CC 09-13-73 . . , CITY OF CUp;:;¡: :~':', STATE OF CALIFOIUHA 10300 Torrt' Å"..""a~, Cupert1oo. California 95014 7e1epbone: ~~2-4505 JUIUlES OF I!Œ ADJOURNED JŒCCL\Jl HEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL IŒI.D ON S£PŒ'íBER 13, 1973 Df THE COUNCIL ClWIBER, CITY HALL CUPuuüU. CALIFORNIA lIqor Irwin called this adjourned aeeting to order at 7 :10 P.M. ZOLL CALL Council",en pr~5?:!:: ~cllmen a:$t=~: Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Mayor Irwin None Staff pr",sen:: City Ha::J:t¡;er Quinlan (10:20 P.~I.) City Atto~ey Adams Director of Adüinistrative Services Ryder Dir~ctcr of Pla!lning and Devèlüpment Sisk Director 0: Pu~lic Works Viskovich C~::;.::ltants -- - . --Þ . ....--... Econo~i= C.:.:-.sultant 1.evy Traffic C;o::sultant Goodrich :.:.::,:",:. Rcpor:¿:-: Roy Ju"" ?T...¡C ilEA.'>'::;,:: _, consider t:-,e 13ì3 Comprehensivc G¡>neral PJ an. ~.:. Lev\" ~a:¿ ::-:;;: ~:3ff has :.eër.: ....·::::"~:ing on t,.o arC':::, in prepara- :'4.~ for th:s ::;:':'::::b: Nort:-. _'-: ~igh\o,".ay 9 and T0rrL> ¡\venue and S:.e-.-erJs Creè'~ __0_. He sai¿ t!-..~': :.!:~ way th~ intet'sC'ction of E::g~vay 9 a::':' ::::·.-:.':1$ Creek Bl-.-¿. is treated "'ill bi' an~~ered by ::.:e C:ity C"l'::':::'~ ;':¿terminat:i.:.::. of t.hc properties i~ that area. Tne Plannir.~ ':.:--:··sion's rec:::-_:'~:1¿a:iQns fer the C:Jt':1 space ~.:rl· :,eca::se io:: ...·a~ :=::: something =:1st be don£' to k~ep t.llI.~ intensity :i:rJr. . ~. Levy s~i~ :~: rtlternativc f~: the Tor.~ A~enu~ area is 4 - 10 =its per a~r~ .r: another is r.ixéd use,; "Hh a l~\'''¡ of inten5it), amounting to ::~-:= >_'vcl of in=usrrl~l for that pro?~:-ty along Eigbvay 9, n~~:~ ~~ $tevens Cr~cL Blvd., on the east and west side I:.. th:;'rd alt~:'7".::.::.~~ ""il] req:Jirt: a .:onsÜI..~r~ìh!~ r:..,Jifi.-ation of E~g~·a)' 9 in .:':-':~=- :'0 negate t::..~ ir..te:'lsc us~ ('f t!ut jnl(!r~ection. ':'"::1e Directo:- -= ~ =_:.: ic Works explained tlae "i ootball" coníigura- rÍOD for Higt~~, ~ and two possible variations, with th~ retention of the prcsen!: :'::'::::~-:Jr 9 for o::e "'·ay traffic and the útl1£>r bcinó rooted eit!:er :: '": Bdndley r>~i'.'" or ¡urrc A"c:1ue. CC-176 Page 1 . . a:-176 Pc- 2 _1£$ OF :::: E£?rEKBER 13. 1973 ADJOURNED Cr:-: C~CIL HEEtI!lG '~ Director __ ?uIIlic Works-.-eeI that the staff also tO'ok a look at ... possibi:.:':! of a grade separadon, to' elùlÌute the left turns j!ÌøI1Þlea. Be Ð;;I:a1necl that to - proposals 1O£:e jlUre1y scheaat1c ... DO cO'su ~e been wodtecl .. as yet. If 1o'e should decide to go _ ~he "foot:!:.L.l- cmú18urat.Jaa .. Would Deed to> keep abO'ut 500 feet ~ -_ the :e~ O'f the rO'-· # . We can iaprove the levels O'f -.1ce by = leowe1s vith tile crate separation of that intersection. Aere is the ;-."SsibiUty of C;C..-.. participation en sClDe of these . . ..<lvements. CaaDcilllan !-:-:~:d1 Doted there are a number ,,: thi"Ss that c('iIld be .... at the ::-!~.-ay interchaD&e to' aid this a:ea. 1b!re was 5"'''' iiscussion ~ the existing :\1itèings that would be affected by :,'" :~otba11-shaped configurati~~ "::'''5al. Councilnan 3ackson nc:£; ::~..t one of the probl"",.. woulè ~,> :::..t a lot of the rraffic fr:: :: ::,. would spill out onto rest.:.:,: oat streets. Councilma" ,,,_:;;..'1 noted that il a more intc,,:' '.5e is allo'ied in there tl1e Torre '"_ _; :..~¿~: could be ch.a:lged and str.:.:;c::"ed somet.hat, and go north t: : ":¿s:ead Road. :~ .as nc~~.: : ::: ..¿; presently have a 100' :-:.[.::-.....:-v.-ay on iiigh_a:, 9. :! the rco.!.: ___ 5~iited it -..:JI.:1¿ elicinat~ .1 -.~:.'i for stop lights a: Freewa~' I I I , ~unr:ilma::". .' . - 5aid the s:t.a..1..;.cr the tri.'i:":';- ~:. .:.: the i:ltf:rs~ction, ':.~e less .::: ~ :.he surro·~:'~g ?ropert ii:~. ;:~··..·~....er J tne:r2 ~,;ould ~ two sif.:·_- _ ;roble:ns: D;~:.ing acres:: :.".-;; :-,..·.::1 C('nt~r property I a=.:! getti:-.; .:.:~:.;.s the freeva.y.. Councilman ~:..: '¿7~ 3-¿id another ?robl~m I_~ld be :E:.-:_::; :.h\! Chur.::::' aX. school.. ::.~~ ::..."'tcd that this could :,",suIt in :,. ' ,; ::,e town C=~"'r developme..: ;,~:::"J to the eá3t and :.hc City:::.: . :,....,=. :..) purchase t.he other proï¿:::;· ~.. Levy ex: __'.::~''':' :.hat th,a ?la::.:;.ing Com:nis~:_~.:. ::-è..1:.cd the ·...h~le s"ction e: :::-:.:::.11 t.:l the ."est of High,..,,:: ; ,,_ J:1 e:d"tic.g :'100:.. =f ccmmcrc~~_ ::~: :hey were vfIling to ac~~;: ~~ :~tal. if the traffic =-&:1 be sol. ¿_ I ~ I i I I I c.:,':mcilma:: ;~.:..:...3 3sked if t:-':"5 e::ltire road. :::'':::::':': ...:i11 h:.·....'.! ~:J ~e ....: in beio:" ;.F, industrial CáI1 ;;0 in? }::, ~"\"Y õai.t I[ prob.bly woald be k:,_,~ ::;-e Vallco Parlr. in that the ::.l~ ::~uld g" in befor" ð.Pvelopme:::. ,c.: Jirector of P-..blic Works ~~:" ':1.:e the l",..d use is 4ec.ided, t:·.¿ = ..l..-: :ines woulc! have to be d(t~-.:-::.::~,!. [t ·....culd ~ro~ably _ a phasec ?_c::, .\S develO'~t ;:cces in "'0 '..;c:'.: r~quir~ [h", ~rovemcn:: _ , I I i , . . MINUTES ,,_"E SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 ADJOUR:;~D CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-176 Page 3 ~ , ~. ~, ~LCj this new configuration is an attempt to reconcile the f.1e: ~ anything you do vith Highw3¡ 9 ..ould be insuff1c1en ~ lliti¡õ.:« :he probl_ of that interso!ction at Stevens Creek Blvd. ~ ~reed with Coaøc:11aan Sparks that this is new evidence .... will 1:.ne to go back £0 the Planning Coaaission. He said aq 1'~1,: iXustrial use ~ require 8 lanes plus Torre Aveøse. .t.& this p:i:r.t. we don'£ bow ubat these road caSU will be. Couøcl1ø=. :::oUch suuea£ed an overlaying zone could be placed on then :::ç~rties. TbeD _ can get feedback' from 'the property _us ~ 'oiCrk frOlll there. A chart c.:::led "suaury Traffic 1980 - 1995" was placed on the bulleti: ::d=è. Hr. L.~, oJ-l an initial analysis was done on the total develop- aent ~: :'i :ity. The Planning Commission first recommended that the I"..." ,,::ion of the west side of Hi~:w3\' 9 would be for d1ffe:.c: ',0-'-$ of cO!I!Irercial activity the.:' you would find in the To\.-n ':i.:-.: ~ ~. :his was changt;¿ later a Till' tH~'blcm '.,lith the CQllM:C:-.:__ .J,";' that cver.tua:'~~-" the Pl.:II'r.~:"'.~ Cotiunission found t~er-~ .ere :._~ .~ :'..:'31(" cc:æ.crc:ø: uses th:ìt ;12~'t'> attr:lctiv{; or Íeasi:_= :: ;: :hcrc. It ...o:.;.lè. he a P,X'1" ;qttcrn of de·,¡C'¡or···~'-:: and 10.'':_~';' :_-~:'~t(' high le'..e~~ cot tra.ffi.:. y"u ,,'ould have to }-.:'\':~ ·...ery:: .::;;:::s::'y, light i:-.-:t:5tricl. hl.'1"C ::: ~rJcr to l:ce? P.I:':l·,.:2.' 9 bc:.~ ._ ;.;~. "Strip cC":""-=¿-:~ia] wOHì¿ ~I.".:::e YOh with the ?~C~-' Ice C':. -.: \,."I.'uld è~ ...·i:.~ ~:-.e ll'ft-.--'''"t< :1"c-pl'rty in thE:: re·",:"'. Mr. 1.i' _ n :.~-:' discuss~.::"'. (';1 rp'5iò{-llt:;!~ ':-..1:'::(. ¿¡buut b~ca\lsc indt1~::. . l=-~ ..:C':-.t:~crc:ial b_~':--~ gencr.1L("\1 :._,. r:uch trétffic. It .."oul¿:. ",":1: to allc·. ø :(;\1 O~':)('r~ ',:.:::: frC'nt;!¡;e Qn th~ :lajo~ ..~ :_" ~3VC ("(."X!:f:'rc~¿: zonin:.:. .·,·2 ~....': a110·.... the ot1--.érs the ~c. ": '_...:-~: was no \I."a·, ~;'~at tlu.' Pl.:.,;·.:::~-': C";'!:-:1is~;io:1 could find .:. .:.:-..~;'::1.1 it high i~:f:':.5ity use i~; ..."':-:tcr ttl COile up \o:"~ t.h the c: -_-=..: :e.,~ibility. OVer ~.. ....aul..: Tber¡; anot;·~: ~¡~.: t:!al alth~ugh tJ.e comra..r·':.J~ .:rc':~c.s much f.'¡orc :~L:~':'. tIle' i:;:h;s:.:-ii:.l, in t{'r7..~ .:.: str..."'ct if""?r~~..-(':-,i!nts. -: l-::~...~t ;¡s ::1u.:h t:ë':'é;¡,'jSe of tlll. ;"I..J,;' h:Jl1f:; of traffic. . _ _:y ft.'a! proble=: :n that tU~:l·;t .on't hpIp us for t'J'. It: :.;. :.t...,~s. Mr. l.t", '7 '':'';:; :-hi" quest1çn: n"~"1at dp\.'~~ it ::t~,:¡,n to !a;.....~ pp01'1t· 11v!:",,: ',y 91 1lesièf:ao;:ii:il d(,\'~'lc;,~··.'~t of th;¡t ¡1fC'a ",·(\;ld ir.CTI."_:-';: . ::'lIlatið:'! of C".J;'f-rtino, a~h! :'~H'rt:> is ,'LUcern j;1 S~(: :-:..:- "'::.;~.:'rtinc b,"c~..:.s.e they ;..1... :,,' h.JlÒ d:)'"TI th~: 1.·v~·J of r,:,...: ~- l.evy said a l-D Re.sidpnt i;1~ ¿...'~S [¡pt [(>(mire' ~ir.Llc family ;~::'¿3 ~'r a wal] , etc., right up l\) Eibh...·.:ty 9. . c-176 :Jge 4 . . IWIUTES OF T"..E SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING lA , . ~(' Ik. Levy said the lane requirellel\t for Highway 9 with residential there _ld be S plus. With ,industrial it would require 8 lanes, and it would lradually get worse after that. Ik. Goodrich said all the calculations on Assumption Set 2 of the Summary ::røffic 1980 -19~S are based on ten' units per acre both west and east 'of Highway 9. The 8-lane requirement would be for full industrial ".lopaent of tbc area. , CouDcilaan FroUch DOted that a lot of the traffic . liDear fashion originates oorth of Cupertino and Capertioo, or vice versa. that wHl increase in goes Routh of , ILIyor Irwio called a recess at 8 :25 P .~!. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 P.M. The ~layor ~nt~oduced the Traffic Con~ultant'" r"port which included calculations tor a futl industriõl ëcvelorQent ~f the east and west ~ide3 of H:~~~d) 9, showing the lane require~eot ~culd be 10 ]3~es plus -ror[~ Ave.-:;:;.~~ if Highway 85 does not ~() throu~h. He s;¡id ""'~ nel.:d 8 la::d.s today. Mayor Ir..:i~ .l3'ed for co~ents froM. the .1ud icnce. ~r. ::oor 3:·.:.1·...·3113, S.,rat.cga. said h~ it!~ls t!1..:>r.~ is so~·" .¡tte~pt heing :a.ade to SO~·:\.~ ~he traffic prûblcms. :i," saLt t!u.·r.~ ar~ ir::wv<,t lvc ·.....:1)·$ c! crcatir:,; .1 ~loverle.lf at that crit ic.¡l iat,,-~rsl',,:t iûn ","1 th..ut u3ing :.Ii' so much .::-.:"und. It .-"ay .:cst $1 nftli...'n f~r ::dle to ß') 1:I'\ttc!"Jo;TI)und b:lt. it ""·0U.~':' ~~l~,c the :,rob!.e::1. Th~ leoft t:Jrn~ :1t High'o,¡ay 9 300 ~tH Î.iai Avenue cû:ul.: ~e Jcpre~!ied gO the tTùffi~ \,,·t11 b..~ continuC'us. Public cransit an¿ ~..~n dial-a-rlJ~ arc ;.)tllt~r p~ssihili::'ics. The Direct,'~ ~f Public c:orks said there arc .ill kinds of Innov3t Iv... weJ)'S 1:0 handle :::< traffic. 'Ihey are fc""lbl" ii W\' are wlll!,,\~ and ab:e to ~a.y the ;-r:'.:¿. Mayor tr.lin said ....~ CtHJ1J n~n into partie ip3tion prohlcms vith ext('n~;:'·",,! road iLlprcvcr.tcnts. ~tr. Billa.\o:alla asked t,) have the costs wor!,ei u;> on these pco;>o"als. Mr. ~el1 C:¡.b~. Saratoga., c;aid he w,a.5 spe.1kin~ on behalf uf ~r. Charip!i !aer and \;:f~'t and their propprt}" at tht! r:orth\-.o..'st corner of the fntpr- section ~! Hi,ètway 9 a:1d Stevens !;re"k Rl\'J. This is th" property pregcctly ......:.~.Jpicd by .a. ~~r'l ice !:L1t j e:1, rl.~st.1:n ant and p:1rking 1('"". He sniJ his .1::JerstaI1din~ is that tfu." City n[ ~\Irertlno no., plans to rezone it :..:- J. park. ßa..:k in l8dS, lhf' iir-st stl)r~ \.zas brought into Cu.pertino c:':. the ntJrthcast corner of that Sa;.7W intf'rsection. In 1888 ~. Bacr's F.1thfl!:r buílt his. black.snith sho!" .:In..! home n~xt d..hJr. In 1894 Clnrl i~ B.1er was born thc!"c ~ It is S01t'" i:'h.:c;,c comes f Cor:1. his ~,,,,,,,,.,,.,.. . e m~1JTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-176 Page 5 cOØIIIIercial developments there. lie f:aid it may not be too many years until that property may have to be liquidated. Nobody will want to purchase it if it is zoned for a park. He said we are talking about ~ezoning to a park the most strategic property in the C~t1 of Cupertino. Hr. Don Myøøuk, 1407 Bryan Avenue, SWJ1 Jose, said he is a Profes sor of !fechaDical Engineering at San .Jose State College. Much has been said recently about ai~ ¡uality. He submitted a report on studies be baa done at tbat intersection on two different occasiCiPS. Be noted tbat these analyses are not based on years of gathering data. He que!'tionecl the -"isdOlll of putting a park at this inter8ect~, based on air quality. If anything, the land should be left open so as not to iIIIpede any breezes. He added that eliminatiop of the left turns at that intersection "ould help a great deal. Mr. Charlie Baer, property o~~cr, said there ~a8 a Coopera~e shop located on his parking l..t that ...ent out of business in 1880, ''':lI'n the grapes became di,eased. Then his Father opened a paint shop. '.hen Charlie Baer returned frc::> 2 years In ~!or1 d ;lar 1 he b" i 1 t :te :i~st scrvicp. ~:a~ion in CU~0rtir.~. In ]95~ the State toc~ :C feet of his fron::<70~e and in 1"6:; t:'l:Y teOt; 20' front;¡gc fr,):-, .'.__ He s3Id thl. ,..,;""j his ;:;'''3~C. rrcM 1'J20 to 1'J55, ßlcst ::.:.:: 'tt,;~ii'\cgs \las ct<~1ed out ~,:,- ·:..........r5. Di,......>:), 'r:.i):~(Jt1. Cali ~n':¡ ....:.....~. ~::'". Bacr sai¿ :'-:'0.; \dfe's :~,·!'\·"'U$ 1.!."..:1:':do\o.ï1 ·...·a<:; c;\l1:;ed t-y :::.,; ~~¿::. He saió -::.,'1:', accurèi;..~ to hi~ ¿(\:tcr, ~f the City taa'i'" :-...";' ~'h,')oe it '.':: ~ !':.e3n his ,i:t....'s Ilt"l.... ~<:-. ;.:.;.~:._':: Bate, 13:';'; ·~ar~d11... ~:,.i\".:.". ~._·iratog.a, ~"t:ù hi· rt·('l·;ltl rt.~~'-..::.-.- ~~~ n~xo;. ;:-':t-:-ty. F..: :;'.__~'" ·..·,~1d (\f Mut.·( :ò;:J ...·ou]J lli.f: :- ". ":. ¡) bt:.1..~ ::'..: ·;trû¡,:t~:'"t~ :c:' !;".:~ h.1sin~~5 :J~ t¡tal sit". He :'.~'; :-eliC'\'t.. ....... r"':-"- is ¡~ ~(',:.~ 1,;::t' '. r t1.e Jau..J ¡:·t that intê-:-~' :.:.: "cr :¡~"'t:: '.. .. .... ...> : ;:-,.·ft ~;-.J';"t:.. ::~.~:ng is n0t t'J put in '.' (~ P}¡¡nr.j~:~: C(~is~i ¡n ",~,::i>!'>tl'd t1~-,_t the City 1i:~o -=._ " ra:· ~a.o t pur(:~_1 ._ :'ir"'..t,r <~..-.: f:.fo r'rt'~;c~t !,.' ..~ ,¡ ?'rvh! ~';ì ¿:,,(-ð. ¡ t h.:~ l'~e:': ': . .:. ~ ;"::-oJ\.·r t:;. Coun(': .- l..nck..,: ; .,:"'..:--, .1~~.L'~ :. t:.:(· i.~ a :":::i,o> ..~:.,..gorj· for 1¡IE1ClriL,l ::, "'_. ,', ,t",,¡ t:.ëã: ;.:rh:1p:; t~:.' L t~.. .:ou),i pun~!';J~(; ~itis a! co-:~ . .-. =-~~o..:". ~ioiI:t,:¡r j: :.: _ ':. I.- :.:~ f fl' ':: .; ¿<'PC', ; ',":', ,;,,1 ;1.' 1 L::e<-;.. Ir. t..rt"l... 4_1:- tb¡s, l"., .it couLl ~.:. :CJng ..h ;.t.: .... ..-. - \ ,:ut:. .:. -" ~"5 V~!":. .,' : <::.....:.=-.,' tù rr('~(~r'¡" ,.:\J. is Ö:J....·", .;:ely :1.'-...I.-·--Ù: y :-01 tlu~ slrct.:l, Z,)~t. a....': C:.:~ r 1 Ie B:h'r ' ~uL:! llví' t t,~re as SJ:n." :~:.." ',.. cOdl,! h.....;:-:--,_" .1 ":1i.\~"I'''!t. - ~ ... - KUUrES 0: SEPTÐIBER 13, 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL !£E1'DiC .- Co.tcUaan Meyers felt that if _ are going to preserve _ historical _PICtures f.:-r Cupertino they sbould be moved away frOlll thai: site. ,. . .us....a, they could beaae a traffic generator. ,,' C--CilDa.., Jackson wanted to clu1fythe status of Hr. Ban-'s service 1I&#10n and restaurant. The City Attorney said we are dealÚ18 with IcIac tetQ i>l~ing for laDd aae. We will ultiJaatel? have to ZODe _rding to the General Pl_. There can be sOllIe underlJ'1D& zones. ... we get ¿OVl1 to tit. qu_t1c:l of ?;oning a service statloa sIte for _ other bnd use than c_rcúl, it does not affect cbe existing ... at the t~. They have a legal, nonconfo)ming use at cbe time. !lat you 0::' t ~ar..! a aoaconfc ClIng use. There is a phase~ut period for certai~ :hings. :,."': . !fr. Don,,:.J D::''':t, 10159 1C.c::W<Xoå Drive, Cu,ertino, son of Harold Dixon, .aid he ..,,<-:. .1 letter to the C~ty a few ......ks ago. lie tcinks I t is úrperati':~ :::: ;';'ight!ay 85 t.o ;=- :~rou&h. Th"'~e plan~ have bee~ in his office ..1~ ? .,;. ~ E. El1g1nee=:.:..; Je?artrr.~nt :.)'[' many y¿ars. As to the ot.her ar:~:-:.j,.>:'. ~Inc\-:. Y~1J, g~~="é.:- 4 lanL~:~ .......f travclt~ j rOaŽJáY ':'t b(:corr.e~ a throu£;:: :- _. 3,.; ..l:~J tite cc:::""f?:=::'~: propcrt:.·: .1lues ..tee reaae40 .?'3. l)D:,;: .. - ::.....'l. Cr..>s5r..::a..__3 ._-~ 035 pL1:'~': a tt"....~ctlðo'...!s :':-¡::':-.::.;d .}:.n·!I~:1 t::-.... the --'-.--'~': ~·.-"(::rs a!'"'~ _.,....- r_ ?lJ\"t" ~\.,;~ pr'p;~rt'r ,- ~ -.~-'... ¿·....nc 11-..~:.ld ".,r..~_,_,'-__.',_:' .._'.".,·.'·'t.l'n,'-..-.·~7~~··;·___~:,_.,. -. - ~".~".' '\f ' lC:" '- r:; "' __. ,~ ..;,..... _ _" tW .1:--......\,.·..1 '- t~1t~ :":y ~€:'L..i.? 1·....3.."1t5"¡ "'--.- ~-"( ........, n.... ;::~~ .. --I""ro....#" t, '"·o:,:J·¡,tl'·J ..,---~--t', It . , ._ ___ I..., ..... ______ -='__~J~ I. 1.:._ L .a. r~-':"-- ~. I'ee-'c<. ".:.. '- t:,'t -'--.. - - --....·j'd····"·.... ·JII·' 110 ·1 --.......-- r'- a~ _ ... _ . ._. _ _. \ ....,.. _. _ ..., _ ....1..1". ~'. .' .' :,'__ ____._..... o. f :"'!"D t'tV' -, :3::-' bt::;'':~. .:;;. "----~.~ if ~'... .:~..... hIS tj.·e ;..._;;:: fo' t :>:y ~~t ~ : ~~. _·;'..:-~ty 1~·..--::oE:" ~ -', ; - ~.';:~tht~r' ~;1:::; - ::'~I L:.!· L·." 5 :;:_ ~~;~:: ~ '~'lt ·...~:.h ÌI~<·. '''; iii> ie~~-:;: :- ~ ·-.~:2') ~rL.:; ..': ::.ht' ..,~.~1 '..-:2:4:'::-: :-:-;,'rc!.Ü ::\ots out: ¡:l uUSiné-::::-:=. :-:.:. sai¿ t;~.... :':"..'r~11(' ..~f t:-.:;:¿ ~:~?·..:["ty =---.~("r~ i.:;,-~ _-.: :,".,;.. and :::-...:- C-:;\,;;1ciL ~'J;: ..1:1 (::(f.:e: tc:-.: ~:-.~:-.::{; to alle~jat~ ::_; ~1tuJtion, !'!r.. P"ul ~_~;_..i",,:i. wi.th hea.-:'-;.:.='":~~~ at 1!..':-è';:~"I\1 R~',\J a:1-i ·::~~,·"'1=, 9. said he:! .l;=è-:..'5 ~tr"''1~ly ..::~ :~: ë:arlier "~;'~~1:';'~1r:~, f: :: :'::'~":;.ê' :.~nst.r1h.",: :.-. : ;'~li:; pro;e:-::.- -.::':l :'é vper:.;.,l.''': In <1 ~h'!1C-.:""~:=:-::::-~ use and th~ .;.,:_:~ .:(':r~ascs, ,3.::-: ::...:;: ::ty sub ·":~~~t"~1t.ly bll::C; :::-.ê ::-_'?~rty it -.rill pr''':-.ì:~:: :"_:;~ltt 1n a ::;i::;:; ~~:".JLlti0n it t¡,~ City dr;-r:~ ;.C~ ;:-¡y full :o:mer-:Ll: ·...::.;è :"nr this :::.-.~.. :i this i:; .!...";,1' ¡f.Oiu'd ~_: ~:~è City buys it.. ::~ .::..: n0t see he.... :._-_~ :it:1 (~'ulù ::: i,ood ('")t:5c:i;:~,-:e .....'..1y it. Xr. Charl:-:- :..1.cr wanted to -:::.-:: s.:::-:.e of hi~ .:..;,r.unltv e::~:-t. t:~r'::'.Jgh t.be years. ::.¿ h.1;3 ;j gu~s~ ~:':J£ .'ith sir.,n.ltufèS of 2000 .;:-.:.¿~:-_~o:; who have visi:¿': :::..; y13ce. He ~:..a.-': ¿~:14"lted -s,~:::~ !'1.èr.10rah¡1 ia '::J ~~~~ School.. . . JmlJfES OF E:: SEPTEMBER 13. 1973 ADJOUR.'IED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~~a ~!cLaren, 22101 Lindy ~, Cupertino, said Hr. & Mrs. Zaer were the first charter ae.bers of the Cupertino Historical Society $lie sa~d this property should be preserved in its present state. IUs service station and r~_t should be allowed to remain. ~ DOted t~~t we are talkinc abaaL 1995 traffic, not in the 1910' ('-ilman Frolich said the ~tures are existing and can be ~onformin~ use. Coaocilnan Ja:kson said he finds it difficult to visualize the DOrth"'est c~!"er as open space. Be is disturhed about gi\·ing e:z:i.sting u,cs ether designati:.-ns thaa exist in¡;. If there is any :ype oi rc::->:ru~tion required ~e arc in tro~ble. He felt the City s:-.:,,:d set up sO'"'...e sort of a:nortiz..tion schedule. ~:-..:':lcil=:.l:~ :=:".~:":s.s said that :.: t!'ïe City í~ toeing to "F.!i.nt the ;r=?erty a ~:;~~rent color", ~h~~ the City ';:l~uld buy it at ?rZ52n -::"<:::-4"et \,.1:", V:,. :...~V)' '--.,:: :'e q¡It.:.~tic:-. :':_f;. ?::=;.nninr, C(',j""..:¡~_;~i(ln \o7a~ ",·:orki:"'..g 2~:':-S: ", _~ ~,,'ng r'_::: '';:~ :.=_.: :~~e l()(~g n~.¡ use of t;;J.t cc;r!':cr -...::..~ ::J~.~. -~..:~..,,1 hc.-;-.u=t;.:~ ..-?~ ~r:t:1)l~·:::·\'.;õatibl;· ~;~. ".:;.:::.t :..=:. ;:!"(: ~ ~...) ¿p '.:~:~. :':.~: ¡~:ea. Tllc c...'n!:scl n.d·..·i..:..:t?'¿ ---~ : ~ a:ï;'. '.J;¡,t ~ l :'- .··'i~~d,,:. .."'.<::' '.'~£: :r~lr('rty ,.........¿ l'L"l~~~¡ -=:;01(' a~ t:.~ _':' :~~ ;,rcp;Ht'" t~: huy :'t. [ '.' ~ ~," ~ - :- _h·" _ ~ .... - - - - - ~. :. 1 !:- , - ,:-::: SÜI.: ....i; :;..:_:: :::.-,1:. ell t;'.-:~· i.n;In :):":t:';- C: _:: i.:-> a ;,:::~~~:" ::~:_.,._ ~f! rêL,t"· .:~ to cia: l:r~t::"'¿ --:: =-:.. - . :'u:':·' . ~ - . .!"(". .......,.. .:,.:.~ s.'l:d l~_é: :~!.:..:-. :~r h~! in ¡a·...;r --.. to ~:t·t. tLl' ll;':~_s :~ -.' y- Yé. ~ : '_:; ... : ._¿~i" ~\,.: :.':':_':1.31 ~r.:';~F:::~ ~_:-.:(:!" ·...as :..C=-'l' nt~.(·~ :": :t: ::t:~. _: -:",:' ~ 1: :_ ::" :~t:\:(': :':---=-: .- ~...:(-stin:p:.it· \,,·:-'c't~.~·r ¿ ;'r:;:·:-:y :-":.'~~.-.'r.~.i:.~ '_"'~ .__=: let a li.·:":::w ¡-('r i:. to: :-é- . t·:...·. 'II in c,-E-c ::- ã. :. ;':c,. fl'r i~~:--t;lnt"t·. :~':. é r ...~~. :_:.:c a r .!.: :::is·' .: e ::::~ City ~..!s:-.a~<t." :;.:,r1vc:ò ..it. t:.¿> r..\.·etin;:,;. :-:.~ City:. :-:-.~:; ~;til:t'-: :.,;. ..;:_.:. st;b:::it ."";, !,-·ttt-r to ~~-c Ci~:: 0:-X".I.cil :0:-: ,: thê ruù!ic :.:!..~:~:i:..g nonco~\;\.·~:;"·itlg l'St.';.... :.I..ê;:;!""_T 11'·..·. c,¡.": un~';u¿, c.se~ :.¿;., :;iè d1~ct~~·~..~t st'~~tr;·~c:.:.,.. :..:.....:.....::jlr.:..:·. ...:''':!;. ~;~iJ t~.3.~ .: :':J_ Council is ~{,in~ tu ...lt~-:g~ the :"='t.~sity :..":" ..l:': arC~l by cr~:.::~ [he roaJ µatt£>Tn it :;houl¿ g~ ~ck to t!,~ : :.1:':.ning Co=iss:;:'~~_ ~-Jr r·cvie",.. CC-l76 Page 7 -176 se 8 . INUTES OF THE SEPTÐCBER 13. .- 1973 ADJOURNED CITY COUKCIL MEETING Councilman Frolich said the only thing the City Council can do is study it, make any changes. and then send it back to the Planning CoDlllission for their further study.' None of these t!\ings are independent, nor do they stand alone. Be said; "Perfection is the antithesis of completion." uncillllan JacltsOl1 said he agreed basically with the concept about which Councilman Sparks vas speaking. The Planning Commission decisions appeared to be JUde OD the basis of traffic. If that intersection can suddenly be solved, 110 cluInges the rationale. . Goodrich feels that the traffic benefits of these traffic patterns ar~ beiDg over-eaphas1zed. The proposal inproves that intersection but nol:, say, lIomestead and I!ighway 9 int"rsection, so he does not see that it has opened the door :00 auch for change in the i3tensity of use. P.omestead and Highway 9 is only on" level better than Stevens Creek Blvd. and Uighway 9. !'!ayar Irwin called a rec""ss at 10:30 P.H. Th"" ",ceti:1g reconvened at' 10:45 P.M. ~r. ~LJr~.JnL '"Jar.!:ec1 to k::.-:... if these di::;cussi~;,,~ crj~.:ld be se!1cJulcd r.1,ore 1<:;ï:''-'~1fi('allY for t~e ~'¿:.t;;::it of those p,,-~opl~ ] i';i:1g cut of tOlffi. He ·..·~~rio!r~ If th.~ t;'!.e~t:::n :':1 regard t,) legal ;"'~:;;.~c:s :.Í buying a piece f"Jr ground :1<; a ct:'~.~:-~ial property \,n a prcp2rty c?€:rati!~3 on a non- 1':>'~1t..)~£n¡.; U...;~ ..;o·...:.:.¿ ~e ~'l.:Jlor~ù. lie as;';'e.d ....~:;¡: t:-:e si~nificancc is if f 1 city huy~ t:1,:;,t ;',!,,:'''J,çrt·: ·..hich h<.H¡: b~cn ¿o·.~-:1 7.,"'\:1'::-1. !Ía·., docs a ci.ty 1;'lstiiy ?aJi:1~ cC~~~::::'2~. ;:rice on !)roperty ::~.l: :~as ~een made less ' ,:.1lta..lble thrOL:.g:l t:':¿ ¿c.~.~ zoni.ng. [[ it is -:::t ?t1~ :into a noncon.forr:1ing ,u.j.~. thco Ci.ty .·c·..ll~ :"a...-r: ê'lery right to pa:.r t>~ ~u:'l. cc;:-.serc:tal price. ~fJ:¡or (r~in sai.d t~ City Attorney \.Jould a:l.s~"er tr¡:.s in ·.:r iting. ~rs. ~cLaren aslc.ed ~h2t ~he long tcn:! leases t~at have been signed on the service station ~:-.;.¿ :-e5taurant Oè taken Íl-:CQ c.:r:.si¿cration. ..!corry Fi[zg~ralJ 53:'¿ t!:at. he and the Concerne>:! C~ t:'l:cn::> ·...·culd take it u~on lhcn~elv~5 to ~cti:7 the people \;'1en their ?r~?ertjè~ are up for discus~ion if the City .ill notify him. !fr. Philip Dcllur:o, 120 iJa..1< Rim ¡-lay, Los Gatos, said he O\ms a small property on Ste'le:lS Cre~L 31vd.. n~xt to the. ba:1k of }ncric.1.. All his 3Ioncy has gone into his l=d for the past 5 years. If the City is interested, they Cæ1 ¡>urchase it right no,",. Ec wc-,,¡d like to have the mon~y so he can re~vest it. .. . Mr:.;uTES OF TI!!: SEI'TI1-Ul!:r.. 13, 1913 AlJJOUR.'EI:: CT'fï COUNCIL t:f.ETING Mr. Jerry Fi t~y.er"ld. lOl91 Korth Rlaney. Cupertino. said the City formed an LID along tbe .~S[ side of Highway 9. There were a few people takcn into that i.ID against tbeir will. lie asked if the City vouhl take ovcr th.. øa,-nt over the next 30 years on that LID. The City Attorney sajd Hr. Jones, our Bond Counsel, will õ~nK to this issue. Hr. R. D. Kccnilzer, 1!::J£O Pbar Lap Drive, CUI'"rtino, acknowledged th"t ve h:\\·" " traffic proble3. lie asked if there is soo>e ...ay t.hesc pl;:.c~~ could conti:1ue t.heir COß1.'J.ercial U:H~s only having, access ir~,'. ,,:>other d!.r..,"tion than to Jligh\my 9. CO'.J:'1ci]!:".~-' ~:':-Yl'TS sairl "-e are al\;iI}"s talking, ahout the iwage of c."r City. :'_t ir: ¡;ctti:-"(; ·;er¡ conc~rncd ahout b3.':inr. lrnf tem, n:::~,-():lfJ:':'-:¡~:' 'J~("s. :~:~:.; -.;ill húyc. very littJc chnnz.e try i::.porovc ~i.r'1r p;....:..... ty -- thC~ê..::=E, thc) ,::i11 b~ .1110::(o¿ to è:<.··:-jo!"?te :::-: orc!!'1' ~." I..r:1:.-jnu~~ ~:..::.::- u::t:'. H0 prorosp.:ì (". tL:::osc ~:¡"('P.:I .~reRS (,~. tb:· n..:::,'.'..l (~on'-:-:: ~'::'t::.~·.'; ~· '9 ~1nd :;tL'\'..:-·.~ Crcf>¿' :~:':cit th:1t \', f':·.tt.·::.: .:....1\".:1' Cc .f.:: ::.:~~ to tilis al-~a ,~::¡, ~trir' .:.;·_~r;.t:-(lls ;::- ~ h.1L" ~~ ï"]~!.'{·:'·- '-'':'-: 7:-,:n Cert(~r. It ',;~S hi-j r~~ .!:;'. tn.-.t t: City!... '.:,\ ;,0'.1:_ _~ ~£.::t(:r ~'pC'l1t f(n' I:~-.¡~~,l~ (I~"~~ ',' 1..:. r· ',:~c i 1 .-"é ~;:::--:; to the COìlC':"i':" ,,::- :Dr ~(;.'T time. 'lÌ]:'!"' -;.> \.. , 1 . ,'.~.. -.50:1., :;.:. .~ h':th:..'[,·: r,;) ::~_"~;- ; c.: :';1.:. t . ~~ta\' ".. __-~:-.: ~:¡S{; ¿~i.=! ~t t!...· !.:;]"-' ~ j 7".:" _. l'U:1~C; j t f r,:... r ~;::.ICI: : c _ :.:: ~=-:: (,l-;;l ::.q~. c' "::: :-':>'.~ld ::t'(' t1!f' IIi». i :,~:t .'--L c::.:.. ·~.S,):1 :"1.:' .1_.· -:-.C'll'· :~.~ Cit:: ti,l)' h:-·':~ iI' h_..:.: c:o.~ -, :. :..:...'=; i t ¡::~ jl!~;t C.·Pi"), ~'í';.r:(,:. ~__¿:::.:-_:-.;;; '.::I~:th~r ('1' i1:ll t:~,:'~; C~_ C::.=-_:::-- 0:di::;'g:·C'. }'('rL'--ti,~,:it C'..,:,'..: -' _~ :;S~'. 11('; \.¡ould h~' jUt.:_:ff'¡tr . i: -.'·:~'n th:.'·· r' ;'ì."l'rL·.. ~:\' (10(~<: :. i !It'·;.:-";:' ,",' ":-.".-. 11(' i :Il' 1 t:;.lt..J : :>. ~ ~]C -rc.......:. ::i>: 01 l":".'" ':~~Jona! ¿~..y J.o~'''n .., .~. l'l" plat. ~ .. C.~~n.c-:'l: ~'~'a!"k~ "'¿:'" -, : :-:( r' c.:f Council::I!1 ~~, "-::-L";' ï~ ;ìlo:1.{"'.. ....11~ Cr('~'- :.:>..¿. ~k \-'-('1.I1l1 111.(' tr, ~"'0 t!.- ~irc rr,,~;.. "I..,J.. IJ.::r¡~_:~- '-",::. <:.::u1d PUI tIll' ¡·.I I-;,;~i !:", ~:t! s:.i.d l :~.": if the (.:,. ~:-.._::: is ~o:ing to f,0 :d;.·n;; ·o:i:.t. ..' CO-::1mis:d . :·\..'com.i!cn~:-s~':":.;:-_~ ·..·c ar(·. l~oh1g to b;yc to c::-·: so:'":c h.11': ....:!:~ll. ¡'::'J'C'l' ] r, : 1 ~;:1Ïl! tll( .: _,.;. ~ to pa)' ft".: t~l~ a!i'cn::~..:~.. to what .ll: lhis is bC ~:-.; 1::: h,:¡,- i :1:; a rt't: i t'j:~, 1 :....h(I;.:-, Sot lÌl~'l much ~It.t..:alion L.· :'0 c:o~:t. ": .~ : :-·f: tI St' 'I' I' pry -·Y.. ;s r:tJ st.:lyln!" li.c ~(.. t 1.C'- i. ~' r í.: .~ .';ecin;- ',_ ·~:~t·jo:) ':. ...- ::(H,~."- t i :~rc, t oc·" ,," "r .\1'·· ,I .. .... ~. ' . -{ " n~' ,,:Í th 't·::t"t.:1' \:~L .~}( 'I.:!~ pa i t1 }lr. ~P\'Y :)~lΡ,1 the 10f c:'":"'~t :cn that was pn'p:n·l·\l ....as t,¡.~,(rl on tlw ^sses~o:·I~: r~:cords for t:¡L: r.:trl.·l~l~;. 1Ïw P1:1!<i¡¡T1~~ Co-:-:; ,::>Ion t1i.! not go i:I~\J it Cor ¡-c;:~ c:os.[~ i1S~ìoci,-,Ll'd \:i!L luturC' :h··..ldopmc-nt. CC-176 IJagc 9 ó,f ~1r:tITl:S OF TilE 5f.1'T~a 13, 1973 AJ).IOUl::;m CITY CV'U:æJL øu:rl::C . e c:åunc:ilU3ß Heyer's vas ;ø 1_ . ..'"JS tlt:1t I.'C f:ol1 'yay r.bort fa our park J:md :u:quisition. Be uW t10:11 ,..hen h(' ..a,; on the PJ:._{~ Cc>oa:Ilssion lie vas lold sr.vc:r.,l t~ tbat the PI:mninL C<J:'Ai!'siOD 4Ioes _t I~ve to cøn!'idcr fiscnl b;!ac£s. CouneiJ~ Jacbon saJ.l lie vas present at many of the Pl&:ID1øJ CoII- Idsslun's aeetinr.,¡ OD tile J:encral plan "".¡ he docs not tJatnk they consid..red tbe ff..cal Þ!pact,.. They de:oH witb the character of the City. Councilr3l1 Frolicb sa14 tLLT~ If: provirlon forchan~e of th.. r...neral Plan. \/here \:1.' "",;t 1M: ".1) c:ardul if, ...!ten r.on,;jòer ¡~ undl.'v\,IC'pC!d' p~ol'('rt{e!>. SoIDC !ltreet rcr"\:tins; en" d,m¡;t> the lntC:1s1ty. He said it 1:I3ke$ ,,£nse to C!O !>=e or lhe ;.treet j,,-.!'rc.............t!> \~ere the pr.'¡>crty is .""kOYe]~d. He said I Llf corneö j" ;>ot of ..",ell use as f'¡"(';¡ S?3~C: h~c:mse of chc j'::>lluticn. !'c \Jouhi 1.i~~ :.he st.:\ff to see if i: :!s {c.1sibli: to ¿~ ~:r.-.<!thinh (:~:ícri!nt ...:¡to :~.e :i:::cT~~cti(.ln of Hi:;',,:1Y 9 ;¡:¡d ~tc-..,·::s C..,:!: P.l\·d. ~.... \:auld 11 ,':<: :: =;>l:·;:e hOll ::,:ucl:. C": t\,. ¡C'...:~, CC'utc~ -.;.....-_l--:. t.:,,·£:, to lo! cut oíí f.~,:- ::..~ r<.,..,:,...·.~::e .:l:1d ~:'at t: I c..:":;.~!" rt:~·.J.t è,;.:.. t,;. ~~·.~:~d tt,· ~,~..:t to ::- ¿ :"~t ~..1"~'~':' the I CC'l""-'., : ,:.,nc(- i~ ~;,~ ...~." co,,<i':~~ ~:" ;alcr..'.··'::' ~. :.., 'co.j' 280 co.,,'! I, :::: :":: 9. ~·¡':)·cr ::-.~.., $:\id tho.' !.:~-. .~.- .::.t)"~r.ti~;.¡(':1 l~if. 1':,':': :'~;1~1~. l'~è':-. :.":':.' \O!e kL," ~·\.,...oniT'.(~;~~.~'::....s. '.."':"'4. not at t~)<1t ~C...~::-· --:. ~ =>.1 t ~. . -. ... ',t""" I :,' : -. -:. ~ c'"';J:;.·.~: .... ':C":.-.':'~. .....;,;.___; c._ :"'c:'1:¡i~:·-.:.:. t;~~·· r: ; ..::i: f\:l ~:' r :.tt:dy c.. .. . ~:.s pC!r :1(';"',,' ,-t. int(_1·:~((": :: - - ~ . .'. J ¿ind r;~:1, \-:; ':' .;.~t..'''...·" t '~,:.. '- ::::ii ~~i\..'.:~: il:::: ;~: :': -- ::. ~ :;>npr.. ~ ~ . Ù al~c' ;::o¡':1st::d t ¡,) (.!; _ ......: I.' :.' ~, tl'l:--; liLc~ !.: ~ ~-':...1:';·:c ::::.-'-::..-:.- .. tr2ffi~ i-J:t=~"~. ..'...t3n"C. C:-..l:1::;;:.:.: .:;:.~ ~~ ) ~\'\' ~;. (.'l fir:r-: :\>:: .. - : -'r: .\!)J()!.:,:::: ~:r H~YOJ ! :-',': '": ;1,:jf..·l:l"nt.-.! : ~.~ :it 7 :(1..) r .:1. ". ;nt; at 11 :36 ?u. r- ~o7'~<'-ò-:" 13, 1973, APP¡'O'.'ED: leI Y.dth E. Ir.dn tlayor; City o;;! -Cu?ertiDO ~Tn:sT: 5/ \~. E. Ryder ity Clerk