CC 06-04-73 ". -' , CCY OF CUPEF':::;~. ST;\TE OF c.u.X~ ,~ Torre A-.-£::U:2:, Cuuertir..ø. rtT¿'!orn1a 1P-"~e: 25:4505 > JlDlUTES OF I!IE REGULAK --. .~ or 'lIŒ CITY COUNCIL ØELD as .mŒ 4, 1973 ø ~ WIJ1(GIL CHA,'Ð!ERS an HALL t.;Ur....:. .~;.. CALIFOBHIA t . ....... :,¡ ... -..-:z TO THE !L\G _ lIViD ulled the meetfDs CD --,,,,,, at 7 :35 .P.M. with the --....... to the Fla¡. .u. CALL - ~T i baån prese:::: -'-1aen a~se.:::: Frollch. ~"--, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin None Scáf present: City Kaøa.- ~ulan City Atwt" Þey M=S Director c! ~~lstrative Services Ryder Director ~! :lAnn~ng and Devclo~ent Sisk Director c! ?ark.s a:>d Recreat ion !!utler Acting D~ec=r of ?ublic :'orks V1skovich :.:->ltants ;-=H''':: Traff~ - ~ :>oodrich EcoD02.1c - =~e Le"lo"y ~I.S OF :~.:: :;.;·:rous M:£<.'"T:J& 1. Ap;-=: ;a: :JÎ Minutes ~! :-e¡:ular meeting of !tay 21, 1973. ~ ¡age 3, l~' :.:'uncilman ".eyes :za:>ted Councõlron Jackson had ~eqg.ested 1t~ ..? ~e re:novec! !r:a C~sent ·Calendar. ~ paae 7, ~=.: ~i~ic Cente:- ~ Ac:uistion, C~uncil reco~e"~e¿ ~ 1973-;:'. ~ page 9, s,,:::.: Faragraph !r=a :.:>e bottco, ~!r. Thibodeau's na=AO m:øuld be T~;:ã':~.1 with Mr. ("....~~. :& page 17. :.=.:.: item 55, c..~:.::an ~!eyers said he had not ~tioned a ~.~.us report ::':'-c11:nan ~~: ...:~ noted on pa~e ='T1'C'SiDI ',;.):c. -" --. item 43, h~ had cast the CC-156 Page 1 III .. CC-156 Page 2 .5UIUIES OF T"":: :C;:: 4, 1973 cm œc!CTI. MEETI$ CIa page 7, un¿.~ :.,-,-'tS, Ce>un<:ibIaø ..J~son noted Garden Gace KiDi-Park :.- been placed in Unprogr....... ---. .. pee 16, CoI::1dl::an Ja~"- illelle1f1ed item 49 as h8'/ing beeD ~ r --ted to be ræoved baa t" .. Caleodar and also ...mted die ~tes to reflo!Ct that he h:I.å.' .~ . if the deve10pe~ and the noø4 -<__1 District had entered .~ Þ- Ílsreement as had earlier "- 1.1 f aDd the ansve~ was Jell.,' a. ..:...a by Couacn:.an Jackson. rì ,1' ~ by Councilman Meyers. ~ -rr~. die IdDutes of !fay n. 1973 _ ~.._ted. . MotioD carried, s-o - .. ·.1.CATIOSS L. Vritten A. Res:olut:::on adopted by cbe 1Ioard of Supervisors appro..,.1J1¡ and a::o,ting.a fo~ for allocating the local share of Stat. :3~~ aond funds zmoøg county, cities and Regional Park. 3. Fr~~ :~~i~ll Ranch ~ers Associati~~ expressin~ tha: or~z:::3::~n's posiC~ as to the pro?~sed New Jers~ï ~r3 &~¿ :~¿ ~edestrlan foct-~~dge on Ste.e~s Creek Bo~Le""ar~ ad:a:.~: :: Phar La? ~iTe. as well as a reply fro= :~e ,\c::::~ :-:....~ctor of :,,:1~ ·~orks. C. A :;~ :::er frOQ t~e ?ac.i:~c Telephcne ~"d Telegra~~ Co=r~::Y ~¿:ating ~o 7a:~?aS telephone s:~tems. D. k. ::·,-::.¡::on to a::e:;¿ ::.e Santa Clar.. C:ounty Ilea': S:art ?rc~:~ ~~ent honcr¡~g .~l~teers. E. A lat. ;~unlcacic" :ra: ~y Chevrul.t r.quest:ng :~;~rt fo)~ :::;: A!1nual Art ~pition Day tC' .,,, held Sac "~:iay, Jut:.; ~. ~ Direct.:':' :: .:"'::-::'nist.rac:!.":e S¿::-."i=es stated t~.1t other c-=-=-..t:~:.~t~cns ~e:õced to ~~i~~~ :te=s. iL:'th regard :: ;:::5: Annual ..J..r~ ù::=g~ition eve:1t, ~·~D.yor !r·..·:=- v:'!:'hed ~~ congratu:~:~ ~~. ~eis9, S474~! :~:s is the ty:~ of thin~ :~e C~~~er :1f Co::&erce 0.::';:":' ·..1t1t to en.:.~r&.le. Council::.an J.lckso!1 :::;.:~ :.::.a.~ ~:1e City C':-\:.:'"..:~: ~~ .In rec~r::! a5 :'7-p:o.ding Key (~t~':rolet ::;~ ::5 :':":-st Annu.): }..:-: :-"¿\:;J~ni.t::":.n J~!" ,-:.~ ::; enc.:-u.ra~~ dll a.~te·~r a:::'S:'S =-= ;.arttci?ê.:::' ":':~:1cil:la::: :::r¿rG 5ê~:;1¿cd t1:\c~ ::",,-:tlcn. Matien ~~lrierlt 5-~ ". .. __..£5 OF T!u: JL"-'f; 4', 1973 CITY CCX;XC1L MEETING = -. _..r discussi"D concerning ~ of distribution of funds, ",.- n.."n Heyers ;:wvecJ to pass . resolution ap?roving the proposed . *' 1. prese:1ted by tbe 10m of ~pervisors on the allocation of : ~.m4 State !leach Park llecrea.:iœIal and IIhtorica1 Facilities __ Act I\mds. Seconded b)r (' ~,_.... Frolich. Motion passed, 5-0 ]Ir¡._.Å by COUDC~l::an Meyers, sec..-aded b)r Coundl::¡an Sparks, to . .c and file the 1I.T1tteD t,.;U' ,f~at1ons. Motion carried, 5-0 ~ Oral· ta.) ~s. c. ... :-'.::-re, 10364 Para.:!:'se Dri-1C. Ct:?ertino, first ~s~io~~d ~~~E~:e ~f page !:~ ~~~::e~ ~~~~c~ti~~s ~~¿ ~o=~ents. ~ had c~::z~:~: been an ~7e~~:i~~ :r~~ tonif.ht's a~~n1a. !:~. !II::'ore t-·.c:- ~;'~;~C ahout :::2' ;_,:k.-up and Jcl::';er;" in bU3~ncs~ ':~5 .-lth::: -::"': ..:~'~=unity. s-_:~. a! !;~!"ba~í.' b(":.."'r~ 6:00 &1.'.':... ~,,=-.~ ;~-~.eries a:~~: 10:00 p.a. .~._:~ ~7eatr a F:c~le~ ú: noj~e ~~~ ::~s:,;xbanc(". :~~ :".;)ted w:'th ::.-;: ~:-::?,:sf'd st::"'r'" ::'1 tuck (1f the':-:- ~~-e:"ty. tt.. ~::~d.tion \lO\&l~ :1:: :::-_;:;u~ded. -=-:.t: :'::':.y :~a:13.':t: sa.::'d this va.s. i. :'t::·..::r::'nr. ~:C'Þ1\':-. .mñ frc~ a u:.is..e and nt:::~":':-::i standpoin: ;:!~:=:.:. the best t;;.:...n~ t'1 do ·ro'..:::. M 't:: refel: ~: :: ?ubllc 5a:ë.:'Y ::--=:'::';Sl::n ,...h~" are r.::.'" stucl¡<n;: a .JC~se Or:L:·..J...:~':~. He felt :.:. s.::-~:._:¿ ~c rpstr:'cte..! If) those a::t.a.5 nex.t l: ~1!$~.;!~ntlal ar~a= :'i.,:::'e~ tl.an a ,1!.1nke-t situat~~:: &5 :~re ër, o<=~.~n ~dvanta;e' :: ~e:iverin& a~J h~~dling pi:k- ....s &~ nit:ht :~:.lu~e of les3 :::e:-r,,;>tion of tra::ic, etc. ·,:it'. ~ ~e51dent:~: a~jacent, h~:e~, he c:u~d see j~stiricatlo~ !~r ~ com¡>lai:::. "":='t:' ¿~~("us.~~:::, C."uncllJ:1.a:l ·:eTt::-S ::O\"E:d. sec.....nj"d ~v C;)unc~l::..d.:"" ..:.&=ks:''':1.. t~) .:..::s::::..:....·t· City ~::..¿!~!' ~~ refer ·th:'~ :-_attlL'~ to the ~~~:~: Safety ~:~:ssion anè ~~ garbage franchisee Cor consi~~:a- :~ with the ~=~?~sed Noise :r~::a..-"'e. ~Ioti"n carried, 5-0i C::} So Tequt's: ::-.~ C!)uncl1-=..!~ !;.:- re::.o-:a.} C"f ite-:.s :rr-œ C~ns~...t ::'lenùar. CC-156 Page 3 -- I .. CC-1S6 Pdge 4 HISUrES t)f 'IHE JUNE 4, 1973 City COUNCIL MEETING I1~Rr OF COlm:IL RErRESENrATIVES 4. Hayor Irvin: ...Inter-City Council Couocilman Jackson to attend-next oeeting ...Drug Abuse Coordination Cot,issio~ 110 _eting . ...League of California Cities !I.eeting on June 21 at A1¡;¡aden Winery S. Council=an Frolich:- ...Transportation Corocission 110 aeet~n8. liopes to have new thoughts for county bus system of new inventive approach, ...Legislative Review Co~ittee Re;ort given by Mr. Ryder ~r. Ryder rep~rted on propose1 rec~nendations of the foll~¿in~ Bills: ,\11819 prm-lJ"s no fire::.a:1 or policena" shall be ;!"ked to -.'Ork overt;;':'!. unless paid ti=:e and .:\ half or ¡;ivc:1 cc~?€:n:~:1tory tine o:f at the r-ata of tit"~e and a. half an hC°.1r. TÔ;c&.i?3 ad~inistrat¡~n cf ?:¡;lic ';afet:' o:::plo:;cc3 :Jut 0: t;-.e :;·>.oJs :~f ti:t! C:ty and ?:aces in hanùs of Le:;:si.itura. R~c" er.ded o?F'_sit:..,;~. ..'·~~~4~" ra~ti:l1 :.li·::'s~';!1 ._ =·:re D:strict assets ti?Dn ::-.clus;on !n tilè ,::t.y. Infor-..a.tion requested. .~.~2fJ59 r~"crr:nb tQ çc,u."1::-- CGntract Service :tn L'Js A:1~el.~~ C~un':y. ~ø action take~. ;.C.\67 Ccn:3titut,:,,',nal a:-_e:-d.~eD.t which ~~'ould tak!! a',¡a'l ~:-c:. t~lC c.itl~s; all r~~~ts to h~re, ¿i3~!SSJ pr0~ute or ¿!~ciol~~~ ~~~li:' Sa:et.... c::-:.?lJ~·e~s :::::' ?1.:ice in h~nd3 of L(;g~:i:'att:rt:. ?ecc.:-_-:-e:1:':!!: ",'p,;",:.:'sition. ~::. ?.yJ~r rc?··L"têJ oJn 2 ::ri!·;:.......c.s 3:11 City Council h;:d ~?;:'.:..-;.~. :1.:. ~:1.¿ c."") -:': ·...:.th j;:o~_nt ::OJ~.¡~rs of aeree='-ents ne.edi!1:~ a 2/3 "/:)t¿, t:1C ...lu':.~l:r has no',; c.:-...a.~..;cj rcquirc.."7I.ent t:: ;;.:.a.:;or::.y ·.;")te and :-eco::-...--:enò'-il:."Cr. ",,;as ::lât cb"~er:t!oi1 ::e ..'ithdr:l'..-n tc this ?és:-t:.c'.J....a!' :::e2SUre. Cc-,¡: cilmaa :-~eycrs :-:cve¿ t.hat CO'Jncj.l approve r(,·r:cE.r~~ndat;cns .)~ tegi<;lat i',f; ?...e·.r:ew CO~1J.it tee. Ser:.: n¿~ :'"j c.::uncil!ilHn Jackson. ~:ot io;"\ car- ied J 5-0 - fII .. ICHUTES or iHE JUNE 4., 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Councilnan Frolich suggested a ~etter of a?preciation be sent to Assemb1e~~ Gonsalves aød Speaker Moretti on their efforts to uphold prcvisions of SB90 as"tt pertains to current legislation. Councilman ~eyers then doted the proposed evacuation and discussion being hel~ ~a whether to rebuild the old State Capitol building, or build a nev one. Be perøoøå11y feels the original is socething to be proud of and should bé _iDtained. He suggested writing to Assembl)~en and Senators. either as individuals or as a body, to ask the: tc consider rebuild!Dg. ~ouncil~an Jackson moved, seconded by Cou"c:.l= Frolich, that the Council go on r..-cord as being in favor of re;uilding the old State Capitol àU11ding in preference to construction of a n....J structure with the Uayor to write a letter stating t~:s position on behalf of the Council. '~:ot ion carr ied, 5-C I The City ~~::a~er was request~ to submit a letter to each c~=--,ittee I in the :¿;:5:ature, stating ~he City's p~3ition.of op?o5i~~ I legis}.]: :.':- '~':1ich cither dil~tes or delete:; locd,l ,contrC'l o','er ~ploy~~-==~:~ycr matte~s. L , , i I ¡ 6. Cct::·" c~ -::'.i:t Jackson: 7. Co~~cil=1n Meyers: .__~5sociaticn 0i 5*: =..;.~ting. Bay Area GO·;êr:-.::(~;~t-= ...~~nta Clara County ~~ter C~-::~~~~:~ M !:.e:eting. ...~rban Devc10p~~nt ~ Open Space co~ittcc 0: ?PC Be~ause of ti~l~ sh.~'rtéi,;e, ca~.~ U? "~·:t~ a.::.:on prO~rõ1:1 sr..'h\!dulc: z:Jn':':1; :: ::;::cn Space and spcci~~c 3pace TeSG~~~L:. ?re- paring narrat ive on h,,"." to preSeT""!: C:;en 1 Space and cr~3ti~g new ü?cn S;~:L ¿:s~ric[~. T~ new distr:ct$ being createc a~o~t June 7; Bay L?d, and Scenic ~i¡;;,'':'':: Districts. . ...Airport Land rse Subcom.':1ittee cf ?PC lie .eeting, .. . P1anning r,'li~y Cuo""It tee Spec=-ial meet :nt'! t..:' Tf'V iew Fa:.r :L'·....3 ir.~ in Santa Clara C:'t.::1:'Y on JunE 21. /I..ny com- fte'Dts frco t.ht.' (.;.:'Iu:1ci!nc:"J. sho~:1 be> ';'n prior to th.Jt. ::i"et~nb. CC-156 Page 5 ~ " . I I I . .. .. CC-156 ?a¡:e 6 MINUTES OF TEE JUNE 4, 1973, CITY COUNCIL ~::rING .. .!Ullsi,!c Suocc=" te" of PPC 50 _eting ...Air?ort Land U~e Co~~issicu Two siDor rcferrals; on" on airport property so could not be heard by ALUC. 8. Councilnan Sparks: ...Flood Control }~visory ComGittee No Meting, ...~ission Gn Alcoholis.n 50 øeeting. PLAKNIN~ CJ~I5SiON 9. Suboi.s:'c~ of Hinut!>s c! regular ",eeti:1;; _'f :~ay 29, 1973. lÓ. Sub~:'ss:':~ of Minutes -,' '.. adjourned rcgÚ~r ""cting of :'ay 24, 1973. 11. Sub",:." :::1 ",f ~lnute~i ~: ¿jcurncd rcg'.~:.i.:- .'";.~è t lng ~f :fõol 17, 1973. 12. Su¡':c:.'o~:: -:i Mir'-ltes . . ~:ij ,:urn:.:>d re ~::_'_ j r "':"¿>etin5 Q: :'!é:j t6, :973. . , . .. ~~d:~;:~:~'~ of Sit~ - ~- - ~p~~ic~ti~~ (11.::--. .:-<,-1). ~-!~'-7t - Vat::.:") .,~..,. ~ -"... I.t<l. :~r. Si¡;.k :-.';;'¿': ;:h:"5 was :::= :-:>:':':iC3tion ::': ~:'te plan of t-~.-v ?a:"kin~ structu:·('.... .,':.-:':'ti0nal :;t'_r-~; :~ l.'1:1a:, a':~": . _ :......: ·..~¿~e ::-. ~.·~"\;è:r J: r~:::;:-s. .. ~:.:., shcwe¿ ":Ó':"~:~5 :.i ~:.J~lèr _ .__ ~-LX1 and -;a,:-:':'.'J5 I ~ I j 'J~e ar~~'i t ,.llich i.¡:. I ~~~~~~:" I t I e:e·¡é1.tl.~::s. ~. .::~:~(!rn 'Was. t.'~.i: .::~':::':'t:on~ll [_ ~.::. :.:'~ t:1C l;;.aa:' .,:':..l:';:lt to th~ ..:-::~ ?;..·a,!-[,-'r.:-e·:.l:' .~- :~-.i..~? r.~:1e ::-:,:.: ..i;.;c to the. ' ;~..:::,:'n!; :.,,:f t:ì~ r,-..: .':':'.:It:_:;n ~- :":--,.2 ..l..:~tlünal :"~:a;:-.: '.:~:' Ù~ onLy 3 io.!t.~t. ;~':~ct"'lI'e :3.;:?:"iC:l~t:; :hl! st :u;::t'Jrt~ ;'.~-::ther .:i:'¿.1 ::. ~oncer!1 ~:a: :~,~ cn-:-:::te --.. '.:' ,it; :,1!1. A!.;~~ la:t-t'l::,n ~v,:;,·:n~:"'.t::, ',,':""t." :':.ot a"a:'!.¿;.·_~ _ ~ :". r ~..''2-sthcu!'.:: A _~~~e pcrti0~ :: t~:e :~~ustr:~' ~:..l':~ ~asy aCC,~'3~ :-: t~e hotel I..~,~~, ~l~ :.)¡'. ?:-'.l!".'';~:-::'~~~ ai~,-; chcreio:-~ ·....::u:..J 11':: J. ~ ~ - ,: ~.¡ithi:". '¡:::~ :cc Park x. It is 1I::':'~::-"~~~~ that H~·..llf:t:-:":¡ci\..arù ,,,'li~ :::·_.:-;'dte thp.ir d!"ive~·'a:: to Pru.~'cri¿~l' '-:"~'1Ue. T111.;3 ~~S :-ee:: rc'¡ic",,'l': :;:1 .·~,crdin¿te·i ',,:it~ "he. C':"ty's 7:.',.:::'.: Engineer a:-.~ :.s a.;e~?ta]i~ ,":.:: :.·~·'.;..t,·_J to Prcnerlùge Avenu¿ ~~¿ ~~ the hotel site. i ~1r. ~':alt~: ",:"i, Valleo Park. rè:prc':;Ct"!L.l::·'-~. ":~'~~i.r.!· ej ir:. a:1.s·...e::" to ¡ ~-'1).~r i!"'~-:~. :~~~ a:iditi·~r:.~~ -.;!'.:t5 pcr~ d c,'."."al:.:lr).l 0: di:-;c:ardin; che pal"~:::; i~·~1. unuer :hc :r~:':.t of t.t~ ~.;,.. -;.:. :.1::-\ ·i."LpléSci:'!g ~..ith r::>crns. ./ tÞ - !!I1iUIES OF E! :::::E 4, 1973, em CO:.JSCIL MEnn¡G ~. Jackscc &s~~~ what plaas bad been Dade lor ac~ess .....lett-Paclta<'i. XI. Ward øaid access woul:l be further east at the s~i:ed seetioD. to to the ea.. ~.eyers q=estioned hov --7 cars would bp. seen with level on Volfe lIDad beb& lot.;er. Kr. .....1 said the d""k is up 4' with wall ,-' planter bcn:~ around. ¡,.... Vard then introduced Mr. Johns, thei 1aadscape architect.- 1Ir. Johns 5~~ regarding tops of eat's cn upper deck, there is a 3-1/2' high N:-:t aroUi1d'par!dns øtTUcture. The cars are back f1'Olll dw! edge of t!>¿ structure a~ 25' . lie pointed out a 30' .,ide swatch of l~=~~~?ing along per1Déter of property. ~. Johns sr:ò:" =0 the service area ""hich is ¿:'':1 about 10' below TOa.:i. lie sh:',':' ~hc heavy landscaping buffere1 d01m ra:tp a."1¿ in ::i~t of :':d,::-. :",-:,·¡.!.ce area. :::. a~s..ler tc _~..; :L:-:'ln }fcYl'!rs, ~:r. J.;hn sail t:-.~ perinetar :'oad _...,~..;ld be ..:~:-:~'. :_'.,i ·..hên pr~je~': ·...i;¡.S r~ady. 7:"':: clrcul..¡;.__· ;-~::.tzr!':t r,;¡r,,::=g .;:n';.:tur~·3 ¿:-j traffic ëC:'1i::=-~l ·...:;,:'e disCl:~~.... _ :.::'_ .:~tñ 11. :: _::.:il<:"..m ;:_-_.:.: :..:.0Vèd.~-.:~_::-.':-:': :1)' COU!~'.~:~- ~:... ;::'Iarks, to =~;:-,_.\~C .;\p;,:_...:.:_~,,: é-U--7!: ~_:':':.:;r1ti·Jn ~f ~ ~....~ plan :or E~Lt::J:1 ,": :<:- ~, d~ :',-' '-. :,-~,i. .~.: ::.:' ;ur:.:.:?: "::'.20: Cùnd:,::. ·-·:,.;:.;i'~1\, ,~__, ':'_>:d."1 ':.-r.;l:~'·' ,. ·,·i 8n é!:~(.~:':·r'~t :_~ R;.~~'-:;.o::~-:'". :;. ì.: 7) ~:.... " CC!!1tii1g,_~:·.: .:?~n ~~:~~~ þ~!:~~ :::_~~. Cuu:':::-__:' .-acksn~ ~c:c~~~l =-';;:-':ttt.-~.1·~..' :~.E: =:=cnd:.--::,:. ~'\'~ __ - " ....' T~·ric':, 5-(¡ ;.:.::, ,nCTt:7..'':' ~if;-: .\?P-;:··~":' : -::':~ iTF..E :... ~·.J[.:ni5~_ _ \:~:1Ut€>.:; ,: r.~~ :;-~r ··,~ct~·-.._ : À;· 23, l')7}. - _. .~?;>l i.: ... api)t'l.'·:..a l:'Cr. ".:':' :oca:'ê\,.;, :-5: ,)!::J..! ::' ~~:. :..['~ D'; " '.' :-:>1t!;!3~:n:; .:'-'. 1~1.\·"::c.¿:: ::.:;. ~ ::1,1.:1,: .... ~!1~~11g ~~ C:~n(~~- . ~Li~e ~~~:a'JrA~t " ,','::C<l .l~r. h~d :or \..:~:j !Jt ~:'-::'~:'_:'. t) t ~:.: ,:tl..-;....·-.:¡, C:-~~{. ·.~cl\~\·.¡:·.. "pprc':~ : ,.",q" j by C-. arpruvc \--. ::-':.'l·r~~, C;;C-~ :,:::.:~ :'y (>~:.:...'- ::C-51,3>3.: ::1 ~,:~or~ :.-.,-, ',1.1 Spack!;, t<J ". th the C::~-:it te.: I ~ :'e':':"~L!:1,..'1:.--. . .~. ~ :<nri~f}, 5-0 cC-1S6 i'age 7 · .. .. ,;CC-1S6 ,--' !lINUTES (IF THE JUNE 4, 1973 Cn:t COœlCIL MEETINC - 16. Application HC-Sl,07S.34 of lI'est Valley Sign Co1:Ipany repusenting Vallco Park - Uni~ WA" requesting approval of a aign plan for ~ light industrial baUding located on the east side of Tantau Avenue ~;i' betweeD Prunerid¡e Avenue and Forge Drive. Recomoended for approval. .' ~, '- . \JI¡)ftd by C'lUDc:i1lllan holkh, aecODded by Counclll!lal1 Meyers, to approve "'Ap.,l1cuiOl1 RC-5l,07S.34 fA accordance with the CoIIID1t:tee'. recOllllllØndatiOD. ~': ' . ;;. Motion carried. 5-0 17. Application IfC-Sl.07S.3S of West Valley SlID Company representing Vallco Park - UnicOll PC" requesting approval of a sign plan for a 1i¡bt iDdustr~l bal1dina located at the northeaat corner of Tantau Avenue aDd Prun4b7~dse Avenue. Rec:'oCl!l&11ded for approval. MOved by Counc:ilun ProU.ch, aeconded by Councilman Meyers, to approve Apt1ication HC-5l,07S.3S in accordance with the Co=mittee's reca=menda- cion. ' ~.otion car1:"ied, 5-0 PARKS A5D !lD:RE,\TION ~ISSION 18. :;0 :eeting scheduled. \:'ATER CO~!lSSION 19. Sublaiuion of Minu!u of regular :::eeting of :!By 23, 1973. LUlL\RY CoJ;~SSI()N 20. Suboission of Minutes of regular ~eting of :iay 17, 1973. PUBLIC S.AJ::n CO~ISSIC'S 21. Sub:Ission of Xinutes of regular ~eeting of :-:ay 24, 1973. 22. Sub:lission of Minutes of regular œeeting of May 17, 1973. 23. Submission of Minutes of regulzr ceeting of :·lay 7, 1973. J'.ayor Irvt:"! wcndered why three ClCe~in¡:s had been held in May. It _a . noted this vas a n_ co=issi0" and were a:lxious to assume charses liven by City Ccund1. Als:J pending "'a~ A.JI report and ..eting wIth ~est Valley Substation District. .. .. JmIJTES OF THE JUNE 4, 1973 CITY COUNCtL MEETING CC-1S6 Page 9 ftJILIC IŒAJl.OOS 24. Petition by the reaU8Dt. of v.strUae; Tract 4823 allll 4824 to c_ UDder replatiou of California 4tate Vebicle Code as provided in Sec:tiou 21107, 21107.7 aad 22658 of ~be State Code. It .. DOted this repreaented the s_ situation as had Jut been redewed on IIIIOtber property with __ reasons given and it .s _ested to proc:eed wit /I public beariDga. 1Cq0r Irvin tben opened the __Ung to c-.¡u frœ the audieoc:e. Ifr. D. V. Holt, Califonrla Property Saniees represented the V.stridge lIo:Deovners AssociaUon, in their request that the private driveways be IUde subject to the provisions of the Califor~ia Vehicle Code. Being able to call the Sheriff's Office ~uId enable the boaeovners to fACilitate control of illegally parked cars. Mayor Irvin noted the City's Code Enforcement Officer should be DOtified first. then the Sheriff. Hr. Holt said the boaeovaers are wIlling to post appropriate sians on ~ach driveway. In answer to Councilman JacKson, Mr. Holt aaid they ~~uld also place signs on the community bulI~tin bo.rd, lnforaing thee by the .untbly bulletin sent to each homeowner in the Asaoclation: nwaber not to be included un sign. Councilman ~~y~rs .uved, seconded by Councilaan Sparks, that Public He3ri~gs be closed. tIotion carried, 5-0 Councilaan Heyers ~Ycd to grant approval for applyinX the California State Vehicle Code to Vestridgc and the City Attorney instructed t~ prepare the proper resoluticn. Seconded by Councilman Frolich. tIotion carried, 5-0 25. Dete~ination of public nuisance regarding Weed Abatement proceedings hearing of obj~ctions th,reto. (a) Resolution NO, 3481: "A Resolution of the City Council of the Cily of Cupertino Ordering the Abatesent of Public Nuisances Pursu~nt tv Provisions of Ordinance NO. 405." II WI MINUTES OF THE J1JJŒ 4, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Irvin ,ascerta1Ded that everyone on the list bad been notified. He then opened tbe -t1118 for eoments from anyone in tbe audience. Councn.an Heyen Mid the City of Cupertino shoulel be added to the list on Mary Av_ .. there vas a 1/2 acre next to apartments between freeway and Mary Av_e that 48eded to have the weda cut. ' Councilman Jacbon .oveel. aeconded by CouDcilman Heyen. to close Public Ueadusa. Hatton carried, 5-0 Counciblan Jackson _eel approval of Resolution No. 3481. Seconded by Counciblan Spar1ta. Motion earried. 5-0 ORDINA.'iCES 26, None RESOLUTIO:SS 27. io. 3~74: "" Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino IJloving Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the A:~unts and froo the Funds as hereinafter Described for.Salaries an.! Wages for the Payroll Period Ending May 29, 1973." Hayor Indn read the above, noting this covered I¡arrants 17829 through 17936, ~ith a net aaount of $22,374.03. Moved by Councilman Jackson, seconded by CounciIcan Xey~rs, to adopt Resolution No. 3474. AYES: I<OES: Councilmen Frolich, Jackson, ~Ieyers, Sparks, Hayor Irvin None Motion carried, 5-0 28. 1'0. 3475: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Acounts and frOD the Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditures, 'Period Ending June 1, 1973." .layor Indn read the above, noting this covered Warrants 14405 through 14428, ~ith a net amount of $470,639.91. An iteo of Abstract of Judgement vas ascertained to be withholding and garnishment of wages on one employee. ~ fill !!D1IJTES OF THE JUNE 4, 1973 CIT':: COUNCIL MEETING Moved b7 Counc:ilIIIan Heyen. sec:ooded by ColØlcllman Jac:kson, to aðopt Resolution Ro. 3475. ADS: mBS: Counc:11.u Frol1c:h. Jac:ltsoø. Heyen, Sparta, Mayor Irv1D Rone Motion c:arried, 5-0 29. Ko. 3476: "Aie301ut1oø of tbe City Council of the City of Cupertino Allovina Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from tåe Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous· E.,<¡enditures, Perio¿ Ending June 1, 1973." Mayor Irwin read the above, noting this covered Warrants 14429 through 14532, with a det amount of $106,094.75. Haired by Co\:ncilman ,¡eyers, seconded b'· Cóuncilman Frol ich, to adopt Resolu.ion No. 3476. AYES: NOES: C~uncilmen Frolicb, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, ~~yor Ir.in ~ne ~IDtion carrieù, 5-0 30. No. 348:: "A Resolution of the City Cot:ncil of th" City of Cuperti~~ Approv~n~ and Providing for the Execution of a Contract f~r Grant to Acquire and/or Develop Land for O?en- Space Pur?oses Nn. OS-cA-09-39-1075 (G) (First Amendatory) by and bet~~en City of Cupertino and the United States of America.1I ~ved by Ceunciloan Frolich, seconded by Councilman Mcyers, to adopt Rescluti~n No. 3482. 'lot ion carr icd, 5-0 31. ~o. 3101-08: "A Resolution of the City Council of' the City of Cupertino Accepting ~re~ent fôr Transfer' of Property, Crossr-"ads Assess"'c~t District, Project No. 71-2." K:>ved by Co:mdloal1 Frolich, seconded by Counc:lIman Sparks, to adopt Resolut.on No. 3101-48. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-156 Page 11 i , " ¡ t , " l r í CC-1S6 Page 12 . -- - !fINUT!!S OF THE JUNE 4, 1973 C~ COUNCIL MEETING 32. No. 3101-50: "A Ilesolution of the City 'Council of the City of CUpert1n~ Deterainlaa Unpaid ~sessmeDts and Providing for Issuance of Second Sale of 80DdtJ for Crossroads Assessment Dbtdct, Project 110. 71-2." · lføved by Couud11!11111 rrol1eb. MCODCIed by Councilman Sparks, to Nopt Kesòlution 110. 3101-50. Motion carded, 5-0 UBFI~~SHED BUSINESS 33. Introduction and discuss1ma of proposed dedications for Parks and Recreation purposes and proposed construction cax for Capital Improveme~c purposes. (continued from meeting of May 21, 1973) <a> First reåding of Ordinano:e No. 602: "An Ord inance of the City of Cupertino Establishing Regulaticns :~r Dedtcac10n of Lacd, Paynent of Feed, or Both, :o~ Park and Recre4cional Land in Subdivisions." (ò> First reading of Ordinance No. 603: "An Or¿i:la:Ke of the City of Cupertino !~?Osing an Exci3'! T:lx :::1 :he C",nstruccion of !uildings and Mobil" :¡urle L~ts i" the City of Cu¡:erti~." I I I I · (~) R~qolution ~tO~ )!.35: 'tA Resoluti'.Jn c·f th~ C:::' C·:ur..cil ~f the City ~f Cu~rt!nc E~tabli5hin6 the Ra:~3 :f the ::x.::.ise Tax en :.~ Co:1struction ·.:tf al1f..~ding3 ã::-: ~~::~ile ~:~e Lets ¡~?csed b~ Orùinance ~o. 603. the C~~;:~uct!~n ¡~1X Ordinance ~f t:~e CIty of Cupert::no." i ~. Si:;k not~J the t~o ord~::a~ce~ and one resolut '_cn had bee:: c:':'lt~n':.1e.j · to allow 51:.:1:: to make o~n,;r t~c:-¿~ical correcticns to the -::-:,,-'::::..æ.:-.-:es. : e;,"aluat~ s:::::3r ..Jrdlnances ":: ::eigh1;):-ring citi.cs and pre5;~:-.': a p:-e:irtin:šry t i ?~ojectic:! ~f revcnues :ort~co~:ng fro~ the adortiu~ uf 5~Õ:~-~ ~rd~n~~ccs. I i I ; i I · :be rc\·isic:15 ',:c:-e as i0110'';5: In Section 4. stap',.J.¡~rd3 ar.''': :. --.::-:-.ula fer :!ed:'cati..:-o co:' ld~d was ~¿if ~~¿ to 5.5 :tcrcß per 1 .000 f:.:·~ 3 .:l-=.res :rcr : ,000; Seo:të.::: 7 ,,'as more clearly defined as to \:he ,·mull ~~~.>~i::e the fair m.."1rkct \"alue and ·..,:hat la:-...d ·..:c.ul¿ be used to Jc:teccd.ílí= t:-:e :air z:a.rket value; Secticn 10 (fj de::et.ed the minimu:"'l requ lre=::e:.t ~: 3 a::.res for park lan¿ '.,,-ithin a p:i\·ate ¿e....elopl'1.ent to qualify for ;r:':ate c;~n space credit; a"d Section 13 clarified that ordin3fice dees not ap?ly to ~on-resldential subdivisions. fII fII Ial'iIJTES OF THE JUNE 4, 1973 CITY COm;CIL !{EETING '\;' Councilman Heyers fali the Council should discuss a.ong themselves the application of f.... to the homeo"'1Iers instead of construction talE; would like topt.ce on more eqaitable basis. Be suggested . $60.00 per bedroo.· ~ tax which would get the single family residence IIOre cloui to the type of tax· that would have to be applied to new subdi~. Mayor Irvin pointed out-it should also cover anýthing that could be converted to a bedroom. . Councilman Frolich espressed an objection to putting this type of tax on subdivisions that are already well under construction, also on non-residential. Be realizes this represents a tre=endous amount of revenue but feels it is an after the fact tax. A discussion ",as then held as to when this tax ~auld be effective and whether it would apply to proposals "hich have already applio>d for use pemits. . . I Councilt:\an Frolic" also felt this approach U!lg'1t be cGunterproductive to whatcver their goals were, and Kave exa~?les ,l a one shot tax as opposed to a year-to-year basis, Councilman Meyers noted that 'lhile it is ge~er~t:ng revenue from botel, it is generating problecs also, such as ~~é~ tratf~c, etc. and much of revenue 1.":11 go to Capital Inrro~_-£>:":c~:.s ~..h:c¡1 a:-e related to thcse things. Councilman Jackson spoke of the gro~th and a~r:-~r:.th ac?ect. The City Manager su~ge5ted that Coullcil se;:"r..te rate. :a their clods from ordinances. Rates arc by rcso:ut~~n a~¿ :a~ be changed at any time. Councilman Frolich wondered vhy ao~il h~e~ sh:ul¿ ~ê less than single-family dwelling. Council:nan :ieyers ~a:¿ :.e :dt this part should be deleted as be didn't kn~w of any 'r¿:~a~ce that alloved ~bile homes in the City of Cupert'no. After further d1scuss:c:;.. ~ayor Ir...~n said '.:h:.lè :n:..s O.:(i':; not a Public Hcaring, he felt there "ere suific:e:1t ra",¡::,at::',.-..; that ! with Council's pe~iss~on, input from the au1ie:1,e ~ou]d be accepte¿~ Mr. James K. O'BriL~, Builders Association of S~":a C]cra a:1d Santa I Cruz Counties, 345 Saratoro;a Avcnul', Sa:1t" Cl"~a. Cal::·:·r.:a, s~id i he had received the J".J:':e: 1 report from Plè1~.1':'·!" D::'=é"~tc'" ~tl.::t tha.t ~ day and h:1dn't had a d:3:4Ce to stt:.iy anJ (,·:ð.lü;)t!:~ .0_ .I¡"': l::'kt' ¡ tt) see bCm~ agre~~.-.L; :-i.:i:.3 an:.! huu:~ÜI~; .:-le::.e,~L a::'::;;=~~..i l.1.st yc¿r j have a great dcal to do with thi$. He rc:e:-r.:.: to li'í'_)_slature I passed in 19ó7 1oo:hic:-: rc;u:'rcd :d,·-tlL:tc pro"::<; ::;:"' -:e -.:;.!.:.. ::::"r h:lu~ing for all ccc:tC':.ic seg;'lt~nts. He fail~ v· 5~~ h--o,. the I adoption of construct:~~ tax, p3rk ¿edicaticn, e~ther cr ~8th. will help to achie~e that goal. CC-1S6 Page 1.3 ,~;, I ! I t I . ! I I . ! I I r I .. CC-156 Page 14 it , ': , I " 'II MINUTES Qr THE JU!Œ 4, 1913 C1"t'{ com:CIL ~IEETING Mr. O'Brle~ said the 5.5 acres per thousand was c~pletely unrealistic. He felt t~e CouncIl should study what these fees mean In terms of people being able to buy and PaT for ~ew homes. With regard to fees, he felt the proposed $594 per aa1t vas excessive. He suggested &t~rtlng with an initial statement of what is needed in the way of parks,· and then cranking this bac~ into some figure per dwelling unit. He referred to ABl150 and advised the Council to he very diligent in . seeing that: _y revenue raised through construct1ón tas or ded'ication ordinance ~ be used primarily for people In the new IIIIbcIJ.vision. He pointed out thea..parks 'are publ$.c parks in every sense of die ~rd and eannot be restricted to use of residents of new subdiv1.sfDns. I , I ¡ Hr. Herman Ranes, MsIsr_t to Hr. O'BrIen, was then introduced. Before be spoke. ~.ayor IrvIn assared them the Council was avare of legislature regarding hausing and vere vorking with this in oind; the Council cannot level a property transfer tax; and fees are right on vith San J03e and MO\D1tain V~ew. ~yor Irvi,. did agree the park dedicatIon fees are high. However, all home~o'nerš pay for services. Mr. O'Br:en suggested b~s as being a belter soluticn; a core difficult one in ~h~t it requires ~he 5elling of thc people ~ut =ore equitable. Council:-.a-, ::eyers poiate:! ~"t there is already before the Council a large C.:,<tal Impro':=e:::t Pro¡;ra", which includes park ¿et:elop",ents, land a.'.;L ,sitl"n, etc, ,_ certain portion i5 for local parks and other p:r::~n is for ~r~aëe= based ?~rks. Cannot ~e acquired in today':; :. :::~S Wit:loUt axt.ra :':1co=.e cOï:iing in. ~lr. Réi"'!:..~:' :~::tcJ C"/Cr:. -::'-::E.~ :.~:~~C hcusin~ is becç:-:'::l~ r.ar¿ t~ t"ind. Each ~:":',o~t~.:nal co:;t ¿r::'..-=£ sc-,erynf.' f~ls~ ont of the:. :'¡;:;c~rs ~ar~et. He qU~H..:: a ~tatCi1eat t:_.;.: ¿ lYe inlere3t i.ncrcase ::1 ::,::,nt:-L!.Y p3Y:-1CrltS removes :--L 2 mill!:::¡ iV_:~'~t:al ho:::e bny~~rs fron t~"'.:: ::arket. The Ci,,:y ::~;¡.1gc~ ?cintf:¿ ::.~.;.:. ~h~y had certaln t'.;:!.str:'.:.ti-:-Gs th~y had to work ~·:it¡:::1 :,'hich the:: .s.::.€:-:.;;ted to de t and 5.5 aC:-E:S :S th~ ~ta.-v1.1rd that h3:; =~~n establi:i:t(."¿. ;'-:c :..uggestcd the Counc.i..: ~lght :i'<c t.0) con- sidcr .1.11 ?,1rks as cc==x..:1:;'c:: ?drks as ,,-"~ll as nci~~.D...r-~~-:1 ~arÈ..s. He ::\ade ,,~l~..1r that the a:::-=-.;:",.: ::: :-:"Jnc}· being. talke.-l a·:.:.~...t. '-'O-i.ll n-:t support parks ,,;o,t ~s not play~"~ ~a~ch up. The Cm'::1:i: then held a ~~:..;;i~·~d di3cu~5iùn of h~"; ",:'1':5 f..ould be result:~d. ¡ Council:-:..1~1 Jackson said hi: ë;::,\!e¿ this typ~ of tax. ':r:es force so;-.t! addltio-'~al people Ollt 0: =::e c,~~unity aad r:ertainly ·he CcO!:&cil wanted to com~ly ·...ith hQu~1n; el":':.é::t. .Any ,~n~u~) ':it;} P:-:r:331s !)r ··;a)·!i t\.") meet C'~J~..:t:'·:cs t.¡ouL1. b-2 _~l-:c:-:-.C'tÌ. 'f~1.... Ccuncil ~.; tr/:~~ t~ p~o'lid,," open StU.c~ a:1¿ rt'crea,:L:-na:' :l~C(!S tor it::; r:itiz¿ns ~~~ :.ht?Y ":::·uld. be happy t',;' h,a"..t? any ass::st.a:':~é: :rC':"1 an}' ~l1ildim:: br.:.:.;;>, i I - '" :- CC-156 Page 15 .....u.s OF THE JUNE 4-, 1973, CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1Ir. Charles SIIJder. 10433 ~ Avenue. Cupertino, commented all kiDda of tues are pa1d: l'e4eral. State. Sales. IDbedtauce. ju. . Be VODdered if we reaU~.""ed another hidden·. tax such _ &1da which in the eDd tbÌIt.eoà---~vill end up psying. Be ... .·the City had increaseà/c:o.u but felt the bond tasue ne,"" or _ other __ ~ be hetter; n.Jt to pass OD CD t.-IOVDers. ... Val tel' Ward noted that iDcnaae to Bilton Hotel would be ....taut1al and felt sooethtJaa leaa than 8ç a square foot woul" lie .ore realistic. Also 8U~ed those developers whose plans .... been UDder the IIIOratorha should receive a period of grace. )fr. Arthur Robertson, 21979 n.w-Je Place, Cupertino. said he _ prillarlly concerned abooot fairness of ¡:easure, He supported ~llman's co:cept that a ~~ ~yer should not have to pay in a lc2p sum and then continue pay~ UDder bond issue for the rest of his life. !!so Ann Anger, a .....ber of tblte.! Taxpayers of Santa Clara C"tr.1ty cd CaUfcmia t::11ted Taxpayers, said over 40% of inco::e goes to CÄlZes . ~=cilman Y.e~·ers suggested ::=ti:suil'g one core time. He said he ¥as basically :n favor of i: a~ ~ould like to consider a re7:soon == the .0198 a=res per u.~it t" a~¿ress thc~el~es to what ~~~:1cilman Fr~lich brought u~: a ::an should nct share in sc=e pc~tion of co~unity parks. 2e felt scheduled contained in &es~lution 3455 ::ight ce =O~e equitab~~ to balance out dis?ar:ty be:ween park ~~ication fees aDd constructic:1 fees. Socethi:g based on per ~edrOOlll rather t:.n dwelling unit ',i11ch would i:1oo:ude ~ile hooecwners. !!Iayor Irvin also suggested t~ rates per sc¡uare foot of floor s¡>ace sb:>uld be re-exa::ined. ~ncil.an Fro1ich cocmented all aspects shculd be looked at not c= penalize so~ of ~he better things that .happen in the cc~n~ty. ~ncilman Meyers agreed the over-all question should be lcoke~ at. Be said he wasn't against exasining rate per square foot but :id t~Dk we ~~ulj have to ~e fair in trying to a1l~cate sar.e pro?Ortion ':= resident ial and coamerc ial . ~-~ncilman Jac~son agreed :c have it gone ov~r and ba~c deciz~o~ 1.};tcI" on park ¿èj!cation a.-=.o..;n~. alt:~:>llr.h h~ ~.t ~ 11 {eels th~s is t~ type ~i l~x which att~?~s to get tax b~~d to person .~ost ~irectly invol~ed. Neig:'bor3oods will benefit and owners will CC-lS6 Page 16 ! 'I " ¡ .r ;,f!í) ,..~til.......: i~~ ~'t:: . , ,. -- J!IIIIUTES CF :=:r jm 4, 1973 CITY COUNC IL MEETL'iG realize bece;~: on resale valae of home. Perhars should be a co=bination o£ ae1ghbo:io:>:-d aDd incraeac of co::lJlUnity park, '"_dlDlll !'r~lich then d...........t..ated to staff his proposal for use in dIe1r' re ,s ·""t!on. ae·safoI:f1.at a IDOre realistic look should be j¡" ~ at Iibat an acre of 1aDIÌ Iì1pt cost; then decide how this llUllber '.tJøald be jm:?)rtioned out. ,:'-ld stay with .0198 acre per unit, then ).-c'in _ =rar::tional asltìÌà1Jer on that which accounts for the fact '. dIat they haTe a certain perce.uge ,et to pay. Mter more èiscussi"n, c:ouacu-l Frolich ::lOVe.i, seconded b1 COUIICillaau .Jackson, t:) ~.::1tinue to 'nezc 8eet:ing. ~.oti"" carded, s-o !3yor Inot ::.en announced a break at 10 :05 P .~. with meeting recon- ...-ening at :::~ P.M. 34. Sale __ Sale _. ~~_ssroads }~ses~t District Pro:ect No. 71-2, Second ;_:is for $363,042.00 ,~ ""s~lution No. 3101-49: "A R".":,,tion of t!>e City ;~uncil of the City ~f Cuperti:= Å~arding Sale of :;.:nds in Crossrca.ds }..$sess::"~t !::.trict Projcct 71-2 ",,~!1d Sale - $;63,042.00." :~. Ryde~ :f~:::eJ ~ran1e' Ccopany 1:=1 ich ':'::._-~_ :: J...!\J;.t Resc':'c":'~::Jn ~c. :.:. Cran¿~ ~ ::-:~dny, Inc. C:u=.cil::an ua~ l~. :~¿ ~f 5.6791~. C~u~cil~an 3101--". ..1pproving reco==>en~ed sale Jack~cn ~¿~~nded the ~cti~~. .J-Y"ES : :=_:::l=en Frol~ch. ~a=ksc~. Me:~~s, ~7~=ks. Mayor Ir41n. ;; --,.2 S:E.S: ~:!,)t i::-:. ..::arr!ed. 5-0 35. Dis,~..::~ ~: staff rep~~~ on procedura: c.?"cts of City Ccuncil meet::;,. ·~ter a "..-'.: ··scu·s'on C~<l-'n "c'\.·",...· _~..,.1 ~-fs·cu~si~ns C~ ~ ...-::;. -.... :;... . -_.... --- .. JII;.!..~ .._-11,;'........ .~ _. _ ~eco~en~!:::~3 :~r strea~1n~g City Cou~~i: ~~etin~$ and cha~g~s of agendas ~< ,:ò:;>cned to' the :ext :=eeting to a: :::.. C~cncil:::en t~ p~o- Tide in.,,,: :: 0 :'u~ther stu-!y. 5ec.",:led by C_c::: a",an Frolich. Hot it:: c..1rried, 5-0 I e9 - _~ OF THE .1.-::;: :., 1973 CITY COOIICIL MEETING i ]i. lldeøa1natic: ~ Planned Uses of levenue Sharing Funds, C . n~ Frolic: said he would like to see $7500 asked for by ~..., . _, rUna 1I<.=Ifu¡> be' allocated froa _~~s fUDhad, Behnotfed it l - .a. _t well v;.:J1 Federal gov... -p..... emp s 1%e t e ac t "'.18 seed """-ey. ,;;-" ..,., a general t:~Wlsion, CouøcU- Heférs IIOVed to propose $7580..00 of re...e::.:e sharing aDD., be allocated as seed coney for de OIperUnò L--=:'.ur. Seconded by Councilman FroUch. .u!S: -.:s : Counci1:.<r: :roUch. JacksOD. Meyera, Sparks, Mayor Irwin None Motion earried, 5-0 '&:ter a discuss~:= =egarding ~e::or1al Park, the City ~ianager recal:ed prior L::.-.?t$ to do so=ething ah~ut ~~orial Park haci broke= down bec__., :: ~ack of Cunds. Developing tte :irst Phase ~ ~ Culíil:~: ~ :~~~it~ent' to a group in that area and would &a1: support. I: a:swer to C:_':::-.~~ Jackson, the C:ty ~anaser säiõ the first p-~ of Memor~L. :,:< ~:uld be delete~ iron any r:c~:~ed Þond 1s~e.. ~:lcan Fro:,:: .~::ed s~e state=ent =ade with r~;ard to an ~:%e==o~~ect s~~:~- ::~ the traffic signQls en Sar3t=;a-Su~nyvale ~_ He pro,:"_ :te land acquisition be included in the bond i.ss-...., _ ~~an Fro:::: :te~ =ade the follc~ing notion: (1) $7,500.00 De a:4ocated f=: ::. :~?ertinc Roundup :rcm Revenue i~ari~g E=%itleoent 3 .~:: :te ~alance bet~een this a:::ount a-.:'. the tøtal of E=::itlements :, 2 a~d 3 to be applied t""ard Ph3~" ¡ de\'eiC';:- ~ ~! ~eooria: ~::~. (2) The revenue sharing 0: ò-.titlercrt 4 to be a?plied :: ::~ ~e~elop~ent,of an intorconnect sY5te~ f0T the traffic S:f' '..:.; :;: S3rato;a-Sunn~-Jale Road. (3:' :"and J.c......~ition C:\":: ::::ter be put on òcn~ issue, latt> ::1is year. 15.: ·.Led by Cc~:,: ,~~.!:: ~e)'ers_ e:..z.c:::'lœan Jac"~,--. ::-..,'..ed to delete part (2). Moth'~ died for 1a.c:k c; seconè_ U-£5 : ~: Counc:::'>",,;::: :·:".:"lich, Jackson. Y.eye:-s, Spa....ks.. ~'!.ayor lr·..·in None ~totion car:-!('j, 5-(' CC-l56 Page 17 CC-156 Page 18 . .. . KlWTES (1F rtiE Jum 4, 1973 cm COUNCIL MEETING COunciJman Frolich asked if this voald preclude atte~pting to get the Scate involved, and it ·vas felt tbia c:OIIIIIIitœnt would put the City in . better p.:'sition. 'SI. Adoptioa ot rift tear Capital h.rav._CDU 'roara¡, IIqor IrYÙI Hid that 1........... at f..... required for the next f1..ve years for _inteDaDCe cost. ('w.1I Ida to IIe1t..,. ualesa there vere s_ laraa faa41ng sourca., the City voal4 lYve _ outstandtna expenditures of fUDds t~t ..-ere DOt .aUabl.. ~jected _at aisJIt last about two yura butead of fiy.. Coundloan F:~¡ic:b aaU the thiDkiAa II_ been if things got bad, aome 1t__ cculd b.. delayed or caøcalled; hoveftr, once parks are established erc. the 1Ui.~te::oUIc:a Is pe1'MØ.t. He .sked at ,;hat j!O!I1t tbis ::oust be per2anLntly aJ~pted. :~nct:aa:: !,¡:"'o,'n noted the projection ".. basC'1 'n conser/at ~ve in~ame as .~:;,:n~ canter or hotel vere not :~clud..d. A dis~~~~i:~ 33 held on 1n!lat1~ f~tor. The Cl~y ~Anaß~~ pc~~ted Otlt the. l:"':pC'r'':.·:-:: :>::":§ va.! that bond tssue port~~,:~n ·:~I:" a.J a.C:::'l~ate .¡~ pC'..;;.zi'..!..·. ::-u,.cit:--,:: :-;:~ .:, 'iue'lt:o:1e:i the ,>"il¿lni b.l~~:-e.:t. T;1e C<J,C ,,: the ~.5eL,~:~t -,,': ·.ll:on with .~r- wlth-:'"Jt EOC VA.., ;':-;":,J.5s~d. ~~.'! C:ty .:.;_:--.é:I.~t.'~~ ::-j _ '-." ._ ..lId reco-:-,~:1:i !::clu.si':-R of E 'C. ..... th<:':1 ":'-ice tl'J :~.e~-'h' -:.:.-,.:- .:_d1 .ou11-;e rea:i::fI'd iroo:: t:::. ;_~ :·..;....:...·0; '~"':n ;;att:.:ui -.:" ..:::;, ..':~ .z~ay c'~·..J:\i.c.J,:1on ~yst'"' "':1_'_ ,1 :...¡ n~[ 1 '-1~:a::Jle :.~ the C:.::.: :.;:~t. EOC. A.!t.e~ lcn;:::y i.s~iJ.ss1on. Cc.;t~c:11-_a:1 Ja~k.sc:\ ~î"¡"': t.o rt'!:f':" ":.~.e ptJ?"..,.:-d '~'"J'e y.....a: ...-..17.: i..: :r:proveoent'J :-"rCII',f.:.:':. "Jack t,: t~\.~ ;:;t...:-~ . ù~ rc\·1~·..· .1:'1: pcssible r:". :<." of cost t'"t::-.ato f1lmrcs ~'i<h ro! It ~'-n::;h ~ ~: :~: I~- t:.C"n'1ry :.~.:~::-~. Staff al!'o ......t¡ ~:.TectPd t~ :;~:~~:-:.~t ;iU~;;r.:~'":;',,;''i ::Jr i':~-:. :'':1 be i:1~';'_':~~ ~;: a potential bone. .:ss....e. a~ ,,·~t~ .1j C~)..:t e;::::·-1":..~S a;)~ i"=;,,a(;t c:1. :~" =-_:t.~5 resulti:1~ fre:: '"J'lIrious ~i.:r-; .~ ~":l! i:)~·.~;. 5e-c~:1.J~Ù :::. ..... -',.;,.:::~lnan Spark.s. Motiç~ cJr~~~J. >-0 !.'Ei/ EU~ ¡XES. I II 38. Preser.t~: '~:" and discussion of ¡>roposal Cuper:::>: ~:undup. I , I Î ÌtJr Inte::,i~ :u:1d~n; for l'his it€'::!. ';Q~ ':':--;rrcd under planned US~9 Cor rC"ê:lt..~ 3har in;! :·J.nds. - - JØNUTES OF r:IE JIr.Œ ", 1973 CITY COUNCIL ML'"TING CC-IS6 .' Page 19 39. PrOposal for adoption of a local oonfUct of intereat ord inan<:e. After a brief discussion, the staff was requested to obtain copies of ordinances on local conflicts of interest frlm those cities in the nearby areas ,,~o already haft theoo. 40. Request 11}' The Cupertino Toumøent of Bands, Inc.. to hold Third A:nual Tournament of Bands Parade ~n November 17. 1973. Councilmac F~olicb ~ved, seconded by Counci~~an ~parkA, to grant autt:~::ation to thr Cupertino ~ourn4~~nr of Bands, Inc. to hold its :~"=d Annual Tournament of Bands Fara¿e cn Nov~r 17, 1973. ~~ti~n carried, ~-O 41. Awar¿ _. T:~. Deposits The Din:c:.:: _~: A¿~':n¡!t~rat~\"e C;;.rvic('~ ..:;;...(.~ . hlV{' t~ . ~tt'~ removec i~:~ :~e ¿genda. It tr.:'QS sC" .", ""i by CO".1c.:il~ ~"eypr'" .:-it:..:'. n~.·,; "." C 'unc~ 1111.1;, Jackscn. !":::........ (,lrr.f"J, 5-0 42. Rc:qUí'~: :..~:- ~ntit to SOllC!t n.~.1z.nl(" :::;'¡~~~I:;t:ûn:; fo:'" Divinè ....:~:a ~:s.ion Inte-:'l1at:on.¡¡l. Councl1ma:; \.;.~y~rs ~«d. secunded b\' (",'W1C :- ~,~~ ~-;"_trks. to. çr..,t &uthorizat..:-::. t.., ~ivine L:r.ht ~~~si."n ¡nt{r~ '! ·....1 tl.) "'("~.cit r.arazine ~·..:-;;.:rlptlODa until 5.'\·.;·~r lQ7j ....:~. t~;(· usua~ .~dvf'!" of the b~5~~;SS licen~~ iee. !W'."'t _ " !o.·,'rr~rd. S-O CONSENT C.:':'~"JAR 43. Crant::"".; .....f S{'l!citation pet"'::òit tc Th..· :"!o.' '.....·:--4.. So:~~ty l': Amer;'c.i. :nc:.." lay Mea Cha¡:tt"r ,,,' '~;:...-,~...,; .. Oct..,:.,c-...." 1<:113. I ! , , , I I I . I I I I CC-l~6 P.J¡;e 20 -. -- , KINL'TES OT T!IE JUNE 4, 1973 CITY COU:;CIL !:r::::rIN:: 44. Appr~ for ho1din¡ a '"F1_ Market" bv the \~Or.Ien's Auxiliary of the Td~ties Little {..... in Portal PIau Shopping Center on June 23, 1973. 4S. Resoluuon No. 347.: -. &eso1utlon "f the City Council of the City of C1çeniDo Ura1Da Sapport of 'The ~ationa1 Scienc:8 Folicy and l'riorltles Act'." 46. Resol~lOD 110. 3479: -. Jlesolution of the City Couocil of the City of Curertino Author1z1Da the Executi~~ of a Quitc1a1D Deed for the Abant:-:I<!d Roadway ~ tbe Borth Side ~: Al ves IJrive 1>etveen Sandley Drive a=d SaratogA-SuaøyYa1e Road ?~rSu3nt·to Section 8731 et. seq. of t:'" Streets and HigJways Code "f tr.e :>tate of California." 47. Res~:~t!.:n :fo. 348C: "A l!.esoluti:n ,': t:,,, City CC';ncH of the City of C_?<:tir.o Abando~!~g a C:tv E.Js~:-~:>t f~r Ingress and Egress to the :~-!·.ens Creek ::;allery cn ::cCl~:~.i~ ~,-~-1d in C!:m1ectl")n w~th Trac: ::J62." t J t I 48. Acc(.'t:.i=~e (1f :"Uuic:';:aa: :'~,prave::~r.:s. ;::-.irl E. Pe:1-~.!.!':..~ton and !o'..ar:: .::: ?~nnlngt.Jr: (51,29:¡) :·:e~:..~:,:y ~:J~ 0: ~{andy ~ane north of S:-::·.-~::s Creek ::;tJle·l~r:' dupl~x .;~.:~: 'f".~l"nt. .,(}VcJ r.:.' :. ..:::.:ilc;:l1\ :'~e:j'cr5, 5<!:0:1J~": ::.- .'...-·...:,-~1,"'<ln .13'::''''50:1, to a??~o\·c c.:O:1Qcnt ~;.. ~~J.tr. ~:~cn carrie¿, S~Q "EPO:;.t ~ ° ¡:!CERS 49. Ctt:< 0,,:: :~t~n~ ~.:ë::~r of ~u~:~c Direct": :, ~abllc Wori~. :rks or: .t, . .,:-. ...... :3 ul''I.n:)ut:c~ as nc..., b~ing ~ith r......c:-.;·.:,,· to vr!t:.en =.£;.:-,:.ra~,J:";-: ~ \,..~' '::~il, C-::::·..:-~('i~:-.a.:1 Fr:Jltch r~:crr..,:: i.te~ 2. s'.1g~es::.:-~;,: t~:-:r':'",~r:- ::-,;':':'c :5~;¡:a~5. He ~Gtej the:"c ~;:c .:~-::' rca~c.ns fo~ :-..~./¡!:.; t:-.-i.:'.. ~·~:1.,1ts r;,ã:"'. a~cld~nts. It W.tS ~_:_:.'s:;:~j h~~t:-:·:o~e:~ as.s.~(i:iti::... <. ~lj :,e c:..t:'~:i:.t~¿ to tin.] I.-'ut if gct:...:--~ ::.::: onto the s:re:et is .1 p:-:".: ~('-. Counr.il=;¡:"'1 ~~e)·eI's SUr~..':;t~d a monit(-: :..-:.~ .:f peak tra!:¡c. The Tr.,:· ~~.: E:1gineer ~as ast:.é:¿' LJ ·.;r:t~ :¡ ",~t~::- trJ a ~~!'s. ::e!11of'-:-::" with ret"rer..:, :. :he questi~n c: :r0S"'''': ~_""'; en ';tar.t>: ;"·enue. ,,'C C!t:< ~~ar:agel· ..,:.'; =~4ues[ed t':l ~:l·/estifl~(> :.~~~, :::.."'~\sl·J':':'it~· 0: ~sin; :"<.:-1;';: ur~it5 <.lurin~ :;.:~" tra:·r1c hcurs as a ¡-.,':\:'1- _.. . :-.:~n.r; i!~·...n chi:: speed. The st.:.:·: .1:; instructe-: tc re-!r."e'st::.î:è ::!II..~ t:..·.lff~.: sitU.1.tl:JI1 ..it ~tl'·:en"i Crêck :,....._·.~-:.i:-d and ?har La~ Dri'¡~ t~ .:.:.~ --:.n~ if 2 r~.::.l ~~C'blt'~ I.~:ds:::; ....·hidl i.~:_ .: .:~ ,dle"¡Ï:st¿ :-hr"~IJ':';~1 Ü;t -_ .i: :::1 ù:- j.....e1_-~~a¿ si;n¿l~. .. .. KµoVIES 0: ':!IE JUNE 4. 1973 CITY COUl;~Il. ~:EETl~G The Progress Report on Traffic Study - General Plan was briefly discussed aDå environDeDtal impact and tiæe deadlines ~¿te CQÐ- sidered . " Council_ Jackson then proposed a re,solu;:ion cOOÐending Planning Commission, Planning Staff aDd AssisL~nt City Attorney for their many h~. of time spent OD this study. Seconded by CouncilDaD Prolich. . !Iotion carried, 5-0 Counci:::'3:: ~-"yers refen'ed to ite::l 5 of City !!anag"r's report, saying ~~ :elt there vas a better way to handle this situation than t~>s:::~ a" ordinance; perhaps st'eel s·.eeper coulå make runs aore "::i:-.. 50. C:t~ ~:u::cil=en X.yu~ ;c.:- ~e:e~r.d to the ~1-Ccnt~nn',1 Co~~ittes and Counci1~an Froli~:-. ~.~~ ~:1;!ni=ously elec:ed chal.:u.:nl. CDunci~-.j,:- .:J~kscn 5~c.kp. to ;¡3'w'1n~ a C'J:tural Affair Co::-..-...ittc(: that c.....~...; ~.!:1.jle s;:>!:::zet:dn~ :i:;.~ this. This ~¡j:.:ht be ss:--,ethin~ thE' ..1.:;:-.':::$ :-.:&ht ",-a:tt to të:i:.e on .:1=: COi'.:-:'..l:'1ity proj'2ct. 51. Rt::.,::::tion by !!ayor of non-agenda ',tcr:s .ith l"í'':'';';'; :~ th~ action taken bv Las (.atcs on re~~istr1cting. it "'a~ ;cf,:est"J that Cupe,.t:no !'!ight W¡S~I tt' adopt a siMilar res~lu: ~~-:-. CC'ur.cil:laD Jar:C~~n. said he :elt this '.'''~~11d end ir, courts ~~·.'-";JY. After a 'J'tie: discussio'\, the C:'ty Yanager ·.'~a5 reque5:oi :~ call the Ci~y ~ðn1ger of L0S Gnt0s Lu: (1) state the C:~··...::·. 's pO:.;ition ca t:.~ requ~fit(>d SU?P~ll··t in rpgard to redis:L.::"~, :1I1d (2) to state that th:s Council did not take . , any ~::::~ ~n It. The. .\5.'..: ~"c=endation !or resolution fn';; ~Ir. Dillion for use of 19;3 S"~~~lus for regional parks And "pen s¡>aç" "as briefl~' discus;~i ..!th the City Xanalter ad"isin¡; the Cou:lcil to find cut how it "C:: ;,e apportioned betcre surrortiní1, it. . CC-156 Page 21 II -- . CC-156 Pooge 22 HlWTES OF TIlE Jt1:1E 4, 1973 CITY COm.'CIL MEETING Councilman Frolicb reported that Mr. Amyz would be presenting proposed regional plans for the general public at 7:30 p.m. on Køada1 evening, JUDe 11, in the Board of Supervisors Cb3befS. He urged atteøclance of Council _bers and sœeone from the staff. Tile City Manager said SQleone from the staff ¥QUId attend. ADJOURNMENT 52. Adjournment to Personnel Session Councilman Meyers moved·, see"nded by Couneilman FroUch. to adjourn to a personnel session at 1!:55 p.m. Motion earried. 5-0 The meeting was reconvened at 12:00 midnight. It ...as moved by Couneiloan Frolicb and seconded "y Counciloan ~Iey~rs to adopt ^cs\llution !:o. 3483, ratifying thc pruvisions of a Hetlorandum of Undcr!'tandin6 between the City and Employecs of the Public I{orks Unit. ~~tion carried, }-o It ''':is "loved 1>}' Couacilca!l Frolich and seco!lded 1>j' CO"!l"il:t.~!l ~rcyors to ad~~t ~esolution ~o. 3484, r~tifying the pr~vision~ of a ~~~Grandum of !J:ht~t"3c;1:1Jing ~ct~cen the Ci~)· and Employ~cs of the ~!isccll...n(!ous Enplo)'c,",,, l!nit. Motion carried. 5-0 The m""til1~ was adjourned bj' ~!.1yoc Irwin at 12:08 a.m. APPROI'ED: /s/ ~ith E. Irwin Ma)"Or, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ WM. E. Rvder City Clerk