CC 04-24-73 . . e CITY OF Ct1'ERTl:¡O, STATE OF CALU"\)!/J,iA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupértino, CalHornLl Telephone: 252-4505 KuutJlS 01 THE AnJOUR1ŒD 1ECULAR MEETING OF tHE CITY COUNCIL JIEU) ON APRIL 24. 1973. IN THE CON..:ERENCE 1IOOH. CITY BAU.. wr&..alllO, CALIFORNIA '!be _t1D& was called to order by Mayor Irvin at 7:30 p.., lOLL CALL Counc11J1en present: FroUcb. Jackson, Meyers, SpaTks (9:20 p.III.), Mayor I%Vio Council~n absent: None Staff present: City Manager Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryóer Y.eobe:·s of tho> City's LeKislative Revi"w Co=ittee reported on the discWlsio::s ha\ing taken place at a me"tin¡: of this c01lll'littee earlier i:: t~e evening. Concurren~e ~as received fro~ the other "",mbers 0: the City Council as to the r~sition" and viewpoints on the propo",,¿ le¡:i"lative bills now rendin~. The staff also was instructe'; t~ "rite letters to the chair:1cn C'r ('ach legislative co=ilu.e i:: ""th the Sendte and the Ass"o:!>ly. objecting to the trend of ex"lu~ing from currently prescn:eJ bills the provisions of 5890 requ.rins State funding for State ~dated programs. The idea of such a ¡,,:>eral letter Y85 to nake this vic~~oint known to all concerned rat::..r than having to write inJividual letters of opposi- tion for ea"h bill eontaining such exclusions a" it is presented. Mayor hvin adjourned the meeting to a persounl'l session for the purpose of ,ontinuing interviews of aFPlicants for appointments to co..t..ion vacancies. At 10:43 p.c. Kayor Irwin reconvened the City Council in open session. On IIOdon of CouncUman Sparks and the second of Councllr.san Meyers which was passed unanimously the following appointments were m3de: Architectural and Site Approval C~~ttce for four-year term". Juanita Mclaren, ~ancy SaIlan and Daniel ~ienstein. Parks and Recreation Commission for four-year terms, Sarry ThiboJ"au, Susan Kay Espinosa and Jdà A1.I.en Fisher. PublL: ~Jfct~.. Cpl'l:"ti;s ion for h"\ur-year t·~!'",~s. ec"rge 11....,,\...;0 and Ruben E. Ford. . CC-lS3 age I Legis lative R~viN Coc.."!.it~c'e repoTt perSOQne 1 !.essio: ppoint....nts t<' o_iss ion ac:a'tclcs ::-:53 ~.... 2 . . KUt.'1'ES OF :-::: :..?RIL 24, 197; CITY ':::JL-:;CIL }:!ETII\(; Public S~:uy CommUSiOD for two-year tenlS, II1U V. Lestn, Loreta Dlemant _cI Josepb Fau10 ~...__ Irvin œclued tbe -cilia adjourned at 10:50 p,.. A¡"TEST: /5/ \.':0. r. : City Clrr:, . APPROVED : /s/ Keith E. Irvin Ma)~r. City of Cup~rtino