CC 08-01-73 . . cnT OF CUPER'!lSO, STATE OF CA:_IR\~IA 10300 Torre Avenue. Cuper~1no. C..alifornia Telephone: 252-4505 lu..,T£S OF THE ADJOIIbt:D IECUUI !£EImC 01 THE CITY COUNCIL .aD 011 AUGUST 1, 1973, 1lt TIlE !ÐSIA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL A\)DITLUUJI CUPERrDlO. CALIFOP.NIA Ifa70r Irwin called the meeting to order at 7 :13 P .K. mLL CALL Coaacilmen present: GoaDcilmen absent: Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin None S~f present: City Manager Quinlan City Attorney Adams Director of A~inistrative Services Ryder Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Public Works,Viskovich Consultants present: Economist Levy Traffic Engineer Goodrich e:...rt P.eporter: Kathleen Pettibone ?::1ILIC HEARlXG Mrs. Carolyn deVries, 19845 Ba}~ocd Drive, Cupertino, said she has lived here for 10 ~'ears and relath"es have lived here for 90 years. §be belongs to th~ Cupertino Historical Society, but at this aeet- i.:2& she represented only herself a"d her family. She said sh" is appalled at the complexity of the facts and figures presented here. Sõe asked that the City Council also consider the people ~~ose lives are going to be affected by the decision on the shoppi~g CeDtcr. She asked how we can be expected to continue our w,y of life with a super regional shoppL~g center in our midst. Long afte ~ developers and this City Council sitting here tonight, those 0 as in the core area will remain. IIrs. Ann Anger, Manta Vista, said she was undecided whether or not ~ give her entire report or just a portion of it. There are so saDy people in Cupertino and In adjacent cities who have not attend .. these meetings and they don't know why we are doing certain tbiDas. We also have pressure groups expressing their thoughts. CC-168 Page 1 . . ES OF THE AUGUST 1, 1973 ADJOURNED CIl'Y COUJICIL KEErIllG . AD¡er auuested the øenpapers pitk up' BOale of the backJround rial for the people to read. . AD¡er _tell to point out some of. the PlanniDJ ec-ission dlscusaioDS tM core area and the rea10nal shopping center sites. She said it is Y£' had to reconcn,. h1ah density residential for Hi¡hIray 9; she can 'I ..e oyer-populat1oo for Cupertino. We have a population Joel of 5O~OOO. A great -.rub has been put on low in~, or subsidized housiDJ. Uno and its spbe:... of influence has IIOre than its share of low f__ bouain& aov: ltancbo Rinconada, Garden Gate, Carolyn Gardens, ta Vista, back of Geaco. south of McClellan. She said 10,000 to 12.000 people are liviaa there. All areas should have 10% low income '-- ¡ we have aceeded that. s. ADger said there is the recOllllllendation for 30' landscaped setback on Highway 9. She did not think this was economically feasible. eo..issioner Gatto has stated that he does not koow of any cities that have had to pay for thIs. She said a feeling of identity is derived at the entrance to a city. Present thinking is to put a buffer along tbe major roads and apartments behind that, and then single family homes. She asked what we are going to do about nonconforming uses. Dr. Brown was successful In getting 7 or 8 property owners together with a PD and now the PlannIng Comaission says this should be residential. Mrs. Anger said we now have enough concerned citizens to gird against the "fast buck developers". She said we must put the housing, the cOlll!lercial ao4 the industrial where they belong. Available shopping and employment w1l1 be within 3 miles of our homes. She said it is not fair to the landowners to reduce the value of their property. If this happened to ber, sbe said she would call it confiscation. ~he said the big question is where to put the regional shopping center. It was her opInion that it belongs on Mariani Mall property. Vallco Park was commItted to the City of Cupertino and the citizens some 10 years aco with 340 acres of light industrial. She noted that 120 of those acres have been rezoned to professional office and shoppIng at Vallco Vl1lace. She said that if the regional shopping center goes to Vallco Park, than S5 acres of uncomaitted land would remain in limbo. She approved of the Hilton Hotel at Vallco because she felt it would be compatible in thai area and it is needed for seminars, etc. It is next to the freeway. With the regional center there it would be too much activity in one spat. Mrs. Anger said our National security is something else to think about. There are light Industrial uses wit~government contracts that must concern themselves with security. She questioned ~~ether this would be possible with a large shopping center right next door. . . . K1I1UTES OF THE AUGUST I, 1973 ADJOURNED CItY CanER no&4l.JOG CC-l68 Page 3 Hr. Walter liard, Vallco Putt General Kanager, saU PV"1~t-t"actard CoIIpaIIJ bas atated they ~d like a shopping center. IIIat she ..id ODe fira tb.at vas tryJ.a& to let a Uae pemit bro.t oac this Meurit, businesa. Her..ta concern vaa that we an los1D& _re ilUlDatrW I8IIAI. lie are losiøa K6DSanto because tllaØ preseDt locat1oa 11\ W.at Vall.,. IøðøatrW Park la too ..n; toO bad it couldn't go into Vallco Park. lira. An¡er aaid c-t..iDDer NeUis haa alread, espressecl herself that the Catholic Church propert, on FoothIll Blvd. ~d lend itself to industrial; !Irs. Anger challenged this. She £'aU we are lucky to have these laDdov:1ers wo have been able to 1~ banI<. In 1956, when the CupertiDo Sanitary District was forMd, there was . mob of people protesting it. She said she is very concerned wit air, noise, trash, old cars, and pollution in general. She said we should do SOllIe lobb,ing in Washington on this subject. When our scientists can get ~ to the moon they can also do something about the polJution of our earth. Krs. Mathilda Sousa, 707 ::ast Homestead Road, Sunnyvale, said she was bc=~ and raised in Cu¡>ertino. Homestead beca~e the b~~ndary line cf Cupertino. She re=enbers riding in a horse and buggy down Homestead Road, and all ~?ertino was orchards. The only store in Cuperti~o was at the Crc5s~~adS. She said her father ~orked hard to pl~~t hi~ trees, and ~~r family worked over 70 years =0 accumu- late their land that they hæ;e on Highway 9. ~~en she vas a teen- ager t::e~· \lould sit on Ü,eir front lawn and \latch the Santa Cruz traffi. go by. There vas traffic congestion then, too. In 1964 a Ian': "'s" ;>lan was adopte:: and her land on Highway 9 vas zoned comrner~:al. Since then. ~~ey have worked to put together a regio~3I shopping center. paying their taxes, etc. .~en they applie¿ for a Use Per=i: to begin their regional shopping center the rI3~nir.g Commissio~ decided this should be residential propert She a~~ed if any Kember of the City Council, Planning Co~ission, or ho~ovner in the acdi~ce would consider buying a ~o=e on High"ay 9 to live in. ~~e asked if any study has been ::aèe for expodi:ing the traffic, ra:her than just tell thP2 the traffic is bad. Ihe traffic lights C~ 19th Avenue in San Francisco have been synchronized and traffic :vves very nicely en 6 lanes. Dial-a-bus has been discussed. She asked what emrloyee would not prefer to be driven home at night rather than leave a car in a parkin~ lo~ for 8 or 9 hours. It costs a lot more than 50ç to drive a car to work or to shop. She said they werfo happy with their crchards, and they have been happy with the newcomers; a lot of changes have taken p13ce in the last 60 years. She is a Curertino prorerty owner and works in Cupertino. She believes commercial zoning is the most logical on Hig~ay 9. She is in favor of a regional ahoppir~ centcr on Mariani ~ll; it will be of benefit to Cupertino r ~~~ . . ES OF THE AUCUS't 1. 1973 ADJOURNm CITY COUltClL JrEErDIG ter Jøser Jøsers. 19766 .' 6 Drive, Cupertino. ... . -t. said be "s DOt like the 1cI_ of . øaf.onal shopping center L -- ëen be pia avf-III& at CupeR1øø JU&IL School the traffic 14 ~ congested. . reaioaal shoPP1D& c_ter ac Vallco Park would lUke the £raff1c and £1Ia pollution wor... 1£ 141 be just as bad at Harúai. Kal1.. It would Joe iapossible for kids £0 &K around in Cupertino. IIrs. Julie iarr, 10329 Co1ll7 ""enue, said she lives .ws-,. be~_en these twO sites. She _rks ¡,---- she has to. The thins £ba~_. frightens ber the .ost is the traffic. She has _de arrang_XS ~o So to work earlier and cOIle ~ earl1.er, but the traffic by Kayf1a1d !lall is bumper w btDaper. At a.estead, sDe _eds to wait for 3 traffic 11ghts to make her left turn. She is afra1cl of the potential 6 to 9 LaDes. She ia against a large shopp1n& c_~er in our area because of the 1øcreased traffic, 8,.J the air aDd aoiae pollution. She likes peace aød quiet. ~~s. Judy :~brock, 2079¡ Scofi~ld Drive, Cupertino, refuted the idea that a super regional shoT,l1n& center would decrease t!le ;DOU:1t of :ravel. ,;:,,,, said there are advantages to pulling all c<>='!rc 1al into one site. :he purpose 0: a super regional shopping ce::ter ~~ to attract people fr~ 10 _ l5 Biles away. She asked how Qften i: is "~cessary in a perso:>'. "if.. to go to a: üstridge. She would be ~ :.-,cr of :1 medium sizeG sh~~~:nb center rAre. She asked that they give ~s a ?runeYard or . 11ttl~ :~:b~r and ve ·Ji:l never œore wander. She ~~;~es=~ ~h~: it Is ~etter t~ ~31k to go s~c;~1nI. It is better to have ~~r5 ~~re in ~upertir.~ :han to have ~:l~c transportation for all =~e ~~~?~e here to 10 to Pol"" Alt" to shop. S-,.e proposed a 500,000 sq. ::. .::eYard -sized shopping ~~"ter for Cu"e..~1:>o vould brio:; in $400,000 ~er ,.oar. The :.ajar it: :: the people 1.:: Cupertino rn.',e expressed the~r fee:~"gs about a super re,:i"nal shoppi,,& center, bu~ have not said =:;:;'1:1& about a sub-regi.:>,nl center. More. _all"r ce:'lters would shor:",=, the travel for the ,~stoœers aad voul~ DOt disrupt O~r community. Mr. Neil ElshelMr, ll30 Pl_ Avenue, Sunnyvale, said ~e ~s a resident of Sunnyvale. He has follO"Må vlth interest our plans fcr Cupertino. Ee feels that as a near ~i¡~or, he vould like to say ::-a: ~ten you speak of a supèr regional shop;:i:11 center you are going intc areas that have 1Jopact cn the total rea1c=. So city can ignore the i:;:¿.::s 0:1 its neighborir.g c_nity. ~tain View had The Emporil... etc.. -..rhich dumped thousands cf cars on El Cz<1..-.o Real. He is very much c =cer:eG about the potentia: traffic fro. this proposal. He realizes the i=est,.ént made in this land. Hovever, he thinks the right to make a ;rofit off land is not necesSolrily an inal~le right. The freeway ¡m¿ sup;>Orting streets ,.gold be,,,,,e clogged vith cars. He spoke as a concer~ citizen, not as a .e..ber of an organi:ed &roup. He has lived in Sunn1""ale for 7 years and he thinks the eDviro~t has deteriorated in that tiae. He is not for that kind of progress. Be thinks the revenue froa ~strial for the schools ,",ould be aore tba:> $12,000, as reflected in the charts. . . KUIUTES OF THE AUGUST 1. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY C01JBCIL MEErING CC-168 Psge 5 Hr. Joe Donahue, reprHeDtÚ18 the United Taxpayers of Santa Clara County, said hi. prewioas statements stand as presented previously, Be said his report ..wress.. itself to keeping the zooiag as it presently is and to woü within the 1964 General PI_. The EIR's would not be requIred if the 1964 General Plan i. tbe fr..ework witbio which we work. It is his understanding that the EIIt would b at the expense of the clcyeloper at the time of his proposal. Be said we sre talking about spending $1 million. We are talking about capital invesc.eøc by the City with this new General Plan. Perhaps an oblIgation plac should be placed on the ballot and let the people decide. Be said the industrial land should be left industrial and ~r.:ial should be left CODUllercial. He said the super regional sbopping center belongs in ~tariani Hall. Hr. Donahue said we talk about the heavy dens it:· of cars and the amount of trips, but he DeVer sees any statements about the number of trips made by the homeowners from all these new residences. Another factor he brought up ~as human waste. Be said it is not as much froœ commercial as from residential. Industrial requires more facilities than coc=ercial. As ~o t~~ comparison of =evenue from PruncYard versus Eastrid~e. Mr. Dc~~h~e said the entire ~all is included in the square footage at Eastridge, and at the Prun.Yard the actual sales space is Computè':. Mayor !r~in asked the Director of Public ~orks about the sewer sy"tem co::! its ability to handle potential loads. The Planning Direct.'t said that durit-& discussions at the Planning Commission of the ,ere area they ~ve been very much involved with the Sanitar Distr ,~, Wa ha~e the capability to handle the needs. The Distric has bee~ planning s~e r-ajor expenditures for a nu~ber of years. Hr. L.."... added that additional taxpayer contribution will be re- quir¡-å :~.:' o.atter what k.~n: of expansion, or no expa......síon. He said all cal,uIat ions were ,.a:ie on an actual square footag(' of regional and $u~~&f.ional sh~~pi~6 :enters, also. Under the new school financ~" ~ystem in Cali:.:-rnia, ~·1ra Levy said the .advant.age to a school ~istrict of ha~i~ commercial or industria] has geen greatly reduc~è ~ecause it is offset, dollar by dollar, by State aid. Mr. Pat Gibson said he lives in San Jose, between Cupertino and S,nato¡:3. lie said the response to Jackie /la11' s quest ions were so mind b"b¡:l1ng that he vould have to be either a la,,·yer or a traft i c engineer to understand it. He tri~d to ~~plain why a shopping center a:'lalysis is base¿ on evening peak hL'Ur rather than daily traffic. In terms of traffic, the key t~ whether or not a cent~r works is that the developer has to ~~~w "ilether or not he can got cars to that ceñter 00 a reasonable arterial and then whether or no be can ¡;ot them on and off the site. In order to do this you have ei . lUalUJ!S OF TIlE AUGUST 1. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY t;OUJICIL IlEETt1IC to look at the wont elM of the day. betv_ 5 aad 6 P .11. lie said we are not Uy1D8 to do w1tat you want by a lot of traffic and CODsøtion bu~ to de~eDliDe wbethR or not we can set the eaTS on _d off the site. '!bere vill be envi1~ "81 iapacts that are no~ ye~ defined. A~ this .tate of the analysis the key is congestion. '!be El& 18 a wry de~a1led report that deals vith exactly what the impacts are JOinS ~o be md to llbat extent and IIOre t.portllD~, what can be done to \litigate t'-e impacta. First you line to decide whetber or DOt you v_t a reg10aal shopping center in Cuperdao. then you decide on a site. the En has to c.... before tbe C~ Council and those impacts _t be aitigated to the satisfaction of the C1~)' Council. that location ....y be thrown out III>f tha la~er if tbe City Co~l feels those impacts fIZ'/ DOt be mitigated. the EIR has not been prepared at this point. Both developers were asked by tbe Planning Director DOt to prepare the EIa yet. the!llOre congested an area is, the IDOre serious the air quality will be. Hr. Gibson said we can get the traffic to the Mariani Mall regional sbopping center on regional arterIals. We are not going to draw traffic from 15 miles away because that comes within the Eastridge area and the Stanford Shopping Center area. He stat~d that ~~ cannot hanJle th~ ~raffic on the enst without Torre Avenue. We have one inter~ection at D level and one at 0 or E on short range. VaIleo Park short range report based on a little less square footage, and they ~~ve 5 D or E inter- sections. Both in the long range and the sho~t r~n~e, MarIani Mall can handle the traffic. Mr. Gibson said Mr. Pott has said that in the next 20 years he hopes 50% of the travel viII be handled on transit. :008 range, transit c~ help the shopping center. Short range, they can't, so this is why they have offered dlal-a-ride. It is innovative and can handle a substantial amount of travel. It will reduce 20% of the air and noise effects. He is not sure that it 1s risky to the City. All the roads would have to be developed, with or vithnut dial-a-ride. The Certer will subsidize half the cost of the ride on the system. The risk is ail the developer's. The City decides whether it should be included in a transIt system. Hr. Gibson said they feel they can implement the road improvements and dial-a-ride and make tbe roadways operate satisfactorly, both nOlI and in the future. Hrs. Barbara Rogers, 19764 Auburn Drive, Cupertino, said that when the shoppin8 center controversy began on the Planning CO....ts"ion level sbe had no opinions, but sbe bas r.0II coae to the conclusIon sh~ does not want a super regional shopping center because of the pollution probl.... It is not a question of handling traffic but rather whether we want that .uch traffic there. She does not lIke Eastridge; It Is a tourist attraction. Property adjacent to Eas~ridge is raising In value, and taxes are, too. She has beard nothing here to change her mind. Dial-a-ride sounded Intri- guing but what if 1~ doesn't work after a year or two? She is not · . e · HUIUTES OF tilE AUGUST I, 1973 ADJOUR.'ŒD CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-I68 Page 7 against progress. We need to have additional sales revenue but sbe would like to have the .ltern....tes explored. Town and Country concept saunded cOllp.tible with the character of tbe City. She appreciates the decisioos aade by the City in the past. now we must plan for the future. Jh'. Ben Osborn, Los Altos. said the discussion of a regional center does affect the region add be thanked Councilman Jackson for re- cognizing this fact. Be said SOllIe of tbese meetings have been in- formative, entertaining. dull and repetitious. These meetings bav been conducted quite sanely compared to similar public hearings in other jurisdictions. The City Council and staff can take a great deal of pleasure and pride in the conduct of the people. Senator Ervin has said it is possible for several people to look at the same pro~l~ and see it in different vays. As to the traffic, Hr. Osborn åoes not understand the traffic as has been d~scussed here. I: is very complex and is based on many assumptions. Opposing testimony has been given by the tvo develo~ers. In the existing centers traffic eight be occasionally inconveniect, but it hasn't ~cen catastro?~ic. He does not understand school financing; 53-90 is an 57-page document anå thcre are ~any anend- ~ents. He is not sure ~~ether or not "e ne~d sales tax revenue to support ':r schools. He does not understand ,,'ht=ther several small.?f C':" cn~ large cer:ter 1<.9Quld offer less pollution. He is not sure tih"r.: ...·.,)uld be a regional center in San Jose or Sunny....ale if nol hert>. "o-!c docs not understand the legal implications.. He doc.s not kno~ ii the City Council has the rights to give ~p air rights. · Mr. Osbor~ s3id he does not understand down zoning, as such. He Lhinks th< concept of down zoning is one th~ people in the United States are going to have to cons1der. If environment, economics or natior.3~ defense problems necessitat~s this, then he can under- stand it. II:' down zone one person's property and at the same time up zone ..",ther person' 5 property (¡:i\"c to one vhat you take away fr.... anN;:,'") a mile away becomes an ethical pro!>lem. He said he does unè,"'tand the ~l:1riani Mall sit" has been zoned cO!1l.,crcial since 1~0-. Unlt'ss thi$ City Council rcceives evidence that Vall co Park is ""t just equal but is clcarly superior sHe to that site or..c ml1~ ..s"."ay, he strongly suggcsts the CauneiJ take a long look at the matter before reaching a decision. Mayoy Irwin stated that the City ~s hired consultants for this rca~on, to aid in ~aking a decisic:: by pointing out all the positive ami negative impacts. Hr. Joltn Dippel, 10402 Somerset C,'urt said he has lived at this ",!<Iress for 10 years. He is chairman of the "cry_baby co=ittee". He said one of these mornings .e are going to wake up these people who hAVe been "sell ing Cupertino" to see that they have sold it right out iro.. under us. If the City is goillg to use the sales tax to buy us a park it h.-.d better fut in plenty ,'f lights because we are only going to be able to get there between 10 P.M. and 8 A.H., .. - CC-168 '-ae 8 OF I1!E AUGUST 1, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEErDIG Dippel challenged the . ers on the charts. He aaid øob04,. under- tood Wat the tax un saY the other night. It is veT)' c~lex and is ubJect to .:h:Ulge. IIoboll7 ca:t predict the impact of the fiscal situation. said 9Q1 of the people ...·t want a super regional center'. Be beUeves the laDdowoers are hold~ .. a bag· of .oney. You dOD't even Icncw how .oney is in the baa .... JOU won't for 4 ye3rs, and vben you find out _cb is there 70U cIaD'c kDav how _ch you will be able to keep, recess at 8:52 '.K. The meeting recoovened s. N.,-.;. :;"rris, 10441 Yoar Lap Drive, Cupertino, said sbe reviewed how thi. ~,;c~nal shopping center would affect her and the other inclivi¿,"-~, :c'..ing in Cu,crtino. She ",as i:t favor of a shopping center. '.: ",t on such a large scale. She Is fcrtunate that she lives "" the .', _: ,-Jot of Cu¡:ertl:>o instead _'f :he c"re area. She saiù she could r:: '.1 that congu:ion on fellm.. residents of Cu?ertino. <'- 2) """": 3) '''¡'..: .. "'~er, 105)1, ~teor Place ",,,,'ted to taU. about residential .' :'Way 9: : ~~~ ~~ an ££1 ~~ the resiJ~~:s ar~ living there or only :- ~ i..11 Ite:ê:.J;::O"-.: t!-!ere? §.lfety to:- :;".e school .:hildr~n1 :,C the e!f....~': of th~ rc¿..:..:ti1.'l1 of tax rates if residences .1'. 9 lnc r~a~e :~ sct'~ool peru L\t ion? r. A1:~ zonir:.; I) II!:_ c¡¡, ~l·. $r.:.__: ::-:':'nks we s:-.!)Uld ="nsider re..1s,:n.s ,my tax rates increase. Assumi"':.L ~>"'J.y 9 1s re51de~tial, who ,..i..il pay for increasing the size of th3: ':,'~t and other non-:a«:erclal str~ets? Who is going to pay for the i~~:~~~~~ Sew3&e CO,t5 c~lng up no o3tter what we do? As far as he kn"",. '. said tlK- City provides severs, fire and ?oUce protection. The aso,',,! valuation of hoees has gcne up about 10% this year and we look f:~.,:j to DOre increases 1n the next few years. He asked if we are het:<~ :ff with a shopping ~enter i~ ene place or with the same .-aunt :: >~:pp!ng spread .lcng two ailes. A lot of points have been de a: :-..0" 35 hours of pu!>lic hear!~¡¡s. lie would like to see somebody .it 40-- J-J type up all the pros and cc~s of all these issues. Councilman Jackao:'''' dafte this to a -.:ertain extent. P.y looki!lg at the total .1tuat::c. this ~uld be tbe best way tc ~4Ke a decision. Kayor trv", ~id the fact tkat we are hclding these aeetings in larger quarters ,~dicates this. .' . . . . HIm;us J: TIlE AUGUST 1, 1973 ADJOUR.'ŒD CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-168 Page 9 . Councllam Jackson sud he put 19 pages of facts together. Be does DOt bcv boll far the City'. responsibility goes. As a result of tllese hc&r1Dgs, the 'ftIt1ø1 representatives are formulating their clecidoa. Every effoft 18 be1øg made to bring out all the relevant facta. ;.: Ifr. Jer:y Fitzgerald. 10191 IIorth Blaney Avenue, Cupert1øo, said b1a '- is right betv_ the tvo shopping centers. He is C1airman of the CQIIdttee fo~ to protest the rezonings. He was on the Planniu¡ CoBrladoø and the City Council for 11 years. He said "" haft :0 go bad< t.o ¥ben Vallco Park was first mentioned and Karimi ~11 was first aenticrned. Hr. Leonard has done an out- 8tandir.~ pb and he thiDks that Vallco Park should continue in that vein. ~...riani has stayed with his original intentions. Either one would d: 3:l (Outstanding job. Hr. Fitzgerald said he h"s a lot of faith i~ :".. rontrols of tbe City. He is in favor of the regional shop;>:"; :ent.r at Maria:>i Hall. r r Mr. 5.>~ ~up"n, 10463 Chisholm Avenue, Cupertino, said he h3S come to t!-.~ ::~:'_usi~'n with all the 'Work on tht? Goals Committee and the CRpi:~: >~:.'v.,,",u's Co=ittee, the Planning Commission ;;cd City Cou..,.::: -..:?è: :0, .; " ;~a: \.II! are final ly r~achinr. an ident i ~y for Cu¡>er~'-.:, Tn;, plan as presented does greatly aid the identity of C:..:;i':::"::'~. Uè woul¿ ;:refer a reduced size. shopping cel1ter. He pr{"-':--':: ': è :::!'h.'\V:-ir.g Cé:,:e~ be: located in \·a.l1c0 Park. Eé prefcoTs the.:.:- ;i .: ~:~··..ntow!l b~t·..·~e.:1 Stelling and Hif:,hway 9. He ·""auld prf'fr~' :-:·.___:,::-~lting 0:' 2. ::'O"Jer intensity dè\'cloplng alo:'!:f> High\.ra)~ 9. 7:".~~ ;':".....\·i:.les separatic:1 of regional from the d()'l'.,ffito·,,;n area. :~r. K.::.::;;: ~;l.id there arE. :any consiJerations the City C,-~u;}ci1 wi]l ta<t' :.:::: _~;.:()unt as i=;:.:'e::.entation of the plan takes pl~("e. Hlt:~...·j:: .: :--i.; have to bE: considered an èxpn~5sway. He h;.s5 SOr.1(" confic<::r t".it a lot o~ problems regardin;: pollution, S7.0g and trans~: ~; ,;_'i!1g to re¿,Ke some of these problems. He sd ù he ha,; f31t": ,= ":0 City Council ..nd in the participation of thr, citiz..ns. Hé oil:..= .-..:_~r.?d to than:: :.he City Council for giving us a t\Jo-wcck bTe~k ~i~:~~ the next ~ê~ing. Hr. ~Ã::f~ ~~rdt Vallee êark General ~~n3gcr, said th~ t~o rn~jor quest:::-3 ~dore the Co"",cil tonight are ...hy a regional s"opping cent~~ :~ ~~rrrtino ana if so. where? The Planning Co~sí~siont after i':\:.::~.~i\"t!: hearir'bSt found the bC<1efits far outrea.:!} the n...g~ti1õ' :::p3elS. The Sl million in sales rl'vcnue will help Cupert"_: :, Ifill its a':::s and objl'ctives. If located ou:siù" the City, .Oë ;.."r all the neg,ative impacts of a re~ional center dnù none of t h~ =-'t!'....~nu~ He expl ained what tht~se revenues can a.ccor..¡.p] ish 6 If it ù :n Cu?ertino, the City cnn control the size and quality of it. :b~ prime finding of the PI~1ning C~mmission is that Vallco ~ · ., , a:-168 ¡ ...e 10 HINUTES OF T~ AUGUST I, 1913 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL tIEEl:ING I t t , f, ; Park should continue .. a reaional node in Cupertino. The uniquely orlent~ ~nity servicea should be developed In the Town Center. Vallco Park has the heat tm.edlate freeway access. Yallco Park would advance fuMs for early construction of Tant?" overcrossing tha> is now scbedulecl for 1978. Vallco Park bas th,' best ability tor traffic VeJOl!:1t. The carrying capacity of Wolfe Road exceeds Highway 9. It will have only 3 curb cuts. Highway 9 has 20-40 curb cuts, due to numerous ownerships. Vallco Park has only 3 significant left turns. It is his judg.ent traffic will flow more freely on these bases. Another factor is that Vallco Park has better visibility because it is at grdèe with the site. When Sears was before the City of Cupertino for a Use ?er..it there was the drawing of the 3 department store complex at that t;3e. The size of the development of Vallco Park regional center is flexi~le. It can be phased. Vallce Park intends to have a single level =311. The cars would be sheltered. Lyon-Cordon have historically reta:oei o~~ership of their shopping cent~rs. ~~ to ~311co Park land uses, Mr. Ward said that the lq64 General Plan shù\":; ·1~.i.llc" Park 35 MOstly industrial, sone research, and a com:nercial cen:ec ::1 Stevens Creek Blvd. The f Lrst General Plan was amended in Jam:~:':" :973 to identify the colUr.tercial, industri<ll, offices and the hot¿: .: - Vdllco Park. Uariani ~tall 5hQ'-';5 an autof'!<Jbile sal~!~ and serv lee and : :-.~ ::..11ance as resident ia1. V.:Illco Pa-:-k has changed sc:-ae of the zon in~. Nor:c :' 5ears has been co~ercial since 1970. The easterly side of \.]01 f¿ 3..~~ .1.,:, is industr la1. Corn.p3rlng th~ probleins and solut ions needed, bot:: .::. ~ :¿:; n~ed General Plan changes. Cupertino is losiop.. 23 3crcs of pri~è :~iustrial land. In 1963, 218 acres were designated industrial usc. :~-:è land use map now on file 5h",;>,...s 222 act'€'s. About to at.:res hav~ bee:: ':"".:'::.lced here because of road·Jay dedications. Nine acres have been assi;::i'': tl,) the Hilton Hotel. lie believes their original estiMate ~ome 9 yed~3 ~go was quitI' accurate. The nct difference is only 7 acres. He ~~:i .~~n the ~atjonal Institute of Industrial Parks met in San Frar.c:scJ they toured Vallco Park. As to :~~ traffic, Mr. Ward s~id Stanford Shopping Center is ~erved by one .: ~.ria1, VaIlco Park is served by five. Stanford has a hospital, co"..=.:c:.1l center, industrial park and a university. lie agr~es with Cour.c;:::.1n FroI1ch that the traffic consultants have not takcn out the pe...",;~¿·5 trips they make to the other centers outside Cupertino. Co::p::=is~, and how big is big. lie said Vallco Park can put in either 3 or _ ".partment stores with the proviso that they can add another if and .~e~ need3d. As t~ t". air rights over Wolfe Road, it is the opinion of their legal cou¡"e: that the City and Vai lea Park can solve this probl"",. Details at th:$ soJrt can be resolved through negotiatlon. The problcr.t of air :-ig:'t> s""nœno more ..omplicated than vacating !obriani Avenue. , t . . "I'-"UTES OF THE AIICUST 1, 1913 ADJOUR.~ED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-168 Page 11 Hr.. Ward said the noise and transit problems must be considered and _to TIley bave given written c01IIIIIitments to the City as to traffic aDd roadvay., the achange of air rights, noise probl fts and their sol..UOG, and cODtributioD of rights-of-ilay for public transit. Hr. Ward said their consideration of a monorail system led them to believe it vould lessen the problem. Their more effective contri- bution vould be to support the transit system rather than compete with it. Tbe $100,000 per year for 20 years is for the purpose of aidin¡ the City in solving some of these problems. He believes they haVt stated a positive case for a regional shopping center in Vall co Park. Hr. Gary Stokes, foraer Kayar and Cou~cilman, said he believes there has been ample testimony that a regional shopping center has been in the works for 10 - 12 years, for some day when the need was there it would become a reality. The Planning Commission found it is nee~ëJ and would contribute to a balanced community. lie said we Þave .111 heard the fiscal impacts, the negative and the positive i.."acts. He said the people are on the streets to go shopping whether thë:rí. is a reg10nal center (lr not.. Our traffic is such that £,"';"':1 'áthou!!', c£-ntcr we are in s~riOllS trouble.. Hr.. ~t..C'kes r....,intr,d out that \O:e I}¿l\'t.~ aa inòustr ia1 park th.'ll cannot b.;: fully ":.~\·("JopcÙ u:1ti: t!1c traffi.:- i~ ft·solveù. ~.¡c \~'il1 ha....e noise 3;-'.! ~iir pollutic;1 ·..:ith or '~'jt1Il"llt a shú¡:.ping center. With re5?è.:t to air a¡¡d noise pollutiøn., l-1r. Stokes said the ;n:tjor sourcE' :~ the automobij c. Duri nf. t ::c next 5 - ] 0 year!; WL' c:m look for !to[t.' i~'?rovcmentr;; in t:ds arf'~l. Transit \,:ill have a considl.'raL c impact, t..~..-". We r.mst (i¡ce these pr.."'blf·ms th¡lt ....'jll nol di~app("ar b)- the i'!j,~~::ination of á shopping Cí'.:1::vr. Th(' City will nc('J all the re~,,-"'~~r..·I.."'s available to help r::,,:·C't the nece.c;sitics. He s..1id he heard t~.¿SL ~3..ne :Jrgt=:l..:nts when V;111c~-" Park and West V;¡ll('Y In- dustrial !'~trt were fC:-D<.:j. He a~;k,,(~ the City Councit not to 5ur- render t.:'l t~(' pressure VTOUPS --- t:lis wi J 1 not solve our prohlcr.15. Th(Or~ s:-..-~:J~: þ(" comp('n-;.:1~ h)n for h~1r in soh:in~ these> prcb!.cr:ls. Mr. St';"~i:; ~;1id the Ci:y faces ¡,¡a.1l'r ü'sts for High""ay 9 jm¡.,."ovc- m£"nts è.....:'..-n.·n ~SO and Stc"·:cns Cr('C'k Bh"d. if the cent.er g()('s to Valle" P~lrt.. There will ~(: eo1t~~,""'sti\""n un .1] 1 rC'sident ¡at streets leading t..:' \'~111co Park. The '-aIle... Park center c~nnot func-tion without ~~1jl.'r improve::Jents tc\ the' \,'()lf~ Road intcrsccti(,1l) of 1-280. On the .,)t~:t.~r hand, ¥!3ria:1i Mall Jl'\'èl~"pcrs ....·ould il'1pro'le ili!;h""";JY 9. They h.1.\"e '"'ff~red to initiate dial-':l-ridc in conjunction \o,dth the transit sy:;t.."'Ia. Th~ probTp"ls of g..ling to thE:;' r.oon "'·l'rL' f>ol\"t"'d by people ",-i th vision. Our pröblcI'ls ht'"rt.~ on c:1rth can bt' so] \led similarly, The major failing in the transit system today is lack of visi~a. Cities are finally c~cin~ tc realize the public transit bas a very ilaportant role to play in our daily I He. e . CC-168 p.... 12 ~ImrrES OF THE AUGUST 1, 1973 ADJOUll.'IED CITY COUNCIL !lEETING !Cr. Stokes said Councilman Jackson has stated that it would not be responsible to count on sales tax revenue. Air rights are a problem. It is incu.bent upon the Planning Commission and CIty COuncIl to reserve land for future development. We have been told that if the center goes to VaUco Park, 55 acres of uncOIIIDIitted industrial land will not be developable. The IIIBjor developer of ~est Valley Industrial ~ark has told us of the need for industrial park land in CupertIno. Hr. Stokes saId it makes very little sense to rezone industrial land to cOllllllercial and rezone ~rci~l to residential. ~r. Stokes said there ha5 been much talk by the Planning CommIssIon on t~o image of Cupertino. They prefer ~gglomerated commercial. Rl~ht ~:~ there are 6 gas stations and 6 ether commercIal enterprises along H,~:,..ay 9 __ a poor subst Itute for the Mariani 1'.,11. Wlth the ~aII ',,oe. ',~'\Juld have banks, mott."ls, r("staurant~, etc.. in a compatible ,,~.1"r.e::1ent. !to polnte, '>tlt th.. differonces bpt\Jpen 'iari.1ni !'l1Il .mJ ...·a:l~." Park p:-of'">sals. He h~l t,·vc~ ti,cre i5 no n(.·ed for ., Cl"nter L\r~cr t":.:~~ l millic:1 s1uare {,~t..~t. He hI:; .J0t hcard ',, 'ho the ter:1I\t..¡ of V.dl~o '-:~:-r'i!,~ centpr ·....ou1r! h~. !t~ ",.o1~ 0:\ the Cit:: C..m:1.cl1 wht:..4i1 S(',jfS fir.:.->t :~:~ .~J aÌJoot c:o:'\ir.~ to Cu:,crtin''''. r:ll'V talk.....d ·,dt.h !-tlricl.1Ï ~!all in 1tJ66. :: ..~~ are to ~a':c the ce~1tt."r it -;h('u1.; ~ù "n ttw ~o.,t IC'~!·-·t1 ~¡it~~; it ~':~. ',';'~ on Hig!~·...·:,y 9. In the Octübcr ;. It)!d r;;;PJtt"'~ of th.--: City (.'q:wil ,,-:.::::~'t'; t~er(' ·..·_re P=0lt:S"-; in rer:-!r(t to t,eo bllfft1r!ng ..li~·.! tite ('o""'''t'rciat U.:-_" ,=t \·.\tlco ?ari<.. It i'i nowa pi.l:lHi'd illdu5lrial/ofrtt'c Jpv(>'iI..'¡'''.:,''ut .1.:-.: ~:h! City ,...·i ~l b~n(!f it ~!tJre if it r.~r:¡ajn5 tiHt way. :~r. \':...lUri-:E' US}.;):!, CldY St.rt?'~t. s.1¡,i svcit'tj· c11'1n~es tatn~,' on a 1..'ng le:-' ~.lsis. He s:lid t1.-.: t~st \;11 CCOtHJc:t of scal~ 15 wht!th...·r a d...........lo:',iwnt vi' :::~ rt:"gion..\l center n"éucfl'~ nois~, tr-1ffic ccnce-ntratltJ.l "r c{nL':'!.!zes s:~~-;~'~~1~ trips. He fell .\ 11I1!g.1tiv..... ans\,;er caul.1 be app11p,} [0 .-ill tht...se qU~:i::0ns. He said tha[ 5 ..,r 10 y~ars from no..." when \:c !\.:1VI! all '/i.--;ttcd ti,. ~"giol\àl shopping c.:nl~r, what \Jill happen to it. lie qald our 'Ç,;:--:::.:r..tl live!; 3re mad~ up of thr~c elem~nts: l"b~. life (r~lLbion ;md i!'t::::~). and entertdlnr-:cnt. He s..tld a sh"'pptn~ ~enter ·...ould result in hi&:.......r prlct:!s and cantrelI--J Market ing. InJl1stry would prextl1ce ...n in,~rea!';e in ~.:'~:; ..Ind kr.o'Jledgt! .ítnÙ tr.1provt!L1 lanusc.1p". A5 to resic..t..-ntial U"';è, he sa;~ :~e larger the sch',ol district wùUld mean nore gift"d child CP?0rtunity, ""'r~ ~-,:1Jicapl'ed child "i'l"'rtunlty, and more enrlcluncnt progra::> oPF',rtunlty. He r:H vlsit..d ....ny for";l:n c"untrle~ and the interestln& thing to him In :'-0 Far E"st is that they w..nt II¡;ht not h··"vy industry. They ~'aat b'¡lla.-:..:~J industry. He :;;1i..1 the TV progrnm "Ct05C Up" had .....ne proKr.tO. ent:'t:ð.l "Is Progre.ss R":.111y Worth It" and it ...·as originatcd in San Jose. He said he redlly wonders It it is worth it. . . . ¡ . KDII1TES OF TH£ AUGUST 1. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-168 Page 13 ~.,. " !In. Nancy Sallan. 10141 Bl11ch Place, Cupertino. said she bas -.oken previously against a super regional shopping center. She .aid Sears plus one attac6d by a _11 on the west sUe of the øad would be a most sigaúf~t scaling d<'WD for Vallco Park. ... . political point, it is her feeling that the PlannIng eo-us1on ... City Coun.:il meetings are the natural extension of the .".lop<>rs' forum. Their U,_Uhoods depend upon the outcome of cbeae ....etings. The general ¡ni>lic should in no way be condemned for not attending all these _etings, To imply these cItizens do DOt care is ~rong. She said they have elected a City Council to represent the2. She said there appear to be two distinctive camps in this isse.. An overwhelaing nu:nber of developers are in favor of it and 3~ o~erwhc1::ing n~er of citizens are against it. She asked the City Council vhaa they represent. .' ~. ~~yor I~j~ ..'led a recess at 10:28 P.M. The meeting reconver.ed at 10:37 i'.~, ~~.. R. O. ~:~~itz~r, lO~~ú ?~~r Lap Driv~, Cupertino, said ~e ~ees ='0 ne,..(: t..'" ':,:'-;.Jund our ?!"c·:':t::""... with a super rc~ioniJ,l C€'i"Itcr ;;;:- '!!'"..:lti-sL':--t..": ..":-fice b1J~1¿i::.!=:s;. ~:~ shoulJ l1C1t <level.:,);> co:-.:=(-:-c.;;::.! =~S1bl1':.j :. ~·..;:l in p(·~?1e ::-:.= ~rp. l)¡.:J;:' J 1:::1('5. t.."p ha·.·e -:.::~.,;.:" :.al1s. ('~_".. ~.'" takt? c.a:-c :: :::_::-~£:. r..er-òs. Th.:"!';e lar.¿ -.:-....nC!'5 :-...~';: a.s~e:d íc~ ~~~ ~~r('ial z:J:-.~:1'; :: :-_,:..~~ a pn.íit. lhe Cit:,· is :-.~): i~ ::.<: b~~-.. C· ': f,u;..r,Jnt~~i-.~ ~ ;..:'"ofit or. L'1Ii'I. A Lity Sh:;loj¿ :-...~.l" ¿e~isi(;c~ :~~: J~~ b~~l"¿ C~ ~~~: is b~st for a]l its citiz(~~. .. lc::>king .': .;1~_.... ho~~ ir. C·.;~~r::~.c ~pp.?.ar to run S40,OOIJ a:H~ ~t-. E=~s hi :-_< ::-.:!H j(.ISl" sta:: :.::.·...;..,d $20,('00'. Xcw c;:'liJlr::"t-~c:. .::. t-,H" ':;'ndWÞtri..:._ ¡.ir;" .·ill b~ for:.:::' :c· drive $Or.,(' dista:¡u:' to ·....or...._. .1o!r. Ko(':::: :~-: ~..liJ .'f> certa.:':-.:':.· de not t1í:\."¡f deserted, run :!U'.."":'". .:.oppin,: ,-1.-~:..:'n; in the.· !u: ...::-. He- a~b.·d \~-hal the i!,,~',"'!ct of ''-allco 1..;.:. :¿;iouat s:iC;..?':'.=-..i .::~:oter .·oulJ be on \'a11-:-0 ';il:::t··..:: s!orf"s. _..- :...1V~ hí'ard ~o''';: ;':-':''i.r~ss --- l<.lward ....höt? rcjll~!":_'~', nigh d.-"r..;;,~:'Y .:.~d CÜ~H;cs:e¿ ~:-ð.::i(; arc L:..H·'l'rs he .·o·...:lt! ]i~~ t:.. ....')1.J. 1.'- '.'~'~::J. ] ii<c t:.: see ?::'Zf(~S~ t(1'1~~rJ less tr<!ffic ~;)...;. !(:5S .,::onfu.-;in;:. ".t. Joh~ '·,ic't"l.J, 10101 Sce=io !;lvd., fCl'Is there is an u."1nP-.,tíC:1e¿ element :i:: :'~t" Plann.ing for ::. r~gional t>h0ppfng center t and tt:.1t is tbe higÌlt'';:: ~'"¡..i best 115C? f:,:- l~~èt not Ih..·t"~.5sarily ha5ed on n...·,··t'!:UE"' receivt."d. s:~ pí'oplc in t:-~is :~udicnce r('r!í:~r!bcr the uncDploy:-.::~.t plctun' .....~ ~.j,.i here a few :'ézrs back. Qua! ity of 1 j f c begir.s ~i th a good job. There will be a need for 70,000 new Jobs to sustain our prt"sl,.-nt ?~pulatjuI1, if ve at.tain ZC1·O population growth 0)" lc;.aO Yallco Park ~as approximately 681,000 sq. It. industrial space uilh 47,000 e~~lvyccs. West Valle~ has 364,000 sq. ft. ~ith 2,7eO e.p10yces. f..utridge Ius l.ï:iO,OOO sq. fto with 3000 people. e . . CC-I68 Page 14 JIDIUTES OF THE AUGUST 1, 1913 AD.JOURNED CITY COUNCIL JŒErIJIG 111'. Rintala thinks Cu~ ..... a responsibility. Cupert1øo 18 still a crossroads. There..... 1M!eD a collllldtment in th18 area for a regional ceur:er for a good aany yeàø.· There also is a co..t~r: for 811' 1IIdastrial park. You are _r: goiDg to· reduce a r:rip paerar:ion. You -=- have the two and fulfill Cupertino's responsibility 811<1, as a side 1>ecefit. receive some of die revenue. A job is a very basic Deces.ity of life. Couocilllal1 Frolich said he bas been putting some thoughr:. down on a · piece of paper during these hearings. The drawbacks of a regional center 'hòvc been overrated. The financial arrangement for the City will be 'uagure with a center and dangerous without one. If not here, the center · !vlll go nearby. He cannot igoore the statements of the citi7.en~. He :sus~ected a nu~ber of people did not come to the meeting after readinR ,about these pr~posals in the newspapers. His wife, who is als~ his frlend, .is o?posed to Lt. Perha?S t~ete might be some compromise. Stanford S:OQ??1ng Cent"r is I,QOIj,C('() s.... fto with no real traffic ;>:obl('.... If Valleo Park has J inst~a~ of 4 department store9, this ?;tS :hclr sit~ <>='o;;,"t 1.2,)( 1.1 ml11ion i::stead of 1.6 million sq. ft. '!".!Q',s not Ì'".:::;¡w if s...~=~thi:1g s<'!.al:er ':.~.a.n that is feasible. 'r:e ne~d ':'.., t.:<plore :';-.!::i to Sè~ whether or ::.c~ :'t is economically feasible <'!a-:-: .,..>-:::ondly. \o:h.-ther =-: :l~t a ..:~::r('r of this ;:¿g:::'!'.:.de should go in to head === '3. (:c~tcr a.t ~:-.:!:H~r. .ljj.:tC,·~1t site. :--_;'5~ stores arc looking for a s~:":' in tois ;lr(!a, ::.C':. in }"-'r:;~L1 Jill or G:"::-:JY. or sume oLh~r place. Äe s;-o-:..·~:.:: furlha.!l" E:_o:rlort! th¿ tr.Jffic a::.¿ e:.=::,.':>::..ics. He feels a s~aller s~o::::;.dr~g cent~r ::"::'~=3 :r.or~ traffic per s~'~=e ':oot. If 90% of r-!;~( co:-:-.t;::~:·,j i:i against t::l..3, he s:.;...;pe.:ts that -1.= ~e.a.s: SQoe of th~m saw t::.~ de:.:1s::.::1. of the ?:a::ning CO::;-..i351<>n and ate re¿sonably sar IsHed ..ith it. i!" would als~ lik~ to h~ar fro= ~~~e people. Perhaps we can achie~" the best of two worlJs. The real re¿·~tion and the cffe~ts we ar~ ~:~~erned about ar" not go Lng to be all t~~t great. The numbers have ~ee~ frlghtenlng e0J'erybody. Perhaps we s~:.".;.l:i ask for more information 0:1 c~rtain points. Or, if a center Is decide: ~C", the site could be chosen Ãnd the si7.e of it could b" determined ~~ a later date. Co~ncilman Frolich said C~ ~ssibility would b" to try t" take this !:W,,-week p~riod breather to =axi:úze the study Lng. Perhaps the developers could take the first week :0 try to establish the boundarl~~ on ~hat would 1>e liveable. lie would liu to have, perhaps, an alternate ;>roposal and have the pcssiblllties rea±V within a week. Then the secúnd week we · <could hav", the developers ~-j consultants put together the effects on : econooics, traffic, etc. At the end of that two-week period we should ¡ bave a handle on where we sr:and thus far. I ¡Councilman ~eyers suggested that perhaps it would be a good idea to brlng : o~t some of the City Council's ideas at this point. He thankp.d the : people for pr~senting all their ideas and faClS. In evaluating a center : versus no center, traffic a<:>d related environmental effects were brought ! out. We must also consider the needs for churches, recreation and i social needs of the corz:unity. Our goals Include a balanced community and . . . JlIBI11'ES OF THE AUGUST I, 1973 ADJOUR...."ED CITY COUNCIL MEEtINC CC-168 Page 15 10v density developlllent. Be said he cannot believe we cannot ..t ..... solve IIOst of these probl_ pr_ted by Councll111aø Jac~. "DIe anticipated revenue 18 s1pU1caIIt. Tbe City is goina to ...". to earn its open space aDd parks ..... IllUSt provide for c_rc1a1 ad industrial growth. Be baa'taJœD all thIs into consider.tlOD. Be is IIOt in favor of . rea10aal shopping center of the JI8&D1Þ1c1e proposed by the developers. 1D eYaluat1Dg a _ller center. 1C vould leave the door OpeD OD either of the two sites. The enter be envisions has 2 lIajor stor_. or possibly 3. It Is up to the ....lopers now to cOIle back aDd _ vbetber they CaD work v1tbJD thes. parameters. CouncilllWl Jackson cOIIIIII8IIted that the quality of this debate bas been exceptionally high. It has been on. of the highest lev.ls of debate he has ever attended. The staff and 'bnning C.,..isslon haY. worked very hard in getting the bacqround IISteria1 together. Be cOIIpliJ:tented the Mayor in his handling of the Hetings. M Councilman Meyers has stated, he has tried to build a black pic- ture. He said he has read the artIcle entitled "I Have Seen the Future and It Is Not Working". vritten by an English gentl_aa who had visited California. Aa to the order of magnItude of the shoppIng center, Councilaaø 3ackson said he would not b. in favor of eith~r center as present He would be interested in seeing .~at the developers feel they could do on a lesser scale. He ~elieves in a balanced c~unity and he feels the proposal~ in their present fo~ would put it out of balanc~. The concept of ~rossing .olfe Road was not acceptaò:e to him. His position at this tine is that he could not support a super regi~nal shopping center. Councilman Sparks quoted Churchill: "Ye shape our buildings an.: then our buildings shape us". He said his reason for running = c r the City C0un~il was to represent youth: more parks, y~ulh cen:e:" senior citizens, etc. ~w he is all involved in land use. At f1: he was for a regional shopping center. As he spoke with the resi- dents, his thinking has changed as to the order of mar,ùitu¿e 0: the center. Referendum has been mentioned. He probably would vote for a phased regional center. If a two-store site would not be feasible the developers ~ight have to go elsewhere. Mayor Irwin said there has been a lot ~f food for thought thrown out at tht'se meetings. A lot of people might have more to say about these factors. He would like to allow the developers and the stafr ~i~e to put together aore i~iormation before a vote is taken. He ~3id the co~~nity has pred~ced a very ~~II organiz~d, thoughtful gr~up or groups of people .~o have come for~ard with their ideas on the matter. roe developers have put together 9O~e very length)" proposals of very l:uge developments. There is a lot . e CC-168 P3&e 16 OF THE AUGUST I, 1973 ADJOUUED CIT! COUNCIL MEETING III¡Iat be chapd. Be would be ia (&'lOr of a .1I8l1er coaplea. but ~ IIØC .ure '-.uch .maller. If.. 10 too ...11 we destroJ tbe idea . øponal ¡:nplu, Frol1ch su¡psted tile last 45 aiDutes of this meetiDa be spent quest1œs fmll the deve10pen and tbe staff as to what the _uld like fmll tbea these øeat two weeks. . Al.Krlesl_, 22293 De Anza Circle, said tbat in faimess to the and the developers, he thiAlta the two weeks we speak about really two weeks ...d DOt be_ a catalyst to extend this for JUDy 1IIOr8 ~. A lot of _y has been spent on presentations, etc. If ve aot aolna to be in favor of a sboppiDg center this should be pointed . We seem to have a "tùl v_Uiog the clog" syndrome in that the ; _ riÞ1A& có!nter is a gIven factor. Maybe some consideration should be :pweo to some kind of poll of the cOJ:IIIUDity. He wanted to know if the :51.000,000 in revenue is net or do the police and amenities have to come Q~t of that figure. Mr. Levy said tbe sales tax revenue figure is not -precise. There are two n.......ers: sales tax revenue, and net. The cost !5 somewhere around $200,000. He said he would like time to prepare for .~~ aoswer to this question. Councilman Jackson said the figures are net. ~. l.-1esleman noted that we are going to have a bond election in the :&:1. Be wondered what effect a regional shopping center would have = 1:. Mayor Irvin said thIs info~tion is available nOlI. The bond as,. for the pard remains 00 tbe ballot. ~=il2an Sparks said he is an opti:ú.st. lie feels that ,.e mi~J,:, be a=le :0 handle a ~egiooal center, ~ut a referendum is a POS=ibility here r.::! be would hate to see the cieveloper shot down at a later date. For :..:ú.s reason, he is in favor of a s::lSller size sbopping center. ~. ~esleman asked hOll I:his would affecl: him, 'IS a hOJl1eowner. ~st ::! Wal: bas been presented was in the form of negatives. In l:etmS of ~T1c& consideration to the regional center we should be addressing ~rselgea to I:he positives rather than the negatives. :.o-dl1UD Frolic!1 said we used ··worst case" figures, with no transit. ~t of I:be discussion has been direcl:ed toward traffic. ~or Irvin said we want to keep an open mind as to what the City wants &D<i vbal; I:he City needs. Councilman Frolich said this is a perilous ¡>&th. If the center is too small. assuming I:hat it "ill develop. there may s:i11 be 1:00 many department stores floating around and lookIng for a pLace to land ia this area. We have a pretty narrow trade-off here. ~ .1 , e . IlIIlUTES OF T!Œ AlICUST 1, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL KEF:1'DIG CC-IU Page 17 Ik. Sa Tarentaen, 18630 Crabtree, said be travels toWard the Stanford SbopP1D& Center t. tillles a week and has never experienced . traffic tie-up. He thiIIU the treffic can't be as bad here a. _ think. Be said Ben_-dlle, just outside Chicago, baa a . rqlonal sbopp1ng center of 1 IÚllion square feet and they are still DP"""1D&. The people are delighted. They have DO school taxes or SCTNt asses_ts, due to the sales tax revenue. It was started by a un fr_ the Grand Ole Opera and he made a proposal to Sears. They have purchased many, m8l1yacres there. Kr. Charles l:arr, Colby Avenue, Cupertino, said that during the past few aonths be has gone 15,000 miles across this country and the SIIIOg is getting ....rse. Now you must go to 30,000' elevation to get away !roœ It. You are not getting anything free. The dial-a-~sses :ost about $20,000 each. The $100,000 per year for 20 years ~as been offered by Val1co Park. The}· either want to get rid :: this land or they plan to make a lot of money. Around this area, they are all asking for higher taxes. Hr. Johr. ?arhac. 22306 De Aoza Circle, was very pleased to see so~e c~en:s !ro~ the City Council that the mania for bigness has ~ubs:¿e", He said 80 to 90% of us came to this suburban city to get õ~av :r~ a big city. He moved to San Jose from San Francis:: ~" 1959, then he catoe to Cupertino. lie said he would hate tc :e <è~sed out of here now. Hr. Rcb,~: .~ì:led, Saratoga, wanted to s?eak to the town center and hl". :: :::. into this punle. He is in a quandry as to what to do r.a: '"',:;, their plans for a "Prun<Yard" type develo¡>ment. He has ~~~~ :;at this development. too, ~ust be trimmed down. He wants :: <~w ~here they stand. ~~yor Ir.in said we stand at the thr<.:C::~ :f a 2......eek rest period, giving the develop"rs and the staff :~=. to do their homework. Hr. Whi::," .aid he i~ talking about 250 to ~SO,OOO sq. ft. of c=e1<:3:. ·.::h 2 or 3 high fashion shøps. This !)eems to be in the si=e ~",;. .,f what they were talllnì; about at this meeting. This si=, =,,~ì:nal center would pr<,dude any ether shopping center in this a~.a. Mayor Irwin told him to give his informatio,," to the staff. :he tC~~ centec will be discussed at a later dat.e. Hr. Whi::e¿ said any decision made here will affect the town certer plan. (::;::::I:::.1n Jackson said when we start talking abo.Jt smaller centers .e are talking about 3 sites. He hcpes these developers considcr ~:t~rnate land u£es in case they d~ntt get commercial ~n their site that is desirable. Mayor Irwin said those altcrnat ives will have t~ be addressed again later. Councll~'n Jackson said he vas not a.~i:~ for anything except preltainary plans. . e '-168 . 18 . ¡ ES OF TñE ACCUST 1, 1973 ADJUUUUl CITY COONCIL HEEl'IJIG , ÜJIaD JKUon 88101· be l' _t Uke to have tbe deve10pen present .....811 d~t plan. C--f1-u Sparks md Mayor Irv1D felt that pllased dl!nl~t .1¡bC .. . pICI vay to proceed. Couøcit.aø rrollch aU tha~ ... can do Is size it for novo Councilman Jaekson saId size Is .till siu ~ aagnit1Jlla Is .t1U llÍlgDitude, whether it is 14 one . or two. _ Louis P...iDo said b. ... the 'ipest and the oldest person st this ing. He Us lived 14 OIIpertiJ» for 65 years. His probleø is that bas a s:u:l ¡deee of laDd on Bipway 9. He would like the City Council to ~: to hiJ:I what is go1D& to happen to his property if no sbøpping c,¡¡r.:e: goes in there. Kayor Irwin said we don' t yet have the Input to do ~t. The dec1.a1on on the center has to be made first. ~. Pavizzo '-1:d he is in favor of a regional shopping center in Cupertino. ~. Pat Gi">:: .anted to ask the City Council ~hat he should do. He asked if t!o"-.-..,,ted SOllIe work sessions set u;, ".ith the staff. lie has a formula ~: >;u,lre footage versus traffic. :;0> asked what kind of ::ransit fi~_:.. he should use for 1995. ~!ay,·: Irwin said his people should firs: ~:scuss whac. if any. changes th~y would like to proposew ~. Bill P:':. :0542 Cedar Tree Court, asked.. ?rocedural question ·.~ich de....: ..-:::, ..hat happens if you do not accept the proposal of :!le Planai:, ~:III::lission. If there is a mal,,: :h.mge it will be sent ~ack to t!':e ::L~ning Commission for report. ~e have now two ~aior -~Jtnges: =:-.= :ii:=.c and the role of mass trans::'. Perhaps the entire satter cou:~ :e reviewed again by the Planni~, ~ommtssion with the ~put fr"~ ::. citizens, cODbined yith the El~ and then resubmitted :~ the City ~~:=cll. Kayar Irwin said no maj:: change has been made .s yet. '!of :cty Attorney cautioned there sh:uld be no communication ~ween ~e::'=. of the City Council and the de~elopers other than at public hed=~" The staff should act as liaison. ~. Paul ~.:.>=i said, in the interest of c~~a~ication. he would like CD koow i: : ,.. ':"uncll was interested in 2 + :, or 3 department stores as reque.tec :~ the develc?ers. Mayor Irwin .~id that after restudy this y or muy ::: ;e found to be feasible. If y:u have so~thing else you CAD co.e ba:. .~:h, that Is fine. He did no: ~ant to pin down the éevelopers. 'a ~ants the develo?ers to figure "ut how they can scale 4øvD their :e::er proposals. c.-ncil...." ~... f:. felt that a tot.d of 3 Je?a:::oent stores on either o! the sites .":~J be the aost he could consider. or Ir~i: '~ðested the develo?8rs meet wit~ the City Manager and sc£ff to ~:< :n this. . e . !!IJVT£S OF ~~ ,":';;;<;ST 1, 1973 ADJocr:rD CITY CJ~-:;CIL .ŒETl~G Jk. Vard 3S~<~ i! .... are 1001:111& at the n~~r of stores or at the ~ual .qu~f :<"Ouge. ~_ Indø said Sean s.'1culd be included. c-aci1:IaD J~n said tut sIaac the Council 11&5 indIcated is tba U is just n:: :iscal that _ u. locking at. \;e are tryiDs to clD1aize the ~~1_5. . ... the a5S=:~""'S cban.e it is p1DS to be VU! difficult' to -- -.re against ";".1: the ck1z... UTe learned. CCI.:ncilman Jacksoø )d Uke t= ::ave a basis for ccmparison of the t~o propo..ls. AÐJOUIU~ï Tbe City At::~~v noted there v111 be regular City Council seetin, _ August é C~ "'. 1973. TIle City Manag"r ·òantfò to know ..ile:'l ~bc Cour.ci: .~::¿ lik~ ~o r.old !~S next Gcnc:a: ?la~ public hcar!n ood ...here i: ;. :~:J be held. !'.Dò'erl by Cc.''',::'':' Sparks, se.c:n¿eé by Ccu::,::on FroUch tc :=!i:1U£' t:-.c. :~ .'::-.11 Pl~n ~~":;:~c: :"e.ari:1.:: t...~ :_~::':.1:'" AU~iJSl /':, :;73. at ì::~ at the ~~:'::& 'r:.sta Hif.;l .... ~. - ....~:Jitcri\j,:-.. Motion ca:-:-:'eé, 5-{J ~..i.:·~r 1r.....::: ·~:"~,,·d this :---c~::'~i at 12:00.:'.'.. APPJL!j·~· ED: '1../ ¡:e ¡ '}~,j: -'- : :'-. 'Yc ~yor. ~jty ~: ~~:,:tino .L::-ItsT: ~_Ji!". E. " :!: :1ty Cieri<. CC-168 Page 19