CC 09-11-73 . . cm OF CUPERTI~'O, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Te1t1phoue: 252-4505 IUlWUI:i OF THE ADJOUlUŒD RECULAR !mETING OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL BIUI ON SEPTEMBER 11. 1973 IN THE COUNCIL CBAHBER, CITY HALL CUPERTIJrO, CALIFORNIA Mayor 'Irvin called the meet1ng to order at 7:38 P,M. ROLL CALL CeozDcilmen present: CeozDcilmen absent: Frolich. Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin None Staff present: City ~Anager Quinlan Direc',or of Planning 4nd Development Sisk Deputy City Attorney Kilian Deputy City Clerk Pagnini Director of Public Works Viskovich Consultants present: Economist Steve Levy Court Reporter: Marilyn ~:"nno Mayor Irwin ex?lained this is a continuation of the General Plan rev1ev. The neetinv. began vith a discussion on the Town Center. The Planning Director first sumcarized his written report on the Planning C<-"~issinn's findings on the Town Center. It vas an arca of high prIority ¿e~ignated as community oriented. lfie Planning Coamission t~¡ked about the total site as a PD. The Planning Dir~ctor next summarized thb City ~ouncil's statements ~~ the last neeting on the lawn Center: It is not necessarily lfatted to 250,000 sq. ft.. It should not include major deparl~ent stores. Access to Stevehs Creek Blvd. from the T01o-n Center vas cJ~ussed but not resolved. nlc question of density vas reviewed. There was a question of the legalities of policy stat~ments tl~t acco.pany a ge~era¡ p]an. It vas detel~inud that it is vithin the capabUity of the communit}· to establish the t}'Pe.> of development aDd al88S to bl! considered. I CC-17S Page I . , . e S OF THE sEl'TEKBElt 11. 1973 ADJOOL'ŒD CITY COUIfCIL MEErING Director of Public 8ørks .,laiDed the street pattem proposal for lie Tovn Ceater. the nv-'" _ lUde by the City ~n t" look at lane viii-ills and 8'- Id.tIeftiII& of the inter_don of 1flgbvay 9 St_S Creek Blvd. Two aketc:hcs were placed on t1:e bulletin board. said... vU1 p1:ohablJ eddnà ounehes to 8 I... ualess transit es iD. It _ld be.~ .~t!\r.o.ical tó) take all 50' £roa one side ather than 25' fEOla each s!de. Be said It is up to the City Council decide on Wether tt Is t~ frea the east or wst side. SiDce transition has to be aade, it would probably take larelays Bsnk and rthem Ca11fomis SaviD&s buildinas. Director of ?ublic Vorlts said that on Stevens Creek Blvd. it is ot a difficult probl.. because we have 120' right-of-way. We can go WIt to a 10' wide lane and still get Level B traffic. On Highway 9 they are not going less than 11' lane widths. ith the above proposal we vould be taking something less than one acre f Cali ?ro~rty, but it will be taking most of the existing buildings along the east side of Highway 9. The Director said these proposals f 6 and g lanes do not include bike lanes. Council=an ~eyers said the City woul1 have to very seriously considcr the tra:fi~ necds before going to 8 lanes because it would be taking s~~ very .~11 developed properties already in the Town Center. Tbe Director of Public Yorks said we must first determine the levels of traffi~. You have to first take care of the intersections that cause t~e ;~:tleneck. He said the grade s~?aration proposal has not yet been "~vcstigated. ïr~re is also the .ossibility of having the inte.secticn without any left turns. .r. Levy revie,~d the Core Area Decisior.s by the Planning Commission. During the discussion of tbe regional center, a fuli fashion center was pr~senteJ, not as an addition to the regional center but rather instead cf a regional center. Everyone ha3 contended that two regional centers ,",,'\lId probably not be feasible; you would get frag.nentati0n. Ir. Lev)· said the 50 acres with the two high fashion department stores would be a ~all regior.al center. The Pla~nlng Commission recommended that the PD for the entire parcel would ~ave a nix of 250,000 to 300,000 square feet of commercial and the balance ia some type(s) of residential. It see~e¿ tc him that if tbe prope~ty ~ere split it would be logical to consider c""""ercial development of the Cali and part of the Northr.rn Califorr.ia Savings property and some other uses for the Chuck and Torre propertie~. The cOllllllUnity seems to reall~' want the City Council to try to achie,·c s""",,thing truly unique on titis ,orner. There is a big differencc ~ctween having just a cow~erc~31 development on this corner and socethIn~ that really stands out. 'é'.e staff has detailed infor"'3t Ion 0" the Old ~Iill developo<CDt in Hountai" \'"c·~ t ;~t is avaèlable for referen~e. · I KDlUTES OF .'- SEPTÐœER 11, 1973 ADJOUR.\"ED CIty COUNCIL MEETING CC-l75 Page 3 JIr. Levy sai:! tbe difficult qaeåtion is whether or not you split the TOIIII Ce::ur properties, ,. are going to require tbe 8_ care aød ordiaance on the c_rctal ad otber uses of the properties. ~ proper .....id,,& of tlw! ordfluDce requiring detailed usage is _t 1apcrta::. Ve would lwYe to get an agreeaent IROIIg the pro- perty owners !or the lIOat potIlt1ve mpacts. It would be better _ically for the property OIIIIers to develop togetlw!r. 1Ir. Levy sa:: it is up to tile City Council to decide if the ob- jectives of t:ö! c_nity c_ be lIet with development on 30 acres. Before t:-..o: ,~opcrty is decided upon, we should go over the image of the en:::~ intersection. The Planning C~ission did the Town Ceoter pr~,<~:ies first and then came back auch later with the corners. å~~~ they CaDe back to look at the corner they felt there .ere ,~:3tantial negative impacts at the intersection. He said "pa~;c' '.'13 probably a poor choice of ","Ords for the northeast corner ,,: :....i.: intersection. Counc l~¿~ :'o~~on said cost of the audience comments are still fresh ¡" : O' :'"ds of the City Council so ,e!laps if the Council gave the:: _-o:~ations tirst, they could t!len go to the audience a:ld hear: _,:: -,:!r t\;·sti~cny. He has so::!€' ¿..:-u::'ts in his mind as to the ~c::,: :f total develo~ent at one t~~e, although he could see no FC: .," :n zonin;; it all at once. :;-,~ Planning lJirect.or "aid th,' ;: cO: .ould like to :tave it all ,l;;""ed at <,;Ie tL:¡e, but :'lot nee.: "':-:.:- ~ ::: all develoj)eG. at one ti."':lC. T:'H2' Plar~ning COIr..-lissio 1 would 1:';';', : -¿ ~nti['e 50 acr£:s planned a: .:-¡:~ tiC1::: but it C0'..11d be a p~~>i_ :,~elopment. Councilman Ja~ksc" sa~" ~hat if anyone of the è..... ~:. :-.:r$ came ia õtit.h an overall p!a¡-: witi10Ut agre~rnent of the CO',," :t could crea~e some proble~~. Council¡-;;.:: -'<Y"rs said he would like the C,?0rtunity to study the Old Mil I ~,., :~p¡:¡.,nt pI ans. He is interestcJ in development of the mix~, _,;; in our To.~ Center. Mayor Ir.in agreed. CouQcil~c' ;~~:ks "aid he h".5 had tÞe q'Fr:caity recently to travel ::. :'~ ~ Fremont 2re.~. and h~ was quite: i~pressed with Planned Develop:-l:".: : '-:~re. He 1o.·"u.id 1 ikí" to see .a :-.:ix of uses in our Town Cer.:::, L.,d they should not all be res:;'rèd to develop at one t~~, ::. ~ thin 5 years, it appears to b~ an impossible situat i,c. ',; City should reconsider. Ma""r Irwin was hes1tant about F": :cc; .1 t!me 1 im:'t aD this. The ik;,,,t y City Attorney said this ti=.__ ~ _~:~ could result in serious ~r.:~l'-=:1s. . . Œ-115 ,Pace 4 j MINUTES OF THE SEl'TEKBEJl 11. 1973 ADJOUR.'iED CITY COUNCIL HEETINC Councllaan Frol1ch. -.14 the 'fIND Center's PO OrdiDånce should describe types of ~rcf.al aød other uses. The property owners then have the right to cœt! in and ask the City to revise the plan as their. plans' becoøe .ore precise. Councllaan Jacks_ sa14 he caøerally agreed with the thought of going ahead and draftiDa the ord~. because January 1 will be here before. we know it. . Councila3n FroUch said these ordInances can be fairly general or fairly sp~ific. ø. feels there should be some way tbe City can assign a bill number to a project, as the Statc does. Mayor Ir~in said tbe vordiDa of this ordinance should not be so con- strictive that It must apply only to the Town Center. Council~an Sparks asked baw specific we can get at this point. The Deputy City A.torney said t~is is a question 0f reasonableness. The courts ~a.e been very lib~ral in allowiug cIties some latitude in these cases. COllncil::3c1 'Nlich felt that a really th-:mghtful developer '"ould ".lnt to c=~ :c, .md help the City draft the PD Ordinance. Counci:::.;.:. :rolich yould like to see the policy statement as brea.d as pC:5~:'·::~ :0 allow an imag1nativ~ proposal for this propert.y. The Co,,::c:: '.ould be sending it back to the Planning C","",Ission for revie~ ¿~¿ :~ come up with a list cf restrl~ticns. Hayor ::"':n felt the 16, 12 and, 10 unit per acre densIties ·.ou1<I not 3110... c:::c;'l :atitude for a unique plan. Ct'uncilman J:ickso:\ said he would ,," '.:1t1t to exchange :!IUcll higher density than 16 units per acre for ~e~::i~sþ etc. Council:::;:: 1:"r0lich s;old he could vlsuallz<, a sitU.lt [en where there is no resi":t":1t, !al in there at all. For instaul..~e, then.~ could be a. cOC\!tlunity hospita: ,'1' theater. For thIs r........son, he is reluctant to put any boundari", .'n the r.. at this time. Councilmall Jackson said that unless the C"""dl !lives the Planninz CO!:llllission so"," guidelines, .:hen January I gets h"rë ... will probably get applications i0r cOl~ercial in one area and resi¿<ntlal in another. There ",as the f"",ling that the Ordfnartce ~hould ~on:..1in the phrase.....It should not eXI..:eed a certa.in density unless Ü has a unique approach." The Assistant Clty Attorney reviewed the it..::s r\!quired under the Gover:t:neut Cod.. for a General Plan. In sU~.lry, it should give some g..neral indicatIon of land uses and major r~a¿s and public utilitIt!s, densicy .lnd building intensity. It is not a rr"dse plan. Coun..Ulft3n FroIich "aid the Council has Indicated we want scv::"thing creative in the TOlo."ß C.'nler. ¡nth that, it should be returned ~.) the Planning Cœcoission without .my const raints. . . . KIN\1TES OF THE SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-175 Page 5 The Ecol1Olllic Consultant .aid the question appean to be whether the Council wants to foøally or informall~· cOIIIIIIU1Ûcate with the Plannin& eo..ission on this issue. He saw thre'!! major points .:_ing out of tbis discu..1DD: 1) Overall plan on the property; 2) KixWre of land uses; 3) Bigher density in order to attain· a particular com.unity goal. Hayor Irvin called a recess at 8 :50 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:l4 P.M. Attorney Tom O'Donnell, 1700 Hollywood Drive, Los Gatos, said he represented the Cali family. He is troubled with the implementa- tion of what the City COuncil has said about the Town Center. He said they have no particular reason for checking with their neigh- bors as to their plans; they only can speak to the 25 acres. He asked how there can be an overall zoning for properties owned by diÍÎerent people. He could find no' precedent. He wondered how to proceed without sane guidelines as to the !'ishes of the Council. He wondered if they could go to a developer and say they have zero zone.. Mayor Irwin said that from the standpoint of the property owner, the easiest thing would be to sell the property and l"t sonebod)· else worr)· about it. He as:ted if they I<ould rather h"ve a "clean piece oi paper" or some very specific guidelines. ~Ir. HcConncll said it is typical of developers to have contingencies in the contract such as zoning, ErR, etc. The property mmer is in the picture until the zone is established. Mr. O'Donnell asked why the entire 50 acres has to be planned at one". Why not plan the 25 commercial acres and require the balanc to conform with that development. ~~yor Irwin said the Council is giving the opportunity to the developers and property ownors to cou:" up with a very unique plan. The "'hole point covolves around wor..ing \òlth a larger parcel. The ide:! behind I'D is to ha"e a large encuþh parcel to .~rl with so it can ue innovative, with the proper controls. CouncU,-,an Frolich s3hl there is a difference between this and other parcels in the City. The Council wnnts to draw up an ordinance including how the City wants it to look, along with input from the developer. The .-hol.. point is to kce,p ,this as open as long as we can for the benefit of the property owners and for the community. The option is ah,ays there [or the developer to cite reasons wh)· he would 1 ike to n¡ilk.. changes in the plan. CC-17S Page 6 , KuCltIl!S OF TI"EPTEMBEll 11, 1973 ADJOUR.\'ED cl COUNCIL MEETING 1Ir, O'DolIIIAIll 8414 that 1II1en he has taken polS in to city staffs preriøasly t'" baYe spent tbouaands of dollars by the time they .etput the ctaff. Then additional thousands of dollars sre ,ally lIpIDi t~þt *PD é~ou¡h the City Councils. Councillllan Frolich saUtthit,CityCoancll haS clearly said they would go alOU& With 250,000 sq. ft. pl'" ~b11'aa1... You don't even have to caaa in with ~aw1. vfth;the first' proposal. Hr. O'Donnell said they will be happy to maka theaaselves available to work on this ordinance. . Hr. Levy said one problem has cOGIe up that will came up time and again. It ceaes down to the fact that he said they will come in with SODa tenants along the froøtage and sometime later will but in the balance of the cOIIIIIIercial. Mrs. Ann Anger, Monta Vista, said she is confused by this and the previous meeting. The developer came in with 520,000 sq. ft. for the Town Center. It was pointed out this was too much. She would very much like to see the 48-50 acr<,s kept intact. She was hoping the City Council would take the same approach with this development as they did with the regional center. ~~yor Irwin said Mr. Ifhitted made it very clear he was not interested in less than 520,000 sq. ft. Mrs. Anger said the d~,eloper aiways wants the very most; she would like to see a compromise here. Kayor Irwin said we are trying to put together an ordinance, keeping the 50 acreS intact. It will b~ semi-specific, but not so specific that it restricts the developer. Hrs. Anger th~n told them to speed it u¡>. . Alma Dippel, 10402 Soaerset Court offered citizen input on drafting this ordinance. About two years ago an apartment complex was proposed for the Town Center, with much resistance from the citizer.s. She said she would hate to see that repeated. ~he does not see how you can take 4-12 units per acre and have mixed uses. She would like ~o keep residential out of the Town Center. Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, Cupert ino, said she has spoken previously about the problems of trying to k~ep this property as a whole. In the meantime, taxes have gone up c"nsiderably. She docs not feel she can find a better tenant than ~:eur.la!'l Propert ies for the development of the Town Center. She a:>ked the Council not to discri!Di- nate. We have the developer with the knm..how, but we have to g lve him a chance. She would like to hav~ thi5 sent back to the Planning COIIIIIIission for further study of the ~eur.lan pruposal. Hayur Irwin said that Mr. Whitted would have to he willing to discuss sOr.lethin~ significantly less than a regional center. Councilman Jackson said he understood Hrs. McLaren would like to have this go back to the Planning Commission to be conslder~d as a third alternative fer a regional shopping center. . . MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-175 Page 7 Mrs. Mclaren said Hr. ¡ bitted made his prescntation in February. Hr, Arnold told her that. he was' rctained to consider the Vallco Park and Hariani Hall regional shopping ccnter proposals. Hr. LeVy said Kr. MlúJ;ted had ample chance to come forward with his plans, but beøever did. The City Manager said that Insofar _ be knows, there'" DO discussion of a major department store :in the Town Center cliKU8sions. He was talking in terms of a junior department store. The statement was also made that this could be compatible with either Vallco Park or Mariani Hall re- gional center. FrOla £hat standpoint, there has been a change In the pre~entatioD of the proposal for the Town Center. Councilman Jackson said that froa the standpoint of the community, we need to study all three proposals. Mr. O'Donnell said that at the mecting 1a~t fall they were told the regional shop?1Dg center would have 3 to 5 department stores. This was an impossibility to them so the)· decided to come up with something compatible rather than competitive. There is no way you can put 5 departoent stores on 50 acr~3. Nancy SaIlan, 10141 Bilich Place, Cupertino, said this is an ir:-.;>ortant iR£ue in tha:: the Planning Comissio" never had the opportunity to evaluate the TO\m Cellt"r plan as an al terna te regional shopping center. She fcelfi that Hrs. NcLaren has rr.ade a fair request to have ::his returned to the Planning Cormnjssion for their evaluat ion. Th:'5 is somr..ttin¡:; the cor.~r:mnity is entitled to ---a full hearing on t.~.i5 al tern<1t ivc. Councilman FroUch said the Planni.n¡: ConmisRion had the opportunit tQ make any choice =!-J~:" "",oj shed. It 1s not nec(~ssary tc> have a proposal bef"re ma.l<in¡; G designation of la:1d use. He feels that all the reascnuble al:.e~:1&tivcs ha\'e been explored. The City Council did not il:1pose t!1e requirement on the Planning Commission to C'onsidcr specific si::es for a regional center. It '..ras very thoroughl}' explored and rejected. IIc "auld not be in fav{·r of sending it back to t¡'" Plan'1ing Commi.ssion at this point. This enti.re core ,1rca t.:ill t'f: refcrrcù h'1C.k to the Planning CO::L.'TI.ission and at that time they <-culd, if they chose, restudy th.. regional center matter. Mayor Ir~in said Sear~ isn't going to move. The traffic patterns :nc not going to cha:-¡¡;e. Councilman Jackson said the onc) main dif £ercncc 1'h: sees is that we ended. up with twt."\ departm.ent stores in all thr(_~ locat:v:15.. He ~~lIld 1 ikc the Planning Cor.¡:1:Ï5sion to take a look at all th!'ee posRibHities for a reg;'on:ll shop\>ing center. . '. _--175 ce 8 KIBUTES OF T1Œ SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING 'DIe Deputy CIty Attomey - . ed Coune1lllan Fralich that after the CU:y Cowell aa!tes a dec1sioa ~ the reco_endat1on goes back to. de Planning (;.;)ØII18s1oo tbe7 ...,. thirty days in vhich to answer. , CcMIDdllllaD !f¿yers agreed tbat:.1è: wold be unwise to tum this, back ..ell the entire core area ... back. Councilman Spuks said his wote vould not change here. Be _ted that 40% of the ~rc:lal vithin Cupertino is in Sears at the. present time. Th1s is one reason llla1 the regional center sJ-,..1d be in Valle;' Park. Whatever regional ceBter we bave should be located in Vall co Park... it is almost pre- 4estined. .Judy Cooper, 21906 Hyannisport Drive, CupertIno. asked if it would be possible for the City Council to discuss what they would like to see in the Te",,. Center. The Planning Commission began in this way. When you start to make a aajor decision you can get bogged do",,,. She would like to see the individual Councilmen discuss "'~at they e:wision ;':1 t:,~ Town Center. If the CouncIlmen can express this, It ,",auld be hd¡>:ul to the Planning Co:nmissioners "nd to the property u...'"Ilers. I I! Mrs. Cooper 3s~ed if, i:1 discussing the PD zone, it ~ould be possible ~~ speak i~ ~~nns of p~rc~nta¡es of specific u~~s. :~ the m3tt~r oi tot~l ?~?u~ation, Mrs. Cooper ~sked hoy ~e can . é.:::'drcss g::,¿o-::'~ic plJ~Ulali'=:l in Cuperti.no ~..ilen density ranges arc . :'·t'iog desi.:::::;r.~d. , I , , I I I ! i I !':rs. Coor~r .l:3() want~¿ t'o ¿iSCU5S housing. The Housing ElcMcnt 0.£ ::te Gt"ner3: ?:3.n hag :'.:::en ¿:a..":1 '.;?_ She r~~ls it 1:; i~?ortant for :~-\1s City C'.~~:..:il to ad¿r&::s~ ¡ô..... incorJ.c housfn?_ 'fha lC·J inc(..~~ '.:>usi'\g has ""t been fac~ored iI1to these decisions. CCU:1Cil"'3n Jackson said the C:::·- Council h:s n.;J: sent anything to disa~ree ·...it!1 anythinR ::--~e Plannir.; C\.lrmlission has said._ He feel:; thr nc~ t)r¿i:lance should ~e startEd ,-;1 now so it C~ a.:co".Ul1odate the c"nceots pr",sented by the ?l3nning C~~is~lon an.¿ la::è.o-Jt1crs themselv(t$. Perha?c; =.he staff =~ould St.:1::-: a""w to draft. a:: ordinance. !ifr. Noor B~ :::l·.olala, 20252 Rill Avenue, Saratoga, ac::ked if thpre has been a study by :.:-:e Traff ic C0~~..l1t.ant or st~f:a!; to the lan~ rer¡uirer:wnts vith trans:t being off",red in the Ccunty by 1980. The Director of Public Wor~s said the de·..el:>pers indIcated ...hat they thought th" rcduc- !ion of la::~ r..quirements ...auld be. The CUlInty l~ saying 20-301. reduction. ~~. Blll"",,,L1 scggesteù that perhaps the traffic situation ø.ay not be d~ bad as dL-n.cnstrated in pre-.¡ieus meet inKs_ . . !nJIuuS OF THE SEPTEMBER 11. 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL KPZr11lG . 1Iir. Levy said the questiOD has _ up before where there are :~:... types of cOIIIIII!rcial tba~ ~ City might want to a1101f. the ~. --fng C--i...~ion dceidec! daM: they eouId not see any øeeI for , Mllil:ional kinds of comm.erefa1 acl:ivity in the City of euperd.DO. "~ 'Dey bao: difficulty in coaiJla up with a definition of these CflIe8 , ., _erdal. -....> JIr. BUlawala said he could pr_ide at the next meeting a lisl: _ profit__king activities. ... Billawal;;. said when you pol: a Planned Development together you are aaking it casier for the "&uy with a lot of bread" to buy cut the other fcl:è~. He said deaocracy is not perfect, but it does consider pcc;:¿. If people are being hurt by a certain type of 1'rii>, this ~~,'~:d be taken into consideration. ~. Billa.a:~ ":~O wanted to c~ent on the 50-acre limitati~. 1.:1 throuf:: "'.' Planning Cc:1issi"" l!Ieetin~5, the 50-acre figure ""45 used ;I~..':; -~'ith 500,000 S';.. ft. Howcv(~r~ this is net 2 ::"oze~ f::',¡t·.;re. ~..z~.-':.r Ir""¡~ ~- .:...: there are scr~ restrictio!~s C't .\rea 6C.. 1~e ?:a~~ing (~~:::~i~n rut ~Jas~ ?ü=lic Zonin~ 0n that propê~:Y at :.:.: c.ornt'r .: ~~":-re k:cr.u£ a..:-.! Fa~ific3. 1 f thi.s is not D"'.J!"c:-.as~~ _. t:..c Cit", ',:ill be cC';1si¿ê=L: :n the sa:~¿ context as l:~¿ :-t:st :.: t:-¡e To',::. ,: .~~,- propert:.... ~::. TC'n)· :-:.::" . _:-..J,. 12985 Ten ~~: :";óy, Sarat\'f.ú, sniel h(~ i~ r':'''J7:- :.~r::.€:d ab.=-'.: ~ pr':"7(:="t.:: :-i::'-~ tied to th:- results of t!'".é ::c¿ iss1,;~, \:h': .:~_ ..:..1 òt'laj' 1.:':= .3 :.: 4 months. H~ referred t.~ ::i.s :£t:.er r.f ..1".. :;, 1973, re::'a:''::=''g to his discu:~sions \-lit~ t~e :,,:,,::ef Di:r, -: . ~f } ublic ;;C=L= Yarborour.h. This prorerty .Ja.£ to be a~quiTl:": :-:-_ _-::·_LJ-l~..172. Ee :-é";¡;~stcd Pr,"")f('~~ional/Adrr.:i,,::"st.=éiti-i~ z='=li:1g on L.c ::-:-,.'¡'IerLy. C:r.::-:cilman ~~c ~:':-=: sai.d l:e hoa': :::'.;¿:ed the P~~1tlning C'Jm!,~:i~si::: 's ~::=H,lte5 ¡.¡n.: :-.':':": a prece¿e::1:.. ::e asked if t ¡~('re is anyt¡.in~ :;-~t'" C:;.,¡::,cil C~:: '....;._.11y do here t= a11c.''J the S¡U\t' L'1titudc. 35 h:iS be~!". t:>ne with ~-:. .::: ~í"rinp's R~:1ch.. 1h!' Plannin~ !Hrct.:tor sa.i": the Q-Jasi Pub] i, ,'~'nr. ,",ould gC':ë t:.e city the intent but it ¿~c, r.:o~ bi:1.: thp rr..~;-"':""':Y o'...u~r. ~y=~ lr\.iin said tb..it until the Ge~t::-.a.!. Plan is adi.....:-:~.: .....(! cannot a:L.J;:~ a position ..")n the To\.,'Tl CE:n:'er.. 1t !-.as hCC'i~ .-..:.:....;\led this :'::.. E0:':tg to bt~ QUJ,ii Public, ..·~i,:!-. :nclud.c:¡ l'~-;:,--;~i('lnal 3nd ~~¿:':'c.:.. In the event the bond :'s.s:;E: fail>. the::. :-~r:y OWïcr ca:: s....":.::..it an aprli.....ation.. This ·.~t.:lè :.-..:.c appn,;;' _o_.::~:: 90 days. C:....:-.c¡lman Frl.lj tcll sllgg~~ste¿ !!:'. Huso] i:~~~ ;:.......:ee:d o.;ith his T~7.oning .appl:c~ltion !1c',-l, rat!ler than wait lor ,~¿ r~sults of t~e bond issue. CC-175 Page 9 . . . BUIldS or tBE :¡udHllm n. 1973 ADJOUL'ŒD cm COUIIC1L HEETIS &.._1 IiwIa calW ., f ..... _ U 107 P .11. the .ect1ìl& reconven'" _ U:20 Poll. .. ..... ., c:oaad.... ,"u~. .11 c -""-eel by Couuclltun Sparks that . r__ of the .'r_ - -... .,å.....rty at the comer of Torre Aveaaa ... ..1f1ca be 1D1C1aht 117 t1aa City instead of the property WMr able. ;. is bolcU.. t1aa 1C4,J n,. for the City. JIoCtoa ~arried. 5-0 " Kayor Irvin an~ed the 4t.casslon would next be on the sub-are.. left 10 the T~ Ceater area. He wel~aoed audience parti~¡pation. Area 6r - 3-a~r.. parcel aijKent to Saratoga-Sunny"/ale !Wad. south..rly of SilveraJ~. OK Area 6D - th" lOO' dee~ :..t 0:1 the s""th $lJ.. of Pacifi.o... 1djacent to residential. OK .;.rea 6E - T:Ü< h 3 par co: t<>at i5 basicaIl, "1 .. s!"gle f,,-,ily an'a " at '.11itney .'·'>:me, adja.:~t to sinr,le fani!j' r,-,:,!p",,1i:!l, :O,CCC 5q. Ft. 4 - 7.6 units per acre. ,A=ea 6A - Off ft!rry W'a~t. 2 acres between ~x.l.:"2t iag ~."\::i.b:. t..; ?ÞJt,iur.1nl I a...1.d ~i.·ti,:",..~ ..:'OIZIercia.l. :'h.e Plaanins COC'......i5:ü,:n is rí.'C'~;-~-·..~:-¿ia~ t!lat " 'be cor.aer":!,ll, as Is :.he rest of thd.t strip. T~~c Pla!'l:lÜ-.¡ Direct"c added that t.:1~ Plannir.J Co::::is51on indiC'at~d th\!rc i:; no r~:1$on t..'hy . the property ironting en :err)· Way should be anyth[¡\g be;';des reslJentlal. OK Ar"a 6B - This is at th.. ::\ce~section, fronting on High'""y 9 and Pacifica, adj3cent to p~::fes3ion,1l offices and rel3t"d cc,"""ercial. OK Mayor lr-..ri::a asked Cor c.C':::;;:.ents fro;.¡ the ."1ud1ence. There. w~rc: none. P.e said he ",ill put togF,~t-.er a tentative schedule for d tscussions of each area. The Charlie ;oaer property wilL be discussed iirst on Thursday. A preliminary grade separation plan might also be prepared for the ThursJay night ceeting. Councilman Frolich ~allot arg~ents. ~he Bond C.Jun$c;l. is not tru... The the printers. ask.,¿ the City Attorney what the posit!"" is on the The ¡;,,::uty City Attorney referred this question t<> Council"",,, Frolich read .1 pllrase that he sal.! slt,,,l, Deputy City Clerk said they have alrea¿j" gone to t . m:a.'Tf:s 0, ,¡:;: S¡:rn:;';¡¡LR 11, 1973 A1J.IOUR:;fJ) ClI'y COI;;;CII. }!f.F.TI~:G Council::!.l:'l ::"Yi'rs anr.ou:1ced that he ,~ould be out of to'in on busi:'lcss t¡'" follo·..in,;; ..eek. The Deput)· City Attorney said it is best to have all fi-:e C!)uncUr.\en present at these J:leetingz; b~¿ever, it !s le~al to have these mcctinas with a quorur.\. He advised any Council:o.,n that vould' be abs('nt fro!!! any of these .eetings to c~" in and listen to the tapes. 1J)J0t:R.\~::::r !".oved by C<c::dlt\:tn :!t·yers. secondt'à by CouacJ Iman Jackson to adjo'~rr: t1,c ,-,.-..cing "t 11 :42 P.~I. to Thursd1!Y, September 13, 1973, at 7:00r.::. Motion carripd. 5-0 APPROVED: Isl Keith Eo Ir.-iÏn H:lyor, -City -Of ë~pr~!'tb;¿;---- A: 7[$T: /5/ \':!~1. :~. !~\-J.cr CitY-Ô-;:-,:;:-- <:C-175 Par." 11