CC 04-16-73 '-,....-~ .-, . ~ /'Jf" Cali,fornia CC-1Sl Page 1 ¿¡ ':ih :""~' ~---, - --' ,'!~: ';, \ ï,{> :~"*., _-'-';~'i;~., - _' 'HEETIHC ot·;m CÌTY'CXIIÌJcIL ~ø TIlE COUHcntCDAKàEa'~èrrt BALL " CALlFORHÍA5'!r~" · ',,' '. , '!P'."" ~. ~'" ;/~j , ; . );'1(..: .( ':i_''''<¡ sJtIJTI· '10 TIll ."1!" j;"" ~3"'c '( Harer Frolich opeøe4 tbé 8eeting at 7:35 P.M. with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALt. Council~en present: Councilmen absent: Irvin, Jackson, Meyers, S;>arks, Mayor Fro1 ich 50ne Staff present: City !tanager Quinlan City Attorn~y Adams D1re~tor of Afu~inistrative ~ervices Ryder Director of Planning and Devcl~~ent Slsk Directcr of Parks and Recreation Butler Acting Director of Public Wcrks Viscovich ?ictures vcre ta~en of the Council r.~~bers. Outgoing Mayor Frolic~ ~ended the ~e~bers of th~ Council fer their conscientious, ~rd ~or~ during the past year. ELECTION OF COIJ1iC:L OFFICERS FOR 1973--1974 Moved by Council~ ~ers. seconded by Councilman Jackson to noðinate Counciloan IrviD for the Office of the M¿yor for 1973-74. Moved by Council3aD Jackson, seconded by Council~an Meyers to close May~r Ir·~~ - the nominations. 1973-74 Høtion carried, 4-0 COuocilman Irwin abstained Ori&inal motion carried, 4-0 CouDcilnan Iruin abstained . Mayor Irvin assused d>e Mayor's chair. \: ~ I'i' '."~\ . - OF THE APRIL 16, 1973 cm COUNCIL HEE"l'UIG .".., .' Irv1A 'recOpu;" ~)e.....,¡.~~~I.1qb d~ this past J~~~'J»1f';~' ".:1· : "rol1ch. ,IIIÍ look.:!: ',- 6":"tÒ.'''Cb1S next year. as ~díaUa¡e.,~ ;'~~;,;';: ':,: .X'\, .~~¡<", ";, 1;1~'r< i"('~~:~~;' 111 touIIcÜIIaIÎ~S.J;+i.' " ',' '.' ..ii1eounc11man F~ølkh ~':øO.døat.r,', ~'~.'.'.:~,',",', Sparks fòr't!Iâ OCdê~;¡f;Ylce4fayor," " '.< ····'W ,.... . "'.' "';>:~-""0¡';<;-:"'~,·~·' :.: "',"'" ed by ~fI"'''lIaJen. secoôÔrlea.;by Councilman Jacksœ to close the tions. ØotieD carried, 4-0 Counc1laan Sparks abstained Ørigin.a1 Motion carried, 4-0 C~unciJ.aa Sparks abstained .strrES OF THE PREVIOUS ~!:n:;c Approval of ~inutes of r~;ular ceeting of April 2, 1973. iO= page 3. !H~ ¡>3ragraph, C.ou,,"cil=an Frolic~',o\l]J like th,> last s¿nt~nc" t:: L~e pa~c i<:~t~d. .~_ p~g~ 4, ~t<~ 10, Cou~c::~~' Srar~s ~ould l~ke the para~ra?h unGer ,.C=-:-1 i$5 h~n ..:-:": .\lcoholis.~n ~ ~leté'-d ar~d re?l dced ¡,: Lth: uS~r.·ator D.:::.t.;.~::¡ej ian Ut:';-::::at:,,-'n '..,.: ~~~inR i"'".:?lc:""è7:':..::d in t~~~ County. ¡'his ~.¡il1 te ~:--.e firs~- l:::.e ::..n t:1t~ .5~.H;.' or Cali:o'::"r..~é!.:' i . , A?rl1 2:1c! r-..:·...ed ~~. Cü\:~..:...:'~an '~e::er=, :;e:on-:e,-i by Council!'~~n Jacks~m to a??ro':e ~tinut~5 =\;:~r?Y"'he ~!nut"..~ .:·f A?rll 2. 1973. ~.; ,=~rrected. ciS c.,rt'ec.t~ I ~{c~:on carried, 5-0 I I F~;U:'¡¡~\TI;::;:; F. ;:rit~~n tr=-.e City Cl.;rk stated the f:;11c_L~g vritten "-:'-'\:-'J'~u::1icati':)ns ~ad b~P!1 .ect:iv~d: A. A:'1 .1.!-:':'ce fra:a tàe C~U:1ty Executives oiftce .:i5 to ~rt~ta CL~r-a Cc~:::'.-· t s sha.re of t:-:¿: 3a:" Ar-e;] 5p-.:.<~~· ::-:.'rv icc~ Ag~n'--::r I s b1,¡¿~~er-. iU:..f t.:~~':..r rec.Ot:lenddt i~n f or ¡·.Jr:.din~. I I I .". .\ r.:.s..)':"~,- ion b? the ~oc:.r:::! ')! SUi'crvisar~; .:.~(:ürt ing. 33 ;;'D"..o.nded: t~l~ :.1..'I.l use ele..":":e:l.t ...,f t:~(: C.'1u::t..· G.:n..::.ral ?l.îO to J...j:..:.?!: the r.Jl :.::.- [-~an of the E....lyla:::ds. .. ~"'4 -.,..~ "fW '"' ~~'-- .:J\'Y~* r'" ... ";' '-. . (.i-;'~ '~~~ ,:~\ ¡~" .~'"' - . ~'., . .~ '~"".'.".".'; ~,.--<it~"';'.· .....d $ - e or r~ ,..nIL 16, 1973 CUT COIIIClL l!E¡;T1~:; Ì;;,- ',>' A poltq sut_t .' ..the Oainlan of the,'S Realm a-itte.of'~ 2:£#. County Kedical'fi'ÒCie", . '1IøUc tit _.with ifíf .,., ·"~'tštUc1ènts for hea1tht..~åi ';,.}: UcD. ~. '.~ ,"~£;0 :~~ . '?r-d:",;;,:,:j~:,~~:tt A resel.cilm adop~ ~ ~~" .' f''''~ach City ~~i't~~~ _~ of SeDate su.i ~~ ,'!rIuIl'ederal-Md HisbJíàyAct of 1973-. pertain.. èo,...I..j;blic transportatioD'liDd ~.tSzs that otller ri......1d.th1D the State of eal1forot take 5~lar act loa. ' E. A ~:i~ ~f res1¡:aU.DD troa !Ir. Donavin D. Dressler as a cit:n=-.:-large represeotKive hen t;,p City of Cupertino or. :0., :.::lside Subce>a:éuee. 1. A r<-. :.::C" of the City Council of t~. C:ty of Palo Alto "'r;".' _=;- :~~e clC'sure o! t~e State ho~~it:115 fer the mental1 . il: ....:_ :'_=t3111 retar~e¿. c. A:-. ._~.;..:. ~.:''':r:-c:"'~t fr~ :':.e. co-cnaímr:-. C'lf th~ Pc.-ninsula C...-:-- ._ ... ::-3r.Jit C_i:.:t:'! £::>r the '::'r.t;;:.rC5~ a~d a':tanda:!c? a: -: :-"cct:'r.~ :0 ~~:1:'!e= the .;.a':"e :'nc:a.·ea5C requêst 0: : _: ;1err. Pa:::': ic ':.:;:--.;'a:1:. H. k C:. _ ".... ~: :!-".....¡ the: ~::.~::. cf Su?ervi::......:-~ Lut th~ Citj" ~ :~?rC5~¡:~ ~= ~:~=~rn or. 7.~~_~? a~d ]ar.d US~5 ,; ;"'rden Ga:e é:!'"f:~ !.; bclnz ;l,:.:e:l 0n the Board's ~~£:-._. :.: .\?ril IB, lC:i3.. 1. A ::""-.::ai froo ::,e ?"":'lic Utilitic" Co.o-:1ission includ- i,_; , :::-.- "f Co=iss'"" i.,,:e 17.1 d""·"::7.'d and adopted P"':-=_-"--: :.:0 the Cal~~~r:l':a Lnviron.'"':\....~1ta¡ Jualitv Act of If~: :~ :~~,. ftuileli::les. :or ~rle:1.e:}t:-.t:;.)r. ~ro·~lqatcd b:" t~~ '::." uf the Secr~t_r:' for Res~uro~s ~i the Štate of C,o:.'::-: .J. J. A:' :_,,, fr'>l"I the Pre,i¿~:,: of thE- C'J¡,_'rtino Fine Arts LE:"::" _..: : _:' sup,'ur: ~~ ar..: :r:.;:;<.Jest t('l t ::t:. ~·~~.:-~ur·: and :'e..-s fc:' ~.:~~ ..ì.':l¿ better repc::.:ng or: c:ultur~,¡ "-/cnt~ within the C<-- -.. ~ City C~i:~ ~:~:~d there were alsc a nu~b~r 0: ~r!tten co~u~i- ~1ons T~~~:__~: 3~cnJa 1t~ 23, 4~ requ~stf> fr~~ persons wishinr c.o s;teak 1,.:".":'i':' > J: C~:)".:.U:1iC4t.':'O:::-S.. TIle City c: i : ...-..aA. it ~ :: ~ .:;" r'.'i.nted cct -:'!-..3t there ig th~ requ\.'st for :: "" continue<! t" ~.ay 7th. . CC-151 Pqe 3 1fr1,um ..; . .!iJ' ~·^1cad.ò11ll "( "',,,;-·,.fÌ'> ',-~i,:,.-', ;"'."·':-('5..._.'_~,,):í;..I;,t '~;:c_~:' ,I:. ·~,:t··'~,;}~~f\~:';,.' <\~' :>u:~~, I . e - S OF r~ .!:""ilI. 16, 1973 em CIOOJICIL rlEETINC œ-lSl '-ce4 lei of S U& ~.:c Rule 17-1. ~ ~ .\nZ3 ':Zor:; -'¡¿.:~rd Da.~· !,.:' 20th !~.i. for ·:::ycl ing " ..£¡.. ,. J«£sœ =equested ~ Womation on SB 502, A CJ:IP'! of S4!øate'till vas requeste4d:~.tril-ution to the Legislative c-itue prior to tbè~' ,. taking BUy action on it. ~'1utiOD 0: ~eciat1 )l'~.': ~t;'prep~red for Hr. Donavin D. Dressler ,~ serr'-ee .u ,a repres~~ .. ,~. the Hillside SubcO!Dittee.,. ,'Imn1lUl ~int his ÍL",,",,- ~Ô . ~"}Cl~Y ~ 'I8S re~uestC!ll.. .~l";;e"JIrch prey ,.,us ;;ouncil ac:iOD 1:íIt1ating to s..~:""rn Pacific c.. J. I'~. request for fare increase. & cac:y staff """"'''= is to atteød die April 18th 3oar.i of Su¡:ervisors _!Dg and ::=<=y Cupertino's _estions rcgardin~ zoning and laud _ within t~ ·;;,=ü"n Gate area. .T!Ioo Cit.y ¡!.-,~=~ '."3 a\òked to report to the Cou',cil ~itat, if ¡tioe:"e will =-: ,.:: ="" City of Cupertino result in; tr:-, Public jCo=ission ,,;;.:.: _.-.1. ì ,:3- Or31 Co",-_:::=.'::c'ns t any, i.::.?act Uti;' !ties (a) ~tr. ~_: ~¿ _: Fischer O~ ~-':...Ãlf D.::.\:":_ ~.~:~'.;~~ rcqu::::=:s :.!::..a.t. Dek:' ~:i Rec"rd Cay. of A3S0c~¿ted ~~ud~nt3 :r:~ ::ay 2~. l~r::;, ;:t.! dectarc~ I t ~-=. ?:!sc1:..:-:- : ~.::.:.. ~ : h¿ 1.:'_ · =_ :;:_:. ·~·a!':.t :- ·a:=:~s the . . _-:_~~nt at L:~e. _...c:.e~:=~ to -... -.: eVC:1t. ~e :;'Uig~5t~d ::.¿ Coun::i: t:: :-..:,-,.e a~:\. ....-.... t:~.: (:l;'~:':' :..n0 City C.;' ~r.:.: _ ~ '.':~;~ the .' :~: :1:-:a.....e :: 1 toy CC\:::':: i'. !......' .3. tug c::: -- .-';:~.oing 9~:. , ~!L~L~ 1>y (:...:-. :-. Jac~:scn, :ecc~ed Oi Counc::'-:J.a '!~~·1?r;:; to e:::-ry~$-:! ~ J...::za '\·:..Jr:.:.. -.:::~.: J.l}" on ~~:; 2~. 1973. ¡ ~ :fot::'c-.. c.=:r!ed, 5-0 I ¡ · {:.) :,lr. ~;:. - h ')r~':" : ¡ ; !t:'. ·..~=,n~ rt.'?, -~: 1 ==-=-.. <j:"d t,~ l.:e=.:.er. E...~ _._ f ¡!§::or:: by C.'. ; r~~: .d..t iun : ¡. \- ~ !..:.·r :..·~t r ~-_ _ · ok=....:l ~ the :' I I h~ for p'!'ese:.t.atic:1 of r..:;:':-~ .::: first yc.::r _': the CU?é=-:.~::a Cc:-.;..-:õJni.ty R.,;.::.~<· -J Center. :."".('Y had ;'I. ·¡er7 s-.!cces.~fttl ':.'¿.": .::.1 are loc~~:1~ ;:£>ost year. ::e c:ircu}atc-J r-.:tl_::,~:; ~f the r~~ycli~~ : :.!:: aCc go':'n~ t..o õtrivú ~or ::.': - ?'-~~} icity th:..; ~.·~a::. J.!C:<"50:1, 5ec,,:;:..~ed by COI1::_':' ~--:.:..:: '!eyers tJ :-:a"¡~ a ':nt~t i':;r>: ;re?:.rd and ;r":~~:::''': :C' the t,;c;.::::-: ~:.~ .J;:t:.YC(~J!~ ''''.;1:i:.J~ ;,: t~"1e Cap~'rtL:,' ·:·--U:i:'tj· RèCYC:i..::;¿ i>.....ntcr ~bt_-== c.-&.:":-ied. ')-0 , ~ BmmES OF TEE A?RIL 16, 1973 cm COUllCIL JoŒlì':NG ~ J :. ~ ;~,_ (I:) Request lay Counci11:1en for r_al of ite!lls frOll the 1i ';:(~:}' '~', <:; CoDHDt Calendar. ' ~., ~ "1#/ . ;;(,',"( : t~è-.cUIIaD J~cksœ asked that ag~~,r\îtem 53 be removed from the ;.\!:,.,,~i¡f~". -mt Cal_~r. > .,t"{;;. " -. . ,.:~ ' . ... ", ''Ì.' a.!IfvIú OF CQUJl:lL REPRESENTATIVES -....-~ " -,', 4. CoundlJ:aD Frolich: Transportation Col!IIIIission ..Sooe baa route nodifications were approved. ..Buses ~e purchased from AC Transit. ..This area viiI h~ve an a??reci~ble i~provCQCnt in bus service within the next three ~nths. lnter-City Cou~cil . .Hill ::ow 11e the res",,::s¡'>ility of :laj'or Ir1:in. L~a8ue of Cal~fcrn~¿ C~ri~s . .:-\0 re?"r1... Le~:siat':'ve Re"..ie.: c~: -~~:':t('i" .. .::0 re;:Jrt ~:.--::r l~.;ir. ¡.:.:~.":' c~,·..:.;1ciln..-~;;. Fr~11ch t.o cent. :~U\,~ ·:~...:-;..in:~ ·..:':'t:¡ :!-.c ;:!"::>ject of ":'.¿:'.= ,::. the naMe of :;igh'.'ii~· 9. 5.. ~ûl:!Or l!"...-:.~.: Dr~~ ~use Co::>rdin~ti~n Co~ission ..there vas a ceetin& l;l~ pre",·ir:u.:> Tuesday. .... T:~e group is e.xper i~nc !.n& SO"ie shi çt in pHsonnel. Pol:ce ~ittee .. .This Co!::::öittee has be~n abandoned cr.d should be reo-Dved fro" th= agenda. CC-15l Page 5 Ite= 5:- removed ·l...;>ro·"ed bu~ service due. 50.0:1 ~? :.~:-~ c.t;..·._ ;'; ~_.~ ..:c t. ?:Jl::'::e Cn~-a::'l~ G.'.Jéi.:¡,don~(i . 0;-151 ":>ge 6 . 'ur:!-73 . -proved . :c..nd1tions - . JtIlIUtES OF THE APRIL 16, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6. Councllaan Jackson: AssodatiDn of Bay Area GoverrJlcuts ~, J- ..Ho report. , S8Dtaê~a County Water Commission . ..Horêporc. ' Urb~ Ðèielopment and Open Space Subcommittee of tha,plaaning Policy Comaittee ..A goocl portion of the last meeting was spent iaproving tbe pbraseology in their report, Airport Land Use Subcommittee of PPC . .No report. 7. Council:-.a" !!eyers: Planning Policy Committe~ ..An iœportan~ meetiOð is forthco~in~. Hillside Subco7.Mitte~ of rpc ..~eeting schedul~d f~r A?ril 17, 7:30 r.~. 8. Cauncil~3~ ,?arks: Flood Contr~l Advisory Cc"mittec ..No meeting. I I . i , r.o.,."~ission "n Alco:lol i,~ ..Funding i3 heing r~ç~...:;.~~ted. :'L~':;:;:'~G C~'\~!:::~;:; !O~ 9. ':t'bmiss:_':-:. ': ~1irn~e~ af regular ~.cetin.~ ~t .\:-ril 9, 19/3. 10.. A?plicat:'.·:~ 5.~T~~-73 of J. W. Lcu~:~lin re,~·...~~:jng, a~pro·lal of a t2atat_·;~ ::~~ t:J c.~t!1bine t'.:o lots into a sl:::..!lc .45 acre ~a":c~l. Said pn~~·~:~y is ~ith~n a R3-2.2 (Re.;ídt.'mtl.Ü, ~iulti;,l~, 2,200 sq. ft. ?~: ¿welling unit) zocc and is l~;.¡t~d at t:¡e 5ûuti1ed~t corn~r :: :;::~ in:ersection of 5tp'Jens C.\nyo:\ !:0ad and a":¿>rsiJ'! Drtve. Rec~L~i~: :~r a??rova1. ~~·~·~d by ~..\~u::.:- ':'L:!3~1 ~~eyers, seconded by Cûunc i l' :':1":' r'r-;.;l ch to a:?!'"I;':e a.??:~cati:'n 5-::'-73, !.;tth the 14 stt!.ndard co::d:tll'n3 anò c:'Iv!~ti(~~ 15 as reco,ìM:.~r.J..t.: ~.. the P.lanning Coac'11ssiûn. ~ntion ~arrie~, 5-0 " , - KDlUTES OF .,-=. 12UL 16, 1973 CITY COUJ\CIL ~::TING ~. tt: .... ·.'~f;;'~tTECT11Mõ. ,\.\1) SITE AFntIfAL. CCHIlTTEE "T"~'~o <Jl.~h. Subaissiœ of Minutes of~~Î!~ar meet inS of April 4. 1973. . '1/,:.,j~. AppUcAtia HC-51,202.~ .~~. V. Schell. Inc. (Barc1ays :".i.·...·,' Bank) reo;o:uUog ap¡>r~.1!....It.. ..:"....ite a¡¡d architecture far an :":' additiC':> tl' an existløc. . '. .Ing 1ocat'" at the southeast , comer :f li%ICh Avenue _'Stevens Cree« !lou1evard. Jlecozae:lllæ for approval ". .". Koved by ~cil;:an Jacuoa, seconded by C<-u"cilman S¡>arlts to approve: a?7~:'a::on HC-51 ,202.6. ~kti= carried, 5,-0 13.. Appl:: :. ~:~ ::C-51.3I')j..2 o~ D~.."idenJ 1::::'.:::::' riC'~, tnc.., re~·..;.e'-.t- înf: :.: ~ _. __ ~"f site, arch:'tect1Jrc, ::-.:-:~.,..:¿:inF: 3:"'.¿ c.rad.:'n~ f~) ten ~ ~.... :~("ate:' -...·ester1)" of ~n...~ ~.":.~,:":tr.t to Fvn-h::'~-. ~lV¿ b~t"'.c.":::- A·..·~al.>:· a:..d A..::alde Roa2. :\ ·,·':-·~:':T:~nd~d : c:" a?;rC'-;i:1 :::ved h:.· ~ .. .in 5:-,;::.--j.~. secor.-lcci by C~·'.1:-_:il::-:.,¡;n Jac:·;.son t:: Gpprov&.-- .:'.7':... _,,: u';1 ~;C-~~ ,305.2. ·~:>t: 'On carried. 5-.' j', .~. A:>?: ~~::-:= ~~ ."-51 ,236.:' =: Dóvr.d Flu~:.: :-t';:r[~s.e·,~t':n~ ~·tontebe]1 :':ont€:: .;-. :::¡,oc.:-l rë::.._E:5'ti:1g a;pro\·3.:': ¿ si;n ;1;;.r. :0:" a;-. exis:.-.: ...._::h. (~~.:::.:.:.:: located at :':'.~ _ O\;t:õ:,:est c,:r:1€:~ c: Hœr.f'~: ~.: ~ ~:-.;...1 and ~..u:":le Avenu~. Reo: ~-:::.~nJ('c~ fer ::'7?~:·_'al. ~-;ved 1-y : _..::.>:a.., S;;arks, seconde.d by C=..:~::¡:1.nn Meye~5 to z.;i'!'O\"C .:~-. .l::..~n HC-51,2~é.4. ,,;ot:':::n carried, 5-0 ~ 5. Api'l :.:.< + -:: ::C-51,L99.1 of S.H.A.R.~.. ::1:-. _ {eq'Je5t :n~ a~- pr~~~~ .;: :~~jsc~p~~g ~ l!ghtin~ ::r ~ ?r0fc~sic~al cf:ice cO~?:" :~~~:~d ~r. b.5 &eres bet~ee:~ 5:è'~~~ Crcek Blvd. nnd Al \'e, :7'.~ e..sterl)· of Eey Chevrolet. ;(pc''','''I<mde:d fcr arprc":a !'.oved b\:.-:.~'--':':'::..J.n S-..,a-.',··, second^d b, C ,I~'n Jac-~o- t^ ~ ": 0:':" .: "... ;..~.. ~ _~;.rC'n.e .:0 '::~:::~n !iC-S:,299.1. Mk'cicn carr1e~, 5-2 ~,~js~n ci.l':'ed. the Council'.-; -.~!"eatic.n t,~ a. s1i¡<.~ ".t! 10~at.!~:: o! the tr:lsl': .:,..:.~,~:t'!.~r~;. Thp. Council :~e õ:"__,Jif iea-: ic:LS vere sif.:'..:.:· -; (~\nt t ~or .....:--uld cau~e Archit~~, _ __. . adjust·",-.: :- did not ,.:. _, pr:>!' ~ :.~ . CC-l51 Page 7 HC-51.202.6 8;-?roved 1:(>3' ~30S.:: ;,:Y. .-.,·.oed HC-.)·~,23&.!4 ~1..:':-;- ,n'ed c-~' ,2,)9,! ,"=-:-~:-':e(\ ,.: .,' ....;.----... ,-. ".;. l' ::..c·:' ... ..,' ., I' b COlIC. oc:atecl 6. >.~. ;back .... "';"<'f .' . ,. ... RC-5I,01S. 33 approved BC-51,23:. : app rOW/e...! .. ~ ~m;uns or THE APRlL 16. 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Moved ~y Councll_ KeJ~. seconded by Councilman Sparks to approve the relocation of the ~b çOntainers, with the condition that· the landscçing shaUb. c-l....n.d to the previous location where they hacl ~ .!e1eted to':....'~ for the trash containers and subject to review cd approvall.y';dae,staff. '~;';:~'~ }, ',)7",':',:, ';~:.1føt1on carried. 5-0 .'.' , ~':' ",' '!' "..';"-'" \,~>,,~. 16. Application HC-Sl.01S.33 of Vallco Park, Ltd. requesting approval of site, archit.cÞlCe. landseaping, grading and lighting for a Upt industrial building located at the soutb of 280 freeway, west of Tantau Avenue. øorth of Stevens Creek Blvd. and east of Wolfe Road. ~c.n=>ended for appmval. ~ve<i 1:y CouncUaaan Sparks, seconded by Councilman Frolich to approve applic¿:i~ HC-51,075.']. Hation carrieJ, 5-0 17. ,~,?:'oa'.ion IlC-51,25l.1 of Phillips Pdrolc"-,,, Ccrr.panY re<Jue"tin~ ~;:;'.. -: :.:~.~_ Qf a sig:t "Ian for dO ..~xistinß service st.:.tticn located .,: :::¿ ~.,t¡th\"ést c,orr:.er of ~lcCl&!ll~ln R~aJ and Stell i1g Road. ;.." ,c_~"~,,J for apã)roval. ~~U''''2'': .' ~·'::'1..·il~an :·:t=yers, sec,JnJ.~"".t ~~.. COl1nl~iIt':1a:1 .!ac~son to approve I~;-;,,"~' '.::.'~ :~C-51.251.1. ~o~1on carri~J. 5-0 PAR¡;S .'.:: "XRlATlO~ CO~ISSI0)/ 18. 'C" ~,,<:i::; scheduled. WA~E _":'~:¡SSIO~ 19, '" ~èe:inb sch~duled. LI6~~~~ ~~~{lSSION 20. ~ ~"ecing scheduled. Cl!PE!:::~;¡; ClTIZE.'IS GCALS COMMITT£E 21. $~"issi"n uf Minutes of J.1I1."'t"Y 11, 17 a:,,1 25, 1973. r . m!IUTES ,-,~ ::-.~ AP"IL 16, 1973 eIn COl';;GIL ~Œ:::Tm~ :~ .' .arrtKrtNO C!";II.I!iS aHlITnZ lOR CAPITAL IHPROVF.MENTS :,::~;g~)~tj·~$,SaM't"~. of 1apr~v~\tilM!ings u1d rec=endations. rjj~"~~f!,i~'-~~ by C-.~i1a8D Prol f~.,.¡' ft<MIed by Counclloan Sparks to :':_;;::;, -', ;; de Capital :1ÇroVeIIIeDt$ ,b -t to the staff for re"iew and '. ~:~~i.'·:.-,~<~.t:·;~tr,.,~~-a:~~··b_.~:1·'·· . A HøcW .,ârried, 5-0 " refe Hayor I:vi:. thanked General Ch&irmar. Chuck S:!yder alld ne~¡'ers of the Coenit:... fer a job "'-117 and "ell d~ne. The Ccuncil request~ ~ ~~olution of Ap~recioticn be ,repared for all ~e~bers of the Cito:c::u -Review c-1ttee. Y.ayor lIT.:: ':.i·_~ed an EXEc-..:it::"e Scss!,"'n Et 8:~2 P.~-!. The n€>e:ting reconve~~: .: 5:3S P.M. PUBLIC ':".' _ :" 23. Co:!-::: ~o. :.: cO:::t: - . _: _=-:1 for extc3'!iI1g t1-:è ~r:.~t·_r 1...-. U:Cr-r.( y OrJ i:k~~e: ": .L\ ;"C':,i_¿ ~f e;S';'~-:~ {ß'¡ ·-:.:,nt:-.~, rêl~~ti!:(, !:o _ :::-zonc:-: pr-:.~rt :e;;. .:" Pla.mL¡¿: a.:.~ De·;·~:\;p_"'t.~:)t r\"·:~\.·'J~d hi~ b::'ü:· r;.;pcrt ''::' thi.; ~a.t:e:. ~e- t.~·:·:' ñ. rt.?:::'::? ·:.f t~.... :~!'"~1Lr2'5':> ~:: the PJ~:':.-.:":;; C:,,!::".~,_~r~::"I-'. a;:-."; C1;13u!tar.t; a:·.:: .' ....it A iin tLe ":;.-ulle¡::: ~'~'Arè. The J)irl.:·· ,:,~A?r~:~~:- t:)a~e t~_: went (tV(: !"~:'-:Jr l~.':.__ .......i!.! ¡or co-:r-øo:;:t.s frC':l tl..... .1.'.J::C1ce. M:-. JCT'f . .:~·:~~ra1~. lOl9-¡ Sjrt~-. _~anr'Y. C~:,..:l'"cLniJ, s:dd ~t;" ¿':'~s not bel'..:~;;; _," :::.orat.ori1;~s ..nd :'!. a;:'-::1st ::':".~ rro?,0séd ('xt.c..._;:.i~n of thE" 1 : i.. ":-. :'·:."?E>nc)' Orc!:':.zn".c. He t"l': e:-~::-l~ t'.~ the rCb'.:: t s cr the r~('(·:-: ~,-..:"~ action :in Sõicn 'JS CHy vÎ CU;'l'rtino. The Cit;· .':: ':::ey ref'orte<: that t':J" curr"nt ,tatu3 of t:,,, ,"':.<" law suit .;. ': :..: i= tht.e va.¡ (1) There 11,':-".1 n("l~::t;': be~n a cc~¡rt ordr.r1' on the \"..,:" _.:::y of the Crge:!cy In.~ in.a:l:~ Xi..... 5; (2) Tr..cr·: hii¿ not yet bee:; .J. :.....~:=t orJer r(!l~:'ing tn thè publ i..: ht'c1rir.¡::.j of the 5aich air: .~._: ~;J::'; and (3j- The co~rt ..!("CS i-::tf~l1d to rc·~n': the Qucstiol"~: :;"~ Plannlng C-::.-:aission ;·....r a ;:--...:--lil' he:lri;':f tut without ~:: :-~ -"yin;; in5tr=ti=~. I CC-15l !'ap.e 9 Capital It:õpro\': docu!:!ent refe" red to staff Res. of A¡>?rec!atic~ c~_::~z~n ts ~~f,a:nst ,".:-·:-aror-:I.:::.:' ~t ~1tUS C'lf ':':::dch };'.',.. :'.; t t Puk' i: 'Jlequeat for . ó'Ubl1c he:irIng Ter:e " I ,.,- '·p··t~ . _'t..:.. ..., , ::: c:~ in . I ¡ I ! S·e"; ,- ',,, .. __.~.g ....7"1e-. ste.d ;Irc':>:rçy SOtf"oth:,l pr~=ertv ,. .. !-!l~UTES OF TIlE APIUL 16, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING }'r. Louis Stoc:klœe1r..22l20 Stevens Creek '8lv~.. was c:once~ed .about tIte'zoning statusClf1da property at 'Bubb Rcad and Stevens Creå Blvd, The Plai1nins D1recfiøt 'ãatd this property is presently zoned Inclustdal,. and is not incløcl~;the Urgency Ordinance. Howver.bis prôperty~l' on Old CuperUn6 .... .;.aDd. Stevens Creek Blvd. is zoned ~tc:ia1 ~d\ is inc:luded. "?".IØ:"!¡{l{"· . " "f',' .' ,:,''ii'.,,/~:';'-'1,',~~,::., - ",;",/ . ," .-' Vallc:o Park Cen.~8er Walter Ward asked that hislet.çer of April 12. 1973 be inc1....~1ìi this bearing. Be then asked about'the pro,erty at tbe end of p~~e and the property sout~ of tbe freeway aad east of Wolfe Road. the 'laMing Director said tbe property west of Votie &>ad and that east of Sears are not includC!d in the intarill zone. The Planning Direc:tor'laid Exhibit A, "IntcrÜl Zoning bgulation". Ordinance 569", refers 'only to co=ercial zoninc· Mr. Ward noted that there is a considerable In'¡estn..nt In Valleu P,.rk ':od t:,e idct that it has been a P ilnned De\,el,,;ment ..ince 1963. He r~C"3niz.ed the need for the Clt;· to hire c~nsult~'1nts. but they, tc..), h..,v~ :1ir~d ~t..\l1~ultants. Mr. Ward s.1id he: "'-ould 1 i~:~ t!, hdV~ the lant! u:'>e :':'0;"('1..:;.11 heard at this tiCle a'.; 'w-.·~Jl 35 thc':'r UjC pçr..,~t ,,"pl.ic.¡ti:,:l. ~:..' 'It¡~::;tioaed ·..;hether or nQt one hear inr: at t~\é" 1.1;t -:".~t ir.~; ~:1 Ju=-~ "ül:td bê ::ufflctent. lie sa~Ct t~....,~~.. c,:):,\.Ld0r \'111c'J r.1r:·: .1 ~~af'¡::t".j ~.....·...·t.)t"-:í.[':.t. and is ~ on?::;¡;n~ dl"v~lop-¡ent. ':r:. J.:'~~u Torre, to,=, 3..tr...:'i Cit:' C'u:c:l--an.. ::,-Ì':! ;.'" ha... '-.." '~: .gcèl1 ?..'.)aG. He .::;a~J ;'l' r(!,:ff'.--';C;":l"'i 'i1e' l'.:rr,· ainLdl\·~d a . 1 ~, i '" . -, -. "; v"_·_~ .",: ~::.: :".~...t:1 C't·r:ter 7~d.nnl.!rj C:,:::--'¡;:l\·. B-2 ~ ~:~~);:t..,j t;~." ··pr:;-.·.. :.~.J ,';1 t:~._. :~L'~I..!rty s':"~,:~ 19(,3. ::0:- ...li.d c'.1.! T' ';, C' "at(.':"' ¡'.'; c·> ,~'. : ,;r ~~':I,,':~:' _",;1t .1t thi~ ti-.e. i:~ '~r~0j t~:t' Cil.: ("~:!l.ç:! t,; .'ote ,t;.} .~:t -." r\:.;.:,.".it :or '.:!:Y..tt:.rt.~on of the ·~or3tO:."r'.I.1. ~~.-. :":1ri Sd::1.:..dt said he is ...1!1 ,J.;~,"~:ate -' t', dn.--t c:n..,,·tlt:'\!1l t-J. ":"'. ¡;r·."'. ::..~ l:al'!..~d ,at~cnti.::):t t\J t:'1C ~?rn 12, 1973 !:.:t...·...:r ~rl'.·. ··~r. c~·(·j· r._"'LI'-~·C t.) th~ :JrC~f~:'t\" at ~'?c:.t?stc¡!d R..".iJ and St,"l:':~- R.,).ï\'~. ~c ..~~<.::~ th~t t~ i..¡ ;,r~~e~t}' be excluded f ru~ t~IC l.ir..~~n\~v 'jr-d ~n;~""('~', ·n t~:'lat t i,,_: :--'Qrat';,)riu:1 not åe c7te-nded. ~!':'. Ri~:¡·,tr:i :.:1:':300,330 Sl"c':n.:! ;'t~·~Cl. 1."'5 .'.Jto.;, ·ls~·.,·d ~t h:, '!'''. 'rty ~it th~ C()rn~f of Stevens Cre~k tH·/d. .1n:.i F,;ç'_,!~~l ,;"~I!. ~'ì .n,·~,d· (1 :':1 1:1is 7":oL-at.oriu~. The PL\t~!1if1~'; Director ",I.:'j :t ::{ :1.)[ ~:',,,:lt;,.;<.:J. ~r~. H:l::S0:: ,;aid thc,.~ :J(C cont~~:u-,]'!: to Cl1;,'>rt::1-:J tJ.:·d :'. I:C rl~;'1 ..~d ':'C"T prezoa:n~. He askei that this pr07.o':1in~~ ::c ~r;'l::"i· i h. C.:i\l--;~ lllf::: :t'-2 .1.:lxiou$ t1.) u~gr3da the property. 'ìÎ1(" E·la:1nl.n~ D:rec~o~' t'1!'iè",~d ~hc progresg thus far on this ~~p1i..::t.lL0:1. T¡~~ ?lan::il1g CJ__~i;,;_dc:n h·"~;·d t:1C fr-:>f>o:.;al and d&!cidcd it -;/0u1.J lH~ !...·.'o:·..;.:..,:,:.! '.': r.~t:':·~ a. del·H-.;::'.t!.ü:n (.:n this until the end of ti-.e IiuratorÜtM-. Tilt!:' c"lltlnut-:J thr. .;~-:t 'c:at~on.. !fJ~. ~ , ,11'...... ,.- ' , l '..."'''.' .". . , . .~ HIRU1'ES OF TIlE At'au.;16. 1973 CITY COUNCIL HEErUlG ''''''''-' '. ~'. .::r ~',";<;;,ì!... ,;'1 yy 'I ~1/¡ :~;<_:'~':1. :? ~;:,:~~ ~~. ~h::-!. ,¡ ,'{,; ··~.'c :¡"¡ft!'-!J" " ",;'''It·· ·~:i"'i!/';. ~ .'1+ ',;, , t of naI'Ie~¡!,fp~rllÒns who,. aed extens:1ctn .'of· the møratt'".; '>. ' . .... ,~::·:ì"...~·,.\; :;r::n~~ t..;.w~·t:~;n:r~~::~/~:d ;~e~:-~/~::~k øt~~!··,,; "tweeD Bl.nq ... Portal Avenue. He stressed the hardship the moratoriU"l is -ilia their f~."iJy. They ",ould like to a!'ply for c~rcj81 &onl~l. !be !lanr.ing Director sa~d this pro;:>erty is not within the nor.torfu...., :ut t:12 adjacent C:'ITercial ;:>roperty is Att,,,r1"t'>· T~- I)'Donuel1. re;:-c~...n': i:'l~ the Call ÍarL~l~· ~ said the ~r('~ant I 'P ~/; the 20 a(:e~ ,at S'.('\,CTlS Crct.:Z Blvd. 3:1d H':';hwn.y 9 ....8 the !cell ?!ant aueS \o:-e c-;' ~"rc ;:1. T:¡i3::; pa!"t øf the TO·~::1 Cpoter, ~..,d tl:,. "~lI.ste! r']a" c.,(>;-1'1;' ~ndic;¡t~o::' th:'<: p~o;:e!'ty as c\...:':t.ïerc~..:. fie a.l\;.a.d t:!~ C~t' r-~y ~1cij to cl..,;:1~~å:::[ t:-.:f- case jnd¡v:du.l:ly, Tht' CH" M: ornry a.¡¿ the c· c, '" t):i" r.'~{'t In-=: ~ to t!':!:::,;.;,!" -.;'x~< .a:! ~f C':'t~n t:\ t~.~ ~:it~' Ccü~cil at ...·l !,;.: t ¡~;:¡ . ,. t:¡i:: ~¡-c..;.:"'.¡nce. ~~::c. ¡:..' 1..',. r~t·?¡.;ras. ::'_-~..' :t.. c: - -:'[t~\.:~ ~:--;'~J .:-é:a-..d ~~ I·Y ~ad g::.:er. :'0' x ,\.\." I. cit:='G~:':.1t_ ':=-,:':. r ta,..". hö":" ':--:."; u:;: cC:1¡;;iderabl~-. On thc.;-t" ~¡:t C''', she- a ;"'C1 t:t3t. t"~ (...r¿in..-1::cr -:t ~~ c;::.endeå. :-~r_ .hhn ~'~)l~.!,t.Oø. ~t" ~;..':t ; (:.::.\.-:, . :;ç 1Ù t·",· ;::-C'ci:.~d!"è ,;:t:, thi?' pur,,:,·h:;.~~ ,d t.he prc?..:·rt~-- at ~"t,· -,-.; ;¡:¡:.! :::)-.~.ot,;;ú.::l R~)e:¿~ and ha....e alA" rr.:"~c\':d('d òl'lth ~C"":c o! tb' tJ" t·lop·-;cat '.":":-1c.. :it- Raid the df'vel;')"h.·r ha-.. :'u!£(':-e¿ j~{>-_;'al tr\'M th:t-: -,I~!';;.tlr:í.~=, but the pr"t'~rL)' cv"'r.~r~ ha\-" .,¡J: £cn:d .1'n . ~rs. B.'I1.-b,H<' !:Wgel"s. A.1~~UI:n Itr n._. sa~d ..;.he .:'t.:] ~C'-:t.."~ the ord:'.1é1nC Shol,11d b(' ext.er~E-rl. ~-he '~ou~j ! .,f~ to ;;('t.. .~ {:o:-::.?lt:'::'(~ ~u..:dy do"" bc{,,'rf' ,.,nr~ ~cvel(\¡:'-.é'::.t occ·':~· ~. Nr. Jack '." ~tylor. of Sut.ter·-:¡ i 11. 1 He.. s,ald t:.~y h:;":t: Lf'ë'n 't.¡orkin~ for 4 ~'cars ",irh the propc·It;' at ¡,,,,,,,,stc,,J œ1<!. Stell:nr. and n"'" hay,", a pr("spectlve tpnant. H..: ÒI,."\(>3 not \,,·.:!:¡t the T""~:-:~toriu:. co!':tinued. CC-151 Page 11, Mello',':. Proper~ ';;"1' . Cali To'.." C~ntcr ?-=c~!.:t:..: O?ti::on ~ Cour.eii , Stt....lL·c: ,:; EC!":C$ t~';"¿ !-lr. Nick Li"vak. \rHnc.Le..ter 51·.d., Sant~ CLlr;1, Té'pr<::sent1.t;lg Guli Gclf 0:1 Oil at l!c-~t:'s!eaj and ~tt·11':n.-::,. <l::r!";.c '.","t;. :1ga~r:::.t tL·:: ::Jrator;ut:-:. f'xt('nsi~n. nc asked the Co:,::"ci) to ce:1siJ\!r t:;,~ ?fûct ~c'.Il aspect.;; "s well as the legal problc~3. (.....~". i" I': ~. , ,Xen_ pro:;oer~ Pr~,.n)' aJj K_t ~e P.O;. . Z sub«ac~ It' f_or: GO IIJ(t~i.on - .. ., . MIMES or TIlE A1'I.IL 16. 1973 CITY COUNClL ME~",.. t . '. .<flJ{' .\c,j./.. ,7~~~f;<. ,'.;< :,;tt,: .- : :.,>" _. ':::;f:'~~<,: ~"'.' t.. à. ..~$,ú.tte.· r:..aw.'i.:.,,;;œ¡ . . .l~t '~." '... '~êd.tlca.j,\ .i1\iC:' . ." ·t·~...:· Ai':¡~f';),i: '~'1{J.¥&7~ . ,."'.~~~. ~.'~.:'.'.' . "....'... ...,;.;.J.Ò!ot¿"~:j ~.:' !,~,B1Y~~N~~...~ .~,t,; :~,*/;;':!/%~r'..~:,;'~~~'G .' ''',:: .,} 'itr...f.:ru.ltj:C!êjì*:"~"-"frtbe Cupertlncí c:1t, . ....... ,.~tt~¡,. 'Aid ..fèüat......~s. 8hóuld ba exteadedi .,.~~ to do tbs . ~job well.·AI"''' ....taketl ti:De to prepareABiÎl).Üøs. canaot be irradiuted~ U the _~.tor.!.un vcre not exteadecì~Ù:tI¡¡r'plaønlng CoaDiui<m ~d bay. Ut coas1der the regicnal sbðppiag center at tbeir ~t ..ettal. ~ chic i. too large a questfoa to be resolved in IKach . short U... '~;l, , .~.".- ~ ;~ '.(:' ',~-/;;~;..- ,. ~~:<" .- ~~f7~' <ìì~; ..,'0. ,jr~~,\~-,- .- .,..~".,..; ¡iiI' .. "->:~'>', )",~. SteU.. ~. lCe.ter, IC8~' S~...'ens Canyon Road, said she could not un¿er- stand ~.\¡ her p-ro;o-of!C":'y , at the Eharp bend in the road. was inclu,:!crt tn the -~t~toriu&. $~e >ai~ £~e ~ill be s~lllng ths ranch v2ry 5h~rtly. Mr. J ,>-,. Chart:er Z7'·:e ~:: r£~ar'! to the o.,all o!.ece of ?rc~erty b..~Un· _~ agaInst '.~ f.~. 6. E. sll¡'Hdt~~n, ¡¡" said they ."C!: .}sked lo "iûl~, .-:ó! Clty. :'_4!_r t::~!':. '....:1, to cu~l,i offices, a::d the)" !1:i0",'~ been ~("~~Oo,:; .nit ,1. ._:~~,,: ::....~ ~,. :0 thi~. H'"" ..,;",!ri they :ire ~~::~:'Lo-'c~i13 ~ : ':'~1.~":' ' t:e t;.~:~t ::,'i"'''!;Y <.::itll,lli...,n. :"lr<!,~i" . Mr. Jt"':' .t'·it,l~cf".l:: .~::¡,_~ \. '':a:_~ t.~z Ci.:..· ::,;u:1r:ll r..-:.t :'c "';;.::':':1J the n..n°.Jt...'r. .... :Iro ~J'h :\.,'.;ers. .\'l 'P, '-:'.::"_"rt:~1-'. l:!".::~d t.a~ Cf.t:: C;-~::c.:l to c::~~: ..:,,~_. ":1(~ t:1t~!': . _ '-'" :~t' ":'.1:-3 ." ~:!'ll¡" U~,.;~~; ~:'j.r."': .....f! jn':.':1\·l·o.:';~:1C'P. ar,¿,....: -.::::.:::' ~ ~.~-:: I ¡It' "~.:;\.?I' ..:i t::c CJ·_->?-cco....·ll ;rù;~rcy ir.·J,"':·.~·... ;,...t in t~.t·,~ _= ::::~:i~t~.:d t:-.t!.";. :L ~~ ./-!r''/ ¿'::icult f::..r C:ty g",...·t..":.·~·..;-.t to :'Ia.'.tc. ....~.... -'. .~.. :",..t':'lÌ i:(' ·:.J'_11J 11r..~ ;.4i ~'Y'~, :':oand, ·"'cli ::-·,,·..~:'!.t CJt ~e-~:-;,_ ~- ;'"~~: ~. ~ !", 't~·..:t 1':1' 'J.;.1l~~ '=~ !1:3 :::-~;e~t!. ~t,l)·~!' .. : n 2. ::)Ì".c1 thcr,~ ':~'. ~ no ~.ore :-.~",_ 't-:'ê :...... -,.)te' ,,:).·.,..:nts ~r-:.-. t¡~~ "'.....;.~ ~?-!C~. i-u~l:'c :.e.s:·::'P ~~)~lt...·d ...... -:':.;)unc~~r:...~ ·;"~::-s. o',·¡n!·\.l hy C.tl"!c:':"'¡.1n Jd.:'!o.30:1 ..... cl\..'sc clo~ed th~ t'1..~":..~ Hear irq~. L~~¡-,:,&!C:<!: be~le: ~::i =-:-..:z;:: ext~~:J:n ... '." (~:trrl~J. )·-0 Co~nc:> ~:\ S~.,U~.5':"_:.-' :....... .:: ~~.:~ tl.;2-re '-:~~r,' .._;:- ty?..~s ;)~ ?r·_~;.:::t:' ::',.':1.:rs rt"?:-c'.~~::.·-.J here: ... ~::":7··._"'::"~ 1..'0.'::,,-(\"::;,:. .wd t!lC r~-.;l.~·.:'~t.:.:i~ h'~~ OW":1U!·. ';: rcvlc·..:¿:: .<~ :.::~ ·.·alld :--,;i:H~; :jr,;u:;ht .':,tl! ì;¡ tLl" "it i.z'.'~1.3 '.0.110 :->:;,-:".... :It th:"s-,==~~:':..:.:. ..~ ..'Lt t>.;lt '-1..(> ['~t,:,z~:1'; i Cu-=~rtil\''':: ·:r:"J.ld hL·:.CI:t :: the ¡,Jr.~ :--_;-. :;." ~.~ 'C ;,t'.,d1;:-¡ '.:'=~"; '..::·:t~r:.:_L';', :-:::-._:~..~ ~1 :;'-~rc th''''r01:_:" :-.tü!ly p-0ss :.=-.:.~. r ~ ImWl'ES OF 7FEAPRIL 16, 1973 CIT! COUXCIL ¡"::::T:¡¡G cllman Frolich wanted _åtizens to knoll the City CouDcU bes this !:IOrator1~1 ~~~,: ~,' .,~e and creates probl.. for '. lc. It is IIIOre,coap,.. r .detaUE'd now, ~nd he bas a . real concerñ,.'about -~ .~ ·~'.íi!.eneral pi an can be adoptèð by y 1st. the tœe fraM ììÎt "·~rt. He recognized that per- "J. ,'. "',"ij"''''-' !""~'"""" 1h thcre vas slIIe COD~,," ,;I¡" ~~h8 possibility ofsOÐU! d_ ,g.' . ., ,:.,~?::. ·,~::kj(:·. ,'j> .,'~,,'.... .Planning Director sa1cl'....:~ Council will be involved in :~'dIe :general plan by tbe -'oU1-\Of~~.y. Thc consultants are a-...are of the July 1st deadline. 1!Ie Direct.::: said he ,,'ould like eight ~nths extension. ~~ncilman F:::lich said tha~ if the ordina~ce ~ere not exten1ed, the City Cc~~"l would be faced with the ?r~tle~ of Kra?pli~g ~-jlth lhc'e :?plicaticns ce~~ ~cw and JuJy I, in a~dit'o~ :c th_ -ot.ber \\.·or~~. ~=U:1c_:1T"'':i. -. J..:.:~son ~\"1S ... :~:r,,=,'!' 0: CC:1('e:~:'::.:1~ :...': ~'U the ~t::'.~:-':::: ~;~n C'o·.:~::::'~" and ::.;(::1 :.:--~~ .e...·£=::bcJ~ ~.:'. :::' cr~·::.>_- ...;J~t t}ll:-- 4::- ~~ -.uch !,~';;c: ~.:o:- ~~~a!\ anyr......~::- '~ ~ :~pJ t - ,_H.:': _.. :::e COllJ;; :--t";;. ::," a]tcrr.~t~·. ==.. e:!:~t to j:..:~< "':..I.:·d u:' t~~ ..:::-:. :~e &en('r~: ;:¿:!.. ':"'..;r.-.':jl ;'L: ':..>:-l';j il~:~(;...; .'._:-. :~.-::: St3:"~;-,·..>. ......- t : ~._' ~ : (> =- - - - - _. ~f"-~~c:s. :'. -;.¡~l! hf' ·.,·v-",;:,,:, :-.':.:c:t'r. : u:t.~leT '- .:.: ~ ~;;.'i:'; (I~l û.. t.:; : _. :.' :. ,~t. '.. ~-;i.\'.;.' _. a..::, :':I"";j:~::::L~..", :'.'~::h S:l:'~ :-.~ ·~:.'_?"::'C':':1 de", .. ',:e!..'::h· .'t;l"!:-:':-.=-- :.:: cn:-:u!' -,:, i: ~n;.:. thl' .,j";.;:':- ::..::: : .::=.èj ':"T1~'. J':"'~·-:-r ~r .~: .;._'-':u¡zeå ::-.ê ~:'~_~c-..!"n~c:; -~,a~..~ :'Pt' C:-l;¡:.l':";'~:_::. ~..id tL£' C .:-.:d \h1dt,rstCi:--:.=. ~:-¿ !!'s1:1,-'--,:: .. --.....~~: ~j,.~(:~.. .. - !'...?Vcd b~: C:.:'.:':'l:¡an J'J::k=..;-::.. £~:,::.:'(>J ~y C \'.:~~'l::an S~a"(~.~ ¡~ £"Z1.cnd Jrt~:-·- \.ìrùi:\.1n~1:: S-.=. S:.:' ::-r i1, P(·l:-..i \;7 t'J ~~'J. ~::.=:-_:' ":uly 1. ! ~'~.:. .I~ES: !iDES: C..:.':.::::....l-:eu Frol ic:..... J¿':~:5cn, ~:ey('':'" -, ;-:.~·,lrL.;., H¿-~':"'r ~:-- ........ .' .. ..~ ~~:.iz: cATrie,j, 5-0 !'~:t;;r 1n;::"" '~J.::\:l ;:} r~::-è~3 .:3.: ::::2:' P.;-L ¿t 10:37 P.~', .. :':.'o.'l ..In,..' r,:c:':l'-_~-"-~ CC-J51 Page 13 Ti:::e frae is too short Ccm¡llete general plan first T ,.'_,'.::1.., '.;(>..'t in~.- Ord.. ~..: s· ;,xt~ nf. '.: l~' J~ ~:: 1" ~. ..CC-1S1 '~ase 14 . " MINUTES OF TilE APRIL 16, :'913 CiT'{ COl~¡CIL ~IEIITINC 24, Resolution No. 3436; "A·Reso1ution of the City Couacll of the ";r'~ .:, ~ '..~ City of Cupertino<~4eriJl& Vaœtion of 4 Portion of Alves Drive ·.g'~'¡>r;:i'. Located on the~~~14e of' Alves Drive Between Propó8ed~~ndley . ,..;1....,,' I)rive and Saratog:" . ale Road Pursuant to Section,' 8320 et seq. ;{t';;r",ct ~f:< of the Streetsiáa4 . Code of the State of Califomta." :_"~"" ~ ':;. , read by Kayor . ....,: ; !'¡¡'",ry, I,.: 't' ~i; -~.:, ,<:.::; :; "Ìiayor Irvin asked fo£;;> fro:!l the audience. There wér~'~ne. Io.r. ?t~J;-;~:;'S¿" , Moved by Councqman rr~l'f~';.econded the public bearing. ., , ....4J',_ by Counc.Uman Meyer.;' to dose Hoçion c~rried, 5-0 :."1. aes. ~36 adopced . Moved by C~unci1nan Frollch. seconded by Councilman ~eyers to adopt Re30lu1Oi:n !70. 3436. Motion carried, 5-0 25. !h:sc·;~tèon ~¡o. 925.37: "A R",;ulution of thp C~tv C·>uncil ~f the C':'ty .....( Cupertin.'J Ord~r:n3 Chanseo.; ~~1l1 Hodi::":,,c;J,t:{'}:-;'3, V;;.l!co P:;rk A¿st.'::':'''_cat J)i$tr-~ct, ?:-~ject .\D 6':'_1.11 (C·:ntinu:Ia.._~ requeste-:.i to :;·...:~t .::~ Jf ::0'1:'. ;» 197~.~ C::!1.t:.=_c: :'~=\"(>'.~ :}:" : ·:.~nc i L~an Fr:1 ::.c~. 5¿.::(:ndc"1 b" CI)I:·l"~ i>n:U1 Jd'~~'_:O: ')0-:': t--; _ !"~ ti '_1\10. Resolut: ,.~ :';.). ~15."Jï to ~~:: ï, :.')ï3. ~ -" - -- ¡\.,;:s. ::..;.;.;. ~fd~' 7=~. ~:~i~n r:arricJ, 5-0 ORDlNA~C:-::: 26~ Sc..::-~._~ RC;Jding fJf Or¿:..:....:.n('c ::0. 575: "A'1 OrdL::;.::c:: sf t:-,:- City of Cl1;:h":-~ ::'.0 k:~¿>ad-:_r.; O!"::i:':-~En'_'.! 220 ;!~~J R-'.' '.l,¡t :i\<~ R~-. :.èc;.: ~.;,l 1)·.1:.:1ex (R2) ~~::es.!1 . r~~~ ~¡ the C~ty Clerk. :Jrd. .5i.5 ~hved by f..\~UI'!cilü1:in :"é':ers" -:;ec..:'í!lc.:i b'.. l>\!I\c.il .illt J;' ~-~:'=-. t'J :l;1':e Sec'~=..:::! i.~¿::~~;::.. Ol."",1!n.:;:1...~~ ~;)~ 575 :-c.'!.":·hy -::'tlë a;-,1.y, ~,;:j. t:'1C C~~;r:(';j :-~.:.:::"'~~ .ih::.l1. con:)ti'::'..:~è the .~;~cr;:1 ': Re.a.d~~. :-'~tion c3.cric¡i, 5-0 J(d. ;75 e.:\3c~eci. Moved by C.~uncil:~an ~k::~rz, 5c(_:'n.~~:d ~ìY CJ~;'H.:iJ.-::;¡.n .tj..~ -;'):. "'J <~v·.-::.t: Crdin~c=0 ~;o. 375. }i:)r':".:)n carrie.i, S.JJ , fþ JIlJIU1'ES OF THE APRIL 16, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING '~" .¡ .1~;,~;.~~?,~~~~~ Read~n& O(;;.Or~~1! No.5?~: ..~'.'AnOrdinance of. the-: Ä"dfi'/it\fEity '. Counc~l O~~~;ctf cuper;~ Authodzingaø AIIer1d" ;t~;:i?'t,.~"fJ.eøuo the CoØt~#~I~ ;the.C!ty~nci1,aød the BoaTd of ~1'1?it:'i~#:µ'løJ.strat1ono~i~~. ':.' <" rn~ ~b11c..}'.a.. ployeeil' Retúement .' ,.~."""..>c '''' . n cad b~' " . ,.' Cl-'d.·· .". . 'tif'~';;o,v:"/;r'-:::1::}/~,:?Qlyst_. - r- 'lb, " ','" UI....',·,·,}-, oJ. :~tj:·<':~·~,'~:~~j~~:'·/,'~'~:X~~'3/ '\;;¡f4:~:~~~" ,'~j,,~h\W:';':::};-- --,-.;:':':<. ·i~::;,~~,:~_, .,'~' ':: .~ ····.Jfowëct byCouncUman'JiI~"'?"~"~acICC!I1dedbyCoûødJo!lan Sparks to have "iOziaf.,Dance No. 594 r~:bi·tf.µ.qnlyand the Clerk's reading !Shall coasHtute the Second' Jtéåil1DI. . AYES : CouncilI:1en Pro1ic:h. ,Jac:kson, K:ayers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin N~ne S'JES : Motion carried, 5-0 !~ved bj' C~u::',:!:1"n Jackson, seccnded by Councilman Heyers t" e:::"-ct Ordi;"",,,,, :;". 594. J :'"!:5: Cl"':"1O,~:.>.?n Frolicb, ¿é.c~;.scn, ~<(,:·I!rs. !);~r:':s, :':a":~r l:"'i':"! ~:: S~: ~~...';'c! MQt~~~ c?rrj~d 5-0 2õ. ~~!,c,':~,; :~:--,::.n.~ oí Gr¿l:-_.:;;..>~ ':::'. 59':': uk, .:If'!::-.;;,n:"":£" ("7 :..:... C?ty ..:f C..;,.,~·tino A.ï.e!1t'::~g Sc-ct~":1 1 ~f Ordinance ~b. 2. :<-- Rez:-~H::: ·:::ta~n P')rtj.~"~ of tho:> Cit" of CIJ":~rti!~') frc-:-, R3-2.: (::- ::;-:":t>nti::l. t1:.ll~:'pl::. 2,200 ~q. {t.· ;:'êr d·.:t:l1:'::.-: t:.nit) :..::-:~ ~:' R2-4.23 (?.£~:¿er.t .f", Duplex, 1,,250 :.q. :~" per d·...·t.~l~ :-.~' unit) ZOf..r; A?~roxi;~"atl~i~· .21 Acre:.; l.·~Cctt.?'~ AdjZ>.cc:l.t ':,' ~i~ct EastE=rl:t cf r_lp~r.e Drivi' A?;,ro~:: '""_ate:'y 2~€. Feet ':(':,:.~:-i..'"' fro:n the ::1-:ersection ('If FoothjJl ï;Dulp":a:-:. and AlpiL"> -::':-ive." - rea.: by the Ctt~ Clel·k. ~:". Acbrey 1.. C ,...ti11e, 1055 !nverl1C".':;'s ~··ny, Sunny·.·¡.!lC':, ~?::':~ ~ehalf of t'hc :~-i.r1:1e Invcst::.tmts Co..ran\". He sa:..! t:.e ;-.?;.: :·;:¡....t has bcrll u:'l..":":"C:: ::0 ~et fiaa~c~ng :>0 ¡IC ;,('I\: requt':;l!-' Or:iiné.:-.Cr.: 595 n~t bè F~,><J to rezone t~is ?ropcrly. Councilman Fcdich wanted t<> co~tinu2 this r:atl"r tco the n",<[ ~eting ~1n¿ L' :J.sk for a lec:er ~ith the' 5a:::t~ HL"E~tarc 35 ib en "t~.c app]icat:,:~: fC'r rezoninó. refl(-(:till~ thi$ nc':'" ri."q':.1~st. !:c"'ed b~' C~...\.:·"·· },-::m Frolic::.. 5f!'co::::C'd b:: CCU:-:'Cl I-n·..o ~park5 t~ ;>...."'tpCI:1E> th.: --~~·,'n~l reading 0: ;)rò__n¡1.;:~(, XC'. 595. ~1:;ti~n carri.'.:-J. 5··0 CC-151 ?age 15 Ord. 594 Second Rea¿J.Q '.',,,.~ I'X,~ . '1" ~ 0::,.J ':'9~ ('n;.~t<:,d ~"in.J;lCin;· I':.C'~ a':~ :¡.:.~lt~ I.p'l, t·r trC"':"J ~~ r' i Cdf:t r~"i:':'t"s.te(~ 0: .1. ~'lS ;- .~ ~, t:- ,¡:...1 I:C-lSl :'ago: 16 '. .f.";~::,' ".,;¡: 7~~'¡:"'P' ~·";:t,,~:V:"< ~~,'I:;, ~;J*: . . '''IN-,!, :', ,,;< ,"';:~" ; Ord. S96';;;f~r ,'t, Secoud .' ....... V' .^~' .< -rd. 596 ,,,acted :: J. 5:>- ,:'.-..l ?~?::.._ ~-: ' . .. 597 .'~ -:':~e·1 -.j- ·1. 5;S L L'l-·:,d i.e=-""': .,...!l~ . . MINUTES OF THE APRIL 16. 1973 CITY COUNClI. IŒ~'Tl!IG ";.~:' 29, Secolld reaollng of ~~"~'-. No. 596: "An Ordinance of the City '. Council of the C1CJ'?:~ '~rt1no PToviding for the B:atabl1sbaE'.I1t :;S:l~:~::f;r~~tb~i~~ea~~t~O~l:~ Awa~ of Contracts i-, <~. :,,r<~::-\,~?f~,:":~,-- " . HcJved by COUDd.IIII8D.,....;;~ed b¡ COunc~::.tlanSparlts to have Ordinance Mo. S96reaollàf/ttt1~only and the Clerk's reáding shall constitute the Second ~u~·f.~iè , ''"~. Motion carried, 5-0 Koved by Ccu:1ciloan Meyexs. seconded by Ccnnciban Jackson to "n~ct Qrdinance ~~. 596. :~tion carrt~·.!, 5-0 30. :-c...: ; :\~J.¿inE of .....r¿icanr:e :-;0. 5~)ì: I.....: JrJir.¿~r~ cf t·:;.~ C"t",· 0:" ...~ ·-.·~<::'no Rê.pe.a~:¡.z 0rj':':'.,';~ce ';;:<. ~~7 ~:~d A-.."!::''':'ir..~ <"l":t' 'I''' :!.. i :__ ::::aCl.~ :~.J. '::':'(¡s.), ·Î;.:dt Re.,:·,l:,;~.'J :':-:\~a·::.t: ~~,.:=-;.;);!.., ..t·...! .:.~:,;; ··..:-:.:ì";, t...:. ;.;.t'':? G~"1~ral ~C1,'~' ·~l·t· t'J r::-'~ 2-::1.:--: .:::~.tl _ rr~¿ ~y t~c C~ty Ct~r~. ~. t , r;. :::":e:! ~-'rd: ;' '·;7"·.:i1-.él.a ..!a:k.Eo:-., sec')t1·~~~ -. S~7 r~~~ ~: ::::~ o~lYJ : ".~ 4e'.o:....-i ....c:.J.c:..~:_ ':::c'" ~ :-.."ln :f~...~= ~ ¡,.-; : ~. t . ¡ ''! ",. ..: .,- ..<,; .:. ~..k .~ -l';o.,:~r!.·.~ "'.11 '- .... ~ct:Ol'~ r:.i:"T ~'.' 5··f} ='~.:ve~: ....:. ~. ..:.::.:U~,1:1 1¿'':~5::r:., :ccon'll~'! b,- ;:,':~:":..:~~~.;la :-IL'~:(.:~ l.: . n !ct ':'":'":!~:; :-:.': - :~~. 597.. :-{-, t i")1\ c.;' r:' - -'~:, 5-0 31. :;l·...:.':·: :tet\ding:1f ·")r~i!'",d..'1-":(': ::0. 5:;:g~ 1'.\:1 Ordi:l.:nc-.; ,:f t:1~ ':::·t·: c.",:::..:_~_ <.'f the C:'t.)· :..Í C~:"2:rti.n) 1..:-,':~::~':.:1 R:~~·.t ,j"[ ::~:tr' t·: ...\.u:':'._~:'_zt."J C::'tv Oi&,;;'"",·~·ror tl". ...,:-.....;",.,( ""'-1':':"";":' ..,,' .. __ ____...... ,..... ....." L._'. . L ._..._ __. ,- ..~., ~':r~-L-:'~ fot" t:~·; E~f~r;:e:.~nt of t:lt:' :~., ':::-;l.)lì.,; ..'~ t~.c O:·J::ì.t:h·¡~3 0t :. 't.~ C~t;· ot Cu;:-ertir.."'J, c.:tlit..~r:~ >." - ....··..H.: b:: l~e Cit:: Clcr~(.. Movc:: ':-:: ..:..:1~:..:il:-:an Jack£J:l. <;e-:cnd~d ~;: ·;l:h::.1;.,.1t1 ~·!(·.:·C!'"5 l·) h'1.vC )rdin.::c·...: - ;'''. 593 rt-a¿ c:." t':'-:.!e Gnty, d'~j ::~.." C1C':-k';,; rb;it':in,.J, : h.tli c:n.-.:;t -:.: ,:-' t:>~ S¿cund Rßa::¡;:';. !~) t ion 5-'Î L<-I... _ " ~ , . JlIJlUTES or n::: ,\??IL 16, 1973 CITY COU::CH. ;sEn:¡G , . CC-151 Page 17 ;, ~;.... ":! '. 4JI. .. ): 0·... -. . ...... ,. ,:~1~· ":,.- ~ .~,b1 C::OUCilun·;:.n;j(~f.'ÀcozIded by CoU:1cil.-.an Meyers to Ord, 598 i ~1~lJ~' f~Ott- e!b. 5~~~¡~~';~"'~'~rried 5-0 ;.,~J'}T~¡~t~f~ ~;;;~;·(';t 'ii,').' ~' ,~~,;;{,'~;:~f:~~!: ~~,:~,~,;; -.. ' ". ~ ~ ~t}~;o' ~-. "fill of.Oi'i 599: '.'An Ordinance of the ç1i: ,,~%t: ':', i';;r; "of tile C1t1~~,. " Providina for the Def1ø! "~ ',' , >";~.í~\';' icåle Ceneráll,' ., '.~.fft"'''es of the City of cupert1øø.·'~ ::.; <§~,,\WUon1.a, aDd Provia.í¡Jt- Rules of Co~truction fOT tha. .; 'of lit_oK of the C1.tY"J Cupertino, Califcrnia." - read by' the City Clerk.. !løved by ec"""ilnan Sl'arl:.s. seconded by Cc-;7>c:'l, .1:1 Jackson to baY Ordinance 3<!. 599 read by title only, l1:1d the Clerk' s reading sball cons::::::e the Sec:oDd bad1ng. f :;:" i" Ord. 599 Second Readin' Motion carried, 5-~ !toved by :0":::.:::"''' :!eyers, ~ec:'nded ~y c.-"::::::::3!1 J::ckson tC' enact o:"¿:.~...!-::~ :':"'. 599. Ord. 599 en:zctr1 KDtion carrIed, ;-:: 33. Sec,:--,.: ~~'¡·.;'1: ~í Ordír.~c~ :io. foC:): '- l):j~:¡;]':1ce of t~-..c; C!t\' =__-:..:_: ~'f t:..e City of Cu¡>ert :1':.' R'·-"~~":'1.~_i;;- Ùr¿in2r..-:;; 1(0: S:; .o:o.i A"'~nding Se~ti"~ 1.5 ·,of ~'c.i. _,:'.:<' :\J. 130, .-o_,,~: Relcl:c~ :,:-=:':itruction.s. of StreeL-:. :;-:.: :·~.,.::-._,i::··. [0 Re: e; t~ the ~~~.!: ~L:í'~t St;¡ndard ~~ci:ical :,~:1::' :'..- -.\¡~i:atcù 0)" t~-~p State -.-'"..~...:..:r. cf :aKÌY.rayS.." - rea¿ t-:; : ; C·_t~: Clerk.. 1toved b~.. :':-.;.;·_.::.::-.1" ~~eyer&, ~ec:.ndt:d by C...:::....::.l..:.1:'!. J3.CkFG.n to. have Or¿::-.,~~~':i! ~:. 600 read ~y title oa1y, ;.:".': th~ Clerk's rc.adi shall c~"~: c::..:e t:'p Seco::ð ?eadir:g. Ord. EO:: SCt...0r.d R"'-I.,f Ir.: Mo::on carried. 5-: JIcIved by :':-.:=..:.i i.:- ~ ~ Heyers, .&ec.,ndcd by c~~~;.: ~ 1=~1n. Jad:.son to enact Or":'.':':..!::.cf' ~~;.'. 600. Ord. ór;::J cnéct ('~ Motion carried. 5--~ ... ... . !I1JIUTES OF T¡!<: .\rRIL 16, 1973 CITY COU;';CIt !>!'"..ETlJiG i ) 'J~ IISOLUTIO!IS '.'-; ~.,' '·c,.;~_~" ;";' , "r)lo.3442: "A Ieaol~tioD of ,the City Council of th4 Ç.!tt,of"Cupertino . Cetta1D Cláhw.âad Demands rayable in thct"..,..4 frOll '. , be r-Is as Bê?~~~Descr1bed for Salades aa,cI:', .'.,' J~r the, ~,raJrOU 'edad '~ì"I'~p1:ll 3. 1973.· - read by Ka . ' . '. ¿,This --"Iutieni' coyer. warrants 00. 17360 through 1747 ;~·iA. the .-.at "of $21,89l.4Ztií·gio.. earninga. "".~',~,)¡1"·"~;,.' ,,~A:,~ ':..,-,' . >,"" " ,",,;:~~':ffflj¥.·'y" . eo! by Coaadlllan protich. seconded by Counc.ilJllan Jackå~ to adopt lutioo 110. 3442. .' . .~ ':~ :':'1" . Cou..::ib:en Frolich. Jackson, ~!e)"ers. S¡>arks. Mayor Irvin }¡;tee Motion carried, 5-0 35. ::0. ~.:..,; "A Resolution of the Cit,' C.oundl "f the C:'ty of Cu;ertino Al1.:·",··~=,; ":-_":r:~in Cla1-:...:i a~d D~"1:1..tâ :'.1··,·;¡b~t! in the A::lcunts and frcm t:1~ :-..:....:..:. 15 :~ere!nðf ter De3cribeJ f.:~ G~ncr::l.l and M~sce llaneous Ex:~c:-..:.:~ :-:3. Per~cd Ending April 1::. :973." - read by !~.:\yor ¡",,·tn. r1is :.<, ':,,:ion cover.; ...arrants n.,. U?j2 .:,rough 14059, '-"ith a tot~: ::29,890.8d. ".,~, ~1 .d~¡:têd ~4¡~..1 ':'Iy ~_ _-.::.l:1an Mej"crs, scc~nded ~:: (.''..l:1.::.ti..m Jackson tu adopt ~e.,olu:.:~ ': .. 3~~3. AV"i3 : ~:)r:S: _ .,:;".~-_:·:€'n F['o~ic:,.. ja:c~:son. ··;e~:~:-";. i~·.:rks, ~y-:or Irtoo1n :..: ~-'è ~':Oti-.)n Cì.rr;~.L S-J C:.·uacil-..J.~ :'~::-l.':-s asked th~ st~ff to :Ct' :.- t:.,· Cft:" could get a ¡'~ttt.-"r ;ricc ..;: ·_:.,~3 ar~ C':;'1~0::'jatt?d .'.'~¿ ~..1.':'è :~ !"u'";:er qu~:~.t~tie..;. CoU:l,-il::~:... ~:.~:ch said..:.t. ·..·3i h!, .,,¡:~,1t:=::-~.;:-.::''.:: th.1t t::e CIty g¡;t.~ tl dls...:.:un: ::"..:.:. ":~'.: l~ss of r¡t:..l::t i ty. 36. ;.J¡J. ;_........ "A ResoLu~!-:::r'_ of th·~ Cit.. L:u:":.;":..l 0i t:-iC C~t\,· Gof Cur-crttal') Aut~.·~:..:·:.....::: F.x(!cut:on of Ar-rC'cIT!,..,~t ~<'t·..~~(':-,: t~~ C':'t', ot curerti~'J ,j,::'! t.:1C::·__~::. ."t Sar.ta Clara R;~L\.::~r:.~ :,,' t::." ..:1.::>~alla.i:''J!l o[ Trafiic Sign:..: ~\.~:~"'1 aacl Hi~~;ãV 5afet\" L'..,.;_.:.:.~~" .~1.t t!l~ Interse-;.ticn of Ste·~.:::-3 ~~:'c:~k Blvd. .;lnd Bubb Rl.~j.:Po::'~1:::..;~l:. :Hvd.-rcad by Mayor In.;Ln. Res. 3444 ..1dorted }bv~ by \> _ . . . !t:.1.:1 Fr.J'llch, seccnd'..''; b:: -.::..'....;~:.<, :"':,.1:"\ .J.'1C!~!=:O[1 to ado;-t ll.esolut h" :::. 3444. ~oti'r1 c-~.r:-.·,:. 5....J , . - 'I,' .1: , if ~HIJltras OF 'HZ APRn: 16, 1973 CITY COtnIC!L·KEETtNG ~ ¡... ~'...'\. :.....~.<~.'¡....':...........:~.31..;.>..: lb. 3445: "A Re80l.';ItiøD..Of the City cou.nciÎ ~f t.be Ç.lty'Of (;';~':''f~~~'¡~'1;fl;,if;<; CupartillO Juthor1z1D&~ecution of Agreer:encBe~.tbe City ·f~;:.;:.....l.·<.t'*~.~..'.. .'.th~.:(.·:.\...·.·....,·~~~~:~= :tdT~~f. ~~~n:~ ~;~~::. c~a H~~. t.r.:.....· '.~. :c~be , :'.'.". ·.-..'!"'.'~~.c.;..l..·.~I'~.·' ¡-.fIr.>· Lighting ac theI.u:ersec:tlon of Saratoga-sunnYVal. é.Jltlad ADd <;·;'·'j\.~r·t,¡~':;:f::'Boaestead load." - read· by Hayor Irvin. ,~}.<{ ,'".;". . ;.. -_~"",~ -,~t.:~t';,:":,, . . '.. ,'. . . " è~',¡' > f ". '., Jføyed by CcuDCi1=án holub, seeonded by COuncilman Meyers to ado;: >j. ';<':..-olution No. 3445. AYES: .,ES: Cou~cilnen Frol1ch, Jackson, }!eyers, Sparks, Kayor Irwin ~ne Motion carried, 5-0 38. x~. 3~:·b: ".\ Rc""lutio", of the Cit;· Cou"cil of the City (.; Cur~:-' _:\:' Pí'clarir.; Its Intent to Tcrr.:'I~3t~ Aßrc(:;-:~nt \"·!.th C:ty ,; ::~~n~·vaic Relative t:'l Tra~l ~~C: :;i~nal ~fa¡ntenancc r.~d ~~t";>~...~_:.. ~:( ::t"'-; Ar.ree~ent." - read b)· ~~3.yor Ir':in. ~:,:>'..'(,:j ~:.- \..>:, =:.1:-.,1:1 ~fe::(:.!"s, sec:-¡.de::! h': C':l~'C l·~c1.;~ J".'_f.~on to adopt K~~~~~:_:n ~~. ~~6. AYES: ~'"'\!:S : c.~-: :~en Fr{Jli-~, Jar~~50n, :~..~:.~ S~ark. '. '.~ ,.. i:o ~:_. :--. :-1~;t:_t'r~ carr,;,\.·d, 5-0 39. ~;..'\. 3;::--:: I1A R(:~;)lct:".:"r. ci t!:c C~t~· C("u:1c~ì :'1 th'2 C·'t'.. Cl C;:'_':':~r_) ActhC'r!z.:~.; ;:··:C'clltion :"-':- "-..;rce;-¡...·n:- t;'"I Fu:,cÍì:;.' Pr<'l'r:': 5,·t"n~~n.g t~ R.:)~;e!'"t i:. IHtc.r.·¡,~:': &. :err.~.:\' P. lLtdJ C!":'s<".:"....:s A.'Sl".3':'L.1ent Dist:-ict, U:l.-::·l, :>rcjcct 71-2."- l('·l':~Y ~~:>~:" l:-·....in. '¡"he City Clt'r~ ::-t.'1ted th:l t:-.e ab.)·....· ia :'.,.~ _ Rf;~,Jlut ion !\~. 31 C·l-~(,. M:)\'c~ ~:.. ..~'-.'- _ ~ l"a=: Frool ier., fier:~'ndcd b) C.:>U:1C ':l:-.¿Hl M~~Jl~r~ l': a;!O';·t Rl:':~~::11 No_ 310:-4!-. AYES: JIOE.-i : C"·t.::,,~ i lwcn Fro 1 ich, J.:;.c k ;.:on" :!,,·ycr:;. ~~'ar:~~, !.:c:;, ':or I r·. in S'!1( 1-1ot !t~n car:! ~.~. 5-0 CC-151. Page 19 Res. 3445 adopted ~...' . J~46 .1<('-:-: i.'1 ¡ I I '''1 ~. ·-.i.. h',:. Jlrn--·.( a.' ·:·t· -\ e 'I CC-151 Page 20 KJI,'lfrES 0: :::::: APRIL ) 6, 1973 CITY COUNCIL :1L--:TtlG ,.A 11:-. 3rOl-45:,t.,(".~.:.~. ;;'1. ut. Ion of tbe City Council of the City of c..;o«rtino Acc~l1:crant Deed of Real ProP41rt)' frea lIDbcrt V. '!.itch:!an 8114.. " ,8 B. Hitcb:wl, Appr~1œate11 0.189 Acree lA>c:lted on Sa~ . ..... ~: ~;....yva1e Road North of Stevens Creek Blvd., Cn>s$roads A8~~ Diatdct, Unit I,. Pzoject 71-2.... - read b.. the City C1éíEi;&f. ":,'7 f';ii¡"'~<,"-"-: :- ,~, ";¡:,_:¥~~,':' )'.oved by ':"-=c1ban ho~b;'..conded by CouncUI!I8D Heyere to ado;lt tesolutiC'!: So. 3101-451''" 39a. t: ;.... 310115 ·-.Iopted AYKS: !IOES : C.",.,cél:aen FroUch, Jaeko;on, Meyers. S;arka, "aror Irvin -=:! ~tlon carried, 5-0 ..1!'rant ':'Jt~I-::=' :~d : ~r .~: ~ :-:-:':"'\!1 'H~:UTE C'-,:-: : :bved by Counc~l~an Frolic:1, ,_.e.:ondcd b~' Cc'!.ncil7'~aa \ft>~·J?r3 !":') .tat·~:: ..:1..." City T['easurer to dr'¡l'i a ··ai'r.\nt 9.1.~~a·.!.~ to I.a~.':"pr3 ¡:tl~ ::":_~~:-:,:\! ~n the atIOunt of $489000 :ùr ..1C-;_UlS~t!(A~ of t:1e ;~itch:-:,]¡~ ?r'.~~.h·rt:- _ _ ~ the C¡-o.;;st'oads AJ5e.32'-:1~nt ¡)!:-t rict. ::""..,~rty :'.ï·:~ : . _.'__';:~~n Fr"Jlich. Jac~<:~l'a. ~!l~Y("':'-_·~: .;l.1.rks. ~~,l"")r !r·:in . ':~3: '{ùt :'_'01 (:arr't",1" 5..,') ,;.r'·- :v:,;:' ~ J. ::. .;:~- . ~;.. :.J" ~ :. " .., !i.~_." :- :.~crt..~.).,.;e !n P'?'_"k; .1nJ ~l.'':~t..,..r:::n r.....tur:~1 .~.,;U~'i,1l fl"- ;>~\.,' ~ $1 ;<).00. ".'" :~.:v.:'.J,~. ",'.:.l:.\a frollch. .::ccon·lcd. ù:' C':';~~'Lilr-¡al~ J,¡:¡c",.on t) ;¡,J'(:~'.c :.h.~ :-,,,~~:, .: _'.:' :-'a:"ks and Recri.:,¡:¡th':1 ::0r i::"':!"'."lS..." in t::.~:,.::- rf':U ~d ;".,·,';)'::;t ~r_}~ $:;"",.: t... $~S,;.tja. ") ,:.. ~ -::"-~"':' .' '~~:.]. ~ed AYES: ~.'.:~l:1~n ~·rtJl!cbt Jack3o.:1. ~t'~:·l':-.,;. S:-:lX¡':S. :1..a./(.;C I:-.lr1 ·:O£S: '-'~..> ~.otj'-':1 r:.¡r:·.,.'.i, 5·-0 Yn:UT!:~ ,.' r ., :'.:'~¡L ¡:, 19ïJ CrTY CÙl::;C.~ ·;".T l~;~~ 42. Referra: of aprlicat~ fro: tbe Ccunty rlannin~ De~ar~t: s. A:plication 44-13..~ -- [.1':" b. A¡>1'licI\t1on 6-Z-73:.2 . , .. '·t P.. ..,' '. .0- . ~ Dirt'Ctor of P1annfac'''''Devu1opnent referred to the staff ,_ of April 13, 1973 r.......M"'Z these matt(,rB. "-'red by ecur.ciloan JaddlCIIII. aeeonded by Councilman FroHcb 1'0 1DStruct the staff to let die County know t~nt the CJL~ c-f Cupertian s:rougly opposes apr1ication 4-Z-73.2 on tôe ra~~S of the object::ns conta1oed 111 the ?lannlnr. DiI<'ct:>r's ,,:=r;;ndu-:: of Aprl1 1}, 1973. The C1ty Council hAd no ~o~~enr le~at'ding 8rplicaU,':: 5--Z-73.2. 43. Ap,·r f ("~1_'" C.:'l~::..": !:- ':'n('h!:'~'.: :.. t t', :L" \~. C'~'Uf:':; ,- ", ;~e C; t "1.:' : n ~~ ~ . ;"~I ;~. ;,.i: : rl' :t'n: C2ur.ci.~: "",.;>rClv,:-: t:Jat a': __- c;¡n cr'! ~~.:JV ed i.'~ p,>st 1",,,,- C:'m~c i 1 Motion cArried. 5-r _ :..i a~rt.:cr"....c"'1t "-:"t~. C'')r,"'7.UI1':c;.':. ::tud:; of :!"'....e C~:/ ""ff JI.-, "~ C i."' ;"1: ' ~ é~ 0-- ",... o 0,. _ .':'"1....:, ::"'1':"':0 h;,~ t.."c c.c·--," -:-:tc;,: :.t· -è ] .1ld ~:: ::::: ~-t.....~í' I. _" >r.·,..'\ :f t· ':i t' t '-" - - ,'''' :-'-:-:,'-:ï.. ,(-:-".2.?~ -::.. :rC'~·\.. -- :'t>. ':1t\l;"'. .\."·;i fp·:- ':~:,.:. c: '- rf ti~~ : ',.1<:; ( .l .: -. ,,:.: (":-::-:~ ~:-.,¡;;:::'. :l:-::.lIè~;: .~ éU' ,,!'" ~: ~t..>;~l";~0r.t"' ::-tc;o::. ,\;:-('r ~-;.-.. ..;. "~:l,; r;( ?,;,st:-::-.*~ '.l::til :: " , ," .~ I .. , - i I I ~',. ¡:: ',.-....·r C:U;;5: _.:.J.....~. : '.::.:00 ¿\_ ~",f:~ ~i :~,~ :,c]t"'!L-,.. -,:'" ;IÌ,~ \." ::n r;-:ci!" ,--'~, 5;·';~{-'"·. Th", ~~ ':,~:;.-"..~ ::,t: CCI1:;U' ':.¿,::: ;::.'1iC~ ~;.:s n.':_':. :.H' tl':'_~' ~- l h..' "l'~ '_,r!.. .·~.'.il';"1"'I" ~'I': ~r.:, !::t'.:: ::v~~'J ~",', .. :-' . at tt'!" ~!",.:j :-....~:....f: t ~,-'.: c.'~~ ;1:: ~.. ,1' P' .t·, ~-, t .:'_~~ tc .;t:1...·,....:' ~-"£..;Ö~:..'n_". K-:-~ _ ':)r. ~.1 rr Íl'.~ , CC-} )1 P(i~L 21 { " County ref..rrals ~ t _ ~: i ~'rt"õ ::: ;;.. \:""1 t ~ : .' '; . l· :~ :- < l':' l '" -." 1"" , » ~ ; , ,.' í j , . .~ ~ '. (:('- t" " c..~:,.... . : C .'l~ -, j ~ . '. rI::"'. ~, \' ~~ I (C-lSl 'ase %Z . '... ... KINIn,' 5 ,. :..:: APR.iL 16, l. 973 ÇlT"i COU:¡Cl!. ~<:Er:IfNC . Re;>:r:: ;." connectiol1 1r"~h the Stev<,ns Creek Pcdestrh:1 Io:alkway Project. AYES: .,ES: ::':""dlaen Froltdl. ~acksoa, Meyers. Sparks, Mayor Irvin So.-ae ~wtlon carried, 5-0 .:o:.¡'~ L~:~ .:.!..: ~."J.i..R Cease: : ~ler:!:;~ !te~s _4 ... .. .t,; .:'" h"d t~..o :..t.E:"-: :a adJ t·) ..~..~ \_:.'·>t·¡)~_ C:ile~,~~:": ,.:;;\ ~.ay .5.. ::;~, a:1d t tt:L~ I.. ~.~lI~ :..,,;~i< - A,:,:;¡ p..·.,~t·t! :CtÙ. 28 Lu"r'U ~ '-~ A:)r' ~li .-'. 1:-:: ....::'_ I ¡k,t, . ,.... 49, ~:: r :t'..l:n I'U~~ ~_" i:: ::r: j~ d t.r::,,; ..:.;.-k to ~~:.::..- -;;;'.4 Ap:-il ::7th. C:t:· Clc.r:-: a1d L~C 45. R:.'... . - Pre~la..~~:';:":. o~ ~fa;-- 4, ~ .~ ¡ ... <>'.h. ", 1973 a, r:'.tf-r-F.;:t'} D ~..'-;. 4~.~...: _... ~___ Procla=.ût -:0. cf tht'! -'oat:':. .:-: ~Ll··, 1973, .a.~ ~1t;:1..)r C~:. ::'_:i : ;,Jilth. ~7. ~:':- .~-: ::.:.'r Procla:::..;:.::...~ D~ th~ \-:Cè', ~}!.: A:~rit 30, J9iJ" :J~ c~:-. _ :~~orJJ.[i,,;¡ ··..e<tL.. 48. R,' . ::;o11ci::a.:.~;.= 'P(~nft fr;':"! H,,:-f:':O:I.. 'FfJt.:nrli1tir~:'1. 49. 1'0 .,:::- Proc11..:.:1t:~ of Ap';";l .~,,., ''},~J. d., Cal':"!-:;·::'.:a C~lv \;1 ( ..~ _',::í. so. R~-~'·~ :. :~r Procl3.'S.1t~~~~! :13)'. 1(~i3. .1.- :L\'.:·c:l':..> S¿::.st)~ v.,.-r.th. 51. ~~~~:__... ;--c.~. 1~4J: "J.. ?.e~oll1r;;.':l .-,~ l'~" C;t;· C,Juncil cí lh~ C"'tv of C-..:.:-::::: A.~thorízlr:'~ ü..~cut~';;:l (); ~'.~:·..:<.·'1<);,_ ',·£th ·.J..c~n~...~t. ::,)v·~..¡.ttt~ :..-,: w ... ~:'"~::ro·,~t:.nt '"): }':':-;:':.~t.~ ~\;d :~~ (... ;;(~~t:o;: u:t'::', Tr·?ct S2·.~(;.~1 ......--............,...- . ..-~,... , C' - ....,.....£5 OF TnE APRIL 16, 1973 CITY COUNC!L ar:ETING . *olution No. 34'48: dA Jtesolutionof the Cay CouncQ,.ofthe ;. '~''o~~Cu~r~t;qQ,.';~p~~~ F¥}~p of Tract S29o.ø;,,~~~M~ . ~; LO¢.te,d;,~1,~~,w.lm.~.:1fe~enVoS5 AV~~~;: iíil dellô3ll;~\ó])et"~D~v1d.I!,ItdIDdustdCS, Inc.;!"~a- ~. Ac~t:r¡" ";~'~~1øl'ishUcS~~c:e Ease:::ents;Aâ~~ ..':~ity:~.iJt¡'~C1t"CJ;~.Ìt.'~~~S1gn the Final " ¡:ië~,,:" ~~or1ziD8,t,:.!¡"~~~iPø~ 1nc:òøn-:c:~ion .Therc"1th··!r?!i~(/? '.: ;2., y " \_,,':.~~:;r<\;;->o¿/'.1'r~\", .,' ,:",,~.¡. ',,,-::,~:~,,,, aud ftCT.2 COIII«Df'Cale:aaar. ';f~i.Ì";;'¡)iì, ,"".,. .!'bsolution 110.3101-44: "A lluolution of the City ~U.é>f '~be City of Cupertino A,,:!::-o~iz!ng Execution of }.,;reenåt: with Pacific Telephone and Telegra,h Company, Crossroads Asseil81"'ent Districl, Project 71-2." ~ed ty COU:1C~:-.an Meyers, se.'=n¿cd by Ccuncik<ul JaC';a:::.n t.:; a.;p:ro·,:e. tht.' ~"'r:.:::cnt Calen·!a!' "_":ü thf::1' exct:!pti:>p. 0. .:[~:"': ~:3. .. ~ ~ --,- -. #... -~ .~ c.¿rr: cd, 5- 0 - . -~. P.{?s~lut:.:,;~ :\.:.. 3..4Ç: ",;;; ,;:~<...j_'J .l~_n cf tL{~ C t~.. C·:·¡··~':':'~ .. t::e Cjty:-~ r1.~:",i'rt¡n(: ;*"':'~:_'. .:-:.7, the F~~·;...l ~~.,;~ ~: 1:-"!::,.: :~7:., C~~a l~..· .'..:-, C~"'nJ::'0:r~.'_--.. ::-:é.:,o::"I '-1~ ;·~t·· l.\'··-:-.'J.r::; D'--·~::-::~. ~equ;,)¡a Y';':'_..~~~c C::~:-:::a-::. ~ E: ¡;in(:cr .;:-:~ t!u' C:. to"· - ~ ACCCp:.'~l: J. *.:",ù\"('7;)cat ~-._ ::!":~':"'-i.~~(....,: ,\·~t:. or 7; :.~- t~ ~ c· .. : _ :- ,,C' t:,.· F .. ~.. . ~ - I .c._. ::r ~'~ì-:~1!:"" ~. :'.-(·\c ...: r. t _ ~ ~>~. ü':'rcct.:.;· ci Plannin1; zo:.': :"~-:':'::'V; ~i1t ~.1,:,~ ;-¡ n:,r'.~_cr :.: ii...t£:·:-:;a- ::..¡,e£ ""cre ~~~c'J$~~CÙ at t:.e:.= :~=>: (~,~t·_~~· :¡t:-. .-e:"'·~J;~ '-~·_=:..a£;é ~?,nj" .. .':.. 1ho-~$, the- .~~q.o~la "!~rt~~~e Coo:.p~ny r('~rt~!;("~tat::·.:-,-:,." ::'<:j::~ :-hc> ! <I2.;.~en,F.e fflr L'tr:::,,;;;,"aplnt t-:;;: ;::-:>7-t!"t:: :0 (~u('.:;t 1.(,;1 -:oulr~ ..:.. iJ'J.5:d:r- z.»1... T.hey \.·~··.~ld prefer t:> ;:_'.'~ :\Onr>y t{'l t<~c City ó....¿ :-.2_'E- t:-~c . -;,I:'"~'rty CC1'1"'~ ..dc-r~ as a ::u.t~.:(. ~;i:,l·.. Cr:r..mci}%!t:ln Fr'~:i.-:.h SUgge-5t~~ ::-..3 -.a::tpr b.:. r,,·(~r'L''': ':.0 :r.c ~lafÍ. ~ ~he Cfty ~-:'''H\iJ:;cr. Plar.:1::-4~ E-tr.ií t Park....; étn,i r:'.::cre4t::u i'eo~:£: S;e:t t:¡sether ~·ith the City"'::: ::>e:: and l :,e d~\l21~rer ,,-.:\ c~~,e ba.dt to th(' Cly Council 1.'itë. ;, ,1001'<>$31. C~c'ncil!"l:m ::e,'erE ~e5ted " l('.\se .~ree.:":ent ,.-~::. a token fce. Tb" Cit;, Att<:rney :5aid be ",·ould be' zr,ore i:: f¿tv,'j:: ~ -: sell inS' 1:)(" ?r:.:..:'a::rt~· to the. &1?11cant and ~("tain the d?v~:'~;>':"".::nt rir.hl5. CC-15l Page. 23 c:-:-.~ ~nt C¡~l C'''';,da r ":~i.-- l'OCC,: :·t t':"3 ~·.J""k sl":~ ·'·~:-"s.;til:t,"l 0:..11:..-"- r:)£...;:~)il ¡t~~::;. " ~ tee. -151 tPa¡e 24 J,. KIBUTES OF TlIE APIUL 16. 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Y;-:'::'4r' . . . '. ' " After further dlscullldøø.:il: -.. tIOved by Counci1aaa .Jackson, seçonded b}" lliIan Meyers,:' .': ~lutf.on N~~~,,~bJ~~,.. ~,the ,contribut1ca , equah Mortga¡ , <ófl" $3,000' t' _ ~4. thè 1....~lIØtùlÌ'-ofl:he project' , ,,',' . . ,0' ,c_ ',', '. c.', " ,_,c'·" ....,'.' -,.r...'..\'!:,#'-: '.:' ,-,.. ~,',j_'. .co.:., .._.~ _ ;:')fij<.;.:~t 'J' .1'>4}' othe I:l.ated.';·-,.·,~·~'"., ." ", .,. ; ~"'.." ,. ~{i¥~T,,>A.;',,\~t,'}:- ',:.:; ti~;>";<:}~'t<:,__, ;:;<~:'\;;~~(,."~:',:-,, :. "·~'f,-::.>;: ,~~,;,,{;/:< :~~{!~ '~"I"Jf':~; ,,,: ", ',';\>~"'::'~ <j1\" '¡;.,; l:J;'!!-;~:<¥t..~A ~~-:,.v;:~~tt'_: i:: .¡ ,¡. ,,<.',' !......I:J.oo·'''''"'''''"ed ,!;~" "::' . "';<"~"'" <\Í"', :-;.,-.., .- "T'!""'''',. .\ " ·I,'"·_,,;,·,,,t'·,,' '~~·-~;":~"ét"';'J.:t . '" ',.~:; '~~~!:·~.~:.:.'~.../.:ic' ,", . <;:' ,\~~.,,;~~:, . 'f;'::¡ " .,:" , -::;~~>~;<;}, 'i r:,' ~. . ;",<, City Staff .,,' . / The D¡rèct~r of Finance asked for autlwrizatlon of the time depositg. Moved b,· C,ullcilr.-.an Frolich, seconoJed by Counci1~an Jackson to authorize the fo::..·..ir.,¡ tillle deposits: :: ~.1"~:... ~.~ .\.'1Ic.r! (" a C'~"''''·.~~r ::1t iC~1al !z.~k F'-r .. ~;3tional fanit $150,000 for 60 days a~ 7% $100,000 for 90 dayö at 6-3!4X $100,000 for 30 days at 6-3i4r. "V,:",..~ . &,.....,). \¡"'\.<1!1~'1 F:-=1:'::-:', '::'.t.:k;¡'")I1, ~:cycr!» Sra:-~·_..., Y..a:,or In:l:1. ~;OES : _ ~~., :·t.:)tion can.·ied, 5-0. p", i...-y l;~(, ~"'SU~::'1Cf: ¿:1: the !)Jr..~·:.:.'r t""t[ Fi.n.z¡,t".cc. ~ir.n:n~~ af C~t~l :~·J.r:-<:!I::; .<oJ q'J{~';'"'"Hcd :-,y Move.! '.: :; );J.I~.~:: l"'~tn Fr-:. 1 ':"c:~. ~econd~d t)V COU:IC í 1 ":" ~!'. ~.~~~.~~;: tlta t : (1) ;';_t .:.1rra:·ts s:-~a:l ~e ;:i~n~d b:: t;;c Cit:: l're..l-':4~·~:r, or i.n h:'s .i¡~.~.'·~'''~ pur~IJ..;,nt. ~"J .......~ ir.iitructi<m3. by ti.~~ A_ ::::-~~:1.tdnt .-11'.,1 :;:.:\lJ :1\:' ·:.1:...-;r....:~~a£...¿ b:." t::~ ~·'A::or (n" 1', his .î;,)·~~~c,:. by t~'1f' :Ja.f;:- ~r,) 1". ....~~"~. T:I\,! 3·."g::".¿t~..:re ;J: the ':""ycr or tile :':iy::-r ?ro l'L"lp:J!'C ',.-¡:" bt.' ;':: Ù¡,c.31:·:Ue ð:41 ð,; ~uthori:t?d b}' the ~.:iycr; ;ud (2) 'l'r..·c; 'it:: l"r<.'i!"un:r s':..a:l ~~ auth::r:zerJ: to i.;:~-'.::. ,..:::;.:3 si~n r·'-nrants ~r:J~ to t~clr ~~_n~ ,cc~Rnt~d /.0 tte City C~u~c~¡ i~r a~~~~~;lt ...,hl~:l s;¡ch '\:arr ;æt.s are in pay:tc;.1t I,)f or re '¡..::1';,:;¡ se>-:"'_~!"'~t f"r ,iiuth;'r :z~:.I pcr.sC'nal cxp~n3es inc'.Jrrcd on Cit)' business; or, ::;:~ ether -alters of 3:1 ur~ent aced t.¡þea provisions for such ex;cnditur~s an~ ino.:1uh·"¡ in tho! apprapriations ¡:.a1e in the a,\m.al Operat :.:>~ ai1c! C~n.;trucU on en¿gcl "r uU,crllise as directed by the CitJ· C~c"c:."-: ?r~·¡iòc.J, I:'."c',,·:. th\t ,,11 ;;arr:lr.ts so 1..sued shaU l<lter be pre.·,"ted to th~ City Ccûncil for audit. ~:::i c~nfirmation. ~foti.OLl c.:J.rrip:d, 5-0 . ',',. .-\' . .) .~~! ,;:" ^' ,;t· ~. " K11'<'UTES OF TIlE APRIL' :6, 1;13 CITY COUNCIL.HHTlNG The Director of Adla1A1Strat:1ve Services WQS authoriSCd to schedule .~terv1evs of appJl~Dt8 ,!ø"t; tttst~~~, vacancies', f~~: ~~'Y and ruesds1 ApcU'23'"W24 , .y..,.,,~,. .;r" . , 'it" <~" 'f' ...: ...?!I'iif'J~.", ~ß?~ ~unc:ih>an Jác:b_ ..kou¡Jat up: tha'lÜtier of the sprs.ñg K,nhbisb Picku¡>."'?·\ .-.';. . . ".: ':-.~,' / ',.0 Y.oved by CoullcUUIÍ .Ke¡eÌ:s. øtconded by Councilnan Jackaon to authoriz<, the Cìty.lfanat:er tOllegotiate the cost wit:1 the Los Altos G3rb3¡tc Coapa-cy for a Spring ru:'bis" c"nect<:l", t:o be £r.h~duJ~j (or the lAttcr part of May. AYES: ~\.).~ ~ : C...\ltncil~Pn fx...l ~c=. to Jackson" Melcn:;. ~;?ðr~:.:¡. ".:;.:·cr ! f' -in ~~ :"D';> ;....:'t~.~n c:.n'U·J. ~,..) ..-. ¡r~:1~c·'. re~·":Ë.~:·:: çc~?~_e!;;'It t.-' ." :~,' n) ~. T', . -..,. :.. ~,r tL S. ~.... :.. ~ ~: ~ _:-; ~;:. .:' l :h"r ~:..." ~~, <si~l~ c.:-~.:.n" c:·-'.J;:·,,,,tjf'\n... t~.~ (#": ..", .. " . . r <:: l '! ...( -'\~\~ r..'qt..: .-::.: ,~ - :...- ~ .,'.):J~·:~1 .'I':.":.=.'-_:.:-.:~- ._' 11.." ...-;:. \.', tnc ~~, ::: C· ~:_:::..l. t·.. ....., . ._ :-'1,°:: ,. C':'j?)' C~ t.., c: " , .. r.l.e (.....,lr.'-!~_-:·~ ?'Lrk~ ':-"Ùr: tr.é. ~:'d¡í to in\·,-..._t ..:~:r· ';:':.'~ I'('?::r:. ~..L':-~ t::·r.. t:'t.C ':'ll(..;¡:~:n ;...:< ..:-¡~. C~unty ¡.",'. Sp~C.i..C ;.~ .. f t~· "~-'~ c;· ~ ;- (' -~ I I ¡ I , I I I I I I :. ~: : "::- c:-.t .' ~ (:; ¡~ : c" O:~1 : . . ~I ) _ .. ie; t-·..' .':",-..:lc,,:·ci~¡j.'~'::- ::'_~-¡.r:-,,·nt 5; . by ;-'::ii='= :.f :. ~l~-'"' ,:"on-agenJa Rt'''-, ~~:'1: ::.ic-3 M::-. Ha·n..-:: to~., . Top c! å ~ k....d f.: r tl1\,' (;(}unc;'!':::. 1.05 0dtC'3, r\.·-~:.<.~ct~"¡¡1:-· Ct~p.:.:rt ic_' í:.-~......~\.i'. t~,e :: i 11 Road, e:-..:i~r £t":!I:cnt of !!-:>\','d go on by Council~a."'1 Ja=:u::n. :ec("nd~d h)O C:-~¡:-c i i; r......c~'rd as en:::!:Jr5ing Ccyertino Rl~unju~.'. .r.:-t .... ;~1::: r:-!<o to:; ~lion carrieJ, 5-0 ~hcr~ ~~~ 3 brief di~cus3i~n =[ th~ USe of ~~~~ t~~. ;:-l.1rp~'~~ '...í r,:'Ii~e cc:tt:"~:. f. ,:';, .t. ..,. .,-.. Cou:ICfl:.:L1 r"rulich a...,è C.'!'":-· '.., "'" " -_ ::'~a;'1?er '_:l: j 11:;n ..;a i.: ~ ;¡(:: :.1:: (;Ol1t:t(':t~·: r:,\.> St~t It:= r-i -:.....J;.,·.·1,·-·~...t·· "'" l' " .... . I .... II. ,., ;1.1... '.' (!. ..... ~ ... t;' . ~~~uti::';~.,,>~ ;-,)r ~..,ty~-; :'0 ;'ji~-":;:~~t~~' noir:~' ,)n :!:\... :"TO:>,.-...·· . ';..:(.....'1.11. bPJI1'"" .....;~:;')r(·¿ ~O·~,.¡ ~U-"······ I'" '111 î.. . 1 ' .". '....... w -.. '"-J -.. ~... ." l. ~y~, .:¡ ~ ~, ~ ~. > r:1i ,-: örl" :J~Jr:...: ,-j lJII.> ° CC-151 Page 25 Ì;'~ ::- ~'s : ~. ~- 'Ct!~ . c ,- :.:-,·.-.~l ~·.;":r (.,' '",:rt I". R.~ur.du:' "'r ~. fi:: . " m:;nc,; .. r¡,E APRIL 16. l'ì3, CITY C:f~:;:IL m:En:;C At t.':<: ?~~ser.c, fina:u:.1øg ",,,..ld only be p.iv~n it a subdivision was ~'10C3tc~ ",::e.:oc :uning "J&S i: pre-existc:-.~e before the f~3Y tfJl1te ,""35 acio;:t"d. the Ii~ :k'?3rt;:"nt is 31so tlorkiat; 0:1 the pt'ob¡~'" if where ''1æ City, State a'ii :Cmev..:ner in-;"tved ",o'.11c! sban in a finar:ci::S arrangeæ:u:. :!õ:>e:1 asked if :;as tax ('.1<145 coa1d be used for the City's port1øl1. t:!:e answer was affinoative. It "'as =ounc:ed that die _xt TO'o'I1 11311 ~!eEtin¡; vIII ~e held 'It 8:00 P.:·:.. April 30. 1913. in the ::'O"Cl Vista Cafetoriu;s. Sc¡. ~:r. ::;::e= '':.1rd ask6d Þa~ ~ tir..e t""le i>e de':elop~¿ for discussiot'.s of t.:-:~ -:'¡':.:1..."1t cot"'.r..er~1al rr~perty. T=-.~,:::-.. ::.:-:,1:j¿r said ;. ~3.:.e saoulJ ~c e.:i:a~lis;';'e~ ~,=r t.::e c!cdico1t.ic:l of ';.. :-~.- ~ _~::: ~~:J3rt!. P¿å. .;\.... '. :::_., '.:1:; .;r'-=,:¿: :~; ':.~'1 ,:,-,__:",:,:,,~ ...... ,~ ::.:::::',:-::::_:.~ ~er::,:it t...:' :·:.;:1.1.~":tc"'1 f;,;:- : J..:. ;e:ric·i :.;::-l~ .-., ~I.j;:' :.: - ;::<.:.. -;, 197!.. :~.); -. .:-.'. ..:; ., ~ . ,- - ~ -- ." _. i:'¡' ..::..t. .... , - - - . ; , .~~~:~: :-:.~~~~~.¡ .-.. "-' - - -.. .... . ~ . : .~:. :!~.~ ··:·-~r:,= :. '.' : J - . :~. :.., :.:' ~ --. _.~: , -.' . -..''':.n. . ~ :'"' ('. I, _ ,. 1..;.1 .: ~ ~... -;.- .,.. n __.___.___ -- -.-." -----~-------- ~: i y~' ~- , ~ -:>--: t LiD 'I~ '- I " , . I . '..·.:~h~r /-: . . -- Ci:-.