CC 09-04-73 -.c '~~- . . . CIft œ CUPDrDO. STATE OF CALu()ØU. uøoo To..-ce AYeaDe. CUpertiDO. CalUOTD1a l --- _. -M: 252-4505 ¡{.,tlf~$'~~IL", or DE -.. ..- .- .. - em .-n I::;...;~.·,,:-.'·'.r""'''''.'' '~.".:.".."..".':' .' 01 ~,__..M. 4. 1973~DJ 1B&.·.COUEIL CIWIIII ...,..¡:~ ,,-tÇ' '.]f' ,," em 1IUJ. ~...t~" CIY.u~ ¡"~ÞA- l)t~~-~~ ,. · ~.,,~::~<\~i!"¡"~'¡~ ' ' :t;.....'\?-.. !:.'."'.~',:i:'i;"--~"'."';,If.."';,¡;, ot" ,,-~. " , 'Ii" "c ~"'. 'i,.~_.~. (:":"'. ~.' .'.'. '. m 'DII: lUG '" it' ",:~";'-~s'Þ~.~,~..')~""" .~ ··:':;tlv'~h %ftb call_ the -UaI to .... 8& 7133 P.K. with the .'. ' , - ~-.. . .~; .......~: to the ne. . .u. c:&L C "1-..ø pnMAt: c-u- ahet: rrolida. J..."-. !fa7£.. Sparb, HaJOr IzwSa IIone :;.aff pre¡¡c¡t: City ~er QP~ft1.ft City ACtor->" &.1_ Director of .....i..f.tr.tiv. Service. Ryder Director of Pl&1'.D1DI .Dd De"el~t Siak Director of 1'ublic Voru ~iakøvich Director of hrka aDd aecreatiou Butler ø.u.I UoI> or r:.r.-:::cs M!ETIIICS 1. Appl'OYAl c~ )f~-ut.. of AdjOØDed ~r Heet10a of ~.t 23, :9-3. . Paa. I. 4th ~r&lraph, l.at _teuc.. SiDe. there .. .ome ~1oa .. t~ ..-!-.at was Actually _111, it vas requested that the c.8Ipe be n.ear=::.K to aee if !fro JI,ntarfleld said they do DOt car. to c.rry ::z::ugh that bulldiDg da.1p or whether he said they ..... DOt "ec~.;e: ,;!MIther or IlØt to carry through that building .....fp, and :wu .:ornction accordblaly. Paa. 13, thlr! t'£r£¡r.ph, 4th U._ fr_ the bottOll, add the worda -at the Kari'-< site" after "office use". Paa. 4. aecond ~ra¡raph, Geora. !'-o...."" is not a resident of Manta y~. Paa. 11, next to the last paraar.ph, delete the next to the l.st _eoca. .... 12, firs: r~ragrapb. third liDe frDa tbe end, delete tbe ..rII ".hould" ax replace with the \lOrd ·'would". CC-173 .... 1 0:-173 PaS- 2 .~~ , . ... JIDftJm or :z:: SEPrEMBEIt 4, 1973 IECULAll CITY C01.iNCn. m"lûli he- 12, Der. to the l..t r .....h, last liDe, delete the -"- ....t the ~t total sale8 UIE pelt square foot." ;f;. '....eeI 111 C ,,11_.. J....1. ., ~~~ove tile Xbaltea of .. .1 . . t ( ..eel by CauncibIaD Fro11ch CD -',23. 1.973, .. correcteel. ~'" :'- , Hotføa .'" ....-i.t '5-0 ,~ . \j¡ 2. ApI'~_.1 C'f H1nut.. of .~.;.;.a repIar _t1111 of ~ n. 1973. PIlle 2, last paragraph, ~ CD laat liDe, delete the word ':acc..." ... rllplKe with "a_". hee 8, ~ ~ragraph, ~ a4 1!De, delete "280,000" aud repJac:e with "300,000. ~ !I7wd by c.:.::.:1lman Heyer., MCOudeel by Council1:lan Frolich to approve the H1nu:u :: August 21, 1973 a. corrected. Motion carried, 5-0 I , I 3. Appr~...:·- M1nut.. of reaaJ.ar "",sting of August 20, 1973. Page 8, :.:! "-::e on Ap;¡11cat1ol1 BC-51,299.: should have read that It carr:"': .-:. ¡ I Page ~, :':.:! ths "t" on~. McBaIn's nace :n first, 9l!Cond, third a:W six::: ;!~~r"phs. Page 11, :::.:.:: :-sragraph, Laat aentence should read: "In the event 1t is c.z::;:!:": before that .!ate, or that it is extended 1:eyoud that date, t~:. -.1:1 be a public _tice to that effect." Page 4, S~::~ paragraph abeYe agenda ite:: 6, the letter was from GASP (Gr:'.:; ,;,;~inst Smoltina Pollution). Add sentence to the end of the para~:¡;::: The City Cce:xil Chamber bas been divided into Smokers on one s~¿.. .::d ~n-StlOlters on the other. Page 19, ~:"" 38, first paragrapb, delete the ,"'Orris "Regional Transit SUbcom=i::....· ~nd replace v1tb "reaard to x:c Regional Plan". !loved by :':-';=..:il::an Jsckson, secouded by Cou".:Uman l!eyers to approve the Min,;:... :: A"gust 20, 1973 as corrected. ~Dtiou C&TTi~, 5-0 I . . "'&&010 or tm: ~. 4, 1973 -.. CITY Com¡cIL KEETIWG CC-113 Faae 3 ". --ca.'I'1œs ';" t· ,( .,.. .: , ,.,) IIdct_ ~ ~, A. ..._ frea s.ca ,..~ c: J (1 Historical Øftiu.a ~~ for tile (' n to daa1pate a repre_cacl_ or .~ 1 tati".. to øc..I . ...tillS relatiDg to -n.e fA .....tioo a. -. " .. Lette:-!=a !fr. . Hr.. .lalla 1'. !low, Jr.. enclonina tbe propoMli "'Yoise Ordf .-. C. lloti~e:: P.G. . E. ~ scheduled f~r Sept_ber 24. 1913. ::r iWthodt)' co ~ its gas se:vice tariff to of he: ::e effe~t of _ Sacreaae in t"-e ."ice of gas frea n r ¡...~ 1.1:ural ea. C .. r3. D. An a:-c c:o :1"011 Cal1fcn1iÚ Lea1s1atur~, M.embly Committee on (,,:.r. ::nelo llleDt -..I li::>using. th,,: ,'; ~n2 and AS 79£ vil: .o~ :.e voted upon Dd if tbe Co::' :. interested 112 thew ,~:s. its views ~ld be ma¿" '..:::0"" to the me2ber of t'" 'c...:" and to tbe Cõovernor. E. An &;... :us entitled ~t1.on for .~,..:~" ;-"esente<! by .101>:, ..,::!:.:dlos to the Sew Consci,-c,,','H ~ducation Con:i:~:. .>n Kay 5, 1973. F. An::.: ;:":..1:o<,n IIele... !r= Su¡:erin:è-;c=: :)onald F. Todd Cu~'-: _:: ;.:1\"01 Distric~, 1n regar¿ :: > ~uibl.. teache .tr:.~ The Direct"" : ::.::::nistrat1ve Services stat:'~ : -<a vere also wr1~t&D co=_-.: 1: :~ns resani1ø& Blenda it",",s, !'.ayor Irvin ,,,:t~ :hat he 1s vr1tinl a leu"" :: V.r. Louh S:ocklmeir. j~~~~ h~ to be Cupertino's r~~~~~i=:.:1ve at the "Conse.rvati::. !-~Ànt" aeet1ul. CoaDc1laan F~,~_:~ asked tbe staff to get de>,,~:,::~ns of AB 1152 aDd .u 796. !l:>ved by Ce,-,_: _~::.I:.l ~"yers, sec=.ied by Ceu:::::-::..l.-: Jackson to re- 4::C.1ve and i:'~t :~ ·..ritten c~1c:atlons. Mot ion carried. 5-{) e e HllIUTES OF THE SU-u.II6i!R 4, 1973 REG~'t.AR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5. Oral C~ .nf.....1oa8 A. Kr. IiII c:u.e.785 Wildwood Lane, PaJo Alto, requested the opportunity to speak regarding agenda itea 7 A. Mayor Indø ac~""'" 1Ir. ,Chase's request and said it would be best for IWI to ....'.t the time of the hearin¡ on itea 7 A. B. lequest" eoaø..f1- for removal of items from Consent Call1Ødar - 1'here wre none. PUBLIC RE....nu::c 6. Public lleartø¡ on Land Use Elt!l:lent of General Plan .oontinued frotll ~.tiD& of August 23. 1973 for purpose of continuing to a new date. After SOlIe discussion arJODI the C,mndlmen, Mayor Irwi~ announced there would b. public hearings on the Land Use Element on Wednesday, Septeober 5; Tuesday, Septesaber ll; and Thursday, Sep tember 13th. These ..eet I,,&s ,"",uld start at 7 :30 P .:1. and will be held in the Council CIo_ber. He asked for cœaaents fro", the ~,udience. K-Cont rol Chairman JU.1n1ta McLaren saie! she had a meet ing on September 5th but she ~ould also like to be able to represent one of the property owners at the Council's Land Use Element hearing on the Town Center. She said she would try to work around the Council's time frame. APftl C.U lOSS 7. PI~nln& CO..i.slon A. ~endment to Use Permit 26-U-69 (Oaks Shopping Center) Stoneson Develo~ent Corporatiûn: O"leting r.,cail and office 'p3ce, and adding a cinema Including three (3) audltoriuos of 300 seats each. Said property i~ in a P (Plan~ed Development with general commercl&l Int"nt) zone and is located at the northwest corner of the intcrs"ct ion of Steven. Creek Blvd. and ~ry Avenue. RecOOlllendcd ("r approval. The Pla.,,,lng Director referred to the Au¡;nst 29, 1973 sufi report OD thi. it..~, He said the Planning CO~!!Ilssion devoted a ~reat deal of :h~ir d!$c:usslon to t'le Cener31 Pl..m t.I iscussions t the rec{'nt Town Center discussions. and to the parking situation. There 1J.1S discllssioa of the:! fe..si!>iliry of the daytime and nightt¡"" parki!11\ neeJs n"t conflicting. The lit"r.11 Inter?ret..tion of the ;>arklng Ordinance is for 158 spaces more than offered at thIs site. . . i' . . II1I1UTES 01' mE :>u'.......ø 4. 1973 REGULAJl CITY COO-=IL W.E1"IlCG ~, ~ r;· , , . , f: tile p1_t.. DiøcCft .... tile pl'oposecl V" "--t is to ,mille for tIII'ee 300 n. IIKfaa pi.ct1lre theat.rs uDII.r tM aiatiDa ... paltLt. BJ C _ ...... lie uU the Kerldu. Qud has . 600- MaC tlleatø elrr(~ ta. 169.000 sq. ft. total a1ae 8bøppiøa _... IA 16ich 142._... ft. is devoted to prof...1oaa1 ofUce act1Yitiea. ........... paddDa ords-ce. thef ~d .. nqu1red to hawe eIIoIat 1250 pøUII8 apac..; there øe 632 ..-, wldch is a 51% r8llactSøD. c.,tlell PI... has . total of 94,000 sq. ft., has theaters vitia 1400 uats, 70,000 sq. ft. of cœ- _rcW, and 70,000 sq. ft, in restaurcts. IasecI upoD our Park- lag Ordiaance, they _lei neell 780 spaces, but have actuaU; provided 659. The Hoonllght Sboppin& Center has a total of 205,000 sq. ft., 1600 theater s.au, SOo-..at restaurant, and based on our Ordinaace tbey vould need 1379 parking spaces. They have U50 existiDg parkina speers. The Planning Director said they have been conductiag a survey on the Sandpiper and S.bo's lestaurants in Cupertino. The Sandpiper has 119 parking spaces aDd at peak times, lunch hour and evrnin~ trade, durin& three days last veek they had 78, 81, and 69 spaees occupied during the lunch tÚRes and S~ spaces in the evenings, on an aver age. Coundl"." Heyers ......<1 ....y we h...:.. to go to 10,000 sq. ft. ....re intecsi~e use bere. He asked ~~y it _annat b.. kept at th.. same square footage as originAlly pro~sed in the appr~ed use permit. Kay~r lrwin said that at the tu.e t!,e use permit wa~ approved he vas s:tting on the Plannin~ ~issi~n. At the tiae, he felt it vas s~uee~inl to let r~e proposal ont~ that site. . Hr. Steve Stewart, 450 E. Strawberry Drive, Hill Valley, of Brown/Heldt Associates, said they,are the exclusive lea.in~ agent for the ~aks Sbopp1ac Crnter. After auch study, he fe~ls they have c~e up vith a cospatible, theme-type center. It will pro- vide entertaln_nt as veIl as shoppint:. He said that th,·y have found that if you dou't co.bine th~s~ ingred¡~nts they simply become strip type sbop~ing centers. They arc trying their best to provide desirable architecture and landsc..pir.g. \Ie said this center is very unlike a reaional cenre~ or strip shopping center in that none of the tenants are Iar~~ enough to drav night shoppers except the theater and restaurants. He said tht' other princ1;>als in this I13tter vere prt>sent to al\s\;er any qut"stions. lie said Mr. Cooper has looked :It this area (or" years for the right sit~ f"r a theater and he reels this is geographically id~a Historic.diy, he IDeates his th.."ters near c"lleges, with the possibility in .ind of mer¡ing the cultural/enlertain~ent fields. CC-173 Pace 5 J I I t ¡ ¡ \ t f " , f ~ 1 j ~ l e . KllIIIfIES Of THE SEPTDllEIl 4, 1913 JIEC\1LAR CITY COUNCIL MlŒTINC Hr. S~evarC ..W tbaC they feel C_pbell Plazå'is not cO"Op'lnble with tIda pro¡;.-"~ ~';"""" the1 bave III Alpha Beta SUperurtet aøcI a Thrifty Dn¡st'Ore, which are both 'Open ."eo1ll&a. Councit.aD Meyers aåed again why tba aquare f'O'Otage has t'O g'O up the .., it bas. Hr. l'b1l Arbuckle, 1531 Fnncisco Street, "dUl1.ey, the l_dscape architect,. 8dd the 66,200 aq. ft, preaently ...t>¿o)ved 1a f'Or the floor apace CI1Ùy. Tht.re 11 lather 15,000 aq. ft. far tbe .aeon:! floor, Be added that there is 801118 discrepancy .. ta the actual square footage tbat has been approved. Councilman Heyers said be would ODt be against a tbeater here, but he is not in favor 'Of increasing the square footage by _ 12%. Councilman Fr'Olich said the assumption seems to be that the theater would never be operated during daylite hours. Councilman Meyers said that usually, when there is a matinee the children are dropped off st the theater and no parking space is needed. Councilman Jackson said he had some concern about the types of films to be shown, but he doubts this can be put into the use permit. Mr. Roy Cooper, Roy Cooper Company, San Francisco, answered Councilman Frolich that they do not propose to operate matinees except Sundays and holiday". lie said his company operates eleven theaters in this area. Their experience in Los Altos and Sunnyvale caused theð to pick the location in Cupertino. There are not too many pictures being made these days. This caused the ch¿.nge in the type of theaters from large ones to today's cult i-screen theaters. The reason is because ther~ are only so ~~~y good pictures; therefore, they have to run them long~r. They have to stay away from the big cities and some direct competition like San Jose. He added that the seating capacity in Meridian Quad is 1000. It was his opinion that this site will have more specialty shops, such as ice cream parlors, etc. Councilaan Meyers said young people often frequent theate~s on Saturdays as well as Sundays and holidays. Mr. Cooper sa!~ that not even 15~ of the pictures made last year were G, or suitable for this age group. Councilman Jack..on as\,ed if there has been a study made of the traffic flow relating to traffic leaving this theater at the same tice as Flint Center. Mr. Cooper said the Oak Center is self-contained and Stevens Creek Blvd. is wide. It is i~portant in a ~~lti-screen theater to stagger the startip~ and ending times of the movies. He does not anticipate a~y traffic problems here. p" . , . . - MINUTES OF TilE SEPTt:JIIIEIt Ie, 1973 IECULAR CITY COUNCIL KED'IKC CC-l13 Page 7 'Ifr. Iia Chase. 785 Vildvood Lap. Palo Alto, sdd be vas repre- senting Dr. John Dun:\, Supedøt.....eAt 0)£ Foothill Collece District TIle Board b3s Just bec.-Ð awn of this proposal ød .... DOL ball . challca to act em it. Be aaioI Dr. Dunn feels that the1 should IIOt take a position, one va" ~ aDotbc\". wether or not the ci_ bouse should lIP into this locat1ÞD. They have supported · coa- _rcial deve1opMl1t there. BowYer. they have two ..jor queat1cms about the proposal: 1) Parkins. Be said they are f..ling the pressure of parking at Flint Cfmter. Tiley have aD intempl tufflc pn>bl_ v1th overall capacity. Hany students of the itht school, the night ,Jacque Cousteau 1õas at Flint Cente, simply could uot find a parking spot and had to leave aad attend their class that night. 2) Traffi~ flou. This is a locked-in situation since there is no ~~ry '\,·enue ovcrcros"lng. He said they sOll1eti~,es have severe traffic si t..,,,t ions wen they lire loadlnp, or unloading their ilud i<,nct's. He said rr.dr hig audience tir.les will be id('l1t ieill lJith ..hI' theater -- Såturda)· nights. Counci In¡tn :·!cyers wa!ò cor.':.ern~ about thr d!~crcpancf es of the ori);,in;¡l l':-c~·osi::.l as to ~quare footage nnd why the need to in(.reé\~l~ it. Councilr.::1n J:1ck!;on Wt15 not sure be. lik(~d the concept of !~c:':':or ial Park lW>:t ,!('~r to " rhtarer. I!e ,:onden'd if ther.. would be landa.)i~u ,,¡- police pro:'1E::s. l'OU.lcilr.:lß Sparks said ...e "ill have a softball field right then:, with P""¡l;'rS 200 peop! c in tbc. Audience. He would like to see sor~ studièS on the traffic circulation "nd parking befoce Da~in~ ~ decision ~n this. Coun~ntt.1n Frolich "'as particularly con~erned 3bout the ~'roxiQity of the parks a"d th.. park!,,;; c.'1pacity. lie !'aid h.. lJould a}"o be concern<,J aL~"t the care th"t go lookin¡; for anolher ...ay out, throu~h r<'~idcntial areaS. Mayor Irwin said the original proposal was fine. like I( !",,- a hir.h..r intcn£ity of UI;e, however. can fit intI> the all~t;..¿ squ.ue foot<1&(', the.\ it right. !" woul d not If the: theater would be all Conncih,-," t'rolJd. ~ec~¡:ni"eå Mr. Ch3s("s C'",lo...nl :tbout the Fl int Center :Uh.til'Ul (' !>OO1(-t i~.i·S ""(O(·kinr. p::rklnt~ ;'I('ross lla~ str(·ct. Counci]nnn }h..",.,cl'!. saiJ that p<'rh..ps th,~.c h; Sl'm<"lhin& that can be ...orkcd ant \lith the college to :tHaw p3rl:ing along !I,>=y ,\v('nuc away fro", the dan¡;t!rous areas, c::-tì3 :¡.I!;~ 8 -6-U-69 ; u"tponed :~ :\C~t -IDa t ~ r~i-73 -- r')'lrd - . }.INUT£S OF TilE SEPTEæ£tl 4, 1973 Ra;ULAll CITY t.:OUNCTL K£."F.TING MOved by CouncilaaP. Frøl1cb,.seconded by Counci¡.an Meyers to continue application 26-:!~" to the next regular IDecting. il6tfoa carded, S-O· B. Application U-'lk-13of Robert A. lIue" & We! L. Chen: Tentative Hap to adjust a COlllllOn property line between loots 14 and IS of Tract 3354. Said property is in a RI-IO (Res1deatW. 81ngle-fmuUy. 10,000 5'1' ft. per dwelling unIt) zone ~1d is locatcd at lRe westerly terAinus of Regnart Court. RecOlMlended for approval. .. Tb.. Ptanning Direcç"r referred to the qtaff report of August 29, 1 H3 on this matter. He sAid both lots wi 11 still be far in excess ~f the ~inimum size required in the Candy Rock Mountain area. ::oved by Councilman Meyers, seconded hy Councilman ~·rol ich to a?prov" appUcati"n 13-.H-73. Motion carried, 5-0 C. "?plication 7-V-73 of Stuart Kadas [or VarL",ce t" incrc""c tht! number of ?cr~itted stor les for a s tn'11 c-L1.-dly reH l- Jel\tial structure frG~ two storIes to t1'rce st,)cics. Said rr0pcrty is in a RI-IO (Rcsldûntlal, $in~l.:!-~:<;·îil_y, 10,000 "'1. tt. ?cr ¿'.ell",,;; unit) zone and th... ad""""'J is 11/,76 [¿iudy Pl:1cc:.. Reco=::"'ndcd fo!" dt~nial. (Continuer! f r~ ;::<!ct ing of August 20, 1973.) The l)L';.n;ti:';.l~ Director sho.~ed the nci.zhho\:hoo,¡ ?lan 0:' the ~c[et!n ~~!".d t.i..::l" if led the property.. t:~ s3id th.~ !(ei ~h:': On! :.lo!:"".ce allo~ls for a ~·~~...Ü.1U:!\ height of 31)'.. Th~ a'let'.1~~ h~ight. ùf t~l.is !>tructurc is 29'. ~lthough porcions of it exceed tke 301 li.,tt. The Ordin:1t1cC! <;rm,dJc'i f-.>r a rn.axi=.u::1 of 2 stori..!'i for 1 ivin~ ~llr!,o~;.~3. The r('qt:c5~ before [ht! 1?1;\nnir.3 Cç.~ission .":0:1:; to :\L!.o·.: t.ht! third ~tory. The Plaaning Director said there t·:~re .0. I\\Ii:!bcr of ~n()~:'(~rty O\-!ilcr°'; in t.hc .al1tii~nce frotl thac area, during the- ..). :u:ning CCl,::1~:.:,;lon hparing, .ho objcct\....t to the pro¡>O::ial. The}' \",o1Jlc..i. prefer to Ìl;l'!(~ <;truct'lr."S in the hills cascade è'own the hilts rlthl'r than b" built on pad". '.he building is set b3Ck So::1e 100'. If onc of th" ¡c.~¡or concerns is being abl~ to ViC~l t!lc s~ructurc. it is almost inf'h-.~;i.b1c, dllC- to the t~crailt.. . . , m1lUtES OF THE Sc.n'" 4, 1973 REGULAI ern COIIIIC1L HEETIKG 1Ir. Carl J. Buapass. foo SaD Hateo Avenue. Loa Gatos, sai4 he vas represeutiD¡ the arc:hhilcc. He! said this ~ a utter of not be1n aware of tbe Ordinanc:. ~1rement for only tom acodes of living area. He presenc~."pÎÎDcoarapba taken frea variøaa positions on his site, looking clOIIIÍ ~rd tÙ8 valley. He said there are actually two buticliD&,"'pâds on that site. Tbe1 are allovilll space in the rear for a svf......., pool. He said tbis baa been described as a 3-story structure. hut it does not appear to be 3-story. The biggest portion of the upper pad will be used for parking and tum-eround. The City Attorney stated Chat there is an application for a variance here, and we had a public hearing before the Planning Commission. He suggested that with th19 additional information being introduced, perhaps this should be .,ent back to the Plannin ! Commission along witb the new information. Mr. B~?ass said those people Who objected to this proposal are f~iliar with the site. He took the pictures to show the Councilaen, who rerhaps are net familiar with the site. The City Attorney ?ointed out that it would be of as Buch benefit to the applicar.: as to the citizens of CupertirÞ to return this to the Plannir.~ Commission with th~ new information. Moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilnan S~arks to return application 7-V-73 to the Planning Co=issi"" ..long with the adèltional data, for public hearing. Motion carried, 5-0 The City Attorney answered Councilman Frolich that this would have to be a readvertised public hearing. 8. Architectural and Site Approval C~ittee A. Application HC-51,296.2 of Bob's Big 50Y Fanlly Restaurant represented by Robert E. Eakin re~uesting a~?roval of a sign pl~n for a restaurant facility located at the 90uth- west corner of Alves Drive and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Recommended for d,mial. (Continued frea aeeting of August 20, 1973) Attorney Gerald C. Vanoli, III West St. John, Suite 666, San Jose, said he has just returned from vacation and asked that this be referred back to the B-COctrol Committee for further review. So moved by Councilaan Heyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson. Koticn carried, 5-0 CC-113 Pq. 9 7-V-73 r,,:"'" to Pla,,-:~"'g Commiss! :-: HC-51 ,2~.2 rp.turnc-,~ to "-ContTo: ,.~. -51.050.3 provecl , , , RC-5l,j:;a.6 appr.,.,.C: ., ., HIWIES OF THE SEPTÐIRR 4, 1973 REG\¡l.AR CITY COUKCIL IŒETINC B. Application 8«:-51.050.3 of John Brooks Boyd repres_tin¡ Bank of America requesting exception to the Sip c:. dinance to allow the installation of 3 additional identificatIon sians for the BalIk of America at the north sUe of Stevens Creek Blvd. approxtaately 300 feet west of Saratoga-SÚDnyvale Road. Rec:. ..led for approval. Kr. John B. Boyd, 454 Forest Avenue, Palo Alto, said they are not really asking for 3, but for 1 additional sign. They already have 2 signs on the building and the only thing Bank of Aaeric~ would ~ike to do is change the logo to the words "Bank of Aðerica". After reviewing tbe colored slides of the site, it vas saved by CounciJman Sparks, seconded by Co".ncilman Jackson to adopt application HC-51,O;i:.3. Motion carried, 5-0 c. Application HC-51,O:;8.6 of Peter Blacklock (£con~y Inports) requesting exception to the Sign Ordinance t., allow the install~tion 0: cne oversized identification sign for Economy reports located at the soutl",,,st corner of Scofield Drive and Saratoga-Sun~rlale Road. RÛL~rnmènd~~ for a?proval. The Planning Director s=arized the ,'caff report of A'Jgust 27, 1973 and sllm;ed the colorec! sllJes of the site. Mr. Peter J. Blacklock, Mo~te Sereno, said the t~~?0=ary siEn is no longer there. Moved by Councilman Sparks, seconded by CounciI::a:: Frol~ch to adopt application ilC-5I,058.6. Keelan carried, 5-0 Couu..:ilman Jackson said he was not b- fa'''ot' ::t': thi;; sIgn.. but since it: already exists on the sIte it would ,"r"at.' .. ;',lr1shi? to ha...e it removed or reduced. D. A?plication HC-51,3:!3.1 of ,\d-Art, In~.. represent 1"8 Sancho's Restaurant requesting úppr~...a: of m01ification of architecture and signing for a restóurant f,lci1ity locatec! at 20030 Stevens Creek Blvd. Re~~er.ded for ~pprov3t. Colored slides of the sign were sho"". Councilman J"ckson expre~sed some concern over tbe colors. This will be left up to the discretion of the staff. . . KIWl'ES or THE SEPTEMBER 4. 1913 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING lIoved by Coundlaan J..:..... seconded by Council.an Ke,era to 81'P1'ove applitation 1IC-51.323.1.· IIDCIoG carried. 5-0 I. Application 1IC-96.109.4 of City of CUpertino r....tlq applVYÛ of 1 -- ..... of the City vater unk located a~ the end of H HT"- aø..s. lee_oded for appI'ØYal. ..,eeI by CauDcU_ Spada. ..condecl by CouncUun Jac'- to ."rove application øc....109.4. 1IDC1on carried, 5~ UXFINISHED SCSI~ESS 9. None !o"ÐJ BUSI:;r;:5 10. A~3rè ~: ~entract for Pe:~s:rian Si~~~I Rep13cem~nt per biès ~c~d"cd. Moved by ê~~ncilaan Frcll~~, ~econded by C~un~ilmao Sparks to avar¿ :~~ contract for r~¿e~trian Sir.n~t ~~plac~~ent to Traconex. ::l~., for its 10v 1:~ of $6400. AYEs: 50£5: Cc~:lcl1~en Frol1cb, ;a~kson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin ~~ne ~:ion carried, 5~ . 11. Coun:y ?lanoing Applicat"c:l 6P72.4. 50 acticn vas taken on ~his ":cm since it was not within the City's s,"e~e of infl"e;nce. CC-l73 Page ·1 HC-5I,323.1 approved 1IC-96.109.4 apprond Pt'd. Sif.r.al replacL':'1ent CC-173 P;o&e 12 II-P ED_ to VIS ~eAnza teø:::..;;... COnr t 11g::.:o:.:.r..¡ J.grecoenc ?"stpone4 K11I11n;S or _-,:. SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 REGULAR crt'l COUNCIL MEErIJlG 12. AutbC'::.:e Execution of Agreement between City of CuperUDO and URS IasutÒ c..pany conc:erøføg Environmental Impact lepon for: pro- pos.d !ievlett-Packard (Ä . JDY Project. ...... by ~llllan rrol:1da. øeconded by CouncUIISD Keye~. ~ authorl:&e ~ !Ia:ror to sign an aarr '-. vi.th the URS Reaearch Cl>.,,-y for the J&eP8r:at102 of aD Enviro -...1 Jmpact Report for the (Io&4p0801d -.r1ett-Pack.ard Coapmy prOjecc. ADS: -.s: Coc:xilaen l'ro1icb. .Jackson, Heyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin !lex IIDt10n carried, 5-0 13. Auth~r~:e Execution of Agreement between Foothill ~ity College Distr::: ~~J City of Ca?ertino concerning De Anza tearts court light:::~. ~pon re,.~¿::~ltion of the Director of Parks and Recreation, it was ,""ved b~ ,-; _o:U::tan JacksO<1, seconded by Councilman ~!eyers ro postpone :,:. :'t~. Motlon carried, 5-0 ORDlNA.>¡C::, 14. None u:¡ou;r: 2~ , 15. No. ~'": "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupe:: :::" Allowing Certain Claims and Dc:nands P;¡y""le in the M>cl.;'.:'¡ .l::! frol:l the Funds as Uereinafter Described for Salaries and ~~:¿s for the Payroll Period Ending August 21, 1973. Hayer :,.....in stated that this ir.cludes \~"rrants No. 181)54 throu!';h 188:;. ö:'th a total of $31,601.94. Moved bv :~~~~ilman Jackson, seconded by Ceuncilman Meyers to approve Resolut::: >~. 3537. AYES: ]l ()ES: c.:.:.::~ Urnen Frolich, .Jackson, ~ey"rs, Sparks, Mayor Irwin ~,: "':c! Motion carrieJ, 5-0 , e !lDlU'IES OF THE SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 IlECULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 16. .,. 3538: "A Resolution of the Cit)' Council of the Cit)' of Cupertino Allowing Certain Cbf_ IIIId ~. Pa)'able in the ......c. and from the FuncIa as Berdwtu Described for ee.aual and Kiscellm_. ~"""1ture.. Period Eød1øa Septl8ber 4, 1973. ..~..In1n said this leaoladøÎa Søclad.. Vananu Øø. 15211 tIInqIa·15349. vitb a total of $615.294.72. ...eII .,. Councilaan Heyers, .eeOllll_ by Councilwan Jacboa to ~ Resolution No. 3538. AYES : JIOI!S : Councilmen Frol1ch, Jack.OII, !leyer., Spark., Mayor Irvin Hone Motion carried, 5~ CONSENT CALENDAR 17. Proclamation t!.at month of Sept_ber 1973 be "Xid" to Camp Month." 16. Proclamation 1-1 honor of the 15th Anniversary of the National Aeronautics a::~ Space AdministratIon. 19. Approval fer F:::e Arts League of Cupprtino to hold a Fall Art Show at Vallc~ \·illace Octo!ler 5 & b. 1973. 20. Proclamation tbtt Septell!>er 24th to 3Ot:, be Traff Ic Safety ~eek in Cal::~r::ia. 21. Resolution ~'. 3539: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cu?<r:'np Approving Parcel M3p of Lands Bctween Pruneridge ^~~~ue and Junipero Serra Freeway East of Wolfe Roa ; Dev., Yallc~ Fark, Ltd. ; Authorizing thp City [nr-ineer to sign the Parc~; ~!ap; and Author~zing Execution of Agreement in Cðnnection ¡:¡,·r..witb." !IoYed by Council~.":1 Frolich, second"d by Councilman Jackson to adopt the Consen: ,..lend.r. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-173 Page 13 .... 3538 adopted Consent Cal(!1"!1 adopt cd (; CC-173 Pap 14 KIJiUTES OF nu: SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. UI'OJt1'S FIIIJM COUNCIL REPRESEIIlATIVES 22. Kayor Irwin: Inter-City Coœcil .. '!bare will be a di8cUSl1cm of the new COD8titution, lnclucling veightecJ 'VOting. at the next _ting. . . Cupertino vUl be receiving _tiler Safety plaque. Drag Abuse Coorcliaation eo.u..ion ..Could not attend. . League of Califomi3 Citie8 . . The City Manager and Kayor Irvin have been appointed to the ExecutIve Coœmittee 2). Coundl::.m Frolich: Transportation Co~isgion ..The Council was r~minðed that Councilaan Frolich would like input from them regarding the <ITC Regional Plan. ..Councilman Frolich felt that persons more actively involved in the field of trans- portatlon shoul~ be serving on the tran~- portation co~ittoe of the League of California Citi~s. . . Legislative Review Committee AS 2610 was discussed at the last meetinR. After discussio~, the Cupertino City Council went on record as being opposed to AB 2610 and requested that letters stating this position be sent to thÞ City's Legislators. 2~. Coun~i:=~n Jackson: Associ~tion of ?ay Area Cover~ments ..There was to õe a meeting on Sept. 5th. Urba.~ Develop~~nt & Open Space S,mcommittee of PPC. ..There was not:\ing to report cencerning Cupertino. Airport Land Use Comn.ission ..This Com,.ittec is being reactivated. . . IIDIUIES 0" l~ SEPTÐmm 4. 1973 JtECtILAR cm COONCIL MEZrDIC 25. Councibaa:a !!eyers: Pl.nnf~ Policy ea.alttee Ø1llaicle Su~ttee of PPC AUport Land Use c-iaa1on .... h8cI DO reports. 26. Co\ø!cil1UD Sparlta: nøocl Control Advisory Coia1U- .. JIo report. eo-iaalon on AlcohoU.. ..The County has decided that A&øev 15 DOt going to becœe a "Deubajlan facility" . ..Among other things, the COŒØ15s10n has run out of DOney. KEPORTS .-\.\1:' ~~::..-:-rr:S 27. Plann!~~ :~:ssion A. Su:~:»:~~ of Minutes of August ~7 ~ 15, 1973. 28.Archite~:.:~: ~nd Site ArFro~al Commjtt~£ A. S,,:-:-,:;.:~:: _,¡ Minutes of regulu ",eeting August 22, 1973. 29. Parks ¿~~ i~~r~ativn C~~ssion A. No ~<::::g scheduled. 30. Vater C~:jsivn A. Sub::.~H~c" of Minutes of regular lIeet1ng August 22, 1973. 31. Library C.:=Lssion A. Sub~is5i~n of Mlnutes of regular -.eting August 21. 1973. 32. Public Sai,,~~ Commission A. Subftissicn of Minutes of regular lIeeting August 16, 1973. . CC-l13 Page 15 " " l' ~ , " r~~~. . . HUlUns ~ nŒ SEPTVßI- 4.. 1913 \lECUt.A1l CIn COUNCIL kuuM: REPORT nm omCERS 33. Cl:y sa!f pC: ¡¡'~, t ¡ , The City ~r calle4 tt. Cøaocll's attCltion to IreD S: "Voting DelegatI: for ADnual J a M-c.aference", and Itea 6: "Doua Zonift8 and Itrftrse Cønd_t~: Sa his __ to the Councn. There >ære "'" reports f_ ocher staff -='>en. RECOG:C:::S OF NQN-ACFJIDA rrIHS BY KAYOII. 34. c;.,::~:L. Audience \I.e~. Dr. ;" ==~.~, 20985 pepperrree Lane, ~~~<:=:no, asked if there is a tent 3: C';, J..gènda for the adjourned t:!.,.; c ';; this and next ve,,". so mewt." :: :~e audience c~ plan ahead. ~ayc: ::..::: .aid the di~ssion would >C,::: ·..ith the TO'Ir.' Ce:1ter on Wed:,Cò_:'. '~~t"mber 5th. Deper.ding '-'?:: ,.; thl! dbc,"ssio:15 !(O, th" ::, ::',;; ~n Sept=ber U an<i 13 ,;,"':, , ~;,'rth on ilighwa;: 9 and the:, : -: ::: :ill on Stevec.s Creek Blv~, 35. :.:. :_~~~ilmen Cou:,,,', C..i:: ~"yers would like to rea~t:·,::: : C," d iscus~ ien en the Park Lan~. :,":::a::~e as soon as possible. Mayo: :~.::: said he had received a I,,:;:: :'~3rding Constit,;tio:1 Obs~:~~~~~ .¿~k. Copies are co be s~~: :~~ :0 the Co~~c1lsen. Cou", .=== ~..yers was very intereste.! ic ::.,¿ Garden State Paper Recy=.:::.; ~=,Jject. Cou",,:~'" Jackson read aresolutiûn ~" ","" .!rafted cOlZ>eoding Mr. ~::: :.~~r and the Bo~~st Br.v,,~ :: :~.. YMCA on tbeir servi,,, =0 the youths of Cupertino ~v..= :0" past 10 years. Move~ ':T ':'"",cilman Frol1c:b. seconded. : -- .:.c lIman ~Ieyers to adopt the ;:: ,.., ¡..solution. Motion carri<~. 5-0 , auuu.5 OF t1IE fnEMBEJ. 4, 1973 u:ctJL\R em &IL I£EfIlC &",_..: Irvin cae the staff _ IIroclM>res to be forwardeel to the "'lic Safety eo-iss100. ~ ._~ b, CoancUun Jac~. ..coadeel by Counc1l111aD Keyen to "Journ the _tins to 7:30 P.M. OD Wednesday, SepteDber 5th, Sa ûe Council Cha:lber. tile _ting adjourned at 9:4S P.K. ~1OD carried, S-O APPROVED : /./ Keith E. Irwin Mayor, City of Cupcrtir.o ATTEST: I.' ~~. E. ~yJet City Clerk '..- , -173 aae 17