CC 05-07-73
111300 Torre Avenue, Cu;o<!"<>. Cal ifornia
Telephone: 252-4505
Mayor Irvin called the aeeciug to order at 7:37 P.M. ~ith the
Salute to the Flag.
Council::en :>resent: Fro1 écb, Jackson, ~!"y..r". Spari<s (7 :45) ,
~yo~ Irvin
Councll:-:í'II a!>sent: So::!!
Staff present:
C:'ty Y..a.nager Quinlan
C:::r Attc~ney Adra.ì$
D~~e=~or of Ad~inislrative Ser~ice5 Ryder
D~~ector of Pl~nn:nr. and Devplo~ent Sisk
~ire~tor of Parks and Recreation ~u:ler
Act~ Director of Public Works Viskovicb
1. Approval of Minutes of adjourned regular meeting Ap~il 24, 1973
Moved by Councilaan JacLs_, s£.conded by Council~ J'..E:)"e~s to
approve the minutes of ~~l 24, 1973 as written.
Motion carried, 4-0
2. Approval of Kinutes of adjourned regular rnep.ting April 23, 1973
Moved by CouncillUln Meyers. seconded by Councilman Jackson to
approve :he minutes of A¡7rll 23, 1973 as writt"en.
Kotion carried, 4..0
age 1
JIUaIl£S OF T':Œ K1.~ 7, 1973 em cœNCIL MEETING
3. Approval of }'1DuteÍl of r....1-- _etina April 16. 1973.
.. Me 25. last paragr.. C -11ft.An l'rolich vould like Ut llaYa the
Eape Checked and . more d....n... explanation inserted in tba aiøatu
....rlling noise ct>litro1.
.. Pas. 8. first p.œasrapb. C--:-Uman Jackson would lib to 1IaY. tba
plaase: "subject to rev~.... approval of the staff." adde4 'to the
... of the stion. .
Pase 11, Couaci1l!lan Jacksøl pointed out that the names of three citizens
were misspelled. These are to be corrected in the minutes.
!loved by Cou:1ciban ~Ieyer., seconded by Councilman Jackson co approve
cbe Minutes of April 1~, 1973 as corrected.
!iotiOD carried, 4-0
4. Approva: ~: ~(inutes of sped.a: r:eetinl~ of April 12, 1973.
: 0:1 page 4. ""xt to the las: ?a:-agraph. Cou:1cilIJan Jac:<5or:. wC'Jld like to
I' have the ,..c~..:. "not" inserc~ ~::. t.he last line bet~.;een t~e "can"
êl:ld ttbe".
¡ On page 2, :.::;:.-th p.:l ragr at':: , :.:·..;;:cil~1~in Fr·)lich ··.·ould. l:'ke :~~e --:o:-Js
t "a.::.d light _~~.. :r.scl-ted c:: : ~ -.= 6, af t er t ::è pi1r a,,;C' "dr .1.i~..¡;. a :- et-q" .
!I~ved by C::::-..:1. !-:'1an ~!eye["s., ;:.e:~¿ed by C;..H~!1.cilr:1an J.¡C~<sor. !:-') rt;~r..)ve
:=.e Minutí!5=: April 12, 1'173. ¿s correcttJ.
:'-:C:':':.:: c2rried, 4-0
5.. Writte-r..
A. ^ r<s,lut!,n by tbe C::~ -f C~~p~c!1 urging '~e C~l~fcr~ia Stat~
J..l~;ö:.':'~:~-~turc I'~' seek. a::':':-.:¡ to allevLlte tl:e rr.Jb~e""_ ~ ~ l i':lcr
an.! -..-.13:e dL:;po).;al c:"(;..G-:.ed ~:: r:ile ~;:l:~ 0f h('\t¿r3~C:s :.::. -!:'.;?:...;abl("
Ol'G--: <:! ~ urnahle cor:t~~e:'" 3._
Let:~:" frc.l ,\~:;~:"i.:'1:.~-¡ ':-;líar~ c. D::;ù:1 ~t.~::'~!lg our c:.,.:;.;::rt of
A1\ ~.:.. ~.;'¡ich J.,?.a.i..: '.-i:.:-. ..;:'~·n-;.:clU~~¡~,~·'l~ lJr t;-.l-O-..'¡~-.·:.l:: ~';;·"L:""~~·e
('or.:.l:.~~r.;. A co~v ...,f :.:"-.e ~ill ,ìt1.: ¿ l:\'?'Y .)t tL;~ !"~-.,::"~t i~a
p;~s~ ¿.i :,:: t:,e City c: :"':'-;'-' :_')U' ; 3 .\~ ::'ih'::12d.
1I.u.II&:ó OF THE MAY 7, 1973 CITY ~u. HEETINÇ
B. AD advice froll the Board of Supervisors that tbe City's
C :IU' mt"---tiou regardiDa %_t.. sDd lar:.' uses vitbin tbe
Carden Gate area, wbich __ placed on ;;.... Board's agenda
for April 18. vaa referred eo the County Planning Dept. for
sÞlcly aDd recoaaeudaUoø. .
C. AD acbowled¡ement f~ Þ--"1yman Vasconeellos of the
City's c-=1caUon ~1DB the closure of State hospitals
for the .øtally ill aucI retarded, .
D. A notice of Public Utilities Commission hearing scheduled
for Kay 21, 1973 on the application of Pacific Gas and
Electric C01Ipany for authority to revise its gas .ervice
tariff to offs.t the effect of increases in the price of
gas frOll California sources and Pacific Gas Transmission Co.
~ Director of A~nistrative Services stated that other comouni-
cations related to agenda itecs.
~e followed a èiscussion of the Campbell resolution and
£--"lyma~ Dixon's remarks regarding AB 594.
!!IøYed by Counci1D&n Jackson, secODded by Council=n ~Ieyers to
adopt a resolution similar to that of the City of Campbell in
re&&rd to disposa~le, non-returnable beverage containers.
~iloan Heyers said he vas disturbed because ioplementation
as outlined vas to take place prior to determining effectiveness
of action. Coucciloan Frolicb also is very concerned about
Uuer, but he feels that broken bottles are more of a threat
daan cans, He is not sure this action is going to improve the
sS.tuation. He \/Ou1d be in favor of giving the bottling manu-
Eacrurers a chance to eOllle to grips with the .situation, perhaps
.1ø4egradable bottles or cans. After further discussion, it vas
~ally agreed with the purpose of the resolution but not
__sarily with the vay proposed.
- ....-t vas ....cie l.y Councix.&n Frolich, seconded by Councilman
Sparks to exclude IteD A of CÆ8p~'s resolution requiring a
tIeposit on all containers used for the sale of znlt and csrbonated
..........ent carried, 4-1
Councilman Jackson dissented
KoCion carr1ecl. 5-0
........d by Coundblan Jackson, aeccmded by Councilll8n ~Ieyers to
~l !ept and file the written c t"stions,
Kotion carr1ecl. 5-0
Page 3
'. -·~7;t( J'
'~. -' ,', .~.
Bolle requested.
110 request iIJ'CoUDC1l11enfot',relllOval of it_
CcnIseDt Ca1eadar. .. .
if¡ .
7':'7: _or Irviu:
bter-Cat)' Co1mc:U
.. Three CUpertino CouucÜlllen atteudeo! a Leaialative
meeting in Sacramento, They now have a sreater
.understanding of What our Legislators go through
to get the business done.
Drug Abuse Coordination Commission
.. There will be a meeting May 8th.
8. Council::.>::. :rolich:
..Trans?ortation Cocmission
The Board of Su?ervisors a?proved the purchase of
three :'lOre buses. There ·,ill be " nodification of
of the existing buse~ in July. There no~ is bus
service fro~ Milpitas to th~ Bart Syst~.
..Lea§ue of California Cities
ther~ wi11·be a neeting in Sacramento on May 14th.
.:Legislative Review Coa~ittee
The ALUS considered the first draft study of the
Safety Report. Also, several aoolicatlons were
considered. T::e !!oliday Inn application denied,
based on noise pollution.
9. Council",...a Jac:tson:
..Association of Bay Area GovernMents -- No neetinr.
..Santa Clara County Water Ca~~ssian -- :\0 neetin~.
..Urban Developnent and Open Space Subccnmittee
of pre - No l!Ieeting.
,:Air¡>ort Land Use Subcocu::ittee of PPC -- lie concurred
vith Counci1maa Frolich's report.
10. Conoe ilC3.~ ~!eycrs:
. .Planning Policy CO"lmittee
The Co=ittee approved all applications the ALUG had
approved .
..There was a review of the Harriott Park I
theIIe. It will be referred back to PPC foJr
('. ent as plus progress.
There vas a request frm the Mayor'.
c-1ttee to discuss the voting procedure.
'CO......fhos.. Me,ers will be on the _iDatinB
.~ttee in June,
..Hillside Sub_it tee of PPC
There vas a large turnout of local property
cívners at the meeting at De Anza College.
HaDy took exception to action taken by the
Hillside Subc__ittee. The neeting was
handled very well by Kary Davey. The peopl
are not coopletely sati~fied with decisions
of the Hillside Su~c~ittee.
11. Coun,il=d~ Spark~:
.,Flood Control Advis~ry Co~ittee
50 lIeeting.
..Coa=ission on Alc~holiso
A neasure was rassed ~ilereby drunks ""0 are
picked u;: '.ill be s."nt to Agne", rather than
the drun:' tank.
12. Sub:1issi,,:: of ~inutes of adjourned regular meet ing ".pril 26,
13. Subcissi"D of Minutes of regular aeeting April 23, 1973.
14. Suboissio:: of Minutes of adjourned rcgular neeting April 18,
IS. Suboissi,,:: of Minutes of adjourned regular meeting April 12,
16. Suboissi3D of Minutes of regular ceetir~ April 9, 1973.
age 5
17. Application 9-T1I-73 of James Herbert: Tentative Map to 9-TM-73
legalize an existing .208 acre parcel in accordance with pro-
visions of Ordinance No. 568. Said property is located
northerly of the intersection of Crescent Road and Hillcrest
Road. Rec~ended for approval.
KDU'J'ES Œ a:. ~y 7. 1"73 cut' aJU5CIL KDTIlfG
:".", ' -,' -":
Die Ph....~ D1rec:tor..u;~teqUest is to 1egalùe . pa1'eè1.~: . . ....
:~~C~~'_~~L~¿ ... }~~vided iu 19l1.i.i~,p'ro.p&,!:;f)'I~~¡~:'
. .' g .. ...,., t,. ower is req~~.'ÜÌJ; t~J.o,~;¡,~,O~t:¡.·.
~er~:~~.I:t~·::~ ,~:~foa ~~~:i~"~;ÍI~f=~¡~:;~;;d·7~f
~ h ~'"'. , ""fi'·L- -" IU ...,D,IJ··· '''.'. ' '. ...,,;.
~(t . ~..twe. up ...;>. ~ ,.~\~ 1':....~, ,.,¥'i;:¡.;..~:~;Æi;t~?~:·;,j~_'f:'~~é:l7!
',\;J:f,,:-':,'. :_ "r)l¢:,,':'::-> '::},'~,r~;~iit:""-~:""""i'." ,\':,Ë_
"'ed by t 11-- Spami~;i' '- ~"'~\by CaaDl:1laaDJac1cscÌD to.pproy~·,
applicaU_ 9-tM-73. nbj~}~~~~\ê:ODdiUODS of tbel'l8DDiDS eo.ï~.
~'\ J~;"'·_f!~~.i'..;:,,,,,.¡,
~ carded, 5-0
Jlayor 1m: med the scaff to look into t:'e ::atter on Pille 5, first
paragraj>:1:. ~= the P1anniDS r. t"sion's April 18th minutes. He took
iSsue wi:: ::e statement: "'they are nesoti.stbg with the Regional Park
18. Re~" frOll ?l.a:U1iDg CoDlDisd~n ~:ncerning PPC ~!ontebello
Ridbt ::~::..
Y.o\~ed !::: : ::-= :~::lan He:"er~. ~onded b~· C:~"":.":':":~1.n JlJckson. to 1n.c;truct
the C~::. :: '~:'.~y the p¡..--r~ Po1ic~' c.;-=-,::~c through t"c 5:Uo;:de
$uDcc:=::::-"! :: ~upertlnc's r~OMCIendé1:i,,~ .:~~::..:e...Hing the PPC ~bnte~ello
Ridg¿ ::::..:-_
~t1on carriei,
. ,
.;Rc:nE_-:-.~_":' .~.J SITE A?'?J:1'õ}J. C~IITTEE
19. ~t.:.=-~:~5-:"':~ ,....f ~anutes -:I: a:!journeJ re;~::i.:- :"\¿e t log May 2, 1973.
1 Sa. ~u:-'=-_;:: :..:=. .. Minute3 -. re;:ular ~et?t::-:..;, .1,7:: 1 18, 1973.
20. ,,~::-::..:~::.::":. HC-51,21:.: c: George A:"':~-:::.....:- \:r:01's Jurgc!') rC'1"Je3ti:1S
d;;:-....-·_: .:: J. modlfi.:.a:::.:1 of sttt:' ¿:-..: ·:.:>:t¿octurc fcr i.n exist in;
'!Jui:__:_f ::':J.ted at. :~e :.:rthwest c;::r::~~ .-: ~""rtó11 A'Jenu~ and
St~·::.:_~ ~:"j~'!!:( J3oule·...¿:.:;. aecor:..'":lrn¿è':' :.:: .;.::-roval.
'Iovc~ ::-- >;...-:: S?ar:'-..,¡. sec.:mdN b}' .:_~ _. ',: _::: '.u Jackson tJ 4??rOVe
appli.c.l<c:=''':-Sl,2l8.1 i:1 a",c::rdabcc '.,It:. :,~ '::c",ittcc's r~cc=cnc!"tion.
~t!.on carr:'c:,
, ,
----~ OF 11iI !':i\ï 7. 1973 ern «,,- .... JŒE'l"DC
.':'):.; t'· -:.,
icatm K-Sl.199.1 of - . 'í'øp.~t1e. (1. Cal:i , B~oa.>
. ': t1a¡ ~_ ..~ü of ,ae!ODt1nøed frea II-Cont~ol
_ of .....Jùu 20.~ ' ~ ÎIOcJ!f:1cat:1oD of tbe
. . 7 ..........4..d .:1t~~J' bctural phu 1D c:onuect:IøD
"i " ".,pl,_ ~ LI u:l¡bboZ; ': ""'j¡;hi c:entu located at the
/:f,,( ,."' ' t _...r of San '" ,. . toad and HcClellaD JIoacI.
',~,:,,~:;,:,.,.' ,", , fer apprcwaif: .. :':~<i " '
'~J~~~l== ~~f.:i9~~lt4'.~~-=:i:;: =~:o:':rA-
t*Ía'W, tbe .......·"u.. . , "
Hot:1OD c:an'1eII. s-o
22. ~l:ic:atio: 3:-51,199.2 of F . Properties (R. Cali & Bros.)
requastin¡ e::.;~?: 1001 to the Sip Ordinance to alIen; a shopping
C:«Dta~ sit:=. ,~ ~¿jition to a a.rCM.<ld sig" for a proposl'd neigh-
borhood $~;;~:'i center loc:ated at ~he nort!,west corner of
Sæ.ratoga-S=o:-,;¡:e i\oad and JIcClellaD Road. Re;:=ended for
~e _. ....., ¿ò""'....sion OD te-rorary versus pHIIIa".'nt signs
a::K 011 pol. si~. c:-. shoppin¡ c_tera ¥here thc:"c is only partial
~ IIt.a!f vas £,.C~.: :~ let the P'J !!ar1<.et pocple cr H"c.-stead knc\:
tla~ the City :.:;:,:~ is tryi. ~o f:reat them all fairly.
rze Sandpiper ~s;£~~~t has accpeted the responsibility that their
~ 1a t_po:"¿~ J.:¿ there 111 the posa1biUtv th~)' nay be required
c: ~. :it.
~1l&aD Fr;::~~ said his oppoalt:1ø; vas to evcryone getting a
~ . Hery 8it: ~: 6 shopping c~er until the shoppi<lg ccnter was
..... by COUD;:CU" Sparks, aClCDlOded by Counc1ican Jackson to
_,-...... Appli,.:~::. 1ìC-51,199.2 1D accordance with reCOl!ll!lendatioDS
é tJIoe B-CoD~r~: .:........u.ttee.
Motion cazrlK. 5-0
....n.. by COUJIC1à.J:: S¡>arks, I'-~'" by CouDciban Jackson to
refer the ques:i:: ~: trcataeot ~ør reaporary signs to the staff
f_ .ubaequent :"K=~dat1oD and reporr to the Council.
Motion carried. 5-0
. CC-154
I Page 7
The staff,gas r~te4 to arrange for a presentation tc the
.City CcuDcU ancI~ ·~tdtêetDral and Site Approval Cc.-J.ttee by a
$~,1aDdSC8¡l. consa1,,:"".I~ral infomation resard~ laß!lscaþin¡
J,:."J',tIb1ch coa1d be '~Waluatin& applications.
'!'\~jl,.. . ". j,
'~.'';Ò·2:Ji· AppUcat1oa; ~2 ~of Hogue Construction Coapany. Inc..
:!A"~':¿';r...t!ø8'å< .'" '. OJ'8ite. architecture. landscaping and
.. ' gracl1Jl& for';.thì'....t1aeø located on Lots 1. 2 and 3.
Vista DrlV.~t~~itÌÌlplexes located on Lots 4 and 7. Rogue
Court. "cO-.J:~~for· approval.
CouncilllaD hoUchøtated that we might be getting into problC1!l
areas I,¡be we start d1c~tin& what species of plants to use.
Councilcan Meyers va. aøt convinced that. the 5-gallon requir~ent
for shru;s is necessarily the best because quite fr~quently, a
5-gal1on s:ze plant is root-bound. A representative from the Stat
H:gh"'3:' ~epartnent stated here sor:e .,,,nths back t:¡at within 3
year.._ ::." will have just as 1ar¡;e and healthy a plant fro:::! a
l-gall~n ~an as fra.n a 5-gallon can.
Movt?J by ~~un\:ilDan Jackqon, seccc¿eJ hy Ccuncil::J-ln !teyers to
appro,~ J"lication He-51 ,311.2.
!~tion car~i~d. 5-0
24. .\;:';-:~:lt':'cn ItC-Sl,3ll.l of Tt..'J. !L Y~un\~ req:;eé;tin~ 3;>;:ro·/.11 cf
si to.::. .trchltect·;re. lan~ ';c ,1. P ~.l:: .:1:~..! ;; f'Jr d duplex
lO~~~2J on Lot 5. }:Ogue C~urta ~~~o~~cnded f~r dp~roval.
::~v~d ~y :~uncllnan 5?a~k3, secon¿~j è! Council~an ~eyer~ to
approv~ ~?~lication HC-5:,311.!.
~At:on c2rr:~d, 5-0
PAR!{S .\:: RECREATlG:l C~15SIO:{
25. Su=~"s~ion of Minutes of resul~r ~eeting Apr~l 11, 19/3.
26. }~ect::-6 scheduled for April 25, 1973, ~\·.a3 Li'i:1:,;!11~ù tor Jack
.)f ;1, :'.l..."rur.t..
Page 8
. .
27. Suà~ission of ~~utes of rcgular mceting of April 17,1973.
28. ~, ~eetins scheduled.
29. ,~~~:s~ion of ~inutes of mc~ting of A~~i. 19, 1973.
30. B~JrJ rec(T."':"".c~d¿¡t»n th:lt .~t be dls~·:Jl·.'(;~.
~,:,,';i~ælc.e !-:o. 5:'1: ,.~~:~ O~'J::h-,r:("e c: t--r> c.'~ ,; rlì;-ertl~a
A-<:."::·j m; Tit:e ~:I:. t:.c P.:'r-.:'n:-:.c.: Cp:-:>.'. ;.-:-~. !.(-:. ...
::'"~,n:.,c(" ~':"':.. .!.E2, t:: !}'.'1l'~_.:1;~ tilcre.:-.- ." ;:-r .J.:'.:
!-._~_.: ·{'~~ccs r::: "4 :- :':- -;-.;1('] :-·c1.r.~.:' - ff ~~ I" ...
~!. . to _:
C:':U~1\.~~¡-j:^. J-;:..~.~-"::t '(',' ~ì-;I..·.~ b' ¡:-t.-
: u
~I~,::;-;,: :. ~:~_'. c,:: ~~ __ ;;:: t~tì,..: 1..~¡l1/, ..n I :
;;.Ì :1-'
S.I.:a. _ .. '..;~ ~tut~ ~:.,:
:" ~! ~t
., - ..
....t..- ¡ ,I . '. ~ .
:L t .
n t:,rr;
'- ~ ,
CÙ¡::',;:::' CrnZL,è ~.
.....4o! ~'4
F'·:\. CAl':TA;
. ...,,:... ~
, . ,,'.' ~
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3:. ~.,";'n~ s,,: c:' ~:{:.J.
I'r:':.:~ '.\F"'· C~:: c:~:;
32. ,....::;'.:' of Of~:c" f'_·r :-:C'.-.· ::l"·"¡!:J,,>r5.
The D:'~·L\.·Ll>r of A::'~.:'r.i::»tati\"c ;'l'rvICCS ad: .::--.:...,,:(::-~. t1:e (I;~lh cf
I)f{i..::..... :.-, lh~ ne·..· :-.{;-_::cn:;. 01 t~¡C :'ubllc ~·;.I!·c':.~ C-'-_:'".! -.,ion:
\;:'11 :"C,;::tCT. Ce,;')!'gc :~an";.1no. l..c.r...·ta [~erh:"!.r~:. J?'::'::·~:l r..\Z.;¿io :1:"-
Robt.."'!':' F~1rJ.
The ::e.: C'_-¡¡;}J!lissiC":lers \-!erc or f,~!"cd con\;r~tul-:t _ûn~ f rO!i the Y..~Y:-í"
:m.d C.'u~1~il:1t~n. P::':ctur£'s ~i::] he taken .:--.t ¿" ~at(1or d;\l~.
CC-154' 9
~,' .
Vehicle Cede
ai'p1iei CO
33, Petition to lUke applicable the provisioøs of the CaliforoLa Vebicle
Code to the private ToadS located in Santa Clara Rouadtree5ubdivi4!oD.
pursuant to Yeh1c1e Code Sections .21107. 21107.7 aDd 22658.
the PlanniDg Director said tbe 'petition to bave the private driveway. be subject to the provisions of the Califoroia Vehicle Code wu signed
by the majority of the residents of this 132-unit town house developaent
at the corner of !lcCleUan and Stelling Roads. Colored slides of the
complex were shavD.
the Planning Directcn' and Acting Director of Public \lorks reviewed all
the PO zones in CU?ertino and have discussed the overall probleo of
these private roads.
Councilman Jackscn asked wat obligation
with these Code violations. The Planning
with parking where access is impaired for
the County Sheriff's Office bas
Director said they are concerned
emergency vehicles.
The City Attorney an~..ered Coun~11man Xeyers that if appro~ed, this
would include investi~ðtion of accidents on the premises.
M3y~r Irwin asked for ccmnents from the audience.
Mr. D. W. Holt, 64ï Veterans Blvd., Red::ood City, said he ~as representing
Santa Clara Roundtree "'.anage¡,ent. He said ~hey haole f~und that this ''':)\lld
gi~e the hooeo\r.1"rs sOCIe po,·,er. They try to ="ke care of their problens
tr.r.:',,;h their B"ar¿ of Directors. He said 5unn):~:~ Roundtree, Los Altos
SGuare and Sharon ~~s have all adopted the Veh:cle Code.
~yor Irwin pointed out the ioposition placed on the City of Cupertino
since this vas d~;eloped in the County ~~d then annexed, thereby not
a11c~ing the City ,f Cupertino to apply its ordinances. Ccunciloan Fr~lich
said this develop--e~: ~as forced on us, but it is Got uni~"e. The
Council generally a~reed that a very close look ~ou1G be given to any
future applications for cluster developments.
Moved by Council~ rrolich, seconded by Councilc~~ Meyers to close the
Public Hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Council~~ Jackson, seconded by Council~n ~eyers to ap?rove the
petition and to direct the City Attorney to prepare an appropriate
Motion carried, 5-0
34. JIeso1ution No. 92).37: 'fA Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Cupertiuø Order ·.ng Changes and Modifications,
Valleo Park Asae....-t Districtj Project IJJ 64-1."
(Continuancé requested to meeting of Kay 21. 1973.)
Moved br Councilman Prollch. seconded by Councilman Jackson to
coat!nue IIeso1ution 110. 925.37 to May 21, 1973.
Hotion carried, 5-0
35. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 595: "An Ordinance of the
City of Cupertino ~ending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
Rezoning a Certain ?~rtion of t3e City of Cupertino fro~
R3-2.2 (Residential, ~ltiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per d.ellin~ unit
zone to R2-4.25 (Reside~tial, Duplex, 4,250 sq. ft. per ~~el1-
ing unit) Zone; A~~r~xi~tely .21 Acres Located Adjacent and
Easterly of Al?ine Drive Approximately 216 Feet ~esterly fro~
the Intersect~::n of :::oth!.ll 51~.1d. and Alpine Drive."
The City Clerk ex~la:~e~ that this ite~ ~as continued fro= the
last meeting. The ind:vid~l asked that this "atter be discon-
So coved by Ccun~il=an Frolich, secondcd by Council~an Jackson.
~~tion carried, 5-0
36. No. 3450: "A Reso1,;,;ion of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino Allo~i~ Certain Clai~s and D~~anès Payable in the
Aaounts and fr~ the Fucds as H~reinafter Described for
Salaries and I:ages :: =r the Payroll Pcwiod Ending April 17,
~yor INin read the a~'c'~e, notin~ it was for I{arrants ~o. 17473
through 17599. with a ~~t azount of $23,811.19.
Moved by CcuncilmóD Frcllch, seconded by Councilman Jackson tc
adopt Resolution So. ~>,.
Councilmen Frol:~~, Jackson, ~cyers, Sp3rks, Mayor lr~in
Motion carried, 5-0
Res. 925.37
continued to
y 21
Or¿. 595
Res. 3450
.... 3454
Jæs. 3451
lu. }452
37.'10, 3454: "A lesolatiøD of the City Council of the City of Cupertino
Allowing Cutain ClaØs aad Demands Payable in the k:DaDts and from
the Funds as BereiDafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period End!øg Jfay 1. 1973."
Jlayor Irvin read the above. ø tbis covered Warrants 17600 through 17706.,
with a net ,amount of $21.734.63.
Jfcn,-ed by Councilman Frol1.c:h. seconded by Councilman Ja;:kson to adopt
Resolution No. 3454.
Councilmen Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, }I.ayor Irwin
~tion carried, 5-0
38. N~. 3¡Sl: "A Resol~t~~ of the City Council of the City of Cu~ertino
Allo~ing Certain C1a~s and D~ands Payable in the AQounts and from
the Funis as Hereir.aft~r Described for General and Miscellaneous
Expen,Etures, Period E...,ding April 30, 1973."
}I.ayor I~in read the a~~e, noting this covered ~;arrants 14060 through
14113, wi=~ a net acaunt ef $411,118.70.
Moved by C:unci1nan Jackson, seconded by ~eyers' to ad0pt
Resolut::n Xo_ 3451.
C~~ncilnen Frol:c~, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, ~yor Ir~in
~tion carried, 5-0
39. No. 3~51: "A Resolu:ion of the City Council of the City cf Curertino
Alle.ins Certain C1a~s and Dcnands Payable in the A~ounts an1 fro:n
the Funls as Hereina::er Described for General ac.d ~isce1l£neous
Exper.litures, Peried r:,"in~ ~y 7, 1973."
Y.ayor Ir",in read the abJve. noting this covered ~arrants 14114 through
14275, ~ith a net a~ount of $110,749.62.
Moved by Ccuncilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to adopt
Resolutio~ Xo. 3452.
Ccuncilmen Frol ich, Jacilson, Meyers, Sparks, ~(ayor Inlin
Motien carried, 5-0
. .
age 13
4.0, Approval of agreœent with COIIIIIUDication consultants for a
feasibility' study of the City Offices Telephone Systea.
(Continue.: from _eting of April 16, 1973.)
Hr. John L. DuGuid, 445 Chathal!lltoad, Burlingame, Director of
Marketing, System Consultants, offered to answer any questions
on this matter.
Councllnan Frol1ch asked if Phase 11 is included in the original
cost. ~~. DuGuid said this is the area of implementation. This
will be very simple, once the f~sibi1ity study is completed, if
a priv&te interconnect sY5teæ proves feasible. Phase II probably
~~uld not exceed $2000. They are available for ioplementation
if there isn't anybody on the staff who could follo~ throug3 fro~
the feasib:lity study.
ltr. DuGuid said the bl:1in:; for telep~o:1.e service is ¡:-rescntl;'
èoee automatically. A letter of authcr:zaticn frc~ t~e Cjty is
~cedcd t~ c~tain a pr:c:out fort say, the la~t 3:X years fro~ the
Te1ephr.:"h! Company. !h;;'~ :,::11 tell h::-.. exactly :.Jh;\t ';..:e h.;o:e..
Then t~ey do a p~ys:ca: ~~dit, and any discrepancies ar~ re501v~d
~dth the Telephone C=:".;a:¡)-. Quit~ ofte~, their feas arc ncrc than
p~id by the rpbate fr~~ t3e Telephonc Carpany.
~:r. DvGu:d 3n5W'2!:red C:"U:1::i:ðan .Jac:;so:l that t:102.~2 are :":.~ ather
co:-.para~le cities t b~t ~-:erc áre Many bt;si~es=t?.j "..:ithin this
arca ~it:' co~parable private interconnect systeres.
C~unciljan Frolich aSKe¿ ~~at our capital laY0ut ~i;3t be.
~!r. DuG'..1Îd said $34,':'¡; .C'J ....·a5 rcquire.J íro~ one ::rivatc !nter-
c"nnect crgani:atfcn. The)" do not sell any ~f the hard-':áce.
His rep=rt vil1 eva:uate the present systec an~ offer =et~c¿s of
£2vings and i~crease¿ e:ficiency. A:ter you purc~ase yocr e~uip-
oent you ha~e to consider ;::Aintenance c~ar~e5. Ncr:::ally, t~e:
train sooe~ne In house.
~r. DuGuid said the scope and purpose of the st~dy are:
1. To determine what reductions can be made i~ your eOë~unication
expenditures õlithout reducin; the quality of service.
2. To evaluate the existing systcn frOM a ~crvice standpoint and
develop a plan Vherp~y probl~·areas can be economically and
functionally .li~inated.
3. To consider the future needs and goals ot the City of Cupertin
and .-h..~t typ~s of (.,,-.-;.,..m!cgtio~~ are available.
4. Evaluat~ pðte~t:a: ~t:¡ization of a privately l~ascè CO~~~q¡-
~ations syst~ f:o~ all aspects: costt servicet gro~lh, etc.
s. Revie~.J' other Cît:ë ç!:ices; 1.r..t Parks and F.ecreati("~ De~art-
ment, Corporation ïard, Police Departnent, Fire De?art~e~:.
Telephone Syste
Ord. , ,,:3 &
Res 3455 rc:er-
~ed to sta::
;:fo..anis re,,;est
Mayor Irvin said quite ofc_ the larger cost to the Cicy is not 80 mucb
the cost of the equipaeøt but the monthly billing. Mr. DuGuid said
they are usually very effective in redueing the cost of message units,
CouncillllaD Sparks said be vas skeptical at first, but now he believes
this would be a good id_.
Koved by Councilman Fro1Jeb. seconded by Councllman Sparks to approve
this agreement witb c- . ,..ications consultants and to authorize tbe
City ~.anager to sign the Agreement.
CouncUlllen Jackson, }!eyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin
Hation carried, 5-0
41. F~rst Reading of Ordinance No. 602: "An Ordinance of the City of
Cu;-ertino Esta!:>lishi::tg ReBulations for Dedication of Land, Payment
;J; Fees, or Both, Íor Park and Recreational Land ~n ::ub¿i"¡i3ioLl'S.1I
:i rst Read ing of Ordinance ~o. 603:
Cuoartino Inposing a::t L~cise Tax on
¿:1¿ ~(obile Home Lecs in the City of
IIAn Ordinance '.)f the City of
the Construction of Buildings
Cupcrt iao. If
43. R¿~.:lution No. 3455: ':A Resolution cf the Cit:: Ccu:1c':l c:£ the City
ci Cupertino :::5ta~:ishing the Rates of t:1e Excisa Tax cn the
C~nst,u\:tion of ~u:'ldin~s and ~t('t~ile !loi:1e Lots I:;p~sed by Ordinance
~:o. 6J3, the Ct:nscruct:on Tax Orùinance cf the Cítjr of CUpCl"ti:l0."
~:ovc¿ !>y Ccuncilcan Frolich, seconded ~)y Councìlnan :-teyers t:... refer
Ordin3"ce XJ. 602, Ordina"ce ~:o. é03, .md Res~ll1tion :;~. 3455 back to
the staif fur rcvieio" a..'"1d c.~cnt and sllbst!quent '["~p~:¡ce~e:1.t an the agenda.
=:r::t i~n carr ieJ. 5-0
/.4. R~quest from Ki·..aais Club of Cupertino to hald -1 uOt.õite ~~lcphant"
sale on M.'\y 12, 1973 at the southe;lst cornec of: ?o~t"l AO¡enu<> and
Stevens Creek Blvd.
fobvcd by CouncilMan Jac~o:1, seconrl~d by CGu:1cil:-1~~ Xej'~rs :0 ::ip?rovc the
Kiw,tniS' request for re~ission to h"ld " ";"~Üte r:l,,~h"~,t" s·:l" on :-!a)' 12, 1973
Moticn carried, 5-0
45. Avard of Fireworks p--It...
Counc:i1un Sparks eattecl.ueat1on to tbe fact that Cupertino bas
two Lions Clubs; one of'1ib1ch forgot to put in their request last
year, aDd the other fOraPe tJa1.a year. The City Clerk stated that
letters bad been senioat~ A rjlquest frOQ the other Lions Club,
plus three other requests ca.e in on ¡'-"'y 7th.
Councilman ~~yers feels.. sbou1d con~ider a future, citywide
ban on fireworks. Karor 1rv<..11 said other cities have tried this
but decided they were just penalizing their o~~ service clubs,
Council=a~ Jac~son said it ~s a hard question to ansver, at what
poi~t dq ycu outlaw so--ethLcg that is the source of so =üch
enjc}~ent ::r S~ many. ye~ ~5 an ele~ent of åanger.
Mayor In.-i~ sãiè that unless :: t .....·erc a St¡:t~\dde ban, he -:-otlld not
be in fa·:~·= ::" :,arming f!re-.·~::-:.c.s in Cupc::-tin.J.
C;iuncil=..3.:':.'~-s said i~ C=I;~¿ be a ~~"e;t.;.lt.::--tYre t;,i::?, ~n¿
~ulJ r~ è~$:~~ to contr~l.
PaRe 15
, I
!-:Qved ~y C':ò..\:"·: }Ieyer$, ~ '?.:=nded :-:: :~~u::.: iL"l:~ J ?:~: ::r.':o:": t':' Fir ':--."O::kfi pe:r
appro\'1? t~:¿ : :3·t of fire"'.'":>:-LIi ;'E-r=1:'l s .-:7:" :'~.-!.r.:'~ .:!::: 1 ::"~te¿ ::':-c a·';¡;:":(.~,:,
the :~.3': ..... ::=:-3 :-':L"TIlO free <;:-.~ D~~cct(':" ..~:' .\¿'·.~ai:--~(ät':·**t:- :-:.:r ':':..cs..
~:~~C~ carrj~~. 5-J
It ·..·as ::-::;'f.'::r .:ut that t:.,=,; ...·ere all :":.~..,t': ::t."J a')out a':".:::!:: i!go
ab~ut tt.e ':~,l':'~ :ne for re~·...é.s.:.s. TltC' stl':f ·:it:". _nstrl;c:té": t:
:l:Iti:)' al:' :~~.1: there ...::1 =e n~ eXl'Crt :':-11S.
'6. St~í: :Of:-:rt on Contr:>] c: Urban ¡)>2"'(.o::';:":-:C':1r ':\ .:In !_.~~d.r.
Servi.:e .;r~"J. and i'ro~:'si::¿ A.-.cnd:-:C:ì:'~ :.:- t~~· C:.-'U:1t:: Z::-.!nr
Tht! Plan::':::~ :)~r~o:tor re:e=-:'~: to hi~ ~:.lY ':'t:~ 'l:\.' .:'n t:::5 ~.,,""tter.
As a pe~:tt~¿ use with:~ ~ r~~nty jUI~~;::t:0:1, alth~u~~ a~ ?rea
=8)' be \r:it~·.i:t the City's u=-:1..-.. servict, J.:'-i.i. t:~crt' is t::'é: r"'::ì~~-
bility c: s!.Ò~i·..isicn ~Í ¡¡r::;ert:: lutc :-1 : .-¡C'r~o sites. A-~
example ~: .,¡~ art!a wit':1i:l t:-~{: urban ::;~:-'::'-:.: .-,:-¡;;o" 0: t;.c Cil\' ;of
Cu;:crt!oD ·...~~:·ein t'll!s cou:':i ~=ssib1 y t.~:~è' ri.1rt: 1.:culd :(; :~_e
Regnart C.1::.y.."::'. That are.a. :5 ser\.·:.c..·.: :-:. .:. :·:'-:·:.\t..· wat-_':o- =0' ?än~'
Clf \-.·h~ch : nt- ::'ty has n~ d::-e=t c::~tr..~l. T~h>r~: " tOt ~ò3..;~...": ::n t',ls
ordinance, :-::'.:: acre sitc~ c:,ulà b(> Cl·~'..;;:ej t~l1·. '."-:=·.::'..1t t'._.-,¡t í"utir
perth"n c: :::~ í'or..munity ar-d still r('!':¡,~~:'I. ·.;:'t:'~n C':"U~t:1 jur~t.;.¿ic-
_'::è=dme~c s :=
':::;nt)" Zcn~
.'-cud of
.: ::ttract
. OF tHE !U.Y 7, 1973 em COUNCIL KEErL'CG
-1lmaa J...uoø _ c:ouce:ned how prezOD1ng vould work. 10 reprd to
tion.. If the proposal b turued down, does this eOlUlUtute
,of _ -tlOD. Coo-i1-- Frol1c:h said it did DOt. .
,-, ,,'
, <{,~>. . . '" ':'<"",;~,': ,-,'
., s'Ç1ty v_spr said the "-en is that cities will tead' to...,~le
. urban sen1ce areas 1D ørder to gaiD cOQtrol. Be b.liØ~;~
;1/2' acres -U be below .f.._. There could be a subdiY1doll
Wiach is O1IuUe our urban serric. area that vould cau.. problems later.
l'.ø1tted uses iD a -cs.discr1c:t (provided the)' are also peClitted iD
&he zoniDs èistrict with wIú.ch it i. cOIIIbined):
1) Single faa1I)' residence ~ a minimum building site area of 2-1/2 acres.
2) AgricuICUrt!.
3) Access==y :xrl1dings aqd accessory uses inc:identia1 to the permitted
uses set :crth in 1 and 2 ~ve.
4) The uses ?"r:itted pursu~: to Sections 35-2 (fireworks permits)~
36-3 (a~=::~::ural stands). 36-4 (constr~:tion excavation), 36-5
ttodel h::::ès) and 36-6 (<:o:'l1e hOl:les).
5) The uses ?,,~itted pursaa:: t~ Article 3- (accessory uses).
6) The uses ~r:itted pursua~t co Article 3£, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 53,
Councilca= :r:::c:' would l1Le :he City Mana,è= t= ccnvey co cbe Board
of Su?erv:s==s ò~at Cuperti~'s :~ncerns a=:' ~~y. Counciloan Jackson
.auld likè :: ~se che approa=~ t~at the Cit, :f Cupertino is in favor
of this, ~~: :~ere are sOQe cc~erns.
T¿:e City ~~E.':-...l~~:' co::¡ente¿ ~:"a.:' at least ~"ç -..--ill have s-::-e controls we
nave not pre'~:~sly had.
Kay~r Irw:= ò~~:! be in fa.:r := a?provin~ :~:s and adding co~ents.
Council:a= ~è"erS pointed ~~: :~~ chis a:::r!s the right of appeal.
~~yor Ir~i= rè~~esced t~e s:a:: co prepare a su~ation cf Cicy Council
I concerns := :Cè .r"posed ~t.:::: :rdinance .::=:rJUin¡; ur¡,ån de....el~T.'1ent
. i~ urban 5è~:~:~ ..reas, for è:3cr:;;,ution a=: ~Sè at the next ICe :eeting.
~ Cic: ~~r..¿,"r ~as also aSLe:: to conve~' :.:èse cC'ncerns to the Soard of
5,...-rv1s"r.. ~"utions rais~ ".-ere on spe:i::.: lan¡tuage rather than the
c:r.>c:epcs :: :::c .ropo.ed ICe:>::'::'encs.
~7. Revic~ :: :::5 for Traf:i: ~:gnal Systec a=d Safecy Li~hcin8 for the
inte:'~::~:= :! Stevens Cree~ 3lvd. an: ~~¡,;;, Road and award of
contr¿~: :~e~efor.
!!:ved b)· C-'_-_':~::--l:1 Jackson, b;· C=~:..::l;"ta:\ Frolich to award the
~ODcract t= ~:sèndtn Eleccric ~'?any at ::5 :C~ bid of $37,977.
Cc~~:::=t~ Frollch. ;a=Ls:n. Meyers, ~?ar~~t ~ycr Irvin
~~~:cn carrie¿~ 5-0
II!wrES OF T":Œ !lJ.! 7, 1973 CITY COU5CIL XEEIU¡G
~.""" J(e Order:
(".M by ComIcibaD Frolich. lMeODCIed by COWICi1l2an Jldrsaa to
')r"·· che Couuty for 50% partidpatiOD in tbe traffic sipa1 -
,?"oi.;"ecy lightiq at Stevens Creek Blvd. and 3u~~ Road.
c·w."" '.
. ":,,-t_#,,, '.;-~ "
. cr,,.. City Attorøey aslted i( _ are accepting the bid witbouc
...~ .. ·fUons. The KUng Dlreccor o( Public -!larks said the City
0. efl of Cupertino and the C:lanty Board· of Sui'erv1sors have
~...s to participate 50% each.
Kot1oR carried, 5-0
41. Review cf C::y policy in ~laceaent of :~3 in time certifi-
cates cf ~e'=5it in teres of mu1ti-bra~c~ ~anks within tbe
~e vas 5~i ~~~uss1on of :~e po~nts ra:sè: i~ the r.e~~ of
!:A¡ 4, 19i3 =;.-: :~e Directcr :f A<:t:inistra:~'" Services.
Counciloan :~:::;~ asked if ~~ey ::¿ inde<e~:,~tly. The Citv
Att.orney sõ:':' ::-...i: :.: t!lf':: ...rr::: ~o Ì i: :~:: :,anks, not.
'!:t:anches, ::__~n ::..;.:d alter:-..a.:.e. '!:>e:·..~een b!'a::..:-....¿~ ~f each ba.:!ÎC...
It vas br~~,o: :": :hat ne~ :a=ks ~ill :c ::~:~, into t~e C:ty of
Cupertino :~ :0< =~ture, a.s:.
!Cved by C:~o'::=~ Jackson, .~c~~¿ed ~y ,:~~:::~an frol:ch to
~reat each :~~~~~ ;: d ban~ :~~e?e~~ent!y.
SI'£.S :
COU::::"_=è:': :ralieh, ':a:,sor., :·~e~·~rs, :-:';':-':;;5. Mayor :'rvin
Moti:: carr!ed, 5-:
4;. Petiti:~ ~y :o~ resid~nts :! ~estriè~~: _;.:t 4823 and ~824
to cor.e ~~i~- ~egulatic~~ :! Ca:i!or~:3 ~:~:c Veh1cl~ C~ce as
~ovide~ ~~ ~i~tions 211:-. 11107.ì a~; :::58 of the =:ate
Code. ... "..="ved, pu!o::~ :.ea;in¡: t" .=~ ,,~t by City Cl.rk's
Bøved by CÇCC":::~ Frolich, sec"n~eè by C:~~;::~an ~eyers to set
for public :.~l;:::' t!le petit:::~ :.,' the Io.'es:='¿;:~ residents.
Mot1~ carr~ed, 5-:
alte. :7
Trt"at :-an~
ind.:-;".!nde:1t j 'i
'.\.·..t r:Jge
pubL. hear:::,
COBsm C.nnrlla. .
SO. Itesolutioø Bo. 3453: "A Rasolutioø of the City Council of the City
of Cupertillo HaldDg Its Order Describing the BouIIdades Desisnatlld
aa 'Reade 73-2' to be ADDexecJ to the City and Ordering Annexati0D8
to the City without Public Burinl as Prov1cled by Law; Approxioate1"
0.68 kre, Locatj!d South Side of San Juan Road at Stevens Canyon lIDad."
51. Resolution No. 3456: "A lesolutioø of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino kcepdng .Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground
Water llights frOlll Ramon Lozano and Rosario Lozano; Located on
Rodrigues Avenue West of Blaney Avenue."
52. Resolution No. 3457: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City
of Cupertino Accepting Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground
~ater Rights from Deane & Deane, Inc.; Tract 5284, Oak Meadows Unit 5;
Southerly Side of Stevens Creek Blvd Westerly of Foothill Blvd."
53. Resolution No. 3458: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Cap~rtino Accepting Quitclaio Deed and Authorization f~r Underground
'.lter Rights fro~ Deane & Deane, Inc.; Tract 5285, Oak Meadows Unit 6;
5:utherly Side of Stevens Creek 31 vd ;.;'esterly of Foothill 31 vd."
54. Resolution :;0. 3459: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
:uFertino Accepting Quitclaio Deed and Authorization for Undcrsround
·':ater Rights fro,," D~ane & Deane, Inc.; Tract 5286, Oak Headm;s Unit 7;
5="therly Side of Stevens Creek Blvd. ::esterly of Foothill Bl·;d."
55. Resolution ~o. 3460: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Cu?¿rtino Accept:ng çuitclai~ Deed and Authorization for Un~er~round
;,ater Rights fro" Deane So Deane, Inc.; Tract 5287, Oak Yeadot;s (nit 8;
::.:>utherly Side of Stevens Creek Blvd ;,'esterly of Foothill Blvd."
56. Request for a Procla"ation of the Month of May 1973 as Correct
P",sturc Month.
57. Re~uest by Santa Clara County ~usic Herchants Ass~ciation for designa-
t:on of ~eek of Ma)· 6, 1973 to May 13, 1973 as }Iusic ',eek in Cupertino.
58. Request by Weight ~atchers of Northern California for a Procla:lation
in connection with.~eight !:atchers' 10th Anniversary.
59. Request froo Veterans cf Forei~n Wars to conduct the \~, :uddy PO?py
Sale during "Poppy Days" on May 18 & 19 within tae Cit}· of Cupertino.
60. ""solution No. 3462: "A Resolution of the City Cuuncil cf the Cit:: of
Cc~~rtino A~prcvi!\g Final Plan fo~ t~le I~r,rove:-.el't of F=I.~nt.;!:;e Lccated
'=:1 R.Jdrlgues A:¡cn:le Uest 0:: Blaney A"¡e:lue; De"¡clo:.ers. Charlc3 B. Clif:.:;n
ar!J ~elscn R.. DC!1~:'s; Auth,,::oizing the C:'ty Engin~cr to Si£!1 the Final
?:an.. and }..ut:t:::r:'z:'ng £"",,:e;:IJt':'on of Agree°"':cnt i:1 C0nncct:'on Thœ::with."
. .
MTh'L'T~ OF THE KAY 7, 1973 CITY COt'SCIL ~ŒETI:¡G C-154
8í:e 19
MOved by Counci~ ~rs, seconded by Councilman Frolicb to
approve the Consent \:&leadar.
~1œ carded, 5~
61. City Sta~f
The Director of Finance subaitt.\d the bids for tjL~ depos~ts.
~~ed by Ccuncil~ Frolich, seconde~ Dl Cou~~ilnan Yeyers to
deposit $100,000 for thirty days at 6-7/8% to 3arclays nank and
$200,000 for ninety days at 6-3/4% to Crocker National Bank.
Cc~~cilr.en Frolicb, Jackson, ~yers, Sparks, ~~yor Irwin
Motion carried, 5-0
1::e Deposits
~c"ed by Ccuncilca.... Frolich, secon~ed by ~:eyers, to Res. 3JO:-47
adopt Res~luti~n No. 3101-47, cal1in~ tor the second sale of bonds
u~d~r Cr~$sroads Asses~.ent Distr~:t.
C;~~cl1Den Frolich. Jackson, ~~yers, Spa~ks. ~~yor Ir~in
Koticn carried, 5-0
The C:ty ~l13ger briefly referred to it~'s in his ~~y 4, 1973
Ccu",il~an S?arks aske~ for clarification of paoe 6 of the Sheriff s
ny,n. The City ::anager said when the~' work ::~re than 40 h.o'.lrs
they ~~nt tioe and a half, even thou;h they volunteer for this.
Their p~sition is any thIne in ~~cess to what w~ contract for has
to be considered t i::e and a balf.
The Acting Director ~f Public Works announced the arrival of a
baby &"at on tbe City property up at the uster tank.
The Dire.tor of Planning and De~eloi"ent was re~'.lestcd to 3d~:se
Ccuncl1 ~=bers. as a =atte~ at routine ~usin~s~, as t~ acti~ns
take:> by the County on those applicatioas pre"¡i,:msly re:erred to
the City.
Pasa 20
!u.IIu(&¡O OF tBB WJ 7. 1973 cnr COUNCIL KEEIIlIG
62. City~.o.a
A latue OD ......." oiitJle ~~It .ud City Coullc1l ta to be dnfted to
Hn. Bañat "'1IIr.~JIf. to..: ........."8 ~ for lID _ell_t jo) 110M.
%be Dinctœof~__lervlc.. stated that be W jut tbta
cIa7 ~_6t."'alettlíl,fof.'t~l"'"ttOD f_ Hrs. llø1tat. S1Ie vU.111e
"£'1 rir~-.
. Coaac11aua lroÛCh .tàc.a be neatly ... a vtsitiJl& lecblrer on pol1t1ca1¡,
.dace at Salta C1aø VD.1ven1tJ vllere Taft Iaat1tuta ta c:ouductilll
. .-tMI', The CiI:7'" ... vi11 be &Otaa there on Hay 10th.
CounctlMa Frol1ch _id he wa1cI ute to aee the City of Cupertino 8dopt
a fairly v1¡oroua 110.'- CODtrol orelt_e.
Applicants are aol1ciCecI for the Citizen membershtp on the H1llaide
SubcOlllÙttee. sillce Ik. Dreaaler has resigned.
Coullcillllall Jackson -'.d like the City Manager to ascertain what actioll
alight be needed ill regard to dead eucalyptus trees and, as such was
warranted to determine a proper agency for taking remedial action, He
was also requested to report on the status of the requirement for
sprinkler systems in rise construction.
Mayor I~in spoke brieft7 on the need for gas conservation. He said
there is a grcat saving of gas when it is used for stoves, heaters,
ete., rather than to help create electricity for these uses. New
designs cf pilot lights are being explored.
Plaques for Hessrs. Sargeat and Schweitzerhof are being prepared.
The City Council ado~ted as policy the use of staff discretion on
duplicating and distributing ~terials left at the City Hall by citizens
wishing that such be .ade available to meabers of the City Council.
If such aaterials ,¡hall not be distributed to all m_bers of the Council,
the Mayor is to be provided vith a copy.
Mayor Irvin said the D~ Anza Student Body President has challenged
the City Council to a tug-?-Var over the De Auza Pool, at the shallow
end. Councilman Heyers would liko the liayor's position on the rope to
be closest to the vater. Councilman Fro1ich would like the contest to
be betwen the .18101' aDd the student body president only. Mayor Irvin
wanted it known that this Council pulled togcther, ,not hard enough but
63, Recognition by Mayor of non-agenda items.
Nothing further.
. ~
J511iU1ES OF ...:. MAt 7. 1973 c:=n COIr.iCIL MEf:TIJlG CC-154
Page 21
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~: .~i.,Í6. Adjoal1al\t, to Perø~, -1 Sew1aa.
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;j¡'<~ aftII bJ CoaKU!:IID FroUda. . - Died bJ CouncUmaø Jacts. co
";~~:~.~.'.'~.' OlIn tM _Una aC:l0.:3S. ~... to a pers~"lDel se..loa.
'..}"i.' '. .¡¡¡". ........._~...... 5-0
~~'f" . ' au...... carr;¡..u. I .
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,r" :; ,
"." i ~ ".UDI ås neonYeDe4 ac 11:55 P.M.
!lllwe4 b,. C--.cU::aD Fro11ð. secODdecl b,. Councll::an Jacuao ~ba~
CttJ Manage:' :. aut!1orizecl to extea4 the Agree~cnt with Eco:so::1c
CoDsulta::ts LftJ a:MI Amøld on t!:e basis oi the proposal dated
April 26. 1~73, at a cos~ DOt t~ exceed $40,OCO, ~hich SU3
i.Dc:ludes that previousl,. autb:rlzecl In the prior Agree:-:ent.
!Ionies to ;¡¡::d t!lis will be appropriated {ro:t the Unappropriated
General Ft:~.
AYES: Cc~~_~::en Frol1ch, JacLson, ~~yers. Sparks, Mayor I~1n
JiOES: Nc::e
Kot1cn u~ie~, 5-0
The ceetin~ '".13 adjoume4 by ::.y:r Irwin at ~.idnig.'t.
,., Keith E. Irvin
MaJor, City of Cupertino
I.' VIa. E. KTder
tic,. Clerk
Atree!:I8Dt <dt!f