CC 07-26-73
10300 Torre Avenue, Cu¡Crlino, California 95014
Telephone: 252-4505
HELD OR JULY 26. 1973 111 THE MONrA VISTA HIGH scitb'J.,·AiÌinTOKlUH
. UlrdJ:DlO. CALIFOR1'IIA""'"
Kayor Irvin called the ceetlng to order at 7:12 P.M.
Councilmen present:
Councilaen absent:
Fr"llch, Jackson, Heyer£. S¡>arks, Mayor Irwin
Staff prest-nt:
City ~~nager Quinlan
City Attorney .\daMS
Director of Administrative Services Ryder
Director of Planning and D~,el~poent Sisk
Director of Public Work. Viskovicb
Ass~ciate PI~nner Cowan
Consullant~ present: Econo~ic Consultant Levy
Traffic Consultant Goodrich
Court Reporter:
Helen Laidrich
Hal"r Irwin announced r;'.at Counc:lman Frolic:. had arr",,¡:,cd for
Hr. J/Ulles PoU, Sant.. Clara County Public 'hrks Director, to
address us briefly on the public transportation r.atter.
Ccunci1::an Frolich said Xr. Pott has just returned fr= ~ convent1cl
of the Nation~l Association of County Engineers in D3~'" Texas,
,..hf!le he was ~ed t.h:5: nationls top urban ccu.::.ty eng:""'"1eer [or
I !i73. As Nr. Pott lit:?ed to the podium he a-.nounced that he is
also an ex-skIer.
Hr. Pett noted that C~?ertino miRht be interested in the transit
o,partunity within the C~u~ty within the next 20 years. We are
presently cperatin~ Countywide public transp~rtatiou for the fir3t
time, vith 61 coaches ~n the road. Transit, at the pre~ent time
provides only .4 of 11 of the tr~ff~c movp~ents in S~ta Clara
C~unty every day.
age 1
,'.¡¡e 2
ES OF ï:-Œ Jr:.y 26, 1913 ADJœøro CITY COUNClI. llEETING
,. ,~. Pott said Lhe Transit haa completed studies of iu own
. .' the County's studies..Ia1!J¡69. based on 1965 data, the stad1es
"~.;,êoIIIpiled with the BalAùS'Scady Co_isaion work in identifYing
,".',~.people ""er~ g~ing..""'~'" for what purposes. The cóøcløaioDS
. ",' "reached that during;:tbe e u hours, all transit in the County
'ted abeat 11% of t~''<c >, ce ttaffic with Southern Pacifk trains,
aud all bus...' tã rr C-Oty.
. ")
.,:. ",,"
. 'ott said t!:3.t In the ìIpdIIC of 1974 the District will more than
bble the slz~ "f its fleet; ... 11111 have on the road 170 coaches
_istiog "f ",,¡,res. rout..... personalized transit services; In
the spring ,,:: 197; they 8Dt1~e they "ill be up to a 2CO-bus syste",.
swaing tb~re is suffic1eot laterest in the syste", and con¡;estion on
the stre~ts, the 2QO-bus S15teS could carry some 9 to 10% of this
peak COl!ll1Ut~ tr,:,::el. 00 the _erage. during the course of the day. it
could furni.h s£~;!ce equlvaleGt to 4.5% of the travel demand. The
c~te activo:, ~c~~rlses S3ae 22% of all the trips taken in Santa
Clara Coo::t::; ;:- '??ing c=pr1ses scae 15%.
The Trans,:::~o::~ CoomissioD has set for its~lf ~ transit go~l ~ich
¡'.-ill ;:rovi¿o :~::Jre transit service~ than ha. been set :crth here.
¡They plan :~ :::'::ôh 30% 'Jf me ~7i_I:: t~av~;.dc~~nd: ,1 mil:'i~" rid~rs
per day.....- .... . ~o31 can. '!:J.e ac......e..ed ~c ..~ll (......~t l1.kely h'..e a S-,StC.1
~ cOt1:Drising. :-è': .,":.11 rapid tra=.sit scrv"tces. ç.,rt;? ~.¡il t have support:
~of a c,,=-~~;:::; :~.1nsit syste::. a=-i bu,>s¿s). ::ï.t:\ tnat ty;:e sy:,j:;:":: ::;.~
!;'J..i:lO, ~tr. ~::: :-~":tevc3 it is !"ea,;:on.:.ble tù t>.:nk that we ·..¡:'11 c::;.c
tcl~.;e to t:·_~~ .'~.< ;5'J:\I. ~;v',"~ere i:l thi~ CC'u~:t:: _:.:i that '1a~I....-=: a.::r,:2ve.d.
1 A~~t:""1.:'nb ..i: : ':.::'. :hi3 0:;0.:11. a..X \.;..= i.,;; t~e .iat,ì. ..:-.1 lecteri O';e= th~
! !,as~ year::::. '.:~'" : _~.:1 r.1ult .i.:-..'Jde :.~e ':r~;J.51t s·:·-tl..·:l '.::..1 can d :·.-ërt. 3S '::'.lc!1
. -,.,.. ] ., 1· ' -
~ as '=;;.)". Ot t-:¿ ~ _u neur c.:;=ute :'r:1ve.. ::-..:n..,.'_. ;'::·~lve "':OtL.':' -:·.--e:rl.ay
l'that sO::J.e·,..·..:t. ~t looks l~l:e ...·e h~':e 3 C..:unt:· ::.~~.::: COï:'..'i1ute 5~.·Stlf:~.
I for 6300 :::-C:C"'Co at the ;>:"58:: tj:-;·~.
t~=. Pete 5.'i:':' t·,;.: -,t thi,,; ;:0:.:0:. -.e don't kn,,... :--..'::
,C:lst. but.: ~.: bp. Sllb~t3;'-.t.i.a1... :C:;1(" ~~:--:¿~:;:~.~:,::.
I t--<e ..,,....: ~,.., .; :t is t'lo..;:. - ......c':-··.,..:.....,~ t:'at ..... ~"',"
..1...__ ;¡J _' ....~ ...... ,_ 0\..... ....__ _....~....~.... ......0::-
!:o ¿c~~cri.b: ...i '.' _'.:·..-=..c'laòle, it ·..i.11 b~ at ~:~;,;
t :n £anta '::"::'.! .: ".~at:: tn..,:! 'Y.l.:' ~:-c:3[':1t ..~0St'i. 1':",...'
J nuto:c~:)\,ile- d._ .. ," rt,~adil·· ~x:.r~ct::'~l~.
I .
C~r.Ci.lro:l:: .J~'''''-.'~~ thanked Mr.. Pott for h....s -:,·..':·.:'!1.t.1tico. !-"'€" asked
! "'" 0 ... d
¡.~=. ."tt :'"- ~:~, "':-('pose B~QT sy:;tr:f1: L)..:.1t....'!l L; ':rcdlcti1t~:= i:: ~~::'S
1"~""'" "Ir .-...... :J t'r.e....... --... ..-',. -... . ' .,.. .....:. t· C ,.. --:> ¡n'"
¡.............:::. . .. .~..' ~~_ . ,..... ...~..O:; ~.._.. ¡,......~~~.::I _.'- ....._. l¡U. 7:.::.~. ::._::.. . ..'-
J another s~l~.i~· .',. ~:lis tL-.~.. 'r:-;e D~!:t~~ct :l~l. r..", '::ltiy .:l?7r: .-=.: ~~.5 In:! 1 ~(~:\
~ foe a rc1-;'.: ;..:. '.: 5tad.... ::. ·..;l~::' t.::'-C: c.:,) ':t",,~~;,. ~.:ùrk":'::;: ..... (,·;~C.i l::Ly
! in the C:·.:~ty .sccna'i'l ,-'.c>re t·.~ "l.:l· ,., ;',";' be ]JC1:~·:.
!I"Iuch th~.;; ':::;:.c.--: .,l] 1
1'.1:3 ?cç;. :-~:~ :£
30a1s h~ ~~~ att~m~tëQ
cust t) ~~~ ;c~?le
C05ts of ::-.é
"U.-UTE:; OF :'iE JULY 26, 1973 ADJOURNED r:!,:, COUNCIL m£TISG .
age 3
.,. ~ ~
~.t.. . ,2It......i.Po. t..t. said the eft' I:Ortb and the westvoulAJ like the
~...~~..,~ to be. locat . . ity of t~ SQ~t~~. ì'F¥U:l~l!.
t;1Iíit41íe,u _bla to. iat ,,'her-è,'.it" 1:.~ØP·tl:ier'
,I·~.·.'" . .,b..ll?..;~.·....'.;- tiJ'~~~' .·~('~i'i.¡;' ~i;)!R~,~;~~.i!y~~:'
. ,." IV .., .>' '~1f"~ia ".;it' öitf~~hi;;«:,";
"~....'. ..... ··~.'b:J°~pc~'·.;'b.· ·.'e ~¡b l.....~. J.'U·· ·.'B .... ~!!.·.··äI"'''''· , ,;.·.·/i¡.·f·.·.···.{..·~~
.,,'.....·.?<',·...ÌIJI.·.·.·l....·.· sr.···· ...... ';s''Si:'':í,,''tfi ~1'~ÛISí:y Wioålcí' hè''.
'f> , . Y . . . '......>". '.' .
~;.\í: to;run it out frOllÌ S , pitas - "a J90Sl of 3hllles. . .
. SupPleeeatiAg this" . tWork withCstatt9Ds'ewery half .
Bile.' they would bé 'Í;i' "åted stationS, BA1lT"opoJ only
every tvo ailes. TheY/"·. ~ able to carry large voIuaes of
people. I!.e said he i!;";'~-"'lfttin¡i: in t~ntS of at but 100
..iles of rapid transit .' .ì:tat':'a-ride to feed into it. They
v.nJld be either subways ~JÌ';~ted and electric ?01lered. They
would ruT. ?etty much CD af8tomated system.
Counci1=:. J..ckson asked if there is 50",e ','ay car pools can be
institute': ,..¡thin this jar~ú:tion. ~!r. Pott said this could be
~orked e~t: h~wever thece are legal r~~:::cations. Th€~e ~as one
case ~~~.< .he car pool vas involved in a~ accident a~~ :he riders
~ot only ,"eJ the driver ba~ also the c~<~ny that enco~r~~ed the
car pool~~', He said they are working .~t~ the schoo: ¿:stricts
to try t~ '~~ourage car p001s.
Council:::.:.:-. ~ieycr5 asked :.f è:e trans;,ort3::~...'n systc:n ·..·0".;1 -= ~cgin
to enCO~~ë~2 jurisdict~~ ~~ to wid~n :he ro~ds a~d ~ei~ire less
;'arkin; !';'.lces in order to e:::.ccurA~{> reass transportat. i~n.
~·:r.. Pott ~,~J chis was t:rue. Thj5 thin:\.i::.; \dll be :':'~5t:'t\J~cd
\-:i thin t:-.~ r.~ar future.
Kr. Lev:; : = ~efly went over Jú.s charts. ":lJicatlng ..~a: the P l¡;nnin.
C~issi:~ recommended for ~ core area. It was first ¿:sc~ss~
~~cther ~~ n~t Cuperttoo VODld benefit fr~~ a regional ce~ter and
if so, .':_":ld it go to r.a~i Hall or \",,:lco Parl<. cr.:esti<;ns
have beë:1 :aiscd as to ~be acc-~racy anà t:'<: sufficlen~:' of the
¿ata $uh~:=t~d to the ?Laaa~ Co~jssic". He said tèú: if the
!oales ta.., :í'venuc was off SQ!Ie 10% it ~,.:;.::d:1lt change t:..e r;cture
.a;>?rec~~:-:.,;. The same b:tlds t.rue that i: t:~2 traffic ¿,sg-..1':':?ti?ns
arp off !(~ it won't subsc2:~1al1y Cha~b~ the total picture.
-.' ..-..
~r. Levy õ3iJ three major ~s hav~ c~, out of th£ ?revicus
necting~. He interpreted ~ to 'Clean t!~¿\" di.spute th£ Pli!nning
Commissi~::'s decision. It 1RS their ori~:"" th;'t the: iscal inpac ..
'.ere· not ','~rth the traffic -.! other br.'~ts. To make ~hat inter-
pre taU,,:: :'~1I have ~o Cull- UDderstand :::..t the fiscal :"';.acts
mean to t :_~ household~ &::Id 'IiIb..a't Ute t 1:"è.::: .:.....~ means. Ycu should
decide ::~, hol./ bad it is, b.r rather ho'''' "lie:', of it i.. a""ddable.
¡ tC-16S
hse 4
Secondly, Hr. Levy broarÞ,l: ., the inferen<:e that there are missing )i-:,}
pieces 4f informatioD ,fbœf,(ic. lie tninkS we are beading for a .....
j~.1¡htfo~4ði,. .',.., '''' ~i'¥egt.'..'."'...'.1t'..°banatl~~oDllllha~reCnobt1,...;.~_. r.'f··1ndf1e usi entrt1laly us..e.,. 'i<t",'~
1n::VallCÒPar~~'.';It¡;.~.~. T .ç.. _ "
i;onài.-.a~"""t~~ '>; ut~re 10 or so ~.. " Another .factor. " ,~
::ol~ì'~~~~Jr¡:Î; j~('does not 10c.~~~i,1D Cupertino it. .'c'.· 'k '~
,'1. ,. "". ,~,. . <there is the'qu..tfon of how IIIIIch"",,;-
oftbat trafU¿"th8.t".. 11 get. Hr. Levy 8a1d the major',:",l::':
thrUst or then.:: "lÍàt sCllle of the infomation was question
as to accurac:y,spêci[ 'bout the impact on the Cupertino and
. ." .' _,', "~"""..' ,.t.' '",..;{ ,_i',,;
Fr.-Dt Sc"ool Diatci.c:tS'~f¡r\,"
;~t?~~~þ)c:< .
Mr, Levy wanted to speakto"thè school district Issue. There were some
serious ~uestionE focuse4' 'both at the sumary fiscal it".¡:acts and the
detaild charts. '£110 ..-tio~ have surrounded the recent pr0l'crty
tax ley:.tation: I) How can property taxes be reduced? 2) How is
the t~" rate affected by die land uses? The i..pac~ 01 the alternate
lanú us!::;; ".s substaDtiAlly reduced under 5"-90. Tnçr~ _-ere rneeticgs
·..,ita ¡::c? school districts. One issue ":'5 '.~itat is t..¿ l.'.'!1~1Ct of the
choit:\!s :of land use en sc:ho:Jl d:.strict tin:tncing.. 1.;e second :"Icint
that ..:..:~~ cut is not 50 i:UCh th'1- qu~:-::t :':::1 or the '.::::e::'ât!.!1ª bU2¿:;et but
-;ill :-:.;,;e students cccu;:y the schools. & ··~U.l nc",.¡ 5::~""':; )15 h::vc to be
built e ::o? then revié:..-ed the EIC:;"1~nts ~...: the :3ch(:',-:l.<; rCrO\"t.
He .s.a:'¿ ;':H.! big cha=--3e is t.hat last ye:lr. out of a t,:Jtal bud~ct of
$22 ':::_:':-0, $12 c!.ll:'cn '"".'""as sensith"c to ..:hanges 0: l~:!.d u~c. In
1973-7... ~1;,cut $4e5 :-:::ll:'on 0: the $23 ~ii! ion is ze¡5iti";c to changes
c f :. ~;:",: :..:...~e.
:!r e J.~ " .33 ~d the 3Sstm.?t :on5 th..1t ~:~rL' 1I~t.',:1 for r:.hc .::c[;')')l d :,;.;t r icts
are (''c,'_:": :,,-~lly true. X-=.5t ':Jf th(' C':'1'U;iL'n dc:Üs ..~t.h the C'-"ll:"usi:.Jn
reL'1t:~; to :i5-90. In 3.1: CO;TjIT.un:'t':è,S) ;",e',' lanrI ~..;,c; -~:a~:e r:t.1ch lc<;g
di~i~:~~:~ to th~ s:hool ¿istr!cte TI1C ;Lnal po:~t -le~~~ c(~cr~J at
these ,,:,;;>t:ngs, but c.,vered by the ?Lu::~W'; CtJI"";-li..s:::.:: _;~ t =-3 t,;it;l all
th\)se :.:: r....sidco.ts ::'t ~..O'.;ld a.¡;pear ~'l'! ~,: 11 be a':f::",~':' ".:!-::--I; .JUl" ~dlc'Jls.
Lasl :.~;¡;uary or March.. !!r.. Levy ~._"erk...',i -,-:ith the ;.;·--.~le :~-~1'} pLl~ì the
rw-..; :;:':~::,1Ls~ They ".ere ·..;~rkinz ~....ith a ·i,'~·r('dSe i:-: :":f! ":t'!ì-:;..ll ~~':'?lllati~¡¡:.
ThE':- .:::-:' 30CO net~ Sf)ðt::f:'; -.;ould be C!",_·~::-...~,l ":ithi:1 :::,(.' :ì.,-~·.;,t ~ivc ::t~~..n;.
l!lC)' ~1~"": "-loÒd·~ pro~"L~::'.::::. :Q~ t,-,rù :1r'; .::~'~w:·d_;.-;. f:·.e ~:lJ:; t:l:'t~~; tIut
CQul..~ ~"'-!4.t(l a p~ohl~ :.~ t.he .:;cho("l li~-:t::ict "-."úlll¿ ;)Ç 6. tre;;-J~n,~ot1s
bcos~ .::':' :H.~·,y" house.:;;¡; all .a.!: cnc~, be;-:Jr..., :'::l·.~ tlro:.' _L_ __."). Tt!; "_~; i~
~ue::>~.::~ .'! ti.::Jing, not cf ultimate i.;,,:~,:i U~:Ü. It -:~C.. :1Cl ~r\>:';,~P.1 t\.eo:l
-..:ith ¿ ~·'~l'.1cit}· ?roLte:::. a~ lon,g :l5 it :;:; <Tèad O'.-:r- a ;:.c:ic.i ~< t:lòiC.
Thl'" r:·~:-.:'nt Schcol Bc...¡rd :-:'a5 asked t~,1.r l''1('" b~-. ::1:';:-:','>: 'j: i":.~:...'-~rc:-;s.
Tnt!~Í' y::e 3. need for a né~' hi;;:'1 s,':,\,;l t;J :ìC.-·,,~~L: ~, :-'..:~l :':J'.~.j ~1~~,' units.
Tt1at ::.>.; (..) be te:!:;'2::'".!d Õj~ the C.1ct t:..i.t. ;~. t:i~f~ (;:.:::-.¿::~:~r:.' d .~:·_:·:.C[ is
antL: _',trin~ .-:l ;lc.c[,t::3.s~ :'n enrot}:::c;~t, l ,,' hit~!1 ~;c:, ::;. (~':'~tr~ct. .:ill a'-.-;o.
ult i:~.:.:....:'l)".
Hr. Jo.. Donahue, vitia the United Taxpayers, said a tax rate re-
ductioo "f $1 is 801Íl¡ to take effect within one year. He said
Hr. Levy's sLat_ta åoald be answered by the President of the
Cupertino School Bo" anal be wuld like to have the City CotmcU
invite hia or his riPlU'!Gtatlye to,c_ and explain.
Hr. Bill Post, 10S42Ccdar Tree Lane, said it appurs frOlS the
cb.rt that only a ..1ec:ted gToup of "boola would Cain froa this
decrease in school populaUon. lie asked if this 'I.ant there will
be no nN contracts _ "hool property. Hr. LeV)' said there will
probsbly bc t~o new schools In the foothill area if development
take~ place. We csy Deed one new ~chool in the core area. He
does nct recall any heavy dependence on portables.
¡·:r. \"ictør Richcs. of R!che~ Rcsear~:-ì. stat.ed that econ:-=-:ics Ii'
just Ü'~::-::::1 St:nse cade coo.,] ':catcd. He offered to £?eak A?a!n,
aftc:- t;¡t.> C.....HuH.:il and ,.:r. Levy h:¡,..c reviewed his submitted rCF~rt.
Mr. ..1c:--:"y Fitz.~('ra.ld. 10191 ~orth !-l.:l.I'''~Y A\·{>nu(·, Cu..:'ertiIiL', su:;...
r.f':..;t('o:! t·:.~a L .1.11 the ?rCl;::ert)' l':~ boJth fOid('s (',~ i:i;-hway 9 &","S
~n:." ~c?~;d,,"'n~ L.:l, eve:\. t::::'u~h it \'Nlld PI;.ke no sc:¡!;(> ::t]('n~ tlH'
h:~·_I:'.J:·. it '''(lutd be burlt cvernji-;ht and we I,.'o·;ld ha\c 2. tl'rri~!r
ir.:.:-a~~t ~"\~ L:.(' !'l~hools. I~(> b.lsed th~s A.s~u":1ption ,-'n ;->r('·::o'.Js
(..xr('r:(,'h·~ ~~{'l"(~ in Cu~ert ~r.o.
MI. R_':'~l"t ....11ittetþ ViC'f:-President cf K~~.".ran rro;,,~rties. loc:tted
in V~!lco r"r:o, said He'......:! Properti.." has ju<t cO!!I:,lct(d the
O~krid\o:~ ~:...}] in. San Jose an:! has just started a CtJ~~Ir.ity shc?}"j:-t
center at ~IcCJcl1an and Higl",'ay 9. Th~)' have beé" entertaining
plal1~ f.:>r d,vdopment of the To..'II Center. !J,' sai ò th.q ¡,ave ju~t
learned that the Planning Comission tl:IY reco.r.mend less than the
47 ",res fur th" To·oID Center. I:e said his pIa" "~ to d,'veloi'
250,000 to 300,000 sq. ft. of shop" and restaura;¡ts an:! "ntertafn-
1I>enl cente.... simUar· to the PruneYard. They ?1al; t:> int"r.rllte 2
or 3 hi¡;h ias;:ion shops into the ;>lan. These ,",ouid not b., depart-
ment stores or have AUtomobile service centers. The entirt' peri-
meter would be harmed and landscaped, so it wo~ld be ceüpletely
screened from Hi¡hv.aY9 and Stevens Creek Blvd. Space ~ould be
provided for local,.rUsts. etc. Renderings of his proposal ..-ere
dIsplayed by his sssutant, Miss Lucy Webb. Ife said they are not
0pJ'Osed to either regional center. lie said that 83% of tbe revenu
provided by a regional center will be provided by his Town Center
plan h:\1f the she of a regional c~nter. lie h,>liev('s his plan is
more in "«'ping with the residentíal charscter of the City of
sge 5
I:'!r. ,;'~:.:.i~ ~:~ddlehrOl>k, 19651 Dr:Ùe, CUi~crtino, hn.:,.;an hJs :~t3tCr::lCnt:.¡ by
Jr~(:,-':õ:.:-1t~:tg ho,,"-lou;! 85 J~c!.b,·l": is.. He s~iù t~l; is th~ $ounJ t~;vt...l
II r~~("(':''':':'';' :11 vl1riou$ ..reas or th\.: ~or~ are.l. It!3 a joc,ilt7Cd
pr.::<·-·-_ , ch:n Cu:,crt1.=-...,.. :'-::Ïi.Hotc; .1rè bein'~ íT1,"de to )".!:~ol'l~ l:1:; ~:ù!Jll'r.t.
A ¡'C::':..i~ ~hopp¡n~ c(:::'~t:r \!ill t\:ìl:' .....,.ke t:~e r(O~:~:ì ·.'¡oc~c. ::i...'i.,·t~v:.:r,
sL...,:-.;· *_ :.I·~t address (Hr~el'l~s ~n.: th;s ti!"~ to t:;~ bL~:"!cr ?~-:,'hlt''';~1 he
':th'.j:'_~ :~,~ '.'110 !tt're nc~~s .:I l·~-:1icr.<\l s!w?\,~n;. cenler. Ü1;v:r.ou~:ly, t:l~
O~-;1t:'r~ ,': t'~t! property in qucslt.Y' :Hhi t:w d~\'elo::-cr3 need it, bl:t the
t.JX~·,,¡.';':'-':' --.:¡y or may r..JL <1ccJ it. T~h' ~a:; ,,: ~tig unj~tL'L':tin·"d.
!t h'~ :' i'n ro1ntcd Q!J:' that thero;; ¡~:J:: :"t~ .::. t':l:, reductio!} b~:al1.,,;e l'Ie it
..'n'! .t ; _;.~ """Ct1 de·:cn.'~tr:1t(·d Un.' ¡-'.\:1,: ~,"nL'(;t';; t~ be ¿e:-:'!t~J fn'li1 :'l:,
Jut t'.....:: ~\t !.ne 5ar::o ti:'c. Th(,~ i:;"lJ~' c~ rC\Il':'Ut:!' .~:;o!!"in~ -~,~th cth.:r citi~s
~Hl~~ b·,. ~ ~,Jlnted out. The ,,"';Jst ~:Ò.:ì: ¡!'.~~ ~jh,-'" Ll :¡ 1:->0 be ·ìuHed. 1:",' u:::els
th~:. :., _ ·'t..:..:r..e5ses 1~ Cu¡:"crt'='¡,¡" ~. :11 :.;uit·~'r. C';,:1f.t,t:t=)l1:-i ~,"\'J :t
t~.è -.,:", :':t ~D"'parable. !i~ ·_,·,.)U.l.'h'.: ;~"'~. !!.'.<1:: ùf tilt· tj'.l:dr:~"'';:=;t''''¡ 11
t:u:-~. ~ :'~~." ,~\!uld conrctt: \lith a rç ::";j;~ ~ ,~\.'nl~~l. ¡r.~)..,t ~~i....t i:1.~ ~'-~~; il:l"~SCS
.::'.Y- '':':' ¡J£ bU:jlne$~. cllo,.!n,~'~ ~'.,:.H:r..;.!\~r· or .·h.;r,~._· ll:,. ir r.1J.rk'~¡-i!~; ;j{·r;:tl:~Y·
it ;:~~ :'i'.-o. pointed out th:tt t:-.l~ r.~,~l~';~~ll ....·:'l1tf:r .'O:.dl: ~'r('vi,h' 3')ù\)
~o¡,,~. :·.:.::~~loyc:ent is not a 3~~r taus ¡:¡:"bL."¡ :3 C,~;l:.rt i~1(~ at th., f':-"',~1·tt~
tL-:-,..... ~.:;,~ r¡uality of life in C1l:'t'n in.., t r.trt ~ctJl,'1rly in lh(~ c'r·...;. .)re;t
·.;cul¿ ::::~:('r rran tra.ffic. r.Q::-'~ .17~;i ;'~r ~·,'I!t.:t:c,¡~ f--,l I}il;',;~r t~d!.·-; .'':''-
c.ia",l .17'';' ::";~'n daYB P{·~ \lc..-k. l'n'.jti~'r ~·r,)~I!'-':l t::~~ r,·s..!I.'nlS -'::HIl{~ ,¡.,':C'
t(.. ~,:~ c.. .:!t.h [~ tht" traa~it',.! ~':. ':~~w r,"j'':.'~~.1.\ C:';lt.·r '."tll¿ ':l;,-,:'" ¡ .,,_'f'l
-;lm~:,\',~:~~, S.\r~ti\~é!. L').;; ';,tLJ~;;. ':.~, J. ~~\.'t :: ·':·~:,1i.:1 \"~ ~'L
';;'Jlüttet. obM~~..aathe.~~.tlllll.lleuts 1I8de at. .these .aeet:!R8s, tbat 1~;,
a1¡Iat'w11, .~'.,S""t:·;~'ì)Îtå~?'aÎì1'~~t~<"'ý ,;not be,,~t~~~c:u~erti~ ·f>"\."!ß
It, _1d:~n~}t~~ _~ìfI'~:~t~pl~t8111O~ 11:t~~R'ij,,!Vith,the..i;~';
clulrcterof '.C$. '. ·N.~th"'P1tt#1lt,tiM 1dgh·;f¡åIli~S.æps are;"
locate4 l~J . ;J'Ifi'iIlofAtP.i'Tbe c1ty,fø:ørif ,', .'«!üuted
....11, V'1:. . ",íf~~"ett¡ta:t~fi~tt to achievé·,'~,~~~~tiall. "
_rcial ",,~Cèn~e~,~i~lIÎthere are a~~tofproperty,.
_rs 1::IYoJ, , " 7< ,', 111 the opportûftity for Cupertino to develop a ..
unique "'~èelat.... >'
Mr. ',hittet _red Councilman JaeksOQ that his figures include the
_ovie t!u!aters and resuurantø.
lie ans'",~.ed Councilman Prolich th.t the $85 per square foot is spr.."d
thr"'lg',~ut the eatire center.
He ~:1$'_-e:\!d Councilman Heyet"s that they are not ?cop.,f;in3 a gr~cery
st~re i~ the Cu~ertino T~wn Center.
H.ay",r :':~in .l~ked the staff tt) l,' SC"1.C 1'"'.l'rc data rc.~.:t.rdt~g rc:;iùnctl
'!h..·;-:~:~:: :('õ\tcrs vcr~us '·PruneYar.:~ -tvreU ~1\(~p:>1ng center:i.
~!:5i·:"T5 or -:
26, 1973 J..;';J,Xìc;r,¡¡ eIT; c: ~:..::i. }:EETI¡;C
l)¡¡r;:r~ 7
.;.lid Io:e have ~"n t;;Jking "t·e...; .1 "dice dCl'artmen
iie ~ered 1£ that. !:lean! an ant:'ciratcd increase
F;';";:.';:'->" ,<';::' ,,'<>"_
. ièive p .' .' ··...tiÌ1&facilities.. ~.,.
. ts iu,,:.,i.'itt~i;,.: ""tê.ì'OWs we add modes~ 1~!¡~.
c_rcW..r..'prl...... "~e iervice" should be direcr.ed
~. . , _,,-:,,1<, ··,'·'·~"::·'·L.·..::..·· ',", ·,·,M'.;' ~', ",-;;."~':. " ¡:;".:" .' .
.:; '. "cbe residecu~·CÚþertiJlOiAdftótfO ~eoplt' in other areas.
"'~ em¡:hasis shoaldbe on Iødusuial develoi'n:ent and a minor
""""sis 0:1 cc=ercW".
Mr. Hiddle~~o~l said that 20 years ago the bl, landow"er¡; were
the voters. .~4Y we have fiDe resid£ntia~ a;~a~, a fine school
415trlct, ~...' D. Anza Jr. College. The forcf<1t"ers "'cre farsighte
øaough to ;:.'.t :;, the fine character of Cur~rtino.'" retain
'!!:-. Paul }~;:,"c:, U;)1llestead a."1d 9, tl,a:;;.d the ?~annin5
C:;.!::tissic:: '::':-.";: ":~_t)~ Council an': st;.;ff, ....·h~ :1.".':fI' !~":'\'c-n of tt!e:ir
t:iI"e to r..··:,::'..:..:::-~rtino 3 better ~lace in ..Ï1~..:' :..~.... live -- wht-lhcr
I::-e agrees... :.....~ir decislc:äs c-: not. He ~.1_J. Uk' px:,re~~l<:)n
'";::cality ~.~ :a:~" has been use.;:i heTe frc:p.I.'fU :y. ¡L:.~; grandfather
::.ö.t:e her..." :..:-.~ 1880's and tr.e-:-e have hE'......11 : >'-f. s(~n2rat~ons cf
!'...a=j'_ó.n:l·~ :-'. "-~ here, .....ith:n 3. 4~ile r"j~l!.~. 11t' p:dnted C' the
i~ge be::'-'.' ~::-:è. by ?re5~Ure £r-:.·ups here. ~':c "~:l!:-:t l1:'1t 'r,ake hat"t:,'
èf:'=ision.:::. z,;:;: ~..1id the Ciual :!tj' ~== l':fe h(';-(· a:-..1 the b~1"'1r..ccd I
,,-~unity .:~~:-. -: just happen.. T:"C5e statc:;....."t~· ¡·.re reflcetions ci
:hf: g,al.'- .-.:'.: ~s of Cupcr:ina:-.s fer o.any Yl';"'L~. H~ ;.skC'd that
the peop1c·:: -. ?Crtjno he re~:ttcd tc gULde ¿nù control their
o..-n dl!'£t~:-<.
A.:::::ut 16 y.".:"";' .!~.J. \:h~n it becz""!c kno~m t ;:,ìt : -~Su '\'ii~
:.hroug,h c~·~':--: _=-". he Wa!J cOIB:!.i':'i'Jic:.ncd by hi~ f.l:.h~·r.- tø enlist the
bel? ..r l~:-': "'< Th: stnd)' bee...,...' " joint {·ffort
let..ecn 1.;'.": ~~....-:".t:rs alon~ P.igL~..·a>' 9. The~' [!~.," ·...."ry r·,tlch intercste
1.:: :'clain',;--. :'>..¿ unique i:nage z~:. charnctcr ("'Ií tÌ1(> C::ty. .\bout
this S:l:Dt: ~. ;.. Burrt-ll tconar¿ ::e~41n to r....t j.:lr.d tOBC'the¡- and he
1.;.2.5 dJnc ~i :'.:.":.':..1stic jub \.:!th V..:..:"~n..~ P~ll·k.
X=. ~1r:.:..:~ . ~:~ '~lC'h of the ~.:.=-.::. ~dcn~ H~~:i:. ¡~y 9 ·..'a:' :~ut into
~.:r...(,;.ntor:; . ::"":C~lcnt ~nd '..:&5 ~:.:..~ fra~¡.:t·!1.~·~·_~. r.\!~("r: ino City
Dr¿1nanc(' ::, .:-:-... dated llecE"io'::cr 1963,. rl'~,·r.~d :.ids to PC-H.
I.x.hibit ;. ;.J..:i~ a F.trt of tih Z'~'nin& ':-L:. i'~i::; ~-'."l~; p.1.~5=,i'!d on
Ft:bruary .-. .-....:., b)' ul1.1ni1!'.ðu.:;, ".J~¿~. H.J.:i; :: ,..;~it· at lh3l lLne leI
t! c~(':·>:. _ ~ r(·;r.onill~ to.-·.... ~r·tC(~ it tJ~\~,;:...·! til[' Z':':"I}~t1r,. ~L:'i-' ~\:1'
it was rt.<-~:-:-_._ ~h(" 196!.. Gen~:-3.: pjan a.::; .·:,·'o','..!..
P....Ae .
:-n:;.'7::'s 01' THE JUI.Y 26, 1973 ADJOUR.'ED CIty COUKCIL MEETING
Mr. ~~riani saId there is eviden~e of ;crd and bad stri? zoning.
Mr. ~ianl said Kontgpaery Ward made this property their first choice
s~veral years ago. They were interested in a regional shop~ing center.
S:..t ..J.l:::l the ideal C13S2I of department stores was ready. they d~cided
tc ;-.:::': :)off.. Two world renown developers of regiona~ shop?~n~ c.entðrB
h:J:.-t- ;0:":~n together for the fit'st ti.!!.e beciiu~c t111~ rro;oerty is right
f('¡, ~: :-.::~ ~:-nal shoppins center.. H~ $3 id he ho?c.d this :..:¡;,s net :1
::~;.-~:.,:~~y contest. H~ as!.tcd the CiCj' Ct.'uncil not to \.::~~t~ 1:-..::.-:tr!:tl
L...,:"_":. ::.. sJ::l.d ~.¡e can't afford to lC"'sl' tJ~:.~ .1(~rCS of ~nrlll<;tridl :~,:·1 th~
p:-.... _ _> ':''':~·<.''1·t1sc for 1.n.1ustri.dl r..!rk de...·t:~!op:-'~·nt o~ Fur....,:d t L'·Ct. ':.')..
::~:-. ::i noted the (i~'!res ~i; c:-:.?l:"'j~-:~Ill c:ILck.'" t"l"~-:: indr¡,it:i<:1 at
;f..,-, "1.':-: ha:¡è bt.:-t'r. c=::;')lct,..!!:: lc~t cut O¡' t:ì~ a:lcli:·,:<':,;.
. . '.... . .. -.
- -
. '
I'!:' - -
;:.; ~ _....::
,::i tha~kp.¿ ('::;,;;-cLL-L..1n ,;.¡,,,::"':s\,,·[\ ':(.'1' "'~'~nti.n; cut :lac.y U-..1T.·,:crl....d
He rcfe::-rc! :(') C;;)'":IìC:i.~~:t.n J'i,:';;'. '-'\' IS J2:1. " ~,:i1 .:.·..;.-~.)I·Ct tr)
.1 rc....en~~. ::e ci.:)e.~ l~,~l h.:.l::.~\·'-' ,',a~:")r ¿t.,,:,.:f.;~ en '"~'~'.::¡:t,;
::"H.te ~..<t>-'·.Jt ..;1 dir-el..'t r·.'~_'.::t ft..,,, t.J¡tl 2LHe. .;.:. ~c:._~! 7.f'C')
" leTO ;:::'I.,;:r,~:;-:. 1'Ì':t:: (·:1t~·-t.' .In.lly.,;· '..';~':> ,J;';;;~ ,)¡. "·'."~!"'~L
... ::" h.1..;c :,(··lrti.:1 ì ~t;_=-~'. '~f 11,> ',:lt~'h' i~:..-~'-<;. :,f. f,:- . -¡'1.:1t
-_~~t."!'s. ·~c -,';;';'ó,,:'l tb~l ....,:' ~.';'~ t :',e L;--'é;II~': .~'í:'~ I." , .~.:.:.:.;
~:~ ..:en::'er. It >~.J. be\:::1 ù:··.:~::-otL·,f_,~i :j'J,': 1:\(' II .~';. _'i ,:'..' ,.11
:. sizl~ ca:1::c r":¿'':c.:'',~ ,~:.. :'3. ;-): ,l-;t-ba.:; \..-.;~ ~~C :r..,,:l:t..~,'d in
tt.' ",' :~J:t app':',E".:.ti~::. '.'t'. :\~~t h.t:~ :;;)::"'en ;;;.:):;¡f t:;,~ :u' ·r-.' :f
:.1::'.... '-: "·l-.:p"rtat.:'G'~. ;::l' t!(;C.~ 11._,,;, t!~:,l> ; :","'licti0~; :.c.t.:.J.: b,.- i..-,~..!d
a~ cdse·l.
\' .. \ ~ -.-
t·] . _ '.. ~';..;
t" '_
::: '
.,L next aè~:·t''':.('.'i :1:;-.::t't,4 t", ;dv,:' :..'.. '!~~ ,'?' :.1'
I' 'ty tÎ1.::t ~," ;~l ~ ~T: t·} :~"~':V.'~ :1;. I_iíí.: U.¿.:.','.._:_-·.···
c':r~ ;,.. ¡·'--:''''~~r'cd
;,,:c;.·; .~ f ; J i :':,;':
'j : ¡ 1 .
;! i:-,:'i; ' .
. .,' ~ , '. ' ,
., > ..~,'".
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.:~:.' t C~'""''-
'. .-
,", ,-,.
.~:it. to) ~ .'"'1, .; ';.-~.·u :t
, , . t ~ " : , . c" .
¡ ''\ t'.-... ':. j ~
- " ~.
," <!:
... {~t .:"
.' "'1 .'~ -'.. ~~
Hr. :bdani 'iue¡t~0øe4 the buying of 11 new land use plAn unh.s we
,can coapare it ,vtcaí:..... ~resent master plan. He., ur¡H :,tlH!, :tat,.
'~1l to retdn tJië,..~t zoning'. 'JfÓ' one shOuldileät "èbåÍlie
wber. evidence .tIIdt_~~fIan&e is in Ora"., ,:,,:~/j ,ìt:<".
"',., ' ;;::ìg:"J; " '1;:¡ . 7 ' \¡:h,
}'ffi"','_ <}.~ .;-< (~ J ,~~; ,... "~','i~1'"
'~";IfaYor Irwin c:aU ., ' ,~.. at 9:12 P.;.{. ,'The meeting ~~è' d
","-''', at 9 :30 P .H.\~,_";.,~,::~-~~:,,,,~~ ' ,- ~ ' :r~-';:7:~'~It?~
~; ::'~-;~::,~
, alte 9
~1n;l':E.' Gr' Till: JULY 26, 1973 ADJ()t:RN!:D C"LTY COUNCIL MEETU:G
}!r. «sher 1:l1rd, Vallc:o, Park CenHd MlInager ""ve Ii slide !,resenta
ticr. .1f thc:r ¡ll·0IQøa1. He said it began ,a Ion" time agowlth the
B,'.:d ,of Sc'¡c¡'visGra in 1960. lIe &holled a picture of their DIa?
be! :'at ir.r:',:1du..tral reserve adj acent tt' La'.;rcl(,~ L:<prcssway.
It '.d< felt it ,",auld b., bt'tter for thc peop1" i" the arei! t.) work
ir. C·_, L:-t .:n'\ ratl:er th.a:'1 drivC' t..(".:.;t to ra]o AJ t') cr east to IBM.
Cu ~~, :! ';'r.{~j a,l Pl¿1~1 ~p. 1964. In 196R a ren~erinê: of
t.',. .. : 1 .L··:, :;}F::"~,~r.t f,ln:1 S~I ",.';ñ..; the 18'1d II ,(. of t}1::.t ti~1l. Ha:j
'0<" ,'i,}ed ':~i,r~ ::.1t'", i.:: ~:r\'t>·.;j":·r t:' tc~.r·nt' tLe 22
-.--. ,~:! :1: t-:)¡:-~ .-\"¿:J :1~1:) i":.:$O i:.l::.:rc.< --'í:. ;:e
~',,; , : ,~'::~¿ -.:¡" ':'n:l~l',·t :IL¿: the, z:::: ).' c;l;:n?,~~~;
. " ~
;~ ". :::...- :::r~·. ':C' ,o;'-""t-·d eel:JT.-':; -J-::.:... c:
;~h :H.;ed R
rh.1t hc:"~
:'.~ ;.Lc· ¿L.'t:':,-'-;~ l-::::~t ~>,¡..,t!-l~l :)0-'1 ~ill;~ :i:',(~ t!~(~
,::l:.. ~¡:, \';':',¡:-11 ",;j':.:, ~)j;r't~1:' .....P..;"C'. ';Ρ,":~ ,~r t'~:" 1'"1~:i('1
:~ ¡ t,
:-~-... .~. .~;~ ü:- t:_·~ .'¿-j, i.n~ :,',: L.' ~;r: 'JI:~l~r-!l,·,~th lh-::'
h'_; ;C;:ir:. ,,'"..i.: st"r...' !;~,\'~:-F~ ar. (:'-:'~·:;'l~'~ ¿~n':.:tl? tt;
~~.n·. "! a clU.;t~t,( :.I: ·;l.\.~;j.. ¡''-ol:e R'<·".' ',-i:: h~ èc?r~s.s\:è
.' ,'"c:, In Tcsfo,·,;.r..!; to t:!(;- :¡rL'.t,;]e it: !h~: C:Jur.:.t:...., the,y
.-:~..'~.'~ to ~f::.r d~¡:,J;; thciT \'1 ¡ ii.'';: ?t:rk.
d~' '.
~r, :.::',j t~,:·\! rc-v ;c·"..·ed &.:>7:'~C chart ~~ !I~ had ¡;r~j).:J"·::.:! t"o':;.p=-::r ¡n~
(e .;.:_,¡ :;.jL-"':<nÞ~ center vcrsu& n0 rl'gionaJ ~;l'J;ï,'i¡~~ cenLr.!'. The
r' -. ..-:::::.rts. ',.\:rc ur:ed t,. ¿t~;)n5tr:!'-c the pcsit-:.....(· ::i:~! ncg.1t ivc
ir:.i..:·:~. It t~.c ct" io:; not ~n CU;"l':lino but it _5 tl.c:';;rby ~,;e
.trt.: ~"::ill g(dn~ to get t1¡(': ~o11utI\Jr, and t'r-a-·íi.... ~..:.t:l..ïUl th:=. fisC;l
r :~.t.:t ~r th.. convenience. Nl~\" ..i..,~,. !dll be' ccca! f·i Ly the (cnte:
':..:.,'-~ì:~!'. ttH.TI.' ~,:-OL.ld be: 3 lo~~ .)t ~o.Te profes!-.i··¡1<;:.l j(':)&. The
cc;::,:.~': :....:rn. -.:e~ a bet;.er t3i.x oi .1 \;:~. !:e s¿~1 l;--.lL if Nr. Pctt
!~) l·'~::t -.!u'; \.;c do ha-.-c r..:~s trt'!r;·:lt". we 4:111 £"l m':'r(- per:itiv~
Cf~L",ti îr::o-:... i..1\'':'f'I¡: the (:(:~ntc-r in \,;111co Park.
Mr. I:ud np't reviewed thO' asse.;,:.,,¡ \'uluat1on p;ctur~. VaIlco
hrk i. Do>.. ,-ayi!1¡ 20% of the Cit:·'~ cx¡>enSts. It it< ?"ybil 32%
0: L1." tut,tl C"f'c.tlno ¡>rPi'erty t..;:0S. He s",d the ;>c"ple who
f()m,,-",~ \,:,11c,", Park als.o Itclled for GH':'ert1':1a. °Jl.e'.- .....,lnt t:) bave
more ¡~'-I_11:t y dl'.'JclopD1!r.t. ..ure o;>r'n !;p:lce and :'\"¡1Y(' ;,-~rk:.:. He
('num....!'.1tcd th~ Cit~· cca:dssions an'_! cœn.'·:t1ttce~ VdllclJ Park p~rsonn 1
JM1......: 5t"IVt.'J ...'0 itS veIl as the proH::;o.;ional orr.anizaticr:.s t::> '.+dch
th..·.,· t:~!"'n;.
IN1Tl'ES OF 'IRE JULY 26. 1973 ADJOURNEf) crT'{ CúUNCIL i.æflNG
. ,Ward sa1d'Jt~1~~ 1'adt 18. referred to as the "CacJ1Jlac of Industrial)
'btmed by the1'artner&h1p. SONof.tbe 1'801'181n,:
,:tbis. ai-eà for:\f!Nt; 8.n..rat1oukÁs~co.-<iIl~C)P,
. '''"'~''''. - ",' . '.." ,. .'." "':~ ',", ':, .' .._" io..'>~'" .',"',," ..'c·'· __ <,t'. ---<".'¡'..,.,..-¡-.}
" 1 Hall ar..~bete ;toatG)'. '.9,:/·V.",,':;:"';' i:"i~.¡
': ¥~><::\::c{", .' .' ,<:,__~,~',:~~._,\:: )::.tZ:'¡"'"' _ . ,._ ,:" ':"~¥1\~,;::_\:¿r;: :;?r:~~\,-"-¿l~"J'~',!i'
"'. ¿¡'a .tot:~f Jr~f~;èn~eto tb~.~¡ìf~~;~~~~i>;,
,:~~~!ed~i~:ª:!~~~~~:~~ V:~l!;~~,~::k~~~[
.," Park1ng'ttl,undersround. They,'.ere.. prepared;.
. ,~" '- ,., ,':," :;-;- . . . .. - .- ,.., '. .. . ',' . -..", .' ,;",.,
to work With,; ,.'" ".. ?~("berm1ns and sound barriers.. Ue'has visited
uny øhoppfø8 'ãàt .... and haa exper-tenc:ed 110 c:om?lete traffic break-
clowns as hasb...+å¡Îtèssed on tt(! charts. '
It has been statóf(that If Vallco Park has a regional shopping cente.
that we will lose fnduatrial lane!. Kr. Ward said that we are only
losing 9 ures JaOre than they guessed in 1964. n"ey have had 3 land
use changes already. He sald it is Important for the citizen5 to know
that under a PO there a:ust be public hearin!?,s on U2<? Permits. A
condition of future Use P"r",lts could toe th.1t chI> éevek?er ",u~t
pru'¡ide fur off site ir:prov(':!\cnts, the need f('\r ·..i!:ch b:!În'; crcé:!ted by
the ~ropcsed use.
~Ir. ~,Tard said the P14~nin C:Jr.¡~i5:.;lt)n rA:!1 reco-.:": ':If~cd thp "t~..;i.onc11
ShI1?f1ing c~nter be at \'aUI'.'} P:uk, '.-!lÎc!} .~ i1p.;'"-trl'-;!. th! c.ore .1n'!.1
of lh~ County. He said \·;,'Ic.) r;lrk '~i1J b,~ .~-ca~: .·!rrC';.·~-·&l :f t.taer~
i,:; a tranr;it sy·;LÞ.t1. ft :'1 (;'·I.-;,~ :(':-:~ " ,;t d i ~::~·~t~')~~ .,;1;1 ',;f:t
h,~1:, :'·¡d.:lta1:1 the $l1hljr~'- .: ~.:~,:P:'~'~·.) C~'( r~-; ~'.l. ;:,.:" d¡~Ctl.)''''
.1 ;"'.'c~rail sp,>tf:.:-O; at \"1:1· J ¡),I..'·". l::~;1~ .:..;:..~ ,';q. t·) 1..:1J.:-:::~r~:; CLtv
!~,,'lt. l..d ·..1:,"'rc·¡-;r ::h.~ ",·.~;'-~;l;/-.;,':..'·. ...,r i~ i.....~l ',~"-.:; ;",,' I r:ttih~r
',\'-"rk w:'ti. tb..! CC·';~ti· ;;..~~tr·~ ti¡,lU c:::·{"l.' <t~. ¡t,
~h·. ~':-1rd ~.c:t.~1 3. t::ìt or t!.~· , 'a1:.~rn \~" ! ;a~
s!nct.-'re. There ~rill bè :;('Tr' n·L':.-:.-.: C):-._\;
BOlh .~è'nter:-; !':a""e ag~':-cd : u !.\~t~) ,J!.ve t:,·
prep.:u"cd to r.J.a~..~ a cç,ntr!.~~ut.i.\~11 tn 0,;:)t ~(:
:-:: " '. '... :','.: 1 t,,,,.1 .r.d
I: ," f;i\o'..!.
'. I' i..' \ i'.~¡ r~ :3
;', r )~) l. ~
~~;l.'.' t ~:.J 1 ',':1 ~.~ h.1.r"·ler.
("uc (-,f th(' rea;.:):".., fc~ 'I.:-..:::,·r r-:·:('.\u,~ fl'r- ~. .... t'·" ~~~."t ...t!
ar~ :u a hi~hcr incOt1e !(.:....J an'.:l. Th.t..~ (l.'u.r'-3.; ::-. r ~ ,.ja,:'.... ~(,,~t f",r
Vall co Villa;_~e are :.1c;lc.1'Lng. t~ 1:... ...." c";-;-:,u;'",,:tJ (",·nr,·/" un-.: ha:; 3f.:'~le
nonr~v...nue sC:'/1c.:es. :;.ud¡:~ the h'h~~ ti~..:'(~.
:-tr. ~aJ:d said Vallco ?í1rk i~ .:1 1" ::,.-;.: t(¡r,l~ .'''J. .. ~ ,1 !:r.j~ì,>iL ;';tati":.n
bec:;.usc .....e l..ave ~fflces, .:n·~tI';trf;\l. t1.;,; :_',t;n !: ': ! '1¡'~. !1...·,~j·ul1)·,
a rc..~1onal s!-:opping C..1n::€'r l hnr~.
~!r. ~:,!rd then !,(:'1d a l~u·..:: ft,_,-¡ .'I¡,'.,' i 1...,,;....,. ".
out) inh1ß co!:.~:.t\'1~\t$ 0:-: :!uJ ~j:' \"". '. .f. ..
Ct'ntt1r ,..zcrc atlo"."c·j to ..{...-'o.:!,I,' Li'~~rt.:.
~ : (.
~~ '-' ." ~
.' .·,h ¡- '. ;.'.,.~
-. ;.
, - ,
¡.:u;¡.~...:; Or THE JI:1.Y 26, 1973 ~ Cl'rY
COt:I1C rL :!F.ET~!1C
J'age 11
fv' :ÎIk-:. wárd ,,:o1d \'allco caD p~
\. ,.', .' . "
'~&íC1ud.1at'Sean. He ex¡tt
',.~._, " 't..' alld.tbit..,
, ~' fcií:'t:tot ".''10,",
+;",~'".~..." ',,::''',,: :t¿~' ';~, ' -"~:, ,<~,
,·,-'¡.tii.. ca.. tGt'...'
,.,..r.~ ',''"-,,""..''
~. .:'~ ,').., ,," ,. "- '
'tR~·· ,.. ','. I ."" ,..(~"""
.~ ',,, ;~~-<"~;j,~:.-;;~¿::.,
)k;. .10 ca' . .. to.203·
~. ,_: ',',' '0_>' '..'·~,·.:,:"<,,-.i .._: .' t-, :..~. -.-.,",' -::."
SefO¥:.í~þ\Ir',¡baaecl ' hiJ ~.
.. _11<.. '0 "piÌÌ8'~
preaaèdcha:Lr concern,
Be said :.... can' t lIeG tM,.' . ., 4I."eloptlent a8 S01IIeth111g detrl- '
Dental to the ..o....·.!::.1ty. U~.b a shopping centcr there v111
M 118ny cars, confusion, pol~, etc. If we don't have the
£bopping cant"r in Ct.:pert1Do" vlll be one close by. V.e have
.. great I".any ¡>eoph in the ~ .It}' advocating man) projects that
all cost ß gr~t (\cnl c;! :IIIC't'..". "'s1dcn~illl centers ",,·111 not
pro¿'u,=c rcver-ue t1¡;. t" c r:,::"" viI1. Iif' st ron:;ly r~co:-.=endoo the
Ci:'7 Cot.;i.cil acC'eJ,t ll:' 1as"'.: C~ of thCilit;. shoprdug c(:.::t~rs an¿ he,
;::~~¡c"all)·, rref~rred V~:l.:o roar\:..
~~yor Irwin ~al1ed a rLcesa a~ 10:33 P.~. Ihe ~cetln8 reconvL~~
at 10: 55 P.!!.
!:t. George ~!ang3no, lCZC4 South Portal A\'e""~. said ¡", served as
ChaiIr.13n of th~ Puhllc }-4"1:!.&nc8 ~xc..=rJl:.t~·e {,r ,;110 Ccals Co=:i:tee.
Ee served (J:\ the Citizens Cc:::D'.tt.t.e*! for C¡J,pJtal Jmÿro\"(.;:':"f;nL6. UI!.
C¡1.Oted excerpts fro", the (;c.a:'. Z,,?O%t on public financL, p4geS
33 and 3/,.
~. Mangano !laid Bingle fmil, bcGes have been reco=em!ed along
B1g!r....y 9 and Stevens Cree'.. nri. in lieu of cOØIDorcial. ^
situation a!l1lllar to S=¡yale'. could dcvclop where h:;¡:::..s are
sb~elded frCI:I the .."jor '.r~er1al v1th solId \/alls. Let "s n"'"
preauppose that l1l\I1 tipl,. o!ve111J!Cs were to be constructel in 1 ieu
of Bingle facily hocea or c ]rc1al. There is a1~ays the possibi1it
present of IlUltiple b<.ouaiJl& l~ed along a _in thoroughfare
de¡>raciating due to . high tarnøWer of occu?snts and vacancies.
~la ~uJd a1Bo have a cooa1derable impact on the schools, also.
Looking ahead to capItal bopr__ta, \.here \/ill be a bond election
this fall. If it psssell. tbe -..,. to ,...stain these 1mprove:nent:6
wast cone from øo"c\lbere. It could come from Incre~sed nroperty
taxes or from saleo reveøae. If tbe bond plcction fails the Ci:y
cO""ld be faced with tbe possibility of abandoning or delaying =n)·
Deeded capital improvement plaBa to 80ae point in time.
!~.. 1.:'5crs :.~ -" ...<·t....:;~cal ec~::::!eê:-. ::e e:-:p1..,-:r:t.-·,: t:ìf> r.ldn;~.:~r::. .::~ <..:.~=-bon
r:ø::øx1d.e. :: ~ ':,:"'ê! Ii re~:':~:' E!".:?pJ.n~ c...:;t"-.:r, ¡.¡:thin 10 - 1.3 :rears
I::~ v;l~ h~\-~.> ~:< ~~ncentr~:;:.::..~t. :-:-:;~; c:' ~r:(' :":i.":~ i..;,te:::p.=::':!1~ i=:
,~.t_no. _~.... ,i\Crage \,,0.._' ,~~ ~~._,,,>_ ,Jrc':-,. t~J JS -I"n -;':::''; ':,.·c:';:.:'
;'~:r.,¡"'t.1-plï \:.:..;0 ....".: ï ~}. 1.5; ..:i:.: ~:¡ ::'7~ .:'t ..1.,~:,1 -: ~'<:" T·ltt:.:':.~¡Ü.i.e¿ '~-:.' ~
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b-~.~>oP Tm: In.' 26, 1971 AD.!!b..~""ED Cl1:Y COUNC¡L M:':ETUIG
':j<'"·~~"~_<'>r·L',.> . "
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=-::&c~ !té:.~:;S f;
-":f'~ t;.at the ....~ (:,::(,é'r;} h~:-t.'" il;)R been tra:fic,.
:·.-,i:::~. it. MS::·:f:Z:-. 'l<;,~.·~:utr~::,'j that tÍ1'~ tyaff:
.' ~.""J'lnl .-,; ~:.~:.:;.,:: ~..=.~ t....·.T (;f:(:rl,.1sin:, ::.:;1
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:-':.~t;: ':-!:a".e::: :==:.; : ,,~ lh<:' fo:! '~!' .~. l !'nteï: P ~ :,.:-:;
.¡:1t t:-,~ ~_::. ~ _. ~4~"!> ~':',;-.(d lht.' ~'j ,;ì(_:
.. : :'.~ Ð\"> .\rz ~ :..¿:_-; _ ~.:.~::: t ~;('. :--:. ~·t' ...1: Flint Cc:-.ti:~
.L.,>:. _-:-~;. "_--=:':-. -: :-;_:..'~ it, ,,¡hi it loc~c, :-:;"..::...
:·....:IJ~..;',~ "-r-:7 #: ~~ ::-..;;::t h>.
:!:. !illaw"l;
L"= ::ol!ut.L";.
:.~. bt: solve':.
~:!::- {-y.::ect a :.
& les.
:.£ !;=-.:~ t.h~:.·..-
:_; ¿-.'i ~coi··.
:': :&i-:E: a. 1;:. .
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~=.. :'::11a~·;:,:·_ :'-,,;,::':é"r 5::~~tC: -:=--I.:: :: L'c::'C Ll~l':~ .,',;1.C: ;:1 vote :'or t;-.e
$:¡:.;;¡;,ir..g cel::(:~ ·::,·.:lcl be a \:.,:.~ :v: tÞ-.(; Jô::ci.-'\,~1L:·:;. He sa:¿
.:).::.·..:5 not t:te:¡--: t- ';.> lAnd"., 2:'£ r;~i;~: o=-- hc?tL~: rel~~le. If y~u
&;.:'£ a "Frier.,: ~:' \.~:..:' F~)othi;ls" it. '¿-,E.-'S net t":{'.~:ì you ha·!c to be
aD eneay of c ,"':::.e!'C ial.
S:.5 to quality C':- :'iíc, he £314 r:"~'?£-:t:cs ah)..g ::t3jor arterials
are 'DOt go~d :~-: ;rchard~ ~r f~r :-e.L"~(;:ïtlal. The only f.OO~ ~5e
'llF.:Cld lie a l..s.:¡'ê ¿cve}:>p.-:,,"-'n: :bat: :.::''.;:¿ afford d ]ot of g(t·e¡:e.ry.
:;. feels thl" ~i.¡'~-d-ride sys;ea Y.:Y.J:.c:. ~t.- r,ûcd for the poll~t:'~~
fl='obleJ:. We sh~""";':¿ ~\avc re~ida:.:.~.~ fa"( ai.:ay tn~,l. rmjor 2rtcorials
~ in the fo,ot':ilIs.
,la regard to th: !:a1ancpd c~:;~y, h·, Eaid Iw _'a~ unable to get
sgoec1tic: 1nfor<,..l' ion on hml CI:II:k acrea;¡e ".. h"v,- left and 110·.. x:uch
-.ruse ,,111 be .'UInexed by tl>e CU::;. Only one m,'o:ber of the
~fag stai~ b~ this info:was:~"'%S. Our t"xcs have Þeen increase
h behooves t;,è Clt)· to do _ä.:::¡¡ t" reduce the taxes by a110-..-
!:Ie deveiop::.""t of co:m¡erdal .al=;: >:'3jor thcr"'lfhtare~. Ti1êre
1Ias been no :~"~Y c=r<,ial c:-1n¡; in for the last 8 - 9 years the c.:[~. h.1s COGt ('cis =---e.r ,h:!s.
.,~. "
~. ~
to Marian1 MaU venus VaUco !'ark, Hr. BUlawalla saU H1gbvay 9 ia
be more logical location because of, the crossroadø of. the arterial
the freeway. It has been .catecl by Vallco Park that you solve the
rafflc probl_ by phasing. Be ..1d Hariani could do the sane. He
aid the Plaanin¡ Co:=1asion votecl' 3-2 in favor of VaIlea Par1:. One
ssioner wo voted against !fariani Mall has stated that b a thought
t was a beuer location, but he voted against it. Tha reasc.n that
voted for VaUco Park is tàat they ,,"On 't be able to d..elop a
large center because they !o"On't be able to present a viable center.
ancy Sallan, 1014!Bilich ?lace, said she is Vice..chaiman of H-Control
and is a fot:ler }!eIIb¡.c of the Goals Comcittee. Thare has hem Intensive
.tudy and planning for the last three years. The issue here is clearly
one of land use intensity. She urged the Ccuncil to ~aintaiQ a low
¡>rafile in land uses, and to resist the t~?tation of sales re~enue.
She said we need to inventory the ~enities need~d in the future. If
the quality of life in the cere area deteriorates the people ~re then
payin¡¡ for the lI!1enities. She asked "hat ¡;uara::tees the residents have
that this revenue "ill accrue, that it will go to a "orth·Jbile use,
that it will stay 100% 1n Cupertino. She asked the Council to ~lease
not include a super regional shopping center in our General Plan.
~ycr Ir1lin adjourned the ceeting at midnight to Uonday, July 30, 1973
at 7 :00 P.M.
/./ Keith E. Irvin
Mayor, City of Cupertino
/./ VII. E. R1der
City Clerk