CC 08-21-73 . . . CITY OF Ct:PEKl'INO, STATE OF CALlFOIUIIA 10300 Torre Avenue, CupeTCiDo, California Telephone: 252-4505 1U1IU"Jr;S OF THE ADJwa:u.u ItEGULAIl KEr.'ING OF THE CITY COUlICIL BELD O!I ACCUST 21, 1973 IJI THE K»n'A VISTA HICH SCHOOL AllD1TOIUUH I.UrJ:.IU 11'10, CALIFOlUlIA TIle Meting was called. to order by Kayor Irwin at 7:15 P.M. lOLL CALL Councill:le:t present: Councilmen absent: Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin !ioae Sta£ f present: City Manager Quinlan City ACCorney Ad~s Direccor of Administrative Ser;ices Ryder Director of Planning and Devel:~e~t Sisk Direccor of Public Works Vis1covich Coosulca:::¡; present: Ecc::~ic Consult~~t Levy Tra!!ic Consultant Goodrich Court Re;:-:ter: Kat::y Pettibone PUBLIC p.~,:~ - To c~s~er regional shopping center an~ town center. "r. Robet: .~itted, Se~ Properties, with ~ffice 1n Vallco Park, presente~ ~ c~lored slide ~esentation cf thelr pla.~s for the Cupertinc :,,~~ Center of 520,000 sq. ft. next to the City Hall. Anuual tax~,le retail sales of $48 million ~ill result i:: re~enue to the C~:y ~f $433,000 ~r year. He said they have re:ai:ted the arc~ltect¡; cf Old To~~ 1:t Los Gatos. Kr. Fran.. Löulair:en, AU, of Frank Laulainen and Associates, pre- seDCecl the site plan covering the property frO!:! Rodriques to Stevens Cr....k Blvd. and frot:l Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road to an excen- sIan of !:.lr.dy Lane. It vill be comprised of two hii!=> ! as.'lion deparu:e::: stores, a series of small shops and a pla::a. They plan to slope the ground u~ard from Stevens Creek Blvd. and provide parking ~::d"rneath. The key to the plan is to develop a very intereSti::b. intriguL~g town center ~ith the focal poi::: at the cown cer:ter plaLa. There viII be a climate controlled ~edestrian area. Th..:e is easy acc~ss for pedestrians throughout the center. CC-I71 Page I . . -171 e 2 K1NU'tES OF THE AUGUST 21, 1973 ADJOURNm CITY COUNCIL MEETING Hr. Donald Fr~"er. of l'r1JlCher and Associates, 14431 ø-l1n, Van Buys, said the traffic s1&Dal at Stevens Creek Blvd. and laDdy Lane will be provld..t by the developer. A landscaped ben will SO around the entire project. RocIdguel will be widened to 4 hnel. Highway 9 will go to three laDes on either side and left turn lanes will be provided opposite Saar iN Avenue. Then will he peaceful. landscaped _nvays. They plan to orIent their develo~t to the existing structures in the tOVD center. He said they have held the size of the center dovn in view of the wishes of the City of Cupertino, The plaza is 80.000 sq. ft. There will be a bell tover. they wIll us. natural .aterials. There will be provIded a settIng for band concerts, etc., as well as displays by local artIsts and crat"tsmen. The entire periJleter will be bet1led and landscaped SOl1l8 20 feet wide. Cars dri\õing by won't be able to see the buildings above the landscaFed bera. The silhouette of the buildings has been kept low. Council!:..."> Jackson asked the height of the depart_nt star". He was t~ld the two larger, high fashion stores from the Stevens Creek Blvd. elevation is l-1/2 stories, or 20 to 25 feet from top of roof to grade. Its lower elevatic~ will be a total of 35 or 36 feet. Council~~~ ~eyers asked ~+'o ~ould pay for the widenin~ of Highway 9. Hr. ~TIitted said the developer ~ould do the widenin~ of all three streets , Council=an Jackson askeè h~~ aany traffic signals are anticipated. ~r. ~~ittèd said there ~ou1d be one at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Randy Lane anJ possibly one at High~ay 9 and Sunri~e Drive. The only left turn lanes they are conte:plating are at the main entrance. Hr. Frischer said It is rre~ature to say precisely, but others may be needed. Hr. Frischer, the developer's traffic engineer, said the internal traffic circulation would be adjacent to the buildings. There will, no doubt, be " second circulation road within the parking lot. Stacking lanes wIll be provided at the approaches to the center's streets. He said they have not yet assigned traffic tc Rodriques from the east. They do not visualize Blaney as a major traffic artery. Councilman Frolich said he was puzzled by how 1o"e can achieve these sales tax revenues and the proposed level of traffic. He said our problem is all the traffic we will get, whether or not we develop shopping centers. It appears all this shopping center traffic will bave to go througb the worst intersection in town. He does not think enough time has been spent studying the traffic situation. At this point, it is very difficult for the City Council to assess the situation. · e .. JlIIlUTES OF tHE AUGUST 21. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL JlEEtDIG Kr, Frischer said in IUD,. _,.s, this center compares vUh the ether two regional center. and in IUDY vays it does DOC. It vill have h1aher priced articles for sale. They have asa1gøed the craffic to the center on che basis of the income level. The,. ~d be ;>lacina greater .-pb.asis on the traffic froa che south, east anc! west than fr_ the north. Hr. Frischer said they are presently cataloging traffic for 1 shopping centers in che area. They have a good idea bow mJCh traffic ..-Ill be generated by this center. There is one feature in this ce~ter -- high fashion centers generate les~ traffIc than ra~i=~l centers do. Be said they did not use average daily traffic: :~ey based their estlaate on high, peak, Friday traffic 8Uperi::r-:"~ "n the pro",osed 1978 traffic. They did not subtract the tra::i= that vould be going toward other shopping centers. As to tra::i= by 1995, he said we all hc?a there viiI De transit by then:= ~elp reduce the traffic flo~. The concerr. '-,uld be for all i~:.rsections everT.~ereif ~e do not get tr' . :. There f:::=~ed a discussi=~ ~f Table 1 ~~ticated Tra::ic ~olumes for Cu~~:~~~ ro~~ Cen:er. It was ~::e~ that the fri~: peak is weekday ::;;:::S. The Sat;.;r¿a'y c.ounts higher tha~ t~e a~eraga slightly hig~er. -......... $::':''': Mayor :~..-:~ .1sÌ<.ed for a ée:1~ition of ,o::i!;h fashion ce:-.:e:'''. Hr. Wh:::e¿ ~aid the aA;cr ~ifference is in the shcps :~e--5elv~s. They ar~ ~~: planning a Sears or a MD~:~~~~ry Ward tjre business that ~~~:i ~è~~r3te daily :ype traffic. !t will be s~ilar tc Ke1man-~~~~;;~, etc.. ~hat ~ould ~ot carry hardware or a~~O parts depart:_::.. etc. Cou=ci~~= Frolich ~3S concerned ~O~ ~e can be sure cf :~:s. ~r. Whi~teè said they are ,~nservative ~evelopars. They hð~' ~J~ lcased stcr~s ~y the ti:c they open a~¿ loo: within 6 montl.. 3::er opening. Hr. ~~:::r~ s3id this developcent wll: ~, effpctive in rec~ving a lot :: :':-:1gí'stion p~ese~:ly on Hig;:·..·~~y ~ and on StE:"ié~S CrE:ck Blvd. :ce strip comcerci¿: and the ::i1: ~ill be eli::in~t~d. There .:.. ~e no more angle parking ~h3t backs onto Highway 9. Council~-L~ Spar~s asked devel~ï~~~t ~ithout the they c~~:~ ac~ommodat~. two sa,;:: :it.Jres, along i: they felt t~éY .ould hav~ a viable 70,000 sq. it. JJditional th¿: they say ~r. Whitted s~i¿ they are viable ...ith th with the boutiçues, etc. " CC-l71 Page 3 · e X-I71 :":13- 4 JUmSlJ;S OF T!Œ AUGUST 21. 1913 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL HEEl'IJIG IIaJor Irvin asked if the tØIIIÍ center would be interested 111 cODtt111uiiug tOlfard the syachronizatioø of the traffic lights since they will be ,. ..jor seuerator of U1gbv:l.y 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd. traff1!=. Jk. WhItted uld that If U :is at all reasonable aad if it ia needed they will be happy to cooperate. c-nclluD Fr"Uch asked vb;.,t the sales figures would be if the center were 250,000 sq. ft. Kr. WhItted said the sales fipres submitted are eur_ly ~onservative co.pr.ed with those of the PruneYard. Be feels tb.!y "ould be abðUc the same as for 500,000 sq. ft. about' $87 per squ3t" foot for the first year of operation" . Hr. Whitt"': ~id the theater: will be 16,000 to 18,000 sq. ft. viII be :C - 1. restauran:s taking up 40,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. -tII be n~ $~?~~rkec here. There Then ~r. Whit:"': a::$'.-ered Mayo::: lr:lin that all sh.,!,s ...ill open toward the plaza. ,:~ =~:: only see :a~d~'aping al~~g t~e outside of the buildings. ~~:or lr.:~ ~j~~ how tne~ ~111 handle i~~r~s~/egres9. ~r. Fischer said th" ::.~.: :!riveway, ::::ght t,lrn <,~l~', ..-::.¡[:! be signalized. There _~~l be :e:: :~~~s in but =~ left turn~ ~ut. The left tur~s out will ~e at Jto¿r:':;;;<s, Stevens :reek !llv.i., .\: :~" ~ignal, will have a left :'~r~ ir" ;,,, ":.':eways ~::::g Rand:' Ld::" '..ill have left ,,~¿ right turns ~~ i!:td .:":.::. ~J:,:i.que9 "::':: have st.\c!d.:t~ L1::.~ 3t the center of :è,e de,·,,:::-:-<::: :or left ",,'-'rn in. ~'r. Fb.:;',,~ said 40 to 50% of the :~affic :è:::':: :.:0 turn :n:.; a shoppint~ Cèr::'¿~ at the first available ¿riveway. Mayor Ir"'~:: O::7,,->sized t:.e probleas l,t th" :'ntersection of Stevens Cr"ek 111';':, ,;::'; Highway 9. Mr. Fis<.her saU Highway 85 extension '.ill help t~ ~~~ ~x:ent. H~J~:er. he r~dliz~5 :hè problems here. Any developer::: :: ;roperty .~:l gen~rate trd::ic. This particular site ~5 on" ~:~~: ~':vantage ~~er most sites ~~J that is that th1s site has four sid", ::: access to :~e certer. If ~=" accesses becc~e a problem we have $è~~~3: ~thers t~~ we can use. Counci1::~~ ~"y"rs ask~ .~t lev~l of traffl': ~ill be at Stevens Creek Blvd. &1:': ~:: :agi!r Road. Mr. Fischer said h" was out on our busy streets A: ?".l;c hour the :':ay of tllis "e"t i::g and he -lid not bel ieve it was ~::$" :;'30 Level D. His personal :""lings are that today's traffic 1s not a:: rea: bad. Wit~ t~p ~pro~e=ents ~"ntioned it ~on't be that .uch ~~r>". :~i!re won't ~ any angle parki~& ~acking out onto Highway s. Stev,,~s Cr"ek Blvd. carries traf~ic "x:r"mely well; it 1s well designed. H" ~lieves the street system is extremely good for this develoP'"""t. I I There was a :0 ~inute recess beginn;ng at S;ll P. K. . . HlNUIES or THE AUGUST 21. 1973 ADJOUR.'ŒD CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-I71 Page 5 Hr. Joe Burkhardt, Bayshore Properties, representing Cupertino Associate!., spoke next. Be said Mariani Mall property is a cœMrcially zoned site that 1::1 bounded by Freeway 280 and Bialn/ay 9. He said Vallco Park, De Anza, etc., are sources of pride in their own rIght. Be said they believe the City Council requireaeat for a reduced size of development reflec~s a request of the residents of the City of Cupertino. Their proposal is for a two-phase develo¡aent on the Mariani site, 160,000 sq. ft. ad 150,000 sq. ft., with. two-level climate controlled II8ll and 235,000 sq. ft. of tenant shops. He explained that Phase Two could be ~ui1t concurrently with Phase One, or later. There are plans fer 3 190,000 sq. ft. department store and automobile service c~~t~r to be located on the periphery. This ~lan is 35% sœ3:~~r than the origi~l proposal. It will take advantage of new '!~n~ Avenue and will relieve portiC'ns of Hi~hway 9. It will re.uIt in sales tax revt'nues to the City without creatin~ more se~èrè traffic problccs. He pointed out their proven develC'~e~:. in this area that he said are above published nationa: J~~<ages. Hr. A\~<r \.,;:¡;ar. Jayshore Proptrtle~, said they have a 1975-7E complct~:- ~~:e set f~r t.~ departrnpnt ~t~re~ on the north and the sC'u:' ,C¿G ~f the t\o'o-:evell'1aIl. !Òle ''''cond phase includes a thir~ -0:'< ¿~part::~nt store added t~ :he east side. All the buildi~f..- ;.:~ ;.-.:- clicate '=:':'1tro'lcd. Th." ~cale will b~ kept inti~;:<, _,.r~ will he co iarklng ¿.:~s. The site viII be sect i.:-:-.,- ~ . ':..' upper and lc·...er lar..ds..:'~i~·~":' p.lrking arE.-a~ a A su~st.:1:::.__. ;-:rtion (.If tr.e :irst ](",\,...,1 "'ill nol ...~ visible abovE> grcun¿. '::".. ·...ill give a :cw: profile ~::í\.~t. Torre Avenue pxten sian \o."i:': -.. 4: an eJC'lat~:-í. 10;,;...·[ th~l:". t~h~ prop("rt:1es to the east and it .: : ~~ b~rged. A ?Cdestrian b<::.e is rla~ned at the end of ~~::::[. over and acrosS T0cr~ A.enue. Traffi~ :~>"Itant Pat Glbs(Jn s..¡ci the s:lC'pping center "il1 be a two ¿~;-.i.:-:-~::t :;tor~' opcra~icn of 645,(-:''; sq. ft. and a third dep,,-n:,c: ':.':C will be- Gd¿ed as I'h.t>e ,>'0. His traffic analvsl. 1s.ba$í·': _"-, :-:'':',000 ~l1d 9:'0,000 sq. :t. H..' is worki~~ \.¡ith a . circle::' :: ::: ll?s. H~ has ¿C\ne .1 nu::!b~r ("f traft ic ;¡nalyses for the ::~, "..t\òe..r. now an'; 1!l95 ...itl: 3"J without transit. He revif'io."-:': :....:=:i' 7 analyses i::. dptail. &y 1975. .::-~ :h..... propos~¿ ;:!iprO\"C'T'l..'nts, ~iir.h\, a)' 9 woc}.-.s much bt...tter :':-...:;.' i: doe!ì. today. If b)" lI.JSC: '..-..' ':,);1·l havc transit Wp must s:. __: ~ .~·:s..dt"'r in,; i:'!~:~..·"'~f·I\1 ~}: t~,. intercha:1.gc of Hir.h~a\" 9 and :-~:-~. A.isumlnr. 2n: tr~nsit .1t :~.)), \o,'t" still £,í't P, ~nd é: }eYt..l~ ~-. ~":~'ic gt·.lt.:l.oJl!¡ a:":~~~ iii!;h..",¡,y 9 w¡th 6 lan(!s on IIOllk!s:.r£'.'....:. ~,,-J.';'. ~-lilb.'ut t':Zo:-.sit \òt'" b(,,~L1 tu get D, E anrl F" which c:.,: ~-..;...¡:: ,.·on't work." 50 h( r("C·~.:uds :"Ircs~rvatio:1 of righ: of W.1y .~~, .:.... Eit,hwJY 9 t..' ...·i~(·n l~1 $ 1.J.::::.; .111 the future if we do no: ~~~ -::3r.S!t at th~ :cvt."¡ .t.' ó1r~ 1."'I",'~inh for.. If ~ . . -17l e' MINUTES OF TIlE AUGUST 21, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING v Hr. Gibson said that if we assume we are going to u/e some transit then 6 lanes for K1&hvay 9 should handle the tnffic. If not, we should begin to CCll181der 8 lanes, with double left tum lanos on D1&hvay 9 and Terre Avenue for short range. In 1980 we IllUst think about iaproviD& the interchaoge. ·¡i" >, Hr. Gibson answered Kayor Irvin that the reason the F level of traffic came out at Higbway 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd. is because of the very h1&11 !WIlber of left turns frOla each street. Conditions will be a lot better. due to the double left tum lanes and one additional through' lane in each direction on Highway 9. " t r Kayar Irwin asked how the 8 lanes on Highway 9 will square with the interface traffic of 6 lanes after you pass Homestead Road. Kr. Gibson said you carry a lane through a short way beyond the intersectIon. ~myor Irwin called a recess at 8:45 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:02 P.M. Mr. A1:red Taubman, Partner, Bayshore Propcrt ies, HaYW3rd, Cal ifornia, said ~~ should go back and chanKc over the testimony given on the comrou~ity needs. All three proposals have depa.tment stores. It Is germa~è to note wner2 the department stores wish to locate and w~y. lie pcsed the questi)n of why they init lally wished to locate in the Maria~i site. He &ald tha~ at one of the previous meetlngs, one depar~ent store indicated not only that ~~riani Mall was their first but t;'è ir ollly location request. Hr. Ta~bcan said they did a new analysis of a scaled down center. The nèbative factors of building a smaller center are: 1) Ycu ~ight be leaving 1, 2 or 3 stores out of the market and they might locate in adjacent communities. 2) Thè competitive factor. 3) .e 5hould look at the marketing situation. 4) 0:1~ quarter million square feet of qua Int shops is lIot feasible ar.à ~ay not even be possible. lie said that if you Increase the quality }~u do not increase the maSs ty?e purchasing power. ~len you fragment a market you also run into the same dangers. You reduce the full value of the market. The P~sltive feAtures of a small center are: I) Th~ community wants it. 2) Reduce traffic flow and congestion. 3) £:i~inate the parkIng decks. 4) Cut elevations and profiles. 5) R~uce mall length. ,. ."".,,~--,..,r , - - KIlIUtES OF THE AUGUST 21. 1973 ADJOUR."iED CITY COU1tCIL !ŒE1'11'G JIr. TaubuD said that if JOU reduce tbe size of the store fOIl reduce baclt~p stores. office space, employee rest .r..., aiAle width; etc. The depar_t store selection is also s-wat reduced. He thiDka n is very iaportant that a _ltl-level ..11 be used in this plan because it will reduce 100% of the !U1\ length and gIve the ....u shops the opportunity of bavinl accen to both of these leve18. Councilman Heyers asked Why the size of the depart.eat stores !Dun be reduced when talking about less numbers of stores. Hr. Tauboaan said that when they reduced the scope of the center they ~~nt to the departaent stores to cut down their gross. He said they would do far better on a per square foot basis on a smaller basis than on a larger one. Mr. Ta~ònan answered Councilman Jackson that the len~th of the mall is 800 feet. Cou~~il=an Jackson asked if abs~~~te or a possibility. the n~~2s of the community. of recê1e ~ith all kinds of to-~et:~r stores and in the por~lar priced store. the third department store is an Mr. Taubman said it will depend upon This is a cC':!".n1unity ""oith all kind:; ..eeds. I<e would have to hav<, lDediUQ- future perhaps a chain store or a COU:1-: il::4.1n Jackson asked if sai¿ tèat since the size of is ~~ l~ngcr there. It was not ~.'w needed. .dial-.1-hus is noW out. }1r. Taub:"'!:m the center had to be reduced the n..<,J a trade-~ff for the deck, which is Mr. ~J.l tel' ward t General Manager of \'allc.: Park t went throug!l th~ writte:: communications on file at Cit\' I!aa and fooJnd a pr..pon- dcrer:..:c cf the cDnu:1unicat ions concerned the automobile . 1ft hCT(> is.a ':\.':1tcr, it é\ppeareå 4 to 1 ~..\nt(..d it at Vallco P3rk. Bas:.::,:ly, the rt:sponses on file that :¡n; negative are l'ela!ni to tra:" - and 5mog. Positi',e factors for a regi,'nal shoppJng center include the balanced cùmcunity ~~ arc striving for and the t,1X revenue to help us achie';e 5,,"'e of our goals. Mr. \>:.lrJ !;aid that whe."l it bC{',1:"1e evident that t}¡('rc could }u~ 4 Sl(\:-è~ 3:' ~driani Mall they the!'1 s~('..ú.':.i !. store~ at Valleo 1'~1r:':. Th~y :'':-'" have tW? altE:rnativcs: ltl~9.000 sqoft. for 2 stores plus """"5, a"d 1,179,000 sq. ft. fer 3 stores plus Sears. CC-l71 Pale 7 e . _.1;11$ OF TD AUGUST 21. 1973.uuouRl1ED CITY COUNCIL nu;:uJi!; *~ :Vard saY the f0lJ.cN:llla.....~. have occurred in the Y.l1CO, proposal: :~. Road is _ kept at..... --. die buildinss are cut back .... laacIacaped ~ . gueway. There wf1J. .. . .,lighted restaurant builcllrc oyer the ~('''t;. t1ds has been cI_'~.-tvelY in Denver and other cUies. 'IIíIJ. perbetG road will be ~ T 1 and landscaped were ~ber. is "jacent residential. Ya1lco Is nov proposing 1.5 a11l1oD cubic feet in the mall. For c:_- ..ison, wtridge is a~ 3.5 co 4 milUon cubic feet. All parking ..seeks have ~ remuved. Traffk circuhtion is the same as originally proposed. Axther added f~are 1s an ice skating rink. The architec- £ural tre3:Be3t is much less BaSsive because of the reduced (ootage. The restaura=t &,d boutiques i: tbe air conditioned mall acrnss Wolfe ~ make_ .~is unique. !!r. Ward u:.~ th..y have a :>e'V ::-affic study. They told their con- sultants t~èY !~n't want t~ :-~~e their traffic capacity. He referred u> the Ju::. :5::' lette~ fr~ a :-..presentativ.. of the Stat.. Division of Eighways '.';::::: state,. the "::fe !'.oad a:1d the Lawrance Express-Jay .interchangiE- -.d.ll be i:1prc.e-~ "."hen needed. ht! said t(¡t:, sa::e letter states th.l: :::" !li.~hway 8; e:o:r=5ion nir.:,t be put off foe II) years. Ee said \"a.:::: ?.:tr.: h35 9 2I.":.:e51»eS fror.l thoroughfares. I,: -..'ill be 10 wen T..u:.t.3.:': :-;¿rcr0ssing ;~~~. He r:,)tl,.-Ò the n~l..cuW' Cat;¡er report shDws ve<" ~ ::< t" ,11ffe"e..~~.. 1:> the Hill", AVènu.. traffic :.f the ! ÿropert~.- ~~'i~ ;\....:!!:!I:crciã.l C~ i=.6.str 1al at· Vallco Park. f:~ said lhe i ~irector :: ~_J¡i~ Works ~s a rE¡>ort on Ian". necded on t~e ~ifferEnt :evels C': ::~::i.~. Valle.: ?ar£ ~as agrC!cd tv pay for these.. .ith rcg3~': ~be City. transit. :: air rights. ~~. .ard said Vallc~ Park woul¿ dedicate to ',-..llco is w1l1--" ~ give additional air rights for Mr. Ward <è'.:'<'Jed the Ian.: ~se asp, when it was passed, and dat..s of revisiuns. :.. said Vallee ?ar« ;,as put in streets and lar.<iscaping. Yallco h3S ..:~t 27 use per:its. ~. Ward :~~~s the subs~e of the Planning Commission's de:ision was that the ;:':7 ~f CupertiCG s~oulè have a ncde oi regional sicpping center. When theræ: :3 a need for ~:a:2sit. there will iH! transit i:¡ ~he City of Cupertino. :.. said Vallcc ?ar« has always _hown a shoP?i~g ~enter on its dev"lo;c=t plan. He Sõ~ the Planning Co!!Uuisslon ·:~t~ 5-0 in favor cf a shop;~ center, al~~~cg~ :he vote was s?lit as to :ts location. ~. Ward 5..~i the 2-store-Flus-Sears has a 160,000 sq. ft. store and a 225,000 5:;', it. store a::.~ 300.000 ~q. it. <,i mall shops. !his plan is accept..~:. t~ Vallco P~k. If the 3-store proposal is a=~e?ted there i. less c::r...:e of a coape~itive store going into an adjace::1t jurIsdiction. . . MINUTES or :;,,, AUGUST 21, ¡973 ADJOUR.'ED CITY COU:¡CIL MEErIJIiC CC-l71 Page 9 Br. Ward saiJ that if there is a center at Vallco Park they viLl .edic:ate stro?ets necessary far chis development. It can be .. ~I'ed devel"j>IIent. They vi.11 advance money for the rantau _erc:rossing. Viti respect to Vallco Park'. ofíó:r, Hr. Ward said they sti11 propose to sh·e a sum of.x2ey _ally, to be used for tr_it. traffic or m>ise barriers. 8.e sa1Ji the Vallc:o Park represeatta- U".. and coasul tants will be IaaIppy to answer any questioos. 1D response to Councilman .Jao:ltscø's questions, it was brougbc out ~bat there is still going to be parking underneath the ent~re aall except :cr the ice skat1n& rink. The mall shops will be OD the level .~th the second scaries of Sears. Sears is actually 3 stories, ~i:~ the first story depressed. Sinc:e Wolfe P.oad viII not be derr.ssed, there ~ill ~ a landscaped buffer so you woo't look at the 73rking lot. Sothi~ ~ill be higher than the present Sears bui!'::'::.o:. Y~yor Ir~i~ 3~~Junced there ~~"":: be no meeting on August 22~, a~d that :cc s:aff ~ill t~2~ ~< ¡;re?ared for the meetin~ on .t.ugust 23:':. ;:¿ then léi~¿ dc-.-:: ~:-~e ground nlles for the ~e£-;::'::b :::::. Ihur~¿3.:'-' .i::",ing that ~he ?f:'~:E: be hriC'i but specific. =: t hose ~hC' :-. :-:::; spoken pre-.·ioc.s::.- 2:1d aT£> st iJ 1 taking the 5~e ?::>sition :. ,':,' =y just sta:::: "? ,"c.:: say so and then sil GO'.'::. I: 2-:: opinic:-. :...._:.::; ..:hanged, t::e-y :.::.::: -=r:cfly t"xp1.:\in the change. ~~:-. Paul ~~.::-_~-:-..: said th~:: ~-E-:::".e the meeting ended he haè. 5.'X:e cc=nents .:.:-:..;: :iscal l::.?~:t. ~r. l-Iari;,:".:. ~.l:..i people -.:a..-: :-~~ ~~:'ngs int0 the let.ter fr=-:J. ~r. R. R. :-.::...-:-::-.-'rs, the D:5tr:~: :-::;.~;.eer for the Depart~e:-.': ':: !ransporLi·p::-:. R('f~aH~::-.;: ?_:._:.~ ~5, he said ",-hen thcy arí: :':":;~ optimist:...· :.: :-'I?ièrS to t:-.e -:'a:e, :':'Jt to tlh..' fact.. \>.1u·n t::~y t,æ,lk abl'l:;::' ..::.:'"ut. dO\,'11 sc=;::'::.g :: :':: ¿angcr~'us to take th1:'".;5 ,:.....;.:. :::f contC'x:.. ;.::e point c: ::-;E: :"::".-:-. s("0pin{.:. i~ the possi:-i e.: ~-:- ·.·ancemen~ .. _ :;.2 tarf!.(-.t ¿a:e, ..-~.~:::: ~~r. HarLt:1i takes tc· :-:~-=:. H83. ~r. MarL:::: .::..~:J. his cha=~ o=.. :=-...L ·,.:all is b.ûsí"d on inforr:é.::~:: from City :;.~'_~:. AS~;lJ:T:¡:':·~\.·':-. ~~: :l, \-!hen \.",,' .:If,,"'' talking at:.:;: !. ....érsus 3 .:.:-;~:-t7":~nl !;tc.rê5. ".:..~ ri.:::gp was 1 l'dllion to ].2 =:'_j::':. ~~th a 3 ~:;~::'~nt stor~ ;rc~£:: ~t wffilld .l~COllnt for l/~ =! :~~~l ::~11 ion. ~~. Mari.,- _ .:..i_": Spars '-.:~_::' ;,_.:: a pI us 1 igurt:! of 2001'... 1: ;:¿=f:: -=m thl" ~!..1~':_:_'.:" ~L111 prú~¿.r::. :: thc faL:lur is plncht O~ ~:.é: I Vallco 5::..: _ :::e co!>t of E:'g:..-..-:.:.- ~ "',luld r.:c-.1n -lOOK 3T1d hal: :.:..·rre Cl"S: :=';".l..:r. i:. -lC~,:~. - 7'".i:'t cffl'~~ i:. ~lny ·.....1)" ';G'_ :.:....:ic_ ~ t:-.is. WJh':: :-:_::...!I.'d oi f, :::'e ::::: ~:'ff('rentL:1 i~ 40UI\. · ., , CC-I71 ¡ Pase 10 , I ¡ I Ml!\'UTES OF TIlE AUGUST 21. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETlKG Mr. }lariani noted that C1IO Planning Coalssloners _de it "er)' emphatic tha~ this vas a 3-Z vote in favor of Val1co Park. Be said Vallco Park resJ-~1 center 1/OIIld J- all that traffic into an area that is least ~"Pa1Jle of håndlina it. 1Ir. Mariani said that up CO this point.. have been l_kiDS for re8SODS ..'by there shoald .. a chanse. As stated here by the leaal Caleot, it has alway. ~ . _teer of health, safety aød ..lfare. . Be said we have overv'-1.400s reasons ""1 there should DOt be · change; Vallco should r-4J.. industrial and Hariani should ....in cODIIercial zoning. ADJOUR.~ Mayor Ir1iin adjourned the __ting at 10:25 P.M. to Thursday. August 23, 1973, at 7 P.M. APPROVED : /s/ Keith E. Irv1D MaJOr, City of Cupert1Do : /. VIII. E. R er Ity Clerk