CC 03-22-73 , 'Í'." e -. - OF w.-uuJl,). S'fA%B OF.c:&I1'OÌ\!I1A j. " Torre A_. ~.UJiIID. Ce1ifomia _: 252-4505.:r·~-' ~ ' 3.<. ..... :,},'~Vix':,:(:;J¡... " ~;::,JlUv.uo:a. or TIII·~~~-,~I;.-ö(Jß"JOna HEE"lIHG ;OF 1BI em couf~t_-1'EIS0Ht.'EL IOAID 1ŒLD or ~2m~'nrø mBC01IfClL œmn, ClT'II!AtL~~~.~. CALImRIIIA . !;.:"/" ~t>~,E~: {'í!5''''or pre tuçore Irvin ea11ed the meeting to order at 7:05 p... i .u. tAU CouDc1IJ:!<!:: ~ ~.sznt : CoaDc:l1~ ~.;mt: IzviD. ~ers, Sparks Jacka_, ~..ayor Frol1ch Personnel !-:.d :-:eltben presear: Peraonne: ::...:: Y.embers absent: Gucngerich, Thares Serafini I I I The Dire~::: :: Administrat~~ Services stated that one of =he I . requests :: :::. Employees .\5sociation Wad :~r '" change in the I relmurse""",: :~~ mileage. ae explained tha: the Addendu::zs Co I the }~=n::=-:o c: Undenc8Dd.ing for the Pu!>l~<:: works Unit and die :-lisce: - '~~·JUS Employees thit set forth to"e proposed :x>dif:!.- ! cations t: :::'e City's llileage rebbursenent ?olic)·. E::ployees wo use ~~e:.~ ,U3oOUal a_oacbiles for City business shall na.l· I' 1»e reid>u~s....': ::-.-elve cents per 1Ii1·e instead 0: ten cenCs, r.'\e previous. ra:e_ Eoployees. other than department headg, who are _ recei ..:.::; 37> per IIIODth as relmur.semo:nt ere provided w:.ch _ a1tern..:'~""'- They l1li)' CGDr1nue to recei-:e $75 per IIIOI1th without è.e :-e~u!.rement of reporting a rec:rd of oi1eage or, should e.e:r <!!.:<'Se the alteøace. be rebbu.red at ø guaranteed $SO per 111-....::: :egardless of die nWlber of ciles driven but woul also be e~~:le to recel_ aaoHtional rei!:burseœnt at the raC of twelve ce:~ per mile iD escess of 450 ::les in each calenda _tho If::o! latter 1ast...:e is claimed, then a full record 0 all mileace .=ld ha.,. to he -.1Dtained. Sraff p~e; 0::: : D~rector of ~nistrativ. S~rvice~ Ryder ~~:dni8trat!~e Assistant '~u~~n ADDE:m¡;~:: -:: ~'~JRA!'Dœi Of c;IER5TANIJI!lG Coaocilaa::. ::-.-:'n thought die aa1lding Inspectors, Public "0:1<5 .lDspectors a;:¿ ;.ecreatl_ S....nisors may .·..C to take adv_taa of the se=.! ¿¡ternadft. i CC-148 Pagel Resolutions ex;>lained . -:£:....~c..#...a. 3!t34 t . --;~~~e¿ I i I 3.u:lutlO!'1 3435 ado;'tè ~ - l'ers-1 Board .'. . .. c:.øpztch _01 'fb_ IUacasud tile ~'ftz1_ MP~~~ft~'"""--'" 4t>.o).~ tb.- _ .ut d.c~ecI. ad ;>:'p...... 1M rill.' '.' . Co the Cl.cy CoaDci1 f!Jr ..topUODo ;~ . ~~i:i:' . ",.,- ,µJI8SOI,tI!'ICII. ,. ", ",~ '. ~!;,,'~»,:~-. ·'·'1'~'.' ':~: ',.:' , '+ .'>.:{\'; . ,; ,""!,' ,t,' ",' ~""~:'" ~ '\j 1iIso11J1:1 ;.ttA lesolad.OD· of the CLCJ'.~n of tbe Cl.c1\, "', j"Bat1f71øi t1Í*"rrem.101111\ôf\aøMcIeD- .s- Co thè~ '. ,.,. 'of Utclerstad1ØI BeCVeeD'the Cl.ty aøð _lClfHi'·of~:tIÍé~"C'.l1_-o" Employees 1b1C." . j'~~ " Høftd by co.....:n- Imø. secoøded by Couac1luD *yers to haft lIesolutlOD 1Icr. 3433 read by title OIIly. auð the Dinctor's ~I shall constitute that readlDlo ms: I'ŒS: ~S:......r: CoUII.-lI- Ir.rlø. *Yen. Sparks 1I000e Coœc1~ Jacltson, Y.a)'or Frol1ch ~t10D carried, 3-0 2. FL'::uticn No. 3434: "A Resolution of the Cay Council of =.e City of Cupertino Ratifying the PrOV~3' c,,' of an Adden- ètr: t.:> t:~e !:e=randu:21 "f Utder3:anding Bet"een the City and E=,': :yees of the :u&l1c' Works !:nit." :~:,.,.! :'y CcuncU.....n Sparks, seconded by CcuncLl...... [:·.:~n to ,,~,e :.esolutiOll 1'<>. J.¡34 ready!>}' tit1.e cnlj', and :he ~=d~:O='3 reading shall constitute that re~d!ng. x;~: Counc1l2oea Irwin, }oIeyers, Spark" ~~:~S: N:me ,';'::S37: Councl.l.-n Jackson, :~yor Frolich ~~tlon carried, 3-0 3. :-"õ::ution 110. 3435: "Resolut~cn of the Ci:~ Cowt=il of t~e City of CUgertino Amend~ng the Pule~ 3. E.tabll"h~d en:..: t.'le ?rovis::.cus of the Per3o)nnel Code." ::~....~ b~' C=unci1= Meyers, seconded by :oundllDan Spuks t:> "a':e r.edo1lKioo ::0. 3435 read by title =nly, and the D~rector's read1na ~hall constitute that reading. AYES: Counc1~ ~r..in, Meyers, Sparks ~~ J!.3: None ,\3S::::',: CoUllc1I..!n Jackson, MAyor FroHch ~tion carried, 3-0 Direc:=r Ryder theD turned the me..ting over ~o the Per30nnel Board. ,~,... ,-- .~ COUNCIL'" DISCUSSIOn vrra PERSONNEL BOARD . Board œllber GueDaericb s-nzecl the feelinp of the Board ,,/,that they felt,~ IIItoulcl be perfondng IDre of afœ~t1on for '~"tthe City. CouÌd,ther, Poaaibly advise ,the CounèiLOi.öéÞ 'J~ '. ,"",soanel ..ttéÍ8.\.....lIDd salariea, nesotiatiw"Wìtfí" ~'.' .~·Ellployees ~äQCj..tfCIII;penOlU1el poUcies. elllploy...b..," .La? .,.".:Be aaid that:thá:'J9.i&ddid review the· various cloc.-s1~ . ,at ;~~{~,i~;..re presentédl;illà., hÙrd the one grievance, ThlJi)O.~4'cJuu not . .:~.., . have cuch to dô:'áDi11K'uld like to increase ita dfeet!4"eøess. Be asked if thèíswaaany way the Board could contribute or voice ey o¡>inion that Id.Pt be helpful to the Council. Could they participate :l,n labor relations? If the Council thought the Boaró c::oulcl be of help, he would like to see it again increased in size to five mellben. '~:':':. Ccunciban Irwin explained that the Personnel Bcard '189 orlgi- nalJy de~igned to review docuocnts received fro~ Admin~stration (pr~p;5ed resolutions, rules, regulatioU3, ~tc.) and to s~ntt the~ ~~òether ~ith their rec::c::~ndations to the Council and to ! hea~ ~rievances, etc. He stated that the labor relations ~ithini the Cit:,- -..ere n'N g<'od. There has becn only one grievance. \ Bec~u,e ~f this, the demands on the Board had not "~terialized &q had ~nce ?een thought. The ~iunicipal ~ßlaticns Dff~cer ha3 all ir~t:: c::~min¡; to him and he is the go"bct'..een be-ween t:1e em?loYèe, and the Council. Coundlcan II"in ·.:ould like to kce;> the c::cn:ralized control with that officer a~ the City is so s:-...:1. Cc~'ccl=an Ir~in eX?lained that the Council set; the policies and t!!e Cit:: ::anager administers them and Inter;r£ts the", in certacn arèas. If the Council dislikes socethin; t3at he d~e~, they c::a.' c.'\ange his direction. ! Coun,,!l:.m Sparks co:oented on a subject he said perhaps was not f I germane to the discussiou-' at hand. These had to do with the t status ~f the ~art-time Recreation Leaders and Rp-creation Specialists. He offered that a study could be undertaken to deter=!ne the feasibility of i~roving the supple~enta1 benefits' affc~ded to such em?loyees. His contention was th~t althou~h such ?eu~s were hired on purt-time and temporary basia, many continued such part-time employment with the City for some dura-: tion. ! \ Coundl::an !'..e)·en declared if other jobs could not be found for the B::a~d, then perha?S it should be dissolved. If this ",ere to ha¡>p.m, the meDhers J:dght wish to apply for ¡>ositicns on other co~s3ions. Councilman Irwin said it looked as though the Boud has 1000t its usefulness UDder the present guidelines. Co~'c::il::an ~yers thought the entire Council should consider the discissal of the Board. Cueuge::ich stated tJaey would like to exiat for to a tree to d1sbaaot or aubllit other propoeala. one more meeting CC-148 Page 3 "Ii; ,. "'" "<I' "" ~"'.';-';'>;" : f~1:, '~¡ . WI I Ó .'t} .,"',.,' ",,":',', ".' ':·?,t,;>,'·, ~.L '. . t)~: Guensert s_da feel1l\p Board , ,-I~; . ,. ! Council' 3 t p='S1.tion I ! 1 , Request for study to be J:aåe for part' tiœ cr.!;:lc~·ee benefits Board may be dissolved . d' ~~t 1 - lrlausIUte4 ~C cbe Boari JDee~ca .ore co .., &!ec1c!e if the~ V3Gted co 4I1sbaacl or sub_C ocher proposals. :¡he other :ziJeø of chII·CcÌwI..n asned vicb ~. , 5:~iedch '¡uee4b.. .~,~'t~,i:t1ae1llMCiDle:)JÌ!t adi'l",'ea ;~ {irlt:b1A t:H-=, ~U· 0 . ..- t ,.~'Dae, àèc:ree;.....,~v..~ _ei'acted '.f:~è:a1i !:~.¡SerWåt~·· I,..·· "·of;;ch~iòälct~·~.cllHu1e /, ,.." ,J':-,', .. ...'..'_..,..... ,"-,. , "J'.",",'. ;" .. ':.""" , . _·~·,····,,),'c:,·'······ ....,'.',.>...- ,", ., ,.,': .,," , _tS:D&:".....·..A',.._"I.t. . 'i'."'. . ., '.... '" '~'::'.",.r.J"": Åf~·4.· '~.-,.,.,¡'. ....,.:,..,.., ':..' . .~,,>~:; ·'·''',;.;t~¥:~',¡~':' ;:WO~ }<"7.'" ~¡¡.t£r'!.;..r.;:,> .',,,;.'>1';;/ ~,' " " ", . . ,,__,:', ", :_.._~,,:~,:~_', .... . . :",r,::.>, :,-··'''·;'r~~. -." . êø~c11=a Ii-..4ia ;8djouùJí9~¡~t:ÌD1 ae 812Š~~Ïi¡¡<iit6 Tuesday. .!!arch 27. . ". ' .;, '.'; .... . '. , ~OD camed. 3-0 APPROVED: Isl Donald A. Frolich Mayor, City of cupertino ATTEST: Isl ~~. ~. Ryder City Cl~rk 'I'î::,; ~' .:\:. f¡""';: . ,··r . '".. ~~'.; '.;.'~ - -'~i~,;,~ I', -K 'E .~{t ,::,..,~.,.-;. . ...."1:',',.. ....«~..~,-;:! . .