CC 03-12-73 ~ ? t 'em or CIJP~. srm or CALIJOIIIU 103110 torn Aveaaa. CapeìtSao. CalifomU !'-11rli...: 252-4505 -- , IWHI£A ðl 111 ~....~ å",··-." JluulW or øÎ CØr œillCn. IIILD CII JfAIaI 12" ~"V.. WIIuaaøœ ~. mr ilALL '»-'A .CALDOJIU , ~ > - ¡ c......, Co--41 , ~:_--<~:;- ,nuDt: .Iø.laJ'iÜbÔO. __n. SpaU. lIaJCW ho11cb .....tl ... Staff fl r ..t: Clt)r - '1 [ q,.t.1_ Clt)r MtcIIM1 ~ DinctGr of '1_t". ... ~t Suk kPt"'a Dinctft of Ml1e Vodta 'I1akcrdcb ~~.A Clt7 aeü p.tat. ~or Fl'clicb called tbe ..u.a to 01'Clu at 7140 p... 111. Director of Pl.-1q ... Dnelop_at iøf01'llÑ the Co_el1 that e:e City h_ by April 4 to -.Iopt a procedun for lta illlple- maut~~ :f the lDYir_tal Quality Act of 1970. th~ are fcur ::Cll:>!ftts ..'bieb the Ccnac11 ~ to 1'evtev related to the.e pro~e¿~re~ (1) Eaviroaaeatal ,......at Pl'ocedura (2) Categorical Ex"=-::::'r!à (3) Procedure for PreparaUoa of an Eavir_atal lr;>act ~¡t"..t ad (4) Prep8ratioa of a Lbt of Mia18terlal Proj- ects. CC-146 .... 1 !!;\'::xr;::,::aAL IJ1PAC1' PÞ ...Ia, I the Director th_ proc:e...... to uplain the correnioas that P1_- I ainl i:.a. =.de 1a the ¡lro~ lD..iro_tal Illpa.:t Procedure for, the C~:, ;"If Cupertiao. OD.... 3, it... 11, they added the ...orela : Corr.ctiCft3 :aad "or t~e:'r Jutpated rep_taU_," OD pas. 4. ite. 15, de- : by Plaø~IIS 1etK t~e ""1'''' "IIPPro.... or 4etcrå_ to carry out" aad re- place.! ,,·:t~ "decidu a coaø. of acUoa relaU". to.- On pap I 11, ite: 1, the entire secti_ v_ reon1ttea _ fol1Dva: "(1) I Data f:'t':i MoUc_t. 11M City official who receives a project for ¡I,""ceàuaa IIa)' oquin the applicant to provide all or any part of tU b_e 1nfo~t1_ .... the project and its proposed en- virCQ:oeGt Ù aecesaary for a pnl1l11aary eaYi~tal ass......at of the project. (2) 71noI1n.. by proce.d~1I official. '~en a p1'Oj~ct is subll1tted to the City for proc.ssinS. the city of- ficial ru;:œaib1e f01' the proc:eniq ahaU lJ8Ite a pNUllliaary eavirc_tal .......,l1t of the project, If he detenú.Des that the project qualifi.. for a cacqorical exelll¡ltioa. he shall n- c01'Cl this and1as 1a wrlUna. If h. detera1n.s that the project does not quaUfy for a cateaorical exemption" he .hdl record this recODlel\datioa 1a vrttiaa aacI tnasll1t the Pl'oject to the Director of PlaDDiaa for _ envil'on_ntal asses._t." 011 page 12, ite:a 6, before the vord "project" in the secoad to last \,!t .I e 1973 CØI CDtllCIL !lUl'IRG . *.... ·~...lo... ø ~ftl of th." v.n acIcJed. . . . . .wetor Off.ba:l.~"t:t",;~t".~·the voD1q of the nør 'it, ~f1'..fa ["'raíì::i.iiC . tè4,.& Jea.t OD. ....r of the , '.. .'pt, ',It\8:!:'C'" )~,,";;:"¡",OQ the BDviroø.-tal .... . te.ò"'1Iîe¡i~AtöIMt: "'~1tot ... 8D'f _flict of ' " 't hea.~~~;·ilaUtII~~t7 .hould file the 1..01 Itefon tIMI , ,1¥"pt6Ucc t aDd tev1.... 'DIe (AUrmMr ..-,....thât .., t . ta IIÌIde by the plillic " .. .... ,art of'~ 1'Ird,,_tal ]!aport. The CouIIc11 JUU" laot to cia.... eM ,ncdn.. .. ..t forth 10 tbe nOlI Dart. bat to welt ... ... bcIIIr the chart vorks 1Ldn¡ different eDIIPl... the Dinctor of pt_t... v.. _ked to prcseat diff.r- _t proj.cts to th.. nlatiDa to a ttMub1. as ¡;et fortb 10 th. nov Otart. ~t1øoa1 :eo-cl1am JawOD ...&..ted the fo110111aB chang<,~: en page 1, es ~c Þ- ¡ 1t_ 1, delete the vord "IIi.CRt." aDd add thl! ~-('rd "¡;pecific," ~~tal !'DIe question -'v uked Ibould the word "amient" be added before t P~~.:tàe vord ''nl!'.e'' 10 it.. SOlI pace 2? 1be Cèt)· Attorne:, ,:as ,..keel to rl!!\'aJ thil ~ report· back to Ccuncil. .'..190 under : It_ 5, c"ur.c.llOoUt Jacklan auu.at.d that an"t~er .U:>-l'aragraph ¡4 b. added ,,'hidl is "Sc:eD1c View, ArchaeoloBY S: :eõ." Under lice. 7, he ..,,¡;gut.d tbat the words "or to &:1)' 5tdf =rber or -m.n of the City ..stped to prepare üw1.r"n:-ental I~::ct ~kports" be ..¿¿ed. ~ pq. 3. 1t.. 8, the words "on behalf of, or for" vere added after the word. '''-blch are l'..e~ared b';." ¡....r it.:: H, CCUDCU.. Jadta_ b_ ..uBgested the Envir"n- ,...crt levi~ eo..1tt.. .bould alao be changed to refle~t a ìPl~D& C=.:.uioaer aDd City Couaci1 _ab.r. Ih'.::;e œ¿'ers ¡-.J.eI DO 1œ,er be leU". after the decision "'A~ ~de to have aD liIIw1~ta.. R.rport. 1It& !::lty Manacer saaaested that it.. 18, nb-;-aragraph 7 be . ~..d to "Sclid V..te. aad air aad vat.r ~u41ity." Ccunc11aaa .Jadtaao added .1III..,arl&rapb a, "Tuffic,"' .....11' Geaeral ?rov1a1ao. 011 P" 6, Ite. 1, the ..cond and tlúrd ~eoc.. were dill1DatH. aa.... 7. it.. 3, th:! ·..C'rds "or tbe1r de.irn~t.d repreaeatatlwea" w.r. added Rfter the ~C'rd~ "'Dlnctor of 1'1.110111& . Dne1opaeat". '!be IUSBestion was ..... that the 14vir_ot leview eo-.tt.. ,",could also be claaaaecl to reflect a Plcm1o& c-f.1.ioaer and City Council ....,.r. After tbe d.c1l1011 v.. ...se to bave an En·lir-.::uoental ~rt. these ....ra would DO loaaer b. active. On pacc 7, 1Cea (c) the 1at laDteDC. va aU_alted by Council... Jadr.soa .... nplaced with '"lb. f_ ahall b. "-eterained bv the Env! roa- _tal lIc'-iN ec..r.tt.e ..s shall be based upon the size and .cope of the project and .ball be lufflc1.nt to cover all costa of preparatioo of the ElK 10c1ud111& the co.ts "f retaining an -..1r_cal ConsultaDt." r , , ,¡ " '. ~.." , e e JŒNUrES C': i1iE HAllQI 12. 1973 em (X)t¡'SCIL ~æEtn¡G OD pqe 12, itoS. Q. d~ J.c:It8Oft , after the words "retain ,_ EnYirœ..'lfttalA/hf.sft" ....ecI "or shall a3sign a staff .a.er .« MIIIIer. to prepare,.. ~ta1 Iilpact Report." the rest of the asteace v_ ~""'¡OD PðI. 14. under Publte Hearln. . tile vom "orå98S.1.8bt.,: for;,.da... at a cost rehborn..t price" vera ....bGfontlUt"Vor1I "fzo." m the third liDe fr_ . .... lIoUn of the ,.... . ft. D!rect:lr of Pl-saá v111l1ake the corrections to the EDvi- nDIDI!IItal IlQ..:t h.......4.... .... ahe it to th~ City Attone)' for .. apprCõ'riace resolaUoa. CATEG(\!U ;:;.L !m!PTIŒS The Dirrcto= then expla1Decl the CAtegorical Exe..;>t!on3. The fol1cu~n~ :~.~ge' were Dade' On page 2, it('~ (~), sf:cr the wore! ";¡t:-;o:ure.3, HIIyor J'rolich added the .·~rd. "othE" t!1;m single :: .-,'::' res!d.'nce... The Director ot:l'eJ th"-t ==thar [;ub-r"~¡::~¿~:' '-"ill be added cat..gorical ~v <: ,o;'tJ.ng ¡:d::~tion!"o to sing." :: ¿- ::: ¿,,-e1lint3. en page 3, it e;-, ,'-) t!,c '..-cre! tIs ccial" vas ¡¡è¿~",: 1::£T the t:c!"t "arcial.eolncica1.>· C":uncil::~n J~ck5~n deleted ~',: ·.-ord3 "including carnivals" '" ,'.',;.:! ~, itcn (e) .nd added "~'o,: :." before the word "sal(,5." .:-," D~rectcr said th¿1 C!a~E IJ: :..~~> ~ould be deJ'ted frog :~: ·~F~~t- On P"'~'" - ,;"e- (c) "-Dr T"r01ich a..t....... .:..- T'I¡"'cct^r ··"''''t c......·· &..~;.."~...... . ..-'D._ _... ..111.,.-...... t·_.. . _ ..._(,;. __ sectiC':! ~ .'-: :'cferrcd to. The Dircct<>r ì~:':3inC'd the,: ~te'" (c) ,,"nuld ò, ¡:: "~rded by c:limnatint 9.01 a:::' : d...l ;ng it to the categc=::':~: !xell';tioœ. ~e Di re:: ~~ "ill lMke the corrections c:: C:.tcgori czl Exe..?tions and sub:-'::: ::,etl to the City Attomey. mcvn.I)~~~;'.'.!. J'sSESS!Øo.'T P~URE The Ðj r~c:C'= distribute.! the Environm.."'nt ,,1 :..sc;sUW'nt Precedur.. docu::"nt. t:ta :::edten of the Council will revie.. it fer ap- proval ('r õ,"sgeatecl challS_. ADJOUR:;::r~;r !toYed by c...'U:1cilam lIViD. aecOftded by C,'unciloan Sparks to _joum t!:~ :I£o!ting at 10:10 p.lII. ATTEST: lIotion carried, 5-0 APPIIOVED: 'a' VIa. F" brier City Cler" /./ Donald A. Frolich Kayor, City of Cupert~ . ¡ CC-146 ¡ P&ge 3 ; I , . Changes to C;tcg"ricz! l.x~::?tions I