CC 01-15-73 . . . CITY OP CUPERTr, J. State of California 10300 Torre Ave:1ue. Cupert:.1Do. Cali-forn1a Telephone: 252-4505 KINUTES OF THE IIEGULA& au.dNG OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD JA.'lUARY 15. 1973. ,JII THE COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY BALL. wruu.IXO. CALIFORNIA : SALU1'E TO TIlE FLAG Jlayor ProHch called the _Uns to order at 7:34 P.H, with the Salute to the Flag. lOLL CALL Councilmen p~e.ent: Councilmen a~5e.nt: Jacksoo, Meyers, Sparks (7:40),n.yor Frol~ch Irvin Staff present: City Y~er Quinlsn City Attorney Ad~s Dir~ctor of Ad~in¡stratjve Sarvice- ~yd£r Direc~=r ~f Planning ~d ~evelor=.ent s¡>~ Direct:r of Pub1 ic ::,'r;':. 'iarb:rou¡:' Direc.or of Parks and ~ecreatiOD Butler HI~'UTES OF p!k-VrOUS MEET I:;:; 1. Appro~3l ~i ~inutes of ~¡ular Heeting of January 2, 1973. On page 15, secm,d paragra;h, Council~an Jac~son would like the word "Mountai:: View" deleted _d replaced ·dth "Davis". On page 13, the second paragra?h under it~ 33, Councilman ~eyers would like rhe word "esti.-,ate" deleted and replaced with' estate". On page 14. last paragraph, the sentence should read: ''The ~lay,,!" stated that ~r, H. Ishicaru is interested in establishing a sister city in Japan. This will be explored by the staff." On page 3, first paragraph GOder iten 4, delete the last sentence regarding the deadline. Moved by Cou~cilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to approve the Minutes of January 2, 1973, as corrected. Motioa carried, 3-0 CC-139 Page 1 !Unutes A;:?ro':f'.I as corr,ec trd CC-139 .... 2 ,~: , ,; .tì Ät;~, 3. '-:·t .'t!. ~;I .'- ,;t'· _ ';';t: ~ '1 ,>:. :~: \:J ,.' J I e mllU'l'ES OF THE JANUARY 15, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETlHC 15. I 16. a»IMUN ICAIIONS 2. Written - There were _. Oral The Director of ".-f..f.oû_ive Services cited corrections that have been made to th!! resobd:1óD8 ùnder items 30 and 42. Request by CouncilllleD for removal of items from Conseøt f'.4lendar, - There were .lone.. REPORT- OF COUNCIL REPRESEJttArlVES 4. Mayor Frolich. Transportation Cooaission -- We now have a ~ll group of citizens working ~ith the technical co=a1ttee, ?repar1ng a transit plan. ~e are also working with other cities in this county on this ~tter. Inter-City Council The Matter of voting ?oIi~y has been referred to 5ub- cocmittees. League 0: Ca~ifcr~ia Cities -- The February IE~ ~eeting will start at 4:30 P.M. Legislative ~eviev Co~~~cee -- No i':!eecing. Cou~~il~an Irwin: (Aösonc froo th s Council ceet ing) Drug A~use Cocrdinatio~ Cc~ission Police Co~,ittee Cou~cilcan Jackso~: A~socintion of 3ay Area G~ver~~ent9 -- There wIll be a ceeting 1/18/73. Santa Clara County ~ater Comcission -- No meeting. Urban Develop~p-nt & Open Space Subco~nittee of PPC -- Meeting cancelled. ~ . ~ t,- . .,,; ~::. ~. e . MIWIES OF THE JAHUA\lY 15, 1973 CITY COU!ICIL MEETING Airport Land Use Sub co_it tee of nc _ Ortho Mattress CoaP8DY application was apprav for new buildin¡, This vas then referred to tb PPC. _ Another application for a cotel and restaurant vas turned down on 3-2 vote, and was turned over to PPC. 7. Counciloan ~ers: Planning Policy Co~ittee -- The two applications ocntioned by Councilman Jackson were referred t the City of San Jose. Hillside Subcomoittee of PPC -- Report is forthco~ing. -- There is a referral fro. the !lousing Sub-Ccr:nitt e requ~Rting action on th resolution asking that the 235 and 236 housing progr~s be reinstated. Council~an S?ar~s quoted portions of a brochure fro~ the American Institute of Architects that he received last fall in Indianapol's One iùea is the subsidizing of families rather than housing. Council~an Jac~~an said that until a better prcgrðn comes along, 235 and 236 appear to be good progra~s. Moved by Councilcan Meyers, sec~nded by Council~an Jackson to go on record as being in favor of the proposed PPC resolution about Assist'ed Housing ~ratorium, and to instruct the staff to so notify the PPC. Motion carried, 4-0 CC-139 Page 3 V:-te in ! Ávor 0: res!)lut:'::-. O~ A.;sist~ r.."us~~ ~orator~·.J~ Age..da 1~=s 11, 12, (, 20 conbined I e e MINUTES OF TIlE J .Jm&flT 15. 1973 CITY COUNCIJ. MEETIJIG 8. Counc.ibIaD Sparta: Flood Control Adv~qory Committee -- 10 report, ("--{_.too on Alcoholi8111 __ A So-bed facility is beiDa .et up to take tbe chronic alcoholic out of a McrimiDaIM sicuation. i.'LAl.'NING COMKlSSIœ 9. Submission of Kinutes of regular meeting of December 28, 1972. 10. Submission of Minutes of regular mep.ting of January 8, 1973. 11. Application 21-IK-72 of R. Cali (, Bros. for a Tentative Map combining three parcels into a single seven (7+) acre parcel. Said proper~y is in a CG (General Cocoercial) zone located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and McClellan Road. Recommended for approval. (See related a;enda iten no. 12). ~1oved by Council~ Meyers, seconded by Coulcilcaa Jackson to consider agenda iteMs 11, 12 a:,d 20 concurrently sin.:e they concern the sane property. Motion carried, 4-0 ~rc: landscz;dngThe Plaan:!.ng Direc~..,r revie~yed the tcntatl'/B ~a" and ·J3ria.nce ap?lications. a~ S=,>o's ¡Colored 9lides ide:lti:ied the pro¡>erty an". s;'o",~d a perspective dra'<ing of re~ues~ed ,the.pro?osed shoppt:~ center. He said details of the architecture and ~anQ5caping can be round in the H-Control minutes of December 27,1972. Fi-Control is reque5~in~ additional landsca¡>in¡ at the rear 'of tÌ\e existing f:$~~bO'~ Restauran~, since exposure of their facility will be i~creased ~ith this adjoinin~ shopping center. Colore,l slides ~ere 5!1ovn of a nini cul-de-sac siuUar to the on" ~roposed for Terry way. Discussion followed. 7% less parkins The Planning Director said the variance request reflects about 7% less re lan~capir.þ parking, based upon additional landscaped areas. Hansar:! r<><>f Mayor Frolich was concerned a~out the Mansard roof not being continued alon& ti,e north side of one of the buildings. Mr. Robert Whittel!, 19991 Brae:'loor Drive, Saratoga, a~d }fr. Rich Gaylord, Architect, It99 E.a..&t. ',¡alnut. l'3~adena, were there to represent t:1e applicant. Mr. Gaylord said they will be prov:ding 9 additional trees tlore t"al\ those sbc.n on the {llan. The eucalyptt;' ~'ill be in clut:\p& of thr~e. As to the: visibility of'the air conditiorÜ:'I.g units on the roof, the standard c"ndi~ion~ of the H-c.mtrol guard against this. · ,. KlNUTES OF THE JANUARY 15. 1913 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Hr. Whined said they are J.ø total agreCl:1ent with the c:oocIJ.t1ODS. of the rec:cx:aendaUon for approval. He answered COutlci1.ar.a Jackso that they do plan a drive-ap-v1ndow at the bank. It vas cIaonstra ted on the site pIau tba~ with the considerable length of ~he drive to the window. that DO traffic proble:as will occur. If a problem shO'Jld ever occar. the City could review the application, CouncilDan Sparks asked if there is any way to upgrade the existin service station. Hr. Gaylord said they are working on additional . landscaping five feet on both property lines and will have new signing. Councilaan Jackson noted that both the Planning Com=ission and the Ø-tontrol ~ent over all the details on t~is plan and it looks better tàan others they have seen. The reduction of 7% in parking in defere~ce to the additional landscaping seeos warranted. CC-139 Page 5 W11l have a drive-up window Additio~al landscaping ",arrants parking def; cier.c~· }bved by C~~ncilnan JacLs~, seconded by Counciloan 5parLB to approve a,plication 21-~-72 i:1 accordance with the reccx=-..endation .21-nl-72 approved AYES: ;;oES: ABSENT: C"u~cill'len Jacks 0:1, :!eyers. Sparks, ~.ayor Frol ich Sone CouncilMan lr_~= ~~tion carricJ, 4-0 Moved by C~unciloan Jaci<son, seconded by Councilo".an Sparks to approve a,plication 6-V-72 in accordance with the reco==e~ations. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilnen Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Fr~11c~ Xonc Council~n Ir~1n MOtion carried, 4-0 6-V-71. appro·Jed Koved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jac~son to adopt R~s. 339? Resolution Xo. 3399. adopted MOtion carried, 4-0 : ._:-":i!:1-typ~ ~~uncilf.)an. ~:¿::¿!"d ask~d i: cc~:'deraticn :...a~ :¿~n ~iven to cc::.s.::r'Jct fng :-,tJr)' offic.:.~ a solid ",at: ~" 5cr""n the car \-"ash facilit'· :r.'::: this deve1o¡:-::e:1t. .Architect L3::," ~·:.-tdsen, Los Al:os, 3u,,~itteJ ~:e':ations of t::e ?roject. ?e 3aid thi; i~ a low densi:, :::ffice faciLt:.-; ~"¿-story gar¿~ offices. ~:~re will :~ ~la~s ~311s o#erloj'~~~ 20 fet: ~f landsc3?ed are4. j~e next wen~ ~~er the pedestr~an a~d auto~0~ile traffic patter~. ;M.r. Jladsen 5.a:d th" sUghc des!g:l change is a :¿sult of a ::::s~:I¿erstanding. !Ee always ~:r~s with gross are4. ~Ž1ile his o':,~ts assu~ed they were ¡~alkina a~c~t ~~t area. The client needs 5: ,JJC sq. ft. 0: s;ace, so ! scx:..e adjust:':'ê:1t has been ::1é1de :'0' acccn:'10dal..? t:~is change. 1 ,Councilman ;:eyen, realizing c;;,is "..ill be d:.-o\:s5ed '.,ith t:-.e :ò-<:oncrol, i.¡wted the ¿,;:pl.ic.1nt to kno·..; ~=..at he was c.....:':,~~r:'\eJ about the =~~ir-al ¡~scapin~ .alo~g the east side of the Bu~b:èo'r:y Pie $::op. ¡Mayor FroEd, wondered '.¡heti-.e:: che traff ic ~'_<"-ar'JlInd ciccle vculd ¡invice acci':":lts. Mr. liadsea said the traif,o ·..ill be ",oving slowly !ñere, and ~~ ¿o~s not believe i~ .ill be da~b~r:us. .I I CC-139 ,P~e 6 -Sl,199.1 a;>¡Iroved ;\.:.1S0n for ~~5i¡;n cha:lge ",,,i:-.31 _~.:-.i5caping oa. :3>t side ::-.3ific :'~:''''-around - - OF TIŒ JANUARY 15, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING by Cou:IcUaan JacksoD. u [O"'ded by Councilnan Sparks to çprove Uon BC-51,199.l, subject to ~he condiUons of the Arc:Jdtectural Site Approval Committee, with tbe additional condition tbac 111 the . the stacking capacity of che bank drive-up window becaaes a 1M, the applicant shall !MUll a sign indicating that neb stacking . lty is full, with the _pO' of the sign to be a~ the diacreUon 'dIe City s~aff. - . Cou:1cilmen Jac1tsoD. !leyers, Spacks, !'.ayor Frol1ch : KO:1e Cou:¡cUman Irvin HotiøQ carried, 4-0 t1.3· 1 , . ; Applicac:..:>n 22-U-72 of ~.;¡.A.R.E., Inc., for Use Pe=it co al1<rJ constru~ticn of 51,000 s~. ft. of office s,ace and a 4,l?O sq. ft. restaur,,"t in 3 PD (?l~ed Develop!:1ent ";it': Profe53ional/C=er- cial ¡",:e:lt) zone. Said 7Io?erty i~ looated between Ste~e~s Creek Boule~a:,j a",d Alves Drive. approxi~atel: l5J feet ~e~ter¡y of Saich Yay. ~ "-~='onde,j (or ar.rro-ral. C~l~red sl:¿¿5 ~f the pro?osa: &er2 5ho~~. T~¿ Plan~ing D~rec:c~ reviewed ~=.~ site p:.~~. There ha:i bee:::. a sl.:';ht de::::~~ to::;ange in or':e::=at.io:'l. of ,~"'e ~uildi:,~~ a~d a different e~~roach to t':, v~~icular t~r"-ar~~~d. IlDUTES OF rn: JA.'iUARY 15. 1973 CITY COUNCI~ MEETING t'he Director of Public Works said they could design a ~raff1c circle were everybody ~d have to turn to the right. lføvecl by CoaDcil..- Keyers, seconded by Councilman Ja~ to approve application 22-U-72 in accordance with P1anniug c-1asion Resolution 1135, plus the additional co~dition that the traffic turD-around on the northerly end of the property shall tDclade a planted area in the middle for directional traffic purpo.... AYES: JIOES : ABSENT: Cou::cilmen JacIuon, Heyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich So::e Ccu::::f1::um Irvin Kotion carried, 4-0 CC-139 Page 7 22-U-72 approved 14. Appl:::~:::= 22-TM-72 of Se~uoia ~wrtf.a~e cr-n?any for a Tenta:~'< 'up to convert a 5.5! acr~ a?art~p.nt co~plex intÞ a cc::~:=::::~~ developoent. Said pr~?erty is in a RJ-2.2 (Res:~e=: .al, Hultiph, 2,200 s~. ft. per d::c,lin;,t ·..n'l) 7"ne and ~" :.':a:ed adjacent to and t.,."ai'rly of M:lr:¡ A·..~nu(> dire:: :'- :??",site the :nter5ection "f l.u~ec St reet and !1~_ry Aven.,_ ~..:o=oended :or a,provaJ. I The Pla~r.:::s: ::'ri'~tor shoved a serie~ of c:,lored slides of the I T::t: ÿro;:'~5~~ existing ¿e'''::,=ent, the owners or .hic~ are requesting con~ersiol from apar:::..:::. to air space condo:niniu::s. There ~ill be land- scaping :",::: ::ations thrcughout t:¡e proj,;,ct, addition of recrea- tion faci;~::... and additional parkinG. He said the Fire Departme.t ...ent out :" ~.o.:-:!strate the probler::s t::,;,y "'ould ha~e ·..ith the present par~~=~ arrangcoent in the private èrivc~ays. Council:a:: $~r~s called attention to the,exposed dipsy dumpster. This 10'111 !Ie :,r"ught to the attention or the II-Control. 1rne Plann~=~ ::rector revieved the oris~na; plan that vas approved. Incorpora:e¿ :::t: their C.C. & R' s is t;1C Ve"icle Code that is to be applied :n t~e3e private drives. Cou~,~l~an Meyers suggested that perha?s :~~sideration should be given to additional curb cuts onto Mary A"~~~e. The Direc~or of Pu~l:c .,rks agreed. CouncU"la~ ~:e;ers next intrc.duced the discussion of t:te City-cwned adjacent pr'perty. Mr. John Moscgian, President of Sequoia MnrtZA COmpany in S~~ J~se, said they would be r.ore than happy to 1p.nd- .cape this rr,~rty along with their property. He asked if the bomeowners ~~:J have to pay to maintain this property. The City Attorney sa~~ ::'ere s~ou1d not be any problens as long aå no major expense is i~v:lved. Dip:;)" dumpster Ad¿H ional curb cuts J:tay be ans",er Incorporate city-o..-ncd rropert~' in thc. lanclsca;,ing · A?!,roval reco,...:ecded 5illg1e story units 7-V-72 ¡approved KniUTES OF TBB JANtWlY 15, 1973 cm COUNCIL IwrrtlliG Moved by COU11cilllan Heyers, seconded by Counci1Jlan Sparks, . to approve application 22-TK-72 in aceordance with P18llllill8 Commission Resolution No. 1136 slll1 1137, with the additional provision that there sre to be three additional curb cuts for units on the northern portion of the property facill8 Mary Avenue; and there is to be I!I\1tual agreement between the developer and the City of the landscaping, maintenance and use of thei~ adjacent City property. AYES: NOES: ÄBSÐ.'T : Couneilmen Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, .layor Frolich None Councilman Irwin Motion carried, 4-0 15. Application 7-V-72 of J.W, Loughlin for a Variance to reduce the rear yard Eetback requirement for a Residential, tlu1tip1e, family zone as set forth in Ordinance 220 Section 6:1h froM twenty percent (20%) of lot depth to t~enty (20) Ceet. Said property is in R R3-2.2 (~esidential, Multiple, 2,200 sq, ft. per dwelling unit) zone and is located at the southeast corner of Stevens Canyon Road and Riverside Drive. Recommended for approval, The Planning Director reviewed the applieation and the staff's recommenda- tion for approval based upon a determination that a previously imposed tentative cap condition prohibiting access to the property from Stevens Canyon Road coupled with topographic constraint~ restricts the use of the property to ~ degree not experienced by other multiple family zoned property owners within the community. Hr. J.W. Loughlin, 10672 Deep Cliffe Drive, Cupertino, answered Councik~n Jackson that they will a~l be one-story units. Moved by Councilman Sparks, seconded by Councilman Heyers, to approve application 7-V-72, AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilman Jåckson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Councilman Irwin Motion carried, 4-0 . . KlNUTES OF TlIE JAlWAIlY 15, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING (a> Resolution No. 3400: "A Resolution of the City COuncil of the City of Cupertino Granting a Variance to J, W. Loughlin to Reduce the Rear Yard Setback Requirement for a lesidential Multiple, PaaUy ZoIIe as Set Forth in Ordinance 220 Section 6.1h fram Twenty (20%) Percent of Lot Depth to Twenty (20) Feet. Said Property is in a 113-2.2 (Residential. Multiple, 2,200 Sq. Ft, Per ~Jelling Unit ) Zonp. Located at the Southeast Comer of Stevens Canyon Road and Riverside Drive. II -- re~¿ by Mayor Fro1ich. Koved by C.~~cilaan Meyers, seconded by Cou~ci1man Jackson to adop Resolut:~n X~. 3400. AYES: NOES: ABSE:IT: C~uncilmen Jackson, Meyers, Spark~, Mayor Fro1ich S:'ne C :u:\cilcan Ir.iÏn ~~tio~ carried, 4-0 16. Rep:~: ~: Pla~ning Cc==ission regar¿inr. c~~sidcrat~on of pr.or:'a:s of the City Council '...it:: r,,?oct to the J.an:! ¡;~e Ele::.rt d the 195.. General Plan a~l ac,,~¿mcnts n:e:oto re:~::'~'~ to certain larad uses ,,·it:-.:~ thi" Valleo Par¿ area, o:~~= ~~isting co=oerc~al and cc~~~r~:al pla~ned develop~e3t areas. Recom~ended for approva:. CC-139 !'ag 0 9 Res. 340') adopted I The Pla~~:~g Director revit:\ied the prop~5al. T::e Pla..mín~ Co=is- i E,,'¡'bit ::, sion re",·=,,~ded adoption of an n:.end"en: to the 1964 General Plnn' First Re·,isfcr. as set :::::. O~ Exhib:t 3, First Revi~jon, ~'hicl¡ inclu.~es four specifi" areas within Vallco Park: The existing Sears and Roebuck ¡ facility. ::'e professional of fice complex at t:.e northeast corner II of ~olfe a=~ Stevens Creek Blvd. , Va:¡co Village co:::m~r~i^1 co~- plex at ~:::e5tead and wolfe Roads, and the Hilton Inn site at I Wolfe Real and Pruneridge; industrial areas ,,-!thin Vallc::¡ Park I and ~est V,:ley lndustr~al Park; projects t~ ~hich the City has made a cC\:=.itr.lent; and "g~vens" ..·hieb ar~ existint-; co~"rcial shopping centers such as Crossroads Center, Portal Plaza Center, Id1ewild Sh"pping Center and the 30ulevard S:,opping Center. Couneil:a= Jackson noted there is a 2-acre parcel by the Mariani mini-ma11 that the City has designated as open space. Moved by Ccuncilman Meyers, seconded by Ccuncil"an Jackson to approye the ame~~=~nt of the 1964 Ceneral Plar. as outlined in Exhibit B, ! First Re~ision, with the exception that the 2-acre ?arcel on the ¡ Proposal westerly ed~e of the Mariani Mini-:lall area previously discussed iSi approved to rema:n in open space shall bo deleted iroa the attached exhibit.1 Hation carried, 4-0 · , , t HC-51 ,'n!. 3 appro7e¢ The proposal - I : Mltmr£S Of THE JANUARY is, 1973 em COUNCIL KEErlBG (a) leso!ution No. 3398: "A Resolution of the City Council AlaeDðiul the 1964 General Pt.D as Set Forth on Exhibit "aft, First Revision, Dated January 8, 1973." - read by Kayor Frol1ch. ,Moved by CouncUman Heyers, sctonded by Counclll118ft Jacksaa to aclopt ; Resolution 110. 3398, 1Dcluðiøa Exhibit :a, First Revision. I AYES: Councilmen Jackson. Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolic:, I NOES: None ¡ ABSß-r: Councilman Irvin Motion carried, 4-0 I : ARc:.¡r'::.:7:3AL AND SITE Al'1'IlOVAL COMMITTEE , ·17. .~~~~ssion of Minutes of regular ~eeting of January 3, 1973. ; I 18. A,~:i=ation nc-51 ,068.3 of Sign:35ter, represented by 30b McKinney ,.;ce.:ing approval of a sign pla~ f~r .1 coaoarcial b~ilding ;:=ateJ in the All A:erican ShOtr'~~ Center, 20051 Bollinger Road. ~'=:~e~ded for approval. Mo\"e.::' -,~; ~"J~~c11r.'l~i:\ ~eyPt"s. seconJ~J ~y l:'"u:~cilm~1.:1 Jac~c;o:t to app!".-.:o ~;?¡ic:ati.on HC-3: .068.3. Mbtlon carr1e¿. ~-O 19. :-=~::=ation IIC-5i,202.5 of Federal .';¡n and Signal cor?oration :~;-:è'51![\ting nOean ~:tter and COC?.J:~~·, req,'Jcsting a?proval of a ~i~~ ?lan for a co~ercial office ~ailding located at the south- f.ist corner of Stevens Creek 31\'d. and Finch Avenue. ~"~ended for approval. I I I , !Mr. :="'. Cassidy, Federal Sign and SiFal Corporation, said t:,cre was ¡scae ê~~fusion in his mind as to ,;hat t~e ap?roval was for at this Imeet:~;. the Planning D~rector sa:d the ~xistin~ lettering on the left side oi the front of the building is ap~roved by the H-Co~trol to go en t~e right side, with a black back;ro~nJ and exterior lighting. Mr. C3s~idy said the reason for that request was that the peo?le driving do~~ 't~eas Creek Blvd. cannot rcadily identify tho building. Another proè.ea is that after sunset, the letters cannot be seen. Coundlu" Jackson said he concurred ...ith the opinion of the II-Control, who s?ènt quite a bit of ttoe on this a;,lication. . . IIDIIITES or rEI. JA.WARY 15. 1973 CITY COUNCiL XEETING r- !løYed by CcaDcUIIaD Jackson. seconded by CounciL"'I8n Sparb to ~ove application HC-51.202.S in accordance with U-COntrol IIuolutioa 50. 230. KotioD carried, 4-0 PABS AID IECIL\1'ION aHfISSIœ 21. NO ~etÏDi scheduled. VATER CC..!nS$I:'~ 22. No :pe:ir~ scheduled. LIBRARY C~::~S::S 23. No ~.t,=~ scheduled. c-;PERTlS: :::.: ::;5 GCALS cCXX::TEE 2t.. No :.e:::=, scheduled. PULLIC ~I.\.':\ _:~ 25. Ap.~::~:::~ 19-Z-72 of Stephen Gazzera, Jr., :or rez~nir.< apyr:1:~A:ely .14± acre !r~ RI-IO (R~sider.t'3l, single-:~~ll , 10.~J '" !t. per ~~e.li~¡ unit) and arPl~xi~ately .3~ acre fr~ R3-:.~ (Residentia:. ~ltiple) zone. ~aid property is· IOt~t~~ ap,roxtœately 170 feet sout~erly o! ~teven~ Creek Blvd. an¿ a?proximate1y 200 feet easterly of Blaney Avenue. Rec~.=~.~ for approval. The Planni~ D::~ctor revir~ed tŽ1e application for the re~delir.g of the fr~=t of the building, the additional lcndscaping, and the parking fo: t!-.. existing Purdy'. Restaurant. Colored slides of t~ 8urr"::~·_~i. area were shO"m. Mr. Steve C&Z%.:~ said he was the owner of t:'e rroperty on ~~ich 'tbe Purdy !I!~:.a'...;rant 1.8 locate-~ and is 31so the: o....'ner of the pro- perty to t~e :e3r whicn he vculd ¡i~~ t~ devel~? into a park;ng area. Th~:. is about a ha.í-acre that is c~nrletely landlocked. He said !:e ""',,:.; be agreea;,le t" either the retention or d=olition of the exist'~' older building on the rear of th~ lot. CC-13~ Page 11 BC-51.202.5 approved Re.:"n<!c l.:':l~ 0: Purdy's R""tauran~ T~1e j.'t'c;:-sal · ., ,. " MINUTES OF THE JAHUAI! IS. 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEEtING :"¿i!: Kayor FrCllich asked for c:-:-ents frOlll the audience. Mr. Gil Gross. 10118 Hello Place, said he lives on the property adjacent to thi. property. TMy are concerned that the lighting of the parking lot aight become lID iDtruaiou into the residential area. Further. they are coneeIUd about the traffic increase. They are uldng for sufficient laødscap1Dg between the properties and for protection from the ~ighting. Mayor FroUch saLl these I18tters would be thoroughly explored by the U-tontrol Coaaittee. Moved by Coundlaan Sparks, seconded by Councilman Jackson to doae the Publ~c Bearings. , Motion carried, 4-0 19-%-72 &¡Ijlroved Moved by CounclIoan Jackson, seconded by Council~n Sjlarks to ajl,rove ap;>iic.!t icon 19-%-72 ~n accordance ..i.th Planning co=!ssion Resolut ion P"o, 1128, 1129 and 113ù. IAïE3: Counei1oen Jac<son, ~eyers, Sparks, Ma.yor Frol~ch i I:oES : )lune !A~SE~7: Counci1~~ rr.in Xotion ~arried, 4-0 (a) FiBt reading of ·::rdin.."ce )/". 571: "An Ord~nance of t:1e City of Cupcrt'no A.~ending 3e~tio:t 1 cof Ordinance No.2 by Rezo~ir:g Ap?ruxl!'lately .1:'+ Acre horn Rl-IO (Res',,¡.."t:al, Sin.~le-~"a.-"i1y, lQ,COO Sq. Ft. Pe~ Dwelling Unit) Zone and Ap?roximat~ly .36± A~re (rOlll R3-2.2 (Residential, Multiple, 2,200 5~. Ft. ?er Dwelling Un:t) Znne to cG (General Co~~rcial) Zone. Said Pro;>erty i~ Located ApproxÚll.&tely 170 feet Sout:,erly of Ste'"ens Cree:t !Hvd, and ApproxÏI"Utely 200 Feet Ea.terly of !Ha:"\ey Avenue." -- r..ad by Mayor Frollch. Ord. 571 'first Reading Moved b}" CouncU.an Jacksun, !!ecor.ded by cO·Jr.c..loan Meyer.; to ha'/c Ordinance ~o. 571 read by title only and the ~ayor's reading is to constitute the First Reading. AYES: NOES: AJlSENT: Counc' ¡~en Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, ~ayor Frolich None CouncilMan Irv~n. Motion carried, 4-0 ., ~ HlNtlTES OF THE JANUARY 1S, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Frolich asked the staff to look into the possibility of coødensing the titles of these Ordinances. 26. C?USideration of Truêktoute Ordinance to establish a truck rcute systea and to restrict through truck traffic on cer- tain streets tbroughoul: the City of Cupertino. The Planning Director referred to the January 11th staff report on this matter. 1be Director of Public Works stated there were no objections from the Public Utilities Comœission or the Sheriff's Office on this proposed ordinance. Public hearings have been published, in conformance with ~ifornia Vehicle Code Section 35705 and Government Code 6064 and f!r.:IS that probably will be affected by this have beeø notified by letter. The Director of Public ;:orks stated that an alternate route nust be provided. He said enforc~ent of noise ?rcb1ems can be achieved. Mayor Frolich said he ~ould like to see t~e Sheriff's Derartoent enforce the noise level lav in this area on 'a regular bas :s. T~c May~r said he would like to see this ordinance discussed '<ith the Director of Publ < c "'-orits of San Francisco Itho is the cMir- I ms=' of rhe Peninsula D:'lision of the Transportation Sub-Cc~.o!ttee I I of the Lea~ue ot California Cities. I I I I Mayor Fr..l ich asked for c~._ents fro;,> the audience. nO:1e. r!\ere ·.ere ~Io\""d by Councilman Jac«son, second"J by Councilman XeJer~ to cl05e the Public Hearings. Motion carried, 4-0 <a> first reading of Ordinance No. 570: "An Ordina"ce 0: the City of Cupertino, State of California, Establishing Truck Traffic Routes and RE<gulating the Operation of Trucks. II -- read by Mayor Fro1icn. CC-139 Page 13 Condense titlel No proble:w ,,"il other agencies I:~force ,-:ois.: level lZ'~· PuÌ>l ic P.ear:"~ do"ed Moved by councilæan Meyers, seconded Ordina=,ce No. 570 read by title only constitute the First Reading. bv council~an Jac~son to h~ve Ord. 57C a~d the Mayor's read!n~ is to I First Reading I AYES: NOES: A3SElIT : Counciloen Jacks~n, Meyers, Sp~rks, Mayor Frolich None Councilman Ir.in Motion carried, 4-0 /" ~- "~:~ <;1'f.; i " ,..; .f.:" ,.~ . :~./.;'~ ,,~:.:-::.,,'~>f , <' .' "l .,"' ,::i.. . ,". .,' _,' '~'; 'E' .- ~.: ,.,,<¿., '., .~ ,,"~.. _~t,-; ,,~., ,,1'" " '--",," " " .. '... . '. ;1) '.. J Ord. S63 enacted lea. 1]ß adoptee! I I . ... JlIWTES OF tHE JANUARY IS, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING OJÐINANCES %1. Secoad readilll of Ord...-e 110. 568: "An Ordinance of the City of CupertiDo AIIendl. ~1"",c.JIo. 47 (led sed) , Enacted ,Decellber 4, 1961, as Amended bJCkM.......e 110. 47 (b) , Enacted J_ 5, 1967, so as to Provide aD .u~. Procedure to Correct aD U1eaal Lot Split Created by. øHcI or Contract Hade Prior to March 4, 1972." - read by HayorPro11.ch. >t lløved by Ccu:lcilman In''--. seconded by Councilman Heyers. to have -~ IOrdiø/ll1ce Yo. 568 reacl by tide only and tbe Kayar's real1øs is to CDlIStitute the SecODd b..l-f... AYES: Councilllleø J,,~"-. Meyers, Sparks, Y.ayor Frol1ch WOES : JIooe r""'" """"',,- I'"':.,... ~"W. ,-<I 'Moved by C:u::.:iban Meyers, seconded by Councilun Jackscn to enact Ordina::c¿ X:, 568. AYES: '50E5: . A35E~'T: C:ancilmen Jac~on, ~eyers, Sparks, ~yor Fro1:cb ~~e :~~ncilman Irvin ~~tjon carried, 4-0 I.ESOLUT:~X5 28, S.,. 3315: "A ResolUL~C<1 of the City C"~ncil of the c.1ty of CUr~~tino Allawina terLain Claims and De~nds ?aya~le in the .\....,,,,,:::. and fro::s the Fu.~s as :Iereina:ter Described for Salaries a::.i ::..ges for the Payroll Period Ending January 9, 1973." - reai =y ~ayor Frolich. Moved by ':~,,::cilman Meyers, ~eccnded by Co:.nd loan JackJOft to a:!o¡lt 'I.esoluti.o::: :;". 3395. 'AYES: j1l1OES: ,ABSENT : . I C~u~ciloen Jack&~, Meyers, Sparks, ~yor Frolich SoJl1e c.:unc ilman Ir.in Motion carri~d, 4-0 ., . I -.- .,r; OF T¡¡;: JJ...~-:A.~'i 15, 1973 an COUNCI}. MEETING CC-139 Pac:e IS . 8_ at. 3396: -A ltesolutioD of ~ cu,. Council of the City of Qapertioo Al:~..ing certaia ~- cd Dena:¡ds Payable in tile ....nu * fro:: the FUD4s _ ~fter Described for Caeral _ ~scellaneoas - _ -ft:ures ," - read by the 'i' ,.~.. ..... '~.~ '. :a. J J.J Co.œc:il:E1 Jackson. . ?/ - _ r ..oluti.oc So. 3396. - -.. J.J Counci.l::an Sparks to .... 3396 ~teð ., --- -.: Counc:i1un Jackson. !I........L... Sparks, }:ayor Frol1ch NoM Coux~:z.m Irvin ..I!ES: -.s: Koti_ cza-1.e4. 4-0 30_ Jio. 3397: ·A Resolution of doe City Counc~;' of the City of c..perti::o .~:::ing Certa~ M,.'-.. and Dc..,a::~,; ?ayable in t:-.e Amounts ~; :::':1 the F~s as Eere1naíter ='dcrib..,d for General ¿=~ '. c>cellanecus ~~1tures. II - :<.,J by the Xa;·-::-. . ~eè by Cou..::~~..l:-: ~e~·ers, S~_~_ :ry Counci~~...J.:-: J.1'c,~son. u;''':-'"': r....·~dati:-:. :: ::~~ !Hrcctc~ := ~n:1lFJtlati'\"t' ~:r:i.ces ·.;h~ sa:..: ::his Ref':.:.::: ~o. 3397 ~:::"¿ed ;>aymc::t :: >cr\'ices up ::~ .:a-.:ar)' 8. 1~-:. __: adopt Res.=.:~:.:.='= ~. 339ï ¡;.?- a::.e~ded. H3. 3397 c-?~ed é::; a::.ended "..~: ~. £. ;....:::T: : C.:!i,..:-_.;.:.:',,:,.':::1. Jack.son, ~-!:~¡;. Srarks, ~~-1":::: Frol~ch :\~::è C"c~=c:=~:> Irwin Matie: -~i~. 4-0 ~~:SHLD :~õ:~ë;; n_ Sonc. .JEíõ J;~I~ESS n. kporr :<p: ~~~g possibll! ~ ø! er.-Io>""""t ::: landscape arehire.:: :::: ""autif ica:::":", JI:'a::, Tow" Un: cr ¡Crossroads Iapro\"t~: .\r~.l. ~ nanning ~::.:=:or said cia: r~1; think;n;: C.a5 bcen to cc::- !'-"ander :ng s~ a !'lean':,,:.:; 5ide~'alk a:::-:;.r ~atoga-Sun;:.,·.:~.. road. It:'5 s~¿e..al~ for ~e.l% t:hat it -..:,-:.:. :e appropr:..a.:.e ~ c~is ti:'1e t: develop an o~e:-.a..:I.S-~V R,:)ad ~ !or this ..:-c;:..! .....f the co~:.~. t:"1e result ~.:in!1 that th~$ JIIl..a: would bo> :;'¡~è .1 part of =7 ;=-:'vate deveJ o,="nt a::d, thus. crece a coot'::~:d street sca?e :::. t!1is area. j I I .. - :-:39 ~,. 16 OF TIlE :.o.:.-.:..~y 15, 1973 CITY COIJ!ICIL MEETING æ.l;'an strip z¡;,d"caping w L::tg repi Jaw= a.sIted .boae die ~sl)' rec_ended rellOval of idIa'..-: .-t l~<:qiDg in the ....- st:d,p along Stevens CrAek Blvd.. ,<.'" " _ BighwAT~. the Direct« of NIl1c Works said it will \¡(\ · '''iII,the Cr~S:iroa1s Di.t~. ~~t the Harie Callendar's " '. t. aDd ""II are gradua117 n...dJIII pr.SeJlt landscaping and it v1t~ l~r- :. ~ t.D4acaping. ~-,"~~",-;", . ~to"( of J.!:ûzüatrael". Serwi.ceS seated that previously, the ~'.'" tax E;&U could 0111)' .. ... for construction. The us. of - fauds has ~... lIeen up· .~ .i::.dscape arcll. "" Cou.~:':-'- Jacksoc, _ '... by Councilman :!eyers to := CNssroaás a . .1ze the e::::,::::-nent. of a ,-..- ..~ architect to develop a =..~ ;1 lUication ,:3..'" for the Tava Ce&r.I!r Crossroads InC'roveoent Area, ~~t to app=~·.: ~Y the City A:~~y, and to a??ro?=iate $2,000 ':r-~ Cas Tax :::- ~=a?propriated >mr?l~ finds t~ ?dY for such ~pe arch::~::. .. £~: :>œ:s : h.! S!:WT : Co~=:,:~,= Jackson, ~ers. 5par~s, Mayor Frolich Nor:.~ C",,=. c: - 1= Irwln No:; tl:J: c¿::-::'e:. ~-O __~ =~'.1:'1c11 _'. __ -_ _;'..1: ion 0: ;:ra::.e:::.:.;.:-e ::Jr 1:\plL·=h·~t:¡:i()n 0: Cable ~elev1c;i.. '. ~~ TV ~¿d --=.,;~ ~7=r sa:':' : ~tter 1s :~:~ ~~::l the n~xt rc~ular meeting. ,3.L. Avard of :~." ':~posits. . _ C~ I)eposit .. l~¿~d to ;: A ~ rec=e,,=.':.:: ~: the D~re':~r ~! "-~=inistr.lt',\I" Services, it _ m:r:ed by L:.::c:::an Meyer:;;. ¡¡K:-:>:~:: ~:: Cou:':~::::1an Ja..:kson to ~è the ti=" ~:;..:;¡': of $20.:,»: ::::= t:,irty days t.' 3.3nk of A..""rica ~ ~5/8%. Cou::.:.:_-:¿:: Jackson. !"~crš. 5;>aric.s. ~1aYIJ~ Frclich None COU:::~_:Ol:t Irwin. .U!:S : JD£5 : I._WI.: Mot ~O~ ~:'~, 4-0 , . . :~ , ~ ~ . . . _.I&:> OF THE JA.'lUAJty 15, 1973, CITY COUNC~L MEETING CC-U9 Paa. 17 ...._t CALENDAR "solution 10. 3101-32: "A Itesolution of the City Council of the City of Cupe~tinD Accepting DedicatioD of Real P~op.rt1 for JlDad...ay Purposes f~_ Jerøa~cI H. Hymel 8:1d Marilin S. a,.. ; Approximately 0.032 Ac~e Located within the C~o..~cads Aasesnent District Unit I, Vest Side of Saratoga-Sunnyvale JøacJ, North of Stevens C~eek Bouleva~cI." :is. 36. 40. 31. Resolution x~. 3101-33: "A Resolution of th~ City CouDci1 of the City of Cupe~tino Accepti~1 Dedication of Rea! Prop.~ty fo~ Road...ay Purposes frOD Valley T~t1e COMra~y, a Cor,oratlon. Approx!.:llately 0.76S ancl 0.C53 I..cre Located 'õ1thin the Cross- i roads As~es~ent District r~~t 1, ~est Si~e of 5aratoga- I Sunnyvale Road, North of Stevens Creek 30ulc':ard." , Resoluti~n Xa. 3~~1-34: "A Resol~tion of t~~ City Council of I the City af Cu?,rtino Acce?t~r.g Dedicat!"" 0: R~~l I'rc!)8rty for Ro~d~ay ?u1po~es from ?~i~i? D£11uQ~0; A~?raxi~at~ly 0.017 Acre L~,ated withi~ t~e Crcssroads A5se<s~enl Ulstrict Unit 1, ·.·:e~ t SìdtJ: of Sal'at~ga-S:T.;::.nyvalc R:"1.äi. :'"rti.. c: Ste'_"e~5 Cr~ck S:-ul,,>vard. II ;,a. Itesol"t:,'" :;". 3101-35: "A Resclution '~f th~ City C"unc·.: ." the City of C~pertino Acce;:t::-.g D"d:caticn cf Rea'. fro,,,rt:" for Roaè.",-ay Purposes fr~ ="a:-.:el ';. Izu an,j C:-;;'z'..~t' H. ¡z··: Approx'=ately 0.031 Acre L~=ater. within l~~ Cr~s~r~2ds Assessr.:cnt District Unit 1. :.ê5t 5ide of Sar~t;'l~;.l-:':u::.nY·/a:c Road, X.'rl:: of Stevens ere"", ~ ..le-¡ard." 39. ResolutiJr. X". 3101.-36: "A r-e.olution of the City C~tI"cil 0: the City of Cupertino Accepti~g Dedication of R~al ~ro?erty for Road"'ay i'urposes frC'O Ru~sell M. Bate and ~Iary Leu :>ate; Approxi~ately 0.047 A~re Lccate¿ ~itb:n the Crossr~ads Assessment District Unit 1, ~est Side of Sa~atoga-Sun~yvale Road, Ncnh of Stevens Cree:< S:ulevard. II I Resolution Xo. 3101-37: "A Resolution of the City Council o! ¡ the City of :upertino Acce¡lting Dedicat Üllt 0: R~al Property : for Road",ay Purposes from Marie L. Hyde; A?proX~malely 0.03J : Acre Located within the Crossroads A5scss~~nt District Un:t 1; \lest Side of Saratoga-Sunn}-va1e Road, Non:, of Stevens Creêk Boulevard," Œ-139 baa 18 C·'nsent ';alendar adopted ¡ '1 ... I i :"5. I e I IWIVl"IIS OF THE JANUARY 15. 1973 CITY COUHCIL HEETDlG 41. lesolutio:! Mo. 3101-38: "A Ieaolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Acceptins Dæic:ation of Real Pro¡lerty for Roadway Purposes frOlll John Saic:h. torraine Sousa. Anne Sdch, Robert Saich and Ralph Saich; Approxfaate1y 0.230 Acre Located within the Crossroads Assessment District Unit 1, West Side of Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road, North of Stevens Creek Boulevard." 42. Resolution No. 3101-39: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of C~partino Acceptina Dedication of Real Property for Roadway Purposes fro::l lUck Lazaneo, Viola Launeo, Don O. 3andley, Clarence J. Toney, Mary C. Toney. and Joe L. Taverna for EaUlo Taverna anJ Karia Taverna; Ap¡roxiDIate1y 0.095 Acre Located Within tbe Crossroads Assess:ent District Unit 1, ~est Stda of Saratoga- Sunnyva:e Road, Norçñ of Stevens Creek Boulevard." 43. Resolut'~n So. 3101-40: "A llesol~tlon of t~Q Cit~ Council c! the City of Cupertino Accept~ng Dedication of R~al Pro,erty :cr Road~ay Purpns~s ir=o Ang~10 Guiffrida and Phyllis Klein, A.?roÄi~ately 0.16: A~~¿ L~cated ~it~in t~c Crcssro3ds A~ses~~~nt D~5t~:Ct ~nit 1, ~est S.:..:! of S3ratoga-Su~:1Y"....a:e Road ~ :{orth 0: Stf!'."t!n5 Cree:< Boule\·à.:'':.'' Resolut:'-:,a ~o. 3101-41: "A. R3S.,!tJtion 0:: th~ C:.t:,- Cùunc:': oi the City o~ C':rertlno A-:ce?t:'ng t'ej:'C'at;io¡~ of R~d! Pro?erty f':Jr ~c.¡d·A·ay Purposc5 :rom Ai~e~ 3. P~sty; A?;roxi~atct: O.Q32 A~rc L~cated ~..'ithin :h~ Cr.,,)ssroads As~es,:;;::c::.t D!strict U:1lt 1, :,O'"!. t j:..-1e .,~ Sarat"~J.-:;ur1nyvale R,,:,ad. ~:~:'t:. ~! Stl"ve~:~ t.:r~e~, 3cutc..¡ard." ResolutL:~ ~o. 3101-42: nA R;ss,::lutlo~ of t!:c City Co:;nc:.l of the City :Ii ~"pert.ino Acce?t'.ng Dedicdtion of Real ?rn!'erty :'Jr R'Oad',"ay ?urpo~~> from J. E. S?a~n and Adelia J. S,aio; Ap?r~x:oat~ly 0,046 Acre L,'c,¡tcd :Hthin the Crossr"ad~ A"5ees"Ocl1t Dbtrict IJnit 1, t~cst Si,~~ of Sarataga-Surtny"ale Road. ~orth o~ Stt!v'?n::. Creek BoulcvarJ. .. Movcd by Ccunc ilt:13n J3ckson. secon1ed by Counc ilman ~¡"y..r>, to adopt the Consent C~lendar. Motion carried, 4-0 . . J.\.';UAR'i IS, 1913 CITY com;c~ ~!':<:'TING MIJoViE5 Of - IlEPORT Of (':ï:CERS 46. City 5:"':f ~ DirectC'..- of Administrati"e Services stated we have received 4JIIr second tnenue Sharq ~"-". ~ Direct"r of Parks anAl Jeereacion has been in eontac:t with two prospective cocsessionaires for boreeback riding at the horse raDci1. 1'be Dire:tcr 0: !'lanning aød DewelOp::lent said the Urban Developcen~ aDd Open Sp.a.:e presentatioø i. set for Januzry 29th, the saae ¡' aight as ccr ~.:'ëU Meeting. I A meeting ~~ scheduled for 7:30 P.M., Jan~ary 30th, for t~e City Coun:::. :cr the purpose of a prese:1tat :~" by t!!e Count)· ~ ~pace ~~~.:'~ittee. TheTe will also oe ¿iscussions vi~~ County reg~:¿:~g pub1ic-assisred housing at :~e s~c meeting. tbe loi. City :~:_·oi¡oen I CC- 1)9 I Page 1~ Revenue Sharill check recl!ived Horsebacit rLdiul County pres~tation Couneil to ",-ee with Coun:v Januar)· 3~t;¡' 7:~e Ma::;: -,,~.:': :i:e Director of Public ~.:~:'.,; ~i&ht hy :..c: :~nt~r checked. ~~ :1:lVC t11c ;a:--:e5tY':"an r~ ~r.t Cc::.·:~t..¿;r. ;ed. lit~i~ !'..ay~r Fr~~:·.- :'-.J.id th~re viIi ~e a Soisc C':-~~:-c?'nctt c:. J<:sn.la~y lS.. !'!=.....ed by '::_-:~·.'::'.1n .J¿1ckson. s~..:~n~ed t~· :.:.::.:i:Man :<t=::e:,.:. :~ ¿;jc~:' r~""lh)':-. D . ,'.1..':' :-:"lool"lt"'è ~ resoll.::: ~.:~~:rin~ CO·..1nc!.l::t3~ R:Jdney ..~. :-::,iJ~'n 0:: th~ ::~:... :.f .:a!',¡¡togJ...· H ~cing honc:"c.è. :y the U.~. :>~··.~'¿>í'-S as or.~ c: t.·.~ir :e.n OU:'¡;:.~ .~~. y¡)u:-g ~cn. of t~.e entire :--..~: >:~. Ko~~ carried, ~.. :'..J'\,"cd b:: : _ '..::.1::'30 Jack~o:1. sec:-n¿cd b,· (:..::::I:\3n Mc'"C'!'<'; t~ ¿ !Signa:. :,··..;cy 15, 1973, as Dr. tlart·ic. L~:'èr Kin~ D-::. Mot~ carrj~è. .< P~. ~~~rtin Itlthcr . .-- D.,y !":~""'ed b. :·_~·:':="tn Mellers set-..-...-'pd b,· ,...,....~,':"1...... 5...~·..;.;:.. r..... 24·........,.. C~_:·-' . ... _.........õ.à , \. ...__....,. .,...... - ~-'....- ø~ ........ a 1I.inut\. ~~_;.;: ::ta:. tl~~ersh.~p O!". the Cit~:·.:.:-; Co:~nlttr_{ .ocr ':.:s.::,~tal hu?r;.""·.'· ·n!~ !:?r()\",'"":~-:~ :..~ restricted to ~it::'zcn5 l'· ~:._' C:ty. hut. ':~..:.': ··U_·~I C:'~':.:~,~ tf c0::2itt..'~ :-:~. ¡:: ~e re;;>:::)':tsi·l~ tc the su~:~_"~~ :',":-:$ 0: :·.(,'!'".-r~s:'d'2:nt.5 and taXr.:i:~'7' c; the City who also are !:.::-r,'·ident~. Mati:.=, carried. ~-~ - . ::C·139 !m'UTES ~f ::'.E J¡\NUARY 15, 1913 CITY COL~:L ~~;TING ?at:\: 20 !.::;z:,m of dae ~..r Counci1:u.~ S.arks made. the suggestion that ~ resolution be <lrawn up' for the Ci:iren of the Year. Ie ~as decid~~ this ~ould be done after aDIIOunceroac of the peI"SOD cboseø. JIoved by Ccu:1cilllall !'.eyers. secouded by Couuci1c.,n Jackson to adjourn the . tins to 7:30 P.K.. J~18. 1973. in the Conferenc:e JIoca. meeti:t¡ a.ijourued at'lO:SO P.M.' . . . !iJt:1oD carried, 4-0 '. .APPlOVED : .- /51 ~r~ld A. Frolich ~!c=, City of Cupertino , j I ¡ ¡ I ! ATi'EST: /s/ ~~. :. ~vi~~ I City .::c:< f