CC 07-18-73
an OF CUPE!C':''\J, STAtE OF c.u.IJ'ÐUL\
loii)OO Torre A...,,::ue, Cupertino. Ca1.1fornia
y..w _Loue: 25Z-4505
Page 1
,Ie au:!s or "lDlo ADJOU1UŒD ,.- -- JŒETIRG OF TP.E CITY COUNCIL .
...011 JULY IS. 1973. IN Dlf"""" YlS'l'A RIGI!. SClIOOL AUDIToaI1lX
, curÆl". c.u.1FORNlA
.6 ~ Irvin caned the meetillatø order at 7:08 P.M.
{Imen PUS>ènt:
~ absent:
Frolic:h. '--. Meyers, S;-ark!>, Mayor Irvin
sc.aff present:
City }bn"\V"' Quinlan
City AttvtðeY _~s
Director of ~nistrati...e 3er.ic~s Ryder
Director 0= ~12~::ing and D~...el~r~~nt Sisk
Director 0= Pu~lic Works Viskovicb
~~~ltants ?~~~£~~: Economic ~~~~~a~t Arn~l¿
Economic Cc-~-u:tEnt Lev::
Traffic Cat:s::1~::.t Goodr:'e.:
-==-: Repo.t~r:
Betty Kl <,",!~1
~T~= Irwin ~:~:¿~ that on JU:y 17t~ .~ heard f~~~ the consultant~
~ :he Vall::- ?~:,k prcsentar~~_ 1'=:'5 1!1cetir.~ ~.-:ll begin ~,·ith
t~ presenta~ :.::: by ~riani ~.a.ll re;:resentati·...·,
~. .Joe Burk~:~:'::. ;;cnera1 ~e:- == Bayshcrc ::',';,ertics, an::
~~_:'/er of Cu::-¿.::.:"no AssociAtes. sai¿ ~e ".¡antcà t: pr(>~ent 3T?t.:-
-.::ts and p.:~_·õ¿:s for the dn-e:=;r¡;:Jt of the ~:_'rc"ni ",-opert-;.
.:.:.ë said tbe ;:,~::~.~~: COC'C'!1issioa bGs ~t¡bt:11tted ':"¿.:.::-:..-:...:n~~atiO!"t3 :o~
a ::£!V GE:nera. ,~,,:: Íor the Cicy == C:.:;:-ertino ""oe. your ",,,¡1¿¡;t¡;
~c; ~:ring )'N:'- c~,,::eral Plan .1Dd z=-='i"'È Map int'· "-"'or:-.aucc. .;¡;
u~ the sta:: .3.::..: the consult:~"" ha.·.-e not ic,",,,lated sí'ec~!~c
r~=endati:"õ .
~. Burkhardt ~:~ the pro~~sed p¡L~ ~~S a ba13~~è¿ econ~mic a~d
5C>::jal use ~: :.oe undevc1o?e.i l~ i:J the City:: Cupcrti.nG. He
:ä.Z.~d we now ':è?~~¿ upon 50:: o~ oc: rr:enue fr~":: .;,-i:es taxes.
:i::"e-i! of th¡; ,':"::'"'1:n;; "'=Ò5s!cDltrs v"ted fo,- t;\e rc~i<'n"l "h"pi'in
ce:ter <>n ~hc ,:;oise that it v=o:::¿ ¡,,, locate" è:: Vallco P".rk.
2 c.ontend~ :'"-.3.: d's lucatí::J :-e-.:h"':'ê5 the c~:¿.~('e :~r a ~\!ccp:;s::ul
C -rcial dc'.~ l~pt:"nt.
. 2
.¡ .-
. .dbañ~ sa1cI th.y f11al - .114"'Uon for a Us. Perait lata I_C
^'~;~ttMDt of ~i,~. J..JAa center. thre. ..jor 4~' -~
ehole t1d.s sit. aft. ~"",y of other po..ibla lacacioU. .
", ¡.Valko lark. . .'rbajPft''r'fei ~he City their full coopamÛØD
.. ,;p~,__f"l effort. ~;r.. their lllarket r.ports and OtMc. {:
~.., .<..~~ as cI.".kp -:-~;...,..~- avallabl. to the City. n.,' ... .....>\'
.,..... ._ the free u.. of ~~r-t tants' t1ae. FrOll thi; 11 I·......!~··,F
....,ver.l1..... the op1nioø'; ;iêlle staff ancI the consultants did
"::".,;1Iave tha;GpUtise 111 clOi.ò4"~iOD shopping centers. Tbair a-
. ØcI ~ tise and daCa".'aftt the founelation on which the
bas lIIacIe their study. 'ilia' J.eDef1t of all this informa~1oa waa
available to the City ~ die City has repeatedly noted the
of tb1s clata. He said eac 111 lllany respects the staff aDd
altants are incorrect 111 die charts. Mayor Iron caut10aed the
-1re-r that.... did not vant co au into the question of the DU:!lbera
£his tme.
. 1Iurkhardt said it is<:~t to note that during the presenta-
tions made by ::æ!lers of his o"&&'1ization bef.:>re the Planning
C£r.mLission t:&: t~ey were not ~tted to make a detailed description
of tbeir de"el~~i!nt plan. T"cerefore, they ha¿ no opportunity to
~~~ss sub:~:i'i!ly their pla:s and compare t~~~ to the other pro?Brty.
~ feel tha: :::e manner in -.'bieb t~e devel0t""¿:1t is handled is
e2%remely ~~:=:a~t. In order to substantiate and explain in detail
é>e land use .=:g=a.", and to ?C~t out the type :f land use they have
~ ~ind he i:tr:¿uced Arc~itëct krner Na~gar. c: Cupertino }5sociates.
!%. Naggar said land use is o=:~ deci¿cd by cities in a vacuum.
1£ this were t~e case here, ~ienced p1anne~s, ~iven a ma? and
~ic permeters ·.ou1d not hzre cho;;¡en VallcQ :a=:- because of its
~s~ca1 rest~ictions. With C3e site plans a.ailaò1e for both centers,
tæ City Coe.:i:' has the ~ppor~ty to e....aluat" a:ld c01:1pare them.
ID order to test ~ut any develo~t, rather s?"cific uses ha....e to
De caken into c:nsideraticn. In developin~ :r.:~~3ticn for the Plannin@
~ission, t~ey ~ere invited co ~rk ~ith the staff. Although they
were told these ?lans could be discussed by t~" :iannin~ Cu.._ission,
chi.s never ca:e a:x,ut. The reasa:1 they "'ere ;;~':"n ~as that ?lans can
~ge. He ~id their basic pLaDs are static. =~th developers have
offered to ¿is.:~ss their plans. He asked iu~ t~is o?portunity.
~. Naggar said that at the ~riaai site you h1ve 67 unde~elcpe¿ acres,
~ the other ~a~, you have at Va:lco Park :8 ¿n¿ 40 acres bis~cted
1ry a ::18jor r~JLi. He said ta CoIr:c11 ::ust e;''¡ >::lte the physical
CCDStraints ~: b~th sites.
~UIÞ or 'IDE JULY 18, 1973 ADJ~ iEG1JLAR CITY COU1l:IL !ldtDIG
'\.~~ììthe 1,200,000 8CI¡f~i'>i
'âIìDVìr.' ·This is CCllDplet~'i1~"
~Èd_H:Õ{1Ir1 a1lout thfat " . '",",i,)('.
t....;:~i"lif.;baO: been de..~:j~rio·
,-if~JHå~Y 9. aDd å~:p~~,~:':~·, .
" ",,:'lJIê¡JlâY!Jmtroduced aU';:~i~~'';( .
, . .'lôl''''''\probJ¡,,¡j,ÎI'i ofv1ew of tile d~( ..'
~~~~í'i#lbeD a ~.'.., ,~¡..f,)aì1àhêwe1la and trees c"¡"f..~
~ J.'·!thía deck. '!'be ë_.f~~cJe,res.ed frOll Highway 9.
~':" ' ,',;:,i~v~::,~'_<::;~':1:"":" - .
*. ~~ the a~ûiî~er of the building is unified.
-n.y ..... rtsidly controlled.tbe.'des1p of the buildings. Through
data cleaip, and iD consu1taU0D8 With the City staff. they have
pa.iccecl SOIDe paeaat1on" froa the neiahborina residential with
bib aDd pedeatr1an pat1Mays by ""_A of a ramp to the community
rooD. GoiDa arOUDd the center, the separation from the deck is
benled. Wherever there is a grade change they have introduced
suira so as not to conflict with the parking lot,
Tbere vill he a caamnity activity park, It will be completely
ecr_d fr_ the school.
Mr. Ir"1I8...r then asked for queationa. There were none at this
HDved by Councihlan Heyers. seconded by Councih:an Frol1ch that
the written cOCllNDications rece1ved by the City Clerk be received
aDd filed.
Hot1on carried, 5-0
Tbe City Attorney advilled these cOIZIUnications should be kept at
City Ball and available at &D'1 tme.
Mr. Burkhardt their prototype. rendering and colored slid..s
are also available. P.aJOr IrviD Auested the ptoponents and
~. display their lIIOdels, etc., for the audience to view.
Mr. Burkhardt Hid the as~t1on bas been made that the two site.
have equal capal-ility; he contends these assumptions are not correct.
Be ..14 the traffic as_pt1ona are not correct.
Pase 3
Vri tten
received and
.· ct....œ. Cuput1llO ~t'-1.ates. Traffic þ*f~. 1513 reterson,
·'rJ~u1d. thai..t -4.-U"":has been lUIIe thro~C the .alJBis that
ù t~~d4tlle"t_"' '~'ae,1Ïoth sit...I8',_t~~l-t1Hwhat
·"~{t";.!:,I~""t:)'.~;~(~k consult~ts f~~if.b~~'tbe f1llå1: . . .:;;.P
\~Wo~; t~41c~,~~,f'07:;~' the regJ:=~6~~~~:1ceoter, 18 ~~.lOPec"':
,.:~~'~'~~~ ~~,~;the 1mpr~t":'t~,*{~~I~tc c~t,~t.,
.fM1Iothll1t";~COIIPllecl 1D the d1spla~~cbUt. Hr. Gill.em
d ' tJaû,...,tn8.cèJ"iCíiíiíatent. ". .
~1 ''}f...'' . ,.~;~~ '.,~:,' ',\ ,
,or Irvm aalteel thaI: .If die last estimates are iDcorrec:t, how COllIe
this 18 cœ1Da to l1&bC Dov aDd Dot before. Hr. Gill.OII said they
feel theJ have brou&hc chis up a number of times. 'Ihe7 propose:
1) VJd-t.. of Saracoga-SaDAyvale Road to 8 lanes with dividers,
2) IIIpl_t Torre Avenue, including overcross1D1 of 1-280; with both
beblg cleme through aD assessment district at DO cost to the City
an4 will be done befon development is cOlllpletecl.
3) Addition of one throuah 1_ over 1-280 in each direction, to be
done by the State Highway Department at no cost to the City.
Hr. Gibson shoved what rraffic congestion would result if the Shopping
center is located at Mariani Mall. He ans",ered Councilman Jackson
that this is with ¡¡'est Valley Free.ay in. There are no ass\lQptions
tonight ..."ith \lest Valley Freeway not in.
The Short Range chart "-as reviewed by .'ir. Gibson. He said they also
have lo=¡ range plans, as does Vallco Park and Consultant Don Goodrich.
On the day the shopping center opens in 1975-76, there .111 be s~e
congestion at Homestead and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, at 1-280 and
Saratoga-5unnyvale Road, and breakdo..-n condition at Stevens Creek
Blvd. and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. ¡¡e said that 20 years down the road,
SaratoS3~unnyvalc Road viII have a sev~r~ breakdown conditlon.
This is ~as~d on the Cali:omia Division of lIigh...ays data. They
show the traffic on Saratoga-Sunn)vale Road, Stevens Creek Blvd.. and
Homestead Road doubling. This i~ re~ardless of whether or not there
is a sho~p1ng center. This is if n~thing else Is developed in the City.
Mr. Gib~o~ noted that all chrough the analysis, Va11co Park has
maintained that Hariani Mall will h2ve serious traffic prob1ecs.
lie went ever the DeLeu·.... Cather Report, ,;ho '.,"ere retained by Valleo puk
as to traffic conditions at Va11co Park on short ranRe, cr the day
the sho?ring center opens. Their report says that on the day the
center ope:s they will have the inte~~ections along ~clf~ Road near
breakdovn. He subaits that, based o~ their report, their traffic
soluticns are lnadequate. He feels the ~o~t critical proble3 is the
use of re~idential streets for shop?ing center traffic. Miller Avenue
will ha~e 7,600 additio~1 cars pe~ day. Pruneridge will have 1,000
additio~: cars per day. He is not sure that he agrees ~ith Mr, Ward's
statement that the people should not have bought hOio1es en those str~ets.
He"feels the impacts on the individual co~unities are severe.
Page 5
Lon¡¡; T~::&i: conditions 1D 'allco Park ::ere discussed next by
1Ir. GibSCIQ. He said that 1D 1971 DeLeuw Cather presented a long
rll1l&8 pIn for Vallco Park. 'they had four conclusions for the·
1) h1stm¡ bighway voalll work. assumw.g tbe Tantau4vercross1ng
1D plaa viII not 8/:(' -If.te tr~f'!1c volumes anticipated.
2) AdcIltloul access ..u be provided to and from 1...280.
3) Interchange of 1-280 an4 Lawrence/Stevens Creek Blvd. will
reqaire ..jar recODStraction.
4) The Tantau overcroas1Qg DUst be constructed with future plans
for collector/distr1bator roads.
Be emphasized that the lon¡ range plans include collector/distri-
butor rcads. The State Bl~y Departt:ent rejected all four
traffic plans. They gave 7 reasons ;;by they would not acce?t
collect~r!d!stributor roads along 1-280. The ðost signifi~ant
reason .~s therc was not enough roo~. It physically w~11cl not fit
Yhen ask~j ahout this at ?lanning Commission oeetings, Vall~o Park
said t:'~: sh~u]d not worry about it. T~e State will h~ve to do
someth:~~ a~aut it. ~r. C~bson said that even if the State doe~
1mprcr."c ::'e :.nterchange at Stevens Cree:" 3lvd./Lawrence Express,_'ay
they h¿.e .~id there is not enough roo~ for the collector/distri-
butor r~ Joi.
Hr. Gi~s~~ said one 0: Consultant Arn~l¿'s reasons ,my Val1co Park
was a ~~:t~r site ~as b~cause ~e are g~:n~ to have rapid transit
and it .::1 probably ~o along 1-280, and Vallce Park .ill ?robably
be the .ite "f the stat :0:1. He conto"!::d. t",at Mr. Arnold does net
know ~~£~e the rapid trÁ~sit is ~oing to ~~, and neith9r did he.
That !s a very big ass=?tbn. Another Foint he raÜed ,"'as that
in ordcr t~ be rapid tran~it you have t~ have a limited nu~ber of
&tati~~s" ~e would prc~~ly have only t~J stops ~ithin the trade
area. ¡his wo~ld prcba~ly =can a t~o-seat ride, with a bus to thc
Hr. Ci:-s=n said that Traf!ic Consultant Co::>drich, in his su=ary
of the s:t~t10n, ha~ said that at least 55 acrcs of Vallco Park
must r~...1in totally vacant since colle~t~r!distrib·'t0r roads do
not seec :easible. Yet, Val1co Park has zoned the entire site
industrial. TIle purpose of a gencral pla~ is to look 20 years
down the r~ad and give the best estimate ::>f what is ~oing to
happen. He suboits Valico Park does not have the road ?attern
to make this shopping center work.
/',¡i'.":" . '.'.' 'I:";.':' ',h;~"'\":;,:, """,fÜ",:i>";_>,:, , ' , ::'_;' '" ",f,,:,:" , :
, BurkJllrri&: Datm~I:G ¡þorecl,'*,i>/~ /,' Alfred Tau" wbOc"fol'the past,
" .,. . has ",;,d"':'f~:""}~óiif.ta1l devel '=í~ëludmg . '..
J881' . ..... . '.." ~...'!"'It .... . '.." ., .' opmeI'.., '.". ."
'tridge. . > .~~f.fâ( "··išfå1~"They{reta1:lÎ~·· '~<CM18I'ahip.
,,::',. are f L .j;~!~r~i~"~~.~s in dev~~,~:~~~,~~~t.; retail
re.. . ·.'t:: ·;}~,''f'0~\'¡·. .'~\f,~~~·\'
. Tau__ said the, .elecCiOli'o(t,beHariani property;"'s'the result
oføarroviDg c10wn òf'1QCatioDa"."â11âble. ~1 have cöuiderecl many
site. for the past 7.years. lie 'aid the Hariani pr.,pel'tyu Weally
located in the western MCtor. There are SOlIe problcas. but they can
be overcc::ae. He submitted Vallco Park is not suitable for the location
of a regioi181 shopping center. Under the circumstances. he submit ted
that they had done a fine job of designing a center. such things as
tearing d~~ the Sears store and moving it acrOS9 the street,
~-' ,
Hr. Taub:an said that anything over 3/4 ~i1lion square feet would
require building over Wolfe Road and ~ould be similar to the center
he is pr<:~5ing. lie said that with their plan the customer wi 11 be
!orced t~ ~al, u? to one aile. The custooer's safety, both pedestrian
and driv~r. is ~~st important to consider. The separation of cars
a:1d peop:" is '¡..ry important_ With an arterial running through the
center, :: ;::¿~..s this impossible,
~r. Tau~:-~~ 531d two big ~5SUPS are bein~ totally ign~red:
1) The o~ô:c=~r 3nd his or her conveni"uce for shopping.
2) Envir:~~"~t. Finding s~lutions to the proble, of handlin~ car
Mr. Taut--:r. said they are ....illing to cc!:'.::rit thE':!selves to a totally new
concept := ,,~rsonalized tra:1s;:ortation :ro::l the custo:-.ers' hoi:tes to
the sh:r"~~~ c..:1ter. By dc~n; this, t~~y can reduce by 1/3 the ,arking
:>~aces "..."",,l a:1d can reduce the pollut ion level.
Mr. Len :;,,·..:~=.d save a presentation ~.1 i>ia: -A-Ride conceõ>t. :Je showed
slides :: ::~er localities õ~ere this ~as becn succcss:~lly ~nstalled.
He she'.e': ::1 ,¡ I::ap their analy:¡is for 9 zc'!\es for collecting and
distri~u:è~~ peo?le tu and =ro~ th~ shc~?~n~ center. It is their
profc!;s:'.::'"...i: .:-pinion that chis is econ,J:~:":..1:1:: [cd')i..ble. They iire also
con"inct!'': ::-...1: ,1bout 1/3 0: the park:n~ :;p~l~es ~an :e eli=.inated. ~.¡lth
a resultJ=.: r~uction of a~out 1/3 of t:'c traffic in and ar~un1 thc
shoppinE :£~:"r.
Mayor 1,...-::: ~Ù~J J.f this ~een gi\'~" th" ..~-;¡',e,d If th'.s shGppi!1g
center f'::'¿~. :~.lstbilit).- studies arC' i;¡;t.'a~ t !111t '.·c ::::nt t:> kn-::~; '..:hat
is Roin; :...... ;:_1.~rent here a....,d no''':. :·tr. :',.a~..::~~-~r,it S-l"::'¿ he i:, c\)ü;¡,ittin?
the ~li¡":.i:-.:' ':c.!'·;c.~lo¡xnent here and no\;,' t.J i:-:.c.)r?,Jr-:1t~~ t:~:$ s::sterol tù
redUC0 :>.~ '';.s~ Jf the aut~-:~-:le b:-- :'l'J0 :It th·~ shIJr?iu~ í.:cntcr.
Page 7
Coundll:lan Frolich wanted ,to know how many parldng spaces can be
e1f..f...ted.or"'tIbat .does. cbJ.s>COIIe to in terías~9f"eople going to
the center i ·Hr.i'faublUâ:>sa~cic lIIIIOuots tol19~.:0J;' :aøoO people'
uldua .14000 tri's.j·IIi¿~f;~eJ:to Councilman Frò1iCh' S question.
'he said tbê-rê:Våa1d<bå'S'·Ûbtii. with 22 seatlÌVót(· Uc,b 20' long! ;,
bus. '~ "'1. ,', . ~":.,·'::<:~~:;\;,,<;r~7',\,:î,' ' },:,:),·~",t~Z:,:",:,~; ,',' .
i:~/.''jì''., ," "'. ,...., "t1"-,"-/Ü;P' . '0" ><~:l>""
. I,'," " >:,/)¡/'ìH:tÏ . , '~">"}~
Couøc1lIIan'4JacboD' act.:.....ï.dled thb was a verY:l,!ríliiguing idea
and he 1ÍoI1dered whytb18'ps'oþOs.l was the last
minute. ReCloés.Dot like tò1ll8ke a decision bued upon a verbal
presentation on a last-.1Dute proposal, Hr. Taubman said the
planning they have been going through to get thetr!Jse Pemit has
taken two )'8Srs. This conc:ept was arrived at about two years ago.
They have been very concerned as to the direction their develop-
ments are taking. They have been very concerned about these huge
"seas of asphalt" parking lots. They are not selling Ford, they
probably woo't even use Ford vehicles. The Ford Foundation hGd a
part ~: the research on this system.
Council::¡an Jackson asked the Citv Attornev if the Citv Council is
in a positiDn to consider this at this ti~e since it has not been
revieved by the Planning Comci£~ion. The City Attorney said this
is a little different fr~ a legal public hearing. The ?lannin~
COIr.r.'J:::;sion has CDme up y':t:t a plan that they have a??ro",cd and
the City Council can either approve, di5ap~rove or ~odify it or
send it back fer a report. lIe said 'Ie shculd listen to ¿:nything
that is relevant. We are giving latitude. Le~ally, there is no
inhititlon in listening to the presentation for eithèr site. The
issu~ is the feasibility of each site of acconoodating a rc[ional
sho;>,i~t: center.
Mr. Tauboan said the other reason they did not present this car1ie
is b"~ause they never had the opportunity to discuss the kind of
devl'kpment they want to build, \lith the Planning C:;m::¡issian.
Coun~ilt',an Frolich state.: that this County plans to institute a
mixture of dial-a-ride. ~e asked if i~ ::ould be pDssible for this
com?any to turn over their funds to Daxi~i~e transit coverafe.
Hr. 7aubaan sald they would study it, but their direction nolo' is
to e:i~inate ~OO parking spaces. There are tradeoffs involved
Councilcan Meyers asked if they are pro~osing this as a free
servi()e to the custo:aers. :·!r. said no, but they \/ill be
co:::retitive with the no:"Jul bus syste.1I, ...-hic:: is 25c: per ride.
This "''''ans the bus will "<:me to the cu,;t<.c1ler's door and take her
to the shopping center and back again.
Councilman Sparta 8skeel if the CoùDc11 could get a proposed budget to
look ac. }Ir. TlUtøaø said they hâve input budgets, but that information
Is rather confidential at the present t1=e. He answered Councilman
Sparks that he vauld be willing to put dial-a-ride in the Use Permit.
Hr. TaubJ:I8D __red Counc1l1:1an Jackson that there is not yet a sho¡ping
center in Santa Clara County, or in California, that uses this systea.
~yor Irwin caUed a recess at 8:50 P.M. The "!eeting reconvened at
9:17 P.M.
Mr. ~a1ter Ward, Valleo Park General Manager, said he did not come
prepared to oake a presentation at t3is meeting with slides, etc.
He did have thot :aodel of 1::'" shopping center, hmo/e'/er. At the meeting
on Jul~ 24th he will bring slides, etc.
The first thing ~r. !lard wanted to address hj;:self to -..ras Nr. Burkhardt's
stateccnt that this is a less exposed location. Va11co Park is cn
grade IoIi th tbe free...ay an,i has ingress and c~ress fro;'! the free'.,ay.
.\t Mariani, the freeway is depressed. He said they do '~'ffi the right-
of-way for widening of roaùs in Va11co Park and the freeway. He .
agreed that the two 'o'ere not equal. He said 3ears is the largest
retail outlet, and Val1~o Park was their fi~st choice.
1'1'. War.! said he hP.J be"n confused forè.s because tileir consultants
U.:i~J d ¡)~rc~nt3g~ for c:>ngestion and the ~onsultaI\ts used othcr
dC91~r...'t i,,'IIns. lie state;! th.:ìt the problel'u; c~~;'. be solved. :·ra said ~.¡e
are tnlkln,; ..bout congestion at intersection:; "nd n'Jt 0'1 a 2t,-hour
basis. The~' can cor.trol the Hork hour;; :~icè.è~, the de".'('lo?",ent. There
....1l1 be .:'-'n>~estion bet'.:cen 4:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. at either location.
~!r. ::arù ,.,.id tl...r.. ar.. alt..r:\3te Ulcthods to th" cc,ll~ctor!distribut'}r
roads. He s3id d1al-;¡-car sys-t€'J'I1 ha!:a bee:"! :ri~¿ 1:1 a cou;.\!.e of f.:ities
'where it did not ·..ork. 3ccausc of the m:!..x~d us;~s ia Vallco Park,
t;,er" :.,; " great :Ie..',: :>cc ~>ublic trans?orC,t :'c:\. ,:w C"t:nty has bus
line~ th~t ~o to Va!l~o P~rk.
Page 9
Kr. Kon'e noted the Co_ell packet included a statement that they
are in full a¡treement viÚ1 the improvcments that have to be ac-
COD¡>] :s!:ed at VariOU3 1ev~ of develo?::ent . Hhen ú:lplece::tetl,
thcy .~¡l be adequate to handle the traffic.
Mr. K~r;~ said there is o=e ma~or diíferènce bet~een ~he :.c
studies that -:ere done a!'G that ' the traf fic ç;cneratio:-: 2':,,:>rd-
ing to bu:lding s~uarc fo:>~age. He saià JHK used the s~e tr:?
gencra:::n rates. Poi~ts ~e relative to access to Y~ria~: site:
1) the ~~r!ani 5ite Goes ~,t have a co~?lcte interior ci~:u:a:i=n
\/it.~~i::. :.hc center ~:::::.:;-.¡~ Torre ^venue.
2) You ~u"'t !take a laft :'~= going sout:l .on Hlgh\Jay It intc ::-.a
n· h dl n . .
JU~ .an c lnbres~.
3) Peè~~trians are advers~ ~o changing c: elevations, cl~=:~~
steps, etc.
It) Reference "as made to <:~ 1971 rcport :oade ,hen thé:)' tr:e:: :0
deter::ne what ~..ou¡d ;,¿??en to tht' traffic but this st\;::;" ':as
done '~,:ith a no..- oU:'¿a:'~¿ Division (I: Ei~h\<..ays a£5E'ss::en::.
It ~3S based on a ~C~ higher e~p]o~~ent projectio~ !c~ Sa=,:ô
Clara County. This also included hi~~ densitv office s~ôco in
Vall~~ Park. ..
It vas :ent!oncd that th~y said the 10a¿~ay Cffilnot ha~¿le the
traffic i'l 1995. He sa:':: _e !!lUst havc .,':.:it:'.opal access tco 1-220
and their plan was :.:it:- c=ollector/distri::utor 5)",;te~. t:.. :ailed
to :;ce :' r-:ost of ti:ese :':provemcnLs ".:..:-uld he needed, re!;;;!"~..e::s
of the :".:-g:'onal center. E.e said they ca:-:. casil)· rut ::1 ð ::-:-~:-.-
!>ound read along wit:' t:-.... southbound a:re¿dy propose,!. F.'" s~id
peo;>le ...ill also use 5:(:-:"......s Crcek lHv¿, at L-.:rcnce, anë ¡>;c ':o·.·n
Finch A\'enue, there:';; r¿L.cing the traffi,- on '..:01:0 R:,.:i. ::e s"id
they atte~?tcd to find ::~é absolute worst ca~e conðiti=~s :~ t~eir
tile cr af fie.
Ya11c:o has a c::e-nary dev..l. .~ rather than t...o. His p1aø has a
srez deal "f :.mdscaping. Be 15 proposing five department stores; tbe
Xar1.ani Mal~ ~s four. Bot!:l b&'..e sltylite oall,; and activity c:.eI01te:"s
&:all! various ::~~s of importa:;;ce.
~. Butterf:~:: said dissf~"~-~~les are thc fact that Va11co has a
,.ark.1ng re~EC.~ ::-e3ted by r3e !~,,=cial cen¡;er. It can !Ie oue:J ~:l
r~ off t:~,.-¿::. t!-le sho?;:' -¡ ce.:.¡:er peaks .,:-:d t!,C people at ~he
!i-~:lclal C:C.:¿: ·..ill have Ie!:. :::e said V.tllc" h3~ ?')"C! visi=::~r:r
=~~ t~e f:~i £y. y~u can ~.~ :: ~ither side of t~c road ~~t~~: :eft "'a:":: _!·:"~3.dy has 1. .::~=s jt.ore. al~d it C.:innct be ir~:-¿·
V.:. Butt~r:-:'i:: .l$ked for t=..e. -:-;::-~t'.L"1:'ty ñt the next ~e:! :.;: ":¿
-i1TeD eqca: :-~~ :ðr h~s pre.i.=::'é:':on.
~. Sheld~" :-:::'\, Presic!e.:: ::: ?hil1ip I.yen, Cordon a.-.d C=;:a:l'r.
f 5-&c! they "j. .. '¿~n n'lol';~ := ::::s !:Iusincss f.:>r about 45 :rea:s.
I~. Lyon i$ ':':~.$:'':t..·r~d une :: ':.~.e :eadin~ th·~.bers :Jf the ~::d~:=:." ~~
·-5 0': ~"'-.-- . ~..~ ,. .·IC·~-"""" 'C'- r .. .rr' t! . Cf'" ,-.- ·-c:· ~- ~"'p.
'-__ ...... .__ ~..._..~ uc .-r--.:!.." _t:: C.c 11;;, 11.: - ~y I......¡;.... -- .. - .......
I~=ter S"Ò:-.:::C: 3: th" C:~,...:~: "'_""t~¡'" on J::ly 16th.
I "'..r. Gardo:> '.'~ :,::\t fir!lt :: a..:.:, ¡;;-.e V:\llc.' sita ':a. =~.., #1
Ic..-·-~ce of.. " ·...~:;:n~ ùc¡:·r--..&'--· ~-c·e 'n tl ~ "-",,,,1' r~ 'I<~e-z-- .. :..L.
___ ...._ _"",,,_. _ _~__ .._.. __ .l- ''-. _. ,~ _ ...._~ .....:¡
I:.=-t. conc~r:' '::<.i~_i.;hcJ. bi :::.~ :-';',:r.:::.n:" Clr.¡"1:~-;iv:1. lhi.~ -.:::'<1:: :~a.:.
j -..... dis;l.1:·~''': ;:-.l'·-:1icallj- ~::.:e-:;:-i::s t:-w r,.,l~ -,,'~1l1ù' ra':"~: ·.:i:: :;:3.:.-
=:-: many :"I..':':~ :~~ ...~"Me_ He s&.~ ::d.5 City d":i a ~rt·..1t o?;:~r:·.:::~::;
:-~: d~vcl.:.: ~.= :>r..~ Jal.Jac.e.-":' ::zr::'__-:...t::." it ·.·jl~t.;.
. ¡!It'''
Page 11
.'; "
. - ;,:~,,:: ;.-~-:_~. '!(~;':' < ~
~'~> . OD. said it is c:orreatuc .£he mall
'_'~_!ceritos C'ce this siae is -.c:cèssful.
,. .- "..,.:......:..,
Iff I"Y-ed a very innovative plaa.
.... to ~be dial-a.-ride, Mr. Gorðoa said they are a....are of tbis
~ 'xIt are ~.:ertain as t:; the feasibility of it. He feela
~ Yallc:o Fa.:-Ì< ::'s a very logical destinatiC'n Foint for a transit
~. He Bd,..:..ledgcd that the !"..ariani plan for elimination of
~ parking è~ei< :s good. !at he ~estioned ~~~ther thp de?ar~n
~ are ,c::':: '::l to reduce the :pea parkinr. S"IIC~S, based 0:1
doe .ystcm. In add~t::'= to the parkin~ f1exibil~t:r.
T~lco Park ~:: :~~ opportuwit:r 0: ~:ilizing tr.e transit s:~t~
~¿ ?erhaps ¿:~:-3-ride as vell.
- '. ...."
is 1,000 feet lODB;
He said they have
!tr. _alcer ~':.'!-": :'J.:d Vallee ~s ~t.erested in 1T'I.1~~S trans':t in the
::ounry. ya.:.:::':'$ !ntere5::~ :..: ~~H:; environ~~("r..t. Because o~
~!>£ residen::,,: :~ thc per;.:..e:;er, \-",:lco has "x¡'crienced a fev
~o~lea~ t.:'!t:. : ¡: nef¡:hbors .:.:t :e-;..-d to fcncjn(~. etc. O:le th:.~~
T":lcc ParI.. ._,:-_:; like to ..~=-i:: -.-:t~_ the City ("In is socoe I<;:>d of
~~te1l or j"':~: i':'~ort to tr:' S?:é ::! the mcthr'ds of no:se bar:"~£r
~n1c:ularl: «_~:"d to the ire"....; _ He hope,," there will be s~..,-
~~ workc= :_: :-Hwcen \-..:¡c~ ?"::-'" the ho:::",,·.,'nen and the c:.~~-.
Goc.cilaan ~:".~:, ;t"ked ~r. -,¡u:. :: ...-:;:1 ify on the statC:"è:\t c:
::c: !:>ein¡; Ie.': : ,:':1S. ~Ir. -.-~=-c: £"0 that L< at Sears, "y the
~rvi.c. stn::. ':-.. The ~uljc of t;.:..t: :.r,¡;¡!:ic on :·\'If(" Road ..:cul¿
1U.k.e right,. !::a"tbou.-:-:' tr&!!:': at Sears, near TV':', is
ha5ically t~< ~c:v left tur~.
~ poi::~. :"."tell",,.,, ..'a.::~-~ TO"'; his July 18, 1973 :ener
~resseð tc ~'::< Irv¡n, ..i~:. :::;;'"s. to th.. orlwr Cou:1cil-,:",
::'e staff. ::~-:: :~::>~ ilulL :.:: 1.£::: .:-.'-:: ;1nd CrL~.a Studic~, J:~l: .&
&£.¡":)c1atcs. ','.:~~,".' ~"'.u:~ Lt::', a.=.:: :: :'it::storc ¡'r"lì-"crtie!~. i:. '.:=..:ch
t¿ as.ked 25 ~-;:.:.::.:::'c c¡uc:~t:==.s. ~-:!'~:....:: relate,! to traffil:. He:
---tted t:.:~: :::t. r1.1n:1:::~ C~:~.,..£~::~ and the staff h..1.\'~ lone a:l
e%=el]ent j.....::.. ~~......·...e\"í"r. ~~:: ¿£:.::.~_:-.':-j: made. have to sta~d U? :')
:=-~tical a~~::::" ~:::.. It Is e-xr-e~:~-:: :;-¡:- princi~"';11~: will !"L.:'~.:~t tc
:..i:aes-e quest i.::"'.~ ,¡:. suhscque:::. ~~~:.:..:-..~s.
e 12
IIaJor Irwin called a recess at ·10:30 P.M. The meeting reconvened
_ 10:4S P.M.
}~i'LStewart Clark, Larry Sa!I1th~;.~any, San Francisco, said he vas
" enting Kac:ysDepartaeac' '.' ',\ 'He said the Council has in their
:a letter (roa;Hac:,..;{';""~bàve reac:hed(thé;,cónclusion the
t....: ; Halanld 1stbe..t..:a..e.~. :~1o,,;.~.'.,"'.,;....., ¡¡{the standp()1Íit',:OíSa1...
: . '" ' . ,~'~Ion,hoveve#~;b'~ciclon the
g c-'..s!on's dec1s1oèj~;'! l'e. assuming an;aij."itude of
:'. 81ity. 'r; . <c
f~>'~}":>, :'
~ltant Levy wanted to rev1èv,:fåcts brought out by Valleo Park and
lIKj.ani Hall at this meeting. E#ept for the dial-a-rlde presentadon,
dilly were essentially the s_as presented previously. The positive
(..,~ts outveighed the negative iapacts in the minds of . the Plannin~
co..ission of the Vallc:o Park location. The traffic' discussions have
beeo gone over in detail. People are going to argue that the number3
are too high. What has slipped a bit from the discussion is the City
deciding on la~ uses and the private seetor telling what is best fr~
their point of view. The ~jor criteria is the way the Planning
~ssion r¿ad the final core area land use plan, ,·ith a very high
en?hasis ~G ~~e ability for the Highwa¡ 9 area to be a low density area,
~or Irwi~ 3~~cd for co~ent3 from the audience.
~. Mauric~ :'5hea, 20367 Clay Street, said thcre a1:e about 23,000 res i-
~ts in C";,~=cino, and abO'.1t 5.646 houses. The e¡;timated $1 mil1:'on
i:¡,::o:ne for .::~ City fro"," t;-.e si:o?ping ce!\ter could instcad be ach :cvcd
:OJ. an addit '~"al $200 per hcu3e per year in CU.Jerlino. :1c said the
r~al issue ~~~e is the qual~ty of life in Cupertino_ It locks like
¡;;¡ese she;, o::~ centers -,'uuld produce traff ic to the extent that the
I ;uãlity of : ofc in Cuperti:tc ....ill deteriorate. He doubts that yoa
could mov~ :.:' Saratoga or Los Gato3 or SOMe uth~r place ~::r that $200
?er houscL~:.i ;er year nore than you are pay',n~ today.
~. Carl F::~~, 10295 Vic~~burgþ has been a resident of CU?êrtino fur
17 years :¡".i on this Valley for 32 years. ¡';¡¡cn you look at the mess
:>n do·.o/:1 :'t"':~"S Creek :!l-:d. a...,d et:,er parts J' the ValLey y"u hav~ to
5õy th¿!t C~::-::':-tino has do:.e a g~od job $0 far. He ~ee1.~ t~ere ;!rc
e:1ough ?L::~:; ~)';.·l to ~¡;(;~(i 0".1'::' :'Ã:-ney; the 1~ajor ?r(\bl~:'1 i.s ::1 i:;cttir.:"':
.::r..cug,ë-. t;::' ~~':::~j. We dO:1't¿ ~rc ¡:,eop1.e anJ '..¡e d'.J:).'t nt....(~d I'lore
?la.ce::; to .;?":.! ~'"\\1r m01h:.:~. ~:e ::':,:;. 't need í.lC':-c. r~siJencf'!:; ~ithc!". :·.~h;¡t
·.e t'1e~d í:i _ ::.3 for the ?~.::¡;>:e :..11'') live in CU~o.!rtino, a:d those job:> to :"',"1'. '-':"~"'li;h ~o hOe ca:: a:f:;rd theM. 1~02 o..'ork3 ;:'it iL~o:i~~t-P;!ck.\rc!
a:1d it onl~' :..1:...c:; hi.1O 3 ::';;1utc£ t~ ~;o to ';.~Qrk. He ~.'oulfl li~e to see
i,;,:tcrnatè :::;~·.:~l~~3 ()f e~:-lco.";"'::cnt :1c:tr his Ì1o-:eo lie also ,,"'ante,j to 'L~k
I < ~ ~ a t r . .. ,. ", - t c, 't" - '" t -., - . i ' 1'· - . . ; " 1- - - b·'··'···
:;.. __ :..~.: l~~:.. ..ur ..e ".oc.;x rc..l,Son "',",. l~e_")..l.o U":Þ od...e O_L..\I.>C
_.. t..e s..:..':?:' :..~:¡; center f;C('S .l.n Va.llco Park he 18 J.eaving.
Page 13
Hr. AU H. Hodine. 10385 Prunetree Lane. GupcrtillO. said he is
between a rock,and a bard pl~e. hð ';IIIJUS..t they were through whe
tbe battle about a Vestddge.hóppin¡ center was defeated. h. the
event we, have'a regional ceiatir'at'VaUco Park he said you can bet
Mariani won't be,s1ngle faaily residentiaL He does not agree wit
down :onlngofthe'Mar1anl property, He told the Councll that if
tiley think he. is ud about tbe 8hopplnR center, they should hear
h1~ talk about public ~using~ He was in favor of no sho~ping
center, but to leave tbe Mariani zoning, He asked if tne Council
has considered the present load of traffic of Scars on top of the
proposed center. He does not believe that leaving the re=inder
of Val1co Park unca3nitted property vacant is a good idea. If
the regional centcr goes to Hariani then Val1cu Park can be
developed industrial. If the property values keep going u, he
yon't be able to afford to live in his heme.
:·:r. R:ll C",] (os, 19790 Auburn, Cupertino, "aid he Mo\'ed to e'.,.,e!"U::
fr<'", R,'r:heSl(:r, ~ew ):crJ: six months al!o. ¡;c "'orks in Pale ;.1to
but ,a:' 't aff"rd to I !v" then, or in Los Altos Hills, ,,~ ¡-.C ::loved
to Cu~e,.t rn" hecause he'd heard this "as a goo:! place to rnise the
c:<l¿:--¿::. He lived in a s1:1al1 tOh·n vhcre a .::;hor?in~ c'?:1t(r c~".e
in al'.! :.., did not likc ,,.h"t h"'pper.ecl to that art'a. He S:1ÕÙ he
,",cold !>e ~or" than ·"il~ õng to pay the extra $200 p..r year in t¿",c,·
:1r. EJ. t.:'?dl~:~r.¡¡ff, 19621 Drak(t Drivct ClIpert.Lno, stated the
Ccun,~il '~'as i.n receipt ('If a pet':'tion sig.~~(~': 0:-' p20plc '..:h? did n~t
want a. rcg1\Jual snopp::1?,. cC:1tE:r. more traffic t pollut4Jn, cr tL'
char:.-;.e the rC'sidential nature of the C:ty. The incTea::;(~d re·:cnue
wou.': not out'~eigh the ;'en"fits. He said S Ollt uf 10 peo~ 1 c
contacted signed this petition; about 1 of 10 ,,'cre in fa\','r 0: the
!o;1o:,!':r,g center on the basis of convenience or reduced ta:.:es.
Ahç!,t!: 10% w~re undecided. He said that in ~lr. ~.Jard's rres(2ntation
he was glad to hear the," are not going to encrol1c:h on residential
areas. He is also concerned about noise pol1ut'ion. and he 1!\'es
on Drake Drh'e, adjacent to 1-280, south of the í-:olfe Roa¿lI-280
intersi'cti0l1. He rea¿ fro", a publ ication ab"lIt the delet!>r ':'fJU:>
effect òf noise pollution. He presented a ch:lrt of no!se l~vels
at which han.fu1 effects occur:
Hearing 10s~
~xtr~auditory physiological effects
'::r..:..~.ì interierence
Interruption of sleep
75 - 85 db
65 75 db
50 - 60 db
35 45 db
Ht! said that what has been nea.mrE'd is in the nei!;hborÍ1C1od of
75 db steady, with òlith peaks to 85 db. .hey expect the cllality
of I ife to be degraded in their neighborhood with any escalation
of the noise. .\n off-ra:n? from 1-280 to ¡¡aU" "ould brj!l,~ tne
traffic closer to his ho~e; hence, noise and air polluti~n "ill
be increased.
Hr. Upde¡nff saiJ the Deed fOJ" extra funds bas not been dellOnstrated
to his utisfaction. Be u1.d he'd heard one lady say it vas tbe
destiny of Cupertino to --,-- the hub of the Valley. Be added that
he and other residents of Oø,ertino ha~e no desire to sacrifice the
quality of life for c· -rc1al expediency.
Mrs. Ju¿y Tembrock. 20791 Scofield Drive, CupertinO". said she does
not want ~ reg10naL sbopp~ center because it would create the vrons
atmosphere and because it vould be cent~red around the autogobile.
She does ~t ~ant to have our town t~at busy, ~h~ppin~ at Eastridge
is over?OVering to her. ~ =ain purp~5: of a regional shop?ing center
is to brins norc people to the community. Until.e develop some
alterna:e =~~ of transrottatfon she does not believe Cupertino can
have a ~e;i~nal shop,~ng c~ter. A re¿i~~al shopping center is not
esscnt:z: :0 t~e life sty~e of the r~sijents of Cu?ertino.
Mr. R. :. ~:¿~:tzer. lQÇ~~ ?ha~ La? Dri~et asked -;hat :h~ traffic
~ear.s t: J.:;. H~ is cc~c~r:::£:.d ·",-.:ith th~ e':è~-yday tri;s that the rc:)id~:1tG
haole t.: ":..Ù;.~. ~1'Jre a~':' ~J.:"'e ?eoplc :",\r'...' :-i>;::nning t~ r~~ the red li~~~,:.;,
partic~:~~:y ~it:1 Ief: t~~~:. This _::.:~:¿:~5 S~C,!th~~2. These
prob¡~~~ ¡=2 ~0i3; tc ~~:~ ~~ we inCr0~~} :~2 tr~~~ic a~~ ~t3rt
d!.-..u·...:.:-:: ~:.:~::'-... :.·r,:".,. c::,::.:.~-; -;~r ar..;>:l. ...~:; t;:2 l':tt:~ ;:,·:er-:d..1.Y
h.:l..;ll~;:-. :....:¡: ::.:~t~ h:= :::: ··~:..~t a rl!\-~.~~·..;. :::'~:,)?p::1~ C3:-.tS:" h~re. ::¿
·.;CU]ù :.':.-.2~ ",.: the ~:::-~"",¿ tax",;,
. '''-..,. "':.....-_. ~"'r,.. . -;...ur1!) . -'rt-'·· -.. ..... rp-'l"
r"·1.,~· -~.........~, '''-~..'''' .3, .., _- ~"'o.'-":... 1 r,·...:'. ':~:._._ :.:.0, ,.-~..... ....; _..u.."
í~: :~~:.:::: ..:,~:~~~~>...-::t~ ~~~ = re~io:~:,' :'~';.~.~:.>!: '.;e:...:~r, t~lC: ba,:s
I-~ 1'-..· 'H", t.......:.._1C, 0;...._ ::¿:>~ty {.:.:-:.' ,-. .:~1.t:. r:?.-':' 'i :;:Jrt~."'::
1.=. f ~1 1 ~ ~ ~ :, ~ ,-' _~ ~~ ~', ~:.': : t ?'" :- ~ ~ : : .= ~ '~~ ~ a i l~.. (;~;:~~. ~ ~ .~: ,,,'~ '1: .. 3 ~ ~ ~ _ :. .-. ~ ~ ~~ l-,1-~' : .:~"
I··uu..t. -.-... ~,....\.~ ...'-1 __ _~', ...._f t.;,-·_,._~_t..c; ........-1........'_, ....'.It ''¡C :,ti!',
",;oHL,~ ;-,,::::- :.:~.~ ,)t:lcr EC: :: ;'J~ to c"::::-.;::.: ··':'t!\. l':-:é.re ',;i:1 he a h>l·':.t
in t:~I~ ::--:¿ .a.=--t"'.~ :f a ::. :;'::::l:? center ·;;"'....?roved.
~:ì:. ¡:-.. ~,~ , .~~:300 Va~:E'::;::e€:n DrÎ\·~".
I J~ th~ .~-':::'::'.":;1:' ~l:~I~..:.-:-.:. :.::. Cl.:.~ert :r:,'
~ :kl' =-:-: .::~~'".::Ler(' ..-~=:.:: :"'.~ life sty:.'.
tr~,.1.--'~: '::-:','~ \.~t1 ~.:'):",!: ~.~.-e to tho! !:..":-
C~:~~~ti~o. _?~~a ~~ bcha!i
"..: :iv~ ;:~:: ~~:&~~C they
. ,,' s.r··~ ~hêl!: '_':-.-=:. r a? id
.\ <:'.'1..~.:~1;: ~.:-:-":e:". Alth.''..;,;;,:.
ta:<......s .~::: ;'~.:.~t..',; are :~:....<'. ::-. Cu~.H!rt :-..~. ::'.è~· i1fe 5t::'il :=33 than i:1
P.ll" :.~::.. "::.;i~·.lt.ùg...t ä::¿ :.~:: ,~ltcs.
I.'~r -,-, " .. "":~:..: '14 oJ' :::..: ~ ';~"'rt \.,.; . ··_".-t ·_11" ;J·,·e·.... .. '.-.-. l'--"t "
.... .._._.......<.:,......_..._~fI::......,g .~.;,...,...L. _, ..<':o._~;;~"" ~
y(t.aT~ ¿::_... .~~¡..: ¡i:I:; :=;eE:... _...:. ,...c:i~l(':·::~~'::: .: ~Hhb R:ar~ . ..-- .1. S:-:~;.:l:
rOoid :...: : :·r,,'c·.:a::. ::.:: _~_:. t:.t:' t.;''-~l:. -..--'_;T' .:l :>..."l.õ ":'_~.~f· the h.<.:'
c·· ,~"-"- T.- t,~,.__ :.~-~ ....G~S I' ..'.'.'.'~._'_".'1~. .,_o. ,....,. '1..._
I ." .... ..... . 'Ii <..I.. l...... -.... ~ t \.:. ;1 , . _. :::-,~...'t."':' _J ¡¡:,.
1 ,I.." . -, -. ~o., .. C -'. - - - . -..... .., , . J I ,
........"'..- ......- ,.1" ....1\. ..'d.... ._".. :...~'!f· d' 1. ~. :,~t· I - ~ C =-:~ .¿é.;....:~ t
. ...... . . .~ ... - ..
l'e"1r...i .~::_ :~iy ~..'h0 li"'t!S :.::. the City <..:~:. th:'s ::: t:-.e~'r(>;1tt!st
ttH::(~ ~ :.:-.:¿ (".1.:1:\l"d. hce=.
JL'LY 18, 1913 .\DJO¡;r~'\:!:D llECUI-'\R CITY COt!:;C.'L rrre.
Page 15
!fro Ben C;~:~:"I~, 10401 uY;:lla Drive, L()~ Altos, has a 1()n~-term
associ at:::: ,-":::. Cuperti:1o. ñe ackno,dcdged that the Plannin~
COmmissi:::: :::5 äorked Ion; a3d bard, but he tec]3 that all these
charts ~~: ~s5u~?t1o:"ls are b~sed on a total ~bscnce of aa~s transi
He bcli~.€, :~~ Council ~s~ realize it is '=?crative. He believe
the c~al:~ ~~:~ nothin~. !f one as~~~ptio~ is wrong, then the
entire C~-.:>3i1", is ·,:ron~.
Hr. R31 ?':
Cu::,cr::: -:
}~ar:'an::' :'-
¿evel:~' _
wit:" t;:~
;:e art..... ::
a:1d fUi:
bel ic\". 0
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/s/ Keith E. Irwin
~~yor, City of Cupertino
\1;::. ~. Rvder