December 19th, 1973CITY OF CUPERTINO HC-96 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino Page 1 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROV IAL COMMITTEE OF DECEMBER 19,-1973 IN THE LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG -.Vice•-Chairman Sallan opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. with the Salute to the Flag, ROLL CALL Members present: Dressler, Koenitzer, Weinstein and Vice - Chairman Sallan Members absent: Chairman MaLaren Staff present: Senior Planning Technician Toby Kramer Recording Secretary Ruth Cox APPROVAL OF.MINUTESe The Minutes of December'5, 1973 were not available. POSTPONEMENTS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None i PUBLIC HEARINGS: Since the applicant was not present for Item 1, it was agreed to hear Item first. 2. Application HC-51,075.22A of Vallco Park, Ltd. (Unicorn II) i iHC.-51,075.2.2A requesting a modification of site and architecture for a : Vallco;Park light industrial building to allow the installation of a nitrogen gas tank located at the east side of Tantau Avenue aporoximate:i:v 270 ft. nnrth of Primari (Ic-P Airprn„a HC-96 MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1973 H-�ONTROL MEETING v Page 2 Staff report: Location of the tank will be in the northeast section of the building occupying half of the loading dock area. The area will be closed off and the enclosure used to store nitrogen tank. The texture of the walls will match existing building. Another modification to site would be to move curb toward east to provide landscaping area. Staff member Kramer used the site plan to point out areas involved. The tank will not be visible. Landscaping would be extended to provide softening in front of wall. Mr. Bill Tagg, representing Vallco Park, described landscaping. Member Koenitzer suggested one tall plant that would fit in with rest of landscap- ing be placed in front of wall. It was ascertained there are panels that recess in the 17 ft. wall. Mr. Marlin Anderson of American Microsystems asked if planter boxes would be accepted. He said when their lease ended they would be required to move everything back as it was and this planting of tree could entail expense. The comr.iittee members felt that with the expense being met for tank storage, a tree would not add that much. Vice -Chairman Sallan explained when a planter should be utilized; in this case a tree could be planted. Mr. Tagg said there is another tree and he would suggest using same type. He did not remember what it x,,as. Member Weinstein asked if the tank would be vented or if there were emissions. 1.4r. Anderson said there would be no emissions as the process would be done internally within the enclosure. It was agreed to use the same type of Agapanthus as are already being used. Public Hearin Member Weinstein moved to close the Public Hearing. closed 1 Member Koenitzer. HC-51,075.22A approved w/ condition Seconded by Motion carried, 4-0 Member Koenitzer moved to recommend approval of HC-51,075.22A to the City Council with the standard conditions, exhibits A-1, A-2 and B-1 and with the additional condition that a 15 gallon tree similar to other ones used in landscaping be planted in this additional planting area in front of tank house. Seconded by Member Dressler. AYES: Dressler, Koenitzer, Weinstein and Vice -Chairman Sallan NOES: None Motion carried, 4-0 1AINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1973 H-CONTROL MEETING Vice -Chairman Sallan notified the applicant this would be heard by the City Council at its January 7, 1974 meeting. 1. Application. HC-51,299.1 of S.H.A.R.E.5 Inc. requesting a modification of site, architecture and landscaping for a proposed bank and office complex located between Stevens Creek Boulevard and.Alves Drive approximately 150 ft westerly of Saich Way. Staff report: Ms. Kramer said the construction of a bank had requirej relocation of office building to allow for drive -up windows not necessitating further curb cuts on Stevens Creek Boulevard. She pointed out on site plan the proposed pedestrian path from the street to the bank and an additional path linking the bank with the rest of the complex. There will still be a 30 ft. set back with fence going along side of property. A modification to bank building was an increase in the facade to give the building prominence and differentiate from other office buildings. She explained a few minor differences in the e-levationS.1, The same materials and architectural features are being used. Thechange, in landscaping was the elimination of proposed mounding along Stevens Creek frontage. This would help in the future when the bicycle path was installed. Member Weinstein asked if the cars in the parking lot could be seen from a car parked on Stevens Creek Boulevard. Ms. Kramer said she did not think so; would not be much parking on street. It was reported there are ample parking spaces provided for the bank. Mr. Larry Madsen, 110 First Street, Los Altos, clarified site modification for Member Dressler. He said there is less square footage than in original proposal. Mr. Dale Phodes-5 vice-president, of S.H.A.R.E., spoke to scarcity of p y - landscaping -on Bumbleberry. He noted the landscaping was not, com- pleted but admitted what was in was .scrawny, He said they would be adding more and improving the landscaping. Vice-Chairman'.Sallan. said she wished to speak fu-rth.er to this to make sure their int.e.n-. tions would be compatible to the committee's wishes. Member Dressler ascertained all the buildings are to be one story and< asked if the applicants had ever considered' covering walkways. , Mr. Madsen said the walkways would be similar to those, in the City 'Hall parking area. HC-96 Page 3 HC-51,299.1 S.H.A.R.E. Inc i FIC-96 MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1973 H-CONTROL MEETING Page 4 Vice -Chairman Sallan asked how much taller the bank building would be than the original office buildings. Mr. Madsen said the bank building { would be 4 ft. to 6 ft. taller. Vice -Chairman Sallan asked for a I description of the proposed building. Mr. Madsen said there would be stained wood on the fascia and walls would be heavy textured j plaster. The windows would be anodized aluminum with solar bronze glass. The walls would be painted an adobe color. In answer to Vice -Chairman Sallan, Mr. Madsen said the fascia stain would be a dark brown with vertical lines. Vice -Chairman Sallan asked the size of the bank site and Mr. Madsen said it was approximately 50 ft. x 90 ft. Member Weinstein questioned why the building had to be so high. Mr. Rhodes answered it was because of the suspended ceiling, ducts and I required space to cover mechanical equipment. Mr. Madsen pointed { out they were working from schematic drawings at this point and it may be possible the building can be lower. Member Dressler asked the frontage of the originally proposed buildings. Mr. Madsen said the two buildings had covered 105 ft. Bumbleberry is 90 ft. Vice -Chairman Sallan said it was hard not to be arbitrary. She was con- cerned about the height and thinks it should be lower. She was con- cerned over massiveness of building and would'like it to be of a lower profile. Mr. Madsen said this would be absolute maximum and it might be possible to lower height when taey got to the working drawings. Member Koenitzer felt it might be more visually interesting to have the bank building differ in looks from Bumbleberry. Member Weinstein felt the architecture could be changed to identify with De Anza concept. He suggested dropping total height and using tile roof with similar texture. Mr. Madsen said they wanted to keep same design concept. He suggested L:Iie committee put a height condition on approval if this was a concern. 111EMibe.r. Weinstein asked what was wrong with tile since most exposure would be from Stevens Creek Boule- vard. Mr. Madsen said the total pr->ject should relate together; tile roof would be unrelated to the other- buildings. Mr. Madsen pointed out there is a ti.me-bind. lie suggested the committee could put a condition to approval aad it could go on to Council or he would submit another proposal. He ;aid there have been minor changes in floor plan that have to be adjusted. Mr. Rhodes said possibly trees would break up massive appearance and they could change the color. c MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1973 H--CONTROL MEETING �Page HC--96 5 Vice -Chairman Sallan pointed out it was the heighth of the building that was of concern to the committee. Mr. Madsen felt perhaps the cement plaster walls could be utilized on bank building and the roof lowered. He pointed out they are under height allowance. The structure duct and canopy to.conceal mechanical equipment might be lowered to drop roof to between 20 ft. and 22 ft. Mr. Rhodes said.it was cheaper to have a low roof but the bank must have a higher ceiling. Ms. Kramer emphasized the higher roof .was to cover mechanical equipment° Vice -Chairman Sallan suggested making stain a lighter shade, Member Koenitzer said it should be, the same as other buildings to tie in with rest of project'. Mr. Madsen said they could go a shade lighter. Vice -Chairman Sallan said the architecture was notclearand she would like another opportunity to see what they are talking about on a continuance basis. Member Dressler asked how far behind schedule they were and Mr. Madsen explained the: reason for theirbeing in,a bind time -wise. He asked if building.A could be approved and the bank building continued. He would then come in with another .plan with changes that would reflect their concerns. Vice -Chairman Sallan wanted to be on record that she disapproved of having to make judgments too quickly. She was aware of their problem but would like to be able to make decision independently of time. She :did not feel comfortable with saying yes before examining it. Member Koenitzer said he felt he could approve building. A. Mr. Madsen said he would feel better in having it handled this ways In answer to Member Dressler, Mr. Madsen explained why landscaping lobe had been moved over to create traffic island. Member Koenitzer noted bumpers needed to be added on the parking, spaces. Mro,Madsen said these had been included on later drawings Vice --Chairman Sallan asked if pedestrian.walkways would be different, texture from street. Mr. Madsen said; yes, they ,would be aggregate concrete.' Signs were also suggested. In answer to Member Dressler, Mr. Madsen explained roof plan of drive-in booths. After further discussion, it was agreed to approve building A and continue bank building. Vice -Chairman Sallan said this discussion would'be informational. so.the applicant would have time to' revise his plans in light of the discussion relative to the architecture. LANDSCAPING IIC-96 MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1973 H-CO_dTROL MEETING Page 6 ILC-51, 299 .1 approved building A; bank continue( Member Koenitzer asked why the mounds were eliminated completely. Mr. Madsen said on Council level the bicycle paths were discussed and Council had asked that landscaping be geared to this possibility. in the future. Vice -Chairman Sallan said a mounding could be begun after bicycle path allowance. It would have to be a low mounding but could be fitted in. The applicants said this would not be a problem. Mr. Madsen suggested it go in as a condition. He said it would be incorporated into drawing of bank. Member Weinstein said he had two comments. He would like to have the Pampas grass replaced. i%,e second comment was on the Bronze Flax. There were three isolated plants and these are usually planted in groups. Mr. Madsen suggested landscaping could be discussed at the same time as the revised bank application. Vice -Chairman Sallan suggested what was substituted for Pampas grass should grow to 20 ft. Member Koenitzer said since there were already two trees there, perhaps something lower might be better. He agreed the Bronze Flax would be an appropriate choice. Vice -Chairman Sallan noted that #8 on the legend isn't used as a single plant generally. She had noticed a randomness to scheme. Has problem making sense to Bumbleberry landscaping. She is concerned with this happening here. There need to be ri ,re plants of same kind to come up with significant grouping. She the._z went over the plans with Mr. Madsen marking in her suggestions. Mr. Rhodes asked about suggestions for Bumbleberry landscaping. Mr. Madsen said they could come in with new plans on Bumbleberry incorpora- ting their suggestions. Member Dressler moved to close Public Hearings. Member Weinstein seconded the motion. .Motion carried, 4-0 Member Koenitzer moved to recommend approval of HC-51,299.1 to the City Council for the site and architecture of Building A as shown on Exhibits A-3rd revision and B-2. Architecture of bank and landscaping to be continued. Seconded by Member Weinstein. Motion carried, 4-0 A recess was called at 9:15 p.m. with meeting reconvening at 9:30 p.m. MINUTES OF .THE DECEMBER 19, 1973 H--CONTROL MEETING 9 Vice -Chairman Sallan then opened a discussion of the Bumbleberry landscaping discrepancies. Mr. Rhodes said he would try to satin" fy the committee and agreed it was barren. The trees.and plants could have been better. He said the landscaping had cost $6,.000e00 Vice -Chairman Sallan said one option was to replace 1 gallonsize plants with 5 gallon size. -Another option was to start all over again and regroup them,`putting.in a 1-1/2 ft. mound although this might be too expensive. She.'also suggested putting in more and larger plants, adding more trees. She, pointed out deciduous trees were best suited for accent effect ° She referred to.new guide linesandasked for 15 gallon size trees along frontages Mr. Madsen said he would present a landscaping plan when the bank application was resubmitted. Member Koenitzer reminded Mr. Madsen that evergreen meant,both coniferous and broadleaf varieties. It was noted that broadleaf., variety withstands air pollution better than the coniferous type. Vice -Member Sallan said the eastern perimeter should be upgraded relative to size of plants. She asked to have the gas meter hidden. Vice -Member Sallan asked to have the committee's pleasure at the applicant's cooperation communicated to the City Council. The scope of the suggestions for Bumbleberry was as follows: (1) Replace 1--gallon plants with 5-gallon plants as per original. plan. (2) Add 4 evergreen trees, 15rgallon sizes to Stevens Creek planter area. (3) Replace`1-gallon plants with 5-galleon plants on eastern boundary as per original plane (4). Add more 5-gallon shrubs on Stevens Creek frontage as appropriate. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discussion of Sign Ordinance Staff member Kramer passed out sign.survey.a.nd explained the proposed, .ordinance .changes. ..She noted the City Attorney has not completedhis studies so changes cannot be .adopted at this time. :Member Weinstein.f elt lighting should be added. Member Koenitzer said the revision is a "stop gap" measure and further changes can, .be gone into at a later date. The committee then went* over the proposed,changes item by item with each expressing his preference and ideas. At 10;27 p.m. Councilman,Spa.r_ks distributed apricots to the committee. i I HC-96 Page 7 ilic,-961 Page 8 MINUTES Of T1iE I)ECi'.MBER 19, 1973 11-CONTROL MEETING I ADJOURI�MENT At 10:40 p.m. Member Dressler left, wishing everyone *ferry Christmas. Sign heights was: a Major concern of the committee. Detailed dis- cussion was held on different means of achieving, their goals. Staff was asked to prepare an e_-:panded list of sign survey. When it became apparent that the wordin- of the revisions would entail more study, it was decided each member would prepare a report and further discussion would be held before making any definite changes. Vice -Chairman Sallan complimented Ms. Krati:er on her revisions to sign ordinance presented for the committee's consideration. At 11:50 p.m. Member Roenitzer moved, seconded by :Member Weinstein, to adjourn to the next regular meeting in January, 1974. Motion carried, 4-0' The meeting was reopened at 11:51 p.m. January 17, 1974 was decided on for a i;ieeting with J_andscapE. architect to review methods of screening proposals, size of plants, rates of grov7th, wisdom of choice and costs. At 11:55 p.m. the meeting was again adjourned. A.1T is ST : 6.'?.i._ E _ Ry('J�r C iCy Clerk Motion carried, 4-0 APnR0VED: /s; Juanita McLaren y Chairman V