CC 06-18-73 . . CITY OF CUPERTllO. STATE OF CALlFORJlIA 10300 Torre Avenue, CupertiDo. Califomia Telephone: l52-4505 JlIJUTES OF tIlE ~ au UIIi OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD 011 J1I1Œ 18, 197) 111 'IBB COUNCIL CHAMBEllS C1Tf BALL. WUIUr.). CALIFORNIA . saurrE TO THE n.ac 1'f~:r Kayor Sparks called the _tiDI to order at 7 :35 p... with the Salace to the n.... lOLL CALL COaDcilmen pr~sent: Co~ilmen abSE",: Jackson, Meyers, Vicc-""vor SpInk.. frolich, ~'y~r Irwfn Staff present: City Manager Quinlan City Attorney Adams Deputy City Clerk Pagnini Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director oÍ Public Works Viskovich Director of Parks anJ Recreation Butler !G!ær~ OF THE PRF::IOUS MEETIg:; 1. Appr~v~l of Minutes c: regular ~eeting of June 4, 1973. Couzu:ilman Jack3.'n noted on pagè 2. second paragraph, the third line should read "... ..Jeveloper and the Fluod". On page 4, Coundl",an Jackson said AM~' H' not recon:mended for opposition, but had re~uested core information on it. Also o~ page 4, s~cond parag_ap~ !ro~ the bottom, Cuuncll~an Jack30n saie! th.. second 1 inc should read "... .po"'~rs of agrecm\'nts...." On page 10, CuuncilMan Jackso~ said the first line of last paragraph should read "... .Abstract of J,.dge=ent....... On page 20, Cound 1II13II Jackson no ted Mr. V Iskovlch had been ap¡lOinted persuL~ent Director of Public Works. Councilman Meyers noted on page 8, last par "graph , it should be "AJI" instead of ".\GI". Hoveci by Coundl"'an Meyers, ap:;:roved by Couccil:nan Jackson, to approve _buttes of June:'. 1973 as corrected. ~:\.)t ion carrh.:d, 3-0 CC-1S7 Page 1 I I I I I I . . . CC-157 Page 2 JlDiUTES OF TilE JUNE 18, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETINC CDIfIIN1CATIONS 2. Written A. A copy of ''IIotice of Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the Creation of the Regional Crim1na1 Justice Planning Board" received from the Office of tbe County Counsel. B. A copy of tbe proposed County Library Program and Budget for 1973-74 received from the AeUng County Librarian. C. An aclcnowledpent from the Lieutenant Governor on the submission of Cupertino's resolution opposing the sale of beverages in disposable containers, The Deputy City Clerk stated that other communications related to agenda itl!llls. Councilman Jackson. referring to the Library BudRet, said he had noted the CDICIent that this budget could be very detrimental to the level of present services, but did not see an)' suggest ions for he I ping this situat ion. Th.. City Manager said he had had no information from th.. County [xerutiv..'s Office or the librarian for any proposals. He thought they were limited to that aDOunt of money under 5B90 unless they could get revenue sharing, Council- Ra.", Jackson then referred to Lcgislative BUl AB1588, item 5, which might get them some addit ional ass; stauce. The City Manager said he had received lal.. in the day a lett~r from PG&E regardirg Resolution ~o. 3492, item 39 on Consent Calendar. H~ th..n read the letter ,..hich asked for deferral of action on this resolution. Counc iIman ~I"yerf' moved, seconded by Counc ilman Jackson, to re::¡ove item 39 from the Consent Calendar. ~~:-~ it:"':" carr led. 3-0 CouncHman Jackson ask..~ for a written report on this matter. After a brief review by the City ~ianager, it was n"led this had been going on for some time. and everything had been approved by Cily Council in stages except for the final agreement. A report would be included in the Council's next packet. 3. Oral (a) None requested (b) Item 39 removed . . 8 . JlDlDrES OF tIlE JlI1IE 18. 1973 CITY COUNCIL HEErIIIG CC-157 Page 3 Dl'OIT OF t:e:Jml:IL REPRESDrATIVES 4. Kayur Irvin: (not present at this Council Ift&.) s. C"""cil,.¡ln Frol1ch: (IIOt present) 6. C.oo:ncilll8D Jac:k8on: 7. : :;.:: iban ~feyers: 8. ::_,~il~an Sparks: P~'''IKG C:'~:'S[O~ lDter-City Council Drug Abuse Coordination c-i8.1on League of California Cities Transportation Commission Legislative Review Co,.itt.. Association of Bay Area eovern.ent. · ..No meeting Santa Clara County Water Co=.i8sion · .. No meet Ing Urban Development & Open Space Sub- committee of PPC ...Continuation of preparation of Open Space Action Como it tee. Airport Land Us~ Subco~itt~e of pre PlannJnr, P"Ucy Committee · . .~!eet ing to) ¡,.. hdd on n·.ursday Hillside SUbC0m:nÎttêe of pee .. .!-[eet ing tC:::\Jrrow eO/en ing Airport I.and Use (;onmisslon · . .No "'"ct ing Flood Centr"l Advisory C~ittee ...Could nut att"nd meeting Commissicn on Alcoholiso .. .1(0 mt'eting 9. ,~:~i$sion of Minutes of regular meeting of June 11, 1973. 10. >~::::Îssion of Hi~utes of adjuurned rcgular m~eting of :::..¿ 7, 1973. 11. >~:=ission of Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of !'...,. 31, 1973. 12. Á"lication 6-TH-73: Estate Hom"., Inc. for Tentative Hap to divide 3.92 a~res into eh,'h" duple:< lots. Said propert) :$ in a R2-4.251 zone and is located cast of Y4xine Avenue .;.~,rcximately 500 feet southerl)' of lIomcstead Road. :"'o~=ended for approval. Hr. Sisk gav" a brief background of application. Councilman Meyers asked if t~~ r~~blcm of strce~ cross-sectic~ had been resolved. He was told t:::s '~culd have to be resolved by the Engineering Department and would ~,,~uir" some minor changes. . . . ClC-1.57 .ase 4 JlIJlUrES OF THE JUNE 18, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING . 111'. Merve Hansen, 1661 W. SaD Carlos, San Jose, told the councilmen that corrections ,,'t'Uld be made to COIIply. Coaacllman Jackson then questioned sound barrier. Kr. VisMv1ch said he ~d have to set a recoJlllelldation frOlD an acoustical engineer before _ring. but he thought a valid design eould be resolved aDd be able CO test it afterward to see if it lowered the noise. Council.an Meyers DOted this c~ndition was sfailar to Northpoint, except it is about 10' too low in ~rts. Hr. Viskovich said these points would be elevated. Councilcan Ja:jcson then IIOved approval of 6-TM-73 along with conditions I.posed br r13~ning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Heyers. Motion carried, 3-0 13. ~~-=ge Deason - RÞ~uest to waive bendin~ requir~ent stipu- :.l:<'d by Ordinanc. ..0. 546 in conncct Ion with ~onstruction c: .l single-fa=ily hc~se on Santa Paula \vcnue. Vote 2-2-1. ::~. :-.:'\"·..:'C!IDCud3ti:.~. Th~ City V·_ :.:- ref~rrc¿ :~ l~~~cr vn J~s~ ~~~~ivcd this =crning. Th~ . staff w:.:=~~:- . - ~.J on rf"rc~¿ as !"€cn11ID':Ir.":i::~ t;¡iS r(~q\lest b~ denied. Mr. C:e('r~~ :-_ _. .. 231 Er:'::!' ~::e, San ~I.;tt.~\.."\. l~~d ifl'rnia, ~d!id the prOpt'rty ""....: : _;,;:", in the. :~=.:':y for 35 y...·,H-~ .:Li-.; lherc are 28 other resid"nts .--: <:"-t,'\.'ts and .5 ;.;.;..~e·:elo?,,·d l..'ts. Ii:..... is the first lot that h..1~ :-"" ,.. :::glcd out ::;~ ~=:.dinr. rC<ìui!'""":-:..·::t. He nO:'é': he had agree¿ t..... ~.. ..:, rest of ¿':'str:'ct but feels hI.' i~ being (~~scrj:Dinatl'J against. The Publio ·;:c.. Directcr saU under Ordina:h'C ~46 tho: city would bí" willinf to ::~ >,ot cost of i=",,"o·¡=ent and t!:~" put in i"'pro'¡eaents when tht'" :. i-·: :~"~es. Ht- a1.;,:. ~a::d :.hl"" h.:1,·e '\~")lIt 20 Dl'JC: ( tht:r such . (..Q'»'-'::' _:- . ......,.. It was brc~.c; out that a time period of 3-1/2 y~ars was in~olved; at the end .'~ :.._~ time, eitl,er tbe ir.prov"",...nts ~'ould be "ad.. or bond would ha\'o.' t.- ,~t...nded. )'.t. Vislc..,vich <,xplain,',1 that Ir.>;>rove"""nts would DOt be c.J~e :0: t:'is slreet within that peri.:-J. It was then explained bow the fu~c, collected we~e intended to be ~,.J. The cily could go ahead an..! c.;.,,-,· .extensions and then cbarge back as property owr.ers improved p~:?=tv. This ~ay the city could rruo~"d with ilr.;>rovement on property .·ere the owners weren't ready to devclop, gi~ing continuity to devel~r=~:::.. Hr. Deason :.:;co! there are 3 pieces on str.....r anncxed to Cup..rtino; oth<,rs are in tho.' (: .::ty of Sar.t;. Clara. 1\" point~à out 4 of the undeveloped properties ~~ :!:e strect belonged to his fanily. . . .. I KIRUTES OF THE JUNE 111, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-1S7 Page 5 After a lengthy discussiml, during which the councllraen tried to allCUtaiD tile .ost equitable way to assist Kr. Deason, Councllman .J.:1UIon __ to deny requeat for waiver. Seconded by Councilman lfeyers. CaaDC1lII8n Jackson would like it known t!lat Mr. Deason alaht apply for a continuation within one year. Motion carried, 3-0 .ucørrECrUUL AlII) SITB APPBOVAL OoUnIIuul 14. Sulaissioa of lliautes of adjourned regular meeting of Ka,. 31. 1973. PABS AND RECREATION CCHlISSION . 15. S~ission of Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of June 13. 1973. WATER CO~ISSI~'I 16. s~ ~eeting scheduled. LIBRARY C~~:SSIO~ 17. s: ~ctlng scheduled. P'':!lLIC S.\F;:;' ::,-WllSSION 18. S~~=ission uf ~inut~s of adjourßed rcgular oeetJng of !'""'c 7, 1973. PL'BLlC HE.-\.U~S 19. Rc<~lution SO. 925.37: "A Resolution of the City COUßcl1 i:!= :!>e City of Cupertino Ordering Changes and Mod if !cations \".1::.:0 Park Assessnent District Project AD 64-1," A brief b.1~;';,,::u:1d W3S gi"ten on Resolution So. 9!5.36 which provided for contri;',,:::n of the re:13lning $18,852 t,,...ards the cost of future traffic sl&"'.11s at pruneridge Avenue and Tantau ~v~nue, setting April 16, 1973 ..s t~" date of hearing. Subsequentl~' the staff detcn:ined this rcscluti::, limited the District's contribution toward the signal to $18,85: (-5:) and should the cost of the signal exceed ~25,136 the City would bc.>: all additic.nal costs. The new resolut Ion prpp:Jred provides :"r .1~y aæuunt over $25,136 to be apportioned on the basis of 75% to t~: District and 257. to the City. . . . C:C-157 ?age 6 KIJlL'IES OF T!Œ J:~ IS. 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETlSC . ~. Valcer ~3rd, ï£llco representacive, said all cost will come out of 64-1. DOt from V.:lco per se. Councilman Jzckson ascertained that the ~oport1on would !Ie 75% from LID aDd 25% from the City, The City Manager ..w chi_ was what vas agreed on for that particular light inacallation ~ aUDdpoint of benefit. Counc1lJaan Meyers asked what tbe e_tiaated ~ ~d be, a:>:! Director of Public Works quoted $21,900 whicb would &1l belov estiJlated amount of cdling. YJce-lfayor Sparks asked for ~ta frDIII the audience. There vere none. c-n...n Heyen IDOved, seconded by Councilman Jackson, to cloae Public lleariDg. Motion carried. 3-0 Councilman Meyers then moved .~ approve Resolution No. 925.37. Seconded by Council...~r. Ja~Ü"n. Motion carried, 3-0 œLlSA."CES 20. Fir,: :.~ding of Ordir.ance No. 604: An Ordlnance of the City of C,,;<::::o, California, Adopting th.' "Cupertino Municipa~ Cod"," A ::"_:::ati0n of the Peroanent anù General Or~in~ces of the C~t~ :~ ;c;~rtino, California To~ctbcr with those Seco~da~y C.....J(~ ..:.....:..';:t'-,J by Refere~ce as AlIt!~l"riz~J by the General La·...;:; c: :::-: ::J.tc of Califcrn:a, Sa.ve <1:1.: Except those Porti:.ms of t~.~ ~ê':.:'::":.;.:-y Cod.:-s iLS are DelPtP~1 C'r ~!('fdified by the Prc;'isiuns of :~:.~ .:......:ë.'· -- read b}- tile \,j("("-~t1YJr. C::-;:1~!:ma.~ ....".~:.~~.:- -.~"'.'t."'d.. secon:eJ by Coun:: ~ !::::~ ~'('Yi."r~. to h"....·e r=-~ ¡n;d~'~(, '·.~'i.. a~~ l:t..:. Vif..':e-~:"~)·¡.:r'$ l-eading shail con..,t...lute :;e,. tiO~ rco. tt>e First Rc..~ ~~.;. Ans: Kì~'· A£SE!>": : C~U~:::~è~ J3ckson, Me,erG, Vice-~ayer Sparks s~...::.: C~~~':::~3n Frolich arA ~ayor Irwin ~:"l ion carried, 3-0 lt was requ.·sti·¿ :":.1: the Public !learing for ,"o:1siderat ion of this CoJe be: set for the St.:.::::..~ :t,-'ctfng in July. So tk"'v,"¿ by Councilman J.1~k':J.on. s.ec..onded b)' C.:-.=:.: ::::..1:: ~i~ycrs. M"tion carried. 3-0 . .. . KIJrorES OF T!Œ :c~'E 18, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETL'iG CC-157 Page 7 ØSOLU'l'IOIIS 21. Bo. 3477: "A IteaolaCiOD of the City Council of the City of Cupenino A1loviaS CctaiD Claims and Demands Payable :In the MouaU and froa the IUD4s aa Hereinafter Described for Salaries and VIIpS,.før'the Payroll Period EDdins JUDe 12. 1973. . Yh'- Mayor Sparks read the abanl. noUns it covered Warrants 17937 th-ab 18055. dth a net _t of $24.522,71. lIDYed by CouncUun Jackson. secooded by Councilman Heyers, to adope Resolutioo )fa. 3477. AYES : "".,'" . ..-.J.o' ~~:: C"",,-,:..lillen JackaoD. Heyers. Vice-Mayor Sparks So"" ect::>dl....n Frolich, Hayor Irvin ~tion carried, 3-0 22. ~. :-55: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cu;<=<~::o Allowing Certain Clams ~.,d Demands Payable in t"" .':""ants and fr02 the Funds as n"rcinafter De~cribed for (~~..=" and Miscellaneous F.xpenditures, Period En¿ing J_::..: :5. 1973." 'ice-Y~yor ,;~;:~ =~ad the above, noting it c~,crcd Warraots 14533 tr~cugh l46j~. _.=i a net a~unt of $77,626.5;. M.: '/e:: by c""~,, >..1:: Meyers, seconded by Cou"dhan Jackson. to adopt hsc;'ution ~.'. ;-~;. AYES: SOLS : AJ! S Eo'iT : C:~=:::~en Jackson, Meyers, Vice-M3y~r Sparks ~".. (:,.c:::"..n Frolich, Mayor Irwin ~~tion carried. 3-0 23. x~. :::1-52: "A Resolution of th~ City Council of the City c: C~~:tino Aaendiaa a Resoluticn of the City Council of t"" C:t~ of Cupertino Determining Unpaid Assess:::cnts and Pr:~i~ing for ISSU8ace of Second Sale of Bonds for Crossroads A,;sds;:~nt District Project No. 71-2." Mo~ed by ~u::c::~., Meyers, seconded by Council""n Jackson, to adopt &esolution Xc. :::1-52. Motion carried, 3-0 lClC-U7 .'.... 8 i ~' !~' '? KI1IUTES ;:: :-:iI JUliE 18, 1973 CITY COUNCIL }1F.ETl~G . IIJIFIIIISHm ¡¡¡¡SDŒSS 24. lequest frea CaN Va1Jaited', Inc. dba Yellow Cab eo.pan)' of CupertillO, for _ iDcrea.. in taxicab rates. COlllldIJIr:! Jacksoo asked for: tile Cit)' Attorney's opinion oa the IepIit)' of . raise uDder the Pr...., · 'a order of June 13, 1973. The Attorue)' saW it vas his op1Dion the rates could DOt be raised dur1øg this period of t8porary freeze. 1Ir. Steve Gauna, Jr.. ll34.. E1 Camino Real, Mountain View, saiel he __ aeøenUy in accord vitia tIt1a opinion, but he would like the City CoaIIcU t" act on rate 1Kr r. to go into effect when freeze is lifted. Mr. Gazze:a said it would £Aka antil September to get the ..ters.reset and . ~ voul: ga:able on rate ~ ~d be allowed, since they are 1IOV rullJÚ1lg ~: a loss, even before the gas increase which was in excess of 40%. Tbe City .\t:.:>rney said tbis CDUld legally be done. He would want it cooditic~i¿ thcugh that the ap,roval would go in effect subject to such time a~ :: ;~ca:e lawful uDder governmental regulations and the added cooditic~ :~~t the decision be left up to the City ALtolhey. A brief ~:~;~;sicn was h~ld on tbe discrera~cy in figures during a ,reviou. ~~.ti~~. ~~ich seeaec! to have been caused by calculati~~s regardi~_. : -" :'iag charge. After f'--'>- di."ussion, Cg~cil:an Jack.~n =ovcd this it~ ~e continued UD~11 t~: A_~~5t 20, 1973 2ee~ing. SccQnJ~d by Counciloan ~~yers. Motion carrie¿, 3-0 25. ~:s:ussion of sta~~ report on pn'ceJural aspects o~ City C~u~~il meetings. Tbe City ~~~ser asked if the couccil did not think it im?crtant to have reports ::' t~e other meetings tbey had att.~~ed being abo.e the Consent Calendar. C:u~ciloan Jac~ said he was rrylng to consoli~ate in one spot. A ;rie:' c!i!cussion vas held on this p:int. Council~~ !ackscn pointed ~t there are t~~ absent council~~ whose opinions .~~~ld be heard. ~11man Mey~rs spoke regardir.g ¿etermination õf wheth_= :'~ur Council oeetings a month ~~re ne(~cd. Cour.=il~~ Jackson felt thi~;; could be speeded up by changing agenda process; it .as iaportant tc det~rmine if four ..etings ~ere needcd. Councilr~~ !ackscn the3 moved for tentative agreemcnt subject to next ..eUng. So!Conded by Couocilsan !leyers. Motion carried, 3-0 , e . __ad OF nŒ .JU5E 18. 1973 CD"I' CIODJICIL MEETING , 26, AdopUCIG of ':LYe Ye8 c.1Ul tJaprovements h0sa-. '.)I; .,... -1fI:)v.. $pEts DOt......u 1Øra to propose a special .n-1-. ....;de IIQor 1Ie1Da PT~'~dds discussion. -"rf1-- "~4 saf4¡~""'j¡:,...1 .."esUons on bow to.ê·utt '''''''<18_ 1iIdch he voa14 1t1i&!W' ~t IIOV. Be bad COIIItlllllllffi_ .......,.. des: -', '~', ,<>' l. ~1al Park ... - 1"1&1 parlt Additions aad C fP7 Cea.ter 2. ~i¡hborbood Puk ~ '''Jll8Dt and Related Bulldføp 3. Civic: Center LaDI .. f J t-it1on and Landscaping 4. City Ball Iaþ"o, mid Corporation Yard IIIIp1u. -te 5. Street Iaprov~ ~ioD of Bond Issue ..œ City Ka:ui:~ uoted that tir.& Coeneil is only responsib: c _w" G.eciding ce:-a~ projects; _ us to be provided by surplus mates. 3e would pU;är~ .. list for ÜIe CoancUmen. He noted the corporation yard had bee:: :¿dded not to :.e po¡C in bond election; also De ~ t~is court ::,:'ts were in ~ same category. ~illllðn ~è....:sthen listed _ral items he .."uld propose re:xlving !r~ C.l.P. ~~ a discussioc vas held relative to these iCes3. .~~h regar¿ :: :::~ boad e1ecc~. Cou~cilman Ja.:kson said SC.:Ie kind of aeasuremer.: :: :..iX rate and c::-s-: C':1 '!':.cueowner s:10uld be shO"'J"::. so t"he ...:>tò!rs co,,:': iii' ,--hat the C:t: 1<&5 asking them to do. c:....mc1l..a:: : ~;Ü:" said he ~ ;>refer keeping as muc:: in c:e issue _ possibl~_ ,. lo'Ould be i~.-:~ to see figures on incre::>e:t&l basis ;! every 5::: _:: and would l~ ~:: l.:>ok over pr.:>posals of c.::u:>c1.l.llan !!eyers. ~ City ~..J.~.J.;': said he har:i '&i ~ss..d briefly ...ith the Vice~.ayor & leneral ':~:¿:":1ination of ~ VQÙd be put in issues and ~OII it vaald be br=~~~ ~~. They ~-l: have to get input fro.. the :0'~i1Den ;>resent an¿ :::~ t"" absent ~il:e" and make d"cision what v111 be œ.,t in an.: ._,. it will be sb:>oc on the bond issue. A tentath-.. "e-:i"8 to discuss ùl of the Five Year Capital Iaprovement:5 1'roar- "as s~: ::"r Honday. .ÃI::Ie 25, 1973 at 7:30 p.... ':'J>e City ~~~¿: suggested ~ they also inv;te the chal= of the Capital I::;r=~~e"ts Progrzs ~ be present at that ..eeting a.~ any of :he board "è::~rs would be ~re. . CC-lS7 Page 9 . . CC-1S7 .... 10 ....,u:o OF THE Jtr.;E 18, 1973 em COUNCIL MEETING . ... IDSUIESS.. /~ "',!>~"< .-~ 1:1. Authorization for c:oœ1Du1ng appropriations peDdiDR adoption of 1973- 74 OperatiDg aud CoastrVCtion Budget. ',,":;< : .,. )i.~; " _,' . . . ' . ,> ~. ,pic, IfaDager G)la:lDed th1ø..ctiOD was necessary to allow ehe City to COD- cIoiDg bllsiDesa until ~'proposed bulget for 1973-74 had been adopted. , . - . ,'t ' Jaeuon aoved to adopt: tJie following minute older: Seconded by 11:'." :HeJer'a. "Ieso1ved tbat the .....ifti.uatiOD of .;he City shall continue to operate OD and after July 1, 1973. at c:œrent levels under authorized progr81118 peDding the adoption of che 1973-74 ·OperatinR and Construction Budget at which tilDe obligations lncurréd under this contiDuiDg authorization shall be applied to appropriations lIac\e from said budget." f", Motion carried, 3-0 28. Referral of Application 4573.11 from the County Planning Department. ~. Sisk referred to tbe staff report. giving a brief background of this ~lication. The current applicatio~ is for a ten &cre lot size and con- fonos to the minimum lot size requirement of the "A" exclusive agricultural zo~~g district in the County. It is the staff's jud~nt that the proposal to éevelop four ~rcels on ~ acres would not be in conflict with the land ~se pattern prð~ided in Alternative A. Staff did point out that final dlv~ion of the four lots nust be closely related to top02raphical con- s:.!erat ions. Cou=cllman Meyers, referring to reconœendation that a slope density formula be applied to the Montebell0 Ridge ~ th a minimum size lot of ten acres r~ging to a twenty acre lot size, said this W~s not a PPC recomœendation ~t was well within the lio:ts being consideret ~4;.1i;13&1 :.. '/to'r::; then r-ç~..e1 ::~:" approval of Appllcat1c:l 4573.11 ..i~!-. concern that topo)grapb!cai c;lnsideration be made. Seconded by Councilman Jackson. Motion carried. 3-0 29. Award of Centract froo bids on Build:ng Modificatio~ - Horse Ranch. The Director of Public Works reported there had been no bids submitted. Contractors had indicated that bccause they are extremely busy. the normal aDOUDt of time it would take to òid the projcct was not sufficient. The project viII be re-advertised and a bid openinR schedulcd for July 16. ., ~ . lWIVld OF TIlE JURE 18. 1973 em COUNCIL MEETING CC-lS7 '-sa 11 30. Award of Conu_t Er... bids on improvement of McClellan lDad aud Bubb ... ~ the Southem Pacific Kaß.roM Cross1n& C-~ JackIn 8Oft4 -.-.-4....&1 of bid frOlD Cat Hex of $14.7U.3S. a..ciJIIaD !h..Jen seco..... tile _tiOD. ASIS: .-s: ......., : ~n_ .J-"I. .lfe1ers. Vice-Mayor Sparb 1Iaaa CoaaciJIIaD hoJ.tð. Jfa1OI' Irvin Kotioza c:arrled. 3-0 31. Iaq....t for .,.--100 to bold a Ilallt-A-TboD by Sata Clara CouDty Special O1,-pics. "i~e-M890r Sparks asked if tJd.s bad buD discussed with tM Sheriff'. oft~ with ream to ~t1ons. where they vould .cut aDd where tMy vould encl. The City w,..,u suuested that if appTOval vere &iveD. it should be subject to the route being worked out with the Traffic Engineer ~ tbe ~1ff's office. !Ir. Cary Jr.. r.a~, Ila1It.A-:b..~ Co-ordinator, 12822 Arroyo de Arguello, Saratoga, tben explained tbei: plans further. Councilman !fayers, notin& :~ ::onfusion of last year' s e-:e"t. s"¡sgested the groups start from di!!ere:: locations and alleviate sc:e of the confusion. After further discussio" c" vays the event could be ex?edited, CouDcilman Mayers aoved !er a;prova1 of allowing ~alk-A-7he" to pass throuah Cupertino, but prier := the event .::oordination be sadco with the City staff, Sheriff ..,¿ ?u::l1c Works Departmenl:. Seconded by Counciban Jackaon. Mot ion carried. 3-0 32. A request by .1ose;>h Camarda for a temporary fruit stand for a period not exc:ee:H.ng thirty (30) days located at the north west corner of Yisu and Stevens Creek Boulevard (General C-rcial ZmM) :.eginDing June 25. 1973, 10' x 10' in size. !lave<! by Counci1!lan Meyers, seconded by Councoilman Jackson, to approve, Motion carried. 3-0 CC-1S7 'age 12 !; , ~ I . .. KUUl'ES OF 1M- JUNE 18, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETIXG . 33. Ac~horization for .Jack Olichester to sign warrants iD absence of Cicy Treasurer. Q¡ e41..n Jackson IIOVed to V-- _thorization to Jack Chi'cbeater ID sian ,\. , -.",. ~dt8 in the absence of tile Cit}' Treasurer, Seconded by c-l\'fJ-- -"s. Kotian carried. 3-0 Æ CAJ..D1Wt 34. 1aso1utian Bo. 3487: -A llesolution of the Cit)' CoaDcll of the Cit}' of cupeniJ» .lpproviDg the Final Map of Lots 75 8l1li 76 vithin Tract Ho. 35n. Deep Cliffe Estates No.3; Located at the Southeast CorDer of Stevens Canyon Road 8Dd tiveraids Drive; Developer. .J_ W. Loughlin; and Authoridøg the City E::gineer and the CÛ)' Clerk to Sign the Final MaP.'" 35. lu"lution No. 348S: "A Resolution of the City Council of the C~ty of CupertiDo k<:e~ting Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for txerground Water Cghts from Kaiser Aetna, a Califomia General Fa:t:>ership, alii:! !tac!eline Damico, Adele ,E. Ro ters. Chester E. 1',,::<1:0, Norman K. D~=, and Rober~ C. Damico; Tract No. 5362, k.:"ted on KcClel1.a:> lL:>aè Westerly of Byrne Avenue." 36. R<s:l~~ion So- ~a;: "A Resolu~i~n of the City Council of the C::y "f Cupertioo ~~Ling A~plicable the Provisions of the Cali- :::n:a Vehicle Co~ :~ Private R"ads Located within Westridge ~~~di¥ision, Trac: ~:_ 4823, Located ~esterly of and Adjoining $::':;:: Oak Ilay." 37. !\...":ution~. ~;.:): "A Resoluti.:>n of the City Co=cil of the C:ty of Cuper~ioo ~~=3 Applic3"1~ :h~ Provisions of the Cali- :":~~a Vehicle Co~ :0 Privat~ R~ads Located within Roundtree $~division, Tract ~:_ 4920. Located Westerly of and Adjoining Salling Road." 38. Ru:lution No. Yo;:: "A Resolut ion of the City Council of the Co:, "ç Cupcrtl~ ~~lng Applica~¡~ the Provisions of the Cali- f"~i,, Vphicle Co~ LO Private Roads Located within Sequoia Y~:tbage Company Subëivision, Tra~t So. 5374, Located Westerly .,: .1:1d Adjacent to ~ry Avenue." 39. te"ved . . , _1£5 OF TE J~E 18. 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETIYG CC-157 Page IJ 40. IIesolution Ro. 3101-51: "A Resolution of the City Couacu of the City of CapeIrtJJIo AcceptiDs Dedicatioa of bal Propert for Roadway PurF un !rCD l'.IVmIt""ll Properties CorporaUoa; Loated witbiø ~ AsseSSHDt District IJait 1. Jlortll- vest Corner of - --7 Drive aud Stevens Creek JIoalayard. Coasistina of Ar..."'......tely 0.004 Acres," tlI U...." &yen _ved. SI' J .... by Councilaan Jackson. to approve "-..at CaleDIÙr. Kotian carried. 3-0 ~ OF OFF¡ŒRS 41. City Staff ~~ ~irector of 1UòI~ .orks reported the Stevens Creek :::.:;:" was in and lo<:lts good. Hanc!raU still neeès to be :~E:al1ed but otb&:-~se i. complete. 42. c~:: C~uncilmen =--~j1man ::_,~:~ in quest~~~=1 s~rv1ng cf :~ffee at O:~E~ =ee:fngs .~~ inforce~ :-~ c~iiee vas ~e. Councilc~~ ~eycrs felt .. .~uld be g:-:: to pr...":::..- :...'ifee for ~,:::..e: ::.eetings. A::er 3 trial ;,.e:-ix of :-.-:- 1:ODths. : :'_":Ô.: could see v-....¿: t~.e coc~ and :::teríerence ·..-i t~ c::era- :~~~ of cl~¿~_; ~~uld be an~ .: :~at tim~. ~~~ê a definite ¿£~ision ~elarding a ;:~_~~I fee or ~::i~g in a marhi~<. ~11man : <_':'.;.'n asked the ~~:-t~:or of PP~':.:.5= 3:lJ Recre2t::~ ,!r ":.y r~=~re8S h3~ :~<:> ~de on Se::~ Citizen Cent£: proposal. ~. õ~tler I 8&.:.4 starr ~;...: ~"t !Oak" a c~i8i"n on what b;>rovements =:>-..:ld be ~¿e until ¿ c¿.~gn was su~~:e:, ,~ an .r~h;tect was bei~g contacted. I ~~il"an ~¿;,>:~ then questi~ed the status of the Envirc~~:tal Z:¡.act Rep"r~ ::: inclusion 1: :he General PI..". Hr. Sis;, sóÚC: the C::':y Attorn,;.: ·..3$ -:bec:king to H~ what had ha~,?~ned to the Bill con- C&~ing Env'::c~~~tal Impact s:G:e~nts beinh required for Ger~ral Plan. Co:.:I::UUR 1(....:s then referred the council anJ staff to an article in ~ue of C"~c:"rnia Cities". CC-1S7 '-ce 14 ~ r-i t· . f4 i ~ . .. HIXt.ïES or TilE JU}.'E 18. 1·13 CITY C01JXCIL MEETING . Councllcan ~Ieyers also referred to a study done by Ms. Nancy Black, 2146S a~lly Oak Drive, Cupertino on a nature trail at Horse Ranch, Hr. Butler had not received a copy, although Councilman Meyers thought Hr. II. V. Snyder of tile Parks and Recreation Coøsaittee had one. Vice-Mayor Sparks referred briefly to the De ADza college facilities. 43. lecognition by Hqor of DOn-agenda items. The City Attorney and thecounc11men briefly discussed the Ceneral Plan anJ ~ntinsencies that aight arise during interia zoning period. Hr. Sisk said a budget Reeting had been set for July 2. 1973, I I ! Counci1C~' Jackson had noted a supplier for Savin Machines that·might be ~ be::er source; tbè staff vas Instructed to check into the cost ~r _,,;.'e~ tor the~e ~ilines to deteroine if sone savingg could be oade. I Couc~i:~,~ J~c~son DOV~ at 9:25 p.o. that the ~eeting be ~djourned to :k¡:':'..I:.". Jun..? 25, 197): In the library confcrc!1cc rCO::1. St~conded by Co,,~:i~::1.m ~!eyers. ~oti~n c~rri~d, 3-0 APPRovm: Isl Keith E. Irvin Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTESt: Isl "':1. E. Ryder City Cl£rk