CC 09-05-73
11>300 Torre Avenue, ~L», California
Tele~: 252-4505
Page 1$ or DE ~.. ADJU,Dlb:1'I MEErmc or THE crn COUNCIL
1Œ1Þ (II ;)An....... S. ¡!n, D THE COUNCIL CIIAHIIE&, cm BALL
JIayor Irvill call" tile _tilla to older at 7 :37 P.M.
Couuda. present:
Coundh.en ...bsent:
Frol1ch, J..:kson, Heyers, Sparks, Kayar Irwin
Staff ¡lresent:
City Manager Quinlan
City Attorney }..~x.s
Director of A~~inistrarive S~rvices Ryder
Direc:or of P!an:ting and DevC!lo?"..ent Sisk
~"rector of PubllC ~orks Vis~o~icr
Co"~~::~~: r¥cseat:
Eccr.ouis~ St~v~ Levy
tour: ~..(':~rter:
L~:a D. ~Grath, C.S.R.
The D~rect3r of Adalnlstrative Servict's stated that c~?ies are
avail~ble for intereste4 persons of the City Attorney's August
30, :713 letter r..ardiftg IkYJD Zoning and Inverse Cond~ation.
Hr. te'''Y first revIewed u.. policies used by the Planning CoIII-
.isslon te arrive at their decisions on the core area. He hald
that ¿lth=UCh the decision on the regional shopping centrr was
the :"1 decision. the decisions on the remainder of the core area
are a l~t a3re cøaplex. Each area has certain issues in common.
One sap en tit. vall sbovtd the 908 acres of undevelope" land
In the core area aad aDOtber ..p sho....d how the Planning CODDissi
designated the uae.. Sø.e 200 acres ....nt from coaøercial to
resideDtial. At the end. 242 of the original 460 acres ..~re left
c_really zoned.
Hr. Levy sstd the caaaerclal land that the PlannIng ~ission
desig~ted residential is almost the enly acreage of choice land
left in the core area. Tbe reœalning flat acreage outside the
core area looks 11ke about 1000 to 1500 units. The foothill area
on wbich there as been Dade no d~cision as yet could yield 1000
to 3~'C units. They would be preJomlnently single f~ily with I,
2 or 4 units per acre.
1Ir. Levy said that tbe bi& "w_ the Planning Coaaa1ssion had to decide
* _I the c_rdal vas "&a1-raced versus strip. There vill be IlUch 1:1 the future td.cb 1Ddividual property owers comins here to
~ they haYe a proposal nady co go. .
Ie vas detuaiDed at the n-108 eo_bsion level that two aaglomerated of aiIout 250,000 sq. fc. in addition to the regioJUl center
.-lei b. safficient. Hr. Lev,. said there _re about 300 acres of
_rcial left after the decision on the regional center. He said
_ ca't fill all the <:':"'&'lIL'c1al property, but we probably could fill
all tile frcocuge on the _Jor streets, with the result of lIIOJ'e strIp
~rcW. there are not go1D& to be comœercial developments along
IKIch aIdes <If Highway 9 at the proposed depth, according to Hr. Levy.
The PI.nnL~g Cocmission looked at the filling in of the frontage with
c~rcia: :~CQ the public's viewpoint ætd they learned that it is
DOt worth i: ~conomically.
~. Levy .,.i that each decision made froa now on will have a property
I owner c= .::' :n and saying "You are hurting us, and you have a
: COIIIIai t..~n:' . -.
I ~r. L,,\'~· .,:.::d that the new la...s that r~<¡\:in' zoning to conform with
! the gener..: :"n takl! ;c.·ay 5Œ!C of the f,~"ibility we previously enjoyed,
I ~e have ,~ _·~l~Q~ntalion ?rObl~ ~~erc ~e lik~ the existing zoning
. but we c,.~': , develo;:~e-.t W\til the tr3ific proble<'ls are solved.
. i'ol icy de':. ,-" ,~es ..'hat we would I ike those str..ets to IOoJk like 20
years fr:" -.-;.
Consist~:·.. :: .1ppUcation a! criteria is aa 11'1'<)rtant Issue.
said th.1: .-1: .In "coltollÚst can tell you i< you have made
~isi"n : :_,: inv"lves the largest fiscal ?ayoff to the City.
~he decis':~s from now on involve less ~n~y per acre and ~ore
It will b~ :.~d to find ~radeoffs.
Hr. Levy
lecau.e :: ;3 90. zoning does ~ot ~~ke th~: ~uch difference anymore.
You can .~?::.- '.'It..tever c=nl~y standards you feel arc best now
without .."-; ~reolt fiscal di!ferer.ce. Tr..i:l~ Consultant Donald Goodrich
will be ..~, L,bIe to rework traffic t.... see '.-hat Hlghliay 9 is going to
look like. "-.:,¡ that the decision has been :Mde on the regional center.
Aa to th~ :~.~ c~nte~. Mr. Levy said a sc~~nd regional center 3ctivlty
Is doubt!:..:. Io"hat ~'as attractive abeut t;,,,t ""rner lias that the
?lannlng ~~ission read the Coals 01 the ~ity as being in favor of a
unique. pe.:,.:rian oriented c~unity ar<a. There were very strong
readings :~ t~ c~mœunlty ~rlented f""llit: ~t the TOlin Center.
Hr. Levy wd there was _ previous step at the Planning CoaIIIIis-
sfO!! level. A discussion __ held on strip versus aglo_rated
__rc1al. A revenue of $300,000 to $400,000 was the eniaate
lroa strip ~rc:ial. TIle ec-ission first decided to discuss
two centers aDd then the 1oc:uion for caaunity oriented aet:1v1'ti
TIler. .. . creat'prefer_ for the Town Center. TbeD there was
tile introåetion of 500.000 sq. ft. center with two high fashion
.!epart_t nores.
1Ir. Levy S&1AI tbe first decision should be whether or not the
_tire pro;oerty should be dúcussed as a ,,'hole. A mix of uses
C&I be di5C";1ssed. He sugested the Council discuss whetber or
DOt it is ~efi<:iAl for the COIII!IUnity to have addidonal COlD-
..rcial ~ i: so, where.
Mayor I~i: tòQught that ~rbaps it would be best, first of all,
to explore t~~ commercial needs.
Council,.." :.o"~on vanted to have the inf111 co....ercial locations
identi!ií~, The Planning Director sa,e other areas carrying
coa=erci~: ::~i~h are located at the ~~u·~.~~t corner of S:ellinR
and Hoo:~"<.i~. th~ small lot bet...een th.. Cu~tomllouse and Moh"
Inn on S:., ,~. Creek Blvd., and the Saic:, ;,r.:>perty at High-,ay 9
and Steví~' ::íí~ Blvd. -- to name a ií~. There arc about 30
acres (:C:.:(: sq. ft.) designated co~~~rcial and considered fn-
Mr. Le\"~ ~c,; that when the Planning C":Dission started discussing
tvo adèit.:"-':, agglomerated centers t:,e:.- pioked two sires: Tovn
Center ~ 'í.t of Highway 9. After c,,~~iJerable discussion it
vas ded':.': :~ "li",inate t.he "'est of Hi¡;h.'ay 9 commercial.
~. Levy sa,': y.'U can't find a commercial project less than 30
acres tr~: .::1 generate le£s traffic than vou would get by
adding a:',.::.! Jepartment store to the r~gion"l center.
""yor lr':~ õ~id that proba~ly a good pla~e to start the discus-
sion v~;.::.: :<t to il'xplore whether or tK1t we '-'ant any morc com-
_rcial t~~:í:S. He thought that wha~ th~ P1aanin¡; COlllllission wa.
letting at .a< that a grca~ deal of c~~e"cial property rezoned
~o residí::.ti.1: (with the exception of th~ ~!arialli property and
the vest ~: E:ghwdY 9) was to get away from the jumble of strip
cOIIIIIIercia: 1::.': !:onconfon:ing uses. lie s.tid ,'e are goIng to end
up loo\..i.." :'~" soote guidelines. To hi"" three things stand out:
I) Low int<"5it~· use; 2) Strip commercial (curb cuts, etc.);
3) ,~"stbet:o",. One soure~ of di{[iculrv in the Town Center is
tbat the r:~;:"rty is under several o..m"~ships.
Page 3
""ae 4
Coaac11naD Keye~. ackaovledged there is a need for a people oriented
c_td,al center. There _y also be a need for SCDe other type
e: rda! in this C1tJ - sc:aethina that is not suitable for tho type cent... f/If tow center, but rather oriented toward heavy
( uW use _It _ supply, hardware store, etc.
Coaøcilllan Jacksao AU thee are t_ basic inareelients here: revenue
FOCIac:ers, aDd Buv1cu. vith services being the stronger factor.
Ie 18 concerned about tlw aixture of uses on ODe site with multiple
The Planntaa DI~ector ..lei the Planning Commission saw a mixture of
_ and c_unlty orientatioD for the Town Center. It may be more
cOlldudve to n1&ht-t18e activities. This Is special property and
special care should b. taken to agglomerate the development of It.
He said this is a larse, basically undeveloped area In the core
and it vas thought beat to bave an overall development plan. Hr. Levy
Baid we still have the question of how we can give any of the properties
incentive. Thc Cali property is the only one in the To~ Center large
eROUsh før a commercial development of the type we are discussin~ for
the Town Centp.r. This leaves tvo long, narrow pieces sitting alongside
the C~unity Center and apart:ents and strip-type restaurants along
Blaney and Stevens Creek Blvd. lIe pointed out that w.' don't have a
lot of o?tions if we S~ hy oon,ership.
As to th~ ~avy-type c~rcial, Councilman Jackson
have to ~e a deœonstrdted need flJr tht!se services.
Comals~i~n has stated they f~lt thcs~ services were
outside the City.
said there would
The PI'lDnin&
be! ng prov ided
Councitcan Spark~ ~~id he could not see ,<hat typP. of housing could go
on the Ste~ens Crcek Blvd./!!igh\.1ay 9.nea. And the more commerdal we
put in thf' City, the IIOre cars W put on the road,>. One of the plusses
for light industrial is the bulk of the traffic ge~erated from it would
have ¡>ask hours and then would let up.
H.l/or Irwin answered CouncUðó1n Frol kh thdt his ide.. of aesthet ics
would be l~ intensity development and elimination of strip commercIal.
Kayor Irwin called a recess at 8:3C ~.~. The meeting reconven~d at
8:48 P.K.
Thc City Attorney advised that we ar~ still dealing basically yith the
General Plan -- Ions range planning for the City. We must be narc
definitive than was required in the past. ¡lith respe~t to th" T"wn Center,
where we ha'/e various ownerships, it is Iii.. opinion that we C.ID plan
Cor the area as a whole. There is the possibility of creatinR SOllIeosort of civic center zone. Scme of thesc things will come to the fore
during iœplementat.on of our long range planning.
Page 5
l' 1.-i. :'JerTJ Piulerald, lÓ191.Jlrn-tb Blaoey. Cup8rtillo, asked the
.'>,,.": ''J' ., .... .
'" 'tfó.J1øftOI questiona: .,'
" ";1) "lbe PlaDDing Ct-i..i....,.md consultants bave decided to 10 for
:( j',50acres of c_rdal'plua the regional. What is the justifi
, cation for this 50 -=res plus re8iooal?
2) 1fr. Levy bas repeatecl17 talked about strip coaaercial, as bave
tbe PlaDDing Coadssion aud City Council. Hr. Fitz8erald' s
definition of strip com.ercial, as found in his real estate
books, is shops and stores vlth a depth of less than 50'. He
does DOt believe there 1& any strip commercial In Cupertino
other than a few older houses that have been converted.
JIr. Levy said most of the c_rcial zonin8 has over 400' depth;
bovever, the existing uses do not extend back that far. The
aasver to the first question is that there could be quite a
auaber of ~aller commercIal developments along the frontage on
the major streets. However, the Plànning Coamission decided on
laree, agglo=erated commercial development.
Mayor Ir~~n said there is a difference between want and need.
The Planni~g Commtssion was addressing itself to wall-to-wall
~. Levy agreed that he and Hr. Atnold did not publicly present
the justifi:ation for the 50 acres plus regional and he will try
to correct this proble% at a subsequent ceeting.
Mr. Robert _hitted, 19991 Braemar Drive, Saratoga, representing Properties, spoke on behalf of the Town Center proposal.
They would like to develop 520,000 sq. ft. of high fashion shops
..., specialty shops oriented to the City lIaU and Library. He
then revie~",d their developlRnt plan. He emphasized that they do
DOt oppose the tt'gional shopping center. However, if there is
ooly gains ~" be one shopping center, he rec=nd..d 1 he Town
Caoter over the Vallco Park regional shopping center.
JIr. Whittt'd said that 1£ Highway 9 is widened 10 6 lanes, and
other required 1mproveaents are put in, the intersection at Stevel
Cl'eeIt Blvd. will be at level B rather th.1l1 F. A substant ial
auaber of the customers viII come from the south and west. Devel
_t of the TO~"I\ Center in lieu of ValI~o Park ",Ul help aIleviat
the traffic congestion at Highway 9 and ~teven3 Creek Blvd.
lecause of i~s unique size and 10(' at ion , the Town Cent"r will I>lO
yide more r£venue per square foot than the regional center. It
will produce $70 per h-. in Cupertino as o¡>posed to Vallco
producing $100 per home in CuP<'rlino - ., small price to pay for
I... cons est ion and pollution.
~,f .
1Ir. Whitted said they feel that Vallco lark is ideally located for
1ndustdal. And Sears 1d11.succIÌief1QI\ its OVD, Be..u that witbout
the IUjar dcpartment stOres. IÌ' ~"aÌ'd" type deve10pMDt vould be
iIapossible at the preseJd:· tø.. It 'the total Town Center proposal
Is accepted they are pri¡Nared to proceed.
Hr. Whitted commented that the ToVll Center proposal vas not considered
as a regional shopp1q cater site. At those Council I18&tiDgs when
the regional center vas be1Dg evaluated there appeared to be a great
deal of citizen interest in a saaller. low profile shopping center.
He said they have never discussed anything smaller th.:m 500,000 sq. ft.
for their proposal.
Attorney Thomas O'Doonell, 101 Park Center Plaza, said he was repre-
senting the Cali Fmally, Who own 25 acres on the southeast corner of
Steven~ Creek Blvd. ar.d Highway 9. Up until now, they have been
satisfied to listen to Mr. Whitted's proposals. They have not wished
to cor.:?ete with either the Mariani nor the Vallco Park proposals.
They fed this property can stand on its own. They feel the Är.ttte,
propos~l makes sense. The consultants have said that pcrhaps it docs
not m.l~~ s~nsc:. At this point. he wanted to explore other ~l tcorn::tt ivt!s
for t~w :!5 Cali acr~,¡,. 7.5 ~orthern C~,tiforni.3 S¡)vlng3 a~d LJa:l .1cres.
7 aC'r.:,¡ of Chuck ptoperty ¡nd 9 acres belonging to T0rre. He said
the 0n:;: ti~c thi~ pro;>erty h&1S been spoket\ of a~ ,"} whole is n:J"J.
~Ir. 0'1)::001.,11 said the Planntng COlllMis~i:on's de(-i"kn wa$ Lor 2>':),000
sq. ft:. ...~,"::Dercial tow!\ c:!t'lter and the b",l.1ncc a~ residentlal. ~:r-
said taÏ3 is a very u:1asual prQposal. He spoke ,,1th ~r. Ac:o'o¡·¡,..-ho
said tr" F:-uneYar¿ ',3d less than 200,000 "'i. fto :Ie rus S""'J !C"r.'L-d
that it is 100,000 5'1. fto, plus two h1~h rise ofUce !>"il1;c.~...
The; \.." e ~50 ,000 sq. ft. net rentable area.
Mr. (I':'c:1"e11 said th~7 have one slgn:f 1cant probler.: In that ti."y find
It vèry J1fficult to belie·,e the pr0l""rty will d"velop as S~"'.·". ïo" ..1 d.ii!~1"encc of .:about $~O.OOO wh~n you con~h!~r 1.-12 ~n!.ts ~r
acre _'n the portion de'iignated for resiJèntial.
The tr~ffic C'lrr.uIatlon vas very good, with access ¡rea all fcu:-
directi0ns. He saId the Heuman proposal was never actually a Prur.~Ydrd
type ¿...·..clop!Dcnt in that it h3S two 113jt)C dt.!partmeot 5tores pi ~s tw.~
speci¡¡ty shops. When he referred to tho' PruneYard it was meant a3
a center or beauty with Il:UCh lan<!scap1n¡; and uniq'leness of desi3n.
The PruneYard was developed vithout any tenants, but it has 2 towers.
It i" 5-7 acres l.,rger than the Cali parcel. It «as developed at a
time wit"" there were no major regional centers being developed.
JIr. O'Donnell said' another iIIportant factor is that the l'ruDt;Y3rd
CDIICept was the unique :Idea of a developer, formerly an attorney,
.-.0 probably was able to ìo forth on his own financial streøgth.
Today, you are able ·to __ financing on your anchor tenants.
JIr. O'Donnell said 250,000 sq. ft. will fit solely on the Cali
property. With its locat1oa aud the fact that it is controlled
.,. one group, they feel it is logical for the commercial portion
of the Town Center. They do feel, however, that 250,000 sq. ft.
is too small. lie noted that thePruneYard could use QOre parking.
Cupertino will probably require 1IIOre landscaping than the
PruneYard. lie snid it is t.?erative to know where the zoning is
in order tc ?roceed with the development of this property. He
said they ~culd like to knov if the City really ~eans residential
on the balanc€ of the property. He would like to kno~ what co~-
patible uses are. They voçld like to know if the developme~t ~f
c~ercial .~uld extend to the east òr tn the south if more :~an
250,000 s~. it. is "llowed. He said the center !,,,s to be b!¡;
enC"ush ío:- gr..., pot£:ntial for some of the 5m31! bus:':1es&~<;.
Mr. 0 'Done,.':l s~ id $5 ..ill icoo ,"'Orth of salC's now arC' generau.1 by
t.he {al·!OJly-.....·.,;1.:ù Cali plan: _ They do have ~oCllTlcrcial de':elc';~ent
0;'1 Hig!1'Ja'; c ~J.'tlC' prop crt.:: ~:ocld probably result In n?ncor.:::.:~ill~
US.., al<,,,i' ~';b!"'ay 9 if t!::'s ;:ropert)" g~es RI. Therc is no !e,-
centive " ¿~·.'cl.>p that pro~rty as l'e5idcntial.
!-!.r. Oll'o:;:':.~"!¡ S:1id we h.3Vt= r_eaI'~ that the dpvelopt>:c·ot {'If t}¡t:- Ic·...·n
Ce:1t('r is- ~,)t as impcrtant ~::J. t£'r'lS of rc\"cnu(>. SB 9':> i~ a
fact..H· t(\ .:..~:1si¡j,t'r her~. ri~ said ",·e "Irl~ go1n~ to ¡lave hE"a·.....~·
t.ra!lic ('J~ Jntersf!ct:..~::. of Highway 9 and 5lc\"~ns (:r~f'k ,,:"·d.
By in.:lusi"" .-: develo¡r->e:': ~f this propC'rty, we ~'11I ret t',L
~ne, to :rCJtL a higher le~£l of traffic circulation.
Mr. Robert l. R,:)ckett. l02~': H1gh....ay 9, Cupcrtino. rC?!"es(>lIt:~.h
~orth~rn Ca: if......r:1ia Sa\·ings and Lo3n, said two rt.~pr("s(.ntat ¡"It::=:
wi", have bil~n ~('Il]owlnt tt:e5c proccedin~c quit!! cll'se:ly "'~eTc ;.0:'
able to .aaend this J:\eetina_ He said they would co...:ur with ",any
of Mr. O'Donnell's stat_ents. They would have to know ~·i".t "ould
be prop"sed i~r the total ¡:lan in order to deal with the dc·.elopC'r
They would prefer to put a PruneYard-type label ~n this c~p~clal
develop!'!c:::. !Ie referred tc; the Cupertino To,,'tI Center Plan bro-
chure. The:' acquired the property from the Torre Fædly in 1963
with this plan in mind. !'..esidential is not "'l'lIt ioned in 1 t. They
have dedic,,-:ed l:lf1d for Torre and Rodri¡;ucs AVPlloes from t h..
original ten acres.
Mayor I[1o."in said the 1964 General Plan showed a line of high rise
apartments in thc Town Center.
Page 7
Pac- 8
ltealtor Juanita Ik:Laren, 22l0l Lindy Lane. Cupert1øo, said she bas been
involved in the ~t of Cupertino for the past 15 years. She
has been invólve41a the Tow Center property for 11 years. aød at this
Meting she was riltw_ting LoB Banos Counc:i1aan John Torre. and Family.
There are nine _. that formed the Tow Center Plan, with a total of
103 acres. The Cit)' originally planned the Town Center fronting on
Stevens Creak 81... The property for tbe City Hall was donated to
the City by all the property owners.
Mrs. HcLaren pointed out tbe problems .!Xper1enced in tryiog to get a
developer interested io developing tbis Town Center. The Tone Family
has cooperated with dedications .:>n Stevens Creek Blvd., lIighway 9,
Blaney and Rodrigues Avenue. By combining with the Torre and Chuck
properties, they have a developable property. She said they have been
tolù repeatedly by CIty Hall that they had to show a development plan
for the entire Town Center. She then introd~ced the January 15, 1968
letter sent to the pro?erty o~~ers from Senier Planner Laurin.
She disa~reed with Mr. O'Donnell's statement that this is the first
It Ime th"y have c=bir:..d the properties. Sh", said that in 1968 developers
'JallteJ to d" a regicaal shopping c"nter which included the !!'ultiple
prop.¡a.rty on South Bla...-:e:1 and tla,," Chrisman pr.JI?erty noW' under :onstrcctlon.
~rs. ~kt.Jrcn said !£r: ;:'¡¡~ry would like to ~t-1.:{ in Cu?!rtinot and
'\e is .J fi;1C develo1'er ~ut he needs a hiKhcr ¿.ensity than recommended
by t:l~ Plal1.nlng Cct::l.~<;fjion.
C.tli ~S only ~lv:c" s~.vrt tern l,"~.:1:{es en his .::~ercl;al husln~s5e~ on
Hig'1'..:..1Y 1, and it :j '-~¿:¿ to ~et hood tenant.~ 'j"). r:\a~ basis. He ·.;;j:1ts
I t'.J ph1S'~ ""lit those ~_:1.dings.
I ~rs6 ~..:Lar~n said :; __~ "fr. ~1},ilted and ~e'__-:':ln ?!",_ ~e:-t¡es sh~ í!n311y
h...d \o1h.1t she vas ..eclr.~"'t; - a w.,11 qualified ~evel",:>"r for the To'.a
~rs. ~~Laren intro¿uc:ed into th..." r(locord letters fron r:le Torre .\tt~rney
David l. t'1"rcher, ::at.,·! February 13 .1nd April 12, l'JlJ, re¡;ard¡"S\
undcv~ ~ -'p":l.à cœ.a~rc ral :;:>r"'pcrty it! Cup~rt in-J "nd com.'"'!.itmcnt5.
Mrs. ~cl3r~n as~ed the City Council for an equ31 o:>?ortunity as glvcn
the tw,) prúponet\ts for ~h.e !'eK:cnal shuppint" center. She said we are
i~rtun"tc In having chi~ develop"r to come in and that \o1e have land
owners who have stayeð together and ~~rked together. She then quoted
portl~ns of page l7 of CGe 1964 Town Center Plan.
»a}'Or In/in called a recess at 10:30 P.M. The IIICecing reconvened
at 10:45 P.M.
Page 9
tbe Planning Director pH tile staff's positIon In that they are
iDterested in an 0YeI'a11 -ri-.o..:b to development of the Town
Center. He would like tile oOM'Ort_itJ st the nut aetinl to live
_ of the history._ tIda.
Hr. Don Chuck, 7160 S.-:a ~.... Drb'., Gilroy, said he vorkecl on
the earl,. cOlDitteea iD 1962 to help orlanize these l~r..
It vall the plan at tba e.. -to deorelop it as a town center. ....t
Jeer they vere for~te to "baYe If__ Properties come up with a
..aitable plan. Be urSed tM City c-su:il to bep this as oue unit
as it was planned in 1962.
Kr. Paul Mariani, Roeescead lløad and Saratoga-Sunnyvale RDad, said
he hay great sympathy with tbe owners of the Town Center, in the
,.ears of fr~stration in cry1Ð& to make a development of this type
work, and with the hcaeowners who could shop here without drivin~
great distances. lie belie'll'es tbis proposal would be a cOlllplement
to where he believes the regional shopping center should be - at
Highwa). Q and Freeway 280. This c"",,unity is fortunate to have
60 many competent ~evelopers ta~e an int~rcst in our area. This
interest "~ldic3tes that. 1~ i!i f inancially iC:1s1bl~. He wou:d have
no obje_t'0ns to putting the en~ire 50 acreS in co~~crcial. H~
would like to see a surplus of c~~ercial -- there is safety in
surplus. \'1,en the day c:o:es t;,at this c",,,,,,unity r.e('d~ a site
for a ge~J service, if it i~'t in a land b~nk ~c can't get it.
Jerry Fi~:.£...~rald. ]Ol~l ~'::irth ~l;¡~ø:!Y, Cupertir.o~ lhlnl:~ t~e City
is in a" ""usu,,) pc... it i::1 !>ere ~'ith a &rc>"? c>r ) ""do,.."ecs. He
feels t~·..: the pror~rt)· ovners have cC'mpli(.'f1 "ith tlw ;.>lar:.s ("If !~J
years' :'::'~J:~è.ing. The- rrcpert)" "..r.e:-S havC' hr1pM with \.:i~c:ni::t
and stT~ imptov~men~s. He 5~CS no reaSon for the City to
deviat.. . r= the posit lor. it took ~ome 10 years "r.0.
Councl),.,.¡n Jackson cCC!Xnted t:'<1t ",any of the stat(''''cnt~ ""de
I:.Ore or ¡\.ss agree ~"ith his P=t-"";,,t1S cor:1J1h:oat.h_ The Ti-1rionalè f..:.r
tht: P1.,r.::;nR CC'WIIlss:on decior¡i~_>:"1 for thal uueh comr...rcial at lh...t
site i~ 1I~ part dt>rer~.1nPd hj- the size (If the r('r,ion.-:l ~1.1()?ri:lp'
cent..r. Ii.: said he ..·..uld hat.. to !<ee " nJhhl;ng a..·"y at. the To..""
Cent"r rr_';>erty. I~e ..-",,~d liic." to see that type or Jc·,"¡cpme:1t
on t....t ,lle. lie belicves the actual si7." would h.· lliore of a
zoning ¿(·ci~ior.. tha.n :1 land use decision.
CouncJlr.:~" J3ck~on said ~ vouJ 1ik.. to see SOOle cOC'J!\unity t)Ï'"
shopp1nr. !lcre. \'',ether ve shou: d try to limit it pn'd :;(,1). to
2~O,OOO sq. ft. is so=ething to con~ider.
i'3ge 10
.......cllman Frolic\¡ said be agreed with Cou.1cilman Jackson and felt that
_ way ab(:OUt the rcgional shopping ceßter. Something in tbis general
r .a.ze.s the Planning COIBissloa recOIIIIIends is suitable here, and he
i,Î .' 'i Jet bave DO objection if a sl1chtly larger proposal m.1de _se.
~.ptoblea vould be tbe difficulty of trying to lease space 1u tbe
., ..... Center before the entire Vallco Park center has finished leasioa
..... Levy said be ",auld not rec-m a 500,000 sq. ft. Town Center
.. addition to the Vallco Park Regional Shopping Center beca_ it would
_t be feasible. lie said the Planning Co....ission wanted to consider
die entire To1WD Center as one development. He said 25 acres would be
a very large community center and there ar~ not any that size or
1arger that are not regional centers. The Planning Çommisslon's
decision waS 250,000 sq. ft. plus a policy statement.
Mayor Irwin aoted that the Cali property is the only one that ~ould
stand alon~, ..ith it PrußeYard type develop-:cnt. ~tr. Levy said the
Planning (,==iss;cn never considered the prJpcrties scparately. They
ÕI/'~nt thrnG?:~"" it t,..·ice and decided they ·...·Otl! d 1 ikc to see a mix of uses.
I ~:'u:lcill':la~~:..:~-~r~ b!"'oll~ht oue a c.ouple o.i Ì:~2:.nts tha~. '~·ere. b~:'~ç~-rin: hlr:l.
.crre Avc.....~ .;;a. .1.:":. .td.)?t.~d 5t':~"C.. 00 ~.<.: .l.,,~ a Lco"" ó'!t it Got-a1 n .~...d
.5:....1 thal T.':-':'~ A\'\-~'lt~ is ncce<;£:i!'"' ror 1\)" r.m~t' Cf.t,v P1:Jn:":'::~~ If
I S~-. it ~.ì.. :~~~.r:~ 1 l~gical .!:·/:jin~ li;~~' ~'t tll..! TO'J~ Center'. - Tl;~n
aga.i:1, pe~:-_<:'3 .....~ ~1.r.~ t!7ing :'<:"1 :;ct t.:to ti~"'~-;~iri\'.:o .It this ;-:::--.t.
êe said ti:.-:"è .1r~ .1 lot. of th:'r~~s happl~I\i.~.,- in city ptó1nnin~, su..::h as
was sht>\..,...":. _: ~:Sf"-" 7ù in ~!.ontreal.
!'4yor Irt..ri:-. .!s;"¿.d hml much the :-oad dNt!C.?\t i':'T\S to the south a:-.d the
east woulci. .:·..;.t ¿~""ïl the size c: t!lC propc·rty. The l'lanning ~::~(!:ct')":'
said they :-¡.;:";.'! cC:13idër.:.¿ as t:,~y exist. ~:;t." Director of Pu~l:"c ~·!orks
;tated tr:,~: ,:"t~~·~r than at the :nt erst"ct i ,.-a.. the Ste'lens Cree¡'~ d t vd.
~.dJenin¡;; i~ "::ry ~i;':.or. \O:e are lookinß at ¡-urch35ing bike 11.~!es ()n
::=..z.h....ay 9 .;,~.:. ..:-:': 'tl~vcn3 C~ee< 3.i...d. ~fr. ',UtÍtt~.! Ita!> told ~.~-. that
:.hë:j" .oul¿ ."':.i':e t...~ ~!~\"c R<:lr-.¿y !...E.:-.e CXtC:1':t''; 'Jirh the dC'velc::-::E:':1l t}f
tbe site.
I Councilmar. ::,,110'1
. designati,,~ 03 the
S:li.i the p=o~lec is in t r-y{ng tu put soae ~i;n~ral izr.d
property ar.c leave 30;.:..' L'pt iC¡Hi OpL!lI to t:-.e property
Mayor Ir~i~ $.1id Mr. ~tariani'9 slatC·-:è:1t about safety in ~urp]us
~de som~ 5~~S~.
Pas" 11
",T l1""'n rTC: i.:'1 asked tbe City ~torncy "''':It SQ:]' of the pitfal tò
+;'.L -. lie in ~a,-:t;>~¡iIg to imre:at a Dew brrcd of zoning. The City
j;,:''-'':~:~)I....i h~"J 6..1::: ~..!' thinks V~ can do t.his. The slit!i c&\n probably
ò" ,., vith ~ !.~i!r:tl dcscripUøa oi the typcs of us~s tb3t \Ie
: eta the .:-..~ ;:",1 frea there,., can work up :In ordinance.
.. I'lannir::; ::i<_-.-:,-,r "aid tbe f:IIfent here is to "",,rk on the Land
_ "'ign...i~:1;: 0:><1 policy stat_ts for the n<'w General Plan.
- UlII3n J,:<'~:" ".Iid inceath'es for design feature", et.c.,
.-...Id go i-;: ::,,~ ordinance.
_. \lhftte~ <i~ (~ì":lkinR stricllJ' as " <!c\'c1,>p"" tl,al he has
_ simiL, ::'-7~, "f de·u,lo;r..e-_:s ",ith a nix "f cC"'1crdal and
zra1tiples. ::"t !.c fe"~;::'1,, with 30-35 U:1irs p,-r acre, with
::IID-StoT)·, z. ::~'re ~pê:lrt~.c-:-.:5w
t.:>u,,:: 11"""
;e:- !roe, lo~'
ilp,;: 1:'" II"~
~:id he. ·,;:is :-::.: ~n í;r.'or ('of \"cry h1gh dC"1\Sity,
;,~ is &~ i-~:¿'¿¿:~·d dIlrl·t",~~..:1: ~:':'t: ;)~1 innovative
,,' 'J"r it.
:-:r..J:':'::' J;~.,:~
.~~.:! tJ.-:
·~:':'i oj:; bl~i¡-::. ':"":..:'~ ~-"..1: ¿:,¡,t thi~·
1":~-:: .3';:> ~.
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::: :: r,:;- ~ ,.~,
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",' ~. I I r ~ - . -.' - I
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t. ~ r... to. i:
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_!c t:"c ç :
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.:~-~ \'~~ l~·y"
C,t-;r., c j 1",,, ,',,!d it :- ~
f>-c:1!:i: to ;'. _ :-:,:~ tllnluc:" ~
}>erLer(,> :,.',
__ ¿::t:..-·.;,·,. .....:.:..;...- it r:1éì~~(;<,
'_ .,':J C. '" v:· ,~: t,' i'I'ot h;;\'(~ :'!
cÞunci I"",,'
~~Wl!f.r.t :~'. ... ::~¡oc1d T.(" .'": ..~':.
:.·__~·.;.;('·t r.::.-.. ~ -~ l.C Eft.,;' :lY ,~
to ~-:11"_~ !.!'!
ø:- r...Jt \"I.~ :_
Ti.e I'lanr.' -: _..
.&de! i t iOll:! ~ :.. : : .
Jlh,<!. is ::<:, _ C ,
,-'!..ot felt t:..~
r(;¿l GlH'~ì: ¡.::~ '.:::"- . ;¡._ tht'r or f:,jt
:i~ 1<.:....n C¡:I.'.l'r :.' ;:iL\'cas f;"{!é:':
, -
;.";'¡,:!~ll·.;S f r_:..
C::tuncilrJ.1:: ~:,,~<:~-'~. ~::dd \:~ :=:;;"::. k.--;lnt (e: .·~·~·1·.""~·\· t;I\' rObsihil1t:;
Þ! soma J::::._: .:. : .-'.1 h;J~~Liul 7_·~:nô.
hie 12
.. Levy saU ~ abUiey of ~ ft)' to give direction OQ ehe
1Ir:W of acciYi~,. lay ordi"-_ polfey statcøent will COllIe up _sain
... again. J.2Tt!dDg the scaff f11r dae Cit)' Attorney can do would be
helpful. ae is tryf.øa' Þ 4eC;uaiøe tbe ainÚIUII amount· of
tion the City can glv.* c1ewe1øPe'"
II8,or Irwin ai;cumed t'ne _ '.. _ 11:45 P.M. The next adjoumed
_ing will :.. on Tuesday. Sep" r~r 11, 1913.
Is/., Keith E. Irwin -' -
M3yor, City of Cu?~rtino
I~! Wm. E. 7
ti.:::r Clerk
- --