CC 08-23-73
.._ T-:.cre Avenue, CoapeEt~. Ca1Uora1a 95014
Tal......: 252-4505
__All;) 01' tIlE AD)..-......,. - - JŒErDIG or TIlE ern COUIfCIL
BUt. ADGUST 23, 197' D DE ~& nSTA aIœ SCHOOL AiJDrroaIVK
- - ~. CALIroøIA
~ IniD can.. the ___ co o~ at 7:15 P.".
..... CALL
c-U- pre_t: haUcll. 1...~..... ø.,era, Sparta, !fayor Irv1
Coaacu- ab_t: ...
Staff pr_t:
Cit)' - lor Qa1Dl_
Clt)' ~ Ad_
DI~ of Adalalatrat1"a Services R.yder
DUec~ of n_lng _ Dr,elo;aent 51slt
DUeccer of ~l1c Works V1akovich
Coaaultuts preHllt: rc_ú Coi1llUltat Levy
Traffic CoD_ltat Goodrich
Court a.porter:
!uDlce Tamer
PII1ILIC IIEAIlISG: To CODSU« rec10Dal shopplna center md
I!Iayor Irvin said !c_S~ Co-..lcut Levy would first go through
tba new mabers as a r....le of ehe reductl00 in size of the
proposed shopping centers.
Kr. ...-., WDt over his "E"al~lOD of Alternate RegIonal ShoppIng" chart. It help CO Ulutrate wether or not Cupertino
_ld benefit by bav1ng __ rec10Dal center, coapar1sons for
dUferent numbers of store.. l~tiOD of the centers, etc.
Ba said we are talk1ng ~t a $700.000 difference in revenue.
Ie does Dot look like there 15 a substantial difference in tems
of lanes of traffic. with or without the regional shopping center
You do" however, get a subac.n%ia1 difference In the number of
trips geneutec! by the c.-rd.~.
p... 1
Pase Z
Jk. Levy ..U the b1& d1ffer~ bet_en 4 and 3 stons is tIYC the
.'j a1opers.., there is a physical difference - eU-.,...tion of the
f "... deck. _ doa't have to depress Wolfe JlDad. The traffic is
a ......,.1y the _ .. with no c:eDter, Wether you have 4, 3 or.2 stores.
Ik. Levy sa1cJ the final po~ is tbØ location point, tlhich has DOt
~ cUscussed .. _h hy the City Council as has heen done at the
pI-."1t C--f"doo level. It was their view that Vallco Park was the
~ter location because it 1a _re self-contained.
c-..('tllun Jacltsoa asked how they had arrived at the calculatioD on
the t.cnm center. Hr. Levy stated that with Mr. Whitted's esat.ate
oE $440,000, he added some additional miscellaneous revenues fr01D
the other factors and subtracted sOllIe police costs and road costs.
Re used substantiàlly the same numbers for police costs for the town
ceater as for the regional center. Councilman Jackson asked if it
1a Dot an unfair comparison since the additional lanes, etc., were
~ fIgured in for the uDcomaitted land at Vallco Park. This question
vas discussed at SOlll8 length.
!!r. Levy said the Planning CoIIIIIIission looked at what the development
of tbose additional 50 acres would mean and took a strong position that
these uncommitted acres shall remain undeveloped until it can be shown
~ the traffic can be handled.
CoImcilman Mevers was answered bv Mr. Goodrich that the near breakdown
(E) at High"';' 9 and Stevens Cre~k Blvd. is the condition vith double
left 1:urn lanes in both directions.
~or Irvin asked if the road costs vere established on 2o-year boods.
!!r. Levy said all road costs were bonding costs and after 20 yea.s
1ft>1Ùd disappear.
Councilman Frol1ch asked what the square footage revenue factor was.
!!r. Levy said it is $92 to $93 per square foot. He emphasized the
fact that there is very little difference in terms of traffic between
3 and 2 stores.
!!ayor Irvin next opened the public hearing to the audience, He
.~essed the fact that the concenSU5 vote of the Council to be taken
u this meetin" w111 be subjec~ to change. This is a long and complex
!!r. Joe Donahue, representing the United Taxpayers. said
Cupertino should be developed to its maximum potential.
see that in the charts presented at this meeting.
all land in
He does not
---.d OF TIlL AI.-œST 23, 1973 ..........~ CITY COONCIL KEETIIIG
__ Ca11 'oat, 10542 Ceclu 1'r_ c.n. Cupertino, said she bas
.. ....,.... so sbe does a 10C of ......1D&. She thinks Cupert1Dø
.' '- . ¡ood re&1onal shøppt.c .-0 aDd the best possible dU
"'", &riD! property.
- - C2arb !spinosa, 21191 - '--0 said he bas spokeD out
J.. - tlJa foar-store capad&)-. .. aarees with the City c--t 1
~. scaled douo plu be~ n is _re people odentec&. Be
_ that the lev profile. 3-scøre develOpMDt will Dot be -
~ of" neg.he impact'" ..,.. :ID fact, be a positive 0_.
1Ir_ I8i ~eSOQ, 18730 II - Drive, is a business repres~-
~ for pa1Dters, so he has a yeKed iDterest in what happeos
~. Aside frca the selfisb _iye of wanting the largest CeDte
to create IIIDte ~usiness, he sa14 ha bas lived in Cupertino for 10
~. aDd inte:>:S to stay. Ybe 41stance one has to travel in
øzdcr to shop ~s an import~ fac:ur. This factor has changed
=-siclerably ~:: the last f_ years.- to the point were it is
a1aøst impossi!>:e for him to &e~ "<It of his driveway. He said
1:U% if we are :'::terested 1:1 ~ing people off the roads, then
_ ....t bring :he services UI ::::.. people. Ile need a good regi
- ~1n& cenu: as well as res~t1al. He said people are vro:>g
.mo think ve a:: ~..ep thb area as a pretty little rural neigh-
»_huud _ He uij he CaDDot set :=rough the Highway 9/Stevens
::reek BI',d. ~::.:'.rsection <>ow. ;;.e said we should keep the
sbo¡Iping ~""U: as close as ;>ossi!lle to the freeway.
_. I. D. Eoe:::':ur, 10060 ?!:Ær La? Drive, said they talked in
::a Goals Cc=~:tee about &: ~t1ty for the City of Cupertino.
De feels that ~ 5JO,Ooo sq. ft. :own center would do this. It
is less in site :han the ot~ ~ proposals, but it also generat
:-s revenue. :ie wuld I Ute u: see the town center proposal
D'resUaated i:: =re detail as u> 1mpacts. He would also like to
_ Valleo FA:;' ;,roceed with ~ they were talking about 1-1/2
~. a¡o wit:. :he regional c.e:ur only on the west side of iiolfe
~. Be voo::': like to see an. detail on this.
~ DIppel, ::.02 Somerset C-~. Cupertino, said that a fe~
1& .0 we u. a very enco.:ra¡1:>g thing in this room. They wer
,.._..4 of the re"i'le in the aa!~e who had the guts to stand up
~ ¡ive thei: feelings on ~ ;>roposals. She said she repre-
_eel Sensi!>~e People Agains~ e::-ercial Excess, who were asking
£or che thir': a!ternate, t~ Ccpertino Town Center, as a shopping
~~ and d~_-:::"""!1 and foeS: ;>O~:lt for the City of Cupertino.
~ don't w~: a town ce,,:er ..l~ a regional ~enter at either
Yallco Park 0: ~riani Mall.
P8ge 3
Page 4
Jk. Bill Post, 10542 ~ Tzee Court, Cupertino, said two it_ b~
oIIriDus u tile last Rn.4..~ Deither the øudience nor the City Council
_t a naiaNl sboppiDS" -.... aDd the people don't vaœ res1ðent1al
a10aa IIi..' 1 9. Be .... eo "put in a vote" for !fadani Kall.
Jk. Gears- _._. t.J ~.' read excerpta frOll the Pifth þ--nt
of the ~1tut1aD .. it..,.caiøs to property right. ad fr_ the
I'oIRtaentJa· . ~ .t eo c-. e -titution regarding property r1&ht..
.. hUms tile court. of dab land will uphold the property r1&bt8
of iDdid_als. h6..-L¡¡r ~ and free enterpri.e ara a vay of life
ia Aaerica that hu 110 I. al.
JIr. Bob Iaqa, 10463 t'h4 L la. Cupertino, said he is not'1n favor of
Jai&h intmsity .... of eM ~ Cater. With regard to the regioøal
c_ter. be is still of the op1DioD that the best location 18 Vallco
Park. H~ t!ùDks it voul' be preferable to develop only on the _.t
aide of Wl:lfe Road, _ tJtb a1&ht limit thelll to two .tore..
JIr. Joe Ik-...ahue, Unit_ Taxpayer., read a letter frOlll 8D indIvidual
aDd addressed to the Uail:e4 Taspayers in ..ùich the writer .tated that
although :~ City has tile rlPt to rezone, it is a reasQnab1e a.s....ptlon
that the .=ivare property -.r 1410se property is being rezoned has
the righ: :.: a trial, vb1c!s VQÙd be quite lengthy and have the right
of appea:. The coat a of this _ld be borne b~ the taxpay.....
!fr. Dona;,;;e said thi. i. _ attoruey' s view, other than the CIty
Attome~' f view.
!fr. Jerry :i:zgerald, 10191 Sorth Blaney Aver.ue, Cupertino. said he
is Chai= of Conc:erne4 CitIzena for Cupertino. This Co=:Ilttee had
a _etins ::t~ prevloua .-...,. afternoon at .."hich they learned that the
#8S ext~si~n is atill project_ for 1978-7S, or possible 1980.
There is :!'A "",ss1bllity thU _ld be IDOVed up if Cupertino presented
.. effec:i.... ara-nt. Be acl4ed that there will be no fn_..y through
Saratoga:: ~al... !spr-~.
Am:. An&~=. :sperial Av_. !Ia11ta Vista, uid 5he has two reaaana 141Y
ahe \/OuU :1il8 to have die r..1cmal ceater at Mariani !fall:
1) She ......ld like to _ Vallee Park 8ta, with industrial. She .aid
that jus~ :!1is úte~ aha learned w have a need for about lOO lIOn
Kr.. 0: ~:od..str1a1 laotI. $be could not see any place in the Valley
left esc8~: for the hill.Ue. She saId we have so _ch noacoafoming
.... Oft 111f""~ 9, aD4I .... ..14 sh. haa devotlOd .any yean to help
deaD up :~1s Di& _.. b Saa&a Clara County. If MarianI Mall seu
d."elo~ it _ld taU caze of the .a.t sid. of Highway 9. Dr. Bro....
is fortu::.a:e enouah to have otacized the vest side for a c02bløat~on
of indus:=al and c_rcial. VItia our controls, she thinlr.a - can
aake bot!1 sides of 81&hvaY 9 very attractive and give Cupertino a good
identify :rca &o-e8teaol IøM to Bollinaer Road. She does not vant to
.ee industd...l usea in the hUla.
IIac)' Salim, 10141 BiUeJa;'. Place, Cupertino, said that after a
·'u of hearings «!II tbs·reafonal sbC'PPing center tbs
_dopers wre uk... to scale cIoWD their proposals. It u
fa1&b1y .po..ihle the pèople who are not here at this .etiøa would
~ar DO rea10nal shopp1øa center. She feels the City Council
sIIÒ1a1d repnaent thoM people not present as well as thos. vbo
u.. She uid the .... proposal for the Town Center is _re
caapstihle, at 520.00d sq. ft., with the c_nity at larae.
It offers identity and map for Cupertino. It u pedestrian
oriented, 111101 the aesthetics are creative and 1ma&f,_tive.
Aa to revenue, Mrs. Sa11aD &alAi hiUer is not better; lesser is
Hr. Donald Woodside, 143 Herlong, San Jose, submitted that _st
of the developers rarely achieve the quality development tÞey
propose. Vallco Park has demonstrated that tLey are the exceptio
This site makes more se_e.
Hr. VIctor Riches, Riches Research, said he is concerned that
the data he has reviewed here can be refuted. He asked if the
property taxes on these alternatives have been included. He said
nobody in, say, HaYWard is going to pay Cupertino taxes just
because of SB 90. SB 90 has been changed a dozen times already
and may be changed many times more or even be repealed. He said
$200,000 is going to go to Cupertino School District frQIII the
Mariani Hall development. He said traffic is a neutral factor.
Wherever we build highways they tend to fill ùp. If we leave the
zoning as presently constituted we have no conflict with anybody.
When it coaes time to evaluate the Mariani Mall proposal is the
time for an EIR and the discussing of the number of stores, etc.
Hr. John Carlson, 10203 Portal Avenue, does not understand why
it is felt that we must change our present arrangement. We have
SGllle active people who have decided to undertake this. The thing
that bothers him is the big insistence of converting commercia!
to resIdential. He feels It is the people who are in favor of
large masses of low cost and sometimes public housing. He does
DOt think the City Council is required to deny the commercial use
of any of this property that has been cODmercial for many years.
These property owners have given land and street improvements to
the City of Cupertino with the understanding that some day they
can develop when the need is there.
Mr. Koenitzer said we have between 250 and 300 acres of unused
c_rcial land, and 100 acres of developed commercial. lie asked
where we would put the people who would support this additional
250 to 300 acres of commercial. He does nüt want a population of
250,000 to 300,000 people here. He asked what we arc going to do
vith this commercial land since it cannot all be developed CQIII-
..rcially, and still retain the character of Cupertino.
Pas. 5
Pap 6
'III', XøeII1tur it's th~ people with tbe nall plee.. that win 108.,
DOt thole with tile Us parcels. ,Be feels ve 1III8t get KOlling chaD.ed so
. 1M do DOt ba_~~t1oas tbat cannot be realbecl.
Kayor Irwin øa1c1,tUt _thIng is fOJ: sure UDtll It baa an appmvecl
application. Bä~¡¡spla1ned the cI1fferences between the cluties of the
'1amIlng eo.1..lcm ad the City Council. -The 'laDDing eo.1sSiOD
plans lancluses, bowing that all their rec_nclatlou .y not
reach fruition. The City Council must conøicler the fi8cal illpl1cat1ou,
Margaret Bar_ da1d she Ii ves in the area between the two shopping
center sites. She would like to see Vallco Park remain Industrial
and she would like to see :'ariani Mall the regional shopping center
site and the Town Center reduced to 250,000 sq. ft.
Hr. George Mangano read an item in the August 19, 1973 San Jose
News regarding a December 1922 Supreme Court decision whieh he felt
was relevant.
Hr. Paul Mariani, Highway 9 and Homestead Road, asked for s_
clarification of the charts. læ said Sears is being ignored in teras
of fiscal impact. He said sales per square foot are the same at either
site. He assumed there is no weight of the loss of industrial land.
Hr. Le\7 said one of the ~lJor points of discussion is that industrial
land does not pay the City very much.
Hr. Mariani asked if you have residential versus industrial on a
piece of land or you take industrial out of commercial for eIther
commercial or residential, if the effect on the community is DOt
only in revenue out in the net fiscal impact on' primaries and product.
Hr. Levy said that in most communities where there are discussions
of industrial, people don't think about jobs and spill-out on the
Hr. MarIani asked for clarification of average daily trips. Hr. Levy
said those numbers assume residential use of either KariL~i Mall or
Vall co Park.
Hr. MarianI asked if there has been any weighing of the 20-30% increase
in Interest rates over these past few weeks in talking about the 20-year
bonds. Hr. Levy was DOt a~are chat the interest rate of municipal
bonds has changed that much. The Director of Administrative Services
stated they have increased from 5.25 to 5.47 in the last few weeks.
Hr. Levy said that in ter--s of the total assessed valuation in Cupertino,
he has no looked Into the availability or cost of these bonds.
'" Jk. Hadani stated that the effect of the cost of streets here
is altered br a 2o-,ear offer of cash. . Hr. LeYy saU his point
_ beJODd adjacent road co..; there are a lot of additional
factors to cODS1der. Be dU DOt thinJr. it vas fair to .inale out
ODe street that Mariani KaUtIoDld construct.
Kr. Mar1an1 said the Msr1aø1 Hall proposal vas for Phase 1 of
645,000 sq. ft., which ~d "UJ' well stop there if this is what
the City vanes. It Is inaccurate to say Hariani Hall proposal
is 850,000 sq. ft. when the City can make this choice.
Hr. Levy said the point bas been brought up of examining alternat
uses here. The Plening ~ss1on very much considered having
commercial on HarL4ni Mall and industrial at Vallco Park and
coaoercul on Stevens Creek Blvd. and found it undesirable. The
question of the trade-off of ~rcial versus industrial should
be exami~ed. ~yor Irwin said that once an initial selection
of site is :ade these details can be ironed out.
Hr. Rober: .~itted, with offices in Vallco pa:k, asked for a
compariso~ ~f revenue of two new .tares at ~riani Mall to two
new stores in the Town Center. Hr. Levy ~a1d the way this vas
worked out ~as when they vent fros 3 to 2 stores they are using
up all t~eir na11 space. Councilman Frolic~ ,aid the Town Center
figures are i=~luded in either site. Mr. te~y said there are
combinati~n5 for the Town Center that have n~: vet been computed.
Hr. Whitted a=s~~red Kayar Irwin that beth :f his proposals are
two-level. Be said they are coapletely fl~xible as to the size
of the tenant of the second department store.
Mayor Ir~~n called a recess at 9:00 P.M. The ceeting reconvened
at 9:20 P.M.
Hr. Walter ~ard, Vallco Park Ceneral Kanager, placed some charts
on the wall showing profiles and site plan. He emphasized that
one floor of the stores are to be below grade. No more than 3
department stores will be visIble from any road. The gateway
effect of t~~ restaurant over the road would be heavily land-
scaped. It is their view tbat Sears plus 3 stor~s would be more
advantageous to the City of Cupertino, alt~ough Sears plus 2 is
acceptable to them.
Page 7
. .
IWIIlfo:l OF mE AUCUSt 23. 1913 ADJOtJIUm) C'I'It COUNCU. ~UIIí
1Ir. IalpIa "~erf1eU. of - ...I-r, 1IH1Iard1" :e.øu. ..ú be
fltlllr- ~a to U)' co~,. the propoAl vida Z'.hti_ to
aiatilll s.n .. 1ID1f..'.... tIIa pneral effect of tJIa catU Sa
_ of ... .... r'r I' /ïiu ~ OM Iton ÜOft anä mfne.
. 1'''' t.~~ At' ~Il..., an a ~OIIIIUenb1a diJlt-. &,a7
. ,.. dIa.Æ& 1- :!CI dieH.'.ituy al_u ua c1o.. to t2Ia dnac.
ØAIII 8alf. liliiii thua,~;ã,;~ ori both a!ûa wi~h a ðon\-'. _ of
CÞaa. . 'I'imal aft'~~_ OD ana. dtllaUaD. fte ,...1'-C8
..... ia I. " 1 ad: '. '. the ..~bi1.. will DOC 1Ie -
,.. dIa ""K_~ n.... '^. ''''. !!Ie al.ut cro.ÛIII tJIa .tnd wU1
1Ie a ...,. UaItt a1III L' "."~ . ~ a1_~ that ti.. t2Ia tw aU_ of .
t2Ia åJ 1 _ t~;. DIa7 bava ndaca4 tile laøatJa of ~be c_t...
Be add '- !Iøpaa tII!a -, T., tIIa Z'aquau of the CIc,. '"-t 1 .
'"--"f1_ a....... ..... 1Ir. Iilattad1eU if it ia DOt actaall,. a
~..ny a1tu&t1øD Z'a~ dID _atory. .... BattBf1a1cl add tllat
.. 70U 10 :IOtth aD 1lDUe .... 1~ drop.. On ~be _..1,. aU. Ie Ia
a t1Io-atory a1tu&i:!øn fTIa __ Creek I1vd. a1III appun to be _
dory frea the 1IOrtb au. of it.
Ccnmclàal ~ra aabel wt.c tile c1o...t d1aUDc. 18 1Ia~ _ of
the aajor åpUtlllmt .~ aDII ~be r..Ueac... Hr. Battarf1ald aaU
l.t :ta al'........åately 100 f.- f~ töe property 1iDe to tbe !nal1d....
Co\IDC1lu: Jacbon w. .. ell \7 Hr. llaCutf1alll ~bac thIa 18
..raly a at=y of .aa ratIIB ~!Ian a deta.UecI plaD. 'Ibey v!11 pn....l,.
carry thrca¡h the tl1. roof ttaatMDt but they baYe DO~ 1_ 1IIto
further c!e:.&1l. 1'be aiatiIIC S..r. :ta a fact and I don't think_
can ignore it altbouah _ CCZ'ta1nly are not inte1lll1D1 to copy tbe d..ip.
Hr. lfoor !:Ul_lla, 20252 Bill Avenue, Santo.., tbet vben ~be
"1»18 .-" !Surt f1.r1Da I~ døaa DOt live the .-11 prop..ty _a .
chanc:e. lie said It wu14 be uua that thare :ta too ~ c_clal
1D Cuperti:lc if It wer. 1D _ 180lated ar.. iDataad of the croauoada
of the Cø=ty. IIO~ all Cupertino people abop 1D Cupanino
a1III not at:. ahoppera 1D (' . _LiDo are re.Unta of CupaniDo. .. the Mu1aui Mall l'.-,A 1 i. . better locI.Uon a1III Ia __t1la~1cal1y
better. ~ charta ar. PZ'....ed by a coape..~t ac~. Hr. -t('1-.
Ia alao a cœpetent eCC'1l .- . Iotb abould be cOll8id...s. KaJOZ'
Irvin sa1è tb:ta baa b_ .....
Hr. A_ 5qpr .aiel be _.s to talte l..ue v1th the ac_tat'.
chart. ...U the AaachaUca and Character Itf t1la City col_ 1.
of vary st:h concern to Ida. They looked at the profl1. of thdZ'
bu11diDp aDd he wnt to t2Ia dapartlllllDt .torea and talked all of t"
into 101111 to t.:o-Ieval '-n..i..... Vben you c~re :lapacU of Hadani
Hall "ena Vallco Pü'k tba:F app..r to be 1dllDtical. Be felt tba~ _
Vallco Park it abould ..,. I.aqc and Larlar vban you conaidar Saar..
1UØUJ:1S OF mE ADCUSr 23. 1973 ADJOOIlŒD em wûJIClL JI£IrIlG
'ase 9
Hr. 1'..v'" said ha ,.. '.. ..tbacka in general ae a tool to
acc:œplish _etJWta. ~ ae set hack s_ 400 feel: boa
the atreet and tha "'.1"."'8 are balf buried. Be does DOt think
the chart sIIova a f~ r par1aoa.
..,or Irvin vas - .. 1ry Hr. Kapar that they ctara' t have
e1eYu1ans or -ufaI& _ d11s point but they have enab1 Uhed
heights. He thiDb t1Iey have convinced the ctepartlleDt stores to
one coatinuous bI'U..t...
Hr. Løy said thet IIoc:b proponents have attspted to work toward
lover profiles.
Hr. Sa Lawrencen said be vas President of a llOl!leowners' associa-
tion in an unincorporac:ed area. He said he rSDg doorbells aDd
learned that people preferred Vallco Village. Since il: was broug t
out hov the traffic voald be like in Sao FrSDchco I:hey have
reverted to Mariani !tall. The people do want a shopping center.
Kr. Otis Forge, 20691 Homestead Road, said he is a 72-year-old
nat ive. He thinks I:baI: single family residences on the Kar iani
Hall property is the goofiest thing he ever t.eard. Cupe:tino Is
paying the education cost" of a part of San Jose and Sunnyvale
residents. Here we ue ~ering what to do with excess COID-
lDerc~.a1. The answer 1sn' t IIIDre housing. He said we should get
organ~.ed ~~d get sa.e of this Industrial. Valley and vall~
Park are very good looit~¡; !!nd high class 2IIIployment. He sees no
great traffic problee here. He cited th!! deveiopaent at Stanford
and remarked thaI: they have no serious traffic prùhl!!lll. He said
the orgaoic farmers rich their gardens are _king carbon ¡..,no:!de
He said that 20 years aao we had everybody coming here and we
had to have sewers. Þeryboe!y is trying to s.e ,,~., saarI they c
build and still make il: feasIble. Froa a pract1cal standpoInt,
he suisested we DOl: ..u it too saall. As to ',he question of
where to put the IIboppiq center. 'Kr. Forge SAid he is a life-Ion
friend of all three f_Uies. Vallco Park is already there.
On the other hand. a nice electronics firm would be ';:Joe! at
Karimi ~ll. lie urlect the Council not to make things cOlllpl1cau
Krs. Linda Kariani Osborne said she grew up Ou Bubb IIDad. Her
father has worked siDee then for tlwu~aods of hour. for the kInd
..f sboppiog center ~I: Cupertino wants. She hope. this Council
will respect the ~e.ents of previous City Councils.
tm. Jerry Fitzgeralct, IIorl:h Blaney Avenue, CupertiDo, said he
served a years on the Cil:Y Council and two year. on the Plmning
eo-issioc before that. He hasn't changed his aind. PD v.aa
appli~~ to all three of I:hase prop~~.~c.. .. ~ave to go back to
what was bKk dIea as 1:0 t~.ese properties.
K1BU1'ES OF n;x ADGUsr 23, 1973 ADJOU1lllED em COIJIIC1L MD1'11fG
Ifr, Pitzaaralð ..u Yal1cø Park vas prea¡lt'ld.. 1iIIaC 1Dðutdal puk
aDder PI_eel Ðev~. They have dtJø_ ~l1_C job. . Cali
tow center pror-'tl __ prell8Dted as . èwu . ceaUr, dd.n, ¡Ko.f_iaae1
offices. The HarJaJ.prop~rty vas zonecl,1'D'" va. rapE_C.... Co tbe
City Council a. a ~_.1 shopping ceøter. Be feel. tbe odaSU1
plan. should follov :!!!'!:1:¡b. It took a 10aa cIM for tlMa to nKb
these cleciai0Q8. Sa displayed a red, whih aø4 bl_ butCoa vie' C'.
OD it. He said he .... SOOO of tbe:a and hopaa othen v:U.l -- be wu1Da
thea. HIs wife tbiDJul it looks mote like a tusat. lie .aW tbe
citizens are a tarsat for increased taxes.
Kayor Irvin said that what the City Council ..ys at th18 _Uaa 18
merely an indieatioD of the direction to tate. Many chanle. My
take place in the future.
Councilman Frolich said that being involved vith the County Transit
it is his contention that one condition of any rroposal be that the
developer work with the County Transit District in teras of rigbt.-
of -way, air rights, etc., and that this be a condition of any approval.
The developer may be required to dedicate an acre or two to transIt
,,'hen the need arises. similar to what has been previously required for
the parking of cars.
Councilman Frolich said that as to the argument that the City Couacil
should be thinking about the little guy, e~c., he said the only reasoa
why he has served these many years is because he is inter<!sted in the
outcome of the City of Cupertino. He has no interest other than hi.
home in conjunction with the bank. He wants to .ake this a IOOe! place
in which to live.
As to taxes, Councilman Frolich !laid there has been the .s-rtion that
property taxes should not be paid that DlUch attention. He the
assessed valuation increases b~nefit a number of distrIct.. The
effect on the scb?ol taxes are not very Ireat but there are a auaber
of taxing agencies that would be affected. Larle ~ur:t.. of wes
tax revenue could be used to purchase open space, parKs, etc. It
would be possible for the City to taKe over tne flnancinl of the
Sanitary District, the Library etc. He .aid _ are not lillited to
31~ as the all out taz reducti~n. sa 90 is a fairly fragile lav '
at the moment. It 18 quite possib!ð that each sc:bDol will be allowed
so lIuch. Whenever the State finds they C8D't keep up with the SI 90
c~itlllent it .ay uudergo SOlIe changes.
Councilman Frolich Cupertino has not been . bedroom cOllllUnity for
at least 14 yeara. Ve heve been attemptIng to achieve a bal8Dced
comaunity. The people on the Goals Committee and Judy Cooper have
pointed out that they took much time to study the co-.unity and learned
all kinds of things about finance, etc. For Instance, I!IaintenaDce costs
must also be considered wheD talking about parks, landscaped medlsns, etc.
At tbe pr_t U.., ':oaDc11un Frol1ch aid tbe beat CUR_.
of tbe tnuit .,at- are Lockheed peopl..., Wbile tbe ahoppiDI
cater .. eucb a)'1IOt N. tbe1!lul cuetOMr. if ". re.ave 8U'1
6-___ of people'fÍaá'tbê ftI84va1a it wU1~of tleMfit.
ID 1ds:op1D1oD. 0. ~UOa.of tbe toW·cater .U. -.14_
o.C1ty CouJIcl1.1iìIa øptec1 for 110 r,,:!o,DalehoPPiDI cater.
fttI1"~'II C f~",ÒÌIIri81oDe a Cl - ·....Ity type cor ..c!a1 1D
t1aa tøB cater ... -.,or .tor..aoilll tbare. tb8D t1le
cater vill 10.. t1aat cllariICter. Ve ehoWc1 have. peeS_triaD
or1eat811 ehoppilll cata' there.
C-ilun Frol1ch add that _ of the people wbo oppo.811 vaUco
Park ac1 Mariani Hall 1D aupport of the town center 011 the ì:..1a
of traffic lire unr_ble in their a..umption since tbs town
center ill located on the IIOR heavily traveled slid congested
1DterHCtion in CupertillO.
As to the economics, Counc1.1man lrolicb eaid the City presently
enjoya a bargain rate 011 police service. Ultimately, "'... will
have our own police departmant. So far, \18 have DOt developed
the park lsnd purchased 80IIIe ten years ago. We have a number of
projecre that have had to be abandoned. He sald tbese ~e
argument. used againat the regional sbopping center were used
years ago agsinst the industrial park. B2 thinks tbe people have
had it up to here w::.~b ,bigh property tã>tes. If we are going to
8DII8X Rancho Rincoœ:la '18 will need police and otber services.
The present VaUco Park and Mariani Mall proposal!;: are consider-
ably maIler than stanford Sbopping Center. He likes the Planning
Commieeion's choice of Vallco Park for the regional center add
the Planning Commiasion rec~endation of 250,000 sq. ft. town
center, In light of the reduction in size of Vallco Park, the
City Council migbt want to ask the Planning Commission to re-
atudy the land use for Mariani Mall. He thinks there arB other
poasibilitiee for it.
CounciJlaan Frolicb he feels that any other site than Vallco
Park tellds to fragment a center. The Vallco Park site tends to
flatteD out the traffic, due to induetrisl and commercial mix.
Be wea in favor of the Vallco Park proposal of Seara Plus Two.
eounci1Jlan Froli.::b. vented to r:ay that one of the most difficult
and lIOat valuable lessons is to try to do the people's thinking
ratlK... than his own thinking. He has tried to listen with an
OpeD mind, as has the rest of th.. City Council. They have tried
their best to weigh tbe communit' __~ods versus community impact.
,.... .lJ
.... 12
HINUTES or THE A11Gt1Sx 23.
CouncilllllD Spera " 1.01 dlat in the last year he baa learned a
tr_ IOU ~ ~ lib ~ity. Be ~8 8 PE "jor and bas
vorkell for the pata ... neEution departaent. ,.uøac 1-1/2 years
880 he \.<&11 ,TU'I cn",~"':.~~C human resource. ~ afore_to .
fire d~.,"1~'IIiIiI:".; åI\d plawlII. altJlaiV&1a recreation
JuaB beaa,1Ile~~~.;.'4..~., ~;).' ...;ø;i be bas b. een BtdYilllto let' the,_1UIJ
for tbue .cCi9J~~'t:IIIiI,.,outh and the seadør dt1"--.··IIe,aåU
he ball .,.cifl1.tei"'tiIIÍÎ"~8itã to" the other in ~ to decUe wb1ch
iB but.):bs .y' í."';¡' ......,cm hes stated that,_ __ a rea:loDal
lIOde. lIw1¡¡t~...· tbé Hilton ara regional. Sears is thare
lIOW aøl woù1d Uot ~f.,-, The traffic will be there with or
without the c:ater. ":Le1C that we could retaiD tbe c:oocept of low
profUe with the "*'~ '1 center at Vallc:o Park.
COuDCUaan Jacblon uY dlat we bave had a good ~le of local
gov~t in actioD 1Im:e. Be had no "rouble in deciding that the
orig1Dal propollÙJl _ too large. When scaled d_ it JBakes it
harder to 1II&ke a dec:1a1oD. There are arguments for aad against each
As to traffic, CooDCiboan .Jackson said all three centers are not
positive frOlll a traffic standpoint. Mariani Mall i8 on a 1II&jor
thoroughfare. Its deve10paent would petlllit widening of Highway 9
and tbe construct1oD c~ Torre Avenue. It would be adding to the
traffic. It would c:lose off Mariani Avenue. It 1B imnediately
adjacent to residences and schools. The volume has been reduced.
As to Val1co Park, he _s very impressed with tbe majority of right
turns into the center. 'Iiolfe Road is not as b::<1 as Highway 9.
The Vallco Park Bite is better because of more accesses. The bad
aspects are additicma1 traffic that will inevitably go through
resider.tia1. It baa the largest amount of concentrated traffic
when you consider Sea:s plus 2 and the uncommitted property.
He said it ia unfortucate a ~horough analysia has not been done on
the third shopping ceDI:er. Among the three sites, it is not adjacent
to residential. It has access from all four sides. It is on two
major thoroughfftr_. It produces a great deal of traffic at Highway 9
and Stevens Creek B1.vd. ~t might require traff1c diverters.
From a traffic standpoint, Councilman Jackson felt none were best.
They are all bad.
As to the aales ~. i.t 1.s clear to him the town center generates the
lowest, Vallco Park ~be h1gheat, and Mariani Mall the medium. The
town center would probably have the highest generation per square
As to the Image, CoaDc~ Jackson said it is hard to get a handle
on it. Mariani Hall i.~ .....lIer than Vallco Park. Mariani Mall would
be Ii large traffi.c prcd=er at the entrance to town. The appearance
of the bulk of the center is not good. Sears is very massive
end would, aloll8 with die center, give a very bad vis''-11 impact.
_~ or mL 23,
&IL m:rœ
1973 ", _.,Q..II ern
-r .- Ja~ said the c- --. v1th the PrtmeYarcl ..-
_ ... if ic coa1d be c . .."'Wa .tcJa cwo deparUlenC stor...
",,-- a1ft tJaa !lest jaqe. F9 '·'117 çealdna, the 1IOr8
," "'. JCJ at tJaa MDppiDI c-- ala __ chanc. there b for tile
j. .¡. ..,...~. . .
,," .. ..,.- '61 1eaII _ ,,-~ .......tioDll, Councn- J-I.
... JIIda1 !Ia11 1& cloaer lID ilia _ ..J. coraerc1al c~ ~
_ _ diet 1& a podti.. 1M.... JIIe fint IlIIIeral,lAD I be
6: _ neMant1al. YaUco ~ "'~-"7 _s 1Dduatdal. ~
. ". '" e' 'abt. it 1a ... ~ from exbtiJl¡ c ..Jal.
. .. it ..u .. f"V -.. lID J-.. Sun there by itMlf.
.. _ cant_ .. aleo c; I . . ... { udal on the firat
_ 'I ,laa.
~ u { Icy fMlq, Co to .JM:bcm said erne thiJl¡ he 1&
J..1 . I~ at b at the c tty _a. Mariani Hall aud Ya1lco
~ IIoth abønè 1.3 a11110D ..-n f..t. The cOllllllUDity do..
_ ~ a -.apet =..lonal CeDt_. åy of the three Bites v1l1
am baY. a 1&:'Ie ahoppiJl¡ C~r-'. '%be VaUco Puk dt. added
e. Seara vUI .:ill be 1.2 a11l1G: 8qUSre feet. In the paat t1«I
years, only ~ :ar¡er center. ~ been opened in the l'nited
5:&:... V. cco:.::: nUl NY OIÛY :aoo ..-v stores at VaUco Park,
alP' "h there ate many 10001 a,s '~Ir for three new stores.
~ the sr.r>c!~~::.t of "hac the c-..lty wants, it is something
úac vU.l fll: ::... cowaunit)"s -.!S and acme regional needs.
We f_ls the tC"\"'- :enter ""u14 -=-e :>aarly fit into "hat the
r -lty has :::.: him that the:< sa:>t. if the problems can be
eol.....s. R4!1t :>,...", It "ppurs ::.c f..o<õ=ilman Jackson that the
~_ chat ~~~: serve the c~~ beat would be the t(\ln
c__ .ita. ::!s clear ""-t t.J:.e '\"a¡lco Park site \/Ould do v1th
:Joe laDcI. He "'="~:': Uk.. to ... a =r.::o:utcial. light induscrial
o!fUe WI. at ::,~ ~~riani sice. :::.ere are also some other tbougr.:s
u p_ to that ¡.reA, traff1c:v'..- &:Ie! 1>:Iage\lise. A regIonal DO<!e
~ _t _n ~:'ißl; uutll Ten: ~__1der all the factors. Shoppi::;;
~_ traffi~ ~~ r.ot aa "';'~~a t:> transit as industrial.
C-tl.zoan JaÜ$C::' said he doe. =~ think thc cODlDUnity elected
~ to aaxie1:e ::'e revenue &cd ~'Wi7e the problems. He is
~~ to Ka!. :::~"U the :assi.,.e .~e of the rl'¡¡ional sbopping
C~_. Hig !~~.t choice wo..l¿ :.e tbe tO~"n center. ~rext \IOulc!
... ~ c_-aton }:'r1ani Mall, .,,¿ ~t \IOuld be Vallco Park. -n.e rea80n is :::. :l3SS and },u¡i u VaUco Park is just too aJcl1.
.~t Irvin ca:~e! a recess at 1:: OB P.M. The meeting reconvened
u 11:19 P.M.
Pale 13
:i" c:o.c:1laan H!!yers first th_lrood eYel'JOD8 for a1tt1ng throush all this,
:~f¡¡4 ok. aid he baa reviewcl all the data aucI the t..t1lllony on th1a utter,
. -" ';.I'·'i ;ÌÍIia work ethic vas what" bas kept uPpelMst. If we vant _tb1øa
..:'ft'f'5 p.,bave to 1oIOrk for it. TIle suff baa _ked long and hud.· The
:f¡,'!f~ """tdan oriented ~ c:eDter took the right approach. Be does DOt
;:'f,~~:;'_..Ueve the t01m center approach proposed the laat several days would
~_ ..;:,1¡' f;Jt,~t.he de!lires of tile l"laaa1øa ~f,.eJ.~..however. He said he
~. -, .~ ldoked at the Vallco Park aDd 'the Madani Hall proposals aøa their
t.pacts of traffic, rew_, 1aprov_ts, etc., that would c_ about
with either location, lDclading the funding, etc. The City Council
cledsions have to take IAto consideration all facets of the CIty.
Be said he looked at the Vallco Park plan and he feels it 0 affects by
far tbe :DOst residences in Capert lAo and our neighbors, as to its
physIcal site and the traffic. As a Planning Co_lssioner, he voted
for comml'rcial zoning on the north side of Sears visualizing one
additional store. However, the Vallco Park proposal is still too
intense. One concern be has i!! the great intensity of d..veloplaent
would give this su~h an ~r~anizcd effect. The continued trend for
further intensive use vould Dot help Vallco Park or CupertIno.
CouDcilm3D Meyers said thzt ~~a~ he believes is best f~r Cupertino
is a r"gi~,nd shoppiag center ·.lith two department stores at the
!'.ariani '!all site. The dra..-bac", is the undeveloped! around
the Mariaai site which will have to be watched closely. When ~e look
at: the f0rthcot1ing pro!>le:s, :,e feels they are so~v;ble. Less number"
of resiJca~ès would be affec~¿i by this site. It is 400 fePt frr.n re-
..idences to the east. Vall co P:1rk is 100 feet fron S,'tne resld..nces.
Mariani ~t,ll is much lo· ?roUle th3n V311CO Park. The best
over311 gain for the City yould be the ~brlani M:1l1 site.
Mayor stated anybody ~~o has talked with him kn~ws that
a regi~nal ~enter is a very bi~ plus for Cupertino. PcoFle ð~ want
more in the .ay of services. They don't ~ant their taxes raised
substantially. We are going to be f:1ced with noi5e, smog, and other
pollcrion. It ta~~s œoney to solve these probleMs. Two nev stores
would bè .he cost he could go for. We would 11ke to reduce population
but we go on having childre~. We would like to reduce traffic, but
people here arc still driving. We would like to hwc less co,"",<:rcial
but ~e all ~ust ffilop. We yculd like to keep the ?~hards. We don't
like all. the planning that >Ie have jone. The reason we are a balar.ced
community is to be able to afford certain things. We have to plan
now for what the future is going to bring us. The future i5 bringing
us a lot of bills. We have to talk about the housekeeping of the City
as well as parks and open spa~e. Industrial parks are not the only
kind at jobs -- s~e people like to work in sales or service type
~1' Irvin said he tbiDb r'le tow center should be øs the
,--111& C.......hslon rec oct. - 250,000 square feet.
.....IIl1 IrviD said that 1D..ay things, the two repoaal c:eøter
. tdces are equal. Both sU.. have been extremely dUigent. In
ctøos1nS betwen the two caters one thins he finds is that Sears
J8 already there anci is ~~egional in concept. With adequate
Jep'h,g aDd laodscaping, he feels the residences can be protected
boa the shopping center. The two things that steer h1:a toward
tile Vallco Park site is that Sears is there aod this would be a
regional node. We realize there are a lot of things VC! have to
ðo to solve traffic and other problems. It will provide less
frazaentation if the two new stores are put with the one older
Kayor I~i~ thanked everyone for cooing to the meeting and for
their C:",_i!:l:S.
The City A::orney answered ~~ycr Irwin that the City Council has
pretty we:: indicated what their vote would be so a straw vote
is not re~::y ne~essary.
Mayor lr.:~ s~id we now have a basic idea of ~~at the ~ornmunity
vants. ::~ said the follcw1n;; \.'iOek we will try to thra,h out the
romplete ::.~ center plan, an¿ then the r~~inder of t~e core.
~~ed by C:~n_ilD3n Frolich, seconded by Councilman Jackson to
continue :~< public hearing to $e?tccber 4,1973, at 7.30 P.M.
at City ¡:..::. The meeting enàed at 11:44 P.~I.
Motion carried, 5-0
/s/ Kcith E. Irvin
Mayor, City of Cupertino
/./ ~~. E. Ryder
City Clerk
Page 15