CC 07-30-73 · e CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, CupertiDo. CaJ.ifornia 95014 relephoDe: 252-4505 Iwwu$ or TIlE ADJwu.r.u ISULA1 UuJNG OF 'DIE em COIJII:D. HELD 011 JULY 3D, 197) JJI TBlIIDJI'lA VISTA BtGB SCHOOL AUD1%ORIDJf canuDD, CALIFOIlIL\ the ~iDI .. called to cmIer 1IJlfaJOr Inr1D at 7:19 P.M. lOLL c:ALL CouDci11:la pr~: Couøc1hlen absent: Frol1da. JacboD, lfeJers, Sparks, KaJOl' Irv1D lfone Staff preaent: City __au Qu1D1an City ~tOrM1 M-- Director of PlaImiDa and »eYelo~_t S1a1t Director of Public Vorb Vi8kovich A8aoc:1ate PlaDlUlr Cowan ActiDI Deputy City Clerk VauaM Consultants' pre..llt: EcoDOm1c: ColUlUltaut Levy Traffic COll8Ultallt Goodrich Court Reporter: l'.m1ce Turner Moved "y Councilman Jaclulon. secollded by Councilaan M'!yers to appoint John Vauahn as Actill& Deputy City Clerk at this meeting. Jføtion carried, S-o ltayor Intlll a_need that the City Attorney had _e reaarks to aake in regard to sections of the GeIIeral Plan prior to adoptioll of the entire c.neral PIau, kiods of votes, and wording. 1'be City Attorlley stated that 0118 of the lIew f_cures of .........ing the General Plall i.. the: El:viro_tal Impact Report. or Ea. The Plallning staff is &Yare of thb and is trying to work vithill ti".e 1IC0pe of the n_ requirements. He &aiel that what ti".e City Council has before it at this tbe is the PlaDDing Co_i.81on Reaolut1on which favors an amendment to the General Plan. The guidelir:es witb respect to tbe Ea are in Section 15037, Paragraph A, Sub- paragraph 1, which stat.. that prior to adoption of an amelldment or a modification to the CeD~ral Plan the City COULCil must :~ve an EIR. CC-166 Page 1 John Vaug"" Ac ting/:;¡,.p,ay City Clerk e . . JlDlUTES OF THE JULY 30. 1973 AD.JOURNED CITY COUNCIL m:;r;u~ tile City Att0rMJ . .' n... the City Couneil lIi¡ht vm1t to "fer even a tabU" vote UDtn :it ....-. OWl' the entire General n. proposal of tbe Pl_iD& t'. 1_10-. %a the are.. of sound and lIOise pollatioø, perhaps we Deed a U&t1e ... aperti... He said the C (ttee will _t tile followiac ..mdII& to CK7 to evolve practical _tbocÞ of comprehensive altenaU.. m'. lief.. It. Q»ondl .akes a dec:1sioo. Be vamed that there is .ery little (II'+' . .. in this area. We at.ost bø. to be pioneer in __ effort in tIaIs ~11T ~. He pzoposed for the Cicy ('_11's coø- siduaUGo the practf....ttty of coøaidedna all areas of tile proposed - ..I_lit. to tile (' "~a1 ~ before taking any vote 011 cbe _tter. CoaDdlaan Ja('..'IIII acre" ~Ja the City Attorney that there will have to he u Ell.. lie saW _ w111 have to Iœov 10Ibat laud use plaDS there are before the report. _ .. COIIpleted. however. What...r _er<hlents an _de as to the ÛDII _ of the ..alley floor" if dIfferent from the Plaain¡ CoIai..iOG r... ·,Cion, would have to be retarDed to the Planning Comaissioa for r~1ev and report. The Cit, Attorney said ~.. first question is whether or DOt the Council feels th~r~ sbould be a resional shopping center in Cu?ertIno and it so,' where? :!e would prefer tbe Council .ake no decision until such time as they hav~ the Ill.. the r~ could also address icsel! to tbe alternativ The City Attorney answered Ccuncilœan Jackson that any t1ae tho! Council has a ~r:rosal placed Defore it, an ElK must be reqcired i~ crder to neet the rec;u~relHDts of the 1_. Council~~ Heyers ..ked it' :he EnvIronmental Revi~J C~i~tee ~ould prepar~ reports for the Cit.... Council with a regicn..l <:en:er and cn~ witbou a regi:-~l center. The C1:, Attorney said thcre is ~o reas~ ~~1 the EIR co~:l not consi¿er alt~.tives. One of the basic re~~lr~e~ts of the EIR :~ that It discus... alternative courses in the event therc is an environ;-:"ntal Ja~ct. Counci~dn Frolich said it ..emed to h~ that in the ~~~le course of the operati~~ there are goi~, ~ be all kind~ of altern't~ves a~:r.g the way. He could see where we ~ll be herc ior several years. ÿ~~sinl the ball back an.! forth between tbe ?lannia¡ COIIIIIIission and the City Council. . The City Attorney said t~e ricture of ~hat Council=ar. Fro~ich ÿrojects could b~ a valid on~. JJ: be could see at this point i~ :~at ~e are legally required to do a d~scretionary act. A part of !~ Ce~eral Plan is a projè~t that requires ~ E:R.' This law is one ~e are ~a~icalIy going to have to live with. oCl ~t requires is that we g;":e ;>rc¡>er ,:cn5idera- tion to thc enviror:oentL. ~pact. lie addod that thè Council ".~y take SOlllC action that will have ~ ~verse effect on the e~viro~t if they feel it is i:: the b~st inte~est of thc resid('nts of CUpèrt i:-..:>. lie ar'~ going to have to give very sericu5 consideration to these i=?acrS fro~ now on. - . MINUTES OF THE JULY 30. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING 'C-166 age 3 . ColDlclll1an rrol1ch sul&estecl ~hat rather than propose lIO~iona for or against a shL\pping ....,..tft'. if it is the concensus of the Council ~he staff could be awed to sIYe an EIR on a certain locacioD aDd on an ålteI"Date 10ea~~ Jø effect, what tbe Council _1d be doing is _lDlcina tbdr pøi.Jtt of view "ilen diree~ins aa'. to be prepared. Attorney A. J. Ruffo offend the City his remarks on dtis ...bjee~. U the General Plan r 4_ _ ia, then a... EIlt is not aecessazy. The secOIId po1n~ ia tba& _ m ia not necESsary on a proposal .ade by this body or ~he '1 4". C-issioD. The Planning I". fasion cannot ultiDatel,. rec . _,.thing or adopt a general plan withou an lIlt. It seems to Ilia thK an,. proposal developed by this City Council would bave to .. 1aadr. ~o tbe Planning COIIIIIIUSloD and the E1 would have to be btoad - po in aeope to allow for etuDgea to be _de. 'Iou don't bave to say you agree or disagree with tbe EIlt. The only issue Is ¥hetb." or DOt the EIR is complete. First formu- late a pr.:-pctllal. but doll't pass an ordina:1ce. It will then go back to tbe Planning eo..1s.1~D. Mayor I~.in said that ?e~s CouncilDUL~ Frelich's approach was the way to g.:-, although he does not believe it is a goo¿ i¿~a to form- ulate ~~:,-io~s and answers ?rior to the f~~~al motion. He asked the Cit~ Attorney if the C~~c~l could ta~c 3 stra~ vo~e. The City Attorney ~ec~ended the C~~ncil not exp~cise discreti~n until such tJ1IIe as :':t:Y have all t::e :=-:~~ation t\,.... -..t!-.:.e an fntel~igent decisi"" .:':1 the ..tter a: "Ã.",.L He ack:1.'..:ed¡:ed Hr. ?.:..ffo's pro- f.....i.''''!: c¡uaUf1catio:ls ~.:: he disagrE'i'¿ I:ith his opic.ion. CoW\ci::-....., Sparks saie! :.e ~s presentl)' ..:: the EIR Co=':~tee and he ~~e~t¡i'c.~ ~hether or no: ~e should be. The City Att~rnp.y said the City C':-":1:il can fulfil.. ::.e functions '.-ith respect to the local guidel i~,.';;. Tbe Dir.::..r of Plann~1 ~ ~evelopaent ~.lid he and t~e City Attorn~~ ~.lV~ had ler.~:~y ~':.:ussions ~" t~¡s ~atter. ~c is still having .- ,r.:>bleœ fomulat::1ë; a" EIR wit"""~ actually ;;':1C,,-ing ,,'hat the rE',crt !!lust include. !t seemed to h'., the City r.cuncil must live tht:: Co:citt('e S~ <!ir~::ion of ..i1ct't~r dr n('t tr-..cy gay accept the pI.!::, Councilnan F~c!i:!': said th"l'.' ",ill have to ::é ootions to direct :;,., staff. Perå.a¡>s t:,e State wi 11, in the futu~e, make it impossi;,!" for local gove._:én:s to opel'..:£' <1nd the)· ..-ill take over The City Attorney said the ElR, in consi¿:ring the en~ir~n~ental impacts. could 1D3ke e!ete~Úlat ions as t.. tÌl.' altern..t':~es as a part of the :1ormal proce~r~. This way "" ~ould h<1v~ satisfied the legal re<;uirClllents if you !1G':e òefore yeu the EIR before deciding on appr..val, rejection or ~è1fication ..f a project. - CC-166 Page 4 S OF THE JULY 30, 1913 ADJOURNID CITY COUNCIL MEETING un Meyers saW the OIIÍJ thing to be gained fro. a straw vote on die .,na1onal shopping center proposal is that it vould define the first . joø. Kayor Irvin said that if the Council does not 1Dd1cat, whether øi IIOt there is Sale deter-f....t1on different frOll the Pla!mtøa eo.úaa1on's ree: ,'.¡Jat1on w wuld have to begin' again on this proposal. The Counc:11 Iá.~in. eo.acn- lrolich sdd tbac as far as the prUaary considerations these a.Uóuned Metings have been devoted to. a mt10n could be aade to ask tile staff and the Planning C---fsa1on to have an ED !lade for the two situ. If that is voted down. then we are faced with the decision that we are not going to have a regional shopping center in Cupertino. Couneilun Jackson said be sees III811Y issues here besides the regional sboppiD& center~ e.g., what will the effects be on the other cOlllllercial if the Council says the sue of the regional shopping center is to be reduced. There should be SOllIe way in which we can have an overview 'of' the entIre effects of the project rather than study it piecemeal. -e should first decide very carefully what we want in the way of a shoppIng center. Council:an Frolich said that perhaps an individual EIa should be required for this. His attitude on commercial in the balance ~f the City ~ill be influenced by the decision on the regional CeDter. CouncIlman Jackson observe1 that ~e are less likrly to co~e up wIth changes after all the la~ ~se decisions are in. When ~c get to that point, if the EIR ind icstes the chosen location is very bad we can then &0 back. CCuncillla3 Sparks said that if the City Council makes a change in the General Plan it DUst go bac~ to the Planning Commission for report. He wondered what would happ~~ if they feel they can't make a decision without an EtR. Councilman Frolich fc~ls It ~ill be a waste a decisiun ~n the regio~al~h~pplng center. the other CouncU!3en feel about this before opinion on the balance of the core area. of time tl~til the City ~akes lie said hE' has to l:now how he can forr: any kInei e>f . JoIayor trv!a a""-ed the City A:torney ..'hat the consequences are if the Council disagrees with his dec:siC'". The City Att0rney answer...d that if h.! loses a case it will b" th" Ccu."1cU'S fault, not his. Councilman Jackson asked if it is defensibl" if straw ,ate.. 'are taken prior· t~ returning thi:; t-:> the !'lanninK Cotn::lission and chtaining ~he ErR? The City Attorney sai¿ that :ni.t !:tUy, I,h,;; he pr"¡;~s.'d "'as a 'A;.y we could go. We lkwe a proposal before the CIty (.Juncil at this ti~e for an .,,,,end- ment to the Ceneral 1'lan. "ith respect to lhls prOj"Lt, under th" law. the Council car. apprr"'" , d1",,!,¡>r..vl" or mo'fil'y it. lilt \s I'IOdtfiLod it can be sent back to the PI:!nning Commission. · e KDmrES OF T;S JüLY 30, 1973 AD.JJU1UŒD CITY COUNCIL MEETING IIE'. lbaffo said that nevertheless, m.-der tbe Government Code. it is 4- ·..".,.t upon the City Couaell ~ foroll a proposal. Before the CIq ~U CaD attempt ~'f_ . decision it _st have public ~ before the City ç...-..n. It must go back to the n_iDg - '. I"ion for an Ell aod ar~ ~datiOD.The City Council has ce IIoU tbe public hear1opOD the EIR. You can't have an ElK Idtlloat a specific proposa1~, Be _ggested we lIIight have to have __t IS Ell.'" on every caaeel"altle aspect of the case. ~ilaan Sparks asked if an EDt is needed on the proposals befor the Council at this time. the City Attorney said he disagreed v1th AttorD£¡ Ruffo as to the City Council initiating this proposal Be said the nanning Coadssion does this. The City Council can 1ø1tiate uend::er:ts, but historically, the Planning CommissIon 1ø1tiates pr~?Csals such as this. In the long run, this is the body that exercises the descretion. Councilman ~¿yer3 ~~ted that tòe City is getting both shopping c~ter pro?~s~:s to pay for tr~ Ell.'s. Mzycr rrwi~ :e:: the Council ~~ou¡d have a stra~ v~te. ~¿Ted by C~~~~::~~~ Jackson. se~onded by Cou~cilnan Frollc~ tv 6' a.'1e:td a=,,, .:c:>=I\' indicate :':a: these are str.''''· vott's a....,d not --:'::al dc..:is:.":o.s ::~ ,J..'!l:end:!:ents :: :.he- Gelh."l.Jl Plan. Motion carri~d, 5-0 ~~. Cary St~~~$. ~~rm~r Mayor a~è Councilr.an, said h~ was net sure :!:.e stra...- \.~..:~ i~ the proper way t~ procct'd. Wt! DTC faced ·.:1th ~~ basic ~~~5::~~S: ¡} Is th<,rè :: ;." a regio,..al s;,c;:;>:ng l'ènter in Cupcrtino~ 2) If ycs. .1: '.,":-:("0 locatio:1 t;:-¡:;.J:d it gCi? :! the Cit~· :~'~:-..... i1 is ..... the ?::s::ion tC" :t.ak(.' :'::1s d\~cislo~ at :~.::s ti:r.c :: :s J ~·aste of ti~,e t.~ r.a.\·c ~n EIR prep.J.Tcd. It is ~: that c:.u.:~ ::...~:.£. in·...ol vec! :~ ¿o EIR' S Of' t \,:0 'o(".Jt Î\)n5 th!s:1 (\1: O~. He s.:.i': .,/1.,:. :-:1\'('" been er:'.:srkeè upCin ("is plan to con~ up ~..ith a ~ew gcnera: ;:':~,:: for three yc,:,:-s. so .an\..th~r \.'('i"~ or t·.....? \.·cr:'t 1!.2tter. A 1....: .....:. ~'''''f!cy has t.t....:::: spent P11 ("','n5ull..lnt~ tv l.e-!? U~ a1~ detcrcir.¿ t::·-';t'" it!PilctS. 1: see.a'!cd f...o) ish to hit;¡ at th.i~ poL!' in t~ to \,;'~.:-:-:. .1~"'Ut spe:1d:~b 2 fe...· :'1\'1'..' th"'US~:th1 ÙoJlar.s. o!~ ti'(" E!~. H(.- S1.:~;'t':>:":¿ th'-It ~erh.a;.~ ::-.e City ~~h~üId ,-..'n~~itl(>r a ?~':.~iC:1 of the Cti':¡:::::'~~ :-: (\':'l!':Icrcp's MC:':4=-:, could b.... sp,,~nt ('tit the E!R. ikr..cvcr, it :~? L.:"cucil feels :~(;:. arc prcp.:1r~d to r.1..lkc the ~C[ i~jc) of r.o rcgio~.1.' :::~"'''t'ping center. then \."C aft' all wnst1n~ t~C!.! anJ ~ey. C-166 age 5 5tra°"¡ volt:;~ to b<: taken. - ~C-166 Page 6 KlNU'IES OF THE JULY 30. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL HEETIlIC CouncÜllr.n Jackson said be understands we are Jl8king Ged6ral Plan hnd DIe decisions at this tJ.e and getting EIIl's afterwards. TIle Elt tells the CoUDCil what we bøe clone and its effects. You demit øec.s.arily have to c:haD&e your decision. h.-ed on the ElK. Jfayor Irvin said he .... bad requests frOta citizens for wittea reports OD what has transpirecl thus far. CouncilJllan .Jac:kson said be respoDdecl to the c:onsultants ill his letter of July 30, 1973. Be ~d like to have aø outline prepared for disc:ussion on some of these points raised in this letter. It is his belief that a shopping center would generate about twlc:e the vol~ of traffic as industrial use. Counc:ilman Sparks said he would need present volumes of traffic: to relate these new figures. Councilman Jackson noted this would be the largest 5ingle traffic: generator in this County; coc?arable to San Francisco Airport traffic. CoUnCU::1,ln ~7.lrks would like to have infornation regarding if we lowl're. :he s.¡u.,"e :,·,,~.1ge of t'1e development, !:o,,· Cluch this would lo,",er thë tr.l;fi~ ·...'L..:::cs. He fi=,¿s it hard, wit!1 rhe inf,'r::1ati"n at hand, to CC:-1p.ì.r~ ::-.1::i...: v\Jlur.:.es i;c·,jay versus tihlS-.! prujected for 1995. TraffL: ':.:':1s~:!::1nt (':CX=-:"::1 "i.1id that 3S :3r a::i lhc~' ha-le been ablL' to fin.! .'Ht. ::'c ';,1i1CO Par_ proposal woulJ be the lar~est regional ShoPI,inp; center. It ·...:.ulJ not i!~:e¿ the lat'ge~t g..·nerator' of traff ir:. It is. ho~cv~r, ~~¿ ~f the hlg~~st ~~ncentrati0ns ~f tr~ffic in th~ BdY Area. Ccun"ilr.:ln J.l.:;Cson asked if there is any other pI an that 1';' ner ated as much tra(fi~. ~!r. Goodrich said Eastridge has not yet re:lChed i:s pctential. ~~.lrs ?lus t~ree department stores is coo?arabl~ to Eastridge. The traf:¡~ ~~lume on ¡-230 by 1995 is 90,000. T!1c total traffic gcn"ra- ted fr~'" the ~'1.:?ping cer,tcr is equiv:1lenr to half thp trðffic en 1-230. Onc~ ...r.~ ":.srs :"\!acl. tht: !ree'...·dY they (Ì ispccse. . Cou.1cilC:.l11 J.l:~.;on s..id that ....e have h.:re a very hlRh 1a."1d/hullding ratin. We have, i:1 ~fft."ct. tve stories beC:1U5ë! of the undergrour.d parking. ~ayor Ir.:in :.'..ked at ,\s5u,:,ption 2 and asked ~'r. Goodrich if it is r".111~ti, H12 .1skt."¿ i: :: rcprf!'se~:£I'd ..·...o~st C3!=>é ior i9')5" ·....ith·;ut cr;1nkin~ anything cJst.~ int.." it. H,1P. Traf~~c Consultant s,aL.! the r2:,'SOi~ the charts are on ¡:¡n hourly ~.i"'i5 :lIul m.~~f'r of lanes of traffic Ùf·:.::l.·v~ arc on the bul!è'tln board. It is vcry dif¡icult to give a ~raphic report ef the d311y figures. The ;,;ri:~~.l: thing h~rt: is Lo fig\1r~ th~ t1u"ber 0i lanes and amount of tC.1ffi..:. !;~~..!S for L::¿";.).:..cria: is h~1sicaì.ly cr:c 1,¡,:.¡y traffic. fhè"O tor co"...er~LI ~ .:: l ccntinue all day on SalurJay and s""cti",es on Sun.!ay an.! lon¡.;"r h.,u~s ~cr day. !!ow you IO.Jk at this frM1 the residents' ~tanJI'olnt ;s v~ry jii!i~~lt. . KDlUTES or :=£ Jt:LY 30, 1973 ADJOOR.'(ED Cln Cèlt~CIL HEETDiG CC-166 Page 7 1Ir. Goodricla $;lid tbat as die lŒeaks up ta .any direct~. ~'túty. traffic leaves the site it ~ediatel It quickly ¿isperses back 1Dtc the . Councilman Trolich asked if die traff~c Frojectfons include cars &olng away froa the center. 1Ir. Go".srich said the one way figures ..e the 8)st úrportant aUII die 4ir'"ction of the volUlllO Is the critical ~~t. We want to i::Døsr now much tTaft ic the center will aenerate Ie t~at partfcular 41rection. The other directions are 40 also, bat they are II<It _ :bIportant. Councilma~ ;.~kson pointed oat that the shopping center traffi~ vould min~~t with the fndustrial traffic g0i~~ north on ~olfe 80ad and south .~ ~iller Avenue. Mr. Levy s~3rized that the 1ntersectier. ,~.j~ctions anrl the la~ê projecti.~> ~~:lect Council:an Jackson's c~~e~ts. He said that Coüncilc.,;:: : '''''''s brought up the key iss...' t ::at even if you have the lane ,=::~:tion, the traffic has effc:t> ~n the neighborhood. Y.ayor In..'~. ':.1:'lcd a rE'~è'SS at 9:00 P.~t. ::::.;: :lell?ting rpcon~:(~nÍ"d at 9:26 L' , ~=. Dic~ ?-.:~-~.::~ 20:~20 K.:::=~dE:' Drive, ~t.:-_:~'~3. saiå :H.~ ~a5 c:L:tcndc~ "':-_ 3S publi: r.i::ã::"Lgt; in CurC':-t .:': ~i:~ce ?oL'1:: j:-¿ a;.c! :'..-:;1~ :-=-.~.: "::0 confu~e¿ ,¡:.c'".-: :~.c tr:\~:~, :~Þ"l..1tiol1 ~.:-) ý:-es(>;:~l'dÞ The pr£"\·:.~_:· -...~~ic.('nù he ¿:..: ~:'s C'.~':1 tra~f:..: .1-..ilysisÞ lie l..'c;':cj at \"~:1co r.-_> .::-.";' ~Liriani Y..a:: '5:~e5 and t~''"':- ~...:...-:a'd at tP.~ resi- ¿cnt ial Þ -: ..';¡' his or::-~:=::. :'b-a: Cupert ::".. :......~~ld have &:1 ()utst3nJ :ng. CO~~~ ~~~~ regional s~..:;:;~"":g center .~;-.:.., ~~. out5tdadi~ä; ::.n¿';JstrJ....._ : õ.:..... :t..,s~ CL:.re~:.:~c. resid('~~:' ::.:.\.' south of .:.::~·:ens Crei:k 81\ _. ...::.; "'~st of L¿.-:-e::'CL Expr("s~..··.--:.. Tho.:' fced..:>r- roa¿~ to ~~llco r~:· :~~ 3t 1-~8G, S~eYe~~ Cr("~k h:~~... Prun~ri¿~p a~d p..-.'"ste2c ;_ :¿. Highway 9 ¡Cê:S all the <C.:' ::,~üugh Sunn)-,,,le, ~uperti:::, .. 0:3" :'"g." Sa:. :::~.L"5 Gal05 .......: è it"3 14 ",iI es ~ at~r. ~ Ion SUfiay, _~__ ·:!=.~·....ay 9 is :~='.·Et-:1 6 and ~ ...... '~'::'Þ He: fou:1¿ ...£>(-(J(:1" s:rect~ :.: _ ::ininur.l o~ .:. :¿:-..:::s: Fri>:-- ':.: ~ ;:..';~1i'>~tC:1t1.. £te':~:1f: CT~ek Bh. : :-~sp,·ct. £1 C!!::1:nG and Ray:--!:...':-;;. ~ The:;e ft:f:¿er stYert . are avai: : ~ tc l~jglt~·~::: 9 :",'j.: r~("It to \\..:,¡:> ~... ...:J. He said that ,,·h:it Yù" .... ~" ~~ Ùo''1~ '...::::. " r~gionaJ s' <ci;.~ cùntl"r at V"Uco Park wou:_ :.: :hat at 3:30. ':':3~1. 5:30 .a~..: :,:3~', "'hen thé :::1~u~tri,1 lets till" :-~_"';~è oif \o'ork ~t s~at::6cred ti=-~~ ~:, y,'"\u \Jould be ~akiag the enti:·... :..:;-....:.1t.:..· and r-.;.t:i~~g it all I..'!! .:;:~' o:;itc. Mr. Pad.,_:: ~.:i.! ir.tpC'rt.-lo:l-:e :..a!Þ been gi\".....:: :-.' the tt..\\,,'n céntt:r ~;jtC:. He suggi'~:;;.': ~~i~h\;~,)· 9 a:-.~ .s.:evens Crct:k ~:>:..:. could he handlct! Ii'" Tillmor<- .:.:: ;"'.1ry in Sa~ rr~lcisco, or at :o:l1"dalc and El Ca.'11ÏIIO vith a g'd"' :h.1ngc. CC-166 .... 8 IWIUlt.:1 or m JULY 30. 1973 ADJOUBNED CITY COUNCIL KEETDG . 1IIr. Pacheco ..111 be ~. 80% of the traffic is a_rated by reopl. l1Y1a& in othar jur1llclict1ons than Cupertino. The _jar feeder streets ....e reslllential dev.Ia,.eat fac1a& the street. Wolf. &oed aoes right Jato . _jar ru1d8l1t1a1 area and in order to video Wolfe/K1l1er it eould _ parcbaaillS rauential homes. 111'. Pacheco said he fl. ewer the area for two hours aDCI he found it wry btu..t1a& to ... Wer. the population centers are and where the roads lay. He suueated this vas a good vay for the Couocll to get _ ovuvi_ of ·the .it~1oD. 111'. Goodrich annered Ka10r Irwin that with 1-280 _ are talldng about trip ads in both direct1oas. It bothers iaill to talk .1Ioul: traffic OD roads along with traffic within a sboppiDa center. CouacilAan Jacbon aalted how much the traffic will be reduced if the entire Vallco Park center does DOt reach fruition. Kr. Goodrich said it would be reduced by about 50% on a daily aeasure. Kayor In.-i:I asked if s..~nal loads were calculated into the traffic project:'.:-::,;. Mr. Goodrich said the calculation vas on an average week d~:. Saturday traffic Is slightly higher. It was his assumptIon that F-::'.iay wuld be h1aber and would peak at about 6 P.M. Counci·-'~ Sparks asked about air quality. Mr. Goodrich said there would ~e ~etter aIr qualIty in the sense that it would be located In the ce:::e-: .:-f the Valley. He said that theoretically, this is the ..sucp:i.:-~ that ~eople wIll drIve shorter distances to do their shoppiftl. But an.:'t~er factor to be considered is heavy concentrations of traffic. and t~:e ~ill be pollutIon. Counci:~~ Jackson said there would be a substantial amount of traffic genera:e¿ at normal closing hours of the stcres. About 7% of the one-way traffi: ..:'~:d be leaving then. The saoe factor would be thrre on Saturday a=J Sunday. He asked if these stores would be open on Sundays. Karia::: ~~:~ said they ~~id be open l:'oited hours ~n Sundays. Mr. C~C¿-:::~ said the hours they are open could be comrared to Saturday traffi: t:b~res. It should be pointed ûut there is a great deal of variati.:':: ~etveen shopping centers. Counc il:ta:: Jackson said he has listed the effect on streets from both sites. A: ·_..)li~ Road. north of Hom~~t""..lJ the!"c h: :'1úrrù\ling -.!O\o.¡¡ trC't' 8 lan~s t.:- . lanes on Ho..estead. Th:5 could sho·... a ni:ed for ó 1.,,,,(',; or p~~:-..1;' ;-r"hibi t ion of street p.trk ing. This b In Sunnyvale ":1J i,; outsi~è :: :ur jurisdiction. If ~e iM~rove that intersection it ~ill encC'uL!¡:e F~~lc tû use :..hat route. ~'~'""11 dön't i::p:.-ovc :1 sitll-itll.'n if yuu r:.IÚ :: 'oror,;e. lie feels the co,~.,,"ter traffic can be s"l·..~J "ith mas,; IL~an';it ~~: ""t the shopping center traific. I KItIUTES OF THE JULY 30. 1913 ADJOURNID CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-lb6 P/tge 9 CouDcilaan FroIich ooted that the Vallco Park industrial traffic is -.ble to transit. Be said we are going to build a transit .,.t_ to get the cars off the roads. Hayor Irvin noted that aølo.erated shopping is ~r. .enable to transit than strip c_rcW. CoU11cil&lI1 Frol1ch 8aid KlC is looking for ways to let a handle 0:1 c~rci..d transpottatioG. He foresees the purchases Jllade at departJlellt stores delivered to tbe boaes, as it used to be done. Councilman r.eyers said the uadeveloped property on Volfe lIDad would requir<; six lanes. Hr. Goodri;:h said the Vallco Park nOD- sbopping ce!1ter and Vall co Park sbopping ct<Dter will need four extra lanes. Co~iloao Jackson said the big question is how 8Uch traffic is going to g~ on these residential streets. Hiller Avenue south of Stevens Creek Blvd. presently narrows to two lanes in San Jose. When the undeveloped area develops it will go t~ fr.ar lanes. SInce 1969, those residences have seen a 66% ~ncrease In traffic. They no~ have 14,000 cars, and the in~rease on that particular street due to the sbopplng center will be 60%. Hayor Ir~~o w~dered b~ far Cupertino's responsibility extends to encourage otber jurisdictions to get their streets widened. The Dir~,:~r of Public Works will discuss this issue with the otber jurisdictions. Hr. Ruff~ said the City of San Jose has refused to improve in tta Meridian area. hoping that the developer of the property will dedicate a~d improve. The alternate to that is an assessment distn:t. Hayor Ir~ir. saId that when the Tantau overcros8ing ~s completed people fro~ other jurisdictions will use It. Council~an Frolicb said a vast portion ~f the Q~ney spent in this City cn de.eloplng streets has been to carry cars frQ~ other jurisdi~t ,''os through our City. lie saId we should be looking at these thi~ss and we have to assume tbe leaders ~f the other com- .unities ~ill do the same. Councilt::"" Jackson said East Estates Drive c.m be reached from Hiller A.~~ue via Vicksburg Drive. Traffic is fluid and will take the quic""st route. Councilman ~'''yers nou'.l t!u.t East Estates Drive has a dangerous intersect ion at Boll in¡'er Road. which will discourage some people. Councilt::~~ Jackson said Prune~idg2 seems wide, and the people living th~re von't be too hapry with the increased traffic. · :CE-I66 I.... 10 I j ~ Of tIE JULY 30. 1973 ADJOUIIED ern COUKeIL HEØøG , , Ii (1- ....0- J....._ ..iAI or.-.. .... a different problea. T_tau to IoUSapr tI_ pr_t a dIna&h route and it will have cli...rsUication of ... tort. ADy tbIG_ mfflc dlverters v1ll be wl~III.bJ the r~"'. It caD he 1101..... wt on17 at the expense of tile residents. " ,I f Cr.. cn- ,......011 aU dIece is a beav7 increase 1D traffic south OD .,.~ A~. The ~tca& effect 18 the probl_ as Stevens Creek U'fd. teaols to bee.. ~ COlllested. He believes shopp1ø¡ center traffic vUl use 11.., Aweøue. although the DeLeuv Cather report says 2% of the sbopp1n& center traffic will go on Blaney Avenue. JIa:tOr Irvin said Iorth 118"97 Ceu less traffic DOV thllD it used to, siDe. 81&_,. 9 bas be.. vUenecI. CouDcit.an J~ckson said there is going to be additional traffic congestion on these rnidential streets. SoIae we have control over; others we do not. DeDDiSOD ~ 50rvicb are stre@ts where 12% of the traffIc will c~e to St."ens Creek Blvd. and use Llat intersection. Torre Avenue will have 10,000 tr1¡s O~ a street rIght next to a residentIal street. MaJOr 10;1:: uid adequate aoundlng and bettling on the per~ter road wauld heIr s~lve some of these problems. CouDcil:A:. J~ck50n said that the addition of the double let: turn lane on Wolfe 11..""': fr01ll illXllestead to 1-280 is saying that we are willing to accept :~~t level of service. Council",.&:: ~yers wanted included In the reiX'rt the effect on Homestead load by ~::~ sh~pping center sItes. Mr. Gcodrich said they have the fIgures :~r :~at. althougb they are not listed on the chart. He said we are ¿s~~ing it wIll be 6 lanes from L3~Tence Expressway to Highway 9. COUDcil=~~ ;~kson saId a 28% i~crease of traffic on Torre Avenue, right Dext to re~i!ential will be a problem. The incre~sed usage of Torre Avenue by =ê=s~oîpe~s IllUst be conAider~d. H~ also foresees an increase of incun\'"::~,,n.:.· <>n Alves Drive. Valley Gr~en Drive, r.re~nl~,,' and he sees Blue Ja\' as a potential 5hort~ut tu th~ "enter. rie was not sure that the s;~li~& Jown of either shopping .:enter uould solve the traffic probl","s. ~'": the adoption of either sh"pp:ng center wo-.Jid cert:!inly increase it. CL'~ncil:3:: ~":"rs said th~ City of Cupertino is the real bottleneck on Highway 9 ~ið~C n~w, and It will have to ~" considered when caking a decision ~= this general plan. CouDcil~:: Ft~lich said this entire Jiscussion presupposes we will do an adequate ;~~ ~f providing lanes for through traffic, even if w" dot 't have a regi":,,,: ,hcîi'h¡; center. If we get a ~:;"ppin~ center perhaps this would be a ~~~J tine to ask the dcv~lopers to discuss assucpticn det 2. It pretty :a,h outlines what streets we will need. . . . JIDI1ITES OF TilE .nn.y 30, 1973 AD.JOIIL'ŒD CIty COUSCIL HEETDIC CC-166 Page 11 ~";': ,,_or Irvin called a rec_ at 10:50 P.K. The aeetins recoøYeøecJ ,,~:it~,i_"U.09 P.1I ~,~d~:>~ " . ~;:'~~¥+~,.. ; ,,; . '. u- ~_hOO ....,.... to ~JU the proposals ... ~ die .' ts: lfar1aD1Haµ..... ~opo"" dW-a-bus, and Ya11co ..k ¡,11M PrOþOSÑ $100,000 ~ JM&' for 20 yeara. Both are last .s.te <1IÎIIIIør_u. lie teø4s to~" both of thllll. He ~ of 110 8boppiDa center 1III1DI .00.......,..· aDd is not aure of ita _Irr. 1. fact, to reduce park1ll& JJue. because of dial-a-bu. is ta1d1II . d.k. ...,or Irvin said any tf8e JGa cø do _thing innovatlye and tad to a1t1pa traffic it 18 iaCriSUiDS. ne asked where the fleet of ....... would go at ni&ht arJII wilen they would be aervlced. 1Ir. Burkhar4: acknovleclsed ~1Iat theIr cOIIIIit...ent was aade late and there was g~~J reason for chis. They have stated for the record that they .~e willing to !>aYe dial-e-bus one of ~he conditions for UN perai:. 1[ is the fir" tiae it will be used on this acale in the Unit~ St.1tes. They baYe atated that if, after a cer~aln peri o! tiae the .:ceptance of :~,. aystea is less than anticipated they could cons:~"ct the ?arki~ deck. He thinks the people here will reapond t~ :~is approach, Døvever, because this is an area of the Country t~3: is educated a. to pollutio~ and its effect5. 1Ir. Bur'~~~;: said the publ1: transIt syst~ ~ould discharge peopl and pick :~è~ up a~ some 8 loca~ions on ~he upper level of ~be ....11. !!:èl:ea below the r.çs. along the periphery rca~ voo:ld be used f"r s:~:"ge of the busses at night. They could also be ...ed for ~ing ~erchandise. There ~~l~ be a 20~ reducticn of tr.ffic due to cUal-a-ride, and ~his sh:>uld be incorporated into the trafU. a::.l:ysls. The 35' vUe elevated road would be arouDd ~he perIphery c: the bulldin&S. They don'~ kn~w yet where the aai...- ~enance ,: ::,e busses would be done. It would have to be doaa elaewhere. Couocllr3u Frolich was cooccrr.er. about the obvious expense of this ~at_. !!~. Burkhardt saW the eeasure Ol 'uccess is not the a;~en~ of t"e loss. The real test Is withcut the Jl>oo parltiq spaces 0:1 t!:o> deck there VC1Ùd be parkin!: pr"blems. The City could ...ke tà1s decision. Ybe systea would be coaputerized SO 1nfo...atic~ is easily accessible. Councilr~n ~eyers observed tba~ the things th3~ would not ~ under the CIty's c"ntrol would be th~ vay the busses are driven and ~he drivers' tr~~tment of tb~ customers, etc. Hr. Burkhardt said this is an i~portant factor to the busInesses at the sho?ping cen- ter. The C;~311ty and d.e efficiency of this service 1o:i11 be very iaportant t" them. They are ~repared to fund any studies on thia .yatea. It àas been successiul in Canada. ~ IUIIUUS or mE JULY 30. ~ jDJOUlIJIED em COUIED. ...--...... fii<'lf'f" ' 2Jeft1~ ,:::010:':.", '}"'ri.~¡ ..¡' :, 'ftfà -..I. IW...... , , ' ..i':t{/\.!:. ..'< .If it .....u DIIt'. ' ... .,. WttJa af,"~ ,..,-,;;..,;g:.~: ;.. if lIartaId JIa11 ,,' .' 'to ofí_'~ - '~,. "1~' '. ,~l'ark'. off.. Hr.' J . ~'.'..ø aD'" ""'eOl<" '. ',. '~1,1f :~,:~.','ü: CD M of 1IeMft&t~ìIiìt.i~ NiDI c.... ul_, r~~l- :,iUa1- ,7e-riale .,... "".tw'tIIíIe'ca.u t1laC'p'''He t&' oIlt'. f!U:U1 tile .en1ce of clcœ to .' -1....t1.. tr" "I lUC1oD.tUaI.--......1d11 CIIen be ¡ etiIY¡i w:tö poUt.! traalt. 'l'nfffc, air ...'....- pollution mold be IdHJ. -... co a Certa111 ateut. .... - ..". the Op.,o.LuAity to f~1 -. -C1dJla. Be tJa1Dta the PaGft. vt11 lie v1ll~ to d~ dlat thay ue v111fD& to help fiIk the pollut1or. prahl.. I COUlldluD JacUon _ aøc MIr. that he -U vant to __ a deci.ioD on an uDe"e4~. 011 the other haDII. be felt J.t _a a better offer thell Vel1co Park'.. lie felt that the.. 1aaC møat. offer. appeared to h. f . .01. Our prohl_ .r. traffic. _t a lot of 110118". U. dial IIIIC _ bov tha _rail ayat. proposed by Vallco Parl .. one po_n.,. aN for the $100,000 per year ~d lie any O\"erall solutioD for Capartillo. !fr. Valter Vard. Va11co Park (;eneral Hanager, Aiel the 1DJ.tú1 thought of . IDOlIOrail QSUa __ inspired by the one in !latAU. They are .wre the: the r_..y haa a Coatis.ion that is .tud7111& _a. tra:sit syst_. Vallco Park feels this IIOlIOrail syate. -t.d supplmene ratbsr than" . .t. vith the Count)' .y.t.. n.etr thiDlt1na is what... they propo.. to Ii". a. a suppl_t to pu;'l1c Uanaportation ÙIOUlAI sen'e al.l the people. Be sua_teeS there _1ght be lIOCe ..eel aøDe7 for _aorials, therefore the7 did _t _nt to fix ..i:ere this _aey ~1d 10. Perhaps J.t could be aaed to help solve the noise pollJg:IøD probl.. The rèasoo it __ tieeS to a buildi::¡ perait is tbu U part of the food. are to be aaed for bufferiu,; it should be tied :0 ehe developoaent of the property. This .., the prohl.... -.u be alleviated before It was created. . !fr. Paul Mariani alreecl1d.da CouncUuo Jackson 011 __ of the points broughe out. Be sai.4 tbat aa far as the HariaDi l'aa1ly 011 tbe Hari~i site is coc.cer>:lle4. there will be no offers. 110 offer. _re ..de ¥hen tbs zOIIÜIC __ obtained 16 years alo. The proposal eith. trlns or lo.es _ s.u a-. lIIerits. He was sorry ebe d1.a.l-a- bus presenutton _s DOt koa&ht be for. ebe Planlling t--t ..·1011. It ..s u::der considerae1oa for a long time. The rules did DOC perait i:. In the area of 8&king a land use deci.ioo, .. far aa be is coa<:e:ned tbs dec1.s~ abould be made inde¡>endenely of aA7 offer.. . - - . 1WIIt)¡S Of m JULY 30. .973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL KEETING C-l66 age 13 . ,; { ,JIQDr IndD 1I8nted to state that be did not believe either of the , .:, . 19øpo1Ü8 11)' Madam Hall or 'JaUco Park were br1beÍ1. as haa been " :':;;,';:"'..1........ to 1Ja __ of the ___..,.ra. CoullCilJDaD.JacboD aaid be ~,Œ ';:\."/ .;ç.ø.i 'ÌIIIt 'tJdDIt of tœ. ...1tr.UIea either, Be do.. 1íOt; 1Ie1ieve tbia t,. , ,"·:j",-1uo,.1I8J SOVerøaent a1ìoa1ðøø a1lout""lri"'8 ecléci81oD. It vas DOted ~..!;,:;z~f~pro lOlllnts bave bMD YflQ'o¡>en and a~e'boarcl-aIIoat theBe offers. ~~:~,.'.,:/ ,- -n_ hoUch feels tIIae,botb of tbùe offers aboa1d be considered t;~~/"Æ '. sa'~ vith an a...._t .u.edct. It i8è tbeo~ferof a developer ~".. ..,~ .. fW a aolution to a ~ that 1118 deve1t.r~~ -W create. '/' Jk. ... I.oratzen. 18630 Cn1d:xee, said he is Preaidat of IallCho ø.oIIIIIIa aDd they are ~ to clean up that 11888. They have stated tat they wuld rather jOfD QapertiDo tban San Jose, Be .aid be rang _ doorbells aDd asked the people about bow they felt about a senior dtiseua group anJ about a 1IboppiD8 center. A lot of those people he amtacted favored a sbopp1Dg center in Vallco Park. JlaDcbo Rinconada .. 11,000 boDes; 30,000 Jdds and 50,000 dog.. The average homeowner .cays 5 years. He believea that eventually thos8 homes will be torn dovn for aparments. The thought of busses did not impress a lot of £he people. One mechanic told him tbat after the first few months about half the busses will be in for repÆ'ir. H8 was surprised at the little traffic goiD8 to Valley Fair. He said he drove dO""11 Highway 9, to where the cars would make their left turns. He stopped the car and I' pat the hood up. In 15-20 seconds there were 100 carR in back of him. Be liked hearing about tbe suyttlus money. He said we badly need a eeuior eitizens' club. !!iller Avenue aDd Lawrence Expressway are very heavily travelled. The people on Tantau Avenue have said to let the traffIc cCl:le and they will have to sell their property and set out of there. Be closed by saying he felt both the Mariani and the Vallco people vere sincere and bave the community at heart. AJUOUKNKD"T Jta70r Irvin adjourned the aeetin& at 11:56 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on .July 31, 1973. Respectfully submitted, Isl Lois Inwards Recording Secretary