CC 07-31-73
· .
10300 Torre Aveuue. Cupereino, Cøliforn1a 95014
relephoue: 252-4505
Aœ1'1'œ11lll "ur_u.o, C&tøœIIA
~ _t1D& ... callaIS t" cmler . , IllJOr Irwin at 7: 13 P .K,
C:-U- present: Frolich, JacboD, H8Jeu. Sparka, Mayor IrwiD
C:-U- abHnt: lion.
Staff pra_t:
City At toneY Adaae
Direc tor of PI.....i"l ancI DeveloIIUDt Si8k
Director of Public Verka Viskovich
~1ata PlaDDer CcnIen
Deputy City Attorney ltillian
Act1D& Deputy City Clerk Vaughn
CousnlUnU punDt: Ec_ic Consultant Levy
Traffic Con8Ulunt Goodrich
CckIre aeporter:
Hi". Itoy JUDe
..... by Cou""U....n Jack8on, secoDded by Councilman Sparka to
appoine John Yavghn Act1n& Depuey Ciey Clerk.
Kot1on carri.., 5-0
To be&in this aeaUlIS, Mayor Irvin said HI'. Goodrich would begin
the discussIon OD traffIc, reveiv the charts on the wall, aDd would
pnvUe ua vit.h _e input about tranait.
JIr. Goodricb aaid that before we gat into the rpecifics he vented
to aplain that they are in aa...-ption seta. The firat aSllUlBltlem
18 related to transIt. These charta as_e the level of transit
1dll be tha Balle as it is today In regard to percentage of travel
_ transit. The r..80n it is vet)' difficult to estimate vbat
c....e in transit there will be Is that he feels that by 1995 there
v1ll be a reduction in the pred01Únance in the automobile and an
SJ;>l:roduction of new lIOdes of tranait. This vill require a real
,.IÞlic coaútaent aDd vben we gat into tbe area of politics it is
~ to a.tiaate.
Page 1
e 2
OF THE J1:LT 31. 1973 .uu...._ CITY COUIICR III!J<TbtG
. .CoocIrlcb aU transit coala lANK tile peak hour c~. traffic
, .... Clara eo-t7 bJ 20 - 401. ...... bad _ offer" for privat.
'. SO this is aD 1ød1catlOD of .. ,.,ple are starting to chaDg_
way of phf..H",. Ra rewi.... tile as_ptions in set 2, step 11)'
'~ There are 17 ar... of laf..-,s rith the traffic flow in peak bours
eel in tenos of 1811.. of traffic. Tbue are lallU of traffic in
directions tor the peak ~. ft18 C811 be translated to hourly
Cblffic. ADotber va7 of tranalatilla traffic flow is with tbe letter A
.... ¿' the letter F. A is fr_ ftow. F _s coaplete chaos. B'
_ several changes of the traffic signal before 70U get throuah
_ iatersectiOQ. C is a~ouod the a1I'dle of the scale, where you would
pniltably get th~h the traffic 11&l1t after the secODd light change.
breakdown _ld be like E, Werf, 70>1 ;:ait for several sianals to
8I'K tbrouah. F DeanS there bas too Øe __ other solution.
C-.acllman Frolicn asked, in the situatIon where the traffic doubles
=- requirement :~OIII 4 to 8 lanes, it you widen it, why does the
~estion si~:ioD get worse. Hr. Goodrich said tt could be due to
=- cross stree: :raffic, if the widening of it is not the same proportion.
~t turns are a:.~ very critical. He answered Councilman Frolich that
1£ the demand :.. for 9 lanes an¿ eight are constructed it would mean
:co&estion. F.e $3id they recommend right-of-way b, allowed for 10
:.a::es .
:DcDcilman JaC~$~~ asked if there are different ways of computing this.
3e DOticed di::è:e~ces between the traffic reports. Mr. Goodrich said
~e are diffè~e~;es you get from a fiscal calculation.
CømDCilman Heye:. said he can't think of very many 9-lane roads in this
area. Mr. ~",,~::.;~ said they are projecting 8 lanes on Stevens Creek
IlTd. and the $3:' in neighboring jurisdictions. He recommended to
:be Planning C;~ission that they think of these figures if they are
1dthout transi:. :iis interpretation of these results is that there is
~1D& to be a g:eat deal of traffic in Cupertino, regardless of the
"'elopment. :;:..... are pretty IllUch lane demands that will occur with or
without a regi;=~l shopping center. He said the nature of the major
~reets in Cu~:::'~o is not going to be peaceful str,ets. We are speaking
~e of chang~ :~e level of congestion, not the character of the City.
It 15 assumed :.:. all these assumptinns that West \'alley Freeway will be
CØBStructed. :: ~ill probably be constructed by 1980.
CoaDcilman Jac~so:. asked ~ùat the a.ount of commercial, including the
'!'DUD Ce!1ter. ~::. 5:evens Creek Blvd. cn assumption set 2. "Ir. Goodrich
sa1.d it was ¡,.......i ';:D the 1964 General Plan.
~r Irwin a~...~ i~ it would essentially ease the traffic through t~~
1£ ~he signals v~:e synchronized on Highway 9 and on Stevens Creek Blvd.
~_ Coodrich sa~~ doing that would taprove the picture somewhat in terms
of c.-fort a"c ease.
--"-.&L.~ OF THI
Page 3
_ Irwin askef ::.e Director of MUc Works to prepare a report
_ ~ costs, ..t.:. of synchroø-l"'. traffic lights on Highway 9 ~
.. Creek)1__ _01 H0M8t........
_ "'. :Irwin note.: àat, in regard tø pollution, we are better off
U _ can keep :» cars mavins.
~ 11...u Jacl:s-.". vas b7)fr. Goodrich that at tbe present
tt.e. Highway 9 0: Steveus Creek .1.... are somewhere in the . or
C :a-l of tra::~". !be projectei 111gb congestion is getting into
1M II or E lew:.
- ~lman Ja.:li-% ::Jo!xt wanted to clbcuss sir rights over Volfe
..... He aske;: :::.. City Attorney if it would be possible to get
~tion fr:œ :=." Attomey GeDec'¡ on this. The City Attomey
sa1.II! this wcu:~ :.&o'<! :0 be done darougb our local Assemblyman.
h 100uld take ~ :>.-c::: or two. 1be crty Attorney said there is no
~ law that ~~~ vith it other than the Code section the City
of San Jose 1.:S"~ ;~'dously. It vas bls opinion that there Is
~ing to p.~~::: :~e City frOD entering into this Agreement.
Jie 5aid the ;..t::: ...',:uld still have use of the road-Jay, whether or
IIC<C it is de;'~....~. I
c..:...:.cllman J~.::<.:~ ..lid the EPA is baYing trouble ¡;etting a hcdle
..,. air pol1~::::, "e are nOW able to come up with fairly accurate i
_urement :: :.:.. ,,,aution le·,e15. As to levels ~f carbon monoxi¿e,
ÌIoe 5aid the .:,...: :'evels might toe high but they diffuse very fan. i
!lzy;>r Irwin :::::: :"-.i: at night CD 1-280 the air .."llution is
1=8er and nei.. :....: is higher. During the day this is reversed.
c.. ~ilman !!.>Yf" :ii:1ks that by 1995 we are going to see thløp
1Lke electr~: :L:$ >cd pedicycles. Be is not sure the ElK Committee
~ address ~:.._: :: the conditt..... in 1995. The expertise in
~ countT)' :. >::::¡; to solve these problems.
!!ay:Ir Irwin ..,:: t.:. ¡;uidelines viII be tough, but he does DOt
~ the :.. :.=:. :e prohibited until some alter:1ate method of
t~rtat:::. OJ :::stituted.
1!Ie d1scuss~::. '.::::ed to mass tr_it. Councilr..1D Jackson said
M doesn't t:.::.< J::;:ady really ~ how much there will be. He what ::. "'¿ct on transit vould be fro~ a shoppnA center
..t indu,.tr:..:. :.. ,dt that iDdustrial was more """,nab Ie to tran-
sit than she;::::; :~":,,rs.
C-Cilman S;-,:u ..lid he has beeD doing a lot of reading on transit
... one fact:: .". :tought out that ve spend as much money to DOve
..._ d as wt? ;..: .::: ,:t,;.r horaes.
OF T!Œ .m.y 31, 1973 ADJOUIlŒD cm COUNCIL !ŒET11IG
ll11aD Frol1ch did not th1DIt the effects of transit should be discouated
DII the decision of the r"'--1 sbopp1Dg center.
i1maD Jacboa. said ~ traffic is too high and is goina hiiher. lie
sbauld be looltin& at ways to solve our· problems.
IlaJOr IrviD sa1d a large percentage of the traffic in Cupertino today
b c_te traffic. If tr_lt will reduce this COlllllute traffic we will
be 8head. It is doubly ~rUnt to think about shoppiag centers. It
is ooe siDlat10a where you drbe to It and do all your shopping.
COUacU...." Jackson agreed that agglomerated commercial is a good idea.
IAt the same tÌlle, we are talJdog about cQIII:IUter traffic. If we have a
super regi"naJ. center we are 1Dvit1Dg people to come to our area.
Council....... Ja.::kson said it has beea brought up that there wUl be a
super she.,i~ :enter nearby if not in Cupertino. He knows of a site
aouth of 5:::~ger Road where 49 acres are under a multiplicIty of owners.
It would a..~ar unlikely that anyone could put this together. Access is
Councilma:o S,arÒ<5 said he went the other "a)', to SunnY-Jale. There are
78 acresòle on the site ~~ere White Front was located. Councilman
Jackson sa:! :~is is 3 miles from Cupertin~ and it was his feeling that
this woul! ~::=:nate the Saratoga and Seuth San Jose traffic. He does
not see s~:5:3:t:al traffic ~pacts on Cupertino from that location.
Councilm~.. :a:ò<s~ said he could see the possibility of smaller centers
on sites.
Mayor Ir>::: sai! two polots to keep in mind are jobs and co~rcial
sales tax :~.~e.
Councilma: F<::l:h said another point to keep in mind is large department
stores ar~ :::ò<:ng for a place to put anether store. The ?lace they are
iatereste!:: :5 "here there are other st:res and where the population
centers ar~. ~e could see that a store with less square footage could
generate a:~s: as much traffic as the larger one. He feels that cust:mers
drive to t~e :~ter, purchase one or two items and then drive out again.
Be said t:'e State Divisloa of Highways detetmines where the need will be
for their r:"':s rather thæl put in the t<JaJs with the idea that they will
draw deve::rc-<:::. lie did not think we sheuld discount the possibility
of the sh:..:::¡ center just outside Cupertino City li~its.
Councilm"" Jadr.son did not think that a freeway opening is that critical
to consi¿e: s::::e only 25% of the traffic will come froc the freeway.
Be said t:'è su::ess of the area depends up:n the affluence of the area.
Councilaan Frolich sald a good rule of thu1llb is the smaller the
sbopping center the hIgher the traffic generation per square foot.
Couacilaan Jackson said we have proposals here for s very high
buildia¡-to-laad ratIo.
With respect to intense laad use. Kayor Irvin said the City of San
Jose has less stringent parkia¡ requlre.ents and landscaping and
setback requir_ta that would allow thea IIOte intense use of
their c_rcial areas. He added that San Jose is in a bind right
now to increase their tax baae and create 180re jobs.
Councllaan Jackson said ha understands both Westgate and Valley
Fair are expandina. Westgate is presently 481,000 and is planning
to go to 900,000 sq. ft.
The discussion chaDged to a new category: alternate land use if
there Is no regional shopping center. Councilman Jackson said we
are stIll talking about double peak hour traffic.
Mr. Levy saId there is a very straightforward way to
peak hour traffic on residential versus commercial.
to assumption 3 on the Vallco Park area.
go through
He referred
Councilman Jackson said he has been looking at numbers of cars
rather than lanes required. He has been using 40 peak hour trips
for commercial versus 25 peak hour trips for industrial In his
calculations. He said the DeLeuw Cather report indicates "ore
than 40 peak hour trips for comoercial. On that basis, cOQInercial
produces about double the peak hour traffic that industrial does.
Kayar Irwin said the worst use would be office use at Vallco Park
because that produces the IDOst traffic.
Hr. Goodrich said the point in general is the spread between
regional centers and other uses is mare accentuated by two-way
rather than one-way traffic. It is true that it is a greater
Councilaan Frollch said there seems to be some discrepancy between
Couneilaan Jackson's and the Traffic Consultant's analyses regard-
ing peak hour traffic. Perhaps the explanation is that the traffic
going the other way Is going onto other streets. Councilman
Jackson said the coaparison would be in the same lanes when talkin
about Industrial versus commercial.
CouncIlman Jackson said the one site as a shopping center and the
other as industrial will not make that much difference in terms of
noise and air pollution.
Page 5
ncilaan Jackson referred to the questiona rai8ed III..! fIIt_S
received in his letter of Jú1y 30, 1973, addreaaeJ to the lII.'1Or.
U- and the C1C)' of Cupertino.
,or Irvin called. recess at 8:50 P.M. TIle meeting reconvened
at 9:09 P.!t.
Counc:l!Ban JackS01l r.d.... the Larry Saith c-pany report as it relates
to the aarltet area of the Mariani site. It states that there is an un-
satisfied need in this trade area. He quest:loDed what the effect will
be of a successful cater on the existing cOllllllercial areas. For exaple,
Valley Fair aad Eastridse have had a deteriorating effect on downtown
San Jose. CoUDCU", .Jackson's question is what study and attention
should be given to the surrounding areas as well as our awn.
Hr. Levy said this question raised by Councilman Jackson is extremely
important. It relates to where the impacts are on the rest of the County.
Mr. Le'~ said the PlannIng Commission and City Council have been treating
the General Plan solely as it relates to the residents of Cupertino.
Hr. Levy said this is first a question of policy of how Cupertino would
like to take these icpacts into account. The evaluation of the regional
center ~ight be different if you take into account the point of view of
the Ceu~ty. Secondly, the question is raised as to whether or not soce-
body is going to get hurt. The ans""r is "Yes", but it is a distri-
butional tssue. Traditionally, every time the market for existing
centers shows a new center has been d~ped in, sales figures clearly show
they have been affected by these new centers. Mr. Levy said they have
not done an analysis on this.
Mr. Levy said the Tawn Center will be a different kind of center and
It is felt that complementary types of commercial activity might enhance
the regional center.
It is quite a different view for a city to take into account what this
means to other cities and to individuals in other cities and the fact
that it will take busIness away from existing commercial activities.
Mayor lr.-in said he has learned threugh talking tilth people in government
in surreunding cities that it would not ~~ke any difference if it made
a sales impact on business in Cupertino. We are talking about sales
revenue and we are talking about c~retition.
Councilaan Jackson agreed that land use effects cannot be based on
economic effects. On the other hand, he is concerned about the effects
on people. He said we have to look at the effects on our neighbors.
Page 7
Councu..n l'rol1ch ..U the speudiD& level iD tbe County is in-
creaain& all the tm.. EY8rJ' t1lle you build a new store or shopp
catø you put _tiler 8tep or two into the system. When a _
~rcial venture is cleveloped the sales of the existiDg ODe.
gO clown tellporarl1y. "t it will build back up again.
Kayor Irvin said botb 1Ib'7U'. in Cupertino and K-Mart just soutb
of Cupertino c_ iDto the area knowing there would be at least
_ regional sboPPiD& center proposal in the future. Be said that
1£ a depar~t store _ts to come into an area they have a prett
lood Idea that they will survive.
Councillll&n Jackson said the _iD purpose of bringing tbis up is
the question of what is goIng to be the ultimate effect and tbe
change in the sales tax structure. In 1968 the Legislature saId
cities could share the revenue if they could reach an agreement.
They could get together aDd decide what would be equitable. This
could become maadatory rather than permissive.
Mayor Irwin said the League of California Cities has taken a very
str~n& stand against this. The larger cities stand to lose.
Mayor Irwin does not believe we should tie up everything in town
to wait and see. CouncIlman Jackson said we should not ::a~e
planning decisions based en sales tax dollars. Councilman Frolic
said t~e~ we should not _k~ planning decisions based on anything.
If we get down to the mat on this we will get down to a per capita
basis. It could mean a re-evaluation on sales tax, property tax,
In regard to sales tax on a regional basis. Councilftan Sparks said
Santa Clara County has 15 cities and 38 school districts. Maybe
what ~~ are doing here Is not right because it is on a local level
and perhaps it would be better planning on a regional basis. But
we can't just sit on our hands, vaiting for an answer. MaYDe land
use decisi~ns should be cade, baserl ~n regional problems. He
referred to areaS of discussIon at tne Unigov meeting he attended
in Indianapolis.
Councilman Jackson believes the best cities In the future will be
the saaIler cities. One thing to make this viable is to cake
decisions as we look at the problems regionally.
Councilaan Sparks said the big cities will make the decisions
when this becomes econoaically feasible.
Councilman Heyers feel. tbat we should be very concerned with our
present situation as well as the future.
rase 8
. Levy llaid that if a 1_ ..e pUlled t!tat a sales tas rev_ less
it will affect our 1_ use decillionll and not affect the
ion. Other citiell d.., _e problems on Cupert1Do and pC ~__ue
dI8a the other way arOUDd. SB90 has helped Cupertino and sales ~-
_e will also help Cuper~1Do and at the s.e tilDe not ..ner tobere
~ canter a08l1.
illlllD lrolich said va will ba concerned how the developaeat is
olled, and this can beat be handled wen it is in Cupert1øø'.
r Irwin said that what CouncllJaan Jackson has brought up affect.
the eotire business community.
COuncilman Jackson said some day in the relatively near future he
Tisualizes sales tax revenue from large centers drawing business away
£raa the smaller businesses.
Ccuncilman Frolich said that if we are going to discount the positive
~cts then we should also discount the negative impacts; e.g., transit.
Councilman Jackson brought up the issue of the fill in that
~st be considered as well as the agglomerated commercial.
Another point Councilman Jackson introduced was the potential use of the
funds of the revenue from the shopping center. Councilman ~eye:S said
_ would have to look at the costs of the new General Plan in regard
~o land use. Councilman Frolich said the ~reater the income the ~re
~ney becomes available for open space, parks and other aaenities,
~e the sewers system, etc., are completed.
Councilman Frolich is of the opinion that this City Council can': bind
aay future City Council on how to spend the money, but it would ~e hard
for a future City Council to ignore the citizen input unless theI go
through this exercise again.
Councilman Sparks obs~rved one thing unique about this City Council is
that It will set policy for the next 20 or so years.
Councilman Jackson w..nted to review the elements that have been discussed
and have brought us to this point: One matter that came up at the Planning
eo-ission was a survey of the existing department stores in wich 10%
u1d they felt the regional center is needed, 35% said it was not needed
at all, and the other 55% gave various degrees of interest. Residents,
land owners, nonresidents will be affectPd by decisions made here. These
are throe kids of public opinion that should be weighed. Host laDdowners
have indicated they feel t~~e is a need for. the regional center. ~on-
residents are silent and probably need the œost consideration since they
are vitally affected. Many residents ha"e cOl1le forward and have given
theIr opinions.
Hayor Irvin poiDteel oat tbat this City is unique iD letting non-
residents speak aad tate part in these discussions. It is !elt
that decIsions -.Ie llere .nl affect thea, too.
Councllun FroUch _tel to discuss the charts, procedures of
Ell's, etc. lIe..eeI høv _y trips per day are seuerated by
DeADza; there are no prec~ figures on this. The staff came up
with 17 ,500 tripa per <by.
Another of eouncUaaD Frolich's questions vas iD resard to office
co:aplex traffic. A.- I Lion set I and 2 do not 1Dc:lude the office
cOllplex, but Aa-.ption set 3 does.
Another thought intr9duced by Council..... Frolich vas in regard to
a PruneYard-type center. Øe said the staff indicates a ProDeYard
would generate more tr~f!1c than a regional center because a
shopper at a center voul~ spend more time visiting core shops with
the one stop. He referred to his memo of July 19, 1973 and the
Planning Director'3 .~r~~s, datcd July 27, 1973. He said there
is scme additional in!~r:.tion contained in the ·~~ittaker and
Baxter Re?ort to .al:er .ard deal inK with the dial-a-ride systeD.
It has to do with frax::~:sc rights, etc. This was pas~ed on to
the City Attorney for rr~:ew and report be!ore a de~isinn is to be
Mr. !u~k~~rdt said !~~T ~ve re~earchcd t~~sc ?C~~:~ a~¿ are
satisfi~J that obv!:~s:y :r~ legal require-.en:. ~il: be coaplied
with. The benefits :~ :e obtained.
Hr. Goodrich answre<! Co=cU....n Jackson that they used State
Depart~e~t of Public -:r'. data in fi~urir.~ trip ¡er.eration on a
PruneYard type center. Ee said a "pnneYard" yields :oare dollars
per person.
Kayar Irwin introduced Ja:kie Hall's questicns and t~e staff's
anllVers t<" these 6 C;,..sri=s.
CouncU..añ Sparks is 0: tu EIIl C....ittee. An [n..iroru:>ent Assess- Procedure (EAP) va. ?assed by the Committee on July 31, 1973.
Mayor Irwin stated that copies of these reports, etc., will be
available at the next _ting.
Council....n Heyers said he vas confused as to whether or not this
EAP says the City Cauøcil should not make a decision on the cegion
center until we cet an £II. Councilman Sparks said a concensus
vote can be done and after the core area is done it goes back to t
Planning Coa.1ssion and chen back to the Council where it is
established what studies should be as to noise pollution, etc.
Page 9
F'l Irvin called . rec:... at 10:35 P.K. The MatinS recODYeaed at
10155 r.lI.
... .u.a Dippel, 10402 S-net Court, Cupert1Dø. .aid JOII vill f!AII
~ v1l1 10 in aød oat of regional centers .. ..U .. c~it:, centen.
1fothiDB vas said about the Town Center inCD1118 in the review of Jacldt
IIa11 's report. She got tba ,feeling that if we don't Sn tba resiona1
center we will DOt be able to have any of the _iUes. Kayor Irv1D
said the report by the ¡)irector of Adainistrative Services vas only
about the resional center.
Hr. Levy said the Town Center will yield sæevbere between 125,000 aDd
Attorney A. .J. Ruffo, representing all the owners of the property desis-
nated as Madani Hall, said he will DOt address hiaaelf as to whether
or DOt Cupertino should or should not have the regional center.
He 8aid Jackie Hall has asked what po~tion of the revenue can be expected
to be spent on amenities. He understands her concern, but he agrees with
the Council that this must be left to the discretion of future City
Councils. He does DOt oppose a change of use of Vallco Park laDd.
However, if there is to be only one regional center it should be
satisfied on Harlaoi Mall property, based on the 1964 General Plan that
was adopted after much study. He said that as he read the precepts
on the General Plan and then looked at the Goals of Cupertino, the caae
goals, etc., are in the 1964 General Plan. There is the balance between
fiscal development and long range objectives.
Hr. Ruffo stated that the 1964 General Plan anticipated changing in the
future and allowed for it. The precise, with public hearinls,
etc., is exactly what the City Coundil did since adoption of the 1964
General Plan. The General Plan specifies certain proposals in a resional
c01llllercial developaent including a major depart1llent store at exlstiaa
Junipero Serra Freeway and Highway 9 because of the populatIon resldinl
in that area. Kariani Mall was rezoned to a general commercial with
,planned developllleDt concept. This is in the zoning map, makins it
consistent with the 1964 General Plan.
Hr. Ruffo said IIIOre than half of Vallco Park has been developed as
industrial. He submitted that the balance envisioned by the General Plan
would seem to dictate that SOllIe industrial land be reserved. Only a,
net of 50 acres would remain after streets and landscaping are done.
Cupertino is bounded by other cities on 3 sides and the hills on the
4th side. Hone of us want the hills to be used for industrial. He
stressed the value of keeping Vallco Park industrial. West Valley
Industrial Park is filled, and a developer in that park spoke here, urging
the Council to plab for more industrial.
Page il
... IaUo said that vbea ,.. c_ to the quesrioa of fiscal NJ-<:
... f Ucal needs you .... œ ~Me your OIlD oeecla into coaaiAIer.t
""bout ~elying on u. silariJl& irOlll oelghboriDa cUS-. We
~ alway. tbought in ~ of. bala"cecl c_nity. -- yaa
look at the future ru1f -"..1 tleveloplleDt 10 the 1964 c-ral
QapertiDO, with all of YaUco Park developecl, do.. DO~ .... øf-
ftciat iD4ustrial 1aD4 f« ita residents. He said·1 .~ all ~h.
s.lustrlal land 10 Santa a.. Couoty is 011 North Firn Stt..~ ad
.....oð4. It....... obwS- eo h1a that . regional shoppiac cater
in Vallco Park vill baYe . -.batanrial :>eg'ltive mp8Ct OD the
...rby residential. 011 the other band, Highway 9 is reafODal 10
character. a.. said there are only 4 residences on Hipway 9 10
Mr. Ruffo said the fact tha: 55 acres of Vallco Park CaøDOt be
developed u;>til they can aaccessfully de::onstrate the traffic can
be bandlt'd is an indicatima to hi.. that t~ere is a probleB here.
III order to compare the fisc&l iJlpacts ef these two sites _ans
you .u~t coapare the sz=e ~~~r of department stores.
Mariani ~~:l ~ould be s:a11er; about 60~ ~f Eastridge. The Vallco
Park pl¿r. reflects 1,613.a~ s~_ ft. of floor area. In order to
..tisf)' t:". parking requ1rc:"=':, 8 ,065 par;;'ing spaces "",st be
provid~cl ~u: their plan ~~~-5 ó,040 parki~g spaces. They ~~ll hay
to eithèr increase the =-~= ~f parkinb spaces or delete one of
the depar:~ènt stores, ~~:i~g it in thE saoe ball park wi:h
Kulani ~...:l.
Mr. Ruff~ stressed tha: o=.e s~gle vote ~ade the difference in the
PlanDin~ ~~isslon's decisi~.
Mr. Ruff~ saId Vallco Par£ ~;s: utilize the air space over Wolfe
"'ad. S.-::e remedial legis!.4:iO:l should be explored. This create
another negative Impact. ~&:~co Park's LID has been established
and bond. have been sole fer street impr~vemcnts. This land was
the .e~urity for the ob:iga:io=.s for the bonds when sold. If this
property is d~wn zoned it i:¡airs the value of the land.
ADoLher ni!~at ive impact 1r.~rcduced by Hr. Ruffo is that historicall ,
HIghway 9 h4s been a major ô,i¡;r.-.ray. Hariani Mall would be compat-
ible with this. This voal~ lea·/e Vallco Park for industrial use.
Kakill& Mall siagle f a::ily residential is highly isprobable
aad i~ ~~ry ~or plannLac_ ,,-~e quality o! life everybodY has
....tloneo! her~ would not !>e i::ÿroved with residential use of this
..jar hi~:.:,r,¡:r. Open space _ana inversi! c"ndemnatIon.
Ør. Ruffo said the concept cÍ plannipg has alwsys been for the
public health. safety aDd welfare. The only change is that the
CaJ1eral Pla~ is now aaø4&~~ :y statute. If a change is it is
what the governing body va:1ts, not ccc<,ssuily what the property
OVDer wants.
1Ir. Ruffo aid it i." _ "."1. lUll! DIIIorel to chima' c_ -fila OD
tJIa Hariu1 !!all p~,,"'Q a dda CiM. Be said _ ..104.._ .J8C1de Ball
ncop1&_ tile f1tlca1.' UI . ..... _ .JVIly eoop.r'. Coal8 c-.e..c_ ... the
a..1rc of (; loee -'~'j'.
å. laffo ..w th8CU"~U: ,..;..;..... coalcl be _A __.. w1Ch . afIIpla ,..
_ _. tJ.a _ høe aI1;t"J~,:' lot, of tiM. ..t taba...c1a ..., aDII
"'ir""uaw. Won ..,c·. "..cj.cø be ucla. Bacloaa DOC tIdIIk.
."Ue optIdon poU S. taèf;1IÍÙfII. San .10.. bu ¡utili Ie _ca ..
....1.1.... døatcnlD. _:.' '101 peopl. livfllliD c..p1le11 .... to SO
......_ to _b their·.·'·· ~.f U JOU pen1C a ...poaal 1bopp1Da
c.cer to be cleve10pe4 _ ~ Mall JOU u, pen1U1Da cløalopMDc
of c: ~Jal in the .... ' - COS'e lUll! this c:oulcl be c:œpac1ble vich
tJIa ToWD Cmter. Va11co zo.4 ....10l1li1 aboppiaa cencer 1IDuld _c.
SaD .10.. ia in a diff:ll:alt: JIOSÛ1on. In oreier to _tIC c_ cI ..... for
eervic.. of residetlC" Ja s.a .Jo.. they hav. to couider UIJ foza of
Ør. Ruffo Aid he vb1tecl -..nidge and he did not IlØtice UIJ of tbe
ue¡ative iJlpacts IlØce4 OD tbese charts. With Vellco 'ark .. 1Ddta.trW
aDd Hariani Hall e. c: ."Jal _ could:
1) Bave a 1rlx of r.,,_.
2) Prevent a ve..-y h1ah coacentration of traffic at Vallco Park.
(10 orc!er to be abl. to uc:ompl1sb what they propos. you would have
to go) over Volf. IIDad a:Id through a tunnel, which creates probl.s.)
3) Avoid the probl_ of f.-ler roads going through re.idential.
!'cr. Ruffo submitted, for Lbe reasons stated, that Harlani ~ll 1a the
proper place for a regicmal shoppiaa center and Vallco Park bes an
outstandiD¡ industrial park, whicb should b.. encouraged.
!tayor Irvin pointed .'JUt t.hat High_y 9 goes by residential once you
leave Cupertino, as well .. Volfe Road. Mr. Ruffo be vas referring
to siD¡le f_ily hoaea v!:_ be said residential.
Mr. Alf ~ine, 1038S rr-Tr.. Lane, Cupertino, wanted to addreas
r hDaelf to transit. He spoke of his \IOrk experience as " technician
" for Chica¡o Surface L1Dea wb1cb beclllDe Chicago Transit LInes.
Be said that when be speaks of rapid transit be speaka of soaethlaa
I like &UtI rather then _.. ~rauait as we have it nov. Be feels that
U rap!4 transit: coeaes here it vill probably come "p tb<- free_y and
I whether or !lOt it T1IIIa clo.. to either shoppiD¡ center 1s ,Jebatable.
I Perhaps ocl.y o'\e station -..l4 b. n..a. ~"em. He said Chicago bas 7 or 8
liDes running into the c~.r of town, which we do IlØt bave. U.
! we are dl laadOVDers, tobedoer we have a hoee on the laud or not.
Be supported Mr. Ruffo'. argv'AaDts 100% against rezoning !'.ariani Hall
i La resic!ential. He said _ bave !ward fear tacti.;. from tbe developers
in reg.reI to c~cial claYelopment in San Jo.... lie c!id not object to
!tariani !!all, but rather to tbe size of the project.
Page 13
ClluDcllllSD Frolich wanted to state that BART is not the only rapid T10ere is also rar (personalized Rapid Transit). JAII.T ,
"U it .comes Ioere. will prob8la1,. be a part of our transit syst_.
...... pl.nnf", 1nfluen.:es llllere .--eell go, and vice versa.
:1Ir. Dick PacUco, 20320 WlIcUe Drive, Saratoga, wanted to c:1.ar1f
,_ point be ude the pr~ eweaing. If you count the driveway
... the '-s froatiog 011 Wlli!' J 9 there are only 4. On Volfe
..... JOU v1ll fioll UDf. ..., 4riv_ys,
1Ir. AlexaD4e: il. Novak, 10930 JIortb Saratoga-Sunnyvale Boat!,
CllperUno, "".ed that we haYe li.stened to people here who have
1.tved here f="", two weeks to fiye generations. He has lived in
tlds area si::=e 1929. Be i.s a CPA and has practiced in Cupertino
dnce 1946. :Ie has worked 1A Cupertino for 19 year... Ht< i.s a
Oaarter HeI=.."u of the ctaa.ber of Co:II:nerce. He has watched ehe
..t..orphosi. ~f CupertiDO In the business community and the ex-
pansion of :,,~ school districts. He said .... now have the opportu-
:1ty to ~<: 3 =ore diversified city with industrial development 0
~a11co Par~ 3::d commercial Mariani Mall. With our strict controls
there is n: =~s~n why we ca:not get a fi=st class developœent of
!farlani I:a:~. !hev have been ?"ying com;ncrdal taxes and they hav
~emonstr~:'~ :~~ir good faith :o~ard th~ City.
~. Novak ~:~, in regard Co ~he consultants' work. we must firs~
verify "~3: '3$ been put en t~ere charts. 'hey should be leoked
upon as è¡':3 :~t "hould be ~·e=ified. The burden of proof lies
..~th the ~~< .~o prepares the c~rts.
~. Nov~k ::::~~ that a reques: ~s being m~je by reliable developer
of prope=t' .~o f~el that ~¿ria::i ~~ll is thc mo"t desirable in
the City c: :~?ertino. He believes that vy granting this.requested
use per:ni::
1) The sc~::: ~i$tricts will be receiving revenue.
2) The or~f:~~ i~tent of our í~~n¿ing fathers and their 5~cce5S0r
will cc~:,~ue to be carried out in an ~rderly fashion.
3) Those ...,.,: "....e "hown their good intent tons lliI I have the
opportc~::y t~ follow through.
Øayor Ir"i~ ~o:~J that it vas already nidnight, the cutoff tiMC.
~ce tes[i=:~y ~ill be heard ..: the next ~cetin¿. It is ho~d
~hat ..rou;:'; :: r.~:. at the n<oXt meeting th3t the Counri1 ...iII
begin ~=i%ing ~nd foraing a concensus of opinion on the
rec10nal $~:?p:ng ccncer que5c1on.
Page 14
CouncU""'D .'ackson asked tbat cveryone wanting to speak please keep
their rem3rks brief and to the point in the interest of allowIng all
those who want to, to be able to speak. Mayor Irwin announced that
at this point, we have bad sOI:Ie 3S hours of headngs ancl ~st
..erYbody has had the opportunity to speak.
Kayar Irwin adjourned the meet1n¡ at 12 :06 A.H. to Wednesday.
AugUst 1. 1973.
/./ Keith E. Irwin
Mayor, City of Cupertino
/s/ "'..,. E. Ryder
City Clerk