FAC 11-27-01 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION - Regular Meeting November 27, 2001 1. CALL TO ORDER. At 7:37 p.m. Chairperson Carl Orr called the meeting to order in Conference Room A, Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue. ' 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Carl Orr, Commissioners Nancy Canter, Shirley Lin Kinoshita, Janet Mohr (7:55 p.m.), Barbara Phelps, City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott Absent: Commissioners Hema Kundargi, Rita Young Guests: City Planner Ciddy Wordell 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Canter moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 23, 2001. Lin Kinoshita seconded and motion passed unanimously with Mohr, Kundargi, and Young absent. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk stated that she will renew the order for the Sculpture Resource Guide. · 5. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS Orr reported that the Mayor's breakfast was well attended. He stated that both the Sandra James and the new mayor, Richard Lowenthal attended. He stated that the mayor indicated that he'd like to see the Commission be more proactive in suggesting where art could be placed in the city. Phelps will attend the December 11 breakfast. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider rescheduling or canceling December 25 meeting. The committee agreed to cancel the December meeting. November 27, 2001 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 B. Review of General Plan update process by Ciddy Wordell. Ciddy gave an overview of the General Plan and the process for the update. She stated that there are some different views that may be incorporated into the update including: 1) creating a downtown feeling in the community, 2) providing more balance between jobs and ho~.tsing, and 3) creating more "pedestrian friendly" areas in the community. The Commission discussed the four strategies for public art in the General ?lan and determined that changes were needed. The percent for art ad hoc committee will continue working on'the four strategies of the art section in the General Plan and provide a report to the full Commission in C. Receive report from Percent-for-Art ad hoc con~mittee. The ad hoe committee will continue researching the item and provide a report to the full Commission in January. D. Discussion of student art project for 2002 Cherry Blossom Festival. Lin Kinoshita will contact Diane Argabrite to determine what assistance can be provided by Euphrat for the student art exhibit. E. Consider new mural project. The Commission decided to continue the item to the March meeting. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Prepare final report to council on Commission goals. The Commission concurred to make their report to Council after completion of the percent-for-art guidelines project. B. "Turning Point" Sculpture. Orr reported that he did not have an opportunity to contact the artist. The Commission concurred to revisit items such as this after the percent-for-art and public art guidelines were completed. November 27, 2001 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 C. Follow-up report on children;s ti.le project reception. Orr reported that the reception was not as well attended as he had hoped, but stated that it went very well. City Clerk said that the child's tile that was "missing" had been retained by Diana Argabrite and it would be used as part of the permanent plaque for the tile wall. D. Review criteria for public art (Phelps, Lin-Kinoshita, Young). The item was continued to the FebrUary meeting. E. Review draf~ ad hoc committee guidelines for use on all projects The Commission decided to remove the item from the agenda until Phelps has revised the drat~ document. Phelps will contact the City Clerk when it is ready for review. F. Review survey results from Art & Wine Festival. The item was continued to a future meeting when the results are available. 8. ADJOLrRNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m. R~ecording ~retary