . ~~' ,The ,Mayor bad no further ,.~t on this. ee..u cMn .... lIMa . ,c:onàiderable fdetion" . ...(dIe cembers. The CltJ - ,aP..... ~bere is . proposal that dIe'isldividual dtba. or ._ cities iJI Concert. prepare plans føráøv they .-ou1d Uke to bøe die :uttar settled within their _ If;)' and these plans woulcl be. c:oab1necl within & 1USter plan. The cities will be asked for input if the Co_ince aecides to taite tíu.s route. A technical prouo has been appointed to foroulate the sround rules. A citizens committee has ~ appointed by Mayor Frolich to help with t~is t~~~sit natter. ~:er-City Council T~e ~~y~r .aid thcre viI: :e a ~eeting at the Sandpiper Restaurant on Thurs~a:. January 4t~, a: 6 P;~. League of CaliÍornia Cities - So report. Le~is1ative Revie" Co::-.rnittee - :,0 report. 5. ~g Abuse coordi~ation Co~isslon Police Co~ittee Cou~c:l~an Irwin: There 1õe~e no eeetings. 6. Coundl::>an Jackson: ...ssociation of 3ay Area 'Governoents 5a:ta Clara County !',ater Co=issicn Ur~n Deve¡op~ent & 0pen Space Suo- Comoittee of PPC Airport Land Use Subcoomittee of PPC There vere no meetings. cc-ua paa- 3 Citizens group to study tra~s natter. ~ . 'J. ..¿' ,.. r "'",,- .i:. ,~. '~J ': I.t :iJi f <i£. ·11' ',. ~. ~ "" > ~ >;Ii. .~ .1' . J: ..' '< ( ~ / '1-.'-, __,-v' -''1 ~ I" "', ,,¡,<: '""", ~) f " ')0"- ~ ,,- , ..,:~:.~: ,'cr :-«';,' .' Ord. 5ó8 I'1rsc 1eat~ e ·e MXlIUTES OF T;IE JA-'WARY 2. 1973 CITY COUNCIL Y.EETlNG 7. Councilman Y.eyers: plamdni Policy COIIIIIIIUee -- No meeclng. Øi118Ue Subcommittee of l'PC ;;' :~o -<' 'fbe Hillside SubcOlZlittee _e àIÛt.' dIscussed four alternatives to the ~sing catter. The houS1D¡.;peol'le feel there i8no'vay lov incaae housing can go in the hilla.;,,· '!bey' are asking for a spread of lucOllle levels to be provided. bow"~r.· The PPC will meet and review the four alternatives, , B. Councilman Sparks: nood Control Advisory Co=1ttee - No report. Como1ssion on Alcoholism There was a tour of the Valley Medical Center, Palo Haven, Drug Treat:::ent Cenr.er ~nd the drunk t~~k. The gcneral feeling was of overcro~ding and inadequate treatment and facilities. There is a bill in Con;ress wt.ich gives concy to put doctors on the premiscs of these facilities. PLANNING CO:'~!ISSION .9. , Report and reco.~en¿ation on proposed Ordinance :So. 568: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Amending Ordinance ~o. 47 (Rcvised) Enacted Dece~ber 4,1961, as ~ended by Ordinance Xo. 47(~), Enactéd June 5, 1967, so as to ProvIde an Alternate Procedure to Correct an Illegal Lot S?lit Created hy a Deed or Contract ~~de Prior to }larch 4, 1972." & read by ~yor Frolic". !-loved by Councill!!3n ::eyers, seconded by Coullcil::1an Ir.,i.n to :-.ave Ordinance Xo. 568 read by title only, and the Mayor's reaå:n3 is to constitute the First &eading. AYES: ¡"OES: Counciloen Ir~ill, Jackson, ~œyers, Sparks, :~yor Frolich "one Motion carried, 5-0 ARCHITECTUllAL AND SITE APPROVAL CO~I1TTEE 10. Submission of Minutes of regular meeting of Dec~ber 20, 1972. . . ~1e.:> OF TI!E JA....'UARY 2, 1973 CITY COUNCIL ¡IEETING 11. Application HC-51,090.1 of Dennis L. Wong requesting approval of .. sign plan for a gasol1De sales/car wash facility located at the northwest corner of Alves Drive and Suatoga-Sunnyvale :':, Jtoad. Rer-ellcI«d for approval. . ..~.~~.. .~ed slides of the sign were shovD. 1ndicatin~ colors and desi «-die proposed sign. The sice plan vas also displayed. The .,.' 4..g Director said the corner radius will be slightly enlarged .....1:IIe sign will be set back, oucaide of it. , ~ - "man ~-"y£r8 asked if there ,,"ill be a ¡:¡ini:noJtJ gallon require- ~ød 1£ so, this should be incorporated into the sign, ..~ "&Dnis Wong, 11266 Monterey Courc, Cupertino, said there vi1l ~ be chis requircoent at his stati~. cC-lJ8 Page 5 Corner radius c be enlarged No minimJla gall requireaent !D9ed by Co~. Meyers, seconded by ~. Irwin to ap?rove ap?lica- HC-51,O~~.1 ~ Hc-51,090.1. a?~roved Motion carried, 5-0 Goancilman Irwin ~ould like the requir~oent for bike racks added to r~e standard conditions. S~=e fo~la should be ~orked out as U! ::he number of ra.cks require,¿ at a facility. ?AD:5 A2m RECR£AT:O~ COM:HSSIO:: 12. Sub!:1ission of Hinutes of regular =eet~ng of Dece"ber 19, 1972. ".i.A:IT]l COMMISSIOX 13. Regular meeting scheduled for Dece~Ler 27, 1972 has been po$tponed a~d rescheduled for Tuesday, January 16, 1973. LI3ÄARY cO}~ISSIOS 1.4. ....gular eeeting sched, ,cd for Dece:::'er 19, 1972 has been cancelled and rescheduLe1 for Tuesday, January 16, 1973. ~ lNO cITlZEXS GOALS CO!~!I1TE:: Add "i;ce racks to std c=::'\ditic IS. Submission of Minutes of regular neeting of Deceober 14, 1972. Staff co send Mayor a~th~r JIayor Fro1ich requested another copy of these einutes. copy of ::ninuces ! , í . e !':::-138 :~e 6 JlDllCTES OF T::E ':.;è:UARY 2. 1973 CrT'! COUNCIL :IEETING CI -Hman Spa~ß vould like to _e an ad hoc cOl1llllittee farad to ~ where biu:,; and cator bikes éaa be ridden. This aatter -. , aIMt pursued ~y t~e Council. BOA¡¡) Submissio:> oof Minutes of r""8"'1... meeting of Dece::Iber 20. 1972. HEARn;G: 17. Considerat:~~ for extend~ng tbe inter~ Urgency Ordinance 5~. 528 relating t= develop~ent 1n tåe foothill area. : -year ext. :-eco::uDended ~ ?Janning ¡'::-ector r"v~e-,;ei the staff me::>o of Decett:,er 29, J972. I~~ Ordinance ~'?:res on Jacuary 8, 1973; however, State 1a~ pr:vi¿es fer a one-year '....~:ension. ;;or« ~ertaken by the Hillside s,,::c==~tte" t~ll ~e in~Dr~:~3:ed into our GeaLral Plan rcv:ew process, ~h~ch stould i~ co~pleteå '~A?ril 1973. ~uose?Dent zonin. action viii ~e nece,sary ì:'- July 1st, a, <"'Iuircd by Stat.e Lav. :,,:,lie hu;~ ':':"sed , JMa::.r~'r Frolic~ aE~e:i for co:::::e::~s !r-::.-m the ii'.:.die:1ca. T:~cre ....~:-E: :J,c::e. i!1:...~: b:,- Co~r:':_~~:1 Irwin, sec.ondeè by Councilman ¡:e>·ers to) c:os~ t~e ~_~C Heann;:"- ¡ :rd. 528 atended ~t:o" c.arried, 5-0 l!!fcon'd by Coun"i:=an Ir'dn, sec~n:1ed by CouncilMan Jackson te '!xte::od fcr ~ year Urgen:y Jrdinance ~o. 528. .LT1:S : ~~: Cou:::::",en Ü"in, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolic:' ~c::.£ Motio~ carried, 5-0 ~i1man Meye:s said the H~llside Subcommittee is now equi~ped to ~le any ap~:~"ations for re=ova: from this ordinance. ·" ..:~J:.,>. i~l<>~,;' ,". ~:~',: ,f::~·,<:',', ~">~,~i~ ~:¡~~}~~ ~ ..,~ :~..:,. '!',~:. . ~~; .~-:'¡'~.':c :,/j,~:-, . ~,:: - - BUUTES OF :-~ 1",-\'t;ARY 2, 1973 CDT COUNCIL ~T:''':; "..18. Formati..-: "f an UndergrOGllll ,"~ty District, the area being on th~ east side of Sarato&~ 1i "'yvale Rc-ad fr~r: the south sid " of Stenes Cree~ Blvd. to. a'pr'..:!: approximately 1800 ft. Dortll (a) ~..tion No. 3101.~:.·.& Resolution of the City C:---~1 of the Clcy 'of (: . I rtino Creati,'S a Specific U--~r=d Utility D!str1ct and Establishing Under- gro1<:D! Utility DistricC 110. 3, Crossroads AsseSSIIIp.nt Ui3~ict, Project 71:"2.- (b) Jte;.~!tltion No. 3101-30: -.& Resolutkn 0: the City Cor~'l of the City of CUpertino Orderi=s Changes and !b:~ications, CrossTOads AssesSlllent District, Proj~ct :;~. n-2, Undergrow::d Ut:!11ty Improve::e::~5. to D>e Direct:: :: ?-~blic !:orø explz..i:>ed the reas~n::o~ òehind the fcnnati~n :f ::Oii' District. It seez.s appropr:"t~ to undergroun¿ %.he telcr::~ :':":1-:?S along wit~ úe ?..C.. & E. l:":1eSa :'Ìe next _?lainc¿ :':; ::':O.1:1dal o'Jligaticr..s ~o the var:':"i' ,r~?ertj' c..-ners. E::tJrt iF ==:.=; :3:'\.c.!ß to ::.aJte t~ a:rangemel1ts a~ ~~-.:i.table 3:i ;>05sihlc, CC-13ß Page 7 Uaderground phor.c and P.G. & E. l:ne. I: resp0::~: :.: :'::1::.cilca;¡ JaCLs-:n1' 5 co::cern abo'.;t :~e cost to, say LID c~·...!lå be .5ot:Oe ~;¡':':¿.:~: ~_:~~:. In tn-a area, 't!1e :irector ~:: P'''':':-::'~ ~';orks said set u? t.:1ere is ::-.! ;-:35:~ility a::. L:D coc:.:d be set u? ::=:¿. 'Kayor Fr.:-:'::..: .ã:;4l~j for C~e:1::S fro: t~c auå:'e:t.::. There were =ne. ~ed b:· C:~~::=:: Irwic, secoDded by Council:a:: Jackson to cl.ose the :--..:.:::: ::~arings. Hotioa carried, 5-0 ~rorney K. ::t:i!S cffered the opeimi to eaÒ 0: t::i!se property C".ooners to j:::: t:'e Local bpray_t ~istr:ct, if :~'2Y ,10 desire. 1t would h"it :~ be an individual ~eor.Je&t by lhe o',,,,-er. The D1.rector :0: ?:Ziic Works said dús public hearing 'as posted and 1ecters vere :.rafted to the pro.-.t,. owners. ...ed by c..~:.!:an Jacks=. .......-ea by COu....cll::a.., In'in to adopt ~lutio" ~. 3:01-29. AYES: JIDES : c"-.;:.:i::"en Irvin. J....1r_. Meyers, Spar;'s, Mayor Frolich S:= Motion carried, 5-0 Pu!:l:c hear :ng clc~c1 In:!ividu~ls ca: join L!D Res. 31Cl-29 adopted . . UTES OF '.:'".::=: JA.\"UARY 2, 1973 ClT! mUNCIL XEETl~G 8. 3101.-'.' J'.'''';¡'; ; pteð!~i;èc; .'l'~ ; ..~> '~\f~. ,. d by c..."Ccilœn JacksOII. lIeCC!ácleð by Councilt'.an Irwin to aclojlt lutio,," So. 3101-30, : C=ilmen IrviD. .I........... Meyers, Sœrics, Mayor Frol1dÏ : k:.e .." H¡,U_ carried, 5-0 19. Order~ ncation of a portiol1 of a Wire Clearance Easer:ent with:n the C:., .f Cupertino pursaaat to Section 50430 et seq. of the Gove~' Code of the ~at2 of California: (a) >.!$c:ation No. 3390: -A Jl..esolution of the City Council of :":,, =~ty of Cuper.::':'o Ordering Vacatío~ "f a Portion of a ~:~l ~le~rance E~~ .!thin the City of Cu?e~tin~ PurSUL~: :c õ,,:~o~ 5043~ et se;. of the Govercoont Code of the State cf :":ifornia; Locatd at 10260 Phar Lap Drive, Lot 9, :':'~:: 3:':'2.11 -- read =: t::e !".ay~r. ¡,.~J:::dr bF,...~:.:,oo~.:~_ooo_oo ..' __~:nd for Cv Þ:¡cs fr~ the au¿:'¿n..·¿>. T~1et'e ""-ere no!:.e.. ____._ . :.._;v<;. .. _ ~ Irwin, s4!.c~:1d£d by Cou·:c:l.-:a:1 Jac:,':.on try close the ?nbl:c .-:t'¿:-:";:!~. Public closed Mot~c~ carried, 5-0 Res, 339C adopted ~'ed by :~'~=:::"'3n Irwin, seccr.>ded :'y Cou~cil::a" Jackson to ado;>t llesolut:::: 'c. 3J~0. Mot ion ~rr ied, 5-(1 20. Ordf: ::. '¡acation of a portio:1 of Sanitary 5e"er Ease1'1ent and 5to:""= Dra::: :..,,,..,,,nt ·...ithin the City of Cupert:,," pursuant to Sectio:\ S')¿30 et ~e~. :f the Governceor Code of the State of California: (a) i..~.::"tion No. 3391: "A llesolution "f t;,e City Council of :=... City of Cupenino Ordaring Vacation of a Portion of 5~tary Sewer ~ and Storm Drain Easement within the =~:y of cupertioo Pursuant to Section 50430 et seq. of the :;"w:=ent Code of t~e S~atc of California; Located at ::'¡ò~3 ¡;ilkinson AveDUe. Lot 8, Tract 5004." - read by the ~~·or. wayor Fro:::~ .~ed for COEDeDts frOß the audience. There were none. . . HUUTES OF THE J.\.'iUARY 2, 1~73 CITY COUNCIL }Œt:Tl:;G ØØwed by Council~~n Irwin, seccnded by Councilman Jackson to close the public hearins· Motion carried, 5-0 ..,... by Councilœn Irwin, seconded by Councilman Jackson to adopt ~lution No. 3391. Motion carried, 5-0 21. Consideration of the proposed street naæe change of Foothill noulevard to North Foothill Boulevard and South Foothill Boulevard. (a) Resolution Xo. 3393: "A Resolution of t!le City Council of t~~ City of Cupertino Effecting Street Nate Change fro~ F~othill Boulevard to South Foothill Boulevard and Nnth Foothill Boulevard." - read by the Ma)·or. May':):" Frol:'clt ó.::Ì\.ed fe'C COlib1ents fro:a t;,c audience. T:1ere ·..¡erp. ::-=-.....e .. ~~~¿ by Council~~ ~r~in, seco~ded by Council~an Spark$ to close tile Pu~lic ~!ea:i::'bs. Motion carried, 5-0 Ma7e¿ by Cou~ciJ~a~ Irwin, secon=ed by Council~3n Sparks to ado;-t Resolutio:1 :;0. 3393. Motion carried, 5-0 O!WlXA:;cES 22. None u:soLUTIONS 23. Resolution No. 3387: "A Resolution of the City Council of th City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Dceands Payable in the A.-:.JUr!tS and from the Funds a.. Hereinafter Described fo Salaries and Aages for the Payroll Period Ending Deceeber 26, 1972." - r~ad by ~layor Frolich. CC-138 Page 9 Public hearing closed Res, 3391 adopted Pu'-.l1c :,ear ing. close¿ Res. 339:' adopte:! . 3388 ~pted Jas. 3339 M:I?ted Ie.. 3101-11 adopted . ,. :1l::uTES OF TEE JA:;UARï 2, 1973 CITY COU:;CIL :·:n.n:'G Moved by Council~n Irwin, seconded by Councilman Meyers to adopt Resolution ~o. 3~87. AYES: ROES: Counciloen Irwin. Jackson. Heyers, Sparks. Kayar Frol1ch Hooe Mot1OG carried, 5-0 24. No. 3388:, "A ResoluUOG of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Der:ands Payable in t!:e Acounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and }liscellaneous Expenditures." - read by Ma)·or Frolich. Moved by Councilr:en Irwin., seconded by Councilr:an Meyers to adopt Resolution ~o. 3388. AYES: ~OES: Cou~cilcen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich Xone YDtion carried, 5-0 25. :<0. 33$~: "A Re50]ut~cn of the City Council of the City of CuperLnc A11o'.dnß Certain Claims and Dc,-,ands Payable in t,1C A.~OU:1'" a,,; from the Funds as Hereinafter Described fcr Gencral and ~:isc:e:lan2ou3 Expenditures.1t - read by ~1ayor Fro] ich. Moved by C..."u:'!cil~aa Ir",,·in. seconded by Council:.1an ~·~eyers to adopt Resolution ~c. 3389. AYES: ~OES: Councilcen Irwin, Jackson, }teyers, Sparks, Itayor Frolich ~~~i Motion carried, 5-0 26. ~o. 3:01-31: "A Resolution of the City Ccuncil of the City of Cupertino Authorizing Execution of Agreecent Betwecn the City anò California ~ater Service Company for Crossroads Assesscent Disrrict Project So. 71-2, and Rescinding Resolution :'0. 3101-20." - read by ~yor Fro1ich. Moved by Counciloan ~~yers, seconded by Councill!lan Ir'~in to adopt Resolution ~o. 3101-31. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich ~o~e Motion carried, 5-0 e , MINUTES OF r.~E JA.\1JARY 2, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING UlO'INIS¡Œ!) SUSI."'ESS 27. Discussion o'f Five Year Capital Improvement Program and referral to Plaanina r~i.sion. Kayor Frolich emphasized the fact that the Progran, in its present fom, merely represents ltats of things we want to accom..lish and possible va,s of accomplishing then; they are not concrete pro- posa1s. The Cit)· :'~er said this Keport was prepared with a conservatbe approach. He suggested that per:-,aps the City Council might feel the Pla~~:n; Co~ission has too great a ~or~ load at the prescnt tioe, ",ork:r.g on the general pl~~, and t~e CcunciJ might ~ant to give so:::. ~:~3::ce to the Planning Co=i5$ior:. 1::,."Jr Frolich said the Pla~~:~; C~~ission could turn it cv~r to a citizens co~~ittea fOT rev:e·..· ö::': report. In 1 ike ~anner, t:~!.rc could be re?orts froM the P3r~5 ~: R~creatfon C~__.ission and the t:ater CO:~~5sio~. It ':as òo::'':~¿ to combine this discussion :;it:' t;,e follo,.-ing: XE''' ;mSg::s;: 28. D¡s,~<s:~r: on Propose¿ Citizens Co~:'ttee for Capital Ir.:p:-':"'-¿::'-'"!1t 5. Council:-.;;:: :~,:,,','n revie;;e-i his Decer.tber 22, 1972 letter to the City Ha::.:.~.e-: ""':' toi smatter, -.:hich contai::ed p05si bIe guidel ines for the b:n¿ election. council""n ¡:',·:'n suggested the Goals Co=:'ttee might be a nucleus of this ne~ :,~ittee. Mayor Frolich would prefer to have thc Citizens C~al, Committee finish up the:r projects. They ~ould r~ve the ::g~: to come and join this co~~ittee if they so desire. HO"'ever, :~" ::Oyor agreed with councU"an Jac::son that per!>aps we would get " òett~r turn-out and a ~re varied sampling of the citizens if " ne. Capital ~prov~ents C,,~ittee is for~e¿. Council::an ~"yers would like copie3 of t:,,, Goals Report issued to the Cap1tÂl ¡nprovements Coas1t~ee. Moved by Co~~cil~n Jackson, seconded by Councilman Sparks, to refe the proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Program to the Planning Commission ~ith the request that they he advised of the creation of the Citizens Cø~~ittee and that the Cocoission is to seek their input as to this program at a time eonsi~ered appropriate by the Planning and Commission; and that public hearings are to be held. Hotion carried, S...{) 1 ,I CC-138 Page 11 Progr 8111 open to discussion Co=issi:ms & Co::r."aittees to stüdy report. G03 1 s Repor t to be ~i'/en to Ca;-:tal Itl?r .:"vemen t s C,,:-_" : It ee C:¡~ital l""ro'¡ ?r: gra= refer' T~" ?13r.~~~~ C.J:-~1ssivn .~ ~. " d tm. _ .'. ~ .~ Ir"l :¡ . ,~, ' 'i" .'0-, , '!-;: "'"J¡,:.~ tiDa WJàIa b . a.c. . llda Plaque c.: s" . 3ybok.u . Joint ::J.ee!:ing ISarat~ Bike ro-. deu:onsttU~ progra:: , e Nlm:s v: ¡HE JAlWARY 2. 1973 CITY cOm:CIL )ŒETlNG ere follaved a discussion about the proposed bond election. The PIaDOi:=¡ c.-iotllf.on and. the Citizens Co\!U!Iittee are to be ..de ..nre of the 1Ú:rlœa requireœøt of 3 to 3-1/2 months between the deci8ion for 8 boad election and the election itself, with a June or July date beins preferable, should a bood election be called. The Parks aDd Recreation Director stated there is not the mergencJ to h""e the Council meeting vith the Park¡¡ and Recreation CocmÚlsion on Janua~ 8th, and suggested it be held on either the 18th or 22nd. It ~as è~ided'~or 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, January 18, 1973. The Ccu~.~en were urged to subnit a list to the staff of people to consiè~r !~r appointment. This is also to be put in the Cupert~no Scene. Mayor F~.o::..h called a recess at 10:10 P.~:. ~:eetin¡¡ reconvened at l~::: -= _'L 29. A~c~;:ance of resignatjo~ fro~ P3r~5 a~¿ Recr~atio~ Co~:ssi~n by j¿:-.:"".l :ybo~s. to !hl" ~!1.:'::" E:.ated that :'t ·,.¡as unfortu:1ate t::at Ja:~na Bybo~<as ha'1 t:J dro? lout ~: :~.¿ (",'::cni:.~sio:1. !1e directed the staff to yrel1t\re an á.r;::-~?riût~ plaqu:? :.~ ;~¿sent to her. Toe vacancy is :.::' :c li5tcd in f~(:rt:n:J Scene. 30. C:~>~;~ration for support of the rcp~rl fro:n Urhan Devclcp:-.~nt and 0?~~ =pace Subco~i~~ee. The P:¿~:.:'-:g Director vas requested to ;)rra:>g~ a jo:nt reetir.~ ·~ith the City :: 'J.~.1toga. a~ \lhich the County .taft ::ould prcso>nt a r,,?":ot fr(.~ the rr=J.~ :~velopoent and Open Space Su~c~~~ittee. 31. C:~::~ent of funds for d~~onstra~ion of 3i~e R"ute subject ~o S~'>è~uent joint power agree:nent a??r~val ~ith City 0: San J~se 3::': ::~ers. Counc::~~ Jackson asked why the bike route does not go down 3clling~r Rcad to Hydo> =~1. The Director of Public hor~s said the map is not cor.plete yet. Moved by wuncilaan Irwin, seconded by CounciJman 'Jackson to authorize the City ~~:~~r to submit a letter of intention to the City of San Jose indicõl:~, Cupertino's willingness to part!cirate in a cooperative joint powers ~~eement under a proposal with H¡;D toO effect a bike route denonsra:i.:Jn prograJ:I. Motion carried, 5-0 ;1: "':', . . MIXL~[S OF THE J,\NUAR1 2, 1973 CITY CO~~CIL ~ETlXG 32, Avard of ti2e deposits. ',Y' lIovecl by CouDcU_ Inriø, seconded by Councilman Jackson to evard tiae deposits .. follow: 'irst Ilat10Dal IaDk Cro¡:ker X.t1oul IarIJt $150,000 for 365 days' 5-7/8% $100,000 for 180 days' 5-5/8% AYES: NOES : Counci~ llVin, Jackson, Meyers, S;>arks, Ma70r frolich 1foM Hation carried, 5-0 33. Consideration of proposed Cou~ty cooperative street projects for Fiscal Year 1973-74. The Director of Pcbl ic Works reco::-nendcd t:·... Cit:: C~u"c 11 ap?TOVe the su~ission of th... j)roject~ !""entio:l.ed in t~e Cit:: ~:anager's !!ae:X" ci Dc~e:1.;'er 29. 1972. to t~~ Ct~u:1t~· f:>r c0nsi¿-:ratio:1 in the forthc:C'~ 'n~ f isc~l :tur bud;;et èeliherat iC:1g. CounC"~:"'..1n ~~eyers said he hor":; t~~e proble¡ OJ! th~ ..:state can be ß(ltt.!.(', ';;'.:1:.i t!'41t ·."e get !'o::.e -:!~èicati.)n for t:-.e ~:ar~a~; 'Dro::erty north " t:,~ freeway. Thi! Dir<etor oi l'u,';:c . or;", offered to speak Ie tt·"", again and ",ill ri!oort Þack to the Co',:oc'1 0:1 this. Keved by C..:-uncil:n.an Irwin. sec,-'ndt:d by Co:.J:lc:l'":'t.a.~ Jac:~son to .?pr("\'~ the r~COT:Send..tion 0: the DtTeclor 01 P\1~l:.c 'IJr~s in hi!; 'C~ of D~¡;~ber 29. 1972. to the County f('lf c.,n~ièerat:';"l 1n th~ forthco~:ng fiscal year ~udg~t deliberatio:1-. Motion carried, 5-0 CCNSE~~ CAL~~ 34. Request fraa "u1ti-;~ndicarped Researr.h loundation, Inc., for solicitation perait to place canisters in busi~ess establish- .eats through Nov..~er, 1973. 35. luolution No. 3392: "A R..solution of the Cit}" Council of the Ctty of Cupertino Accept in& Quitdain D..",¡ a::J A'lthor ization for Underground Water Rig'ts fron The Hariantsts Province of the Pacific; Located on !!.1Jera Road \;"st of ~ercedcs Road." cc-l:i8 Page 13 , ) Tiae de;¡os1C'¡ awareS., !)C"èicat:..:::s o--¡ I '.I-r· -.' - "-or" ... ....:.... -. - ~. "I ¡ !:.")fth ~::r~~.~ I ' lJ;,-: rt":c -- -:-:-.':a· , trcns a~7:":'·"·::¿ Haved by Councilman Irvin, secondcd by Councilman S~ark3 to a,provp. Consent Cale!:da the Cons..nt Calendar. approve~ Motion carried, 5-0 CC-l38 .h&e 14 þ;'- úaI 'Traffic a~udy ! authorized au. 3394 ado;lte~ Sister c~ty . ~n Ja~n ! . . mt.'UTES OF THE JA:óUAR'! 2, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MI:r.ìl!lG REPORT OF OFFICERS 36. City Staf~ Upon recOllllleaðaUoa of the Director of Adainistrative Services, 1~ wu mved by CouncU- Irvin, aecODded. by Counc:1lJ!1an Jackson, to . authorize the Citf Treasurer to draw V8n"aDts for deposit with the County Clerk WIlIer condsmation proce.cUnaa on receip~ of proceeds frOlD the sale of boads for CrossroadaA$seasment Distri.c:t 71-2. .( AYES: IOES: Councit.eD Irvin, Jackson, Heyen, Sparks, Hayor prolicb None Motion carried, 5-0 Upon reco~endation of the Director of Public W~rks, it ~as mov~d by Councilnan Jackson, second~d by Council:ar. Ir-.in to a~?rove the signing of an agreeoent to conduct a traffic st~d:, ~hlch agrec~ent was prepared by the ~irector of Pablic ~or~5, -,it~ the adJit~cnal provision that IV of the Stage :2 :'e t.mende<i to include suc;¡ costs r,ot to exceed $2,500. A~-;;S: 'NOES: Counc:il!'Jen Irwin. Jackson. ~lcyeT5. 5;:arks, M¿~·cr Frolid1 X-::ne Motion carried, 5-0 ~yor rrolich read: Re.~lut!o:\ ::0. 3394: "A Resoh,tion ::>f the Cft:.- CO!1ncil of the City of Cuperti no Ant""riz :ng t:,e E..,<eoul icn of an Açru.::¡er_: for Tra:¡'i'0rtaticn Ccnsultin, Services for Su?~rtinll: t:,e Revii;!on or the General Plan bet.""ea the City oi Cupertino and JHK & Associates. Moved by Counc1loan Irwin, seconded by Council~a~ Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3394. AYES: NOF.s : Counc1~cen Ir,..in, Jackson, Me)·~rs, Spar;'s, :Iayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 The Mayor stated that Mr. II. Ishimaru is interested in establishing a s~ster city in Japan. This will be explored by the stafi. . . KlWl'ES OF TIit: J~mARï 2, 1973 CITY CoU¡:ClL ~llit;l'WG D. City Coundloen c-dlcan Jackson asked if the Town Forum would be a ¡oed place colliscuss revenue shar!l!ß. It was decided that it _ló be"a aøocI opportunity to advise people about public bearlDS8 0:1 tII~ .. :~ter. ". eoaa~llman Jackson asked the ~arks , daeck with Palo Alto, Davú to c:oamunity gardens. and Recreation Director to and Santa Barbara ~ regard COuacll=an ~eyers asked the ?arks and Recreation Cocsissioa to CIØDIIlder opi:n1ng the the i10rse ranc~, per!1a?s 0:1 weekends. for horseback riding, etc. until it is developed. 38. Recùb~it:on of non-ager.:a ~tems ~y ~yor -- There ~ere none. ADJOUR.\'::EXT 39. ~Ioved;,y Council=::. :r--:':1, secor.dcd by Council:::an ~parr.s to adjourn t~e eceting a~ :::~3 P.~I. Motion c~rri~d, 5-0 ATTEST : /./ Va. E. Ryder City Clerk APPROVED: /5/ Donald A. Frolich Mayor, City of Cupertino cc-138 Paßc 15 Revenue ahar Cotauu1t1 SlI'rd.-