CC 09-17-73 · - CUT OF CUPERIDIO, STATE OF c.&L1FOUIA 18300 Torre A,,,nue. Cuper~. Califomia Te1epbone: 252-4505 lùauu.S OF THE REGUU& JŒET1lfG OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1.1ELD OB SEPTEKIIER 17, 1973. IJI THE COUNCIL ClWlBER, CITY BALL cup...._-" CALIFORNIA SAI.ØlE to THE n.AG JIIIyor Irvin called the meetla& to order at 7:34 P,K. with the Salute to the Flag. JÐLL CALL CcnJncilmen ,resent: Councilmen a:,sent: Frolic!:. Jackson, Heyers, Sparks, Mayor Irvin None Staff prese:::: City Kz:ager Quinlan City ~~=rney Adaos DirectQr of A~inlstrati,~ Services Ryder Direct~~ == ?lanning 3n¿ ~~v~lopmcnt 5~§k Direcc;~ ~: F~:'lic "':ork:" ":i:5Ì(.ovich Dire~t=~ ~: Par~s and R~~r~ation But!er !'!!~TIES OF ?:¿';:0rS MEETI:';~..! __ Appro\o.¡::: ~1nutes of a.::~~'~n:.e'd reguldr ~~.:'thig Septe~~~ 5. 1973. Page 1, firs: line of the ::~~-to-:~e-Iast plr~~raph, word "c.==erc1oii:" .;:-...:·uld be dele,:e: iL"l¿ n:placed ·..·i:.:, the wortj ·'l.Dó". Moved by C~~::,i:::an Jacksa::. s~c"~~ed by ~~~~,il=an Sparks to aprrove the :~::a:es oi Scpt~er 5, 1973, as c~rrected. !C:1~n carried, ;-0 CC-177 Page 1 I .uIIlQ OF 'IlŒ S~KR 17. 1773 CITY COON~IL KEdIt CC-177 ='aae 2 - L A¡opmval of ~tIutes of regw.r _ting of September 4, 1973 .. ... 14, ~:- ite.. 23, sec:oad paragraph, last line shoula read: ~ sbo..~.i be serving oa the Transportation Co.-ittee of the w _.... of Call!'n:rla Cities." ~ 11De au pqe 4, the word "less" should be deleted and replaced .... the _rd ....n... .. II b)' CoUIKll&3:1 Meyers, se ; "ed by Counc:ilman Jac:ksoD to çprow die KiDutes 0: Sept"':'er 4, 1973. _ correc:ted. Motion c:.arried, s-o ~ Direc:tor .:: .\.d=inlstrative Servic:es stated the staff has researched tile tapes 0: :".. ceetings of ~t 23, 1973 and July 26, 1973, as re- ;, qaested by :::t ':i:y Council. aDd Doted the verbatim senteDces in his __ of Sep:.:::o:- 12, 1973. !!ISUTE: ORDEi: !toved by C",,-,,:::::.111 Jackson, seconded by Councilman Heyers to approve die above-"".-:::::..d amendl:e:>,;s to the Minutes of August 23rd a:ld July 26th, 1973. Kotl~ :arrled, 5-0 CD~:!.::iIC.\::: ;::i 3. Writt~ Tbe Direc::: :: AJmlnistrati7e Services stated the following co=munic3tions vere for i=,:::-=tional pur;:o~ anI)': A. Sari:. ::::: Pacific: G.u a:>d Elec:tric C"''''P3llY that its proposed rate5 .::: increase gas :-evenues by 13.3~ anJ its electric reven'~s abou: ::.:~. An address was given for those ~ho wish to cbtain a COP)· :: ,':.. applicatiat: 0:: file with th.. Public l:tUitles Co:rIIÚssion. a. TWo :.::.:. from c:itlze~ expressing their views on the s~opplng cen::t:- ;'~stluD In Cu¡>enino. C. Req~5: ::"''" Santa ClAra County United Fund for solicitation permit. Re~~.: :",r proclamatl~tI that September 17 - 23, 1973, be declared "Co::.s:::c;:ion Week", both of whlch are on the Consent Calendar. D. Req"'5: ::'3t publl: hearing for Atto."Iley P. Brien Iòl1son' s property be c::::i::a..J for at least I week since he is out of tovn. II III Jf1Nl1TES OF THE SEPTEHBER 17, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Ybere followed a disc:ussion of the amount of IIIOney P.G. 6 E. has been spending on advertising and public: relations. Jføved by Counc:1lIIIan .Jackson, seconded by Counc:U.man Heyers to receive and file the Written eo.aunications. Jfotion carried, 5-0 4. Oral Communications A. Santa Clara County Residents Against Proposition No. 1. Ms. Karen Wendell, 878 Russet Drive, Sunnyvale, 94087, said she was representing the League of Women Voters. They are in strong oppositi~~ to Proposition I. She then read her prepared stat~~ent gIving the reasons for this opposition. She urged the C~pertino City C~~~~il to adopt the position of opposition to Proposition 1. Mr. K. S::ith, representing the Santa Clara County Residents Agalns Proposi:i.'" :\0. I, also urged the Cupert:'.1O City Council to take this r~s:tion, also. Ann Å~~~r, ~onta Vista, stated that before the City Council took a vot~ ~~ t~is she wanted to read the Ar~uments in Favor of Pr"í'0s i: i~:: 1 into the record. ~(r. Smith said th.. Attorney Cenera; has stated that several of the arguments in that prepared bookIe: are ~~ng and he was prepared to debate the matter. Coun~il~~" Jackson wanted to go on record as agreeing with the Santa C:~ra County Residents Against Proposition No.1. He said It giv<5 :he Governor the veto power over the Legislature; the pres~ur~ ~ill be shifted to the local ~overnments regarding taxati~::. and in regard to the argument that Proposition I will give relief to the poor....it amounts to something like $14 per year. Coune i 1 t"..1n Frolich said he aRreed with most of Councilman Jackson s He asked the staff to obtain the analysis of this The Council can then digest this information and, act upon it at the next regular meeting. statc:n-.;nts. proposal. hopdu: ly, CounC"iba:l Sparks said that five months ago, when the Governor began Lllking ab.'ut this, he was in favor of it. S [nee that time, upon receiving more informat ion on it, his opinion has changed, He c,-"'It::I~!,1[ed that on£" of th£" m..:ljor pr~1blf..~r.1s in l1ur State is that we h....·.·(' had on(' p..rty running the Executive branch and the other running the L"gislative branch. CC-117 Page 3 .. .. ~-! i7 lIIIto'TES OF tHE SEPTEMBER 17, 1913 CITY COl!~lL ~ETl~G . ^.' .. C-Ocu..... 1ferers vas in favor of obtaining additional bfonaation on dd.s !latter. Then, tlhatever stand the City Council takes, It should be __ perfectly clear the reasons for this stand. CoancillUD Frolich said he _uld like to hear sOlIe constructive cr1ticisll £raa those tIho are opposed to this, not just cdtici.. Coancilaaa Jackson said 70u don't get a cleanup bill with a Constitutional 'O--....ent. Be would like to see a resolution prepared, listing the reasons .my the Cupertino City Council takes the stand that it does. .AmI Anger said the United Tsx1l4yers are trying to protect the homeowners. She urged t~ Council to listen to the pros and cons of this matter. l'UBLIC H£..UDlGS 5. Application 9~-73 of Paul J. and Janet J. De Renedetti: Prez~~L~g .237 acres froo Santa Clara Countv Rl-IO (Resi~~~:ial, single-faotly, 10,000 sq. ft: per dwelling unit) zone :c City Qf Cuperti~o Rl-IO (Residential, single-family, lO,OOO sq. f:. ?er dwelling unit) Zone. Said property is located adjace::: t'" a;:d northerly of Santa Paula Avenue ap¡>roxir.¡ately 475 foe: easterly of the intersection of Foo:hill Blvd. and Santa :aula Avenue. RecOlllDended for a?proval. The Plan:::::~ Jirector said this application ~as filed in response to the City's L~;:exation policy ~ith respect t'" the provision of water service. :~is flag lot contains approxioately 12,500 sq. ft. Mayor lr.:::. a.5ítCJ for COIIIII1ents from th~ audience. There ......ere none. Kaved by C"':1dl::an Meyers, seconded by Ceu"cllman Jackson to close the public ~earings. Motion carried, 5-0 ..-2: -73 .~?roved Moved by C_uncil~an Meyers, seconded by Councilman Jackson to approve applicatio: ~-Z-73. Motion carried, 5-0 A. First reading of Ordinance No. 609: "An Ordinance of the City of CunertL~o ameading Section I of Ordin~~ce Xo. 2 by Prezoning Approxi- mately .25i ~re from Santa Clara Cou~ty Rl-IO (Residential, single- family, 10.000 sq. ft.. per dwelling unit) zone to City of Cupertino Rl-IO (Residential, single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) 'zone; r..oc.1teJ Adjacent to and Northerly ",f S:1nta Paula Avenue, Approxi- mately ~i5 Feet Easterly of the Intt'rsect1on of Foothill ßlvd. and Santa ?aula Avenue." -- read by MaYOt Ir..in. II It IIIJIITES aE IRE SEPTEJIBE& 17. 1973 CITY COUNCIL KEETUIG CC-177 Page 5 IIDYed by eo-c:llun ""'.. secqnded by Councllaan Jackson to have Ord. 609 OrIIiDaDce :so. 609 r.... '" title only, and the Mayor' s read 1111 sbat First ae.sln COIUIt1tute the First _..u... IIDcf.øD carried, 5~ 6. Plm:'~ Coaaissl_ A. Appl~~nion 13-U-73 of J_es Frost for Use Pemlt to cODstruct a 5i=&1~tory prof...ional office building within a P (Pl'-~ Develo¡geDt) zooe. Said property is located vesterly of "~~e Avenue appraxizately 100 feet northerly of the Inter 52;:t:::: of Pacifica AYenue and Torre Avenue. RecOI!IIIIended for apr-r:... .L. . The P¡~::=:::~ Director referred to the S~ptember 14, 1973, staff report ::: ::-':s matter. After a great è~31 of dis~assion Con the parkin~ .::·~:ion, the Planning Commiss:~n recommended appro~al of this ô?7:'_ation vlth th~ 14 standard conditions and 5 extra condi::,-::: , Hay"r ::c-.-:.:. ;¡sked for cOIBC:OOI;nts from t!1.> audience. Att('ln:~'" :j.:::~S Frost.. 112~7 Catalina C'.......:rt, Cup.:'rti,:,,:o.. said the Plann::-.: ::':"'"'~~tor has gi-;E::l an accur:\tc a-:counl of t~E:: :-:.altér. He CI.'"\::: :..:-::.;:.:. that he viI: :-.;)t be rent i:1b to the ne¿ :..cal nor the dent¿~ -:::;.:~c;ion. He c:s..·~rcd Council-_H'I Mí")·ers tbat he did not for"sù .CO- ?t('blems wit;' Condition Ii> in regard to the off-sit" iaprc\·\.:-_~:-::$. Moved 0' ~:c~cilman SparLs, s~conded b. C~uncilman Fro1ich to adopt :.77: .~,'~ ion 13-U-7;). Mo~ion carried. ~-O B. ~<~==¿::: to Use Pe~it 26-U-69 (0J~s Shoppinr, C~~ter) $t.- :,: ,::: U"ve1opment C<:.rporat1un: D~l et inr, not"i 1 and off ice s¡,¿.:¿. ~ .;;:.J adding a c.:in~a incluJ.~I:!~ three ¡~lIJitnriums of 30e '<.i:S <,ach. Sai¿ rtoperty is in a P O'Iann...d DE-vd0¡>ment \:i::-. fi:,:..:-ral commercia.l intent) ~..""ra' ;¡oJ is loc.:i.ted at t.he nC'::·~_..'';;~;: ('orner of t.hE intersect ~,'!l of Stcvt,'ns Creek Blvd. an x"l:--." .~'. ~:-.ue. RccOI:H-:lced ror a¡'l'r-,...·:.:11. (CC~,: :",oc_'j from Sept="er 4, I 9ì.1 ) The PI~,'c:-i- Uirl'ctor reierred to tit., staff report of SeptemLer 14 1973, :c_~:__i;"g the requ..sted compariscn .,£ thi' s'iu;:re fo"t:lf,c {'f this .-~-.... :.::- ,'rlginai p:-c-;x-.s.J1 t and i::,-!uJin~ a s!w??ing center C'omp¡¡r :.~.:=. '::~,trt. 13-11-73 ade¡>t('d '" .. CC-177 Pa&e 6 IIIJIUTES OF tHE SEPTÐmER 17. 1973 CITY COUNCIL HEETIlIC As to the question of the relationship of nighttillle theater activities .ad the introduction of uuwaated nighttble activity into Memorial Park, the PI.>nning Director said there appears to be no research on this at this time. VariDus orlllDlzations have been contacted to see U 8IIythiD& !-.as been published on this question, to DO avail. The c.. Jllitylelations Unit of the Sheriff's Depart.ent has been contacted iD resard to any experiences they may have had in this area but it vas fOUDd tb~t there vas no information available froa that source. This be_s a :&at tel' of supposition since there appears to be no objectIve data available. The Director C'Í Public Yorks answered CouncilllWl Meyers that the City bas been c~ü~tlng traffic counts in that area. In regard t: t~e parking. Councilman Jackson said the Sandpiper parking lot was cc;=:~te1y filled one day last we~k ~~en he was there. Councllœl: ~~.::rs agreed Ùat their parking lot appears to be full qui te ofte:l, Mr. Ste~~ 5t"~rt, 450 East Strawberry Drive, ~!ll Valley, presented a letter i:-~-: '(r. Cooper, -..no "a5 unablt:" to dtt~nd this f!1eeting. ~r. St~.art ,~:d one !m~rtant pc!nt is rh~t they have bet'n working tcward ha,:~, \ theater ~n ~ne Oaks f~r a1møst a year and n~ they have a sig~~: :~ase. ~uch t~c and ncney h3ve been spent on these plans. :~è: reel that a theater works ver~ ~~11 with th~ other uses . ' in this .:..:"-:;,:~:<. ~r. Rer..1t.:> v, "..rt inez, 1:'6 Main Stre"t, presented t raf fic gen..rat ion character~st,'''. lie said Stevens Cr""k !!l\'å. and Mary Avenue CaD adequ3te~y ~,,-,j1e the traffic that will be ~""cr.1ted by this proposal. It was f.:u~':' :.11~ center has consid~rabl~ ex,'",-"ss of parking. He said ther~ .~ll b~ no conflicts bet~~~n movem~nts of traffic between Flint Ce~tet ~~J this co~?lex. He adviseJ that th~se very popular lectures at ::int Center should not be scheduleJ when there are night classes or ~:~lotic activities. Councilm:>n ]~,~SOD asked ~hat effect the Mary Avenue overcros~~ng has on this. ~~. ~rtinez said that when there is a decre3se of turns it generally =eJ~S traffic moves better. Councilman S.arks was concerned about the Flint Center parking spilling over onto t~~s lot. Hr. ~rtinez said Safeway 3t Vallco Village has put up not~,es which discourage this sort of thing. Council""", "cyers noted that with a I heater you w111 have concentrations of traffic ~'reso than at a retail shopping center and he wondered if the ingress s~,u¡ù be farther away from tho entrance to Highway 85. Hr. Martine: .~id there are design methods of expediting the entrance. .. ,. lit ì HIlIUTES OF THE Su'kØIII£JL 17. 1973 CITY COU)ICIL .ømc ~. t t f > CouacUam Heyen ackœvled¡ed .the fact that CuplR1øo could use . c~, aød thia ~ DOt appear to 1ncre... * iAteDsity of aae¡ llat he is COIICI':med about the inaress. If tlere could be s_ correction f;, tbe "affic pattern be ~d fie in favor of it. CouIIc:Uam JacltBOD ..14 JIr. JlartiAu's re¡;-ort· red II8IIY of hiB ....tioa., but it d_ ØIIt say where the traffic will ao. Be vas COIICenaed that the traffic will find itself &oiø& through res!o: deUal neighborhoods to _id traffic ban.ups. jmd he s.ld he 18 stUl eODcuned about pot_Ual probl_ with thb type of use adjacent to a CIty park. CouDCn.... !feyen said he Uvea in that area and the day-to-day De Anza traffic does DOt deviate into the resideali.l areas. Counc11can Sparks said the youns people In this .rea need a place to So. lie wondered how long we """ld have to wait if ...., were to wait for ~ theater in the To~~ Cent~t. With proper ~upervlsion in the r3rk, there should be no pr~blcm. He felt that the De Anza nicht cl~sses could create some problcm~. Council;"."" t'roI ic!. ~..::i his biSF-.'st co..cer<1 is tbat the City park is that cbse to t,,~s center. lie feels the traffic i<1¡:r"ss problc:l C.l:t be ;O}'/C::, He wondered ..-hat perCl>nt... of the custo- .ers ~~~~~ ~ome fr~ ~he freeway. Mayor :r.in felt thr traffic ingress/egress ~as the blßgest proble:. ~hen you ~~t a theater in here you take it out of the "nelghh......:-hl,."oJ" situat::>n. Coundl:.,!Q ~Ieyers s,Ü:! the applicant has stated rUt in order to set S:"" "",,,Ies they :lee.! to b" away from the laraer cities and run th.. p;~lures for ~ long time, ..'hleh indicates the ÞI.trketin& area is ~cre th~n jus: the neighborhood. Coundl:-.l;1 Frolich ',oted !hat th.. "nly way out is te get onto Mary A"'~'I~ and acr," 0 Stevens Cr..ek Bbd. II.. a_ed I"''' l.>n~ it wou:d t..:.~.iL' [his !n::...:~c..~::tion to disp-='IISt-' l~O Lar5.. 1h,' Dir~ctor ~f Publi~ ~0r~s ~ai~ this would be h~rd tu say. bat it c0uld be strfpc¿ ~..'r doublc 1(:: t turns, ",,!\ic~ would h¿lp. !ire ~1artlncz said th.. tratfic c~,_:~ dissipate ...ithin 10 minutes ·.rith dcuble left turn lan..s. ~. J('::,' C.r'H.·l~y. ~l..te"')r and ~bry Avcn.ue, Ct¡p(;rti3o, s;lid tlu..'Y ,ar~ having ="....:-:... prob1(-~.:;; ~-ilh pe\'ph'" drh·inö dJ'..'"!1 Mat"!' AVl'nul', not rcalilu:~: it does nut go throurh. He- saiå he is:sot ariain~t t1a" theater "ut he tloir':. the City ...111 have to take ~ y,uod I<'v;" ~t the tr.1:: ic, with th" theater, shopping r"ntcr, apartM,·nt.; and b1cy.:l.~;. CC-177 Page 7 CC-177 Pase 8 26-U-69 rer.e..ent ?a.sect" "'-51,:1:5.:5 .1;~ro·.·~¿ He-51.)! 1.3 .I?pro"ed -' .. HIIIITrES OF THE SEPTmBEIl 17, 1973 CITY COUNCIL HEETIIIG Moved by Councilman Sparks, seconded by Councu.an Heyen to approve the a.endœent to application 26-0-69; the 1Dgre5S and signing to be ..de a part of the Architectural and Site Approval applicatioo. AYES: ROES : Councilmen Frolich, Heyers, Sparks CouncilCIaD .J'"<""_, Kayor Irvin Motion carried, ]-2, Mayor Indn called a recess at 9:20 P.H. At this poUlt, Cound~ Meyers hold to leave to catch a plane for a bdSiness trip for the reaainder of the week. The meetip~ reconvened at 9:40 P.H. 7. Architectural and Site Approval eo..ittee A. Application ::C-51,015.15 of Edwin J. H)·en (Cul>ert!no Crcuroads :;:lopping Center) requesting al'!,ro\"al of site ..r. Hficat!ol1 and l~nJscap!ng for the p~rklng ar~d bet~een ~4r~~ Ca!lender's and ~!ke's lIero !-iouse in the Cuper tin., Crossr"a¿. ~hol'pi:'1~ C..nter. '~co~menJed for appr~val. ~!oveJ by Council;-:..n Søark5. seconded by Counc il:::a:'1 Jackson to approve ap~lication HC-5! ,015.15. ~.otio.. carried, 4-0 B. Application ~C-51,OIS.l8 of. Fd·.,in J. ~:,ers G~lden Horn Re..taurant request ing approval ,,: uchitecture for an existing res:aura:l: the Cupertino Cros!>roo:ds Shopping Ce:lter. approval. r~?~e~tn~ing the Qf t~e 3cdificat!on facility located in Rcc="",,,nd,,d for M~ved by Counci:~an Sparks, seconded by Counc~l~" Frolich to approve applic.ltion HC-Sl,015.lð. ""t ion carr ied, :'-0 C. Application HC-Sl,3l1.3 of Mitchell Ragar rec¡'"esting approval of site, architecture ailJ grading for one du?lex unit located at the south",est corner of Randy LlIte and Hogue Court. RccclIIIDended i,,'r approv.Jl. Moved by Councllaan Sparks, seconded by Councilman Jackson to approve application HC-Sl,3il.3. Motion carried, 4-0 " It IIDIUTES OF 'I~ S£PTEMBI!a 17, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING D. Application HC-SI.0J5.17 of Parham-Cabral Realty r.eqvestinl approval of a sign p1aø for an existing office building loc..ted at the 8_~t comer of Saratoga-Sunnyvale IIøad and Stevens Creek Blvd. ill the Crossroads Shopping Center. Rec_ended fOl apparol.l. With the understm;dill& tIIat the slgn copy is Exhibit V-I, it _s 80Yed by COUDciImar. J8C~. secooded by Councilman Sparks to approve application HC-SI,OlS.17. !lotion carried, 4-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. Autr.orize Execution of Agree:nent between Foothill CcmI!Iunity College District.and City of Cupertino concerning De Anza tennis court lighttmg. (Conti~ued from September 4, 1973) The City ~~~ager explaine¿ ~he cost ~stimates on th~ tennis court lighting. ¡he Parks and Rëc~eatior. Directo~ said the SaQe ratio will be used throuJhout :J:" Cit)·. In this case, t,,·o courts arc for instru.:tion mid tw~ a=e: fr~e courts.. After further d{"cussio~, :~~s matter ~as referred t, the City Attorney f ~r iurth~r re~."~e"·.. 9. Fit,,: Reading of Ordi~-:e :>0. 602: "An Ord!r.a:1ce of the City of Ct,;:~rtin.:J Estab~ ~s:..;':..; P..egulat ions for Oedica.t':'cn of La.nd. Pa~~r~~: "..f Ff-t.!'s, or ==:.:-.. for Park and Recr~at ional Lh:1d in Su~~~\·isL."ns." - re..¡¿ by Ma>-or Irwin. Tbe Pl.~r..·~i~<: Director sa.:~ ::-.e:'c ha~ been considt.'rô1blE:: ¿iScu5sion on thi::ò r-1:t.er by the Ci.:y :c.~ncil. the staff and ho~cC"'..:ncrs. He s.:;.;¿, t~e:...~ i... ..... rcp:-es~:a~i'le from th~ Home Buil¿ers' Assûcia- t1~n i~ t~e ~~J¡cncc. wunci l::a:1 Fro! iC':h sai¿ O:-..f: c£ the arguments in favor of this ordlna::.:..'" is tl' c,et th~ .!.ö:I:-...d~""'!1ers to help pay fQr th:.s project. After Jiscu~sioll of the Se..~=ber 14th memo on th~ I'rcposed ~cvisÌl'n tc the Park. Dedi.:.a:ion and Construclion Tax Or¿inancps. it \o:ó1S .!ècidc": j l \1oulá. :..~ :E;St. to study this m3l U.;r f:>r anather tWQ wt'.......k.s. The fitaff .33. ':.=-.s.t:"ucted to èxplorp the possibilities of a sli¿ing sc:tlc or fO:-;::f.J;.a to mi1kt: this equit..:hle. CC-117 Page 9 HC-51,OIS,17 Exhibit V-I approved 0:-177 Jaae 10 !tamp t ied ~ EOC proje.:c - .. KDlUTES OF rn;: SIU'TEKBlZ 17. ¡';J CITY COUNCIL MEETING 16. First leading of 01>1' 'fo. 603: '''An Ordinance of die City of CupertiJ!o im;xJ~ _iiØlCtae tax on the Constructloa of Buildings and MobU...... LøC:s in the City of Cupert1DO.· - read by Kaycor Irvin. Counc:il_ Jackson said .. ,.. be interested in getting r_es in other cities. 'the matts' _ coat1nued for 2 weeks to al1DV the staff to rese~rch this. 11. Report "n feasibilUy ~ a ramp at the City Hall for dl...1ed . persc::s. The Direc:_~ "f Public ~ referred to his September 14, 1973 œeao on this ~J::er. The p~ that the staff faced in de~i~nl~g a ramp wa~ :~e requir~enc of Š271ng a 1:12 sl~pe. This ~culd re~uire a 20' 1':-:-0: ::ä:1? Since t:ê.:ls is not -:ompati'l,le with anj" of ~he fout' ent:".':.~':C:5 to thl'!: C1~y ;;~-:1, Hr. ale5si:":.~·s help ·..ras ~e--;i.1ested since h~ ô";j :h~ archi.:ec: :f ~t.e City -Hall. His ørOpf)5,1l ·...~s :0 constr:..'!.c: :"::'3 ra~? ~~ c=-=.~;.;.::..:.:~~ with the ['amp neccLd :-:.:- \;': :::!.z.1t1on of tit€! ':~~~ent.. ~r. Wil 3~-c:5:>i:1g. A1.\-, s.a"'''; ~.. .ould be r.: ~:-i' í~asiblc to ~:~ :~~,; in w1tl~ ~-.¿ ~:-:k'rov(:r:ef"l.t. c: =.=-e c.asemcnt. :':~is prtJpc":dl ....-:.;.::. ;rc':1de the íl~:,:·. :~':'':.y of the :".æ::::t; .~:"'=g: used by ~~,,~:...JiC3pp~d ?~!"3::-.5 êS ...·11::11 as the .~~-~>;¿r~· of s·':'?~!.:"!5:s. '!:-.:s docs ¡;.t.~.";:: ·,..·~th îutu!"~ ::a::s :(;.':" the hu:'~":'~:·,;. The ECC ?:-:'Ç,a:! :S schedule: ~..."Ir 197!+-Î3. ~~=. ;'_¿~~in~ escÜnat¿."':' ::.,~ ':"3nps 2..-::: S~e-.¡':ì:5 iolould rU:1 J~t~cen 522, ;:': ti:.:"'''': 525,COO. T:le Cit:; :_;.:.~gi'r sugges~ë::è. ~~s matter CL"lul¿ ~\! referred t..:: :-.ex~ year's ~'..:.:~¿: in case := v:c':, :it into lhis year's b'ltig~t. Ccuncil:=.J.~ J¿..:kson said ~ .~lè like to S~¿ this Inst.¡ll¿ :"';~ i: should ~è :i·~ to the E-:C ~==Yecents. r~,,~ ~:0uld like tc :_~...€: :h:s item a¿¿;:.': :~ the Capi.:- s: ~==-.-e:tents Prù~'r~7.. Moved by .::....:1..:ilman Fr~::'~, £e.Conded by Cv'mcilman Jackscc. :.:. :-.ave the abe\'<, ?~"¡>"sal tied ~ ~=>e !:J"..oC project, and the City ~-,a;"~ ~as i"strt!~tc~ :~ «rite to ~~ ;>e:'s.=n who i.nst isateJ thi~ matter, e:qlaining the acti~~ taken. !'.o:':'=-n carr led I 4-0 .. . . .!!.J.u-:r:S OF !:~;: ;:;:?':Ð!BEIl 17, 1973 CITY COUNCIL ME1:.-rING ~ BUSI1ŒSS 12. AVard of ti2e deposiU. _ed by Cou:<:~ Jacka_. -~_.~ by Councllaan Sparh to _d the ti::e de;'Osit of tZOO,CIOO to _tare Karch 15, 1974 to -..k of Aan~~ at its hllldu..s 1tU of 10%. JIIC).rw. Sparks, Mayor Irvin ØES: ..,: ØSEJIT : Cour<:i;~e~ Frol1r~, So:w Co-.::::: _=-, ~s ~3, !eque.: :.~ !riOVC=':-i:' .. on ~.l: _~::_ ~~'..<.¿ t:. . _. .:.;.'::.....!'riz.: j:: ';:"~l'r - __.: )"c;.:- :¡'::: :;A.\:I..~:_ ~.... S(lnt.' I.i '.-J'-L"r:: " : ~. ~;J. :-. - . .Cl.:f..:: - I-T.t)::-::.- ~;a! ...: 19, ,',' thr·," .:.: ~..~d b'" ~:, Ir.'::-rt P..lC~ _ _ _. .t.:E.5 : , ~·::s: .~:. ê5E!:t: c.:- .-.' JIot 1011 carrIed. 4-Ð -:~,i.~ion to ..1: ~?ki~s frpm Octob~r 4 to -.3. frcœ t!·.~ -p.~ÎL¡~ Patch". next to Sall'lbo'8 -.-.:."Vale P.oa¿. Frol: ::., se::ç--:-~t:.~ ::y C-:-un,,'i \-,'':1 Jacksu!~ t~ ,~ p'"...J::oy".:;.¡;¡' .:. .::....,,- "r¡;~;,kin í'.lt..h" fro!.' 4--\.."r 4, ~;.;.,), ....:.;.:::-:.: tc the S,l"_:~ ~ond!li(n' itS !-!~t~:.:: .:a.~~i(:d, 4-0 >-s( lL.~. -. ...... .. t C·,'....:..' i ~ .:: t 11(' c: t·,' -': . .':'~1¡; Ct.::-:<i.~ ::"_. ;'<.': Dl'r""';':~.J... !·.:Jy¡"blt' :. ~:-.e : -., tht" :: .:::5 .;:.~ ....J.:.t.:·r 11,'· "ri..l.n-d t"r ·~~t"S f- =- ..:--.~ ?¡:":- ~ _ ;'II:'Li,-\~1 J::~L;1~ Scptt·; . ~.~ ::.. . ::-....in <",L~ :.;-.i~ :'-:>J-';ó'~; :·:..lrl.::!~-:' ~~('I. I}~:v .---:. ·..it}l.l tota: -:: ;~¡',?42.39. _-~:: Frol~.:h, se:,=~~-=~ ~:: Coun~il~.:.J!1 j.H:k~~\"¡ lc :0. 3Y.ú, " - - Frolicr., Ja~it..s..:':'"_, '="p.lrk~. ~!.1:~'r 1r...in ---_. ~eyers ~tio~ c~rried. 4-0 CC-177 Pas" 11 Ti8e Depoa1t _arcled P..-::"' -:"". :. -: ~" i;~· '.. 'ç-:,. ':;; - '. G~ ~ ': <-' : C'..;-t77 ? 1 ~e 12 i.?3. 3541 l-ic-rted . 3;~': .~t t'¿ '. )5:.3 , ,'ted - .. ~ES OF THE SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 16. 10. 3541: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain C1aias and Demands Payable in the AaÐunts and f~~ th~ Funds as Hereinafter Dcscribed for General and Mise~¡lnneous Expt~itures, Period Ending September 17, 1913." Kayar Irvin sa.{d this includes Warrants No. 15350 and 10001 through 10068 with a total ~f $45,310.77. IIIJwed by Councilman Jackson,. secCY.1ded by Councilman Sparks to adopt &esolution No. 3541; AYES: IIOES : .&B5EIIT : r~unci1men Frolich, Jackson, Sparks, }byor Irwin None CouneiI~an Meyers Motion carried, 4-0 17. No. 3542: "A Resolution of t;,e City Council of the Ci~y ,f Cupertino )~thorizing Execution of Agreement Bet~een the C,ty of Cupertino and the County of Santa Cl.lr.1 for the Instal11~ i or. of an Eight-Inch \.[ater Line along Stev('ng Canyon Rf)ad." -- I read by lliyor Irwin. ':.=~~cilm~1n Jackson gait! he unJcrstands thar: till~ Count" dC1e<; t1-..... ·..·0:;: I::: thf!; '.l11d turns it over to us. H.e a:~ke1 r~ thi~ i.... ...iz~rt .",.;:-~:-:~n.tly :~:' future d~\"èllJpmcnt. The Direc:tor ,,,,:f i)"oJ i..: ~,\':';;'~ ~,d~ t:--.~:: ,~·.'e ~~eed to put in the size t!1at .e can u!.1.1 i/o' La tÌlt:' ~-L:.tuf'e. ~."e.j by Councilman Frolich, sccc::ded by C.)u:l..::il:7lan .I.t, ~'vn t.:.. .1~":':;t ~sclution ~~. 3542. Motion carried, 4-0 :B. So. 3543: "A Resoluti"" of the City Council of the C:Hv "f I Cupertino Authorizing Exec·!tion of an f.quip",,,nt Rental A.1.rec,-,e:>t with the City of Santa Ciara." ~.ved Ly Cuune ilt!lan Frol ich, seconded by Counc i Im.\1l. SO;trks to ad"'pt I£solution x~. 3543. AYES: SOLS: USEYr : Counciloen Frolich, Jackson, Sparks, Mayor Irwin None Counc Hoan Heyers Motion c.rried, 4-0 ". III K1NUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER. 17, 1973 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 19. No. 3544: "! Resolution of the City Council of the City of CupertiDo Authorizing \:1u! Execution of an Agreement Between tJ¡e County of Santa C1a~ and the City of Cupertino Relativ, to Resurfacing of Blaøe:' Aveoue." - read by the Mayor. lIoved by Councilman Frolicb. sec:onded by Councilman Jackson to adopt Resolution No. 3544. AYES: !IOES : ABSENT : Councilmen Frolic:b, !iooe Councilsan Meyers .Jackson, Sparks, Mayor Irvin Kotion carried, 4-0 CONSE?\T CA!.F.SDAR 20. R(,$.,:"ti"n 1/0. 3545: "... Rpsolution of the City Council of thl' C::y of Cuvcr::~n:) !'..a~:llg its Ordi"r De~criblng the Boun- dðr: ¿;::.. D~~ig~I,"1t(':! as ',~ Benedet t i 7)-6' tfl be :'\T1nCX( d to t t.f" CilY ~1~:...~ Orderin(! A:-.:-.i:X...::i0:1S to thè: C:ty Without PlJ~11c HC..1: :::~ as Prt,\,-i¿td "j:; 1 ~'...: ApprC'xi-::1tcly O.40'} Acr('s Lo,":,~ ~"rth Siùe of ,~~la Paula Av('nue B('lw~en FoothIll Blvd an¿ ~.:.:-.J. Vista .\-,,·cnue.·' 21. Aut~.:~i;dti(·I} fur Sa~t3 C',!~a County ruited ruad to solicit fr...~ ~...~~tmhl~r 6, 1973 t~.~Gugh No\"~r.:h~l- 30, 1973, aod tJaiver "i :~~:n~~s Jiccns~ ~e;J;r(~ent. 22. rr~"'~ :..i:::.1cio:,\ d(·si.v.na.t:~b ¡:.eriod S~ptl-,nÞer ]7 to :>3. 1973. as (~~:titution ~ee~. Moved ~. adop l l . :.....,;~h~il1'..;.J~l Fro:1c~.. st:condcd ty Councilman Sp.:.rks to ~~nsent CaleGJar Mo~:c~ carried, 4-0 &£PORTt, n,1/t cor~c lL REPP.£< ,,::: t.TIVES 23. M~v~~ Irwin: Inter-Citv CellI,dl There wa~; a !"1.i.Îi.'r d¡~;cl:~>sion on ~~()1 iù wast£". Th·'rl." \~'~~S a \'lIt". in faV(1t' of the stud)- but no .1ppr{lpriatJons. It was' decIde" the I.'ci¡:hteù vote shou d have further .tudy. Drug Abuse C00idi nat i(,n CotT\mission The Mayor 111 issc.d t hi s meet! ng 9 Jue La Ceneral Plan meetings. CC-177 Page 13 Rea. 3544 adopted CC-177 hee 14 KDlUTES Of mE IItmElt ;7, 1973 CITY com:CIL_ Jfayor Irvin ," , (contimaed) League of California Cities · No meetiDg. <'r' '1'· 24. Ccnmef'--::;. t'rolich: Tranaportation COIIIIIIiss1oD · The m'C Regional Transportation Plan was distributed to the CouIIcUwen, and feedback was requested. Cotmciblan Frol1ch said the most troublesome area is the fact that it gets into the fiDanciDg of regional trans- portation and they have scraped the bottOlll of tbe barrel. There is no IIOney left for local agencies, l113intenance or operation. lie said one approach for prOlllOting Dl3as transit '"'QuId be to put such a heavy tax on th~ aut(~~bile that it viII force p~ople to use puÞli~ transportation is occ proposal of the ~ç. Council~n Frolich and the ptaff ~ill ~rite a le:ter to the ~ITC to further enfor~e Cupertino's stanù 0\1 this t1atter. Ley,;slath'c R,,'·iev Com::1ittee · ::" report. ~5. Cau::..:: ::= ~_.... :dckson: A$~cciaticr. ~f Bay Area Goverr~ents lhe r.~·.: (~ty ('If Fa.\.rra:-; General Plan in\'O}"°1?-3 :...: .'.·Y indu5tri.J.lizaticn. rhe R~~¡;:::,::"'.~·l 1'1ar~dni; CO:f!:1ittec co~pt'ooised. sa::in~ .-1.;:";',; is develo?!.r.z SO::1e ccntruls over the &"o~th process. trbac Dc~"l,~~~at & Open Space Subcoremittee of PPC -- ~~ ~c~ting. Airport L,,",¿ [se Com:nission · There ~ill be a meeting on Sept~ber 20th. 26. Cow:~::'-_,:: ~!eyers: Planning Policy Comaittee lIillside Su!...",",,,,ittee of PPC Airport Lacd [se Commission · No reports. 27. Cou::: ::=-,;-. Sparks: Flood C~ntrol Advisory ~o=cittee COrIDlission oa Alcoholi~ · :;0 reports. ':, "'};;":'. ,,:,',~~ " ·'t -; ...: '" It . !t:1NUT~ OF TIlE SEPTEKBEIl 17, 1973 CITY COU¡;CIl ~IEETINC CC-177 Page 15 IEPOIIIS Am !lit-lITES 28. Pl-h~ CoIDisa1on A. CIoo'-i..ion of JU.-es of September 10, 1973 and AuSU.C 30, 27. aDd 2, 1973. '" .. '.29. Ardúuctural and 5ice Appròval CoI:Dlttee ..,.~'"' . A. -hdoD of JU.-es of regular meeting of September 5, 1973. ~O. Parks and Recreati01l Coaaiaaion A. !keting scheduled for September 12, 1973 cancelled for h=k of quorum. 31. ~a~~< =~ission A. ~ =..eeting scheduled. 32. L:::~~: =~~_~ission A. ~:: '::...:'~tfng sche-:l',.;:e::d. 33. Fc'::.: :'~:('ty Com::is<,.::. ;\. =-,-·:.-::-.:ssiClß of ~~:..;t€::s of adj..~.:: ~:~..!. rc~ular meet ing of .',_;~<t 30, 1973. REI'l'::: .::: :::, :O:R$ 34. C::; :::1:: . ,~. :~: FLnancc Dl~~_::: s~id v~ .'~~' t: ¿, """"'thin,, '.:: ,; $600 ,OO~ :-c' ....;: >~.,l ructe¿ .' _;aw up r\.~:\. :!1 r:',¡' T';'~ i t i ,:'.'0 ~f 11;.1·.. inf ;-:~rt~ I;,\'r ~4. 1973. I!¡- ..1~ \' .1,',1-'·' '..l'r;!: s . 16~OOO.OO .funcl to .B.A.a.l. Vater colle:ti"n pay:>ent McCorcaclt cOl'lplaint to CA and ins. carri..r . WI' HIN\J'nS OF THE SEPTOOER 17. 1973 CITY COUNCIL HEETn:G Upon re<:uest of the Director 'of Finance. it _s IMIved by COtln"f1man Jackson, seconded by Councilman Sparks to draw a warrant in the 300unt of $l6,COO.OO for S.H.A.R.E. whicb is refund of cas~ depo&it when the bood In like ~unt ia received. AtIS: CouneUaan rrol1cb, Jackson, Sparks, llayor Irvin IOES: Jane WElt: Coa1Ic11aa HeJers IIotima carded, 4-0 . Upon request of the DIrector of Finance, It ... _d by Councllaan Jackson. seconded by CouncllIUA Sparks to draw a varrant in the :u:IOunt of $11,979.50, payable to Bank of America - Corporate Agency Service Center for payaent to FIscal Agent for .tebt service requir"-<'Its for Librar~ Sand due 10/1/73. AYES: ~ES: ABSE:C : Council..n Frol ich, J3ckllon, Sparks. Kayor Irwin ~one ç~uncilman Meyers ~tion carried, 4-0 Upún ~~' ~·J\'!::it of t!H~ Dt rec :or ('Of F i:'\anc~, it wa~ mo\'cd by l.:~"'ur..· i It'1o.U\ Jd\:k:;.::"'... seconded by C~unc i 1 m..J.n Sparks to draw a W1rranr i:"!. ~ :h.~ ~¡r.:""tlnt oi 5~~. -~o.06, ra::;¡b1~ to ?..1n',¡. "r .~.rtt;"ri..:.l - Corpordt(· A~ên.:y ~t':-vLce C~ntë';-.. :,)r pa)~cnt oi Aur.1J~;t w"atcr ("CtIl."ctions du*--' 9/5173. AYES: roES: ABSE:.-:: : ":..:u:'c ¡ 1"t,>:1 Frol i.ch.. Jack9cn.. Sp" rk:;.. ~!ayor 1 rwin ~¡Jne C~unciloan ~eyer$ ~~tion ~arri~J, 4-0 Upon rè.;"~st of the City ~""<\g~r, it W3" n.)veJ by ~ollnci1",..m J.l,kson, seç()n..i~.:i by COl.nci103c :;p.lrks t\\ r~i~r th~ c0M?laint: for J.I::.;!g~~ scrved on thè City by FI.1rd P. ~cCorr.t¡t.:-k and OC"cl,)thy ~:onn.1"..k f\-"r J3;1;1.Kes allí"g~~ ':.:> have cccurrc·J hy thl.' c"·t..·rll.:-"..'¡r~g \11 .:1 City ,;at.."r t.mk. to th~ ~it:o-· Attorncl ,loci the insur."U1C(" ,"'.1rri.cr för appropri..ltl.: .1ctlon. ~ti~n (:3rri~d. 4-0 -' tit Hl},1ITES OF TilE SEPTt1IBER 17, 1973 CITY COUNCIl. ~II;ETINC CC-117 Pagc 17 IECOCNIT10:\ Or :':O~-AGE.";t)A ITUIS BY ~t.\YOIl 35. Ccnèral ,\udience Requcsts Ann An&er, ~tonta Vista, said she ,.."uld prefer tn have it callcd "løwer 11'\"»" rather th:1n "basl!l:lcnt" when re'erring to rcncodeling of City Hal) . 36. City Councilmen K.'y"r lr...in introduced ~Ir. Stockh.'ir's I:Icssazc rC1;ardin~ thl' 16- acr... parcel. 'hl' ~ _Irks anJ R..a..at ion D!TCClc'T saId it ha" b",·n "ur.~csled I ¡,¡ ":1:::e of tho? n"rse ¡:'mch be ch.m~\(·' to ~!cCl,,] 1.1n Park 1h',; "'''ttlr L'" held in ,,¡'cyan,,¡- ""t ,} a full C, ",,,,!s5ion was PT"- se:1t. It :L'" .¡Iso brou~bt ut' that the 5teven~. Crc('!< pal-k t:lJjaccnt to t he 5':}~l).1 ~ h.:¡vc- 3 d i ff ,~rcnt n.¡:':l·. Co~;..~~i1n:l~~ J:;,'~~~;o' i.ntrcdurt,.ì.l R~.,.dH:..i('!n rCf.;~·dinr. th,:, h''':~ljs b"'in; \"..:t.:~· t'" ~1 on ù..,t.;,.l.,',- S, 1';73. ,¡~n:\('UnCl¡:Z tlH' C.ityt~. i¡\tent On r~':-,~¡b!~ : t1:U1"(" T{'v~nll"·:;'. l:~'\'..-~ ~y C~,.;",!l\';¡n Ja~\sC":\. $C,,'P:1..,d, hy Cou~H-il";~a S?l!"k~ to ad~J;\t t i:c ,,' Y:t." }\.(:~;,,) ,tt i ,:'0;1.. Rf.':;. rt.·.·'H·~; " \)(I:~\¡ i g~;uC' tlot i(\¡'\ carr i (';~, 4-0 ^LU\J~:~::.':~·:: r t10\'I.',ì by C<.''..I:'...· i In:m rr11) i,,~h, ~I.....:!,~.-'...l hy Ceunc i Ipan Sp:;r~~:.; to :Hlj,'L;:-n lL.,. .:,ctin~ l\' 7:00 P.~1.., ~"·I't("·::-.hcr Jr" 19ì3. ·fln.... t1...~t.'lj¡1~~ :\Jj"tl!-¡",Cù at ] 1 :11 P.!~. Uut ip!1 ,,-J,rf i"J, 4-0 ¡.PPRovr.n : 'A' Keith E. l~win K.'yur, Cit)' of Cup,'nino A'in:ST: Isl ",..... I,-,-J!ydcr City CI"Tk