CC 06-23-73 , . . ern OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALlFOmllA 10300 Tone A~-enuc, eøpertiDO, California TdephOlle: 252-4505 ruÌCuuS OP '1'HB JtEÇUJ.Ø ~Uu_4D MEETING 01 TIlE ern COUNCIL BILD 01 J1III 25. 1913'm '1'HB COUNCIL qu,MBn, CITY iIALL Ql&'"IIMUlO' CALIFORNIA Lf~ the meeting vas caµed to order at 7:30 p~1R. by Mayor Irvin. BOLL CALL Councilmen present: Councilmen absent: hol1ch. Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvi None Staff present: City Manager Quinlan City Attorney Adams Director of Administrative Services Fyder Director of P1anning'ånd Develop~ent Sisk Director OL Parks and Recreati~n Butler Director of Public Works Viskovich At the "equest of the City Clerk, thc ~Iayorintroduced the follo·...; i~b items of business prior to opening the discu5~ion on the Five; Year Capital l,~ro~ements Program. i. !l.:!s0l11ticn No. 3493: "A Resolution of the City Cou.'1cil of the City of Cupertino Providing for Salaries and Wagcs of }:anagen..nt and ~nfidential Employees." Moved by Councilman ~evers, seconded by Council~n Frolich to adopt Resolution No. 3493. AYES: l¡œS: Councll",an Frolich, Sparks, Meyers, . Jackson, Mayor Irwin None Motion çarried, 5-0 2. Resolution Ko. 3494: "A Resolution of· the Cit.y Council of the City of Cupertino Adopting a Schedule of Pay Grades." Moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Coundlman Frolich to adopt Resolution lio, 3494. AYES: NOES: COuncil::u.... Frolich, Sparks, Meyers, Jac:,son, ~yor Irwin N~n~ .~tion carried, 5-0 CC-158 "age 1 , ',. J ,'i ResoJutio11-G ì , i i ¡ , , i I . ¡ ! } a:-1S8 ; Pap 2 :~ I: " [i' t Closure of streets ~z.:1 jose Wate::o '\.::-:<'5 '=~?osed traffi~ ;t ~"a1 for 5:,\"ens Creek , . ::,ar Lap Drive . . e f ØDI1JrBS OF mE J1IIB 25. 1.973 çrry coœCIL HEETIIIG ; 3. ,lUolutiCID 110. 3495: . ..A JIuolutioo of the Uty eouac:U ",f i>t!Ie City ofc:Þ3JdM:.auødD. Certain Clu. .. ~..... ..".,.:,;.",.,," ......_ ._......_.,""" ~. 'Ë:j~1. ."-. --..1_ as __...~k;;.¡,;a¡.' &. ", , "'~: ,'~ . .,_~ .&.M......1 '. . . . " "..~ ..... E'UIIIIo1iI ,,' ~.. ,,' .<. . ·¥'j'¡j¡.....:CdWf . 1M2" " ~ ." ;,,,,,",,- l1IDe ·...;.........~t~··'" i:J.1~¡i:*~ .. ~,_,_ _ '~t". ;'.....ce oas ~ . :"'i;:t."ft\& J_ 25'''') . . '0' ' ~~'2~:-',~-' ",', ' "~~,::~,;;;,,:¿>,:..,.~~?:('''.,, ' ,.,,':,' :JÏI$~.!" eo-l'ft_:~*~.n""""Id 'by COaDc1~ HayerS'. ·.t··...olut1aD ¡O'.···3495 . , , ADS: C-c1lMD lrol1cb. Sputs. Heyers. Jacltaoo. Hayor Iø1Ja .œs: Boœ . Jtoti_ carded, 5-0 The City Ha:lager tntroda.-d a request froo Robert Daniels for I the closure of Dexter Dri_ and OIisholm Avenue for the purpose of holding a neighborhood get-together. He explained tha:; this I possibly c;)uld be haniUed administratively but if the O.>unc1l ¡ wished they could take action on it. i . It was :>:"..,d by Counc1l8aD Frol1ch, seconded by Councilman Jackson a::d passed unanimously ·.dth Councilman l!eyers abstaining to authorize the closure of the streets pursuant to Mr. Daniels' letter. Mayor Ir.:i::. a;:pointcd Counci1oan Meyers as a coi!\tÚ.tte.. of one to represent ~~~ City Council to co-ordinat~ ~~th the City Yúk~ager an invest~gat:on on a proposed sale of the San Jose Water Works to the C~t, ;f San Jose with emphasis b~i~g placed on the impact such a sa:e "ould have on the City of Cu;ertino and other· neigh- ¡ boring ciÜes. I FIVE 'Œ....., C--\?ITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM I i ! City Mö.'\ager Quinlan opened the discussions on the Proposed Five · Year Capital I::1?rovements Program by explaining in detail the , ~ revised sets ~f figures and recoœmended alternatives contained in his lette= to the City Council dated Jun~ 22, 1973. There then foll~;ed an iteo-for-item discussi~n 0n the recornrnendations. Councilcan :rolich requested that the Dir~ctor of Public Works obtain citiz~ input on the desirability, if not the necessity, for the i~stal1ation of temporary traffic signals at the inter- section of St~vens Creek Boulevard and Phar La? Drive. He com- · mented that he ..as cognizant of the neg3ti'l~ recommendation from the De?artment of Public Works based on the .traffic analysis. ; He indicat~d that it might be well to obt.ún the feelings of the ì area resid~nts in this aatter and if after such a survey it still · I' was deter:¡i:1ed not to be a problem then t:,ere should not be any further efio=ts along these lines. , I ~" ~. -. ...-, ~~, ~-- . e , -- 1W1I1U'S CF EZ JQŒ 25, 1973 CITY com'CIL ~~nG . CC-158 Page 3 ~..tlma.bdson expresllellllfeCilic interest for the de_1øp- like la:les for ..c of biU lz::..à em McÇ't.",...Joad froD :octhill loulevard to McClellan Road è-.r. Aw::ae. iie sea ',~there was DOt to be a cIeve1op- ~.I: ~E~f,,~tttr.a:¿::::~:~~f:£:¿~~:1: ;~~~'.ta C!:':au" ..~ . ,for these bUe lanesc:oaU be' ·.'.tìíIí.if'.'fta1.b:I,le throùå&'tJü¡ ãœof the ADDual Operac1Dí aød ra.struct1ca k:lget1li·.: . . t fiscal year. "'01' Ir.d: sc::arlzecJthi}ii+~1Dg discussit'os and obta1Decl .-eenent ~1t :II appróxtílate"'.$2.500,OOO CO'.1ld he used as a 8CEtin!: ~-':':: ~:::r thectir'eo-.-..11 on whicl1 to base a potential 1IoDd issue. Coacc1l=:1 ~.!::-~~ proposed that the follO'..ing Ca?ital I::prøvC!ent Projects .b~ ::::aiderod fo-,: inclusion in a bond issue: 1. ~Je::.:::~ ?ark pevdopceDt 2. ~:..:::~ _ ~~ :ark Add:;tiOC1 3. Sa·.~c' :::eek Pari, DeYelop""nt 4. So==.5~: S,uare Park DeYelop~nt Phase II 5. ~::c.:! U:na ?ark DeW'el0p:0ent 6, f:::L. ?::k EX;l!a:~1on 7. Ke~:_::: and Storerooa for Linda Vi.:a Park 8. }~~ -~ _;: Fark Commun1.t.y Center Buil¿':"ns Co__onc11:-..;::. . =---:!:s c~c:nented chat the app:-{,x::-.1t~ c~st of t1':.E':$e t ~r~jects ~ 5:,~61,900. It then ~as agre~j a~:~g ~~~er3 of thet C~ty C",..,,:-.':-- ~ :_-:.:: consideraticn be given f =-: th~ i:\clu:!.on of thel ~urch:..s~ 0: :':::lcl>le land 10 the Civic c~,,:~: ::h:ch then '_'ouId bring t~c ::::~::31 total of a bcnd issue t~ .n a?proxi=ate $2,5:>:1,0,):, Counc11~~~ ?~::cch presented a =otion that th? City C~uncil ad~pt Council:-:L"': : -_-,;>=~. recor.mendation for the ~.:¡~tJ.l Out12jO CO$ts I only fer :0: :~~~~ated projects plus th? ¿o,ui~ition c! the Civic C:~:::: :.~::;;. Th!s 1s to be referr~': :~ t~~ stõff for a ! revie~ £~ :: :~~ :c~licaticns of a potenti2: b~nd iS5ua based on : tbe~e re~:-~~::¿:ions developicg estiDated :ax rates vvcr several! 7e.rs as .:. ::::::.:t ::hereof includin& alten:_i.:e ~=("b£bilitie3 i 5hould u::::: :~ :e"lized frOQ the ;,ropos~: ò:'.:;-;-:ng cer,ter and I botel. ~~~ -~:~~ ~~3 scccoóed by Council~n S?~rks ~~d carried, aaan1cou~ :~- ~ ADJOL'~¡:~:: - ". o' &here be~": .. further business, Y~yor Ir,:" ~jjourned the ~et- iDS at 9;:0 :.:, on the ~t1OD of Council=;¡" :rolich "hich "'~ second"d ~:.- :"~cilt13n J3c:1tsOll. ArrEST : APPROVED: ,., \la. [. b!..r CJ.t)' Clerk /./ Keirh E. Irvin Mayor, City of Cupertino Potential bond issue I î ~ I I 1