CC 09-18-73
JDJDO Torre Avenue, Cu¡>ertino, California 95014
~.~ JL ~: 252-4505
:..» . ... ..-;¡ .-
.......,äif'Sk-A.-D 18, 1973 'IlfTIII GlÍlÐKCIL awg,., CITY BALL
;~,' CUPE1I!1IIIO.,JCif,.UoøIA
" ..
- f_-Iøtn called the ."tinS to orcJer at 7:11 P.K.
Q. ar.1.... present:
C'_1-.. absent:
Frolich, Jacltsou, Sparks, Mayor Irwin
Staff present:
City Manager Quinlan
City Attorney Adams
Director of Administrative Services Ryd~r
Director of Planning and De\~lopment Sisk
Director of Public: Works Viskovich
Cccsultants prese,,:: Economic Consultants Arnold and Levy
Traffic Conscltant Goodrich
Court lteporter: Kay r~ttibone
r.:II:..rc BEARISG: T~ consider the 1973 Co=;>reh..nsi\·" General Plan.
~or Irwin started ~åe meetIng by saying that any decisions made
Iry tlIe Council w~:;. be sent back t·~ th<: Planning COIII011ssion for
nY1_ .
!fr. Levy said the Çity Council bas basically ratif1ed the major
decIsions of tn~ r:~~ning Commission in regard to Vallc:o Park and
Jlar1an1 !-Ian prorerUes. The reco""",,ndatione of the Planning
eo..!..IOD have been reviewed for that property going north on
a1p~ 9 to Fre""ay !SJ. In adcU.tion, we started to look at
altemate road patterns for Highway 9. The CitV Council also ilSked
tåe CIty Attorney t.:> respond 00 non-confot'llling uses.
Objectives for the next few meetiD~ are: (I) If the City Council
_u to discuss t."e entire Highway 9 area and attel!llt to sort it
oat systematically .ather than piecemeal, a number of mixed uses
laawe been proposed. (=> The staff has prepared so... new cost
flpns to fully eu:line road costs, and mixed land uses "ill take
_ ~i_. p.,rhaps a separate _eting.
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... 2
"-tc. diac.sêélthe difficult illpl1cations
;p _r the lIoinU of c:aDCftII. ,1Ir.
, , 1aJ this thiD. out for tile Cl.CJ
, "tb.
'..!!!.. .
,.. 'Xnctor of PabUc 110_ ~ tile .p sbOll1DI proposeel ro8d pattems
~_"'q 9. !Iø saiel w' an" LIs. at two l.wls of a.nice iacnae at
Sb_ Creek Ieal.varcl .... 81"'" 9. Coate eeti_tes and cI1ffereørtal
t.. rill be s=b:z1tteel 1D . wdtten report. Be answered Coœcil..- Jacke_
tlaac present t!.·..ldnl for Torn A__ is eight lanes.
Oo-",~U_ FroUd> aslteel1ihat data voulel do to the probl. at tbe ....te8d
~ end if y~" run Torre A__ straiaÞt throu¡;h to Ho"",stead. The Dir-
ec:UJr of Ptlbli< ."rlts saiel the enension of Torre would take care of
=rthiuur.d tn.::::. Southbound traffic will have left turns to HO!II8sread.
ec...mclll11an S,::-.. was auverecl th;.t the six .,1111.'0 dollar estimate for
tb.e3e I111pre,·e::><::> is at present day costs. He L,eo ask"d how much land
ve _t c",,¿"=, rne Director of Pul>li.: Works sa¡'¡ this is not determined
as yet. The" ".2d " figure of s...I)O p..r square f,,"t, the same as the
asseaSKent a:s::::t en Highway 9.
Cc~cil,""" F::.-:,' asked if they vl11 be l""k¡r.~ at the costs of H~¡.""'ay 9
aDd 'TorN A\'< " , ii done as origir.all:; planr.ed. :i.' "'as 3nswered thi. viii
ba done. ....'. :~:tor of Public bor',.... s3id it ~:.l.' not b~..n established
vå.o w11l :. ~~r the over-cross1õ11 at 2SJ <:mJ "':',)rr~ Avcnue or 'When this
will be .to:c.."~~; ~ ';;',led.
The City !{..;",,, ,..1id in order to get this pro>;e.-t going it wol"d al"",st \
nave to b~ .:<:: 'd locally. The Dir"ctor o¡ Pu~:ic Wor~s said it viII
ru::1 3bout SiX.. JJ..
)4r. Goodric~ ,,:" he felt this :>1an ccapar~'¡ t" .-:~:\t I;m"s on HI¡;!..",3Y 9
lIi~t incr~~" ::,,, trafflc capacl:y 1>y 15%. r::e "::<>otbaU" cunfi~.1ration
lIi~t increa5. :~c capacity by 10%.
The City Att:~.·: reviewed his Septe"..r 18, 19:~ lett~r to the City Council
regarding lDis,,:lan~<>us natters relating to th.. ~.!optlon of the proposed>ent te :"0 Csneral Plan v1th respect to t::~ court a\'~3. He said the
Ci~ Council ::.;:: accept, reject or IDOdify t:,~ r.'occ:ncnd.ttlons of the Planning
eo-Ission. :: ':>.J.Hfied, the General Plan "".1st oc s~nt back to the Planning
~ssion :::: :,'rtiler deliberatlon. it is not ~cceSS31]' to have ?ubHc
bearings at :..,.> time.
";¡ ...._.~~
~ &tto~ Hi" . Clmaral P1.a itself to tba _ of
-n...,... n _follllDl _.. Sa they .., DOt .. "
,or I...., _J if the ~ œe ceases. 1W ....;¡., ',~'
, ..~ _font to tile ~...(..1 f1áIt. As to eM bid""".. it
iØ cI1a I v.. fora ~,of>åX _ths the ~"tII8D "
.. II. -111__ du&,pro;.rtJ. If the b1d1aa, ~
or pania1l1 ....tlDJ'8.. 7Ga-t rebuild OD a IIDII tV-
lie "·t ...... _ _pfutfOll achedule 111 our ....".
as _ dtiu do. 1.1ca11,. tho City AttorDe)' ad. tho
.-.wI_ 1& the shoes of tho z..or. insofar as the C1tJ' 18
~-4. C ~1_ FroUcb nfene. to the case of Seth ....
· Ir. "zbna. .. Mlted if that property vas down-zoo'" to a pdÞUc
_. far iDSt_~ CF4In spaca, what 18 the reason~le ..rket ,,01_ in
a _ aach as the Cit)' Artona., said in thiS case it vould
.~1,. be aol<! at coet of its prø_t zoning.
.as to the genea: concept here, CouDciI_n Jac:.soo noted with the
pI '"1 c..~.s::t:. 's dec1s1Oß on the relional ""Je .lt Vallco Park ,
..s ~ l"'-'er =,,::1e in the remai~der of to.. ege area, one of the,
problems we "...: ..::"" is that of H1¡;hvay 9. Hi' ,','dd liice to .ee i
If ëoese De-" r'.¿~ :£ttem" ch.nge t;¡e assumpth". ::1 Highw,¡y 9. He
1IIODdered .-:'a.: t::~..:.: these ae'W' road patterns \".....;..:.:.: :-:'a\'# as to the
'l-=ing C:=.;o",'" decision, A¡~" there 3r, :,-,,~S as to h"",
-.cb a deve:co<r :.c p\lt into road i::'!lIovcm"nls. '~~:3tever plan we
e..- u;> wit:-, r..s: ~" land use sen~e and econe,e ..':1S<'. He
_Y1sions =,:,~ :.sident1al with i',,6aps a "'ix:~~.' .': uses along
tip.,.~. ,.0-';;:, £ certain ¡:eroe:ltage could "è :i;;U indunrial,
· certain r~:'"=.;.:-: .i.;-t "ffice use, et-:.. We w.:mlJ .:.,i';(' to come up wit:'
· perfonr::.::";; !"~·::..:..;.lt.-". He does no: feel conr::i:.:o;"'; t~, all residen-
cia! alonb :~..;.¡ 1 as rec:m:=aenc:ed :'y the Pl..¡...,,:-.:'::~ ":omm1ssion.
Coomc11æatl ." __, ~greed with l!:l3n Jaå, ,'C,. The thoucht that
craesed hi< =.,~ ."e" consido>rin¡; a:tering t:.è rc-'; ?3ttern was to
c.ala cSøm t:-:..~ = '~~~stion in that a:-ea. He ~..·¡,u:':' :i~~ to stae m
approach AS .~" :Á>o.n ",n the VaI1co Park - put ,ex .ort of holding
_ on the ,::0<=-::; until the traffic probl"", i- 5.,lwd and/or so=
-.I1f1caU.,,, e:: ::. traffic pattern. It may :,;r, ':'Jt that by
.u-1nl a ",'r< :=:'<11se use alO'1g !!ig.'1vay 9 PC 'òi:: C(..ate the ...ans
to illprove t'.. :',"rlU traffic p3ttern and apP",ir3:O~C af t'he City.
Be add w.. :'_-= ::,,~ider very c.uef·Jlly ¡"fan' ~";,:og up the City's
~ources ¡,,'r. ~:: ::'ese very ~arge clocks of la"J.
c~ -flJlan 5;3r.:. jaid the premise of the P1anni~, C~=ission wa" a
FGd one f<>r :-,.'.-_~, hi¡;h intensity in one ar"3 .': :~le ctty and tl~
Itol.t1D1 zone ,~ ~:.. other until the problem is .~:",J. He feels
1_~__ of tH:':" en the highest "nd best use, i: ':'0uld be taxed
_ tIN zor:in¡;, =-e "auld like to consider som" l:,'è "f planned
~lopment a:=:; ~ighw3Y 9, preferably some I"" ':1tensity. People
Pap 3
. ",.-
..,.,':' ~:. "Jf '
.'- '~'.
aulUI¡¡$ O'! ':!IE s£n II. 1913 ADJOUL'IED CITY alCIL !llŒfIJlC
1IIa\) had u oIuelop _ . r . of fin.cial cIe_ds coal4 do - with 1011
.tDt-lty .... th_ P~4.Ji.;L' _ wishiDS to Jiold off c:øal4 put their
, rQ bto _tlWal' .ñ~1_ to the ViW_~ Act.. ... c:øal4 ... hen
..u ~rc1a1 to ~ the ~ldeat1a11a'"
. .#~""~",>i""-', , ' ' ,.:' ,j.>:)¡"'~";;', :'_:J·<t.~
. Inta eat. the 1'. .. .,,,-,. r-81011 ani"" ~~IIit:!'r'hl~n
. dM:r ~ _:,,"1a ;>.... '..rith s_ a1tú!f1~"":;i~~n
WIt '- niR.~o .... .... without coad.äkr",tIìe,"'ca1
'._~~~~ : ~= =:! ~':.~::.:::? ~::'~.~~~~-=iDl
Þ the: I of hi.... _~'.. lair iD_ raapti. ...... aOC thiDk
th1.a is doe locat1OD for n.'" ...
QuI soluC.CII diacua..4 _. die eUa1naUoa of atrip ~Ria1. Hqor IIVia
heU._ s::rip c_rú&l SInol.... so_thins with lots of cañ cuts,
tDcliYidta: s1p1na .... -rf laDdscapins plana. Aesthetics are another
fac~or t.. H considere4 _ well .. Intensity of .... For iDat..ce, a junlt-
yard is :"" hteuity, Ite .sa- something to be cia 1 red .. far.. aesthetics
are con.:.~d. Other thiD. that aust be considered an tile City's coøa1t-
_nts. _,J,: AIII301 says t.IuI, the zoning 3nd the zon1na up have to be in
confon"'''''', The ar~U qa1nst leavi.r.g zoning.. It presently is can
be ans~'.:.:'1 any of~:.c c.oasultants "'!10 ~ave demonstrated ~he ~raffic
proje.:",:.'." uvell a.s sW>&..d nols" probl,,::S. The Ci~y C.,uncU_t
consi¡¡'" :'.. ,ublic health. .afety and ",eli.u., of its citizens. Therefore
we have' 'It limits o~ ~~ ~raffic a~d ~uoinesses th.t produce this
traffi.:. . ~ a(kn( "" l~¿;e¿' .t~l,,)ng the citizens and the
audlenc, _ 0,' the best "'ay ve should g,>. 3<> fore we can 10 into any IIIOtc
detai: _, '; :-igh"".y 9, 'ole need additi""..l information fro:> tbe conaultants
and t;l~ ::...::.
cnuoc,:' c,,,lich ~ou:è ~~Le to hear tr"~ ta" audience, but ~e ~ould like
th.~ð t.~ _~ ,..>if frl''t"J ':.:.e ?:.'L~""'li"'ð Cl,,~:,~,,;:,,"'n ?roposal be:a:..\Se the Clty
Counc:.: -,'t sure a~ :'.'ll.S :.i=e wh1c:" ':ìY ¡.'" go. He would input as to
augge-:;:. .~ :.1 street a..""ld mixtu:,.:o ~i uses.
Cound >_. : ¡.okso" ',<oul:! !>:>;:e ~"at the 3uJi~nce statements viiI be con-
.truct~ .f.
\lith t:-.' i r.,ce58 Wa.5 ç"::ed at 8:23 P.:!, ~.,etins recon·,ened at 8:48 P.M.
NOfJr 2:'. ~ .-.l:'!a, 21252 Hi:¡ Avenue. Sarat""¡;.1, !laid he 1. one cf the property
owr."r'" _..; :1l¡;hw3Y 'i. i>e is ha?py to :w,¡r that the City is now considering
1:\no'\";\:. ....iys of sol·..i:l;; :.;"e proòlcons. Eo.' sugCcsted un~erground c.lo\'er
le.'1fs .i: ; .:..--:jl~)" Avenue '~;,ere it lnters~Lt~ P..1rk LUte. If we t:I.L1ke Highway 9
an ex,"" dV all the way tc ¡¡olling...r it 1.'[11 mu"" the traffic much faster
and ....r:. _: down the need :or ::.ore than Sl.X or aeven lanes. This will cut
down t..~ - ~:.;~. !,(}lluti=~ 4tOd s:..úg with fl".....:I,.~r !'tops for t:'~ traffic. The !-IarDC
app¡,o..l..-- : .:J bt~ u.ied ::tr S:e';C:1S Crt!c;,ç. il....·t11,~v.lrd, ¡rom Sttlling to Lawrence
Expr'""....i'-~_ :i~ \o.--.;uld liJt~ to see Hibin.·....y ~ .:is .1n expr~ssw~y with d-cpressed
cress ~:: .~ .>. He !:did :1:'¡¡ ;n·o~sat wii.l \:\~I,.~re3:ie the a...c¡,?h.alt rihbons.
Pcrlt:if'=" .'; ~:l':¡,)me ircft t..'1e 2..'elopments ..It..m.g Hignway 9 and Stevens Creck.
"...u pa, for these IU~\',þIproveJDetltl. Ba would11te to lee a
'" . lit 280 and 5 Creek Boulevard. IIoMat..... Laine1
"Ii'.... A"es1l. r &0 over or uacler II.,.,., 9. Be w..
J "fåotOr of n_YiDa:," ," e 11po and keep tJaei cuffie ..villi·
, ,',~~~t '. 'cOalel .. _" ' ",,,, for Saratel" to '~' dldr traffic
j"~ ~. Jla)'or 1.rwSa,'" that .e n..eI to,a..,. naffie svilla
~. ~;;J< , ,<, , OIpertino. ",..;W;@.I'Dot be in fftOr of _,ppøsnl1
" .,~I dlna¡b tbe .¡Wif;.. Cicy. the Dl.recto~.of'M1ie Vorta
, 'Wi!. cløftrleaf ute. A '~'~n .odt a lot better daø arr other
r_"'¡'Ølal. !Nt tbla voàJ4I~._ acrea.. ad be .aUe espensive.
t;~::;r'.. '
c:.ac1l_ Tro11cb ..iel ;'C nacb a poiDt of cli1liøish1Da returns.
.All _ really VSIIt to cIob pt the traffic tbroUþ CaperUno re..on
_1, f..t. He would like CO ..e synchronized stop11po at Rome-'
~ad and Steve:tS Creek loa1eYard aDd elilliDate tbe left turn con-
flict aloog Highway 9. If _ design a traffic pattern that vill
handle a t!l~""and cars .. ~r without any traffic Jaa, that will
H about as far as va can F. the Director of Public Works said
the 5 year C..?ital Impru. ate program provides an Inte":'connect
system tna: ..11 help to .øve the traffic.
ltr. Paul :':'~:ni with offices at"d and Hig.TJay 9
cocmented :~,~: :'l~. Bi11...,al1a was trying to propose a solution to !
t:>e probl~". If it is a known quantity what can co"", into L'" d ty !
~d what c,~ .~ out of t~e city at what l..vel is this area that it
does not tÚ,' to build any "",re. Ther.. lIIu.qt be a raas;e bat ",ust
ÞOè- 3 poir.t J: ...":ÜC:l it 1. not reasonable to go on. A..~otht-!" l:lins
r.e wanted :',' ::,~"'int out trOll a COCEon sensE" stand~oint he 'Wo:ldered
~! \.'e aT~ ',:":; a bit un~t.ural in trying to pia:'!. low intensity us,'>
~ an ar~o :" ',i¡;h inter.s1ty. )ioor.dy wants to live along Hi¡;h,",~v 9,
s: th~n h~ ';":('~umes we are taülng about so~thing h.1g:"er than f
residenti.... .,,.,,e is a pro:.lem to be solved here and it is going '
to take 5,"'-' -,,'ncy. The lawer the int...,sity of the use t"e less i
you can 1,,:;, to the pro¡>erry """tiers for participation. !."e have
a tll!ll! fa,::~ to consiclcr for tbe State l!IORey. The ti!:>l: i" cOlr.ln¡, ¡
when the St~t" is going to say this is Cup"rtino's responsi!>llity. ¡'
Mayor Irwin ::~nted we .u&t consider the overall density of the
City to,'.
C1arlie Ba"r, 204S1 Stevena Cre..k Boul..vard, Cupertino, said h.. has
been watc~1i::;; the momine traffic go north and the eveninþ¡ traffic
CO south at l"" Texaco Station at the corner of Stevens Creek
6oul.vard a::d !!ig),way 9. ~t of them have one person in the car
only. On.. solution would be to stop building condoødnlu~.
.. D. ~oen:t:~r, 10060 Pbar Lap Driv.., Cupertino, suggested Stevens
Cr"ek B,"l~\',;rd fro", I.avrence Expn'ssway to Kiely !!.1vd. "s a cI3SSI'
example oi strip commercial. He said we have heard talk about"
Page 5
. .~~
p... 6
balanceel ~ty. To hilll this _au a cøa=ftity where we ha". job. for a11
peopla 111 the c:.. -t ty 8DcI resldences for all the people who WOB 111 eM -
~ ....Ity wi~ their pnce range. Ve neecI eaoupc_rcial to pzo'f1c1e
for tile __ .. Mme.. of our citf·...... Aa to the traffic prob:a... -
tiþr., , tile ,~a1a preoented ..en.' iAftlitigation. 'DIe City ill wille,
ill., ~~""~,,.teMr trafflc l1jJ1u ,arâMeote.J."
'11M" - '''-0, JØ2Ò4 S. Portal, eupe1't1AÔ.1øfeneel to .. ADpt 23111
...uc .__... 011 the '-01 PlaD ngariinl b18 atat_uU .. to ,.......:L;r
liPca. A& tId8 ....-t 23rc1 _tllia he s&111 tile City AttorMJ -- tile
shl p tbat hÞ atat_t vas .ocially ript but legally VIDD,. He
_tell to ._t1aa this further. The City Attomey .aiel he '1100111 lie -27
lAunstell 1A .,. citatieD that .upporu Hr. 2(aøpuo'. opln1aa. He m_
of 110 .ach citatiOD with respect to .ocial ..d political ..pact. lie
_ted to cornct the record In that hi. reaadts llligjlt be addr....eI to
social ..d political aspects rather than social or legal aspects.
..f.reace was _de to the Decemer 1922 decision by Judge 011 ver Wendell
801_. Th. City Attomey answered Mayor IrwIn that he felt he pretty
well b.cked up his statements in the letter he wrote to the Council.
Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, Cupertino said she has been a cuperti~o
. rellident for 17 years. In spea!dng for the taxpayers for t:'e City of
Cupertino her concern was the tre~ndous coat of the co~sultants and she
f"els that :D:!re consideration should be given to the pIl~i,t of tile property
I ~~erl. She as~ed if there is a remote pcssibility ~f these jurisdictions
i ~"tting together in regard to the extension of Stevens fr"...ay beyond
j :{ainbo\J Dr1·¡e. 7he City :·1ana&èr said a 10\Óêr c:Jurt allo·....ed a dewloper
I t" d"v"lop on property that the City of Saratoga plan lined bu: ¿id not
I a'~qulre.. T:1ere is sor-we question of t.:hether or not tl'\c City ;.)f S."'Ir.1tcga
J ...;!ll. 3~;.h~al oecA1.,¡Se of trt! i-r.:pllc<iticns. H~ 3u?poscd the ci:.tcs should
, gt."t togetáer :,u: t:1ey don't n~cessari¡y agree 0:1 the l:.:ltt\::" at cxu~n.51on
I oi iU&~waï as. ?articularly ti,e City of :ionte Sereno.
C"uncil=n Fr"lich ",1l~ be conveying CupertinO's o?iuion to t;,e :rrc.
City Ma."\ager said "e probably "ill wan~ to get the support of all the
juri5dictlons therefore it would be best to procee:! t'1TOUg.~ the :·rrc.
It is questionable haw much support we would gPt iro::> "'J[ awn co=unity as well
as the City of Sarat~ga. C"uncilma.~ ~roli~ t;'in~~ o~T present discus~ic:
s~lould be dir~ct~d boLh to the :l1'C a..,d [~H~ SLate Hi~>·."',;:).y rOr:lts~ton.. There
are pressure groups \lorking agdtnst p.xtcnsion of Hib:r..:.:1Y 85 too. ~ayor
Irwln said our bi&g~st stu~ling bloc~ is Koing to b" Saratoga.
:Irs. McLaren saId if th" City of Cuper~ino <leem... it ir.portant to take
a1vantage of the location of the hub of ·.~"3 t Valley tÌl'-'n ti,ey should be
"",re in favor of g"ttln:; lIi¡;hway 85 ext"nsion through. She offered to
assi<.;t in a:1Y ,..a~l to 3t:cottplish tlli5. Councilman $park~ noted ul1e oÍ
Sdratoga's councilmen is runnin)~ for State S~natc and lw should be asked
how he f~~lg about extt!nsion of Highway 85. Cuu.., FrolLch said that
;, ,,-
Pap 7
nc:atl1 .. cltd DOC .... fau and fi-¡ures to prea ,r eo die
CIa the ntin.- s-t." IS
CIa vb1ch to II.. "'1-' ..
· CouIId~.J.-"--_ dlat
s-portatioa vU1 .. ,..Ja oae
awrap, fren., .edpta IIIaoaI:
. ...... CoIad:a-· tl_d whether all tllAt tnff1c
-ª.,. to aoatIa -tJ wU1. ... 11p.y 9 throu'" CapeUiJlo if
i....ay 85 b lICIt UU1>'" "'rn~ la1Dbov Drive. 'ØIe Dinccor of
Ntl1c VorU add he apot¡e Idda die State .bout the CClllpllter "roar_
1IIe7 took each clt,'a ~a1 P1a tIleD usee! 1990 proJe41_. The
T ._tar codd w.. Dot t:Iaac F1J·f-t1catee! that it could take thes.
cta.laea of land .. into ~1"ratiOD.
JIr. Mart.".! 1:\ reprd to K1""ay as, Stevl'n~ Creek aoule_rd and
JI1¡hway 9 said there appears to b. the opt!"" that this sizbt be
ucalated by 1989 if we are COin& to be h.1rr" with leu. If people
111 the cL''',:-.1:>icy .ore will::'¡ :0 ;,elp in t~~~ di rection this could be'll5-:-:'(':. The Conce~: !.1:izens of C:.!pcrtlno have offered to
rent a bu; :0 go> to th., E: rr·...ay C""'IIlissh'n ,.."etinr,s to prese:1t their!
.ri'-~~t~. C:'u:1cilman _·~'-f.3~ Co.breed that \"Jrious organized grou?s.1
;>et:iticIlS:. è:'':. are co:-:·..~=.=':'~g. ::-'!s is ¡:r...':'ably the 1o!"ay to go.
:-'",.ayor lr."'i:: .:,);::nented a ¡:-a..5.S ::>':>~5 apptl,.h-:~ ;l.-tS a good effe~t.
~r. :-1arL;.-....:.. he is gC~=i :;:) ::nd out \o,-:ìl'Ò\ they car. get c.-n t;,e
.cenda. ::.>.~:.:'r Irvin vill ~:'1.~ ~~ first ~u~~ or fol10"'" be;-.i:td.
Kr. Jin p': .!\" said he ha.3 !oee:-: ~t all t:l€ City Counc~~ a::d !':ar.nir.g I
Coamissh"';.1 =~e:ings.. Fo\;.':'~:' £:. ve months .it;.:" thi S sa:r.e idea .....a5
:rought t.:: :'.,¡;:"re the Pla::..:':'::;-: C":"::::t.1c;!IIi.¡·., ....,~ ·'T. V~rr.. C1r;'5~ina
1adlcateà "'$ wUlingness t~ "C"Z here and h"3r fro:": the cit:ez",,'.
Evidently ~C" Planning :"'-.=r::.H:~ die! not i.'l!.>" through "" this.
!lr. O1rlsti::3.. according ~: ~!r. a'Day. sail.! n.?ithcr the Ci:.y of
Cupertino ~,'r cithens of C"Õ'er.ino had eWT made.. presentatio,n
".fore t:" ,,:eg.'way COIIC!I1ss~oc. He feels .1 rre~..ntation vO'~~:: be
_ch oou e:i~ctive th&:l letters to the I.q:islature.
!la)'or 1.,..1.., said the coas;::.r.ts did what they are 3Sk..d to do by
the City C~u:lc1l. They c""'.si~tently consulted with :he S~ate lii¡;h-
vIJ Cocmissicn. The decisi= to stop Hig;l'"a}· 9 at Hig."'IJ 65 is a
recent d~cision..
the CIty ~a:la¡;er said "'e !::~ to vait for tt,e ff gur...s froa the
State which "" got just »:>ut tvo weeks "~go. This "",del is based
em Statt' i:1put. When we asud for the inioT11l.Hion on Highvay 8~
as to th~ effect it would :.aye just going to 1'. " ""ay 9 it vas based
OD th.. position that i~ v".."I¿ be changed and' last portion '""ould
CDIIIe lat"r. We had no iOeA at t~at tilDl.' of t; "ssibi1ity of
B1ghway SS not going thrc....¡;h. To our c,'ncem íound more of an
i.JIpact than anticipated. Iõe:.ave now tak€n the ¡.ositio:\ to go to
.... .
~. 'ö",
e ~
Y.I1It1l'£S OF !IlE SfJ>TE:-IJU IS. 1973 ADJOUR.'ŒD em CŒr.(CIL !EEl'I5G
die HIC. The consultllDts dJ.d Dot haw the infol'lllatlon before that.
,JlaJor lIViD said tbe fipra _d here vere fl'Oll the Hi¡Þvq Depart_t.
~ .. cIoes IlOl: see cr'f poSaC fa pgøa1Dg this d1scuuion DlltU - haft lIOn
~ to writ vith. tIIe~ ~.. _ ,_ in _~ID& t_rrw 111Ft 1HIcause
;,ÎIIIt facts and fipns -~:·'-·~dJ. The P.l~. c-'-ñoo_es
;1IIiiødq 1d¡llt. ,+;;.: . ' .
" , ,~.
i;,~ , ' ..t>~: ."', -
,... '1~.1 DirectorMJ4SiJa1 Co have the _tine CIß Septalte,.1!J
,þ tile parpose of M.= .s.. dI4t intersection of ø-stead Jtøa4'·..d
isÞ'1tDI ...".
'DIe Hqt't' adjourned this _t:taa at 10:40 P.M. to 7:00 P.K: 011
SeptuDer 19, 1973. '
/s/ Keith E. Irvi~
~~ycr, City of Ç~?~rtino
I J.~ ¡<:Sf:
:..1 ~.!:. "·;jer
Cicy Cler"