CC 07-17-73
ern OF Cl.l'ERTlI STAn ~ c.ALIfORNlA
10300 Torre Avenue, C~. California
Te1epbone: 252-4505
Page 1
The meetillg was called to cmIer at 7:14 P,M, by Mayor Inr1ø.
~cilmen present:
Councilmen absent:
Fro1J.cla. 1."l.ann. Meyers, Sparb, Mayor Irvin
Staff present:
C~ty - ger Quinlan
C~t)' oUUlruey Adams
D1.recCGr of Administrative Services llyder
D1.recCGr of Planning and Develotx!lent Sisk
D1recCGr of Public Works Viskovich
A.~úu PlJ;nner Cowan
Consultants present:
Eco~~r Consultant Arnold
Ec~4.. Consultant Levy
Traffk Consultant Goodrich
Court Reporter:
IDy £. JUDe
!I.ayor In.-1n first aJlDØU:1cer! :::at the July 19th meeting wcu1d bave
to be postponed because ~i''''Jln Meyers must go back East cn
~iness, and they ~ i're:er to have a full Council prese::t at
these Hearings.
Mayor Irvin next ,..ent <:nU :he "Proposed Conduct of Meet1J:.z.s
1" 18, 19 July". 'Ie s:.a:e! tbat we would first have prese~ta-
tions by the consultants. Ee assured the people that they vill
have just as much time as choP> proponents and oppone~ts of the
regional center issue. Be c:.a&oi:iunea that this Public Hearing is
OD the LL,d Use Element of ~ General Plan and discussion ~~l
be Haited to that.
Mayor Irvin also asked that ~ "Cu:ldelines for Conduct of General
Plan M!etings, Monta V~ !!1&h Scb)ol" be followed.
IrviIt stated that die process the Citizens of CupertiDo are
"arltiDI OD at this ...uøa is probably the lIIost important one in
CapertiDo's history. lie saY SI-9O and AB-1931 have changed the
.tire coarse of city pl--"...
CcluDc1laan !lqers 1I1'01oc""'!d for having to leave the City 011 business
the end of the week. It __ aDaVoidable.
City Attorney Ad_ stated that all Hinutes of the Planning Co:Im1ss1on
re1atiD& to tbe LaIIcI Use n ..t of the General Plan be made a part
of the reccrd. Be said the ~~tes of Jul)' 9, 12 and 13 are still
outstanding. and he would like to have them included.
City Attorney Adams said the Cupertino Citizens' Goals Re?ort, dated
April 12. 1973, forms the foundation, to a significant degree. of
vhat we are trying to acc=;tlish and he ~lou1d like to have this Report
made a ~art of the record.
The Dire~:~r of Planning an¿ Development reviewed t~o ~aps on the walls:
Planning C:~ission I.acd Use ?lan for the Core Area, and Existing
Zoning i~ :~~3. Be said the red areas on all Maps indicate co~~ercia1
zoning; ye:::w indicates resi~entia1; pink is for plõnned i~dustrial
park. .~:er consfdera~le ~unt of deliberation, the P1~~in; C~ission
has rec~e~=ed reducing the 453 acres, or 51% of all zoning ~ithin the
1~~Te area. t~ 242 acres, ~r 27:. Industrial office 353 acres is changed
to 35 a~re5. or 35%. The crigina: 9 acres, or 1% of quasi public has
been incre~ed to 34 acres, or ,~. They have pro~osed 21 acres of
additicr~: ,ark area wit~in the core area. As to the agricultural
¡~d re1at~ to the Will~CQ Act. the P1annin~ Co~~ission has proposed
tho~e area. je recognized &Dè r~ain.
The Dire~::r of Plann:n~ ~ Development said that a1on~ Stevens Creek
Blvd.. a rather large ~~e is 15 additional acres (~resent1y
cOI:II:Iercia:) for Memorial ?ar" expansion. Another :-:ajor ~<1=¡e over
existing ::ning is in t~A 5t~õens Creek Blvd./Saratoga-Sun~:~~a1e Road
area to a re.identia1 ?~ttern. The To~~ Ccnter area is t~ re,ain as
a To'~ Ce~:~~ with ~i7.ed reside~t~al and co~~~rc~al U3es. Going
easterly a::ng Stevens Creek 31?d., ~e see strip c~ercia:. The
Planning C:=:'ssion is ?ro?"sing thAt entÏ1'e area be set asi::e for
resident:~: purposes. Va~lc~ Park area has heen ?ro?0sed :~r the
location =f the regional s~c?ping center.
Economic C:~5u1tant Rob A~ld said that at this mceti~g they were g~ing
to atte::?t :.J take the City Co=cil through the decis:'on-=k~:lg process
and the p~:~eJures t~e ?la:ning Commission ~ent through to reõch their
decision ::1 ~he land use of the core area.
~'~. Mr. Arnold defined·. Geaeral Plan as the process by wich a
'. ...¡j¡·.···..·.·....ìi...~.':....... ~~itYat..~......~F.!;~·~:1tfeD..,..t1f 111ajor land use chokes. On. ce the
,~. 'i"ii. /Jtw' dec1aiOÎlI' . ~~. ..y of the day to day. SIIIaller declsio
\f:'""."'i(.1:aA be made".' ~, ,....vay.
ll,ltlUtCODsuÌ~;?~~~f..ecI.1Iy the .City to assist ~~staff aDd
/~iii',¡. to inform t1íl.~, . , _.' .~theecol1Olllics will mean to tbe· total .
, ~. ,l' . ~olllP'''''ity. TIi, ..1...:. .."..... . 'I.·... I.. _ ".':.'sœ18 28 meetings with the PlanDing
~,}. eo-f.ssion aDd~!~~ . .'~ioDa OD this project. There is a
cycling tbat~7~....,,~ough. Eacb time some nell factors were
introduced it me8lÍ~!g;.f"l through and altering their charts. New
information and 'Dew ,pU~tive means changes have to be made.
the consultaDtsdo 1IØt live in this community. They are here to
guide the City in ...H..S decisions.
Mr. Arnold went over the charts d1sp1":f£d. He said net fiscal
impacts on the school district and on the character of the City
are very intimately tied up with the·go¡ùs. Neighborhood 1m?acts
include not only the i -~iate neighborhood, but also nei&hboring
cities. One of the Planning Commissioners pushed very hard for
a variety of c~erc~l functions in one area. ~r. Arnold said
the tem "Distribution of I::pacu" is a polite tem for "Sol!lebody
is going to lose". If ve want to eliminate strip coanercia1, that
means a lot of land owners are going to have their plans altered.
It Is a very hard situation to acce¡t where people who have been
in the community {or =any years have hopes and p:ans for their
land d evelopm8nt .
Hr. Aruold said tbat Wen they started ~:ork on the General Plan
. it vas divided iDto three areas: red {or the :oothUls, blue {or
f1111111 in of the vall.,. floor, and green for the core area. The
'lacning eoa.1asiOD speDt cany hard hours developing rules and
procedures. Hally lUllODS wre learned. Where neilJhborhood i"'pact
ara concerued, the PlaDn1ng CoIaission knows ~at this llleans.
OIIe of the .ore 1a,01tt_: ideas developed here "'as a very im-
portant concept for deciding scae land uses on Stevens Creek Rlvd.
!be Plaaninc Caaatsstoa first tried to decide ~ether there
should be a resioual .~ppiDg center, ~ere it sh.:>u1d be located,
and what to do witb the remaining core area. It was decided a
resional shoppinC center vas needed and that it be located in
Vallco Park. This led to so:ne very detailed discussions on what
to do with the r--.' comœitted and uncommitted Va11co Park
lands. After tbe res10aal center was decided upon the markPl
feasibility was studied. Sext was a fi~ca1 analysis, which led
to a s~ecificatlon of the land uses in the remainder of the core
area. Fifty acres subreclona1 commercial came out as a feasible
figure to work witb.
Page 3
.. 4
',C .:-0.
<i~:i~ld said that after the prel1lD1aaTy fiscaÍ. analysis vas. c:o=pleted
'- '11, . eSsarJ to.uke a traffic analJS1s. He refened to .tbeTraffic
~9åo - 1995\CbHt': Ac the eIId of~~e. theP1a,,~fftii.~~~ss~on..
. tb thefit.t~f!Da1p1aa onthe,core.rea'. ,At:¡~!ist the-:,
. '. .'raised sœ"¡add1t1ona1.1ssaû~'I"'rhe, PlåDDflíî"'. ""'V'¡¡óiì caaîi('
,~,tilleqiD&(fi1adPles aftft_Chr"dè1iÌ1er.tiOD.V~l:¡~;:,' rRiF' .
,i;i: . ... :¡~~;~.:'.. '. ..... .:"{' . '>.~i~4·;:;:..~··
<~t..,. Lev1¡~.e,.·~~'ed:iD.dept.!i.· .000..bov.'. the ~rOCecl:J1:~.:.'¡·~..,.·..·~.';.t ..
iDs C-i.sio1í'_tmaa~ 1Iê;" ,aW they started. oà~ dt.êUssing
" .. " ôtia1 shoppiDg·cétDter: A. Aa::'Har1aD1;B. At Vallco'aík; aDd
, :,'îii¥"êí1onal center'. Traffic :IJIpllc.tions of individual ceaters
w.te'f:ïiPortant 1IIIpacts· to be cODsidered, .
'." ·:t.....·,·,
j. . .~; -.: -,.,
1fr. i:.ttir¡ said they started with a blank _p and three choices. as listed
aboYe. He said they had to consider what to do with a site if a
rea10Dal shop1inS center is Dot put there. He said SB-90 is the State
School Finance Reform Program. There has been a substantial change in
the vay school districts are financed, and that change will probably
hare a substa~tial impact on the way the community views land use,
It used to be that the industrial, of fice and cOllmlercial developments
cade a substa~tial contribution to the sehool districts. The thrust of
SB-90 was to c:.ange the guarantee of the ADA expenditures the State
makes to the school districts. He said the State will support a much
greater percentage of the proposa1s than it previously did. As the
assessed valuation of Cupertino goes up the State contribution goes
dovD. If the assessed valuation goes do\~, the State contribution goes
up- Be next ",ent over the chart: "Importance of Alternate Land Uses
to Cupertin::> .':nion School District". The chart shows I.'hat a ~egional
shopping center means to the contribution to the School District.
There would be a reduction in the tax rate from 3.47 to 3.42. He said
they have tried to put SOllU! perspective as to how this affects the
iadividua1 h~useholds. As in most cities, ,"",st of the taxes the
Cupertino residents pay are for the School District, Cupertino pays
separately for the Fire District and Public Library.
Mr. Levy said that in order to proceed throu~h the fiscal calculations
it became necessary to becoce ver; specific. Starting in January and
ruaaing into Y~rch, the staff, the consultants and the Meobers of the
Planning C~ission met with developers and their consultants to try
to resolve the ::uestion of ,,'hat t::e~r pro!,osed centers 'lou1d be like.
A!ter 8 meeti:\~s, both of the developers could sec and discuss ,{hat the
other was p=o?~sin~. Both center3 ~ere talking in terms of four, new,
!1ajor depart:-,ent stores. The:; ~:e=e talking abcut 1.3 nU1!:>:\ ~~"are
teet of re~~~:\ai center, with 800,000 square feet taken up by the major
departMent stores, ~ith the r~~ainder in malls and shops. There would
be $15 milE:n in acld~t :..,nal assessed va1uat ion. Taxable £:"les \{ere
:igured at 580 to 5100 pe:- s~~are :oot of business flo::>r area. At
later meetin~s, the í~Rure5 $80 to $100 ~ere questioned,
~UU$ at 11i£ JULY 17, 1973 APJœBHED REGm.All CITY COUNCIL mG.
'." " . "-~'
said the deve~[_·;...1t1on vas as follovs: Tbe.$80
.15 .ig"-r in¡.~.". ': ,. ?;fJ~(,",e, footace as preseotl,.,.,~~ 1;;~
.Sâ8ta Clara V . '. . rlthereare CeDters ~~;~" '. ...
.es occur .;,¥. / . .~Sh.ou1ì1reach peak Sales~~.
'ÞIÎ7" felt th~ii~ . .' '" ^."'," '" e un1éP~. A center of,,'., ,', 'j~,
1I1e& ~se~~"feJ:!1't'froa existing cent8J(~X~";;¡J
. , ..~ ec-.:::.:';¡..~,Jf1giíre for taXable sales va.~,;~~\
.., ...~J:., '. squre foot ,'f.....~~~4 all major ceours in the Valley;. .
~{tþe aception of~. Based on this information,the
~8Ultants ...-=t through' WClllat10ns in regard to the School .
District rith the regioaali'ceaÞr in Hariani Mall and in Vallco
Park. tile sales estil:lat.. -re tbe same, As to the fiscal 111-
pacts of I-ral plan al~l_a. no new costs were assuaed
aince nei~: shopping ceater ~d contribute ne... students.
Page 5
The yay t~ ;:onsultants figured the costs of the City was to _et
vith the Ci;y ~tanager. DirectOr of Public :,orks, Santa Clara
County S~~::::'s Office. Pire aDd Sanitation Districts and a
DUmber of .;'~: Districts. After all these discussions, it vas
assuoed a ~:~r cost increase '~ld be the police costs for a .,.....
regional ~ær.:;!r. The Geøeral Fund coats "-cre $79,000 for each
center. the only cost that could ~e directly associated
with the :~::r in teras of ;Ublic service. E~ery district
Mr. Levy s::Sz ~ith had a pIau. but it was not felt to be ass~cia
ted vith :~ ;:enter.
The reve..:.:¿ ¿3:i:::tate is prillarily sales tax.... $104 to $130 mill n
in taxa:.:E $ per year. $936,000 to $1,100,000 in
revenue f:: ;;"o! City of Cu?ert~. There "...:-uld also be sOllIe
additiona.: =¿vo!nues, such as $46.000 property tax. But the aajor
1çact of 1.J::\i use on t~ City is the sales tax revenue.
Mr. LeV)" ~~i it was felt for nany meetin~s with the Planning
CoI!Iaaissi.:-::. :=--a; the road cons yould be a deteninate figure.
The traff:;: Evaluation had to be done to get this information.
ADother ve:"! açortant issue to consider 1o:as .'hat would go on the
site that ¿~S not get the regional shoP?ing center.
Jk. Levy r.a: reviewed in depth the charts .'ith the three
ulh1IIptions .
After lDaki:.~ the decision OD tbe regional shopping center 5i te.
t:he next :.è~ .as to fill in tbe remaining areas. The starting
point was t: "pen up the question of evaluating addi tional c:owner-cia1 deve~:=mt in addit10a to existing and in addition to tbe
r..lonal ceter.
fII 'fIlE AT 17. 1973 #NI.
;. - DA:ULA1 cm uAlltCIL HEE'lDG
. up strip. or s1qlellM .'I~
"'1i11a core vaaldcJo~·.J)oíel." .'1?~/,~
, ,1p use OD allfrODtai.!<.~, If;~
~;;pzoduce $300.000så1éa ';,'':)~Æ
, '. :;~r'
. qa1c:t. øalutiOD 0 $L '-i'c1al versus aølomeratedt¡<
,dael. t. Tbe&.i"~ ission said that the
',. ·'·in 1'_ .twe... . ",.'iiI4! aa&lomerated vas not substan- "
'~. cens of pMit1ves to ~! '4"" " tel' of the City. etc, ",,,!
",: - ~;h..' .'.-
- ~,
.. .IIœoU WIlt ùr:aa&h his anal~'of strip commercial in the core
" ',,0
nere are 321 undeve1oped..aes of cœræerc1al. If you put
in stt~ ,au get 64 to 90 ·acres by increasing the width.
SItr1p !os so popuù: because the 1... voIDers get a piece of the actiOD.
qllleStion vas :-~ how much C rc1a1 you can set into eenters.
~ looked a: s.:bregiona1 C:4!Ø~er. in Santa Clara Valley. They
_f<lered a th:-H-1Ù.le radius. 't1Ie7 also took a lo"k at this location;
U is c:he cross:-:"':$ of the westera portion of the Santa Clara Valley,
1a che Economic =_-n..>ultants' est1aatlon. the 500,000 sq. ft. I:> a
cøød fi.cure to v:='c. .ith as far as feasibility is cC'::cerned. This was
a st~ling n=~=. 50 the~· skipped over a regional evaluation of
1éetber or not C:;=~:tino ceal1y -;;aI1ted the 50 acres. Then the
SJDes1:~ of ch.:~:. :r.:e u;>. The P1a:m!ng CommissiC':: felt the TO'An
!:!!:cc:- should ¡:~: ::~"ritr. The Coa.sultants then ,.e::t over Plans A,
:s aDo! C. as doc:=ted.
~r Irwin ca::~ ~ =ecess at 8:55 P.M. The meet ins reconvened at
9:12 2'.M.
Jlllyar I.rvin as>:'è: ::= a definition of "agglomerated .:.:-=ercial".
. AJeDold sai¿ :':':'$ is retail sal_ such as de!",rt"e:1t stores, food
scores. liquor ~:::~$, drug and pro?rietary stores, ~as stations, etc.
1= ~egional :~:~:s such as P~~Yard you also :~~ 500e financial
serT~s su~h 4S:.c:;'S, savings to £GaD, and even tra\'el aßents.
JIr". Ar.Døld sa!" "=iustrial" is clarified by the ßureau 0: Standards
~ f~.try gr~=$. 50ae R & D is also located in :r.dustria1. Offices
call !Ie 1uc1udeë ~ ~=ercial or iJI industrial park.
1:Iae 'rraffic Cor:"c.::.1:lt, ~r. Don Goodrich. · hea~': :rC'::1 next. He said
......-.. charts .)r. ~ ..alls have beea prepared over a ~eriod of weeks
-a ~hs. He grc~ his il:lpressiOD of wat the !'la,r.:ng C<:'l!II'Iiss10n was
~iftr.~ when t~'T :resented the neu land use nap 35 h~ sees it, as a
uúfJ.c engineer.
Page 7
(, .;. When tu::ic vas projectell tt. t11eau into the future, using th
;~'~,;1964 Cmeral Plan, tae len1~of.traff1c that would result vas .or
'~.~0¡tban Wac ~ feel is bâe foi:.tbCl City. The next question vas
"~.,,:,bow to ~;' ÙOI1r. cutt1ngb~<""'said you will now notice JaUCh
!f$.<less cœme..-dal zon1ng oa;~~.CreeJr Blvd,/Saratoga-Sunnyvale
'1,t;,;. JI.oad the OQ the 1964;. c.....T;aI:"I1áìa~; This:.l8S based on the fact
;',",·i.1>·CiO;. . ';,; ,.·1 ,- .;-"
;',:,;;'~that cCl!rl.ercal is a ..chþ,øter·çraffic generator. He sa!ê the
~1;/ llanniq c.:.aission had co"'. trade-off of benefits derived
\' fraa a r~:'olla;' center ,."-C··W negative im"acts of traffic.
Mr. GoX=:.;::, said the Pl_ift! ~ission lC'Oked at tbe Mariani
site &;l;Ò ¿è<:ided you can't ag the center. Liket.rise, they looked
at the ~~:;:~ Park site. 11M! regional c~nter could go there. but
they.;:;:;.:: :'ave to give Uå' _thing else. He then went ever the
naifi;: ;:C~t in detail. Be said tbe7 used a c()¡r.puter model to
work ,~: :c¿ analysis. The overall model r¿sults are based on
land ~5'; a=¿ deve10poent !or about 20 year5. Ther~ are certain
ass~?:c;=õ ~s to land use aad the traffic '0l~es. If there is
no si~=:; :~~.,t improvenent :'n transit it ",'ill result in more
traffi: ::= Cupertino. Ee said !t is better t~ cvcrestinate
traf::': :~~= ur.deresti~~te it. ~e have ~i~:' traffic vo1u~es
indic¿:.~ ::~ the future. r~~ with the exten~ion of Freeway 85.
He th~, :¿. :è."cd the SU'lC8ry 'raffic 195è-: 9'5 C:,arl.
Mr. A:c":~~ ::::o?d that "'it;' As¡¡=?tion Set 1 :'''u are, in effect,
closi::; :: '.":: Cu?ert ino. The Freeway 185 ",r.bers cannot be
incluò~ò C'=è because they are not made ~·~ila'le by the State.
Anoth~: ;'4:: ~as disp1a7ed. sho~ing h~~ =:.c PlAnning Co~ission
tried t: :òè::tify the prcblecs.
Road ~:5: l>5~?tions vere rev~ewed next. ~r. Levy noted the
traffi: lC~::$is ~as linked vith the s?eccf:cations of the core
area. ,:"~ :his point on. tèe Planning C:~:$sion worked ",ith a
set c:: ..::=:::.1tives of no acti·"ity or dcla:-cd activity on 55
aeres :: ~:::;:~ Park. The Planning Co~.'.<ien also 10~ked at
Ass=,: _. ~ : ...hen they =ade the'r dccisi:n 0:1 the regio:1al cen:er.
The ch~;= :: residential for alternative U~~ ~as based on
traff i: "
'J"he S¡;:::!-c=" ~f !toad Costs Related to Re.;i:r..Ü Shoppin~ Centers "'a_
prcpa:e" =: :he CupertiDo Traffic Engineer and Director of Public
~orks. ___ ~;~r portion of t~e road cc.ts ~ill be borne by the
devel~;·:: l::':' ~y the State. The figures b~:::g used now do not
sho... t~ :::: having hig3 road costs,
So.e of tbe fJlprov_ts on Saratoga-6unn)-vale load and aD Stevena
Creek 11ft. sbøuld be paid by;tba..City. The City should ask the
cleveloper topa,. a pore1OD.ÓfSOll8 of the off-site ilaprovements
related to their develÔjIIIêI1é'... ..1f the regional center goes to Vallco
Park. or if there ia IIGÍ reaiòoal center. the City will participate
1A the bpt"WI -nta OD'Sar~yvale Road.
!fro Levy uat put up the fiDal Useal nnGers the Planning CoDDllission
worked witb wen tbey'Ude ebeir decisi01 on the regional center site.
Re also pat up the fiDal ......tuar. for the remainder of the core area,
Hr. Arn01cl said there was a great deal of testimony frol'l the developers
of both sites.
Hr. Arnold ,lid it became very important to consider the character of
the City. ~issioner Gatto felt that the regional uses should be
confined to the regional node. giving a chance to develop the Town
Center in another way. Thère'was some controversy over the
regional ~eater versus no re~iona1 center question.
Mr. Arnold said the aajor finding of the ?lanninr, Commission ~as:
'~hero are sub$tantial positive fiscal i~pacts and negative traffic
1m;acts aS$~~iat~d with the development of ~ regiunal center in Cupertino.
'he lccat::n ~, the center 1~ Vallco Park as 0pp:5ed to the Mariani site
1) is c,'=~at~!:le wit!:. the character 0;' Vallco Park and '.'ill continue tho
devel~~ent of reg!onally-oriented activities in a regional activity
2) ..'i II a:::'.. the of a low intensity character for the
High'....:: 9 anj Stevens Cree;' 1\1vd. inters~ction area.
The posit:~e fiscal i~pa~ts of the center in the Val1co Park site,
together ·..:'t:. the positive :::pacts on t:~e character of the City created
by low intens;;'ty deVf.10¡r.¡ent in the High'.ay 9 area out'..eig:~ the negative
traffk ~?3~ts and are the basis for the Co.~Jnis:'ion's declsion.
Two poss:'!::e sources of difference In : iscal impacts between the ~lariani
dhd V;llL:: ¡!uns ':en d~5cussed by the :>la:"Üm: Cc",."i"sion:
1) The f~H~~i1 ity i¡;¡;u" -- .....¡¡ctÏ t::ere ',ould actu:l11r ;,C the sa:::e
nu~~~:- ~f $:.,)re~ in each location -- "\"as clr~l1cd T)y the dev~lcperg.
2) Th",-e ~s a pr,'b3ble difference in tho ro,¡d co~ls ass·ociated with
"a.::, b~3t~"n. There ..,ill be approx!:1.u,·!y $!()O,O')O in a:tnual road
cocas :~= widening H:gl,...ay 9 between Stevens Creek 50. Hio:'way 230
,;,¡hic:: '.¡:'It bt~ require'! \ol1ether \OJr 111:'It t:;~ R¿:~i\'nal C~ntcr devcL')!'s
~nd ~C~¿ b~ ra:d by the d~vclorcr :[ tt~ ~~nt~r is located at
~Iari.'ni. I: the Cent,," is located ~t \'allc.' lh",;e COSt!, ,..J.Jl
prùba~:y ;,e financed parJia:ly by altcra,tc J~vclor~"nls along
Hi¡:h'''3: 9 and partia!1>' b:1 the State cor t:'" City.
Page 9
As to traffic impact. ODe l.a~uP was the relative ab1lity of each
developer to get State su¡pørt and funding for the road. inter-
change aød overpass fac~t~esrequired by each eenter. Another
issue ...-as the relative f-.pKtof each center site on adjo:!.ning
ne1hborboods. A third :111'_. was the extent to which the traffic
iapacts .~re avoidable 10 area,
The Planning CouIIIission f!ads that:
1) There "''as no substaøtial basis for disting..dshing among the
ait..:m the basis of Stae road plans.
2) Some traffic iMpacts ~e avoidable to the extent that very 10
density land uses vere substituted -- im?lying that Vall co Par
~ould òe sto~ped at nearly the present level of develo~ent.
Mayor Irvin asked if t:öere vere ~~y re~p:n$es by the audience at
this ?o~nt, based on the consultants' prcsentations,
Mr. AI: ~>dine, 10385 Pr~etree Lane, Cu?ertino, said hi~ home
lies b,"t,,·ee:1. these t·.;o ~nsters". it turn"d out that his
re-:ari;,.s ·_~re not relevan~ at this ti·-,i" ::incc h~ had no q·..;.~;ticn
as to -.."a: ","as on the cr..,;rts. He would be ¡;iven an o?portunity
to spea~ later.
Mr. Car: Floc~, 10295 VicLsbur Drive, Cupertino, said co~?uter
model S .ire ¡'ased on as s=:;>t ions. ¡':c asÍ<ed -..·hen th is ::as done and
...hethcr cr not rapid tra:lsit ~as taken into consideration.
Mr. c..;>~;Õ=ic;: said that ;:articu1ar model '.as -..;it" the use of tran-
sit. It ¿ces not take into account novel innovations.
~r. Fleck said his c~pany has gone to flexible "orking hours and
he ~CQ=~red if this fac~or taken into consideration.
Mr. C",,¿r:ch said peak hours were spread ovcr about t'.o hours.
Counc"":u" Jackson noted ehat four lanes on ~(iller Avenue were
ind:cate¿ ~~cn, in face, it should bc t.o lancs. ~r. Goo~rich
said they are assuming tr~e it can be Dade into four lanes.
Council~n Jackson noteë that one 0: the ~a?s s~o.ed Tantau Avenu
going throu~h to So11in~e= Road. Hr. Goodrich said the real
improve:ent on Tantau is the bridge, with no other substantial
illlprov e.":e"- t s .
Hr. C~~rl~s Jacobson, 10410 Norwich Drive, Cu?ertino, was in-
terested in ..i,o is goin~ to pay for road costs. The charts look
like we are soing to ha~e an annual bO:1.d cost of $1 million.
Mr. Le":y said this vas not true. Th~ c:1.1rt shO'..., ,..hat the actual
phy"ica: roads are. The :ajority o~ th~ road costs ....111 be borne
by the dev~loper.
i ~
"";C:barle. lair. 20405 S~ Cnelt Blvd.. Cupertino. said be vas
, ..,the aorthvest cOr1lUo£.~fl1aray 9 and Stevens Creek Blvcl. 80
:;!l80~ Be sti111ive.,~He wants to know Toilere be;is~s.
'. .'1dsvife is nOW iDâ');ea ~. thanks to the City CoaDcil and
. >!Q¡ c-tssion. . øe'·...!Iad nO official notif1catioø of
, """ Be said he had. Þ:t'J.7 a Palo Alto oevspaper to leant 1II1at
"on reaarding his .", .LJ'. .
·:·-/.~l\·~l,_ _ _ _ . _.:'' ,,' _
"·¡..Iill Dissar. 21541 ~ load. Cupertino. noted that ritb
, . tions 1 and 2 you are'·... ... if you do and damned if JOU dOl1 't. II
.7 Goodrich said that in tryiD& to think what the Planni:1¡ Cor.aission
thinking wen they made dIe1r decision, in general, the traffic
laøes are going to be higber so they decided to cut back 011
cial, He would like to see less traffic on all the columns,
· Bill Post, 10542 Cedar Tree Court, Cupertino, asked if someone
characterize what kiD4 of density this represents and also
density figures were used in figuring this traffic.
Director c: Planning aad Development said the typical h~e in
rtino is the single f~!ly, 4-units to the acre. }kC1e1lan Square
~ an exacple ~f 12 d~elling uo!ts per acre. Mr. Goodrich said
esidential us~ does not cacse the traf~ic impact that c~~rcial or
'-~ustri31 use dces. Mr. ?ost said he belicved that many ~f the
~pertino resi=ents ~ould d!5agree ~ith t~3t statement.
· Noor Bil1a~alla, 20282 ~¡l Avenue, Saratoga, ~as ans~ered by
· Le.,y that :he $65 refers to the taxahlc sales (or re;;ional centers
._ Santa C13:-a Valley in 191::'. ï.ñen the quest ion of '.-¡tether or not
:.e $80 to S:.J'': per square f:>?: too h i¡:h ';3S d !.s..:ussed th~1 ·
.er the map a~ain with the ?1~!.ng Co~nissi~n. The ¿ev~¡opers would
there are very good reas~5 for saying their proposed centers
rill be veq' ¿if ferent frc":1 :"ose of today.
· Janes Ske~~. 10316 Cc1òy Avenue, Cupertino, said he un~erstands
rl3e traffi..: :"'!',)jection!» are :a.d.e to 1995. ~ie aske:! i: tha~ wa:; based
projection$ ':!y the Ccur.ty. ~ asked it the~' had la~k~~ <it this
~~ø.tfiatcly .a::~r the s~..opp!...::~ center \..~as built. A1.;o, ·...· ;.bc:·u\:
. addition,,: :hrough traifi::. Mr. Goodrich said !.t :3 :'is o?ini~n
_10.,.~ the tra::i-.= iit;ure::s are :::'gh. based on tl~e thrcu~h t:-a::ic.
said anothi!:- serie.; 0: c:-"rts ...ere dùne for the te~;" ò..focø 1980.
is will ccc:e u:, under ..~~. ¡::!orc.ationlt.
!errin~ to S~t. 33, Counc~!..=.a:I Y.eyers asked t~e Traffic C:::1sultant
.1i:..a~ the ùi::-:-:"~:lCC3 are ba:--..-.e~ c::.'=nercial and indu$t~:::'al :.r:~cts.
· GooJric:~ 5~;~¿ t::e figures -:::. a~l the::3C ~::arts ar¿ relatëd- t.;)
hours. A$ to co~crcia: Tersus inrlustria~t the c=~~rc~al has a
. .er peak ~,:ur than indu3c:-::al. The first stcp in the ?r:>ces5 is to
F':X»k at h.::-'.: "IIc!l I'avenent :::"re must be to ha:tdle tile dif :erent ty;>es
For example, on Hiller _awe, south of Stevens Creek 11 vd., to
try to estimate what tbe .f4d1tional traffic of the regional cente
versus DO developaent"¡!IÌ:Ya11co Park is considered. On a daily
basis, it callie outiboaí:.:ì!lO of a lane .,f traffic that vould be
added to æl1er Aveíiue to'( aeh hour, from 11 A.M. to 8 P.M.
If industrialWre ~ 1,Datead of regional, the figures would b
about 1/4 to 1/3 of that:'"dar1ng t!1e rest of the day, although the
. peak hours were s1a11ar. ConI£'reia1 accounts for more hours and
IIOre days per week.
Mr. Goodrich answered Counc~1man Jackson that people tend to be
on tbe same streets, regardless of ~~ere the center is lccated.
Many of the trips that will be on Miller Avenue will be there
whether the center is at Vallco or ~furiani. On a daily basis,
the reg!:-nal center ....ou1c have 800 trips, ,·,here industrial ,,·o·.1ld
have 150 to 200 trips.
Mr. J~e 3urkhardt said that the Council has been hiven a detailed
account from the con5Ult~~ts. Va11co Park has been designat~1 by
the Planning COI1clÍssion ;.s the site fur t:1e r!!gional cen:e~.
He sUi:gestcd hearing fr= the propone:1ts of that ~ tte .;C) th¿t ~e
and the ~ther opponents could rebut.
~fr. ~~3:ter ::ard, Vallc~ ?¿r~'. General Nanager, 10050 ~;Grth ~';cl fEo
Road, C~pertino, spc~e tc the planned ù~ve1oFm2nt a~ it rel¿t¿,
to Va:'.l"" Park, to t1:e GE:neral Plan, to the re;::'n:~al sh::;?;:i:1~
center, and comments on the rest of the General ?lan reco~en~a-
As to the PD in Valleo Park, about 245 days ago they had a h,oarin
for the third land use c!-.a:;ge in Vallco Park. October 14, 1,6:
was the date for the f~rst chan3e. '1.en the plan ~a3 dra.n U?,
Vallco Park w~~ Jisted as industrial. Subsequent na?~ sh~.ed
commer~~..l and office use as "ell. Because of the Hilton ':otel
problen. the 1964 plan vas ~endeù. Sears and Vallco Village
were i:>c1uded.
Their Use Permit 6~-73 ~as first scheduled for April 23rd. 1r..e
obligation was that they ~~re asked to do SLreets on ~olfe,
Pruneridge and Stevens Cree~ Blvd. They assisted with Homestead
Roa~ and the freeway. T"..ey have stringent controls on land-
scapin~. In addition to rights-of-...ay, they have provided
asseS5.-:¡ents on median strips and traff ic sign:¡ls. !Ie said that
everything that Vallco Park has done has been done at Public
Hearing. Consideratiac bas been given to impacts on the co~~unit
Page 11
Jk. Ward said that bKk ja April of 1960 the Couoey GeIIer_l Plan
prov1ded for industrial øaerve area larger than we baYe DOV.
He said the Goals a..';" uses in ValIco Pa~s1JIl1ar
cotbose existinS.,i'lbà7'are c:aapat1b1e, They proviAlea'¡IOsit1ve
8I!dJ.t1oo to the arc:h!tectare of the comunity. Theø:ts DO strip
cò Vallco.;PiØ'k. The SS acres slated f·~r '1øtease office
ûse IlaY be delayed fór:'.... ,..ars, When the Seara appllcat..ons were
before the City eoua.:'a: i:be illustrations showri tIGre ~ -rdal here.
Be said Sears located. Iø Vallc:o Park with the idea there would be
lIIOre regioual-t)'ile sbopping in ValLo Park,
Hr. Ward next spoke to die traffic situation. Vallco Park has agreed
to widen Wolfe Road, c:ocstruct Vallco Parkway and Finch Avenue.
Vallco Park is going to fund the Tantau BridRe s~ that it can be
constyucted earlier.
Mr. Ward said there would ~e access fron all Major thorou~hfares, with
no left turns. There h.a.5 he en sone concern about Val1co traff ic
going onto residential st,,"e<:ts. 1-!hen V..llco Par',c fOr.1inp" all
residential streets eXCê?C ?runerid)1:e ':ere closed =ff. They ,:il1
have access to the fre~'a: ~~~ to Steven~ Creek 317~. As to the
i::¡pact on the neighborh=c~, ~;o1fe ~:ld is some ~OG' :rc::I re;idential.
Mr. ~ard co"tended the CE:1t21- has no thorOllr.hfa~e, Iedin; into
resident:ðl. There are r.o a:!jacent sd.cols. H¿ e,:;ated the high
quality residential surrou~ding Vallco Park wit~ ~tone3to~~ in
~an Franci;;co.
As to the $80 tu $lOC ;:er ~;uare foot issue, Mr. -oarc! sa~d the Inter-
national ;ouneil of Shc,,;:~:lg Centers shmJs an of $77 .72 per
square foot, lie said he has additional figure:; t"at go u? a3 high
as $140 per square foot. :~ any event, considering the sales tax
revenue and the traffic. ~r. ~ard said "c shoul¿ ~~:~ to ?u~l~c transpor-
tation,. It >:ould ~e g~¿ for the rC',jdents nearby. He believes the
people would do their S~?ping closer to ho~~ an¿ thereby create less
Hr. Ward said that wh~ t~e Planning Co~ission re~~~er.ded is that
Va11co Park additional use ~e metered to traffic ca;:aclty in re~ard
to the balance of the ~co~!tted property.
Mr. Ward suggested the ?¡~~r.ed DevelupMent COQDêrc~l could have the
additiona! requirCl'!ent, u~¿er use Fermlt, to devel':>;: :n1;" to the
extent t:,at each de'le1c?er ;rovldes his fair share :or additianal
:'_: >,:;::'~.
i,,: ,.",.:}:'i"
'.... ~ -' :,"~'
JlIJlUTES OF THE JULY 17. 1973 ADJot.'lL'ŒD IECULA' CITY cœscn Hl'G.
~:' :"~'
CDuDeI1Nø froUcta aaU. there vas __ qu..UOD 1a Iiå .1l1li a. to
"'1: at_t the Co U .bo,.}d let the propcm-1lt& .... 4III!AMllta
'.;.,.... tVD .PtI".IIt& IIaU the1r c.....C~. .a,uoneJ
iÌ r - eai. at tll.tP" - f"l Cona1ss1on level tbq.JI¡Jni...
c'''' Ih.. to die lu -ioI1 of the reaitmal "'cppüa'~r~!" '.Int.
. t.~~f ~t:~r '! ~:in~î:~~~"'~~ll:~~:~~;::a-
tile ...1oaa1 ....."taa ceøter issue at this t1:w. . . .
Nn_loa retal'Mll to che sale" tax revenue. 1Ir......W ODe
., t'" liiio,,1111 clOters in did $130 per sq. ft. We ue
Þcate4 \II tile affluent area, We can certaiDl,. a;leCl: ·
.... ..1.. r"'Ø9I.
1Ir. ....4 an_reel ~llnòn Jackson that t:1e:¡ c=uld c:catruct J
or 4 de,artaemt stores. ~c hac talked with 13 é~~t8eDt .tore.
aDd junior depart~~t stcrcs that vant to locate here.
.. "~~,
Mr. Ward ~ed t:~t f~A~r traffic consultants be a¡l~~ed to rrhut
at tM rnd.
Mayor Ir~in ca11~d a rece~5 at 11:05 P.~. The ~eting rpconvencd
at 11 :2J ?M.
Kayor Irvin a!lncu~c"::; ::...: l~;" July 18th .eeti:!? : ould run fron
7 P.M. to oidntg!.t. :-~.e5(O ?,,"l:'c hearings ·1.11 :'1." on Tuesdays
and Thursdays at the ~~:a ~:'sta Hi~h ~c~ûol 10'atic~ fr~ 7 P.M.
to oidnight for as ma:7 n:'g~ts as necessary.
Mr. t:a·d introduced Xr. ;:a~.5 ::. Korve. of the Fin:- cf DeLeu".l
Cather and Coopa:1Y. 1256 ~~rket Street. San Francisco,
Mr. Kûrve said they took a look at the lopact of the Hilton l¡otel
as well as the Hevlet:-?ar~ard addition now un~er construction.
This study wac pres~:~¿ t~ the Cupertino City C~uncil in the
blue cover. The basi.; co!:.clusions '~ere with the pro';ision of
roadway facilities we can provide a 1evc1 of traffic scrvic~
slightly above what is experienced today. The ~difications
rec~ended involve the construction of the Tantau overcrossing
as well as the videai%:.g of ~:o1fe Road beu:een the freeway and
Vallco Parkway. Tlut c:",lls :or 8 lanes of tratLc ·.:ith provision
for 10. Other irnrr07~~ts includc an Internal lo~~ to provide
complete circulation vithin the shopping center. This elininares
unnecessary turns 0::1 d:.e traveled \lays. They are in accord ",ith
the amount of traffic gecerated by.the ccnter ~~d the proposed
Pase 13
Hr. lone said they ... a aeeting with the staff and with Vallco
Park. Conc1uaiolUl of.. tIIat aeeting were ~"':ittCD ia a report by tbe
Director of Public vòdai,t4ting that the constructioa of tbe ' .
BUtcm Hotel, the O!Yf......"Unanei81 center phase one. phases one
and two of Westfie1dp1åaHewlett-Packard phase ÞJo plus the
regloaal shopping c....~-_nt:
1) Coustruct1on of 1loUe load at 8 lanes from 1-280 to Vallco Park-
2) Construction of T~tau overcrossing
3) COll3truction of \'&11co l'arkway of 6 lanea froa ;.oolfe Road to
4) Coastruction of the access road behind Sears.
He said these ir.prove=ents will adequately handle the traffic
gene~ated by the regionaJ shopping center.
One asp~.:t that Is un~ue about this particular sh'Jÿping center
Is tÌ'.3t \,"C are able ~o el1ninate th~ left turns of ~~E; traffic
goin~ north and sou~h of the Center. It allo~s ~cco~~dat¡on of
traffic generated b:¡ :::'e Center ~1thout a"1 bad:u?s. :: a5sures
a free f~o~ th~ ~ecter, ~x. Ward added that t~~ traffic
\.'111 l1-tve d free flc\: ~ and the traffic out \:ill ha-.e a dgr:al.
With re¡:'lrJ to the c!:zrt on the wall, Nr. I':ard sai¿ :h"'7 have
a~Jres~cJ a letter to the Director of Public Works :è2t they will
const~'uct T'1I\tau ov"rcrossir.g and the widenIng 0:: ::::¡';'fe ?oaù, and
wIll ~"Ork with the State on the peri:::etcr street.
~Ia}'or In'in not"J it ~"as 11 :40 P .H. "hen Vallco P.3r~ c.::::ple~ed
its p:cse:ntatlon. Dee to the cutoff tir:e of !:1i¿nL;:-:-: :-.c3 stated
thdt it ::..u!a l':ote se:--se for the i.:lni peo?l~ t...., b~Z!:1 th~lr
prc,;cnt.1tioa the iol::'c'å;'ng r:ight rather than ha....e i.t :':::crrupted
at 11:'::nit;ht on this ~te. Hr. Eurkh.1rdt agreed.
Hay": In..·in adjv;lrr.e¿ tbe r.ef!:ing at II ;kQ P .::. :0' ;-: ~~ P .!.:. on
July 19, 19i3, olt :;,,~ ~:Ont.3 Vista lIi¡;h $~hou1 n.t::.!l t:>ri=.
Is' Keith E. Irvin
Mayor, City of Cu~ertino
/S/ \b. E. Ryder
City Clerk