CC 03-27-73
cut or UI1'uuINo. STAD ,. caJ.uoJl!CIA
. moo Torre Avenue. ~~LI8ø.Ca1Uomia
~e1ephøaa: 252-4505 .."
Pas- 1
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CouøcU- present:
Couøc1lu:1 absent:
~.i.JâcbOl1. Meyers, Mayor Frollch
Planning CocD1ss1ouars 'CU ..: M8111S, Gatto (8:35). "ellis,
Chairman Buthenuth
Planning Coœissioner8 aW .. : 0 'Keefe
PPC Represe:1tative pr~:
Gil Fayette
City Staff present: City v-'IIJBr Quinlan
City Utorney Adat!1s
Director of Admi~:strative Services llyder
D1aIctor of Planning and DevelopceDt Sisk
ktiDc Director of Public Works Viskovich
""1tciate Planner Ccwan
Kayor Frolich called the _till8 to order at 7 :34 P.M.
CouDc11=aD !'Aye:", Cupart1:lo·. r.presentative to the Planning
Peliey Co=ittee, inLc~"'''' the speaker, MJ;. Gil Fayette. who is
the .-ber of the Count)' staff who has spearheaded the RUlsUe
!fro Fayette stated that da1.s Ø111s1de Study was initiated s_
.1&hteeo =onths 810. Be pr_ted four alternative mars for pro-
posed develolCent inclu4ÚIC Cupertino's Urban Service Area and
Cupertino's Sphere of Iaf'--~·. The Kantebello Ridse Stud)' is
the _oDd of its IdDd that has been done in the last f1". yean.
It tleal. vïth residential. _rcial, illdustrial, and any other
type of proposed deve1.o. .... with cODservation and pn..rvation 0
the natural 8IWir_t a .a.-....-t factor. Altemate A reflect. a
..h.f__ clevewpaent and a ...,_... _nt of land in public 0'_-
ship for recreatioD and Opal .,.c.. vïth a minimum ~UJ1t of r..1-
clatW aloe¡ the frin....-.! 10øa tent open space for vi.ld life
pr..enat101l., aariculture. .cc.
PPC presents
4 alternativ..
to bill sid.
>. "t~.r:.y::
te B,.18.ora of a.ba1....lIetwea opeD space public __8b1p "i
~~.,....f.'!I"¿ 1Id.a..~!ÎíIIØ~~~paeDt aloDa HllDtèINIllo".a1iISe.;'., .,,;,~:
""",", ", "..'±"v"·"· '",',' .". . . '. .,' .... '.,..
\j'ÌÍÔÏ'a.. J.q·..~o~··, .. "-~,~' ....<.. ,,"c_', 'e'-"._'''',<_·'''· '-~--'-''''', .....'. ':.··.·~1...: ',':-' -.''''¡,
,f~,. :':':_~:I·\t{.~(~t(t;c:' .. ~ 7!Y;^':i':f'i ::-1 ,;;~;../ _~.~,::::.. " .<O.~: . .' "'~:,~:'r:-,::', .';~::;:N'¿;?,~!,;" ,>' ,',' -', _.: -, .,' <:', ',<~~;;:v~i':j
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. ~'L¡;.;c'''''''·:'å':· '~/óf'''' 'Uc1011Ded 1:¡IeD spj.ü'; ';i:eèreaU"/'\
" (~~.7~~~~ tos Altos ~Kòj~t1"'II1dP;)""'~;
."»1" .. '. '~' .~. ..... '1"" .. . , .,' k '-. .' .'¢., '"~. '.
....... ^ it..·'·'·.'·..··'... ..... "'. .... .'T....."'" "'. .. .,. v ','.-- ." .. ".' ..'...... ......- .J' .'., ". ~ . . ,.,," ... "'''1. ..
"~õ,'~,';'I~"",~~';;~:·::,~~i't;','-,· '~'>':';';'--;'f" ,. . ..; ',v ,t;;.."~ ·t.,;'~->.t'~_~.
".è:.·D;.ie.~f-.'''''t1á.i:ot A1~t.. B ad C.', :';~;"~í¡
: ,">-:" .'" '. ..,-; '_'..' . .'... ~"",();::x
lu.. COYU....bJ èh_ up...U 1iordered bylreevay 280. Conce Spriø"'¡}'r'
. . Skyline 81.... Pas- H11l ~. Hoody Road. allll ._ u.Uent1al 'd,
- -- ,"
. I'ayette sa14 the CsUfomia Division of Hines ad CeololD' baa
t:ted the San Andrsas lault Zone. Only the least huarclo1aa slopes
fDdicated for reaUent~..ãJ. development, Low stability ar... have
e lleen iøcl1cated for redden"""".
--. "--.. --.. - "_.,.-
.--. --
County ÚI presently var1dDg on s slope/density ordinance. Soae cities
18 Santa Clara Valley have already enacted such an ordinance.
vide band of open space aloll8 Skyliøe and along the fdt zone is
MiDa proposed.
.cilla tM have been color coded. with dark oraDRe areas iDdicatin¡ one
m.llin¡ unit per 1-5 acres, with the recO\!IC!endation of provision for
a variety of iDcœe groups. Yellow indicates very 10., hUlside develop-
of 2-1/2 to 10 acres per dve1ling unit and a 10-501 steepness of
tIløpe. The green areas iDdic:atiDg long term open space are for 5-25
.cEeS per dveUing unit.
t lrolich asked if any of eMs information has been referred eo the
",1DDal Park District aud whether or not they are villin¡ to take on
dies. amounts of open space. Mr. layette said the Regional Park District
lias 1Ddicated they hope to acquir. _re than what is indicated on
ernate A -.p. At this point, they are optimistic about it. but have
t yet decided how to fund U:.
, I'ayette .a1dthe Coiinty ~d like feedback from tile City of Cupertino
.,. the lÚeldle of !lay. if possibl.. ~unci1nan Meyers said he vau1d like
cJ. Counc:U to show ._ prefereace as to the alternate. at tbis _etin¡,
City Kaupr asked if the County enti'::1pates any probl!;lS. as to
tlCVictna of atilities.,stc.. if the dties"deviate sOllltNbat fr_ these
alC8nlativ... Mr. layetts said they have estimated that the ultimate
~"4... capacity hare 18 30,000 people. A circulation sÇ1l!l]' ~"jlQt,,1"t,.
.... c:œaplet..s. thi. will ahov vllere existing roads are and" eheir .
J 1 city. It vill aho abov viler. the roads should go., The servic1n¡
.....utlliU.. would aenerally 10 along side tl¡e roads.
"""-' ";;;.:
." _a,
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i~j ~~··.DIt IWICII 27.
!<i.:.~,....,..,.,;. .,.
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, '''''::._ ';~~'&:"-''- ' " ~':'_,,',,:<'"',:, ,'" ,,'<":if
"'",",' ~C'\~ s. ADanu.Í'< '~;'i;d..,c;..-t1--"<ínïø- :'
" .' ..9t ~~..t1Iack~~1OOI~f_1taoll6¡~'f..,~.
; . ~.'. Tben\··":.....:..a..IÌCllÍê'Pol1Cf..'.~.,1Iøtíf
"~ tlÍDlt U~b';"" :"',']1. ·Iri1ø:....,.lì.tÍ1"~,..t;;, ., ·'4"::aDcW.~!Ì'OIIII!-
. "~ to'.. -~"1 t~{;~... .ceaiêf.í1u-;:"liið~
, '."" . ,. li~ìt;'Ot'â1ntaJDJda'dMI¿~.~· thue." > ·
"·,'._,::r~"^·:~"I>:':·>"<;:':~':~",;··_;"~;:<',,"':'_:"'. ' ., ,::'::''':''', _::___ ':'.'" _ ,"
,\ 'i[.~;;ïi~~..;.it.r~ Sooc1 eleve1otll*le.. ·...eI. .e Dec:....~ ber~.A~~.,~,';tiDka
t )!.-i. ,; _ ua'.utaae qu..t1oDa tJaae ..... to be auvenel iD CODjallct .~~ pollut
td6 ..,t1c' taDks, vat.r pollueiOD, etc. . '(:' , ",1"1,'.
DIe __iate '~r revievecl tbe .1aDiDa eo-1sø10D'S he.iugs
_ eM 1973 CeDeral PlaD. Ve are ao1D& to leaD heavUy OD the
~ Stuely for suWsnee. The c-.,rebeDsive study has been phased.
vitia Pbaae I 1DcludiDg property eaee of the service UDe aDd Pbaae
n 1Dclud1D¡ property west of the ....ic. 11De.
c: -it..D Jacbaa that a decisioD will need to b. made 011
IIøIIt"'~11o load before th. dec:bioD caD b. lUde on FoothUl Blvd.
c-. "Uta asked the CoUDty bprasentativ. if h. could explaiD
~ the"S_ spr¡qs Ranch has b_ included iD the aaxil::u::l
OJ.lutUDitv .ea aDd the Voss property has been included iD the
_~ population area. !fr. Payette said these maps have !>een
IP._ strictly on slopa and atabUity.
c-. Belli. felt the Catholic Cbarch pNperty should be cODaider
fOE" .. ¡ruter osa siDee it has a sentle slope of less thaD 10%,
... be:..·.. of ita proxblity to the freeway. Councilman Heyers
_cad thac the Church propercy ia labeled less stable thaD scr.>e
odIer .....
c-. "11is ..bel bov _y people should. b. using Monteb.llo
.... ... bow you ..tabUsh developMDt stanclaris in regard to
wac- wUs IIIId septic taDks. She _ted there are on-site savage
.u.poaù .,.t_ avaJ.lable _ that are DOt too expensive, The
IIealch Departll8lt would have to have __ ..thod of overse.iDr
~. however. '
1: ..61.... IlaJers said the PPC has asked the staff to write to the
1d. lleparc-t. The City of Capez-tiDo could do so also, to Siv
die _tter.ore _phaeis.
DIe City Kauaer saJ.d there ar. -.11 UDits available. SOIIIethiDg
u '. be worbel out iD aD sssoc1.uion of a cluster developaa_t.
1'-'..... there could also he ___ _raøaement of a distr1çt beillS
£. t. with reapOl1aJ.bllity to the County.
, ~."..
2 pbäse to
P~iøc CaI
Ifo!1tebello ¡
decisioD Det
Slope . stat
Catbol1c Cht
Oa-site sr"l
l'u1IdiD& of
s........ .,. tI
;01 !II IfOClU7. lt7S .,....qn 1llÍDdc:m;œuilCIL -.t".d
, .
......;;._,~L.,.,"',...._,...__.. ': '. ,.~.c·.). 'J"'''',.:..f.",..;....,..-."".:,'''''; ~';_~'.~'>i"'~;':~:"'" -
.,.,".._'\,,~~~..'J:1i~~.. 0....; .(':" "'.'~-'-f.:¡¡;¡.~....""......~;.:.<: "'........ ",.'~"',,!".-"',-""~"" ~~
n.....t..a Director urged the Council to deYe10P a fira podt1oa -
_ of the factors brouaht up at this _tina·
Ifayor Frol1ch asked for c~encs frOlll the audieoce. ...,eII thouah this
__ DOt a public beariDg.
!tes. Lucien Hercert asked the County representative about Mr. ".~-ra·.
l'T~~ remarks about this area. !te. Fayette confirmed that detailed hydrolo-
gical studies are needed. This can become ~u1te upensi"e.
Mayor Frolich's feeling was in favor of Alternate A with sar::a adjustlUDt.
Be likes the 1arae, green areas. If we are to haYe opeD space - should
pay for it, and that is one reason why the bgional Park District vas
fomed. Cow:ci1oen Irwin aDÓ Jackson agreed. CouncUaan Jac:lr.aoa vas in
favor of deletion of - the yellow area dong ØDntebello ~ad. It would be
J:IUCh easier to add it later r6cher than to delete it later.
Hr. Fayette said there are plans for a public _etina on this ..tter on
April 26th. The public will be invited to COI'Ie ancl aake their cœznents,
There will be a direct ..!liDg, indting thesa peopl.. The Hillside
Subc~ittee will give an o"erviev of the geological study. Feedback
fr_ IDOSt of the cities should be in by that tiJle.
Hayor Frolich asked the Plaønina Director to transmit the City Council's
direction on t~is matter to the P1anuina ConDission as it pertains to ~he
General Plan.
Councilaan Heyers would like the City to send a letter to the Health
Department, asking thea to look into alternate choice. of waste disposal
8y8tema availahle.
i-............... ..'I:\:
4'.' .~
F' ~:;{__&...s Of tI!E Jt\RCØ 27,
rPtlich anest.... ~!oíio.,fI'C coal4 also be¡iD 1ooldDC. iIIÞÞ~"'"
dl.s¡~-.1 SJStcs.:~"'~.;! . >,k ii¥;.
>?r.·:<;;·~J,~~'(:'L~: .'~-'-'''':3 ·::~{t,<~
~ "'~',W~¡"'.4' ~'
>,i;i.;i~1:-~L ,0. . . ...... i o.f~t:
_..I. DIr.ctOr·~ C'-...tsfraa tlia City .. .;¡..
4,," -t: "GuUatt"-''-:;:"hr I::p1amtation of the ~
_t Qyalit7 Act.~f197G"~ :·t·.
.,..atgr a brief discussioo. 'II'Îda at:tention cal1ec1 to a coup1à crf
tJPOBraph!:-al errors, aø:I die -agestien 011 ,a,e 26, ¡larap'çh 3
daat the alternatives sb=1&14 be dúcussed. it va> generally felt:
daat: this vas a good dck. ~ .
Jlølrecl by C=undlcan Irv1D. secoacIed by Counc!wn Jacuoo ~o a:!o;-t
t:IIe "Gui~ù:'::es for 1ap1e"""'-"'~:'011 of the Califomia Elrru....-tA~
~ity Act of 1970".
IfadcID ~rried, 4-0
The City ~::a¡er vas instrccted to "ish t!!e City of C""">,bel1 a
Happy ~e:~y-first Birthday CD ~ch 28t~.
!føved by C:uncil::lan IrviD, s-oP'''ed bý CouncilDan Jackson. to
_journ t::e ::eeting at 9:27 ?l!.
!!øUaa canied, 4-0
Isl Donald A. FroUch
Mayor, City of Cupertiao
1.1 Va. E. bder
Ci£)' Clerk
'..~e 5
nc stueS)'
.is¡lOsal s~~~
Ha1>:": lir thda~
to Ca:-.;lbell