CC 09-18-73 . . . . aTr OF CUPERTI:IO, SlATE OF CALIfORNIA JDJDO Torre Avenue, Cu¡>ertino, California 95014 ~.~ JL ~: 252-4505 :..» . ... ..-;¡ .- _.__~ or 1'111 ADJOURNtD IIGUIiØ SnuG or 'IØI CITY COUNCIL .......,äif'Sk-A.-D 18, 1973 'IlfTIII GlÍlÐKCIL awg,., CITY BALL ;~,' CUPE1I!1IIIO.,JCif,.UoøIA fJ--,,,· ft.,;.;: '( " .. - f_-Iøtn called the ."tinS to orcJer at 7:11 P.K. ~ CALL Q. ar.1.... present: C'_1-.. absent: Frolich, Jacltsou, Sparks, Mayor Irwin Meyers Staff present: City Manager Quinlan City Attorney Adams Director of Administrative Services Ryd~r Director of Planning and De\~lopment Sisk Director of Public: Works Viskovich Cccsultants prese,,:: Economic Consultants Arnold and Levy Traffic Conscltant Goodrich Court lteporter: Kay r~ttibone r.:II:..rc BEARISG: T~ consider the 1973 Co=;>reh..nsi\·" General Plan. ~or Irwin started ~åe meetIng by saying that any decisions made Iry tlIe Council w~:;. be sent back t·~ th<: Planning COIII011ssion for nY1_ . !fr. Levy said the Çity Council bas basically ratif1ed the major decIsions of tn~ r:~~ning Commission in regard to Vallc:o Park and Jlar1an1 !-Ian prorerUes. The reco""",,ndatione of the Planning eo..!..IOD have been reviewed for that property going north on a1p~ 9 to Fre""ay !SJ. In adcU.tion, we started to look at altemate road patterns for Highway 9. The CitV Council also ilSked tåe CIty Attorney t.:> respond 00 non-confot'llling uses. Objectives for the next few meetiD~ are: (I) If the City Council _u to discuss t."e entire Highway 9 area and attel!l lt to sort it oat systematically .ather than piecemeal, a number of mixed uses laawe been proposed. (=> The staff has prepared so... new cost flpns to fully eu:line road costs, and mixed land uses "ill take _ ~i_. p.,rhaps a separate _eting. CC-178 Page 1 , ~ '.. 1 I . . , , ClC-178 ... 2 _uS OF THE SEPTEHBER 18, 1973 ADJOUIIIED cm COUNCIL MEETING . "-tc. diac.sêélthe difficult illpl1cations ;p _r the lIoinU of c:aDCftII. ,1Ir. , , 1aJ this thiD. out for tile Cl.CJ , "tb. ,¡ :~::~:;, '..!!!.. . ,.. 'Xnctor of PabUc 110_ ~ tile .p sbOll1DI proposeel ro8d pattems ~_"'q 9. !Iø saiel w' an" LIs. at two l.wls of a.nice iacnae at Sb_ Creek Ieal.varcl .... 81"'" 9. Coate eeti_tes and cI1ffereørtal t.. rill be s=b:z1tteel 1D . wdtten report. Be answered Coœcil..- Jacke_ tlaac present t!.·..ldnl for Torn A__ is eight lanes. Oo-",~U_ FroUd> aslteel1ihat data voulel do to the probl. at tbe ....te8d ~ end if y~" run Torre A__ straiaÞt throu¡;h to Ho"",stead. The Dir- ec:UJr of Ptlbli< ."rlts saiel the enension of Torre would take care of =rthiuur.d tn.::::. Southbound traffic will have left turns to HO!II8sread. ec...mclll11an S,::-.. was auverecl th;.t the six .,1111.'0 dollar estimate for tb.e3e I111pre,·e::><::> is at present day costs. He L,eo ask"d how much land ve _t c",,¿"=, rne Director of Pul>li.: Works sa¡'¡ this is not determined as yet. The" ".2d " figure of s...I)O p..r square f,,"t, the same as the asseaSKent a:s::::t en Highway 9. Cc~cil,""" F::.-:,' asked if they vl11 be l""k¡r.~ at the costs of H~¡.""'ay 9 aDd 'TorN A\'< " , ii done as origir.all:; planr.ed. :i.' "'as 3nswered thi. viii ba done. ....'. :~:tor of Public bor',.... s3id it ~:.l.' not b~..n established vå.o w11l :. ~~r the over-cross1õ11 at 2SJ <:mJ "':',)rr~ Avcnue or 'When this will be .to:c.."~~; ~ ';;',led. The City !{..;",,, ,..1id in order to get this pro>;e.-t going it wol"d al"",st \ nave to b~ .:<:: 'd locally. The Dir"ctor o¡ Pu~:ic Wor~s said it viII ru::1 3bout SiX.. JJ.. )4r. Goodric~ ,,:" he felt this :>1an ccapar~'¡ t" .-:~:\t I;m"s on HI¡;!..",3Y 9 lIi~t incr~~" ::,,, trafflc capacl:y 1>y 15%. r::e "::<>otbaU" cunfi~.1ration lIi~t increa5. :~c capacity by 10%. The City Att:~.·: reviewed his Septe"..r 18, 19:~ lett~r to the City Council regarding lDis,,:lan~<>us natters relating to th.. ~.!optlon of the proposed .....dz:>ent te :"0 Csneral Plan v1th respect to t::~ court a\'~3. He said the Ci~ Council ::.;:: accept, reject or IDOdify t:,~ r.'occ:ncnd.ttlons of the Planning eo-Ission. :: ':>.J.Hfied, the General Plan "".1st oc s~nt back to the Planning ~ssion :::: :,'rtiler deliberatlon. it is not ~cceSS31]' to have ?ubHc bearings at :..,.> time. ."...~,,,c . . . ";¡ ...._.~~ ~" OF T!Œ S!?tEHBER 18, 1973 AD.JOUIIIIED CITY COL~CIL MEETING ~ &tto~ Hi" . Clmaral P1.a ..wres.es itself to tba _ of -n...,... n _follllDl _.. Sa ..id they .., DOt .. " ,or I...., _J if the ~ œe ceases. 1W ....;¡., ',~' , ..~ _font to tile ~...(..1 f1áIt. As to eM bid""".. it iØ cI1a I v.. fora ~,of>åX _ths the ~"tII8D " .. II. -111__ du&,pro;.rtJ. If the b1d1aa, ~ or pania1l1 ....tlDJ'8.. 7Ga-t rebuild OD a IIDII tV- lie "·t ...... _ _pfutfOll achedule 111 our ....". as _ dtiu do. 1.1ca11,. tho City AttorDe)' ad. tho .-.wI_ 1& the shoes of tho z..or. insofar as the C1tJ' 18 ~-4. C ~1_ FroUcb nfene. to the case of Seth .... · Ir. "zbna. .. Mlted if that property vas down-zoo'" to a pdÞUc _. far iDSt_~ CF4In spaca, what 18 the reason~le ..rket ,,01_ in a _ aach as =.is. the Cit)' Artona., said in thiS case it vould .~1,. be aol<! at coet of its prø_t zoning. .as to the genea: concept here, CouDciI_n Jac:.soo noted with the pI '"1 c..~.s::t:. 's dec1s1Oß on the relional ""Je .lt Vallco Park , ..s ~ l"'-'er =,,::1e in the remai~der of to.. ege area, one of the, problems we "...: ..::"" is that of H1¡;hvay 9. Hi' ,','dd liice to .ee i If ëoese De-" r'.¿~ :£ttem" ch.nge t;¡e assumpth". ::1 Highw,¡y 9. He 1IIODdered .-:'a.: t::~..:.: these ae'W' road patterns \".....;..:.:.: :-:'a\'# as to the 'l-=ing C:=.;o",'" decision, A¡~" there 3r, :,-,,~S as to h"", -.cb a deve:co<r :.c p\lt into road i::'!lIovcm"nls. '~~:3tever plan we e..- u;> wit:-, r..s: ~" land use sen~e and econe,e ..':1S<'. He _Y1sions =,:,~ :.sident1al with i',,6aps a "'ix:~~.' .': uses along tip.,.~. ,.0-';;:, £ certain ¡:eroe:ltage could "è :i;;U indunrial, · certain r~:'"=.;.:-: .i.;-t "ffice use, et-:.. We w.:mlJ .:.,i';(' to come up wit:' · perfonr::.::";; !"~·::..:..;.lt.-". He does no: feel conr::i:.:o;"'; t~, all residen- cia! alonb :~..;.¡ 1 as rec:m:=aenc:ed :'y the Pl..¡...,,:-.:'::~ ":omm1ssion. Coomc11æatl ." __, ~greed with Cou:-.ci l!:l3n Jaå, ,'C,. The thoucht that craesed hi< =.,~ ."e" consido>rin¡; a:tering t:.è rc-'; ?3ttern was to c.ala cSøm t:-:..~ = '~~~stion in that a:-ea. He ~..·¡,u:':' :i~~ to stae m approach AS .~" :Á>o.n ",n the VaI1co Park - put ,ex .ort of holding _ on the ,::0<=-::; until the traffic probl"", i- 5.,lwd and/or so= -.I1f1caU.,,, e:: ::. traffic pattern. It may :,;r, ':'Jt that by .u-1nl a ",'r< :=:'<11se use alO'1g !!ig.'1vay 9 PC 'òi:: C(..ate the ...ans to illprove t'.. :',"rlU traffic p3ttern and apP",ir3:O~C af t'he City. Be add w.. :'_-= ::,,~ider very c.uef·Jlly ¡"fan' ~";,:og up the City's ~ources ¡,,'r. ~:: ::'ese very ~arge clocks of la"J. c~ -flJlan 5;3r.:. jaid the premise of the P1anni~, C~=ission wa" a FGd one f<>r :-,.'.-_~, hi¡;h intensity in one ar"3 .': :~le ctty and tl~ Itol.t1D1 zone ,~ ~:.. other until the problem is .~:",J. He feels 1_~__ of tH:':" en the highest "nd best use, i: ':'0uld be taxed _ tIN zor:in¡;, =-e "auld like to consider som" l:,'è "f planned ~lopment a:=:; ~ighw3Y 9, preferably some I"" ':1tensity. People 1 1 J CC-178 Pap 3 . ",.- œ-11I ..;....-. ..,.,':' ~:. "Jf ' ê\í:'·'···J· .'- '~'. aulUI¡¡$ O'! ':!IE s£n II. 1913 ADJOUL'IED CITY alCIL !llŒfIJlC -. f 1IIa\) had u oIuelop _ . r . of fin.cial cIe_ds coal4 do - with 1011 .tDt-lty .... th_ P~4.Ji.;L' _ wishiDS to Jiold off c:øal4 put their , rQ bto _tlWal' .ñ~1_ to the ViW_~ Act.. ... c:øal4 ... hen ..u ~rc1a1 to ~ the ~ldeat1a11a q.at.~'" . .#~""~",>i""-', , ' ' ,.:' ,j.>:)¡"'~";;', :'_:J·<t.~ . Inta eat. the 1'. .. .,,,-,. r-81011 ani"" ~~IIit:!'r'hl~n . dM:r ~ _:,,"1a ;>.... '..rith s_ a1tú!f1~"":;i~~n WIt '- niR.~o .... .... without coad.äkr",tIìe,"'ca1 '._~~~~ : ~= =:! ~':.~::.:::? ~::'~.~~~~-=iDl Þ the: I of hi.... _~'.. lair iD_ raapti. ...... aOC thiDk th1.a is doe locat1OD for n.'" ... QuI soluC.CII diacua..4 _. die eUa1naUoa of atrip ~Ria1. Hqor IIVia heU._ s::rip c_rú&l SInol.... so_thins with lots of cañ cuts, tDcliYidta: s1p1na .... -rf laDdscapins plana. Aesthetics are another fac~or t.. H considere4 _ well .. Intensity of .... For iDat..ce, a junlt- yard is :"" hteuity, Ite .sa- something to be cia 1 red .. far.. aesthetics are con.:.~d. Other thiD. that aust be considered an tile City's coøa1t- _nts. _,J,: AIII301 says t.IuI, the zoning 3nd the zon1na up have to be in confon"'''''', The ar~U qa1nst leavi.r.g zoning.. It presently is can be ans~'.:.:'1 any of~:.c c.oasultants "'!10 ~ave demonstrated ~he ~raffic proje.:",:.'." uvell a.s sW>&..d nols" probl,,::S. The Ci~y C.,uncU_t consi¡¡'" :'.. ,ublic health. .afety and ",eli.u., of its citizens. Therefore we have' 'It limits o~ ~~ ~raffic a~d ~uoinesses th.t produce this traffi.:. . ~ a(kn( "" l~¿;e¿' ~.ar?olntment5 .t~l,,)ng the citizens and the audlenc, _ 0,' the best "'ay ve should g,>. 3<> fore we can 10 into any IIIOtc detai: _, '; :-igh"".y 9, 'ole need additi""..l information fro:> tbe conaultants and t;l~ ::...::. cnuoc,:' c,,,lich ~ou:è ~~Le to hear tr"~ ta" audience, but ~e ~ould like th.~ð t.~ _~ ,..>if frl''t"J ':.:.e ?:.'L~""'li"'ð Cl,,~:,~,,;:,,"'n ?roposal be:a:..\Se the Clty Counc:.: -,'t sure a~ :'.'ll.S :.i=e wh1c:" ':ìY ¡.'" go. He would input as to augge-:;:. .~ :.1 street ~a.t-:..er-= a..""ld mixtu:,.:o ~i uses. Cound >_. : ¡.okso" ',<oul:! !>:>;:e ~"at the 3uJi~nce statements viiI be con- .truct~ .f. \lith t:-.' i r.,ce58 Wa.5 ç"::ed at 8:23 P.:!, ~.,etins recon·,ened at 8:48 P.M. ¡ ¡ I t NOfJr 2:'. ~ .-.l:'!a, 21252 Hi:¡ Avenue. Sarat""¡;.1, !laid he 1. one cf the property owr."r'" _..; :1l¡;hw3Y 'i. i>e is ha?py to :w,¡r that the City is now considering 1:\no'\";\:. ....iys of sol·..i:l;; :.;"e proòlcons. Eo.' sugCcsted un~erground c.lo\'er le.'1fs .i: ; .:..--:jl~)" Avenue '~;,ere it lnters~Lt~ P..1rk LUte. If we t:I.L1ke Highway 9 an ex,"" dV all the way tc ¡¡olling...r it 1.'[11 mu"" the traffic much faster and ....r:. _: down the need :or ::.ore than Sl.X or aeven lanes. This will cut down t..~ - ~:.;~. !,(}lluti=~ 4tOd s:..úg with fl".....:I,.~r !'tops for t:'~ traffic. The !-IarDC app¡,o..l..-- : .:J bt~ u.ied ::tr S:e';C:1S Crt!c;,ç. il....·t11,~v.lrd, ¡rom Sttlling to Lawrence Expr'""....i'-~_ :i~ \o.--.;uld liJt~ to see Hibin.·....y ~ .:is .1n expr~ssw~y with d-cpressed cress ~:: .~ .>. He !:did :1:'¡¡ ;n·o~sat wii.l \:\~I,.~re3:ie the a...c¡,?h.alt rihbons. Pcrlt:if'=" .'; ~:l':¡,)me ircft t..'1e 2..'elopments ..It..m.g Hignway 9 and Stevens Creck. . JIDn1rES OF n¡~EPTEHBEJt 18, 1973 ADJOURNED crt COUNCIL MEr.ïlNG . " "...u pa, for these IU~\',þIproveJDetltl. Ba would11te to lee a '" . ~d.af lit 280 and 5 Creek Boulevard. IIoMat..... Laine1 "Ii'.... A"es1l. r &0 over or uacler II.,.,., 9. Be w.. J "fåotOr of n_YiDa:," ," e 11po and keep tJaei cuffie ..villi· , ,',~~~t '. 'cOalel ..ne .. _" ' ",,,, for Saratel" to '~' dldr traffic j"~ ~. Jla)'or 1.rwSa,'" that .e n..eI to,a..,. naffie svilla ~. ~;;J< , ,<, , OIpertino. ",..;W;@.I'Dot be in fftOr of _,ppøsnl1 " .,~I dlna¡b tbe .¡Wif;.. Cicy. the Dl.recto~.of'M1ie Vorta , 'Wi!. cløftrleaf ute. A '~'~n .odt a lot better daø arr other r_"'¡'Ølal. !Nt tbla voàJ4I~._ acrea.. ad be .aUe espensive. t;~::;r'.. ' c:.ac1l_ Tro11cb ..iel ;'C nacb a poiDt of cli1liøish1Da returns. .All _ really VSIIt to cIob pt the traffic tbroU þ CaperUno re..on _1, f..t. He would like CO ..e synchronized stop11po at Rome-' ~ad and Steve:tS Creek loa1eYard aDd elilliDate tbe left turn con- flict aloog Highway 9. If _ design a traffic pattern that vill handle a t!l~""and cars .. ~r without any traffic Jaa, that will H about as far as va can F. the Director of Public Works said the 5 year C..?ital Impru. ate program provides an Inte":'connect system tna: ..11 help to .øve the traffic. . . ltr. Paul :':'~:ni with offices at Ho....st.."d and Hig.TJay 9 cocmented :~,~: :'l~. Bi11...,al1a was trying to propose a solution to ! t:>e probl~". If it is a known quantity what can co"", into L'" d ty ! ~d what c,~ .~ out of t~e city at what l..vel is this area that it does not tÚ,' to build any "",re. Ther.. lIIu.qt be a raas;e bat ",ust ÞOè- 3 poir.t J: ...":ÜC:l it 1. not reasonable to go on. A..~otht-!" l:lins r.e wanted :',' ::,~"'int out trOll a COCEon sensE" stand~oint he 'Wo:ldered ~! \.'e aT~ ',:":; a bit un~t.ural in trying to pia:'!. low intensity us,'> ~ an ar~o :" ',i¡;h inter.s1ty. )ioor.dy wants to live along Hi¡;h,",~v 9, s: th~n h~ ';":('~umes we are taülng about so~thing h.1g:"er than f residenti.... .,,.,,e is a pro:.lem to be solved here and it is going ' to take 5,"'-' -,,'ncy. The lawer the int...,sity of the use t"e less i you can 1,,:;, to the pro¡>erry """tiers for participation. !."e have a tll!ll! fa,::~ to consiclcr for tbe State l!IORey. The ti!:>l: i" cOlr.ln¡, ¡ when the St~t" is going to say this is Cup"rtino's responsi!>llity. ¡' Mayor Irwin ::~nted we .u&t consider the overall density of the City to,'. C1arlie Ba"r, 204S1 Stevena Cre..k Boul..vard, Cupertino, said h.. has been watc~1i::;; the momine traffic go north and the eveninþ¡ traffic CO south at l"" Texaco Station at the corner of Stevens Creek 6oul.vard a::d !!ig),way 9. ~t of them have one person in the car only. On.. solution would be to stop building condoødnlu~. .. D. ~oen:t:~r, 10060 Pbar Lap Driv.., Cupertino, suggested Stevens Cr"ek B,"l~\',;rd fro", I.avrence Expn'ssway to Kiely !!.1vd. "s a cI3SSI' example oi strip commercial. He said we have heard talk about" CC-178 Page 5 \'i' ,",;; . .,'< . .~~ .~! . . a:-17. p... 6 ølJlt1RS OF THE SEPIÐlBElll8. 1973 ADJOUJIKED CITY COUNCIL MEETINC ,,:;:'" balanceel ~ty. To hilll this _au a cøa=ftity where we ha". job. for a11 peopla 111 the c:.. -t ty 8DcI resldences for all the people who WOB 111 eM - ~ ....Ity wi~ their pnce range. Ve neecI eaoupc_rcial to pzo'f1c1e for tile __ .. Mme.. of our citf·...... Aa to the traffic prob:a... - tiþr., , tile ,~a1a preoented ..en.' iAftlitigation. 'DIe City ill wille, ill., ~~""~,,.teMr trafflc l1j J1u ,arâMeote.J." '11M" - '''-0, JØ2Ò4 S. Portal, eupe1't1AÔ.1øfeneel to .. ADpt 23111 ...uc .__... 011 the '-01 PlaD ngariinl b18 atat_uU .. to ,.......:L;r liPca. A& tId8 ....-t 23rc1 _tllia he s&111 tile City AttorMJ -- tile shl p tbat hÞ atat_t vas .ocially ript but legally VIDD,. He _tell to ._t1aa this further. The City Attomey .aiel he '1100111 lie -27 lAunstell 1A .,. citatieD that .upporu Hr. 2(aøpuo'. opln1aa. He m_ of 110 .ach citatiOD with respect to .ocial ..d political ..pact. lie _ted to cornct the record In that hi. reaadts llligjlt be addr....eI to social ..d political aspects rather than social or legal aspects. ..f.reace was _de to the Decemer 1922 decision by Judge 011 ver Wendell 801_. Th. City Attomey answered Mayor IrwIn that he felt he pretty well b.cked up his statements in the letter he wrote to the Council. ~ Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, Cupertino said she has been a cuperti~o . rellident for 17 years. In spea!dng for the taxpayers for t:'e City of Cupertino her concern was the tre~ndous coat of the co~sultants and she f"els that :D:!re consideration should be given to the pIl~i,t of tile property I ~~er l. She as~ed if there is a remote pcssibility ~f these jurisdictions i ~"tting together in regard to the extension of Stevens fr"...ay beyond j :{ainbo\J Dr1·¡e. 7he City :·1ana&èr said a 10\Óêr c:Jurt allo·....ed a dewloper I t" d"v"lop on property that the City of Saratoga plan lined bu: ¿id not I a'~qulre.. T:1ere is sor-we question of t.:hether or not tl'\c City ;.)f S."'Ir.1tcga J ...;!ll. 3~;.h~al oecA1.,¡Se of trt! i-r.:pllc<iticns. H~ 3u?poscd the ci:.tcs should I , gt."t togetáer :,u: t:1ey don't n~cessari¡y agree 0:1 the l:.:ltt\::" at cxu~n.51on I oi iU&~waï as. ?articularly ti,e City of :ionte Sereno. C"uncil=n Fr"lich ",1l~ be conveying CupertinO's o?iuion to t;,e :rrc. City Ma."\ager said "e probably "ill wan~ to get the support of all the juri5dictlons therefore it would be best to procee:! t'1TOUg.~ the :·rrc. The It is questionable haw much support we would gPt iro::> "'J[ awn co=unity as well as the City of Sarat~ga. C"uncilma.~ ~roli~ t;'in~~ o~T present discus~ic: s~lould be dir~ct~d boLh to the :l1'C a..,d [~H~ SLate Hi~>·."',;:).y rOr:lts~ton.. There are pressure groups \lorking agdtnst p.xtcnsion of Hib:r..:.:1Y 85 too. ~ayor Irwln said our bi&g~st stu~ling bloc~ is Koing to b" Saratoga. . :Irs. McLaren saId if th" City of Cuper~ino <leem... it ir.portant to take a1vantage of the location of the hub of ·.~"3 t Valley tÌl'-'n ti,ey should be "",re in favor of g"ttln:; lIi¡;hway 85 ext"nsion through. She offered to assi<.;t in a:1Y ,..a~l to 3t:cottplish tlli5. Councilman $park~ noted ul1e oÍ Sdratoga's councilmen is runnin)~ for State S~natc and lw should be asked how he f~~lg about extt!nsion of Highway 85. Cuu..,cil~..an FrolLch said that - . ;, ,,- . . ØØUfrs o¡ THE SEPTEKBEK 1" 1973 ADJOIJR!ŒD CITY CD\JNClL !l!ETIJIG CC-178 Pap 7 nc:atl1 .. cltd DOC .... fau and fi-¡ures to prea ,r eo die ., CIa the ntin.- s-t." IS CIa vb1ch to II.. "'1-' .. ·.....red CouIId~.J.-"--_ dlat s-portatioa vU1 .. ,..Ja oae awrap, fren., .edpta IIIaoaI: . ...... CoIad:a-· tl_d whether all tllAt tnff1c -ª.,. to aoatIa -tJ wU1. ... 11p.y 9 throu'" CapeUiJlo if i....ay 85 b lICIt UU1>'" "'rn~ la1Dbov Drive. 'ØIe Dinccor of Ntl1c VorU add he apot¡e Idda die State .bout the CClllpllter "roar_ 1IIe7 took each clt,'a ~a1 P1a tIleD usee! 1990 proJe41_. The T ._tar codd w.. Dot t:Iaac F1J·f-t1catee! that it could take thes. cta.laea of land .. into ~1"ratiOD. JIr. Mart.".! 1:\ reprd to K1""ay as, Stevl'n~ Creek aoule_rd and JI1¡hway 9 said there appears to b. the opt!"" that this sizbt be ucalated by 1989 if we are COin& to be h.1rr" with leu. If people 111 the cL''',:-.1:>icy .ore will::'¡ :0 ;,elp in t~~~ di rection this could be a:c.om:'ll5-:-:'(':. The Conce~: !.1:izens of C:.!pcrtlno have offered to rent a bu; :0 go> to th., E: rr·...ay C""'IIlissh'n ,.."etinr,s to prese:1t their! .ri'-~~t~. C:'u:1cilman _·~'-f.3~ Co.breed that \"Jrious organized grou?s.1 ;>et:iticIlS:. è:'':. are co:-:·..~=.=':'~g. ::-'!s is ¡:r...':'ably the 1o!"ay to go. :-'",.ayor lr."'i:: .:,);::nented a ¡:-a..5.S ::>':>~5 apptl,.h-:~ ;l.-tS a good effe~t. ~r. :-1arL;.-....:.. 503.id he is gC~=i :;:) ::nd out \o,-:ìl'Ò\ they car. get c.-n t;,e .cenda. ::.>.~:.:'r Irvin vill ~:'1.~ ~~ first ~u~~ or fol10"'" be;-.i:td. Kr. Jin p': .!\" said he ha.3 !oee:-: ~t all t:l€ City Counc~~ a::d !':ar.nir.g I Coamissh"';.1 =~e:ings.. Fo\;.':'~:' £:. ve months .it;.:" thi S sa:r.e idea .....a5 :rought t.:: :'.,¡;:"re the Pla::..:':'::;-: C":"::::t.1c;!IIi.¡·., ....,~ ·'T. V~rr.. C1r;'5~ina 1adlcateà "'$ wUlingness t~ "C"Z here and h"3r fro:": the cit:ez",,'. Evidently ~C" Planning :"'-.=r::.H:~ die! not i.'l!.>" through "" this. !lr. O1rlsti::3.. according ~: ~!r. a'Day. sail.! n.?ithcr the Ci:.y of Cupertino ~,'r cithens of C"Õ'er.ino had eWT made.. presentatio,n ".fore t:" ,,:eg.'way COIIC!I1ss~oc. He feels .1 rre~..ntation vO'~~:: be _ch oou e:i~ctive th&:l letters to the I.q:islature. !la)'or 1.,..1.., said the coas;::.r.ts did what they are 3Sk..d to do by the City C~u:lc1l. They c""'.si~tently consulted with :he S~ate lii¡;h- vIJ Cocmissicn. The decisi= to stop Hig;l'"a}· 9 at Hig."'IJ 65 is a recent d~cision.. the CIty ~a:la¡;er said "'e !::~ to vait for tt,e ff gur...s froa the State which "" got just »:>ut tvo weeks "~go. This "",del is based em Statt' i:1put. When we asud for the inioT11l.Hion on Highvay 8~ as to th~ effect it would :.aye just going to 1'. " ""ay 9 it vas based OD th.. position that i~ v".."I¿ be changed and' last portion '""ould CDIIIe lat"r. We had no iOeA at t~at tilDl.' of t; "ssibi1ity of B1ghway SS not going thrc....¡;h. To our c,'ncem íound more of an i.JIpact than anticipated. Iõe:.ave now tak€n the ¡.ositio:\ to go to ;C:C-178 .... . ^. it ~l· .~'i,~ ~. 'ö", ~"j.:. ,:':<'1~: e ~ Y.I1It1l'£S OF !IlE SfJ>TE:-IJU IS. 1973 ADJOUR.'ŒD em CŒr.(CIL !EEl'I5G die HIC. The consultllDts dJ.d Dot haw the infol'lllatlon before that. ,JlaJor lIViD said tbe fipra _d here vere fl'Oll the Hi¡Þvq Depart_t. ~ .. cIoes IlOl: see cr'f poSaC fa pgøa1Dg this d1scuuion DlltU - haft lIOn ~ to writ vith. tIIe~ ~.. _ ,_ in _~ID& t_rrw 111Ft 1HIcause ;,ÎIIIt facts and fipns -~:·'-·~dJ. The P.l~. c-'-ñoo_es ;1IIiiødq 1d¡llt. ,+;;.: . ' . " , ,~. i;,~ , ' ..t>~: ."', - ,... '1~.1 DirectorMJ4SiJa1 Co have the _tine CIß Septalte,.1!J ,þ tile parpose of M.= .s.. dI4t intersection of ø-stead Jtøa4'·..d isÞ'1tDI ...". ,'.' , 'DIe Hqt't' adjourned this _t:taa at 10:40 P.M. to 7:00 P.K: 011 SeptuDer 19, 1973. ' APPROVED: /s/ Keith E. Irvi~ ~~ycr, City of Ç~?~rtino , I J.~ ¡<:Sf: i j . :..1 ~.!:. "·;jer Cicy Cler"