CC 01-18-73 . . . C11'Y OF œEnllfO, State of California 10300 Torre Ayenue, CupertJ.aø. CaUfor:!ia 'I'e1epboDe: 252-4505 HDiUTIS OF THE IIECUI.Ø AD.JOaI!IE:) KEnl"':; or THE CITY COUNCIL VItll TIlE PA£S AID IECR£ATiQ.'i COKM1SSIOIf IŒLD JANUAR'I II. 197; III TI:ï: cœFEREIICE 100M CITY IL\LI.. QlI'Z&1INO, CALIfOR.'IlA CAU. TO OSD£J. 1. Mayor Fro1icb ca11~t C.. ..etin~ to order at 7:32 P.M. . IWLL CALl. Cbuncil:1o£:: r!'t .;.,.,t : Cou~cil~<~ 4:,~~t: Ir.i:. Jackson, ~eyers, Sparks, ~~Y~T !\o~e- fro li ell I ¡ I C~:r.·!CF~~i..:':'.(r.: i-',cc!Iõ('Þnt: By~«~". Cabl ~..'!:. S~h·.,..eitzerhof. Snyder, O".a.:.r-....an T1':.i h,) ~ ~-..': CO::-J. a~~i':-::: ~;;:;~e- 5~....ff t':-.;:=:::. C~ty !":ilf 4~er (~(I.-~:... C:t1 Att~rn~y A~\ :>icec:~r of Ad-:-.i::: ·:-J,~i.,,·c Scrv:r.e~ R~'Jcr PI (e~tor ot Pul'l': '-:r;:" ':'a=~oroubh D~r.:tor of P~r~: .·:i ReÞr~ation Eutl~r I~ïRODl"C¡:-:-~> 2. r..c ~4'·:·r .,ade "ure all tl"'~e prcse,t ;.1:<.... each oth.x. 2.5 Ma"~' Frdich aa1d t:.cre vas on... ;"t :: C;'ty b:191ness th11l sh",..:d ~e taken care of before di<.:uc.siO"J of the park design CC-14G Page 1 Upon rec.,.",.."ldat ion of the Mayor, it '.:as ",.:>"ed by COUnCilt:l3n Ir"in ':"te~ b 111 ... aecnndc¿ ~~ C.:>uncilman Jackson, to aUlh:r:"e p~y:nent oi ~arranl racd. 110. 13200, ;'n tho amount of $19.667.16, t: S3nla Clara County Floo Control ~J 'ater District. AYES: !iOES: C.:>unciLnen Ir·...in, Jackso:1, ~:e;,cr>, Sparks, Y.ayor Frol ich s..,:'L(; Motion cMrried, S-O J.1&btina . Agrer.cent wit:, ScÌ100l Dist. t PaÚ.:"g t I \ l f L~ttle Lugue I' participation . Picnic area Lavatories HumES or till ADJœmD CITY COUNCIL/PABS cœtIlSSIOlC KEE'l'lHG 1/18i73 DlsaJSSIOR OP CITY PAIUt DESIGIIS CbainIaD Thibod_ led the discussion on the park desi&ns. 3. Portal Park - Ribera , Sue, architecca Cbairaan Thibodeau said the addition proposed for Portal 'ark i!1clude teaa1S courts, softball dtalllOlld and parkiDa. The City Manager noted there vas concern by the neighbors about lighting. and asked ,,-bat level of lighting is being proposed, This ita will be IIIOn thoroughly explored. The City Manager asb~ for gu1<1elines as to the ~ighting intensity. There vas a general coaceosus that the present liahtina in the parks is inadequate. Further attention must be given to protection of the adjacent residential homes, !counc~ì~n Meyers asked, since we are using school property, what iguarant.,,· do we have that they won't ask for their property b¡,ck for : purp')5cs ,)f expansion. The Parks and Recreat ioo Direct\lr said he had q,~"~,, wi th Mr. Iglehart regard ;ng thh situation and a lease i5 being ",r.,.." u!'. Chair::lan Thibodeau 3dded that in Most cases, the equlfD"nt is ¡ Li..~~"'¡! on CLt:.. ;troperty. The Ctt~· H.."lnaget' str.~!';secJ that 3n 33rcrnuent 1." U :,a':e to be drawn up. )Ir. Laòr!el said t:lat bringcng tho! parking lat rlght intn th·.' :>ar', Is ;t:\ú:~ht to be a 9afeLy factor. E~ s;tÜl th("~' hnvc tri.ed to kt!ep t~.e i[ark_n~ do~n tu a m;nJmum In dll but Me~~rlal Park. I I !4. Fdri.1 Park - Riòcra & Sue, ard,lte<:ts Ion the acr.'age behind I;arla Schoul there ",ill be a !>a~cball di.MonJ and , ¡a ="a"J"rl~g path. They ha\Ce redu.:ed the two gate.. to one. 3iJoo.\· racks ¡Will oe included in all parks. !There Is the possibility of getting sene funds or labor dnd iDater!:11s , I fro: the Little League for thls park. 'The Parks Director said IIIOst of t¡'e nelghbor~ near this park loIould rather ¡not have barbeques because of t:le increase in flies, etc. The Principal at Faria School r<'.¡ucsted a picnic: area b" developed that the children could use for schoul lunches. The Parks Director said we are planning very few 1avútories, due to the ,vandalism problem, and are hoping to be able to usè the school lavator ie", ~ - IlIRU'l'ES OF THE ADJOUB1ŒD em COUNCIL/PARKS COHKlSSIOII J4EEr1llG 1/1 Cf.-140 Page 3 It was felt we llbould ttJ to negotiate claasroom facilities.. well ClassroOlll use as use of the school lavatories. Hr. Gabriel said tbe C-."s1on feels the Recreation Departaent sbould have control over the use of the baseball diamond. Little League has. in the past. taken ov~r most available baseball diamonds. Council~an Jackson said these parks ~~11 be treated as City parks on leased property. Things to be worked out in the Agreement are maintenance and service. The City Attorney said we should get copies of this type of Agreement from ot¡,er areas and then work out the t~ings we will want to include in the contract. 5. Honta Vista Park - Ribera & Sue, architects Chaircan ,~i~odeau said thl~ park is part;ally on scheol property and partia~ly on park preperty. There are proposed a bascball diamond, turf, tennis court, ~alkway, waterftay, ?lcnic grounds, and tot arras. There are no plans for a recreation building in this pox:-. Council:::¿:! Heyer!"> sugge,ted that if ,..c get a lot of Ü,c neighb"rs invoJv~¿ in lhe plantin~, etc., they '.:ilJ probably k"e? "'1 eye ,m what i s s~:ng on at the park, and t:-.is ,,-i 11 cut do',in on the vandal is=.. It ,,·a5 s1;g~t::stcd that a visit Lo Los 'i~almos Park in Sunnyvale, ~n ¡ the vicinity of Hollenbeck and El Camino Real, might be in order. ¡ Ribera & ;:u"' just co:npleted this park, and have won a'"ards ~or it. 6. lIor$e Ranch Park - Eckbo, Dean, Austin & Willia::>!' Chai=an Thibodeau remarked that there i~ no school adjacent to this pa:-k; it is 100% City Park. TJ.ere will be paths all around the park, with picnic spots every now and then. Garden areas wnl De located on the east side. Mt)st of the existing buildings will remain. Councilman Xeyers asked why we need a lake when we have a creek going o~er half way around the park. Counciloan Irwin agreed, Mayor Frot:ch said he like- the lake as a visual attraction. Councilma~ Jackson likes the contrast t~e water provides. The Parks Director said we are trying to design a pas5ive type environoent here. llec. Dept. to control use cf baseball diamond Points to c')n- sider in. the Agreements Park ?la~s G~t n{.~ig:ìb(l:"s involved Awardfi ..~:". cy RI1Jera & SUz lIor¡,e RAnc:: Pal dcvelo?,mer.t Pros :md cons of the la"'e - IuaIßIS$ OF TØB AØ,Ju()--dÞ ern COUIICIL/PwtS CO!IMISSI01 UuìIC 1/18/73 _ Cbai_ t'hibocla.. .~ die'.. problem here is the entraøc:e. Vtaib1l1ty is VUJ ball hera. A.tóp sip would help. Cc."~. ThePa. Direc:torald"Jllrftelplan includes all but the bu1lclin¡s OD . ., '. the pre1i.i"s~y ...teritJ*l~ The parkins will accOlllllOdate 150 cars. '¡ There is the po8sibiUé.y òf.the Senior Citizens us1Ðg tbe barn for 80IIe of their activitieS. The Ecology Curps may cOIle aDd belp put in paths, etc. Ienovace clae ,bu1ldillp Pony ri.cles Insura::>ce Have s;:ne- __e on the "r~?8rty 14 -18 grc..... Ren07a te ê1e house The City Manager said _ are cOlllDitted to spend $20.000 by July 1 on this park. It was thougbt it cøald be spent on renovation of the bulldiuss. CouncihDan Meyers woadere4 1f this was the wrong place for a very rural type park. . The Parks D1~tor said we need sO!:lething to draw the people besides horses. The alternative would be to cross McClellan and go up to Linda Vista Park. ~e will be having shetl~~d pony rides in the southeast portion of the park. Until it is developed, Councilman Meyers would like to see this palL used on weekends fer horseback riding. Ceuncil.t1an Sparks asked what ",ou1d happen if a child were hurt while on the property. T~e Par~s Director said we are insured againat this, The Director of Public ~crks said the plan is to bring the Parks an¿ Recreation offices do,~ ro this park. To have so~~c~e on the property will help to 1:Iinúnize v~li~. A Senior Citizens group could "'perate in the living r""'" of the house. Council~n Sparks said t~ere is the need for facilities for the 14-18 year-old group. MINUTE ORDER: Moved by C~unci1man IrJin. seconded by Councilman Meyers, ~o go on record as authorizing expe~iture of the $20,000 for renovation of the house on the Horse Ranch. AYES: NOES: CO\'.ncilmen !~:1, Jackson, Heyers. Sparks, Mayor Frol1ch None Motion carried, 5-0 ". a/PARD CCI4M1SS10B hu[J]I; 1118/73 JU1IU'rlS or ADJOURlŒD em t_ . ~~. . .;,··f, 7. It_ Crt-Ilk ~''''¡+-D þø-to, Back & Alley . , 'f CbainaD 'Zhibodeau aU ,J.tiIt,fœ thb park 1IIclude t.-18 couru. ~.år'" aph1tbéát~.'~, valk path, bite path, -1JAJ1 t"J::~~~ø~~d;.... are planned for t1u. puk ~-.. .,.)r ProUch nid he~'" reluctant to have the City provUe 1&Ddacap1¡:g a~ound the Kbòè.1 because of the cost of _1nt~e. Be"au&ges:ed a& area for Wb riders to learn nfet" reauJ.atiDtUl. It wuld èe designed with ~J.. ,etc., lilte the freeway.. Be _anteè :1:at he was pl...ea to see the retention of .-. of the orehards, It was de:~r.lined Amelia eo.n: will not go through at thia t:!.1!:e, Altbough it cay in the fuare. CC-140 ra,e S Davalos-ant Piau Bike ..fety Mayor Fro:ich felt the pre7ioos parking arranr1ment ~a bet~~~ than Parking the one .resented at thia _tiDg. 8. Mel:lor:.~l !'ark - Royat0flo Bana:noto Beck r. Abey The Parks ~~d ~ecreation D1%ector said the redesign of this park has bee:; Hen and approvei JoT the City Council. PhaG" I ",¡¡S to include ~~" tennis courts, ~ighted baseball field and ltcited parking. The Dire:~:r of Public Worb said $65,000 ,,-as in this year's budget. ?~ offered another proposal in Phase I including cocple- tion of a:: tennis courts, 11ghting the softball fields, cacpl'ting all parki~ ar~a off Mary AYeDue and to build rest ro~~s :ear the ball fie::s and tennis ~ourts. He estioated the cost to be in the neighborb=oè of $200,000.00. Also, they vou1d like to provide for the co~ui: for the entire park development during Phase I. The Direc:Jr of AdminiatratJ:w. Services said we will have the revenue ~rin¡; coney. and .. believes the City would be I:!I1ch better of: if we did not 8pead it pieeemeal, These are sufficient _nies iD anappropriated f...sa to complete the first phase of thia park dev~~¡>oent, He wuLl 1.1Jte to see the revenue shar1.o¡g funds conaHere' at the s_e U.. _ the Capital Improvements Progr_. KT. Gabriel feels the C-.-_ should be given the oppottunity to do SClCe further iuveatipd.oD of the south end of the park before tN ,,-or king drav1sl&a _. done, The Director of Public Worb ..id the travings can b. ,....... as well 8a the development. Phase 1 runds avail able Revenue sha ing !:IOnies I~orking Drawings a:-140 bp6 1'&n1ah" - P1aDs a....__-& Capital Iaprove- Delle Progras ?ark/School ;>liins OK'd !!orse Ranch ?ark p1.aDa approved luøu¡t;S OP ADJûoo..-· em COU1IC1L/l'AUS Ct.UN_ HEErING 1/18/73 on. C1C1, .........8dd it 18 bIportaDt tollÌlÜ-' t1Ia.- cJecl8:IDn on t1Ia PARiah'..... . ftï.I City Cowcil could eàb'tIae ûcla:IDn on the pIaU with t~~'tbat the Paxka all4KecnadøD c.,lIIIlaa:IDn 81". . fuxthèriê9f.W'to t1Ia front ponion, . Mov"1ï7~t1' '. Jw1n, aec:ouded by Couøc1.Jaan Jackson to ·P1>&O'· the plana~' aù1Þjei:c to ~M .ppmal of the fiDal ..seer plan. AYES: NOES: eouncu- InriD, Jackson, HsyerG, Sp81'ks, Mayor Frol1da Hone Motion caRled, 5-0 Mayor Frolich ~ like tho Capital Improvement Committee to ...t with the Parka " &e<:reation Commission regarcJiDg the Capital laprov_ menta Program. 'DIe Mayor wanted to discourage the Citizens COIIIIDitte. from gettlug inwlved in park plans. Councilman Irvin Aid the Council should instruct the new cOmlllittee to eoneentrata on financial aspects and any recommendations to park design should go to the Parks and Recreation Commission, mNUTE ORDER: Moved by Counc~ Irvin, seeonded by Councilman Sparks, that the City Council does agree with the four school plans as subJ:1itted at this meeting and does authorize the staff to go to the School Board with the proposal. Final approval is subject to the prop2r agreement. being worked out between the School District and the City. Motion carried, 5-0 MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Counc~ HeYGrs, seeonded by Councilman Sparks to approve the Horse Ranch Park PlalUJ. Motion carried, 5-0 ADJO'u'R.'IMJ!N'l': Moved by Counci~ Sparks, seeonded by Councilman Irvin to adjourn at 10:36 P.M. to . personnel seaaion, Moti~n carried, 5-0 ~. .~ Hm"rES OF ADJOUUEÞ em COUNCIL/P/lRKS CQHKlSSION JŒETlHG 1/18 .. 'lbe City Council,'IiiedsIc reconvened at 11:30 P.K. CC-140 Page 7 ',,;;'- !' '->~ ,j-:.>~. ~: ¡""'- ,.} "'~'. Moved by CouÍlc.i]~~ .~...econded by Councllnan Jackson tbat Cha1naø 5G¡d' )fro Charles\~nY~~,i-W,ap~o1rited as Cbairman of the Citizens' Coanittee foi. caplta1';laprovemenU. -,:~-; ,~;'¡<,;-.:n:' :'~~:(,:" -.< '. MOtion ca~ried, 5-0 There followed a preseatation and discussion of tbe pro~os~d Ra?id Traas~t rapid transit route study by the City Manager and Director of Public \!orkp, It was the concensus oÍ the City C:uncll t~at the ~~yor be auth~rized to express their feelings a~d position on tbi~ Datter tq the Public Transportation Co~mission. The :-:ayor adjour:1ed _he !':eeting at 11:50 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, January 30. 1973. APPROVED: Isl Donald A. Frolich Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: Isl wm. E. Ryder City Clerk "