CC 02-06-73 ,.p - ( arr OF Cli.::J:!1:iO, STATE OF c:.M..IPIŒfIA ")00 Torre :!:reaue. Cuperr~. Ca1ilornia "Þ1ephone: 5Z-4505 KIlIUTES c.: TIlE REGULAll &ft"'_ .. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD 01> !"..3RUARY 6, 1973U DIE COU1ICIL CiIA.'!3ER, CITY HALL UlrzÆa~. CALIFORNIA ~cilDe~ ~~.ser.t: Calmciloer. L;3en,: JacksoD. Sparks, Ma)'or Keyen. !layer Frolich Pro Ten Irwin SUff pre<Ec:: City - sger Quinl~~ D1t"ecrol: bf Adm1nistra!~'ói! Services Ryder Direcror of Planning a::¿ !)i!'óelop-:-.ent Sisk Director of Parks and ~c:~cation Butler Ass~S't:a::.t: D:'rector o~ :'..:·:::'c ""arks V:"scðv1ch' J"'__yor Pre '.:-=' :r~..in ooened t::e ~£~:"ng at 5::~ ?~.~. He ir..:ro:;¿uce¿ :!"~. Charl!?: ~-::.":¿rt who has ac..ce;=~ t:1e rCE~:,::~':':'ility of :..e.neral c-: ~=-..l~ of the Ca:::':'a2. T_;;:'"ovcr.1cnts :-=:'~ra":1. :;~ t~=.~ é...5~ed a1: :-'3':: ?t':scnt to st..æQ¿ 1.:.;' 2:1d in~;·.:-:..:. t;.e:-.sel....€-£. :':þ;"''1lci12â:- : ;'::,'::-IJ:1 e~p:'as:z~~ !.:.;~ ?=:'nt ir. ':iì.::.:r ¡-'rolic:"· 5 :!.e':tcr -:--:.at sta::;_ :~:...) is a ':ery i=?='~:'~: projt?.:~ .:.::~ a \"~ry ir:.;:::-:a.r..t :'~:r:"!:':1:ftte.:. -:.'¿ ~~)'or had a ;.=Z';iC'~E engase:-;;".: a:1d WÜS :'.9t a":.-!.e ~~ attenc :-;- =~eting. 2. woul¿ :-e î I T1=e :_c:~at'on. JOn't ~~t ~gged do~~ _~ ¿etails. " Sta::~ :1~' and take an ....er..::.e. of the f"...-year Cap~tal Icpro~c~è~"s prograa. I As t:~£ :~'':¿Y progresses. ~i i: is felt t:- ..~ the City ~·..:.::ci!. . did n~: ;~v~ adequate dir~:ion. the C0~-::t~~ should as' I fo,' 3:. _ "~"al guidelin=. I Keep :~ ~~~d that the Ciry ~~cil is n~t asking for a spec1fik Bet of :~~ts; they are as&~g for indivic"a: v'ewpoint5. -ç he Wè'~r;. :- ::-:e Comnittee. Cc~~:'l~an Jac::~.:-:: :;:;aiJ hI?' ~inking ¿:~C: thi! fol10ving: -. J. 4. Councu....:: ;;.1~;.:s thanked ~œ (;ooaittee ~!e:::!-ers for coming for.:ar ~ offer.",; to be a part cf _~hing the (":"J~'l thin:<~ ·...ill ~e a ve~' :~?Ortant ic~act øa C~rertino's f~tu~e. As taxpayers Cbe cit1'r:5:a~e a right to see .~ere their t~~ dollars are. Núlg spe::.:. CC- 143 i'age 1 I ¡ I I ! ¡ ¡ C¡¡;>itnl Ir.1;n·ov~e!1t:; Progrø'!_~ C~airï:1.an ':';':'·.-·.1~r Council's &nirJelinc~ 1 ~. /' 1 ;f, ~cc- 143 ,1 Page 2 I!i- ~. ~~l'rojeccs .,c ~'pr.d.~--- t' ,., by staff." . . í.'· ;4, Adjourt"""""~ . . lI\IoutES OF TIlE FEBRUARY 6. 1973 ADJOUR.'IED RZGULAR CITY COUJICIL MEETING r "~\" ~ City ~er introducecl the staff menbers who vere preaen~, so the c-ittee would know Wø to CDDtact as they go alone, Be s~ressed ~b. tIIOint that the report put øu~ by the stat f did not attelllp~ ~o predetermine ~ojects. pdorities of prop'am5 are included, as vell as additional, _t-fuoded projects. He said projected maintenance and operating coats MYe been included in the oper.Ung budget. These projects can be altered, but he urged the C-ittee not to 1o'Orry about them at tbis tbae. Don't take time on details now. "t'be Council ...eeting was adjourned by Mayor Pro Tem Irvin at 8:16 P,M. Cbai~~ Snyder said he was pleased to see all the citizens turn out for this =eating. He also complimented the staff on putting together the report. He said the Comcittee's job will be one of r~vieving about e:git:)" items and estahlishing thosa t:'.at re¡:rp.sent real needs of tbe City. they have been categorized as follows: 1. Park. and Related 3uildings 2. Civ:: =uildings and Grounds 3. Stre~t 1=prove=ents and 3ike Lanes ,. Tra:::~ Signat3, 3ea~~i!~cationt Qverp3sses 8"1 I~terc~anges Chair=.~1.::' ~:::~·d~r said t~.,er2 -.-ill be five S'.:;"-Co:;..':1ltt·~es. fC';r of !;aich are 1 ::;t~:' 3b:1ve t and the f :.fth consist in£: of the C:i..1 ir ":a::' a!'d V!,ce- Ch.a-:'r:~...¡,:: ..:of ~~lch of ~he four. The result!=; at t:"1e :'a¡1dc~ s~lect!on of n':]-.~5 :.:-r each of t:-_e c';:=1ittees are s.~ ¡·;)ll;.>'.ý:;. ¿ach c.-:::-~; r:tCC select¿i, :.~~ir o'toln Chd!.r=an. \-ice-Chair;')aa and R~cor¿!-nîJ Secrctary. 1. Parks a~d Related 3uil¿ings Chai",~~ c. D. Phillips Vice~~a~rman Sarita S~~d~re Re,c<!~ng Secretary ~~r~aret Hara~e 252-4138 257 -241.8 25 7 -C~ 99 Me;:bo!<s: Judy Teabrock Mrs. Donald Vatson Joanne Falconer .'<ancy McCue :<ancy Norris Phyl Us Shehi Beverly Dyc David ::·'er:·~rdt Al f~sher Larry C~idester Ralph Townsend Roy Rosendahl Roy T~-1tty Ai Kr izell:an Frank Foster Geurge ~ngano ~ .. MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 6, 1973 ADJOUR.\'ED COUNCIL KEETItIG 2. Civic Buildings and Grounds Chairaan iIob Gonzales Vice-chairman Gerald Puet~ Reccrding Secretary Judy Knirck '!i~ fs' , ~. Me:lbus: Karyl Robbins Rebecc& Maultsby Mrs. Charles Spiller 3. Street I::;provements a"~ 21ke La:.,·s Cha:~a~ Judy Fostcr Vj~(-~jair~3~ Ji~ Fa~: Rec....r.;:.:-.~ Secretary ?.~'::~:drd 31."i:~t' Me::-:-c::-.::: Mr. Ja~e: Fr~st rat Roben June Gro~ 257-6502 257 -2845 253-0103 Jim Dunlavy Haruo Ish!.'Daru Will Lester Bob Karpen 253-2331 255-7:56 257-6410 Dav i¿ Lye;,;!; G(:r-31d FOlnf',/ Ii. K. Cr:"ff iti1 Hik" LaPorta 4. Tla~:~..: Signals, Sehu:ification, I.h·è'rras~C:.s f. Int~rc.hanges C:.~_:-.i~ A11IId Dipp": \'i:,,'-::·.."· ~!Jan Jc~n Farha:-. R('..:::~~,,¡; Secretary Jean Cuslman Me~_~~rs : Lee Ann Jac,';:n Bonnie Denkr.aus Frances Dressler June Ar",strong 253-7037 257-5397 257-8626 Tcm Vais Jay Cooper Tony Eppstein Al Weiss Ted Ripplinger Don Sallan Jim Linthicut:l James Davis Chaiï~~ Snyder said in3 vi:i the staff. of tne sub-c~mmittee CoIIIIII!sS~~", who w111 the various sub-co~:!lit tees ';ill be interf ac- If there is a c~ncern of policy, the Chairt:la laight wish to cons"l t \11th the Planning be having public hearings .~n this in Hay. General Chairoan C~arles Snyder, ohon~ nu1ber 252-7674, will head up the :;~th sub-comc!.ttee, consisting of the chairman 8:1d vice·· ehairLt:1 t:>f t:,e previous four sub-c.oomittees. CC-143 Page 3 . . . _ 143 , e 4 MINUTES OF TIlE FEBRtWly 6, 1913 ADJOL'R~'ED COUNCIL 1iEETING , The City M.~nager said the Parks and Recreation Commission will be able to provide a great deal of input. The City ~~ger said one ~port3nt projcct yet to be resolved. and one .~ic~ would probably go in the Civic Zui1diúg9 and Grounds category is the prcservation of an historical site. I , , I The cc:=ittee mer-bers then brok~ up into the various 5ub-cornittecs and h3~ their initial ceetings. APPROVED: Isl DOMld A. Frolich Mayor, City of ¿IPHt ino ATTEST: Is/I''':' E, Ryd~r City ~:'¿rk