CC 07-24-73 . . CITY OF ct?ŒTINO. STAtE OF CALIFOR.'UA 10300 Torre Avenue. CuperUno. California 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 CC-l64 Page 1 IIlH 11'ES OF THE ADJOUUED IEGULAJl MEEt1SG OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL IU!LD 01 JULY 24. 1973 IB THE HJ1ITA VISTA HIGH sotoOL AlJDlTOlUUH ~ur&IU ~. CALIFORNIA Kayar IrviD called the ~iDB to order at 7:18 P.M. BOLL CALL Counciloen present: Frolich, Jackson, Meyers (9:20), Sparks, Mayor Irwin Council::en a!lsent: None Staff present: City Manager Quinla~ City Attorney Ad~s Director of Ad-inistrative Services Ryder Director of Pla~~ing and Develo;ment Sisk Director of Public ~orks Viskovicb Associate Planner Cowan ConsultÅ~:s .resent: Eoon==:c Consulta~t Levy Traffic Consultant Gooårich Court Reror:er: Katherine A. Pettibone A.t¡NOU~L':::~;¡5 Mayor IT.in announced that the one-day-01d ~arbage strike had been sett:e¿. Cupertino residents "'~ðse garb~e had not becn collecte-; ...ere instructeè :0 leave t:,,,ir garbage can,; out and it will ::;, .:.:>llected with:r. a day or t-·o, as it can be added to:> their re~~lar routes. The ~~yor warned t~at there will probably have t.: ~e an increase in the bill no~; details have not yet bee worked .:'\;t. Mayor ltõ'~n said the Econo~ic Consultant ",ould, at this meeting atteM;'t t.: ?:ck up sane 0: t:-.e loos" ends and ?ut t:len into context. A:ter that, t~eTe will be t~e opportunity for ::ore comments :=c~ the audience. Evcryo:>n" ~~o wishes to, will havc the op?=rt~~ity to be heard. -164 . 2 "r! t ten Coaa. rec'd , Uled .. - MINUTES OF THE JULY 24, 1973 ADJOl!RNID CiTY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Irvin lIJIDOunced that the Town Hall Forum scheduled for Honday. July 30th. has been cancelled in lieu of another General Plan meednR. Next week. the General Plan .meetings will be held on Honday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Mayor Irvin said the general fOØl8t of these meetings will be s1ailar to those at td8 Planning Commission level with the exception that the City Council v1l1 only go into as IIWch detail as is necessary. The Una1 vote will be to accept or DOt to accept this General Plan. The shopping center issue will be voted upon first, then the town center. and then the other properties will be reviewed. Whether the pro,erties are large or small, they will be viewed with equal importance. WRITTEN CœlMlJNICATIONS Mo¥ed by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Frolich to receive and file the written communicationa. Motion carried, 4-0 PJBLIC HEARING: 1973 General Plan Mr. Levy said he, Mr. Arnold, ~. Goodrich and the staff have received a larg~ list of 1uestions. As the discussion progresses, he will try to an~"er all these questions. The discussion thus far has been, at the City Coun.:il level, arcund the Planning Cor:mission's adopted plan for the c~re area. We have started with three plans: 1) Plan oriented aro~nd ~~ridni Mall; 2) Plan oriented around Val1co Park; 3) Plan oriûntcd around no regional center. It "as very c1e,lr to JoIr. Lev~' that in the ninds of the pecp1e who spoke at the last meeting, not '~1ich location, but rather whether or not we really want a regional c~~ter in Cu~~rtino. Two major questions emerged: 1) Do we have 5ufficient information to oake the decIsion; and 2) Are these numbers on the Traffic Su~ary 1980 - 1995 correct? It loIas felt that certain "iC'ces ,'f infor",,·tion that are critical we:e omitted. Councilman Froi ich has asked whether thes~ numbers reflect a status quo about transit. C.:uncil~n Jackson had a long list of ~uestions that we will atte01?t to ::nswer. Some of th~ residents' rer:.arks were that the á",,,unt of traiiic is not "'orth the extra lIIoney. They have stated that they lIould be '.'Ïl1ing to ~ive up the money. Another interpretation that c~~e u? at the Planninl Cu~issic is the argu."Ient about the rezoning of a lot cf fr::':1tag::' cC'=ercial, with the result that the City 1o:ould be givi:t;; up a let uf r..¥cnue. The matter of the character of the City ~as ,",cighed very heavily by the Planning Cocmission. Mr. Levy said the decision on the regional s~epring center relates to the parks progra~, beautifi~ation ?rogram, open space and other amenities related to tax revenue. . . MIHIJTES OF THE JULY 24, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-164 Page 3 llayor Irwin asked for c01llDents from the audience. JacUe Ball. 10629 Baxter Avenue. Creston SubcUv1sion. said she vas speakina neitber for nor against the shopping center. She was not representing an organized group. She said every Planning eo-1ssion dltCisioD was \!lade by weighing the positive and the negative iJllpacts. They recØlllllleJlded a regional shopping center st Vallco Park after considering no regional shoppinR center and having on8 8t Harlani site. She would like to have the econol'lics thoroughly explored at this meeting. She has submitted a written set of questions which she would like to have answered. Mrs. Hall said ~he matter of spending the potential revenue was not t~orough1y explored; sUFPosed1y. it will be in ways beneficial to the residents. F011~~ing are some of Mrs, Hall's questions: 1. Cuper~ino is a Ceneral La~ City. Please ex?lain the differenc ~~r~een a General La~ and a Charter City. 2. '~at are the sourc~s of revenue available to Cupertino1 ~::at percenta6e comes from property and sa:es taxes? 3. Is there any way the City can ear~ark fun¿~? The Goals C:~ittee was told that this was not possi~le. 4. ~:. ~ight th:s revenue be spent: parks, o~en space, or what? ~~~t portion of the revenue can the residents rea~onably ~x?ect for. say. a youth ~rchestra, a theater. public .orks :="j~cts'L ¥.rs. ~all pointed out that tte park district extends frLm Lo~ Cato all t~.'" way to Mountain Vi(":, and C..pcrt .110 <,'0'11ri n"t occupy lhl' 11 .,,:rity in t~,e Park District 's vie·...s. She a,ked if there lS any ~u~ralllee t;,at a port 1o" ,,£ this ant Jr ipated rf'venue ,,'oul d be spent to help kee? our hills ":,en and r,rc-cn and und..v..lot'ed. S;,e sai¿ ~',' had better consider ;:-ublic o~'lIcrship if ,:c ....lnt our hills to r<:-ain undeveloped. Mrs. ~all said there are mal1Y ner-ative ir..pacts reJating to the re,:"::.!l shopping center such as traffic, air and noise pollution and :~~ feeling of human dir.inution, as ~ell as the character of the '::t::. The !act oust b" C'onsid"r..J that the City ··:ould be sadJ·.·J '.lith the project for Years to co:"e, 'w-hether or not it is sUC'\7t'.>sful. Plu$ :actors include the convenience of nearby, fully diversified shOF:i~g, perhaps a future mass transit, and a source of ~~n- tec!'::>'c3l e:np10yt!1ent. -164 ace 4 HIIIITES OF THE JULY 24, 1973 AD..ìOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Hrs. Hall SUSgested that 1£ DO commitments of the revenue can be made we would be taking a big gBahle. Another point to consider is. 1£ it i8 cleteralned a shopping center is not viable for the City of Cupertino then there will be DO revenue from that source. She asked what that _s in tems of ecoQOlRic health of the City. A pivotal quéstion is what the decision of IIØ regional center would mean in texas of the General Plan, in te1'llS of the rest of the core area, Whether we are clevelopers, conservationists. land owners of parcels in the core area, or hOlDeowners on 7500 sq. ft. lots, she thinks we should hear about this matter of revenue. Alma Dippel, 10402 Somerset Court, said she '~as representing SPACE, Sensib1~ People Against Commercial Excess. They were fresent to register objections to ,botb super shopping centers. She said the three largest shopping centers in this area are Valley Fair, Westgate and ~yfield Hall. Mariani Mall, if developed, "~11 be 2.5 tines as big as Mayfield Mall. Va11co Park's plans are for a center 3.5 tiMes as big as Mayfield Mall. She went ("ler the details of the traffic study. By 1995 the traffic on our maj('r streets ",ill be douhled, even w:th West Valley Free".·ay completed. She questioned ~hether ~e really want 14 lônes o~ 3ighway 9 and 15 la~~5 on Stevens Cree~ 31vd. Mrs. Dippel said Val1co Park also had a traffic analysis. '.he shcp?in~ center t¡,,,re ",ould add 54,000 trip., additional per day. I· 280 no" handles S~.OOO trips per da:·. Their consult"!lt,; have ¡:ro'ecte¿ 25% of their :ri;:s ,,:ill co,...e in,.. :he tree-.:ay aad 75% fruM C:t;.· õ:=eets. She asktJJ. ~!cssrs. Leunard a::¿ ~!ar:ani hel: they can plan èeva: :;:'::.ents that ~'n: ,','",?ound tr~ffic ;:ro1>101'5 that ,,,ill destroy r.:j?ert:"~'5 asset t¡~.i: J:i~rs qtJal~t:: of l~fe. She added that tldial-a-bt:::;" i!:i dO eXí'~r:~i'''e opt ion t;¡at is ~o snlution. Nrs. Dippel ~;aid that lêi~t _eck !,'oil :¿r ~.:1rd suggec;te:d the level of pollution ·....ould drc? :..: ~e')!,ie would tr.\·:~l less if t:-.ere is a ';¡II)P?ing center nearby. Sh~ ~~:ot"nds that if t~¿ speed of a car i~crea.:¡es the amount of carbon i:1c~eases. She add,,! that Idle_~ld Greea Subdi,ision, near 1-28Q, has a ser:~us noise r:: :ut ion proÞ1.ç,.:t. Mrs. Dippel 3aid the enly th:n; in favor of a super shGpp:~~ :e~ter :n Cup.:!rtlI:': ·..auld be t!·c 5ales tax re'lenue. She belleve~ this ~eed5 ex?loring. ~he :;3~d the a'/~:"agc salec revt."nlle frQ7t re~io~~l £h~;-?ing centers i:o Santa Clara Ccun:y os $59.00, which conflicts considerably with th~ ¿¿ve10pecs' fiRures. . . MINUTES OF THE JULY 24. 1913 ADJOtWlED CITY COUNCIL MEETßG Mra. Dippel 9aid one of the developers bas stated that tbe Goals Report justifies a regioøa1 shopping center in CuperUøo. She said'it is mentioned as only one of seven methods of pining .c revenue. And it does not "'P"'"k to a shopping center of that aagnitude. !tn. Dippel said the Plann1:1g Commission's deliberation took place over the past seven nonths and some 35 evening _etin6s. They sh=ed remarkable devotion to plow through all tbis data, She said if the data had coae forward earlier the residents would have co:e forward sooner. She said she represented the residents who live here. She ~ed the City Council to listen to the resi dents 0: Cupertino, not on:y the developers. She asked that they don't seèl our peace of ~~Dd for developers' dollars. Ms. Jerry Baurr, 2092~ Pe?~er Tree Lane, said she is ~t an anaJyst ~ut can o~l: tel: ~er feelinßs. They noved to Cu~ertino "n 19~3 ~~C3use of tt~ q~a::ty of life here and because ~f the sch0("1~. She ~:o:"ke¿ :-~ a ~e:erendum some five years agoJ. Sh2 predictè: that service stations would be closing do.~, as they h¿1VC :'¿.:::".. f;hp. laë:¿.:£:~ <::-.-:: regional ce:1ter pr0rosãl as "tl;c rape of Cu;.=t:~,,", She sa:d s:-_e sensed a cr..dibilily ga;:: c: sc:-.e of these :.:.:".¿...v,,"ncrs ·...·h~ sa:: r··....e" and, ir: fac.t, 1 J.ve in 3aratoga. She ::;a"i': ~!r. Ric:'es, -.":.:: .:;~:ke ior the Nariani ~~al: ~t C:;lli~):- SchC"lol :.~ ~l rc>si¿en: :;:,: ::''5. Alto!=;. h'1ot,1er L':.~~ Alt=~ resièe:"..t. Me. (1~:;=", tried t'O ~~:::-::cze our traf.=ic pro~!e"'s. S:-.., ·.oaèered ~hat t~¿:~ interest is. ~:~~r than financial. S~e ¿~es net feel that ::-.':2 alr..ibhty djl:a:- =:-_:-::ld take precedence over r::~5C:.(;E: 0: :'linå. Hr. Fr..1::s. ~!ulkern. 2::::'ú .~·_::.estead Road. represent~n~ tr.e Cha~b~~ ~f C0wmerce, ~~~~ ~ ?repared resolution. 5t~t:n~ th~t tIu> Ch~-_:-¿r has alva::; tr:'=:' to '·;(\rk \.¡ith the City a.~-: cl:,sel}· folhw$ :C;; decisi,,:-.~. 7:-_~ Cha,ber endorses the co::c<:;-·t c: a balan~('.-: .:'l':r.:7!unity. :t :'.;:-:~.er supports the :-our €.)~:~ 0:-. busiuC's:: Je\'í'lvp:nent i:: C''':;'-i:rt ino to derive n....;.·C"llt.:t: :r-::-- ~t:;c~ sourc....s ~-;'5 :,'cll as t:-.~ t~:-:=.=o.·:ner; to develop source.s s: c:·.;l.::>:--:::.en for r(,~:':è:1lS of tr..e clJ=.-:t;:-.:ty; to provide services t~ t:lé CO~U:1::::, and to ~i:->'::-:~':ze:. environ7!1cntal irr~pacts as ó res;.:!.:. of businè5:: :n Cupcrt ::-¡=. :.~=-. ~1ulkcrn further stated t: ~t. t::(; Chal~lbè':" rC('Llgnizes t::l: ¿C".2:cp::ìCnt oi a rcgj ona] ccn:er ~ ~ this area i:; :nc·¡itable. :~ :1.:: in Cupertino, it ~'ill be :':::;¡t~-:j in clo~~ ~rox¡nlity t~ C~:?2::ino, thereby saddlin~ the r,:si¿ents with t::e n("f,ati\°C::. :;-?~'::'5 a..:.d without the r('\I('l1Uc. ~o;: :::.:""!i¿ a rE'giona: shop;,ing cc::ter r::'o:es Cu?cortino the unique :::';;;::'!!:unity to ach:¿',,~ the bala;-.cc:~ cc.~"nity sroken tu in the G~ a: s Re;>ort. On a '::O:-"£èl"V~1tive est:'~at~. it would create 3000 nc·"'" jobs for residen:s in Cupert::? an¿ ~o~ld provide services nee¿~d in Cuperti:l". lIe said t:oe ~=ber unrest!rvedly endorses the develop ~ent of 3 rcgional shoppi~¡ center in Cupertino. CC-l64 Paite 5 . ~ ¡ . . . -164 e 6 ES OF THE JULY 24. 1973 ADJOÐIlCED CrTY COU1fCIL KEETØG . John Mercado spolia aest:. "YiDa he l1v.. iD Saratoaa. but hi. IIOD bouaht a b.-e in ~ aad he is fiDaøc:iD& it. lie said that _ IS y..rs alO be .... c-. v4CU of Race Street r1ab llarket purch,.·ed tile northeast corner of ~--,y .... Bollin,.r load ... tried UDACce..- fally to put a sboppllla ~ft" tllera. He said the 1''''''' the Pi_iDS ission s..e for ~ ..u request vas that tile)' fait Cup.rUao cøald not afford a S-«~. ~'I>PiDl center, The CouDcll refused Ida a penait on the basis it _.... iDtadere with the Iboi'fina center at Stevens Creek ¡¡lVII. aDII At'; -)' 9. Sev.ral _tha later a large fie. -=- in aød bought the __ property and DOt one sinala persoo c_ in to oppose it. It vas d..,.]øped and serves the c-mity. Mr. Mercado said that iD ]ks1co City in 1965 be ¡....e . presenution in both EngUsh aDd Spøish to tbe Urban Land Use In,.tltute. lie said VaUcD Park is a beautiful, veU planned industr~a1 park. He 3a1ll he has nothing to gain here. but he believes credit 3h:ald òe ~ivcn where it Is due. The de-...e1o,ers ?! Val1co Park are du!.n:; "::e of t~¡C beat .JC'bs ~ the country, and ::any 4e-.eloj ID8Uts are c"pyin;l: V.llc". ~:-3. Judy Co"per, 2190E- :=:-m:1:..sport Drive, Cupe~t~:1'. .a:~ sh.. 15 the ;::-"s~nt Chairman of Cu;:e:-':;~" Citizen,,' Go,Lis Co·-:'tti:e t.hao'" J.II. ::-.~ Rc!?,,)rt bas Jcen ?U~l~S~A¿ a:td ~~ n')~: .lv,:¡ila~' -~. S:-.e >;ø: t the <:-:-=ittee '.as fOI1l!e:i in }-=..;st. 0:: 1970 as an :de', .,.. C.·..~r.: '1:1 ,'rol ich. ::-:£ f:1:t:'al C~~itcee ~a: '¡':'::Jt 50 me~..her:-; ·::th ·:~e<l:· ;':e~:' ":;-'. A:t-=!r ~.;c~ h.3rn9tcr:n:n~ t!-ley ~;~ o;u to Pha.:e I ¡ t;) p-:,r:<. =;;. Z'J 1·. -~ :lnd ;.::ir:iC3 and split i:,::.~ s_:'·~.:.::-¡ittees, ~''''r t:he cx;:-.;ss ;:"..r:>, .;i¿ of ;:-~·:::'dinb ~nC"ut to :.;¡i,j re-~:"al ?lan. ria,':: put _1 ~~ ~e ~;.;:. éC~ hour~ ::-. th~ :lr~t t·..o phase5 r..:. ;f) hotir:i in ,?~.asc .~:. -::-.~;)'~ ::''':Jple caf'lìt.~ .::: le.;.¡rn ~"hat ~..1kcc; a :::~r ·.·:.rk. It i~ n<...'l tÜc .::a-~ r~-.'; ,:: ~~\:t:;; 3.5 ::':::':1.5'; aut før line t:. ~:1~. .: :;: a pet; l '.Cll it1 Y~I..;¡- :'" .;;.r::-:. ':':;. ~.;¡'''/C to ::'5ten to dl\·~r.ie po:r.:s :: .. ie·..·, arg',H! t~e~ c:ut, :;':"'.~ C:';f> t·: ,\ 1eci;;;i:n. ~-c::o:"e the GCi\ls Report ."i.: -;rescnted t¡,) t~le C,~-"-.:s~::!".'';: ~:",'; CCJuncil :..:. \J~:WS voted upon b:,· the -: ·;:)t!ng ~e'Ò~r5. In t:ca:. t:.é '",ubc'.""!"01.ittec"i ::r:;u!ated 123 ?,Jl:'cies :.: s.:.;;t?Ort 33 :,ljor oo:e:-~~:' ::-~a.:~ :.:.-::ires~in;l: ..:-.·~ry aspect ö: l:f£. i.~ ':"-c::-t:no. t~n ~'\rc:~ :J, :'?;Z ::,c:: ·.:~rc 1dorte-l =:-. th(O City Counci.l &.~ ~:"~ :0·': to:u~ official G,).1.:":-o -:: -=~.p C~tj·. ~-=s. Co~per said the ~ex: :::-..ase, ::ith her a3 C::.1:~:-:~:'\. ·,.;i.:l ~:1cl~de ::.~ki¡l~ ~t the ~o~l: a=~ ;::~:ies in JC?t~l and _~;:?~~:.t~,~ the~. She $"".J;ócstcd that it v::»ul~ :£ :-.elpful 1f the C:ty C:;~~.2:: r~-r·~.lj the ~:',J.ls Repo!'t .1t t:~~s t:::.c:. 3:te 5tressed th~ ·¡dr_~t.... a.~?ect; tne vetil',:; ::.e:::bers were p~ople sup;:=:~:J.¡: ·...arious ¡Joints ,,:: '::ew. 5:." s,.~d the ;'~als r.:Jst pcrtine:1t t:) :'=_I! ::atter at hanj are C:;=_-.;..:~it:: D..:~~~:1 Plan. ~si~ess Dcv~lo?Oen:. :=~~s?"rtation a~d Civic I-~~e. ., ... MINUTES OF THE JULY 24, 1973 ADJOU~~ED CITY COUNCIL MEETING C-164 Page 7 Mrs. C~oper wanted to stress that the Goals Report does not suppor any side of this matter. The Council was urged to ex,lore the facts at hand. !Irs. Cooper attended p1......i..g COI:III\!ssion meetings to represent the Goals Committee. She felt the Planning Commission,the staff and the consultants did a very fine job and operated in a very small tue frame. She felt the tÚle fratle created so:'le r:a1sgi-lings. She said that if the concerned citizens had been concerned at the Planning Co~ission hearings it might have made the difference, She feels the decision on the shoppinR center was Dade oainly on the basis or revenue. Many questions were not ex;>loreå in depth, Mrs. Cooper said there are other negative iMpacts than traffic and financial iClpact. \le need to consider what ener~1 dec:anås there would be from a regional center. She :elt the ~~3t io?crtan ;uestion that needs to be cT.plored is the question of ~+'ether the Sl million ..ill buy the Cu?Crt:'no residents ha??::1ess. ?",,?le ~o~ed here ~ecause the; l:£ed the oren space an¿ t~~ s~r,~~ndir.~s ~~d the sc~~uls. Once t~~y ~oved h~re they did n~t ~a': :0 see ~:-:y 1!:t'rc de-,";-lop::ent.. '::--..é has learned ab0ut t:12 8:C·-_~:o::":". ~ th(~ 4;' I ("en hills, park la~¿;, :-.':¡iside lands ~ road i.~.?r:·:i. -.é::.: . elc. :,.. said '''o? n.>"d to k~~" ey.actly ,·:hat our pr<"f.:"t r"·.:,, c·,, ,,-, :''''.: ·.·h3t re\'.·nuE.'~ arc :'".t.:i::.;;sary to ....a~f· the k~-:d :;: ::~::- : - '-.r-'" -:e :'1tt.·' to :'\:~ke. :,':c nec.j to ~o·..? hOH ,....Rny r-oo:..i is._Uè~ :' - :-,).'" .:1 su;,;,,~-rt. There arE: 3. lot of thin?,s ':c ·,·.....at, ~_: ;; .'--.'. ...."':.'.. 1Jhat ..e have tc 6:'·';€: up to get then. It':$ t..--: t:,e -='t-sid.-nts ...r::f the la:1¿:-,:::e=.s accept their rl·,-"r'~:J:;::--:'~·: -~- :-·CSt.~ d~,"i~:i~n5 \r.?ill a::ê:::t the quality of lire ~;-, :'_;:;'" ::¡~ :0f -~~y years to cuce. :_~. Gene R.:....;Z?d" 213'="3 :~:'"a.~ills Urivp, sajd he :: :0:.::' ~-. "'ar3t~'~;, ~:1:! O'."'ßS Cll:'~!·t ino El.?c: r:c Co::1pany, locntc·_ì :n ~'';::':::-: ;:t:' s c:. t.1xpaYêT for some ¿~:~::;?ed pro¡""C'rty in C~~'(·rt:;-.:. :' <..r-rvl'¿· &.:;: Chairm:l:1 f(1r the C~t:Z¿:lS' Advisl1ry Cor·'·littt.:€' :=:- :~, C :::f'~Lr:'" ::,-'ncntary :::ciKol Dr~t:__:, ~a~ ser\'e'';:: on tLe' '~':"1'::: __-::, ...:.;:J ·....a~ .:lcth",·:,n the bo:".';' ~=:":e for F..ì~·t:"!:ill ;·.nd D(, .".:.z':;' ._' -r CJllegt's. Be is a ~,e='l::'i;!" 0::: the Ch<1'ab~":r of Co~::~crc!::. ..;". '__::i~ ~ ..rn and T¿:;ðCd in tné :::.:;~ of CUi:erti,no. H¿ h:15 :'éE::. :;.~ ..cllor:,} L>.~lriCt o?>'I',md fro," :~.::, ~: 3000 ru?:ls. )1" ,.;-id ::-.~ 'Cc. ,"".,ed ·.J.l.uation C..ln only ba: c.....~::.;ed by COI:l.:'"':1èl"C:!.éd tI('·¡cl:;:-_~:.~ . ~ '-.lJrp1u.' :.:-..nd. PeoFle ,..ant t:J c:~:; ~ere, so let's pL1!;. for ::.::-.. The C....ingress ;·or CO::uQ.un:ty ?r::lress sent out a q;.¡e<.;t:':::~::~::' ~.: ~o St...e ....~.at the ih.....ple ""ante:: ~:-~~ :.0"; tllcy \~'anled to ?;¡:': :," -=: ~:. RCI,:cn- ~e~datlon~ resulting ~r:~ ~hat qllestionnaire ":erc l~~~ ~~ C~tl~e ~f inherent financial ?=~~lems, Cupertino can n~ lo~~~: r~~~!n a bedroom cOI:1munity. Qua:i::, industrial aud cC'í"ì"~erc:a: ':e';t:lcprnent s~auld bC' i..aintained. Th-=:-E shlJuld be a lon~ ra:lí!i: c~:':!,:;.1 spcnd- :n¡: plan. ~I"'rc Citv ;-:"~""'- shoulù be .i.nvc:>te<.1 in c;¡-~:al i:-~rovc- " . r· :1ents. e e .;c-164 ?a&e 8 ES OF THE JULY 24, 1973 ADJOUR.'ŒD CITY COUXCIL HEETlNG suggestions £rOlll the questionnaire involved getting the citizenry through the newspapers about public health and aafeq. m,rovecl . pollution, cons14eration for the development of co lI!ty parks, taral development, etc. The people recognized the need to bring in t' -Itda! and cOllllllercial. . "v1zza said what upset h1n vas the poss,-bility of dOVD-zoning. ..id we are now on the vuge of accot:1plish~nlt our goals. There vere ~ pet 8:)815 of his: tåe rena::ú.:1g of SaratO (3-Sunnyvale load ar.d the identity s~gns for the entran,:e to our City. JIr. "vb::.. !Iop.>J the City Co\õ=~1 would taÌ<e a very posit1v.æ apilI:oach ~ this ~tt~r of a reg!c&al s~~7ping center anJ to ~ive con51~eration to the lon; :~d~S of work of t~e citizens to ~et the City ~ere it is now, .!layor IrwL'1 ~.t:;i. lo"k!.n¡ at ::-.e cro~~e¿ ..l~':~:,"'riu~, that the citizens :~. certa:,,:y been arol;seo!. "e a¿ded t '..:t.,~ ·..",.ld also 1ik.-e to renr:e ;uatoga-~·.~:.:-·.-".:lte Rnúd. :~4! :',:¿:". ~:\llcd 1 :'·C\.:~SS clt 9:02?-"!. '!~e :~et.ing rt'.::...::':·...;::~d at 9::; Z~~ ¡ I -:~..e ~r.{'t··",,:' :"~'~~-:""..A ",:l.:.-. C·:~-~_:-.:l:l F¡:\)~¡.': ':"...·~Llinr, ~\:J, re;-::~, ::a.t.~-d ~ ~~J 27. :? - ~ . , - J'~ ~'_' , <.'_%"". :::'--,e~·· -: ~~:':I:." r:; -: :-c ~~':..." ::.:-: ,;,,-"r ... ~:l T.~ ~.'';' ~:~..:'t.i : '. ""?;.:e .'. :- '. _ _:.... :'i c,,' -..'-- .l~,i ~~~ ~--~:-'. ~~5 :~ .:.. _ :-&:'rt : ~ì , ";'.~~1:'- .-:::-:-'-. .~ - ,j. ~¿ :. :t ~';I¡ r :ço.l::" _:..::: ..; i::; :. ",.:~' _'r ..~(._. :-:"".-~-:' :..:c>rt e:::. ": ::. ~-: .:. ~ . ,"'. .~.~ Couc~y ~~:~ a'. _= re~..H....~..:: .... ,t' ....' -:.,\..~r,-:~ as :-:-= ., ':,;'".e"':. _" Pl..".·' ~o ~. _- .:--: :: <.; : ~:1 ~.::- ~ - :.. . : . t"'1 ~ . ~~'·_-·_'::':.ê-: ::-~: , ·d ~ -= -. d !::.:t b~i.;·~·,,' :-~~ p~!"::~J:',A' -:--- . . 1· - ' -' !~~~ ¡nc.!.)..;... .'! :\,ctrlt:-.~_c~: ,;:~p-='(ty. ..: ~Où;) J·..-e_ :.~=-. ,1~""'~S e<~c: :¿.~_:-:'~:~L: ..·t~: :"' : '1:,:'~~S .. ">.' sh.~~:-,;·.~ :"'~-:-=~ ·:e turt·,. ~: ':.~J t·;.tt '::1 t·:",.€, ~=-':'a~~~ _:'". _:':.. t..·a.·:~ ~-...; ,i_"'~_·;j~ ! ·,'r S::,~-::. Th2.t ~ :.~ ~rr():'. :.:: :: ...'..1r\: 5,-. ....'-: -' ;aO.Cl·...'. ~.:.,....y !.(:..': :::-.a: :~:: .~C :5 '".: -=-: : :;~ ,L-; ~' ~~: ':,ill',t~:':::'\ :. =- :""':"-:= th~:l I:: It ·..tt.·r~ ~·.~~-·~':"..:f.li.. Z:~-_:.';-. ::\,; :·~rt:h.'" ..~'....'''; a.:t J·~:':~·:c :··.ë :::x "educti~'" ¡..:_, -, ,; ¡., ':"'~...,-~ - ~ ;;' :. tr" ,·\'t,-,'_·'.·..--·-..~~::¡ _-~.,::-.-.- 'n . '" .. . . .'_. t.:.... _. ...~...G, _.":'.. -..~ ~.... ... ~ - ~ - - , :.~c"n-:3:'·t~.:::.: ." fi/'u:-::-;.. .3 ~.ìt: :. ::ìt..:-,,, :l;.-e t.... ~¿ .:~:..~::~;:~:al ~ ...-..5 t!",H,,' ~'.'.~ tw, r '~e _--_ ~. 37. ' J-. -.40-'.... .. _... ..._" ..._ _ ...:..~\: .':,,,,·nt::> ta...<:: .:,':.-:._t ...r.^ . . ., !WfV\ n\.':",,· !'"..:~~.:~:a:;.. .:1."";:' :. è"¿ -ê: r~dJ(·::~..: ~\r..'" .::11:' -).)~:¡3 :.:: ;.-:-;-::~c.e >:>00 ne." .::.;.:;;~t:i. ';trl.:'·-::··:_:~: .:rC'j ,:~h . ~:'.tt .:~:.' ~.~._. ~c=·..~l:;--:-,e.:1t, i... exc....:· ". ~t 1···.. -e'" ,.- "';-.-. . ;.. . J"'''' -.:........ ...~ ........' ....0.- ~ . _~___·~..c~. .:-..: .... t:\·.·_.' ,": :-:.:1: :'~.~:-.': a ::r\,;~ I ~:ctlJr\! :..; :t":.r:; Frc.~~r.:e-:", :~e ~a:--! :>:'.;..C';....~... ::c·...· .:'Ju,,; h~';(: :.~ :'ê :.:reated e~ch year :: :h~ ~it.:\tè :;! ':::.~_::r,·~a. '.::'e.: ·,:f"'" n~-:Y.'l· :;?ac~s :~~ these ~ew bus¡n~..~,..;.t"i :¡nJ !.l.1~e res:~t:_-.:.~a~ are,J.: . t::~ Un:tl·I.! T:ix~é.::é:':-·.. ¿J not I :"'lie'le te,", ·..,mld be :" -:-.e ~est ::1ter.,;~ c.! the c:~iz"ns :: Cl~ertlno. . . . . !L...IIU 1£5 OF ..- J"-~Y 24, 1973 !~OCRSED CITY COL~CIL MEETING C-I64 age 9 Ik_ Balmes C:"=!l, Saratoga, Director at Large of United Taxpayers said the grou¡- ::eets in the c· ...-!:t}· center at Northern Californi s.rings in t~ !o'-"I1 Center. He said the ~pression was given that U we go :o:-t:o ...it~ the proposed plan the net effect on the tax- ..-.,ets vou1à œ :1n. This idea vas le:t floating, aq though 511-90 were sc;¡oe 'llagic money tree. Somewhe:-e along the line ..e, as ~axpayer~, ~ve to pay the bill. SB-90 is based on 1% of the _,... tax. !;-;¿.-:. if your ¡:roperty tax bill stays the same, you .ze faced ,,-::'t~ ê 20: increase at sales tax. Every State Legis- 1.a£ure DUst z~~r"?riate fuDds tlf pay for school children. The _ey must ::e .::nt inually a??rÆ'?r~ted. Trying tc determine the -.ount of s-::-.-""-t'.,,ns of 51\-90 ~s a real exercise. He rea¿ t·..o ~agraphs :: ::lustrate the ~o~Ie=. Hc said it actually søYs ä:.a:: you i:1:::':"" the tax 15% over the 1972-73 base year. He å=k¡, not be::¿;: ~B-90 will li!:it out tax rat". It de>cs linit c1ass size ~~ ;~-)2 rupils. ~e hë.e h~ard abQut the p~tcnti~l :::amher of ::¿": ::u":cnts. ~-:=-£. ¿:":::rer. neaa:; i:l.:'re c13bsroc:-.s. :=t:r..~ev(!r, ::'.: ~'3.=,t, hu:"lè:::~ r.e-ol c:2.s.;r:)e:7.s'in..~~1..·(~d bend i5~:.:es ==. the pa~:. ..- :~~d '2/3 p::...;;~¡;£ ~E::~':~ .it .·o:!!::: t¿kc p~fect. In :;-90 "'e =,:',' ·'0 5ubstit·"t=~ " si::~:e -.~j"rit~· (St'c. 209('6). :-~ C':Jur.t:-- ':..: _ '.::~"'::-':'.:;? tu:'": :_: -: -:=~ _r~ 1S 2ù-3~".. 0;1 sch~":"'l :-:.;.ues. ,:~""',le t1dj,,:,!,:'::: C~~ ;;.:~..:..: t:ìCBP b~';'1:l 5ss:1es, th;_t '::.!::.2!'!':¡ ab.:-::: :-:'. ....:. the r2.:':¿:=-.:.;: _:. a:1V are.1 C~i~'" inCrC8&C:. :"'-jr ':.i:..Lt5, C,",.':>:: ~.-:- S~;-90. :=-. Crou.:-:·. ;·=.;:.ed V.L·,.: re.:ì:!.. :.:__=-.z-:::::: :.: :'~.:.:' rhl.':(, . = :":~. J In.::..t t ~ é:'- .::..... :-:,3-90 is t~·;';'7, it ::......E :he .':'.:;.'- _ ~ pro~f:::"~;. . - -... ,:. - d.1.:-.~;l"¡- :'>..t: L(..:~.:...::-:..:=:; .~:·.:iy í"CIU - ~ ...·i.l: b..: '¿3.: :.~ ! r"'~.: l1...';';'s a:~f-:~£·:-.:. .,' - . . .~:~!~!: 0; s,~::_ :'_~:r~ct::. =.-= :,;5 tv....: -: -::- t'.~-, ::lor~ af:l_;...:;t -~ ,~.. ihii.~ .-, _,~l ta:·: r..::.:..;... . ~ "::I-.?Cl1::~:t:~. __e :.i... ~lr. Cr:L~'~ i:_;.id tr.{>¡~ ~'(>:~~e "\.: .j~',<,-7.'::f t:.e~" !-.~ ,;')~~f_.~ hèarJ. t~,,:t ::3-90 ta~ -.~. (.,~:-e . L.:.n: t.' th~ :~\:.,te ci~~ ;~ r:' .. .:~ 't(' :-..; '.>tf·j ';~:-- .:;:'.- _.~;. to thl' :-_~~ ": ~~ty :J: :..:--~_...:=:~:., :.:'-.,' thc\" :~ tn~s. ... :.:. _ : ;:J:"'l ;)~n~:" :'.-_.l~ . ::.: ~O:-:è- :: Jt ~~~ .' . ': :~-:t"nl~C . - _.n __ ., - - - - ,- : .. t,.,¡.x:~...:·¿,:-· :-_,:. -:.;~.: "J.J t:.( (>: ·'.'r,'ncl.!. '.' :. f~ :.::. £J:.:~ é-.iUl'.: :. A.l-1267 c-: ::-1.:' n=>·.: f,·:::- ~==.:: (. .1·~. ~', t.. :--;,-'\.': ~~-L!.~, ~!."1f,*: _.:,.'~. :'e ~.:.~:.::-.£: :'~'t: C_'..ln:: 1 1::-! 1.0 h .tL· t.:~:.~!' '.~ ::.iid .".;....... .,:¡-",: :'! _:-. :t·r.1 1,"'t 0:' ht:'art;'t("?-.L~: :·~d '.,'::1 be ':':-. :-.::- :':-.':":' ç.:-c...l t(:Xt·~. ::.;: en SE-':~ :...-:;.t ~f :i... :"'::. C:"C'uc:- . '._, ,':.""j C~.t;:-~,--~:-.G.~ ';20.:~ .::{.....~ì tild.t ,-~::. Fur-;~!;c (;: : r -'JJ -...¿~ to r:': '__;. J. . :-.:1t(> s..:~-_:: :''':;:-:' .' rt~plac,' :,1tc Aid t., e-1ö;etli7.e :.-t· : :', ba~c9 t.~ --r'='~:<f: d. ~;:;1 La t,.';·U ~ì ~~t' tt'ds t¿x b?.51~. __ time, :-,.:: -:~.:. an i:--:::.:-e-.:..::€: ::':-_ :.~._-.tc inc,-~~I..~ t.:..:.xcs. In ti::.c, ~ sees t~..': : ·....·i~il1t:... of l=-=~: _;.':Or!lP taxe~:. ~_ Cr~uc.: ;;:.;:~j that sa:t--5 :ë.X a:~ you b'-~- :: ~c able t~ L~; !"é·...enue is a ,.ood thing; hc;,-c·;er, . . , . . CC-164 Page 10 ES OF '.- ,;~,:~ 24, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY CfI\:XC:L MEETING . Victor R:~t~. Riches aes-~rCh Corporation, said he has been a aasultant :~ :!:oo? :l.1riani faail,. for some ten years. He has attended n..m1ng C~s~on study _siøa.s aad public i'.earings. He asked why 1£ is that 10æ ::"~e in Cupert1Dø are trying to get one, not both regional ~pinS c£::tus, "r perhaps DO~ even one. Tàere are 'thousands of people in "t~r :,:\rts of the COIIDtry wrking to get shopping centers. suggested th.1: ,erhaps i~ is Mc:tI"5e sOt'Ie of the input heard at daese lIee';i::., :5 not eorrect. Be said there is no basis shown for ..-.. data .ii5.:-,y~J on the cbans. The chart sho~-s that if the tani pro?~r:y pes ~esideøtlal. the li ".t cost ior the school district f~ the 70 a.:!"e5 '.-culd be $19.000. He felt this vas completely !apractical. ';¿ e>::;lalned 110.., tbe fiscal i"'Fac: d the 280 hODes cn die 70 acres ·.-:-~:l "" $161,000 in school C05ts ·..ith t:,.; :\nticipated JOO add it i::...L. s:::.i"nts. The net deficit each ~-e3r ·..:o"ld be $73,000. rne chart;; $:::---. 3 5:),000 surplus. '2' ~or Ir",i:: !sÚi ~.r.' Riches if be cared to SU;:I:: his report in ...-riting SC' .___ __ :0"ld be scudied in depth. :~.:. Rich('~ .~.__ !~,. must hW' ~ _ . I ;~. Levy ; :7'=:" the ; ~,::. spit"" :~ s~y there is nothing :~:..'; Ge~t~ral ?la::. in ~."." 3tnte Lavs that sa7 .:: ...ì.C the c:::·"ë=.:'e:~C€ of t1:e C:..::: C:lIricLl, he .....-:~~.;.c. .~.. d:e chart'3 ='::: ::he ~,,·alt .J.r~ :::·.:·.:~~.::1.t1311y corr~ct. .~~y~cdy ~~s :~e~ say:n:. ~o '::'~nci!:n:ì:": :::.'':'~ :'.~lt th.at. :"-..e ·Jasic rrC'~:",,·-. -."'-',,':\$ that t~'2 s~:;.~~ ,-.~= sa¡ll ;:._~. r-c. be C::;':'::'~;:€'':'';.t ~,,·~(;1 ~:-:l .:"-...~.\J ?13n. r..~:"=-.~:- !'.~ ~13ve t.' :. :'::~" Ge,.:e::-:¡: rIa:: cr r(>z.L~:"'~~ :".: "1;,"¡~i.ni reË:'¿+:""::'s.:!. :"1n¿ ~::'i: V:tlll..~. ~...' ·_~...;rria!. :a:.:::s. The P1~;::~:..·'. .1_:.'..::rût' 53i¿ ~:!-:: ~?64 ¡ :-~=ê'r;¡l r:.'-': . :H.~ ~:-.~?~:-::' south ot 2Sl' .'.:: -.'.':::~; ;In aut')-..::::le i :'i.:'"",;"icc ('t.::.:;;.: o:hc hala:-.c>;;. ~s :-€si¿ent:,1:. i ::. ~er ~l1:.:-. :. _:: :; I man., ?!..::...-.:::::g c.o:-rL-:I::'s.') i..':::.'7 ::.::..:. '!...: .ber 0 f t ~'é ::'-C'.:n t:-o 1 !:~~ry Fit.::.:~.:.:. ,,)191 ~::r::-. 3!r.ey .\'/cnt1t"" ":~:',,-·:-:-:n..) said th::.~ :! ....:::}$ I ;:.:,~ o?ini:-.:: .'.~' ";I.)ullcil :~!' =.a!l'"" ":e.n".; t::.:: ~.;~,!..,: ti.le a :"f.:;:')~~::;': ·,·at; .. . .. ' '==;:.!"oved ::. . :,_,,~t ,-.cd:'::e-: ~--'e Ge:u·r.:t:' ~~.:'.:. :;.,' '1:1S bet=: "_.=-:~~::.~ ¡ :'_:ertjllo' ...: :,'..~.!(s. He 1:·..·ê''S rig:-It in t::: -d.:.:~l·. ;"ct'.:CC1 t~,:; ~_'l:"i.1::~ Î:7.:' the ~"'~"", :-,rO?èrt:: :!::.-: :-;e is 7\('It T,~::-:'~' .::,('IIlt i~?a...-:~. t':~ sai~ ¡:~ ~~.-. : ':~:i(H'e ::h~~i! :'5 that :".u~h ":~.:..: ,'~'..-llt CU¡:f.!:-t'::Y-J. :_~-==~ IS.. ':_'_. .~:' :"·';1:" _:'".. t~.:';:; i:a:.J¿it,:.'riu-. .:".-- ,dl ~)rc.-;~::;·~· €,:':'J~ f·...·:a; wants . ;~:0~rc3:j. ~e 5:res5t'd t:'l" .,~~~..._ "t tht> '.·(.'~:~:15 ; - .. !_::.::ertlnü :-_:.-5 .:- ::.......¡ dE:::'..·e_o;-·~:1ts.. Hl~ .~.lì...:. --..: .: rill.' :I:'a~'~> ':I: : : L_: r .. C··· ¡ . _.. arl.~ =-.-::. :..;...:; to ~;:e=::~~. :·c S,.il t....· .:';.' ~'l·.ì(ful ....:: ;;.:.oô! ~:':'llty c:' :.-":' Council a.:.'¿ :.:-.e:. staf:: t.' ..: ..:..:....'~ Jl'vclpp".r~:1t. IlUUlz.S OF THE JULY 24, 1973 Þ.DJuuuw CITY COInlCIL MEETING -164 ace 11 Ik. Fitzgerald said we are in the hub of the West Valley. A lot 0 eftf.. would love to get tbe developers to try to locate in tbeir ___. Be noted there are enough acres ~out~ of It-Mart. in San "'-. on Highway 9 that if we elo not penút ~he legional Shopping ~ er in Cupertino it coulel be bullt there w.tth the enel result ~ Cupertino would get the negative effects )f the traffic and pollation without the positive iapact of the aal'!s revenue. Anoth ~abt he prese:1ted was what kind of regiooal shopping center -1d San Jose put in, baseel on their past perfor:llance, ~_ Fitzgerald was in favor of the Goals Report. Be saiel we shoul have tbe consultants' input as to áolut10Ds to the traffic. Be noted that the Planning C~SSiOD·. aecision vas for a rec10nal shopping center plus auother 50 "cres of commercial. Be said we still don't know the basis for this 50 acres. , !f:'. Fitzgerald said nobo<!y knovs at this point tht: !·.U ~li::atio S c: 55-90. ~. Fitzgerald 1S~ed that the Council i~nore these pressure grou?s .~ base their vi£~s on fear. Let's rely on the .0ntr0ls of the City of Cup~rtin~ to guiele our eleve10pment. ~-ay=r Irwin an~'u~ced to the audience t~at copies or the Coals ~~rt are ava~lable at City Hall for 51. ~. John Sobratc. Industrial De.elo?er, said he has ~orstructed S«7~ industrial buildings in ~est Valley Park. There are nore ~?le who would like to locate in Cupert ¡no as <.:" 11 as those already here ~h, ~ould like to expand. The on.: in¿ustrial ;and 1e:t is in Valle" Park. He said '..e are 10sln;: ~c·nsa·lto be~ause ::.: a lack of industrial land. tie as:Ced that th.:'5<' 1.1nds presently ~ing considered f.'r down-zonin;; to resi dent ia1 b." i.'stead, z=ed for industrial use. ~ore industrv is neeJ..d t" ..roaden the City's tax base. Development cÍ electr~nie o:fl.e:indastcial use i.s relatively n0n-offensive. It is ~uite eo:nm,'n tc> require" ::ccpany to stag;er the EI'Iployees' wor;<in; hours. :le said this is c:.e opportunity tc' stabilize the tax rate for thl" residents uf Capertino and t:' increase the 1!I:1¡11oy:::ent oppöct "" i t::. !fr. Don Woodsid", ~!:U1ager of the Economic Devel,;,,,~"t of San Jose r:>-.-her of CO:::J!1Cr.·", said that durin& the past 16 y.'ars he has had the op~ortunity to becODe rather kno~ledgcab¡" in this fiel~. Be has observed sane of the best the least desirable industrial deYe10pments. Va!lco Park is g~ing to be the best example of anique develop:::cnt in the United States. lie said t:1C traffic __ent can be effectively worked out. lie bel ie\'ed the ap;ro;ria e pl~e for the regional shopping center, if one :s needed, would lie Yallco Park. e e . ES OF TH£ JULY 24, 1973 ADJOIJJUIED CITY COUNCIL MEETING . CbaDDU.IOarisun said he lives in Palo Alto, but is tbe builder f the CupertlDo Tow Center, He bullds in competition with Mr. Leonard. said it ~ been a pleasure to work in a city with sucb high ataDdards. Be has brought work to tbe City, as has Vallco Park~ Be favors deparbu!Dt stores dose to the fre8\<3Y. He believes in 11 coaaunitJ center that is pedestrian oriented. He believes in shorteninl' trips. He belieVes in a zegional center and a coaaunity center ii! the City, in the location and of tbe size which is appropriate for the City. Be is concerned about the residential "pull up the ladder, Jack" opinion expressed here. Mrs. Kar,:-.ret Baraae. 19735 Drake Drive, Cupertino, lives half way ~.~v~~ß the ~.~ proposed locations for the regional shopping center. She spoke for no group. She asked if the only choice is between :he huge center or cone at all. She would like to see a ;hopping center similar to Eastridge and less specialized tha~ PruneYard. She would like to see ~re land zoned Light Industrial; it is attractive and we can use the revenue. Hr. Bill ?~st. :0542 Cedar Tree Court, CUFertin~, sa~d he has four children goi~g t~ Collins and Portal Schools. He :~resees a thousand kids cooir.g f:::,,; .! residential development of the '~,uiani property. He has seen ç:::.! De Anza co~e ~p with no chi'~rcn. He has 5een Sorth- point go in, ~~t hasn't seen the effect of it yet. C~11ins and Portal ~ch"ols are c::.--.'d..,d. In San Jose they have dc,:e Sv;:',C lsnd:-tark '..ark: they have reçu:::ed the developer of high density residential to pay ~t tor the a¿¿:tional bond costs, but to actually pay for the additional ccnstruction cf $:ho~ls to serve that develop~ent. He is a"raid of the ?Ossibi1ity .-f ¿,ub1e sessions at the schools. If he were to ca~paign :nr this type :f ::equir~ent as is in 5an J.'se, :t ~ould raise the cost of the ~aria":' pruperty to the point ',"he!"" either or not the Mariani proper::- -'oold be 4 units per acre or, after r.luch pleading, that property" a:.-;~;; Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road·:ou:.ï ;'e zone¿ co!'t'1lercia1. He said that õ: :::e beginning of the sessio:1 h,' 'u ~~ested talking about shopping cet:ters : ~rst and then go along w~t:; t:'" .;u:.top:cs. !Ie suggest'.:d Val:~: ?ark is probably the key tl' t;:~ ::.;rrent hnd use plan. If the Cauncll ~e:ects the Planning Ccmrnissioa's reco~endation, it should be sent back :" :he Planning Commission {or st ~.iy. 'ia::or Ir'òlin agreed. ~r. John Torre sa:d he W3~ representing the T0r~e family, owners of ;>ro;oert}' in t~ :"..." Center. He said he was hi'¡-,:: tc hear the hi<;tory of the beginni:!; :: Curertino was introduced into these èiscussions by H~ssrs. l'aviz=~ and Fitzger,~ld. He said the ;:~ty _,h~uld give careful consideration to the long tem planning put into tile 1964 General Plan. We need hemes. c:~ercia1 and industrial sites. It is too bad that land along Highwa:: 9 got away from Cupertino years ago. · .. !I.UIVl£5 OF .~ Jtt.! 24, 1973 ADJOCB1ŒD CITY CO;:XCIL MUTING -164 age 13 Jk. Torre s.&U t:ar= is a _r-f now were thue ..y be oøe Ulö1~ 01. ....enmat instead of two OT tbree. Ik. TOTft s&iIt there vas ._ _~1oc about a s:aaller shoppiD¡ -F. 11115 is the discusúoa ... wanted to ;>artic1pate in. ba~ .. is a Los J_ Ccunciluø .... _t be there on Thursday "{&ht. .. ....ecI tbat lIr. lob Vbittet be p...en the op?Ortunity to pre.eaf .-c". Tova Ccca plan at th1a ~ing. ~yor Ir~'ln said dIa£ dI.!l7 VOIII't .. talking about the T_ Center unt U later. so 1~ -.1c1not be a..x__to the cIÚØds10ns at this ¡:eeting. ~ta K:t.Loren, LiDdy Lane. Cupenlno, presented the Council with a copy of ::.. ~;ertiDD ,CalifOTn1.a Commercial and Industrial Map ;:IDcI Ordln.r.:c. :i£ted Sepce:aber 2. 1969. ~r lrä~= ~~lle:i a recess at 10:55 P.~. ¡h~ ~eeting reconvened at 11 :09 P .!':. !!:r. R. T. >:.:.;;::..¡~:cer, 1l33: 3ubb Il"ad, CU!,c~::':::, said he thi:"."s we·ve be~:: :.-..-:,¡'::.::; i.n the r:.g:-..! ¿::rectil"tn. -.."C' :;h;:'l\!ld CGunt Ou: :'le.s1n¡;~. ~-l::'.' :.:->.;ns ·....oul¿ :~ke to havc t:::5 battle 0:1 the:'r hands of ;:.:,:~:'::~ ..':1C of t·..·: loca.:icns io!' a :-~~;':'vn:¡l shop;,in~ :enter. ::-~ .l:~è": ::-.~ C:;u:1c:.l t.: :..~?arí' t;·.f ..·::~cts en the =~- JRVnity. c-:: . .... :.-=:.;. ~~ abo'.lt esta::::shi.nR ~:::;:. :-::'Y of re5i¿~n::A:, :'OIII!lerc:~: ,¡-.: :':".':'~5tria:. ~·:e a..::e;:ts tht." :-:-"'e': :0r .incor"'.e. ?ê: a.sited th~ ::_.::.:::. :C' cons::'e:- ;-cC:"i: :':¡VOL1:--~L :::~ lir,.ht :ndust.:-:.;.: ~e5 as :0''''''': :: thC' lar~e ~~:-:~::1¡; c"n;,'~ .1~;roach. ,ie aske~ :.he:a to :.--:.''''i:~ :.:r insta::::e,. ':.:-_E: aesth\:t:·~ ..':- '"est Va;'~c:: Industr:.;¡~ ~~~:, ..i:-..~ Cu:;e:-t:'::: C==ssrðad:;_ '-~.-::7-3!e VdllcC' ?ar; !ndustri.a~ :.::-..;. -.·.t:--: Sears == C,;?~"~in('~ ~t" .';;j,:J an in-justr:',~ 'ï)ark ...ou:.:: .::~::~::.;.t£' to c·..:r c:a.:.êa.:":cs, ·,·ht.'J"t.:s a shop?in; ce:-::(;= t.ùes f¡-~"':;.. ._~ ~.:·_.::!"ie~. :":g~.:: :~¿ustri.ïl ':.1:" ~_'1.k(> an ar~a bc~:€'r k:n:n.-n th:-:_;-.::;: :~~ Coun::-:: a::~ ::~e _~1rl~~:::~"':'e so than a 5ho;:,~~:--.s :.enter. :'-:i. ~.i_':: ::~I,.~ n3t!1~ ··C":'?é:'":.:..nOIt a?;:-.'::.::~ ::: tr:1d~ ~agaz::-.L.:c along ",it:. ~::,:..;:t~ deve:v;''¿ ..:_~ built h,·~". ~. A11,,: 'Co:,:, 10514 Y.e~"':r ?:"çe, CUI'_·r: ::.0, said he, ",cv;,¿ Cu¡>erlÜ'l": .:::¿o- :~"'.:-:<:ng in Pal-:- J.':-:~., L,~.~ .:.\.::S .1nd Sunny·..·ale. :'.i= got morE' ::':" :::..= :-..~:t·y hc:,(-. ~,:té"~ sc~~"ul:~ :.:':' rhl' fr",·ë-:';.,;a:: ':'~-:;:p:".. :!e pre:,,:-;:, :-:':-:::~"'7 :;ho?pi=-.~ cC:......~~rs c\'\.'r .s~ :-:.~' cl)!"!~('rc:'al. --~ wi!e rrl'.<:-:o- ;:-;..,,~ to £:t.:::-.~:..:,":' :)r Val 1 t'Y :.~~:- to sj~O? .::e-:: ~_e -=>ved tc P'::7è:--.~..:'~ he waS tcl¿ -.'"£:: would i\.l',e ~~~~,,"IrLl1 i:Ja;-ic.. .-~t:: lakes~ t't..-. A J,-:-:J issue :or t:.:'_s ?urp~;sl' :~ in the of:~r.g. .- the meant:~. ::_5. ..:hildre::-. .~~l· ;€:::'ing lll(:t.~:- .:i::c. :1.ay :'"..,)'..e a·..a::. ile arc n_·': J. :~.~ _\ltoJs and .e ¿~=. 't \I:::l'at t~, ~è a SunnyvéilE:.. ,.£; should tr': :: :-~ .1 Palo Air.:>. e , . -164 . 14 JIDIU'1'ES Ct' ~~ Jt·U 24, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL Htt;nøG a. Snyder ~:ed that we do DO~ have a dowtovn section. Even Los Altos ... a dowt~. He baa 11,,811 in Danville and sbopped at Sun Valley ... enjoys that type of ." 1P1D&. He believes cootral 8boppiDg 18 1Iet~er ~haD strip coeerc:ia1 ~1Þ'.e it can save parkinS, a. Snyder ..1>f"tr" the..., 1a YUy aisleadinS. Be s..id we are i¡norin¡ die adjaceut property. Be 4Ioes DOt thiDk a sbopping centu should pull c~affic throa¡h tho r..u-"ia1 areas. When you put in a thoroughfare ,... keep traffic off the r-"~ttal streets. Highway 9 can have this ... '"7 traffi.::. He t~ ~bere 1.a a considerable difference in sboppin¡ cater traffic and c_te traffic. a. Snyder said a pile of cUrt _s dumped on Mary Avenue with no con- 8Ueration fc:r the resideocea in the area. He ean't imagine anybody -.n~iDg a boDe on Highway 9. Be DOted there are some residences on JU&hway 9 i: Sunnyvale that are rather ugly, and we don't vant that .,rt of tJú:ls in CupertiDO. !fr. Snyder ¡v-sgested ve -ø an assumption that north on Higt-way 9 a!lall be a ~;:?ing center for Cupertino, with the accompanying revenue .. well as :~e traffic. I ~s. Chris:~¿ 3i11awala said that although she ~~s a German accent, she ¡ :as nothi~ :: .00 with llat4òrgateo She has lived in some beautiful ! citieo, su:: ~s ~3ris, Ber1ic a:rl San Francisco and has never heard of I ;>eop1e thi~~~..; .'f bypass1%'-3 ....ucb a proposal. She wished the poor and cninformcë ~,.::,¡'¿ could be he:re to talk about how they feel about ;:>utting pu::::: ::::using on Eigb"..a:¡ 9. Y"u can have an industrial park and you ca::. :.1-: ~ a shoppi~ ce:1ter, and t1¡en provide housing for the ~r and t:'¿ :::h. but you ¿"n't have to give up th~ shopping center. ~. Ann Ange: :0185 Eopire Avenue, Manta Vista, recalled the countless City meeti:¡! ~~e has atte~ed aDd participated in, At this point, sr~ i. very di~~~~inted in ~h~ ~~y this matter is progressing. There Is ~he factic::. ::..: is saying ....-e should stop progrcss and population in Cupertino. ~~ta Vista 15 1~ Cupertino's sphere of influence. She ~hinks prc~:.s~ should have Þeen ~topped in 1955 ~hen Cupertino incor- ;>orated. ~:.c.:: ~f these pec;>le would not be here now. San Francisco ~a loat t~~SJ~ds of peop:e in the last ten years. Shc has taken an active par: ~= c~cmunit, affai:. because she lives in this area. ~s. Anger ~:~ Lockheed caae up here in 1956. followed closely by Los Angeles dey.::;-..rs. After aòouc ten gas stations she started protesting each new a,;:::ation for one. ~d she said she has fought strip ;ommercial ::: 3 lung time. She said she has talked with the City and andowners :: :ry to get tr.es to combine so we can have planned developme,.t. She cannot ::u,ine residential homes on High.....y 9. e· t . MINUTES OF THE JULY 24. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL KEETING C-164 age 15 Hr.. Anger asked where the ecology" people were when ve proposed high density units OD Foothill Blvd. Councilman Jaekson said we have heard many references to outside influences on both sides of this issue. He feels the ideas expressed by residents of Cupertino and outside Cupertino should be heard and weighed. It is a matter of what is being said, not who is saying it. Hr. John ~orris, 10441 Phar Lap Drive, Cupertino, spoke against a regicnal shopping center. He said there is nothing wrong with high de~sity commerc~õl areas, but it is wrong if you want to live in a pleasant, suburban area. People should !':eve to the type of enviror.::e:lt that want to l~ve in. ~:ost of the people "he ca..,e to Cuperti:1;- expected a suburban, peaceful area tü live in. ~:ost of the pe",,:e '..ho have s¡>oki>'-¡ ~n favor of the shoP?in¡l; center h~\'e a consi¿.~able amount of ~nancial gain to be realized fr~~ it. He is èisappointed in the City Council and rlannin~ Co~is~ion. He saiè t~e reason t~~~ "'i>re electpJ .as to reFres~~: t~~ ~e~ple and h~ .:J:J prefer ~~t to ha~e to hav~ ~~ctlngs li~~ th:~. Th~ statiS:::':~i: ('\-.aluatic:: sc~ed acadcr.Ü.... to him. He ~~~d t;.~s ~ort of thi:-:; ::::tt i~ pro;:=s£":: ......:11 chan.~t." the- e:ltirc c::~~;.::t~~~ of the City an¿ ~~ Was not ;¡. :a~=r of it. Mrs. ~1.1:'.lret ~'lick, 2()a~l ~cCJ ell3n R:>ad, Cu;;ert :"0, said th:s '~I:hole t~::'::.¿: -i~ lerribl:: ::-:;:ortant. She tT:ov....ö h~:""c i 5 ye·lrs a5~ when s~~..: :.:~.."'!ught there ·..·c:;là be nClthin~ hl"rr. (·x~'cpt Cdli ~r,Jthcrg and he~. ~hè has go:1e to a]1 the s,""Jl businésses that she docs business ,.':'th along '1:;:-,7.:a:: 9 and found the)" all E':e in Cu;:e~t ino No\.' she ':J~ 't even ge'"':. ac!"oss Highh·ay 9 to ~o to her ~a!:. station. The qua:::, of life here .:'11 go do~n ~ith this ~e5:on~1 ~èntér. The qu.,l:'ty "f life tóL: !>e so poor that the sc:-,ools '..e i.a';e ob::>er"í'~ :'-¿~n\1 built ...·c~·: havpmaln.· :--hildrcn t;.<.J.l ,'¡:l bE- able to go bcc,-.l.l~~ "....... will h.a·...í- :-.i.;:--¡ ;'0) lUlion days 1 r¡':E L'J5 Anr'.;lc~. And ~11C ~ill ':i~s seei~g the apriccts dryin~. Dr. J",. 3~ùwn. 209B5 Pepper Tree Lane, Cu;>erlino, said that behind his hC':'1e :$ a tcn-ac:-c Sc~.O':)l prOrcrty and free p:¡r;':'. Fe l.as live here sin~e 1952. Tr£re is a lot of talk no~' about life style. The {'Ir~h.;=js ;'1.J.ke a :-.:'(e g.¿:.rbagC' dU..-lp ~or pL'()::le:. :";.:)..... 1 ~vir:È :n the ar~a. l!p s.1.id t:..r..t :f he 'Wanted a hame in a rural a.t~1:J5r,hcre he would ~..:'t choose one- '..:ithin 400 Ydrds of :1 najor frei··.·a~.. 1nt(!r- change ..-::ich has beel1 ~n the works for years. . - ~ e I CC-164 Pal_ 16 }IlNUTES OF TilE JULY 24. 1973 ADJOURXED CITY COUNCIL tmETING Dr. Bu_ reels tbe 'l3001ng Co\lll:tlssioo should not P13Y "Cod". bot rather shoold act as a guiding influence. There are about 150 acres a 11111e south or us. lie asked ,..hy wa sbould put up with all the traffic speeding down to San Jose to shop. :.lith all this bassle, be doubts if anybody would build anything in Cupertino that waa not first rate. ~Ir. Art Beato, 21925 Hyannisp~rt Drive, Cupertino, said it seeas that c0Tlr:1ercia1 interests are oakin!l tt.!s a "0 or die situ"tion for CUi)(!rtiao and the School Distr~ct. He does nOL th!nk it is that slm~le. There isn't much land lert. What bappcns l.ile~ you run out of la~ and ve need a sho?ping center. It i.. !.r.:::ortant tl:at ....e tal:c. about outsiders as ~a11 as in~iders. At this point, !-!a)"or Ir'''in noted that it ,,'as 11:53 P.'1. and he relt that Io:e h.JJ heard eo.:::.:;>11 pros and cons to la:t us until the follo,l1n~ ThllrsJa~", be¡;innin" .~t 7 :CO P.~!. 1':lth that, he adjourned the :::eeti~,g to July 2&, 1973 at 7:00 P.M. APPROVED: 15/ Keith E. Irvin Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /5/ VIII. E. Ryder City Clerk