CC 04-12-73
1','- .
10300 T"~:,, AvC>Due,, California
~J'elcph"",,: 252-4505
Pag" 1
;.~ "
'4;opm ern. m¡jcW;,v.rm,
'. : BlJJ) œAP~}~i1973
. . "CUPI1aIHO.c.ìtt"'JA
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'. "",. or Frt-lich ca11~ ~~:-, '. , .~o order at 7:30 p.... û'fi,Ðing
:: those preset that the toh' ~ of tbis Special }leet1Dg,' as con-
tained in the ..,rieteR Dó"ee the City Clerk's Office,
was for a joint tie Steering Committee of the Citi-
zens (;oal! Com:a1ttee, To"e discussed was the recently submiLted
annexat::= ~e?ort and tbe possible future activiti~ of the Citi-
zens G:~:. ~m3dttee.
ROLL -:.':¿:
Coun~i -. -:%: ::,':"e,!:,pnt: Irviø. Jackson (8: 11 p. m.), :::yel's t
Xayor Frol1ch
Counc~l",,:. ¿sent: Sparks
Staff ,:<' ,,,::
City }~lager Quinl~n
I:!yector of Adl1ini:itrat~ve S~r·::"c'~s P)·,~~r
Acting Director of Fublic ~O~~C V:~kov~ch
Steer~.~:: ~:=":'ttC'e
:'~r~e:: :-:-~2ent:
AnD ADger, Don G.:nwatz, }:arj~'r:!,e Karpen,
Barbara Rogers (7'4) p.m.). ;udith Te::,;,rç:k,
Paul .eisa (7:39 r.m,), Ch~ir7.~n J~d1 Co~rcr
The .1"::,, ,?~::.'d the discussions on the annexati"n Tep~::t by
atatinS :..: th. f"nu~ was acceptable tC' hiM bu: ¡,~ ·...c.uld nut
yet cùI=~:.: ::n tit.. procedural aspects contaIned tå',rein.
D-t~CU35':'r:n5 en
ag annexat 1 cr:.
A discu.,· .== ensued on the ..."rding contained on P:ZS" 3 "hi.cb
state:, '. . .that it ia in e~erybody's best in.ercst to pur~ue
a ,polio',' .: .mncxetion." !~yor Frol1ch expre3$ed b::'& opinion
that tho ','>5 t<>o strong a stat_nt because of thp connotation
relatinf :: ,:~,ious annexation aétions by the' pti~r City
Counc'_L. ::¿ fr::'t it to be I:IOre ic¡'orlant to obt ?::'n tt.e ::Iutu.d
undcrst ",.::.,~g .·f both residents and nonre3idents ...' to the~e
poll c:,~. ~_·u" Ir:;:n stated he ¿id not rC'a¿ t"is :n t;,at
11&h~ .....:::-. :~u~H'ilC1an }leyera l'ropo8in~ a com¡>rOt1:.'j¿ '.:h!ch \o:ùu1.d
:!.nclud..'" ~ '::_~:lai~er on involuntary ac.nexations. !·~rs. .Þngcr
3tatcj 0" ::!t the gener;;.l. attitudc of thc co..,.u""t? had ir.'
;'Jrov~~.! c.:.=.-:: .":O::::.i~ly during the last two or thrc_'" ·,··....".rE on tht..'
I question of _esaUOG. Mrs. Cooper expressed herself as feeUna
; that the doC1ll!lQt vas .ubmitted to the Cowcn by the C01IIIII1ttee
; end 'was .DOC .mt for general distribution. If it ..ere to be
! distrlbüted"èlaewhere, J.t would be the responsibility of the City
ì CoaDe1l to''lWcmI it.
I .' . .......... .
1'J.~'" _. ,¡Df.rec:tôr-tY:t8~..i.C1a advised that the rec:omendattoo rC!latinl to
'.car: "er. .1.t1011.DGDØ81ìt~' -œ:rdìåP1øD1DI CoaaiI.loD and on the Water Coøds-
r" .,~ . ~'~ .....8iCIQ. ":"'.'" ,.' ."f:1, êð 10 thAt State statutes resulate _dler-
i':('.:k"." ahiP,Clltt. .eø..1asioo anti . nonresident ..treacly is· e
"'", ,";'.' lIIIÍIIe ,...,. . ,: CoÍIIIi881CIQ ,
I(:,;i""'t":;¡:,,,; .- . ',',- "'i,~':':,
~~::;.. .,., ::r:r£ ..., iìí!Î~~O t~~:~ u: : ::e l:C:~~~~=~:!es".
vel . i.. .." "C6rpotaced lands is permissible nal, and he felt
I it aoocltórftDt'lthis wt.
Stora drain fee! Director VUtcnr1cb reviewed the stom drain fee policy saying
poUc:y ¡ that the City does not nOlI have a œans for collecting these
¡ where property already 18 ia;proved. At present, any development
: request is the means by which the collection of fees can be pro-
; eessed. The lfayor suggested that a policy in regard to storm
. drainage fees in unincorporated areas be developed as annexation
, procceds, even to L~e po~sible negotiation for these on individ-
: ual lots.
Pap 2
Enforceca:t of
building c.O'ie
Director Viskovlch ex~lalned that it uas not the City's present
policy to inspect buildings specifically for seeking violations
of building codea unless there was a permit reque,ted. This sa"'"
policy and procedure nOlI exist in the County.
A~?e:1¿:"x ;...
"r.:'j~d·,~-;ag'!3" .
IJnde!" this saoe A¡>?endix A under "Dis::dvantngê3," ='-.ê readability
for in~ent of the statetr.ent "danger of 103!.ng Qur rur~l at","s'
p:'ere" should have some clad fying statement that the City 'lill
not force compliance unless noso1utely necessary. In relation to
item no. 8 under "Disadvantages" that there is a d"nger of the
City planning to eX?2~d industrial/cow.r.ercial d"vclcp~ent into
unlncor¡>orated area~, it was pointed out there ls no ~u3rantee
that the County v111 not do so and that this d:'';,",~·:.lI1t"gc should
not be a:!Osigned to the City. A re-..ording "'33 sug¡;~"tcd.
Councilcan Meyers cC1lJlDl!nted that mny of these dh"dvantages, as
listed, \1ere not necessarily real ones but c,mld be tho3e ~~
imagined by hoae~.~ers either in the "n!ncorpor~ted or incorpo-
rated areas. !~yor Yrolich suggested the possibility of a dif-
ferent format which would sha.., thesc to be r"al, iMagined or
vith SOge degree in between. nlis then was cxpan¿ed to having
such be lert blank for people to fill in as bcLnK a gcod public
relations approach to ~~ich Mrs. Cooper concurred. ¥Or. ~aubatz
wondered ~~y a clarification was necessar¡ at all and proposed
that the deeision rest with the reader.
A discussion on A~pendix A (Part 2) on page 3 of
centered around the issue of low inco~ ho~'!.ng.
the repo rt
It was felt
!..~~.! income.
:-..~u:¡f ng
':,~... the fir..t three adv..t.... _ listed, ·..ere important.... : CC-154
Dc}.~. Jdcl be po1nted out. 1~_ __ 2 ~r "Di~ad"...~ages" - to ¡ '..a 3
" l...·1Dtraduetian t'f 1011 ~ -.- vitMn ~he City was a _ta :
"~t..auae lIZZY h_e 1D .-Uca alreacl)' ezi!lU racucl1eu of i
. '., ,:: .1,1" of a e1tJ l1~ta~..IM h~. b locatftd. lb. i'}
. ~;l~! that -r IN~J~'f"'_U-IC111 COIIt b0Ul1DS .... dua&~V'
W.J..<;..-:.=:~::r.."\ ........t'I... . :.~~;:t=.::..,:. r.l!.·.·.fiii...:.'.i...·...·... .
:':i¡!~*: ~=~ir" [ J --.ted by tbe ñva1°~~ill~,t'?~d
"'~:6;~ nferN4I to.~~il. eutnnO of the Cotmdl aø:' ¿..~ ,..
"'0.ïiêì;for.. __C ~·eta1l faetora ancI all servicea tc»;t
, Mend.Da ûe døtnbtlttJ ., MIIII to .. 111"orporated area.."
0& .I.dl_ Ir>o"ill ,,·ODd.nII U 1M ,.reauce faetor shu.'tI ~o be
651.vI1ich rqrumU tha 1.cI r a 111 City JH'Pu1 ation by annexa-
d_.vaa correct 111 that'" . ffcure would have to de;..",eJ on a
..-cif1c ana. It vas .a~ad tha~ for t>er:er public relatioDS
daia could 1', I".,...<,rded or ....lbly eoah1ned "ith roe of t!te other
4LaadVBDta&~. è~}or Fro11~ auccested the F~s~ibiltty cç addlnc
a 14th ady¡¡,n~.~' en i'~p 7 ~o relate to the av31lahil!t:: of traf-
fic control '""= ~o .!t~.I th~ .u.... 1.. not no" .,..-a1lable in the
~der Ap?pr.=:'x :! ::on page 9. the ~Ayor £nic! tt.·.[ tax r~t@s, &5
~c.s.~, \o:eri': :-...:~lf.3.din& and .houid be c:trefu! t~· rE""":e":ed ~efcr'!
~einR publ:s~.~. The addit1Cft of the use of thp local li~r~ry
..~thout ed¿:::':-!!.21 feE"s vas partio:.u!.arly r.P?7"~'~Tj,a!"c for ~an ':cse
=esident~. 7~Ë statc~nt thar co~rctal o;¿'n3~cc5 ~re less
st.ringent ::-:. 0:~~:' ('ities is :10:' nec~qsarj ly :iLl.~tt."J t:: :i'.Jci:
a=eas, an¡l t..'o" ?">,=,,nt into öe ec..unty I.ibra!';- Fund by Són .!ose
residentE ~!.3=- ~,"'ould apply to Sunnyvale re.:;: dents sr.ould the:;
!>ecome annexp:! to the City.
In response to ~rs. Cooper's ~uestion as to ~le next step of ie-
?lementin& t~i3 tcrcrt, the ~ycr recoomcndcd that it ~2S do~~-
f121 that t!:e crt,' should bec:c:ae 1n"\'Olved in fpecific dates a~
tilis time. "" said the main consideration '-"r.,; to rer.""e ~he
eDOtional e~"ceru from the relûicmship of the City gO'lenr-~nt
a:d ~he tes:èents of the unincorporated arcas. ~rs. Coorer said
~ere ~ere ~c thCtl~lts as ~o who should bc£:'n any dialogue but
:hat she ~"s n~t sure of her own position. The Mayor considered
~ possibility of includlnc tbe Rancho Rinconada area in the
Cupertino 5c=" J:3iling l1s~ with perhaps .1 p,,;,lic he"ring only
for ~he ¡¡d.:>?ti:m of this anaexation policy. .
CouDe1l1l131\ I:-.'1n said that co~let1on of the General Plan '.185
de most iq~ttant business of the Council n')·'. lie felt that the
iDpetus of aaaexation should CO~ from thu citizens and not the
City. Council::an ~:"yers was 111 favor of so:n~ "'<'an. of exchanging
Lðeas 3Ild ."¡;gested the holding of a foro:, such as a 'fOlo'n Hall
JleeUng in lieu of 3 formal public hearinl;' C<,uncilm'1I1 J.1ckson
.,ffered t~.':':' ':!':.: ;:nc·..·]edge of a vvt.~ en; .1\ sht.,uld allay
uafoundl!d :·.:;¡r.5. ~:~s. Cooper vas not in fa,,":::- of a public !\ear-
bag saying it v.os loo fo~l _d would prefer the rerum approach
a.fter pubEcat10n of the policies.
: Population
, increase
}.;-rend{x Is
of repo:-t
, ;"....,-¡ ital1 :k·~t-
in¡; sugg""tcJ
FroUd> t,ben req_~ doa& dais n_ be placed _ _ ~
.1nishri k3iness GD t!Ie _ .....of the City CouncU".., .....,
" ...!S 2, 1913. TheN ..,,_..... .caff input prior to tb.c~"
,.... i111..MttI. to tile ç -:'.... Co the of.~.~ J
Uee. Caœcl1_ J. ,., _i.offneol that the n~;.p r. ''''.¡¡;'Jíì
. '-"'I coa1dh~.~t 30.1973, ". :, 0",'"
rl . .. "',:":t '"t;_:?;< ' ii. ';J, ~ ,',
~r tJMa proct'd~' eGi' ât- å IÍtatll8 report oó ~~~. ,.j~.Þ·.' ';~
rt1ao cttbeu'Coa1s - ·t~..~ She said thaC .. "',: ;~Ì',.." '
h.. '-a ~let:" --~'iDc:ludes BD imp1eJI8Dt . ':~'."$
'..... ...,,~ ~
for all seals. wta1cb Þ -u-a,løetory. The vritt:elit,' ..
'. ,~.... b_ COIIpletecl fo~ - ural P1BD items. ~.ôf,
,ICeerilll ec-ittee are -.11 iatereøted in remain1D~ 1ieU._ .
-ervin& t» City in ._ It_pea. She said that tI..ere ...
c-itt;" l;ük, -, -, aUUHtions mil.... I~ OD bow the Steering C ·t·-
~~'<.·Î'fI.llIld be used md suBìestecl eM pos.ibility of reactivat:illc U
'..:tivateol _ ~ ,.~;r;'fft the ,,~xt six to eipc -. for a revi.,... of the .....ced
,.:": date ""'-_. ThC$ -:eactivati_ ~ð include ne:< œ::Ùersh1.p aDII a
· _ chair:o.ö::. :::mcll:Jlall ~en offered that t!\e CollElittee coa1.d
.. CO on ir.x:::\~tely. He cccteDðed that it òhculd be sh~
&r regene:..::::: .U1d that a s!.% _ths' period did not proú~
.se,¡uate ti.., :, view what ~ trends were. He suggested that: a
pniod of 1: :: ~~ :x:nths be a!.~""ed to lap~e in order for dw!
....era! Pl.<- :: :<i.'<e sbape. -:.,'" vas concurred in by C~UI1ci¡:a:>
Ir...1n ..a)"~::f :',:c '.'e!:bers !:e~ stale after 3Uc.'t a prol'OD¡~
period uf '.'::~ ,c::! that he ......'i :..u favor 0 f an:: r~vic" cc<>ing a::
.!.aut one yt:7 -_f:~r a¿opt~c: :f the General ?lùn.
,:qe 4
C="U1.t=~l:!!..~n :C_:....::n s.ùd th'!:-e "'-as ::c questt:n ~ut that t~~ ~~~~-
Z~ C~~:t~;~ :~. glven ~t=':i=? ~o the C:ty. ~~vitaliza~i~
va:¡ neccs:::....:-' :~: :hi~ Cc~:=ðe, ;,,~:!! ':'ue tc !.t:; d:::::.c~::.:.::::g
-=:nDer;jh.~. ..:.~ :::..~ught peñçs ~o~ of the ~..r~r.~ :1cr.tbers .~_---a.
'S:"ant: to c.:'::-_~ :- .::.-: ;1.t a later ~..a:':e ..-1tb fresh t~ :'Ug~lt:...
::,¡-.. ¡..::rit:..:-:":: ~. 01 ~tj_(lnéd ~!1 ¥~a: vculd hap=en -..h.en the C~::7 5~2.=!
"".a.greed ·t:..::~ ::"..? provisi~-s ãn¿ stater-.ents c-Jn:3.'.n.=d i.o ::!C..5
repc-rt. C,:'·~""::_ ~:-_!n I~.!.n z::.S"'..-~:-ed ~y sayi~g e~e ol·!gi~al c=-;:
ùr~a~:1 h:s': "::.::: ~~ v~n to ce:i:.e-:-s çf the C:c~' CJt!ncj 1. and ~::.~~
czy fear.:; ~: :::.=:.:?re2enta.!;~~ ...-ere not ~:a!"r<î.l'1t{ld.
_:·,':-e use c.r In mswcr .:-"'. Cooper's 'iue..:s~:'oa on ~,..h:1t a~ ;ur;'ncc ~ul~ :;e
_:-:'".::!;:~t:on .i:..œ=w c:!:veo that :,",:.:'=..:' ;".)licies ·..:u:: ~e follG·~·(,.:! if thL~ Cc=!t:r~ :.~
tl:i5banded. . '.- :: .:':'01ich sa~~ ~'" the 'J:Cn~ral ?l<1n ;¡nd the ~-
DeX.atil)n r~~:-":-~-; cover gcal.3 ëüd. that ~mycne C~~'1 ~::r...e a f:"a.g i!
::he Coun~i~ ::::: .; ~cnd~ncy t.: ~?art from th~..jc 8',)aJ 3. ï;;
%e1ter8t~.j : - ::'1.,,:·:tlman JacL=.~ .ith the added cO:!'C'"..ßnt tha!: a
· Dtrtev aft.,~ , c,.~icd of Ü::..e = evalua.te trends ',here derla-
t"'....ons ean -",. -',,-=., <:r detecc~ oc a day-to-¿ay ò,,-ci';.
: 1!:'s. Coop~r :.' -=-_:: ~:.:'d the Cm;.ad.l t.hat SCfœ :: f th~ g''''al:-; ·."ere
· rat:ber un('.-"--,:::,,,nal and :1:'!!:'cult to rca~h :,ut that C:\ey 3:::=v.ld
·M kept in -_.,: " targets.
, e
C:Jancilr.:an ::-"..r. said that r"~s eo.ittce Ilould not have been
created if:':.: C':'ty Ccuneil bad Dot been sincerc. iic reminded
.~on" in tile alrlience tbu _ of the goals already had been
;fc:"~. . e then :~ll""ed a disc-"¡- OD the means of dlstrlbuUDg
e goili after they bad ~. edited and produeed,
:. motto:! duIr made and _
. cia! }Zeting at 9:55 p...
. IJ. Mayor Frolich adjoUÌ'Ded the
Mot:1CD c.arrled, 4-0
P~spcctfully suòmltted,
City Clerk
¡.., ,
: CC-154
. Pagc 5