CC 03-19-73 , . ¡ . . ,-'. CØ'f œ CUPEJalx;), STATE OF CALil'ORNlA ..,'~ T01:re Avenue, Cuper~ino, California ,""1" ..-: 2S2-450S á~[I' i~:y lØ:, JWIUTES ~ THE 1IEGULAIl IIUoUAG OF THE CITY COUNCIL . ,,,.,~~ OR HAICI£ 19. 1973. IH TIlE COUNCIL ClW!BER, cm !fAIJ.... i'~;~; . : CUPER1'DlO r CALU'ORNIA " ..'~'.""".'.:/'." "~;' \i:::':;-~:<¡~,·> " :::': _u·-~~;· . . '. ; , ¡ , ~ .¡ <SIØD TO THE FLAG ..~. Frol1ch called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. with the ~_. to the Flag. ...", CALL C-Ci1men present: ~iImen a~se~t: Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolic None S1:aff present: City ~Anager Quinlan City Attorney Ad80S Director of Ad~inistrative Services Ryder Director of Planning anJ Develo?~ent Sis~ Director of Parks and Recreation Butler Acting Director of Publ ic ¡{orks Viscovich m;¡crES OF PR....c\:O¡;S ~ETINGS 1. Approval ~f ~inutes of adjourned regular ~eeting ~arch 12, 197 MaYed by Coun~:::-~~ Irwin, seconded by Council~an Jackson to aprrove the Minutes of ~arch 12, 1973, as written. t~tion carried, 5-0 . 2. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting March 5, 1973. Tbe ~yor had the following corrections: face 3, 6th par~raph, the minutes.should reflect that the letter In. XQED was in appreciation of Cu¡>ertino's ~bservance of KQED Veå. P-ae 13, 4th paragraph, the gentle-.>an's name is Ross Aiken rather ~ Kalph Aiken. CC-147 Page 1 Marc'1 12th ~inutes G:~=~ved as written . a:-147 _.2 i ~ ~ or TIŒ MA1Qt 19. 1973 em OOUNCIL HD:rIRG ,*,~;, - .$,' <.' 25."tÌa1rd froa tile lIòt_panaraph, delete the tam a vitia the "~IÆ:'~:~;'; ,to Wont 1I«Ibu. ot"'tW\Jéíard of Supervisors of tIWI. actioa ~',"I" ,. . bee taken." .....: ~\¡1I{iil!tth: "with a lettar to be seat ~ *;:,'.~~ ~1øard of Superviso1:. j!T~'tbeœ of this actionhaYiDl 1HreIi cakeD." '~~.' "~~.' fJÎlse 29. StIi paraanPh..<cltg~ worda "CbarUe Jiaer's saråae" 81Id .;J'\ ; ~1~. v1th: "CbarU";'~;'It~1t1ae1r...1th shopn. ~. ". :-'~'i'" - - . C'øaDc:1laaa Irvin noted ODJNiae 7. 4th paragraph. the DaIIIe of the water ..,.t_ is "Iea11Dn rather t1lØ "laanart". CGancil_ J~ckson notecl on pase 26, the ainute order regarding the Urban Serv:ce Area, the last seatence should be deleted and re;>laced v1.th the foUovïng: ''Tt¡e 1:OCIification included the addition of the Seven Sprin;s Ranch area and the Kaiser property as related to the _iating P:a:1t site, The Catholic Church property was included previously." ~rch 5 !f"'~". .çoproved <15 .:orrected Moved by c.~cilnan Ir~in, seconded by Ccuncilnan Jackson to approve the Minutes ~f ~~rch 5, 1973 as corrected. Motion carrip.d. 5-0 CO:=~fU~Ic..-\:: =S$ 3. Writte=. I~~e Direc::~ )f AJ~inistrative Services sta~ej there was a re1~e5t froM ~he Santa ::..1(..1 Valley Sc:ence Fa1r .\5soC:~.1ticn a3king that ~fé.rch 27 j~o 31 be =:~::nated as Science Fair ~ee~. I;" c:oved ~... .::,mcilman Jackson, seconded ò;: ':cuncil:~an lr·c:in. ~tion carried, 5-0 =c~ence Fair .... :<ar. 27-31 I.~.e balan". __ ~enda. the written cu_~nlc3tions ;¿rtained to ite~3 en t~e . Oral re were ~¿~u~sts from two persons in the audience to speak, both rtai"in~ :~ agenda ite: 47. re were ~ requests by Councilmen for r~~cval of ite~s fro~ tàe nsent ù:i'~j.J.r.. " '.....,..c::.;;,;:----l ...,......---- .~_..' p ~ ;f 10. .. ..4.. ÓI 'DIE !IØCII: 19. ~. "'£;. ;)':~^t:- ,~ -:~ J. ....,,_ 'W': .'~"" <¡ .. .. ,,~~,":"_o(~) ':'. 1973 CU7 ~u. namo ';>.::~":J! ;:c...- IL 1IIIISIIllA:~._ -;;':14. ,''eo' ," ....'. .'_".... " ,'.' _'_,J-,' '-.:}l-, .~ :1,.. ....,....,:.:;! . .. .,,r'" "'41·-':"" -;';;...:'¡ tf<"'-V'-_;~':.,.,i}:,'".,. »It~,- ".f"~'" ..;tA i'<(.·- ·.'.(i,··· ",,'" ..... '. ·~·;of·;·ÓI\\~¡·· ~.,~ Fn11d: Trq'í~,'i1~ Co-inlrm ""71. '. ~ - -. 'zjj 11.. ,?--'>'" " ~~<" ,-. .. ;1'\ '}: ...;, ";:;,<:~~,, IDt~ CouIIcll - IfD;XJí~ I.. Leap. 01 CalUomia Cidea _ ~. w.Ul be a aeetiD¡ March 22114. Leg1slaU_ lleviev CCX"Z1rttea - The C1~ Manager uie! the Committee voted co recOllllllend ";,!'osition to the Federal legislatic~ ;'~OpOBed for minf~ vage la~s ~: City government. A "-1~ and see" p:s:.tion was adopted as to ~~ public ~.¡"yee relations bill. The C1ty Manager $ò:¿ !:e opposes SB61, Vhich relates. to a ~e~uireœent tt~t a C1~ employee }e re~uired to speak the 1.aaguage, othe~ :11¿n Englist., of a K";~tial n=:e~ "f pCQple in the City. This bill \."::'~¿ exempt the State frea paying a port~"c ~f this cost, - The Cœaittee deci¿e¿ not to act upon the b1.U regardino; é::,"i~onmental con- t:col .....ned by t!:e :'tate rather than the ~icy ,,-'\tll a c",y of it is cade available t~, the ~""'¡'ers. -- Tb.r. ... BODe discussion of ACA16, vh1ck 18 a bill pr:pcsing a Constitv- tioDal -.......'!!nt 1: ..tich gaa and V.hf~1. tax funds cc,"~:f be transferred to _Ir_ental p~r;:~ses. These fuDda could be use.: t.. combat noiae poll1lC:IoD. Mayor :~~lich suUe.ted the us.. pollutio:. upeet should be IJldc.l CO noise e:.a::.ating frOlB the h y.. CC-147 ....3 Public employe relations bill Foreign language speak· ing city employees Env. control bill Noise pollution . ~ ..... , IIlsrES or THE JIUI:B 19, 1973 CITY ~L Mritmc <"~ . . . 6~ c-nUa ~: 7. CcnmcilmaD Jacbœ: 8. C:uncil~an ~eyers: 9" C.:uncilman S¡larks: ". Dna Abu. COOÑ1sIat1oo c-f..lon '. .;;. _ At the ~~et~, there vaa:. 8J)lit T1&hC ..~~.t dow .the.: ",. .o~;,tbe C9-f..1øI. ~ n¡ud',1;{'~t;;j . t!)bàl(~:~~;Ød:'the~"~ tn~~,~ lIe·dt~,.~,·~èa'ecI coilt. of ,the -~.A~;·~J tt..tMDc.-, "'i:~! :"':",$~~,~ ~, /,~~ît, ',',,-:~W . :,~)::~.~ }, Police ec-1tt_ - 10 ..et_. Msoc:iation of Bay Area Goverumeot8 - No meetina. Santa Clara County Water Conaission - No report. Urban Devo10paent " Open Space SubcOl!lllitteo of PPC - Several action programs were approved Airport Land Use Subcommittee of PPC -- The Co~ittee approved: a. Fess Parker Park b. County building c. Two industrial bui1ding~ Plannin~ Policy Co~ittee -- No report. lIil1side SubcOMmittee of pre -- There will be a meeting next week, Flood Control AdvIsory Co~ittee -- The C3pital lmprov~ents Cc~ittee arproved the flood control plan. Commission on AlcoholisQ -- A hu~ne drunk tank proKr~ will be initiated on April 12th, and the olf~nders will then be ~ent to Agnew Hospitai for a oinizum of 72 hour.. -- - - . . · r Hl1lJTES or TB! tWtCIl19...1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING l'LAlIIImG caIUSS101C 10. Sn-t.a1~~rtJÌWlatù of regular meeting of Karch 12. 1973. 11.1K-,,"~ø.oq to City Council to request Santa ~lara County ~'!o11C1'ca..ittee to establish aubcøaaittee on trails ed pát~~,..., The PllISID1na Ö#'ector reviewed the March 15, 1973 letter frO!!! the Vomen's Vorb!a6p for'lag1onal Paths and Trails, asking that the Cupertino City Council consider recOl:lllendinl!! to the PPC that a subcOlllittea on trail_ be fomed. Councilman Jackson felt that the creation of an action progr~ at the PPC level would be a good idea. Moved by C~unci1man Irvin, seconded by Councilman S,arks to recommend to the Planning Policy Committee that a subco~nittee on paths and trails be established and that technical infornation be obtained frDn the Tr8Í£ic Engineer. Motion carried, 5-0 12. Application 4-TM-73 of Vallco Park, Ltd., requestin~ a~?r~val of tentative parcel cap, enc~m?as~ing a~proxi=ately 8~ acrc~ to combine eight parcels into four ,arcels. Said proFerty i~ in a P (Planned Developaent with lig:'t industrial use intent) zone, adjacent and easterly of Wolfe Road bet~een Stevens Creek Blvd. and Free~ay Route 2bO and westerly of Tantau Avenue. RecoDCended for approval. Upon recomœendation of the Planning Director, it was ~oved by Councilman Irwin, seconded by Councllcan Jackson to cC'llbine the discusEions of applications 4-~-73 anå 2-li-73. Motion cArried, 5-0 13.' Application 2-0-73 of Vallco Park, Ltd., requesting Use Pe=1t to construct an indust~ia1 build.i"g of approximately 135,000 _q, ft. Said property contains 15.5 acres and is in a PD (Planned Development with Light In¿ustria1 use intent) zon . being located 720 feet easterly of ~~¡fe Ioð~, 500 feet west- erly of Calabaz.. Creek, and southerly of and adjacent to Freeway Jtøute 280. Reco!:llllended for ..pprov!Û. CC-147 Page 5 Trails ånd pathwaya Action proçra= at PPC le':e1 Paths & trails su¡'Co=r.titl~e of PPC recor.:men-tEd 4-'JM-73 ad 2-U-73 dis- cussions combined , ·01 .A: ;t mFoaal lIOC iepeadme upoD l'egloøa1 shop- pir.g cmeer _ 4--':;-73 apj>rOYed í1 :-'.-73 .,;>:"oved . .... ... H11IvrES or 1111 KAlal 1', 1'7~ CITY COUICIL HIErS . The Pl."...... JlUeccor ~ecapped the rwiev ae ehe p1......... c-....1OD lwelt IIOtiDI tJIa&;,1IotJa the Tencativa Hap aud U.. Pendc _. I'K -04_ " tJlac bod1.'f.Iì'!"'.i~"'" coIIIIitiou attac:heð to the &w~*.¡ relati.,e to the flooc1 ~;'of ('.a1·""ua Creek. .. .. :;,/;-;~!',;':: . CoImc:l:IMD InIGaiiIriid if the SO' ruerved will the In 1'I:Ie for ehe poa1ble 1I1dllldDå:iifh~ ·'280 or 1f it :Ie for a ~u road. The p1_f.Dlfeèi~;)i..U the ..tter of fr....' Vidlldllatiu1leeD . dUcuased recd1y{'Ídth the State, but a. ,et ehe ..tter t. __1.,ed. The Pl.....flll! DincCiOr a.enred Councillllan Me,.ra thee the wUm1Da would DOt delete 8ÌIT portion of Vallco Boulwud' a landec:a,iDa. Vallco Park General Hanager Valter Ward answered COUIICu.an Jackaon that this propo..l v1l1 auDd on its own, vithout any deeerainatlon on the location of the realonal shopping center. Moved by Councilman Irvin, seconded by Councilman Sparks co approve application 4-TM-73. AYES: ¡roES: Councilmen Irvin, Jackson, Mey..rs, Sparks, Mayor Fro11ch None Motion carried, 5-0 Mov~d ~y Councilttan Ir~in, seconded by Counciloan Jackson to approve applica:icn 2-U-73 in accordance \lith Planning COll".:llission R..solution Ko. ll~~. AYES: ¡roES , Councilmen Iroin, Jackson, ~~yers, Sparks, }~yor Frolich !:one Motion carried, 5-0 ARCHIUC¡UP.AL AND SITE APPROVAL CœlMIITEE 14, Suò~ission of Minutes of regular meeting of March 7, 1973. IS. Application ßC-Sl,075.13 of Vallco Park, Ltd., requesting approval of a oodification of site, architecture, and conceptual grading pl.a:1S in connection with the Hilton lIotel located at the southeast corner of Wolfe Road and Pruneridge Avenue. Recommended for a!>l'rova1. The Planning Director ran through the slides on the prcposal for the Bi te pI"" and eleva~lon8 of the 1111 ton Hotel. ..' . - l f: > MIllDTES OF THE KARCH 19, 1973 CITY COUNCIL ~ING ¡ 1Ir. Villi_ SVaDg, the architect for the project, answered ;Couøcflaan Jackscm in regard to the reflective glass possibly /1Mì1na a problea. said this was in reference to the glan co.,uing 'the atria aDd guest lobby. Mr. Bill Tagg, Vall co architect. said ',tIda glass is on the north aDd east Bides. The ghss is on a ~. aual. on the east side. There is very little possibility that tile sun will abine in IID}'body' s eyes, He said they will be going . bàck to H-COntrol &gab and will make sure this is no problem. It va. decided this will be . condition of approval. CounciL'IIan Jackson aslted the architect's opinion about utilizing the large roof of the restaurant and banquet h91l for a park, open space, etc. Hr. Swank said the project has t-een desi~ned with a very clean, low profile look and would prefer to keep the guests off the rbof for safety. If a protective fence ~ere added it ~oul add to the height of the building. He said there is a substantial amount of green area and open space nearby, and the pool area offe s recreation. }Ir. Swank said rooftop gardens have. not proven to be feasible, Mr. Swa~k answcred Councilcan Irwin that there t.rould be z~e structural problCQs ~ith the ~dded weight of a rooftop Rarden. Mr. Walter Ward, Vallco Park General Mana~er, said there are two open space areas, plus the lana:. He felt that a playground ~ould create noise. He said he has observed playground areas at other hotels and noted that they are rarely used. He said Val1co is presently talking about a recreation areas on the other side of the road. Moved by Councilman Irwin, seconded by Councilnan Meyers to approve application HC-51,075.13. The applicant shall provide evidence that there shall be no reflected glare from the glass on the building which would be detrimental,to traffic. AYES: NOES: Councilnen Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 16. Application HC-Sl,309.l of Mackay lIones, Division of Kaiser Aetna, requesting exception to the Sign Ordinance to allow a free-standing subdivisi~n sign for a tO'lI1hcuse development located adjacent to and westerly of McClellan Road approx. 250 feet westerly of the intersection of Byrne Avenue. CC-147 Page 7 Reflective glass to be nviro'8d by B-(;ontrol Rooftop garden discussion Structural probl c::c s due to added weiR",t I :~ ¡ Co=a:IÚ.~ . Cen:er . ,) ., , ~, .. .. KlNIITES OF mE KAICR 19. 1973 CITY COONCIL HEEtIHC . Hoved by Couoc:ilaaD ".Jus. _uded by Counc1~ InriD. to apJ'rove applic:ation HC-Sl.309.1. , lIDdon carried. S-o 17, Application øc,..Sl.28S.2 of Pettibone Signa (r8lll1lJ ø-es - Lytle) requesting approval of a sign plan for a coaaerc1al bulldina located at the _tbvest comer of Kirwin Lane 8II!i Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road. JI'"<:----d"!d for approval, Moved by Counci1l!lan IrVin. seconded by Councilman Sparks. to approve application HC-51.285.2. Motion carried, 5-0 PARKS A.'( ) RECREA1'IO~ CO~ISSION 18. ~o meeting scheduled. ¡,rATER CO)~~IISSION 19. ~'~~eting scheduled. LIB~\Rï CO~ISSIOS 23. So ~eeting sctcd~led. CUPERTISO CIT1Z~S GC.\!.S C~ITTEE 21. !õ., ",-eeting scheduled. CUPERTISO CITIZE:;S ':r.·~~lTTE" :-OR CAPiTAL r!PRJVE~S 22. ~o m~eting scher.uled. Mayor Frolich S~gC5ted that cocmittees having to do ~ith a Cu?ertin~ Coccmnit}· Center 1:0 "vcr to see Sunnyvale's C01lll!lunity Center. T:'" staff was in5tructed to r~la: this ~essage to tè.e Cap~tal Icpr:v~ent5 Com~ittee. < ...-.;-.-:-....-., ',., It ." . HIIII1rES OF TIlE ~.AICII 19, 1973 CITY COUNCIL IŒETI1IG CC-147 Pagr. 9 PUBLIC t:EA1WfGS 23, Appl1catiOD 2-2:-73 of Alnes p, Reade for prezoning approxi- mately .32' acre fr_ Santa Clara County Rl-10 (Residential. s1ngle-faaUy. 10.000 sq. ft. lot l'iinfJculll) aODe to City of Cupertino Rl~O (Residential, single-fadly. 10,000 8'1. ft. per dwelling unit) zone, Said property is located adjacent to and southerly of San Juan Road approxit:lSte1y 200 feet westerly of the intersection of San Juan Road. Recommended for approvel. The Planning Director was filed in res;>onse City's water utility. said this request for prezone and annexation to City pólicy relative to connection to the This is an existing, recorded lot. City ¡:>olic:" ~ wGter ser". ice t~yor Fro1ich asked !or co~ents from the audience. There were none. Moved by Collncil\'"~:: Sparks, seconded by CouncU,.,an Ir.in to close the Public Hearing. Public r.-::';;:,-::¡ clo!:eG. Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by CouncU""n S;,arks, seconded b)" CouncilMan Ir,.i"1 to ",,?rov 2-Z-73 application 2-Z-73. a??rove¿ AYES: NOES: Council",e:> Ir..in, Jackson, Heyers, Sparks, ~Ayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 (a) First Reading of Ordinance No. 593: "An Ordin~nce of the City of Cupertino A.,ending Section I of Ordinance ~o. 2 by Prezoning a Certain Portion of the County fr~ County Rl-10 (Residential Single-faaUy 10,000 sq. ft. lot nini-.u..,) Zone to City of CU?ertino Rl-I0 (Res,dential Sin~le-fanily 10.000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zone; Approxi~ately .32 Acre, Located Adjacent to and Southerly of San Juan !load A¡>proxi:::at y 200 Peet Westerly of the Intersection of San Jua.., Road." - read by the City Clerk. Moved by Counci~ Jackson, seconded by Councilman Meyers to have Ordinance No. 593 read by title only, and the City Clerk's read in¡ shall constitute the First Reading. Ord. 593 First R"...~ in' AYES: NOES: Counci1aen Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 . . . Ord. 576 enacted b'517 . fCOnd Rea¿~r.~ f r i".' . ~ ~':, . . IwIUJ:IIS or THE IWIaI 19. 1973 CIn COUNCIL Ilu;UIIG ORDIIWICES . " '24. Second Read1ll8';~;'~iD8Dce No. 575: CupertillO ,--;.wt'lilt'OtdiDance 220 and (R2) Zones.Þ:"f", :f -.; "An Ordinance of the City of Regulating Residential Duplez The second readill8 01 Ordinance No. 575 was continued to the next regular meeting. 25. Second ReadiDs of Ordinance No. 576: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino AceadiDg Ordinance No. 533 Regulating Stopping, Standing dr Parking on Public Streets, and Providing for Signs Notifyin~ the Public Thereof, and Further Providing for Penalties for Violation T"ereof." - read by the City Clerk. Moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to have Ordinance No. 576 read by title only and the Clerk's reading shall constitute the Second Reading. AYES: NOES: Coundloen Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, :1ayor ,Frolich None ~Iotian carried, 5··0 Moved by Coundl.r.1an Meyers, second"d by Councilman Irwin to enact Ordinance No. 576. AYES: NOES: Cuuncilmen Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Hayor Frulich None Motion carried, 5-0 26. Second Reading "f Ordinance No. 577: "An Ordillance of the City of Cupertino ...."1e:1ding Ordinance ~¡". 467 ~y t:,e Desi!(!1ation of Addit on..l Stop Intersections at Blaney Avenue and Merritt Drive. at A-.Ì1crc;t Drive and Colby Avenue, at A.~herst Drive and DenL;on Avenue &:1d at Plu." Tree Lane and Forest Avenue." -- read by the CHy Clerk. ~Ioved by Councilrun Spårks, seconded by Councilman J'lckson to have Ordina!1ce No. 577 read by "t itle onlr and the Clerk' < reading shall constitute the Second Reading. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Spark~ I }L-ì}~')r Fro! ich None Motion carried, 5-0 - " !UMn1:.S OF TIlE mcn 19, 1973 em COUNCIL ~ŒETl)¡G ..ed by Coune:.l!san .Sparks, aecoøded b:- Counciloan Meyers to enact ~4"""ce No. 577. .au:s : ..s: Council1lell Irvin, J..c1.-. Keyers, Sparks, Mayor rro11ch None ""tlAm carried; 5-0 27. Second Reading of Ordina:u:e 110. 578: "An Ordinance of tbe City Council of the City of Cupertino ~~ending Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of Ordinance 50. 389, ~~ich Relates to the Pro- cedure for Passage cf Ordinances and Res~lutions to Confo~ co State Law." - read by the City Clerk. Move.! by C,-,uncil=sn Jackson, "e=:>ded by Council::!an Ir:.;in to ~a·:" Or¿inance S~. 578 read by tit;e only and the Cler~'5 reading snail oc=."titute the 5e;:ond Readin!. ~LS, ,;œ:c. Counc:':"~:1 Irwin. Ja~L~:-.n.. ~eyers, Sparks, }!ayor Frol:"c~ ~on~ tloti= c.arr ied. 5-0 CC-147 Page 11 Ord. 577 enacted èrd. 578 Second Readin; :~:~~¿~c~ ~c. ~7S. ~.c.:~:' :'y C\.""'i.::;.::'2::-:..1n J;¡ckso=, ;e:::.-:'ed by Council::lan Ir~..-in t·') E::1a:: t Orè. 578 £'nacted A!"E~ : Jt:Æ= : Coun.:i:'=~:1 Irwin, Jac.~;:.n, ~eyerRJ Sra-::"ks, }1a:-or Frol:'c~ !;one MoCi=:> carried, 5-0 2!. Seccnd R~"!ing of Ordin.a"ce :;:. 579: . "An Ordinanc" of tr.<o City C"un;::: of the City cf C:1;>ertino A."ending Section .1. 5 of Ordinance x. 130, ;'~ich !!e:ates co Ohstruct :c.n" of Streets and Hit~h"'·.i::~. to Re£er tc t~e ~st Rcccnt Standard Si'eci:ic.a- tions Pr:-::ult3.ted by the 5:..te Division of High:,¡ays." - r:õd by the City Clerk. ~ed by Council~n Ir~in, secon~~ by Councilnan Jac~son to have OrdLn&nce So. 519 read by title c~Jy and the Cl~rk's reading shall COC£titute the Sac~nd Reading. ATIS: m£S: Cour.cil~en Irwin, JacLso~, Xe,ers, Sparks, ~myor Froli=h ~nne MotioD ::arried, 5-0 Q:d. 579 Sec<,nd R..adin¡¡: .:c-147 hg,. 12 Jrd. 519 mactec1 . :.,.j. 580 : !':Q:1d ......f.. . ~ 1. 580 -~.: ted _. 531 .' oo,,,,d RAaG.~ " " ES OF tIE !IAaCH 19. 1973 cm COUNCIL MEETING ell by C~ fban Irvin. IIeCIØDIIed by COUDcilman Jacuoø to _t DCe ~. 579. = r-n- Irvin. J.~-. Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Pro11c:h : 10M 'HøtiÐD carried, 5-0 29. SecODd JacliIIg of OrdiDalce Bo. 580: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertiœ AaendiDg Article 1 of Ordinance No.4, Which Relatea to the Replation of Restaar_u and Food Establis!u::eøt9 \/hose Activities are Reca1ated by State Lav." - read by the City Clerk. ~ed by Cou=cilaan ~eyers, seccDded by Coun~iloan Jackson to have Ordinance X. 5ÔO read by title only and the Clerk's readin~ shall cocstitute :=e Second ReadiDg. ~YEs: JlC1:S : Cou::i1Clen Irwin, Jack so:> , Meyers, Sparks, ~layor Frol ich N<>::.~ Y~t~n car.,.led, 5-0 ~ed by C:--=.,;:::=n ~!eyers, seco..ded by Ccu:1cil;:an In,in to enact C:~inance ~: & 5·30. A,ES: SQES: Cc:.:...:.: :._:",:,,""n Irwin. J':¡C~5=:1. }!eyers. S?:\r~<s) ~ta.ycr Frol icb s:::: ~~~~C~ carried, 5-0 )0. Secon.: ~~';'.:.l:1g of Ord:::'a..:1ce !;:).. 581: It)..n !)!'\l i :lance: of t:tc City of Cup~r:~.: ,A.-.ending Sectic:1 2 of Ordinan~e :;,. 485, ·,7hicr. Prcvi¿es th:tt do ":ë::if icate 0: !).e?:s:"t :":ay be U:-;,:,d as an I:::?rovr.-:.ent ~~~d. to C:~lo::ly Reference the Ap¡>l iea!:>l" St:lte La"." - rea·1 :,y the City ~:l':k.. ~'\:'ed by Cc..:.::.:.i.::nan Irio/in, iecoc.ded by Councii:-;Hl J:)ckson. t·:- ha'..-e OrdirAncp ~,. 531 read,by title only, and the Clcrk's readin¿ shall constitute :~~ Second Re~¿i=g. AYES: c.::~::'~'en Irwin, Jacitso:1, ~Ieycrs, Sp..1rk:; m£s : ~;O=:-! DSc:.,>'T: !'...,:: Frolich !(ocicn carried. 4-D -., ~' ... " . . JIIJIJ'lES or ':E ~,-,CH 19. 1973 CITY COUNCIL ¡:Err:XG 'aEs: lIES : ØSE!IT : )lowed by ~il::>an Irvin. .-e--'.... by Council""n Jackson to enac~ ,'oÞßnance Sa. 531. .. eo...:;'l:»D Irvin, .1....,,-.. J'.eyers, S¡>arks 1Ioœ ~r Frol1c:h IføcfÐD carried, 4-0 31. Secco: 1Hiing of OrdiøaDc:e 110. 582: ..A.... Ordinance of the City == ê:.::.<rtino A:leodi:IC Ordinance No. 351" "'ñich Relat2s to Re;:å:~"¿:1: of Trees in City Ril!hts ;>:' ~'d::, to Delete Sect":: :: :0:0. Said Ordina:>ce, -.ñich R~:eo> to Certain Ac.c.e?t able :e.¿> ~s Previ"usly Defined in 5.c~:.~; 7 and 8 of Ord,,==:. :::" 125, Nov KeFeal~." - rcad ,,;; rhc City Clerk. &ved by C:-";-:':::~..3n Jacksljn, secondeci by C'.:U:1'::'>'a.."l ~teyer$ to ha~:e Ordinance ~~:, :5.: :.-~ad by t~~le c:ù:: and the C ...:,~.:rs r~ading shAll c:< nstitucf c'. ;;,,:nd Readi::!!. AY~S: !".o:::: : ".::!õE~l : ~.o·:e:! by ~:, Ordönanc~ ;;; AYES: JiOES: ABSENT: C:.;;..-:..: _.:.. -."::1 Irwin, Jac£s~, ~e:.·ers, .~~,{ "':'--- ::-:lich s-¿:- "_ CC-147 Page 13 Ord. 581 eaactecl Qed. 582 :;'t,:cond ~c¡òi:) :J:~. 582 é:~:.ct(:: 32. See::-":' ~.=..-'.~;.:':g of OrG:'r...anc:.e So. 583: H;.":. ~'-:¿inance of t~.¿ Ci .'. of C:,~"::,-: "'...ending Ordi=nce :;,," 13, '~~'Ò Relates to Taxi:~:L ~~ C=ply v::.~;, StAte La;; Rela:::c" t;> Insur3nc(! Requ::':~¿.:::s." - read by ~he City Cler~a ~c::'cn carricd, .:. _ -:.1:':. Jacl:'50::, 5é.:"::':H~.cd by Cl"t.;:::: ::.3:1 ~tcyer5 to e~G::: - . -- r..:_-:__~,:! Irwin, );:0 , ~-::: ::"lich Jack~~, ~eyer~, ~l·.:!:- -.S HO=~cn carried, ~-J Jbved b)" c.:~::=a:1 Spar:-S, 5~C=ded by COu~c">,n Jackson to have Ordinancp ~" '.:3 rea:! by t~tle only and the C:e;k's reading sh~ll c=stitut' :::: >-!:;)nd Readi::s;. A"a:S: IIOES: ABSENT : ~~~~~_~¿n Irw1c, JacksoD. Meyers, S~~~~s S:-~ Y...:::~ :~"lich "'~~on carried, . , --<- O~J. 583 StC,::1d R"!é.dfn: . . OF THE ~ 19, 1973 CIn: COOBCIL HDTINC '. ;,'" C;ounc:n-s Sparks, sec0nde4 byColÍìlCilIIan Jack.soo to enact 110. 5l'3.'~ '-~:"~', " ":"",' '~,;' èound.1.... Irvin, JacksGO'. tret:ïr..Sparks ~:¡;,' '.- 1::, . ,-.. ' ': ':, lfa10r Frolic:b. £::.~::' " .", Kotwacarded. 4~ D;Seccmd Readiq of Ordinance Xo. 514: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertin.J. State of California. Adding Section 10 to Ordinance ... 167, ..,,:,,:, !elates to the Distribution of !land Bills and Advertising ~::er, .to Fix a penalty for the V;'olation of its Provisions. ~ - read by the City Clerk. JL....4 by Council-'- ~e:,"ers, seconded by Councilman Jac:t30n to have 0nI1JIaDce :¡o. 5:- :oad by title only a::d the Clerk' 5 rea.iing shall c_itute the ~,,::::d Reading. ." 534 .1.::ed A.."ES : ] ( I£; : A3S!:rr : Council~~ :=win, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks None }~y"r - - . ::~:_:''::l Motion carried. 4-0 1~-reC QY Coun:::-~~ ~~:ers, seconded by Councilman :~:~~~n to ~nact ~:~:xe ~c~ ;~-. Ar":.S : :IDE3 : USDrr : Counci:~~ :~~in, Jackson, Meye~3) Sr~rks None ~taycr ::: ~ :".::" ~'fotion carried, 4-0 34. Second Rc~:c::: :f Ordinance 1:0. 585: "An Ord :::.L,:ë co: t~e City gf Cuper:'~:. ::3.:e of California. ~ending ~::c::,::<" x~. 465, to Change t::e .:-::i-~=t='t!.Oi.\ with Respe.:t to a Par=.:.;:t'3 .:r GUdrdian's hSFonsi:,c:c: ,,,r a Child's Curfe-... "vio1atior. :ro" " Conclusive PresUJ:I!'t;:~ :: .1 Presu~ption.:· - r=d by tlöe C.ty C"rk. JJc::wed by Coun;,;:~::::-: :.tckson, secor..:led by Councilr:1.1!1 ~·'.~y¿r5 to have ar.iDaDce No.5" o:.1¿ by title only ar.d t~e Cler~', r,,¿ji~>. ,hall COGZ~1tute lho '::::i Reading. '.1.. S8S : .,:::><1 lead ing fiES : 1II.'"ES : ~DIT: Counc~::::.:-:-_ :~...i.n, Jackson, M.:!:I"CC5, Sparks None May~r :::::.:h Motion carried. 4-0 .^ ;.. . . ~ _...s o. = ~.A£Cl1 19" 1913 CITY COUNCIL MFJITlNG '\lÎ;~J'" by ,^-=cil:an ~ 11~#;,,_~:,""fttln(te 1b. 5&5. , :,::::T{, ~j,_~~.:~ Jf ;;£iø: ,1Ji·',"-i,___. "..... A~:'*:~. ,'"",,,,.,,,', '. -';. :,~5:'~~.~: ,.t'ê-" JacksGe. ~'. by Councilllan Meyers to eDaC (:. Cour.:~ Irvin, ''9('''~.' íiã,ers. S~arks No:><> Y.a:-r rroUcb .. , ,. }lotion carried, 4~ '. 35. Seconò ::~¿:i::g of OrdiDaDCe No. 586: "An O:dina:1ce of the City :f C~~rtino Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 447, Which R.~~:a:es the Issuance of Pennit~ t~ Sell Fire~orks to Defir.£ :::¿~:rks Pursuant t~ tbe Corroct Reference to State La",., ,. - :£~: by the City Clerk. ~..:1o·ed by C--_-.::.~n ~~.eyers, secO':lded by Ccu::..:~l:"!a'!1 Jackson t~ ha·...<:: Or~ilülr..c;:> ~-:. ::~: read by tit:e only and t~~ Cl~r~' s read ins s!".a: 1 C-:)C.stitut~ :'- ~ :7 è~cnd Readi..,g. AïI.S: Cç_=-.::.:-~:: lndn, Jac~c:;~n, ~feyers, ~-;.:!:-~:;. ~ES: Xc:, J..BSEST: . '": '.':: ::,'lich HDtí~ã carricJ, ~-0 CC-147 Page 15 Ord. 585 enacted Ord. 586 5("('J-_d '...·,Jin.. M-::,.ed by i:: _ -.: _:'~1n ~:eyers, secc:-Ided by C~~1::.:il:-~:;.n Jacb:;on to ~:1::jct. On~. 5""(, Ordinance ::: _.... cnactt:'~i AYf;:;: !Ð:_C:: A3,:E~" : C:..-_'::'_"::è:'1 lrwios J"ac£:ont ~!eyerSt ~:;drk$ X. :., " : :~~lich ~tion carrièd. ~-o 36. Seec~." '-¿ "~:n~ of Ordinance So. 587: "An C':.!inance of the City :: :-..:;~rtino Aaendin~ S~ction 2.1 ~i (Ird:'nancc No.214(a) !.'hie.. >..:;,,:...tcs Excavatio"" Grading an.! Retaining ¡'!alls, to Make :¿.=,:...: Reference t" the Zoninr. Oed inance." - read by :he (: :'. '::è:"k. Jbveå by C ::..::c: :...1n Ja<:kson, seconded by CNJ::cilr:¡an S!,'lrks to ha",' Ordlnanc~ :~~. ~:.. rc~d by title '):11y and t:-.e Cl.:rI~'s r(,D.din~ sh~11 ccøstitu:, ::.; ;ò:.>nd Reading. AYES: .0£5: c.:'~_.:: .:.tè:t Irwios Jackson, Meyers. 5'p3.rks. ~a)'or .Frolich ,,:::~ Motion carried. ~-O Orri. :J~l7 Sccc:-.d ":,..·..d ;r..> ,- :-~..7 'Ip 16 ~~. 587 ,,~et f f , <39 .:; :l.eadl~ I :,3 . . .. - 53) :.:: !t('.\"~~ . . '., CoÏmci!ma Jackson. "'"'~ "'II). 517. ':;¡.~{ . ~ . . . . ,~~, -, *-:' .-.' ~- ,",> . .' OF 'r.Œ !WI:3 19, 1973 CØY COURCIL HJ!ETl!IG r_f' JIoIIe ìt- ¡o..;, by Councl1Dan Irvin to _e ;;~;lr. . Irv1n. J.¿~'; ...,er8, Sparks, Mayor Frol1cb --!! ',~ ,~,"~:\./, - i-' . Motf~{Cà-rierJ. 5-0 . . ~. Second I.....!'"S ;:of OrdilUlDCe So. 588: "An OrdinancE! of the City of Cuput~ .>.cending SectJaD 13.5 of Ordinance )10. 47 (Revised) Provldin¡ h~ the Collect:IøD of Storm Drainagl! Fees in Connection with SU~:~:$:~ns, to Correctly Delete Reference to Ordinance ID. 50." - ~.~j by the City Clerk. !L....,ed by Co~"::'J...~ )t..yers, secøaded b)' COllnci1",an Ir:dn to have ~ci~ce 5>. ;""; ~.aj by title only and the Cle~;"s rpading shall I c:=srlrute th. :~,:::o! Reading. I AYES : ¡__E3 : ; ! !"...:". ~~ b:,¡ Cou .:':- _ " :'" i ~ i::-¿:~ncc S.:. -. -. ¡I'K:E~: JõO:-:. Coun~~~=t~ :r~!n. Jackson. ~4~ers, Spdrks, ~~:~r Frclich Non.. Motion carried, 5-0 ~~~··erSt 5~Dd~ ù>" Counc::-..ì.:1 i!":~n to enact Ccu:,,:.::. _ -" '. ... :'::1\ t Jackson. ~:..e~:ers, Sane ".:\..,,:" Fr":Jl :ch :-:--;ar~~ , Moticm carr:ed, 5-0 33. Second ;'t_H::; :-t ''"!rdlnaoce !Co. 589: "An ·':"'~~~_~-.ce or the C-:'L:." of Cupe:-:-.-: I.--:;~~!ing Sec~iou~ 1 end 7 ,,-,f l':.·;:'r.a.:~.:e ~¡..J. 39, "·:h::'ch Provides : -~ :-,~ Liccns1~I, 3"c:~::1~ anrl !\.t:-··':--1L..."n ct A:.;.cti:.ncers, t.::J Corr~.: - -:':' -->:-~:1':CS to Local ¿nd StatC' !.. ~·'3." - rC3j by C:ty Clerk. !b-,,;'~ by CcU::'=_:""---J:':. ,Jacò<son. sec'.)nded by COÿ:-t.:::-J:' !:"~.:in to have 0!'~.-2nce No. :~:. :';;".ld by title .:::cly and the C::::~::';":; r~adlnZ' shall c:oe..stoitute t:-.t ; '" ::d ReaJlng. AY"z.3 : m£"'. Coun.::.::.¿:": !:-",¡inJ Jackso:a. Y.eyer.:J, S~a:-~'5J ~L.1.y·.:r FrollcB None ~!otlc:a carr ied, 5-0 . w '" -;~ .'~:'-"'< <~' ~, ;'j'"' . OF Tl!f :.UCi 19, 1973 CITJ ~IL MJ::£T:~::; .&:0 CC-147 I'age 17 _ ~~ by CouncDca:1 Meyers to __ Ord. 589 I.'llacted Couucil_ Irvill. .1...."9-. !!eyers, Sp3rks, Major Frol1c:h Kolle . Kot1oø carr1e4. ~ .':It. Secolld Ru!~ of Ord11".aDCe So. 590: "An Ori::1ance of the City of Ct:?ttti:ao Artenclln& SecUOIIS 12 ß:1G 13 ~¡ Ordinance 110. 413. ·,·"iÒ ?rovides for ::_ A:>ate:1\cnt ô:..! 1:",,0'la1 of P!Jb1ic: Nuis.r.~es of Abaodo:ei, Wrecked, Di.".':1tled or lnoi'~a t1ve Vehi::~.. to Delete t.'>! F== of N"tic>. ê:1j to D~lete Reference" ~~ the County." - read b)' the C:~:·· Clerk. ...~ by C~u,,:i:-_t:: !r'lin, secoxed ¡'y Council::.::: J."ckson to ¡';;.ve Ord. 590 Or~nce ~. :-: ~.,;.¡.: JY title :::.l: and t:~e C_í":;;'":õ reading ~:-¡all Second Rea¿:'~. ~t~tute t~e ',,:0: Reading. ~: mI:S : Coun~:._-::-. :,:",.,,10, Jac.::'.?-:,~. :~ers. 5:3:-.-:'':'. ~~a\"cr Frolic~ None Motion ca~ i~. 5··0 ~e::! b)" C:ar..:::::._:: :::'1Jin, secc-='¿¿ ~i C0'..J11ci'i"_:.;:: ~~C':er5 to ena.c:, ~¿i==Ice ~". :':. ~: K)£5 : COUr.~L;:'L: :rwln. Jac:ks=. ~e:ers. S?.?-:~3 ~~¿y('r Frolich None Motion carrie!, 5-0 4:1. Second !l.e~~:::.,: af Ordinance ~=. 591: "A:. .':-:'-_""n::" "i the City ci (\;:;--':::::1.0 A':Iending ::e::ti:)n~ 1.1 .1":' ~.: of Ordin2:.ce 50. 47(3'. ~::1~ the lIills:.!.. :>u:,:livhic, C'::':"3nce, to C::n- forn to t~< ?~:v¡slons of Or~i~ncê No. ,- (Rev, sed) , the Subd1visi.:: ::~inance of the City of l.:u;Jert '''''.'' - read hy th.· Cit)' c:<""~. ~_.. by Cou:1::i:~:: Lrwin, seconded by Counci1~a" J,::kson to ha~e _.~. N". ~:: :~.1~ by title cal,. and the Cl",;"~ r"ading silt1 -.:1tute the ;-,.,:-.j Reading. ßZS: -: Counc i:"=.:::. :rvin. JacJr..s~. !leye:-s. Spark.~. \!.t..~·or FrOAoil'.h None Motion cærr..ad, 5-0 O,,"d. 590 e:1fictcd Ord. 591 Second Read 1:: . , " .... IlIJllTES OF TRE HAIOI19, 1973 an COUNCIL mrIlCG .. IIøved by Cmmc1X- II\'I1D. seconded by COlllldlaall .)acUoII to eaac:: Ordinanc. No. 591. AtBS : lOBS: eoundø. IrvtD. Jac:ksoII. l18Jers. Sparks. IIaJor Frolicb Nolle KoCian carded. 5-Ð 41. Secoød ladiaa of Ordlnaøc. 10. 592: "An OrdilWlC. of th. City of CuperCiøo k:eø4ins Secttcllt 2 aød 3 of Ordillallc. Ifo. 166, I.'hlcb Regulat.s tbe Us. of Explosives, to ConfoB to tb. Correct State Law." - r.... by the City Clerk. """ed by Councilman Jackson, seconded by touncllo,an Meyers to have Ordinance No. 592 read' by title only and the Clerk's r.adin~ shall constitute the Second Reading. AYES: NOES: CounciL~en Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Spark3, Mayor Frolich :tone ~téco carrleJ, 5-0 MoveJ by Councilman J3cksc:l, seconded by Ccuncil~a.~ ~eyers. to enact Ordinan~e ~o. 592. AYES: NOES: C~uncilcen Irwin. J :lr:kson. Me¡era, Srar';t... 'tal":: Fcol ich oone Mot!.on carried, ~-O RESOLL-r IONS 42. No. 3424: "A Res"lu~¡"n of tho cay Council of the Cit)' of Cupertino Allovin ll C..rtain Cl..i:os "nd D",..,an~~ Payable in the ~~eunts and from the Funrl.. as ¡le,cÏl\after f)'~cri!)ed for ~:alaries and ¡':ages for the Pa;:roll P,'rio,¡ I~ding 1fa~ch 6, 19]3." -- Read by Mayor Frolich. Hoved by Councilcan Meyers, seconded b¡ ~)unc11~an Irwin to adopt Resolution No. 3424, varrants DO. 17129 through 17241, with a net total of $23,718.74. AYES: NOES: Counciloen l~in. Jackson, ~eyers, Spark3, ~a)'or Frolich None Mbt"on carried, 5-0 . , ~ r HlIlUTES OF THE t'.ARCR 19, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 43. No. 3425: "A Resol"·;ion of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing CectaiD Claima and Demands payable in th.. AaouDta aDd from the l'ullda as Hereinafter Described for GNeral aM Miscellaneous Expenditures. Per:Lod Willi Harch 19. 1973." - lead by MaJor Frol1ch. . . Ifovedby Counc:U.man Irvin. secODdt;d by CouncillUD Jackson to adopt "solution No. 3425, warrants no. 13675 through 13784. with a tot of $71.739.76. AYES: NOES : CIIuncilmen Irvin, Jackson, Meyers. Sparks, Hayor FroUch None Kotion carried, 5-0 44, No. 3427: "A Resolution of the City Council of tbe City of Cupertino Granting a Public Utilities Easeoent to the Pacific Gas aod Electric Ccmpany; Located on Tantau Avenue approxi- mately 700 Feet South of Pruneridge A-.renue." -- read by the Kayor. Koved by Councilman ~eyers, seconded by Counciloan Irwin to adopt Resolution No. 3427. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Ir~in, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, .~yor Frolich None Motion carried, 5-0 45. No. 3428: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Declaring Its Intention to Order Vacation of a Portion of Alves Drive Located on the North Side of Alves Drive Between Proposed Bandley Drive and Saratoga-Suonyvale Road as Provided in Section 8320 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, Fixing Tine and Place for Public Hearing and Providing for ~otice Thereof." - read by the Mayor. Mo~ed by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Irvin to adopt Resolution No. 3428. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-147 Paße 19 Res. 3425 adopted Res. 3427 adopte:! Res. 3428 adopted . ..(; .". ;.~<.., if, ~: ~'/ lID prob~ co Mee ,r.,dI 1Ior... 111 mat "8" . OIi'ject~ :::> us. r~_ed . .... ~ MIlIUTES OF THE HAKCØ. 19. 1913 CIn COUNCn. HEE'fIBG . . 46. 110. 9%5.36: . -A ___1.øUoo of the City Couaci1 of the City of Cupextino of ~_.~- CD Make CbaD¡es aDd IIo4U1.cStiODll. Valleo puk. ... -. District Project AD 64-1..· - read by Mayor lro11ck. Jfoved by c_u- Iadà. sec:ODded 111 Coatu:1œø ,.~1r_ to adopt le801utiOD Ro. 925.36. . Hotion carri_. s-o UIIFIlIISHED BUSIDSS 47. Referral of app1.1.cacioas fTot'I the County Pl_~ Departnent. The Planning Director espla1Ded that County a?p11.catiCns 6SP73.1, 6SP73.2 aDd 6SP73.3 are e~itiona1 use pemits to allo~ horses 00 residentially zoned J..Dð leu than 40,000 sq. ft. 1n area. CUl'nty zoning regulations persJt tvo ~orses on propcrty of 30,000 sq. ft. or greater, subject to coaditional use permit a??r~~al. Thg property owners involved in these applications presently ~~Ye h~r5es on their properties. To date, :be City has n"t experienced a:1Y nuisance probls-...s ~ith respect to horses ~ that area. Attorn~y s~ Andersen. 14457 Big Sasin Way, Sarato~~, re?resenting Mr. Louis Stocklc:ei:. ~~~ o~~s property adjoioin; th~se of applications 65P7J.2 and 6SP73.3, ;resented photo~raphs sho~in~ :.~V the horses che~ the ~ark off the trees and tr&~pl~ do',~ the ~ra~s ~ oo~l so that it cann~c be rototilled. ~. Anderson said the z~n~~~ ~n this neighòurhood is 7,500 sq. ft., ani cited City ordinance" thac sta~e hQrses are pe~:tted on lots :f a~ least one acre in size. ~e said there arc no ridi"" arcas in tŽ1e ¿i=~rict. lie asked the City C=ncil to set forth the li=itation of our :rdinanccs. !Iorsu r-e.se:tly The :'Iannins Director =s-..ered CouncU"an Ir"in c'.at there are presently 011 t:..e :..c~s :'__0 :t~rses un each c: ~e three l<1ts. Pros &:4 :=_ of tne 2Y%ter Tbe l1:2itatio:1 011 use ~t .._..~- Council=an ~~yers sa~ be recognized the fact that horEes do cause so~e d~~~e; however~ ~hiA ~5 a country-type area, and th~r~ have heen no cor.plaints fr~ th~s 1r~. This is a nonconfor~i~g ~:e, and it hd< been tb~re for scae tL~. Council~n Jackson sa~ he vould be in favor of r:ðCin~ some kind of ti::e limitation 011 tJ::.e a¡>proval. ~ _. ..~...-.....-..- .._, au.u.¡a OF TIlE ~ 1973 cm COUNCIL MEETING_ a_ ~l1eh felt that s1Dc:. ~ Coaœy and city linea abut ODe . ""* in that area, we callDOt apect the COlIDty to live up to ¡¡.,~~~~~~.;requ1rØllentø. .. ",h~~i::~·'··-;k;~":~',·" < -:.:' .~:: "':Cö.ûDc:11IIaD Heyen,· TV"" b)r.CouDCUun JJ:V1D. to 80 .':~. ...::~'the ColIDty ae _t.'U:..~Z,f.. the abov.....ntioaed .. .' ... recop1&i1ll tbatÜl!ilJ'iìua DODCcmforaiD8 _e. _~;t.:_:;'~>_/' :~_:~f - -,:', - - _ .:\";< _ ~'7;' '''~~ ,{ J.>,'~;;;. o::¥'t:"\if:.,, _ - :l~i~¿"~:~- ;.:/:' .':elHDded by CouIIc1J..a,~b. aeconded by COUDCn.D 'to J:8C~ a ravi_ ,of t:1Ma abova 81111tiooed ua. pena1U .4I:Ioìt"~~ of three years. . .;'~" Amtmt--. cØried. 5-0 HotioD carried. 4-1 MaJOr Fro11cb voted NO n. Plam11D& Director said COUDty application 4S73.6 ia for con- ~l approval of a preliDioary 1acd division map dividing _rr__.1Dately 22 acres on Montebe1lo ao"d approximately three aß._ _st of Stevens Canyon ~ad. into four parce~8, Since the l'-~.-..Ly is zone "A" "exclusive aar1eulture", the provisions of eM !:Iterilll zone do not apply. Tbe staff feels that this appl1- cat1øD for prel~inary approval is premature, and that the applicant abcald ~~it for consideration of the PPC's uork and for the County's aofco;"tiO:2 of a sll.'pe/density ord1.ßaDce, due within the next fev 1 ;c.. ~¿ by Councilnan Jackson, ..eco....ed by Councilman Irwin to ~5. County application 4S73.6. A~: .aES: Councilmen Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, twyor Frolicb None Motion carried. 5-0 ~ Placnina Director explain~ that County ~pplication 4Z73.1 is a rec;.:esc to rezon~ approxh.ately 21.32 in tho lIontebello Ridge area froa County "A" "exclusive aariculture" to 1.1-200, for the purpose of reducing the ten-acre ..h"¡",.... lot size. The staff feels ~ application is premature. The applicant should wait Cot :he ~ion of the sloF~/density ordinance. . !fr. Clark Bartko\.'Ski, 15651 Montebello Road, Cupertino, said he is ~ ØRDer of the 22 aeres on Kantebello Road, having recently ~ lots A and C. He Iivea on lot B. He raises horses and a" . e.. He has the problem vbere people dump old cars, etc., up _ 1d.s property. He would like to plant some trees and create 5- acre lots up frol:l parcel A. Three haz3:ods up there are earthquakes, fl '., aDd fires. CC-147 Page 21 JIot oppoHlltc ...8 perait. . ...iev after 3 yeare 4573.6 opposed Applicatiun 15 preJtBture Applicant's statements . . 'I or TIll JfAICII 19. 1973 ern COUNCIL MEETIlIG løan Sparb apl..-:"r dlat he had no specific objectiOD& to the :'rPC =:p~t:J.1F~t=r.should not take place up there until -" _ ''' _"i;;.}<'_,:,::" ~'-<':';: - " by Coaac111um11Í~'v. ~edby Counc1llUD Icv1ø. vent on II .. o,poablS- .,.Jt ~t"'ll-4,Z73.1 unless the ppc. iD its guidelines, iller thi.s to be tIIoIJ,....'... of the property. CouDcn- India. .ladtsoD, Mayers, Sparks, XaJur Prolich : 110_ 1IoC1oD carried, 5-0 The P1.&:min¡ Dinctor aut..:t that application 6A73.1 before the County Architectural aad Site Control ~~ittee involves a req~e3t t~ utilize the abandoned Shell sar¡ice statton at Tantau A,en~e end St~Ven3 Creek Blvd. a5 . ~dio and Accesscry Sales Stor~. The staff felt that the plans subœitted are totally inadequate in terms of ~ro~~e1 b~ildin~ wcdifications 3ßd la~isca?1ng. 'bved b; C:luncilr'.an Ir-..r'-=>, feco:1ded b~· Counc il,.,an J~.:~;"~' to r"c?"'~en.1 Co the C~t.:nty denial cf t=..ei:" ap,licat ::)1\ (:,\73.1 u-:1 ~;~ t~;'ó!~e ~::; a c~~?let~ ~n¿ ~j~r U?~ra:~5 of the pro?crty. It:j :ur~~er relt that ~~e pr~?¿:ty is to~ ~111 :cr the proÿ1sèd use. A~·' . :....an~ilÞl.en [r.i~, Ja.:k::on. Meyer;', sµ:;.rks, :·~·<.T:r :r;i i-:h ~.CE5 : :;':'~e ~~cion c~rrLed, 5-0 4-9 ~ D':3.:ussio¡,\ of en\.~ir=:¡::.e.,tal i~pact pr·2ccc.lllr~.,. B&:~;~.::'..1n¿ =.a:" ·l,Tba PL~::n:cr£. Director ~L~¿ :cr addi'_tio~·..,l çrcp;¡~at:'-:':1 ti-.€.. ,- tating he .t:».Ct;"''::''..::'~i.1II!= "-O\,dd be reð.dy to go" t:-.:=·,;~:-. t:,c rev ie'\" t'r:"'ces3 ;:.: t~.~ :~a:.:~ 27th ~l~~tin~.. \:811 :'n aJiT1..:l:'.e C=t,;.~ci.l-:.l:'. ~:e)'er9 a5ke¿ :'~-..2.: '=ac~gr,-~ut1d ':¡;.t.tcr ial :e ~c~:"'_t :ut to the of ~~~t:~; C~~~cil~~~ well in a~~~c~ ~: :he revie~ ~ècting. $["-: ¡¡US IXESS 49. AuL:::rity to rile ':ð"_.i.e. ~f action ilG,ai.!1st La::--:-:" D~·:;;.å =·LD'ln:!.c.l for ~~age ~nfle~te¿ ~f his vehicle to a t~af:i~ ~i~~al on Ja:;.ua~~. 31. 1973 at :'~::1:'crsect~ù,\~~£" St~·:~~..; C::'e.e.~: 3:~,d. a;td }~3¡-:' A....enue.. So:;) novc¿ by Connel lo.a:l ~¿::è::-'; ~ 5cconrlc-d 11y Cl)u"'(',:U ":".;.:..-~ ir-.:!!\. :-:.:: :~n c¿l:r ipd, 5-C ·...,. , ',: . ' " HI) \JTES 01' T&E 1WIQI19. 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING '~:}£ ,," --~.;. :¡');!;'.~. Bequest .~~~!~~tiOD for adjustuent in ~ .~ule. !fiôved by Co <,," .(1~. 'seconded by Councllm~)fi.1.êr.'~ ..sopt ';....olutlonWeJ ¡....-.:Ied March 12, 1973. . ;/~. ~,t?~_' .', ' "~~': c" ~:\{:,:: ' -,' ",; ,~,'~ ,,~;:!:::,~';>' ti"mS: eoUnC: .Jackson. Heyers. Sparu. HaJor rrolich 1IOES: Hon.< ~ ,,;, c;,,",,_.::: ~(. .~" "~;- Horion carried, 5-0 CONSENT CALENDAII. 51. The Northwest YMCA requests an authorizati?~ for the sellin, of.peanuts aod ?OPC~rn fro:n April 7.to Augu&t 31, 1973. 52. Resclution No. 3426: "A. Resolution fc the Cit~ Cou:>cil of the City of Cup.rti~o Authoriz;~~ Execution of An Agrc~2n~ ~ith V. Lee Yarborough &~d Carol ïarhor~u~h :n Con~ecti=~ with a Parcel Y.a.p, L=,catz.d on Rc~·.nart RC'ad; A':\d Acth,:,.r:!..zini( the City Engineer t~ S:gn t~e Final '~:,." 53. Resolution No. 3429: "A Resoluticn of the C:ty Council of t!, City cf Cupertino A?provin~ the Fjn~~ ~.~fi of Tract ~'.fi 5284 5285,5286, and 5257, Oak Me"do~s Cnits 5, 6, 7, &~ &; Lo~ated on the Southerly S~de c: Stevens Greek ~l',,~. ~··e.:::t:'1,:"ly of Fl'othill Blvd.; Deve~oper, Deanc and Dez"e, Inc.; \cce;>t:n Certain Public Service r.as""-Ients; Auth:riz:n¡:: the C~t:: ["'"n- eer and the City Clerk to 3isn t:'e Fénal ~~~p~; and Aath,r;z!n the Agre....ent in Ccnr.e=tion Thereo:Üh." 54. Resolution No. 3430: ,oA Resolution of the Ci~y Cou~cil of the City of Cupertino :'altin t It. Order Describin;¡ the ¡;,'u:;- daries Designated as 'D'A."ico 72-&.\', to bc Annexed to the City and Orderin¡ Ar.:1exations to the CHy ,::thout PublIc Hearing as Provided ~y 1.a·..... MoveJ by Counci~n Irvin, seconded by Council~n Sparks to adopt tb" Consent Cal~udar. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-147 Page 23 I I Consent Calendar adopted ~ ¡ 1 I ~ ¡ j '1 1 ¡ I . . . OF UK 11A1a119. 1973.ctn COUNCIL I1EETING ,.'. , . Of mIcas . _~X Ctt7 Staff<:';'!::¡¿"~' ~:, ',_ '\":;,::' ,;t:',r: ,__:, ;~~';'~~:":>:'~ n .' ~~'~f~ .¡¡1t~á:or of· '~ce, it.allOYed by ba lrW1D'¡IIÎk'D itMI tifCCÔÜAc11man Jackson tø aVarð a tiJ:le sit 0( $150.000 for dairit¡cJ&YS at 6-1/2% to Crocker BaDk. . ,',_~~~·r·'· o.A~U__ 1ariD. J';"'¡;:"-. Meyers, Sparks, Hayer lroUch IIøae . . t,' e . ,,",t1csa carried, 5-0 ?nonøe1 .. ..tin! he Dir~=:=: of A!o1Dlsrratlye Services reco~~ended this ::eeting, When djournc-':. to be adJO'..rnec! to 7:00 P.~. on ~la.rch 22, 1973, for the erscn:1e: 1:ard meet1ø¡;. S.H..\.R.!. antra::c:. \56. C.:, :~~Rcil.en Cüunc::-.:.:: '~~y~r3 a~ked a.~ou:: the e:¡ue_~lri.:1:: lue of the H:::-;je ~anch ,I';n ~C?~:':-:-;.j. The Direc::.::r :~ ¡ark.;; ..1:nJ. :i\.ec':'.:!.l:.i.on sa~d t?:~re ha:-; !Jeen It.;" - - .' -" ..:: far L r -o'.;c:' activ ity. IC""".J:1(::-.::- ':,":.ers a5k~ :~e 'Traffic En,..:ncer to c!1Cck en t~.c. ::o::;¡,;L;.):"l:-ty I:.r :r.;.:~.: ·~..1;':d.rd CM.1S~¿ ::_ t.he entran~e tJ t:-,..:! IIS.H.A.R.E.'t de·.~ct0~::::l·nt ''':':1 :-tl.:\t"':"'.~ '::'e~1t Blvd. C'JUr.,\.'::-- :.l':~3CI1 5u't~e:;:e:;! ?uttin<õ;. th..... C.:u;':.~d.'"'len':i cO-::'".i~t~e rep:.Jrts tJ"'-i::: :'; ~:,:J of r:te a.:f::-~:a t'ather tha:':. a:: t:L' IH?·;ina:..n-.:J':. ~·~ay'.)r F:.:.,lich li~:t :::' : .'"":.:,, ëro':Jlr. ...t~ :bdt ·..·oulJ ~e :::~a:: '~lt;l the la:'·~ ~.eetín~3 Itht!r.... _..:_:: ~ct the te:!~.mr:y t.o gloq:ò over :~...':::- re?crl::.. ·...:~~re::l3 .tn the ~d;~ ~: ~~=:iC3tioQs. eve:'j e!f~rt 1s ~32~ tc ~lve each cne t1eir .full....;.: ~:::::':t~Ctn t\) d~:a:'¡.. i'olice 50 Fir. Distric::. ~e;>5. t-' To'.-: &aU ~eet!.:lIS C.:un..::~~--.i-'. .!.J.~kson Cu.......t::.t~ that thlJ P\~t:c~ ~l·I'.ly Rep-:-rt ,'<J.':' 'f.!.ry ""ell docu.-:~:':.:,':'. t:.a requested . re,res~ntJ,t':'\'1? ct the Sheri ft' 5- Departr:cnt be ~n ð:.;~:da:-:'cc at t:-..e r.¿x= TO\t'"D h.1il ':~ctir·.!~1 and a re?:-e~2ntativc of the C~:.::-.,¡:. ~lrp a1ist.rict be invited lCl a. si.:111ar nce.tin¡; ~n the íutnre. Council~ ~ Jackson 1nt-roduci!d a res Jtuti~n '.\·h~C:l perr!!it5 rain in the city l::'::c:". , l l . . '/1, Ii ! : J :t ¡ì if '! ~ ! r wr ....ntS OF Œ 11UC1119. 1973 em COONCIL ~EtIJG ',. . '^' p. Iec:opIC!aD by HaJO&Í o.~in ..... iCeDS. ':~-,',' ',", . }"~~!::';.',-;,:;~-,-}~ '. '-: ' ....:tichU1l CldUn...,·~ o... C.,..~.uked tile COIIIWft."f- of ~~~~ty ~n r.~nltg.,r~",~~CClt of atom dl'.'on !IÞ, '~m'. £11" UI1ts"i!i~~ Md. rOOD to Ids ,cuøc...... .., ;"".ai~ 1c is Wl!ornaa~i'" '.~,...t:t ....s œt eda1øa11J' -.bJ.ce . CD'. SuWl.d.doD Act,.,.i~~'" > . . ..,. .'. . ..... '. . ·r·:f¡.:.:~r',;: '. "'.C1t1~ft ..14 tWe!sa lqa1 question here. This :acter 111111 be paC _ c!se AprU·Z. 1t~ ageda. aJoua.~ur !!ooréd by Coaa.:lba:t Jacksoa. seconded by Counclltlan Meyers co adjourn the ~eti~g at 10:30 P.~.. to 7 P.~. on March 22, 1973. ~t1on carded, 5-0 APPROVED: /./ Donald A. Frollch Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /./ WaI, E. Ner CUy Clerk CC-I47 fa,. 25 andress ~c ;0.11 Oft 4/21 as.... Adjourned to !farc!! 22nd